the current system time is: Thu Sep 10 20:25 2020; you are connected on; message of the day follows:

<// J_Daito //> oh, HER.. I thought her name was like "Sailor Lead Uranium" or some crap like that

welcome to #suburbansenshi3

[20:25] <Orion Felinus> You are doing well, Matsumi-sama
[20:26] <Matsumi Kaze> oh god...
[20:26] * Alien Rhino seems to ponder these words..then turns away with a snort walking off
[20:26] * Delvian Priestess is about to compliment Matsumi but gets distracted by a summons and walks off
[20:26] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte is nomming away
[20:27] <Orion Felinus> It seems your words have carried some weight for our confrontational friend.
[20:27] <Freya Felinus> hopefully in the right manner...
[20:27] <Matsumi Kaze> why do i have to be the one to represent the sol system? why can't someone else do it???
[20:28] <Orion Felinus> Oh, beloved!
[20:29] <Sean Collins> Well, sometimes the unplesant jobs go to those with a position of authority. Being a member of Sol royalty, you or perhaps some of the other Senshi would be the first selected.
[20:29] <Sean Collins> That reminds me...were any of the other senshi approached for this?
[20:29] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I don't think so
[20:30] <Matsumi Kaze> I think it's just me
[20:30] <Sean Collins> Haruka would probably be our last option...
[20:30] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte finishes up the food :3
[20:30] * two CIA agents walk past
[20:30] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Ahh, that was blessed. I'm stuffed.
[20:30] * Exeter L. Wakefield pretends to not see them
[20:31] * two CIA agents pretends to pretend that they haven't seen Exeter
[20:32] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte pretends to not see them pretending
[20:32] * Matsumi Kaze finally notices Exter and Paisley
[20:32] <Matsumi Kaze> ...wait is that...
[20:32] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte hides the casserole dish
[20:33] * Orion Felinus is currently enamored and sweet talking Freya.
[20:33] * Freya Felinus pulls Orion aside to get him in some actual proper clothing
[20:33] <Matsumi Kaze> hey you two!
[20:33] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte waves to Matsumi
[20:34] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> 'Lo
[20:34] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Where are we?
[20:34] <Sean Collins> Paisley? What are you doing here?
[20:35] <Matsumi Kaze> Station Zeta-Oma
[20:35] <Matsumi Kaze> several light years outside of the solar system
[20:35] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> An excellent question! We were heading towards Nando's for a spot of takeaway when we ended up here.
[20:35] <Matsumi Kaze> there's some sort of conference going on with every major alien power in the area...
[20:36] <Matsumi Kaze> ........I got caught up in this >< suppose to repersent the Sol System....
[20:37] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Your ascention to power is to now complete
[20:37] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte stands and curtsies to Glorious Leader
[20:37] <Sean Collins> You're doing great so far, Matsumi!
[20:38] * Orion Felinus returns with some more formal clothes on.
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> eh? eh???
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> no no don't bow to me!!!
[20:39] <Orion Felinus> Thank you, my love. You are always forward thinking. ^^
[20:39] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Oh.
[20:39] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte kneels then?
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm only in this situation cause of those mining aliens
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> gah no no no
[20:39] <Orion Felinus> Huh? Matsu-...Miss Peinforte?
[20:39] <Exeter L. Wakefield> (Troll level 9000)
[20:40] * Joanna Smithson is at a bar, having just freed three enslaved solar systems over drinks
[20:41] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Hallo Orion
[20:42] <Orion Felinus> You are involved with this summit as well?
[20:42] <Matsumi Kaze> after I got them to stop trying to mine those asteroids....I guess the word spread and now they think Quinox is some sort of big thing ><
[20:42] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> No, we got beamed here somehow.
[20:43] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> ...Isn't that the Planet of the Moths?
[20:44] <Orion Felinus> That was a truly bold thing to do, though, Matsumi-sama. You showed true leadership and determination.
[20:44] <Matsumi Kaze> yes yes yes >_>
[20:44] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah but now they think I'm actually the ruler of a planet!
[20:44] <Orion Felinus> Yes, they do have large moths, among other things.
[20:45] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Well aren't the Senshi rulers of their planets?
[20:45] <Orion Felinus> are...or will be? Once you are formerly coronated.
[20:46] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Look you went from whatever you were to a Theatre Manager to the Shogun of Japan to a Planetary Ruler to a Solar System Queen. It's a pure, complete career trajecotry.
[20:46] <Exeter L. Wakefield> What's your Trajectory, Paise?
[20:47] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I went from magazines to Twitter and got laid.
[20:47] <Sean Collins> (Supreme Smut Author is my guess..)
[20:47] <Exeter L. Wakefield> v_v
[20:48] <Matsumi Kaze> oh crap it's time...
[20:48] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> See! Go be a leader. Our LEader.
[20:48] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> The one the Solar System Deserves
[20:48] * Somewhere Tsukino Usagi is literally losing her s[BLEEP]t
[20:48] <Orion Felinus> Courage, Matsumi. Remember what I told you earlier.
[20:49] * Matsumi Kaze turns..and robotically walks off O_O
[20:50] <Orion Felinus> No need to be so stiff. Walk tall, with confidence. Hold your head high and proud.
[20:51] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Sashay! Sashay!
[20:51] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> You need to own the room
[20:53] * Matsumi Kaze 's arm is gently taken by Hideki..who calms her....the two walk off to attend the meeting
[20:53] <Sean Collins> Remember, Matsumi, We're here for you!
[20:54] <Exeter L. Wakefield> Well that's certainly a thing
[20:54] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I'll need to write a Barbarella-style tale: "Quinox, Queen of Space!"
[20:55] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[20:56] <Orion Felinus> Well, the summit could take some time. Young master, do you think you could teleport me
[20:56] <Freya Felinus> ...wonder how half these civilizations would feel if they knew she doesn't have any real power...
[20:56] * Orion Felinus looks around... "Where...did that casserole vanish to?!"
[20:57] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> !
[20:57] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte FEIGNS STONE COLD INNOCENCE
[20:57] <Sean Collins> Well...that's not true though, Freya.
[20:57] * Exeter L. Wakefield just gnaws on his LEGTIMATELY BOUGHT SPACE PIZZA
[20:58] * Exeter L. Wakefield enjoy's Paisley's suffering
[20:58] <Freya Felinus> the entire population of her planet that she rules is....1
[20:58] * Orion Felinus starts looking around the room, under tables, behind any decorations, and even questioning others in the room...
[20:59] * a Cult of Mondas member is currently eyeing several people
[20:59] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte surreptiously places the empty dish near the tribble delegation
[21:00] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> ♫
[21:00] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte retruns to Exeter
[21:00] <Exeter L. Wakefield> was that wise.
[21:00] <Sean Collins> True, but she and the other senshi currently reside on Earth, and oversee the entire Sol. She has more power than she thinks
[21:00] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I want to see what happens
[21:01] * King Tribble has a small bite of a leftover crumb
[21:01] * King Tribble is pregnant.
[21:02] * King Tribble produces two more tribbles.
[21:02] * Prince Tribbles find some more crumbs and produce some more heirs
[21:03] * Orion Felinus locates his empty casserole dish! "Spirits and ancestors!"
[21:03] * Expontential Reproduction is begin.
[21:03] <Exeter L. Wakefield> now you've done it.
[21:03] <Orion Felinus> ....that was dinner for my children....
[21:03] * And now your children may be their dinner.
[21:04] * Cute coos and tribbles begin to fill the area at an alarming rate
[21:04] <Orion Felinus> Ack!
[21:05] * several aliens attempt to rid the area of the creatures!
[21:06] * Orion Felinus retreats with the dish!
[21:07] <Sean Collins> uh oh...looks like we're about to get overun with furballs
[21:07] <Exeter L. Wakefield> Paise we should... we should go.
[21:08] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Yeah I... bloody hell ^^;
[21:08] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte opens a porta and Grabs Exeter's arm
[21:08] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte is away: <_<
[21:08] * Exeter L. Wakefield is away: <_<
[21:09] <Sean Collins> Decompression?!
[21:09] <Sean Collins> Quick! Anchor yourselves!
[21:12] * Orion Felinus drops the dish and grabs hold of Freya and what looks like an "OH S[BLEEP]T" handle on a wall!
[21:15] * Freya Felinus holds onto Orion!!!
[21:16] *** the windows suddenly open....blasting all the tribbles into space
[21:17] <Freya Felinus> GAH ><
[21:18] * the windows finally close after the last tribble is shot out
[21:21] <Freya Felinus> ><
[21:23] *** several cheery robots try to get the delegates back in place
[21:23] <Orion Felinus> Are you alright, my love?
[21:23] <Sean Collins> Well...that as fun...
[21:23] <Freya Felinus> y..yes
[21:26] * Orion Felinus lets go of Freya.
[21:26] <Orion Felinus> I guess I'll have to order dinner for the children..."
[21:26] <Sean Collins> Hey, I'll message Rhea to look after them until you get home.
[21:31] <Freya Felinus> yes that would be wonderful of her...*cough*
[21:32] <Orion Felinus> Beloved? Are you alright?
[21:38] <Freya Felinus> just a bit out of breath
[21:41] * Orion Felinus helps Freya to a chair.
[21:41] * Freya Felinus sits on the chair...which isn't really built for the humanoid form >_>
[21:41] <Sean Collins> How long do you think they will be in the summit?
[21:41] <Orion Felinus> There must be something for you to relax on...
[21:46] * Orion Felinus looks for a chair that would better suit a humanoid form
[21:47] *** one of the chairs gets up and crawls away
[21:50] <Freya Felinus> >_>
[21:51] <Orion Felinus> ...
[21:53] <Freya Felinus> ...*ahem*..a wide variety of species..isn't there
[21:56] * a few M78-jins notice Orion and Freya and nod to them
[22:01] <Freya Felinus> oh um hello
[22:03] <Orion Felinus> Good day to you.
[22:05] <Freya Felinus> is it day?
[22:07] <Orion Felinus> uh...well it was evening back home...but out here?
[22:07] <Orion Felinus> I don't know if time of day really matters?
[22:11] <Freya Felinus> yes I suppose so >_>
[22:15] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[22:15] * Matsumi Kaze stumbles back >_>
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh thank god that's done
[22:23] <Freya Felinus> oh you're back
[22:26] <Matsumi Kaze> was insane ><
[22:32] <Orion Felinus> What happened in there?
[22:34] <Matsumi Kaze> I gave the to go off well.....then there was alot of questions...and yelling..and shouting....and papers...and just...I signed stuff....
[22:35] <Orion Felinus> What did you sign? Did you read it?
[22:36] <Matsumi Kaze> I was being shoved around..of course I didn't ><
[22:38] * Hideki Kaze walks over
[22:38] <Hideki Kaze> I wouldn't worry about it...whoever it was seems to have thought he was getting the better of her
[22:39] <Hideki Kaze> ...I'll make sure nothing goes wrong
[22:42] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm so tired...i just want to go home T_T
[22:43] <Orion Felinus> Yes, we should get home for some rest after this sumit.
[22:44] <Sean Collins> Hopefully nothing will go wrong from bline signing documents >_>
[22:45] * Joanna Smithson is being helped over by Giselle and Delilah...Joanna is blind drunk
[22:45] <Giselle Bellerose> I think I have had enough of this place
[22:47] <Sean Collins> Oh boy.
[22:48] <Delilah inochi> let's go home ^^;;;
[22:51] * Sean Collins fiddles with a transport remote....
[22:52] *** Orion Felinus [] has left #suburbansenshi3 (Teleported home.)
[22:52] *** Delilah inochi has left #suburbansenshi3
[22:52] *** Sean Collins [] has left #suburbansenshi3 (Teleported home.)
[22:52] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi3
[22:52] *** Hideki Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi3
[22:52] *** Joanna Smithson has left #suburbansenshi3
[22:52] *** Giselle Bellerose has left #suburbansenshi3
[22:53] *** Freya Felinus has left #suburbansenshi3

[21:23] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte sits in the Garden Manor, listening to the pouring rain outside, while looking over a chess board...the fire blazing in the fireplace
[21:23] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte> hmm..tricky...
[21:25] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte rubs her chin a bit....while Robert plays along the floor....Kaelyn has left the care of her daughter in the hands of Ike
[21:26] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte> ...I wonder if
[21:31] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte glances she thinks she sees something in the rain
[21:33] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte decides like all peinfortes..she will ignore it
[21:34] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte holds out her a homunculas lands on it
[21:34] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte whispers something to it....and lets it fly off to go outside

[02:00] <Megan Smithson> seriously? you had to drag me out of my dream to do...this.....
[02:01] * Megan Smithson grimaces as she pulls her booted foot out of the muck and grimaces...
[02:01] <Minerva> I thought it would help you to relax...
[02:02] <Megan Smithson> my idea of relaxing is not treking through a misty swamp....
[02:02] <Minerva> it's better then the nightmares you're having...
[02:03] <Megan Smithson> is that what this is about???
[02:03] <Megan Smithson> look....i apperciate the thought...but this isn't very..comforting
[02:04] <Megan Smithson> ...Minerva?...
[02:04] <Megan Smithson> .......Minnie?
[02:04] * Megan Smithson looks around.....
[02:05] * Megan Smithson gives a short scream as she's suddenly pulled under the the mud!
[02:11] * Megan Smithson sits at a table...just..looking at Minerva....they're both covered in mud and slime...
[02:12] <Ghoul Waiter> ok one order of ale and one order of mead...
[02:12] * Ghoul Waiter puts the drinks on the table for the two....
[02:12] * Ghoul Waiter walks back to the bar
[02:12] <Minerva> ......i said I was sorry...
[02:13] * Megan Smithson sighs and grabs her ale drinking
[02:13] <Megan Smithson> ..if you weren't dead already...
[02:14] <Minerva> say..I've heard there are these ruins that-
[02:14] <Megan Smithson> NO
[02:14] * Minerva drinks her mead "..spoil sport"

[19:05] *** Meanwhile, on Planet 4546B, also known as Planeta del Agua...
[19:05] <~> ARRIBA!!!
[19:06] *** has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:06] <@spiritflame> konbanwa
[19:06] *** Reisen Udongein Inaba [LunaticMoonRabbit@FedCom.Net (Pirated Serve] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:06] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Reisen Udongein Inaba
[19:06] * Reisen Udongein Inaba slowly wakes up and pulls herself off the floor, wiping the drool off her cheek that had collected into a small puddle on the ground.
[19:07] *** The Command Module/Lander touched down on the planet without TOO many difficulties...except it came down in the ocean in the middle of a storm. And sank into the water below.
[19:09] *** The GOOD NEWS is that it touched down on solid rock a short way down. The surface of the water is a mere seven feet beyond the nose of the lander! They're close enough to the surface that the retractable solar panels can actually collect a fair amount of power while the sun's up.
[19:10] *** And preliminary scans have shown VERY LOW traces of the Kharar Virus! The Sea Emperor enzymes have almost completely eliminated the virus from the ocean! In another year or so the Khararr will be eradicated.
[19:15] *** More importantly... Mokou already took pictures of outside!!
[19:15] <Hatate Himekaidou> Hey, you awake FINALLY?
[19:16] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Screw you. How are we doing?
[19:19] <Hatate Himekaidou> Good news. The modified Van Saar hostile environment suits we were issued for here are working just fine. So's the survival nano-forge, and we've already located a patch of creepvines! Kagerou and Mokou are collecting material and seeds for fiber mesh, latex, and lubricant now.
[19:20] <Hatate Himekaidou> The bad news is that the bottom chamber of the Command Module flooded. We can't fix the leaks, but we came up with the idea of keeping this room sealed to equalize the pressure and use the flooded room as an airlock.
[19:24] <Hatate Himekaidou> We also can't use the nano-forge once the sun goes down. It uses so much power that our batteries can take the drain.
[19:24] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Food?
[19:24] <Hatate Himekaidou> :D
[19:25] <Hatate Himekaidou> FISH!!!! Lots and lots of fish!
[19:28] <Hatate Himekaidou> We've got some of the ones originally listed like Bladderfish, Boomerangs, and Hoopfish! And we found a type of fish that looks like a variation of the Peeper. They're all as edible as the ones on the Aurora Guyot.
[19:29] <Hatate Himekaidou> And we can extract small amounts of water from Bladderfish, so we won't need to worry about dehydration TOO much.
[19:30] <Hatate Himekaidou> There's a lot of new things here though. Mokou already had a run-in with one of those Self-Destructo Fish that blows itself up like a grenade.
[19:31] <Hatate Himekaidou> And Kagarou got into a fight with a new type of sea-critter that came up to her, inspected her, then grabbed her scanner and swam off, hooting.
[19:33] * Hatate Himekaidou Shows Reisen the picture of the offending sea-critter.
[19:34] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Have we been able to identify any landmasses or the source of the radio signal?
[19:35] <Hatate Himekaidou> Nope. The weather's been terrible all day. The surface is WAY COLDER than the Aurora Guyot, and there's still a storm up there. Visibility is pretty crappy.
[19:35] <Hatate Himekaidou> As for scanning anything else. Well...
[19:36] * Hatate Himekaidou points at the master console that operated most of the scientific sensors. There's a HUGE dent in the middle of it that practically caved in the entire thing.
[19:36] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> o__o
[19:36] * Reisen Udongein Inaba leans in and rests her head inside the dent. It fits almost perfectly.
[19:36] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> ...Wow, no wonder I was asleep for so long.
[19:46] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Have you found anything weird?
[19:47] <Hatate Himekaidou> Oh yeah!
[19:48] <Hatate Himekaidou> There's a canyon a fair distance away that drops down a few hundred feet, and it's got weird coral growths covering parts of it that look like twisted bridges. There's a bunch of bigger fish deeper in there that look like beaked sharks.
[19:51] <Hatate Himekaidou> There's also icebergs and small rock outcrops that form tiny islands on the surface. We couldn't see much with the storm, but it looks like we've landed inside an inlet or fjord or something. Once we harvest some more building materials we can maybe make some better survival gear.
[19:51] <Hatate Himekaidou> And HOPEFULLY that'll include something to help us travel faster.
[19:56] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Anything IMMEDIATELY useful?
[20:01] <Hatate Himekaidou> Well, we DID pick up a weird signal way deep down inside that trench. Morse code. SOS.
[20:12] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> That is weird. Any way we can find out more?
[20:12] <Hatate Himekaidou> Yeah. By going DOWN to the bottom.
[20:12] <Hatate Himekaidou> ALL THE WAY.
[20:13] <Hatate Himekaidou> Ain't happening unless we can get some better gear, so forget it.
[20:24] * Reisen Udongein Inaba sighs
[20:24] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> What about the "Hushed Casket"?
[20:24] <Hatate Himekaidou> Can't open it until we're on dry land somewhere. It's got sensors to determine when it can open.
[20:25] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> And any other help?
[20:25] <Hatate Himekaidou> Just us for now.
[20:30] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Oh well, we'll figure something out as we go. In the meantime...
[20:30] *** Reisen Udongein Inaba [LunaticMoonRabbit@FedCom.Net (Pirated Serve] has left #suburbansenshi3 (What's to eat? I'm hungry for something vegetarian.)
[20:31] *** Hatate Himekaidou has left #suburbansenshi3 (Have some Creepvine Soup made with Bladderfish Water...which is NON-VEGAN!! >:D)

[20:21] * outside , the small dark bug crawls towards a prop pumpkin left outside.....and jumps inside......the pumpkin's eyes blaze to life...

[21:02] * Matsumi Kaze CRASHES into the ground
[21:02] <Matsumi Kaze> ughhhh
[21:02] * Matsumi Kaze shakes her head
[21:03] * Eliza McIntash lightly lands, with light like aurorae under her feet.
[21:03] * Matsumi Kaze stands and glances around...
[21:04] <Eliza McIntash> Intern did not tell me her invention could do this.
[21:04] <Eliza McIntash> Oh.
[21:04] <Eliza McIntash> S[BLEEP]T!
[21:04] * Eliza McIntash looks at Matsumi with a look of real fear----"Hazel Ninegate helped her!"
[21:04] * Megan Smithson is standing there as well....
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> wait you mean this could be here to hurt her?..wher eare we anyway?
[21:05] *** you are now in what looks like to be a greyish small town..mist is seems lifeless
[21:05] * Eliza McIntash draws a sword from nowhere. "Don't know. At least we are together."
[21:06] * Eliza McIntash looks around. "Well it doesn't look OVERTLY like the hells, or some torture dimension.
[21:08] <Eliza McIntash> It is very likely that at least one of you may recognize the layout of this town.
[21:08] <Eliza McIntash> ...or maybe it is a park. Or that one street.
[21:08] <Megan Smithson> does..seem familer....
[21:08] <Eliza McIntash> That I still don't remember.
[21:08] <Matsumi Kaze> something out of those silent hill games
[21:08] <Eliza McIntash> Never heard of that.
[21:09] * Eliza McIntash checks the nearest sign post.
[21:10] <Eliza McIntash> I wonder if this is the name of a street, or if it will say something like "angst" or "jealousy" and a way to go there.
[21:10] * the sign post is blurry....
[21:11] * Megan Smithson walks along the street.....then she spots a small butterfly.....
[21:12] <Megan Smithson> ...that butterfly
[21:12] * Megan Smithson starts to follow it!!
[21:12] <Eliza McIntash> Let's catch it!
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> mom? MOM WAIT COME BACK!
[21:12] * Eliza McIntash rushes after Megan Smithson
[21:12] * Matsumi Kaze chases after Megan
[21:13] * Megan Smithson runs around a corner......and stops....seeing someone hidden in mist..a shorter individual who just stands there for a moment
[21:13] <Megan Smithson> ..who...
[21:14] * Matsumi Kaze finally catches up
[21:14] <Matsumi Kaze> .....yeah..that's..not at all..suspcious
[21:14] * Eliza McIntash summarily tries to tackle this person!
[21:15] * Eliza McIntash leaps forward, arms out!
[21:15] *** Eliza passes right through them!
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> alright?
[21:16] * Megan Smithson takes a step forward...and then pauses as the ground starts to crack around them!
[21:16] <Megan Smithson> watch out!
[21:17] * Eliza McIntash rolls on the ground in two somersalts, rising to her feet as gracefully as a ninja. "Oh, it's fine."
[21:17] <Eliza McIntash> Dream world, remember?
[21:17] * Megan Smithson starts to run the oppisite a HUGE chunk of teh ground falls down....seperating the group from the misty form
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah but...
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> .....what do we do now?
[21:17] <Megan Smithson>'s keep me from seeing her
[21:18] <Eliza McIntash> "It?"
[21:18] <Eliza McIntash> Not he, not she, but "it?"
[21:18] <Megan Smithson> ..I..I think that's..the thing..I'm..trying to remember
[21:18] * Megan Smithson grips her head ><
[21:19] * Eliza McIntash holds onto Megan, just in casde.
[21:19] * Eliza McIntash in case
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> ..maybe...we can leap there
[21:20] * the misty individual turns to run away
[21:20] <Megan Smithson> no! don't go..come back!
[21:21] <Eliza McIntash> Damn right we can!
[21:22] * Megan Smithson gulps...and tries to get back to her feet....
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> mom..don't....we don't know what's going on....
[21:22] <Megan Smithson> i need to know
[21:23] * Megan Smithson takes a deep breath....
[21:23] <Eliza McIntash> She's right. Let's go.
[21:23] * Eliza McIntash runs and leaps over the crevice without hesitation!
[21:23] * Megan Smithson takes a running start...and LEAPS....and manages to tumble over the gap!
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze jumps and lands on her face on the other side
[21:24] * the misty figure stands there
[21:25] * Eliza McIntash scrambles to her feet.
[21:25] <Eliza McIntash> Hi.
[21:25] <Eliza McIntash> You are very important!
[21:25] * Megan Smithson goes to approuch it..only to have shadowy hands grab her by the legs.......the same try to grab Eliza and Matsumi
[21:25] <Eliza McIntash> What you look like doesn't really matter to us, so the mist is nor required. But we do need to know what you want.
[21:25] * Eliza McIntash checks if there's a butterfly around.
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> GAH!!!
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> get off me!
[21:26] *** dark shapes rise around them..glowing red won't let them pass!
[21:27] * Megan Smithson tries to move forward.......but is dragged back by more and more shadowy hands
[21:27] <Megan Smithson> >< please...tell me...
[21:27] <Megan Smithson> please!!!
[21:27] <Eliza McIntash> Hmmm hmmm hmmm...
[21:27] <Eliza McIntash> Ahem.
[21:27] * Matsumi Kaze gets a hand in her mouth
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> MMPH
[21:28] * Eliza McIntash raises up her wakizashi, and counts to 6.
[21:28] * Eliza McIntash SLICES downward through a great many of the hands. "Warned you."
[21:29] * the hands are sliced..but regrown like the hydra..multiplying
[21:29] <Eliza McIntash> Ha!
[21:30] <Eliza McIntash> I love it.
[21:30] <Eliza McIntash> But can you tell the difference between us, I wonder?
[21:30] <Misty Figure> - ....are you sure you want to remember.... -
[21:31] <Misty Figure> - ......even after everything that happened..are you sure -
[21:31] <Eliza McIntash> We are SURE AS HELL that we don't want her to suffer.
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> MMPH MMPHHHH!
[21:31] <Megan Smithson> ......
[21:31] * Eliza McIntash turns to Megan Smithson. "YOU"
[21:31] <Eliza McIntash> YOU are the master here. Nobody and nothing here is as strong as you.
[21:32] <Megan Smithson> .....I'm the one...trying to make me forget..
[21:32] * Eliza McIntash nods.
[21:32] <Megan Smithson> are right...
[21:32] <Eliza McIntash> Then there is nothing wrong with that.
[21:32] <Eliza McIntash> Megan.
[21:32] <Megan Smithson> I want to remember woulnd't be here....
[21:32] <Eliza McIntash> I dont' think people's subconscious drags things in fron of their conscious unless those things important.
[21:32] * Megan Smithson looks as a few butterflies fly by...
[21:32] <Megan Smithson> please....
[21:32] <Megan Smithson> please let me...
[21:32] <Eliza McIntash> ....If you remember it... and it hurts you. You CAN be made to forget again.
[21:33] <Megan Smithson> LET ME REMEMBER
[21:33] <Eliza McIntash> It's a dream. Don't be afraid.
[21:33] * Megan Smithson thrusts forward.......and grabs the misty person's hand....
[21:33] *** the hands vanisha s the entire area turns to bright colors
[21:33] * Matsumi Kaze lands on her face as the hands vanish
[21:34] * Eliza McIntash puts her sword away.
[21:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ...why me
[21:34] * Megan Smithson blinks...
[21:34] * Megan Smithson looks around....
[21:34] * Megan Smithson hears a voice and looks forward...
[21:34] * Eliza McIntash walks over and stands by Matsumi Kaze.
[21:34] *** a young older then 13 is running down the road.....she's obviously late...
[21:36] <Megan Smithson> ..wait that's....
[21:36] <Meg Smithson> ...g..gah how could i...over..sleep..again ><
[21:36] * Meg Smithson runs up to two other girls who are waiting for is a taller girl with dark skin and long black hair...the other is shorter with curly blond hair...
[21:37] <Thea Potter> really, Meg...this is the third day....
[21:37] <Polly Carter> but aren't we late too???
[21:37] * Meg Smithson grabs the two girls by the hands and starts running!!!!
[21:38] <Megan Smithson> .....Thea..and Polly..
[21:38] <Megan Smithson> did I..forget about them...
[21:38] * Eliza McIntash stays next to Matsumi Kaze.
[21:38] * Megan Smithson looks around the area
[21:38] <Megan Smithson> did i forget about Oak Park....
[21:39] <Megan Smithson> we were friends...the best we....we were more then that
[21:39] <Megan Smithson> ...we were...
[21:40] * Megan Smithson winces at a bright the sillhoute of four figures stand in front of her...
[21:40] * Matsumi Kaze blinks
[21:40] * Megan Smithson has tears running down her face
[21:41] <Megan Smithson> ...we were...
[21:41] *** the entire area completely glows their minds are kicked back to the real world

[00:33] * Teenage Girl makes her way home and heads into her room, logging onto her computer and getting in on an "Urban Legends" forum...
[00:35] * Teenage Girl uploads the photo on a thread all about the House in Azubu-Juuban...
[00:35] * Teenage Girl reads over other's who immeidatly peg her photo as a fake....and a few who wonder if she saw the glowing lady....
[00:36] * Teenage Girl pauses for a moment and glances out at her window..but only sees a moth fluttering across it
[00:36] * Teenage Girl shrugs and answers a few threads.....then closes her laptop and heads off to sleep
[00:37] * The moth flies off....

[19:24] *** in one of the Rooms upstairs..the kids party is going full blast
[19:25] * Mira Eseme is trying to do apple bobbing but is too short :(

[19:36] * Mira Eseme has moved to: [ Penguin ]
[19:36] * Mira Eseme [Penguin] falls on her back trying to get to the apple bobbing ><
[19:36] * Ayatane has moved to: [ Knight ]
[19:36] * Ayatane [Knight] walks over to help Mira up.
[19:37] * Victoria Smithson has moved to: [ Gwar ]
[19:37] * Victoria Smithson [Gwar] has run over to play with small spooky karoke that was set up
[19:38] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:38] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Chibi-Nat
[19:38] * Chibi-Nat has moved to: [ Akagi-chan ]
[19:38] <Chibi-Nat> [Akagi-chan] :D
[19:41] * Emi Shin has moved to: [ Mummy ]
[19:42] * Emi Shin [Mummy] walks back in from taking part in the trick or treat group
[19:42] * Emi Shin [Mummy] is amazed by the candy!
[19:43] * Saki Suminaka has moved to: [ Dracula ]
[19:44] * Victoria Smithson [Gwar] stops in her singing and runs over to get in line!
[19:47] * Chibi-Nat [Akagi-chan] gets in line! :D
[19:47] * Felinus Twins are going over the candies they got, while Heimdall joins the line
[19:48] * Ayatane [Knight] heads over to the line.
[19:51] * Saki Suminaka [Dracula] waits till there are plenty of kids....then leads them on a trick or treat marathon through the hotel!
[19:59] * Saki Suminaka [Dracula] makes sure the littest ones can I keep upt as they stop by suites and collect candies!
[20:06] <Chibi-Nat> [Akagi-chan] :D
[20:06] * Chibi-Nat [Akagi-chan] happily provides TRICKS!! With TAILS!
[20:09] * Saki Suminaka [Dracula] leads the children back to the party once they get enough candies!
[20:16] <Saki Suminaka> [Dracula] alright! who's the next bunch to come along MUAHAHA
[20:24] <Chibi-Nat> [Akagi-chan] I wanna go again!
[20:27] <Saki Suminaka> [Dracula] that wouldn't be fair to the other kids!
[20:27] * Tien is waiting his turn!
[20:27] * Tien has moved to: [ ghost ]
[20:37] <Beryl> :D
[20:37] * Beryl has moved to: [ Witch ]
[20:38] * Mira has moved to: [ Witch ]
[20:39] * Saki Suminaka [Dracula] leads the next group of kids out trick or treating
[20:55] * Selene watches the other children from the play pen for the little little itty bitties
[20:55] * Selene has moved to: [ Freya ]
[21:00] * Selene [Freya] whines a bit as she wants to reach for candy...even if she's too little for it
[21:31] * Saki Suminaka [Dracula] returns with the last group of children
[23:58] <Beryl> [Witch] :D

[22:09] *** Delilah inochi has joined #suburbansenshi3
[22:09] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Delilah inochi

[21:54] *** Peinforte Manor
[21:55] *** Kae P. Peinforte has joined #suburbansenshi3
[21:55] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Kae P. Peinforte
[21:55] * Kae P. Peinforte sits in bed, holding Ewyen....the lights are out but she can't sleep.....
[21:55] * Kae P. Peinforte looks around her's a repurposed decorated for a small child.....
[21:56] * Kae P. Peinforte looks at the shadows and darkness......she hugs her plushie dragon tightly......she thinks she sees dark forms..watching her..hungry for her soul....moving in each shadow
[21:57] * Kae P. Peinforte whimpers as she thinks she sees one shadow in paticular gaze at her......staring.........
[21:58] * Kae P. Peinforte jumps a little and hides under the she thinks she hears a sound in her room
[22:02] * Kae P. Peinforte shivers...waiting for the thing in her room to try and take her away ><
[22:04] * Kae P. Peinforte hears something scratching against the window ><
[22:07] <Kae P. Peinforte> mummy...papa T_T
[22:09] * Kae P. Peinforte whimpers, hugging her dragon plushie tightly...
[22:18] * Kae P. Peinforte starts to cry under the blankets T_T
[22:25] * Kae P. Peinforte falls asleep, exausted by her own crying
[22:26] *** Kae P. Peinforte has left #suburbansenshi3

[22:16] <@spiritflame> Current Location is: Unknown
[22:16] * Griselda finishes sealing an envelope, and drops it into a secure mailbox.
[22:16] <Griselda> (Oh you guys are gonna love hearing about this.)
[22:16] <Griselda> Hey Nemissa, everything in place?
[22:17] <Nemissa> For the most part, yes. However, there is still that possibility to consider.
[22:17] <Griselda> Yeah, that's gonna be the wild card in this. Thankfully Magni has the second and fifth strings for this one.
[22:18] <Griselda> Numbers 3 and 4 are already en-route to our mutual pals.
[22:18] <Nemissa> And between us, one and six.
[22:19] <Griselda> Damn skippy. Elphelt and Ramlethal can handle what comes next.
[22:20] *** Griselda [FORBIDDEN@404] has left #suburbansenshi3 ("Oh yeah, there's also Noel's role in what's to come....")
[22:20] *** Nemissa [PeekABoo@404] has left #suburbansenshi3 ("Assuming we can get that event to transpire again...")
[22:20] <@spiritflame> Current Location is: None

[19:31] <@spiritflame> Current Location is: Juuban University's collapsed Admin Building
[19:31] *** Sean Collins [] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:31] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Sean Collins
[19:32] * Sean Collins sneaks onto the scene. There are still some police patrolling the grounds, and excavation crews working to remove more rubble of the building.
[19:34] * Sean Collins starts to look around, doing his best to avoid the working crews.
[19:39] <Sean Collins> Where are you, Cat man? There must be a sign...evidence...something...
[19:56] * Sean Collins /me hears the working crews starting to murmur about something they found....
[19:58] <Excavation Member> What do you think it meant by "unworthy bloodline"?
[19:58] <Excavation Member> I don't know...its very strange and cryptic. But the police have it now.
[20:01] * Sean Collins narrows his eye at the mention of the word "unworthy"....
[20:02] <Sean Collins> (So they found something...and the police have it...)
[20:02] * Freya Felinus is not far away....scrambling through the rubble....
[20:03] * Freya Felinus is digging at it with her bare hands...
[20:04] * Sean Collins starts to make his way out when he spies Freya!
[20:05] * Freya Felinus is digging hard and fast at the dirt and concrete
[20:05] * Sean Collins hurries over to her!
[20:06] <Sean Collins> Freya! Thank the spirits, we couldn't reach you last night...
[20:07] <Freya Felinus> - GET AWAY FROM ME!!! -
[20:08] <Sean Collins> Freya, is me! Sean!
[20:09] * Freya Felinus turns...her hair is a mess..her eyes are blood shot and wild...and her hands are bleeding..her fingers nearly broken from the digging
[20:09] <Sean Collins> Get a hold of yourself!
[20:09] * Sean Collins grabs her hands! "You have to stop!"
[20:10] * Freya Felinus SLASHES at Sean!
[20:11] <Freya Felinus> - -
[20:12] * Sean Collins gets a deep scratch to his face! "Ah! Freya STOP! We're all concerned for Orion! We'll find him!"
[20:13] * Freya Felinus turns away from sean..trying to dig again...
[20:14] * Sean Collins grabs Freya from behind, trying to pull her back from the hole she is digging!
[20:17] * Freya Felinus SCREAMS, making a scene
[20:17] <Sean Collins> Freya, stop! We're going to get-!
[20:18] <Police> YOU THERE! This area is off limits to civilians!
[20:18] <Sean Collins> (s[BLEEP]t...)
[20:23] <Freya Felinus> rarARAGARGGAGH
[20:25] <Police> Sir! Ma'am! You need to leave this area, or we will be forced to arrest you!
[20:26] <Sean Collins> Wait! This is...Mrs Felinus! She is...distraught about...her husband being missing since this collapse!
[20:27] <Police> Mrs. Felinus? The wife of Dean Felinus?
[20:27] <Sean Collins> Yes, she is-!
[20:28] * Freya Felinus struggles against Sean
[20:28] <Police> We'll need to take her into custody! We have questions about her "missing" husband and his possible involvment with this collapse!
[20:29] * Sean Collins struggles to hold her! "Wait, WHAT?! Orion would never have caused something like this!"
[20:29] * Freya Felinus starts swearing in quinoxian
[20:32] <Sean Collins> Freya, please...we have to go before the police take us in...
[20:34] * Police start to approach, cuffs in hand...
[20:36] <Sean Collins> Freya! For the love of...For Orion's sake! Please stop!
[20:39] <??> ..excuse me, officer...but I shall take over this
[20:44] <Police> What th-?! How are you civilians getting in here?!
[20:45] * ?? puts a strong hand on the police officer...and gently moves him aside...
[20:46] * Sean Collins looks over...and...up?
[20:49] <Tobas> hello young knight...shall we exit the scene?
[20:50] <Sean Collins> S-Sir Tobas?
[20:51] * Tobas scoops up his daughter, putting her over his shoulder
[20:52] <Police> Stop right there! We have questions for Mrs Felinus! Her husband is a suspect in this case!
[20:54] * Tobas gently takes the cuffs the police officer has...and crushes it between his fingers
[20:54] <Tobas> please officer...I suggest you leave this to me
[20:58] <Sean Collins> ...wait...let Mister Tobas attend to Mrs Felinus...I will answer your questions.
[20:58] <Police> And what relation are you to Mister Felinus?
[20:58] <Sean Collins> ...he's my father.
[21:00] * Police pause...look at Sean...then Freya....
[21:01] <Sean Collins> Adopted, obviously.
[21:01] <Sean Collins> Its a long story, but its true.
[21:01] * Police shrug and walk over to take Sean into custody.
[21:04] <Sean Collins> Please make sure she stays safe, Sir Tobas.
[21:05] <Tobas> I shall
[21:06] * Sean Collins goes with the police to answer their questions.
[21:09] * Tobas walks off, taking Freya with him
[21:11] * Sean Collins is away: To the Police station.
[19:31] *** Meanwhile, back at a place that is NOT the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone...!!!
[19:38] *** Reality warps and distorts for a few minutes as an FTL-capable starship emerges near a massive reddish-brown planet in orbit around a hot, bright star. Two other full-sized planets orbit around the massive exoplanet like regular moons.
[19:39] *** One of the planets is greyish white in color, its surface reflecting a lot of the sunlight it catches. The other planet is a deep blue in color, its surface almost entirely covered by one MASSIVE ocean.
[19:40] *** This is it! This is the Promised Land!! This is... PLANETA DEL AGUA!!!!
[19:43] *** Alldrogis Valkyvida [Inquisitor [REDACTED]] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:43] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Alldrogis Valkyvida
[19:45] * The T-Dolls are also ready. They look out the observation deck of the vessel they're on and jostle and crowd at the windows, eager to see the much-storied destination world.
[19:47] <M2HB> Awwww, it does look like much.
[19:49] <HK416> You clearly didn't read the logs. There are things down there that can devour any one of us in a single gulp.
[19:49] <HK416> And there was evidence found of even LARGER creatures upwards of a MILE LONG!!
[19:54] <HK416> So if we're NOT careful, we could find ourselves deep within the gullet of any number of aquatic monstrocities!
[19:55] <M1 Garand> ....Someone's been reading too much Attack on Titan manga.
[20:05] * Tika Obake is onboard the RSS Minerva...observing the instruments
[20:10] * The Two-dozen Descos send some information to the various people on-board their ships. Prepare for adorableness -- they got new pics of the Sea Emperor's kids to share!
[20:16] * The Two-dozen Descos also share what information they have on the other forces that have made landfall.
[20:16] * Alldrogis Valkyvida attempts to contact the command center of the ship they're on. "Status report, please."
[20:22] <UMP-9> So how exactly are we getting down there?
[20:23] <Thompson> A Thunderhawk gunship of course. DUH
[20:23] <Thompson> But we've got an extra added bonus for this!
[20:24] * Thompson points at a heavily-modified Rhino APC as it rolls up onto the flight deck.
[20:25] <Thompson> That's the special transport I've arranged for this mission! It's specially modified for extreme depths and can actually float AND operate like a submarine! It's not fast, but it'll get up from point A to point B!
[20:25] * M1918 does a little dance! "Take a good hard look at the mother-f'ing BOAT!" :D
[20:29] * Megan O`Cain along with her kin are on board the RSS Gilgamesh along with the following units: Wolf's Den Squadron from the 29th Airborne Division, The Jolly Rogers Platoon, and Alpha Company (Ghosts of the Moon) from the Moon Kingdom Marines
[20:30] *** Sensors begin to pick up some very strange readings coming from 4546B!
[20:32] * Megan O`Cain goes onto her comms, "Hey, Tika. Alldrogis. How're things looking?"
[20:36] *** There's a power surge emanating from the planet! It doesn't SEEM to be coming from any of the Cannons, though.
[20:37] * Tika Obake nods to one of the other officers
[20:37] <Tika Obake> some sort of energy surger
[20:37] <Tika Obake> *surge
[20:37] <Megan O`Cain> Any idea where on the planet?
[20:38] *** A large hexagonal field of bright green energy materializes over a section of ocean. Then another field appears directly next to it. Then another...and another!
[20:39] *** It's spreading across the upper atmosphere of the planet!
[20:41] *** It's some kind of planetary shield...and it'll encase the planet within the next ten minutes!
[20:43] <Megan O`Cain> That's new.
[20:44] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> Everyone board the transport! We need to get down to the surface now!
[20:44] *** The T-Dolls all SURGE towards the Rhino!
[20:45] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> Who else is accompanying us?
[20:47] * Megan O`Cain head to a Planetary Landing Vessel along with her kin, the JRP, and a few Marines
[20:48] <Michelle O`Cain> We're coming! May have to go without an Airwolf, but it'll be okay!
[20:51] <Megan O`Cain> Ready for launch!
[20:52] * Alldrogis Valkyvida is piloting the Thunderhawk himself!
[20:53] * Alldrogis Valkyvida LAUNCHES!
[20:54] * Megan O`Cain instructs the PLV pilot to lauch the transport
[20:55] *** The T-Dolls are all rocking and thrashing around inside the Rhino! G-11 ISN'T SLEEPING DURING THIS TRIP!
[20:55] <G11> Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! T___T
[20:59] *** The shuttles accelerate rapidly towards the atmosphere, re-entering at dangerous velocities as they try to get below the stratosphere BEFORE the planetary shield closes over the arctic landmasses!
[21:00] * Megan O`Cain will have to wait until after re-entry to re-establish contact with Tika and the Naval Expeditionary Fleet
[21:04] *** The Thunderhawk grazes the EDGE of the field, taking damage!!
[21:04] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> Hull damage! I've lost partial steering control!
[21:06] <Megan O`Cain> Hang on, Alldrogis!
[21:06] *** The Thunderhawk starts to go into a spin. As an emergency precaution, Alldrogis jettisons the Rhino!
[21:07] *** The T-Dolls all start freaking out BIG TIME...and the internal cameras catch ALL of their vehicle PLUMMETS straight down!!!
[21:07] * Megan O`Cain grabs onto a handle as the PLV continues its descent
[21:07] <Megan O`Cain> Hold on, guys! It's gonna get bumpy!
[21:09] * Megan O`Cain sees the JRP and Marines latch onto handles to hopefully steady themselves as the PLV maintains course, following the Rhino transport
[21:09] *** The Thunderhawk veers off course and disappears into a thick cloud bank, while the Rhino keeps streaking down before FINALLY slowing greatly as the parachutes engage.
[21:10] *** Meanwhile, the planetary shields fully engage, encasing the ENTIRE planet in a protective shield. Is this another facet of the Quarantine Protocol?
[21:12] * Megan O`Cain tries getting onto comms, "Tika, can you hear me?"
[21:15] *** The Rhino is now coming down close to the operation area! Alldrogis was highly successful in getting everyone close.
[21:17] *** The Rhino is floating down towards the ocean near the island where contact with Reisen, Hatate, Mokou, Kagerou, and the Tundra Kits was lost.
[21:20] *** Meanwhile...dozens of projectiles at hypersonic velocities start striking the hull of the PLV. Intense heat-spikes suddenly flare up against the outer hull!
[21:20] <Megan O`Cain> S[BLEEP]T!!! >_<
[21:21] * ~ A few plasma blasts shoot upwards towards the PLV from the surface. Somebody is DEFINITELY shooting at you!
[21:22] * Megan O`Cain holds on for dear life as the PLV veers away from the attackers
[21:27] * Megan O`Cain and the rest of the occupants inside the PLV's cargo compartment fall to the floor as the PLV hits water
[21:27] <David O`Cain> Owwww. That's gonna leave a mark.
[21:29] *** You landed very close to the shore of the island. You're practically in the shallows...which is probably a good thing!
[21:29] <Megan O`Cain> Ughhhh...
[21:32] * Megan O`Cain and her kin help check up on the Rangers and Marines to make sure everyone is alright
[21:35] <Donovan O`Cain> If the PLV took any damage, hopefully it'll be fixable. Won't know until we get out to take a look.
[21:36] <Megan O`Cain> Yeah. Still need to get in contact with the fleet above. Let them know we got planetside in one piece.
[21:36] *** Over the comms, you can still hear the T-Dolls going INSANE as they fall into the ocean and their Rhino goes down under the surface.
[21:38] * Megan O`Cain and the rest of the occupants inside the PLV make their way out of the transport, and move ashore after it moves a bit closer to shoreline
[21:41] *** Something SMASHES into the PLV from below the water! With a deafening roar, a huge monster with a beak-likesnout and segmented armor plating breaks the surface and slashes at the nearest target! CRYPTOSUCHUS!!
[21:42] <Megan O`Cain> OH COME ON!
[21:43] * Megan O`Cain instructs the pilot to get the PLV closer to land
[21:47] <Michelle O`Cain> Man, repairing this is gonna wind up being a pain. >_<
[21:53] * Michelle O`Cain and the rest of the occupants get to shore along with the PLV
[21:53] *** The PLV is now out of immediate danger. The shore awaits you, and the scenery is all bleak, icy, and windswept.
[21:55] * Michelle O`Cain and Donovan look over the damage to PLV while the Marines take overwatch
[21:58] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR THE NIGHT! We shall continue tomorrow evening when everyone else is rested and in better shape.
[21:59] *** Until then, good night!
[22:01] *** Michelle O`Cain has left #suburbansenshi3 (Man, not the best start to our trip. >_<)
[19:17] *** CONTINUING!!!
[19:19] *** You are on the island, shivering as the wind howls off of the grey ocean waters. It's not the cold that makes your shiver, but the bleakness of this place. You are NOWHERE near the Aurora Guyot or the tropical tranquility of Natalia Island.
[19:20] * Michelle O`Cain and Donovan have been working on repairing the Planetary Landing Vehicle during the daylight hours
[19:20] *** The ground is hard-packed rock fused with ice, and to the north, east, and west you can just make out high walls of solid ice and snow that remind you of the Cliffs of Insanity.
[19:21] *** Suddenly, several figures burst out of the water and start rushing desperately for the shore, screaming like crazy as they hurry to escape the ocean!
[19:21] <Megan O`Cain> So glad we prepped for the weather.
[19:21] *** Squad 404 has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:21] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Squad 404
[19:21] <Megan O`Cain> What the...?!
[19:22] <HK416> F[BLEEP]K!!! F[BLEEP]kf[BLEEP]kf[BLEEP]kf[BLEEP]kf[BLEEP]kf[BLEEP]kf[BLEEP]kf[BLEEP]k!!!
[19:22] <David O`Cain> 404?! O_o
[19:22] * HK416 is almost immediately followed by G-11 and the UMP sisters as they try to break Olympic records for the fastest to run through water (or run ON water!!).
[19:24] <David O`Cain> Uhhhh, what the hell is going on?
[19:24] * Thompson breaks the surface too, closely followed by everyone else in her team! M3, M1897, M1918 BAR, M1911A1, M1 Garand, Springfield, M1919, and M2HB.
[19:25] * HK416 starts firing grenades into the water while the UMP sisters and G11 start shooting!
[19:27] <Megan O`Cain> CEASE FIRE!!! CEASE FIRE!!!
[19:28] * M2HB and her little sister M1919 both start laying down non-stop fire at the water, both of them screaming like crazy!
[19:29] * Megan O`Cain gets out a megaphone, turns up the volume to 11, "I SAID CEASEFIRE, GOD DAMN IT!"
[19:30] * Suddenly the water practically EXPLODES as something massive is FLUNG out of it!
[19:30] <Michelle O`Cain> Uhhhh, what is that?
[19:31] * Something large cartwheels through the air for several seconds, then SLAMS down onto the beach with enough force to be instantly PANCAKED by the impact.
[19:32] *** It's the Submarine Rhino that the T-Dolls came in. It looks like it's been chewed to hell, then got spit out by whatever was attempting to eat it.
[19:32] * Michelle O`Cain and Donovan both sigh
[19:33] <Michelle O`Cain> Something else to fix. ~_~
[19:34] <Donovan O`Cain> The PLV is still operational. We did enough work on the hull to ensure it stays afloat.
[19:34] * The T-Dolls crawl their way up onto shore, hysterical and crying at the horrors they've witnessed.
[19:35] <Michelle O`Cain> Yeah, but it's gonna take longer for their sub to be in working order.
[19:35] <M1 Garand> - Can't swim! Fish will eat me! Can't swim! Fish will eat me!! -
[19:35] <Springfield> D:
[19:36] <Megan O`Cain> Geez, you girls are hopeless. ~_~
[19:36] <M1911A1> - Darling! Please save me from this aquatic HELL!!!! T__T -
[19:36] <UMP-45> HEY! Did you SEE what we just escaped from?!?! There's a LEVIATHAN near this island!
[19:37] * G-11 is sitting with her back to a rock, her eyes wide open and looking like she'll be unable to sleep for DAYS
[19:38] <David O`Cain> You think you had trouble. We had to get the PLV closer to land to keep some fish with a beak and armored scales from destroying it.
[19:40] <UMP-9>

[19:41] * UMP-9 shows you the footage.
[19:42] <David O`Cain> Oh. S[BLEEP]t.
[19:42] <UMP-9> That's what almost ATE the Rhino!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:43] <Springfield> And then spit it out with ballistic force!!
[19:43] <Thompson> So unless we can find a new submarine, we're stuck here.
[19:44] <HK416> What's the status here?
[19:45] <David O`Cain> Well, Donnie and Michelle got the PLV's hull patched up as best they could. As for your sub, it might take longer for them to get it back to working order. Up to you.
[19:46] <Megan O`Cain> The PLV is seaworthy, but it has no weapons on it. It's nothing more than a transport.
[19:46] * The T-Dolls survey the bleak island. There's not much around except for the icy shore and the jagged, rocky hill dominating the center of the small island. The caves are visible, and the steam wafting out of the entrances clearly indicate heat.
[19:51] * Michelle O`Cain and Donovan examine the Rhino Sub to see if it is repairable
[19:51] * Tundra Kits move around secretly
[19:52] *** That Rhino got flattened almost literally. There's not much you can do except pray for its departed Machine-Spirit. Unless you have access to Tech-Magic
[19:52] <M1897> Is anyone else present on the island?
[19:53] <Tundra Kits> yuppa :D
[19:54] * M1897 yelps and leaps back in surprise!!
[19:54] <Michelle O`Cain> Well, this sucks. It's completely FUBAR.
[19:54] * The T-Dolls (mostly) leap up to investigate and look around, readying their weapons!!
[19:54] * M1 Garand is OUT OF IT. T__T
[19:54] <Donovan O`Cain> Maybe some weapons can be salvaged?
[19:55] * M3 Grease Gun is still crying.
[19:55] * Donovan O`Cain and Michelle search the Rhino for salvage
[19:55] <Thompson> We brought everything we could.
[19:55] <Megan O`Cain> Where'd you kits come from? O_o
[19:55] <Tundra Kits> friends? :D
[19:55] <Tundra Kits> we be here whole time :D
[19:56] *** The Thino was actually equipped with casemate-mounted storm bolter modified for underwater use.
[19:56] <UMP-9> Hi, little ones!! :D
[19:56] * UMP-9 drops to her knees and holds her arms out for hugs!
[19:57] * Tundra Kits move towards UMP-9
[19:57] * Donovan O`Cain checks to see if the bolters can be removed unless they already were
[20:04] <UMP-9> What have you little ones been up to?
[20:07] <Tundra Kits> we be waiting for others to come back :O
[20:10] *** The storm bolter is actually intact, but removing it will take some work
[20:10] <UMP-45> What others?
[20:11] <Donovan O`Cain> Hmmm. Michelle, gimme a hand with the bolter. We might be able to use it.
[20:12] <Michelle O`Cain> Sure! It looks like we might be able to peel the hull away from it for an easy extraction.
[20:12] * Michelle O`Cain and Donovan use their Venusian metalurgy to carefully create room for the Storm Bolter to be removed
[20:13] <Megan O`Cain> I think they mean Kagerou, Hatate, Mokou, and Reisen. They got here first before us.
[20:14] <David O`Cain> On a Kerbal built rocket. Commissioned by Yukari. ~_~;
[20:14] <Megan O`Cain> Yeah. ~_~;
[20:20] <UMP-45> Has anyone else been here?
[20:22] <HK416> Like those strange people you mentioned being here?
[20:25] <Megan O`Cain> All we've seen were some glowing eyes as the girls were making landfall, and a metallic shark during one of their comms on land.
[20:25] <Megan O`Cain> Nothing more.
[20:28] <Tundra Kits> we see others on island, too :O
[20:28] <HK416> Oh?
[20:30] <Megan O`Cain> Where?
[20:31] <Tundra Kits> they storm too, we send message :O
[20:33] <UMP-45> They didn't hurt you at all, did they?
[20:33] <Tundra Kits> noppa, we hide Goooooood :D
[20:35] <UMP-45> Is there anything else on this island?
[20:36] <Springfield> Aren't there structures at the top of the hill?
[20:37] <Tundra Kits> come with :D
[20:39] *** The T-Dolls start following the Tundra Kits.
[20:40] *** There IS a path up to the top of the hill, but it winds through the caves. At least you'd be protected from this wind.
[20:42] * Megan O`Cain and David take Beta Squad of the 13th Ranger Platoon with them as they follow the Tundra Kits while Michelle and Donovan stay at the Rhino Sub, and Iris stays with the remaining JRP as the few Marines that joined at the PLV
[20:43] *** The interior of the first set of caves is certainly out of the wind-chill. There are some plants here too, namely the wall-clinging glowing "Heat-flowers" that fold open at your approach and bathe you in warmth.
[20:44] <Megan O`Cain> This is pretty neat.
[20:44] <David O`Cain> Nice and warm, too.
[20:46] *** There are also several large plants here that have fruit growing beneath them. The fruit pods are reminescent of coconuts but the shell isn't QUITE as hard. In fact, it looks like the Tundra Kits have been eating some of them
[20:52] <Tundra Kits> :3
[20:53] <David O`Cain> Looks like you guys were camping in here.
[20:56] *** Up ahead, the passage widens out into a small cavern, easily large enough to accommodate a dozen or more people.
[20:56] *** The passage continues forward, climbing higher towards an opening in the rock
[21:00] <David O`Cain> I think we're on our way out.
[21:00] <Megan O`Cain> Looks that way, doesn't i?
[21:00] <Megan O`Cain> ^it?
[21:02] *** As you reach the top, you see the passage exits outside and continues up the side of the hill.
[21:07] *** Suddenly, something HUGE leaps down and lands HARD in front of you all!!!! It's a suit of undersea exo-armor, just like what the Kits called "Mister Fister" during the first Subnautica Crusade!
[21:09] * Megan O`Cain quickly draws her M16A4 as David and Beta Squad draw their rifles, and aim at the exo-armor. They don't know if it's hostile or not.
[21:09] * The Exo-armor looks rather worn and much-repaired, with several blades attached to one of the arms that look like they might have come from any number of sea creatures!
[21:11] * The Exo-armor turns to face everyone.
[21:11] <The Exo-armor> You've got a lot of nerve trespassing here.
[21:12] <Megan O`Cain> Identify yourself!
[21:13] <The Exo-armor> It's impolite to make demands of the owner of the land you're stepping on, Van Saar.
[21:16] <Megan O`Cain> I'm warning you. Don't make things worse for you.
[21:24] <The Exo-armor> If you're Van Saar, then you're all crazy to be here. If you're NOT Van Saar...then there's going to be HELL to pay when THEY find out.
[21:25] <The Exo-armor> Because THEY are coming.
[21:29] <David O`Cain> Better explain yourself, or we'll make you talk.
[21:30] * The Exo-armor quickly turns away and rushes towards the nearby cliff, then LEAPS off!
[21:32] <The Exo-armor> Iron Blood is coming!
[21:32] * The Exo-armor drops directly down the side of the cliff and hits the ocean, vanishing beneath the waves almost immediately.
[21:33] <David O`Cain> The hell?
[21:34] <Megan O`Cain> Iron Blood? What is it talking about?
[21:37] *** A fierce windstorm starts to form, and the temperature outside the cave begins to drop quickly.
[21:37] <HK416> Everyone, take shelter here!
[21:38] * Megan O`Cain heads back into the cave along with David and JRP Beta Squad
[21:39] * The T-Dolls hole up in the cave as well, looking for anything that'll help keep them warm and comfortable.
[21:39] *** And pause here for the night. We'll continue with more tomorrow evening.
[21:39] *** Until then, take care and good night.
[19:10] *** WE HAVE RETURNED!!!
[19:11] * ~ M1897 and M1 Garand hurry back.
[19:12] <M1897> No sign of that exo-armor. The water down there is really deep and the floor slopes downward sharply. It looks like she course she took led southwards.
[19:12] * Megan O`Cain , David, and JRP Beta Squad are in the cave entrance near the hill keeping warm while the Michelle, Donovan, Iris, the few Marines, and the remaining JRP are at the bottom cave entrance
[19:13] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm. And yet, she said that Iron Blood is coming. Who or what is that?
[19:14] <David O`Cain> Beats me. In any case, we could rejoin the others at the bottom of the other cave entrance, and take the PLV as far as we can go.
[19:18] <Megan O`Cain> That's right. It is still seaworthy despite the minor damage it took on the way down to the surface.
[19:24] * M2HB stretches. Oooo, she looks rather good.
[19:24] <Megan O`Cain> Hell, we might get lucky and find Reisen's bunch.
[19:29] <Megan O`Cain> What about the rest of you? What do you think?
[19:30] <Springfield> I don't know.
[19:30] <Springfield> Perhaps they left a clue at the structures at the top of the island?
[19:30] * HK416 comes back with G11
[19:30] <HK416> The way further up the hill is clear for now, but we saw something strange near the summit.
[19:34] <G11> Snowmen. Lots of them.
[19:36] <HK416> Plus an ice sculpture
[19:38] <Megan O`Cain> Wha?
[19:38] <David O`Cain> Show us.
[19:43] * HK416 and G11 lead everyone further up the hill. The path they take branches in a couple of places, but they lead you all up as set of metal stairs, then up to the entrance of another cave.
[19:44] * David O`Cain and Megan follow the pair as does Beta Squad
[19:44] *** Outside the cave are a couple of snow men, as well as the ice sculpture. It looks like someone tried to make a chainsaw sculpture of Alphonse Elric from Full Metal Alchemist.
[19:44] <David O`Cain> Doesn't look impressive. :/
[19:48] <Megan O`Cain> So, I guess look for clues here.
[19:48] *** The inside of the cave is quite warm, with a crack in the middle through which warm air is continuously rising due to geothermal venting. There's also a low metal platform upon which is a work desk and various analysis systems. Someone was doing geological surveys here.
[19:51] * Megan O`Cain has Dean check the analysis systems while David and Daxter search for any info
[19:57] *** The computer systems were definitely calibrated for mining operations. There's a lot of titanium and sulfur inside the caves, as well as smaller amounts of copper/ In the waters surrounding the island, there are listings of concentrations of silver, lithium, and gold, as well as some quantities of lead. The island itself sits in the middle of a fairly large area of geothermal activity.
[20:02] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm. Very interesting.
[20:03] <David O`Cain> Some kind of mining operation was taking place. Lots of metal.
[20:04] *** The various communications indicate that not only were the people here interested in specific elements in specific quantities, but that there were other locations where they needed them.
[20:05] * Megan O`Cain and David continue digging
[20:09] *** There's not much else, other than a report indicating that there were a lot of accidents in the "Twisty Bridge Trench".
[20:09] * Megan O`Cain searches for the trench's location
[20:15] *** The trench mentioned seems to be the exact same one where Reisen and the others were doing a lot of exploration. It's also the one where Kagerou apparently ran into "whatever" that caused her to act so crazy.
[20:17] <Megan O`Cain> Found it. I think this was Reisen's group's last known location.
[20:18] <HK416> We've also been to the structures ahead. They look like prefabricated multi-purpose modules.
[20:19] <G11> There's three total, and two are connected together. The other is overlooking the cliff and out onto the sea.
[20:19] <HK416> Yes...and this little gremlin...
[20:19] * HK416 gives G11 a bit of a head-thwap. "Enjoyed the view so much that she fell asleep."
[20:20] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm. How easily can we get there from here?
[20:22] <HK416> It's just up ahead.
[20:23] <Megan O`Cain> Awesome.
[20:23] * HK416 points at one of the passages leading out of the cave that slopes upwards. "It's at the far end that way, then we'll turn right and it'll be just ahead."
[20:25] * Megan O`Cain an David take Beta Squad with them as they head towards Twisty Bridge Trench
[20:27] *** Actually, the Twisty Bridge Trench is in the sea to the north. HK416 is leading you towards the base on the hilltop.
[20:28] * Megan O`Cain and her group go there, then
[20:34] *** Leading you all through the icy waste, HK416 and G11 guide you up another staircase to where you quickly see...holy crap! It IS a small base camp! You see a part of squat, dome like huts raised slightly off the ground by thick struts (almost like landing gear) and collected by an enclosed walkway. There's a single gate-like portal that leads inside, but it's currently closed.
[20:34] *** The structures look damaged though. You see lots of tiny holes punched into them.
[20:35] <Megan O`Cain> Hmmm.
[20:37] * David O`Cain instructs Beta Squad to secure the perimeter as he calls in Iris to bring the rest of the gang to the campsite
[20:37] <David O`Cain> Got a bit of ground to cover.
[20:40] * Michelle O`Cain is on her way along with Donovan, Iris, the rest of JRP, and the Marines. Might be a bit for them to get there.
[20:43] *** The T-Dolls take up defensive positions around the main structures, with UMP-45 and UMP-9 going in first.
[20:44] * Megan O`Cain looks around the base camp a bit as Beta Squad make sure the place is secure while the rest of the landing party is on their way
[20:54] *** Getting inside isn't going to be too hard. One of the windows had been shattered and UMP-9 climbed inside to unlock the main portal manually.
[20:56] *** Going through the doorway, you see that the interior is basically a wide open space about 20 feet in diameter, decorated with a few small tables, chairs, and shelving. The tunnel leads into a sleeping area with a few bunkbeds.
[20:57] *** Snow has blown in through the window, piling up in the corners slightly and covering everything in a fine layer of frost, but you DO see a few things of interest, namely a map of the region! As well as some notebooks and datafiles!
[20:58] * David O`Cain looks for something to seal the window first before Megan starts pouring through the notebooks and datafiles
[21:00] <UMP-45> Looking for something?
[21:01] <Megan O`Cain> Mainly to see what this camp was used for, and also figure out what happened to this place
[21:06] * Springfield and Thompson start unfurling a tarp to cover the broken window with.
[21:06] <David O`Cain> Thanks, you two.
[21:07] <UMP-9> The computer systems here are all out of power, but they left lots of notes.
[21:08] <Megan O`Cain> Until we can get the power back on, I'll look through these books.
[21:12] *** The notes all in some kind of code you're not familiar with.
[21:14] <Megan O`Cain> Hmmmm...
[21:21] <UMP-9> This place looks like it's been unoccupied for a while.
[21:26] * Megan O`Cain has Dean try to decode the notes
[21:29] *** The notes aren't actually encoded. They're just in a different language than you're used to!
[21:34] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR NOW SINCE IT'S GETTING LATE ON MY END. We'll continue where we left off tomorrow.
[21:34] <Megan O`Cain> (( Alrighty. ))
[21:37] *** Good night and thank you for joining us all in this episode of the Planeta del Agua Chronicles!!
[19:41] * Megan O`Cain is still trying to piece things together on the notebooks while a MKA issued radio comms is being set up inside one of the smaller structures, Michelle and Donovan are conducting repairs, and the JRP and Marines are keeping eyes out for anything suspicious as they keep watch
[19:42] *** The T-Dolls stay inside to avoid the bitter cold of the storm that's suddenly whipped up.
[19:43] <M3 > >__<;;
[19:43] <M1911A1> The weather here is awful!
[19:43] * David O`Cain goes over to the radio, and tries to get into contact with the MKN's Expeditionary Fleet
[19:44] *** Unfortunately, the planetary shield is blocking all radio transmissions.
[19:45] <David O`Cain> To any Moon Kingdom ships, this is Captain David O`Cain of the MKA Rangers. Do you copy?
[19:45] * UMP-9 and UMP-45 try to assist as well.
[19:46] <UMP-9> 45 and I are both ECM and electronic warfare specialists. If you need our help, just ask.
[19:47] *** M1919, M1918 BAR, and M2HB all have their heavy weapons out and are covering the door and windows.
[19:51] <David O`Cain> Damn it. Nothing. Alright, you two. Give PFC Michaels and PVT Harris a hand. We gotta reach the fleet somehow.
[19:55] * UMP-9 tries to help with frequency modulation and recogniztion.
[19:56] * UMP-45 tries to help with analyzing the interference caused by the shields AND the storm.
[19:56] <HK416> I don't think we anticipated the severity of the weather that frequents this part of the planet.
[19:57] <David O`Cain> Probably not. Nor comms to be on the fritz.
[19:58] <HK416> All of the data on this world so far is mostly limited to the warmer climates. Specifically the region around the Aurora Guyot.
[19:58] <HK416> There's been so little information collected about the rest of the world.
[20:00] <David O`Cain> Hmm. Is there an exact size of the planet itself?
[20:01] <G11> Hmmmm...about two-thirds the size of Earth, but only a little less gravity. So this planet is denser than Earth.
[20:02] <HK416> According to the Explorator Codex, Planeta del Agua is classified as "Metallic", which explains all the vulcanism and geothermal activity.
[20:03] <David O`Cain> Gotcha.
[20:03] <Thompson> That might also explain why those Architects made so much use of thermal energy here too.
[20:04] <UMP-45> Uhhh, YO!!!
[20:04] <UMP-45> I think I have something here...
[20:05] <UMP-45> I think it's the distress beacon from Lord-Inquisitor Valkyvida's Thunderhawk!
[20:05] <UMP-45> Map please!
[20:05] * G-11 has fallen asleep again.
[20:10] <David O`Cain> Where?
[20:12] * UMP-45 points at the wall where there's the map of the region around the island.
[20:13] <UMP-45> I need to reference it visually.
[20:13] * David O`Cain gets the map for 45
[20:14] * UMP-45 starts staring at the various indicators while running her fingers and a pencil over the map without looking at it.
[20:15] * UMP-45 traces a direction onto the map with the island as the starting point. "The signal is coming from northwest relative to our position."
[20:18] * David O`Cain looks at the map to see where the approximate location is
[20:20] *** That part of the map is dominated by what looks like a bay and quite a lot of land enclosed by canyons.
[20:21] *** There's plenty of places where a gunship could make an emergency landing. But if the map is any indication, there are so many canyons that it looks like it would also be a great place to get lost in.
[20:21] <David O`Cain> What's the best method to get there?
[20:22] <UMP-9> Sailing! :D
[20:23] <UMP-9> According to the map, it's pretty much a straight shot in. We'd just have to find a place to make shore at and explore around.
[20:24] <HK416> Were you able to decipher those notes you found?
[20:24] <Megan O`Cain> Nothing yet. I don't have anything to work with here. This is completely foreign.
[20:25] <David O`Cain> Sailing, eh? We can take the PLV there.
[20:25] <HK416> May I see?
[20:26] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[20:26] * G-11 is still asleep and unaware.
[20:26] * Megan O`Cain shows 416 the notes
[20:26] <M1918 BAR> Awwwwww! The foxes are here!
[20:27] <HK416> ...Wait, this is INTERLAC!
[20:31] <Megan O`Cain> Interlac?
[20:31] <Tundra Kits> :3
[20:32] <HK416> Interlac was the universal language of the Alliance. Kind of like Esperanto.
[20:32] <Megan O`Cain> Well, please get to translating.
[20:33] * G11 opens her eyes and looks around...then looks down at her side. "Huuuuuuuuuuuh?"
[20:34] <HK416> This will take a while.
[20:34] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[20:34] <UMP-9> Hey, do we have anyone outside?
[20:35] <David O`Cain> Alpha Squad and a Marine fireteam is out there. Why?
[20:37] <UMP-9> I'm detecting burst transmissions on a non-standard RF band near the island.
[20:38] * G11 suddenly wakes up fully as she realizes she's in a perfect position to get SWARMED!!!
[20:39] * David O`Cain raises an eyebrow at UMP-9, "Where?"
[20:39] <UMP-45> It's not an Alliance frequency, or a Federation one.
[20:40] <UMP-45> But it's close. I can't get an exact location. Partly because of the storm...and because the bursts are moving fast!
[20:42] * Alpha Squad and Marine Fireteam 3 have been braving the cold to keep an eye outside
[20:44] *** MKA forces, please roll 1d100, as well as state where the two teams are positioned on the island.
[20:47] * Alpha Squad is keeping an eye on the southward part of the camp while Marine Fireteam 3 is off to the west
[20:48] <spiritflame> Alpha Squad rolls 1d100 [ 70 ]
[20:48] <spiritflame> Marine Fireteam 3 rolls 1d100 [ 29 ]
[20:50] *** Marine Fireteam 3 catches sight of something on the water, roughly 100 meters away from shore and moving swiftly at about forty mph.
[20:51] <spiritflame> Unknown target rolls 1d100 [ 25 ]
[20:52] * Unknown target slows down to about 20 miles per hour.
[20:52] * Marine Fireteam 3 Leader gets on allied ground comms, "Captain, sir. We got something in the water."
[20:53] <David O`Cain> On my way, Lance Corporal. Delta Squad, on me.
[20:54] * David O`Cain heads out with JRP Delta Squad in tow to meet up with Marine Fireteam 3
[20:54] *** Roll again please.
[20:56] <David O`Cain> (( Which grouping? ))
[20:57] <David O`Cain> (( I mean, is the roll for David or the Marines? ))
[20:57] *** Marines. 1d100
[20:58] <spiritflame> Marine Fireteam 3 rolls 1d100 [ 61 ]
[21:02] <spiritflame> Unknown target rolls 1d100 [ 4 ]
[21:02] *** Holy crap, you managed to get a reasonably good look at the target despite the storm conditions.
[21:04] * David O`Cain and Delta Squad meet up with the Marine Fireteam
[21:04] <David O`Cain> Whatcha find, Marine?
[21:05] * Marine Fireteam 3 Leader hands David a set of binoculars, "Over in the water, about 100 meters out."
[21:05] *** It looks like...there's a small humanoid figure skating atop the water. I say humanoid because it looks like it has multiple arms. After a few more seconds of watching it's apparent that the extra limbs are mechanical, like the mechadendrites of the Adeptus Mechanicus' tech-priests.
[21:06] * David O`Cain takes the binoculars to get a good look at what has been spotted
[21:07] *** Make one more 1d100 roll
[21:07] <spiritflame> David O`Cain rolls 1d100 [ 71 ]
[21:10] *** Unfortunately, visibility is terrible. You can only make out a few details. Namely, that the target is shorter than an average human, it's definitely either standing or hovering on top of the water somehow, it's definitely wearing some kind of armor or harness that the extra limbs are attached to, it's come to a complete stop....
[21:11] <David O`Cain> What the...?
[21:11] <spiritflame> David O`Cain rolls 1d100 for a better look [ 64 ]
[21:11] *** Two more are approaching the first one, moving up alongside it.
[21:12] <spiritflame> Unknown target rolls 1d100 [ 64 ]
[21:13] <David O`Cain> Folks, we got two more. (signals the Marine Fireteam and Delta Squad to go to ground, but keep rifles ready as he kneels)
[21:13] *** Sadly David, the only thing you can really make out in the gloom of the storm is their glowing eyes: blue, grey, and purple respectively.
[21:14] * David O`Cain hands the binoculars back, dons his armor, and tries using his visor's UV-FLIR combo to cut through the snow (if possible)
[21:16] *** Make one more 1d100 please
[21:17] <spiritflame> David O`Cain rolls 1d100 for his visor [ 18 ]
[21:20] <Unknown target> Kont---le, das i-t Z18. W-r habe- s-lts-me di-ge auf der --sel en---ckt, a-er wir si-d uns ni--t s-cher, ob es di-se s-l--amen f-chse sind oder -ic-t.
[21:20] *** The storm is really playing havoc with radio communications, so you were only able to make a PARTIAL capture of their transmission.
[21:21] * David O`Cain has Daxter try to clean things up
[21:26] <Unknown transmission> Z-8, das ist --smarck. Ha--n -ie S-u-en -er S-h--fe g-funden, auf d-- -ir gesc-ossen haben?
[21:31] <Unknown transmission> Z21 hier. Ic- -a- -twas, das au--ah -ie ein -e-q-ets-h-es -ah-zeug in der n-he des Chilicerate hohle
[21:31] <UMP-45> Something about the Chelicerate?
[21:32] <David O`Cain> Man, we oughta get this cleaned up.
[21:37] * David O`Cain is still keeping an eye on the trio as Daxter is busy cleaning up the transmission
[21:43] *** You finally get a clear signal.
[21:43] <David O`Cain> (About time.)
[21:44] <~> Verlassen die insel und untersuche die Eiswurmschluchten. Dort wurde aktivität festgestellt.
[21:45] <Unknown targets> Ja! Für unseren verlorenen Vater!
[21:47] *** The three figures turn, accelerate, and speed over the water towards the northwest, quickly vanishing into the tempest of the storm.
[21:49] <David O`Cain> Come on, guys. Return to camp.
[21:49] * David O`Cain gets up along with Delta Squad and the Marine Fireteam, and all of them head back to the camp
[21:51] <David O`Cain> That was definitely German. And they're going northwest.
[21:53] <UMP-9> What the HECK was all that about?!?!
[21:54] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 we give them no fluffyland :D
[21:55] * David O`Cain has Daxter replay the transmission (hopefully it's clear to listen) for the group
[21:57] <HK416> ...I don't even know where to start with all of that.
[21:58] <David O`Cain> Near as I can tell, they were speaking in German. Furthermore, the three female figures out in the water scooted off to the northwest.
[21:59] * David O`Cain also shows the image on a vid-window he was able to capture
[22:01] <M1918 BAR> How could you tell they were female? Those images are pretty low-fidelity.
[22:01] <David O`Cain> Vocals.
[22:02] <Thompson> And they look smaller than M1919 here.
[22:02] <M1919> Hey! I'm not small, I'm compact!
[22:02] <Tundra Kits> and We're Fluffy :D
[22:03] <UMP-45> Wait...didn't we JUST detect Inquisitor-Lord Valkyvida's ship crash-landed northwest of here?!
[22:03] <David O`Cain> Awwww craaaaap. >_<
[22:03] * G11 is still asleep and lying on the floor.
[22:04] <Megan O`Cain> We gotta get back to the PLV, and head that direction hopefully we can get there before whoever it is that sent that transmission does.
[22:05] * Tundra Kits trot over to G11
[22:05] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[22:07] <Tundra Kits> Fluffies here! :D
[22:10] * G11 snores a little.
[22:12] * Tundra Kits start pouncing on G11 :3
[22:12] * G11 is quickly BURIED!
[22:12] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR THE NIGHT since it's late on my end.
[22:13] *** We'll continue with the next episode tomorrow. Until then, in the words of the immortal show MXC...
[22:13] *** DON'T!! GET! ELIMINATED!!
[19:38] *** And we're back!!! Let us continue the adventure for a while and make merry!
[19:40] * Megan O`Cain and the Moon Kingdom landing party are gathering their stuff before they head back to the PLV
[19:40] * M1 Garand and Thompson are lying down on the snow near a cliff overlooking the sea. They're carefully scanning the water.
[19:40] <Megan O`Cain> Grab your gear, folks. We're moving out ASAP to look for Alldrogis.
[19:41] <Megan O`Cain> 45, 9, what's the status on getting comms through the interference to reach the fleet?
[19:41] <UMP-45> Pretty much zilch
[19:42] <UMP-9> That shield is blocking out everything. As long as it's up, we're cut off.
[19:43] <UMP-9> We can't even raise Natalia Island since there's too much interference in the ionosphere to bounce a radio signal off.
[19:43] <Megan O`Cain> That's just great. ~_~
[19:44] <Michelle O`Cain> Maybe it'll work once we find what is making the shield. Buuuut we don't know where to look.
[19:47] <HK416> Who are you taking with you?
[19:49] <Megan O`Cain> At the least Beta and Gamma Squads of David's unit. The Marines, the rest of the Platoon staying here to keep this camp secure. Why?
[19:54] <HK416> And us?
[19:55] <HK416> - Please take me with you. I'm going insane with the rest of these morons. -
[19:55] <Megan O`Cain> Alright, alright, 416. No need to make a fuss.
[19:57] * HK416 motions behind her. M3 and M1911A1 are making an ice sculpture of what looks like M16A1, M2HB is collecting grenades so she can go grenade fishing, and M1897 is shooting at every Pengling in sight after she saw one of their HEADS split open to reveal a maw of tendrils and flexible, shifting teeth!!!
[20:00] * Megan O`Cain looks at HK416, "Pack up, then."
[20:01] <HK416> :D
[20:01] <UMP-45> Take G11 with you. No arguments.
[20:01] <HK416> D:
[20:02] * Megan O`Cain goes over to G11, and nudges her, "Hey. Pack your gear. You're moving out with me."
[20:03] <G11> Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
[20:03] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[20:04] * G11 seems to be even sleepier than usual thanks to the Tundra Kits crawling all over her.
[20:04] <Megan O`Cain> G11! Pack up! You're coming along with me!
[20:05] <G11> Huh?
[20:05] <G11> Can't I just stay here.
[20:05] <HK416> yes, can't she just stay here?
[20:06] <Tundra Kits> yeah, can't she? :D
[20:08] <UMP-9> Awww, let G11 stay here. The Kits look so happy with her. Plus it'll keep them occupied and happy!
[20:09] <UMP-45> Okay, fine.'re taking Springfield with you then.
[20:09] <Springfield> I will graciously accompany you, Madam O'Cain.
[20:10] * G11 lays back in the snow with a happy sigh, giving herself to the FLOOF!
[20:11] <HK416> ...Okay, I won't object to Springfield coming along. She's actually quite competent.
[20:12] <Megan O`Cain> That works.
[20:13] <HK416> How does that vehicle of yours work, anyway?
[20:13] <Tundra Kits> /em go on Floooofing :D :3 :D :3 :D :3 :D :3 with their forest bretheren.
[20:13] * Tundra Kits *^
[20:15] *** Tundra Kits, roll 1d100 please.
[20:15] <spiritflame> Tundra Kits rolls 1d100 [ 76 ]
[20:19] <Megan O`Cain> The PLV? It's a transport with a top speed of 50 knots in the water.
[20:23] *** Some of the Tundra Kits on a different part of the island realize that they have a VISITOR watching them from concealment!
[20:24] * Megan O`Cain leads HK416, M1903 Springfield, and the two squads back towards the PLV
[20:24] <Tundra Kits> :O
[20:25] * Tundra Kits that are on the different part look nd trot around :O :O :O :O
[20:30] *** You catch sight of, SOMEONE, in the water a short distance out, keeping very low. Black hair, near-white skin, and red eyes
[20:35] <Unknown target> ..............
[20:35] <Unknown target> o__o
[20:36] <Tundra Kits> =o__o=
[20:38] * Megan O`Cain reaches the PLV, gives the pilot a code, and it opens a hatch and ramp to allow the group entrance
[20:38] * Unknown target immediately ducks back down beneath the waves and vanishes.
[20:39] <HK416> Are we sure there aren't any hostiles out on the water?
[20:40] <Megan O`Cain> Not since the encounter earlier.
[20:40] <Springfield> We should probably set up observation posts elsewhere in the area. Or perhaps even submersible scouts of some kind.
[20:41] <Springfield> I examined the damage we took on arrival. We were being fired upon by gauss weaponry.
[20:43] <Megan O`Cain> That rules out taking to the air. We'll have to go by water if the map's right. (walks up the ramp along with Beta and Gamma Squads)
[20:44] * Springfield and HK416 hurry onboard as well.
[20:46] <Megan O`Cain> Pilot, take us to the northwest area of the island, and then set course towards the distress signal from Alldrogis.
[20:47] * The PLV retracts the ramp as soon as the party is on board, and closes the hatch
[20:48] <Tundra Kits> :O
[20:48] * M1918 BAR checks on the other Tundra Kits. "Hey! Are you little furballs all right over there?"
[20:50] <Tundra Kits> yuppa
[20:50] * The PLV backs into the water, and then proceeds to go on its course
[20:59] *** As the PLV sails off, the crew is unaware that something starts following it after a short while, something that cruises carefully below the water that looks suspiciously like some kind of segmented metallic fish.
[21:06] * Megan O`Cain heads up to the top of the PLV to act as an extra pair of eyes
[21:07] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR THE NIGHT. We will continue where we left off tomorrow. Until then, thank you all for participating, and I look forward to having more fun with you again tomorrow.
[19:20] *** NOW...After a temporary delay. WE SHALL CONTINUE!!!
[19:20] * HK416 is shuffling through the various notes and papers she was tasked with making sense of.
[19:20] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[19:22] * HK416 looks around the PLV, sensing that she's being watched closely. <__<
[19:23] * Megan O`Cain squats near HK416, "Hey, any luck with the translation?"
[19:24] * HK416 opens her mouth to respond, then just LOOKS at how Megan is squatting. "Are you squatting like a Gopnik!?"
[19:26] <Tundra Kits> Gopnik :D
[19:28] <Megan O`Cain> No, more like a catcher in baseball.
[19:29] <Springfield> That's right! You Tundra Kits are familiar with the Gopniks!
[19:30] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, how goes the translating work?
[19:30] <HK416> These are actually a collection of journal entries, logs, and various notes made by about six different people lived at that base we were at. It's a bunch of things actually.
[19:31] <HK416> The Island Base was the central hub of activity. Mostly resource collection.
[19:31] <Megan O`Cain> I see. What sort of materials were they collecting?
[19:32] <HK416> Meaning people would collect resources from the surrounding region and bring it back there for processing into usable materials. They've definitely got a automated micro-factory of some sort. We just need to power it back up.
[19:32] <HK416> And they were collecting a little bit of everything.
[19:33] <HK416> There were also several other areas of interest mentioned in these journals.
[19:33] <HK416> There's a communications tower nearby on the island. And...apparently the droppings of the bird-creatures here is HIGHLY acidic.
[19:33] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm.
[19:34] <HK416> There's also a few other bases in the region that we weren't aware of.
[19:35] <HK416> The Inquisitor-Lord crash-landed near one such base, and it seems to be highly important. There's also an area near there that was regarded with a lot of secrecy.
[19:36] <HK416> So it might be a research facility.
[19:36] <HK416> There's also an area to the east of here called Outpost Zero. Not sure what it's function was.
[19:37] <HK416> There's also a third research base located somewhere south of here, in the deeper part of the water. We're going to need a submarine if we're going to investigate that.
[19:38] <HK416> Finally, the head technician of the Island Base fancied himself something of a fisherman. He also mentioned something about starship wrecks south of the island.
[19:38] <Megan O`Cain> Interesting.
[19:41] <HK416> Here's the thing.
[19:41] <HK416> These notes are old. At least several years.
[19:42] <Springfield> Also, have we located the landing module of Reisen and the others? They might have left some clues there.
[19:43] * Megan O`Cain hangs around HK416 while Gamma Squad has taken upon themselves to be on top of the PLV to act as additional eyes for the pilots
[19:50] *** The weather has begun to get poor again, and a very chilly fog has begun to engulf the region.
[19:50] <Springfield> So what's the plan now?
[19:51] <Megan O`Cain> So far, we continue heading northwest to where we located Alldrogis' distress call. The hope is to find him before whoever is out there first.
[19:53] <HK416> It's the most efficient course of action. The Inquisitor-Lord IS a person of extreme importance.
[19:55] *** The sea starts to become choppy, and the PLV bucks HARD as it collides with something underwater!
[19:55] <Megan O`Cain> The hell was that?! >_<
[19:59] <HK416> :O
[19:59] <Springfield> I don't know!
[20:03] * Springfield peers over the edge.
[20:03] * Megan O`Cain looks as well along with Gamma Squad
[20:05] *** you didn't hit land or anything like an iceberg.
[20:06] <Tundra Kits> :O
[20:06] <Springfield> Do you have any spare Hostile Environment Suits?
[20:08] <Megan O`Cain> I think there might be one in the cargo hold.
[20:10] * Megan O`Cain is in her armor and jumps into the water
[20:10] <HK416> Is it a standard-pattern Van Saar type?
[20:11] <Megan O`Cain> There some, and some that are Moon Kingdom type designed for both void and water.
[20:12] *** Under the water, you see an entirely different world than the one above! The water is much clearer, and you can see at least a hundred yards or so in all directions. The water is only several dozen meters deep here, and there are lots of rocky outcroppings and a wide variety of plants. And plenty of FISH!
[20:13] <Megan O`Cain> Alright, what hit the PLV?
[20:13] *** In fact, it was a fish that you hit. A BIG one.
[20:14] *** It looked like a massive, blue-colored ring of all things. And made one hell of a mess when the PLV hit it. It literally exploded with as substantial amount of firce.
[20:15] <Megan O`Cain> Ewww. Lotta fish guts.
[20:16] * Megan O`Cain pops back up above water, and starts climbing back onto the PLV
[20:25] <HK416> What was it?
[20:25] *** Did you wish to take some more time to explore around in the area, Megan?
[20:28] <Megan O`Cain> It was a blue fish of some kind. I better double check to make sure there wasn't too much damage to the PLV.
[20:28] * Megan O`Cain dives back underwater to check the PLV's hull for any damage
[20:29] * Springfield has finished putting on a Van Saar Hostile Environment Suit...and BOY does she look good in it. She then dives overboard as well.
[20:32] *** You notice a ravine along the bottom that's quite easy to spot due to the large amount of Creepvine that's growing up from the bottom. Remember: Creepvine is a valuable source of material on Planeta del Agua!
[20:35] <Megan O`Cain> Lotta seaweed. I think it's seaweed.
[20:38] <Springfield> I think that's Creepvine! The stalks are fibrous and can be used to make fabric, and the seed-pods can be eaten or refined into latex and organic lubricants!
[20:40] <Springfield> It could be helpful to remember where this patch is located.
[20:41] <Megan O`Cain> Of course. If we need this stuff, we have a good supply to haul back.
[20:41] * Megan O`Cain checks the PLV's hull for any structural damage
[20:43] *** There doesn't seem to be any real damage to the hull other than a slight dent caused by the concussive force of the fish exploding.
[20:44] *** You also catch sight of something moving in the distance along the ravine, weaving back and forth among the creepvine.
[20:45] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Spring. Did you see that?
[20:45] <Springfield> Hmmm?
[20:46] <Megan O`Cain> I thought I saw something within the creepvine over there.
[20:47] * Megan O`Cain looks at the creepvine, and her visor has a greenish tint as she looks through its UV-FLIR combo
[20:47] <Springfield> Investigate?
[20:50] <Megan O`Cain> Yeah. I'm game for checking it out.
[20:55] * Springfield starts to swim over towards the ravine.
[20:57] * Megan O`Cain joins Springfield towards the ravine, making sure her visor is still using UV-FLIR
[21:02] *** You see...SOMETHING!! At first it looked like some kind of large fish, like a shark or a pike, but with segmented armor plating, BUT THAT IS NO FISH!!
[21:03] <Megan O`Cain> The hell?
[21:03] *** Mostly because that thing is definitely mechanical on your sensors, albeit EXTREMELY well-wrought. But also because you see someone sitting on it like it's a steed or motorcycle!
[21:04] * Megan O`Cain tries to get a snapshot of what she's seeing
[21:06] *** Sitting on that thing is...a humanoid girl! She seems to be wearing a partial wetsuit of some kind that's black and red in color. Her skin is extremely pale, which contrasts STARKLY with her long black hair and her red eyes, which you can see glowing at a distance.
[21:08] <Megan O`Cain> The hell is that?
[21:08] *** Apart from a high collar that covers her mouth completely, she's not wearing any kind of underwater gear.
[21:10] <Unknown contact> ...!
[21:12] <Megan O`Cain> Spring, are you seeing this?
[21:13] * Unknown contact pulls up HARD on the handlebars of her shark/vehicle and performs the underwater equivalent of an Immelmann Turn before accelerating away! The massive wash her vehicle blows back towards you indicates her vehicle is using some kind of hydro-dynamic turbine engines.
[21:13] *** Meaning that thing's got a low-powered jet engine that uses seawater as reaction mass.
[21:14] * Springfield nods silently, watching this!
[21:16] <Megan O`Cain> We were definitely being followed. Come on, let's get back to the others.
[21:16] * Unknown contact is away 
[21:16] * Springfield quickly swims back up to the PLV and gets back inside!
[21:21] <Springfield> What the heck was that? WHO was that?!
[21:21] * Megan O`Cain quickly returns to the PLV, and climbs back in
[21:23] <Megan O`Cain> I have no idea. Whoever it was left in an awful hurry after we saw it.
[21:25] <HK416> What are you both talking about?
[21:28] * Megan O`Cain shows HK416 and Moon Kingdom forces onboard the PLV the image she took underwater, "This is what we saw."
[21:31] <HK416> ...At first glance that almost looked like Architect.
[21:33] <Springfield> She didn't seem hostile.
[21:34] *** And pause here for the night since I need to sign out for now. I'll be on again tomorrow, so we'll pick things up when we re-convene.
[21:34] *** Until then, I hope you're having fun. Good night!
[21:34] <Megan O`Cain> No, Spring, but I get the feeling she was watching us.
[21:34] <Megan O`Cain> (( Night! ))
[19:42] *** And we are back for more!
[19:43] * Springfield is at the bow of the PLV, sighting out across the rough sea through the scope of her rifle.
[19:44] * HK416 is trying to keep herself occupied, but keeps getting distracted by the fluffy stowaways that have come along!
[19:45] <HK416> All right, I'll keep an eye on your little troublemakers, but promise me you will remain inside my bag the entire time we're NOT on this boat! There are too many creatures on this world that would devour something as small as a Tundra Kit.
[19:46] * Megan O`Cain is next to M1903 Springfield while Gamma Squad of the 13th Ranger Platoon is keeping a watchful eye out
[19:48] *** Ahead you can see a large number of icebergs bobbing in the water, some small, but a few are large. But eventually you see the massive cliff-face of the northern edge of the sea.
[19:49] <Megan O`Cain> We're near the area.
[19:53] * Springfield points at something ahead in the distance.
[19:55] *** It looks like there's a large, oddly-proportioned metal-clad cable sticking up out of the water and draped over small rocky outcrop. It seems to be attached to a strange rectangular box that's made out of dark, dull metal and is giving off a green glow from a port in the side.
[19:55] <HK416> Looks like Architect technology.
[19:55] <HK416> Maybe one of their power conduits?
[19:58] <Megan O`Cain> Maybe. Should we get closer?
[19:59] <HK416> How about below us though? What kind of sensors does this thing have?
[20:06] <Megan O`Cain> It's got underwater sensors. The scan range is... (looks up the data) about 5 miles.
[20:09] <HK416> Is it capable of imaging?
[20:09] <Springfield> How effective are the sensors through? We certainly didn't detect that strange girl
[20:10] <Megan O`Cain> That's true, Spring.
[20:11] <Springfield> There could be any number of things, from magnetite deposits to active Architect devices, that could jam them
[20:11] * Megan O`Cain nods.
[20:14] <Megan O`Cain> Well, 416, there's imaging but it's on the low end of the spectrum in terms of technology.
[20:16] <Megan O`Cain> It isn't high def, but we'll get a decent picture.
[20:16] <HK416> Let me run the sensors. I'm used to that kind of thing from having to deal with the rest of Squad 404
[20:18] <Megan O`Cain> Go ahead. The pilot could use extra eyes.
[20:20] <HK416> The depth here is at least 50 fathoms with STEEP sides! This is basically a fjord!
[20:21] <Megan O`Cain> Steady as she goes, then, Miss 416.
[20:22] <HK416> The bottom is fairly uneven, and there appear to be a lot of objects moving around below us. Roughly spherical. Biological?
[20:23] <HK416> I can't get anything more about them because the sensors are rapidly losing integrity in their direction. There's some kind of jamming field down below us.
[20:26] <Megan O`Cain> Hmmm. Suggestions, Miss Springfield?
[20:30] <Springfield> I saw we keep going, avoid that area, and head over THERE.
[20:31] <Megan O`Cain> Understood. Continue forward! The sooner we get to Alldrogis, the sooner we can figure out what is going on.
[20:31] * Springfield points ahead to something in the distance. There's a small DOCK ahead of you, and it's near some kind of structure at the edge of the water. You also see what looks like the remains of a BRIDGE that had once spanned the water! This must be the lands indicated in that map!
[20:32] <Megan O`Cain> Bring us to the dock. Looks like we'll hoof it from there.
[20:38] *** It's easy sailing over to the docks, but the sensors drop to almost nothing as you pull alongside them. Those...whatevers...are directly below, and there's a strong electrical field being given off that's acting like a "white noise jammer".
[20:40] <Megan O`Cain> Well, shall we?
[20:41] * Springfield hops off onto the dock.
[20:42] <Springfield> It's sturdy, if a little old.
[20:45] * Megan O`Cain disembarks the PLV along with Beta Squad while Gamma Squad stays behind to help keep the area safe
[20:55] *** YOu disembark onto a wide open ice field. This place looks like any given location on the planet Hoth, except there are a number of unusual plants growing out of the ground in places, and there's what looks like a raised metal work platform connected to the dock.
[20:56] * Megan O`Cain leads Beta Squad towards the platform while checking to see which direction the party needs to go
[20:58] * HK416 squints as she looks around. She points through the falling snow to a path that leads up to the nearby bridge.
[20:58] * Springfield points several stacks of supply crates near the docks.
[20:59] *** The wind is really picking up, making it hard to hear anyone standing farther than five feet away from you.
[21:01] * Megan O`Cain checks the crates first
[21:04] *** There are a few basic supplies still inside them, namely purified bottled water, ration packs, and power cells
[21:05] <Megan O`Cain> Found stuff! Food, water, and cells!
[21:05] *** There's also an old dataslate underneath one of the crates. It's been protected from the elements the whole time.
[21:08] * Megan O`Cain picks up the dataslate, and hands it to HK416
[21:10] * HK416 takes the dataslate and hurries forward. Another blizzard is coming!
[21:10] *** And pause here for the night since I need to get to bed. We'll pick things up again tomorrow. Until then, have a good night to everyone!
[19:48] *** CONTINUING!!!!!!!!
[19:52] *** The blizzard has now completely gripped the region, blanking everything in high winds and lots and LOTS of wind-carried powdery snow that cuts visibility down to a bare minimum.
[19:55] * Megan O`Cain leads Beta Squad to cover, and hopes to find a structure to hide in
[19:55] * HK416 and Springfield have been scouting the area. For now, the PLV is the best cover
[19:58] <HK416> I've checked out the bridge! It's not actually destroyed. It's retractable! But it looks damaged.
[19:58] <HK416> It might be repairable, but it looks like several components need to be rebuilt and replaced.
[19:58] * Megan O`Cain takes the supply crates over to the PLV to give the search party stuff to eat, drink, and recharge
[19:58] * Springfield emerges from the storm.
[19:59] <Megan O`Cain> What needs work?
[19:59] <Springfield> I've searched the area ahead. There are several caves leading through the ice that we could use to take shelter from the wind.
[20:00] * HK416 holds up a large cylindrical can she brought back. It looks like it belongs to some part of a hydraulic system.
[20:00] <Megan O`Cain> Thanks for the heads up, Spring. When we're ready, we'll start heading towards one of the caves.
[20:02] <Springfield> There's a problem though. When I was searching ahead I heard something roaring in the distance. This area is not unoccupied.
[20:03] * Megan O`Cain looks at the cylinder, "Hmm. Should have brought my cousins along with us in looking for Alldrogis."
[20:04] <Springfield> Has there been any word from the Descos?
[20:05] <Megan O`Cain> S[BLEEP]t, I forgot about those.
[20:11] <HK416> Didn't they send us an update on something called the Sea Emperor?
[20:11] <HK416> Whatever that is
[20:13] <Megan O`Cain> I think it was a huge fish.
[20:15] <Springfield> I also found pieces of wreckage buried in the snow. Not recent, but there's debris scattered all over.
[20:17] <Megan O`Cain> What do you suspect they went to?
[20:19] <Springfield> Not such. Truthfully, they could have been to anything.
[20:24] <Megan O`Cain> I see. Well, should we still go spelunking, or wait until conditions get better for bridgework?
[20:25] <HK416> The PLV isn't sealed. We shouldn't stay out here for long.
[20:26] <Megan O`Cain> Fair enough.
[20:29] * HK416 and Springfield start leading everyone forward, towards the dark, indistinct shape of the ice wall in the distance.
[20:30] <Springfield> I also found something else. In the cave is more like a tunnel connecting to box canyon. There appear to be more structures built there.
[20:31] * Megan O`Cain leads Beta Squad behind the T-Dolls
[20:31] <Megan O`Cain> Interesting. Maybe more clues inside?
[20:33] <HK416> Hopefully! There's something very strange about all of these structures I've seen so far.
[20:37] <HK416> A lot of this looks salvaged. Like it originally came from something else.
[20:37] <Megan O`Cain> What do you suspect?
[20:38] <HK416> Very durable, but rather bulky to the point of being overbuilt for maximum reinforcement.
[20:40] <HK416> And the island structures looked ALMOST like...Imperial STC designs.
[20:42] <HK416> But those notes and journals we found were all in Alliance Interlac.
[20:42] <Megan O`Cain> Huh. You don't suppose someone's combining the two somehow.
[20:47] <HK416> Possibly. They wouldn't have combined technologies under ordinary circumstances
[20:48] * Springfield continues to lead everyone forward into a wide tunnel into the cliff face that looks easily wide and high enough to accommodate a small vehicle.
[20:50] * Megan O`Cain turns on a flashlight, attaches it to her chestplate, and turns on another on her assault rifle. Beta Squad follows suit inside the cave.
[20:52] *** The light from your flashlights reflects off of the walls and ceiling of this place, creating a dim radiance that fills the air and reveals the beauty hidden inside. The walls are translucent to a certain depth, and past that point the material is a deep bluish in color with dark flecks that sparkle metallically.
[20:56] <Megan O`Cain> Whoa.
[21:01] <Springfield> At least we're out of the wind here.
[21:03] <Megan O`Cain> So true, but the landscape in here is beautiful.
[21:03] <HK416> Hmmm?
[21:04] * HK416 is looking at something in the blizzard behind everyone
[21:06] <HK416> What's what?
[21:06] * HK416 is pointing at shadows deep within the billowing, gale-swept clouds of snow.
[21:07] * Megan O`Cain turns around to look
[21:11] *** It looks like there are shadows moving in the blizzard.
[21:17] * Megan O`Cain tries to use her visor to pick up heat via UV-FLIR combo
[21:20] *** CONTACTS!!! THREE multi-armed humanoid figures are out there and they're approaching steadily!
[21:21] *** And pause here since it's now time for me to get going for the night. We'll pick up tomorrow where we left off tonight.
[21:21] <Megan O`Cain> Unknown contacts. I count three.
[19:19] *** AND WE ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:21] *** When last we pause, our heroes had become aware of shadows within the storm that startlingly resembled the strange figures that have been lurking at the edge of their sight since they all splashed down upon this benighted planet
[19:24] * Megan O`Cain is still keeping an eye on the three figures, but has the gun barrel pointed at the ground
[19:27] * The three figures are stomping around in the snow, somewhat spread out and apparently searching around.
[19:30] <Megan O`Cain> I wonder if they're looking for us. Or something else entirely.
[19:36] *** What do you wish to do now, Megan?
[19:37] * Megan O`Cain goes to a knee, and continues to observe while Beta Squad stays inside the cave
[19:38] *** One of the figures gets a little closer!
[19:42] *** It''s...a small girl that looks shockingly young!! Maybe only 11 or so!! Long black hair, grey eyes...she reminds you JUST a little of Chibi-Catriona (without the ears and tails) when she was a lot smaller!
[19:42] * Megan O`Cain narrows her eyes a bit as she continues observing the trio
[19:44] * The little girl is wearing a black pleated skirt, a militaristic shirt and jacket that doesn't cover her stomach, and thigh-high stockings held up by garters. Plus her boots look like they're armored with metal plates.
[19:45] * The little girl is also wearing a peaked, brimmed hat like what you'd see naval officers wear. What's ESPECIALLY conspicuous about her is the EXOSKELETON she's wearing.
[19:48] <Megan O`Cain> What is she geared with? Never seen anything like it.
[19:48] * The little girl is wearing/operating an open-frame suit of power armor! It's open to the elements, and consists of the framework leggings that her boots are clamped into (looks like some kind of thruster nozzles by her heels and ankles), a power system on her back and spine, and four obviously mechanical arms attached to the backpack array.
[19:50] *** The larger of the two arms carry obvious weapons! One looks like a cannon of some kind and the other is a launcher for grenades or mini-missiles. The other two arms, which are smaller and reach up and over her shoulders, look like they mount small-caliber guns in each. She's strapped/attached to this thing tight too.
[19:53] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm...
[20:00] * The little girl continues to stomp forward. That suit isn't exactly subtle, but didn't you see her SKIMMING over the surface of the water just the other night?
[20:00] *** Megan, roll 1d100 please.
[20:01] <spiritflame> Megan O`Cain rolls 1d100 [ 85 ]
[20:08] *** She's surrounded by a vague shimmering, and the snow and wind don't seem to be affecting her as much as they should. Your attention is drawn to small, rectangular emission arrays on her two large arms, in the center of her restraint harness, and on either side of her backpack array would seem to be some kind of shield emitter.
[20:08] *** Likely refraction shields.
[20:09] <Megan O`Cain> Very interesting...
[20:09] *** Frankly, you've never seen anything like this before. Just who IS this little girl?!
[20:11] <~> Hast du schon etwas gefunden?
[20:12] <The little girl> Nein! Der schneesturm hat die gleise weggeblasen!
[20:12] <The little girl> Ich kann jetzt nichts finden!
[20:14] <Megan O`Cain> Figures. We're being followed.
[20:16] <~> Diese höhlen führen zu den ruinen der feindlichen basis?
[20:18] <~> Eingehende nachricht vom Flottenkommandantin!!
[20:19] * Megan O`Cain has Dean tap into the radio as best he can without detection
[20:19] *** Dean, roll a 1d100 please.
[20:19] <The little girl> Kommen die anderen?
[20:20] <spiritflame> Dean rolls 1d100 for radio interception [ 32 ]
[20:25] *** You don't hear much of anything with the intercept except for what sound like map grid coordinates (Z-23?) and a name. Prinz Eugen?
[20:26] <spiritflame> Dean rolls 1d100 for adjustments [ 26 ]
[20:27] *** No luck. Either the storm's interfering or their encryption is using an alternating cipher.
[20:28] <spiritflame> Dean rolls 1d100 for better adjustments in the intercept [ 3 ]
[20:29] <The little girl> Prinz Eugen kommt hierher? Scheisse! Ich hasse sie!
[20:33] <The little girl> Wer kommt noch? Mein radio geht immer wieder aus.
[20:35] <The little girl> Es ist, als würde etwas zu einer fehlfunktion führen.
[20:37] <spiritflame> Dean rolls 1d100 to tap into the comms [ 51 ]
[20:38] <~> Prinz Eugen und Z23 kommen mit Königsberg und Z20. Was ist jetzt mit meinem radio los?
[20:40] <~> Triangulation der Interferenz.
[20:41] <Tundra Kits> :3
[20:41] * The little girl stops and looks around, the two small mecha-dendrites extending out and slightly and panning back and forth.
[20:43] * Megan O`Cain keeps on observing
[20:43] * HK416 is keeping all of the Tundra Kits that had stowed away on the PLV safety stowed in her backpack so they won't get lost in the storm...or attacked by any of the nasty creatures on the surface.
[20:44] <HK416> Hey! Don't go off by yourself, you silly fox!
[20:44] <Tundra Kits> :D
[20:44] * The little girl looks around...AND SEES MEGAN!!!!!
[20:46] * Megan O`Cain quickly drops down to her belly
[20:46] <Megan O`Cain> Damn it...
[20:46] <The little girl> :D
[20:47] * The little girl is smiling quite warmly and radiantly at you, Megan.
[20:47] * The little girl waves with one of her normal arms!
[20:48] <Megan O`Cain> I'm getting a bad feeling about this.
[20:49] <The little girl> Beachtung!! Ich habe die eindringlinge gefunden !!!
[20:51] <Megan O`Cain> Yup! Bad feeling incoming!
[20:51] * The little girl is suddenly BLASTED off her feet as she's BODY SLAMMED by a huge creature that comes almost literally out of nowhere, completely concealed by the storm!!!
[20:52] * The little girl now has THIS SNAPPING and tearing at her!!!
[20:53] <Megan O`Cain> Just the distraction we needed.
[20:53] * Megan O`Cain rolls over towards Beta Squad and the others back inside the cave
[20:53] *** It's a good four to five feet high at its shoulder, a good ten feet long, and must weigh at LEAST several HUNDRED pounds of claws, jaws, and a SERIOUSLY bad attitude!!!
[20:55] <Megan O`Cain> Come on, let's get moving while we have the chance.
[20:56] *** Another youthful girl stomps out of the storm at a galloping gait. Her movements would be a little funny if it weren't for the fact that she's wearing an almost identical combat exoskeleton.
[20:57] *** Except the main weapon mounts on hers covers parts of her forearms and hands like gauntlets and the missile/grenade launchers are mounted by her hips.
[20:58] *** Lavender hair...purple eyes...WAIT! You saw her with the others that night!
[21:00] * Megan O`Cain tries to lead the party further into the cave
[21:00] * The second girl tries to take aim at the Snow Stalker as it mauls the first girl and starts firing wildly! The guns on her arms are making loud, metallic SNAPS as they fire nail-like metal shards at hypersonic velocities. HOLY CRAP, THOSE ARE RAPID-FIRE GAUSS CANNONS!!
[21:01] *** You've heard that distinct metallic snapping from the Morrigan-pattern gauss automatic rifles used by the Imperial Guard.
[21:02] <HK416> Go! Go!!
[21:02] <HK416> They mentioned the ruins of a base further ahead!!
[21:02] <Megan O`Cain> You caught all that, 416?
[21:05] <Megan O`Cain> And where the hell did they get gauss cannons?!
[21:07] <HK416> I speak German, remember?!
[21:08] <HK416> Gauss technology isn't that hard to replicate.
[21:10] <Springfield> Indeed. The Alliance made widespread use of huge railguns as the main weaponry for their starships.
[21:10] <Megan O`Cain> I suppose so. Anyway, others may be coming. I caught Prinz Eugen, Konigsberg, Z20, and Z23 in those transmissions.
[21:10] <Springfield> And the Van Saar's gauss rifles are based upon a reverse-engineered example of another similar weapon.
[21:11] <HK416> We should warn the others back at the island!
[21:13] *** There's a scream and a loud THUD as the little girl is getting flung around like a chimpanzee smacking the S[BLEEP]T out of some luggage! Sounds PAINFUL too!!
[21:15] <Megan O`Cain> Problem. The storm is causing interference. Plus 45 and 9 are with my brother and cousins.
[21:15] <Megan O`Cain> Furthermore, we can't reach the fleet because of the shield.
[21:17] *** A dull explosion suddenly rings out behind you, followed by the sound of the Snow Stalker ROARING in agony! Sounds like the girls just blowed the F out of it!
[21:18] <Megan O`Cain> Crap.
[21:20] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, I have no doubt they're been frantic in trying to re-establish comms with us. Hopefully they've been able to keep visual contact somehow.
[21:21] <Springfield> Let's just worry about keeping ourselves safe for now!!!
[21:22] <Springfield> This way!!!
[21:22] <Megan O`Cain> Right!
[21:22] * Springfield sprints ahead, leading everyone forward towards the ruins she discovered earlier!
[21:22] *** And pause here for now since it's a good place for it.
[21:22] * Megan O`Cain and Beta Squad follow M1903 Springfield
[21:30] *** I'll be on tomorrow for the next part, but I doubt most of YOU will be on Thursday due to Thanksgiving...which is perfectly understandable.
[21:30] *** Happy Thanksgiving in advance everyone!
[22:27] <@Eitak_Razal> (( I'll be here, as aside from when I have to be at work, as I'm doingn the smart thing and staying home ))
[19:45] * Springfield continues to lead everyone forward through the caves and back out onto the hard-packed frozen fields.
[19:47] * Springfield has led you all into another large box canyon surrounded by towering cliffs of ice and rock, but there are strange tube-like plants growing in places, and you can see what looks like not only the smashed remains of a small landing platform, but a big opening into a cave...wait, that's not a natural opening! IT'S A DOOR LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMODATE A BANEBLADE!!!!
[19:47] * Megan O`Cain and Beta Squad follows M1903 Springfield's path
[19:48] <Megan O`Cain> A strange beauty in this place.
[19:56] * Springfield points at the open hangar door
[19:56] <Springfield> There!
[19:57] * Megan O`Cain looks at the hangar, "What the...?"
[19:57] <Springfield> There's what I was telling you about. I haven't been inside yet, but that's obviously not natural.
[19:57] * HK416 keeps dashing forward. "Hurry! We have to keep moving to lose those weird girls!"
[19:58] <Megan O`Cain> Right.
[20:02] * Megan O`Cain leads Beta Squad in following HK416
[20:11] * HK416 trudges through the snow, trying to run but she's sinking several inches into the snow with each step. >_<;
[20:13] *** Question, Megan. Who, if anyone, is back at the PLV?
[20:13] <Megan O`Cain> (( Gamma Squad is still at the PLV. ))
[20:15] *** The sensors of the PLV are now detecting incoming contacts! Three of them!
[20:19] * Gamma Squad Leader pokes her head out of the top of the PLV, and gets out a pair of binoculars with UV-FLIR capabilities
[20:25] *** You see...what the?! It looks like THREE young women are skimming across the water at a fairly steady speed (about 20 mph or so). This is also Gamma Squad's first time seeing the weird multi-armed exoskeletons they're wearing too.
[20:27] *** The girls are hovering a few inches above the water, and sending up noticeable splashes of water behind them, and you can just make out the very faint sound of turbines whining. The mecha-dendrites on their suits are also sporting a variety of weapons, ranging from small missile launchers and cannons to what look like plasma guns.
[20:28] <Gamma Squad Leader> What the...?
[20:41] * ~ And one of them looks entirely too at-ease about being here It's like she OWNS the place!
[20:42] <Gamma Squad Leader> Who is that? Or...what is that?
[20:44] * Gamma Squad Leader is still keeping a low profile as she peers through the binoculars
[20:44] *** They're heading directly towards the docks the PLV is currently sitting at! It may only be a matter of minutes or less before you're spotted!
[20:47] * Gamma Squad Leader instructs the pilot of the PLV to pull away from the dock, and try to get the ship out of sight
[20:47] *** And the main girl's exoskeleton seems to be mounting...oh crap. Her lower arms appear to mount close-combat weapons that resemble carnivore jaws as well as small-caliber cannons. Her upper arms look like multi-directional shield emitters.
[20:49] *** Roll 1d100 please.
[20:49] <spiritflame> Gamma Squad Leader rolls 1d100 [ 66 ]
[20:50] <spiritflame> Eisenblut scans rolls 1d100 [ 78 ]
[20:50] *** The girls change course to follow. You'd been detected!!
[20:51] <Gamma Squad Leader> !
[20:54] * Gamma Squad Leader carefully keeps an eye on the trio as the PLV is trying to escape
[21:03] *** They're following, and they've picked up speed too!
[21:03] *** All three girls have begun to ready their respective weaponry!
[21:04] * Gamma Squad Leader tries to get the PLV to go faster
[21:07] *** The smallest of the three girls fires a spread of missiles from one of her weapon pods!! INCOMING!!!
[21:13] *** A spread of missiles are now shooting towards the PLV at high speed. Oddly enough, they're moving slower than normal SSMs, but that's probably not of ANY consolation if they hit!
[21:13] *** It just means you actually have time to react!
[21:17] * Gamma Squad Leader tries to get the pilot to have the PLV airbourne a few feet above the water to avoid the missiles
[21:21] *** The missiles adjust and hone in! Crap! Deploy countermeasures if you have any!!
[21:25] * Gamma Squad Leader makes a panicked decision to have the PLV dive into the water, "Craaaaaap!"
[21:31] *** The missiles adjust course as the PLV dives and DETONATE directly overhead as their proximity triggers are activated. You dived just a HAIR too late to avoid them.
[21:31] *** How good is the armor on the PLV?
[21:40] <Gamma Squad Leader> (( According to source, might survive shrapnel. ))
[21:42] *** The force of the explosion, which is partially dispersed by the water, SLAMS into the upper hull like a wrecking ball against an armored car! It feels like the PLV just got b[BLEEP]ch-slapped by the Kraken!
[21:43] * Gamma Squad Leader falls onto her back as her squad also fall to the floor from the impact
[21:47] <Gamma Squad Leader> Gahhhhh. >_<
[21:48] *** The PLV is sinking to the bottom (which is a depth of less than two hundred feet), but hopefully your attackers will assume you've been destroyed.
[21:50] *** PAUSE HERE FOR THE NIGHT SINCE IT'S LATE, and we shall pick up where we left off tomorrow.
[21:50] <Gamma Squad Leader> (( Groovy. ))
[19:37] *** AND WE HAVE RETURNED!!!
[19:40] *** Springfield leads everyone up to the open hangar doors. The storm is getting worse and is now coming down as HAIL.
[19:42] <Tundra Kits> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[19:44] <HK416> Hurry Kits! Don't get ANYWHERE NEAR those Ice Stalkers!
[19:44] <Megan O`Cain> That's what that thing was?
[19:44] * HK416 hears a faint explosion in the distance.
[19:45] <HK416> Yes, according to the notes they're one of the indigenous surface creatures of the polar continent.
[19:46] <Megan O`Cain> I see. Glad we're not the ones out there, then.
[19:47] *** The open gates are directly in front of you now. Enter?
[19:52] * HK416 starts heading inside, leading the Tundra Kits.
[19:52] * Megan O`Cain leads Beta Squad through the gates
[19:52] <Springfield> We shouldn't remain outside.
[19:54] * Tundra Kits are led inside
[19:55] <Megan O`Cain> Of course not. Especially since we've been followed.
[19:57] *** Inside, you find a cavernous interior that really does look like it might have served as a hangar at some point, but inside you find that the interior space has been taken up by a partially-ruined two-story building!
[19:58] *** It's a Habitat Module! Specifically from the Federation's Modular Colonial Structure system...or at least it's a direct knock-off of it with several modifications.
[19:59] <Megan O`Cain> What the...?
[20:03] <Springfield> This is unexpected.
[20:04] *** The place is strewn with wreckage. Some of it is packing crates and supplies, but other bits of debris look like the remains of vehicles.
[20:04] <Megan O`Cain> Where did this come from? (examines the MCS along with Dean)
[20:05] *** And the building itself looks like it's been blasted numerous times by plasma and explosive weaponry. The main airlock doors were blasted open too
[20:07] * Megan O`Cain also has Beta Squad secure the area
[20:10] *** The exterior area is clear of hostiles, and you find a tunnel leading away from the main cavern at the back.
[20:11] <Megan O`Cain> Whoever it was inside had to blast their way out. Still doesn't answer where this came from, though.
[20:15] <Springfield> It looks like it was built here, obviously. Probably by the same people mentioned in those journals HK416 found.
[20:15] <HK416> I believe so too.
[20:15] <Megan O`Cain> Hmmmm..
[20:16] *** Dean, roll 1d100 please.
[20:16] <spiritflame> Dean rolls 1d100 for examining [ 29 ]
[20:23] <Dean> Hmm...
[20:23] *** The structure appears to be a mixture of Federation, Alliance, AND Imperial technologies and designs, but put together in a way that suggests that it wasn't because of a deliberate fusions of all three designs but more like it was done out of necessity
[20:25] <HK416> What did you find?
[20:27] <Dean> Interesting. It appears whoever made this used VanSarr Federation, Alliance, and Imperium technology and designs, but did so out of necessity. It's not an actual fusion of the three.
[20:28] <Tundra Kits> :O
[20:28] <Tundra Kits> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[20:34] <Springfield> How would that happen?
[20:35] <HK416> I'm starting to formulate a theory, but we need to find out more information. I think we need to investigate those crashed starships they mention being in the sea to the south.
[20:38] <Megan O`Cain> How far south, 416?
[20:41] <HK416> One is apparently fairly close to the island. Just a few hundred meters offshore.
[20:41] <HK416> The other is apparently to the southwest, further out.
[20:42] <Megan O`Cain> The island we left that had the base?
[20:47] <HK416> Yes
[20:49] <Megan O`Cain> And Alldrogis is somewhere out there. Damn it.
[20:56] <Megan O`Cain> Also, we have no way of contacting the others back on the island. This shield is a right pain in the ass.
[20:56] <HK416> So...your orders?
[20:59] * Megan O`Cain puts a hand on the front of her helmet like she was putting it on her own face, and mentally weighs her options
[21:08] <Megan O`Cain> Let's find Alldrogis, return to the island, maybe switch out teams there, and check those starships south of it.
[21:09] <HK416> Very well.
[21:09] <Springfield> We can't go anywhere in this storm right now, so we might as well search the area.
[21:11] <Megan O`Cain> Works for me, Spring. Also, do we have a way to tell when the storm ends?
[21:16] <HK416> I'll stay near the entrance and let you all know.
[21:16] <Megan O`Cain> Thanks, 416.
[21:17] * Megan O`Cain goes back to searching the area while Beta Squad maintains a perimeter
[21:20] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR THE NIGHT. We shall continue where we left off tomorrow...and find out exactly what happened to Alldrogis!
[19:26] *** Meanwhile, back on Planeta del Agua...
[19:27] * ~ To the south of the island, currently unexplored by the T-Dolls and the people they're escorting, lies the continental shelf of the area. Here awaits many splendors they have yet to see.
[19:30] * ~ Directly south of the island's shore, the water deepens rapidly and forms an underwater cliff. Further away lies the broken and shattered remains of one of the starships, its hull obscured by plants and accumulated dirt encrusting its hull, and debris remains scattered all throughout the region, a testimony to the vessel's violent ending long ago.
[19:30] *** But further south of it...the splendors begin!
[19:32] * ~ Massive plants grow in the region, reaching up from the bottom like giant beanstalks, their heads gradually swelling to massive size over the course of decades. Finally, these plants will literally uproot themselves, their heads pulling them up to the surface, their roots trailing huge clumps of rock and dirt...
[19:33] * ~ Until they finally break the surface of the water and open into enormous lily-pads several DOZEN meters across.
[19:35] *** In the center of the field sits an ENORMOUS boulder suspended in the middle of the water, held up by several Macro-lilies. It's been extracted from the bottom like a wisdom tooth, leaving a MASSIVE cavern underneath it that leads down into passages and caverns further below.
[19:36] *** But swimming unperturbed by all of this, a single great beast haunts the depths!
[19:39] * The juvenile Sea Emperor swims along lazily, exploring its environs and searching for the source of the strange sounds that drew it here.
[19:41] * One of the two-dozen Descos peeks up.
[19:42] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> O ww O
[19:43] <The Desco> 0w0
[19:45] * The Desco begins trying to communicate with the Sea Emperor.
[19:45] * The juvenile Sea Emperor makes a strange sound in the Desco's mind as it focuses and tunes in its innate telepathic abilities to communicate.
[19:45] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> What...are you?
[19:46] <The Desco> of two dozen friends. We are Descos.
[19:47] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> Have we sensed you before?
[19:48] <The Desco> Perhaps. One of our own asked us to help ensure you and your siblings would grow.
[19:49] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> We remember seeing our Creator once. Then we passed into the Endless Ocean and the Great Deeps Beyond. We saw so many living things. Were you among them?
[19:50] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> Have you played with us? You...Descos?
[19:50] <The Desco> Again, also possible.
[19:51] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> Would you like to play?
[19:52] <The Desco> Certainly.
[19:53] * The juvenile Sea Emperor suddenly speeds up, using its rear tendrils to accelerate through the water at high speed. For Sea Emperors, "playing" apparently means racing!
[19:54] * The Desco blinks.... and then accelerates to catch up! If it's a race it wants, then a race it shall have, one to be passed down in legends~
[19:56] * The juvenile Sea Emperor goes even faster to keep up with its new speedy-sea-friend!!
[20:01] * The Desco is surprisingly hydro-dynamic! This is gonna be fun~
[20:05] * The juvenile Sea Emperor is quite swift and agile despite its size...and it's only a FRACTION of the size of its parent!!!
[20:08] * The Desco continues playing with the Sea Emperor, all the while the other Descos are also learning more.
[20:13] * The juvenile Sea Emperor starts weaving back and forth between the stalks of the Macro-Lilies, dexterously avoiding them!
[20:14] * The Desco begins pulling off some amazing moves of its own.
[20:19] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> You're very fast
[20:21] * The juvenile Sea Emperor slows down as it notices something high above on the surface.
[20:21] <The Desco> Something's close...
[20:29] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> Something above. On top of the water.
[20:30] <The Desco> Hm... shall we investigate?
[20:30] *** Something is indeed moving atop the water. Less than a foot above the surface, but leaving a wake in its passing. It looks like there's about five or six of them in total.
[20:31] * The juvenile Sea Emperor slowly starts to rise upwards, signaling its agreement.
[20:33] * The Desco slowly rises as well, all eyes ready to see what's going on up there.
[20:37] *** Wait...are those young Human GIRLS up there?! Wearing some kind of multi-armed exoskeletons that are enabling them to sail/hover across the water?!
[20:38] *** And there are others in the distance too. They're spread out like they're either patrolling or searching.
[20:39] <The Desco> ...very odd.
[20:39] * The Desco activates some telescopic vision to try and get a better track on these girls.
[20:41] *** They're all dressed in a variety of outfits that all seem to be based on military uniforms, and all tend to have black and red highlights. All of the girls either have very light or dark hair, and all of them seem VERY pale in complexion.
[20:41] * The Desco quickly copies these images to its internal memory. Once a suitable moment arrives, it'll quickly share them with the other Descos.
[20:42] *** And the arms of their exoskeleton rigs ALL incorporate some kind of weaponry, either missile/torpedo launchers, cannons, and even what look like laser projectors and heavy plasma guns!
[20:44] *** And in the center of the group, directing them all is HER
[20:45] <The Desco> (Yeesh. There's a face only a mother could love.)
[20:48] <Mysterious girl> Nochmal.
[20:48] <Mysterious girl> Wieder befinden wir uns hier. Wo alles begann.
[20:48] * The Desco quickly turns up its audio receptors.
[20:50] <Mysterious girl> Das schiff ist hier abgestürzt, nicht wahr?
[20:52] *** Another equally strange girl moves in alongside the first girl.
[20:53] <Mysterious girl #2> Weiter nördlich. Nahe am ufer.
[20:54] <Mysterious girl #2> Wolltest du sie noch einmal erkunden?
[20:55] <Mysterious girl #1> Nien.
[20:56] <Mysterious girl #1> Unser Vater ist nicht da und wir haben nie mehr hinweise gefunden.
[20:57] <Mysterious girl #2> Planen Sie eine weitere Nachtmesse, um ihn zu rufen?
[20:58] * Mysterious girl #1 smiles a little, her stern expression softening.
[21:01] <Mysterious girl #1> Er ist ein Bringer von Krieg und Tod. Wenn unsere Stimmen nicht die Sterne erreichen können, müssen wir uns nur mit unseren gebeten trauen.
[21:03] <Mysterious girl #1> Außerdem ... hat er uns nie verlassen. Denken sie daran, diejenigen, die wir vor einem jahr angegriffen haben, haben zu ihm um erlösung gebetet.
[21:05] <Mysterious girl #2> Aber Vater ist eigentlich nicht gekommen.
[21:05] * Mysterious girl #1 grins eagerly.
[21:06] <Mysterious girl #1> Sie riefen ihn immer noch an, um sich selbst zu retten. Vater lebt noch.
[21:08] <Mysterious girl #1> Wir müssen nur geduldig sein. Er hat uns ein versprechen gegeben, und er wird es halten.
[21:09] <Mysterious girl #2> Wir sind schließlich seine töchter.
[21:16] * Mysterious girl #2 tilts her head slightly as she hears something in her ear.
[21:18] <Mysterious girl #2> Nachricht von Prinz Eugen. Sie haben anscheinend ein eindringlingsschiff in der nähe der alten Überlebensbasis versenkt.
[21:20] <Mysterious girl #2> Sie sagt, dass sie jetzt zur basis geht, um nachforschungen anzustellen.
[21:21] <Mysterious girl #1> Spielt sie wieder mit ihren Körperkissen?
[21:22] * Mysterious girl #1 stop.
[21:22] * Mysterious girl #1 looks down into the water below her.
[21:22] * The Desco is already long out of sight.
[21:23] * Mysterious girl #1 sees a lot of the massive marine life swimming around, like the great Glow-whales, and the sleek-but-dangerous Squidsharks.
[21:23] * Mysterious girl #1 sees the Sea Emperor!
[21:24] <Mysterious girl #1> Einer von IHNEN ist hier?
[21:24] * Mysterious girl #1 points downwards for the other girl to see.
[21:24] * Mysterious girl #2 adjusts her glasses.
[21:26] <Mysterious girl #2> OH! Ein gutes zeichen für die kreaturen hier. Sie bringen leben mit.
[21:27] <Mysterious girl #1> Das leben auf dieser welt hat in den letzten zwei jahren gediehen.
[21:28] <Mysterious girl #1> Ich frage mich, ob Vater etwas damit zu tun hatte.
[21:30] <Mysterious girl #1> Wir sollten unsere patrouille beenden und nach hause zurückkehren. Und stellen sie sicher, dass sie die letzten sichtungen des leeren leviathan verfolgen.
[21:32] * Mysterious girl #1 accelerates away.
[21:32] * Mysterious girl #2 follows after the first girl
[21:33] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> They are strange.
[21:33] <The Desco> From what I can understand, they're seeking out someone called "Father".
[21:34] * The Desco emerges from hiding... right below the Sea Emperor.
[21:34] <The Desco> I'm sending this to the others.
[21:36] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> They said strange things. Their minds were closed to me.
[21:37] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> I do not think they can hear me. Not like you can.
[21:37] <The Desco> Hmmm... I wonder if they're like the T-Dolls --- humanoid outsides, mechanical innards.
[21:42] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> Who?
[21:42] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> Like the others who came before?
[21:45] <The Desco> Others... might have been Megan's group -- we did hear that another exploration group was due to return. Did you meet them?
[21:46] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> Four came here. Exploring and searching. One of them played with me.
[21:47] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> But then one of them had Another inside her. The Others are a threat, so I stayed away after that.
[21:48] <The Desco> I see. If we're able to mentally communicate, perhaps you could share what this one looked like?
[21:48] <The juvenile Sea Emperor> And the other Closedmind...I stay away from it. It doesn't want to play, but it doesn't try to hurt me.
[21:50] * The juvenile Sea Emperor has, unfortunately, only met the four others in their underwater gear, so all the Desco would get an impression of is a bunch of scuba-divers. of them had dangly-things on its head. Ribbons? Or fake-looking rabbit ears?
[21:51] * The Desco compares this info to what it has known so far.
[21:53] * The juvenile Sea Emperor starts swimming towards the great Floating Mountain in the middle of the area.
[21:54] *** The juvenile Sea Emperor has left #suburbansenshi3 (I will show you where I last saw them.)
[21:56] *** The Desco has left #suburbansenshi3 ("Lead the way.")

[00:21] * Miyuki Collins holds on tightly to her sword, which is partially embedded into the surface of the now burning space craft
[00:21] <Miyuki Collins> crap crap crap crap crap!!!
[00:21] * Sasori O`Cain is holding on tightly to part of the ship, grinning ear to ear
[00:21] <Miyuki Collins> Sassy....WHY DID YOU THROW THE PILOT OUT!?
[00:21] <Sasori O`Cain> cause he was f[BLEEP]king pissing me off, duh....
[00:22] <Miyuki Collins> th...that isn't..
[00:22] <Miyuki Collins> o..okay..we should be long as we can get the auto-pilot going again...
[00:24] <Sasori O`Cain> you mean the thing that just broke off and flew off in a fireball five minutes ago...
[00:24] <Miyuki Collins> ................
[00:25] <Miyuki Collins> f[BLEEP]k nuggets...
[00:25] *** the ship crashes into the side of a mountain and explodes

[20:09] * HK416 carefully looks around the inside of the cavern. This place was the site of a huge battle a long time ago, and she and the Tundra Kits found yet more evidence of it partially buried in the snow and ice that's accumulated over time on the floor.
[20:11] * Megan O`Cain is still checking out the structures while Beta Squad is acting as security
[20:12] *** Inside the structure, you find quite a bit of interest actually. There are of course more notes scattered around, and one whole floor of the place was dedicated to small labs and machine workshops.
[20:13] *** Other parts of the place were taken up with tiny living quarters that weren't much bigger than prison cells, although FAR more comfortable.
[20:15] <Megan O`Cain> Very interesting.
[20:16] *** Overall, the sleeping accommodations were basic and spartan, but livable. More space was given over to communal dining and basic meeting areas, and one log left out on a dataslate is about a few people just playing a game of "Alien Intruder"...which sounds a LOT like the current game "Among Us."
[20:17] *** Weird, the name of the person who made the log is named "Leady". Must be a nickname or something.
[20:17] <Megan O`Cain> Huh.
[20:18] <Springfield> Ma'am...I just found something you should see.
[20:19] <Megan O`Cain> Whatcha got, Spring?
[20:19] * Megan O`Cain has been collecting the notes for the T-Dolls to look over
[20:19] * Springfield looks unsettled and beckons her silently to follow.
[20:20] * Megan O`Cain follows M1903 Springfield
[20:27] * Springfield leads out into a different level that housed some offices and the cafeteria.
[20:29] *** There are old bodies here. The cold temperature preserved them reasonably well, but all of them look disturbing for the amount of damage they all took. These people died fighting, and were fighting hard when they went down.
[20:30] *** A lot of the damage inside looks like it was caused with explosives, as well as a mixture of weapons. Most of the bodies still have the weaponry they'd been using near where they fell.
[20:33] *** Only SOME of the guns are Alliance designs. You also see Imperial lasguns AND Federation gauss automatic rifles.
[20:35] <Megan O`Cain> What the f[BLEEP]k?
[20:38] <Springfield> These people died violently. I think maybe this all happened sometime within the last 15 to 20 years.
[20:38] <Springfield> This place has been abandoned a long time.
[20:39] <Springfield> And yes, I'm aware of the significance of the timeframe I told you.
[20:39] <Springfield> This all would have happened BEFORE the Zealot War.
[20:40] <Megan O`Cain> So, how did all this gear get here, then?
[20:42] <Springfield> Unknown. The lasguns of the Imperium could have gotten here any number of ways, but the others...
[20:43] <Springfield> There's simply no way they could have come here.
[20:43] * Springfield points at one of the assault rifles lying on the ground. "That is an Alliance-standard MA-6B assault rifle."
[20:45] * Springfield points at a different weapon. "But THAT is without a doubt a Morrigan-pattern gauss automatic rifle, from the Van Saar. It's even using one of the older targeting sights that was in widespread use in the time of the original Van Saar Nation."
[20:46] * Megan O`Cain tries to pick up the MA-6B rifles, and examines it
[20:49] * Megan O`Cain ^one of
[20:50] *** It's definitely an MA-6b rifle. Bullpup configuration, caseless 5.5mm rounds, 60 round magazine. Good ergonomics and handles similar to the FA-2000
[20:52] <Megan O`Cain> Doubt these poor ba[BLEEP]rds are gonna need them now.
[20:55] <Megan O`Cain> What say you, Spring?
[20:56] <Springfield> I'm not sure how much ammunition is left. Or how well those would work after being in freezing temperatures for almost 20 years.
[20:56] <Springfield> But additional weaponry might be useful
[20:57] <Springfield> I'd recommend prioritizing acquiring Imperial lasguns. Those have a reputation for reliability even under harsh conditions
[21:00] * Megan O`Cain checks one of the lasguns after setting down the MA-6B rifle
[21:00] <Megan O`Cain> I have to wonder who or what they were fighting.
[21:12] *** The first lasgun you pick up is...holy crap, you haven't seen one of these in a while. It's a Necromunda-pattern: shorter ranged by capable of much higher rates of fire.
[21:13] *** The old Necromundan 8112th used these.
[21:15] <Megan O`Cain> Okay, this is weird.
[21:20] <Springfield> Yes. These are all weapons from a different time period, yet somehow they're here.
[21:22] <Megan O`Cain> Unless time travel got involved, this isn't making any sense.
[21:25] <Megan O`Cain> And considering the scene, what or who were these guys fighting?
[21:30] <Springfield> Do we have a working radio? Maybe the UMP sisters could help us if we can find a working computer terminal?
[21:31] <Megan O`Cain> I've got a radio. Not sure how well it's gonna work thanks to the shield and storm.
[21:34] <Springfield> We're within normal operational range, so the shield shouldn't affect it. Not sure about the storm though.
[21:36] <Megan O`Cain> Yeah. (examines another lasgun) Something's gotta give, though.
[21:36] *** Springfield has left #suburbansenshi3 (First let's find the command center of this place.)
[21:36] *** Megan O`Cain has left #suburbansenshi3 (Let's do that.)
[21:37] *** And pause here for now. We shall resume tomorrow evening. Take care until then everyone
[19:39] *** AND WE'RE BACK FOR MORE!!
[19:39] * Springfield is looking down the passage at the back of the cave, staring silently.
[19:42] <Megan O`Cain> Everything alright, Spring?
[19:42] *** The passage was carved right out of the bedrock, leading into a roughhewn cave lit by large ice crystals that glow with a pale jade light.
[19:45] <Megan O`Cain> Whoa.
[19:45] *** The walls of the cave are what really catch your attention - they're supported by pillars and sheets of what looks like dark, etched bronze, and in the center of the room is a raised plinth upon which sits an octagonal archway. It's an Architect tele-portal!!
[19:46] <Megan O`Cain> What is this?
[19:46] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[19:47] <Springfield> I believe this is Architect technology, from when they were active on this world.
[19:48] <Springfield> There are no other passages out of here, so this gateway was put here for a purpose. When active, all you have to do it walk through it and it will transport you to the other gateway it's linked to, wherever it is.
[19:48] * Springfield smiles at the Tundra Kits. ^___^
[19:50] <Springfield> This one appears to be deactivated though.
[19:51] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[19:52] <Megan O`Cain> Perhaps if we restore the power, we might see where it leads.
[19:53] * Springfield examines the area around the gateway. "From what I've heard, we'd have to find and insert one of those green crystal "Energon Cubes" to activate it.
[19:54] * Springfield reaches down to tease the ears of one of the Tundra Kits.
[19:54] <Springfield> I don't suppose YOU have an Ion Cube tucked away somewhere?
[19:55] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm.
[19:56] * HK416 runs up.
[19:57] <HK416> We did it! We found the mainframe of the building and hooked it up to a power cell to begin the start-up procedures.
[19:58] <Megan O`Cain> Really?
[20:00] <HK416> Your techs had to perform some minor repairs on it first. It's been shut down for a long time and the cold wasn't gentle on it.
[20:05] <Megan O`Cain> Interesting. So, what all can we do, 416?
[20:08] <HK416> We can try to search their database to see what happened just prior to the time this place was attacked and overrun
[20:08] <Tundra Kits> we can make it flufy :D
[20:08] <HK416> And maybe gain more knowledge about why this place was here to begin with.
[20:08] <Springfield> Fluffy Cave!
[20:10] <Tundra Kits> dappa :D
[20:13] <Megan O`Cain> Let's do that, and also see if we can get that (points to the portal) powered somehow.
[20:17] <Springfield> I'll stay on it.
[20:17] * HK416 leads everyone back to the administrative section, where several people are trying to coax the computer back to life. Unfortunately, the machine is NOT an Imperial model, so it lacks the durability.
[20:19] * Megan O`Cain follows HK416
[20:20] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[20:20] <HK416> It looks like a lot of the memory has been corrupted, but if we get one or both of the UMP sisters on it we MIGHT be able to recompile at least some of it.
[20:21] <Megan O`Cain> Or I could have Dean take a look.
[20:21] <HK416> From what little I can understand, there's a high priority location approximately a kilometer to the southwest from here.
[20:22] <HK416> ...Or we can have your AI friend look at it and we can tell UMP-45 to go take a swim in the icy ocean!!! ^__^..b
[20:23] <Megan O`Cain> Now that ain't nice, and you know it.
[20:24] <Megan O`Cain> Besides, 9 and 45 are still with my cousins and brother back at the camp.
[20:27] <HK416> It's UMP-45. I honestly hate her guts.
[20:28] *** Dean, go ahead and start interfacing with the system.
[20:28] <Megan O`Cain> I see.
[20:29] * Megan O`Cain connects Dean with the computer system, and begins the dive
[20:32] *** The system is damaged, partly from neglect, but also some physical damage too. Where would you like to prioritize? Restoring damaged sectors, accessing available files, or circumventing damaged sections in order to begin restoring functions?
[20:34] <Megan O`Cain> Dean, see if you can restore some of the sectors.
[20:35] <Dean> I will do my best, Captain.
[20:37] *** Rebuilding and recompiling files already lost and corrupted will take some time. Probably a few hours.
[20:39] <HK416> In the meantime, what should we do? What are your orders, Shikikan?
[20:39] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[20:41] <HK416> Remember...I'm all that you need!
[20:44] *** You DO notice something interesting already, Dean. This computer has some strange components that weren't originally part of the design. Someone modified it with technology unfamiliar to you.
[20:45] <Dean> Hm. Interesting.
[20:45] <Megan O`Cain> What's up, Dean?
[20:45] *** If you had to theorize, it appears that someone MIGHT have tried to enhance the computer using Architect components.
[20:47] <Dean> From what found already, someone has tried their hand at modifying the computer I'm in. Unfortunately, I have no idea of their origin.
[20:50] <HK416> Will that hamper your efforts?
[20:51] <Dean> Unknown, HK416. It will still take time to sort through.
[20:53] <Megan O`Cain> Do the best you can. In the meantime, Beta Squad is still gonna hang back to keep this place safe. Where did you say the HVT is, 416?
[20:58] <HK416> About a kilometer to the southwest of our current position.
[20:58] <HK416> The canyon eventually leads to it, but the route isn't 100% direct.
[20:59] <Megan O`Cain> I take it you scouted ahead.
[21:00] <HK416> We might be able to use the Tundra Kits to our advantage here. If they're willing to scout ahead, AND agree to stay AWAY from the Ice Stalkers, we might be able to get to the location swiftly enough to minimize our exposure to the weather.
[21:02] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm. Let's check it out, then, while Dean keeps working.
[21:04] * HK416 looks at the Tundra Kits. "Are YOU all up for this? It could be dangerous."
[21:10] <Tundra Kits> Dappa :D :D :D :D :D
[21:11] * HK416 nods.
[21:11] <HK416> All right. Fan out and scout. And for this mission...
[21:12] * HK416 brings out several collars for the Tundra Kits. All of them have built in radios!
[21:13] <Megan O`Cain> Clever.
[21:15] <HK416> Let's move out!
[21:18] *** And pause here for now, but we WILL continue tomorrow. Get ready, Tundra Kits, for you are now going to be the Arctic Scout Corps!
[19:43] *** AND WE ARE BACK!!
[19:45] * HK416 has sent the Tundra Kits ahead with their collar radios to scout the best route forward to the high-importance location listed on the map
[19:49] * Megan O`Cain sticks by HK416
[19:53] * HK416 is leading the group through the canyons. It's still dark out, and the light-colored moon is shining so brightly that it practically lights up everything like the sun. Almost.
[19:54] <Megan O`Cain> Any idea what exactly we're looking for?
[19:54] *** The weather is also clear for the moment, so you can not only see reasonably well, but the light of the moon casts everything in stark, ghost-like radiance.
[19:57] <HK416> I'm not sure. From what I could glean from the files, they were digging in the bedrock and found something of extreme importance.
[19:59] <HK416> So look for anything that might be a mine that stands out. It will probably have structures of some kind near the entrance.
[20:02] <Megan O`Cain> Understood.
[20:03] * HK416 tries to contact the Tundra Kits who've scouted ahead. "Is everything clear on your ends?"
[20:08] <HK416> Tundra Kits, are you all hearing me okay?
[20:10] <HK416> There must be some interference. We should keep going.
[20:11] * HK416 leads everyone through a tunnel in the ice. As you pass through, you notice not only some curious plants growing, but some interesting sparkling coming from various areas of the rock walls around you.
[20:11] * Megan O`Cain takes the opportunity to change magazines in her rifle, switching from ballistics to blaster by readying an e-mag
[20:13] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[20:13] <Tundra Kits> yuppa :D
[20:13] *** Do you wish to take some time to investigate the curiosities in the cave?
[20:13] <HK416> There you all, little Kits. Now...have any of you noticed any pursuit or dangers along your respective routes?
[20:14] <Tundra Kits> noppa :O
[20:15] * Megan O`Cain looks at her surroundings as she walks, taking as much detail as she can
[20:16] *** Tundra Kits and Megan, both of you please make 1d100 rolls.
[20:18] <spiritflame> Megan O`Cain rolls 1d100 for details and info [ 76 ]
[20:19] *** Megan, your sensors are picking up large concentrations of gold and silver around you.
[20:20] <spiritflame> Tundra Kits rolls 1d100 [ 6 ]
[20:20] <Megan O`Cain> Wow. Looks like we stumbled into a gold and silver mine. There's so much here!
[20:21] *** As one of you is exploring around, they're suddenly picked up by something and hoisted up into the air.
[20:21] <Tundra Kits> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[20:22] * Tundra Kits start Yipping!
[20:24] <Megan O`Cain> The hell?!
[20:26] *** A slim young girl wearing a half-coat, bike shorts, arm gloves, thigh-high leggings, ankle boots, and a beret has picked up the Kit. Her eyes are a strange shade of purple, her blonde hair is cut at her shoulders, and her skin seems almost white under the light of the moon. She's also wearing one of the "lighter" exoskeleton rigs similar to the girls from earlier
[20:27] <Strange girl> Was haben wir hier?
[20:27] * Strange girl has picked up a Tundra Kit and is examining it closely.
[20:28] <Strange girl> Du bist eine dieser kreaturen von der insel.
[20:28] <Tundra Kits> Супер пушистый!
[20:28] <Strange girl> Wie bist du hier her gekommen?
[20:29] <Strange girl> Und du redest?!
[20:29] <Strange girl> O__o
[20:29] <Tundra Kits> мы хитрые пушистые лисы! на корабле, который сейчас сломан!
[20:30] <Tundra Kits> dappa :D
[20:30] <Tundra Kits> =o__o=
[20:31] <Strange girl> Ich verstehe nicht, was Sie sagen, aber sie kommunizieren definitiv!!
[20:32] <Tundra Kits> мы тундровые комплекты из Сибири!
[20:33] <Megan O`Cain> (Just amazing.)
[20:33] *** Another of the strange girls approaches. Holy crap, it's HER again!! The leader of this group of girls
[20:33] * Strange girl #1 is now known as Prinz Eugen
[20:33] * Strange girl #2 is now known as Z23
[20:35] <Prinz Eugen> Ich glaube, ich verstehe die Sprache, die es spricht.
[20:35] <Tundra Kits> :O
[20:35] <Tundra Kits> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[20:36] * Prinz Eugen leans in close to examine the strange little Kit for herself.
[20:37] <Tundra Kits> что ты ищешь на этой лисе?
[20:37] <Prinz Eugen> So eine kleine Sache. Ich frage mich, wie viel Treibstoff es geben würde, wenn wir es einfach essen würden.
[20:39] <Tundra Kits> >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[ >:[
[20:39] <Z23> Warum sollten wir es verletzen wollen? Es ist keine bedrohung.
[20:40] <Z23> Und ... es gibt jetzt plötzlich viele von ihnen.
[20:40] <Forest Kits> we no be happy if you eat :D
[20:41] <Tundra Kits> Да уж! мы не будем счастливы, если вы нас съедите!
[20:41] <Prinz Eugen> Und du hast mich komplett verstanden !!
[20:41] * Prinz Eugen grins! It is the grin of ultimate confidence and smugness.
[20:42] <Prinz Eugen> Sie sind eindeutig schlauer als Sie scheinen.
[20:43] <HK416> I think they're in trouble.
[20:43] <HK416> That's DEFINITELY German they're speaking. Range...about 250 meters THAT WAY!
[20:44] <Megan O`Cain> If that's the case, we better see what spooked them.
[20:44] <Z23> Das entscheidet es.
[20:45] * Z23 brings the Kit closer to her face. "Wir bringen Sie für eine vollständige Untersuchung mit uns zurück."
[20:45] <Tundra Kits> Noppa >:D
[20:46] <Tundra Kits> Мы заставляем вас почувствовать пушистость и ярость наших хвостов вместе с нашими Лесными товарищами!
[20:46] <Prinz Eugen> Mädchen aus Eisenblut. Wenn Sie noch mehr dieser seltsamen Fuchswesen sehen, fangen Sie sie ein und bringen Sie sie lebend zu uns nach Hause.
[20:47] <Forest Kits> Feel the Fluffy! Welcome to the Fluffyland! :D
[20:48] * Z23 tries to grab another Tundra Kit or two.
[20:48] * Prinz Eugen attempts to capture a few as well!
[20:49] *** Other Eisenblut girls start chasing down Tundra Kits too!
[20:49] * Tundra Kits are trying to dodge and attempt to turn the tables with tailpats :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D : D
[20:50] * HK416 rushes outside to see the beginning of the Floofkrieg!!!
[20:51] <HK416> ...THE HECK?!?!
[20:51] * Megan O`Cain is next to HK416 a couple feet to her left
[20:51] <Megan O`Cain> What the...?
[20:52] *** HK416 is looking directly at a VERY strange girl who is commanding a small group of Tundra Kits to "SITZEN"
[20:53] *** And she's absolutely TERRIFYING with that riding crop! Ker-WHACK!!!
[20:53] <Tundra Kits> Newp, no Sitzen, be Fluffy! >:D
[20:54] * Strange girl #3 is now known as Konigsberg
[20:54] <Konigsberg> Ich habe Möglichkeiten, dich zum sitzen zu bringen. :D
[20:55] * A Tundra Kit tries leaping for Koningsbergs head
[20:56] * Megan O`Cain turns her head to HK416, "You...don't suppose the kits got this? Keeping them distracted and all?"
[20:56] * Prinz Eugen scoops up a couple of Tundra Kits and places them inside the "mouths" of her Rigging's arms, making certain that they're not harmed at all.
[20:57] <HK416> It's crazy enough to work! Let's go!
[20:57] <Megan O`Cain> Right with ya.
[20:57] * Z23 will carry a Kit in her arms.
[20:58] <A Tundra Kit> >:D
[20:58] * Konigsberg is surprised, but just lets the Kit cling on. "Wie mutig. Du sollst dann dort bleiben!"
[20:59] * A Tundra Kit starts curling up for Warm fuzzies! :3
[20:59] *** Elsewhere, the three other girls that everyone briefly fought with earlier are struggling with the Tundra Kits. One of them is on the ground, giggling helplessly as she's SWARMED!
[21:00] <Z23> Sie sind ziemlich verspielt.
[21:00] <A Tundra Kit> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:00] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:03] * The girls finish capturing at least a dozen or so Tundra Kits, then proceed to start leaving, having found something QUITE unusual.
[21:04] * The girls begin returning back to the water, intent on bringing the captured Kits back to their base. They ignore the "assaults" of the other remaining Kits, but take no hostile action against them in the meantime.
[21:05] <Megan O`Cain> Alright, where to now?
[21:06] *** At the same time, some of the other Kits further out have found what HK416 and Megan were seeking - a cave near an icy field filled with strange trees with long twisted limbs and fruit that glow with a dull orange light!
[21:06] *** The cave has a supply platform AND a radio communication tower just outside the mouth.
[21:09] <HK416> Tundra Kits, have you found anything else further ahead?
[21:11] *** Megan, your scans back in the cave indicated large quantities of potentially valuable minerals within the rock. You detected gold, silver, titanium, and even small quantities of magnetite! This landmass might be a very important to a mining consortium.
[21:12] *** Also, the plant you found had a number of fruits growing underneath it (resembling daikon radishes) that registered as very safe to eat.
[21:12] <Tundra Kits> Dappa :3
[21:12] <Tundra Kits> Ice cave :D
[21:13] <HK416> Directions to your location please!
[21:14] * Megan O`Cain flips up the visor and mask portion of her helmet, and takes a curious bite of the fruit she found
[21:16] *** Meanwhile, Prinz Eugen's group has made their way back to the inlet and step out onto the water, their exoskeletons increasing to full power and activating the grav-lifters built into their foot harnesses to keep them suspended a few inches above the water, while fusion air-ram thrusters on their backpacks begin to heat up, drawing in air for use as reaction mass.
[21:17] *** The fruit has a hot, spicy taste to it due to the high quantities of capsaicin in it, but it also makes you feel a lot warmer.
[21:18] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:18] <Tundra Kits> All ahead :D
[21:18] <Megan O`Cain> Whoof. That's some fruit.
[21:20] * HK416 leads everyone to the cave, and within ten minutes you all find yourselves entering a rather haunting glade of dark-colored tress with jagged, twisted branches that bear dully-glowing fruit. Snow is beginning to fall again, and the wind is howling in the distance. Nearby, you can see a bunch of Tundra Kits clustering near the mouth of the cave.
[21:21] <Megan O`Cain> There they are.
[21:21] * Prinz Eugen looks back at her task force. "Hat jeder einen neuen Begleiter, den er nach Hause bringen kann?"
[21:21] <Eisenblut girls> JA!
[21:22] <Prinz Eugen> Dann lassen Sie uns sie allen anderen vorstellen!
[21:23] * Tundra Kits trill
[21:23] * HK416 heads up to the Tundra Kit. "I'm sorry, but some of you got captured by those weird girls.
[21:24] <Megan O`Cain> I don't know, 416. I was thinking along the lines of who caught who.
[21:24] * Prinz Eugen and the others begin to sail off over the water, speeding up to about 30 miles per hour and head southeast across the bay, heading to a location somewhere EAST of the island.
[21:25] <HK416> What do you mean?
[21:27] <Megan O`Cain> It looked to me like the kits may have captured them instead of the other way around.
[21:28] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:28] *** Heading into the cave to escape the oncoming storm, you see that it's been cut out of the rock using laser-based cutting tools. The tunnel widens, but it's clear that it's sustained a lot of damage from what looks like explosions. Someone tried to DESTROY this place, and RECENTLY.
[21:28] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, what do we have at this cave?
[21:29] *** You all soon reach the center, where it's opened up into a huge cave easily big enough to accommodate an entire football stadium
[21:30] <HK416> think the Tundra Kits captured THEM?!
[21:31] *** One whole wall of the cave consists of a massive sheet of solid ice from the glacier. A large amount of scaffolding was built against and into the ice wall.
[21:32] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, they're a crafty bunch.
[21:32] *** There's no light in the cave. Someone better turn some flashlights on.
[21:33] * Megan O`Cain turns on both the chestplate and weapon flashlights as well as her UV-FLIR visor
[21:33] <~>

[21:34] *** THAT stares out at you all from within the ice.
[21:34] <Megan O`Cain> Uhhhh, what is that?! O_o
[21:34] <Tundra Kits> :O
[21:34] <HK416> D:
[21:34] <HK416> It's...HUGE!!!
[21:36] *** Someone was trying to COLLAPSE this whole cave. Maybe it had something to do with the green-glowing blisters and pustules you can see on that thing's body?
[21:37] *** Which would mean that thing had the KHARAR!
[21:38] *** It's a friggin' KAIJU!! At least 300 feet wide! Maybe larger!
[21:40] <HK416> ...I'm guessing THIS is why this area was classified as Very High Importance.
[21:41] <Megan O`Cain> I suppose so.
[21:42] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, should we press on?
[21:45] <HK416> Yes, I think so. D:
[21:46] <Megan O`Cain> Right. Which way?
[21:48] <HK416> Let's do some investigation around here. Maybe there are some clues as to who tried to destroy this place.
[21:49] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR NOW. I have to take care of some other things tomorrow, so we'll continue the event on MONDAY night.
[21:51] *** So I shall see you all on Monday, when we'll find out just WHO was responsible for trying to bring down this place, and just what the captured Kits have gotten themselves into!
[21:51] *** UNtil then, good night everyone!
[19:23] *** AND WE ARE BACK!!!
[19:27] * Prinz Eugen Z-23, Konigsburg, and the other girls (Z-18, Z-19, and Z-20) are traveling rapidly over the choppy sea, skimming across the surface and throwing up wide sprays of water in their wake as their boots cut through the water.
[19:28] * Z-23 peers down at the pair of Tundra Kits she has clutched in her arms, checking on their condition. They're travelling at a just below 30 miles per hour, so the winds are strong. However, SHE and her sisters don't seem at all affected by the freezing temperatures OR the frigid spray of the sea!
[19:32] *** A total of over a dozen Tundra Kits were captured, and all six girls are carrying roughly two each. Except for Konigsberg, who's carrying FOUR - three in her arms and one is clinging to the back of her neck with its head resting over the top of her head.
[19:33] <Z-23> Wir müssen uns daran erinnern, dass dies normale kreaturen sind. Sie sind zerbrechlich im vergleich zu uns.
[19:33] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[19:36] * Z-18 giggles. She has a Tundra Kit clinging to her head too. It's dug in nicely between her long, blond twintails.
[19:36] <Z-18> Sie sind alle so süß. Und sie lächeln alle auch!
[19:38] <Prinz Eugen> Wenn sie sich amüsieren, brauchen wir uns keine sorgen zu machen.
[19:41] * Z-21 is, like her sisters, a small, slim girl who looks MAYBE eleven or twelves years old at most. She seems to be the "kuudere" of the group with her stony expression. She's also slowing down and starting to fall behind.
[19:42] *** The Tundra Kits being carried my her will notice that her exoskeleton's been damaged, and her arm, shoulder, and side have been torn up quite badly. SHE must have been the one attacked by that Ice Stalker!
[19:42] <Z-21> ^carried BY her
[19:43] <Z-21> >__<
[19:45] <Tundra Kits> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[19:46] * Tundra Kits chitter chatter amongst themselves with only one word in mind... "Help!"
[19:46] * Z-21 's backpack rig has also been damaged too. Heavy claws scratched the armored casing, and it looks like some kind of clear liquid is trickling out of one of the gouges. It''s water!
[19:47] * Tundra Kits all try clambering over to Z-21 :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[19:48] * Z-23 notices the squirming.
[19:48] <Z-23> Was machst du?
[19:50] <Z-23> Mit Z-21 stimmt etwas nicht!
[19:50] * Tundra Kits all nod :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :<
[19:53] *** The girls all slow to a halt and gather around Z-21, hovering several inches above the water. Their propulsion turbines sure seem to generate a lot of steam. If enough of them got together in close formation, they'd basically create their own fogbank.
[19:54] <Tundra Kits> foggy? :O
[19:55] * Konigsberg moves in close to Z-21 and grabs her by the back of the neck with one hand, and firmly places her other hand on the smaller girl's forehead.
[19:56] * Z-21 's opens her eyes suddenly, circuit patterns playing over them as her pipils dilate and cycle.
[19:57] <Konigsberg> Systemschaden.
[19:58] <Tundra Kits> oh no! :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[19:59] <Konigsberg> Die Kraftstoffspeicherung wurde beeinträchtigt. Druckdichtungen beschädigt.
[20:01] <Konigsberg> Eine Luftstößelturbine ist falsch ausgerichtet.
[20:04] <Konigsberg> Auch physischer Schaden.
[20:06] <Tundra Kits> look like she got attacked :O
[20:06] <Konigsberg> Wir sollten so schnell wie möglich zu Fleet House zurückkehren.
[20:09] <Z-18> Wir wurden von einem dieser großen Klauenbestien angegriffen!
[20:11] <Z-18> Es hat uns in der Nähe der Höhlen angegriffen.
[20:13] <Prinz Eugen> Dann sollten wir uns nach Hause beeilen.
[20:17] * Prinz Eugen and the others quickly resume traveling, but at a slow speed since Z-21 is struggling.
[20:19] *** The girls are passing close by the island. Close enough that any lookouts ON the island just might be able to spot them!
[20:23] * Capt. David O`Cain is out on a patrol with his cousins, Iris, and Delta Squad of the 13th Rangers
[20:23] *** Roll 1d100 please.
[20:24] <spiritflame> Prinz Eugen rolls 1d100 [ 73 ]
[20:24] <spiritflame> Capt. David O`Cain rolls 1d100 [ 37 ]
[20:26] *** David, you spot something out on the water! Are those...GIRLS sailing across the surface of the ocean?!
[20:27] * Capt. David O`Cain holds up a fist to get his group to halt, "Whoa, hold up, guys. Hold up."
[20:27] <Michelle O`Cain> What is it?
[20:28] <Capt. David O`Cain> Something's in the water. I swear I'm not seeing things.
[20:28] * Capt. David O`Cain gets down to a knee, as does his group
[20:29] * SFC Iris Gainsburough takes a knee next to David, and pulls out a pair of binoculars to take a better look towards the water
[20:31] *** You see six strange-looking youthful girls wearing equally strange exoskeletons hovering over and across the water at a steady speed. The multiple arms of the suits are all equipped with a variety of weaponry.
[20:31] *** And they're all carrying a bunch of Tundra Kits with them
[20:32] <SFC Iris Gainsburough> Uh, you may wanna take a look at this. (hands off her binocs to David, who then looks through them)
[20:34] <Capt. David O`Cain> The hell? What are those kits doing with them?
[20:34] <Michelle O`Cain> What?! Are the cute little guys in danger?!
[20:35] * Capt. David O`Cain zooms in the vision as much as he can to see what's going on
[20:37] *** The girls don't SEEM to notice that they're being observed. They're heading eastwards, towards an area of open water east-southeast of the island.
[20:38] <Capt. David O`Cain> Iris, if you can, tap into their comms. Let's keep an eye on them, and follow as best we can.
[20:38] <SFC Iris Gainsburough> Roger that.
[20:39] * SFC Iris Gainsburough opens up a small vid-window over her arm, and dials in
[20:42] *** The girls are silent for now.
[20:44] *** But there IS a relatively simple burst transmission being sent out periodically. It may be that one or more of the girls are transmitting to a beacon of some kind.
[20:44] <SFC Iris Gainsburough> No audio yet.
[20:44] *** Do you wish to attempt to triangulate?
[20:44] * SFC Iris Gainsburough continues dialing in, so yes
[20:47] *** Someone else will need to try and home in on the transmissions from a different location on the island in order to attempt triangulation.
[20:49] * Capt. David O`Cain makes a call to the UMPs, "45. 9. Need assistance on triangulating a signal."
[20:50] *** The Tundra Kits they've captured don't SEEM to be in any distress. If anything, they seem to be enjoying the trip. Especially the ones being Kit-Hats.
[20:51] <UMP-45> Guten~! Someone's needing our assistance~?
[20:52] <UMP-9> Give us the frequency you're scanning for and we'll see what we can do.
[20:52] <Capt. David O`Cain> On it.
[20:53] * Capt. David O`Cain tells Iris to give the UMPs the frequency she grabbed, who complies
[20:53] <Capt. David O`Cain> Also, Michelle, the kits don't seem to be in trouble. They...are having fun.
[20:54] <Michelle O`Cain> Awwwww. So cute! ^_^
[20:54] <UMP-9> Scanning now. Attempting to determine transmission direction.
[20:55] <Donovan O`Cain> Heh, that's good to hear. Still, if they're crafty enough, they might send info back, and without getting caught.
[20:55] <Capt. David O`Cain> We can only hope, Donnie.
[20:55] * SFC Iris Gainsburough keeps on working on her end of things
[20:56] * Prinz Eugen suddenly flinches as a BIG explosion strikes her shields, making her lurch hard. Fortunately, the Tundra Kits she's carrying are safely secured within her weapon pods.
[20:56] <Prinz Eugen> Scheisse!!!
[20:58] *** Z-23's shields manage to withstand an explosion as well as something strikes them at ultra-high velocity, but deflects off of her refractor shields due to the steep angle of impact.
[20:58] * Z-23 clutches the Tundra Kits in her arms protectively, trying to shield them as well and making certain she doesn't drop them into the frigid water.
[21:00] <Capt. David O`Cain> The hell was that?
[21:00] *** Looking around...David! Donovan! It's the Exoarmor suit from earlier! Any whoever is using it is clutching an Astartes-pattern boltgun!
[21:00] <Z-23> ^And whoever
[21:01] * Capt. David O`Cain guages the Exoarmor's distance from his group
[21:02] <Donovan O`Cain> That damn fool!
[21:02] <Tundra Kits> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[21:02] *** In fact, that suit looks like it's based upon Space Marine power armor! They're at the easternmost edge of the island, on the beach right near the water's edge.
[21:02] <Tundra Kits> The Anti-Fluffy D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
[21:04] <Capt. David O`Cain> Aw, god damn it.
[21:04] <Prinz Eugen> Es ist ihr!
[21:05] <Prinz Eugen> ....
[21:05] * Prinz Eugen makes a decision.
[21:06] <Prinz Eugen> Alle Mädchen! Versammle dich neben mir. Beschütze Z-21 und unsere Gefangenen.
[21:07] <Prinz Eugen> Unseren Gefangenen darf kein Schaden zugefügt werden. Ich werde keinerlei Fehler akzeptieren.
[21:07] * Capt. David O`Cain gets up, puts his REC-7 on his back, and bolts after the Exoarmor
[21:07] <Capt. David O`Cain> Iris, keep triangulating!
[21:07] * Prinz Eugen interposes herself between the shooter and the rest of her group, presenting herself as a target since her defenses are the strongest.
[21:08] <SFC Iris Gainsburough> Yes, sir!
[21:08] * Prinz Eugen takes another hit that explodes against her Conversion Field with a brilliant flash.
[21:09] * The Exosuit keeps firing. It's almost like she's trying to FORCE the girls to travel in a certain direction...
[21:10] <Michelle O`Cain> Please oh please, don't hurt the kits.
[21:10] * Tundra Kits yip YIP YIP!
[21:11] <Prinz Eugen> Prinz Eugen zum Flottenhaus. Wir werden angegriffen. Fernunterstützung für Feuer anfordern.
[21:11] * Capt. David O`Cain is still running towards the Exoarmor
[21:16] <~> Es scheint, als wäre ich aufgefordert worden, endlich etwas zu zerstören!
[21:16] <~> Eingehend!
[21:17] *** That was on an open frequency too!
[21:17] *** Whoever sent that message is NOT CONCERNED about being stealthy!
[21:18] * The Exosuit turns slightly and sees David.
[21:18] * SFC Iris Gainsburough dials in the signal
[21:18] <The Exosuit> GET TO COVER! IT'S HER OF ALL PEOPLE!!
[21:20] *** A single CRACK rings out from across the ocean to the east.
[21:21] * The Exosuit starts DASHING for the nearest hard cover. "EVERYONE GET TO THE CAVES NOW!!"
[21:23] <Capt. David O`Cain> You aren't getting away from me that easily!
[21:23] *** A single gauss round fired at the island hits the water just offshore, causing a GIGANTIC explosion that rocks the entire area hard!!
[21:23] * Capt. David O`Cain bolts after the Exosuit
[21:23] <Tundra Kits> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
[21:24] *** Radiation detected! MICRONUKE!! It's not a LOT of radiation, and negligible fallout, but that shot just blasted the HELL out of the eastern part of the island...and probably killed most of the fish in the water in that area.
[21:25] *** Oh wait, there were a LOT of Cryptosuchus in the water in that area..........THANK YOU, EISENBLUT!!!!!
[21:26] <The Exosuit> They actually had micronuke rounds left after all this time?! At least it wasn't an EMP round...
[21:26] * The Exosuit leaps to her feet and makes a mad dash for the water.
[21:27] *** Meanwhile, Prinz Eugen and her group have escaped the area, taking their Tundra Kits with them.
[21:28] * Capt. David O`Cain is chasing after the Exosuit
[21:29] <The Exosuit> I told you to stay off my land, Van Saar. You have NO IDEA what you've gotten yourselves in the middle of.
[21:29] <Capt. David O`Cain> I am not Van Saar, you idiot! Do I even look like one?!
[21:30] <The Exosuit> I told you, if you're telling the truth about being affiliated with them, you're crazy. And if you're lying...there'll be hell to pay. From THEM.
[21:31] <The Exosuit> You don't LOOK like a VanSaar, but you're using a lot of their tech.
[21:33] <The Exosuit> You've put yourselves in the middle of a war that's been raging a long time, and no one is allowed to be neutral.
[21:33] <Capt. David O`Cain> What war?
[21:34] <The Exosuit> So do yourself a while you can and make sure Eisenblut doesn't think you know anything about their "Lost Father".
[21:35] * The Exosuit finishes dashing to the water and LEAPS in, quickly sinking out of sight as she'd selected a spot where it slopes down sharply.
[21:36] <Capt. David O`Cain> Oh for f[BLEEP]k's sake. >_<
[21:37] * The T-Dolls are rushing around, making sure the Tundra Kits got to safety or are taken to safety.
[21:37] * Capt. David O`Cain shouts down at the spot the suit went to, "NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, I'M PUTTING A SHOT IN YOU!"
[21:38] * UMP-45 rushes up.
[21:38] <UMP-45> Quick! We all need to get to the caves. We picked up a BIG signal coming towards the island.
[21:39] <Capt. David O`Cain> How big?
[21:40] <UMP-45> It's giving off a lot of heat and energy. As much as that whole group the mecha-suit-bimbo was attacking COMBINED.
[21:41] <Capt. David O`Cain> That's...pretty big. Any clue what it could be?
[21:44] <UMP-45> Another one of them, but probably sporting some extreme weaponry and defenses. That attack came from a vehicle-scale gauss cannon.
[21:45] * UMP-45 is carrying a couple of Tundra Kits inside her jacket, and grabs David by the collar and starts pulling on him. "Come on! There's a cave right over there!"
[21:46] * Capt. David O`Cain is trying to regain balance after being pulled, "Hey!"
[21:50] * UMP-45 stops at the cave mouth as she notices what's at the BACK of it.
[21:50] <UMP-45> ...I think I found out why this island is important to that person.
[21:51] * UMP-45 points ahead at something in the corner.
[21:53] *** The cave opens up slightly, and is dimly lit by a dull green glow. Sitting at the back is a large mechanical device that's OBVIOUSLY NOT of Terran manufacture. It resembles a thick plate of dark bronze set against the wall upon a low platform, with small extensions reaching up and over anything placed or standing on the platform.
[21:54] *** Indicator panels are glowing with a steady emerald green light, and there are a couple of cube-shaped conglomerations of crystal lying on the ground nearby, each glowing with a steady inner light. Ion cubes!
[21:54] *** This is Architect technology! And it looks INTACT.
[22:01] <Capt. David O`Cain> What the hell?
[22:03] <UMP-45> Yeah...I'd call that a Strategic Objective if ever I saw one.
[22:03] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR NOW!!
[22:04] *** We'll continue with more tomorrow. Thank you for joining in, and I'll see you then. Good night, everyone
[19:37] *** Meanwhile, back on 4546B (or Planeta del Agua!!!!!)
[19:37] * UMP-45 is staring at the strange machine sitting in the corner of the cave.
[19:37] <UMP-45> o__O
[19:39] <Capt. David O`Cain> all this?
[19:45] <UMP-45> I don't know. We never found this during our preliminary search, but we really never got to finish searching the ENTIRE island.
[19:47] <Capt. David O`Cain> True. (looks around to get a better idea)
[19:51] *** The device doesn't seem to have any controls on it, so it's impossible to determine what its function is/was. It DOES look to be undamaged, at least on the surface.
[19:53] <Capt. David O`Cain> I've never seen anything like this before.
[19:55] <UMP-45> I've read of similar things being found near the Aurora Guyot.
[19:56] <Capt. David O`Cain> Oh yeah?
[20:00] <UMP-45> 9 and I tried to study up as much as we could. There were some neat things found there.
[20:00] <Capt. David O`Cain> Like what? (looks at the cubes on the floor)
[20:01] <UMP-45> In particular, there's one machine that apparently creates Ion Cubes. And others that acted like servers for ultra-sophisticated AI programs.
[20:02] <UMP-45> It's even been discovered that the Architects weren't organic creatures, but cyborgs that could upload their minds into other bodies and even special computer cores in the event their bodies broke down.
[20:03] <UMP-45> That's what happened with the Kharar. It infected their organic bodies and destroyed those.
[20:03] <Capt. David O`Cain> Huh. Sounds like some crazy sci-fi stuff, but has actually happened elsewhere in the universe.
[20:06] <UMP-45> Well, keep in mind that we T-Dolls aren't so dissimilar.
[20:07] <UMP-45> Our bodies are quasi-organic, but our minds are still essentially hyper-sophisticated AI programs.
[20:07] <UMP-45> And they can be removed and transferred into different bodies if the need arrises.
[20:08] <Capt. David O`Cain> Right (is still examining the cubes).
[20:11] *** The cubes are indeed the mysterious Ion Cubes you've heard about - essentially ultra-tech batteries, possibly hyper-advanced forms of the crystalline energy stacks used by the Imperium. It's said that each Ion Cube contains the same amount of energy generated by a small nuclear explosion, but that same amount of energy can be perpetually contained and harnessed using the proper techonology
[20:13] <Capt. David O`Cain> Kinda unsure about removing these. I mean, lord knows what these are actually powering.
[20:14] <UMP-45> Well, they were just lying on the ground, not hooked up to anything.
[20:14] <UMP-45> And you apparently need Ion Cubes to power up any of those Teleportal Archways.
[20:15] * Capt. David O`Cain reaches towards one of the Ion Cubes
[20:21] *** It's warm to the touch, and oddly heavy for its size.
[20:22] <UMP-45> Now, what about that psycho in the suit?
[20:22] * Capt. David O`Cain picks up one of the cubes, "It's got some heft to it."
[20:24] <Capt. David O`Cain> Oh, that? Apparently, it was targeting those girls that were in the water. Had to stop it from attacking because the girls with the rigs had kits with them. Weird thing about THAT is the kits didn't seem too worried before the attack.
[20:24] <UMP-45> You think they have some kind of plan in the works?
[20:25] <Capt. David O`Cain> If anything, those crafty little guys might keep them distracted, and hopefully provide intel.
[20:27] <Capt. David O`Cain> Back to the jerkoff, though. It said something about a war between it and those girls. If it's referring to VanSaar-Alliance war stuff, it's gotta be out of the loop because that's over now.
[20:28] <UMP-45> No kidding. The war ended almost ten years ago. How long has she been stuck here?
[20:28] <UMP-45> Sorry...I've heard the voice and it seems female to me for some reason.
[20:29] <UMP-45> We need to find wherever it is she's operating out of. Maybe when HK416 and the others get back we can find out some more information about what's been going on here.
[20:36] <Capt. David O`Cain> Yeah. And if we can, take one of these cubes with us. Maybe we can find out more about these things.
[20:39] <UMP-45> Take them both! They're just lying around. ^__^
[20:39] <Capt. David O`Cain> Alright, then.
[20:39] * Capt. David O`Cain picks up both cubes, one in each hand
[20:40] <UMP-45> As far as 9 and I could tell, that armor-idiot went due south for some distance, then just disappeared. There's a lot of movement in the water south of the island, so it's probably teeming with lifeforms.
[20:41] <Capt. David O`Cain> Gotcha.
[20:46] * UMP-45 peeks outside.
[20:47] * Capt. David O`Cain looks outside as well
[20:48] <~> 45, this is M2HB. The multiscanner is showing that those girls are retreating. That big energy signature is going away as well.
[20:49] <~> The water on the eastern side of the island is now slightly radioactive now. One of the analysts says it was a californium-fusion explosion, but very small scale.
[20:51] <Capt. David O`Cain> Ma Deuce, this is Captain O`Cain. I can confirm the explosion was near my location. It was fired from long range.
[20:53] <~> I didn't know anything like that even existed.
[20:53] <UMP-45> I did. She called it a Micronuke round.
[20:55] <UMP-45> The VanSaar used weaponry like that during the War. They were small enough that they could be fired from the railguns of Predator-Fafnir grav-tanks. A variant was also designed for use in Basilisk artillery.
[20:57] <Capt. David O`Cain> Given this info, I have to wonder if those girls incorporated VanSaar tech in their rigs. I mean, the PLV was hit by gauss rounds on the way down to the surface earlier.
[21:01] <UMP-45> VanSaar tech. Alliance tech. Imperium tech.
[21:01] <UMP-45> Makes you wonder if they also incorporated Architect machines somehow too
[21:01] <Capt. David O`Cain> We can only speculate at this point.
[21:02] <Capt. David O`Cain> Anyway, let's get these cubes back to camp.
[21:06] <UMP-45> Yes. let's. Then we can figure out what to do next. We can either try to follow those girls, or try to track down the armored a[BLEEP]le.
[21:06] <UMP-45> Or maybe try to retrace the steps of Reisen and her friends?
[21:08] <Capt. David O`Cain> We can't follow those girls nor look for that armor without a ship. About the only thing we can do until Megan's group gets back is find where Reisen's group went.
[21:12] * Capt. David O`Cain begins to hike it back towards camp
[21:12] * UMP-45 follows closely.
[21:13] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR THE TIME BEING. We shall pick it up again tomorrow, so please stay tuned and join in.
[21:13] *** Until then....good night everyone!
[19:45] *** AND WE ARE BACK!!
[19:47] * HK416 trudges through the snow ahead of the main group as she leads everyone back towards the old abandoned base.
[19:48] * Megan O`Cain is following HK416 as best she can
[19:54] <HK416> How big do you think that thing in the ice really was?
[19:56] <Megan O`Cain> No idea. At least 10 meters long?
[19:58] <HK416> Its MOUTH was at least 10 meters wide.
[20:01] <Megan O`Cain> Noted.
[20:02] *** The case with the base is now just ahead, and Springfield is currently standing guard outside the main entrance
[20:03] * Megan O`Cain walks up to M1903 Springfield, "Hey, Spring. Anything new?"
[20:04] <Springfield> Yes. We're being shadowed.
[20:06] <Megan O`Cain> Where?
[20:06] <Springfield> In the ridge overlooking the box canyon.
[20:08] * Megan O`Cain kneels as she gets out a pair of MKA binoculars to look
[20:13] *** There is indeed something up there on the ridge, lurking mostly out of sight.
[20:13] *** However, they are NOT giving off any thermal signatures.
[20:14] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm. No thermal. Not even a dot.
[20:16] <Megan O`Cain> Something is out there, though.
[20:21] <Springfield> What should we do?
[20:21] <HK416> Could it be another one of them?
[20:25] <Megan O`Cain> Hard to say, 416. As for what to do, what are our options?
[20:28] <Springfield> We should probably investigate. If they know we're here, hiding won't help us.
[20:30] <Megan O`Cain> Anything else?
[20:33] <HK416> Or we can try to grab what we can from here and attempt to escape back to the island. We need to collect the materials to repair that bridge anyway. We don't have the means to fabricate the right parts.
[20:34] * Megan O`Cain closes her eyes a moment as she ponders
[20:38] <Megan O`Cain> Let's find out what we can, then grab the materials, meet up with Dean and Beta Squad, and then return to camp.
[20:39] * HK416 hurries inside to try and review more of the collected data.
[20:43] <Megan O`Cain> Spring, shall we see who's out there?
[20:48] * Springfield readies her rifle and gives a dazzling smile.
[20:48] <Springfield> Let's!
[20:50] * Megan O`Cain readies her M16A4 loaded with .300 AAC Blackout, and heads towards the ridge
[20:58] *** Getting to the ridge takes some doing as the winds are starting to pick up again. However, as you travel along the ice shelf you come across a set of rough steps cut into the stone that lead up to metal rungs that form a ladder leading upwards.
[21:00] * Megan O`Cain proceeds to climb up the ladder
[21:04] *** The ladder leads up to another field overlooking the canyon below. The ground here is uneven and riddled with rocky outcrops that make it hazardous to try and run. Doing so will probably result in you tripping.
[21:05] * Megan O`Cain looks around as best she can to see if she can find who is out there
[21:07] * Springfield is with Megan.
[21:07] <Springfield> It's hard to see anything up here.
[21:08] <Megan O`Cain> We'll need to tread carefully.
[21:08] * Springfield stoops down to examine something in the cliff-like wall bordering the area. "However...there is a LOT of valuable minerals here. And there's signs of excavation too.
[21:09] *** Nearby you find a stack of equipment cases that seem to be intact and covered by protective tarps.
[21:10] <Megan O`Cain> Someone's been busy.
[21:13] * Springfield opens one of the boxes. There are basic mining and prospecting tools inside. "These haven't been lying around abandoned at all. Someone has been using these quite a bit."
[21:14] *** Megan, roll 1d100 please
[21:16] <spiritflame> Megan O`Cain rolls 1d100 [ 90 ]
[21:18] *** You find a LOGBOOK hidden among the tools!
[21:22] * Megan O`Cain picks up the logbook, "Hello, what do we have here."
[21:28] *** Inside is a fairly detailed map of the area, broken up into various sections, with all kinds of notations in a language that is NOT Interlac. There are also page after page after page of written notes that look like reports. Even though you can't read the language (yet), it DOES seem to be a systematic survey of the region.
[21:29] <Megan O`Cain> My god. We got ourselves a treasure trove of info in this.
[21:36] <Springfield> Better grab it then.
[21:36] <Springfield> May I take a look?
[21:37] * Megan O`Cain hands over the logbook to M1903 Springfield, "Sure thing. Got maps and everything."
[21:48] <Springfield> Hmmm, wait...I think this is Techno-Lingua! It's an Imperial language!
[21:52] <Megan O`Cain> First Interlac and now this. Whoever was here knows their languages.
[21:54] <Springfield> This might have been written by different people though.
[21:55] <Springfield> This looks relatively recent.
[21:55] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm. Should we press on in the book as we move?
[22:01] <Springfield> Let's keep looking.
[22:01] *** Something suddenly rises ahead of you!
[22:02] <Megan O`Cain> What the...?
[22:02] * Something is now known as Alldrogis Valkyvida
[22:02] * Alldrogis Valkyvida rises up from within a snowdrift, unfurling his wings in the process.
[22:03] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> Ah, it's you. I wasn't sure if your T-Doll was one of THEM or not.
[22:05] <Megan O`Cain> Alldrogis! You're alright!
[22:05] <Megan O`Cain> Wait, one of who?
[22:10] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> We need to get inside. Another storm is coming. I will explain more then.
[22:10] * Alldrogis Valkyvida turns and dashes towards a nearby rocky ridge. Holy crap, there's a LADDER leading DOWN into a cave system underneath you!
[22:11] * Megan O`Cain follows Alldrogis
[22:14] * Alldrogis Valkyvida climbs down just as the storm REALLY starts to hit the area!
[22:14] *** We'll pick things up again tomorrow.
[22:14] *** In the meantime, thank you all for your participation and attention. And good night
[19:55] *** Let us now return to planet 4546B...PLANETA DEL AGUA!!!
[19:56] * Prinz Eugen continues to lead her group further eastwards, leaving the island in the distance.
[19:57] <Prinz Eugen> Schadensbericht!
[19:57] * Megan O`Cain is still with Alldrogis while David, Michelle, Donovan, and Iris are back at the camp on the island
[19:58] <Z-23> Leichter Schaden hier.
[19:59] <Konigsberg > Ich bin beschädigt worden.
[20:01] * Konigsberg has slowed down slightly. The mechadendrite plate on her right side has been damaged and both of the weapon pods mounted on it have been torn away. Her upper arm and shoulder have been torn up by fragments too
[20:01] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[20:04] * Konigsberg 's arm looks strange too. The blood is far to thin and watery, and the exposed musculature doesn't look right at all.
[20:09] <Tundra Kits> Willkommen im Fluffy Land!
[20:10] <Konigsberg > Eh?
[20:11] <Tundra Kits> welcome to Fluffyland! :D
[20:15] * Konigsberg looks like she's dizzy.
[20:16] *** The girls are now approaching what looks like another island! No, actually, it's a large iceberg!
[20:23] *** As you get closer, you see that there's a cave at sea level in the side of it, and the girls are headed right towards it.
[20:24] <Tundra Kits> Почему пещера?
[20:29] *** Inside the cave...whoa, there's a rather substantial base here!!! From what you can see, there are about four small docking modules set above the water, connected to a blocky rectangular central core built into the mass body of the iceberg.
[20:31] *** Z-21, Konigsberg, Z-19, and Z-18 go first, each of them moving into one of the airlock-like docking modules. They come to a stop inside, and more mechadendrites reach down, clamp onto their exoskeletons, and draw them up into the structure above.
[20:31] * Z-23 and Prinz Eugen wait their turn.
[20:33] <Z-23> Glaubst du, wir wurden hierher zurückverfolgt?
[20:34] <Prinz Eugen> Fast sicher!
[20:35] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[20:39] * Prinz Eugen and Z-23 are soon brought inside as well.
[20:40] *** All six girls are pulled up inside a large room that looks very much like a hangar. Automated systems disconnect them from their exoskeletons and they all step out. Or, in Konigsberg and Z-21's cases, they practically stagger out.
[20:41] *** A few other girls, all dressed in varying styles of militaristic outfits of black and red, hurry up to help.
[20:43] *** A smaller girl with green eyes, blond hair and a very slim and petite body, storms up to Prinz Eugen.
[20:44] <~> (What did you get yourself into this time!?) >Autotranslating for YOUR benefit now<
[20:44] <Prinz Eugen> (Oh? Is that my underdeveloped older sister being overprotective once again?)
[20:45] * New girl is now known as Admiral Hipper
[20:45] <Admiral Hipper> >:/
[20:46] * Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen look rather similar, except for a few NOTABLE differences
[20:47] <Admiral Hipper> (And what are these...animals you've brought with you?)
[20:47] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 We're Fluffies :D
[20:47] *** All of the Tundra Kits brought back have been deposited to the side of the room, out of the way as Konigsberg and Z-21 are carried out of the room.
[20:50] <Z-23> (These creatures are capable of high-level speech. They're not just making noise. They've demonstrated speech!)
[20:54] <Prinz Eugen> (They ARE curious creatures not indigenous to here. Go on, take a look for yourself!)
[20:54] * Prinz Eugen holds up a Tundra Kit to Admiral Hipper's face! :D
[20:55] <Tundra Kits> hi :D
[20:56] * Admiral Hipper leans in closer, frowning. You can just SMELL the TSUNDERE coming off of this girl!
[20:56] <Admiral Hipper> ...
[20:58] <Tundra Kits> you smell Tundere :D
[21:06] <Admiral Hipper> (Whaaaaaa/!)
[21:07] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:10] *** The rest of the area appears to be populated by all girls! All of them are youthful, very pale, and seem to possess a strange intensity.
[21:11] <Admiral Hipper> (What's a tsundere?! Who are you calling tsundere, you freaky little canine!?) >:f
[21:11] <Admiral Hipper> :P
[21:12] <Tundra Kits> >:3
[21:12] * Tundra Kits tries nuzzling >:3
[21:17] <Admiral Hipper> (Wha-what?! What are you doing?! Stop that!!!)
[21:17] * Prinz Eugen is laughing.
[21:17] * Z-23 maintains a straight face and a very serious demeanor.
[21:18] <Tundra Kits> :3
[21:18] * Tundra Kits trills happily
[21:19] <Z-23> (We were attacked by HER again, and this time she might have offworld support.)
[21:21] * Another girl walks up, and she has an ENTIRELY different aura about her. She just radiates discipline and resolve...and cold efficiency.
[21:21] *** Bismarck has joined #suburbansenshi3
[21:21] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Bismarck
[21:21] <Bismarck> (Oh? Elaborate in full.)
[21:22] * Bismarck looks at the Tundra Kits as she says this.
[21:22] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:24] <Prinz Eugen> (I think Z-23 is correct. We sank a submersible near the docks of the old Armistice base, and the Submarine girls have been reporting occasional sightings of non-Eisenblut entities on more than one occasion in the last several days.
[21:24] <Prinz Eugen> (We were not able to find the occupant of that downed landing ship, but...)
[21:24] <Bismarck> (But...?)
[21:27] <Prinz Eugen> (The design was familiar even through it did not match any of the types known to us. These strange little animals were also located on the Island in some numbers. However, such peculiar creatures were NOT present on it until recently. SHE certainly did not bring them here, and they don't seem to have any combat-related abilities.)
[21:27] * Admiral Hipper is flailing around in the background as her sister talks. She has a Facehugger Kit on her now!!
[21:28] * Admiral Hipper trips and falls on her butt!
[21:29] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:29] * Tundra Kits giggle amongst themselves
[21:30] <Z-23> (Furthermore, Z-18 and Z-19 maintain they encountered other beings NOT of this world near the base. I believe the Island may be occupied once again, and we might need to go to war.)
[21:31] <Bismarck> (Roon completed her survey of the island following her long-range support. She did not find anyone else.)
[21:32] <Prinz Eugen> (If we are speaking of Roon, then we must be honest and keep in mind her particular limitations. Patience is NOT her strong point.)
[21:36] <Bismarck> (And what would you have us do with these small, furry canines?)
[21:37] <Z-23> (We must interrogate them! They know things! They are a part of the happenings going on and must be made to talk!)
[21:38] *** The other girls just look at Z-23 for a second...then burst out laughing. Even Bismarck's cheek in twitching as she tries to suppress the urge to giggle.
[21:39] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:39] * Prinz Eugen crouches down to address the Tundra Kit clamped to her big sister's face. "Little one! Please...TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!!"
[21:40] * Tundra Kits turns to her face
[21:40] <Tundra Kits> Fluffiness is the Secret :D
[21:42] <Prinz Eugen> O__o
[21:43] <Z-23> (See? They are more than they seem! We must extract their secrets!)
[21:43] * Admiral Hipper is trying to crawl away.
[21:43] * Tundra Kits all seem to want to be facehugger kits :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D and you will face the Fluffiness!
[21:49] * Admiral Hipper goes down!!
[21:50] * Z-23 keeps a straight face as she's climbed on!
[21:50] * Prinz Eugen is giggling and laughing. "Such amusing little creatures!"
[21:50] * Bismarck is still trying not to crack a smile.
[21:51] *** A few of the other girls in the room are taken by surprise and clamped onto!
[21:54] <Tundra Kits> :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
[21:57] <Bismarck> (...We will take it under advisement.)
[21:57] <Bismarck> (For now Z-23, they will be YOUR responsibility.)
[21:57] <Z-23> D:
[22:01] <Tundra Kits> :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
[22:02] <Z-23> (But there are over a dozen of them! I will have to divulge additional duty time into providing for them!)
[22:02] <Bismarck> (They are your responsibility. For our Lost Father!)
[22:02] <Tundra Kits> who lost father? :O
[22:03] * Z-23 looks nervously at the Tundra Kits surrounding her...then tries to FLEE FOR THE DOOR!!!
[22:04] * Tundra Kits Scurry after Z-23 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
[22:08] <~> Möchte jemand etwas über unseren verlorenen Vater wissen? Ich habe gehört, dass jemand dies wünscht.
[22:09] *** Another voice rings out from a now-open doorway. It's rich and deep, yet very very feminine. It's the kind of voice that could read A Christmas Carol and be utterly hypnotic in the telling.
[22:10] *** And now it calls to the Tundra Kits.
[22:10] <Tundra Kits> :O
[22:11] <~> Komm her, kleine Kinder. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen die Geschichte des Vaters erzählen, die wir verloren haben und nach der wir uns sehnen.
[22:11] * Tundra Kits scurry over to the voice :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
[22:12] *** That VOICE...deep like the ocean and gentle like silk! It can't be natural!
[22:13] <Tundra Kits> :O
[22:16] *** Then you see her. Pale complexion, yellow eyes like topaz, long black hair that gleams like it's been polished, and a figure like a supermodel. But more than that...something about her in not human
[22:17] <Tundra Kits> :O
[22:17] <Strange lady> Komm, Kleine. Gestatten Sie mir, Sie über unseren Vater aufzuklären.
[22:18] * Strange lady is now known as Friedrich der Grosse
[22:19] * Tundra Kits clamber neat Friedrich :3 :3 :3
[22:20] * Friedrich der Grosse picks up several Tundra Kits in her arms and gently teases them with her fingers while giving them THAT DAMN SMILE!!! She then turns to walk away, beckoning all of them to follow her.
[22:21] * Tundra Kits all start following.
[22:23] *** Friedrich der Grosse has left #suburbansenshi3 (" Lassen Sie mich jetzt eine Geschichte von Krieg und Tod erzählen. Von Verzweiflung und Hoffnung. Und unser Vater, der alles verkörperte.")
[22:24] *** Tundra Kits has left #suburbansenshi3 (:3)
[22:24] *** But we SHALL continue with more of the story tomorrow, this time focusing on Alldrogis and his OWN tale to tell!
[22:25] *** Until then, good night everyone.

[16:47] *** Mash Kyrielight has joined #suburbansenshi3
[16:47] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Mash Kyrielight
[16:48] *** Fou [] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[16:48] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Fou
[16:48] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[16:48] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Matsumi Kaze
[16:48] *** The Peinforte Sisters has joined #suburbansenshi3
[16:48] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa The Peinforte Sisters
[16:48] *** Nelius Raoul [Overlord.Shura.CreativeChaos@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[16:48] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Nelius Raoul
[16:49] *** Zotia [Shura.WiseWords@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[16:49] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Zotia
[16:49] * Matsumi Kaze glances around..
[16:52] <Mash Kyrielight> /gm You find yourself in the middle of a snowfeild at night
[16:52] *** ^
[16:53] *** There is a large sleigh nearby
[16:53] <Anne Bonny> Shiver me timbers!
[16:53] <Mary Read> ....never say that again, Anne
[16:53] <Anne Bonny> ^^;;; just making a joke
[16:54] <Kae P. Peinforte> a sleigh :D
[16:54] <Livia J. Peinforte> :D :D :D
[16:55] <Mash Kyrielight> ...there's no animals to pull it
[16:56] * Nelius Raoul looks to see if there's anything else nearby.
[16:56] *** There is nothing around but the sleigh
[16:57] <Nelius Raoul> ...I don't trust this.
[16:57] * Murasaki Shikibu keeps close to the children, while reading a book entitled "Winter Survival 101"
[16:59] <Matsumi Kaze> think someone abandoned it?
[17:00] <Zotia> Optimistically speaking, hopefully. On the side of cautious cynicism, that sleigh is either trapped or part of a trap.
[17:01] <Kae P. Peinforte> I wanna ride it!
[17:01] * Kae P. Peinforte tries to run forward..but Caster grabs her before she can
[17:02] <???> Ho. Ho. Ho!
[17:02] <Zotia> ???
[17:05] <Matsumi Kaze> eh?
[17:05] *** Out of the sleigh rises a white‐blonde haired woman with golden eyes. Her long hair has a bow and a santa hat on top. She's wearing a cross between Sailor Fuku and a black santa dress
[17:07] <???> Finally my reindeer have shown up.
[17:08] * Matsumi Kaze blinks
[17:08] <Matsumi Kaze> um...excuse me
[17:08] <The Peinforte Sisters> father christmas :O :O :O
[17:09] <Nelius Raoul> Hey, Mags. Any idea who or what this chick is supposed to be?
[17:10] <Matsumi Kaze> wait...MINA!?
[17:12] <???> Mina? Sorry you must be mistaken. I am Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)
[17:12] * Matsumi Kaze blinks
[17:13] <Matsumi Kaze> ......I should be surprised by this....
[17:13] * ??? is now known as Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)
[17:14] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> And we have never met before. I know nothing of losing to Ruler
[17:14] <Nelius Raoul> ...thanks for admitting that you're the same one we beat the s[BLEEP]t out of last year.
[17:15] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> Like I said. We have never met.
[17:15] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> I am a Rider, not a Saber
[17:17] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> Now come my raindeer, we have gifts to deliver
[17:19] <Matsumi Kaze> wait reindeer?
[17:22] <The Peinforte Sisters> reindeer? :O
[17:24] * Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) holds out novelty antlers for everyone
[17:24] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> Santa cannot be Santa without reindeer
[17:25] <Anne and Mary> .......
[17:25] <Murasaki Shikibu> hm?
[17:25] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> So get in the sleigh.
[17:25] <Zotia> ....this has to be some kind of joke.
[17:26] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> No joke.
[17:28] * Murasaki Shikibu tries to grab the children but they rush forward!
[17:28] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> I am the Evil Santa that punishes bad children and gives gifts to the rest
[17:29] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> With my rocket sword powered sleigh my reindeer and I shall fly across the sky
[17:30] <Matsumi Kaze> wait evil??
[17:30] <Zotia> ...if your sleigh is rocket-powered, doesn't that defeat the need for having reindeer in the first place?
[17:31] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> It's a job requirement
[17:31] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> You can't just call yourself santa
[17:32] <Mash Kyrielight> The evil part is the part that Surprises you Senpai?
[17:33] <Matsumi Kaze> >_> @ mash
[17:33] <The Peinforte Sisters> WE WANNA HELP
[17:33] <Mash Kyrielight> Besides she's clearly an Alter
[17:34] <Mash Kyrielight> I agree! We should help her
[17:36] <Nelius Raoul> And how, exactly, do we know she won't try and stab us in the back?
[17:36] <Matsumi Kaze> heh..guess if my kohei says so
[17:37] * The sisters jump up and down cheering
[17:37] * Anne and Mary look at each other
[17:39] <Mash Kyrielight> You have your own servants
[17:42] <Anne Bonny> alright! for our Master!
[17:42] * Mary Read nods
[17:42] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> I shall form a provisional contract with you if it helps
[17:45] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> (( Brb sorry, food ))
[17:56] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> (( Back ))
[17:58] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> Come my reindeer, we do not have time waste!
[17:59] * The Peinforte Sisters put on the antlers!
[17:59] * Murasaki Shikibu arches an eyebrow...and puts on an antler
[18:00] * Matsumi Kaze puts on a pair of does Anne and Mary
[18:03] * Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) opens the door to the Sleigh. From inside, you can easily see that mounted to the sleigh's rear is the Blacked Holy Sword of Venus Alter
[18:03] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa..
[18:04] <The Peinforte Sisters> :O
[18:06] * Mash Kyrielight and Fou take a seat in the over-sized sleigh.
[18:08] <Matsumi Kaze> wait we climb in?
[18:10] <Mash Kyrielight> Of course. We can't fly, and she doesn't need us to pull so I assume..
[18:10] < Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> She is correct. Get abord.
[18:11] * The Peinforte Sisters jump in...Murasaki climbing in to..keep an eye on them
[18:11] * Matsumi Kaze and her servants climb in
[18:12] * Nelius Raoul and Zotia head towards the sleigh, the former still ready to act if this turns out to be a ruse.
[18:13] * Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) closes the door once everyone is aboord. "VENUS WINK CHAIN SWORD!" And blasts the sleigh into the sky with the energy from the sword.
[18:15] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa!
[18:17] < Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> We have 12 main gifts to deliver. Though we will stop at others along the way. Please relax.
[18:19] *** A few, uneventful hours of dropping off gifts pass.
[18:22] *** Suddenly something fires on the sleigh.
[18:22] * Murasaki Shikibu grabs the little girls protectivatly!
[18:23] * Nelius Raoul and Zotia quickly take a look at who or what is firing on them.
[18:24] < Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> ....In the bag. Grab the black boxes and drop them over the edge
[18:25] <Matsumi Kaze> Anne! Mary!
[18:25] * Anne and Mary grab boxes...and drop them over the edge
[18:26] *** Upon impact, the boxes explode and the attacks stopped.
[18:27] <Anne and Mary> !
[18:27] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa...
[18:29] <Livia J. Peinforte> fireworks!
[18:29] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> That said...
[18:29] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> We're already making a crash landing
[18:30] *** The sleigh suddenly drops.
[18:31] <Matsumi Kaze> GAAAAAAAH
[18:31] <The Peinforte Sisters> WEEEEEEE
[18:32] *** the Sleigh makes a crash landing in a snowbank
[18:33] <Matsumi Kaze> MMPH
[18:33] * Matsumi Kaze tries to push off anne.....who has landed ontop of her....
[18:34] * Zotia reaches over to pull Anne off of Matsumi.
[18:34] <Matsumi Kaze> @_O thank you
[18:38] <Livia J. Peinforte> that was fun!!!
[18:38] <Kae P. Peinforte> again! again!
[18:39] * Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) removes her sword from the sleigh and walks out. "Come my reindeer"
[18:41] * The Peinforte Sisters hop out..Murasaki following close...
[18:41] * Matsumi Kaze stumbles out..falling face first onto the ground...and is picked up by Anne, Mary following after
[18:42] * Nelius Raoul and Zotia exit the sleigh, ready for a fight.
[18:46] *** A pink haired woman in piratey garb is standing on the bow of a ship... in a feild of snow.
[18:47] <Anne Bonny> !!!
[18:47] <Mary Read> !
[18:49] <Nelius Raoul> I take it this is our "Grinch"?
[18:49] <???> Hoy! Santa! Where's my gift!?
[18:49] <Anne Bonny> Drake!
[18:51] <Mary Read> hi drake
[18:51] <Matsumi Kaze> wait what..WHAT...WHAT
[18:51] <???> Ehhh? Ohhh, Anne Bonny is that you? And Little Mary too?
[18:52] * ??? is now known as Francis Drake
[18:52] <Anne Bonny> should have known it was you!
[18:54] <Francis Drake> So you two have thrown your lot in with Santa? That's quite the career shift. Going from taking things to giving them away?
[18:55] <Anne Bonny> wellllllllll.........
[18:55] <Mary Read> >_>
[18:55] <Matsumi Kaze> hey! you're on my side, remember!
[18:57] <Anne Bonny> oh yes that's why!
[18:57] * Francis Drake points her gun at the group. "Ah. So you found yourself a proper master. Regardless, I'm here to collect my gift."
[18:58] <Nelius Raoul> (...and people try to say the Netherworld is a convoluted place. Clearly they're projecting.)
[18:58] * Murasaki Shikibu closes her book ".....and that is worth endangering children..and"
[18:58] <Francis Drake> Well Stanta was late. So when I saw her I took matters into my own hands
[18:58] <Francis Drake> *Santa
[19:01] * Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) points her sword at Drake. "Naughty Childern get beatings. Let's go my reindeer."
[19:02] ☼ Scouter indicates Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) has POWERED UP!
[19:03] ☼ Scouter indicates Francis Drake has POWERED UP!
[19:03] ☼ Scouter indicates Nelius Raoul has POWERED UP!
[19:03] ☼ Scouter indicates Zotia has POWERED UP!
[19:05] ☼ Scouter indicates Murasaki Shikibu has POWERED UP!
[19:05] ☼ Scouter indicates Anne and Mary has POWERED UP!
[19:08] <@spiritflame> The current battle order is: Mary Nelius Anne Zotia Murasaki Drake Venus
[19:09] *** Due to the nature of their summoning, Anne and Mary have one health bar but attack indepently
[19:11] 5008 [250 HP / 976 MP] Anne and Mary rushes forward and slashes with her sword at Drake! (Mary) (-24 MP +8 SP)
[19:14] 5013 [230 HP / 1027 MP] Francis Drake has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (20 damage +13 SP)
[19:14] <Francis Drake> (( No. We did this wrong ))
[19:15] <Francis Drake> (( one sec ))
[19:15] <Anne and Mary> (( ok let me reset ))
[19:15] ☼ Scouter indicates Francis Drake has POWERED UP!
[19:15] ☼ Scouter indicates Anne and Mary has POWERED UP!
[19:15] █████ Anne and Mary rushes forward and slashes with her sword at Drake! (Mary)
[19:16] ████ Francis Drake has been HIT!!
[19:16] █████ Nelius Raoul pulls out his gun and fires at Drake.
[19:18] █████ Francis Drake has been STAGGERED!!
[19:18] █████ Anne and Mary spins her gun and aims, firing at Drake (Anne)
[19:19] █████ Francis Drake has BLOCKED the attack!
[19:19] * Francis Drake shoots the bullet
[19:20] * Anne Bonny looks annoyed
[19:21] █████ Zotia goes to hit Drake with a Star spell.
[19:22] █████ Francis Drake has been SLAMMED BACK!!
[19:23] █████ Murasaki Shikibu gracefully moves forward...traces a symbol in the air..and fires a blast towards Drake
[19:26] ████ Francis Drake has been STAGGERED!!
[19:27] ████ Francis Drake Opens fire on everyone.
[19:27] ████ Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) has been SLAMMED BACK!!
[19:27] █████ Murasaki Shikibu has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /def ]
[19:28] ████ Anne and Mary has been HIT!!
[19:28] █████ Zotia has DODGED the attack!
[19:28] █████ Francis Drake has been HIT!!
[19:28] Francis Drake has BEEN DEFEATED!!!
[19:28] █████ Nelius Raoul has BLOCKED the attack!
[19:28] ☼ Scouter indicates Francis Drake has POWERED UP!
[19:28] *** Break Bar!
[19:29] * Nelius Raoul blocks the attack with a wing, while Zotia simply tilts to dodge.
[19:29] * Francis Drake , with her first health bar broken, unleashes her NP.
[19:30] <Francis Drake> Remember my name! Temeroso el Drago! The woman who brought down the sun!
[19:30] * Francis Drake is on the bow of her ship which fires lasers at everyone
[19:30] *** All heros /def twice
[19:31] ████ Anne and Mary has BLOCKED the attack!
[19:31] █████ Anne and Mary has been HIT!!
[19:31] █████ Murasaki Shikibu has BLOCKED the attack!
[19:31] ████ Murasaki Shikibu has been SAVAGED!!
[19:31] █████ Nelius Raoul has DODGED the attack!
[19:31] ████ Nelius Raoul has been SAVAGED!!
[19:31] █████ Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) has been EVISCERATED!!
[19:31] █████ Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) has been ROCKED!!
[19:31] ████ Zotia has been STAGGERED!!
[19:31] █████ Zotia has been STAGGERED!!
[19:32] █████ Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) slashes at Drake with her sword
[19:32] ████ Francis Drake has been SLAMMED BACK!!
[19:33] █████ Anne and Mary leaps up and slashes hard with her sword at Drake!
[19:33] ████ Francis Drake has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /def ]
[19:34] █████ Anne and Mary has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /def ]
[19:34] * Francis Drake blocks the attack with her gun one and fires with the other
[19:34] ████ Francis Drake has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /def ]
[19:35] █████ Anne and Mary has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /def ]
[19:35] ████ Francis Drake has DODGED the attack!
[19:36] *** /dm Counter! Counter-Counter! Counter-Counter-Counter! Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter! Miss!
[19:37] ████ Nelius Raoul goes in to bring his axe down on Drake's head while she's distracted.
[19:38] ████ Francis Drake has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /def ]
[19:38] █████ Nelius Raoul has been SLAMMED BACK!!
[19:39] █████ Anne and Mary brings up her gun and fires a blast at Drake
[19:39] ████ Francis Drake has BLOCKED the attack!
[19:39] * Zotia goes to use a Mega Fire spell on Drake.
[19:39] █████ Zotia ^
[19:40] ████ Francis Drake has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /def ]
[19:40] █████ Zotia has DODGED the attack!
[19:40] <Zotia> (( What the absolute f[BLEEP]k is this ))
[19:41] ████ Murasaki Shikibu writes down on a piece of paper..then throws it at Drake
[19:41] █████ Francis Drake has been SAVAGED!!
[19:42] █████ Francis Drake Fires on Venus Alter
[19:42] ████ Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) has been STAGGERED!!
[19:42] ████ Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) Slashes at Drake
[19:43] █████ Francis Drake has BLOCKED the attack!
[19:44] <Francis Drake> (( Matt needs to step out so skip him ))
[19:46] █████ Anne and Mary You're out of power... and the fight.
[19:47] <Zotia> (( Hoo boy... ))
[19:47] <Zotia> (( Hang on ))
[19:48] <Anne and Mary> /setsp 3000
[19:50] ☼ Scouter indicates Anne and Mary has SP level of 3000!
[19:50] <Anne and Mary> (( There we go ))
[19:50] █████ Anne and Mary goes to slash at Drake. (Mary)
[19:50] █████ Francis Drake has been EVISCERATED!!
[19:51] █████ Nelius Raoul goes to blow out Drake's kneecaps with a bullet.
[19:53] ████ Francis Drake has been EVISCERATED!!
[19:54] █████ Anne and Mary takes aim to bring Drake down... and fires! (Anne)
[19:55] █████ Francis Drake has been SAVAGED!!
[19:55] Francis Drake has BEEN DEFEATED!!!
[19:55] * Francis Drake collapses.
[19:56] <Francis Drake> Damn... And all I wanted was some gifts for my crew...
[19:56] * Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) reaches in her bag
[19:56] <Zotia> ....and you didn't think to simply ask?
[20:01] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> She fought well enough. I'm sure I have something in my bag here
[20:06] * Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) hands over a craft Essence
[20:09] <Mash Kyrielight> Is that a fully stocked bar? The old man with a beard doesn't look trusworthy though
[20:10] * Francis Drake hops back onto her boat. "Come men! We have a bar to raid!" The crew cheers
[20:11] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> Come my reindeer. It is time you returned home.
[20:12] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> I have more giftgs to prepare and you need rest.
[20:15] * Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa) fixes up the sleigh.
[20:17] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> Everyone on.
[20:17] * Mash Kyrielight takes a seat
[20:17] * gets in.
[20:18] <The group> me ^
[20:19] *** You arrive at where you started. Eventually. Probably.
[20:20] <Sailor Venus (Alter) (Santa)> Go home now. We'll continue tomarrow
[20:20] * Mash Kyrielight contancts Chaldea and gets everyone Rayshifted back.
[20:20] *** Mash Kyrielight [0] has quit IRC

[19:20] *** AND WE ARE BACK!!! Let us begin!
[19:20] *** Alldrogis Valkyvida [Inquisitor [REDACTED]] has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:20] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Alldrogis Valkyvida
[19:21] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:21] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Megan O`Cain
[19:21] * Alldrogis Valkyvida jumps down the last of the ladder into the interior of the cave. The cave is long and roughly tube-like, almost like a lava tube. Maybe it was excavated deliberately a long time ago?
[19:22] *** Springfield has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:22] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Springfield
[19:22] <Springfield> Phew, it's a little warmer in here. We're at least out of that wind.
[19:22] * Megan O`Cain has climbed off the ladder, "No kidding. No need for a coat dow here."
[19:25] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> At least for now. The temperature down here is still cold enough that the insulation of your environment suit will only be adequate during the daylight hours.
[19:26] <Megan O`Cain> Fair enough.
[19:27] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> Now, I believe I promised you some explanations.
[19:27] * Alldrogis Valkyvida looks like he's been injured!
[19:28] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> First, do you have any pieces of titanium ore on you?
[19:29] <Megan O`Cain> I snagged a couple pieces, some fruit, and a logbook before finding you, Alldrogis.
[19:31] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> I need the titanium.
[19:32] * Megan O`Cain hands the titanium ore to Alldrogis, "Whatcha need it for?"
[19:36] * Alldrogis Valkyvida takes a few small pieces and presses them into the open lacerations in one of his legs. His oil-like blood soon covers the pieces and holds them in place. Over the next ten minutes the titanium pieces will be absorbed into his body and the wounds will partially heal.
[19:36] <Megan O`Cain> Unable to heal any other way, hm?
[19:36] * Alldrogis Valkyvida also eats a few small pieces of ore. Again, over the next ten or so minutes the damage to one of his wings will start to regenerate.
[19:37] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> Past a certain level of damage I have to incorporate raw materials for my nano-hive to use.
[19:38] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> The glacier-wyrm is extremely dangerous. Stay clear of the region on the other side of the bridge if you can help it.
[19:39] <Megan O`Cain> Really? So don't bother fixing the bridge we found?
[19:40] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> If you want to investigate the Architect facility located north of here, you might have to.
[19:41] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm.
[19:41] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> And there's a teleportal there as well. It looks like it was an origin point, but something destroyed it. Probably to shut it down and keep it from being reactivated.
[19:42] <Megan O`Cain> What or who broke it?
[19:43] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> The area I crashed in was a large network of box canyons connected by a series of narrow gullies and gorges. In the center is a wide plain interspersed with strange conical formations of ice and rock that look a lot like the hat of that witch-girl Marisa Kirisame.
[19:44] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> But there's also a massive worm-like creature that haunts the region. It tunnels through the ice using a beak that glows orange from internal heat, and I've seen it devour those furred ice-stalkers in a single gulp.
[19:45] <Megan O`Cain> Damn...
[19:45] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> Within the region are not only a lot of mineral seams and mining operations, but two Architect facilties.
[19:46] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> The teleportal, as you were inquiring of, looks like someone blew up part of it with shaped-charged explosives. I have no idea who did so. They didn't leave any traces.
[19:47] <Megan O`Cain> I see. Any way to fix the damage?
[19:47] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> The other facility was a mine. The Architects were extracting emeralds from deep underground. Apparently they use emeralds as a component in some of their technologies.
[19:49] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> Repairing the gateway wouldn't be possible until we know more about their technology. Or unless we got a hold of some of the small "scuttle-bots" that have been found in other facilities. From what we've learned about them, they're autonomous repair droids that maintain the systems.
[19:49] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> However, that teleportal chamber didn't have any.
[19:49] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm.
[19:50] <Alldrogis Valkyvida> In that mining facility I found something extremely interesting.