the current system time is: Sat Dec 17 13:33 2016; you are connected on; message of the day follows:
<.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> fak U andro genius batch
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Why thank you, I know many fear my intelligence...
<FireFly_9> I do believe she was trying to call you an "androgynous b*tch*...
welcome to #suburbansenshi2
[13:33] * the card has written by eilean inside "happy birthday to Aunt Eitak from Kyra"
[13:34] <Eitak_Razal> Awww
[13:34] * Eitak_Razal shows Matsumi "It'
[13:34] <Eitak_Razal> It's from your grandaughter
[13:36] <Matsumi Kaze> awww
[13:38] <Matsumi Kaze> so sweet ^^
[13:41] * Eitak_Razal slides it in her sleeve for safe keeping :3
[13:41] *** @Paisley Pythia Peinforte has moved back to the livingroom
[13:41] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Aftermoon.
[13:43] <Eitak_Razal> Yo. Want some cake?
[13:45] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Yes please. What kind is it?
[13:48] * Eitak_Razal tells her ((OOC: I don't know, Haru and Lyz gave her the cake, and flavor was never discussed)
[13:48] * Eitak_Razal snaps her fingers and ports a peice from the fridge for Paise
[13:48] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Just what I wanted!
[13:48] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hi paise
[13:48] * @Chateaux Concierge winks at the audience
[13:48] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Hallo~
[13:53] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte eats the delicious [flavour] cake
[13:53] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> /
[13:53] * Matsumi Kaze snuggles happily into her blankets
[13:53] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> DM FLAVOUR CAKE™ THE NEW BRAND
[13:58] <Matsumi Kaze> what's up, paise
[13:58] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte changes topic to `Christmas Carol: Chapter 3 live reading in SS5 voice channel 12/17 or 18th @ 19:00!| Welcome to Shin Private Ski-Lodge/Resort! Enjoy the snow!!!!! More info here! Oi, X [url=]needs input on the RP site[url]. `
[13:58] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte changes topic to `Christmas Carol: Chapter 3 live reading in SS5 voice channel 12/17 or 18th @ 19:00!| Welcome to Shin Private Ski-Lodge/Resort! Enjoy the snow!!!!! More info here! Oi, X needs input on the RP site. `
[13:59] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Not much
[13:59] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Yet again there will be no snow at Christmas back home.
[13:59] <Matsumi Kaze> you want me to change that?
[14:00] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> No point.
[14:00] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I think Kaelyn and Robert are still in Sendai
[14:00] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I'll just have Wodehouse come here.
[14:00] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Then you can have it snow here.
[14:06] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> While your enthusiasm is commendable, a light dusting should do <_<
[14:06] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte puts downa box
[14:06] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Here. A gift for everyone. Tunnock's Caramel Wafers.
[14:07] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Very tasty, but if you're bred on American sweets it won't be as sweet.
[14:09] <Matsumi Kaze> hey super sweet stuff isn't the end all be all
[14:10] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> It's just a heads-up. I've had people complain. :P
[14:13] <Matsumi Kaze> hehe
[14:21] <Matsumi Kaze> ^^
[14:22] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> How've you been?
[14:23] <Matsumi Kaze> eh ok....have had a full plate of things lately
[14:29] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Indeed.
[14:46] <Matsumi Kaze> hoping to open the school maybe with the new year...
[14:48] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> School?
[14:49] <Matsumi Kaze> the Shin Academy
[14:49] * Matsumi Kaze digs in her pocket and tosses a brochure to Paisley ((don't actually have one yet))
[14:55] <Matsumi Kaze> been having it constructed over the past few months
[14:56] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte reads
[14:58] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Will you still be at Mugen once this is done, or are you moving over?
[14:59] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm still going to be at mugen
[14:59] <Matsumi Kaze> I've appointed Freya to head this up
[15:00] <Matsumi Kaze> already chose the students.......though
[15:00] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I had a really horrid mean thought >.>
[15:01] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, DD_Girl_Green
[15:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Cow-filled Eyes
[15:01] <DD_Girl_Green> What is it?
[15:02] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Freya training others is already a fairly horrid thought.
[15:03] <Matsumi Kaze> well I need someone to meet the students when they arrive...
[15:03] <Matsumi Kaze> I thought of having Sakura do it
[15:05] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Like you mean giving a commencement speech?
[15:06] * Baby Beryl grabs grandma's ankle :D
[15:06] <Matsumi Kaze> well to meet them, lead them tote campus..and a commencement speech yes
[15:06] <Matsumi Kaze> *the
[15:07] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte 's phone beeps
[15:07] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I'll pass on the message if I See her
[15:08] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I will return
[15:08] *** @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [paisely_p@firstcircle.karn03-kasterborusrelay.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (My dairy-based frozen confection creates a focal point to which all young males of the species are drawn. You are correct; it is far superior to yours. I could attempt to educate you on the finer points of this subject, but it would require monetary recompense on your part.)
[15:09] * Baby Beryl shakes grandma like a big rattle :D
[15:11] <Matsumi Kaze> heh *picks up the child and puts her in her lap*
[15:13] <Baby Beryl> :D
[15:13] <DD_Girl_Green> She's been wanting a toy for a while now.
[15:18] <DD_Girl_Green> she's been wanting one since she saw your play.
[15:19] <Matsumi Kaze> well wait till christmas hehe
[15:21] <DD_Girl_Green> she wants the whole cast as toys, though.
[15:22] <Baby Beryl> :D
[15:22] * Baby Beryl giggles.
[15:23] <Matsumi Kaze> well I don't know if we have those or not
[15:30] * Baby Beryl reaches for grandma's hair :O
[15:33] <Matsumi Kaze> heh you like my hair?
[15:35] * Baby Beryl giggles
[15:38] * DD_Girl_Green picks up her daughter.
[15:42] <DD_Girl_Green> Isn't it time we got you back in your bed?
[15:42] <Baby Beryl> O.O
[15:43] <DD_Girl_Green> and, what cruel thing were you thinking of, Matsumi?
[15:46] <Matsumi Kaze> eh it's a personal thing
[15:48] <DD_Girl_Green> putting bad people in there for kicks?
[15:58] <DD_Girl_Green> or, are we going to be its teachers?
[15:59] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm still looking for's not a simple thing
[16:05] <DD_Girl_Green> Where are we going to get teachers from?
[16:09] <Matsumi Kaze> ....what do you mean we? ^^;;
[16:12] <DD_Girl_Green> I'm thinking of having some friends go there.
[16:16] * DD_Girl_Green 's phone beeps
[16:16] <DD_Girl_Green> oops, talk to you later.
[16:16] * DD_Girl_Green goes upstairs with Baby Beryl
[16:16] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[16:16] *** Baby Beryl has left #suburbansenshi2 (:o)
[16:17] <Matsumi Kaze> uh...
[16:20] <Burroughs> ♦ .....something tells me she isn't see the whole picture.
[16:20] <Eitak_Razal> Just hand her applications to Evil Academy instead
[16:21] <DD_Girl_Green> (( she would have stayed if I had more time. ))
[16:22] <DD_Girl_Green> (( bye, everyone ))
[16:23] <DD_Girl_Green> (( mom's going to work soon, and I won't have internet. ))
[16:24] <Eitak_Razal> ...didn't I have a teaching post there now that I think about it?
[16:24] <Matsumi Kaze> (( seeya! ))
[16:25] <Burroughs> ♦ You taught at Evil Academy?
[16:25] * Eitak_Razal checks her bank accounts "and apperntly I'm still on payroll"
[16:25] <Burroughs> ♦ XD
[16:26] <Eitak_Razal> No. I got a position to infiltrate the school. I never taught anything
[16:26] <Burroughs> ♦ Aha.
[16:29] <Eitak_Razal> Honestly you just need to show up at a staff meeting one day and they'd probably belive you worked there
[16:34] <Burroughs> ♦ ....pardon me for a moment.
[16:34] * Burroughs is away: Laughing her ass off~
[16:38] * Burroughs is back
[16:38] <Burroughs> ♦ OK, got that outta my system.
[16:39] <Eitak_Razal> hehe
[16:50] <Burroughs> ♦ So then, any other topics of discussion?
[16:50] <Matsumi Kaze> no idea really
[17:23] <Burroughs> ♦ So then.... what to chat about?
[17:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I have noooo idea
[17:49] <Burroughs> ♦ Hrm....
[18:03] <Matsumi Kaze> hmmm
[18:12] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[18:12] <Burroughs> ♦ Something up?
[18:24] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing I guess
[18:51] <Burroughs> ♦ (Man, what to do now....)
[18:59] <Matsumi Kaze> hm
[19:02] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: She does it naturally.
[19:02] <Megan O`Cain> Hi, guys!
[19:04] <Burroughs> ♦ Greetings, Megan. How do?
[19:06] *** Morrigan [SexyNaughtyBitchyMe@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Morrigan
[19:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Superman ain't got s[BLEEP]t on us.
[19:08] <Megan O`Cain> Doing alright, Burroughs. What's everyone up to?
[19:08] <Morrigan> Uuuuugggh.
[19:09] <Burroughs> ♦ Not much going on here, though Morrigan looks like she's about to collapse.
[19:10] <Megan O`Cain> Morrigan? What's wrong?
[19:10] <Morrigan> Just dealing with the latest intel reports coming out of Algol. Solar asked me to help out with it and so far it's turning into a gigantic interplanetary mess.
[19:11] <Megan O`Cain> Uh oh.
[19:14] * Eitak_Razal is looking over paperwork while eating cake
[19:17] <Morrigan> The Algolians have amassed a fleet of over sixty sub-light capable warships and have began to engage the Swarmship.
[19:17] <Eitak_Razal> There's extra cake in the fridge if you guys want
[19:18] <Megan O`Cain> What kind, Eitak?
[19:18] <Morrigan> I could do with some.
[19:18] <Eitak_Razal> Birthday cake
[19:19] <Morrigan> Oh? Whose birthday did I miss>
[19:19] * Eitak_Razal turned 25 yesterday.
[19:19] <Morrigan> ^?
[19:19] <Megan O`Cain> Yum! With confetti candy mixed in?
[19:20] <Eitak_Razal> Mine, it was yesterday. to be fair I was busy all day
[19:21] <Morrigan> Happy birthday to you then.
[19:21] <Megan O`Cain> Happy birthday, Eitak!
[19:22] * Eitak_Razal shrugs at megan. Haru and Lyz provided the cake, ask them
[19:22] <Eitak_Razal> Thanks
[19:23] <Morrigan> Anyway, from our scans so far...
[19:23] <Morrigan> The Algolians don't stand a chance.
[19:25] <Eitak_Razal> is that good or bad?
[19:27] <Morrigan> Bad. Pretty bad.
[19:34] * Megan O`Cain gets herself a slice of birthday cake, "What happened, Morrigan?"
[19:37] <Morrigan> Technologically, the Algolians are decently advanced. They've developed some pretty sophisticated mecha tech.
[19:37] <Morrigan> Including models that are capable to operating in deep space.
[19:38] <Morrigan> The fact that they have some reasonably sophisticated interplanetary vessel tech means that they didn't fall all that far after they got cut off from the rest of the Centaurians. Or at least they recovered pretty quickly.
[19:39] <Morrigan> But their spacecraft don't have shields.
[19:39] <Morrigan> That's going to put them at a disadvantage.
[19:42] <Megan O`Cain> Okay.
[19:44] <Morrigan> Then there's the matter of their propulsion engines. It looks like they use ion drives. That means they have good fuel efficiency, but they lack thrust. That means their ships are going to slow to maneuver. That could really work against them.
[19:46] <Megan O`Cain> Hmmm
[19:52] <Morrigan> It'll be a few more days before we can position a Seeker in their star system, and about that much time before I can obtain more detailed information from the operatives who've been deployed.
[19:59] * Megan O`Cain nods
[20:08] <Morrigan> As for that Swarmship.
[20:08] <Morrigan> It's easily upwards of 20 miles long.
[20:14] <Megan O`Cain> Geez.
[20:16] <Morrigan> The Algolians weapon technology seems to be decent thus far.
[20:17] <Morrigan> Advanced guided missiles, caseless autocannons, and even mature laser weaponry. It looks like they've done some work on charged particle beams too.
[20:17] <Morrigan> As for what they're going up against, that's anyone's guess at this point.
[20:24] <Megan O`Cain> I see.
[20:48] * Morrigan eats more cake.
[20:48] <Morrigan> In the meantime, how go things here?
[20:51] <Megan O`Cain> Seem to be alright here.
[20:54] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[20:57] * Matsumi Kaze lounges on the Q sofa
[21:04] <Morrigan> Are you okay, Matsumi?
[21:06] <Matsumi Kaze> YUP
[21:07] <Morrigan> You seem to be in a good mood tonight. What happened?
[21:13] <Matsumi Kaze> eh just in a good mood
[21:17] <Megan O`Cain> Hi, Matsumi!
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> hi!
[21:31] <Megan O`Cain> How are you?
[21:34] * Morrigan perks up a little as she receives a prompt from her Noosphere uplink.
[21:34] <Morrigan> Please excuse me. I need to take this.
[21:35] <Megan O`Cain> Okay, Morrigan.
[21:41] *** Morrigan [SexyNaughtyBitchyMe@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("You all love me; don't be ashamed to admit it.")
[22:18] * Megan O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa, and crosses her legs
[22:25] <Matsumi Kaze> hmhmhm
[22:37] <Megan O`Cain> So, what's new?
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> nuthing
[22:44] <Megan O`Cain> Enjoying the day, huh?
[22:45] <Matsumi Kaze> YUP
[22:46] <Megan O`Cain> That's good.
[22:47] <Matsumi Kaze> wow it's quiet
[22:47] <Megan O`Cain> Yep.
[23:10] <Matsumi Kaze> IT NEEDS NOISE
[23:16] <Megan O`Cain> Then what do you suggest? :P
[23:17] * SilverTongue throws a player pin at Matsumi
[23:19] * Matsumi Kaze catches it "what's this"
[23:19] <SilverTongue> A reference that went over your head
[23:20] <SilverTongue> You're so zeta slow
[23:20] * SilverTongue is away: Pick up a ds some time :|
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> eh?
[23:29] <Megan O`Cain> I have no idea.
[23:45] * Player Pin is
[23:55] <Matsumi Kaze> oooo
[23:56] <Megan O`Cain> Ooo, neat.
[00:22] * Matsumi Kaze looks like she's nodding off
[00:25] <Megan O`Cain> You okay, Matsumi?
[00:25] <Matsumi Kaze> YES I'M AWAKE
[00:29] <Megan O`Cain> Okay, good.
[00:32] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah @_@
[01:00] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm.
[01:15] * Matsumi Kaze falls asleep on the sofa
[01:17] * Megan O`Cain covers Matsumi with a blanket
[01:22] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (zzzz)
[01:23] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Well, time to turn in for the night.)
[12:34] *** Eilean has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Eilean
[12:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: There is no Spoo.
[12:34] * Eilean is sitting down, trying to wrap some gifts
[12:34] *** Giselle Bellerose has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Giselle Bellerose
[12:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Hey I just realized - Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear to be smart until you actually hear them speak.
[12:35] * Giselle Bellerose [outside] works on cutting out snowflakes
[12:35] *** Giselle Bellerose has moved back to the livingroom
[12:35] <Giselle Bellerose> these scissors are useless ><
[12:35] *** Delilha Inochi has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Delilha Inochi
[12:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: who is she suppliy the drinks to?
[12:35] * Delilha Inochi is also wrapping gifts, as Kyra watches
[12:36] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, DD_Girl_Green
[12:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where typos are a fine art
[12:36] * DD_Girl_Green sets down Mira and Beryl next to Kyra
[12:37] * Delilha Inochi smiles as Kyra tries to reach for the bows
[12:37] <Delilha Inochi> that's for the presents ^^
[12:39] * DD_Girl_Green looks at Delilha's scissors
[12:41] <DD_Girl_Green> You got kid scissors?
[12:42] <Delilha Inochi> no?
[12:43] * DD_Girl_Green looks at Kyra and her chidlren
[12:44] * Kyra is grabbing the christmas paper
[12:45] <DD_Girl_Green> Kyra, Mira, Gem, let go of the paper.
[12:45] * Kyra blinks and let's go
[12:46] <Giselle Bellerose> so where's the rest of the family
[12:46] <DD_Girl_Green> Various places.
[12:47] * DD_Girl_Green puts blocks down for Kyra, Mira and Beryl
[12:47] <Eilean> eh mom said she was doing some more christmas shopping...
[12:48] <DD_Girl_Green> I think it might be my turn next
[12:50] <Eilean> Aunt Jo said she had some extra training she wanted to get done....was going to one of her old training spots
[12:54] <DD_Girl_Green> How about presents for friends
[12:54] <DD_Girl_Green> ?
[12:54] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Eliza McIntash
[12:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We got yer Saucy, Cheeky Senshi rite here!
[12:54] * Eliza McIntash comes in with a hammer, and a butane torch.
[12:55] * Eliza McIntash heats up some wires and pounds them after they are hot.
[12:56] * Eliza McIntash takes pliers and wrings the wires into a shape. She then heats more of the wire, and continues this task.
[12:56] <Eilean> hey eliza
[12:56] <Eilean> and Uncle Matsuo...I have no idea
[12:58] * Eliza McIntash nods hello to Eilean, but doesn't stop in her task, wringing the wire into intricate shapes, heating it, and pounding it again.
[13:01] <DD_Girl_Green> I heard that he's going to have a child.
[13:02] <DD_Girl_Green> hi ,eliza
[13:02] <Eilean> yeah that's what I heard
[13:04] * Delilha Inochi wraps another gift and puts it under the tree
[13:05] <Baby Beryl> O.O
[13:08] * Eliza McIntash nods hello to Green when she grets her.
[13:08] * Eliza McIntash heats the metal up again until it is red hot, then pounds it and wrings it.
[13:08] <DD_Girl_Green> What're you making, Eliza?
[13:08] <Eliza McIntash> .........
[13:08] <Eliza McIntash> A Christmas present for Chateaux!
[13:09] <Eliza McIntash> I mean, she has everything, and can make everything, so I thought that something I made with my own effort would mean the most to her.
[13:09] <Eliza McIntash> I mean, heh.... she's pretty much impossible to surprise.
[13:09] <Eliza McIntash> She can be everywhere. See through anything. Watch people and things on this planet and beyond.
[13:10] <Eliza McIntash> So I figure why bother trying to surprise her, and let her see the effort I am putting into it for herself.
[13:10] <Eliza McIntash> She.... she really does deserve it. That and much more.
[13:10] <DD_Girl_Green> wow, that's good to hear.
[13:10] * Eliza McIntash sighs and looks down quietly for a moment.
[13:10] * Eliza McIntash nods slowly "Yeah."
[13:11] <Eliza McIntash> I feel kinda bad for her.
[13:11] <Eliza McIntash> Nobody ever says thank you for what she is so nice to do for us all.
[13:11] <Eliza McIntash> So that's why I'm making this!
[13:11] * Eliza McIntash holds up a bunch of wire that is tangled together and visibly incandescent from heat.
[13:11] <Eliza McIntash> Oooh
[13:11] <Eliza McIntash> Wow, that's pretty hot.
[13:12] <Eliza McIntash> Maybe I should get another container of water or something just in case.
[13:12] * Eliza McIntash sits down on a fireproof blanket that she got, and keeps working, whistling, and going like a natural.
[13:12] * Eliza McIntash looks at DD_Girl_Green.
[13:12] *** DD_Girl_Green is
Her image Song is: .
[13:12] <Delilha Inochi> do you need any help?
[13:13] * Eliza McIntash looks at Delilha Inochi.
[13:13] *** Delilha Inochi is a teenage girl with upturned brown hair, blue green eyes and a cheerful personality. She is currently 12 years old.
Her image Song is: .
[13:13] <Eliza McIntash> No thank you, young lady. ^_^
[13:13] <Eliza McIntash> It's a present for somebody that I love very dearly, so I want to make it myself.
[13:13] <Eliza McIntash> Or were you really interested?
[13:14] <DD_Girl_Green> It's nice in that it's from the heart.
[13:14] <Delilha Inochi> well I..know a bit about metal work..a little
[13:15] <Eliza McIntash> Well, if you want to watch, you can.
[13:15] <Eliza McIntash> I'm... really bad at explaining why I do things. I honestly don't fully understand it.
[13:15] <Eliza McIntash> Oh... yeah. It's from the heart.
[13:15] <Eliza McIntash> I love her dearly.
[13:16] <Eliza McIntash> I used to test her patience, I know that, but... she's made me so happy.
[13:16] <Eliza McIntash> So I HAD to give her something, and stuff money paid for just didn't seem like it was sufficient to me.
[13:17] * Eliza McIntash pats the floor, and makes sure she doesn't scuff it or singe it.
[13:17] * Eliza McIntash keeps working, but makes room on the blanket for Delilha.
[13:17] <Eliza McIntash> ....
[13:17] <Eliza McIntash> Wait.
[13:17] <Eliza McIntash> Hold on.
[13:17] * Eliza McIntash goes over to somewhere.
[13:17] <Eilean> wait till you see my mom's gift for you, eliza
[13:17] * Eliza McIntash comes back.
[13:18] * Delilha Inochi sits next to Eliza
[13:18] <Eliza McIntash> Not so fast, little lady. ^_^
[13:18] * Eliza McIntash puts safety goggles on herself, and holds up a smaller kid-size pair for Delilha with a Hello Kitty pattern on the strap.
[13:18] <Eliza McIntash> Price of admission.
[13:18] * Delilha Inochi puts them on
[13:19] <Eliza McIntash> Sorry. What were you saying, Eilean? I was suddenlydistracted by the need to be a decent role model. <.<
[13:20] * DD_Girl_Green puts on some heating goggles.
[13:20] * Eliza McIntash looks down and heats up the wire again, and holds it in a vice on the side of the anvil, and wrings it in line with the others.
[13:22] * Eliza McIntash makes sure the baby is nowhere nearby.
[13:22] * Delilha Inochi watches carefully
[13:24] * Eliza McIntash looks up, smiles at the walls and ceiling, and continues heating and hammering and wringing.
[13:25] * Eilean puts a few presents near the fireplace
[13:26] <Eliza McIntash> So did you say that your mother had a present for me?
[13:27] <Eilean> yeah she bought you something
[13:28] <Eliza McIntash> Ah!
[13:28] <Eliza McIntash> Do you knwo she's puting together a dance for the holidays?
[13:29] <Eilean> yeah I heard something about that
[13:30] <Eliza McIntash> Sometimes I think she can't help herself.
[13:30] <Eliza McIntash> I decided I would dance in it, though.
[13:30] <Eliza McIntash> It felt... right.
[13:33] <Eilean> hey that's awesome
[13:34] <Giselle Bellerose> ugh this is not working well
[13:37] <DD_Girl_Green> how come?
[13:39] * Giselle Bellerose is making a mess
[13:39] <Eliza McIntash> yeah, what's wrong?
[13:39] <Giselle Bellerose> *a mess of the snowflakes
[13:42] <DD_Girl_Green> want some help?
[13:43] <Giselle Bellerose> I think I can manage *is stubborn*
[13:45] <Eliza McIntash> Well, maybe you can.
[13:45] <Eliza McIntash> Good luck
[13:45] * Eliza McIntash continues working on Chateaux's present.
[13:48] * Eliza McIntash holds the wire in front of the torch again.
[13:50] <Delilha Inochi> do you need me to do anything?
[13:51] * DD_Girl_Green 's phone rings
[13:51] <DD_Girl_Green> Can you take care of the kids, looks like it's my turn.
[13:52] * Baby Beryl reaches for Delilha :D
[13:52] <Eliza McIntash> You could get a bueckt of water to quench, if you wanted.
[13:52] <Eliza McIntash> Your turn for what?
[13:54] * Delilha Inochi goes to get a bucket of wtaer for eliza
[13:56] * Eliza McIntash dips part of the hot metal inside the bucket with a loud hiss.
[13:59] <DD_Girl_Green> to get presents
[14:04] <Eliza McIntash> Ah.
[14:04] * Eliza McIntash keeps working longer, wringing the wire into the shapes of letters and kanji.
[14:04] * DD_Girl_Green is away
[14:14] <Delilha Inochi> it looks really nice!
[14:19] <Eliza McIntash> Thanks.
[14:19] <Eliza McIntash> I'm trying to spell out smaller things in the wire, but I need to make the base first.
[14:22] * Delilha Inochi nods!
[14:25] <Eliza McIntash> I hope she'll put it up on her door.
[14:26] * Eliza McIntash picks out a different colored wire, and puts it in the fire now.
[14:50] * Eliza McIntash picks up her tools, blanket, and water, and heads off to practice her dancing.
[14:54] * Delilha Inochi makes sur ethe kids are not escaping
[14:57] * Baby Beryl reaches for Delilha's hair :O
[14:58] <Delilha Inochi> ow ><
[15:01] * Baby Beryl tries to use Delilha's hair to comb Mira's hair :O
[15:04] <Delilha Inochi> ow ow ow ow ow ><
[15:07] * Baby Beryl shows some building blocks to Kyra, Mira and Delilha :D
[15:11] * Eilean helps giselle with putting up the snowflakes
[15:15] <Delilha Inochi> what am I going to get my mom?
[15:15] <Delilha Inochi> ^mama
[15:15] <Eilean> what do you awnt to get her?
[15:18] * Baby Beryl coos :o
[15:20] <Delilha Gelus> ...I don't know...
[15:30] * Baby Beryl giggles and coos :D
[15:33] * Baby Beryl climbs eilean :O
[15:34] <Eilean> what the O_o
[15:38] * Baby Beryl giggles :D
[15:46] <Eilean> quite the climber, eh?
[15:48] <Baby Beryl> :D
[15:58] <Eilean> no wondre your parents have a hard time keeping track of you
[15:58] * Baby Mira , meanwhile, is just quietly playing with a stuffed bear..she doesn't look all that happy being around all these people
[16:41] * Eilean sits near the fire
[17:20] * Baby Beryl crawls arpund the fire :O
[17:24] * Delilha Inochi grabs Beryl!
[17:24] <Baby Beryl> :O
[17:27] * Baby Beryl looks at Delilha :D
[17:34] <Delilha Inochi> it's too dangerious near that fireplace!
[17:34] * Baby Beryl squeaks O.O
[17:42] * Baby Beryl giggles
[17:45] * Delilha Inochi gets a text and picks up the baby and heads upstairs
[17:45] * Delilha Inochi is away
[17:45] * Eilean is away
[17:45] * Giselle Bellerose is away
[18:00] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, DD_Girl_Green
[18:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The gurgling has a name.
[18:01] * DD_Girl_Green brings in a gigantic bag and puts it in the closet.
[18:02] * DD_Girl_Green picks up baby Mira.
[18:03] * Baby Mira isn't there
[18:03] <DD_Girl_Green> Mira? Gem?
[18:04] <DD_Girl_Green> Kyra?
[18:06] * Kyra and Beryl are not there
[18:07] <DD_Girl_Green> hmm...
[18:07] * DD_Girl_Green goes up to 1710 to see if they are there.
[18:09] * they are not there
[18:10] <DD_Girl_Green> Hello?
[18:10] * DD_Girl_Green goes to search for Matsumi's family.
[18:13] * DD_Girl_Green searches the 16th floor
[18:14] * there is noise coming from behind room 1603
[18:15] * DD_Girl_Green knocks on 1603
[18:15] <?> come in
[18:16] * DD_Girl_Green opens the door and enters
[18:17] * DD_Girl_Green has moved to: [ 1603 ]
[18:17] * the noise is coming from the dining area in the suite
[18:19] * DD_Girl_Green has moved to: [ 1603, Dining Area ]
[18:20] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603, Dining Area] Hello?
[18:22] * DD_Girl_Green [1603, Dining Area] looks aroound.
[18:25] * DD_Girl_Green [1603, Dining Area] whistles and looks for her kids.
[18:28] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ 1603, Dining Area ]
[18:29] * Matsumi Kaze [1603, Dining Area] passes along some food to Delilha ^^
[18:30] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603, Dining Area] awww, a family dinner
[18:33] * Hideki Kaze actually works on feeding Beryl some baby food
[18:33] * Hideki Kaze has moved to: [ 1603, Dining Area ]
[18:35] * Baby Beryl e tries to slurp down a bit of the baby food.
[18:36] * Baby Beryl has moved to: [ 1603, Dining Area ]
[18:37] * Baby Beryl [1603, Dining Area] has a litle mess on her hign chair :D
[18:39] * Eilean is eating, while keeping an eye on her daughter...who is making her own mess
[18:44] * DD_Girl_Green [1603, Dining Area] takes a seat
[18:44] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603, Dining Area] so, what do we have here?
[18:46] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603, Dining Area] hot pot!
[18:47] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603, Dining Area] what's it made of?
[18:47] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603, Dining Area] oh various things!
[18:49] * DD_Girl_Green [1603, Dining Area] tries some hotpots.
[18:49] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603, Dining Area] How was your day, Caligo?
[18:51] * Caligo has moved to: [ 1603, Dining Area ]
[18:52] <Caligo> [1603, Dining Area] .....fine
[18:53] * DD_Girl_Green [1603, Dining Area] turns to hideki.
[18:53] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603, Dining Area] what about you..... daddy? :P
[18:53] *** Spectrix has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Spectrix
[18:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> PSA:Awesome things will happen today if everyone chooses not to be a miserable cow.
[18:53] * Spectrix has moved to: [ 1603, Dining Area ]
[19:00] <Spectrix> [1603, Dining Area] Eat your food, dear.
[19:10] * Little fox ears pop up nearby.
[19:10] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:10] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:10] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Expect the Random
[19:10] * Youm Vines grb the fox ears.
[19:11] * Megan O`Cain enters the livingroom from the resort side of the Hotel/House, "So nice to be indoors at times."
[19:11] * Youm Vines pulls the one with fox ears down "Fluffy :D"
[19:12] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:12] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Nat
[19:12] <@Chateaux Concierge> SNAP into a Suburban Senshi! OOOH YEAAAAH!
[19:12] <Chibi-Nat> :D
[19:12] * Chibi-Nat has been grabbed!!
[19:12] <Chibi-Nat> Hi!
[19:13] <Pinako> Hi :D
[19:14] * Chibi-Nat waves to everyone, wiggling her tails. ^__^
[19:14] <Megan O`Cain> Hey there.
[19:16] <Chibi-Nat> Whatcha doing?
[19:16] <Pinako> I want a pet fluffy :D
[19:18] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603, Dining Area] How was your day, Hideki?
[19:18] <Chibi-Nat> Okay!
[19:18] * Chibi-Nat presents her tails to Pinako. Still small, but fluffy and soft.
[19:19] * Pinako pets the tails "You want to be my pet fluffy? :O"
[19:21] <Chibi-Nat> I'm Mommy's and Daddy's!
[19:24] * Chibi-Nat looks to see what everyone's doing.
[19:24] <Chibi-Nat> =^ ^=
[19:24] * Megan O`Cain is taking winter gear off, and hanging them up
[19:25] <Pinako> Can mr. David or Ms. Megan be a fluffy? :D
[19:27] * Eliza McIntash is back
[19:27] * Eliza McIntash has moved to: [ Chateaux's Headphones ]
[19:27] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's Headphones] dances across the floor, listening to music.
[19:29] * Chibi-Nat hops up and down with Eliza, trying to dance too!
[19:30] *** Eliza McIntash has moved back to the livingroom
[19:30] * Eliza McIntash takes the headphones off.
[19:30] * Eliza McIntash dances a short dance with 10 simple steps, and sees if Chibi-Nat can do it.
[19:33] <Eliza McIntash> ?
[19:35] * Matsumi Kaze [1603, Dining Area] finishes off the last of the hotpot
[19:36] <Eliza McIntash> Heh, well join if you wish, little one.
[19:37] * Eliza McIntash puts the headphones on again.
[19:37] * Eliza McIntash has moved to: [ Chateaux's headphones ]
[19:37] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] dances to the music playing through the headphones.
[19:37] * Chibi-Nat tries to copy the moves.
[19:37] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Eliza.
[19:39] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] dances a more complex dance!
[19:42] * Chibi-Nat trips and falls. :<
[19:43] <Megan O`Cain> Are you alright, Natalia?
[19:44] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] helps Natalia up.
[19:44] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] smiles, and shows her the steps, one at a time.
[19:45] <Chibi-Nat> I okies.
[19:46] * Chibi-Nat tries to dance, but gives up and just hops and bounces and wiggles around like a crazy-fox! :D
[19:46] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] d^_^b
[19:46] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] continues to practice dancing.
[19:46] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 13 ]
[19:46] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] is VERY good, and shows considerable skill, as though a regular in a dance troupe instea of an amateaur.
[19:46] * Chibi-Nat points at the headphones. "What that?"
[19:48] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] WHAT?
[19:49] * Megan O`Cain points out the headphones to Eliza
[19:50] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] ???
[19:50] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] Oh.
[19:50] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] Yeah, they were a present from Chateaux to me.
[19:50] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] She plays music for me through them. It's very calming.
[19:50] <Chibi-Nat> What they do?
[19:50] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] Heh, until I dance.
[19:50] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] Well, Chateaux uses it to uh... play me songs, and I suppose she could use them to talk to me too!
[19:50] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] They fit me just perfectly.
[19:51] <Chibi-Nat> I listen?
[19:51] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] I was dancing, cause the music always gets faster and more challenging when I start to dance...
[19:51] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] looks at the wall and winks. "Coincidence, surely."
[19:51] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] What did you just say?
[19:54] <Chibi-Nat> I wanna listen! :D
[19:56] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] <.<
[19:56] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] Uh.... but they um... they fit me.
[19:57] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] You should Ask Chateaux to get you your own! I bet they could look like whatever you asked!
[19:57] * Eliza McIntash looks at Chibi-nat.
[19:57] *** Chibi-nat is tiny little foxgirl who was just recently born. She's small and delicately cute with coppery hair and blue-green eyes. Her fox-ears and tails are still quite stubby. She is the youngest child of Solarchos and Inu-Kitsune. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .
[19:57] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] <.<
[19:57] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] I'm sure she could make them fit you perfectly!
[19:58] <Chibi-Nat> =^ ^=
[19:58] <Eliza McIntash> [Chateaux's headphones] Heh, yeah.
[19:59] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] listens to the calming music in the headphones again.
[20:01] * Eliza McIntash [Chateaux's headphones] doesn't feel like dancing anymore in front of the Kit.
[20:01] *** Eliza McIntash has moved back to the livingroom
[20:01] <Eliza McIntash> Hey LittleBit, do you know when not to touch things that are dangerous?
[20:02] * Chibi-Nat nod-nods.
[20:04] <Eliza McIntash> Mkay, so you know that hot things are dangerous, right?
[20:04] <Eliza McIntash> Cause I don't want to work on this if you could get hurt.
[20:05] * Chibi-Nat nod-nods.
[20:06] <Chibi-Nat> :D
[20:08] <Eliza McIntash> Well. Alright then, I'll work on it in here.
[20:08] * Eliza McIntash goes and comes back with a fire blanket, a butane torch, a big sheet of metal, and a bunch of pliers and wire.
[20:09] * Eliza McIntash turns on the torch, heats up the wire, and wrings it into a spiral shape as it gets hot.
[20:09] * Eliza McIntash puts some goggles on.
[20:09] <Megan O`Cain> What's been going on with you, Natalia?
[20:09] <Chibi-Nat> Been playing! And new person come to Estate.
[20:10] <Megan O`Cain> Oh? Who showed up at the door?
[20:11] <Chibi-Nat> She in water.
[20:11] <Megan O`Cain> Eh?
[20:12] <Chibi-Nat> Found her in the water!
[20:13] <Megan O`Cain> Oh.
[20:18] <Chibi-Nat> They bring her inside. She was really, really cold.
[20:18] <Megan O`Cain> Awww. What happened to her?
[20:19] * Eliza McIntash keeps making the wire into a spiral shape
[20:21] <Chibi-Nat> Someone hurt her.
[20:24] <Megan O`Cain> Before we press onward, who was this person?
[20:25] * Chibi-Nat shrugs.
[20:26] <Chibi-Nat> Mommy say she be a bad person.
[20:26] <Joanna Smithson> THAT WAS A MISTAKE!
[20:26] *** Joanna Smithson has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Joanna Smithson
[20:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We Be Unorthodoxed
[20:26] * Joanna Smithson stands there..covered in snow
[20:27] <Burroughs> ♦ Hm?
[20:27] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[20:27] * Burroughs pops up. "You ok there, Joanna?"
[20:28] <Joanna Smithson> note to in the Tsurumai-Tsuburi mountains...BAD IDEA
[20:29] <Burroughs> ♦ And why's that?
[20:30] * Chibi-Nat waves to Joanna.
[20:30] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Joanna.
[20:31] <Joanna Smithson> IT'S FREAKING COLD
[20:32] <Burroughs> ♦ Well, what did you expect? Sand, sun and beaches up in the mountains? :P
[20:37] * Eliza McIntash keeps working slowly.
[20:37] * Eliza McIntash adjusts her goggles, but keeps working.
[20:38] * Chibi-Nat gives Joanna some tail-pats!
[20:39] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, Natalia, what was this lady like?
[20:40] <Chibi-Nat> She have wings like Morrigan.
[20:40] * Burroughs looks over to little Natalia. "She some kind of demon or dragon, then?"
[20:43] <Megan O`Cain> Hmmm. Did you catch a name?
[20:44] * Chibi-Nat shakes her head.
[20:44] <Chibi-Nat> But Mommy mad. She say lady be bad.
[20:45] <Burroughs> ♦ Hm? Why's that?
[20:45] <Megan O`Cain> Any idea why?
[20:45] <Chibi-Nat> Say she try to take me.
[20:46] <Megan O`Cain> Huh.
[20:46] <Burroughs> ♦ Maybe it was another vampire like the ones that tried before?
[20:53] * Chibi-Nat shrugs.
[20:58] <Chibi-Nat> Dunno.
[20:58] <Chibi-Nat> But Mommy have her locked up.
[21:02] <Megan O`Cain> Huh.
[21:03] <Burroughs> ♦ Well, long as she's locked up, all's cool. I'd imagine if she tries again your dad or mom or siblings would apply a lasround right to the head.
[21:07] <Chibi-Nat> =^ ^=
[21:07] * Chibi-Nat perks her ears up, hearing something in the distance.
[21:07] <Chibi-Nat> Mommy calling! Gots to go now.
[21:07] * Chibi-Nat waves good night to everyone.
[21:08] <Burroughs> ♦ Take care, Natty♫
[21:08] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Gah!")
[21:23] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Eitak_Razal
[21:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: There is no Spoo.
[21:24] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Eitak.
[21:25] <Eitak_Razal> Yo
[21:28] * Joanna Smithson opens up a beer
[21:29] <Megan O`Cain> How's it going?
[21:31] <Eitak_Razal> Meh
[21:39] <Megan O`Cain> Eh, it happens.
[21:54] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[21:54] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze> hi folks!
[21:56] <Burroughs> ♦ Hey there Matsumi. What's the haps?
[21:56] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi!
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> not much!
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze> you guys?
[22:08] <Burroughs> ♦ Seems Joanna got quite chilled to the bone when off training in the mountains. Really should've expected it, given her location.
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> ..well yeah
[22:09] <Joanna Smithson> shut up >.>
[22:10] * Megan O`Cain giggles a bit
[22:17] <Megan O`Cain> So, how've you been, Matsumi?
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> eh ok!
[22:20] <Megan O`Cain> That's good.
[22:31] *** Amia has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Amia
[22:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: we don't wwebsite as on the internet
[22:31] * Amia comes in from the resort, humming to herself happily
[22:31] *** Amia has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Amia
[22:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Are we the balls?
[22:31] <Megan O`Cain> Hello.
[22:32] <Amia> Hallo~
[22:33] <Matsumi Kaze> can you guys excuse us
[22:33] * Matsumi Kaze is away
[22:33] * Joanna Smithson rolls her eyes and follows
[22:33] * Joanna Smithson is away
[22:34] <Amia> ..?
[22:35] <Megan O`Cain> Sure, Matsumi.
[22:37] * Joanna Smithson is back
[22:37] <Joanna Smithson> sorry about thta..she can be a bit crazy
[22:38] <Amia> I see.
[22:38] <Amia> Though that does come in common around here.
[22:44] * Joanna Smithson is back
[22:44] <Joanna Smithson> yeah crazy is right
[22:45] * Joanna Smithson sits next to Joanna
[22:45] <Megan O`Cain> Heh.
[22:45] <Joanna Smithson> what?
[22:45] <Joanna Smithson> what?
[22:48] * Joanna Smithson ..both of them, look at Megan
[22:49] <Megan O`Cain> Soooo, who's the real Joanna? :P
[22:51] <Joanna Smithsons> can't you tell?
[22:54] * Joanna Smithsons both smirk
[22:56] * Megan O`Cain tosses both Joannas a can of ginger ale, "Drink up, then."
[22:56] * Joanna Smithsons grab the ginger them and drinks...
[22:57] <Joanna Smithson> mmmm....g-good....*looks like she wants to gag*
[22:58] * Joanna Smithson drinks down the ginger ale
[22:58] * Megan O`Cain points at the Joanna enjoying the ginger ale, "Gotcha, Matsumi."
[22:59] * Joanna Smithson smirks
[22:59] * Joanna Smithson unties the braid in her hair, letting her hair flow down
[22:59] * Joanna Smithson is now known as Matsumi Kaze (Adult)
[22:59] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> [Resort] ah you got me!
[22:59] *** Matsumi Kaze (Adult) has moved back to the livingroom
[23:01] <Megan O`Cain> I sure did. Figured Joanna would not like ginger ale.
[23:01] * Joanna Smithson spits out the ginger ale in the sink
[23:01] * Joanna Smithson sits next to her (adult) sister
[23:02] * Joanna Smithson and Matsumi look exactly alike...besides matsumi having her hair down
[23:03] <Megan O`Cain> Identical twins?
[23:03] <Joanna Smithson> yeah we are..normally
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> I'm older then her by a few minutes
[23:05] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha. Two beauties if I may say.
[23:06] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> hehe :P
[23:08] <Megan O`Cain> So, what sort of training were you doing, Joanna?
[23:10] <Joanna Smithson> just the usual physical and ki work
[23:13] <Megan O`Cain> Ah, okay.
[23:16] <Megan O`Cain> Need any partners to lend a hand?
[23:25] <Joanna Smithson> no clue at this point
[23:30] * Megan O`Cain nods
[23:41] * Megan O`Cain gets herself a glass of cognac
[23:47] * Matsumi Kaze turns back to a teen
[23:55] <Megan O`Cain> Sooooo, what now, guys?
[23:58] <Matsumi Kaze> no clue!
[00:26] <Matsumi Kaze> I know Matsumi went to Zephrius again
[00:26] <Matsumi Kaze> ^Masaki
[00:28] <Burroughs> ♦ Any reason why?
[00:28] <Megan O`Cain> Oh? What's the occasion?
[00:30] <Matsumi Kaze> I gave her a lead on something
[00:32] <Megan O`Cain> Was it a good one?
[00:34] <Matsumi Kaze> well that's just it..I don't know
[00:37] <Megan O`Cain> I see.
[00:50] <Megan O`Cain> Care to share what this lead was?
[00:52] <Matsumi Kaze> I told her where a certain cave was
[00:53] <Megan O`Cain> Okay. Anything else?
[00:55] <Matsumi Kaze> nah not really
[00:55] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm going to get some sleep
[00:55] <Matsumi Kaze> night!
[01:00] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:00] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Matsumi!
[01:00] *** Joanna Smithson has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:07] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Time for bed.)
[13:51] * Burroughs takes this time to liven things up with some Exotic Butters
[18:43] <Freya Felinus> butters?
[18:43] *** Freya Felinus has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Freya Felinus
[18:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
[18:45] <Burroughs> ♦ Yes, Exotic Butter~
[18:46] <Freya Felinus> so how are you
[18:46] <Burroughs> ♦ All's well.
[18:54] <Freya Felinus> quiet for you?
[18:58] <Burroughs> ♦ Kinda. Then again, after the craziness back home, some quiet is appreciated.
[18:59] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:59] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[18:59] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: I won't know what to do when it just comes casual.
[18:59] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, guys.
[19:04] <Freya Felinus> hello there
[19:04] * Freya Felinus is holding onto the back part of Atalanta's dress....preventing her from running
[19:07] <Megan O`Cain> What's new around here?
[19:12] <Freya Felinus> not much
[19:13] * Megan O`Cain nods, "Keeping a little one in place?"
[19:20] <Freya Felinus> oh yes
[19:20] <Atalanta Felinus> [1602] ><
[19:20] *** Atalanta Felinus has moved back to the livingroom
[19:20] <Megan O`Cain> Rather energetic, isn't she?
[19:22] * Fox ears pop up from behind a nearby couch.
[19:23] <Burroughs> ♦ Say, why is Atalanta trying to run off?
[19:28] <Freya Felinus> she wants to climb the tree
[19:30] <Megan O`Cain> Ohhhh.
[19:34] *** has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening,
[19:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Like cocaine, but better.
[19:34] *** Ran Yakumo [Nine-Tailed Strategist@EnclaveFedCom.Net(Pirated S] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Ran Yakumo
[19:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> You cannot imagine the intensity of the f[BLEEP]ks I do not give today!
[19:34] <Ran Yakumo> :D
[19:34] <Ran Yakumo> >__>
[19:34] <Ran Yakumo> <__<
[19:34] <Ran Yakumo> ...No little children to play with Aunty Ran?
[19:35] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Ran.
[19:36] <Burroughs> ♦ Hey there, Ran.
[19:36] * Atalanta Felinus still struggles ><
[19:36] * something dives into Ran's tails!
[19:39] <Ran Yakumo> OH!!
[19:39] * Ran Yakumo checks her tails!
[19:40] * a little girl with blondish-brown eyes and fox ears looks up at Ran
[19:40] <Burroughs> ♦ And who is this?
[19:41] <Ran Yakumo> Hello. And who might you be that seeks the warm fluffiness of the Nine-Tailed Strategist?
[19:43] <Ran Yakumo> And whose child are you, little Kit?
[19:45] * a little girl just buries her face in the tail and hugs
[19:46] <Megan O`Cain> Awwww.
[19:46] * Ran Yakumo hugs back with her tails.
[19:48] * a little girl giggles happily
[19:50] <Ran Yakumo> You like it within my tails?
[19:52] * a little girl nods!
[19:53] * a little girl waggles her own fox tail
[19:53] <Megan O`Cain> What's your name, little kit?
[19:54] <a little girl> Kaia
[19:54] <Megan O`Cain> It's nice to meet you, Kaia. I'm Megan.
[19:57] <Ran Yakumo> Hello little Kaia. Where is your mommy?
[19:57] * a little girl points up the stairs
[19:58] <Ran Yakumo> Does she have a name?
[20:00] <a little girl> mama
[20:00] <Ran Yakumo> And how old are you, little Kaia?
[20:02] * a little girl holds up four fingers
[20:03] <Ran Yakumo> Oh! So you're a little older than little Natalia! Have you ever met her?
[20:03] * a little girl shakes head no
[20:05] <Ran Yakumo> She's a little girl like you, but with three stubby little tails to play with!
[20:05] <a little girl> three?
[20:08] * Ran Yakumo nods!
[20:08] <Ran Yakumo> She's a special girl because her mother is a nine-tail like me.
[20:14] * Ran Yakumo ruffles her tails around Naia a little. ^__^
[20:16] * a little girl giggles happily
[20:20] * Megan O`Cain gives Kaia a warm smile
[20:24] <Ran Yakumo> Now, what kinds of things do you like, Kaia?
[20:29] * a little girl seems to think hard
[20:38] <Ran Yakumo> =^ ^=
[20:38] <Ran Yakumo> And how about the rest of you fine folks?
[20:39] <Megan O`Cain> I'm doing alright. How about you?
[20:42] <a little girl> dunno
[20:42] <Ran Yakumo> I'm good. Especially since Yukari is hibernating again.
[20:42] <Burroughs> ♦ All's good on my end.
[20:43] <Ran Yakumo> Why is why you haven't seen too much of her lately. I think she fell asleep earlier than usual this year. Something about headaches.
[20:44] <Megan O`Cain> I take it the election in America may have something to do with that.
[20:46] <Ran Yakumo> I believe so. Tronald Dump's been making a HUGE nuisance of himself.
[20:47] <Megan O`Cain> I see.
[20:49] <Ran Yakumo> He made a huge rant about the Chinese today...and promptly got beaten up by Meiling Hong.
[20:50] <Megan O`Cain> XD
[20:52] <Burroughs> ♦ Eh, he had it coming.
[20:53] <Ran Yakumo> So we'll see what he does next.
[21:03] <Ran Yakumo> Which will likely be inevitable.
[21:05] <Megan O`Cain> You must miss the silence at times, Ran. It seemed things were more peaceful so to speak before the campaigns.
[21:06] * a little girl has fallen asleep in the tails
[21:09] <Ran Yakumo> It was.
[21:09] <Ran Yakumo> But then Gensokyo began to resonate with it all.
[21:10] <Ran Yakumo> Heh, I think I'll take a break here and let this little one sleep in my tails for a while.
[21:10] <Ran Yakumo> I should take a nap too.
[21:10] *** Haru E [Shura.SpannerinDWorks@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:10] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Haru E
[21:10] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Because there is no end and you can never go home again.
[21:11] * Haru E drifts on downstairs, Lyz on her shoulder. "Hey guys."
[21:12] * Ran Yakumo yawns and quickly falls asleep on the couch, with Kaia still within her thick, fluffy, voluminous tails
[21:12] *** Ran Yakumo [Nine-Tailed Strategist@EnclaveFedCom.Net(Pirated S] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*zzzzzzzzz*)
[21:13] <Haru E> ...I take it I've missed something.
[21:15] <Lyz> Who is Ran's little friend there?
[21:16] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Haru. Seems we have another kit around, and is hidden in Ran's tails sleeping
[21:16] <Lyz> Huh.
[21:18] <Megan O`Cain> She seemed friendly, though.
[21:47] <Pinako> FLUFFY :D
[21:49] <Megan O`Cain> Hm?
[21:51] <Pinako> Is Mr. David gonna be a fluffy? :D
[21:52] <Megan O`Cain> I doubt he would want to be a fluffy. Why do you ask?
[21:53] <Pinako> A House of Kits! :D
[21:55] <Haru E> .......(Not even gonna ask.)
[21:57] <Megan O`Cain> Okay...
[21:59] * Pinako is imagining a full house of kits, with fluffy tails, everywhere.
[22:03] * a little girl fades away....
[22:04] <Haru E> ??? (Uh oh. Is she supposed to do that?)
[22:05] <Megan O`Cain> ?
[22:07] <Lyz> (Where'd she go?)
[22:08] * - picks up the invisible girl....and starts to walk off
[22:09] <Lyz> !! (A presence!)
[22:09] <Megan O`Cain> Eh?
[22:10] <Pinako> FLuffy?
[22:10] * Pinako looks for the invisible girl :O
[22:11] * Haru E uses her senses to pinpoint the new presence. (I definitely felt something there....)
[22:14] * - has no real presence
[22:17] <Haru E> (..something's up, that's for certain.)
[22:18] <Pinako> Fluffy?... :(
[22:26] <Haru E> (Hm, questions for later.)
[22:32] *** Hideki Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Hideki Kaze
[22:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Now with extra Bom Chikka Wow Wow
[22:32] * Hideki Kaze [1603, Dining Area] walks downstairs
[22:33] *** Hideki Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[22:33] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Hideki.
[22:35] <Hideki Kaze> yes hello *has a bruise on his eye*
[22:36] <Haru E> .....geez. Who'd you piss off?
[22:37] <Hideki Kaze> my wife
[22:38] <Lyz> Why was she mad?
[22:38] <Hideki Kaze> she was wrapping gifts..was having trouble..I offered to help........she said no..pressed the point..punched me
[22:39] <Lyz> Aha.....
[22:40] * Baby Beryl [1603, Dining Area] giggles
[22:40] <Megan O`Cain> Had to hurt, though.
[22:42] * Baby Beryl [1603, Dining Area] is on Hideki's shoulder :D
[22:42] *** Baby Beryl has moved back to the livingroom
[22:47] * Spectrix has moved to: [ Downstairs. ]
[22:47] *** Spectrix has moved back to the livingroom
[22:47] <Spectrix> Oh dear, has she wandered off again?
[22:48] * Spectrix takes Beryl away from Hideki.
[22:50] <Hideki Kaze> yes..yes it did
[22:51] * Baby Beryl reaches for grandpa :O
[22:52] <Megan O`Cain> Other than the black eye, how've you been?
[22:54] <Hideki Kaze> I have been fine
[22:56] <Megan O`Cain> That's good.
[23:12] <Hideki Kaze> indeed
[23:23] <Megan O`Cain> So, what's new with you lately?
[23:29] <Hideki Kaze> working on this dance
[23:29] * Baby Beryl is still reaching grandpa Hideki from Grandma Spectrix :O
[23:32] <Megan O`Cain> Ah.
[23:40] * Hideki Kaze picks up Beryl
[23:42] * Baby Beryl smiles :D
[23:48] <Hideki Kaze> there there
[23:52] * Baby Beryl looks at grandpqa[s black d
[23:53] <Baby Beryl> (( dah! ))
[23:53] <Baby Beryl> *Black eye
[23:53] <Baby Beryl> (( that prompt was not only a typo, but undinished ))
[23:54] * Baby Beryl looks at grandpa's black eye :o
[23:55] <Baby Beryl> (( if anyone topics that, I'll be very angry ))
[00:03] <Hideki Kaze> (( nah it's fine ))
[00:06] * Baby Beryl reaches for grandpa's hair.
[00:15] * Hideki Kaze lets her grab it
[00:33] <Megan O`Cain> Rather quiet night. Not a bad thing, really.
[00:34] <Hideki Kaze> mmhm
[00:39] <Hideki Kaze> it's getting late
[00:40] * Baby Beryl yawns
[00:42] <Hideki Kaze> you should get her to bed
[00:44] * Spectrix takes Baby Beryl
[00:44] <Spectrix> of course, it is a never ending routine
[00:45] <Spectrix> what's the black eye for?
[00:48] <Hideki Kaze> it's a long story
[00:49] <Spectrix> another time, perhaps.
[00:50] * Spectrix goes up to Green and Caligo's room.
[00:50] *** Spectrix has left #suburbansenshi2 (night dears.)
[00:51] *** Baby Beryl has left #suburbansenshi2 (*Falls asleep*)
[00:52] *** Hideki Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:52] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC
[09:59] * looks at Spectrix.
[09:59] *** Spectrix is The previously unknown mother of all 5 DD Girls, she ran away from the Dark Kingdom over 300 years ago, wise beyond her years, she has seen a lot of stuff since she escaped.
Her image Song is: .
[11:01] * Burroughs just riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiises up from the floor. :3
[14:58] * Burroughs sneaks around, hiding a few things here and there.
[16:26] * A set is being built in the lobby
[16:42] * Burroughs 's curiosity is piqued by this set. What kind is it?
[17:09] <@Miss Sunrise> Ooh is this fer Matsy's play?
[17:10] <Burroughs> ♦ Oh?
[17:17] <@Miss Sunrise> Ah'm jus' guessing
[17:19] <Burroughs> ♦ Fair enough.
[17:23] <@Miss Sunrise> How've you been?
[17:24] <Burroughs> ♦ Been quite well. And you?
[17:29] <@Miss Sunrise> Not bad, tryin' t' git X interested in buyin' The Magnificent Seven
[17:31] <Burroughs> ♦ That right? I'm not quite up to speed on most human-world movies, so do forgive me if I'm floundering a bit on that film's synopsis.
[17:35] <@Miss Sunrise> Seven bad guys team up t' do some good an' look good doin' it!
[17:49] * @Miss Sunrise gives a thumbs upo
[18:07] <Burroughs> ♦ Aha,
[18:20] * Ravens are putting up set pieces
[18:22] * Ravens are setting up a fake christmas tree....a clock.....and getting some backdrops ready
[18:23] <Reverend_H> They gonna crack sone nuts, yo
[18:28] * An Arrow barely misses hitting Heilos between the legs, instead going right between them and hitting something else. Was that a warning shot?
[18:30] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:30] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Matsumi Kaze
[18:30] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: 9 out of 10 Physicists Disagree
[18:30] * Matsumi Kaze runs down the hall, carrying her dance bag
[18:34] * Matsumi Kaze is away
[18:40] * Others follow Matsumi, carrying bags and clothes too.
[18:50] * Hideki Kaze ..of all also heading down the hall with a dance bag
[18:51] * // J_Daito // takes a few shots of that
[18:52] * Ravens also set up seats for everyone
[19:08] * a small orchestra also walks in (borrowed from the grand imperial theater)
[19:12] * Solarchos and the Kits are present and getting ready.
[19:13] * Anni Esko works to help Solarchos with his makeup and wig :)
[19:13] * Sean Collins is momentarilly seen ducking into a room to get dressed
[19:14] * Orion Felinus is wandering around in his "King" costume.
[19:14] * Megan O`Cain is already backstage to get her costume on
[19:18] * Lobelia Carlini of all people can be seen entering the hall
[19:20] * The orchestra starts to play the Nutcracker Overture.
[19:20] * Solarchos is ready backstage...
[19:21] * The Kits are all ready too. Even Natalia!
[19:24] * Sean Collins is ready, and so are his 8-second costume changes!
[19:24] * Matsumi Kaze gets herself ready....looking a bit nervous
[19:24] * golD_lux and vermellia and others gather in the back to watch
[19:25] <Orion Felinus> You look marvelous, Matsumi-sama. ^^
[19:26] <Matsumi Kaze> ready?
[19:26] * Orion Felinus nods.
[19:27] <Orion Felinus> Shall I do the introduction now?
[19:28] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods!
[19:28] * Orion Felinus puts on his crown and steps out onto the stage.
[19:28] * the curtains are still closed for the moment
[19:28] * Orion Felinus has moved to: [ King ]
[19:28] * the curtains move to allow orion on
[19:30] <Orion Felinus> [King] Welcome, one and all! I am the regent King of the Land of Sweets! Tonight, you shall be witness to a heartwarming tale of a young girl, and how her love not only warmed the heart of her toys, but also set free a prince! Is it all just a dream? Or is it a dream come true?
[19:31] <Orion Felinus> [King] Our story the himble Stahlbaum Home....
[19:31] * Orion Felinus [King] steps off the stage as the lights brighten...
[19:33] * the curtains slowly part....showing a party in progress.....There are people (made up of extras from the imprial theater)..and there seems to be joy and happiness all around
[19:34] <Orchestra>
[19:34] <Orchestra> starts to play
[19:34] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ Clara ]
[19:34] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] runs out happily...hugging people...and smliing.....greeting others.....talking to the other "children"
[19:35] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] nearly gets shoved a bit by her "brother" and "his" friends
[19:35] * Joanna Smithson has moved to: [ Fritz ]
[19:36] * Joanna Smithson [Fritz] makes a face at "his" sister....but Clara seems more taken by the christmas tree then anything...he joins in her looking over it in awe
[19:38] * The 'adults" start to join in a dance. Clara tries to join in but gets a little frustrated
[19:39] * Joanna Smithson [Fritz] convinces the other "boys" to play tricks on the girls....and pretends to be soldiers..much to Clara's displeasure
[19:42] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] leads the girls in their own dance..while some of the older "grandparents" enter....bearing gifts..and placing them under the tree
[19:43] * Joanna Smithson [Fritz] has "his" hair jostled and frowns a bit..but looks excited to see all the gifts
[19:44] * there is silence as Lobelia enters as Drosslemeyer, complete with eyepatch....some of the children look scared..but Clara runs up and hugs him
[19:46] * Lobelia Carlini has moved to: [ Drosslemeyer ]
[19:47] * Lobelia Carlini [Drosslemeyer] embraces "his" goddaughter....and gives fritz a ruffle of the hair....
[19:48] * Lobelia Carlini [Drosslemeyer] does a flick of the wrist..and in a burst of smoke...offers Fritz a box of toy soldiers
[19:49] * Joanna Smithson [Fritz] grins and immediatly starts to set it up
[19:52] * Lobelia Carlini [Drosslemeyer] does a few magic tricks for the children....but Clara looks a little...sad...
[19:53] * Lobelia Carlini [Drosslemeyer] smiles....and with a flick of the wrist....offers Clara...a nutcracker!
[19:53] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] grins...and takes it happily..hugging it...and dancing carefully with it..
[19:54] * Joanna Smithson [Fritz] frowns a little...watching Clara dance with it.."he" thinks this is stupid
[19:56] * Joanna Smithson [Fritz] grins and grabs the nutracker away from Clara!
[19:57] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] is horrifeied and tries to grab it back...they struggle with it.....and it slips out of Fritz's hands...SMASHING into the ground..breaking it's jaw
[19:57] <Matsumi Kaze> [Clara] ........................
[19:57] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] falls to her knees..and hugs the broken nutcracker....
[19:59] * Lobelia Carlini [Drosslemeyer] walks over and pats Clara on the head..gently taking the nutcracker..and magically fixes the jaw...offering it back to Clara
[20:00] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] hugs the nutcracker again...
[20:02] * the guests begin to leave. Clara and Fritz are lead away to bed.....
[20:02] * the curtains slowly close......
[20:03] * the curtains open again....the lights have been the living room/lobby is now at night....
[20:04] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] sneaks in..looking around....she's looking for her nutcracker...
[20:04] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] stops as the clock strikes midnight..and she turns in a start!
[20:05] * Lobelia Carlini [Drosslemeyer] appears above the clock....and gestures!
[20:05] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] looks around in a start!
[20:05] * As you watch , the christmas tree...and the gifts...start to grow...bigger...and bigger...and bigger...and bigger...
[20:07] * there's some various rats dance across the floor.....Clara looks scared....
[20:07] * Suddenly, the toys start to come to life!
[20:08] * Sean Collins has moved to: [ Nutcracker Soldier ]
[20:08] * Tika Obake has moved to: [ Toy Soldier ]
[20:08] * Tika Obake [Toy Soldier] leads a few of the extra soldiers in the background
[20:09] * Sean Collins [Nutcracker Soldier] appears and summons Gingerbread soldiers to join the toy soldiers as the mice come out from hiding and attack!
[20:09] * the battle start to begins
[20:10] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] backs away a bit in fear
[20:14] * The mice start to part, as another figure arrives!
[20:14] * Hideki Kaze has moved to: [ The Mouse King ]
[20:14] * Hideki Kaze [The Mouse King] appears from the side stage...ready to do battle!
[20:15] * Sean Collins [Nutcracker Soldier] 's gingerbread army are eaten away, leaving the Nutcracker to face the mouse king!
[20:15] * Hideki Kaze [The Mouse King] begins to battle the Nutcracker!
[20:16] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] watches, frightened!
[20:17] * Hideki Kaze [The Mouse King] tries to bring the Nutcracker down!
[20:17] * Sean Collins [Nutcracker Soldier] fences against the mouse king, but his injured jaw leaves him at a disadvantage!
[20:17] * Hideki Kaze [The Mouse King] prepares to slay the nutcracker!
[20:18] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] thinks quick..removes her shoe..and THROWS it at the mouse king!
[20:18] * Hideki Kaze [The Mouse King] is DISTRACTED
[20:18] * Sean Collins [Nutcracker Soldier] lunges forward and stabs the Mouse King!
[20:19] * Hideki Kaze [The Mouse King] falls to the ground...dead
[20:20] * the mice drag the mouse king away....
[20:21] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] runs over and checks on the nutcracker...crying to herself
[20:22] * Sean Collins [Nutcracker Soldier] is surrounded by the other dolls...
[20:22] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] cries..over him
[20:22] * Sean Collins [Nutcracker Soldier] rises from the dolls and is revealed to be a prince!
[20:22] * Sean Collins has moved to: [ Prince ]
[20:23] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] is shocked..and rises to her feet
[20:23] * Sean Collins [Prince] reaches for Clara, his savior!
[20:23] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] goes to embrace the prince!
[20:25] * Sean Collins [Prince] takes Clara and begins their pas de deux!
[20:25] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] dances the pas de deux with the prince...she's.....actually damn good
[20:27] * Sean Collins [Prince] and Clara glide across the stage, as the setting now changes from the living room, to a pine forest.
[20:28] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] dances with the prince
[20:29] * Saki Suminaka has moved to: [ Snowflake ]
[20:30] * Saki Suminaka [Snowflake] enters..and starts to dance with other snowflakes
[20:31] * a sled is slowly brought across the stage
[20:32] <a sleigh> ^
[20:32] * Saki Suminaka [Snowflake] actually does a rather beautiful waltz
[20:32] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] carefully climbs into the sleigh
[20:34] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] looks to the prince
[20:35] * Sean Collins [Prince] joins Clara in the Sleigh
[20:35] * the sleigh is slowly pulled off the stage...Clara leaning against the the curtains close..and the lights go up
[20:36] * Act 1 has ended....10 minute intermission time
[20:36] * golD_lux claps!
[20:37] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte takes this chance to get some tea
[20:41] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] takes this time backstage to drink some water ><
[20:45] <Sean Collins> [Prince] /sqeak You're doing great!
[20:45] * The Orchestra starts to play some early scene music
[20:45] <Sean Collins> [Prince] ^/squeak
[20:45] <Matsumi Kaze> thanks...
[20:45] <Sean Collins> (( curses!!! ))
[20:45] <Matsumi Kaze> ...gah it's the start of the next act!
[20:46] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] quickly gets herself ready
[20:48] * the curtains open...revelaing the candy kingdom
[20:51] * the sleigh slowly arrives with clara and the prince
[20:52] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] looks around in the suger plum fairy and the others approch and bow to the prince and clara
[20:53] * Orion Felinus [King] is standing with the fairy as Clara and the Prince arrives. He greets them humbily.
[20:53] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] curties to the king
[20:53] * Sean Collins [Prince] recounts for his subjects how he had been saved from the Mouse King by Clara and had been transformed back into his own self!
[20:53] * the suger plum fairy and the others wish to hear the story of how this came to be!
[20:54] * the suger plum fairy and the others are amazed by this...and dance for joy around the sleigh
[20:56] * Sean Collins [Prince] reaches his hand to Clara to escort her down from the Sleigh...
[20:57] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] steps two thrones are brought forward
[20:57] * Sean Collins [Prince] leads Clara up to their thrones, as they are relinquished by the regent king and the Sugar Plum Fairy formally with a bow.
[21:00] * Masaki O`Cain has moved to: [ Spanish Dancer ]
[21:00] * Masaki O`Cain [Spanish Dancer] glides onto the floor..and starts to do a rather evokative flamingo dance!
[21:02] * Masaki O`Cain [Spanish Dancer] glides off....
[21:03] * Megan O`Cain has moved to: [ Arabian Dancer ]
[21:04] * the music changes for the next dancer
[21:05] * Megan O`Cain [Arabian Dancer] dances onto the stage, and proceeds to do slow belly dancing as well as whirling dervish spins in her routine
[21:05] * Sean Collins [Prince] grins. He looks for David to see if he's enjoying the show.
[21:07] * David O`Cain is indeed in the audience, watching the production
[21:08] * Megan O`Cain [Arabian Dancer] dances off stage left
[21:08] * Hana Sagusa has moved to: [ Chinese Dancer ]
[21:09] * Hana Sagusa [Chinese Dancer] moves onto stage and does a very..strange dance to the music
[21:10] * Hana Sagusa [Chinese Dancer] moves off the stage......
[21:11] * Giselle Bellerose LEAPS onto the stage....and does as much of an acrobatic [/url=]dance[/url] as she can
[21:12] * Giselle Bellerose does a very acrobatic [/]dance[/url]
[21:13] * Giselle Bellerose does a very acrobatic dance
[21:13] * Giselle Bellerose spins..leaps..flips!
[21:13] * Sean Collins [Prince] applauds!
[21:14] * Giselle Bellerose BACKFLIPS off the stage!
[21:14] * Giselle Bellerose has moved to: [ Russian Dancer ]
[21:14] * Giselle Bellerose [Russian Dancer] ^
[21:14] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] claps!
[21:16] * Erica Fontaine prances onto the stage..playing the flute with a few other girls and dancing in a circle
[21:18] * Erica Fontaine very graceful!
[21:18] * Erica Fontaine and the girls leap off the stage
[21:19] * the music changes in preperation for the next dance!
[21:20] * Solarchos (Mother Ginger) begins to sashay out onto stage, wearing a big powdered wig on his head, looking into a hand-mirror...and wearing a widely-flared dress that isn't a tent, it's practically a PAVILION!!!
[21:20] * Solarchos (Mother Ginger) is indeed wearing makeup too.
[21:20] * Sean Collins [Prince] stifles a laugh....
[21:21] * Solarchos (Mother Ginger) slowly maneuvers out into center-stage, still regarding his image in the mirror and waving.
[21:21] * Solarchos (Mother Ginger) stops.
[21:22] * Solarchos (Mother Ginger) stays still as part of his big, huge, wearable waist-pavilion parts opens up, revealing...
[21:22] * Chibi-Alex dashes out, wearing a pretty white dress. :D
[21:23] * Chibi-Catri dashes out from underneath Daddy's dress next, also wearing a pretty white dress too.
[21:24] * Chibi-Sylvester dashes out and stands with his sisters, wearing a white jester's outfit with black trim. :D
[21:24] * Chibi-AnTil comes out next, also wearing an outfit identical to his brother. ^__^
[21:24] * Finally ...
[21:25] * skips out from Daddy's dress, wearing a pretty white dress just like her sisters! =^ ^=
[21:27] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] claps!
[21:27] * Sean Collins [Prince] also claps for the little ones!
[21:28] <Chibi-Nat> ^
[21:28] * The Kits all dance back and forth together to the tune of the music. They've been practicing this for weeks!
[21:29] * Solarchos (Mother Ginger) just stands there while the Kits dance, looking tent-y and frilly.
[21:32] * Sean Collins [Prince] applauds!
[21:32] * The Kits complete their dance and all spin and bound their way back within Daddy's dress!
[21:33] * Solarchos (Mother Ginger) waves continuously as he maneuvers his way off-stage. ^__^
[21:33] * As mother Ginger and her children heads off the stage, a flurry of dancers dressed as flowers appear next, and dance for the Prince and Clara!
[21:34] * Anni Esko has moved to: [ Flower Lead ]
[21:34] * Anni Esko [Flower Lead] leads the flowers!
[21:41] * The flowers finish their dance...and open the way for the Sugar Plum Fairy!
[21:43] * The Suger Plum Fairy enters to bow to the prince and to clara..and begins her solo dance
[21:48] * The Cavalier enters..and begins to dance with the suger plum fairy
[21:49] * The Suger Plum Fairy moves a bit away from the Cavalier and starts another solo dance
[21:52] * The Suger Plum Fairy and The Cavalier finish off their dance and move aside from Clara and the Prince
[21:54] * Sean Collins [Prince] rises from his throne, and thanks all his subjects for the beautiful celebration!
[21:54] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] curtises to them all
[21:57] * the sleigh slowly returns to the stage
[21:57] * Sean Collins [Prince] takes Clara's hand and dances her over to the sleigh once more...
[21:59] * Sean Collins [Prince] gets into the sleigh once more with Clara and they ride off stage!
[21:59] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] sits in the sleigh as it goes off the stage
[22:00] * the curtains close.........
[22:01] * the curtains open again...revealing the room once again...
[22:02] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] slowly dances on...rubbing her eyes...then dances over to the broken nutcracker under the tree
[22:02] * the parents and Drosslemeyer enter from the other side of the stage
[22:03] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] dances over to Drosslemeyer...and starts to "tell" the story of her dream
[22:03] * Joanna Smithson [Fritz] points to the broken nutcracker and makes a nasty face
[22:03] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] hugs the nutcracker and looks to drosslemeyer
[22:04] * There is a loud *THUD!* off stage...
[22:04] * Lobelia Carlini [Drosslemeyer] smiles, putting a hand on "his" godchild..and gestures over to the stage
[22:04] * Hideki Kaze has moved to: [ Drosslemeyer's nephew ]
[22:04] * Hideki Kaze [Drosslemeyer's nephew] dances onto stage..wearing obviously sean's costume
[22:04] * Hideki Kaze [Drosslemeyer's nephew] dances over to Clara
[22:05] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] smiles and embraces the the curtain closes
[22:05] * the Ballet ends
[22:07] * The audience applauds!!!
[22:07] * the curtains open again
[22:07] * Vermellia X. Rosso claps and wolf-whistles! yaaayyy!!
[22:08] * the dancers from the dance of the sweets, snowflakes and other smaller numbers walk out..and bow to the cast
[22:09] * the parents , fritz and drosslemeyer walk out and bow
[22:09] * Hideki Kaze [Drosslemeyer's nephew] walks out and bows to the audience
[22:10] * Sean Collins [Prince] stumbles out...rubbing the back of his head...
[22:10] * Sean Collins [Prince] punches Hideki in the arm, then takes a bow to the audience.
[22:11] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] walks out and bows..then curtises to the audience ^^
[22:13] * One of the flower dancers comes running out with a bouquet or roses, and gives them to Matsumi!
[22:13] * DD_Girl_Green [1603, Dining Area] has someone sculpt figures of the cast.
[22:14] *** DD_Girl_Green has moved back to the livingroom
[22:14] * Megan O`Cain [Arabian Dancer] walks out, bows to the cast, and then bows to the audience
[22:14] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] grins and takes the flowrs with thanks
[22:14] * David O`Cain applauds as the performers take their bows
[22:16] <Matsumi Kaze> [Clara] ^^
[22:16] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] waves out to the the curtains slowly close
[22:16] <Sean Collins> You could have just asked. :P
[22:18] <Hideki Kaze> had no time
[22:18] * Matsumi Kaze [Clara] sneaks off to talk to the audience
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> [Clara] hope you guys enjoyed it ^^
[22:19] * Sean Collins [Prince] changes back to his street clothes.
[22:19] * DD_Girl_Green puts Mira and Beryl on Hideki "Have no time here either."
[22:19] *** Sean Collins has moved back to the livingroom
[22:20] * Baby Beryl looks at grandpa's ponytail :O
[22:20] * Hideki Kaze [Drosslemeyer's nephew] doesn't have a ponytail
[22:21] * Hideki Kaze [Drosslemeyer's nephew] hands the kids over to their father :P
[22:21] *** Megan O`Cain has moved back to the livingroom
[22:21] * Sean Collins stretches. "That was a good time! Thanks for putting this all together, Matsumi!"
[22:22] * Megan O`Cain heads over to Matsumi, "That was a good performance."
[22:22] * Hideki Kaze [Drosslemeyer's nephew] goes to get back into his regular clothes
[22:22] <Matsumi Kaze> [Clara] aw sean *gives sean a hug* couldn't have done it without you!
[22:23] <Sean Collins> With more practice, Hideki can take the lead someday. ^^;;
[22:23] <Matsumi Kaze> [Clara] hee yeah
[22:23] * Sean Collins rubs the lump on the back of his head...
[22:23] <Matsumi Kaze> [Clara] ..wonder what your mom would have thought of this if she could see it...
[22:24] * Sean Collins pauses for a moment...but then smiles. "She did see it, Matsumi."
[22:24] <Matsumi Kaze> [Clara] she did?
[22:24] <Megan O`Cain> Hope she enjoyed it all, Sean.
[22:25] <Sean Collins> Trust me, she saw it. ^^
[22:26] <Matsumi Kaze> [Clara] I should get out of this ^^;;
[22:26] * Rhea comes up to the group, still clapping!
[22:26] <Rhea> Lovely! Lovely! What a story it was!
[22:27] * Megan O`Cain pats Sean on the shoulder, "You looked like you had fun, Sean."
[22:27] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[22:27] * Matsumi Kaze walks back in her casual clothes
[22:28] <Sean Collins> Oh yeah, it was great!
[22:28] <Matsumi Kaze> who were playing the flowers by the way?
[22:29] <Sean Collins> Even after I got this lump on my head...still had a good time!
[22:29] <Rhea> Oh, and Hee-dee-kee was so nice to help when my chosen somehow was hurt when we could not see him! He saved the ending!
[22:30] <Sean Collins> Eh...heh...helped...yeah....Oh, they are some of the students from that studio that allowed me to practice there.
[22:30] <Matsumi Kaze> oh they were great!
[22:32] * Rhea happily congratulates Hideki for his...heroic rescue of the ballet's ending.
[22:32] *** Hideki Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[22:32] <Hideki Kaze> you are very welcome
[22:35] <Sean Collins> (I am SO going to fill Hideki's bonsai pot with Chia seeds...)
[22:38] * Matsumi Kaze thanks everyone in the audience for coming to the person at a time
[22:41] * David O`Cain smiles at Matsumi and thanks her for setting up the performance when she gets to him
[22:43] *** Orion Felinus has moved back to the livingroom
[22:43] <Orion Felinus> It was a good show, Matsumi-sama! I am happy to be a part of it!
[22:44] <Freya Felinus> and you did wonderfully, dear
[22:44] * The Felinus Twins tackle their father's legs!
[22:45] * Orion Felinus smiles at his daughters and kisses his wife.
[22:46] <Orion Felinus> Maybe next time, we can have our little ones participate as well!
[22:48] <David O`Cain> That was a great performance, Matsumi. Overall, it was quite enjoyable.
[22:49] <Freya Felinus> it may be a good idea!
[22:50] * Sean Collins heads over to the craft service table for some punch and a cookie. :)
[22:53] * Matsumi Kaze gets some cookies for herself ^^
[22:59] <Sean Collins> Hmm...good cookies! Did Chi setup this table?
[22:59] <Chiyoko Shinkaze> sure did!
[22:59] <Sean Collins> Oh! Hey there, Chi!
[23:02] <Chiyoko Shinkaze> hey great job there!
[23:03] * Megan O`Cain gets herself some food and drink at the craft service table
[23:03] <Sean Collins> Thanks! Its been a long time since I've danced ballet, but it felt great to do it again!
[23:07] <Chiyoko Shinkaze> well you should celebrate
[23:11] * Sean Collins raises his glass of punch. "I am celebrating!" ^^
[23:11] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:11] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, DD_Girl_Green
[23:11] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You got served... HALF A MILLION TIMES.
[23:12] * DD_Girl_Green comes back downstairs with not only her children, but some journalists from D-Point.
[23:13] <DD_Girl_Green> .... CAN YOU NOT FOLLOW ME?!
[23:13] * Sean Collins quirks a brow at the crowd...
[23:14] <Megan O`Cain> The hell?
[23:14] * Journalist Youma , with quill pen and parchment in hand "Nope, Can't do that, Ms. "Strongest of us", We're here to interview the man who played the rat king."
[23:15] * Orion Felinus picks up his daughters so they won't get trampled!
[23:15] <Hideki Kaze> ....
[23:16] <Journalist Youma> How exactly do you know of our version of the nutcracker?
[23:17] * DD_Girl_Green tries to push the journalists out of the room "Ok, That's enough, you get no answer."
[23:18] <Sean Collins> huh?
[23:18] * DD_Girl_Green continues moving the journalists to the Door to D-Point "How's This.... Pure Coincidence."
[23:19] * DD_Girl_Green SLAMS the door in the journalist's faces.
[23:19] *** Journalist Youma has left #suburbansenshi2 (is hit by the door on his way out.)
[23:20] <Sean Collins> That waas...weird...
[23:21] <DD_Girl_Green> yeah, what's even wierder is that the ending we're familiar with was performed on this stage.
[23:22] <Hideki Kaze> ...ok
[23:22] <Megan O`Cain> Huh.
[23:23] <Sean Collins> That's actually a pretty common ending for the Nutcracker...well, except for the changing of the danseur.
[23:23] <DD_Girl_Green> Exactly.... in our version, the rat king returns and has his army attack the nephew, and then takes his place.
[23:24] <Hideki Kaze> I wanted to be with my wife
[23:24] <Sean Collins> ....yeah....weird....
[23:25] * Oniwabndana is standing directly next to a pillar.
[23:25] <Oniwabndana> A youma playright re-wrote the ending for the Beryl's Little propogada
[23:28] <Sean Collins> You'd think Queen Beryl would have just wrote herself into the play. >_>
[23:33] <Oniwabndana> that almost happened.... if it weren't for the fact that the tree has a star adorned stop.
[23:33] <Megan O`Cain> No kidding.
[23:34] <Sean Collins> huh?
[23:34] * Megan O`Cain makes a side glance over to her brother as he chats with Masaki
[23:37] * Masaki O`Cain [Spanish Dancer] is complaining about how tight her costume was
[23:39] * Sean Collins grabs some more punch and returns to his friends.
[23:40] <Matsumi Kaze> we should do another one of these ^^
[23:40] * David O`Cain is resassuring Masaki about the outfit
[23:40] <Sean Collins> Heh, sure! What should we do next time?
[23:42] <DD_Girl_Green> Try to save christmas?
[23:43] <DD_Girl_Green> With how the grinch stole christmas?
[23:45] <Sean Collins> That's not really a ballet
[23:45] <Matsumi Kaze> that's not a ballet
[23:49] <Sean Collins> Hmm...What about Gisselle?
[23:50] <Matsumi Kaze> that might be a fun one to do...really challenging I hear!
[23:51] <Oniwabndana> Apollo?
[23:52] <Matsumi Kaze> what's apollo?
[23:53] <Sean Collins> That's a very short Ballet...the cast would be very limited.
[23:57] <Sean Collins> What do you think, Hideki?
[23:59] <Hideki Kaze> how about a perofrmance with two short ballets
[00:00] <Sean Collins> Two ballets?
[00:01] <Hideki Kaze> yes..though that might be difficult
[00:02] <Sean Collins> It would be hard to pull off.
[00:04] <Hideki Kaze> maybe then we should focus on one
[00:11] <Sean Collins> Hmm...what's a good show with a mix of casting?
[00:11] <Hideki Kaze> giselle is good.......firebird...
[00:12] <DD_Girl_Green> Giselle, Was she here already?
[00:13] * DD_Girl_Green tries to look for giselle?
[00:13] * Giselle Bellerose [Russian Dancer] is currently comfy in bed
[00:14] *** Giselle Bellerose has moved back to the livingroom
[00:15] <DD_Girl_Green> I jus heard there was a play about you.
[00:16] <Sean Collins> Actually, its one of Ballet's greatest tragedies.
[00:20] <Sean Collins> MAybe a good one for the children?...
[00:21] * Baby Beryl climbs Sean :O
[00:22] <Sean Collins> ....I've got it!
[00:22] * Sean Collins looks down at the baby on his leg....
[00:22] * DD_Girl_Green coos
[00:22] <Baby Beryl> *^
[00:23] <DD_Girl_Green> Aww, She wants to see her uncle.
[00:25] * Baby Beryl looks up at Sean and smiles :D
[00:25] * Sean Collins sighs...and picks up the baby.
[00:27] <Sean Collins> We could do Peter and the Wolf for the kids...although we are lacking in young danseurs.
[00:28] <Matsumi Kaze> true true...
[00:28] * Baby Beryl reaches for Sean's hair :O
[00:29] * Sean Collins keeps his ponytail out of reach.
[00:31] * Baby Beryl pats on Sean's bangs :D
[00:32] <Megan O`Cain> Awww.
[00:34] <Sean Collins> Well, we can plan something in time. For now, let's all relax and just enjoy the rest of the night. :)
[00:35] <Megan O`Cain> Indeed.
[00:38] * Baby Beryl tries to hug Sean :D
[00:38] <Matsumi Kaze> it's getting late should put the kids to bed
[00:38] <Orion Felinus> Well, I better get my little ones to bed, so sugar plums can dance in their dreams. ^_^
[00:39] * The Felinus Twins have actually fallen asleep gripping their father's legs..they're still holding on
[00:40] <DD_Girl_Green> well... Oh here they are.
[00:40] * Orion Felinus still has the girls in his arms after he had picked them up so they wouldn't get smooshed by the raid of reporters. XD
[00:40] <Megan O`Cain> Take care, Orion.
[00:41] * The Felinus Twins snuggle, snoring
[00:41] * DD_Girl_Green recieves a package from the toymaker, they're hand crafted dolls of the cast of the play.
[00:42] <DD_Girl_Green> Little gem, lookie here.
[00:42] * Baby Beryl turns and sees the box... and coos happily :D
[00:43] <Orion Felinus> Good night, my friends!
[00:43] <DD_Girl_Green> good night Orion
[00:43] * Orion Felinus carries his sleeping children up to their apartment.
[00:44] *** Orion Felinus [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:44] *** The Felinus Twins has left #suburbansenshi2 (zzzz)
[00:44] * Sean Collins gives Baby Beryl back to her mother.
[00:45] <DD_Girl_Green> Night Sean
[00:45] * DD_Girl_Green takes Beryl form Sean and carries her, mira and the box of hand crafted dolls
[00:50] <Sean Collins> I suppose We should head up to rest too, huh, Rhea?
[00:50] <Rhea> Oh yes, we shall. You must be tired from the dance!
[00:52] <DD_Girl_Green> Night everyone
[00:52] * DD_Girl_Green goes upstairs with the children and the dolls, and Caligo if he's here.
[00:52] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:53] * Sean Collins smiles and takes Rhea upstairs. "G'night everyone!"
[00:53] *** Sean Collins [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:53] *** Rhea has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:53] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Sean and Rhea.
[00:59] <Matsumi Kaze> night you two!
[01:11] <Megan O`Cain> By the way, Matsumi, what have you been up to lately?
[01:17] <Matsumi Kaze> same old things mostly!
[01:19] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[01:22] <Megan O`Cain> I thought the production went well tonight.
[01:23] <Matsumi Kaze> thanks!
[01:30] <Megan O`Cain> I think Sean enjoyed watching the dances.
[01:33] * Matsumi Kaze nods!
[01:33] <Matsumi Kaze> anyway..night megan!
[01:33] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:34] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Matsumi!
[01:35] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Bedtime.)
[10:43] *** Matsuo Shin [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Matsuo Shin
[10:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Love should be our work tool.
[10:43] * Matsuo Shin sneaks in and puts a few gifts under the tree
[10:45] * Amia appears out of thin air at the bar, a plate of cheese and meats in front of her
[10:45] <Amia> What are you up to~?
[10:46] <Matsuo Shin> GAH!
[10:46] <Matsuo Shin> oh it's you
[10:46] <Matsuo Shin> heh putting gifts under the tree for family
[10:47] <Amia> Yes. It is. You don't give them to them personally?
[10:48] <Matsuo Shin> they prefer the surprise I guess
[10:49] <Amia> I see~
[10:49] * Amia eats some more cheese
[10:50] <Matsuo Shin> least that's what they tell me
[10:52] <Amia> Your culture, on the other planet. What did they celebrate in Winter? Solstice, like everyone else?
[10:54] * Amia spreads some goat cheese on a cracker and tops it with prosciutto
[10:58] <Matsuo Shin> well it depends....
[10:59] <Matsuo Shin> most of us in Mysn-Ku celebrated a festival called Saya-si
[11:01] <Matsuo Shin> it's to celebrating the "resting of the harvest and the coming of winter" or so I was told
[11:02] * Amia nods
[11:02] <Amia> Did you have any moons?
[11:03] <Matsuo Shin> we have two, Aeolus and Zephrius
[11:03] <Amia> Ah.
[11:03] * Amia finishes up the last of the balsamic parmesian on her plate, and considers what to order next
[11:04] <Matsuo Shin> Zephrius is the larger of the two
[11:10] <Amia> And now you celebrate a holiday of conquerers who built it to usurp ours and stamp it out. They'd have done the same to yours.
[11:13] <Matsuo Shin> I suppose though my culture died at the hands of another...
[11:13] <Matsuo Shin> we keep the flame alive in small ways
[11:17] <Amia> We carry on, of course, but the Humans barely remember, if at all.
[11:21] <Matsuo Shin> as long as you remember..that is all that matters
[11:22] * Amia just looks at Matsuo. "It will be as magnificent as always, of course."
[11:23] <Matsuo Shin> of course
[11:23] <Matsuo Shin> we're a small number now actually...but we keep ourselves going :) and that's what matters
[11:24] <Amia> I don't have a new dress this time, though... :/
[11:27] <Matsuo Shin> hm?
[11:27] <Amia> I suppose it'll be hard to top the dress I had for the last one, anyway.
[11:34] <Matsuo Shin> for a party?
[11:34] <Amia> The two solstices are nights of great celebration, while we hold games on the equinoxes.
[11:36] <Matsuo Shin> heh sounds rather exciting actually!
[11:37] <Amia> It is, naturally.
[11:40] <Matsuo Shin> our celebration lasted three days
[11:42] * A mess of vines begin creeping in from the Random door....
[11:44] <Matsuo Shin> hm??
[11:46] * The vines coil around each other, forming a cylindrical shape.
[11:50] * The vines unfurl, and standing where they were is....
[11:50] <Anesha> ♫ Hello ♫
[11:51] <Amia> Hallo
[11:51] * Amia looks at anesha.
[11:51] *** anesha is a 5'7" succubus demon with blazing red hair and orange eyes. The younger half-sister to Eoria, she's traveled across many a dimension and has a surprising knack for botany and plant control. Ever see a cactus punch someone before?
Her image Song is: .
[11:52] <Anesha> And what's going on here today?
[11:53] <Amia> Preparing for solstice.
[11:59] <Anesha> Ah.
[12:02] <Matsuo Shin> indeed
[12:21] <Amia> My, aren't we talkative.
[12:29] <Matsuo Shin> heh sorry have..other things on my mind
[12:29] * Amia puts down her fork, letting it unfrost a bit
[12:29] <Matsuo Shin> I should get going mind you
[12:31] <Matsuo Shin> take care
[12:31] *** Matsuo Shin [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[12:36] <Anesha> (I wonder something....)
[12:36] * Anesha calls one of her vines over, and whispers something to it. It withdraws out the Random Door.
[12:39] <Amia> So, who are you?
[12:41] <Anesha> Anesha's the name. And you?
[12:41] <Amia> Amia.
[12:42] <Anesha> Ah.
[12:49] * Amia resumes eating her pasta w/ scallops and crab meat, it has a lemon-white wine-butter sauce
[12:53] <Amia> You're some kind of demon, it looks like?
[12:55] <Anesha> Half-succubus, actually.
[13:03] <Amia> Ah, I see.
[13:05] <Anesha> And if that aura I'm reading off you is an indication.... you're a Winter Fae, correct?
[13:06] <Amia> It is. How strong are your powers, if you're only half? If I may ask, of course.
[13:07] *** SilverTongue [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, SilverTongue
[13:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The conquering Roman Republic of Fandom.
[13:09] <Anesha> Depends on which ones you're asking about. Are you curious about my succubus powers, or the powers I developed from my father's side of the family?
[13:10] <Amia> You had only mentioned the succubus ones, so I was asking about that.
[13:13] <Amia> I believe they are somewhat similar to some of our magic.
[13:13] <Anesha> Ah. Well, to be honest, it's my older sister whom delved more into those skills. I mainly stuck to learning more about the charm powers, mostly so I could disable attempts made against myself and whomever I was traveling with.
[13:15] <Anesha> You'd be surprised how many people out there would try using higher-end charm skills in robbery attempts.
[13:15] <Amia> I am not, but I'm sure many naive people do.
[13:18] <Amia> My people are especially adept at it when they want power shared with them.
[13:21] <Anesha> Mainly I stuck to my abilities to use, grow and control plant life.
[13:22] * Amia nods
[13:25] <Amia> I believe there are several people here who work with plants.
[13:25] <Amia> Alas, I cannot.
[13:27] <Amia> You appear to be quite adept at it.
[13:28] <Anesha> I've had a few thousand years to hone my skills.
[13:31] * Anesha is away: *IRL business*
[13:32] * Amia leaves the last few bites and goes out
[13:32] * Amia is away
[15:54] * Eitak_Razal runs though the lobby at a quick pace, as if fleeing something. Impressive given she's wearing heels
[15:54] <Nivek_Razal> GET BACK HERE
[15:54] * Nivek_Razal chases after his sister, flinging spells at her, which she just dodges
[15:55] <Eitak_Razal> Never! They were delecious and I regret NOTHING!
[15:57] * Eitak_Razal keeps running about the room, with Nivek in persuit
[16:21] * Anesha is back
[16:21] * Anesha wanders back in, wondering what that was she heard.
[17:52] * Matsuo Shin is back
[17:52] * Matsuo Shin walks in
[17:52] <Matsuo Shin> hm quiet still
[17:53] <Anesha> You could say that. There was something happening earlier, but it seems it passed.
[18:19] * Matsuo Shin sits near the fire and reads a book
[19:00] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Another Brick in the Wall
[19:00] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Matsumi Kaze
[19:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Nigete Dame Da, Dammit!
[19:00] <Megan O`Cain> Evening.
[19:00] * Matsumi Kaze walks in from the resort side
[19:01] <Matsumi Kaze> oh man so cold!
[19:01] <Matsumi Kaze> gaaaah
[19:01] * Matsumi Kaze takes off her coat and scarf and makes a beeline for the fireplace
[19:01] <Megan O`Cain> What'd you expect, Matsumi? A summer day at the beach? :P
[19:03] <Matsumi Kaze> har har :P
[19:04] * Anesha waves hello to Matsumi and Megan.
[19:05] <Megan O`Cain> Hello.
[19:05] * Megan O`Cain looks at Anesha.
[19:05] *** Anesha is a 5'7" succubus demon with blazing red hair and orange eyes. The younger half-sister to Eoria, she's traveled across many a dimension and has a surprising knack for botany and plant control. Ever see a cactus punch someone before?
Her image Song is: .
[19:05] <Megan O`Cain> And who are you?
[19:05] <Anesha> Anesha's the name.
[19:07] <Megan O`Cain> Nice to meet you, Anesha. I'm Megan O`Cain.
[19:12] * Megan O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa as she crosses her legs
[19:15] * Anesha shifts over a bit and reaches her hand out, catching a small vine.
[19:20] <Anesha> (Ah, so that's the haps.)
[19:22] <Megan O`Cain> So, how is everyone doing this evening?
[19:23] <Anesha> I've been quite all right.
[19:27] <Megan O`Cain> That's good to hear.
[19:29] *** Aratasujou has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Aratasujou
[19:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: State of the Art (for 1984)
[19:29] <Aratasujou> NYORO~!! :D
[19:32] <Megan O`Cain> Hi, Ara-su.
[19:33] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey!
[19:33] <Matsuo Shin> I should get home
[19:33] <Matsuo Shin> thorn is probably waiting for me :)
[19:33] <Aratasujou> Konichi-wa peoples! How you all be?
[19:33] <Aratasujou> Me hear Solar-kun and Kits be big hit last night.
[19:34] * Matsuo Shin gives his sister a hug and heads home
[19:34] *** Matsuo Shin [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[19:35] <Megan O`Cain> Take care, Matsuo. Also, hi. :P
[19:35] <Megan O`Cain> I'm doing alright, silly familiar.
[19:37] *** GERMATOID [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, GERMATOID
[19:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: One Troll Per Customer.
[19:37] <Megan O`Cain> Hello, Prof.
[19:38] * Aratasujou wave-waves back.
[19:39] <Aratasujou> You no be here often. Special occasions?
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> HEY PROF
[19:40] <Megan O`Cain> What brings you out of your lab?
[19:41] <Aratasujou> Me no accept offer to be test subject. >:[
[19:41] <GERMATOID> ....
[19:41] <GERMATOID> D:
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm not even going to ask!
[19:43] <Eitak_Razal> People don't carroling anymore anyways
[19:43] * Eitak_Razal is munching on cookies
[19:44] <Aratasujou> Ooooooo! Me hear those things be EVIL!
[19:44] <Aratasujou> Can me help?
[19:44] <Matsumi Kaze> and then what will you do with them?
[19:44] <Aratasujou> BURN THEM!
[19:46] <Aratasujou> But-but-but...material be TAINTED!
[19:46] <Matsumi Kaze> going to make snortable magic?
[19:47] <Aratasujou> Yule-youma?
[19:47] <Megan O`Cain> And call it what, exactly?
[19:51] <Aratasujou> ...
[19:52] * Aratasujou bops GERMATOID on the head with her Squeaky-mallet.
[19:53] <Matsumi Kaze> surprised you've never dressed up as santa, Prof
[19:53] <Matsumi Kaze> I mean..excuse to get teen girls to sit on your lap
[19:54] <Megan O`Cain> Hopefully it won't make anyone else jealous, Matsumi.
[19:54] <Aratasujou> Me hear Witches 5 dress up as Santas in past!
[19:57] <Aratasujou> Twisty elves?
[20:01] <Matsumi Kaze> cannot imagine the costumes you put them in >.>
[20:03] <Matsumi Kaze> ewww
[20:04] <Aratasujou> Me think he be thinking of Mimet.
[20:05] <Matsumi Kaze> you guys still dating?
[20:05] * Matsumi Kaze opens up a cranberry ginger ale
[20:05] <Aratasujou> Me no hear of her in ages.
[20:08] <Megan O`Cain> Probably strapped down somewhere.
[20:10] <Aratasujou> For kinkies?
[20:12] <Megan O`Cain> With him, who knows.
[20:14] <GERMATOID> ...
[20:16] <Matsumi Kaze> OH CONGRATS
[20:16] <Matsumi Kaze> has your daughter tried to kill you yet?
[20:16] <Aratasujou> Oooo?
[20:16] <Megan O`Cain> Or worse, his fiancé?
[20:19] <Aratasujou> They be planning a red wedding?
[20:21] <FireFly_9> I'm just happy it's not another Kaorinite clone.
[20:23] <Megan O`Cain> Fair enough.
[20:23] <Aratasujou> Now it be Twin-Witch clones. For kinky threesomes
[20:26] *** Angel of Darkness has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Angel of Darkness
[20:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
[20:26] * Angel of Darkness is floationg, her wings turned into razor blades
[20:27] <Matsumi Kaze> hey hotaru! *hugs hotaru!*
[20:28] * Angel of Darkness looks around, still floating
[20:28] * Matsumi Kaze looks at Angel of Darkness.
[20:28] *** Angel of Darkness is is the weaponized form of Alternate YingGirl. Powered by the Black Phoenix, she seeks the world that wronged her.
Her image Song is: "Angel of Darkness" by Alex C.
[20:28] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hi there
[20:30] * Angel of Darkness is still floating, her wings are glistening
[20:33] * Aratasujou waves to the Angel. "Be cosplaying as Queen of Blades?"
[20:35] * Angel of Darkness her wings are raised at daggers, ready to launch at everyone as she still silent
[20:35] <Megan O`Cain> Hello there.
[20:35] <Megan O`Cain> And who are you?
[20:36] <Aratasujou> :P
[20:37] * Angel of Darkness lowers her wings, her bladed feathers are lowered
[20:38] <Angel of Darkness> i must fight
[20:38] <Matsumi Kaze> fight?
[20:38] <Matsumi Kaze> fight who?
[20:38] <Angel of Darkness> hurt those who made me this way
[20:38] * Anesha raises an eyebrow at this. "And who is this?"
[20:40] * Angel of Darkness looks ready to attack the group.
[20:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I didn't make you that way
[20:42] <Megan O`Cain> Neither did I.
[20:43] <Angel of Darkness> i know you mocked me. everyone having others
[20:43] <Angel of Darkness> someone they cared foer
[20:44] <Megan O`Cain> What? Mocked you? How?
[20:44] <Aratasujou> :/
[20:44] <Angel of Darkness> but who shall taste my blade?
[20:44] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I mocked you?
[20:45] * Angel of Darkness is holding her head
[20:45] <Angel of Darkness> i shall spare you all
[20:46] <Angel of Darkness> for now
[20:46] <Anesha> (....this child is clearly under some odd influence.)
[20:46] * Angel of Darkness turns arounds and takes off
[20:46] <Angel of Darkness> /pary
[20:46] <Aratasujou> Why you want hurt us? We no do things to you.
[20:46] *** Angel of Darkness has left #suburbansenshi2 (Darkness will fall, and I will fight.)
[20:47] <Anesha> That child has some kind of unnatural influence about her. Mayhaps a corruption of the senses?
[20:48] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe!
[20:48] <Megan O`Cain> It's possible. Hopefully things will make sense as time passes.
[21:03] <Aratasujou> Maybe.
[21:03] <Aratasujou> But this place no make much sense at best of times.
[21:04] * Megan O`Cain gets up to grab a drink from the bar, and then sits back in her original seat
[21:16] *** Sean Collins [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Sean Collins
[21:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Do not follow the finger pointing the way to the moon...
[21:17] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Sean.
[21:18] <Sean Collins> Hey everyone! Who wants some egg nog?
[21:18] <Aratasujou> Me do! Me do!
[21:18] <Matsumi Kaze> love some!!!
[21:18] <Hideki Kaze> I'll have some as well
[21:19] * Sean Collins holds up a pitcher. "Rhea insisted on making some...just tell her you liked it."
[21:21] * Sean Collins pours a glass for everyone who volunteered!
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze drinks ^^
[21:24] <Megan O`Cain> I hope she understood what egg nog is.
[21:24] * Rhea 's "egg nog" tastes like an Egg Milkshake with...pepper?!
[21:25] <Sean Collins> She...misunderstood the recipe...and what I meant by spices...
[21:26] <Aratasujou> ^___^
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[21:26] <Megan O`Cain> Really?
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze goes to spit it out in the sink
[21:26] * Aratasujou gulps it all down regardless. ^__^
[21:26] *** Rhea has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Rhea
[21:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where Predestination Paradox is another four-letter word.
[21:26] <Aratasujou> Oooo, time for me be going. Me sees you all laters!
[21:26] * Rhea bumps into Matsumi!
[21:26] <Rhea> Oh, Matsama! I brought coo-keys!
[21:28] <Megan O`Cain> Good evening, Rhea.
[21:28] <Matsumi Kaze> oh wonderful!
[21:28] * Rhea sees the partially drunken glass in Matsumi's hand. "Oh! You had the eggs nog! Did you like it?"
[21:28] <Sean Collins> I took charge of the cookies...they are safe. ^^
[21:29] * Aratasujou waves bye-bye to everyone.
[21:29] *** Aratasujou has left #suburbansenshi2 (NYORO~!! =^ ^=)
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> it was great!
[21:30] <Rhea> Oh good! I was hoping everyone would like it! My chosen said it was a favorite for these special days!
[21:31] * Rhea holds up a tray of tree-shaped cookies.
[21:31] <Rhea> We had fun making good things for everyone's tummies!
[21:32] <Sean Collins> ^^;;
[21:34] <Matsumi Kaze> oh that's wonderful!
[21:35] * Megan O`Cain takes a few cookies, "These look good."
[21:35] <Rhea> My chosen said this is the season that your people share things the most!
[21:36] <Sean Collins> Yup!
[21:40] <Megan O`Cain> So, how are you two doing this evening?
[21:41] <Rhea> I have been very happy!
[21:42] <Sean Collins> Heh, we've been pretty happy. With all the holiday activities, its been a great month
[21:43] * Sean Collins looks over at Hideki.
[21:44] * Hideki Kaze has finished the egg nog
[21:45] <Megan O`Cain> That's good to hear!
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> Freya said something about wanting to do some traditional quinoxian fare as well
[21:49] <Sean Collins> O_o
[21:50] <Sean Collins> (And he's able to stomach it?)
[21:53] <Rhea> Oh! What kind of traditions?
[21:55] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't know! I don't remember!
[21:55] <Megan O`Cain> Oh really, Matsumi?
[21:56] <Rhea> Oh? Should we ask her?
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> hey sure!
[21:58] * Sean Collins pokes Hideki to make sure he IS still alive....
[21:59] <Hideki Kaze> I'm fine >.>
[22:01] <Sean Collins> Are you sure?
[22:01] <Hideki Kaze> yes....
[22:01] * Hideki Kaze he's trying to keep the drink down
[22:02] * Sean Collins shoves Hideki into the closest bathroom!
[22:02] * Sean Collins is away: BRB!
[22:03] <Rhea> Oh, I wonder if she will show me how to cook the Moth?
[22:05] * Hideki Kaze is away
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze> probably!
[22:15] <Rhea> Is the Lady Freya at home?
[22:16] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah I think she is!
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> I think she's upstairs!
[22:19] <Rhea> Let's go find her! As long as it is no trouble. ^^
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> hee ok!
[22:24] * Rhea has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[22:24] * Rhea [1602] knocks on the door softly.
[22:27] * Freya Felinus has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[22:27] <Freya Felinus> [1602] come in!
[22:27] <Megan O`Cain> Hm.
[22:29] * Rhea [1602] opens the door. "Hello, Lady Freya. I hope we are not troubleing you."
[22:31] <Freya Felinus> [1602] of coure not are always welcome!
[22:31] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze> [1602] um..hi!
[22:32] <Rhea> [1602] Matsama and I were curious about your traditions that you wanted to have for the holiday. ^^
[22:36] * Freya Felinus [1602] blinks to matsumi and rhea but smiles
[22:36] <Freya Felinus> [1602] do you mean for christmas or for the winter festival back home?
[22:37] <Rhea> [1602] Well...I am not sure. We were talking about the holiday...but...
[22:40] <Freya Felinus> [1602] well back on least in the region where the royal family lived
[22:40] <Freya Felinus> [1602] we had a celebration that lasted three days and nights
[22:41] <Freya Felinus> [1602] the first night...
[22:42] * Freya Felinus [1602] tries to avoid Atalanta running through the room
[22:42] <Freya Felinus> [1602] the first night would be taken up by songs and readings from the temple
[22:42] * Rhea [1602] smiles at Atalanta
[22:44] <Freya Felinus> [1602] we end the night then with a meal made up of Tabas...the leftovers from the previous harvest..usually some simple bread and's very plain...the adults drink alchoal brewed from the harvest as well
[22:44] <Rhea> [1602] Oh, that sounds like a wonderful bonding ritual for a family!
[22:45] <Freya Felinus> [1602] the second day is a gathering of family and children...we spend time with each other and exchange gifts as a reminder of the gifts which have been given to us by The Six
[22:46] <Freya Felinus> [1602] that evening we have the second of the meals...which is usually some sort of meat with drink and dessert...
[22:47] * Orion Felinus has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[22:47] <Orion Felinus> [1602] I'll be helping with the meal, naturally. ^^
[22:48] * Heimdall bounces from his little play area, trying to reach for a block he threw
[22:48] * Heimdall has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[22:49] * Rhea [1602] picks up the block, and gives it back to the little baby boy.
[22:50] * Heimdall [1602] giggles and sits down to play with it
[22:51] * Freya Felinus [1602] naturally, kisses Orion on the cheek
[22:51] * Orion Felinus [1602] kisses Freya lovingly.
[22:52] * Megan O`Cain stretches a bit after finishing off her drink
[22:53] * Freya Felinus [1602] smiles
[22:54] <Rhea> [1602] What happens on the third day?
[22:54] <Freya Felinus> [1602] the third night is mostly dedicated to the final large dinner...there are songs...there is telling of tales...from a select group of harvest stories...and the night ends with a final gathering in thanks to The Six for the sleeping harvest
[22:55] <Rhea> [1602] Sleeping harvest?
[22:56] <Freya Felinus> [1602] yes...the celebration is in honor of the plants which sleep under the snow
[22:56] <Rhea> [1602] Oh! You are celebrating the plants! How lovely!
[22:57] <Rhea> [1602] Are the plants part of your gifts of Six?
[22:59] <Freya Felinus> [1602] they are yes
[22:59] <Rhea> [1602] Oh, what other gifts are there?
[23:01] <Freya Felinus> [1602] oh I mean....the six gave the planet the plants and animals..but they are equal to us...and each are tied to the other
[23:01] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Seems the young priestess is interested to learn from my Beloved. ^^
[23:06] <Freya Felinus> [1602] each have their own role...and they are all to be respected
[23:11] <Rhea> [1602] Oh yes! Just like how all were born from Lohanna's love for life!
[23:25] * Megan O`Cain heads over to the Neo Geo arcade cabinet, and begins gameplay of Savage Reign
[23:28] <Freya Felinus> [1602] indeed
[23:30] <Orion Felinus> [1602] It would seem that your Lohanna and the Six have the same spiritual heart, Lady Rhea.
[23:33] <Rhea> It would seem so. ^^
[23:34] <Freya Felinus> [1602] our faith teaches us that every belief has it's own purpose in the greater realm of the universe
[23:34] <Freya Felinus> [1602] that none is wrong as long as it gives comfort...
[23:35] <Freya Felinus> [1602] and does no harm to others
[23:39] <Rhea> Lohanna taught us to cherish all life and to be grateful for what we have been given. To hold no dark feelings within, and to bathe in the blessed light of peace and joy.
[23:41] <Freya Felinus> [1602] we too worship the light
[23:42] * Matsumi Kaze [1602] looks..bored on the sofa
[23:45] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Is everything alright, Matsumi-sama?
[23:48] <Matsumi Kaze> [1602] YES YES I'M AWAKE
[23:49] * Orion Felinus [1602] smiles and offers Matsumi some tea
[23:57] <Matsumi Kaze> [1602] heh thanks
[23:57] * Matsumi Kaze [1602] takes it and drinks
[23:58] <Rhea> Oh, I'm sorry, Matsama.
[23:59] <Rhea> Lady Freya's Six are very much like Lohanna. I wonder...could they have come from the same light?
[00:01] <Freya Felinus> [1602] I do not know....
[00:02] * Rhea has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[00:06] <Freya Felinus> [1602] but it is my duty as high priestess to keep this light alive
[00:06] <Rhea> [1602] As it is for me...I am the last heart that Lohanna dwells within.
[00:12] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Fear not, Lady Rhea. You are part of this family now. We will include your teachings and values of Lohanna with our own as well.
[00:14] * Rhea [1602] smiles.
[00:23] <Rhea> [1602] Well, if there's anything I can do to help with the traditions, I would love to help and learn!
[00:25] * Atalata Felinus has fallen asleep on the floor
[00:26] * Orion Felinus [1602] gathers up his daughter.
[00:26] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Seems she's all tuckered out. ^^
[00:27] * Matsumi Kaze [1602] yawns..
[00:27] <Freya Felinus> [1602] looks like someone else is too
[00:28] <Rhea> [1602] Oh, I will help her to get home!
[00:28] * Megan O`Cain streteches a bit as she starts up World Heroes on the Neo Geo cabinet
[00:30] <Rhea> [1602] Thank you for having us visit!
[00:30] <Orion Felinus> [1602] It was our pleasure, Lady Rhea. ^^
[00:31] * Orion Felinus [1602] takes Atalanta to bed.
[00:32] * Rhea [1602] takes MAtsumi back to her room.
[00:32] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ 1603 ]
[00:32] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] thanks rhea *yawn*
[00:33] * Rhea has moved to: [ 1603 ]
[00:33] <Rhea> [1603] I am sorry. You were left out of the talking.
[00:34] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] no no it's fine ^^
[00:35] <Rhea> [1603] That's odd...I wonder where Hee-dee-kee and my Chosen are?
[00:35] <Hideki Kaze> I'm right here
[00:35] * Hideki Kaze has moved to: [ 1603 ]
[00:35] * Hideki Kaze [1603] is right behind Rhea
[00:36] <Rhea> [1603] Oh! There you are!
[00:38] * Hideki Kaze [1603] smiles "thank you for bringing my wife here"
[00:39] <Rhea> [1603] I am always happy to be of help to Matsama. ^^
[00:40] <Hideki Kaze> [1603] better get some for both of you tomorrow
[00:41] <Rhea> [1603] Oh? Was it not...a vacation week?
[00:46] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] sadly no >.>
[00:50] <Rhea> [1603] Oh...then my chosen...had us playing...hook key?
[00:51] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] ..oh boy
[00:51] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] pulls out her cellphone quickly
[00:51] * Matsumi Kaze texts Sean ◜ you know we didn't have this week off, right?◞
[00:52] * Sean Collins texts ◜Matsumi Dude...its CHRISTMAS week!◞
[00:53] * Sean Collins texts Matsimi ^ ◜◞
[00:53] * Matsumi Kaze texts Sean ◜ yeah well as far as I know japanese schools don't let that off >.>◞
[00:57] * Sean Collins texts Matsumi ◜Just call in sick. ;)◞
[00:58] * Sean Collins texts Matsumi ◜C'mon, tell that stone faced Hideki to lighten up! Tis the season!◞
[00:59] <Rhea> [1603] I should get home to my chosen. We can figure it out!
[01:00] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] yeah I need to get some sleep
[01:00] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] night rhea!
[01:01] <Rhea> [1603] g'night!
[01:01] *** Rhea has moved back to the livingroom
[01:01] *** Rhea has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:01] *** Sean Collins [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Call In Sick!)
[01:03] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Well, time to get some sleep.)
[10:17] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', DD_Girl_Green
[10:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We all hate the Monkey.
[10:22] * DD_Girl_Green comes downstairs, and gets ready for work, having left the children with Sarah.
[17:08] * DD_Girl_Green comes back in, finished with work for the day.
[18:32] * DD_Girl_Green lays down on the Q sofa.
[18:52] * DD_Girl_Green moves around on it, sleeping.
[18:58] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:58] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Solarchos
[18:58] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Our Strategy Is To Take Them From Behind
[18:59] * DD_Girl_Green is starting to drool on the couch.
[18:59] * Solarchos relaxes in one of the chairs overlooking the Lobby within a darkened corner next to a window. He's moved one of the end-tables closer to the chair to put his computer-case up on too.
[18:59] *** Aratasujou has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:59] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Aratasujou
[18:59] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: we don't wwebsite as on the internet
[19:00] * Aratasujou pokes DD-Green gently with a very long stick from a distance.
[19:00] <Aratasujou> o__o
[19:01] *** Anesha [VineWhisperer@Makai.dw] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Anesha
[19:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We own you B[BLEEP]ch, Give up.
[19:01] * DD_Girl_Green continues snoring and drooling, she's having a nice dream.
[19:01] * Anesha enters the Living Room on a vine. "Hello there♫"
[19:01] <Solarchos> No causing trouble down there, Ara-su.
[19:01] <Aratasujou> Oooo, who you be? ^__^
[19:02] * Anesha looks at Aratasujou.
[19:02] *** Aratasujou is is an incredibly cute looking fox-girl, barely two feet high, with dazzling blue eyes, a pale complexion, and long deep brown hair. She's fun-loving, eternally happy. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Repo! The Genetic Opera - Zydrate Anatomy" .
[19:03] <Anesha> Name's Anesha, little one. And who might you be?
[19:06] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Please enjoy the Superior Taste of Suburban Senshi
[19:08] * Aratasujou waves to Megan
[19:08] * Solarchos waves as well as he reads from a dataslate.
[19:09] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, guys. What's new?
[19:10] <Solarchos> Not too much. Just going over a bunch of data.
[19:10] <Megan O`Cain> Ah. Need any help?
[19:12] <Aratasujou> Me be called Aratasujou. Me be Solar-kun's Familiar!
[19:12] <Solarchos> Just trying to make sense out of a few vague reports that have come back from the Imperium.
[19:13] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[19:16] <Solarchos> And I wanted to spend some time here.
[19:16] * Megan O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa after adjusting her long pleated skirt
[19:16] <Megan O`Cain> Well, that makes sense.
[19:18] <Solarchos> Seems like everything's going crazy lately, both in the Imperium and the Federation.
[19:24] <Megan O`Cain> Oh yeah?
[19:31] <Solarchos> Something big is brewing within the Imperium (as if that's anything new). It doesn't affect US directly, but it pays to be aware of things over there.
[19:31] <Solarchos> As for here, the Algolians have begun to engage the Swarmship.
[19:33] <Megan O`Cain> Oh goodie. Do they even stand a chance?
[19:37] <Solarchos> Right now it looks like they're sending out fast carriers and destroyers to harass and snipe at the Swarmship from extreme range while the rest of their fleet still assembles. It also looks like the Algolians are preparing additional defenses around their world.
[19:39] * Aratasujou looks at Anesha.
[19:39] *** Anesha is a 5'7" succubus demon with blazing red hair and orange eyes. The younger half-sister to Eoria, she's traveled across many a dimension and has a surprising knack for botany and plant control. Ever see a cactus punch someone before?
Her image Song is: .
[19:39] <Aratasujou> Oooo, you be friend of Vandal?
[19:39] <Anesha> Who?
[19:43] <Aratasujou> An Incubus who like to come by here.
[19:49] <Anesha> Don't think I've met anyone by that name.
[19:52] * Aratasujou nod-nods. "There be other Succubus here too! Lots-lots peoples like you come!"
[19:54] <Anesha> That right?
[19:55] <Aratasujou> Hmmm, Etna and Flonne be considered succubis? Me not sure.
[19:55] <Megan O`Cain> Demons from what I understand.
[19:56] <Anesha> From my understanding, the one named Flonne's a Fallen Angel. As far as I know about Etna, she's just a regular demon.
[19:58] <Aratasujou> Hmmm, they both look like Morrigan little bit with wings.
[19:59] <Anesha> It's probably due to the wing structure. Then again, most succubi (at least around the Netherworld) are believed to have Fallen Angel descent, hence several of them having healing techniques.
[20:00] <Aratasujou> Really?
[20:02] <Anesha> I've been doing a bit of study on demons out from where my technical brother-in-law hails from. Succubi there greatly differ from the ones back home.
[20:07] <Megan O`Cain> Oh? How much of a difference is there?
[20:10] <Anesha> Oh, there's quite the number of differences. Genetics aside, there's also differences between their combat skills--- Succubi back home tend to lean more towards physical combat, whereas Netherworld Succubi have more potent magic skills.
[20:11] <Aratasujou> Me no know that.
[20:15] <Megan O`Cain> I see.
[20:19] <Aratasujou> They always be like that?
[20:22] <Anesha> That's the tricky part--- as far as Netherworld Succubi go, seems they underwent some changes. From my searching, early Netherworld Succubi actually lacked a tail, and sharpened their wings to attack people.
[20:26] <Megan O`Cain> Wow.
[20:28] <Anesha> Then, the ones that did have a tail made it become a serpent's head to bite opponents. It was around this time that they began shifting more towards magic-based combat.
[20:34] <Megan O`Cain> Yikes.
[20:36] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Matsumi Kaze
[20:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: She does it naturally.
[20:36] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] smiles and looks over an invatiation
[20:38] <Aratasujou> Hi-hi!
[20:38] * Aratasujou waves to matsumi.
[20:38] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi.
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] oh hey there!
[20:41] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[20:44] * Anesha waves hello to Matsumi.
[20:45] * DD_Girl_Green is drooling and sleeping on the Q sofa.
[20:46] <Aratasujou> She no move from spot.
[20:46] <Aratasujou> Pillow must be soaked now.
[20:47] <Matsumi Kaze> hi there
[20:49] <Aratasujou> She be new succubus!
[20:50] <Megan O`Cain> Eh?
[20:50] <Anesha> Oh, not really. I've visited a few times before.
[21:06] <Megan O`Cain> Such a quiet night. Nothing wrong with such a thing, really.
[21:25] <Aratasujou> Me can make it louder!
[21:27] <Megan O`Cain> Um, no, please.
[21:32] <Aratasujou> Awwww...
[21:32] <Aratasujou> >:F
[21:32] <Aratasujou> >:f
[21:32] * DD_Girl_Green is still drooling and sleeping, making movements similar to an infant.
[21:34] <Anesha> that one on the couch unwell?
[21:37] <Megan O`Cain> Nah. She's just sleeping.
[21:39] <Aratasujou> Heee
[21:39] <Solarchos> Ara-su! We need to be going.
[21:41] <Megan O`Cain> Gotta go?
[21:42] <Solarchos> I need some of the resources available at Segmentum Command, so yeah we've gotta go.
[21:42] <Aratasujou> And it be time for Kits to be in bed.
[21:42] <Megan O`Cain> Ah, okay. Take care, then.
[21:42] <Aratasujou> Can't miss that!
[21:42] <Aratasujou> Bye-byes!
[21:43] <Anesha> Until next time.
[21:44] *** Aratasujou has left #suburbansenshi2 (NYORO~!! =^ ^=)
[21:44] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:53] * Matsumi Kaze is sending a text
[21:54] * DD_Girl_Green sleeps on Matsumi... drooling and snoring.
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze> um...
[21:55] * Matsumi Kaze tries to gently move green >.>
[21:56] <DD_Girl_Green> uhn...
[21:56] * DD_Girl_Green stretches and yawns.
[22:00] * DD_Girl_Green lays back down on Matsumi's lap.
[22:06] <Anesha> .....
[22:07] <Megan O`Cain> Um...
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[22:21] * Megan O`Cain points to Green
[22:23] * DD_Girl_Green is sleeping peacefully on Matsumi's lap.
[22:23] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah ^^;;;
[22:31] * DD_Girl_Green mumbles a translation of a term similar to comfort blanket.
[22:38] <Anesha> ....
[22:46] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, how's everyone tonight?
[22:55] <Matsumi Kaze> oh I'm ok
[22:57] * DD_Girl_Green grabs Matsumi's leg, and now looks so scared.
[23:02] * DD_Girl_Green thrashes around.
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> gah!
[23:03] <DD_Girl_Green> no... no... don't throw me to her.... i'm just a little youma..
[23:04] <Megan O`Cain> A nightmare?
[23:14] * DD_Girl_Green is thrown across the room by a mysterious dream force.
[23:15] <Matsumi Kaze> uh...what???
[23:15] <Matsumi Kaze> O_o
[23:18] * DD_Girl_Green tries to crawl back to where she was thrown from in her dream.
[23:20] <spiritflame> null rolls 1d4 [ 4 ]
[23:20] <spiritflame> null rolls 1d3 [ 3 ]
[23:21] *** null flips a coin into the air and catches it, tails side up
[23:21] <DD_Girl_Green> (( ? ))
[23:33] <Matsumi Kaze> well got invited to a christmas eve paty
[23:33] <Matsumi Kaze> party
[23:33] * DD_Girl_Green clutches to Matsumi
[23:33] * Matsumi Kaze blinks
[23:34] <DD_Girl_Green> Don't throw me to dead-kins again, mister *is visibly frowning*
[23:34] <Megan O`Cain> Oh? Who sent the invite, Matsumi?
[23:34] <DD_Girl_Green> OW! *is kicked across the room by that same force*
[23:35] <Megan O`Cain> Okay, what the hell is going on here?
[23:36] <Matsumi Kaze> um.....
[23:36] <Matsumi Kaze> o..kay?
[23:36] <Matsumi Kaze> ..what's going on
[23:38] <???> Outta da way, stupid, it's my toin to use dat apple.
[23:38] <Matsumi Kaze> eh??
[23:38] <???> nuh uh, ah still get to use it.
[23:39] * Anesha quickly zeroes in on where this sound is coming from. She uses her demon hearing to do so.
[23:39] <Megan O`Cain> Now what?
[23:39] *** Dark Priceman (1337-???) has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Dark Priceman (1337-???)
[23:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: number 1 in charts ox
[23:39] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> It's Bad enough that we were thrown out of our dimension.
[23:40] <Anesha> ........(And now it's time to nip this problem in the bud.)
[23:40] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> but it's a great boon that The Human isn't here.
[23:41] * Anesha brings her hand down, and begins silently communicating with the nearby plant life.
[23:41] * Dark Priceman (1337-???) looks vastly different to the Dark Priceman that was seen in this universe, looking like a red-haired goofy Schwarzenegger body-type character.
[23:43] <Megan O`Cain> (The hell is going on?)
[23:43] *** Texer has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Texer
[23:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The Next Generation of Edutainment
[23:44] * Texer looks like a short, child-like cowboy.
[23:44] *** Nu-Yonker has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:44] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Nu-Yonker
[23:44] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where Predestination Paradox is another four-letter word.
[23:44] * Nu-Yonker Looks like a tall, lanky mafia mobster
[23:45] <Texer> oh yeah, it sure is a boom :D
[23:45] * Dark Priceman (1337-???) turns to his two henchmen
[23:46] * Anesha gathers up the close-by plant life, and sneaks a vine over. Time to listen in♫
[23:46] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> Numbskulls!, that Apple could be the one key to conquering Earthicus.
[23:46] <Nu-Yonker> Speaking of which.... where are we?
[23:49] * Anesha gets an idea, and uses a vine to poke Yonker in such a manner that it seems Texer hit him.
[23:50] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> Hmm... refind buildings... No sign of my abode slash evil lair around.
[23:50] <Nu-Yonker> Hey, Watch what you're hitting!
[23:50] <Texer> but ah didn't do anything.
[23:52] * Anesha uses the vine again. It's super-stealthy, don'tcha know~
[23:52] <Nu-Yonker> Dow,, doh, Stop.
[23:52] * Nu-Yonker grabs the vine, thinking it's texer's whip.
[23:52] <Nu-Yonker> And Stop using this.... huh?
[23:53] * The vine then reaches up to curl around Yonker's nose!
[23:53] <Nu-Yonker> *Nasally* Doh!
[23:54] * The vine then fish-slaps Yonker across the face!
[23:55] <Matsumi Kaze> o_o
[23:55] <Texer> Hey, Vine face, Eat this.
[23:57] * Texer prepares to eat the apple belonging to Mread.
[23:57] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> No!, You Idiot!
[23:57] * Another vine curls around Texer's foot to trip him up.
[23:58] * Texer falls on his stubby legs, dropping the apple "WOAH!!"
[00:04] * Dark Priceman (1337-???) catches it
[00:05] * Matsumi Kaze just...has no idea what to do
[00:05] * Another vine shoots right up, shaped like a fist. Its target--- Dark Pricey's face.
[00:07] * Dark Priceman (1337-???) is hit by the vine, stretching his face to comedic proportions, and flinfinf the apple close to the Q sofa.
[00:07] * Dark Priceman (1337-???) 's is now close enough for universal detection.
[00:08] * Anesha reaches over to take this apple. Shes not gonna bother with universe detection--- if someone's going to be a bother, then out comes the usual tack.
[00:09] * DD_Girl_Green is now struggling, as if there are now vines ensnaring her.
[00:09] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> HEY! Give that Apple back!
[00:10] <Anesha> And if I decline?
[00:10] * A Scary Voice is approaching the House....... Looking for those it saw steal her apple of dreams.
[00:11] <Anesha> Oh? Did you happen to steal this sweet piece of nature from someone else?
[00:11] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> Of Course, Stealing and Plundering, Conquest and dictatorship is what I do best!
[00:12] <Nu-Yonker> And, I'M his favorite!
[00:12] <Anesha> Well then, as for whomever is coming here..... I'll let them kill you, as exchange for returning this.
[00:12] <Texer> No, you're not, I am!
[00:12] <Nu-Yonker> Oh yeah?!
[00:13] <Texer> I gots more Accessories, Dark Priceman likes me best!
[00:14] * Anesha steps outside with the apple, eagerly awaiting whomever is approaching.
[00:14] * Anesha has moved to: [ Outside ]
[00:14] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> GRRRR... YOU TWO bumbling Duskheads! I Never should have made you, you mak me sick!
[00:15] * A Scary Voice is now known as Mread
[00:16] * Mread is NOT in her Dream princess form.
[00:16] * Mread pops up in front of the dunderheads!
[00:16] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> AHHHHHH!
[00:17] * Dark Priceman (1337-???) runs to his Dusk-O-Matic Hovercraft, with his DunceHenchmen following not far behind.
[00:17] * Anesha [Outside] hears a noise, and so lowers a vine to take a look and listen.
[00:19] *** Dark Priceman (1337-???) has left #suburbansenshi2 (You Bumbling Dunderheads!)
[00:19] <Anesha> [Outside] (O-ho... so that's the deal.)
[00:19] *** Nu-Yonker has left #suburbansenshi2 (Hey, Wait for us!)
[00:19] *** Texer has left #suburbansenshi2 (come on)
[00:20] * You managed to get a universal trace on the three anyway.... they come from 1337-DIC, apparently
[00:21] <Anesha> [Outside] (1337-DiC? I think my sister and nephew might know more--- but that's for later. Right now, I believe I have something to do.)
[00:21] * Anesha [Outside] drops down from her initial vantage point, and re-enters.
[00:21] *** Anesha has moved back to the livingroom
[00:22] <Megan O`Cain> So, what was all that noise?
[00:23] <Anesha> Incompetence, for the most part.
[00:24] <Anesha> Anyway, is someone here missing an apple?
[00:26] <Megan O`Cain> Not that I can recall. Why?
[00:27] <Mread> Apple?
[00:27] * Mread rushes into the House.
[00:28] <Megan O`Cain> Eh?
[00:28] * Anesha produces the apple from behind her back, spinning it on a finger. "Simple. Those three idiots that just ran away pissing themselves mentioned something about using this to cause trouble. I figured if they were trying to use it for problems, best to take it away from them."
[00:29] <Megan O`Cain> I see. Make them even less troublesome.
[00:29] * Mread takes the apple, and starts reversing the magic that came forth from the apple.
[00:30] * DD_Girl_Green starts to sleep peacefully again.
[00:32] <Anesha> Ah, so this was yours.
[00:34] <Mread> Yes *Literally rolls her eyes 360 degrees*
[00:34] <Anesha> I'd suggest keeping a closer eye on it next time, or perhaps trapping it to send unauthorized handlers into an endless night-terror.
[00:36] <Mread> It'll be done
[00:37] * Mread walks away from the HOTEL.
[00:37] * Fade out, fade in, Priceman Says
[00:38] * In Another location...
[00:38] * Mread is tending to the children in Dream Land Amusement Park, holding onto the apple, when.
[00:39] * Dark Priceman (1337-???) Steals it
[00:39] <Dark Priceman (1337-???)> AH HA, Now That I have This, I'll.... AHHH, Monsters!
[00:39] * Dark Priceman (1337-???) runs away, throwing the apple back to Mread, who catches it, before going back to her usual routine.
[00:40] * and now, we go to Anesha for the lesson!
[00:40] <Anesha> Uh-uh, no--- we already ditched that kinda stuff 20 years back.
[00:42] <Megan O`Cain> Yeah, those weren't all that helpful.
[00:45] * DD_Girl_Green gets up on the Q sofa and wakes up
[00:46] <DD_Girl_Green> .Can I have a bedtime story, Matsumi?
[00:48] <Matsumi Kaze> I..don't really know any ><
[00:53] <DD_Girl_Green> that's ok, how was my dreams?
[00:56] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I don't know?
[00:56] <Matsumi Kaze> you got thrown around the room?
[00:56] <DD_Girl_Green> really?, what happened?
[00:57] <Anesha> Some fools got control of a dream-manipulating item.
[00:58] <Matsumi Kaze> I need to get some sleep myself ^^;;
[00:58] <DD_Girl_Green> Ca I carry you up?
[00:59] * DD_Girl_Green gets up
[01:01] <Matsumi Kaze> no thank you ^^;;;
[01:01] <Matsumi Kaze> night guys!
[01:01] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:01] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Matsumi!
[01:03] <DD_Girl_Green> I gotta get sleeping again, too
[01:03] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (we have a trip early in the morning)
[01:05] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Well, bedtime!)
[01:31] *** Anesha [VineWhisperer@Makai.dw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*disappears in a coil of vines*)
[09:37] *** Chateaux Concierge [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[09:37] *** @Chateaux Concierge sets mode +o Chateaux Concierge
*** Happy Festivus!!
[09:37] * @SpeedRcrX SLAMS an aluminum pole down into the ground.
[09:37] <Matsumi Kaze> ..isn't that haruka's thing?
[09:37] <@SpeedRcrX> IT HAS BEGUN!
[09:38] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey there!
[09:38] <@SpeedRcrX> Yes it is Haruka's thing.
[09:38] <@SpeedRcrX> Uhh
[09:38] <@SpeedRcrX> wow Chat
[09:38] <@SpeedRcrX> you drunk
[09:38] <@Chateaux Concierge> Shaddap
[09:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mastar.. baiter?
[09:39] <Matsumi Kaze> aren't we suppose to do of strength...and airing of grivences and stuff like that?
[09:39] * @Chateaux Concierge goes semi transparent and lets haruka pass right rhough her
[09:39] * @SpeedRcrX sails into a wall and crashes
[09:40] * @Chateaux Concierge solidifies
[09:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> Yes that is how the holiday works
[09:41] <Matsumi Kaze> so we get to punch things?
[09:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> I'll stsart!
[09:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> I hate all you f[BLEEP]king f[BLEEP]kers who f[BLEEP]kingly f[BLEEP]k frequently on my f[BLEEP]king floors! F[BLEEP]K!
[09:42] * @Chateaux Concierge exhales
[09:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> I feel cleansed.
[09:45] <@Yaijinden> I don't plan to stop f[BLEEP]king on your floors, just so you know.
[09:45] <Matsumi Kaze> just wait till new years >.>
[09:45] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[09:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', DD_Girl_Green
[09:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You must put your foot down with a firm hand
*** Happy Festivus!!
[09:45] <Matsumi Kaze> just imagine that XD
[09:47] * DD_Girl_Green comes down with her children, who are smiling and giggling
[09:48] <DD_Girl_Green> Morning.
[09:49] <Matsumi Kaze> morning
[09:51] <DD_Girl_Green> How's mommy doing? ^_^
[09:53] * Baby_Beryl reaches for grandma :D
[09:54] <Matsumi Kaze> um I'm fine
[09:54] * Matsumi Kaze takes Beryl
[09:55] <DD_Girl_Green> I had suxh a good dream last night that turned into a nightmare late in the dream
[09:55] <Matsumi Kaze> seems like it
[10:04] * Baby_Beryl bounces around on grandmas hair ^O^
[10:05] * Matsumi Kaze 's hair isn't that long O-o
[10:19] <DD_Girl_Green> I bet you'll want a big family dinner, huh?
[10:21] * Baby_Beryl giggles
[10:27] <Matsumi Kaze> probably..though I'm going to a party tomorrow
[10:28] <DD_Girl_Green> Can we come?
[10:32] <Matsumi Kaze> well..I's just a small affair
[10:36] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (stuff!)
[10:53] * at The North pole a man in a sharp black suit raises his arm to the sky, and from a device in his hand a pillar of light SHOOTS into the sky
[10:54] <???> ♦ ARISE!!
[10:54] * The ice begins to crack and break, and there is a rumble as something stirs, long-thought dead
[10:55] * ------------------------------------------

[10:58] * OH S[BLEEP]T, IT'S SA'N-TAK-L'AUS!!
[10:59] * ------------------------------------------
[11:05] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus looks in the mirror.
[11:05] *** Sa`n-tak-l`aus is
His image Song is: Best Xmas Dubstep Songs.
[11:06] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus gathers his army of reindeer and violent elves
[11:06] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus will gain revenge for the hideous loss he siffered at the hands of the Suburban Senshi!
[11:06] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is away: SOON

[11:56] <Anesha> (( DENIED, SIT DOWN ))
[12:22] <DD_Girl_Green> (( then it's A Priceman Christmas! ))
[12:26] <Anesha> (( I don't think you get to decide that one. I was referring to the bad picture link. ))
[12:27] <DD_Girl_Green> (( OAH HOHOHOHOHO HAHAHAHA HA HAA ))
[12:28] * ...k
[12:30] <DD_Girl_Green> (( don't have the vid link at the moment. ^_^;; ))
[13:25] * DD_Girl_Green feeds some baby formula to her children.
[13:48] * DD_Girl_Green picks up her children and sets them in car seats
[14:02] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Eliza McIntash
[14:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where typos are a fine art
*** Happy Festivus!!
[14:02] * Eliza McIntash brings a fireproof blanket, a big bucket of water, and sets them down in the living room.
[14:02] * Eliza McIntash walks away, and brings back a big iron plate, a hammer, and some toools.
[14:03] * Eliza McIntash walks away, and then brings back a big circular arrangement of differently-colored wire.
[14:08] * Eliza McIntash heats the wire up, and once it is glowing hot, she sticks it onto the rest of the wire wreath with pliers, spelling out different words that she checks from a piece of paper.
[14:36] * Eliza McIntash looks at Chateaux's door, and measures with her eyes.
[14:37] <Eliza McIntash> ....
[14:37] * Eliza McIntash heats up the wire, and hammers the last piece together.
[14:37] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 17 ]
[14:38] * Eliza McIntash spells out the last word, and grins.
[14:39] <Eliza McIntash> YES! I did it!
[14:39] <Eliza McIntash> Chateaux! I did it! It's finished!
[14:40] * Eliza McIntash leaps to her feet, and dips the red-hot wire into the water bucket , and a huge hiss of steam rises as it quenches!
[14:42] * The loud hiss, and a small cloud of steam fills the room.
[14:42] <Eliza McIntash> Yes... yes. Yes.
[14:42] * Eliza McIntash looks really happy.
[14:43] * Eliza McIntash holds up what she's made. "Merry Christmas, Chateaux."
[14:51] * Eliza McIntash stands up, and puts up her tools and empties her water and returns the metal to the garage, and puts the torch in a hardware closet.... bu she takes the wire wreath with her to wrap in Christmas paper.
[15:14] * Eliza McIntash is away
[18:08] * Numerous Elves appear on Shelves.
[18:08] * Numerous Elves on Shelves Spy, and report to their Muscle-Fat Overlord Master.
[18:09] <DD_Girl_Green> (( They report to Robotnikclause? XD ))
[18:09] * Numerous Elves on Shalves vanish in a spray of glitter that is a b[BLEEP]ch to get out
[18:09] <DD_Girl_Green> (( *Robotnikclaus ))
[18:10] * if only it was a robot.
[18:11] * Away. Soon-- Suburban Senshi: The REVENGE OF SATAN CLAUS
[19:07] * Pinako pops up from the couch.
[19:14] <Pinako> Fluffies?....
[19:35] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, David O`Cain
[19:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We could save the internets, but we're lazy.
*** Happy Festivus!!
[19:35] <Pinako> FLUFFY :D
[19:35] <David O`Cain> Huh?
[19:37] * Pinako latches onto David, thinking he's a fluffy kitsune (Her eyes are closed)
[19:38] <David O`Cain> Um, Pinako?
[19:38] * Pinako opens her eyes
[19:39] <David O`Cain> Hey. Daydreaming, Pinako?
[19:39] <Pinako> About fluffies :D
[19:40] <David O`Cain> Ah. Been having them on your mind lately, huh?
[19:40] <Pinako> uh-huh :D
[19:41] <David O`Cain> Gotcha.
[19:43] <David O`Cain> So, how've you been, though?
[19:44] <Pinako> I've Been Doing good, Looking for Fluffies :D
[19:44] * Little fox ears pop up behind Pinako.
[19:44] <Pinako> :O
[19:44] * The Kits ALL burst out of hiding behind Pinako. All of them are in fox form too!
[19:45] <Pinako> :D
[19:45] * The Kits DIVE upon Pinako, letting out their battle-trill as they begin pummeling her with fluffy, fuzzy tails!
[19:46] <David O`Cain> Heheh. Well, at least the kits are now here to play.
[19:46] <Pinako> YAY :D
[19:48] * Pinako hugs all the Kits
[19:48] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> :3
[19:49] <Chibi-AnTil (fox form)> Heeee!
[19:53] * Elve son the shelves in paramilitary gear BURST though the windows!
[19:54] <ELVES> FOR THE GLORY OF Sa`n-tak-l`aus!!!
[19:54] <David O`Cain> Who?
[19:54] <Chibi-Alex (fox form)> D:<
[19:54] * The Elves pour christmas wine on the furniture and start LIGHTING IT ON FIRE
[19:55] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) pounces on Pinako to cover her from any flying glass shards!
[19:55] * Sniper rounds fly out of nowhere to cap these elves!
[19:55] * Chibi-AnTil (fox form) POOFS!
[19:55] * Other elves start bringing gifts... of DESTRUNCTION
[19:55] * Chibi-Alex (fox form) POOFS
[19:55] * Several elves are struck by the sniper rounds, their heads EXPLODING into pulp!
[19:56] * their lanky bodies drop to the ground, twitching and leaking ichor
[19:56] * Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil change back into their humanoid forms and immediately rush towards the fire extinguishers.
[19:56] <David O`Cain> Damn. Should have beem more careful, boys.
[19:56] <David O`Cain> ^been
[19:56] * Chibi-Alex starts spraying extinguisher form on the fires.
[19:56] * The other elves swarm the dead bodies, feating upon their fallen flesh and growing the stronger for it
[19:57] * Tendrils erupt from the shadows to pierce, tear and otherwise eradicate these elves. They glow with a strong, brimming heat to sublimate the bodes!
[19:57] * Chibi-AnTil starts spraying the other elves with extinguisher foam.
[19:57] * The Elves begin massing around the christmas tries, clambering up it like a red tide
[19:58] * Chibi-Catri rushes into the Lobby, carrying a couple of their lascarbines, tossing one of them to her brother Sylvester.
[19:58] <Chibi-Catri> >:D
[19:58] <The Elves> ♦ FOR THE GLORY OF OUR PHAT LORD!!!
[19:58] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) POOFS!
[19:59] * Knives and other sharp implements begin raining down from the tree's top, ready to skewer and destroy the elven menace!
[19:59] * Chibi-Sylvester changes into humanoid form, grabs his pulse laser, and joins his sister in opening fire on the Humbug Elves!
[20:00] * the elves are SHREDDED my the metal ailstorm, alrms and legs and other body parts slicing off and raining down onto the ground, rainbow colored blood pourng out
[20:00] * David O`Cain sends out murders of crows and groups of ghouls to attack the evil elves
[20:00] * The Crows feast well as the leves are ripped apart, their girlish screams filling the night!
[20:00] <Chibi-Catri> ♫ It's Christmas at Ground Zero!! There's music in the air! The sleigh bells are ringing and the carolers are singing while the air raid sirens blare! ♫
[20:01] * Vines begin massing in, making to grab the elves' remains.
[20:01] * The Elves are grabbed by the vines anf held fast, but the souls of the dying ones are flying north~
[20:02] * Multiple reaper-class demons pop up to consume the souls!
[20:02] *** ThePaleElf [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, ThePaleElf
[20:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: we have start friendship now
*** Happy Festivus!!
[20:02] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) just hides underneath a chair.
[20:02] <ThePaleElf> The hell is going on?
[20:03] <Pinako> O__O
[20:03] * David O`Cain raises a hand surrounded with black energy to intercept as many of the souls as possible
[20:03] * The Elves that remain in the lobby are fanatically struggling against their bonds, fangs showing
[20:03] * starts whacking the HELL out of any remaining elves with the fire extinguisher. >:[
[20:03] <David O`Cain> Your guess is as good as mine, Morm.
[20:03] * There is panic going on at D-Point.
[20:03] <ThePaleElf> Elves don't have fangs
[20:03] * The Elves die from horrible concussions as they are bludgoened, their dark little souls now gfoing right to David
[20:04] * THESE ELVES DO!
[20:04] * The Elves cry out as their bones break and their flesh fails
[20:04] * Anesha rides in on another vine, commanding the vines holding the elves to consume them, soul and all. "So someone's got too much time on their hands."
[20:05] * The Elves slowly die, their ingested souls filled with the black ichor of the Christmas Spirit
[20:06] <ThePaleElf> . . . that sounds like an oxymoron
[20:06] * Up North, the Arctic ice shatters as Sa`n-tak-l`aus slowly begins to rise...
[20:06] <Anesha> Sounds like we've got a fool to eliminate.
[20:06] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♦ HO... HO... HOHOHOHOHOAHAHAHAHHAHHAA!!
[20:07] * The youma at D-Point are in high panic mode.
[20:07] <David O`Cain> No kidding, guys.
[20:07] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is the size of a middling skyscraper, and as his belly shakes like thick, muscular jelly, the clouds part around him
[20:08] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus ignores the Youma and looks for his Sleigh
[20:08] * David O`Cain sends the souls he was able to catch to Grim for processing
[20:08] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> - So many "presents" to deliver~ -
[20:09] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♦ Humanity has been so naughty...
[20:09] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus remembers...
[20:09] * ThePaleElf isn't human
[20:09] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus remembers when the Suburban Senshi killed him so many years ago...
[20:10] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus runs a gloved hand through his trhick beard made of writhing, tormented children and thinks
[20:10] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I sense a great disturbance in the force
[20:10] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Chibi-AnTil is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[20:10] <Chibi-AnTil> ...
[20:10] * Chibi-AnTil contacts the Imperial Guard for this one, sending an immediate priority request.
[20:10] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus tries to remember which ones attacked him last time, but it doesn't matter
[20:11] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus pulls out a flaming asteroid of coal from his coat made of lush white fur from baby seals that was dyed in their blood
[20:11] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus absently hurls it at a random city
[20:12] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> HO HO HOOOOOO!!!
[20:12] * ThePaleElf notes the coat would be brown and crusty
[20:13] * @SpeedRcrX has a special place in Santa's hell for nitpickers
[20:13] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ^
[20:13] <Matsumi Kaze> !!!
[20:13] <@SpeedRcrX> Huh
[20:13] <@SpeedRcrX> I fewlt the christmas spirit come over me all of a sudden
[20:13] * @SpeedRcrX is bukkaked in egg nog
[20:13] * DD_Girl_Green is shocked, along with her children.
[20:13] * The Imperial Guard responds! Dozens of Thunderbolt fighters and Marauder bombers begin to fire upon the Santa-Kaiju while artillery companies blast at him with Basilisks from long range.
[20:14] <David O`Cain> Sheesh. That's just ridiculous, Haruka.
[20:14] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is being peppered by blasts
[20:14] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus raises a mighty hand and unleashes THE REINDEER WITH LASER NOSES
[20:15] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus bids them act as his interceptors as he hurls giant flaming lumps of asteroid coal at the fighters and bombers
[20:16] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus whips out a giant hundred foot long peppermint candy of caning
[20:16] * Multiple tears open up to catch the asteroid coal and send them flying back!
[20:16] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus swipes it across the air like a master swordsman sending out a wave of cheery green destructive ki
[20:17] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus easily intercepts his asteroids
[20:17] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♦ There are some naughty children here!
[20:17] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus bids his killer chirstmas trees awaken in the homes of man!
[20:18] * The Imperial Guard deploys mechanized infantry to engage any aggressive Christmas trees, snowmen, and elf mannequins.
[20:19] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> see one in action
[20:20] * it's war in the streets as the Elves deploy super-freezing liquid nitrogen snow grenades at the eney!
[20:21] * New knives and swords fly through the liquid nitro to become even deadlier implements of murder--- their targets: the enemy!
[20:22] * Elves are dying left and right! Nitro-snow covers the land! Flaming lumps of coal are strwaking over the city like in Armageddon! And BAD CAROLERS are wreaking Sonic HAVOC
[20:24] * Tears open to catch the coal and spew forth powerful chemicals to combat the nitrogen-snow.
[20:25] * The Elves decide to fill these tears with FIRE
[20:25] <David O`Cain> (Geez...)
[20:26] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus ponderously lumbers across the artic ice, reindeer battling fighters around him like a herd of insects around him
[20:26] * Oooh, that was a phenomenonally stupid move on the elves part---- for the tears gain sentience and begin to FEAST ON THEIR VERY EXISTENCE!
[20:27] * Leman Russ tanks roll through the streets, running down elves, trees, and horrible carolers with brutal effectiveness.
[20:28] * - SLASHES at the elves
[20:30] * As they die their cries of christmas glee fill the air!
[20:31] * The Leman Russ tanks lay down brutal suppressing fire every meter of the way, sweeping the streets with sponson-mounted heavy bolters and battle cannons...all the while blaring "Christmas in Sarajevo" from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra as they do it.
[20:32] * A few brave Elven warriors try to ut up a fight, wearing christmas lights around theirm like bandoliers, they throw explosive christmas gift boxes at people
[20:32] * Multiple people kick the boxes back at the elves!
[20:33] * Imperial Guardsmen quickly dismount from their APCs and charge into battle with the Elves, opening fire on them with gauss rifles, shotguns, and FLAMETHROWERS!!!
[20:33] * The Elves who are hit explode into globs of melty, sticky, chritmas candy!
[20:33] * David O`Cain is now known as Capt. David O`Cain
[20:34] * Capt. David O`Cain steps out onto the streets and proceeds to fire blast after blast of energy at any enemy forces
[20:35] * Thallax battle-drones are deployed! They march straight into battle, opening fire on the Elves and Carolers with Volkite blasters, blazing away at them with huge discharges of high-voltage lightning.
[20:35] * the Elves SHREIK, their corpses melting together into a fruitcake like consistency.
[20:36] * Rays and star bursts of holy power rain down on the Krampus Kollective, ready to utterly erase the enemy.
[20:36] * Slowly, the tides begin to turn as a few stragglers remain, trying to hold the soldiers at bay with licorice knives
[20:37] * "OH HOLY NIGHT!" they cry out as they are engufled and vaporize into a peppermint bloodsperay
[20:38] * their wet, sticky, candy remains drip all over the city. Some stupid children even eat them... but that is a story for next year...
[20:39] * the last of the invaders fall, and the nitro-snow drifts from the sky, making quite the postcard scene as it harmlessly settles
[20:40] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus slowly walks off the contiental shelf and into the arctic sea... it may take a day or so for him to walk to Tokyo...
[20:40] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is away
[20:40] * Anesha listens intently to something. "Hrm...."
[20:41] *** Renpha Astalion [Trooper011385@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Renpha Astalion
[20:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Saves Your Soul.
*** Happy Festivus!!
[20:41] * Renpha Astalion is beating the LIVING S[BLEEP]T out of a deceased Elf with her baton, smacking it over and over and over while being drenched with wet sticky candy.
[20:42] <Capt. David O`Cain> Something up, Anesha?
[20:42] * it splurts over her, in a manner very reminescent of certain adult video tapes
[20:43] <Anesha> Ohh, just getting in touch with some friends of mine.
[20:45] <Capt. David O`Cain> Gotcha.
[20:45] <Renpha Astalion> D:<
[20:45] * Renpha Astalion TASES one of the nearby Carolers.
[20:47] <Renpha Astalion> - I've got your Yule Log right here!! -
[20:48] * Anesha sends out a mess of vines through the city to clean up the mess.
[20:48] * The Kits all continue to defend the Lobby, burst-firing their lascarbines at any aggressors attempting to strike at the Hotel again.
[20:49] * Aratasujou wanders through the streets, finishing off any wounded Carolers or Elves with a Sledge-O-Matic to the head! >:D
[20:50] * their skulls pop so delightfully!
[20:54] * The First Battle of Christmas is over~
[20:54] * Capt. David O`Cain heads back inside the House/Hotel
[20:54] * Capt. David O`Cain is now known as David O`Cain
[20:56] * Most of the D-Point Youma start to rebuild their villages, as well as some A-point and C-Point villages.
[20:58] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) bites the head off of an Elf-on-the-Shelf. >vvv<
[20:59] * Pinako higs the Kits :D
[21:00] * Elf head tastes good, kind of sweet
[21:02] <David O`Cain> I get this feeling that all those elves were sent by somebody that is anti-Christmas.
[21:02] <Chibi-AnTil> Don't eat that, Nata!
[21:02] * Chibi-AnTil rushes over and pulls the Elf-head out of Nata's mouth.
[21:04] * Chibi-Catri the Elf-on-the-Shelf, body AND head, puts them all on the floor, reloads her lascarbine with a fully-charged e-clip, and empties it into the mangled EotS, blasting it over and over and over and over from four feet away.
[21:05] <Anesha> Oh, no no, it was another guy His name was "S[BLEEP]t, Sherlock"; first name "No".
[21:05] *** Kitsune no Hime [madamed'] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Kitsune no Hime
[21:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: 'What do you mean that's part of her head?'
*** Happy Festivus!!
[21:05] * Kitsune no Hime slips into th elobby
[21:06] <Chibi-Catri> Hi Mommy!
[21:07] <David O`Cain> (( That was kinda funny, Raoul. ))
[21:07] <David O`Cain> Evening, Inu-Kit.
[21:07] <Anesha> (( I do my best♫ ))
[21:09] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) dashes over to Mommy, trilling excitedly!
[21:11] <Kitsune no Hime> Hello, everyone
[21:12] <David O`Cain> How are you this evening?
[21:13] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) starts trying to climb up Mommy's robes. :3
[21:14] * The Kits all present themselves before their mother.
[21:14] <Chibi-AnTil> The Hotel has been successfully defended.
[21:16] <Anesha> Well, for today, anyhow. I get the feeling there'll be more where that nonsense came from.
[21:20] <Anesha> I think I'm going to make use of my favorites this time around♫
[21:21] <Chibi-Catri> All enemies attacking the Hotel were cleansed, purged, and killed! >:D
[21:21] * Kitsune no Hime picks up natalia
[21:21] <Kitsune no Hime> Is that so?
[21:22] <David O`Cain> That's right, Inu-Kit. However, I think we're still trying to determine where they came from and who sent them.
[21:23] <Kitsune no Hime> I see
[21:30] <David O`Cain> Yep.
[21:30] <Kitsune no Hime> well at least everyone is alright
[21:30] <Kitsune no Hime> come, children. it's time for bed
[21:34] <Chibi-Catri> Okay!
[21:34] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> :3
[21:35] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) waves bye-bye to everyone with her paw. :D
[21:35] <Chibi-AnTil> Good night, everyone!
[21:35] * Kitsune no Hime heads for the elevator
[21:35] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("I enjoyed seeing you! ^_^")
[21:35] *** Kitsune no Hime [madamed'] has left #suburbansenshi2 (May it be, when darkness falls, your heart will be true.)
[21:35] *** Chibi-Alex [BoundlessExuberanceOfYouth@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Can we go to the park next? Can we, can we can we~!")
[21:35] *** Chibi-Catri [MakerOfMischief@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*snickers* >:3)
[21:35] *** Chibi-Sylvester [LittleExplorer@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (No sign of Vicky though. :<)
[21:36] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Gah!")
[21:41] <David O`Cain> Take care, you guys.
[21:47] <Anesha> And off they go. What delightful young ones.
[21:47] <David O`Cain> Yep. The kits are very playful at times.
[21:55] * Haru E and Lyz drift on downstairs. "Hey all."
[21:57] <David O`Cain> Hey, Haru and Lyz.
[21:58] * DD_Girl_Green hugs Matsumi and hef children
[21:59] <Haru E> So what's the haps?
[22:02] <David O`Cain> Had some sort of evil Christmas elf invasion repelled. Where they came from and who sent them seems to be unknown at this time.
[22:03] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ 1603 ]
[22:03] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] lounges on her sofa, sipping hot cocoa
[22:03] * DD_Girl_Green has moved to: [ 1603 ]
[22:03] * Hideki Kaze has moved to: [ 1603 ]
[22:04] <Haru E> Ah, so that was what went down. Explains the idiot elves that exploded into some kinda goop.
[22:05] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] Mmmm... How'd you make this?
[22:06] * DD_Girl_Green [1603] is drinking cooled down cocoa
[22:07] <David O`Cain> Indeed. They sure didn't put up much of a fight, though. They pretty much turned into one-hitter quitters.
[22:08] <Haru E> Betting they were just the mooks of the squad.
[22:09] <David O`Cain> Perhaps, but still.
[22:10] * Hideki Kaze [1603] is putting gifts under the tree in their room
[22:10] <Haru E> Either way, it won't really change what's needed--- we find whomever sent them and kill 'em.
[22:11] <David O`Cain> Yep.
[22:11] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] Ohhideki......
[22:12] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] You're babysitting both my kids tomorrow!
[22:13] <Hideki Kaze> [1603] I'm afraid I can't
[22:13] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] :<
[22:14] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] he's goin gto the party
[22:15] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] Then who's babysitting?
[22:16] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] what about your mother?
[22:18] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] She's on a big babysitting job.
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] well I can't..Hideki can't....not sure if my grandma can...
[22:19] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] What about eilean?
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] I think she's busy too
[22:21] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] Hmm... Who do elwe know that's free tomorrow?
[22:23] <Matsumi Kaze> [1603] I'm really not sure ^^;;
[22:23] * Hideki Kaze [1603] goes to sit next to Matsumi
[22:26] * Baby_Beryl crawls next to grandpa :D
[22:29] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] Aww, so cute
[22:31] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] She wants to sit next to her grandma and grandpa.
[22:35] * DD_Girl_Green [1603] picks up mira
[22:39] * Hideki Kaze [1603] picks up Beryl
[22:41] * Baby_Beryl smiles :D
[22:55] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] It's almost time for them to get tobed
[23:03] * DD_Girl_Green [1603] yakes beryl from hideki, then goes to her ownapt.
[23:03] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (night)
[23:46] * Hideki Kaze [1603] puts an arm around his wife
[23:46] * Matsumi Kaze [1603] leans against Hideki
[23:57] * David O`Cain leans back in his seat on a sofa
[00:17] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[00:17] * Matsumi Kaze walks down the lobby
[00:17] * Matsumi Kaze texts Morm ◜ hey morm can I talk to you?◞
[00:20] * ThePaleElf texts Matsumi ◜Sure, what's up?◞
[00:22] * Matsumi Kaze texts Morm ◜ it's pretty important so I'll need to talk to you face to face◞
[00:23] * ThePaleElf steps out of the shadows "You rang?"
[00:24] <Matsumi Kaze> well...thing is...
[00:24] * Matsumi Kaze KISSES Morm
[00:25] * ThePaleElf is kissed and steps back "Gah, Matsumi, what the heck"
[00:25] * Matsumi Kaze points up to the mistletoe
[00:26] <Matsumi Kaze> you get only one hee
[00:26] * Matsumi Kaze sends the vid to Eitak
[00:26] <ThePaleElf> ....You humans have the weirdest holiday customs
[00:28] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah we do heh
[00:29] <David O`Cain> Heh.
[00:29] <Matsumi Kaze> what do you do during christmas, morm?
[00:30] <ThePaleElf> My people don't celebrate it, but I still pop in and vist Etiak and Nivek and whoever else invites me to come over to be polite
[00:32] <Matsumi Kaze> going tovisit your grandkid?
[00:33] <ThePaleElf> Of course
[00:36] <Matsumi Kaze> heh hope so..eilean would never forgive you otherwise
[00:37] <ThePaleElf> Rightfully so. Just because I don't celebrate it, doesn't mean I shouldn't be there for my family that does
[00:38] <David O`Cain> Indeed.
[00:50] * Eitak_Razal meanwhile is laughing her ass off at the pic. She's responded with a message thats's just a "HAHAHAHAHA-" that's so long it cuts off
[00:57] * David O`Cain stretches a bit
[01:19] <David O`Cain> So quiet in here.
[01:26] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[01:35] <Matsumi Kaze> night!
[01:35] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:36] <David O`Cain> Night, Matsumi.
[01:37] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (Time to head home.)
[10:35] * Baby_Beryl has moved to: [ 1601 ]
[10:36] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `Christmas Carol: Chapter 4 live reading in SS5 voice channel 12/24 @ 20:00! Chapter 5 live reading 12/25 @ 11:00|Welcome to Shin Private Ski-Lodge/Resort! Enjoy the snow!!!!! More info here!|Oi, X needs input on the RP site. - `
[10:37] * Katerina Markov is decorating for christmas :D
[10:37] * Katerina Markov has moved to: [ 1601 ]
[10:42] <Katerina Markov> [1601] Mommy, where are your christmas dwcorarions?
[10:45] * Mika Markov has moved to: [ 1601 ]
[10:45] <Mika Markov> [1601] in the box
[10:46] <Katerina Markov> [1601] Can I help puf them up?
[10:50] <Mika Markov> [1601] of course ^^
[10:51] * Katerina Markov [1601] helps mommy put up decoratuins while keeping an eye on two little green children.
[13:53] * Katerina Markov [1601] turns on the universal tivo to a christmas broadcast
[17:17] * A Christmas Carol with Alaster Sims is playing!
[17:24] <Katerina Markov> [1601] Santa retired? :(
[17:25] <Katerina Markov> (( I meant to ut that response down earlier ))
[17:26] <A Christmas Carol> (( oh ok! ))
[17:28] <Katerina Markov> [1601] See ss3 backlog for more^^;
[17:28] <Katerina Markov> (( ^* ))
[17:34] * the Water in Tokyo Bay begins to bubble and foan~
[17:34] * ^foam
[17:35] * Ships begin to rock back and forth
[17:36] * The water foams more violently and waves get higher and higher
[17:40] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ^
[17:40] * JSDF attempt to fight back the kaiju!
[17:41] * Aesir and Vanir vessels open fire on Krampus-Kaiju!
[17:41] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is an elder GOD not a Kaiju
[17:41] * Aesir and Vanir vessels don't give a flying f[BLEEP]k what it is, it's gonna die!
[17:41] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus catches a few figherrs and puts them in his back, and sends his reindeer to go fight the others
[17:41] * JSDF has no idea on that s[BLEEP]t..they just see giant thing
[17:42] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is being shot at by strangely named things!
[17:43] * Aesir and Vanir vessels break formation to avoid the bag. More shots rain down from another angle!
[17:44] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is pelted by these shot and his unholy santa blood splurts out over the buildings!
[17:44] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> HO HO NOOO!!
[17:44] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus fires BEAMS from his eyes at the attackers
[17:45] * Aesir and Vanir vessels activate their Instantanous Movement Drives. They dart all around to avoid the beams!
[17:47] * Out of nowhere a gigantic claw slams down to cut Evil Santa!
[17:48] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is CUT BY THE CLAW
[17:50] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus ROARS
[17:50] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus throes SPECIAL GIFTS INTO THE CITY, WHICH EXPLODE!
[17:52] * Some of the presents have exploded TIDAL WAVES OF HOLIDAY TINSEL AND GLITTER
[17:53] * Multiple people emerge with clean-up and containment gear to get rid of that stuff, post-haste.
[17:54] * A tail tipped with a sharpened spike lashes out to deliver one hell of a slash across Evil Santa's midsection!
[17:54] *** Sailor Skalda has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Sailor Skalda
[17:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: She does it naturally.
[17:54] * Sailor Skalda grows to giant size!
[17:54] * Sailor Skalda runs over to stop the monster!
[17:55] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is SLASHES in the midsection and GUSHES INFINITE RED JELLO
[17:55] <Sailor Skalda> ewwww!
[17:55] * Sailor Skalda has moved to: [ Giant Size ]
[17:55] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> HO HO OH, WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE
[17:56] <Sailor Skalda> [Giant Size] I'm here to stop you!
[17:56] <Katerina Markov> (( I thought it was skathi ))
[17:56] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus HULKS UP, his red coat EXPLODING OFF
[17:56] * Sailor Skalda is now known as Sailor Skathi
[17:56] * Sailor Skathi has moved to: [ Giant Size ]
[17:56] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is RIPPED
[17:57] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus has moved to: [ Extremely Ripped ]
[17:57] * Cubus Gigant stands tall and ready to send this fool back to whatever pit he crawled out of.
[17:57] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] eyes thw two massive opponents
[17:58] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] has his reindeer minions s[BLEEP]t out huge, long colored ropes
[17:58] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] has them set up part of tokyo as a GIANT WRESTLING RING
[17:58] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] gulps but gets prepared
[17:59] * And now, A sneak peek at Super Priceman, with the seven chaos emeralds.
[18:00] <Cubus Gigant> (( Seriously, KP? ))
[18:00] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] ¬_¬
[18:01] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] steps in frotn of Super Priceman and then LAUNCHES HIMSELF AT CUBUS AND SCALDI FOR A WICKED DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE
[18:01] * Super Priceman is just priceman, but his short turned from blue to yellow (due to genesis color limits.)
[18:01] * Cubus Gigant squares himself, and goes to Lop Evil Santa's arm clean off the body!
[18:02] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] is unprepared and gtes slammed back O_o
[18:03] * Super Priceman speeds into the battlefield, and starts to think of a plan.
[18:04] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] ow ><
[18:04] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] tries to stand on her high heels
[18:04] * Cubus Gigant brings his wings down like a shield to block the blow!
[18:05] * Super Priceman does his top spin to saw off the monster santa'a legs.
[18:06] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] loses his legs and CRASHES down to the ground as a stump, but giant TENTACLES SHOOT OUT IN THEIR PLACE!
[18:06] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] IA!!!!
[18:06] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] IA!!!!
[18:06] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] O_O
[18:07] <Cubus Gigant> - Oh f[BLEEP]k off already. -
[18:07] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] HO HO YOU ARE SO RUDE~
[18:07] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] You won't be getting any present this year!
[18:07] * Cubus Gigant slashes forward, his claws brimming with a strong chaotic force!
[18:08] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] BLOCKS with his CLUB ARM
[18:08] <Super Priceman> Neither willvyou!
[18:08] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] gewts a giant nail clipper out of his bag and CLIPS those naughty claus!
[18:08] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] THE ONLY "CLAUS" HERE will be...
[18:08] * Super Priceman top spins again and drills down santa, starting from the head while je's dostracted
[18:09] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] shoots some out Wolverine style!
[18:09] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] just stands there...not sure what to do....
[18:09] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] SANTA CLAWS! HO HO HO HO !
[18:09] * Cubus Gigant 's claws prove to be a bit strong for the clippers!
[18:09] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] has SUPER DELUXE CLIPPERS.
[18:09] <Cubus Gigant> - Bring it, you oversized fatass! -
[18:09] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] KNEES GIGANT IN THE GROIN AREA
[18:10] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] IT'S ALL MUSCLE~
[18:10] * Cubus Gigant quickly brings his tail up and forward, intending to cut off and cauterize the leg!
[18:10] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] .me's lefg is cut off and tentacles shoot out to replace it!
[18:10] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] YOU'rE BIT ANG STRONG, AREN'T YOU~!
[18:10] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ i love strong opponents who overpower themselves~ ♡
[18:11] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] closes her eyes..and runs foward, flailing punches ><
[18:11] <Cubus Gigant> - I'm just getting warmed up. -
[18:11] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ do you know why~ hohohoho~ ♡
[18:11] * Super Priceman drills out, cuttimg through.
[18:11] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] is drilled through and puts a finger through the wound
[18:11] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] scoops out some brain
[18:11] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ because the stronger my opponent is, the stronger I get~! ♡
[18:12] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! ♡
[18:12] * Cubus Gigant 's blade-tail becomes a chainsaw. "And what, you think that's going to save you?"
[18:12] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ Actually, yes~ ♡
[18:13] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] pulls out a chain bron his bag
[18:13] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] uses it to tangle up the chainsaw's rotating teeth
[18:13] <Super Priceman> If that's the case, then a weak opponent make you weaker, huh?
[18:14] <Cubus Gigant> - Well then, time for me to bring you back to reality, you delusional fool. -
[18:14] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] ....
[18:14] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] WE WILL SEE WHO IS DELUSIONAL, NAUGHTY CHILD HO HO HO
[18:15] * Cubus Gigant 's tail begins to eat up the chain!
[18:15] <Super Priceman> You won'teven give me a chance, since you're apparenyly too strong
[18:15] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] just kleeps making more chain form his bag. He's SANTA
[18:15] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] is deliberately not answering Priceman
[18:16] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] tries to keep gigant all wound up and arrogant
[18:16] * Cubus Gigant keeps eating away at the chain.
[18:17] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Extremely Ripped] .me keeps feeding more and more chain
[18:17] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ can't you do anything more to father christmas, o giant one~! ♡
[18:18] * Super Priceman cuts the chain off and connects it to santa
[18:18] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] has a chain connected to him
[18:19] * Cubus Gigant brings a claw up, but it's coated with something different this time. He slashes.
[18:19] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] gets slashed by the claw and his power level rises!
[18:20] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] 's aura starts to glow gold
[18:20] * Oooh, that was a foolish move, Krampus-- for you see, that claw was coated by something that makes malicious-things go bye-bye!
[18:20] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] 's white beard is turning gold
[18:20] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] is too powerful for such things!
[18:20] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Extremely Ripped] goes SUPER SAIYAN SANTA
[18:21] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus has moved to: [ Super Saiyan Santa ]
[18:21] <Cubus Gigant> - Really, that's your big plan? -
[18:21] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ HO HO HO I TOLD YOU ALREADY DIDN'T I~~ ♡
[18:22] <Cubus Gigant> - You're beginning to bore me. -
[18:22] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ YOU CAN'T WIN THIS WAY~! ♡
[18:22] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] smirks
[18:22] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Super Saiyan Santa] Only because you only know one way to fight, you naughty child~!
[18:23] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] contrinues to march through the city
[18:23] <Cubus Gigant> - Actually, I know plenty more--- and one's already in play. -
[18:23] * Super Priceman speeds in the othere direction, making santa fall down.
[18:24] * @SpeedRcrX falls down, and get sback up so ANGRY AT HOW RUDELY HE'S BVEING TREATED!
[18:24] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Super Saiyan Santa] ^
[18:24] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Super Saiyan Santa] HO HO HO YOU ARE ALL ON MY AUGHTY LIST THIS CHRISTMAS!
[18:24] <Cubus Gigant> - There's already a Santa-- we've no need for one such as you. -
[18:24] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Super Saiyan Santa] WHAT KIND FO CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IS THIS!
[18:25] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Super Saiyan Santa] I *AM* SANTA.
[18:25] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] makes the point by oputting out red and green beams from his eyes and vaporizing Tokyo Tower
[18:25] <Cubus Gigant> - You truly are a fool, aren't you? -
[18:26] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] just shakes his head at the naughty child who lacks all christmas spirit
[18:26] <Cubus Gigant> - You're out of date, what with your own actions. Repent in hell. -
[18:26] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Super Saiyan Santa] Calling people fools and consigning them to hell~
[18:27] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Super Saiyan Santa] So not christmaslike!
[18:27] <Cubus Gigant> - It's the only place fitting for someone like yourself, who'd trample on the real christmas spirit by attacking the innocent. -
[18:28] <Super Priceman> Neither is what you've done
[18:28] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] resumes his overpowered xmas rampage, bleeding and spilling tentacles everywhere
[18:28] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] this is gross ><
[18:28] * Cubus Gigant simply moves to counter his attacks. "You will harm these people no longer!"
[18:29] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] gets more afitates the more Gigant counters
[18:30] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Super Saiyan Santa] ^agitated
[18:30] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] just increases the speed and power of his bloes
[18:31] * Eliza McIntash wanders inside the HOTEL.
[18:31] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Eliza McIntash
[18:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> You cannot imagine the intensity of the f[BLEEP]ks I do not give today!
[18:31] <Eliza McIntash> Um.... Chateaux?
[18:31] *** Eliza McIntash has moved back to the livingroom
[18:31] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] takes a moment to high five chat for that one
[18:31] * Cubus Gigant moves to counter the attacks, parrying them with increasing accuracy. He deflects the attacks to ensure they don't hit anyone.
[18:31] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] tries to join in the fight but she accidently steps on a car ><
[18:31] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] just matches gigant with ease
[18:31] * Super Priceman e spuns and saws off the tentacles
[18:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> Hi Eliza. Mommy is watching giant demon lord santa fight in the city
[18:32] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] erupts fve more tentacles
[18:32] <Eliza McIntash> ........Well, okay, I suppose this can wait then.
[18:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> What have you got?
[18:33] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] tries to jump on Santa's back to stop him ><
[18:33] <Eliza McIntash> Well, it can wait if it need to! I honestly can't be upset at all, given the words you used. ^_^
[18:33] <Eliza McIntash> Merry Christmas, Chateaux! I wanted to give you a present, so I made this for you!
[18:33] * @Chateaux Concierge givers her a beatific smile
[18:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> Ooh!
[18:33] * @Chateaux Concierge looks
[18:34] * Eliza McIntash gives Chateaux a small present--it feels heavy
[18:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Oooh~
[18:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Can I opoen it now or do I have to wait?
[18:34] <Eliza McIntash> Open it... I mean, I know you probably know what's inside by radar or because I made it here, but... heh. Tradition?
[18:34] * Super Priceman spins and saws beyween demon santa's eyes!
[18:35] <Eliza McIntash> Well, you exist at every point in time, yeah? Just have the part of you from tomorrow open it! ^_^
[18:35] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] SCREESHES AS HIS EYES ARE SAWED OUT
[18:35] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] erupts new ones on stalks
[18:35] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] ow ow watch it!
[18:36] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Super Saiyan Santa] gets more misshapen and powerful with each assault
[18:36] * @Chateaux Concierge opens the box XD
[18:36] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus has moved to: [ SS2 Eldritch Santa Claws ]
[18:37] * Super Priceman stops, and builds something.
[18:37] <Super Priceman> Hey cubus, wanna help?
[18:37] * Chateaux's Present is a wreath made of hand-wrought wire of many different colors, melted and soldered together into a door hanging. It has "Home is where the Heart is" written across it in molten wire, and each of the letters contains smaller pieces of melted wire arranged in the words for love in different languages.
[18:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> T_T
[18:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> It's so nice T_T
[18:38] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mommy is So happy T_T
[18:38] <Eliza McIntash> I made it for you! I thought you could use some decorations.
[18:38] <Cubus Gigant> - (OK, this is just getting idiotic.) You'll have to go that project on your own. I'll keep our Killer Krampus from crapping on the holiday spirit any further. -
[18:38] * @Chateaux Concierge hugs the present and then hugs Eliza
[18:38] * Zotia emerges from a doorway. "I can help you out with that project, glowing child."
[18:38] * Zotia has moved to: [ Outside, helping Pricey ]
[18:38] <Eliza McIntash> I um.... I know that everybody here has unlimited money and it could just be made, so I made the money and then the present myself. I wanted to give you something because you have given me everything I have ever wanted.
[18:38] * Eliza McIntash hugs her back.
[18:38] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [SS2 Eldritch Santa Claws] keeps moving forward
[18:38] <Super Priceman> Hey, thanks.
[18:39] * Super Priceman accepts Zotia's help
[18:39] <Eliza McIntash> I love you. Merry Christmas. ^_^
[18:39] * Zotia [Outside, helping Pricey] assists Priceman as Cubus intercepts the Killer Krampus.
[18:39] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] tries to hold onto one of santa's tenticles ><
[18:39] * @Chateaux Concierge gives Eliza a picture of herself standing next to eliza
[18:39] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] is trying to hold him back ><
[18:40] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [SS2 Eldritch Santa Claws] is pushing Gitant back as it moves, with Skathi being dragged along, looking more like a santa-esque sea creature than anything
[18:40] <Eliza McIntash> Heh, it's a simplification, since you always are next to me. ^_^
[18:40] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [SS2 Eldritch Santa Claws] SANTA IS SO ANGRY AT ALL THE NAUGHTY CHILDREN!
[18:41] <Eliza McIntash> It sure makes me happy to hear you say mommy.
[18:41] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] I..I'm not naughty ><
[18:41] <Eliza McIntash> T_T You have made me so happy. Thank you. It's for your door! I hope you like it!
[18:41] * Cubus Gigant digs in to begin pushing the evil santa back. "Well, isn't this pot calling the kettle black, Krampus?"
[18:41] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [SS2 Eldritch Santa Claws] THEN WHY ARE YOU GROPING SANTA'S TENTACLES?
[18:42] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [SS2 Eldritch Santa Claws] just pushes gigant back more "I've got KRAMPUS BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE KILLED ME MANY CHRISTMASES AGO!
[18:43] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [SS2 Eldritch Santa Claws] will not be deterred and powers up again the more they resist!
[18:43] * Cubus Gigant pushes back even harder. "And what, you're here for some kind of vengeance?"
[18:43] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus has moved to: [ ss3 Santa Claws ]
[18:43] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] I..I'm trying to stop you
[18:43] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ That's it, fight harder~ ♡
[18:43] <Super Priceman> What do you think? A big cookie machine?
[18:43] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ HARDER! GIVE IT ALL TO SANTA! ♡
[18:43] <Zotia> [Outside, helping Pricey] Might work. Let's give it a shot.
[18:44] <Cubus Gigant> - Go ahead with your worthless powerup. In the end you're still going to depart. -
[18:44] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ for someone who says i don't get it, you certainly do not. ♡
[18:45] * Super Priceman begins making a large cookie making machine with Zotia's help.
[18:45] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> ♡ HO HO NO, YOU WON'T STOP SANTA, GIANT CUBUS ♡
[18:46] <Cubus Gigant> - So says the eldritch creature rampaging through a city as revenge for dying years ago. Haven't you got any other hobbies? -
[18:46] * Eliza McIntash hangs the wreath Chateaux's door, and gives it a kiss.
[18:46] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] pauses and thinks
[18:46] * Eliza McIntash wipes away the first tear of happiness, and then doesn't bother with the others, and goes back inside her home.
[18:46] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss3 Santa Claws] Well I like making toys, solving word puzzles and talking walks in the rain
[18:46] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss3 Santa Claws] ^taking
[18:47] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] continues movig forward, kicking as few cars out of the way
[18:47] <Super Priceman> What about eating cookies?
[18:47] <Cubus Gigant> - So tell me, where did it all start to go wrong? -
[18:48] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] hears cookies
[18:48] <Super Priceman> Yeah? Where did it go wrong *still buildong the cookie machine with zotia*
[18:48] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss3 Santa Claws] .me turns to look at Priceman
[18:48] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss3 Santa Claws] I like cookies. And Milk.
[18:48] * Super Priceman looks at zotia
[18:48] <Super Priceman> Now
[18:49] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] c[BLEEP]ks his head to the sitre, lobster stalk eyes dangling wierdly
[18:49] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss3 Santa Claws] /PV to the side
[18:49] * Zotia [Outside, helping Pricey] gets Giga-Claus' attention. "Well, we got a big cookie over here for you." She then points to a large vine-construct with what appears to be a gigantic tankard of milk. "And that ought to wash it down."
[18:49] <Super Priceman> You get cookies now, and milk as soon as you tell us where it went wrong.
[18:50] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] 's eyes flash red
[18:50] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss3 Santa Claws] IT'S NOT NICE TO MAKE DEALS WITH SANTA
[18:51] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] turns to take some of the milk from cubus
[18:51] * Cubus Gigant doesn't have the milk. The vine-construct does.
[18:51] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] tries to drink from the tankard
[18:53] <Super Priceman> Don't doeget your cookies
[18:53] <Super Priceman> *forget
[18:55] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] drinks from ther vine construct. Are there cookies? you were still making the machine?
[18:56] <Super Priceman> Yeah, and it makes finished cookies.
[18:56] * Super Priceman pulls. The covers, it's a machine,it's putting out frwshly baled cookoes.
[18:56] * @Chateaux Concierge takes some cookies and the milk. Are they trapped?
[18:57] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss3 Santa Claws] ^
[18:57] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] did that
[18:57] <Super Priceman> *freshly baked
[18:58] *** Eliza McIntash [0] has quit IRC (*sits down beneath the Christmas Tree, smiling unendingly at the picture Chateaux gave her, and leans back against the sofa with profound happiness*)
[18:58] * Super Priceman the cookies are chocolate chip, and not spiked.
[18:59] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss3 Santa Claws] watchthe cookies and his appearance starets to change back a little to something more Santa like. But he still seems angry
[19:00] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus has moved to: [ ss2 Canta Claus ]
[19:00] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus has moved to: [ ss2 Santa Claus ]
[19:00] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] Thank you for the cookies, little boy~
[19:00] <Super Priceman> Say, why are you angry?
[19:01] <Super Priceman> You're welcome.
[19:01] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] Because there are so many naughty and rube boys and girls!
[19:02] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] ^rude
[19:02] <Super Priceman> I see, can I talk to the peole for a moment? Including cubus?
[19:03] <Zotia> [Outside, helping Pricey] Care to elaborate on that? From what I've looked up, you were rather naughty yourself back in the day.
[19:03] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss2 Santa Claus] is still eating his cookies, so nods yes
[19:03] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] Santa Claus *munch* doesn't need to explain himself
[19:04] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] Santa claus makes lists and judges
[19:04] <Zotia> [[No wonder you were killed.
[19:04] <Super Priceman> He jist needs cookies and milk, and a few gifts.
[19:04] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss2 Santa Claus] stands and stretches, getting ready to rampage again
[19:04] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] I..I used to send you letters when I was little
[19:05] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss2 Santa Claus] looks at Skathi
[19:05] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] Santa remembers...
[19:05] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] Santa Remembers everything
[19:06] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] that good or bad
[19:06] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss2 Santa Claus] doesn't comment :3
[19:07] * Super Priceman vs machine produces more cookies.
[19:07] <Super Priceman> *'s
[19:07] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss2 Santa Claus] sits and eats some more cookies, but seems to be losing interest in them
[19:08] <Super Priceman> What do you want for christmas?
[19:08] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [ss2 Santa Claus] pauses, stunned
[19:09] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] No one has ever gotten Santa a christmas present...
[19:09] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] Everyone always asks me for things..
[19:09] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] Wanting more, and more, and more...
[19:09] <Super Priceman> From what I've read and heard, you'e given everyone gifts for a long time, but no one asked what yoy wanted.
[19:10] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] A new bike, a toy train, a puppy, biggfer boobs,...
[19:10] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [ss2 Santa Claus] I want... I want...
[19:10] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus has moved to: [ Ripped Santa ]
[19:10] *** lol and now I gotta break for a sec for dinner
[19:10] *** back in a bit
[19:11] <Super Priceman> (( ok. ))
[19:12] *** Aratasujou has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:12] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Aratasujou
[19:12] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We all hate the Monkey.
[19:12] * Aratasujou bounces into the Lobby, grinning.
[19:17] *** back
[19:17] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Ripped Santa] I want... people to be filled with the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!
[19:17] <Super Priceman> We can do that,no problem.
[19:18] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Ripped Santa] You--you can?
[19:18] <Zotia> [Outside, helping Pricey] Should've been more clear about that in the first place. Going around tossing attacks and such everywhere is a horrible way to go about it.
[19:18] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Ripped Santa] SANTA WANTED REVENGE FOR CHRISTMAS
[19:19] <Super Priceman> Yeah, we can, christmas is really about family and friends.
[19:19] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Ripped Santa] remembers the dark purpose that brought him here! But then Priceman's woreds reach him
[19:20] <Aratasujou> Revenge for Christmas?
[19:20] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Ripped Santa] Can there really be Christmas Spirit here?
[19:20] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Ripped Santa] looks at the arrogant Gigant
[19:21] <Aratasujou> Christmas no be about revenge. It be about toys and trees!
[19:21] * Cubus Gigant was never fighting for arrogance. He sincerely wanted to quell the attack.
[19:21] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Ripped Santa] remembers Gigan't attitude~
[19:22] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Ripped Santa] Toys and trees~
[19:22] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Ripped Santa] thinks back
[19:22] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> [Ripped Santa] I remember the workshop...
[19:22] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Ripped Santa] 's features soften...
[19:23] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, David O`Cain
[19:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: She does it naturally.
[19:23] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] I always liked christmas ^^
[19:23] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] tries to avoid stepping on another car
[19:23] <David O`Cain> Wha...?
[19:23] <Aratasujou> Kits like Christmas. They be getting ready for it too.
[19:23] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus [Ripped Santa] looks more like a giant santa now, all the tentacles are gone and his arms and legs have grown back
[19:24] *** Sa`n-tak-l`aus has moved back to the livingroom
[19:24] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> I miss the Christmas sprit~
[19:24] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] ^_^ christmas is wonderful
[19:24] <Sa`n-tak-l`aus> It always was the best time of year~
[19:25] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] it is!
[19:25] <Super Priceman> ♫ it's the most wonderful season of allll ♫
[19:25] <Aratasujou> It be the best! All the snow and decorations!
[19:25] <David O`Cain> But it's still around. The joys of being with family and friends, the wonderful food served, and giving to those less fortunate.
[19:26] <Aratasujou> Estate be dressed up now. All the snow and ice make home look like it be made of crystal.
[19:26] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus hears the song and his heart of black ice thaws and becomes rosy-red
[19:26] * Sa`n-tak-l`aus is now known as Santa Claus
[19:27] <Pinako> I wamt mr. Santa to be with his family :D
[19:27] <Santa Claus> What do you good boys and girls want for Christmas~?
[19:27] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size]
[19:27] <Santa Claus> I'm granting Christmas wishes! HO HO HO HO!
[19:27] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] looks embarrsed to say this...
[19:27] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] I'd like some new shoes...*her heels have impaled an empty car*
[19:28] <Aratasujou> Me know! Me know!
[19:28] * Santa Claus pulls out a giant pair of shoes for her
[19:28] <Aratasujou> It no be for me, but for Kits! They be wanting yummy things and warm blankets!
[19:28] <Super Priceman> I already have what I wanted foe chriatmas. Santa, you to be better
[19:28] <Sailor Skathi> [Giant Size] thank you ^^ *gives santa a hug*
[19:28] <Zotia> [Outside, helping Pricey] I desire nothing material. What I wish to know is what brought you back in such a state, and how to keep them from performing anything else like this.
[19:29] * @Chateaux Concierge giv es the kits yummy things and warm blnakets!
[19:29] * @Chateaux Concierge looks at Zotia
[19:29] *** D.Kakaku has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, D.Kakaku
[19:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Much More Rich of WTF since 2002
[19:29] <Santa Claus> ^
[19:29] <David O`Cain> I'm not sure what I'd want, honestly.
[19:29] <Santa Claus> Oh, Santa wakes up Cranky all the time.
[19:30] <Santa Claus> Santa was woken up by a big light from the sky.
[19:30] <D.Kakaku> I've been single and lonely for a while, might I have a girlfriend, please?
[19:30] <Zotia> [Outside, helping Pricey] A big light turned you into that monstrosity?
[19:31] <Aratasujou> Thankee-thankee, Santa Claus!
[19:31] <Santa Claus> Santa has always had his dark side. He just oke up on the wrong side of the bed and remembered how he'd been killed years ago.
[19:31] * Elsewhere, the Kits are all trilling and squealing happily.
[19:31] <Santa Claus> No the light woke me from my sleep
[19:31] <Super Priceman> How come, santa?
[19:31] * Santa Claus looks at Kakakku
[19:32] * Santa Claus pulls out a robot girlfriend that is programmable and customizable
[19:32] <Aratasujou> Femmebot?
[19:33] <D.Kakaku> Not what I had in mind, but thank you, santa.
[19:33] <Eitak_Razal> oh god the implications
[19:33] <Zotia> [Outside, helping Pricey] I cannot honestly believe that was the case. Just last night there were elves on shelves whose souls were sent to the North Pole en-masse, and then you emerged in that form. Honestly, past experiences tell me there was something else that involved itself.
[19:33] * Santa Claus shrinks down tro Human-size for now
[19:33] <Santa Claus> Those are my minions.
[19:34] <Santa Claus> Santa is an Elder God, HO HO HO
[19:34] <Zotia> [Outside, helping Pricey] .......
[19:34] <Santa Claus> And Sometimes Santa can be a Naughty boy!
[19:34] * Santa Claus rubs his nose
[19:34] <Super Priceman> Does anyone elae control them?
[19:34] * Sailor Skathi [Giant Size] shrinks down as well....
[19:34] * Sailor Skathi is now known as Sailor Skathi
[19:34] <Santa Claus> No they are my loyal helpers~
[19:34] <Eitak_Razal> I thought the father of ultra was santa...
[19:34] * Santa Claus waves his hands and revives his fallen servants with the power of CHRISTMAS MAGIC
[19:35] <Santa Claus> He's *a* Santa.
[19:36] <Santa Claus> Santa has many licencees.
[19:36] <Eitak_Razal> ...
[19:37] <Santa Claus> Santa runs a huge multinational business.
[19:37] <Santa Claus> Getting presents out to people all over the world on time isn't cheap! HO HO HO!
[19:37] <Eitak_Razal> And you make money how?
[19:38] <Santa Claus> <_<
[19:38] <Cubus Gigant> - .......(and plot hole detected.) -
[19:40] <Super Priceman> Din't people pay you to usd your license?
[19:41] <Eitak_Razal> ...Some new times on magic would be nice, but honestly I can buy so much stuff there is little I need or want that is a material good
[19:41] <Eitak_Razal> *tomes
[19:42] * Santa Claus also give sher new tomes lol
[19:42] * Santa Claus turns to Gigant
[19:42] <Santa Claus> And what do YOU want for Christmas~?
[19:43] <Cubus Gigant> - ......(I can't tell if he's stealth-trolling or being sincere.... let's test these waters.) -
[19:43] * Eitak_Razal reads them "oooh a spell to set people's hair on fire without burning the scalp"
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa what's going on here?
[19:44] <Eitak_Razal> Santa Claus
[19:44] <DD_Girl_Green> [1603] Ooooohhh
[19:44] *** DD_Girl_Green has moved back to the livingroom
[19:44] <Cubus Gigant> - Some knowledge would be appreciated. -
[19:45] <David O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi.
[19:45] <Santa Claus> What kind of Knowledge?
[19:45] <DD_Girl_Green> Can i have the relationship between my husband and my mother in law be a good relationship?
[19:45] <Super Priceman> So, santa, who do you think turned on that light that woke you up?
[19:46] <Santa Claus> That depends on them, little girl~
[19:46] <Cubus Gigant> - I'd heard about your downfall years before I arrived in this world. What sort of calamity befell you, to change you from the symbol of good cheer to... well, that? -
[19:46] <Santa Claus> Santa doesn;'t know, Super Priceman.
[19:46] * Santa Claus looks at Gigant
[19:46] <Santa Claus> I told you. I am an Elder God~
[19:46] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa santa!
[19:46] <Santa Claus> We have botgh light and dark sides.
[19:47] <Santa Claus> IF people are nasty and angry and voilet, well that wakes up the Krampus in me
[19:47] <Santa Claus> ^violent, not purple
[19:47] <Cubus Gigant> (( lol ))
[19:47] <Santa Claus> And Santa can be vengeful... ho ho ho~
[19:47] <Cubus Gigant> (( Well, in DBZ, most evil people have purple auras, so..... ))
[19:47] <Santa Claus> But if everyone is in tune with the christmas spirit, I'm a jolly old man! HO HO HO
[19:48] *** i'll accept that XD
[19:49] <Matsumi Kaze> you know something isn't right
[19:49] <Matsumi Kaze> mind if I bring down a little....atmosphere?
[19:50] * Baby_Beryl [1601] climbs grandma :D
[19:50] *** Baby_Beryl has moved back to the livingroom
[19:50] <Santa Claus> HO HO HO! LET IT SNOW SNOW SNOW!!
[19:50] * Matsumi Kaze grins
[19:50] * Matsumi Kaze removes the child >.>
[19:51] * Matsumi Kaze reaches out one of her hands towards the sky...and turns her wrist slowly.....
[19:51] * Baby_Beryl frowns :(
[19:51] * the clouds twist......and begins to slowly snow
[19:51] <Aratasujou> :O
[19:51] <Super Priceman> Woah...
[19:52] <David O`Cain> Very nice touch.
[19:53] <Matsumi Kaze> that's better!
[19:56] <Aratasujou> Yay!
[19:58] * Baby_Beryl tries to gesture to santa that she wants her family as dollies, or dolls that look like members od her family :D
[19:58] <Baby_Beryl> *of
[19:58] * Santa Claus ives her a set of dollies tha tlook like her family
[19:58] <Baby_Beryl> :D
[19:59] * Baby_Beryl tries to thank santa :D
[20:00] * Santa Claus is well-pleased by the thanks of the infants
[20:00] <Santa Claus> What do you want, Matsumi?
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> I..I don't know...
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> I really can't think of anything....
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> I have a family I love...I have my husband..I have my friends
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I can't think of anything
[20:02] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't know, santa
[20:04] * Santa Claus gives her a ticket for one free christmas wish to be used at any time
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> aw thanks ^^
[20:05] <Santa Claus> Well I guess it's time for Santa to set aside his everlasting grudge and return to the north pole so good little boy sand girls can get their presents!
[20:05] * Santa Claus summons his laser-nosed reindeer
[20:06] <Super Priceman> Maybe we can help you?
[20:06] <Santa Claus> Ho ho oh?
[20:08] <Super Priceman> Whether it's presents for good ones or coal fof bad, I think we could be able to help you this christmas eve.
[20:08] <Super Priceman> (( can we ause for matt's reading? ))
[20:08] <Santa Claus> Santa will appreciate the help! You all saved christmas this year! HO HO HO !
[20:09] *** that's why i'm finishing up
[20:09] <Super Priceman> (( ok ))
[20:09] * Santa Claus leaves them official "Santa's little helper" badges and BLASTS OFF into the sky
[20:09] * Matsumi Kaze waves!
[20:10] *** Santa Claus has left #suburbansenshi2 (GOODWILL TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD FIGHT! MERRRRY CHRISTMAS!!!)
[20:10] * Super Priceman waves as well.
[20:10] * Cubus Gigant watches Santa blast off. (I'm still not wholly convinced that was the case behind his revival. Things are rarely that cut and dry in this universe.)
[20:10] <Cubus Gigant> - (But for the moment being, let's put that aside.) -
[20:11] <Super Priceman> (( going to the voice channel, can only do one thing at a time on this phone ))
[20:12] * Aratasujou lurks in the shadows, watching everyone closely. >:3
[20:13] * Monica darts out from another shadow, ready to pounce on Arasu! :3
[20:14] <David O`Cain> Huh.
[20:20] <David O`Cain> Aside from all that was going on, how's everyone doing tonight?
[20:20] * Monica pounces towards Arasu!
[20:23] * Pinako pounces on monica and arasu. :D
[20:23] <Aratasujou> :D
[20:23] <Aratasujou> Me be good, David!
[20:23] <Aratasujou> And me has little ones on me! Oh nooooeeees!
[20:24] * Monica does a body-roll to grab Pinako!
[20:24] <David O`Cain> Heh.
[20:24] * Monica is also 6'2", so she's far from little. :P
[20:24] <Aratasujou> How you both be, Monica and Pinako? :D
[20:24] <Pinako> Kyahahahaha:D
[20:26] <Monica> Doing quite all right~
[20:26] * Aratasujou looks at Monica.
[20:26] *** Monica is a 6'2" Nekomata with blonde hair, beige fur and heterochromatic eyes--- one amber, one silver. Her toned and supple body has a number of fading scars across it--- somehow, they add to her attractiveness. Eoria and she have a long history together.
Her image Song is: .
[20:27] * Aratasujou bats at Monica's eats! :D
[20:29] * Monica has her ears batted at. She returns the favor... with tickles!