the current system time is: Sun Dec 04 21:15 2016; you are connected on; message of the day follows:

<// J_Daito //> No. See, that's where you're wrong... as a Dark General I would simply crush the Man for having the temerity to intrude upon my personal space

welcome to #suburbansenshi2

[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> stupid hair is long again
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm going to get it cut back short
[21:16] * Plushie-chan is still collapsed on the floor
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> also I think plushie is sick
[21:16] * Matsumi Kaze tries to blow her bang back up..which keeps falling back down over her eye
[21:19] * Plushie-chan rolls over onto her back. "Melting wall..."
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> you alright there, plushie??
[21:20] <Plushie-chan> Solvable meaning. Self who can explain. Smoothness of changeable permeability. Transitioning time.
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> this day getting crazy or what
[21:21] * Plushie-chan goes into full on delirious rambling "Observation life and execution function. A pinky-less hand. Headless eyes. Rolling carpet. Once. Twice. Three times. 777 cages. Burst balloon. Unfulfillable promise. Unprotectable law. Death contract. Poison and honey. Red and afterbirth. Mercury lamp and bug light. Light refracting from countless dimensions. Swimming fish, singing at the ocean bottom. Tools, tools, tools. Towards endlessly reproducing stars without meaning, without will. Better than wishes. Another only me. Unraveling deep sea. Contradictory that appears from microscopic organisms. Detailed view of a quark. Rejection of everything. Formless form. An embryo within a hearse. I curse and celebrate their existence."
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> ...ok she's crazy
[21:22] * Plushie-chan then passes the f[BLEEP]k out
[21:23] * Matsumi Kaze goes to look and her long hair flips over her face
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> GARAGARGARAGH
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze fights with her hair which just looks more....insane now
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> >.O
[21:24] * Megan O`Cain offers Matsumi a hairbrush
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> ..thanks
[21:25] * Matsumi Kaze starts to brush her hair
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> sean
[21:26] <Sean Collins> Yes?
[21:28] <Megan O`Cain> What's up with you lately?
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> you have something I can tie this up with for the time being >.>
[21:31] * Sean Collins removes the band from his own ponytail and offers it to Matsumi.
[21:31] * Matsumi Kaze ties her long hair back with the tie
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I wonder...
[21:33] * Matsumi Kaze remove sthe tie and hands it back to Sean
[21:33] <Megan O`Cain> What's on your mind, Matsumi?
[21:34] <Sean Collins> Hmm? What's wrong?
[21:36] * Matsumi Kaze concentrates
[21:37] * Matsumi Kaze transforms to her adult form
[21:38] * Matsumi Kaze transforms back to her default teen form..her hair is short now once more
[21:39] <Megan O`Cain> That works.
[21:40] * Sean Collins ties up his uar again. "Looking good! As always, MAtsumi!" ;)
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> flatterer :P
[21:44] <Sean Collins> I wouldn;t be the charmer I am if I didn't know flattery. ~_^
[21:44] * Matsumi Kaze giggles...pauses...then gives sean a kiss!
[21:45] <Megan O`Cain> Of course, ya smoothie. :P
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> hee that was fun
[21:48] * Matsumi Kaze points to a bit of mistletoe above sean's head
[21:50] <Megan O`Cain> Now where did that come from, I wonder?
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> I put them up!
[21:50] * Sean Collins just grins widely. "Who knows? Maybe we should drag Hideki under this thing for you?"
[21:50] <Megan O`Cain> Ah.
[21:52] * Sean Collins texts Hideki     Hey man, your wife has something in the lobby for you!
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> hee why not
[21:52] <Hideki Kaze> what is it
[21:52] *** Hideki Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Hideki Kaze
[21:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where the different species of geek combine to make one mutant fanbase
[21:52] * Hideki Kaze appears out of nowhere
[21:53] * Matsumi Kaze grabs Hideki and kisses him hard on the lips
[21:53] <Sean Collins> Woo, aggressive!
[21:53] * Hideki Kaze is taken by surprise....but returns the kiss and wraps his arms around his wife
[21:53] * Megan O`Cain giggles a bit, "[Right into the trap.]"
[21:54] * Matsumi Kaze keeps kissing..running her hands through his hair and grabbing at his shirt.....she's getting...maybe a mite...too agressive
[21:54] * Sean Collins drops a tent over them!
[21:54] * Matsumi Kaze is away: ♡
[21:55] * Hideki Kaze is away: ♡
[21:55] *** Freya Felinus has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:55] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Freya Felinus
[21:55] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Interfering with the Pedagogical Mission since 2002
[21:55] <Freya Felinus> good evening everyone
[21:55] <Sean Collins> Hello Freya!
[21:56] <Freya Felinus> how is everyone?
[21:57] <Sean Collins> Can't complain.
[21:59] <Freya Felinus> I'm glad to he-
[21:59] * Freya Felinus just glances at the rocking tent
[22:03] <Freya Felinus> ................
[22:05] <Freya Felinus> I'm not even going to ask
[22:06] <Sean Collins> Yeah...just another couple in the midst of a winter ritual. Much like you and Orion, eh?
[22:06] <Megan O`Cain> I'm doing alright, Freya. How about you?
[22:10] <Freya Felinus> I am well
[22:14] <Megan O`Cain> Awesome.
[22:14] <Freya Felinus> I've been helping with the theater
[22:15] <Megan O`Cain> Ah, okay.
[22:21] <Megan O`Cain> What's going on at the theater?
[22:21] <Freya Felinus> prepartions for the christmas show
[22:24] <Sean Collins> The Ballet
[22:25] <Megan O`Cain> Wait. There's two shows going on?
[22:26] <Freya Felinus> a seperate one actually, sean
[22:26] <Freya Felinus> there is
[22:26] <Freya Felinus> the ballet is a private lobby showing
[22:26] <Megan O`Cain> Ohhh, okay.
[22:27] <Freya Felinus> the other one is being done at a different time and date...East of the Sun, west of the moon
[22:28] <Sean Collins> Ah, who is starring in that story?
[22:30] <Freya Felinus> well Hana Sagusa, Anni Esko, Matsumi has a very small role this time...the rest of the theater group
[22:35] <Sean Collins> Who is going to play the main heroine?
[22:36] <Freya Felinus> I belive it is Sayuri this year
[22:39] <Sean Collins> Should be a good show!
[22:40] <Megan O`Cain> Indeed.
[22:41] <Freya Felinus> hopefully yes
[22:50] <Freya Felinus> it has become a tradition to perform this during the christmas season..a one night only performance
[22:51] <Sean Collins> IT is a great story
[22:56] * Megan O`Cain nods
[22:59] <Freya Felinus> children seem to like it
[23:00] <Megan O`Cain> That's good.
[23:16] <Sean Collins> Think I'm gonna call it an early day. Still have much to do before the ballet
[23:17] <Sean Collins> G'night all!
[23:17] *** Sean Collins [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:21] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Sean.
[23:24] * the tent has finally stopped rocking
[23:32] <Megan O`Cain> Must have gotten tired.
[23:38] <Freya Felinus> thankfully
[00:57] <Freya Felinus> I might as well get some rest
[00:57] <Freya Felinus> goodnight
[00:57] *** Freya Felinus has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to sleep)
[00:57] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Freya.
[00:57] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Bedtime for me.)
[12:59] <// J_Daito //> I FOUND IT.
[13:00] <// J_Daito //> HER ATTTITUDE IS... SENTENTIOUS.
[13:00] * // J_Daito // is away:
[15:50] *** DreadWolf [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, DreadWolf
[15:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You must put your foot down with a firm hand *** Happy Birthday, Kino Makoto!!
[15:51] * DreadWolf leaves a large platter of sushi on a bed of ice
[15:51] *** DreadWolf [] has quit IRC
[17:39] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Matsumi Kaze
[17:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The Crack Rock of Sailormoon fansites *** Happy Birthday, Kino Makoto!!
[17:39] * Matsumi Kaze holds a present, looking around
[17:39] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yeah forgot she doesn't live here
[17:42] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Eitak_Razal
[17:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> PSA:Awesome things will happen today if everyone chooses not to be a miserable cow. *** Happy Birthday, Kino Makoto!!
[17:44] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hi eitak!
[18:05] <Eitak_Razal> yo
[18:12] <Freya Felinus> how are you?
[18:14] <Matsumi Kaze> ^
[18:25] <Eitak_Razal> Meh
[18:26] <Matsumi Kaze> meh?
[18:31] <Eitak_Razal> I said "Meh" M, E, H. Meh
[18:31] <Matsumi Kaze> um ok
[18:32] * Matsumi Kaze picks up her ballet bag
[18:32] <Matsumi Kaze> I'll be back later!
[18:32] <Matsumi Kaze> have fun!
[18:32] * Matsumi Kaze heads to the dangerroom
[18:32] * Matsumi Kaze is away: oh you're already here, deki??
[18:38] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte checks on her shop
[18:45] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte starts to make notes
[18:54] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte> hm...
[19:00] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte tsks as she notes a few things
[19:08] *** Chibi-Catri [MakerOfMischief@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Catri
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Welcome to Wade's brain after a chimichanga bender. *** Happy Birthday, Kino Makoto!!
[19:08] *** Chibi-Sylvester [LittleExplorer@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Sylvester
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Please enjoy the Superior Taste of Suburban Senshi *** Happy Birthday, Kino Makoto!!
[19:08] <Chibi-Sylvester> ^___^
[19:08] <Chibi-Catri> >:3
[19:09] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte makes more notes
[19:09] <Chibi-Sylvester> So it's Makoto's birthday today?
[19:10] <Chibi-Catri> OUR birthday was a couple of days ago! :D
[19:10] * Chibi-Sylvester waves to Kaelyn
[19:10] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte> hello
[19:13] <Chibi-Catri> How ya doing? ^__^
[19:13] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Twice as fun as Azumanga Daioh. *** Happy Birthday, Kino Makoto!!
[19:13] <Megan O`Cain> Evening, everyone, and Happy Birthday to Makoto!
[19:14] <Chibi-Sylvester> Hi!
[19:15] <Chibi-Catri> It's too bad things got so busy at home that we weren't able to celebrate our birthday here with everyone like Alex and AnTil did
[19:19] * Chibi-Sylvester gets root beers for himself, his sister, and everyone else. ^__^
[19:20] * Megan O`Cain takes a root beer, cracks it open, and drinks, "Thanks."
[19:22] <Chibi-Sylvester> You're welcome!
[19:23] * Chibi-Catri peers over Kaelyn's shoulder. o__o
[19:24] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte> hm?
[19:27] <Megan O`Cain> So, how's everyone doing tonight?
[19:27] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte is making long notes for improvement in the store
[19:27] <Chibi-Sylvester> WE're good!
[19:27] <Chibi-Catri> Daddy is really busy though.
[19:27] <Megan O`Cain> What's going on with Solar?
[19:29] <Chibi-Catri> One of the ships came back and brought him some kind of big report.
[19:29] <Chibi-Sylvester> I think they called it a Codex.
[19:31] <Eitak_Razal> A codex is a book, usually a referance guide
[19:32] <Megan O`Cain> A Codex? What sort of Codex was it?
[19:32] <Chibi-Sylvester> He started reading it and got a little upset.
[19:32] * Chibi-Catri shrugs at Megan's question. "Don't know. We were too busy playing with Natalia."
[19:34] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm.
[19:35] <Megan O`Cain> When might Solar take a break from his reading?
[19:36] <Chibi-Catri> Soon hopefully.
[19:36] <Megan O`Cain> Alright.
[19:36] <Chibi-Sylvester> Do you need his help with anything?
[19:36] <Megan O`Cain> Well, I'm curious as to what he saw in the Codex.
[19:41] * Chibi-Sylvester shrugs.
[19:41] <Chibi-Sylvester> He doesn't let us know about what he learns from these things.
[19:41] <Chibi-Catri> Mommy hates it when he brings work home with him.
[19:43] <Megan O`Cain> I see.
[19:46] <Chibi-Catri> Because she wants our home to be a happy place.
[19:48] <Megan O`Cain> I don't doubt that. It's a delicate balance, isn't it?
[19:49] <Chibi-Sylvester> Nah, not really.
[19:54] <Megan O`Cain> Ah, okay.
[19:58] * Chibi-Sylvester sits down with everyone, looking pleased. ^__^
[19:58] <Chibi-Catri> Besides, we're not Ghost Foxes yet. We don't need to worry about that.
[19:59] <Megan O`Cain> True.
[20:07] * Chibi-Sylvester starts reading a book.
[20:08] * Chibi-Catri pokes Megan with her tails. :3
[20:10] * snow begins to drift slowly down from the ceiling
[20:11] <Chibi-Catri> Snow?
[20:11] <Chibi-Sylvester> In here?
[20:13] <Megan O`Cain> Eh?
[20:13] * snow continues to fall, getting heavier. it looks pretty wherever it fall, though, like on the christmas tree
[20:16] <Chibi-Sylvester> :D
[20:16] * Chibi-Catri starts assembling snowballs!
[20:16] * a snowball soars through the air at Sylvester
[20:17] <Chibi-Sylvester> o__O
[20:17] * Chibi-Sylvester dives for cover behind the couch!
[20:18] * the snowball changes direction to follow Sylvester
[20:20] <Chibi-Sylvester> /ME summersaults aside!
[20:20] * Chibi-Catri starts throwing snowballs at the snowball to intercept it!
[20:21] * a small whirlwind of snow approaches Catri (it won't hurt her)
[20:22] <Megan O`Cain> Wha?
[20:22] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[20:23] * Matsumi Kaze walks back upstairs
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[20:24] * the snow stops, there's plenty around for everyone to have some fun now
[20:24] <Chibi-Catri> :O
[20:24] * Chibi-Catri throws more snowballs at the whirlwind as she falls back.
[20:25] * Chibi-Sylvester tries to shield himself with a couch cushion!
[20:26] * someone grabs the couch cushion, while the whirlwind turns the snowballs into pretty patterns of snowflakes
[20:26] <Matsumi Kaze> eh???
[20:27] * Chibi-Sylvester tries to see who's grabbing the cushion!
[20:27] * Amia peers down at Sylvester. "What are you hiding from~?"
[20:28] <Chibi-Sylvester> You!
[20:28] * Chibi-Catri grins at the pretty patterns.
[20:28] <Chibi-Sylvester> I'm trying to block that snowball!
[20:29] * Chibi-Catri looks to see who else is around.
[20:29] * Chibi-Sylvester looks at Amia.
[20:29] *** Amia is a young woman with blue hair and pale blue eyes set in a face meant for high fashion. She's in highly distressed light wash jeans and a hoodie of largely knit mint colored yarn. It's always cold in her vacinity and something seems a little off about her. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "this inappropriately titled track" by Two Steps From Hell.

[20:29] <Amia> Aww, this one? *the snowball whizzes around Sylvester's head
[20:30] <Chibi-Sylvester> Are you doing all of this?
[20:31] <Amia> Mhm~
[20:31] * Amia lets go of the pillow before it starts frosting up
[20:32] * Amia sends the snowball flying towards Matsumi instead
[20:32] <Chibi-Catri> :D
[20:33] <Amia> I bet you two make fun snow angels with those tails of yours, too.
[20:33] <Megan O`Cain> Evening.
[20:34] <Amia> Hallo
[20:35] * Chibi-Sylvester grins happily. "That's neat!"
[20:35] <Chibi-Catri> We sure can! Kitsune can make all kinds of things in the snow with their tails!
[20:35] <Chibi-Catri> You should see what nine-tails like Aunty Ran and Mommy can do!
[20:38] <Amia> Nine is an awful lot, isn't it?
[20:39] <Chibi-Sylvester> Except for tails.
[20:39] *** - has left #suburbansenshi2
[20:39] <Chibi-Catri> In which case it's a beautiful number!
[20:40] <Amia> Hm.
[20:40] * Amia concentrates a moment, and 9 tails appear behind her
[20:41] <Chibi-Catri> :O
[20:41] * Chibi-Sylvester pokes the tails with his finger.
[20:41] <Amia> Do those look right?
[20:42] <Chibi-Sylvester> Are they real fox tails?
[20:42] * Chibi-Catri tugs on one of the tails.
[20:42] * the tails feel sort of tailish, but aren't real
[20:43] <Amia> No, they're not. But they can looks real if I know what they're supposed to look like. It's in the conceptualization.
[20:46] <Amia> It's part of my magic, see?
[20:49] <Chibi-Catri> Oooo!
[20:49] <Chibi-Sylvester> What kind of powers do you have?
[20:49] <Amia> Fae magic, and Winter Magic.
[20:50] * Amia plops down on her back in the snow
[20:53] <Amia> That's what we do, where I live.
[20:54] * Someone bursts out of the snow! "Rawr! I have come to play!"
[20:56] <Megan O`Cain> O_o
[20:56] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) is lounging on the Q sofa in her adult form
[20:57] * Someone is all covered in snow, but has a definite female figure to them. She moves in to intercept the kits!
[20:57] <Chibi-Sylvester> :O
[20:57] <Chibi-Catri> Who's that!?
[20:59] <Someone> Mwaha~ You'll have to find out♫
[21:00] * Amia playfully throws a gust of wind and snow at the newcomer
[21:00] * Someone does a dip to avoid the wind~ :3
[21:00] * Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Sylvester both CHARGE at the newcomer!
[21:01] * Megan O`Cain uses telekinesis to try to knock some of the snow off the person's head
[21:02] * Someone has a bit of snow knocked off of her. You see some blonde hair as this mystery lady prepares to wrassle some kits!
[21:05] * Chibi-Catri WRASSLES!!
[21:05] * Chibi-Sylvester wrestles too, utilizing the power of TAILS!
[21:05] * Amia finally sees the resort outside, and goes to look
[21:05] <Amia> Oh, skating.
[21:08] <Megan O`Cain> Hmmm.
[21:08] * Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Catri both start giving the newcomer lots and lots of tail-pats.
[21:09] * Someone has a bit more snow knocked off. A fluffy and beige-colored tail comes up to return the tail-pats, with extra tickles added in~
[21:10] * Chibi-Sylvester tugs on the tail!
[21:11] * Chibi-Catri goes for the waist-clinch and tries to pull the snow-lady to the ground!
[21:12] * Someone has a powerful tail. It tugs back~
[21:14] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) silently reads
[21:14] * Chibi-Sylvester tuuuuuuuggggggs!!!
[21:14] <Chibi-Catri> We got you! Give up now!
[21:16] * Someone brings her hands down to deliver tickles to Catri. Remember, she's got snow on her hands, so imagine how cold those tickles are gonna be♫
[21:17] <Chibi-Catri> O__O
[21:17] <Chibi-Catri> XD
[21:18] <Someone> :3
[21:21] * Chibi-Sylvester goes for the tickling too!
[21:23] <Someone> Hehehehehehehe♫
[21:27] <Megan O`Cain> Okay, who are you?
[21:28] * Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Catri just don't let up with the wrassling and the tail-poking!
[21:31] * Someone sheds the rest of her snow thanks to the wrassling and tail-poking.
[21:31] * Someone is now known as Monica
[21:32] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) just silently reads
[21:32] <Monica> Hi there♫
[21:33] * Chibi-Sylvester looks at Monica.
[21:33] *** Monica is a 6'2" Nekomata with blonde hair, beige fur and heterochromatic eyes--- one amber, one silver. Her toned and supple body has a number of fading scars across it--- somehow, they add to her attractiveness. Eoria and she have a long history together.
Her image Song is: .

[21:33] <Chibi-Sylvester> ooooooo!
[21:33] <Chibi-Catri> I see a Lupa!
[21:33] <Chibi-Sylvester> That's not a Lupa, Catriona.
[21:33] <Monica> Nope--- Nekomata~
[21:33] <Chibi-Sylvester> Doofus.
[21:34] <Chibi-Sylvester> Yeah, like Chen!
[21:34] <Chibi-Catri> Heeeeee! ^___^
[21:35] <Megan O`Cain> Hi there.
[21:37] <Monica> Hello to you too.
[21:37] * Chibi-Catri perks her ears up.
[21:38] * Chibi-Sylvester perks his ears up too.
[21:39] <Monica> Something up?
[21:39] <Chibi-Sylvester> We're being called.
[21:39] <Chibi-Catri> Time for all good Kits to be in bed!
[21:39] <Chibi-Catri> Good night!
[21:39] <Monica> Ah. Take care, young ones.
[21:40] <Chibi-Sylvester> Good evening everyone! =^ ^=
[21:41] *** Chibi-Sylvester [LittleExplorer@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Where's this go? :3)
[21:41] *** Chibi-Catri [MakerOfMischief@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*snickers* >:3)
[21:42] <Megan O`Cain> Night, kits.
[21:46] * Megan O`Cain turns to Monica, "So, what's up?"
[21:46] <Monica> Oh, not a whole lot on my end. Was mainly looking for some entertainment.
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> hm?
[21:48] <Monica> So I figured "Last time I was here, there was fun to be had." And so, here I am~
[21:48] * Amia looks at Monica.
[21:48] *** Monica is a 6'2" Nekomata with blonde hair, beige fur and heterochromatic eyes--- one amber, one silver. Her toned and supple body has a number of fading scars across it--- somehow, they add to her attractiveness. Eoria and she have a long history together.
Her image Song is: .

[21:50] <Megan O`Cain> Well, welcome back. What was your name again?
[21:51] <Monica> Monica's the name.
[21:53] <Megan O`Cain> Ah, nice to meet you. I'm Megan.
[21:54] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) goes back to her reading
[21:55] <Monica> Likewise.
[22:02] * Amia comes back in from outside
[22:05] <Amia> There's plenty to do around here, it seems.
[22:07] <Monica> So I've learned.
[22:09] <Amia> Well, the lake ice is optimized for skating now, should last until the next thaw.
[22:11] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> so what do you think of the resort?
[22:12] <Amia> Nice enough, for this realm.
[22:12] <Megan O`Cain> It's a lovely place, Matsumi.
[22:12] <Amia> But I'm probably not who you should be asking.
[22:18] <Monica> I'll admit, place ain't half-bad. I'll likely be back.
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> oh good!
[22:29] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) looks in the mirror.
[22:29] *** Matsumi Kaze (Adult) is is a woman with long blond hair which covers her right eye and blue green eyes. With a very well endowed figure and plenty of amazing power, she defends her home and her friends with all her heart.
Her image Song is: .

[22:37] <Monica> Maybe I'll get a few pals to come explore around here.
[22:37] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) is now known as Matsumi Kaze
[22:52] * Monica is away: "Gonna say hi to some pals~"
[22:52] * Matsumi Kaze shrinks slightly as she goes back to her teen form and adjusts her clothes
[22:55] <Megan O`Cain> So, what's been going on with you, Matsumi?
[22:56] <Matsumi Kaze> not much at all
[23:00] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[23:04] <Megan O`Cain> How've you been lately?
[23:06] <Matsumi Kaze> eh ok
[23:06] <Matsumi Kaze> oh givee me a moment
[23:06] * Matsumi Kaze vanishes teleporting to makoto's place to drop off her gift super quick
[23:09] * Matsumi Kaze returns!
[23:18] <Megan O`Cain> Heh, welcome back.
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> that.....was awkward >.>
[23:28] <Monica> /bacl
[23:28] * Monica is back
[23:29] * Monica pops back up.
[23:34] <Monica> What's up?
[23:35] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing much
[23:36] <Megan O`Cain> Hi again.
[23:39] <Monica> Well, I'm off. Seeya again.
[23:39] *** Monica [CarnageShura@CarnageDimension.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:55] * Megan O`Cain lounges on a sofa
[23:59] <Matsumi Kaze> hmhmhm
[00:05] <Megan O`Cain> So, what now?
[00:06] <Matsumi Kaze> I have no idea!
[00:06] * Matsumi Kaze looks out the window at the vast snowy landscape
[00:19] <Megan O`Cain> It looks so pretty out there.
[00:27] <Matsumi Kaze> it really does *yawns*
[00:33] * Matsumi Kaze looks like she's going to nod off
[00:34] <Megan O`Cain> Feeling tired?
[00:42] * Matsumi Kaze has fallen asleep
[00:42] <Megan O`Cain> I'll take that as a yes.
[00:43] * Megan O`Cain covers Matsumi with a blanket to keep her warm
[00:44] * Matsumi Kaze suddenly floats in the if someone is picking her up
[00:48] <Megan O`Cain> Huh?
[00:50] * Megan O`Cain keeps an eye on Matsumi
[00:55] * Matsumi Kaze floats up the stairs as the sounds of footsteps can be heard
[00:58] * Megan O`Cain shakes her head, "Take care, Hideki."
[00:58] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (zzzz)
[01:01] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (And away I go.)
[07:27] * @Miss Sunrise tackles X n' snuggles him on Lone☆Star Sofa ♡
[07:28] <@Miss Sunrise> Five years bein' married XD
[07:28] <@The Proprietor> Yup :D
[07:28] <// J_Daito //> Only two more and the messy divorce can happen!
[07:28] <@Miss Sunrise> :;shiftyeyes
[07:28] <@Miss Sunrise> ¬_¬
[07:28] * // J_Daito // thinks about things
[07:29] <// J_Daito //> Is this the longest marriage you've had :P
[07:30] <@The Proprietor> <_<
[07:31] <// J_Daito //> Aino lasted what, a little over a year?
[07:32] <// J_Daito //> Shaldra Darkness a year and half ?
[07:32] <@Miss Sunrise> Why're you keepin' track of these things :P
[07:32] <// J_Daito //> Well you won't let me forcibly enslave the populace.
[07:32] <// J_Daito //> So I have to have something to do.
[07:33] <@The Proprietor> Self-immolation sounds fun, why don't you try that :P
[08:23] <// J_Daito //> I burn with the Dark Passion of a thousand suns.
[10:12] * - adjusts the tree a bit, putting a few more decorations on
[10:32] * // J_Daito // looks at this -
[14:58] * @The Proprietor takes Gemini out for a nice anniversary dinner
[17:35] * - makes sure the decorations have stayed
[18:02] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Matsumi Kaze
[18:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: 'It's funny because it's not me.'
[18:06] * Matsumi Kaze is away: practice in the danger room
[19:15] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, David O`Cain
[19:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: 100% Insanity.
[19:15] <David O`Cain> [Outside] Hello?
[19:15] *** David O`Cain has moved back to the livingroom
[19:20] <David O`Cain> I guess everyone else is busy with other junk.
[19:25] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:25] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Solarchos
[19:25] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Cow-filled Eyes
[19:26] <David O`Cain> Hey, Solar. What's up, man?
[19:27] * Solarchos looks frazzled.
[19:28] <David O`Cain> Solar? Are you okay, man?
[19:28] <Solarchos> Well, I finished reading that report I received. THRONE, I'm still trying to fully comprehend it all.
[19:31] <David O`Cain> What happened?
[19:31] <Solarchos> Algol is about to transform into an enormous mess.
[19:33] <David O`Cain> That doesn't sound good.
[19:33] <Solarchos> And the Federation might very well be declaring an Imperial Intervention there soon. It's up to the Assembly now, but things are extremely complicated.
[19:34] <Solarchos> Here's what they found.
[19:35] * David O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa, and opens up a vid-window for notetaking
[19:35] <Solarchos> The Explorators were monitoring the situation for a few weeks within the star system. Overall, Algol seems like a harsh world, but a livable and potentially valuable one with well-developed cultures.
[19:35] <Solarchos> But the environment is pretty nasty. Lots of dangerous wildlife and a very cold climate.
[19:36] <Solarchos> But apparently that wildlife has been getting progressively more active and lethal over the last ten years.
[19:36] <David O`Cain> Any idea why?
[19:37] <Solarchos> And that alien Swarmship is making things even more deadly for the Algolians.
[19:38] <Solarchos> BUT...that's not the end of it all. The Ordo Xeno and Malleus began to investigate for their own reasons. What they found was very alarming.
[19:39] <David O`Cain> What was it?
[19:40] <Solarchos> The Ordo Xenos was originally concerned about that wildlife, figuring that it could have been caused by either a Chtorr infestation or possibly even Tyranids. It turned out to be neither.
[19:41] <David O`Cain> Neither?
[19:42] <Solarchos> Meanwhile, the Ordo Malleus got involved because one of the deep space scans detected some very faint but peculiar energy signatures.
[19:43] <Solarchos> THAT was when Inquisitors Serbius and Harry made the connection.
[19:45] <David O`Cain> What did they find out?
[19:47] <Solarchos> Long-range probes determined that the source of the energy was emanating from something approximately 5 light-years out away from the star system. It appears to be a mass of solidified dark matter, but it's generating an ENORMOUS amount of paradimensional energy that resonates strongly with Daemonic-aspected magic and Chaos.
[19:48] <Solarchos> The aliens onboard that massive starship, who were originally in a state of suspended animation when the Algolians first discovered them over ten years ago, were awakened by that energy somehow. And the animals on Algol itself are starting to be transformed.
[19:50] <David O`Cain> S[BLEEP]t.
[19:52] <Solarchos> That asteroid/comet has been code-named the Stygian Abyss, and whatever it really's on a course that will eventually bring it straight into the Federation itself. AND pass within several light-years of Sol.
[19:53] <David O`Cain> Any way to get rid of it?
[19:54] <Solarchos> We don't know yet.
[19:54] <Solarchos> Investigating the Stygian Abyss is going to be a whole different endeavor in and of itself.
[19:56] * David O`Cain nods
[19:56] <Solarchos> But here's where things are already getting REALLY complicated.
[19:58] <Solarchos> Contact has already been established with the Algolians. Someone on the surface initiated a telepathic communication with Alexianna onboard the strike cruiser Inari
[20:01] <Solarchos> And that fully-grown Astartes Librarian daughter of mine responded. She sent me a full transcript of the conversation too.
[20:02] <David O`Cain> Oh?
[20:05] <Solarchos> Apparently, there are a few small elements on Algol who have some idea about what's going on, and they're asking for help. These people know that their whole world is in deep s[BLEEP]t.
[20:06] <David O`Cain> Hmmm.
[20:16] <Solarchos> Like I said, it's going to be a mess.
[20:19] <David O`Cain> I'll bet it will.
[20:23] <David O`Cain> Other than that, what else has been going on?
[20:25] <Solarchos> Not much.
[20:25] <Solarchos> Been so busy with this new development I've barely had a chance to slow down at all.
[20:27] <David O`Cain> I see.
[20:37] * Solarchos sits down and tries to relax.
[20:37] <Solarchos> It's going to be rough.
[20:38] <David O`Cain> I'm sure, man.
[20:44] <Solarchos> How about yourself?
[20:47] <David O`Cain> I've been doing alright. Haven't been up to much of anything important.
[20:54] <Solarchos> I'm thinking of calling in extra help for assisting Algol in the event the Assembly votes for action.
[20:54] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[20:54] * Matsumi Kaze walks back upstairs
[20:56] <David O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi.
[20:58] <Solarchos> Hi Matsumi.
[21:03] <Matsumi Kaze> hey *yawn*
[21:05] <David O`Cain> How are you?
[21:14] <Matsumi Kaze> worn out
[21:14] <David O`Cain> Oh yeah? What's been going on?
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> practice
[21:19] <David O`Cain> Ah.
[21:19] <Solarchos> Oooh!
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm just..too worn out
[21:19] <Solarchos> Time for me to get going. I have Kits waiting for me at home.
[21:19] <Solarchos> ^__^
[21:21] <Solarchos> Good night, you two.
[21:21] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:23] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, DD_Girl_Green
[21:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.
[21:23] * DD_Girl_Green comes downstairs with Mira and Beryl Strapped Very closely to her.
[21:27] * Matsumi Kaze has fallen asleep on the Q sofa
[21:30] <David O`Cain> Night, Solar.
[21:30] * Baby Beryl continues to struggle
[21:30] <David O`Cain> Hey.
[21:30] * DD_Girl_Green goes to sit on the Q sofa
[21:30] <DD_Girl_Green> hi there.
[21:31] <David O`Cain> How ya doing?
[21:32] * Baby Beryl tries to reach for david (:O
[21:41] * David O`Cain waves to Beryl, "Hi there."
[21:41] * Baby Beryl keeps on reaching out :O
[21:47] <DD_Girl_Green> Matsumi, you still sleeping?
[21:50] <David O`Cain> She had just passed out. She said she had been practicing.
[21:52] * Baby Beryl struggles to free herself from the tight, rope-like, Bonds.
[22:08] <DD_Girl_Green> How is everyone?
[22:15] <David O`Cain> I'm doing alright.
[22:36] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[22:44] <DD_Girl_Green> I noticed we're somewhere in the mountains.
[22:48] <David O`Cain> Yeah? When'd that happen?
[22:49] <DD_Girl_Green> I don't really know.
[22:50] <David O`Cain> Hm.
[23:03] * a blanket is put on Matsumi
[23:04] <David O`Cain> ?
[23:05] <DD_Girl_Green> hm?
[23:06] * - heads upstairs
[23:06] * - is away 
[23:11] <DD_Girl_Green> Who was that?
[23:20] <DD_Girl_Green> So, who's been skiing?
[23:24] <Joanna Smithson> eh I have
[23:24] <David O`Cain> Not me. I didn't know about the move until now.
[23:25] <Joanna Smithson> the sauna is great too
[23:29] <DD_Girl_Green> I believe Blizzar lives around here somewhere.
[23:30] <Joanna Smithson> blizzar?
[23:32] <David O`Cain> Hey, Joanna.
[23:41] * A Child Youma/Human Hybrid walks into the House, and puts up some flyers.
[23:42] * Child Youma/Human Hybrid looks around...
[23:42] <Child Youma/Human Hybrid> Snowball Fight!
[23:42] * Child Youma/Human Hybrid throws a snowball at a random person.
[23:44] <David O`Cain> Eh? Who's this?
[23:45] <Child Youma/Human Hybrid> Wanna play, mister?
[23:45] <Joanna Smithson> hm?
[23:45] <???> Get back to the cottage, It's bedtime.
[23:46] <Child Youma/Human Hybrid> awwww, mama :<
[23:47] * Child Youma/Human Hybrid puts the remaining flyers on the ground and runs outside.
[23:48] *** Blizzar has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:48] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Blizzar
[23:48] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Milking a dead horse dry
[23:49] * Blizzar walks in, in comfortable attire, and sporting two back-ponytails. (rather than the hairstyle she was last seen with.)
[23:51] <Joanna Smithson> eh?
[23:52] <Blizzar> Cottage, now, Winter Break's not until christmas.
[23:52] * Blizzar turns to the residents.
[23:53] <Blizzar> I was having him hand out these flyers for the 25th annual competition.... well, actually 24th if I think about it.
[23:56] <David O`Cain> Huh.
[23:57] <Blizzar> the 2016 "Moon Royale Contest"
[23:59] <Joanna Smithson> eh??
[00:01] <David O`Cain> And when is this happening exactly?
[00:01] <Blizzar> It's a skiing contest that's been going on since 1992, I don't remember much, other than I was part of 25 competitions.
[00:02] <Blizzar> December 26, after christmas.
[00:02] <Joanna Smithson> huh wonder if my sister knows about this..she owns the land around this area
[00:03] <David O`Cain> Really? First I've heard of this contest.
[00:03] <Blizzar> It's Prefectural.
[00:05] <David O`Cain> I see.
[00:06] * Blizzar walks around the lodge, starting to feel a headache as she nears the Tokyo Door.
[00:09] <Blizzar> Ugh... That first competition is getting clearer and clearer to remember
[00:12] <David O`Cain> Really?
[00:12] <Blizzar> Yes.... The First competition......
[00:12] <Blizzar> ...... It Was a TRAP!
[00:15] <Blizzar> we used it to Identify The Moon Princess!, I remember now
[00:16] <Blizzar> The Brilliant Skier with the raven hair was the Princess, I was sure of it.
[00:17] <DD_Girl_Green> ... You mean, Rei, The former Sailor Mars
[00:18] <Blizzar> Wait, She was NOT the Moon Princess?
[00:19] <DD_Girl_Green> I'd Hate to..... no wait, I'd Love to make fun of this, Can you help, David and Joanna?
[00:20] <Joanna Smithson> I honestly don't know any of this ^^;;
[00:20] <DD_Girl_Green> you don't have to if you don't know.
[00:21] <David O`Cain> How could you mistake Rei Hino for Princess Serenity? What were you taking?
[00:22] <Blizzar> Info from Kunzite about the Princess.
[00:23] <DD_Girl_Green> Let me guess, did it say she was a great skiier?
[00:24] <David O`Cain> Really? Must have had some very bad intel to work with.
[00:28] <Blizzar> What kind of Bad intel?
[00:28] <David O`Cain> I don't know. False information? Not getting his facts straight?
[00:29] <DD_Girl_Green> well, the Moon Princess is more of a perfect Clumsy person, if anything.
[00:29] <DD_Girl_Green> and what of the subsequent competitions?
[00:34] <Blizzar> Legitimate Competitions
[00:35] <Blizzar> though it was changed from "Moon Princess Contest" to "Moon Royale Contest" due to the amount of Male Competitiors.
[00:38] <David O`Cain> Hm.
[00:41] * Blizzar hands a flyer to those intrested
[00:44] * David O`Cain takes a flyer, and looks it over
[00:45] * Joanna Smithson picks up the limp Matsumi
[00:45] <Joanna Smithson> so yeah I'm taking my sister up to her room
[00:45] * The flyer reads:
24th Annual Moon Royal Competition is underway
Top Prize: 1.5 Million Yen, 3 Season Passes and a Ski Round with Last Year's Winner.

[00:45] <Joanna Smithson> ...probably dump her on the floor and run
[00:46] <Joanna Smithson> ....cause it's helirious
[00:46] * Competition Starts December 26, 2016 @ 12 PM
[00:46] <David O`Cain> Take care, Joanna.
[00:48] <DD_Girl_Green> Night Joanna
[00:49] * As always, the competition is located at Moonlight Course Resort, Sponsored by Tonakajima Family Stores.
[00:50] *** Joanna Smithson has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to bed)
[00:50] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (zzz)
[00:59] <DD_Girl_Green> Well, I have to take my children and I to bed, Night
[00:59] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:00] * Blizzar stands up and walks out the door she came through.
[01:00] *** Blizzar has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:02] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (Time to head on home.)
[10:43] *** SL4P-TP [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', SL4P-TP
[10:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We suck because DBGT is awesome
[10:45] * SL4P-TP zips outside, and proceeds to make a Snow model of himself! Complete with an installed boom box that plays his FAVORITE SONG at max volume!
[10:45] *** SL4P-TP [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (I can be worshiped during ANY kind of weather!)
[17:34] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `A Christmas Carol: Chapter 2 live reading in Discord/SS5 voice channel. December 10th @ 20:00!|Welcome to Shin Private Ski-Lodge/Resort! Enjoy the snow!!!!! More info can be found here! `
[17:43] *** Matsumi Kaze (Adult) has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Matsumi Kaze (Adult)
[17:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We Be Unorthodoxed
[17:44] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) has moved to: [ Resort ]
[17:44] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) [Resort] walks down a path, chatting with a few of the staff of the resort
[17:44] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> [Resort] no of course we will..yeah....
[17:44] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> [Resort] hopefully others show up a bit
[17:53] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) [Resort] notices one of the older men frowning a bit to himself
[17:53] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) [Resort] turns and looks to him, smiling
[17:53] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> [Resort] don't worry..I shall not betray tradition
[17:53] <Matsumi Kaze (Adult)> [Resort] I shall respect the clan's wishes as well
[17:53] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) [Resort] smiles..the old man looking more relieved
[17:59] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) [Resort] walks thorugh the snow towards a large tree which has been set up with decorations
[18:09] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) [Resort] grins "this will be great"
[18:40] * Matsumi Kaze (Adult) is away: watches the ceremony
[19:04] * Carrie has moved to: [ Outside ]
[19:04] <Carrie> [Outside] gah freezing my ass out here!
[19:04] * Carrie [Outside] goes flying backwards as a snowball hits her in the face @_@
[19:04] * Eilean has moved to: [ outside ]
[19:04] <Eilean> [outside] can't you just switch to fur
[19:04] * Eilean [outside] shapes another snowball
[19:04] * Eilean [outside] glances over and spots Delilha playing with Kyra in the snow and smiles
[19:08] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, David O`Cain
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Awesome Overloaded, please try again later
[19:08] * Giselle Bellerose has moved to: [ outside ]
[19:08] * David O`Cain has moved to: [ Outside ]
[19:08] <David O`Cain> [Outside] Having fun, kids?
[19:08] <Giselle Bellerose> [outside] I is...very cold
[19:11] <Carrie> [Outside] yeah..having FUN
[19:11] * Carrie [Outside] goes to throw a snowball and gets beaned in the face again
[19:12] <David O`Cain> [Outside] Heh.
[19:20] * David O`Cain [Outside] watches Carrie, Eilean, Delilha, and Kyra play around in the snow
[19:32] * Masaki O`Cain has moved to: [ Outside ]
[19:33] <Masaki O`Cain> [Outside] they look like they're having fun
[19:36] <David O`Cain> [Outside] They sure are, Masaki. Whatcha think of the place overall?
[19:36] <Masaki O`Cain> [Outside] eh it's ok I guess
[19:43] * David O`Cain [Outside] wraps an arm around Masaki
[19:44] * Masaki O`Cain [Outside] leans against david
[19:49] <David O`Cain> [Outside] Did you have a good day today, Masaki?
[19:49] * a snowball is thrown towards david
[19:57] * David O`Cain [Outside] quickly puts a palm in front of the snowball's path, and blocks it before it could hit him in the face or hit Masaki, "Who threw that?"
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[20:00] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ Outside ]
[20:01] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] hides behind a snow mound
[20:03] * David O`Cain [Outside] makes a snowball, takes a moment to plan a trajectory, and tosses the snowball up towards whatever was behind the snow mound
[20:03] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] OW!
[20:06] <David O`Cain> [Outside] Snow mortar. :P
[20:09] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] HEY NO FAIR!
[20:11] <David O`Cain> [Outside] What? You'd rather I rush and pelt you?
[20:15] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] GIRLS TEAM Q..ATTEND ME!
[20:15] * Eilean [outside] , Giselle and Delilha run over to their mother (Delilha is holding Kyra)
[20:17] <David O`Cain> [Outside] Hm?
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] DEFEND YOUR MOTHER!
[20:27] * David O`Cain [Outside] just raises an eyebrow at this
[20:28] * Eilean [outside] and Giselle star tto throw snowballs at David and Masaki!
[20:30] <Masaki O`Cain> [Outside] whoa! gah!
[20:31] * David O`Cain [Outside] stands in front of Masaki, and acts as a shield for her
[20:37] <Masaki O`Cain> [Outside] NOOOOOOO
[20:52] * David O`Cain [Outside] digs his hands into the snow, and flings as much as he can towards Eilean and Giselle
[21:07] <Eilean> [outside] hey!
[21:07] <Giselle Bellerose> [outside] merde!
[21:11] * it starts to snow hard
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] whoops time to go inside, guys!
[21:17] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] runs inside, along with her kids and granddaughter
[21:18] * David O`Cain [Outside] bolts for indoors
[21:19] * David O`Cain [Outside] also grabs Masaki before running
[21:20] <Carrie> [Outside] hey wait for me!
[21:20] *** Carrie has moved back to the livingroom
[21:20] *** Masaki O`Cain has moved back to the livingroom
[21:22] *** David O`Cain has moved back to the livingroom
[21:22] <David O`Cain> Well, that was fun.
[21:42] <Masaki O`Cain> and cold
[21:43] <David O`Cain> That too.
[22:08] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] returns with some hot cocoa
[22:09] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[22:09] <David O`Cain> Thanks, Matsumi. Sorry about the mortar shot.
[22:10] * Matsumi Kaze is lounging in her pajamas "eh it's ok"
[22:16] * David O`Cain gets Carrie and Masaki mugs of hot cocoa
[22:22] <Carrie> thanks, dad!
[22:24] <David O`Cain> You're welcome!
[22:56] * Carrie relaxes
[23:03] <David O`Cain> How're classes, Carrie?
[23:08] <Carrie> ugh just crazy..trying to keep up
[23:12] * David O`Cain nods
[23:14] <Masaki O`Cain> you know..if you ever need can just come to us
[23:14] <Masaki O`Cain> we're always here for you
[23:15] <David O`Cain> Yeah. We're willing to lend a hand.
[23:16] <Delilah Inochi> [Delilah's bedroom - Skype] I should go home ^^;;
[23:16] *** Delilah Inochi has moved back to the livingroom
[23:16] <Delilah Inochi> night mama *gives Matsumi a hug*'
[23:16] <Matsumi Kaze> night little delilah ^^
[23:16] * Matsumi Kaze gives her youngest daughter a kiss on the forehead
[23:17] * Delilah Inochi walks out the backdoor
[23:17] *** Delilah Inochi has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:21] <David O`Cain> Take care, Delilah.
[23:27] <Eilean> [outside] I should get going's late
[23:27] * Eilean [outside] stands holding her daughter
[23:27] <Eilean> [outside] night mom
[23:27] *** Eilean has moved back to the livingroom
[23:28] <Matsumi Kaze> night Eilean!...night kyra ^^ grandma loves yoooou!
[23:28] * Eilean smiles and walks through a portal with her daughter
[23:28] *** Eilean has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:28] *** Kyra has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:33] <David O`Cain> Night, you two.
[23:37] * Matsumi Kaze notices giselle has fallen asleep near her..and scoots over...laying her daughter's head on her lap
[23:38] <David O`Cain> Aww.
[23:44] <David O`Cain> So, what's new, Matsumi?
[23:48] <Matsumi Kaze> oh not much
[23:51] * David O`Cain nods
[23:52] * Matsumi Kaze 's phone rings
[23:52] <David O`Cain> ?
[23:54] <Matsumi Kaze> I need to answre this
[23:55] * Matsumi Kaze answers the phone
[23:55] <Matsumi Kaze> yes?
[23:55] <Matsumi Kaze> ..oh hi bro
[23:55] <Matsumi Kaze> ...what?...are you sound like you're in a panic!
[23:55] <Matsumi Kaze> ...slow down slow down I can't understand you
[23:56] * Matsumi Kaze blinks..her eyes widen..then she giggles
[23:56] <Matsumi Kaze> well congrats then!!!!!
[23:56] * Matsumi Kaze winces!
[23:56] <Matsumi Kaze> no need to yell!
[23:56] <Matsumi Kaze> st...look...stop...stop panicking ok!
[23:56] * David O`Cain headtilts
[23:57] <Matsumi Kaze> ....and stop hyperventaliing
[23:58] <Matsumi Kaze> this is nothing to panic over..ok you can panic a little I mean...yeah haha..yeah this is big
[23:59] * Matsumi Kaze rubs her temples....
[00:00] <David O`Cain> Er...
[00:02] <Matsumi Kaze> look
[00:03] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I'll ask Orion to go over tomorrow to your house and he can talk to you about this...I'm sure he has some advice..
[00:03] <Matsumi Kaze> just..just try and get some sleep tonight ok?
[00:04] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I know that's impossible but it!
[00:05] <Matsumi Kaze> ok...night bro....
[00:05] * Matsumi Kaze hangs up
[00:07] * Matsumi Kaze pauses and can't help but chuckle to herself
[00:10] <David O`Cain> Alright, what happened?
[00:12] <Matsumi Kaze> my brother got a call tonight from Thorn..err Sally
[00:12] <Matsumi Kaze> she's pregnant
[00:14] <Matsumi Kaze> Matsuo is....panicking a bit
[00:17] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm surprised he's managed to keep control well enough to not be broadcasting his thoughts within a 5 mile radius
[00:18] <David O`Cain> Oh wow. Congrats to the couple!
[00:20] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah it's quite the surprise for both of them
[00:23] <David O`Cain> Hopefully things will turn out well for them.
[00:24] * Masaki O`Cain snores..having fallen asleep
[00:26] <David O`Cain> I probably ought to get Masaki home. Take care, Matsumi.
[00:27] <Matsumi Kaze> night!
[00:33] * David O`Cain carefully picks Masaki up, and takes her with him
[00:33] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (Let's get you home.)
[00:37] *** Masaki O`Cain has left #suburbansenshi2 (zzz)
[17:24] *** Burroughs [DataMistress.TokyoGoddess@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:24] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Burroughs
[17:24] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: It's like kicking a puppy. But when the puppy can't be trained and keeps peeing everywhere.
[17:25] * Burroughs pops up in the middle of the Lobby. "We're baaaaaaacccccckkkkkk♡"
[17:48] <Matsumi Kaze> hey burroughs!
[17:48] * Matsumi Kaze is wearing ski gear
[17:49] <Burroughs> Hey Matsumi. What's the haps?
[17:50] <Matsumi Kaze> going out skiing..or do you mean lately?
[17:51] <Burroughs> Either or.
[17:52] <Matsumi Kaze> well I'm going to be an aunt
[17:52] <Matsumi Kaze> again
[17:53] <Burroughs> Oh?
[17:55] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah Thorn is preggers
[17:57] <Burroughs> Whoa. Congrats.
[17:57] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah well matsuo is going crazy as f[BLEEP]k
[17:58] <Matsumi Kaze> pure panic mode
[17:58] <Matsumi Kaze> anyhoo!
[18:02] <Matsumi Kaze> you up to do some skiing?
[18:04] * Burroughs snaps her fingers, and suddenly she's suited up in skiing gear. "Time to make the slopes my b[BLEEP]ch♫"
[18:05] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ SS3 ]
[18:07] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[18:07] * Matsumi Kaze is away: SS3
[18:39] * - finishes a meal and puts the plate away
[18:58] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:58] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Solarchos
[18:58] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The semicolons are the perspiration.
[19:00] * Solarchos sits down in one of the chairs and reads a book.
[19:03] * - sits near the fire
[19:04] <Solarchos> Hello?
[19:04] * - has no presecence
[19:05] <Solarchos> Hmmm/
[19:05] * Solarchos goes back to reading.
[19:10] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:10] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Nat
[19:10] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Corrupting your view of the Senshi: FOREVER
[19:10] <Chibi-Nat> :D
[19:11] * Chibi-Nat dashes into the Lobby and begins to explore around, staying near Daddy because she's keeping an eye on him too! =^ ^=
[19:12] * - quietly seems to stay near the fire
[19:14] <Chibi-Nat> Ooooo! Warm!
[19:16] * Chibi-Nat goes over to the fireplace and looks up at it with bright, inquisitive eyes. :D
[19:16] * - pats Nat gently on the head
[19:16] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[19:16] * Chibi-Nat looks around behind her.
[19:20] * - is there, sitting by the fireplace
[19:23] <Chibi-Nat> Hello?
[19:23] <Chibi-Nat> Who you be?
[19:24] * watches with some curiousity.
[19:24] <Solarchos> ^
[19:24] * - tells name and who they are
[19:25] * Chibi-Nat goes over to the sitting person. o__o
[19:26] <Chibi-Nat> Where you come from?
[19:26] * - tells
[19:27] <Chibi-Nat> Ooooooo! You always come here?
[19:32] * - states the affirmitve
[19:33] <Chibi-Nat> O_O
[19:33] * Chibi-Nat sees her TAIL!
[19:35] * Chibi-Nat reaches out for the lady's tail. :D
[19:36] * - curls the tail around nat
[19:37] * Chibi-Nat squeees!!
[19:37] <Solarchos> Nata! Are you all right?
[19:38] <Chibi-Nat> Yup! Playing with a nice lady with a thick fluffy tail!
[19:39] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, David O`Cain
[19:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Suburban Senshi needs Mike and the Bots.
[19:39] <David O`Cain> Hey, guys.
[19:40] * Chibi-Nat hugs the tail!
[19:40] <Solarchos> Hello David.
[19:40] <David O`Cain> What's going on?
[19:43] <Solarchos> Not too much. Just reading and watching over Natalia as she plays.
[19:43] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[19:43] * Chibi-Nat looks up!
[19:44] * Someone rapidly descends into a snow pile! They hit with a resounding FOOOMP, sending snow everywhere!!!
[19:44] <David O`Cain> Uh...
[19:45] * Chibi-Nat rushes over to the snow pile and peers inside.
[19:46] * Monica pops out of the snow pile, hands ready to deliver some tickles~
[19:47] <Chibi-Nat> :D
[19:47] * Chibi-Nat giggles and tries to get away!
[19:48] * Monica pursues. :3
[19:49] <David O`Cain> Heh.
[19:51] <Chibi-Nat> :D
[19:51] * Chibi-Nat hides behind the fox-lady's chair!
[19:53] * Monica stalks over, ready to pounce~
[19:53] <Chibi-Nat> :3
[19:53] <Solarchos> Someone's having fun!
[19:54] <David O`Cain> Indeed, Solar.
[19:55] * Chibi-Nat POOFS!!
[19:56] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> >:3
[19:57] * Monica pounces!
[19:57] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) pounces as well, attempting to give paw-patters to Monica's face!
[19:58] * Monica freezes, allowing little Natty to get closer.... this puts her in range for maximum tickles!
[20:00] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> :O
[20:02] * Monica reaches to inflict tickles.
[20:02] <Solarchos> heh! Someone got outsmarted!
[20:03] <David O`Cain> Yep.
[20:05] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) squeals as she gets tickled, flicking her tails and wiggling her limbs! :D
[20:07] <Monica> >:3
[20:12] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> HEEEEEEEEEE!!!
[20:13] <Monica> Hehehe, gotcha♫
[20:14] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> You gots me!
[20:14] <Monica> But of course~
[20:16] <Solarchos> Having fun with my littlest one?
[20:20] <David O`Cain> She sure looks like it, man.
[20:22] <Monica> ^_^ Yep~
[20:23] <Solarchos> So, any idea who Natalia was talking to earlier? I couldn't see anyone, so I assume it's someone only Natalia can see.
[20:23] <David O`Cain> I haven't a clue.
[20:26] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Fox lady! With ears and long, long tail!
[20:27] <Monica> Hm? Another fox is here?
[20:28] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) nod-nods!
[20:32] <Monica> Huh. Must be hiding their presence quite well.
[20:33] <Solarchos> Must be. Either by spells or an natural ability. Odd that Natalia can see her.
[20:33] <David O`Cain> Indeed.
[20:36] <Solarchos> But I wonder...perhaps it's a racial thing?
[20:36] * David O`Cain shrugs
[20:38] <Solarchos> Still, it seems like my children have made a bunch of new friends.
[20:42] <Solarchos> And that's always a good thing to see.
[20:43] <David O`Cain> Yep.
[20:48] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) continues to paw-patter Monica! :D
[20:48] * Monica is paw-pattered. She retaliates with tail-pats of her own♫
[20:52] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> :D
[20:52] <Solarchos> Heh, silly Kit! She's not giving you too much trouble, Monica?
[20:57] <Monica> None at all.
[20:57] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[20:57] <Solarchos> Come along, Natalia! Let's get you home to Mommy!
[20:57] <Matsumi Kaze> hi guys!
[20:59] <David O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi!
[21:02] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) gallops over to Daddy and dances around, waiting for him to pick her up.
[21:02] <Solarchos> Hail and farewell, Matsumi.
[21:04] * Solarchos picks up Natalia in his arms and cradles her gently.
[21:04] <Solarchos> And good night to everyone else. I'll see you all again tomorrow.
[21:04] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Bye bye!
[21:05] <David O`Cain> Bye, Solar and Natalia.
[21:05] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Gah!")
[21:05] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:06] <David O`Cain> What's been going on, Matsumi?
[21:08] * Matsumi Kaze gets out of her winter clothes "not much"
[21:09] <David O`Cain> Exploring?
[21:10] * Hinako Urashima shows up, having changed out of her winter gear. "Skiing, actually. Hey all."
[21:13] <David O`Cain> Hey, Hinako.
[21:14] <Hinako Urashima> How goes?
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the Q sofa, with some hot cocoa
[21:35] <David O`Cain> Seems to be alright so far.
[21:39] * David O`Cain lounges a bit next to Matsumi
[21:41] *** Haru E [Shura.SpannerinDWorks@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Haru E
[21:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You have offended the honor of the Shaolin Temple
[21:42] * Haru E drifts on downstairs, Lyz on her shoulder. "Hey all."
[21:45] <Monica> Hey there, Haru and Lyz. Long day at the shop?
[21:46] <Lyz> Pretty much. ~_~
[21:46] <David O`Cain> Hey, Haru and Lyz.
[21:47] <Haru E> S'up?
[21:48] <David O`Cain> Not much. You?
[21:50] <Haru E> Finished up work, now we're here to relax.
[21:50] * Haru E takes a seat on an open couch, and Lyz slumps over and onto a cushion.
[21:53] <Matsumi Kaze> hey there
[21:54] <David O`Cain> Awesome.
[21:55] * Lyz gives a tiny, adorable yawn.
[22:10] <Matsumi Kaze> tired?
[22:12] <Lyz> Yep..... never been fond of the cold, either.
[22:12] <David O`Cain> Awww.
[22:13] * Monica drapes her tail over Lyz. "Here ya go, sweetie."
[22:22] * Lyz snuggles on in. "Warm~"
[22:28] * Matsumi Kaze is quietly texting her brother
[22:40] <Matsumi Kaze> heh...
[22:40] <David O`Cain> What's up, Matsumi?
[22:41] <Haru E> ?
[22:43] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing just....trying to get my bro to stop worrying
[22:44] <Haru E> 'Bout what? Normally I see Matsuo as being pretty cool under pressure.
[22:47] <David O`Cain> Gotcha.
[22:57] * Haru E gets an update from Burroughs. (Oh, so that's the haps. I'll have to send them my congrats later.)
[23:00] <Matsumi Kaze> his wife is pregnant
[23:01] <Haru E> Ah. I'll have to send 'em my congrats later.
[23:05] <Monica> Guessing he never really foresaw this happening, huh?
[23:07] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah I don't doubt hehehe
[23:08] <Monica> Well, this is gonna be quite the big step forward for them.
[23:13] <Matsumi Kaze> I asked Orion to talk to him
[23:14] * David O`Cain nods
[23:15] <Haru E> Hey, if anyone can talk sense, the ol' Cat-man can♫
[23:22] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[23:22] <David O`Cain> I'm gonna head on home for the night. Catch you guys later.
[23:22] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (Good night.)
[23:25] <Monica> Well, it's getting late, so I'mma be headed out.
[23:25] * Monica goes to get up, but gets reminded that Lyz has latched onto her tail. "Oh... guess she's coming home with me tonight. You know where I live, Haru."
[23:26] <Haru E> Can do. Take care, Monica.
[23:26] *** Monica [CarnageShura@CarnageDimension.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:26] *** Lyz [tinyfae@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............)
[00:12] *** Haru E [Shura.SpannerinDWorks@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*Off to bed. Later all*)
[00:16] *** Freya Felinus has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Freya Felinus
[00:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where typos are a fine art
[00:17] * Freya Felinus has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[00:17] * Freya Felinus [1602] sits in bed, reading
[00:17] *** Orion Felinus [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Orion Felinus
[00:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: There is still someone out there... fapping.
[00:17] * Orion Felinus has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[00:18] * Orion Felinus [1602] walks in the front door and sets down his briefcase.
[00:21] * Freya Felinus [1602] hears the door and gets out of bed, walking out
[00:21] * Orion Felinus [1602] sees Freya in bed and kisses her. "Good evening, my love. Forgive me for being so late."
[00:21] <Freya Felinus> [1602] welcome home
[00:24] * Freya Felinus [1602] returns the kiss
[00:25] <Freya Felinus> [1602] did something keep you busy?
[00:25] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Young master Matsuo was a bit...anxious with the news of his lady and her pregnancy.
[00:28] <Freya Felinus> [1602] I'm sure you helped me out though *smiles*
[00:29] <Orion Felinus> [1602] I did my best to calm him and give him confidence. I did also inform him of the plans for a Baby Shower to help them prepare for the baby.
[00:29] <Freya Felinus> [1602] *him
[00:29] <Freya Felinus> [1602] ah yes...I was thinking of trying to contact the lady makoto to attend..since Thorn is one of her senshi
[00:35] <Orion Felinus> [1602] That would be a splendid idea, beloved. I am sure the Makoto-sama would be happy to attend her senshi's baby shower.
[00:37] <Freya Felinus> [1602] I haven't told matsumi yet
[00:39] <Orion Felinus> [1602] We can inform her tomorrow. It is still early, and we have time to plan for the event. ^_^
[00:41] <Freya Felinus> [1602] of course..I'm sure she will have..more then many ideas
[00:42] * Orion Felinus [1602] chuckles. "We will get it all sorted out, my love."
[00:43] <Freya Felinus> [1602] of course it...
[00:44] * Freya Felinus [1602] pauses then glances over as someone is peeking from the other side of one of the doors
[00:45] <Freya Felinus> [1602] oh dear..atalanta...
[00:48] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Hmm?
[00:48] * Orion Felinus [1602] looks to see his little daughter
[00:48] * Atalanta Felinus is peeking from her bedroom door
[00:49] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Is everything alright, my little pearl?
[00:50] <Atalanta Felinus> no sleep :(
[00:50] * Orion Felinus [1602] walks over and picks up his daughter. "Did you have a bad dream?"
[00:55] * Atalanta Felinus nods :(
[00:56] <Orion Felinus> [1602] How about papa come in and tell you a happy story to chase away those bad dreams?
[00:57] <Atalanta Felinus> :D yay!
[00:57] * Atalanta Felinus has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[00:58] * Orion Felinus [1602] carries his daughter into her room and lets her pick a story from the bookshelf.
[00:59] * Atalanta Felinus [1602] picks Jack and the Beanstalk :D
[01:03] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Orion takes the book and tucks in Atalanta before he sits on her bedside and starts to read the story.
[01:04] * Orion Felinus [1602] takes the book and tucks in Atalanta before he sits on her bedside and starts to read the story.
[01:06] <Atalanta Felinus> [1602] ^^
[01:07] * Atalanta Felinus [1602] doesn't take long before she starts to nod off
[01:07] * Orion Felinus [1602] makse sure Phoebe is also sleeping soundly.
[01:09] * Phoebe Felinus has moved to: [ 1602 ]
[01:09] * Phoebe Felinus [1602] is fast asleep, hugging her bunny plushie tightly
[01:12] * Orion Felinus [1602] smiles and kisses both girls on their foreheads before turning off the light and heading out to see his wife.
[01:15] <Freya Felinus> [1602] you have a way with them *smiles*
[01:17] <Orion Felinus> [1602] It is a sign that I am a good father. ^_^
[01:17] <Freya Felinus> [1602] a very good one *gives orion another kiss*
[01:19] <Orion Felinus> [1602] Shall we retire, then, my goddess?
[01:20] <Freya Felinus> [1602] I belive so
[01:21] * Orion Felinus [1602] sweeps Freya up into his arms and he carries her off to their room.
[01:22] *** Orion Felinus [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (None shall know a love quite like ours.)
[01:22] *** Freya Felinus has left #suburbansenshi2 (<3)
[08:25] <spiritflame> Vermellia X. Rosso rolls 1d1000 [ 246 ]
[08:25] <spiritflame> [gTV]C'est_la_V rolls 1d1000 [ 980 ]
[08:53] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Budokai Brackets updated
[08:58] <spiritflame> golD_lux rolls 1d1000 [ 601 ]
[08:58] <spiritflame> Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. rolls 1d1000 [ 625 ]
[08:59] <spiritflame> [gTV]C'est_la_V rolls 1d1000 [ 921 ]
[09:00] <spiritflame> Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. rolls 1d1000 [ 827 ]
[09:01] *** N. Blackhand [������������������@shada.gallifrey.sen] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[09:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', N. Blackhand
[09:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Suburban Senshi needs Mike and the Bots.
[09:02] * N. Blackhand points a blade at Aino Minako
[09:02] <N. Blackhand> So it looks like it's BlacHaus vs Ten'Aino House for all the marbles in the Budokai
[09:02] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Heh
[09:02] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> You won't find it so easy to beat me!!
[09:02] <N. Blackhand> We'll see.
[09:03] <N. Blackhand> How about we make it interesting.
[09:03] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Oh?
[09:03] <N. Blackhand> People of Ten'Aino HOTEL!
[09:03] <N. Blackhand> BlackHaus has a challenge for ya!
[09:04] <N. Blackhand> It's me against Aino for the Budokai!
[09:04] <N. Blackhand> How about if *I* win...
[09:04] <N. Blackhand> BlacHaus takes over this place for 2017?
[09:04] * N. Blackhand is away: You got the guts to accept?
[09:57] <SaturnGrl> (( For all year? or just for a month? ))
[10:07] *** a year, she said 2017 XD
[10:07] * Alta Liana looks at N. Blackhand.
[10:07] *** N. Blackhand is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Warrior" by Disturbed.

[10:12] <Alta Liana> (( a year sounds way too long ))
[10:12] <Freya Felinus> (( sounds interesting ))
[10:13] <Alta Liana> (( i've also had almost no interaction with this character so i'm not sure i can really make a proper decision ))
[10:17] <Alta Liana> (( would the residents have the right to remove her from leadership? ))
[10:18] <SaturnGrl> (( Been a while since we've seen BlacHaus Activities, but I would wager a slightly shorter time for them to "Rule over the Roost". I mainly say this because we "rebooted" to avoid over-dramatizing stuff. If they are in control for the year, I fear that will lead to the increase of drama again. I call to auction...6-months at the most! ))
[10:23] *** you assume their reign would be dramatic
[10:24] *** they are quite capable of comedy
[10:24] <Alta Liana> (( i'm okay with finding out, but not if there's no recourse to change things for a long time ))
[10:24] *** i'm flexible, if people don't like it i'll change as needed
[10:25] <SaturnGrl> (( I am not assuming that they are dramatic. I am concerned that it will cause drama. ))
[10:26] <Alta Liana> (( i am concerned because i don't know the character, mostly LOL ))
[10:26] <SaturnGrl> (( nevermind. If things go south, I have my outs. ))
[10:27] <Alta Liana> (( but some character drama is entertaining and story-telling, and it may be good for them plotwise ))
[10:29] <Freya Felinus> (( anyway guys ))
[10:40] *** Freya Felinus has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Freya Felinus
[10:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: number 1 in charts ox
[10:40] * Freya Felinus [1602] walks downstairs, yawning
[10:41] *** Freya Felinus has moved back to the livingroom
[10:44] <Freya Felinus> hm...
[10:45] <Freya Felinus> quiet
[11:00] <Freya Felinus> too quiet
[11:07] * Burroughs pops up in some basketball wear and slams a holographic basketball into a hoop. "Boom-shakalaka~"
[11:08] <Freya Felinus> O_o
[11:10] <Burroughs> Well, someone said it was too quiet, so here I am to liven things up♫
[11:14] <Freya Felinus> as always
[11:15] <Burroughs> 'Sides, after all the ruckus back home, it's nice to have somewhere to unwind.
[11:17] <Freya Felinus> ...true
[11:27] <Burroughs> So, what's new with you?
[11:29] <Freya Felinus> oh not much
[11:43] <Burroughs> Huh.
[12:10] <Freya Felinus> indeed
[12:16] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, DD_Girl_Green
[12:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Because planetnamek can kiss our [BLEEP]
[12:19] <Freya Felinus> you....I want to talk to YOU
[12:19] * DD_Girl_Green comes down with her children strapped to her, being squeeezed too tight.
[12:19] <DD_Girl_Green> hm?
[12:19] <DD_Girl_Green> yes?
[12:22] * DD_Girl_Green walks over to freya
[12:26] <DD_Girl_Green> You wanted me for something?
[12:26] <Freya Felinus> it's about how you handle your children
[12:26] <Freya Felinus> you should be more not let them out of your sight but don't..tie them up either
[12:27] <DD_Girl_Green> What should I do then?
[12:31] <Freya Felinus> well if you aren't at home, have someone watch over your Sarahs
[12:31] <Freya Felinus> Sarah
[12:31] <Freya Felinus> she would never let the child out of her sight
[12:33] * Baby Beryl struggles
[12:36] <Freya Felinus> that baby is still young
[12:37] <DD_Girl_Green> yes, she is.
[12:41] <Freya Felinus> you need to be careful witgh her
[12:45] <DD_Girl_Green> How so? I'm trying to be a good mother.
[12:46] * Freya Felinus undoes whatever is holding beryl and gently hands the baby over to green
[12:47] <Baby Beryl> :D
[12:49] * DD_Girl_Green takes her child, nervously
[12:50] * Baby Beryl coos.
[12:50] <Freya Felinus> look...a child is a very big thing to have in your life
[12:50] <Freya Felinus> but you cannot treat it like a toy..a pet.....or something to worry about toehr people
[12:50] <Freya Felinus> the child is your and your husband's responsbility
[12:51] <Freya Felinus> having a child changes your life
[12:52] <Freya Felinus> Matsumi told me that one evening you handed beryl over to her and went to you were passing a sack of potatoes to her
[12:52] <Freya Felinus> she was very dissaipointed and distressed
[12:53] * Baby Beryl is crawling around mommy :D
[12:57] <DD_Girl_Green> how come, I was getting sleepy, and I had thought restraining her was the best way to keep an eye on her.
[12:58] <Eitak_Razal> Oye vey. IT's called a CRIB
[12:58] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:58] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Eitak_Razal
[12:58] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Corrupting your view of the Senshi: FOREVER
[12:58] <Freya Felinus> don't have a crib?
[12:59] <DD_Girl_Green> No, she's restrained in her crib most of the time.
[13:00] <Freya Felinus> you.....shouldn't restrain a that
[13:02] <Eitak_Razal> Just don't put anything dangerous in the crib and you'll be fine
[13:03] * Baby Beryl smiles at everyone :D
[13:06] <Freya Felinus> like eitak said
[13:06] <DD_Girl_Green> What should I do, no one likes it when she crawls around, and those same people like her restrained like that.
[13:08] <Eitak_Razal> Get a play pen
[13:08] *** Sakurazukamori [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Sakurazukamori
[13:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Suburban Senshi asks: Would a Chibiusa Pictorial be 'Sporenography?'
[13:08] * Sakurazukamori picks up the child.
[13:08] * Baby Beryl tries to Free Mira from her bonds :D
[13:08] <Baby Beryl> :O
[13:08] <Baby Beryl> (( Hey, Saturn, how's it going? ))
[13:09] <Sakurazukamori> - Well. Hello there. ^_^ -
[13:09] <Baby Beryl> :D
[13:09] <Sakurazukamori> - What a lovely...little soul you are. ^_^ -
[13:10] * Sakurazukamori cuts the second child free.
[13:11] * Sakurazukamori picks up Mira as well....
[13:11] <Sakurazukamori> - Lovely souls indeed! ^_^ -
[13:11] * Baby Mira blinks...and pats Sakurazukamori' snose
[13:11] <Freya Felinus>
[13:11] * Baby Beryl reaches for Sakurazukamori's hair :D
[13:12] <Sakurazukamori> - Oh? What is wrong, Freya-san? -
[13:12] <DD_Girl_Green> I didn't know you were good with kids.
[13:12] * Sakurazukamori 's hair is short.
[13:12] * Baby Mira blinks
[13:13] * Sakurazukamori smiles as sakura tree roots break through the lobby floor and twist into a "pen".
[13:14] <Sakurazukamori> - If you are looking to...relieve yourself of these little souls...I am more than happy to take them off your hands. ^_^ -
[13:14] * Sakurazukamori puts both infants into his "playpen".
[13:14] <DD_Girl_Green> Woah!
[13:14] <Freya Felinus> you know they are matsumi's grandchildren..and how she would take it
[13:15] <Sakurazukamori> - It is not up to her. It is up to their mother. ^_^ -
[13:15] * DD_Girl_Green uses her vines to grab her children back from Sakurazukamori.
[13:16] <Sakurazukamori> - Is something wrong? -
[13:16] * Eitak_Razal is suddenly playing with a ball of flame
[13:17] <Sakurazukamori> - Did you not want someone else to take care of your little souls? -
[13:17] <Sakurazukamori> - I am volunteering. ^_^ -
[13:17] <DD_Girl_Green> oh?
[13:18] <DD_Girl_Green> but, it sounded like ou were going to... well...
[13:18] <Sakurazukamori> - Yes. Just place them in the play pen, and you will never have to be troubled again. ^_^ -
[13:19] <Freya Felinus> he isn't joking....he is not the sort to joke
[13:19] <Sakurazukamori> - If you are too troubled that you restrain them, and pass them to others for care, then you do not need to care for them any longer. -
[13:19] <Sakurazukamori> - I will make good...use of the little souls. ^_^ -
[13:19] <DD_Girl_Green> I'm not going to let Anyone kill them!
[13:20] <Sakurazukamori> - Would they not be better off? -
[13:21] <Sakurazukamori> - If you are not willing to care for the children yourself, it would be far more merciful to turn them over. -
[13:21] * Baby Beryl turns to mommy... almost crying
[13:22] <DD_Girl_Green> I Can care for them, it's that I'm trying to find a way that everyone can be happy with them around.
[13:23] <Freya Felinus> well
[13:23] <Sakurazukamori> - It would seem that everyone else is happy to have them...but you seem too...overburdened. ^_^ -
[13:24] <Freya Felinus> it's not that we don't mind them...but sometimes it feels like you aren't so much watching and caring for them as expecting the rest of us to watch and care for them
[13:26] <DD_Girl_Purple> A child isn't a burden, Green... It's one of Nature's most wonderful gifts.
[13:28] <Sakurazukamori> - So...if you are over burdened, I will take them off your hands so you can be free once again. ^_^ -
[13:29] <DD_Girl_Purple> Sakura, May I Issue My siter a challenge?
[13:29] <DD_Girl_Purple> *sister
[13:32] <Sakurazukamori> - No. I would like her answer. -
[13:33] <Sakurazukamori> - Are you going to be a mother to your children? Or will you give them up to regain your freedom from raising these lovely little souls? -
[13:33] <DD_Girl_Green> I'll.... I'll Be a Mother to them.
[13:34] * Sakurazukamori taps his hand on the side of this "play pen".
[13:34] <Sakurazukamori> - As you wish. But your options and my offer will...remain open. ^_^ -
[13:34] <Sakurazukamori> - Just in case you change your mind. ^_^ -
[13:35] * Sakurazukamori vanishes in a flurry of sakura petals...but the play pen remains.
[13:35] *** Sakurazukamori [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (A Time to Kill...)
[13:36] * DD_Girl_Green gets her bottles and starts feeding Mira and Beryl
[13:49] * DD_Girl_Green rgoes upstairs with her children.
[13:52] <DD_Girl_Purple> how long has this been going on?
[13:52] <Freya Felinus> I've lost count
[13:55] * DD_Girl_Purple is carrying Chibi-Dan with her
[13:56] *** Orion Felinus [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Orion Felinus
[13:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where Rehab is a four-letter word
[13:56] * Orion Felinus comes downstairs with Heimdall.
[13:56] <Orion Felinus> What is wrong, beloved? You look troubled.
[13:57] * Heimdall holds onto his papa tightly, glancing about a bit
[13:57] <Chibi-Dan> Mama...
[13:57] <Freya Felinus> Green and her children again
[14:00] <DD_Girl_Purple> mi pequeño, Your aunt is being in a bit of an internal conflict right now.
[14:01] * Chibi-Dan coos confusedly.
[14:14] <DD_Girl_Purple> So, how is everyone?
[14:18] * Chibi-Dan looks at Heimdall.
[14:18] *** Heimdall is your average everyday Heimdall

[14:19] * Chibi-Dan waves to Heimdall :O
[14:20] * Heimdall blinks but holds onto his father still
[14:23] <DD_Girl_Purple> oh, you want to play with the others, don't you?
[14:23] * Chibi-Dan nods :D
[14:28] <DD_Girl_Purple> I'll get my own playpen ready, wait here.
[14:28] * DD_Girl_Purple runs to get Chibi-Dan's Playpen.
[14:30] * DD_Girl_Purple sets up the playpen.
[14:30] <DD_Girl_Purple> Ok, ready?
[14:30] <Chibi-Dan> :D
[14:33] * DD_Girl_Purple puts Chibi-Dan in his playpen
[14:34] <DD_Girl_Purple> does your little one want to play, Señor Orion?
[14:46] <Orion Felinus> Would you like to make a new friend today, my son?
[14:48] <Heimdall> :D
[14:48] <Freya Felinus> well he looks happy
[14:51] <DD_Girl_Purple> Ready?
[14:51] <Chibi-Dan> :D
[14:51] <DD_Girl_Purple> ok, he can go in
[14:52] <Freya Felinus> I'll go get a few of his toys
[14:52] * Freya Felinus is away 
[14:59] * Orion Felinus sets Heimdall down in the play pen to play with little Dan.
[15:01] * Chibi-Dan picks up a few blocks and gives them to heimdall :D
[15:03] * Heimdall starts to stack the blocks :D
[15:03] * Freya Felinus is back
[15:03] * Freya Felinus walks back down with some stuffed animals and soft toys and puts them in the play pen
[15:06] * Chibi-Dan stacks some blocks and looks at the soft toys O
[15:06] <Chibi-Dan> * :O
[15:10] * Chibi-Dan hands Heim some more blocks.
[15:12] * Heimdall shows his papa the block :D
[15:22] <DD_Girl_Purple> so, how is everyone doing?
[15:23] <Freya Felinus> I am fine
[15:36] * Orion Felinus smiles and shows Heimdall how to stack blocks.
[15:36] * Heimdall tries to copy :D
[15:42] <Orion Felinus> Beloved? What is that?
[15:42] * Orion Felinus points to the twisted looking "play pen" in the center of the Lobby that is made out of the twisted tree roots.
[15:44] <Freya Felinus> ah...that was due to Green.....Sakurazakamori offered to....use it on her children
[15:52] <Orion Felinus> ...that devil of a man...tried to take her children? O_o
[15:53] <Freya Felinus> he stated that she wasn't actually looking after them
[15:53] <Orion Felinus> Oh goodness...oh spirits...
[15:55] <Freya Felinus> we managed to..convince him otherwise..for now
[16:06] <Orion Felinus> Where is Lady Green? and her children?
[16:06] <Freya Felinus> she went upstairs with her children
[16:18] <Orion Felinus> I hope she heeds that dark man's approach does not come to pass for her children.
[16:31] * Chibi-Dan stacks some blocks in a pyramid shape.
[16:31] <DD_Girl_Purple> You don't think Red will try to take advantage of this?
[16:44] <Freya Felinus> what do you mean take advantage?
[16:46] <Orion Felinus> Why would Miss Red take advantage of this?
[16:47] <Orion Felinus> Do you men of Lady Green's children? Is she trying to take them as well?
[16:55] <Freya Felinus> well??
[17:09] * Orion Felinus looks worried.
[17:09] <Orion Felinus> Should we inform Sir Caligo of what has happened?
[17:13] <Caligo> ..what is happening
[17:13] *** Caligo has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Caligo
[17:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The semicolons are the perspiration.
[17:13] * Caligo appears...adjusting his black leather gloves..his coat covered in blood
[17:35] <Orion Felinus> It would seem that Mister Sakurazukamori offered to take your children from your Lady.
[17:39] <Caligo> ....well now....
[17:42] * Orion Felinus points to the creepy "play pen" that is still lingering in the lobby.
[17:44] <Caligo> .......I see
[17:45] <Orion Felinus> What will you do, Sir Caligo?
[17:47] * Caligo 's red eyes glow slightly....blood red runes glowing on his hands
[17:47] <Caligo> have a little talk
[18:01] <Orion Felinus> Uh...with your Lady? ^^;;
[18:02] <Caligo> - no -
[18:02] <Orion Felinus> You mean the Sakurazukamori? You should be warned...he is a very dangerous person. >_>
[18:04] <Caligo> ...funny...that's what some people say of me
[18:05] * Orion Felinus looks nervous.
[18:05] <Caligo> excuse me....
[18:07] * Caligo walks out the front door
[18:07] * Caligo is away 
[18:15] <Freya Felinus> ...this cannot be good
[18:27] <Orion Felinus> ....maybe we should have told him more about why the Sakurazukamori wanted to take his children? >_>
[18:31] * Orion Felinus is away: IRL Driving Home
[19:13] * Little fox ears pop up nearby.
[19:18] * Heimdall blinks and looks from the playpen
[19:20] *** Chibi-Catri [MakerOfMischief@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:20] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Catri
[19:20] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Remember. Suburban Senshi trusts the Pusher Robot
[19:20] *** Chibi-Alex [BoundlessExuberanceOfYouth@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:20] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Alex
[19:20] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Remember: Suburban Senshi no-sells Planet Namek
[19:20] <Chibi-Alex> :D
[19:21] <Chibi-Catri> :3
[19:21] <Chibi-Alex> I sense a teeny one nearby.
[19:22] <Chibi-Catri> And the Tail-Monsters are now on the hunt!
[19:25] * Chibi-Alex approaches Heimdall, her tails waving.
[19:26] * Chibi-Catri approaches too. >:3
[19:28] <Heimdall> foxiiie?
[19:29] <Chibi-Alex> Yup! We are kitsune!
[19:29] * Chibi-Catri lays down beside Heimdall's playpen, waving her tails slowly against the mesh. ^__^
[19:40] * Heimdall tries to reach :D
[19:43] * Chibi-Catri drapes her tails over the top!
[19:43] * Chibi-Alex lays her tails above Heimdall's head too.
[20:00] * Heimdall tries to hug it
[20:01] <Chibi-Alex> You like our tails?
[20:13] * Chibi-Catri lets Heimdall hug her tails. :3
[20:36] <DD_Girl_Purple> (( Checked Backlog, Was disconnected before Orion's reply. ))
[20:38] <DD_Girl_Purple> From what I've heard, red would be a bad aunt to be around.
[20:39] * Chibi-Dan wakes up O__O
[20:41] <Chibi-Catri> Oooo! More little babies are awakened by our tails!
[20:41] <Chibi-Alex> The power of the TAILS cannot be denied!
[20:42] * Chibi-Dan sits up and tries to reach for one of the tails O_O
[20:42] * Chibi-Alex lets Chibi-Dan take hold of her tails!
[20:44] * Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Catri both have fluffy and soft tails. They're even more fluffy now that winter has arrived.
[20:46] <DD_Girl_Purple> Was hat Green's husband that walked through a while ago?
[20:48] <Chibi-Alex> Not sure.
[20:48] <Chibi-Catri> It was just Heimdall and little Dan when we got here.
[20:54] <DD_Girl_Purple> Orion, Freya?
[20:55] * Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Catri both shake their heads.
[21:06] <Chibi-Catri> Oooo! It's time.
[21:06] <Chibi-Alex> Awwww.
[21:06] * Chibi-Dan coosa confusedly
[21:06] <Chibi-Catri> Sorry, but we've gotta get back home now.
[21:06] <Chibi-Alex> We'll come back to play more next time!
[21:06] <Chibi-Catri> Good night! =^ ^=
[21:06] *** Chibi-Alex [BoundlessExuberanceOfYouth@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Can we go to the park next? Can we, can we can we~!")
[21:06] *** Chibi-Catri [MakerOfMischief@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*snickers* >:3)
[21:23] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, DD_Girl_Green
[21:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: all over it like stink on poo.
[21:23] * DD_Girl_Green comes downstairs with her children in the stroller
[21:23] <DD_Girl_Green> Hello? Caligo?
[21:36] * DD_Girl_Green feeds Beryl nd Mira their formula.
[22:24] <DD_Girl_Green> ..... What's going on, He should be here by now.
[22:25] * Baby Beryl Starts crying.
[22:25] * DD_Girl_Green picks up Baby Beryl
[22:25] <DD_Girl_Green> There, there.
[22:26] <DD_Girl_Green> We'll go out for a walk in the city tomorrow, all four of us.
[22:28] <DD_Girl_Green> Mommy's been too pressured lately, I hope I didn't hurt anything permanently, little ones
[22:28] * DD_Girl_Green kisses the two children on their foreheads.
[22:30] * DD_Girl_Purple looks out the window, with her son in her arms.
[22:38] <DD_Girl_Green> I'm getting worried about him
[22:38] <DD_Girl_Purple> well, he was here a while ago.
[22:39] <DD_Girl_Green> Mr. Orion.... Mr. Orion... Freya? Where are you?
[23:04] <DD_Girl_Green> Mira, do you know where daddy is?
[23:07] <DD_Girl_Green> Mira?
[23:08] <DD_Girl_Green> (hmm...)
[23:08] <DD_Girl_Green> Does anyone here have a scale?
[23:16] <Freya Felinus> hm?
[23:16] <DD_Girl_Green> Freya, do you ave a scale?
[23:19] <Freya Felinus> for what
[23:20] <DD_Girl_Green> If that person wants them.... he'll get what he deserves.
[23:20] <DD_Girl_Green> and... do you havee some potatoes?
[23:23] <Freya Felinus> I'm afraid not...
[23:28] <DD_Girl_Green> hmm....
[23:29] <DD_Girl_Green> Can you and orion keep an eye on them for a minute?
[23:33] * Baby Beryl looks at Freya :D
[23:33] <Orion Felinus> Yes, we can babysit for you.
[23:34] <DD_Girl_Green> good, I'll be back.
[23:34] * DD_Girl_Green runs off into the kitchen.
[23:39] * DD_Girl_Green is back
[23:40] * DD_Girl_Green has two bags which are each roughly the weight of one of her children.
[23:40] <Orion Felinus> Huh? What are those?
[23:41] <DD_Girl_Green> Bags of jello, If I'm right, when I put them in there, he'll come in and take them, thinking they are my babies.
[23:42] <DD_Girl_Green> Hide Mira and Gem, Quick.
[23:42] * The creepy "Play Pen" suddenly unwinds, and the roots retreat back through the floor...
[23:43] * Baby Beryl reaches for Orion.
[23:43] <DD_Girl_Green> huh?
[23:43] * Orion Felinus picks up little Beryl.
[23:43] * Baby Beryl pats Orion's nose :D
[23:44] * Caligo is back
[23:45] * Caligo walks in..bleeding from the mouth...covered in wounds
[23:45] <DD_Girl_Green> Oh no, Caligo.
[23:45] <Orion Felinus> Oh spirits! What happened?
[23:45] * DD_Girl_Green Quickly drops the two bags and rushes to Caligo.
[23:46] <DD_Girl_Green> Where have you been, the kids and I were worried sick.
[23:47] * Baby Beryl turns and looks at daddy :D
[23:48] * Orion Felinus puts Beryl back into the play pen.
[23:49] <Orion Felinus> We should get you to the infirmary, Sir Caligo.
[23:49] <Caligo> no...doctors...
[23:49] * Caligo is having hard time talking as his tongue is nearly severed
[23:49] * Chibi-Dan looks at Baby Beryl in his playpen :O
[23:50] <DD_Girl_Green> oh my, do you need help?
[23:50] <Orion Felinus> You are in need of healing! We must-!
[23:53] <Baby Beryl>
[23:53] <DD_Girl_Green> huh?
[23:54] <Chibi-Dan>
[23:56] * Caligo looks to Green.... then orion "..very well"
[23:56] <DD_Girl_Green> Come on, honey
[23:56] * Orion Felinus helps Caligo up to the Infirmary.
[23:57] * Orion Felinus has moved to: [ Infirmary ]
[23:57] * DD_Girl_Green picke up one side of Caligo and helps carry him to the infirmary.
[23:57] * DD_Girl_Green has moved to: [ Infirmary ]
[23:59] * Caligo has moved to: [ Infirmary ]
[23:59] <> (( test ))
[23:59] * DD_Girl_Purple tickles Mira in her stroller "Coochie coochie coo, little one"
[23:59] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: EMH is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[23:59] <Orion Felinus> [Infirmary] What happened to you, Sir Caligo? Did you...confront..."Him"?
[23:59] * DD_Girl_Green looks at EMH.
[23:59] *** EMH is a close match to how you perceive an iconic physician, the image adjusts according to the view, and tends towards an average of multiple viewers.
hir image Song is: .

[00:00] <Emergancy Medical Hologram> how may I help you?
[00:01] <DD_Girl_Green> [Infirmary] My husband's injured.
[00:01] * Emergancy Medical Hologram looks over..examines him..and his mouth
[00:01] <Emergancy Medical Hologram> bit of a row?
[00:01] * Baby Beryl stacks blocks with Chibi-Dan and (Heimdall?)
[00:01] <Caligo> [Infirmary] something like that...*spits out blood*
[00:01] <Caligo> [Infirmary] yes...I fought him
[00:02] <DD_Girl_Green> [Infirmary] you fought that person?
[00:02] <Orion Felinus> [Infirmary] Oh, Sir Caligo...
[00:02] <Orion Felinus> [Infirmary] I warned you he was a dangerous man.
[00:03] <Caligo> [Infirmary] not so dangerious that I couldn't injure him
[00:03] * Caligo [Infirmary] is pushed down by the EMH....who starts to work on surgicially fixing caligo's tongue
[00:05] <Orion Felinus> [Infirmary] Considering the damage done...I wonder if such a confrontation was worth it?
[00:06] * Caligo [Infirmary] tries to answer but the EMH forces him back down to try and fix him up
[00:08] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `A Christmas Carol: Chapter 2 live reading in Discord/SS5 voice channel. December 11th @ 20:00! | Welcome to Shin Private Ski-Lodge/Resort! Enjoy the snow!!!!! More info can be found []here[]!!`
[00:10] <Emergancy Medical Hologram> it will take most of the night to fix this....
[00:11] <DD_Girl_Green> [Infirmary] Want me to stay by your side, honey?
[00:14] <Orion Felinus> [Infirmary] I shall leave you to tend to him then.
[00:14] *** Orion Felinus has moved back to the livingroom
[00:17] * Emergancy Medical Hologram isn't letting Caligo talk..much to his anger and frustration
[00:18] * DD_Girl_Green [Infirmary] rubs Caligo's hair.
[00:19] <Freya Felinus> how is he
[00:19] <Baby Beryl>
[00:23] <Orion Felinus> He is undergoing surgery at this time.
[00:23] <Orion Felinus> He should make a full recovery as long as he listens to the EMH.
[00:24] <DD_Girl_Purple> is it that serious?
[00:26] <DD_Girl_Green> [Infirmary] Want me to bring the kids in here?, please nod if you want me to, honey.
[00:26] * Caligo [Infirmary] pauses..then nods but is pushed back down
[00:27] <Orion Felinus> He is in rouch shape. I'd hate to imagine just what happened between him and the Sakurazukamori.
[00:28] <DD_Girl_Green> [Infirmary] alright, I'll be back in a bit.
[00:28] * DD_Girl_Green [Infirmary] rushes back to the lobby.
[00:28] *** DD_Girl_Green has moved back to the livingroom
[00:29] <DD_Girl_Green> Excuse me, I'm going to bring my kids with me.
[00:29] * DD_Girl_Green picks up Baby Beryl and Baby Mira
[00:29] <DD_Girl_Green> Wanna see daddy?
[00:29] * Baby Beryl coos :O
[00:30] <DD_Girl_Green> Mira, wanna see daddy?
[00:30] * Baby Mira blinks
[00:32] * Orion Felinus picks up Heimdall from the play pen.
[00:32] <DD_Girl_Green> come on, I'll take you two to daddy.
[00:32] * DD_Girl_Green goes up to the Infirmary with her kids.
[00:32] * Heimdall yawns
[00:33] * DD_Girl_Green has moved to: [ Infirmary ]
[00:33] <DD_Girl_Purple> Oh, is he tuckered out?
[00:33] <Emergancy Medical Hologram> do not let the children near him or place them onto him
[00:33] * Baby Beryl has moved to: [ Infirmary ]
[00:34] <DD_Girl_Green> [Infirmary] Then, how can Caligo see his kids?
[00:36] <Emergancy Medical Hologram> you can stand next to him..that is it
[00:36] * DD_Girl_Green [Infirmary] stands next to caligo, with the kis in her arms.
[00:36] * Baby Beryl [Infirmary] looks at Daddy O.O
[00:47] <Orion Felinus> It would seems so. It is getting late. Isn't it, my son?
[00:48] * Heimdall falls asleep
[00:53] * Orion Felinus smiles.
[00:53] <Orion Felinus> I shall take him up to bed then. Will you join me, Beloved?
[00:54] <Freya Felinus> of course, dear
[00:56] * Orion Felinus carries his son upstairs.
[00:56] * Freya Felinus follows
[00:56] *** Orion Felinus [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (What a day...)
[01:02] *** Freya Felinus has left #suburbansenshi2 (it was)
[13:09] *** Burroughs [DataMistress.TokyoGoddess@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:09] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Burroughs
[13:09] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Now with extra Bom Chikka Wow Wow
[13:09] * Burroughs pops into view. "Heyy~"
[13:26] * Sakurazukamori peers in through an open window.
[13:26] <Sakurazukamori> - Hello. ^_^ -
[13:31] * Matsumi Kaze [SS3] , at the moment, is out christmas shopping with her husband, children and son and daughter in law
[13:31] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[13:31] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[13:35] <Burroughs> S'up, Zukamori?
[13:43] <Sakurazukamori> - Not much is up, AI-san. ^_^ -
[13:45] <Sakurazukamori> - I actually wanted to check on a mister...Caligo-san. -
[13:59] <Burroughs> And why's that?
[14:05] * DD_Girl_Green [Infirmary] is out shopping with Caligo, Matsumi, Hideki and her children.
[14:05] *** DD_Girl_Green has moved back to the livingroom
[14:08] <Sakurazukamori> - We had a little...disagreement yesterday. I just wanted to be a "Good Neighbor". ^_^ -
[14:12] <Burroughs> Aha.
[14:22] <Sakurazukamori> - Perhaps I will try again later. ^_^ -
[15:00] <Burroughs> (Hrm....)
[15:01] <Masaki O`Cain> [Jason] yo
[15:01] *** Masaki O`Cain has moved back to the livingroom
[15:01] *** Masaki O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Masaki O`Cain
[15:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Hey I just realized - Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear to be smart until you actually hear them speak.
[15:01] * Masaki O`Cain is working on decorating the manga shop with the help of the manga shop prinny
[15:22] * A box arrives at the manga shop.
[15:23] * The Box is labled "Gantry Comics"
[15:23] <Masaki O`Cain> .....
[15:23] * Masaki O`Cain double checks the name on it
[15:28] * The Box is full of comics called "Priceman", Issue 38, Issue dated: January 2017.
[15:28] <Masaki O`Cain> ...huh....
[15:36] * Masaki O`Cain puts a few out on display in the back part of the manga shop, along with the other western comics she carries
[15:51] *** Carbinkle has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:51] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Carbinkle
[15:51] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where the Men are Old, the Women are Young, and the Children Make Everyone A Little Wary.
[15:53] <Carbinkle> Bink?
[15:56] <Carbinkle> Wanders into the Manga shop "Bink!"
[15:56] * Carbinkle *^
[16:04] <Masaki O`Cain> hm?
[16:04] * Goomy squirms over protectivly to Masaki
[16:04] <Goomy> goom! goom!
[16:05] <Carbinkle> Bink!
[16:06] * Carbinkle eyes a section in the back.
[16:07] * Carbinkle wanders to the western section.
[16:11] * Carbinkle looks at all the comic covers.
[16:16] * Carbinkle eyes the Priceman Comic "Bink! Bink!"
[16:16] <Masaki O`Cain> hm?
[16:22] <Carbinkle> Bink!
[16:23] * Carbinkle moves towards the Priceman comic.
[16:27] * Carbinkle bumps into the shelf, which puts the comic on uts head.
[16:31] * DD_Girl_Purple spots Green's pokemon Nans pays for the comic
[16:36] * Carbinkle thanks the 3 "Bink Bink!"
[16:36] *** Carbinkle has left #suburbansenshi2 (geads upstairs.)
[16:37] *** DD_Girl_Purple [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Sharkies!!!!! :))
[17:56] *** Noble has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Noble
[17:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The enemy of Dialup
[17:56] * Noble comes hopping down the stairs and heads over to the window to look out at the snow.
[17:59] *** Grace has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:59] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Grace
[17:59] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Burning Ourself Perfectly since 2002
[17:59] * Grace carefully follows Noble
[18:02] * Noble looks over the snow...and shivers a little.
[18:02] * Grace hops up next to Noble
[18:06] <Noble> Ralts...Ralt ralts.
[18:06] <Grace> ralts???
[18:07] * Noble shakes his head.
[18:07] <Noble> <Its too cold...I liked the coloring of the leaves better.>
[18:09] <Grace> <what's all this white stuff?>
[18:09] * Goomy squirms towards the window
[18:10] <Goomy> <whatcha looking at?? :D >
[18:10] <Noble> <I don't know...but its cold. I don't like it.>
[18:10] <Noble> <The world turned white and cold>
[18:10] * Noble looks at the Goomy and points outside.
[18:12] * Goomy slides up the wall and onto the window
[18:13] <Goomy> <it's pretty :D >
[18:14] <Noble> <I don't like the coldness. Colored leaves were warmer and nicer.>
[18:15] * Swinub scoots over and looks out too
[18:15] <Swinub> <I like it>
[18:23] <Noble> <You're all furry. I don't think you can feel the cold.>
[18:23] * Noble pats the Swinub's fur coat.
[18:23] <Swinub> <there's cold?>
[18:24] <Noble> <Ha! I knew it!>
[18:28] <Glaceon> <what are you idiots talking about>
[18:30] <Noble> <The world is cold and white.}
[18:32] <Glaceon> <you mean it's snowing>
[18:36] <Noble> <Snow?>
[18:36] <Grace> <snow?>
[18:37] <Glaceon> <yes..snow>
[18:37] * Glaceon blows and causes a burst of snow to issue from her mouth
[18:37] <Glaceon> <that stuff>
[18:37] <Noble> <Why is the world snowing? Is this something an Ice Pokemon did?>
[18:38] <Glaceon> <no it's just something that happens>
[18:38] <Swinub> <we should go outside>
[18:39] <Goomy> <that's fun :D :D :D >
[18:42] <Grace> <I..i don't like it>
[18:43] * Noble shakes his head. <Its too cold for us. We will freeze!>
[18:45] <Noble> <Grace and I have no fur.>
[18:50] <Glaceon> <yes well...can't be helped>
[18:57] * Noble suddenly sniffs the air. <I smell candy!>
[18:59] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:59] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[18:59] <@Chateaux Concierge> Yo! Protip. Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
[18:59] <Megan O`Cain> Hm?
[19:01] * Glaceon glances around, sniffing the air
[19:01] * Noble heads for the cafe!
[19:02] <Megan O`Cain> (Now what are the Pokémon up to?)
[19:05] * Grace hops downa nd follows Noble
[19:10] * Noble finds a cart with a tray of various hot cocoas and coffee atop!
[19:14] * Noble uses his psychic abilities to try and lift the tray and bring it down to the floor!
[19:16] * Grace runs over!
[19:16] * Noble struggles, causing the tray to wobble a little!
[19:22] * Grace tries to help!
[19:26] * Megan O`Cain goes to check on the little creatures
[19:27] * Little fox ears pop up nearby.
[19:28] * Noble is able to get the tray to the floor with Grace's help
[19:29] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-AnTil
[19:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Much More Rich of WTF since 2002
[19:29] *** Chibi-Sylvester [LittleExplorer@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Sylvester
[19:29] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Remember: A Suburban Senshi A Day Helps You Work, Rest and Play.
[19:29] <Chibi-AnTil> Hello!
[19:30] * Goomy , Swinub and Glaceon approch
[19:30] * The tray has several different kinds of hot cocoa and coffee! Peppermint cocoa, candy cane cocoa, cocoa and marshmallows, and much more!
[19:30] * Chibi-Sylvester waves to everyone, looking quite content in the snow and cold.
[19:30] * Megan O`Cain goes back to the livingroom, "Hi, kits!"
[19:30] <Chibi-AnTil> Oooo, Pokemon!
[19:30] <Chibi-Sylvester> Hi Miss Megan. How are you doing this evening?
[19:31] <Megan O`Cain> I'm doing alright. How about you?
[19:36] * Noble picks up a cup. The drinks are warm!
[19:37] <Chibi-AnTil> We're doing good.
[19:37] <Chibi-Sylvester> inda cold here though
[19:39] <Megan O`Cain> Good to hear, Antil.
[19:46] <Chibi-Sylvester> How come it's snowing?
[19:47] <Megan O`Cain> That's because we're at a ski resort!
[19:47] * Noble tries to drink the warm beverage...
[19:48] * Grace nervous watches
[19:49] * Noble has Irish coffee! O.o
[19:50] <Chibi-AnTil> Ooooooo!
[19:52] * Noble 's synchronize ability starts to spread his current status to the others in the room...a feeling of happy...drunkenness...
[19:52] <Megan O`Cain> Oof.
[19:55] * Noble hiccups!
[19:57] * Megan O`Cain staggers over to a sofa, and takes a seat followed by a drunkard belch
[19:57] * Noble falls over...and starts to giggle!
[20:02] <Megan O`Cain> weird like this...
[20:04] <Chibi-Sylvester> o__O
[20:04] <Chibi-AnTil> O__o
[20:04] * Chibi-AnTil feels his tails poof a little.
[20:07] <Chibi-Sylvester> Feel funny now.
[20:07] <Megan O`Cain> Same, kid.
[20:07] * Burroughs pops back in. "Hey all-- what's going on here?"
[20:08] <Chibi-AnTil> Hi there!
[20:09] <Megan O`Cain> Feeling...drunk...somehow...
[20:09] * Noble wobbles and waves at Grace kinda silly.
[20:09] <Burroughs> Eh?
[20:11] <Burroughs> When did this start happening?
[20:12] <Noble> /Gr...Grace! You shhhould try some!>
[20:14] <Chibi-AnTil> And it's snowing!
[20:14] * Chibi-Sylvester POOFS!!
[20:14] <Megan O`Cain> Don't knooooow.
[20:14] <Megan O`Cain> Not lonnnng agooo.
[20:14] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) changes into his fox form and trots out to the other Pokemon. :D
[20:15] * Noble hiccups again, and giggles!
[20:17] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> Hi!
[20:18] * Chibi-AnTil feels dizzy and sits down, his tails getting more floofy with each passing minute.
[20:19] * Burroughs gets an idea, and does a quick scan over Noble. Time to get some info on the litte guy.
[20:23] * Noble 's scan indicates the little Ralts has injested a mixture of coffee and liquor...
[20:24] * Noble has a hint of cream on his face as well.
[20:25] <Burroughs> ....oh boy. Seems the little man got a coffee/liquor mix in him.... what else can we find out?
[20:26] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) paws at one of the Pokemon.
[20:26] <Chibi-AnTil> @___@
[20:26] * Burroughs does a quick lookup on the Ralts' species as a whole. Any abilities that they might have, to induce the same kind of drunken-ness in the others?
[20:28] <Burroughs> Let's see..... hm, does the little guy have Synchronize?
[20:29] <Chibi-AnTil> Don't know....
[20:30] <Burroughs> If he does, then it'd explain why you're all feeling a touch tipsy.
[20:32] <Megan O`Cain> Okaaaay.
[20:33] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) bats at the Pokemon's tails as he prances and pounces around them all. :3
[20:33] * Burroughs texts Orion and Freya     We got a bit of a situation down here. Seems Noble got into some kind of alcoholic coffee, so he's spreading his drunken feel-goods all around. Would recommend status protection before you show up to collect them.
[20:33] * Chibi-AnTil is feeling really, really dizzy...and his tails are poofed to maximum FLOOFNESS!!! OMG, they're more than triple their normal thickness!
[20:34] <Grace> O_O
[20:34] * Grace tries to chase after Noble
[20:34] <Burroughs> (Hrm, methinks I'm gonna need call in a bit of help for this one.)
[20:36] * Megan O`Cain just lies down on the sofa
[20:37] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) chases after Grace!
[20:37] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> =^ ^=
[20:40] * Burroughs calls in a friend.
[20:42] *** Lady Hale [BlindButInsightful@Celestia.hv] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Lady Hale
[20:42] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Your Kung-fu is pretty useless, as well as obsolete!
[20:42] * Lady Hale pops in, and casts a room-wide Espoir on everyone.
[20:44] <Megan O`Cain> Heeeey.
[20:44] * Espoir is a spell designed to alleviate ailments from the afflicted.
[20:45] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> O__O
[20:45] <Chibi-AnTil> O__O
[20:45] * Chibi-AnTil sits up. "Whoa..."
[20:46] * Megan O`Cain bolts upright in her seat, "I'm okay! I'm awake!"
[20:47] <Lady Hale> (Oh my.)
[20:47] <Lady Hale> Feeling much sober now?
[20:50] <Chibi-AnTil> ...Why do my tails feel so strange?
[20:52] <Burroughs> Noble over there apparently got a hold of a coffee-liquor mix, and his Synchronize ability made you guys feel his drunken-ness as well.
[20:53] <Megan O`Cain> Oh. No wonder I felt so drunk even though it's hard to do.
[20:54] <Burroughs> Little guy's a lightweight, my guess would be. Still, I'm pretty certain that Pokemon aren't meant to be drinking anything alcoholic.
[20:55] <Megan O`Cain> I guess so.
[20:55] <Chibi-AnTil> O__O
[20:56] <Chibi-AnTil> THE FUR ON MY TAILS IS STICKING STRAIGHT OUT! I can't get it to go back down!
[20:56] * Orion Felinus texts Burroughs     Oh Spirits and Ancestors! I'm in a meeting withthe school board. Can something be done?!
[20:57] * Noble sloppily hugs Grace!
[20:58] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) tries to give tail-pats to Noble and Grace.
[20:58] * Burroughs texts Orion     I called in Hale to use Espoir on everyone.
[20:58] * Lady Hale looks over to the Pokemon, and goes to cast Espoir on them as well.
[21:00] * Noble tries to catch the tails, but can't seem to reach them!
[21:01] * Grace blushes!
[21:01] <Grace> (( sorry for my silence earlier, jenn....nodded off >< ))
[21:01] * Orion Felinus texts Burroughs     I...have no idea what that means. Can she help Noble out of his...stupor?
[21:02] <Orion Felinus> (( no worries ))
[21:04] * Burroughs texts Orion     Espoir is a spell meant to help alleviate afflictions, usually things like poison and paralysis. From what I've seen, it helped get rid of the Synchronize-shared drunken-ness--- if need be, I can procure some Fairy Dust or Full Heals.
[21:06] * Orion Felinus texts Burroughs     If it will sober him up, please do.
[21:07] * Chibi-AnTil is still struggling to get the fur on his tails to flatten down.
[21:08] * Burroughs solidifies a hand and hands AnTil a brush. "Will this help any?"
[21:08] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) lays his tails in front of Grace. "Here!" ^___^
[21:08] * Noble lets go of grace and tries to jump at the fluffy tail!
[21:12] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) lets Noble go for his tails!
[21:12] * Noble catches the tail, and he hugs it to hold on!
[21:12] <Grace> ralts ralts!
[21:14] <Noble> rALthththththts!
[21:14] <Megan O`Cain> Awwww.
[21:15] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> Heeee!
[21:16] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) wiggles his tails for Noble!
[21:19] * Noble is waggled as he holds onto the tail
[21:23] * Grace tries to rescue noble!
[21:24] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> Hee!
[21:25] * Noble eventually loses his grip and falls off the tail!
[21:25] <Grace> O_O
[21:27] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> Oh noes!
[21:27] * Noble falls on grace!
[21:27] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) tries to catch Noble.
[21:28] <Grace> @_@
[21:30] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> You okay?"
[21:30] <Noble> Ralths?
[21:32] * Noble gets up and looks at Grace.
[21:32] <Grace> @_@ raaa-raaalts @_@
[21:34] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> Are you all right?
[21:34] <Chibi-AnTil> Sylvester! We'd better get going back home now.
[21:35] * Noble pokes Grace. "Ralth-a Ralths?
[21:37] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) pokes Grace with his tails too.
[21:39] <Grace> @_@ *looks dizzy and knocked out*
[21:43] <Lady Hale> Oh dear..
[21:46] * Noble ties to wake up Grace!
[21:47] <Megan O`Cain> Uh oh.
[21:47] * Lady Hale casts a gentle Heal onto Grace.
[21:48] <Grace> r..ralts @_@
[21:49] <Chibi-AnTil> Good night everyone.
[21:50] * Noble starts to bawl and cry!
[21:50] <Megan O`Cain> Night, kits.
[21:50] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) tries to give Grace and Noble some gentle tail pats before he does.
[21:51] *** Chibi-Sylvester [LittleExplorer@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Where's this go? :3)
[21:51] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("I enjoyed seeing you! ^_^")
[21:52] * Grace slowly sits up "r..ralts?"
[21:54] <Lady Hale> There you go. I'd recommend caution next time you go getting into drinks, OK?
[21:54] * Noble is still crying
[21:55] * Grace pats Noble on the shoulder "ralts?"
[22:00] * Noble hugs Grace!
[22:02] * Grace blushes but hugs back
[22:06] <Noble> <I'm thorry! I nevah wanna hurt Grathe!>
[22:07] <Noble> <I LUV Grathe!>
[22:09] * Grace turns bright red
[22:09] <Lady Hale> ^_^;; (Oh dear, and the hangover strikes~)
[22:11] * Noble keeps crying while he hugs Grace.
[22:14] <Lady Hale> (( I'm betting SG is having a hell of a time with Drunk Noble~ ))
[22:23] <Noble> (( having a blast! ))
[22:25] <Megan O`Cain> How've you been, Hale?
[22:29] <Lady Hale> Oh, quite well.
[22:29] <Megan O`Cain> That's good to hear.
[22:32] * Noble lets go of Grace and tries to run away crying...but instead trips and falls flat on his face!
[22:32] <Megan O`Cain> Ouch.
[22:34] * Grace runs over to help noble up!
[22:39] * Noble gets up with a sore face....
[22:41] * Grace gently rubs noble's face to try and make it better!
[22:44] * Noble smiles with a silly face.
[22:44] <Grace> <p..please don't get hurt>
[22:46] <Noble> <I'm no hurt...Grathe make me happy!>
[22:49] <Grace> <you make me happy too ^^>
[22:58] * Noble grins...and then passes out!
[22:59] <Grace> RALTS!
[23:00] <Lady Hale> Oh my... he's gonna need to rest that off. Will you be looking after him?
[23:03] <Grace> ralts ralts *nods*
[23:04] <Megan O`Cain> That's good.
[23:06] <Lady Hale> Good to hear.
[23:30] *** Noble has left #suburbansenshi2 (sleeping it off)
[23:37] *** Grace has left #suburbansenshi2 (stays close to noble)
[23:38] <Lady Hale> Well, Orion's gonna be in for quite the tale when he sees this.
[23:47] <Megan O`Cain> Indeed.
[23:55] <Lady Hale> Anyway, I must be headed home. Take care.
[23:55] *** Lady Hale [BlindButInsightful@Celestia.hv] has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:57] <Megan O`Cain> Later, Hale.
[00:15] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Matsumi Kaze
[00:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Remember: A Suburban Senshi A Day Helps You Work, Rest and Play.
[00:15] * Matsumi Kaze walks in from the garage area, holding a TON of bags
[00:17] <Megan O`Cain> Need a hand, Matsumi?
[00:18] <Matsumi Kaze> nope I've got it!
[00:19] <Megan O`Cain> Okay. So, what's up?
[00:19] <Matsumi Kaze> went shopping!
[00:22] <Matsumi Kaze> lots of shopping!
[00:25] <Megan O`Cain> Heh. Sounds like you had a fun time.
[00:35] <Matsumi Kaze> well I was with several other people so it was very fun
[00:42] <Megan O`Cain> Of course.
[00:42] <Megan O`Cain> Been up to anything else?
[00:44] <Matsumi Kaze> nope..been shopping all day
[00:44] <Matsumi Kaze> love this holiday!
[00:45] <Megan O`Cain> I'll bet.
[00:49] <Matsumi Kaze> if you excuse me..have to head upstairs!
[00:50] <Megan O`Cain> Sure.
[00:50] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*heads upstairs*)
[00:53] *** Joanna Smithson has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Joanna Smithson
[00:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where typos are a fine art
[00:53] * Joanna Smithson walks downstairs, looking over a note
[00:54] <Joanna Smithson> huh...
[01:11] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Joanna. What's up?
[01:13] <Joanna Smithson> just got in invite to attend some charity thing
[01:19] <Joanna Smithson> some sort of..fight thing I guess
[01:19] <Megan O`Cain> Oh? Who's hosting?
[01:20] <Joanna Smithson> um..some children's foundation or something
[01:20] <Joanna Smithson> I'm allowed to invite a few other people to it it looks like
[01:21] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm. Could be interesting.
[01:24] <Megan O`Cain> When is the charity fight?
[01:27] <Joanna Smithson> next month it looks like
[01:29] * Megan O`Cain nods
[01:29] <Joanna Smithson> I better get some sleep....seeya
[01:29] *** Joanna Smithson has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:29] <Megan O`Cain> Night.
[01:30] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Time for bed.)
[13:20] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:20] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Eliza McIntash
[13:20] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Bring them HERE... for Interrogation!
[13:20] * Eliza McIntash looks around, and makes sure nobody is about.
[13:20] <Eliza McIntash> <.<
[13:20] <Eliza McIntash> >.>
[13:21] * Eliza McIntash dances, or does her best to!
[13:21] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 13 ]
[13:21] * Eliza McIntash does dance! Phenomenally! She smiles with surprise and happiness as she pirouettes and flourishes across the rooms and hallways inside the HOTEL. ^_^
[13:22] <Eliza McIntash> I can do it! I can't believe it! I can do it after all!
[13:29] * Eliza McIntash leaps toward a statue pedestal, dancing.
[13:29] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 1 ]
[13:30] * Eliza McIntash grabs it, but then stumbles gracelessly, barely recovering before she falls.
[13:30] * Eliza McIntash doesn't give up, though, and keeps trying!
[13:30] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 16 ]
[13:31] * Eliza McIntash continues, doing very very well, as though she has danced for thousands of days in her life, instead of only one.
[14:27] * Eliza McIntash is away 
[14:52] *** Erica Fontaine has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Erica Fontaine
[14:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The Outlet it's safe to stick your things into.
[14:52] * Erica Fontaine works on the tree a bit ^^
[15:20] * DD_Girl_Green helps out with Tree decoration on her floor.
[15:21] * Joanna Smithson is flying up to the top of the tree and decorating up there
[15:32] * DD_Girl_Green hangs some nutcrackers that look like members of her family on the tree, close together.
[15:33] * DD_Girl_Green flies down to the youma sofa to read a story to her children, who are sleeping.
[16:32] * someone starts stealing ornaments from the lower branches of the tree
[17:01] * Umiko looks at the pile of shiny things she's taken :D
[17:06] * Nelius Raoul materializes behind his niece. "Having fun, Umeko?"
[17:07] * Umeko shows Raoul the shiny things!
[17:08] <Nelius Raoul> Hmhmhmhm♫
[17:12] <Nelius Raoul> Guess that answers that.
[17:19] <Umeko> ^^
[17:19] * Umeko is a very happy three year old right now
[17:30] <Nelius Raoul> (I can already see the fun to be had once Monica gets a chance to meet her....)
[17:32] * Umeko makes herself a little pile of shiny things ^^
[18:43] * Nelius Raoul keeps an eye on his niece.
[18:53] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[18:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: It's like kicking a puppy. But when the puppy can't be trained and keeps peeing everywhere.
[18:54] <Megan O`Cain> Hi there.
[18:54] <Nelius Raoul> Hey.
[19:00] <Megan O`Cain> How's it going?
[19:00] <Nelius Raoul> All's good.
[19:01] <Megan O`Cain> Awesome.
[19:05] <Megan O`Cain> So, what's new?
[19:23] <Nelius Raoul> Not a whole lot at the moment.
[19:32] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[19:44] * Megan O`Cain finds herself a seat on a sofa
[19:57] <Umeko> (( starting the reading in a bit ))
[21:07] *** Haru E [Shura.SpannerinDWorks@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Haru E
[21:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Defying the Laws of Physics Daily.
[21:08] * Haru E drifts on downstairs, Lyz on her shoulder. "Hey everybody!"
[21:11] <Megan O`Cain> Hi, Haru and Lyz.
[21:13] <Haru E> Hey Megan.
[21:14] * DD_Girl_Green decorates the tree with her kids
[21:14] <Megan O`Cain> How are you two doing?
[21:18] <Haru E> All's good.
[21:19] <Megan O`Cain> Awesome.
[21:27] * DD_Girl_Green tickles Mira's and Beryl's Bellies.
[21:32] * Megan O`Cain gets herself a bottle of beer
[21:40] <DD_Girl_Green> Be careful with that beer bottle!
[21:41] * Lyz lifts off Haru's shoulder and flits over to Umeko.
[21:41] <Megan O`Cain> Green, don't worry. It's not going into the tykes' hands.
[21:42] <DD_Girl_Green> It's not that
[21:43] * DD_Girl_Red [small] is swimming in the beer bottle @__@.
[21:45] <Megan O`Cain> Seriously? How did she even get IN a sealed bottle in the first place?
[21:48] <Megan O`Cain> I mean it. How?
[21:49] <DD_Girl_Red> I jumped in when you were'nt looking @__@ *hic*
[21:50] <Lyz> What an idiot. That's a good way to get killed.
[21:51] * Umeko looks at Lyz :O
[21:52] * Megan O`Cain gets herself a fresh bottle of beer, "[God damn moron.]"
[21:57] * Lyz looks at Umeko.
[21:57] *** Umeko is four year old girl with short messy brown hair and brown eyes. She has racoon ears and a tail. She likes shiny things.
Her image Song is: .

[22:00] * Megan O`Cain looks over to Umeko, and gives her a friendly wave
[22:00] * Umeko hides!
[22:02] <Megan O`Cain> Awww.
[22:02] <DD_Girl_Green> hmm.
[22:03] * DD_Girl_Green pulls out something shiny and lays it on the floor.
[22:08] * DD_Girl_Green jingles it to make a jingling bell noise.
[22:08] * Nelius Raoul is still keeping a wary eye on Umeko.
[22:09] <Umeko> O_O
[22:09] * Umeko creeps forward
[22:10] * DD_Girl_Green jingles it some more, softly.
[22:11] * Umeko moves a bit closer
[22:11] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Nelius?
[22:11] <DD_Girl_Green> that's right, come here, I won't hurt you.
[22:12] * DD_Girl_Green jingles it some more
[22:12] * Umeko moves forward, staring at the shiny thing
[22:13] <Nelius Raoul> Hm?
[22:15] * DD_Girl_Green keeps jingling the bells.
[22:16] <Megan O`Cain> She seemed a bit shy, didn't she?
[22:18] * Umeko moves even closer
[22:18] <DD_Girl_Green> Want me to pet you?
[22:19] * Umeko blinks at that
[22:19] <Nelius Raoul> It's how she's always been. She takes her time to understand people.
[22:20] * DD_Girl_Green uses one hand to pet Umeko while she keeps jingling the bell with her other hand.
[22:20] <Umeko> ><
[22:20] * Umeko doesn't like the petting!
[22:22] * DD_Girl_Green stops and continues jingling the bell.
[22:23] <Haru E> (At least Green's learning.)
[22:24] * DD_Girl_Green hands a paper and pen to umeko.
[22:24] * Umeko starts to cry
[22:24] <DD_Girl_Green> can you make a christms list?
[22:24] <DD_Girl_Green> huh?
[22:25] * DD_Girl_Green stops jingling.
[22:25] <Haru E> ....seriously, Green? She's only four years old.
[22:25] <DD_Girl_Green> we were taught to write at 2 years.
[22:27] <Nelius Raoul> And what made you think a raccoon youkai would suddenly stop playing just to begin writing a list?
[22:28] * DD_Girl_Green turns to the racoon Youkai.
[22:28] <DD_Girl_Green> Want the bell?
[22:28] * Umeko is crying, all scared
[22:28] * Umeko blinks and nods
[22:29] * DD_Girl_Green gives the bell to umeko.
[22:29] <DD_Girl_Green> Want more for christmas?
[22:29] * Umeko giggles and puts the bell in her shiny pile!
[22:30] * DD_Girl_Green writes down "Bells for a racoon youkai"
[22:31] <DD_Girl_Green> Anyone want to make their own list?
[22:33] <Megan O`Cain> No thanks.
[22:35] <DD_Girl_Green> ok, so family gifts and gifts for a racook Youkai
[22:43] * Megan O`Cain digs into a pocket, and pulls out a shiny, silver plated coin
[22:47] * Umeko lbinks
[22:48] <Megan O`Cain> Would like this, little one?
[22:48] <Megan O`Cain> ^Would you
[22:50] * Umeko nods!
[22:50] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[22:50] * Matsumi Kaze walks upstairs, wiping her brow and drinking from a water bottle
[22:52] <DD_Girl_Green> hi, Matsumi.
[22:52] <DD_Girl_Green> do you want something for christmas that we didn't get from shopping?
[22:53] <Matsumi Kaze> huh...I'd have to think
[22:55] <DD_Girl_Green> did you wrap up gem's and mira's presents?
[22:57] * Megan O`Cain holds out the coin to Umeko
[22:58] * Umeko runs over to the coin :D
[22:58] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[22:58] <Lyz> (And like that, Umeko's happy again.)
[22:59] <Megan O`Cain> Go right ahead. You can have this coin. ^_^
[23:17] * Megan O`Cain has the coin in her hand for Umeko to take
[23:20] * Umeko adds the coin to her shiny pile!
[23:21] * Megan O`Cain smiles warmly to Umeko, "Growing quite the collection, aren't you?"
[23:22] <DD_Girl_Green> how big is the collection?
[23:27] <Haru E> Depends-- you talking the one here, or the one she likely has at home?
[23:27] <DD_Girl_Green> both.
[23:36] <Haru E> You'd likely have to ask Kanri about that. (Speaking of which, who's looking after Umeko tonight?)
[23:38] * Umeko perks her ears up and looks around
[23:40] <Nelius Raoul> Something up, Umeko?
[23:42] <Megan O`Cain> Hm?
[23:42] <DD_Girl_Green> huh?
[23:43] <Freya Felinus> are you ready for bed, Umeko?
[23:44] * Umeko nods ^^
[23:44] * Umeko runs over and leaps into Freya's arms!
[23:45] <DD_Girl_Green> she's yours, freya?
[23:48] <Megan O`Cain> Oh, evening, Freya.
[23:49] <Freya Felinus> one of my grandchildren
[23:51] <Freya Felinus> she's staying over tonight
[23:53] <DD_Girl_Green> she's sweet
[23:54] <Freya Felinus> she is...but it's late and she should go to bed
[23:56] * Umeko waves goodnight!
[23:57] <DD_Girl_Green> night little one
[23:57] <Nelius Raoul> Rest well, you two.
[23:58] <Megan O`Cain> Good night, little one and Freya.
[23:59] *** Umeko has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:59] *** Freya Felinus has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:59] * DD_Girl_Green tickles Mira and beryl.
[00:00] * DD_Girl_Green picks them up.
[00:06] <DD_Girl_Green> Wanna watch rudolph for a bit?
[00:06] * Baby Mira yawns and rubs her face ><
[00:07] <DD_Girl_Green> aww, you're both sleepy.
[00:07] <DD_Girl_Green> ok, let me take you two up to bed.
[00:08] * DD_Girl_Green goes up the elevator
[00:08] * DD_Girl_Green has moved to: [ 1710 ]
[00:08] * Baby Mira has moved to: [ 1710 ]
[00:09] * Baby Beryl has moved to: [ 1710 ]
[00:09] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] sets the two children down in their crib.
[00:09] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] Want a bedtime story?
[00:10] * Baby Mira [1710] is already asleep
[00:11] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] aww, she's already asleep.
[00:11] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] givs Mira and beryl their teddy bears
[00:14] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] sits on her bed, and pus on a few christmas shows.
[00:16] *** Lyz [tinyfae@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Gettin' sleepy. Seeya again.)
[00:17] *** Haru E [Shura.SpannerinDWorks@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*Off to bed*)
[00:17] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] you awake, honey?
[00:19] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Lyz and Haru.
[00:26] <Caligo> [Devil] yes
[00:26] * Caligo has moved to: [ 1710 ]
[00:26] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] what do we haave for the kids' christmas?
[00:35] <Caligo> [1710] i got them a few things
[00:37] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] are they ready for solid food yet?
[00:40] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] hands the gift wrap to caligo.
[00:41] * Caligo has moved to: [ 1710 ]
[00:41] * Caligo [1710] work son wrapping the gifts
[00:43] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] hangs some of the ornaments on the tree in their apartment
[00:46] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] hands Caligo bows and ribbons, and helps out with the wrapping.
[00:50] <Nelius Raoul> (Guess it's time for me to head out.) I'm headed home. Seeya again.
[00:50] *** Nelius Raoul [Overlord.Shura.CreativeChaos@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:59] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] almost finished?
[01:00] <Caligo> [1710] yes
[01:01] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] coming to bed soon?
[01:01] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] walks over to the bed
[01:04] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] puts on "Frosty the Snowman"
[01:07] <Caligo> [1710] I think so
[01:08] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Gotta get some sleep.)
[01:11] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] waits for Caligo to get into bed.
[01:18] * Caligo [1710] gets into bed
[01:19] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] wraps her arms around Caligo
[01:19] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] This christmas season, We'll all be together, the whole family.
[01:24] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] Plus, I found where we can have an Afterparty, sotospeak.
[01:25] * Caligo [1710] nods
[01:26] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] yawns
[01:26] <DD_Girl_Green> [1710] I hope we can all enjoy it.
[01:26] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] lays down on Caligo's chest.
[01:27] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] hugs caligo before going to sleep.
[01:29] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Night honey, zzzzzz ^__^)
[01:39] *** Caligo has left #suburbansenshi2
[10:34] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Eliza McIntash
[10:34] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Please enjoy the Superior Taste of Suburban Senshi
[10:34] <Eliza McIntash> Thanks Chateaux! ^_^
[10:34] * Eliza McIntash climbs to the roof of the building.
[10:34] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 16 ]
[10:35] * Eliza McIntash gets to the top, and dances on the eaves of the house.
[10:35] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 15 ]
[10:35] * Eliza McIntash is phenomenal, and continues to practice for her Nutcracker role.
[10:39] * Aura Smith appears from inside a shadow near the house, watching Eliza
[10:39] *** Aura Smith has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Aura Smith
[10:39] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
[10:45] * Eliza McIntash keeps dancing.
[10:48] * Victoria Smithson watches Eliza
[10:48] * Aura Smith makes some snowballs, and throws them at Eliza
[10:49] * Aura Smith looks at Victoria Smithson.
[10:49] *** Victoria Smithson is girl with soft blond hair tied in tiny twin pigtails and blue eyes. She is the daughter of Joanna Smithson.
Her image Song is: .

[10:50] * Aura Smith offers a snowball to Victoria
[10:51] * Victoria Smithson giggles and takes the snowball
[10:52] * Victoria Smithson throws it...missing Eliza...but punching a hole through several walls
[10:54] <Aura Smith> strong...
[10:54] * Aura Smith makes some more, so she and the kid of a small stash piling up
[10:56] <Aura Smith> I'm Aura. Who're you?
[10:57] <Victoria Smithson> Victoria ^^
[10:57] * Aura Smith lobs another large snowball at Eliza, it soars by high near her as Aura's eyes go slightly white for a moment
[10:59] * Eliza McIntash looks at Aura Smith.
[10:59] *** Aura Smith is a young girl with strangely textured white hair, blue eyes, and tiny freckles all over her light brown-gray skin. She's dressed like a modern street-wise teenager and has a definite New York (Bronx) accent. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: 'Firework' by Katy Perry.

[10:59] <Victoria Smithson> ^^
[10:59] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 1 ]
[11:00] * Eliza McIntash sees the snowball, and tries to dodge it, and stumbles from where she was on the roof...
[11:00] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 13 ]
[11:00] * Eliza McIntash almost falls, but grabs hold of the chiminey instead.
[11:00] * Eliza McIntash frowns, and looks down.
[11:01] * Victoria Smithson waves to eliza ^_^
[11:01] * Eliza McIntash doesn't smile back.
[11:01] <Aura Smith> She's not your friend, is she?
[11:02] <Victoria Smithson> she's auntie's friend
[11:02] <Aura Smith> Auntie?
[11:02] * Eliza McIntash dances on the other eave of the house where the slope of the roof protects her against being seen or targeted by snowballs.
[11:03] * Victoria Smithson nods nods!
[11:05] <Aura Smith> And...:/
[11:06] <Victoria Smithson> huh???
[11:06] <Aura Smith> You want to go after her, or build a fort?
[11:07] <Victoria Smithson> are we playing tag????
[11:09] <Aura Smith> Uh....we could? I guess?
[11:10] <Victoria Smithson> can we play tag with her :D
[11:12] * Eliza McIntash has moved to: [ ??? ]
[11:15] <Aura Smith> I guess not, she went away.
[11:16] <Victoria Smithson> aww D:
[11:17] * Aura Smith starts building a fort around a tree
[11:17] * Victoria Smithson tries to help!
[11:19] * Eliza McIntash is being counterproductive and informing you that he/she/it/whatever is lurking.
[11:20] * Eliza McIntash [???] loud footsteps can suddenly be heard running across the cornice of the roof...
[11:20] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 19 ]
[11:21] <Invisible Person> LEAPS from the roof all the way to the tree, grabbing hold of the thickly snow-covered branch right above Victoria and Aura, and shaking all of the snow loose right over both of them!
[11:22] * Invisible Person is now known as Eliza McIntash
[11:22] * Eliza McIntash has moved to: [ Hanging From Treelimb ]
[11:22] <Eliza McIntash> [Hanging From Treelimb] Payback!
[11:22] <Victoria Smithson> O_O :D
[11:22] <Victoria Smithson> snoooow!
[11:22] <Eliza McIntash> [Hanging From Treelimb] >:D
[11:23] * Aura Smith attempts to dislodge Eliza from the limb and into the fort by shaking the tree branchs vigorously
[11:23] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 15 ]
[11:23] <Aura Smith> See if we can capture her!
[11:23] * Eliza McIntash [Hanging From Treelimb] lets go, does two flips, and lands gracefully in the middle of the fort
[11:23] <Eliza McIntash> [Hanging From Treelimb] Mine now!
[11:24] * Eliza McIntash [Hanging From Treelimb] scoops up some snow and throws it at Aura, who has foolishly abandoned the cover of the snowfort!
[11:24] * Victoria Smithson tries to chase after Eliza ^^
[11:24] * Eliza McIntash has moved to: [ Snowfort ]
[11:30] * Eliza McIntash [Snowfort] keeps the snowfort between her and Victoria, and throws a snowball at her from point blank range.
[11:31] * Victoria Smithson is hit and stumbles back onto her butt in the snow
[11:31] * Eliza McIntash [Snowfort] stops playing, and looks down at her bare feet.
[11:31] <Eliza McIntash> [Snowfort] .....
[11:31] <Eliza McIntash> [Snowfort] Well, this was fun, but I really should go back into Chateaux. I'll get sick if I stay out here, and then Chateaux will be disappointed in me. I suppose I should go ahead and ask her for some more clothes.
[11:31] *** Eliza McIntash has moved back to the livingroom
[11:32] * Eliza McIntash takes a blanket, snuggles up on the couch, and sticks her cold feet between two of the couch cushions.
[11:32] <Eliza McIntash> Home sweet home! <3
[11:32] <Victoria Smithson> awww
[11:34] * Eliza McIntash drinks hot cider.
[11:40] <Eliza McIntash> Mmmmmm.
[11:40] * Eliza McIntash sniffles, but slowly warms up.
[11:46] * Aura Smith finishes up the fort
[11:51] <Victoria Smithson> ^^
[12:03] * Aura Smith shapes the fort a little with some air
[12:04] * Victoria Smithson starts to make a snowman!
[12:21] * Aura Smith zipps her old puffer jacket up a little higher
[12:21] <Aura Smith> Don't you get cold, kid?
[12:21] * Victoria Smithson is dressed in her winter coat
[12:22] * Victoria Smithson nods nods
[12:27] * Aura Smith sits with her back to the house, and pulls out a baggie full of cookies nad brownies she's taken from the restaurant
[12:28] * Victoria Smithson wanders over and looks at the cookies and brownies!
[12:29] * Aura Smith takes one out and tosses Victoria the bag
[12:30] * Victoria Smithson catches :D
[12:33] <Aura Smith> You can fight cold with food, but not sleep, k? Don't go to sleep out here.
[12:36] <Victoria Smithson> ok!
[12:38] * Aura Smith looks in a window to see if Eliza's still inside
[12:49] * Eliza McIntash left some time ago.
[13:13] * Aura Smith winks at Victoria, and melts into the shadow cast by the side of the building
[13:13] * Aura Smith is away 
[13:14] * Victoria Smithson runs back inside ^^
[17:05] *** Burroughs [DataMistress.TokyoGoddess@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Burroughs
[17:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> PSA:Awesome things will happen today if everyone chooses not to be a miserable cow.
[17:05] * Burroughs pops in.
[17:10] <Burroughs> Hello?
[17:14] * Sarah Christensson has put out christmas cookies
[17:16] <Burroughs> Hey there Sarah.
[17:21] <Sarah Christensson> oh hello burroughs ^^
[18:09] <Burroughs> How do?
[18:10] <Sarah Christensson> oh I'm fine..yourself???
[18:12] <Burroughs> All's well on my end of the cosmos.
[18:32] <Sarah Christensson> oh good!
[18:52] <Burroughs> Man, where is everyone?
[18:59] <Sarah Christensson> oh Matsumi is practicing I know that
[18:59] <Sarah Christensson> I think everyone else is preparing with the holiday ^^
[19:00] <Burroughs> Fair enough.
[19:01] <Sarah Christensson> are you prepared?
[19:02] <Burroughs> Yep.
[19:08] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: True Typing Violence
[19:08] <Megan O`Cain> Hi, guys.
[19:09] <Sarah Christensson> oh hello there!
[19:09] <Burroughs> Hey Megan.
[19:09] <Megan O`Cain> How are you two doing this evening?
[19:10] <Burroughs> All's good with me.
[19:10] <Chiyoko Shinkaze> hey all!
[19:11] *** Chiyoko Shinkaze has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:11] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chiyoko Shinkaze
[19:11] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The enemy of Dialup
[19:11] * Chiyoko Shinkaze is wiping her hands on a towel
[19:12] <Burroughs> Hey Chiyoko. What's the good word?
[19:12] *** x is bored so it's ask x / the sub sen anything night in ss3
[19:20] <Megan O`Cain> Hey there.
[20:07] <Megan O`Cain> Boy we got quiet rather fast.
[20:08] <Burroughs> Yep. Just not a lot to talk about at this moment in time.
[20:08] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[21:01] * Megan O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa
[23:19] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[23:19] * Matsumi Kaze walks in in her pajamas!
[23:19] * Burroughs waves to Matsumi.
[23:20] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi!
[23:22] <Matsumi Kaze> hi!
[23:23] <Megan O`Cain> How are you?
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> eh ok I guess!
[23:27] <Megan O`Cain> That's good to hear!
[23:29] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[23:37] <Megan O`Cain> So, what's been going on?
[23:38] <Matsumi Kaze> not much!
[23:40] * Megan O`Cain nods
[00:15] * Matsumi Kaze yawns ><
[00:16] *** Burroughs [DataMistress.TokyoGoddess@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*Off to recompile... I still need to fix that Samoflange*)
[00:18] <Megan O`Cain> Tired, Matsumi?
[00:18] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah a bit ><
[00:30] <Megan O`Cain> I think I'm gonna turn in for the night. Take care.
[00:30] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Time for some sleep.)
[00:58] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to bed)
[09:30] * The Necromantress appears in the lobby, hanging a decoration on the tree "I'm dreaming of a wight christmas, just like the ones I used to know. Where tomb tops glisten, and adventurers listen, to screams as my undead armies grow~"
[10:26] * Caligo [1710] puts a few...odd..decorations on the tree
[10:27] *** Caligo has moved back to the livingroom
[10:33] *** Caligo has left #suburbansenshi2 (heads out)
[10:38] <The Necromantress> heheh
[18:10] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:10] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, DD_Girl_Green
[18:10] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The enemy of Dialup
[18:13] * DD_Girl_Green [1710] sits on a sofa with Mira and Beryl
[18:13] *** DD_Girl_Green has moved back to the livingroom
[18:21] <DD_Girl_Green> Sarah?
[18:27] <DD_Girl_Green> Honey?
[18:28] <DD_Girl_Green> Matsumi? Where are you?
[18:31] <+luna_P> i 473 H3r [I ate her]
[18:32] <DD_Girl_Green> n0, j00 d1dn'7 [No, You Didn't]
[18:33] <DD_Girl_Green> Those internet lessons are paying off a bit.
[18:33] * Matsumi Kaze kicks inside Luna_P ><
[18:34] <+luna_P> j00 5ux0r 47 1337 [you suck at l33t]
[18:34] * luna_P 5pi75 0u7 m475umi [/me spits out matsumi]
[18:35] * Baby Beryl [1710] crawls and picks up grandma :D
[18:35] *** Baby Beryl has moved back to the livingroom
[18:36] * DD_Girl_Green forces Luna_P to watch THIS
[18:36] <DD_Girl_Green> (( Wrong link, it'll be This YTP instead. ))
[18:37] * luna_P H45 pH34573d 0n 73H 50u1 0pH /b/, 7Hi5 i5 n07Hing [/me has feasted on the soul of /b/, this is nothing]
[18:37] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh @_@
[18:37] * Baby Beryl hugs Grandma :D
[18:43] *** Sakuya Izayoi [PerfectandElegant Maid@EnclaveFedCom.Net (pirated)] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Sakuya Izayoi
[18:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Deconstructing Magical Girls since 2002
[18:44] * Sakuya Izayoi smiles and bows elegantly to everyone present. ^__^
[18:45] * Little Youma Vines pop up from behind the couch and slink up to Sakuya's Fluffy tails.
[18:45] <Burroughs> (( Wow you've got the wrong person entirely. ))
[18:45] <Sakuya Izayoi> :O
[18:46] * Sakuya Izayoi has no fluffy tails. She's a human maid! "Eeeeeeeyaaaah!!"
[18:46] <Little Youma Vines> No Fluffy! :(
[18:46] * Little Youma Vines retreat
[18:46] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:46] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Nat
[18:46] <@Chateaux Concierge> Aww. You bring out the sarcasm in me~ <3
[18:46] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[18:47] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Sakuya Izayoi is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[18:47] <Sakuya Izayoi> Be careful, littlest one! There are pervy vine lurking hereabouts!
[18:47] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[18:48] * Chibi-Nat starts to look around nervously.
[18:48] * Little Youma Vines start to slink around, looking for fluffy tails
[18:48] * Chibi-Nat has three little fuzzy tails. She's still too young to have thick tails like her siblings.
[18:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh.....why luna p..why
[18:49] * Baby Beryl continues hugging grandma :D
[18:49] *** Sarah Christensson has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:49] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Sarah Christensson
[18:49] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Your Default Love Choice
[18:49] * Sarah Christensson walks over and picks up Beryl
[18:50] <Baby Beryl> :O
[18:50] <Sakuya Izayoi> Good evening, Miss Sarah
[18:50] * Little Youma Vines pulls Chibi-Nat!
[18:50] <Sakuya Izayoi> And to you too, little Beryl.
[18:50] * Chibi-Nat squeaks as she's caught! :O
[18:50] *** Pinako [Cookies@Cookies.Cookies :D] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Pinako
[18:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You must put your foot down with a firm hand
[18:51] * Pinako pops out, holding Chibi-Nat with her vines :D
[18:51] <Sarah Christensson> we need to get you ready, beryl!
[18:51] <Chibi-Nat> You!
[18:51] * Baby Beryl coos
[18:51] <Pinako> Fluffy :D
[18:51] <Sakuya Izayoi> You have something special planned for this evening?
[18:52] <Chibi-Nat> :3
[18:52] <DD_Girl_Green> Oh, the play, right?
[18:54] * Chibi-Nat bats at Pinako's vines with her hands. :D
[18:55] * Pinako tickles Chibi-Nat
[18:56] <Sarah Christensson> no not the play!
[18:56] <Sarah Christensson> it's st lucia's day ^^
[18:56] <Sarah Christensson> have to get the little ones ready ^^
[18:56] <Sakuya Izayoi> A special holiday?
[18:56] <Sakuya Izayoi> I have never heard of this day.
[18:56] * Chibi-Nat giggles and trills as she's tickled.
[18:57] <DD_Girl_Green> What about Mira?
[18:58] * Baby Beryl giggles.
[18:59] <Sarah Christensson> she's already getting ready :)
[19:00] <Sakuya Izayoi> I am curious to hear more.
[19:00] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Suburban Senshi has achieved the Iso Motion
[19:00] * DD_Girl_Green looks around for mira, as she had her about 45 minutes ago.
[19:01] <Pinako> Fluffy :D
[19:02] <Megan O`Cain> Hi, guys.
[19:02] <Chibi-Nat> HEeeeeeeeee!
[19:02] <Sakuya Izayoi> Greetings Miss Megan. May I assist you with anything this evening?
[19:03] <Sarah Christensson> well I better get Beryl all ready ^^
[19:03] <Sarah Christensson> the ceremony will be on Floor 16!
[19:03] <Megan O`Cain> Not at the moment, Sakuya. How've you been?
[19:03] <Baby Beryl> :D
[19:03] * Baby Beryl clings to Great-great-Grandma :D
[19:04] <Sakuya Izayoi> I've been well. Things are calm for the most part back home besides Tewi being a nuisance.
[19:04] <Megan O`Cain> Ah. Nothing new going on back home?
[19:05] <Sarah Christensson> anyone interested in attending..please come upstairs in about a hour!
[19:05] <Sakuya Izayoi> Tewi was rushing around crying "The wolf is coming!" "The wolf is coming" all day today and all day yesterday.
[19:05] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[19:05] <Pinako> O_O
[19:06] <Pinako> Twiw-wewi?
[19:06] <Sakuya Izayoi> Yes. Her.
[19:06] <Megan O`Cain> Really? She's becoming the "Rabbit-Youkai Who Cried Wolf" all of a sudden?
[19:07] * Sarah Christensson heads upstairs
[19:07] * Baby Beryl is away 
[19:08] <Sakuya Izayoi> Then Kagerou came up behind her and started hugging her.
[19:08] <Sakuya Izayoi> And then she was crying "The wolf is here!!!!"
[19:09] * Sarah Christensson is away 
[19:09] <Chibi-Nat> :3
[19:10] <Megan O`Cain> Mind explaining that one, Sakuya? Tewi is afraid of Kagerou?
[19:12] <Burroughs> Well, considering that wolves eat rabbits, and Tewi is kind of a jerk....
[19:13] <Sakuya Izayoi> Well...Tewi is a rabbit-youkai and Kagerou is a wolf-youkai.
[19:13] <Chibi-Nat> Who?
[19:13] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[19:13] <Pinako> Om-nom-nom? :D
[19:13] <Sakuya Izayoi> And Tewi is indeed a well-known troublemaker.
[19:14] <Megan O`Cain> If Tewi's that scared, she ought to be careful regarding Carrie. I imagine it would not be a pretty picture.
[19:19] <Sakuya Izayoi> Most likely not.
[19:19] <Chibi-Nat> Carrie!!!! :D
[19:20] <Chibi-Nat> We like Carrie!
[19:20] <Chibi-Nat> =^ ^=
[19:21] <Pinako> She's Fluffy sometimes :D
[19:24] <Megan O`Cain> Yeah.
[19:25] <Chibi-Nat> And silly!
[19:26] * Pinako takes otu a bag of cookies.
[19:29] <Chibi-Nat> Ooooo?
[19:29] <Sakuya Izayoi> Cookies? For you an Natalia?
[19:30] <Pinako> uh-huh :D
[19:31] * Pinako feeds some cookies to chibi-nat
[19:37] <Chibi-Nat> :3
[19:37] * Chibi-Nat nibbles happily!
[19:37] <Sakuya Izayoi> She appears to be quite content now.
[19:37] <Megan O`Cain> Indeed.
[19:43] <Chibi-Nat> :3
[19:44] * Megan O`Cain gives Natalia a playful ruffling of her hair
[19:46] <Chibi-Nat> Heeee!
[19:46] * Chibi-Nat flicks her ears happily.
[19:46] <Chibi-Nat> How you be?
[19:47] <Megan O`Cain> I've been doing pretty good. How about you, silly kit?
[19:52] <Sakuya Izayoi> She's been a crafty Kit.
[19:52] <Chibi-Nat> ^____^
[19:52] <Sakuya Izayoi> And her magical powers continue to impress us all.
[19:55] <Pinako> Oooh :O
[19:57] <Megan O`Cain> Oh really?
[19:57] <Chibi-Nat> ^____^
[19:57] <Pinako> Can you make Fun papers appear? :O
[19:58] <Sakuya Izayoi> Yes. She has a tremendous amount of magical energy within her. So much so that the Ghost Foxes themselves are assisting with siphoning it from her.
[19:58] <Sakuya Izayoi> In fact, it's none other than Librarian Alexianna who drains some of Natalia's energy while she's sleeping.
[19:58] <Megan O`Cain> Huh.
[19:59] <Sakuya Izayoi> This helps prevent Natalia from unconsciously manifesting spells by accident.
[20:00] <Pinako> Can you make Mr. David into a fluffy? :O
[20:00] <Megan O`Cain> Makes sense, Sakuya.
[20:03] *** Joanna Smithson has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:03] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Joanna Smithson
[20:03] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: In the name of the Moon, we will Pummel you!!
[20:03] <Joanna Smithson> yo the celebration is ready
[20:03] <Megan O`Cain> Alright, Joanna.
[20:04] <Megan O`Cain> Where do we go?
[20:07] <Joanna Smithson> upstairs..floor 16
[20:08] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[20:08] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Sakuya Izayoi is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[20:08] <Megan O`Cain> Okay.
[20:08] <Sakuya Izayoi> Is it now time?
[20:10] <Joanna Smithson> yeah
[20:11] * Megan O`Cain goes over to the elevator to head up to the 16th floor
[20:11] * Joanna Smithson is away: SS3
[20:11] * Sakuya Izayoi picks up Natalia in her arms and goes upstairs with everyone else.
[20:11] * Sakuya Izayoi is away 
[20:11] * Chibi-Nat is away 
[20:11] * Megan O`Cain is away: ss3
[20:28] *** Chiyoko Shinkaze has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:28] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chiyoko Shinkaze
[20:28] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Arbitrary in extremis
[20:28] * Chiyoko Shinkaze quick sets up a table and starts putting large amounts of food out
[20:54] *** Sakuya Izayoi [PerfectandElegant Maid@EnclaveFedCom.Net (pirated)] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Sakuya Izayoi
[20:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Tainting Fandom since 2002.
[20:54] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Nat
[20:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Always remember, my darling, that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
[20:55] * Chibi-Nat comes back in, still chewing on her cookies. ^__^
[20:55] * Chiyoko Shinkaze has set a LARGE table filled with food
[20:55] * Megan O`Cain is back
[20:55] <Megan O`Cain> Oh wow. Look at this buffet.
[20:56] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Matsumi Kaze
[20:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Why can't we have kool handles like Superpope?
[20:56] <Matsumi Kaze> oh man it looks great!
[20:57] <The Necromantress> And just what are you mortals celebrateing today?
[20:58] <Sarah Christensson> St Lucia's day ^^
[20:59] <Chibi-Nat> :O
[20:59] <Sakuya Izayoi> Careful there, Natalia. You recently ate and it is nearly time for you to be in bed.
[21:00] * Eilean puts Kyra in a high chair
[21:01] * Delilha Inochi sits down
[21:02] * Haru E and Lyz drift on downstairs. "Hey all--- what's with the spread of food?"
[21:03] * Chibi-Nat waves to Haru and Lyz. :D
[21:03] * Caligo puts Mira and Beryl in high chairs as well
[21:04] <Sakuya Izayoi> A feast in honor of Saint Lucia I believe.
[21:05] <Haru E> Ah.
[21:07] * Joanna Smithson starts to pass around food
[21:10] <Matsumi Kaze> now we get to eat ^^
[21:11] * Megan O`Cain takes some food after sitting down
[21:15] <Megan O`Cain> Certainly looks very good, Matsumi.
[21:15] <Sarah Christensson> so what are your plans for the holidays, megan?
[21:20] * Chibi-Nat yawns
[21:20] <Megan O`Cain> Well, I plan on spending it with family and friends.
[21:20] <Sakuya Izayoi> I believe that is our cue to return home. The littlest Kit is clearly ready for bed.
[21:20] <Haru E> Sleepy kit♫
[21:21] <Chibi-Nat> ^__^
[21:21] * Sakuya Izayoi picks up Natalia in her arms and bows to everyone once more. "Good night to you all. I look forward to visiting with you again soon."
[21:22] <Chibi-Nat> =^ ^=
[21:22] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Gah!")
[21:22] *** Sakuya Izayoi [PerfectandElegant Maid@EnclaveFedCom.Net (pirated)] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Need I say more?)
[21:34] <Sarah Christensson> oh wonderful!
[21:35] <Lyz> ??
[21:39] <Megan O`Cain> What about you, Sarah?
[21:40] <Sarah Christensson> same!
[21:40] <Sarah Christensson> I'm sure it will be great ^^
[21:45] <Megan O`Cain> Of course.
[21:46] * Matsumi Kaze eats happily ^^
[22:01] * Kyra reaches for food :D
[22:01] * Freya Felinus chats, drinking a little
[22:02] <Megan O`Cain> Hello, Freya.
[22:18] <Freya Felinus> hello Megan
[22:18] <Freya Felinus> girls...don't play with your food
[22:19] * The Felinus Twins stops playing
[22:25] <Megan O`Cain> How have you been lately?
[22:30] <Freya Felinus> I have been well..getting work done
[22:32] <Megan O`Cain> That's good to hear. Hopefully the little ones haven't been too much of a handful.
[22:38] <Freya Felinus> .....handful is my children's second names
[22:38] * Megan O`Cain chuckles a bit
[22:40] <Lyz> :3
[22:50] <Megan O`Cain> So, what sort of work have you been doing, Freya?
[22:50] <Freya Felinus> work on the new school..on the theater......
[22:53] * Megan O`Cain nods
[23:06] <Freya Felinus> it's going smoothly
[23:06] <Megan O`Cain> Awesome.
[23:28] * Chiyoko Shinkaze brings out dessert
[23:40] <Megan O`Cain> Niiiice. Looks so delicious.
[23:42] <Chiyoko Shinkaze> enjoy ^^
[23:46] * Megan O`Cain takes some dessert
[23:51] <Lyz> Om nom nom nom♡
[23:55] <Megan O`Cain> What's been going on with you, Haru and Lyz?
[23:59] <Haru E> Same stuff, different day.
[00:00] <Lyz> It's business as usual.
[00:03] * Chiyoko Shinkaze starts to remove empty plates...
[00:05] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[00:13] *** Lyz [tinyfae@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*Off to bed. Night all*)
[00:13] *** Haru E [Shura.SpannerinDWorks@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (^)
[00:22] * Eilean and Caligo take their children and head to bed
[00:33] * Eilean and Caligo head to their spouses
[00:57] *** Eilean has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:26] <Megan O`Cain> Well, that was quite the night.
[01:26] <Matsumi Kaze> yup! *yawn*
[01:28] <Megan O`Cain> The ceremony Sarah put on was really neat.
[01:32] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah..well I need to get some sleep
[01:32] <Matsumi Kaze> night!
[01:32] <Megan O`Cain> Night!
[01:35] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Off to bed. Sleepytime!)
[01:35] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[10:36] *** Aura Smith has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Aura Smith
[10:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Remember. Suburban Senshi trusts the Pusher Robot
[10:37] * Aura Smith trudges in from the resort wrapped in a puffy winter coat that's far too big for her
[10:37] *** Victoria Smithson has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Victoria Smithson
[10:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We know DRAMA.
[10:37] * Victoria Smithson is playing under the christmas tree ^^
[10:39] <Aura Smith> Yo, kid.
[10:40] * Aura Smith leaves the coat on the floor near the closet
[10:40] <Victoria Smithson> hi-hi!!!
[10:40] * Victoria Smithson waves ^^
[10:42] * Aura Smith sits down near the tree, but doesn't look too much at the anything that may be under it
[10:45] <Victoria Smithson> ^^
[10:46] <Aura Smith> What are you doing?
[10:47] <Victoria Smithson> playing ^^
[10:48] <Aura Smith> With what?
[10:49] * Victoria Smithson shows her stuffed animal!
[10:50] <Aura Smith> Nice.
[10:59] <Victoria Smithson> heeee
[10:59] <Aura Smith> Your people let you go around on your own a lot, it looks like.
[11:02] <Victoria Smithson> gammys around :D
[11:05] <Aura Smith> Oh.
[11:06] <Victoria Smithson> mmhm!
[11:09] * Aura Smith subtley casts a few furtive glances around
[11:10] <Victoria Smithson> sumething wrong?
[11:14] <Aura Smith> No.
[11:16] <Victoria Smithson> okies!
[11:16] <Victoria Smithson> :D
[11:16] <Victoria Smithson> the tree is really big!
[11:17] <Aura Smith> It is...
[11:21] <Aura Smith> Did you help decorate it?
[11:22] <Victoria Smithson> yeah! I did that one! *points to a ornament waaay high up the tree*
[11:23] * Aura Smith peers up at it
[11:26] * the ornament is VERY high up the tree...
[11:38] * Aura Smith sighs, and a pair of wings appear on her back so she can go up to look at it
[11:40] * Victoria Smithson flies up after Aura ^^
[11:48] * Aura Smith can presumably see the ornament now?
[11:49] * Victoria Smithson points to a home made ornament out of construction paper and crayons
[11:49] <Victoria Smithson> I made that :D
[11:59] <Aura Smith> It's um...very pretty!
[11:59] <Victoria Smithson> thank you!
[11:59] * Victoria Smithson flies around the tree happily
[12:00] * Aura Smith goes back down, and the wings disappear
[12:01] * Victoria Smithson flies down
[12:04] * A vine lined with many beautiful flowers emerge from a corner of the lobby, and begin adding a few decorations here and there to the tree.
[12:08] <Victoria Smithson> :O
[12:09] * The vine then folds into itself, forming a small golem-like construct.... which begins dancing!
[12:11] * Victoria Smithson claps ^^
[12:11] * Aura Smith just watches, a bit suspicious
[12:14] * Victoria Smithson awtches the vine!
[12:18] * Aura Smith pokes it with a stick
[12:27] <Victoria Smithson> what is it :O
[12:35] <Aura Smith> Plant!
[12:37] <Victoria Smithson> its dancing :D
[12:40] <Aura Smith> Maybe it is, maybe it's just out to get you.
[12:42] <Victoria Smithson> get me???
[12:45] <Aura Smith> You know, people who take kids?
[12:46] <Victoria Smithson> why would they do that :O
[12:50] <Aura Smith> Cause they do. Most people are just selfish, but some are bad.
[12:50] <Victoria Smithson> mama fights bad people!
[12:51] * The vine keeps on dancing♫
[12:55] * Aura Smith pokes it again with the yardstick she found randomly laying around
[13:06] * The vine is poked. It keeps on dancing and making merry♫
[13:08] <Aura Smith> :/
[13:11] * Victoria Smithson blinks
[13:20] <Aura Smith> So, uh...weird.
[13:23] * Aura Smith 's stomach rumbles loudly
[13:23] <Aura Smith> ><
[13:26] * Aura Smith goes over toward the restaurant to see what they have today
[13:44] * Aura Smith comes back with a really pretty-looking plate of colored sandwiches
[14:07] * Aura Smith is away: food and sleep
[15:27] * Anesha wanders in and sees the dancing vine. "So that's where you ran off to."
[15:27] * Anesha walks over and collects it, heading back out.
[16:36] * looks at Anesha.
[16:36] *** Anesha is a 5'7" succubus demon with blazing red hair and orange eyes. The younger half-sister to Eoria, she's traveled across many a dimension and has a surprising knack for botany and plant control. Ever see a cactus punch someone before?
Her image Song is: .

[17:08] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Matsumi Kaze
[17:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: There is still someone out there... fapping.
[17:08] * Matsumi Kaze walks in and grabs her dance bag
[17:11] * Matsumi Kaze is away: practice time!
[18:00] *** Burroughs [DataMistress.TokyoGoddess@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Burroughs
[18:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Suburban Senshi asks: Would a Chibiusa Pictorial be 'Sporenography?'
[18:00] * Burroughs pops in. "Hello?"
[18:01] <Victoria Smithson> hi hi!
[18:02] <Burroughs> Hey there, Vicky~
[18:03] <Victoria Smithson> hiii ^^
[18:05] <Burroughs> What's new with you?
[18:09] <Victoria Smithson> nuthing
[18:31] <Victoria Smithson> ^^
[18:37] <Burroughs> Heh.
[18:44] <Victoria Smithson> ^^
[18:52] *** has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening,
[18:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Bah-weep-graaaghnah, wheep ni ni bong!!
[18:52] * comes out of the elevator
[18:52] * Alta Liana ^
[18:53] <Victoria Smithson> hiiii!
[18:57] <Alta Liana> Hi Vicki
[18:57] * Alta Liana goes over to see what Vicki's doing
[19:00] * Victoria Smithson is eating a cookie!
[19:02] * Victoria Smithson offers a cookie to Alta!
[19:03] * Alta Liana looks and smells to determine what kind and what's in them
[19:03] * Victoria Smithson is holding a gingerbread cookie!
[19:05] * Alta Liana takes one and cautiously tries it
[19:06] * Little fox ears pop up nearby
[19:06] *** Chibi-Sylvester [LittleExplorer@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Sylvester
[19:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> I can only be nice to one person a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow's not looking good, either...
[19:07] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-AnTil
[19:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: 'What do you mean that's part of her head?'
[19:07] <Chibi-AnTil> Hello everyone!
[19:07] <Chibi-Sylvester> Hi!
[19:08] <Victoria Smithson> hi!!!!!
[19:08] * Victoria Smithson waves!
[19:08] <Chibi-Sylvester> Hi Vicky!
[19:08] * Chibi-Sylvester goes over to Victoria and drapes his tails over her. ^__^
[19:08] <Chibi-AnTil> And hello you you too, Alta!
[19:09] * Alta Liana moves aside, since she was next to Vicki, nibbling a little on the cookie
[19:10] * Chibi-AnTil hops into one of the chairs and relaxes. ^__^
[19:10] <Alta Liana> Hello
[19:10] * Chibi-Sylvester brushes Alta with his tails too by way of greeting.
[19:10] <Chibi-AnTil> How are you and Victoria doing tonight? Good?
[19:10] <Chibi-AnTil> We heard there were cookies being served last night as part of a ceremony.
[19:10] * Victoria Smithson holds out a plate of ginger bread cookies ^^
[19:11] <Alta Liana> There are always cookies there. *points to the dessert display*
[19:11] <Alta Liana> And at Aunt Sali's!
[19:14] <Chibi-Sylvester> May we have some?
[19:14] * Victoria Smithson nods!
[19:14] <Chibi-AnTil> Those look good. Better hope our sisters aren't around.
[19:14] <Victoria Smithson> Gammy made them!
[19:15] * Chibi-Sylvester takes a few gingerbread cookies and nibbles on them. :3
[19:15] <Chibi-Sylvester> Thank you, Victoria!
[19:15] <Chibi-AnTil> Can we get you both anything in return?
[19:16] *** Renpha Astalion [Trooper011385@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Renpha Astalion
[19:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where Rehab is a four-letter word
[19:16] <Renpha Astalion> O____o
[19:16] * Renpha Astalion staggers into the Lobby and flops over onto one of the couches, looking like she's been put through absolute hell.
[19:17] <Chibi-Sylvester> >__>
[19:17] <Chibi-AnTil> >__>
[19:17] * Alta Liana remembers the envolope she has, and gives it to Vicki. "Mommy wanted you to give this to your mommy."
[19:18] <Chibi-Sylvester> Is that a Christmas card?
[19:18] <Chibi-AnTil> That's right, it's almost that time of the year.
[19:18] <Victoria Smithson> okies!
[19:19] <Alta Liana> It's a letter.
[19:21] * Victoria Smithson takes it!
[19:21] * Chibi-AnTil nods, leaving it at that.
[19:21] * Chibi-Sylvester continues to brush and pat Vicky with his tails. ^__^
[19:23] <Alta Liana> Do they celebrate christmas in space, too?
[19:24] <Alta Liana> Mommy said you've been in space.
[19:24] * Victoria Smithson giggles
[19:28] <Alta Liana> Are there maps of space?
[19:28] <Chibi-AnTil> There are.
[19:28] <Victoria Smithson> :O wooow
[19:28] <Chibi-Sylvester> Quite a few maps, in fact.
[19:28] <Chibi-Sylvester> As for Christmas in space it depends on the place and people.
[19:29] <Chibi-AnTil> All world that have people of any kind have their own special holidays. Many of them are different but they're all interesting.
[19:32] <Alta Liana> I wonder if Zan...
[19:32] <Alta Liana> Maybe he found someone else to play with.
[19:33] <Alta Liana> When they have holidays.
[19:36] <Victoria Smithson> ???
[19:38] <Chibi-AnTil> When is Zan anyway?
[19:38] <Chibi-Sylvester> What's wrong, Vicky?
[19:39] <Alta Liana> Didn't you play with him?
[19:40] <Alta Liana> I don't now, but Mommy does.
[19:40] <Victoria Smithson> nuthing
[19:46] <Alta Liana> It makes her sad, sometimes.
[19:49] <Chibi-AnTil> Awwww
[19:49] <Chibi-Sylvester> Can we do anything to help?
[19:50] <Alta Liana> I don't know.
[19:52] <Chibi-AnTil> Let us know if you think of anything we can do to help though.
[19:52] <Chibi-Sylvester> Because we support all Lupas! ^__^
[20:03] * Burroughs gives Renpha some support by making her crashpad area much more comfortable. If she needs rest, then by all means let's facilitate that slumber~
[20:04] <Alta Liana> What's wrong with her?
[20:04] <Renpha Astalion> more music! Get the f[BLEEP]k away from me Dancey-pants!!!
[20:05] <Burroughs> Seems like nightmares related to her workplace. Let's see if I can soothe those fears away.
[20:07] * Burroughs works her techno-magic to hopefully begin helping Renpha rest much easier.
[20:08] * Renpha Astalion just shudders and twitches.
[20:09] * Alta Liana goes and stands farther away from the strange lady
[20:10] <Chibi-Sylvester> .__>
[20:10] <Chibi-AnTil> That's the weird lady, isn't it?
[20:11] <Renpha Astalion> No! No! Get these damn things offa me! Get 'em off! Getemoff!!!!
[20:13] <Renpha Astalion> F[BLEEP]k you, Bawn-Bawn! I've got a lascarbine this time and I'm not afraid to use it!!
[20:14] * Alta Liana is away: i hope it's not bedtime yet :<
[20:14] <Renpha Astalion> THERZ NO NUMBERZ!!!!!
[20:21] * Victoria Smithson blinks
[20:21] <Chibi-Sylvester> o__o
[20:22] <Chibi-AnTil> Yeah...she's got problems.
[20:22] <Burroughs> You have selected: Exotic Butters~
[20:24] <Renpha Astalion> starts to tremble at the mention of "butters".
[20:25] <Burroughs> (Ok then, no mentioning butter.)
[20:26] <Renpha Astalion> Not my paycheck again! >__<;;;
[20:26] <Chibi-Sylvester> What's she talking about?
[20:27] <Burroughs> ...if I had to wager a guess, it's related to her workplace.
[20:29] <Chibi-AnTil> She works part-time down in Bunker 2.0, doesn't she?
[20:32] <Burroughs> Believe so. She also mentioned working at Freddy Fazbear's once before, though these mumbles of hers seem to be talking of someplace else. Then again, I'm just speculating.
[20:37] <Chibi-Sylvester> Or maybe they changed things in the store?
[20:40] * The Necromantress sits in the corner, eating Void Mayonase on some bread
[20:40] <Burroughs> Possible.
[20:47] * Chibi-AnTil waves to Necromantress.
[20:47] <Chibi-Sylvester> She's still a weirdo.
[20:53] <Victoria Smithson> whas that?
[20:56] <Chibi-Sylvester> A weirdo is someone that acts really strange all the time without making any kind of sense.
[21:02] <Chibi-AnTil> Ooooo! Time for us to go.
[21:02] <Chibi-Sylvester> Will she be okay if she stays here?
[21:02] * Chibi-Sylvester points at Renpha.
[21:05] <Burroughs> I believe she's crashed here before with no ill effects. Even so, I'll arrange something to keep tabs on her.
[21:05] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[21:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Where Predestination Paradox is another four-letter word.
[21:05] <Megan O`Cain> Hey.
[21:08] <Burroughs> Hey Megan. What's the good word?
[21:09] <Chibi-Sylvester> Okay!
[21:10] <Chibi-AnTil> Good night everyone! =^ ^=
[21:10] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("I enjoyed seeing you! ^_^")
[21:10] *** Chibi-Sylvester [LittleExplorer@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Where's this go? :3)
[21:12] <Megan O`Cain> Nothing much, Burroughs. Just relaxing.
[21:18] * Victoria Smithson yawns
[21:20] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[21:20] * Matsumi Kaze walks upstairs "man....what a work out"
[21:21] * The Necromantress keeps eating. Whatever thsat stuff is, it looks gross
[21:26] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi.
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> hey there!
[21:28] <Megan O`Cain> How's it going?
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> eh busy
[21:45] <Megan O`Cain> Yeah? What's going on?
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> practicing the ballet
[21:48] <Megan O`Cain> Ah, okay. Getting any better?
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[22:02] <Megan O`Cain> Nice.
[22:58] * Megan O`Cain stretches a bit
[23:05] * Matsumi Kaze streaches
[23:06] <Megan O`Cain> Bit of a quiet night, isn't it?
[23:07] <Matsumi Kaze> it is
[23:08] * Burroughs pops up in purple face-paint and plate mail. "Make way evil! I'm armed to the teeth and packing a hamster!"
[23:09] <Megan O`Cain> The hell?
[23:10] <Burroughs> Just filling the air with some humor♫
[23:12] <Megan O`Cain> I see. Having fun?
[23:12] <Burroughs> Yep.
[23:17] <Megan O`Cain> That's good.
[23:32] <Matsumi Kaze> heh that's good
[23:55] * Matsumi Kaze yawns
[23:56] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm going to get some sleep...night!
[23:57] <Burroughs> Seeya.
[23:59] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to sleep)
[00:36] <Megan O`Cain> I think I'm gonna head back to my room. Take care.
[00:36] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Good night.)
[17:22] * Burroughs keeps her vigil on Renpha... wherever she might've crawled off to.
[18:25] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:25] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Matsumi Kaze
[18:25] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Awesome Overloaded, please try again later
[18:25] <Matsumi Kaze> hi all
[18:28] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa quiet
[18:30] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[18:31] * Matsumi Kaze gets bundled up in winter gear!
[18:31] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ Outside ]
[18:31] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] goes to make a snowman!
[18:43] * SilverTongue is standing outside, in his normal outfit. Which means no shoes, and barely any shirt
[18:43] * SilverTongue has moved to: [ outside ]
[18:43] <Old Man Harugashi> to see the head of the clan playing like a child *tsk tsk*
[18:43] * Old Man Harugashi has moved to: [ Outside ]
[18:43] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] hey I can have fun!
[18:43] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] oh hey there!
[18:45] <SilverTongue> [outside] Who's the old jerk?
[18:50] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] oh him? he's the groundskeeper for the resort!
[18:52] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] i'm his boss ^^
[18:57] <SilverTongue> [outside] You hire jerks?
[18:58] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] I inherted them
[19:05] <SilverTongue> [outside] ..You inherited a person? I thought slavery was illegal in the human world
[19:05] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] throws a snowball at silver tongue!
[19:06] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] it's......complicated
[19:12] <SilverTongue> [outside] Heh
[19:14] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] starts to make more snowballs
[19:15] *** Gavrison O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Gavrison O`Cain
[19:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Because there is no end and you can never go home again.
[19:15] <Gavrison O`Cain> Hm. Quiet room.
[19:29] * Gavrison O`Cain takes a seat in an armchair
[19:32] * SilverTongue [outside] draws in the snow with a toe
[20:27] * Burroughs pops up. "Hey there."
[20:28] * Eliza McIntash watches them through the window.
[20:31] * Eliza McIntash watches Silvertongue
[20:31] * Eliza McIntash looks at Silvertongue.
[20:31] *** Silvertongue is is a 20ish looking demon with short silver hair, pale skin, yellow eyes, a fluffy wolf tail, fingers with sharp claw, and small horns on his head. His shirt is black and only covers his upper chest. He wears tight fitting pants and no shoes.
His image Song is: Give Me All Your Love.

[20:31] * Eliza McIntash ponders if he is cold out there in the snow, but sees the horns and doubts it.
[20:36] * Eliza McIntash leans against the window, gently, and breathes on the glass.
[20:58] * Eliza McIntash kisses the windowsill, and then goes somewhere else in the building.
[20:58] * Eliza McIntash is away 
[20:58] * Gavrison O`Cain gets himself a mug of hot tea
[21:44] * Haru E and Lyz drift on downstairs.
[21:46] <Gavrison O`Cain> Hey, you two.
[21:47] <Haru E> How do?
[21:48] <Gavrison O`Cain> Doing alright. You?
[21:49] <Haru E> All's good with us.
[21:52] <Gavrison O`Cain> That's good to hear. Store doing alright?
[21:53] <Lyz> Yep.
[21:58] <Gavrison O`Cain> Good.
[22:15] * Lyz stretches out.
[22:23] <Gavrison O`Cain> Bit of a quiet night.
[22:27] <Lyz> Indeed. Not a bad thing, though.
[22:29] <Gavrison O`Cain> Yep. Tea?
[22:30] <Lyz> What kind?
[22:32] <Gavrison O`Cain> Green tea.
[22:33] <Lyz> Ooh, sure♫
[22:34] * Gavrison O`Cain pours Lyz a cup, "Here you go, little one.
[22:37] * Lyz takes with thanks and drinks♫
[22:37] <Gavrison O`Cain> Sure is a nice place Matsumi has here in the mountains.
[22:42] <Haru E> I guess.
[22:45] * Matsumi Kaze pokes her head in
[22:46] <Matsumi Kaze> hey any of you guys up for the sauna?
[22:46] <Haru E> You got a sauna? *<---- has been mainly headed home to the Netherworld after work*
[22:49] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[22:49] <Gavrison O`Cain> Where would it be?
[22:59] <Haru E> Direct us♡
[23:03] <Matsumi Kaze> it's outside but yeah follow me!
[23:06] * Haru E and Lyz stand up, ready for some sauna fun♫
[23:09] * Gavrison O`Cain follows Matsumi
[23:11] * Haru E and Lyz follow as well.
[23:15] * Matsumi Kaze heads out into the snow
[23:20] * Matsumi Kaze heads for a seperate building
[23:22] * Matsumi Kaze heads into the building and grabs a towel
[23:23] * Gavrison O`Cain enters the building, and takes a towel
[23:23] * Haru E and Lyz head to the women's section and get their towels.
[23:25] * Matsumi Kaze is already shedding her clothes
[23:26] * Gavrison O`Cain goes into the men's section, and sheds off his clothing
[23:27] * Haru E and Lyz have already shed their work clothes.
[23:28] * Matsumi Kaze puts the towel on and sits on a bench...pouring water on a hot stone
[23:30] * Gavrison O`Cain wraps the towel around him, and takes a seat on a bench
[23:32] * Haru E and Lyz are clad in towels. They waste no time in getting to that heat.
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> mmmm...niiiice!
[23:38] <Haru E> ♡
[23:39] <Matsumi Kaze> nuthing like sweating the troubles away!
[23:41] * Gavrison O`Cain has moved to: [ Sauna: Men's Section ]
[23:41] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Sauna: Men's Section] This feels nice.
[23:41] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ Sauna: Women's Section ]
[23:44] * Haru E has moved to: [ Sauna: Women's Section ]
[23:44] * Lyz has moved to: [ Sauna: Women's Section ]
[23:44] <Lyz> [Sauna: Women's Section] Awwwww yiiiisssssss♫
[23:47] * Gavrison O`Cain [Sauna: Men's Section] leans back in his seat after pour water onto the hot stones
[23:51] <Matsumi Kaze> [Sauna: Women's Section] so how have you girls been?
[23:53] <Lyz> [Sauna: Women's Section] We've been all right.
[23:59] <Haru E> [Sauna: Women's Section] Aside from work, we've been busy at home.
[00:05] * Matsumi Kaze [Sauna: Women's Section] nods nods!
[00:07] * Matsumi Kaze [Sauna: Women's Section] blinks as her phone rings
[00:07] * Matsumi Kaze [Sauna: Women's Section] checks it
[00:08] <Matsumi Kaze> [Sauna: Women's Section] ugh..I need to go and deal with guys going to be ok?
[00:08] <Haru E> [Sauna: Women's Section] Yeah, we'll be good. Take care out there.
[00:09] <Matsumi Kaze> [Sauna: Women's Section] ok seeya then
[00:09] * Matsumi Kaze [Sauna: Women's Section] grabs her clothes and heads out
[00:09] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (ugh last minute things)
[00:36] <Haru E> [Sauna: Women's Section] Ahhh, love this sauna♫
[00:47] *** Gavrison O`Cain [0] has quit IRC (Well, time I head back.)
[00:57] <Lyz> [Sauna: Women's Section] Zzzzzz---- whoa, can't fall asleep here.
[00:58] <Haru E> [Sauna: Women's Section] Yeah, and that's a sign for us to depart.
[00:58] * Haru E [Sauna: Women's Section] and Lyz head back to the women's section, towel off, and re-clothe themselves.
[00:58] *** Haru E has moved back to the livingroom
[00:58] *** Lyz has moved back to the livingroom
[01:00] *** Lyz [tinyfae@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (^_^)
[01:00] *** Haru E [Shura.SpannerinDWorks@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 ((Love my warmth~))
[14:17] * Burroughs spycrabs her way across the Living Room~
[17:54] * Mega SpyCrab DEMANDS VENGENCE
[18:45] * Mega SpyCrab SHALL CONQUER THE HOTEL
[18:48] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `A Christmas Carol: Chapter 3 live reading in Discord/SS5 voice channel. December 17th or 18th (dependent on reader's health) @ 19:00!| Welcome to Shin Private Ski-Lodge/Resort! Enjoy the snow!!!!! More info can be found here!!`
[18:55] *** Gavrison O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:55] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Gavrison O`Cain
[18:55] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: I won't know what to do when it just comes casual.
[18:55] *** Gavrison O`Cain has moved back to the livingroom
[19:00] <Gavrison O`Cain> Hmm.
[19:02] * Mega SpyCrab ATTACKS
[19:03] * Gavrison O`Cain just BOOTS the SpyCrab in its torso, "Seriously?"
[19:04] * Mega SpyCrab tumbles and TRIES AGAIN
[19:07] * Gavrison O`Cain throws a punch at the SpyCrab's gut as hard as he superhumanly can
[19:10] * Mega SpyCrab hits the far wall!
[19:11] <Gavrison O`Cain> The hell was that thing, and why attack me? :/
[19:14] * Mega SpyCrab WANTS VEEEEGENCE
[19:15] * Gavrison O`Cain just looks at the SpyCrab
[19:23] <Gavrison O`Cain> Meh. (gets himself some tea)
[19:23] * Mega SpyCrab DOES THE ANGRY CRAB DANCE!
[19:25] <Gavrison O`Cain> Why are you even here, anyway?
[19:53] * Gavrison O`Cain takes a seat and sips his tea, "Hmph."
[20:24] * Burroughs pops up. "Heeeeeeeeeeeee~y"
[20:27] <Gavrison O`Cain> Hey, Burroughs.
[20:28] <Burroughs> S'up?
[20:29] <Mega SpyCrab> VEEEEEEGEEEENCE
[20:29] <Gavrison O`Cain> Oh, so it talks?
[20:33] * Gavrison O`Cain puts down his cup, and stands up
[20:35] <Burroughs> what's with the walking lobster meal?
[20:36] <Gavrison O`Cain> I have no idea. It attacked me earlier, and I guess I didn't put it out of its misery.
[20:36] <Vermellia X. Rosso> HOLY CRAP IT'S A MACRA!
[20:37] <Burroughs> Aha... well then, shall we fry it up for a late-night snack? I'll get the butter~
[20:38] <Gavrison O`Cain> A what?
[20:39] <Mega SpyCrab> THERE ARE NO MACRA!!!!
[20:40] <FrostQueenie> - is that a makura? I thought they only spoke nerglish -
[20:42] <Gavrison O`Cain> Huh?
[20:44] <FrostQueenie> /
[20:45] <FrostQueenie> - Makura, a race of lobster people that live under the sea -
[20:45] <Gavrison O`Cain> I see. And what is a macra?
[20:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Big Lobster dudes
[20:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> That hiss a lot
[20:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Last time I saw them was new york 15
[20:47] * Burroughs has the melted butter and a bunch of knives and forks. "Shall we?"
[20:48] * Mega SpyCrab POUNCES FOR VENGANCE!
[20:48] * Burroughs brings those knives and forks forward! Get skewered on!
[20:51] * Mega SpyCrab is skewered!!
[20:52] * Burroughs gets with the stabbing to make very certain it's dead~
[20:55] <Gavrison O`Cain> So what exactly is this thing, anyway? (points to the SpyCrab)
[20:56] <Burroughs> No clue♫
[20:58] * Mega SpyCrab sprays crabby juices!
[21:01] <Gavrison O`Cain> Verm? Frost? Either of you know?
[21:09] <Gavrison O`Cain> Anyone?
[21:10] * Burroughs is busy roasting that crab up~
[21:12] <Gavrison O`Cain> ~_~;
[21:37] <Gavrison O`Cain> I guess I won't be getting my answer.
[21:49] * Burroughs finishes making that crab~ Dig in, everyone♫
[21:50] <Gavrison O`Cain> I think I'll pass this time.
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze> [Sauna: Women's Section] what are you guys doing??
[21:55] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[21:56] <Burroughs> Hey Matsumi. Crab tried attacking us, so now we feast on its buttery innards♡
[21:59] <Gavrison O`Cain> However, I never did get my answer on what it exactly was.
[22:03] <Burroughs> Looked to just be some random enemy crab.
[22:06] <Gavrison O`Cain> Surprised its shell didn't break after getting punched.
[22:08] <Matsumi Kaze> sounds like fun!
[22:10] <Gavrison O`Cain> Have at it.
[22:12] * Matsumi Kaze grabs some of the food
[22:28] <Gavrison O`Cain> How've you been, Matsumi?
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> eh ok I guess
[22:33] <Gavrison O`Cain> That's good to hear.
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[22:40] * Matsumi Kaze walks outside and looks up at the night sky
[22:40] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ outside ]
[22:40] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Cosmic Thoughts?
[22:40] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte has moved to: [ Outside ]
[22:41] * Gavrison O`Cain has moved to: [ Outside ]
[22:41] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Something up, Matsumi?
[22:42] <Matsumi Kaze> [outside] ..something else
[22:42] <Matsumi Kaze> [outside] ..something's up there...approching quickly
[22:42] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Are you able to tell what it is?
[22:42] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] looks up and reaches out with her mind to check like the Sisterhood does.
[22:44] * there's are large..silvery orb quickly approching earth
[22:46] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] compares it to what she remembers of Sontaran ships
[22:46] <Burroughs> Any idea if they bring good tidings or if we should blast 'em out of the stratosphere?
[22:47] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] tries to sense intent from the inhabvitants
[22:47] * it does not match at all
[22:47] * you get one thought out of it "Revenge!"
[22:47] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] ...Revenge.
[22:48] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] That's all I can get out of it.
[22:48] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Against who?
[22:48] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] I have no idea.
[22:49] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Hmm.
[22:49] * the silver orb stops above Japan
[22:50] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] ...And it's over Japan.
[22:50] * the silver orb EXPLODES...spraying...snowflakes?
[22:51] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Huh...
[22:51] <Burroughs> ....
[22:52] * Burroughs immediately gets to analyzing this
[22:52] <Burroughs> (Snow, huh? Betting HL to helicopters it's something else, if that whole "revenge" thing was an indicator.)
[22:54] * Tokyo is being snowed on
[22:55] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Still a bit unusual for a ship to explode into snow.
[22:55] * Burroughs is analyzing the snow. What's its makeup, its origin?
[22:58] * the newly piled snow starts to rumble..and starts to form something
[23:00] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] ..Oh s[BLEEP]t.
[23:00] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Should have known something was up.
[23:00] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] thinks she knows what this is
[23:00] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Great Intelligence, is that you?
[23:01] * it is not
[23:01] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] feels good about not getting a reply
[23:01] * the army of Frosties appear!
[23:01] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Oh joy.
[23:01] <Burroughs> .....for real?
[23:03] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] ....
[23:03] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] Wait.
[23:03] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] I heard once that there was a war
[23:03] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] A war against the Great Santa
[23:03] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] is he back... for Revenge!?
[23:04] <Burroughs> that whole thing about an Evil Santa from some years back. I remember hearing bits about that.
[23:04] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] "An Evil Santa"
[23:05] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] you have no idea what he really is, do you?
[23:05] * Frosties start to throw explosive snowballs!
[23:05] <Burroughs> Eh well, if we gotta send Bad St. Nick back to Hell, then so be it. I ain't gonna waste time angsting over the minor details.
[23:05] * Burroughs whips up some redirectional portals to hit the frosties with their own explosives!
[23:05] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] mentally raises ome telekinetic barriers and gets the f[BLEEP]k out of dodge as the balls hit
[23:06] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] I won't get slapped around by your balls!
[23:06] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] slowly turns and dtangles her player
[23:06] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] ^strangles
[23:06] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] then returns to the battle
[23:06] <Burroughs> (( lol ))
[23:08] * Gavrison O`Cain [Outside] is suddenly in his armor, activates the Mars Upgrade, and proceeds to sling blast after blast of fire at the Frosty Army
[23:08] * Frosties are melting...some more try to rebuild themselves
[23:09] <FrostQueenie> ....
[23:09] * Burroughs snaps her fingers, and drops incendiary grenades onto the frosties! "BURN, PLEBIANS! BURN AT YOUR MISTRESS' FEET!"
[23:09] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Or melt, in this case.
[23:09] * Gavrison O`Cain [Outside] keeps on sending fire blasts at the Frosties
[23:10] * FrostQueenie walks outside, and the temperature drops by 10 degrees in the surrounding area
[23:11] * FrostQueenie has moved to: [ Outside ]
[23:15] <??> enjoying the fun!?
[23:15] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] ?
[23:16] <FrostQueenie> - ...What amateur looking frost elementals -
[23:16] <??> now quake in fear........
[23:18] * A woman is ice like armor completely covering her features and body appears.....
[23:18] <woman> for Ice Queen Kagu has come FOR REVENGE!!!!!!
[23:18] * FrostQueenie [Outside] activates Lichborne and becomes immune to fear spells
[23:18] <Burroughs> .....who?
[23:18] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Who?
[23:19] <FrostQueenie> - The title you are trying to claim is mine -
[23:19] * Ice Queen Kagu has moved to: [ Outside ]
[23:20] <Ice Queen Kagu> [Outside] I shall gain my revenge on what was done to my sister 22 years ago!!!
[23:21] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] Well unlike 22 years ago there's a new factor you need to consider.
[23:21] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Outside] Global Warming.
[23:21] * FrostQueenie [Outside] steps forward, "you seek to command the forces of cold. You cannot until you know the chill of the grave. I am the northern wins incarnate. I am a Death Knight."
[23:22] * Burroughs raises an eyebrow at Kagu's claim. She looks to Paisley. "Any idea what she's on about?"
[23:22] <Ice Queen Kagu> [Outside] with the powers at my disposal...I'LL GIVE THIS LITTLE WORLD A NEW ICE AGE...GO FROSTIES...AND ICE THEM
[23:22] * the frosties turn..and start to head for the heroes
[23:24] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Outside] has bad flashbacks of batman and robin and bad ice puns and runs off scream ing for a bit (afk)
[23:25] * A gout of blue fire lashes out to evaporate the frosties! At the same time a pink bolt of lighting arcs out, ready to jump from target to target.
[23:25] * Gavrison O`Cain [Outside] suddenly slams his fists into the ground, summons several phantom ghouls that break out of coffins, and is joined by several more as the rest of the O`Cain clan join the fight
[23:27] <Ice Queen Kagu> [Outside] you forget.....I CONTROL THE ELEMENTS
[23:27] * Ice Queen Kagu [Outside] causes a HUGE blizzard to blanket the area
[23:28] * A solid round fires out from a random trajectory at Kagu.
[23:30] * Ice Queen Kagu [Outside] tries to deflict it with an ice shield and just BARELY manages
[23:31] * Another round fires at Kagu... this time going for a kidney shot.
[23:32] * FrostQueenie activates icebound forditude and is covered in a layer of ice. The cold doesn't bother her.
[23:35] * Ice Queen Kagu [Outside] gets hit in the side but hera rmor manages to deflect most of it ><
[23:36] * Whomever is firing the rounds decides to toss subtlety out the window and fires a big iron boot at Kagu's head!
[23:37] <Ice Queen Kagu> [Outside] OW!!!
[23:38] * Gavrison O`Cain [Outside] along with David, Donovan, Michelle, and Megan, fire blasts of fire courtesy of their Mars Upgrades at Kagu while the phantom ghouls rush ahead to RIP AND TEAR
[23:38] * Ice Queen Kagu [Outside] holds up her MASSSSSIVE amounts of snow suddenly swirl around her
[23:39] * FrostQueenie raises a hand and a blast of howling frozen wind blasts the false queen
[23:41] * there is now a 1000 ft tall Frostie the Snowman
[23:43] <Donovan O`Cain> Why are you using ice?!
[23:43] <FrostQueenie> - I'm a DEATH Knight. It's either ice, unholy or blood and I'm kinda in Frost presance at the moment -
[23:44] <FrostQueenie> - ... Your grave creatures. They are undead no? -
[23:44] * A massive tendril wreathed in blue fire lashes out, and is joined by many others as they speed to whack the giant snowman.
[23:45] <Donovan O`Cain> I was asking Plushie.
[23:45] * Giant Frostie BATS away the tendril
[23:46] <FrostQueenie> - She's not here? -
[23:46] * That was a big mistake-- by making contact with the fiery tendril, the blue flames LEAP to the giant frostie!
[23:46] <FrostQueenie> - And the grave monsters. I need their corpses. I can create a monster of equal size to fight this thing but I don't have enough raw parts. -
[23:47] <Donovan O`Cain> They're phantoms.
[23:47] * Giant Frostie is partially on fire now and blasts ice towards the rest of you
[23:47] <FrostQueenie> - Are they undead and corperal? Yes or no? -
[23:48] * The tendrils descend onto the giant frostie whilst it's distracted! From their tips, mouths with plenty of teeth open up, ready to begin chewing the overgrown snowman!
[23:50] * Giant Frostie BATS the tendrils away with it's mightly broom
[23:53] <Donovan O`Cain> Er, yes?
[23:54] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: David O`Cain is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[23:54] * FrostQueenie just Death Grips Kagu, pulling her to Frost
[23:54] * The tendrils just multiply. For every one you bat away, twenty take its place.
[23:57] * The tendrils erupt in a hellish flame and heat storm! It's like you're in the middle of an oven!
[23:58] * Giant Frostie SUCKS the flames in with it's corncob pipe!
[23:58] * The flames jump to the pipe's exterior and to the skin of the creature.
[23:59] * Giant Frostie doesn't really have it is abosrbing the snow around it
[00:00] * FrostQueenie summons an army of the dead, then casts corpse exploion on all the undead in the area.... then rebuilds them as a giant abomination the size of the giant Frostie.
[00:00] *** Giant Undead Abomination has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Giant Undead Abomination
[00:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: The rating's going up to ARRRRR
[00:00] * The flames begin to make the snow in the area evaporate as they heat up even further. We're talking complete sublimation here.
[00:00] * David O`Cain brings his hands back as do his father, sister, and cousins, and they begin to charge energy into their hands
[00:01] <Giant Undead Abomination> Me feel funny...
[00:02] * Giant Undead Abomination attacks the Giant Frostie
[00:02] * Giant Frostie tries to attack back!
[00:04] * David O`Cain and his family all thrust their hands forward, and all of them fire large, powerful beams of energy at the Giant Frostie, "DELTA LASER!!!"
[00:04] * The flames spread to totally eliminate the snow that Giant Frostie is using to constantly reform.
[00:05] * Giant Frostie realizes it's finally on fire....and flails....spreading it's fire around
[00:07] <Giant Frostie> GAAAH NO! POOPIE POOPIE POOPIE!
[00:07] * The tendrils combine into one big tendril.... and raise up to slam down and crush frostie beneath itself!
[00:08] * Giant Frostie is CRUSHED
[00:09] * Giant Frostie is turned into a big pile of snow
[00:10] * The tendril wreathes itself in those same flames again, to make damn well certain that Giant Frostie can't reform and start up again. It rolls from side to side.
[00:11] * the snow starts to push aside
[00:12] * Giant Undead Abomination sits down on the area once the tendril is done
[00:13] * The tendril withdraws, a red eye opening up near its tip. It looks around.
[00:14] <??> fair!!!!
[00:14] * ?? is now known as Ice Princess Kagu
[00:15] <The tendril> - Oh shut up and die already. -
[00:15] <Ice Princess Kagu> I'l..I'LL GET BACK AT YOU STUPID POO FISH HEAD!
[00:15] <FrostQueenie> - Give up, or I'll let the abomination eat you. -
[00:16] * Ice Princess Kagu sticks her tongue out ><
[00:17] * FrostQueenie looks at Ice Princess Kagu.
[00:17] *** Ice Princess Kagu is young girl with icey blue skin, pointed ears and her ice like hair done up. She is also missing one of her teeth.
Her image Song is: .

[00:17] <FrostQueenie> ...She's a child
[00:17] <FrostQueenie> - ^^^ -
[00:18] * Ice Princess Kagu tries to gather up as much of her armor as she can ><
[00:18] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Seriously?
[00:18] <The tendril> - this supposed to be some kind of joke? Who'd send a child after us? -
[00:19] <Ice Princess Kagu> FROSTIES COME TO ME!
[00:19] * the frosties turn into a giant bird
[00:19] * the frosties grab Kagu in it's talons
[00:19] * Ice Princess Kagu is flown she sticks her tongue out at everyone
[00:21] * The tendril fires a tiny needle to hit Kagu in the butt.
[00:21] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Hmph. What a brat.
[00:22] *** Ice Princess Kagu has left #suburbansenshi2 (blllllrrrrr >P<)
[00:23] <The tendril> - Still, something Burroughs said to me makes me wonder something. She said she was here for revenge as part of something that happened 22 years prior. -
[00:23] <The tendril> - Question is, what happened 22 years back? -
[00:26] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Eitak_Razal
[00:26] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Remember: Suburban Senshi no-sells Planet Namek
[00:26] <Eitak_Razal> I DEMAND PRESENTS!
[00:27] * The tendril blinks at Eitak's demand. (Talk about a mood shift outta nowhere.)
[00:29] * Eitak_Razal is wearing a party hat. "It my birthday... well techinally not anymore but I've been busy today.
[00:30] <Eitak_Razal> Also, what's with the snow and monsters and stuff
[00:30] <The tendril> - Some snow kid came here screaming about vengenance for something that happened over 2 decades ago. Kid ran off before proper answers could be obtained. -
[00:32] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Indeed.
[00:32] <Eitak_Razal> Snow kid? 2 decades? Wasn't that around the time the Senshi fought Princess Snow Kagyua?
[00:32] <The tendril> - .....Snow Kaguya? -
[00:33] <Eitak_Razal> ...
[00:34] * Eitak_Razal chucks a copy of the Sailor Moon S movie at you
[00:35] <The tendril> - ....Oh, that person. If that's the case then holy wow was that kid way off the benchmark. Called herself "Kagu". -
[00:37] <Eitak_Razal> Well you said she was here for revenge, maybe she's related to Kaguya?
[00:38] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] It's possible.
[00:38] <The tendril> - Either way, she fled, vowing to show back up again. If she does pop back up, what'll be the common consenus---- drop kick her off the planet? Teleport her into a blue star? Paste her so heavily her remains would never be ID'd? -
[00:43] * The tendril blinks at the silence, then looks down. "Oh, right.... should probably change back now."
[00:43] * The tendril faintly glows, then disperses, shrinking back towards someone....
[00:45] * Haru E has moved to: [ Outside ]
[00:46] * Haru E [Outside] drifts on over to everyone. "Hey, why so quiet?"
[00:46] * Eitak_Razal blows a noise maker at Haru
[00:47] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Huh. Didn't know you had that ability, Haru.
[00:48] * Haru E [Outside] goes :P at Eitak, then turns to Gavrison. "Yeah, I've been able to do that for a while now. It's a part of my Lusca technique."
[00:52] <Haru E> [Outside] But anyway, I am awaiting an answer to my posed question.
[00:53] * Lyz has moved to: [ Outside ]
[00:53] * Lyz [Outside] flits forward, managing to heft a birthday cake over her head. "Hey guys, I got the cake!"
[00:54] <Eitak_Razal> Cake?
[00:56] <Lyz> [Outside] Yeah-- birthday cake♫
[00:57] <Eitak_Razal> For who?
[00:57] <Eitak_Razal> Is it me?
[00:57] <Gavrison O`Cain> [Outside] Why, you, silly.
[00:58] <Eitak_Razal> Whoo! Cake~
[00:58] <Lyz> [Outside] C'mon, let's eat♫
[00:59] <Eitak_Razal> First let's get outta the snow
[01:00] <Haru E> [Outside] Agreed.
[01:01] * Haru E [Outside] and Lyz lead the way back to the Hotel.
[01:03] * Eitak_Razal follows
[01:05] *** Haru E has moved back to the livingroom
[01:05] *** Lyz has moved back to the livingroom
[01:05] * Lyz sets the cake onto a nearby table and procures the offical Cake-Cutting Knife, Model 3~
[01:07] *** Gavrison O`Cain has moved back to the livingroom
[01:07] <Gavrison O`Cain> As much as I'd like to stick around, I should head back. Take care, and happy birthday.
[01:07] *** Gavrison O`Cain [0] has quit IRC (Back to the suite.)
[01:08] * Haru E sets out the plates. "We'll save you some pieces."
[01:08] <Eitak_Razal> oooh that's a fancy knife
[01:10] <Lyz> It dices, it slices, and it makes for an effective self-defense tool in a pinch♫
[01:11] * Lyz gets to cutting that cake up as Haru scatters the pieces onto the plates.
[01:12] <Lyz> Enjoy~
[01:15] <Eitak_Razal> But will it make julliene fries wtihout breaking
[01:15] * Eitak_Razal eats cake
[01:16] <Lyz> Certainly. Sadly it lacks the hooka and coffee maker functions--- those are seperate.
[01:21] <Eitak_Razal> ...A knife that can make coffee sounds like something out of my nightmares
[01:23] <Haru E> Eh?
[01:25] <Eitak_Razal> Nothing, just being silly
[01:26] <Haru E> Ah.
[01:34] <Eitak_Razal> Thank you for the cake, you guys didn't have to.
[01:35] <Haru E> No worries. Anything for a friend♫
[01:41] <Haru E> Anyway, it's about time for us to head off to snooze.
[01:42] * Lyz and Haru collect the unclaimed cake slices and store them away in the kitchen. Should you wish to claim a tasty slice, just head on in♫
[01:42] *** Lyz [tinyfae@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Take care, Miss Eitak.")
[01:43] *** Haru E [Shura.SpannerinDWorks@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 ((I think next time I should draft up something neat for Eitak.))
[01:44] <Eitak_Razal> Night
[11:14] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[11:14] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Matsumi Kaze
[11:14] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Suburban Senshi asks: What would Vegita do?
[11:15] * Matsumi Kaze [outside] is sitting on the sofa, a blanket wrapped around her and drinking some cocoa
[11:15] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[11:22] * Burroughs pops up. "Heeeeeeeeee~y"
[11:26] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey burroughs!
[11:29] <Matsumi Kaze> how goes?
[11:31] <Burroughs> Fairly well.
[11:40] <Matsumi Kaze> good!
[11:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm just resting today ^^
[11:45] <Burroughs> Good on you. I've heard plenty a tale of you working yourself until you flop over unconscious. :P
[13:17] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] >.> yeah
[13:17] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[13:19] * Matsumi Kaze relaxes
[13:28] * Eitak_Razal appears and offers Matsumi some cake
[13:29] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey thanks!
[13:29] <Matsumi Kaze> happy birthday by the way!
[13:29] <Eitak_Razal> Thanks!
[13:31] <Matsumi Kaze> oh Eileen gave me this to give you this
[13:31] <Eitak_Razal> hmm?
[13:31] * Matsumi Kaze offers eitak what looks like a homemade card
[13:32] <Eitak_Razal> ooooh
[13:32] * Eitak_Razal takes it and opens it
[13:32] * Eitak_Razal reads
[13:33] * the card has a VERY crude drawing in can probably barely make out what they're suppose to be..
[13:33] * the card has written by Eileen "happy birthday to Aunt Eitak from Kyra"