the current system time is: Sat Nov 26 19:03 2016; you are connected on; message of the day follows:

<Cést la Vie> I'm caught in the arms of a Dilemma!!!!

welcome to #suburbansenshi2

[19:03] <Solarchos> I don't know why Chateaux would be reluctant to teach you though.
[19:03] * Eliza McIntash looks at Delilha Inochi.
[19:03] *** Delilha Inochi is a teenage girl with upturned brown hair, blue green eyes and a cheerful personality. She is currently 12 years old.
Her image Song is: .

[19:04] <Eliza McIntash> I um... think I know why. <.<
[19:04] * Solarchos waves to Delilha.
[19:04] * Eliza McIntash waves to the kid.
[19:06] <Solarchos> How about you, David? Doing okay this evening?
[19:06] * Eilean returns and hands out hot cocoa
[19:07] <David O`Cain> I'm doing alright, Solar.
[19:08] <Solarchos> I wish I could say the same myself.
[19:08] <Eliza McIntash> What is wrong, Solarchos?
[19:09] <Eliza McIntash> Do you mean to say you are not doing well?
[19:10] <Solarchos> The job of the Governor-Militant is never done. I finally got a situation update from Algol. It looks like things have gotten complicated out there.
[19:11] <David O`Cain> How bad are we talking about?
[19:14] <Solarchos> Bad enough that both the Ordo Malleus and the Ordo Xenos both deployed late last night to investigate further. The Ordo Xenos I can understand: Inquisitor Harry would have been required to check into these new aliens more thoroughly.
[19:14] <Solarchos> But the Ordo Malleus means that some kind of extradimensional or paranormal threat has been detected.
[19:14] <Eliza McIntash> That is so depressing.
[19:14] <David O`Cain> S[BLEEP]t...
[19:15] * Eilean and her sisters just have this..blank look on their faces as they listen to this
[19:16] <Eliza McIntash> This kind of thing makes me wonder what percentage of planets are safe to live on, and what amount of races are genuinely good or at least acceptable neighbors.
[19:16] <Eliza McIntash> I mean, I don't get it...
[19:16] <Eliza McIntash> For a race of relentless predators to take to the stars, they do so with the assumption that there is more out there to eat, and that it won't kill them to do so. Those are HUGE suppositions, especially for anybody with good enough planning to build a thingy---rocket.
[19:17] * Eliza McIntash throws her hands up in frustration.
[19:17] <Solarchos> Are you okay, Eliza?
[19:18] <Eliza McIntash> It's totally not the rocket. It's the other thing.
[19:18] <Eliza McIntash> Yeah yeah, I can't think of it.
[19:18] <Eliza McIntash> But I'm sorry about that.
[19:18] <Eliza McIntash> My gosh.... do you just... I dunno how you stand it.
[19:18] <Solarchos> Well, I think I can answer one question for you.
[19:18] <Eliza McIntash> Hmm?
[19:18] <Solarchos> Some races of relentless predators don't necessarily start off that way.
[19:19] * Eliza McIntash looks pretty leery at this assertion.
[19:19] <Eliza McIntash> I dunno...
[19:19] <Eliza McIntash> I've heard people talk about races like they are locust swarms who know no fear or mercy or end to hunger.
[19:19] <Eliza McIntash> That seems like a path that you are locked in on pretty tight.
[19:19] <Solarchos> The pattern we've seen that gets repeated the most is that some races become spare-faring because their home worlds either suffer some kind of cataclysm that renders it uninhabitable or runs out of natural resources.
[19:20] <Eliza McIntash> What, and then their original plan is to just take over ONE planet?
[19:21] <Solarchos> Thus they're forced by necessity to prey upon any world they come across in order to survive. When that happens, sometimes they get too used to it and don't want to stop. Other times they've evolved over time to become too specialized to go back to living on the surface of a planet and choose to remain in space.
[19:22] <Eilean> hey Delilha..want to get some ginger ale for mom so she can wake up?
[19:22] <Eliza McIntash> Yeah, but...
[19:22] <Eliza McIntash> That seems like such an extreme step!
[19:22] <Solarchos> But in other cases the race in question evolved from the apex predators of their world and kept on going up. In a few cases something went wrong in their natural development and they turned into super-predators.
[19:23] <Eliza McIntash> Wouldn't, in that scenario, they be forced to only prey on ONE world in order to survive?
[19:23] <Solarchos> They do prey on one world.
[19:23] <Solarchos> Then they deplete it and have to move on to the next.
[19:24] <Eliza McIntash> Whaat?
[19:24] <Eliza McIntash> But you said that it was because of a cataclysm!
[19:25] <Eliza McIntash> Like a tidal wave or a planetary earthquake or the thing where a star explodes... I forget the name for it. I mean that you lose your world, and then you go to another one. Simple as that. Why attack 40 instead of..... oh.... yeah... I think I understand. ><
[19:25] <Eliza McIntash> I guess if you split into 40 groups and each one desperately hopes you find a world, that would be up to forty worlds being attacked when they are found.
[19:26] <Eliza McIntash> Surely... surely you have found the opposite too, right? Incredibly complex civilizations ruled by absolute empathy?
[19:26] <Solarchos> Once a race evolves to the level of an aggressively expansive super-predatory species it can be almost impossible for them to choose to restrain themselves.
[19:26] <Solarchos> And yes, we HAVE found advanced civilizations ruled by empathy.
[19:28] <Eliza McIntash> It just doesn't make sense to me.
[19:28] <Eliza McIntash> It really doesn't.
[19:28] <Solarchos> I understand. It's hard to imagine just what the hell could lead to the creation of some races.
[19:29] <Eliza McIntash> Like, you say that they can travel through space, and do all kinds of math and calculations and can make the chemicals for fuel... but it seems like they are failing at the big problem---there are NOT that many worlds, and swarming over them is bound to leave you starving when you run out---which you inevitably will!
[19:29] <Eliza McIntash> How can you be good at one type of math and absolutely blind at the even-easier numbers game of planets?
[19:29] * Eliza McIntash shakes her head in frustration.
[19:30] * Solarchos shrugs to Eliza. "Well, look at the Terrans. For all of the accomplishments and aptitudes the people of this world have, how many of them are utterly devoid of logic and rationality?"
[19:31] * Delilha Inochi returns with the ginger ale..Matsumi immediatly bolting up right
[19:32] <Solarchos> The climate of Terra is changing, yet so many people flat-out refuse to acknowledge it because the eventual results won't be felt for decades at least.
[19:33] <Solarchos> The Tyranid hive-fleets move from world to world, scouring them of all life, and they don't care about the long-term ramifications just so long as they continue to harvest new biomass to fuel their own evolution.
[19:34] * Eliza McIntash looks sooooooooo depressed at what Solarchos says.
[19:34] <Eliza McIntash> T_T
[19:34] <Eliza McIntash> Well, it won't hurt me. Chateaux will protect me.
[19:34] <Eliza McIntash> But... I... wait...
[19:34] <Eliza McIntash> Look
[19:34] <Eliza McIntash> Wouldn't... and hear me out here...
[19:35] <Solarchos> Hmmm?
[19:35] <Eliza McIntash> wouldn't it make sense to eat HALF of the planet?
[19:35] <Eliza McIntash> Because then the life would grow back, right?
[19:35] <Eliza McIntash> And you could come back and eat it again.
[19:35] <Eliza McIntash> Yeah, they would hate you, but you would always be able to come back and both species would survive.
[19:36] <Eliza McIntash> Why don't vicious interplanetary devourers do THAT more often?
[19:36] <Solarchos> I think you're missing the predator's mentality of "why eat only half when you can consume it all"?
[19:36] <Eliza McIntash> It seem like it's such basic math.
[19:36] <Eliza McIntash> That is NOT a predator's mentality.
[19:36] <Solarchos> And if they left survivors, those would evolve and adapt too. They'd become a threat in the future.
[19:37] <Eliza McIntash> Here's a better question that EVERY predator would be capable of answering before it ever made a machine that could fly----WHY fight more than you need to?
[19:37] <Eliza McIntash> Please---oh please. "Evolve and adapt too."
[19:37] <Solarchos> Good question. I wish I could answer that one.
[19:37] <Eliza McIntash> Look, if you were able to eat half the freaking planet the first time around, do you really think they are going to be able to stop you next time?
[19:38] <Eliza McIntash> Ask your self that.
[19:38] <Eliza McIntash> You have blown up planets. I have seen it.
[19:38] <Eliza McIntash> They couldn't do a damn thing to stop you. Do you really think it would be any more difficult if you blew up HALF the planet into ashes, then came back 50 years later, and erased the rest of a planet? Doubtful.
[19:38] <Eliza McIntash> VERY doubtful.
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> I brought a planet back to life
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ..well it was a moon actually
[19:39] * Matsumi Kaze sips her ginger ale
[19:39] * Eliza McIntash rolls her eyes.
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> oooo this one is nice!
[19:40] <Solarchos> The Tyranids and the Chtorr aren't me, Eliza.
[19:40] * Eliza McIntash holds her tongue.
[19:40] * Eliza McIntash nods.
[19:41] <Solarchos> Races like them don't do things in half-measures. If they gain the upper hand, they exterminate all opposition.
[19:41] <Eliza McIntash> The...
[19:41] <Eliza McIntash> ><
[19:41] * Eliza McIntash winces.
[19:41] <Eliza McIntash> Solarchos....
[19:41] * Eliza McIntash closes her mouth, but then stamps and stamps until finally she gives pu and asks the question.
[19:42] <Eliza McIntash> Solarchos--I really like you. You are a really nice guy.
[19:42] <Eliza McIntash> ...but...
[19:42] <Solarchos> But?
[19:42] <Eliza McIntash> You know how you have wiped out species because you were afraid that they would hurt the people you care about and love?
[19:42] <Eliza McIntash> Because they were a threat to them?
[19:42] * Eliza McIntash takes a deep breath.
[19:43] <Solarchos> Yes. I know which worlds you're talking about too.
[19:43] <Eliza McIntash> Has it every occurred to you that some of the other races that you find wiping out planets are doing that for the same reasons? That they are horrified and feel threatened by the those races they wiped out? That they felt it was necessary?
[19:44] <Solarchos> Eliza, please don't take offense with my answers to your question. Because I'd like to answer it fully and completely.
[19:44] <Solarchos> Maybe sometimes they are, like you say, horrified and threatened.
[19:45] <Solarchos> But not in every case. Some of the races my people have had to deal with are the worst of the worst.
[19:45] <Eliza McIntash> Or they are just way less optimistic.
[19:45] * Eliza McIntash shrugs.
[19:46] <Eliza McIntash> But I get what you are saying.
[19:46] <Eliza McIntash> I look at it like humanity, though.
[19:46] <Solarchos> In my time I've used Exterminatus on three planets, obliterating every living thing on them. I didn't make such decisions lightly.
[19:46] <Eliza McIntash> I know you don't make it lightly.
[19:47] <Eliza McIntash> It's just hard for somebody like me to wrap her head around the fact that you have done it at all.
[19:47] <Solarchos> The first planet was St Joan's Pennance, which was not only tainted by Chaos, but was a Necron Tomb World. The last thing you ever want to have to deal with are Necrons.
[19:47] <Eliza McIntash> Really? The LAST thing?
[19:49] <Solarchos> calls up an image for Eliza.
[19:50] <Eliza McIntash> Reminds me of Simon, but with a gun.
[19:50] * Eliza McIntash wrinkles her face in distaste.
[19:51] <Solarchos> The last remnants of an ultra-advanced race that tried to transfer their minds and essences into robotic bodies. But something went horribly wrong and now they're little more than mindless soul-golems armed with disintegrator weaponry, seemingly dedicated to eliminating all intelligent organic life in the galaxy.
[19:51] <Eliza McIntash> I suppose you were speaking in vernacular. Surely they aren't LITERALLY the worst thing you want to deal with.
[19:51] <Solarchos> They're bad enough. I don't know who's worse: them or the Daleks.
[19:52] <David O`Cain> Should we throw in the Tyranids in that mix?
[19:53] <Solarchos> And a Tomb World can conceivably house millions of slumbering Necrons.
[19:54] <Solarchos> So Saint Joan's Penance had to be destroyed to ensure all of the Necrons on it were destroyed as well.
[19:56] <Solarchos> The second world I used Exterminatus on was none other than Arcadia. Home to well over a million Humans of the Alliance, but also the first official testing of weaponized Necronium bombs. We had absolutely no idea about the side-effects of those bombs.
[19:57] <Eliza McIntash> :
[19:57] <Eliza McIntash> :?
[19:57] <Eliza McIntash> :/
[19:58] <Eliza McIntash> Well, at least only a million people died. Wait. What the quote about the million dead people again?
[19:58] <Solarchos> So when the dead and dying didn't stay dead and started tearing apart everyone else around them and multiplying, we blockaded the entire planet and observed, trying to figure out what the hell had happened. Nothing like that had ever occurred once in any of the hundreds of tests we'd performed prior.
[19:59] * Eliza McIntash nods.
[19:59] <Solarchos> We couldn't figure out how to treat anyone, let alone identify the cause.
[19:59] <Eliza McIntash> That is sooooo sad.
[19:59] * Solarchos nods.
[20:00] <Solarchos> We had no idea what the cause was. Or the vector. Or any means of preventing or even slowing down the infection.
[20:01] * Eliza McIntash sighs.
[20:01] <Solarchos> In the end, despite a desperate attempt by the Alliance to break the blockade and evacuate the planet, I and I alone initiated the Exterminatus. No one else needed to be held responsible but me for that.
[20:02] <Solarchos> We had no idea what had happened, and I couldn't allow the infection to spread to other worlds. What we saw on Arcadia was just that bad.
[20:03] * Eliza McIntash sighs. "War."
[20:04] <David O`Cain> War. War never changes.
[20:04] <Solarchos> Yeah. The Zealot War was unlike anything you can imagine. There's a reason why the Hotel's archives of the Zealot War are sealed.
[20:05] <Solarchos> I think it's to protect everyone here from fully understanding just how bad it was.
[20:06] <Solarchos> The third world I destroyed was one of the habitable worlds in Proxima Centauri. It was completely overrun by the Chtorr.
[20:06] <Eliza McIntash> Do you agree with the sealing of those records?
[20:07] <Solarchos> And by that I mean covered with the red fungi and swarming with toxic spores and hostile apex-predator lifeforms.
[20:07] <Eliza McIntash> Isn't the best cure for war and violence for people to know how bad it was?
[20:07] <Solarchos> Do I agree with the sealing? I'm not sure actually.
[20:07] <Eliza McIntash> A very reasonable response.
[20:07] <Solarchos> Ultimately, I think the decision was taken out of my hands.
[20:08] <Eliza McIntash> Even though you were the leader of the forces fighitng?
[20:08] <Solarchos> I was the leader of one side of the war. There were plenty of others involved, Eliza.
[20:09] <Solarchos> I think maybe the records were sealed in order to protect the others who were involved.
[20:09] <David O`Cain> Who knows?
[20:10] * Solarchos nods to David. "Indeed. We might never know."
[20:11] <Eliza McIntash> .....I'm not so sure I'm okay with that.
[20:11] <Eliza McIntash> Well. No.
[20:11] <Solarchos> The planet at Promixa Centauri was, as I said, completely overrun by the Chtorr. And the Chtorr are not native to Centaurus: they arrived to that world by spores that were launched through space tens of thousands of years ago. Proxima Centauri was the same.
[20:11] <Eliza McIntash> It's okay with me. I don't run off at an alarm or make it my business to save people---but you guys do.... so why shouldn't YOU GUYS know what happened in case it happens again?
[20:12] <Eliza McIntash> Wait... WAIT.
[20:12] <Eliza McIntash> You nuked Proxima Centauri?
[20:12] * Eliza McIntash narrows her eyes.
[20:12] <Eliza McIntash> I very specifically remember that there were human-like aliens there!
[20:12] <Solarchos> Whatever world the Chtorr land on, they adapt, evolve, and start terraforming the world to THEIR the expense of the original inhabitants.
[20:13] <Solarchos> Promixa Centauri A or B, Eliza?
[20:13] * Matsumi Kaze just listens
[20:13] <Eliza McIntash> ...........I uh... I dunno. >,>
[20:14] <Solarchos> The world I'm talking about did NOT have any humanoid inhabitants on it. Just Chtorr.
[20:14] <Eliza McIntash> No no but I remember they.... they had those appendages and had a decent civilizatioins and were not that far away from.... oh.
[20:14] <Eliza McIntash> Well.
[20:14] <Eliza McIntash> Eh.
[20:14] <Eliza McIntash> Let me ask you something?
[20:14] <Eliza McIntash> What do the Sktorr do if they are left alone?
[20:14] <Solarchos> And the infestation was in its final stages. They were in the process of firing yet more spores.
[20:15] <Eliza McIntash> Aaaaaaah, that would be the answer.
[20:15] <Eliza McIntash> You know...
[20:15] <Eliza McIntash> I have to say.
[20:15] <Eliza McIntash> These don't sound to me like races or species.
[20:15] <Eliza McIntash> - They sound like weapons. -
[20:15] * Eliza McIntash says this with a disgusted look.
[20:15] * Solarchos nods to Eliza. "Yes. The creatures we call the Chtorr are actually just programmed genetically engineered organisms."
[20:16] <Solarchos> The REAL Chtorr have yet to be discovered. The spores they've been launching out are designed to invade, infest, and transform any life-bearing worlds they fall upon to THEIR specifications. And eliminate all competition.
[20:17] * Eliza McIntash sighs at the news of the war in the future.
[20:18] <Eliza McIntash> Do the spores only work on worlds with life already on them?
[20:18] <Eliza McIntash> Most terraforming would kill the inhabitants, right?
[20:18] <Solarchos> I had the planet at Proxima Centauri scoured in order to prevent the Chtorr from spreading any further. And given that Proxima Centauri is only 4.25 light-years from Sol.
[20:19] <Solarchos> Yes, the spores only work on worlds with life already on them. Most terraforming isn't necessarily lethal to the inhabitants since it's climate and atmospheric modification, so extreme changes might not be needed.
[20:20] <Solarchos> But the Chtorr are designed to either exterminate all other lifeforms or mutate it to become part of the new ecosystem.
[20:20] * Eliza McIntash doesn't seem to buy Solarchos' statement on terraforming.
[20:21] <Solarchos> You look a little skeptical.
[20:22] <Eliza McIntash> Eh, it's nothing.
[20:22] <Eliza McIntash> I think I'm gonna go to the Shrine. I need to calm down.
[20:22] * Eliza McIntash stands up.
[20:23] <Solarchos> All right. I'm sorry if I said anything to upset you, Eliza.
[20:23] <Eliza McIntash> Don't worry.
[20:23] <Eliza McIntash> The thing is, I would be scared to death if thinking about this type of thing did NOT upset me.
[20:24] <Eliza McIntash> Good night, Solarchos.
[20:24] *** Eliza McIntash [0] has quit IRC (Heroism isn't about always winning when you stand up for what's right--it's about standing up anyway)
[20:25] * Solarchos nods and waves good night to her.
[20:25] <Solarchos> Well, David, I wouldn't be surprised if her opinion of me soured just a notch after that conversation.
[20:25] <David O`Cain> She seemed inquisitive yet condescending?
[20:26] <Solarchos> No, I don't think she was condescending at all.
[20:27] <Solarchos> I think she just had a rough time comprehending some of the things my people have seen. Things like the Tyranids and the Chtorr and Chaos are horrifying.
[20:30] <Solarchos> Honestly, I wish the universe could be more like how Eliza and Matsumi envision it.
[20:30] <Solarchos> I wish there could be more races in whom empathy is a dominant trait.
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> hey you make it sound like I haven't encountered total evil out there :P
[20:32] <David O`Cain> We've had our fair share. There was the Dark Kingdom millennia back.
[20:33] <Solarchos> I know, Matsumi. But those were mostly the exceptions for you, not the rule?
[20:36] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[20:40] <Solarchos> I envy you for that.
[20:44] * David O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa
[20:57] <Solarchos> Quiet now.
[20:57] <Solarchos> Good, I can use the time to meditate a little on what's happening at Algol.
[20:59] <David O`Cain> Of course.
[21:02] *** Amia has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Amia
[21:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We could save the internets, but we're lazy.
[21:04] * Amia comes in, humming a bit and moving a bit like she's dancing
[21:04] <David O`Cain> Hello.
[21:05] <Amia> Hallo~
[21:05] <Solarchos> Hello!
[21:06] <David O`Cain> How've you been, Amia?
[21:06] <Solarchos> And I should get going now. Inu-Kit will be waiting for me to help get dinner served.
[21:06] <Solarchos> Good night everyone.
[21:07] <Amia> Good, since we're coming into Winter.
[21:07] <Amia> Bye, then.
[21:07] <David O`Cain> Night, Solar.
[21:07] <Amia> Say hallo to the children for me.
[21:07] <Solarchos> I will, Amia. In fact, I'll be sure to bring them with me next time.
[21:07] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:11] <Amia> Hm. So what's been going on here?
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing
[21:13] <David O`Cain> Nothing much aside from relaxation.
[21:15] <Amia> Oh? Strange. The door system didn't seem to be working last time I tried to come.
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> hotel exploded
[21:17] <David O`Cain> Yeah. Natural gases were lit and caused an explosion.
[21:18] <Amia> Oh, how exciting!
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> apperently
[21:25] <Amia> We have had a feast and dancing, on a magic night, so that's always enjoyable~
[21:28] <David O`Cain> We had food and family gatherings two days ago. It was fun.
[21:30] <Amia> I see. What holiday was it?
[21:31] <David O`Cain> It is called Thanksgiving. It's supposedly to be about the giving of thanks.
[21:34] <Amia> Hm.
[21:39] * Amia perches by a window, watching anyone outside
[21:43] * Amia continues to absently hum a somewhat enchanting tune
[21:48] <Amia> Something good is going to happen soon, I think.
[21:49] <David O`Cain> Oh?
[21:49] <Amia> Something. I don't know. I feel it~
[21:51] * David O`Cain nods
[22:00] * the gigantic christmas tree is still in the lobby too
[22:31] * Matsumi Kaze sits under the tree
[22:40] <David O`Cain> Doing alright, Matsumi?
[22:40] <Matsumi Kaze> mmhm
[22:40] * Amia eyes the decorated tree a minute, saying nothing.
[22:43] * the tree is barely reaches to the highest points of the hotel
[22:56] * Amia is away 
[22:59] <David O`Cain> So, what's up, Matsumi?
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze> not really
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing relaly
[23:04] <David O`Cain> Gotcha.
[23:32] <David O`Cain> Hmm.
[00:10] <Matsumi Kaze> so quiet
[00:10] <David O`Cain> Yep.
[00:19] <Matsumi Kaze> hmhm...
[00:20] <David O`Cain> Anything interesting been going on?
[00:26] <Matsumi Kaze> it's been totally boring
[00:26] <David O`Cain> Alrighty.
[00:50] <Matsumi Kaze> boooooring
[00:51] <David O`Cain> Well, what do you wanna do?
[00:52] <Matsumi Kaze> I dunno
[01:06] <Matsumi Kaze> you?
[01:08] <David O`Cain> Honestly, I'm drawing a blank.
[01:17] <Matsumi Kaze> still not sure if I should tell the others about what's been happening
[01:17] <David O`Cain> About what?
[01:20] <Matsumi Kaze> well....
[01:20] <Matsumi Kaze> ..Usagi's retired..right?
[01:22] <David O`Cain> I think so. Why?
[01:24] * Matsumi Kaze pulls out her phone and scrolls through it and then shows it to david "then who is this"
[01:25] * Matsumi Kaze has pulled up an article that reads "SAILOR MOON SAVES BUS"
[01:25] <David O`Cain> The hell? You don't suppose she came out of retirement, do you? Or could this be fakery?
[01:26] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't know
[01:26] <Matsumi Kaze> ..there are several articles like this..several sightings
[01:27] <David O`Cain> Hmm.
[01:30] <David O`Cain> If this is indeed her, do you think she's found out about the new team and is trying to show that she still has what it takes?
[01:30] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I don't know
[01:30] <Matsumi Kaze> I've been trying to forward this information to the new team..but I haven't heard a thing from them yet
[01:30] <David O`Cain> I see.
[01:31] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[01:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Eliza McIntash
[01:31] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You got served... HALF A MILLION TIMES.
[01:31] * Eliza McIntash has returned.
[01:31] <Eliza McIntash> ♫
[01:32] <Matsumi Kaze> hopefully something can be found out
[01:33] <Eliza McIntash> About what?
[01:33] <David O`Cain> Indeed. Sure is a hell of a mystery.
[01:34] <Eliza McIntash> Hmm???
[01:35] <Matsumi Kaze> I should get some's late
[01:35] <Matsumi Kaze> just..keep your eyes out
[01:36] <Eliza McIntash> .....
[01:36] * Eliza McIntash crosses her arms.
[01:36] <David O`Cain> I will, Matsumi.
[01:37] <David O`Cain> Oh, welcome back, Eliza.
[01:37] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry eliza..I neede sleep
[01:37] <Matsumi Kaze> night..
[01:37] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:38] * Eliza McIntash frowns.
[01:38] * Eliza McIntash leaves.
[01:38] <David O`Cain> Night, Matsumi.
[01:38] *** Eliza McIntash [0] has quit IRC (Heroism isn't about always winning when you stand up for what's right--it's about standing up anyway)
[01:38] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (Gotta get some sleep.)
[12:18] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:18] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, DD_Girl_Green
[12:18] <@Chateaux Concierge> Aww. You bring out the sarcasm in me~ <3
[12:19] * DD_Girl_Green cmes downstairs with her children in her arms.
[13:21] * Matsumi Kaze is trying to decorate the tree but is only so tall and the tree is..HUGE
[13:29] <Matsumi Kaze> gah..curse my..height
[13:46] <Vermellia X. Rosso> [Yard] need a lift?
[13:46] *** Vermellia X. Rosso has moved back to the livingroom
[13:47] <Vermellia X. Rosso> /mne grabs Aunt Mats around the waist and FIRES a shot from her sniper-scytghe, sending them flying up to the top of the tree!
[13:47] * Vermellia X. Rosso ^
[13:47] <Matsumi Kaze> GAH!!!!
[13:48] * Matsumi Kaze is shot almost to the top of the hotel
[13:49] * The tree btw is looks like some sort of spruce..and almost is as tall as the hotel's sitting in the lobby
[13:50] * Vermellia X. Rosso used a rocket jump ffor that very reason
[13:51] * Matsumi Kaze clings to the top of the tree O_O
[13:53] <Matsumi Kaze> ..g..gah..
[13:54] <Delilha Inochi> o_o is she ok
[13:54] *** Delilha Inochi has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Delilha Inochi
[13:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: we don't wwebsite as on the internet
[13:57] * Vermellia X. Rosso sits on a branch like it's nothing
[13:58] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Uhh, Matsy, don't you have some kind of god powers?
[13:58] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Like. levitation?
[13:58] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[13:58] * Matsumi Kaze floats gently on the air
[13:58] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yeah..forgot about those
[13:59] * Vermellia X. Rosso chuckles and drops from the tree, landing comfortably on her feet
[14:00] * Delilha Inochi BOWS to Vermellia "THANKYOU FOR HELPINGHER"
[14:02] * Vermellia X. Rosso bows back :D
[14:02] <Matsumi Kaze> I thought it might be nice for us all to get ready for the holidays
[14:04] <Vermellia X. Rosso> For sure!
[14:05] * Matsumi Kaze floats down and looks at vermellia
[14:05] <Matsumi Kaze> so what's up with you???
[14:07] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Just chillaxorating
[14:08] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Working on new ammo cartridges for my Scythe that use pure mana!Q
[14:08] <Vermellia X. Rosso> So I don't need to use mine!
[14:09] <Matsumi Kaze> woot!
[14:10] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah it seems like we've all needed to chill lately
[14:10] <Matsumi Kaze> it's something..weird in the air
[14:12] * DD_Girl_Green Gazes at the tree
[14:12] <Matsumi Kaze> I have to ask
[14:12] <Matsumi Kaze> if you're a kitty person..why no ears or tail?
[14:12] <Vermellia X. Rosso> ?
[14:13] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Well Expellians evolved from cats, some have more cat-like features than others
[14:13] <Vermellia X. Rosso> There are birdfolk and other types as well!
[14:13] <Vermellia X. Rosso> But im my case I'm part Nedean and part Gallifreyan so
[14:13] * Pinako pops up and LEAPS at Vermy "KITTY :D"
[14:13] * Vermellia X. Rosso flicks one of her subtly pointed eats
[14:14] * Vermellia X. Rosso casually dodges
[14:14] <Matsumi Kaze> you know..I've always wondered what quinoxians evolved from
[14:14] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I have kinda Nedean ears
[14:14] <Matsumi Kaze> Freya always said we were just "blessed by the six" or something
[14:14] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Maybe Quinoxian fish?
[14:14] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Or you were made whole? Who knows?
[14:15] <Pinako> :< Kitty?
[14:16] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I'm cat-like, not a cat~
[14:16] * Vermellia X. Rosso casually rests her Sniper-Scythe on her shoulder
[14:17] * Matsumi Kaze pulls out a squirt bottle
[14:17] <Pinako> Can I pet you? :O
[14:18] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I'm not a pet :P
[14:18] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I'm not furry!
[14:18] * Vermellia X. Rosso looks like a regula'r girl!
[14:18] * Vermellia X. Rosso looks in the mirror.
[14:18] *** Vermellia X. Rosso is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: 'False King' by Two Steps from Hell .

[14:18] * Matsumi Kaze squirts Vermillia!
[14:19] <Vermellia X. Rosso> You want Solar's fot kits.
[14:19] <Vermellia X. Rosso> GAAAAHH!!!
[14:19] * Vermellia X. Rosso JERKS BACK
[14:19] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I hate getting prayed with water by sprise ! ><
[14:19] * Vermellia X. Rosso shivers
[14:19] <Pinako> Kitty :D
[14:19] <Matsumi Kaze> huh so that actually worked
[14:19] <Vermellia X. Rosso> I'm really sensitive ><
[14:19] <Vermellia X. Rosso> It feels like tiny needles on my skin!
[14:20] * Matsumi Kaze gets an EVVVVVVIL look on her face
[14:21] * Vermellia X. Rosso sees that look
[14:21] * Vermellia X. Rosso levels her sniper-Scythe at Matsumi
[14:21] <Vermellia X. Rosso> - don't evne think about it -
[14:22] * Pinako Hugs Vermy with her vines :D and gives HUGE HUGS
[14:22] * Vermellia X. Rosso is SQUEEZED
[14:22] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm a god remember >:D
[14:22] <Vermellia X. Rosso> H-HEYY!
[14:22] <Matsumi Kaze> o_o
[14:23] <Vermellia X. Rosso> Perosnal space, kid!
[14:23] * Vermellia X. Rosso uses her cat-like ability to SQUEEZE out of the grip
[14:23] * Vermellia X. Rosso LEAPS up into the tree
[14:24] * Matsumi Kaze smirks....then tosses a box of tinsel up to vermellia "catch!"
[14:25] *** arrgh gtg
[14:26] * Vermellia X. Rosso CATCHES the tinsel ands id disrtractred with it for a ling while
[14:26] * Matsumi Kaze instructs her to start decorating the tree..then goes back to the smaller decorations
[14:39] * Baby Beryl climbs up grandma :D
[14:41] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa heh....
[14:41] <Matsumi Kaze> have a grip there
[14:41] <Baby Beryl> :D
[14:41] * Baby Mira is sitting on a blanket, quietly playing
[14:41] <DD_Girl_Green> Want to play with blocks, Mira?
[14:42] * Baby Mira blinks, looking up at her mama
[14:43] * DD_Girl_Green sets up the blocks for Mira
[14:45] * Baby Beryl plays with grandma's hair :D
[14:47] <Matsumi Kaze> gah O_o
[14:49] * Baby Beryl pets the hair :O
[15:01] <Matsumi Kaze> awwww
[15:08] *** Vilya has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Vilya
[15:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: My urine burns itself perfectly.
[15:08] * Vilya walks downstairs smiling
[15:17] <Vilya> guten tag ^^
[15:18] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey vilya! long time no see!
[15:18] <Vilya> but..I live here >.>
[15:22] <Freya Felinus> don't worry...she's always forgetting
[15:51] * Freya Felinus works on putting on some make shift decorations
[16:14] * The Felinus Twins watch their mother working on the tree
[17:08] * Matsumi Kaze smiles
[17:29] * Vilya is working on a sketch of the tree
[17:32] *** Cora has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Cora
[17:32] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: that 'je ne sais quoi' feeling comes back every time.
[17:35] <Cora> Good evening.
[17:35] <Vilya> Guten Tag!
[17:35] <Cora> Hello, Miss Vilya.
[17:38] <Matsumi Kaze> hi Cora!
[17:38] * Matsumi Kaze is holding Mira, who is looking around the room
[17:44] <Cora> I hope you are all well, and back in your homes?
[17:45] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[17:45] <Matsumi Kaze> all nice and recovered!
[17:47] <Cora> I am glad to hear it.
[17:48] <Matsumi Kaze> how are you doing?
[17:49] <Cora> I am well, and was visiting the girls today.
[17:51] <Matsumi Kaze> oh really??
[17:52] <Cora> Well yes, it is not as if we are no longer friends.
[17:57] * Baby Mira looks at Cora, tilting her head slightly
[17:59] * Cora looks at Mira.
[17:59] *** Mira is your average everyday Mira

[17:59] * Cora looks at Baby Mira.
[17:59] *** Baby Mira is your average everyday Baby Mira

[18:01] * Baby Mira is an infant with soft blue hair, green skin and blue green eyes
[18:24] * Baby Mira blinks
[18:41] <Cora> Who is this, Miss Matsumi?
[18:44] <Matsumi Kaze> this is one of my granddaughters!
[18:45] <Cora> Oh, I se.e
[18:46] <Cora> How old is she?
[18:48] <Matsumi Kaze> Mira is a few months old I belive
[18:55] * Cora nods
[18:58] <Matsumi Kaze> so going to br ready for the holidays?
[18:59] <Cora> I believe Renee celebrates them, but the rest of us do not.
[19:01] <Cora> They will certainly not be celebrated on Olympus, but I suppose the girls may do what they like.
[19:06] <Matsumi Kaze> it makes sense!
[19:07] <Matsumi Kaze> well I'm glad you're happy!
[19:07] <`> eeeEEEeeeeEEEeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEeeeeeeEEeeeee!
[19:07] <Cora> I am, thank you.
[19:08] <~> eeEEEEEeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEeeeeeeEEEeeeEEEeeeeeEEE!
[19:08] *** Aratasujou has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Aratasujou
[19:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: WHAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAP?!
[19:08] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[19:09] * Aratasujou pops up in midair as the happy squealing continues in the distance, getting closerwith each passing minute.
[19:09] <Aratasujou> Konichiwaaaaaa! Special day be today!
[19:10] <Aratasujou> It be elder Kit's birthday!!!!
[19:11] <Matsumi Kaze> ooh???
[19:12] <Aratasujou> Today be birthday of Alexianna and AnTilZha!!!!
[19:13] <Matsumi Kaze> oooo nice!
[19:14] *** Chibi-Alex [BoundlessExuberanceOfYouth@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:14] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Alex
[19:14] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Your Kung-fu is pretty useless, as well as obsolete!
[19:15] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-AnTil
[19:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Now with extra Bom Chikka Wow Wow
[19:15] * Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex are both TEN YEARS OLD now!!!
[19:15] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, David O`Cain
[19:15] <@Chateaux Concierge> Hey. Hey. I want you to know that someone cares. Not me, but someone.
[19:15] <David O`Cain> Yo.
[19:17] <Chibi-AnTil> Hello everyone!
[19:18] * Chibi-Alex is dashing and dancing around like crazy!
[19:18] <David O`Cain> What's going on?
[19:23] <Chibi-Alex> It's our birthday!
[19:23] <Chibi-AnTil> =^ ^=
[19:23] <Matsumi Kaze> congrats!
[19:24] <David O`Cain> Well, Happy Birthday, you two!
[19:24] * Aratasujou starts hanging up banners and streamers everywhere!!
[19:24] <Chibi-AnTil> Thank you!
[19:24] <Chibi-AnTil> We'e all so glad that we're able to visit you all here for it.
[19:25] <David O`Cain> Awesome.
[19:26] * Chibi-Alex rushes up to everyone and applies hugs and tail-pats!
[19:27] * David O`Cain returns the hug to Alex
[19:28] * DD_Girl_Green is still petting grandma's hair, even now, 5 hours later.
[19:29] <Baby Beryl> *^
[19:29] <Chibi-Alex> What shall we do?!
[19:29] <Matsumi Kaze> you need a cake!
[19:29] <Chibi-AnTil> Would any of you like to have a party with us then?
[19:29] <Pinako> FLUFFY :D
[19:30] * Aratasujou is still hanging decorations. And throws some rolls of toilet paper at the front desk just for s[BLEEP]ts and giggles. >:3
[19:30] <Matsumi Kaze> sure!
[19:30] <David O`Cain> I don't see why not, Antil. It's your party afterall.
[19:30] <Chibi-Alex> I hear a Pinako!
[19:30] * Baby Beryl yawns and nearly falls asleep on grandma's hair -.-
[19:30] <Chibi-AnTil> It should be a party for everyone to have fun with.
[19:31] * Pinako huggles and cuddles the kits :D
[19:32] <DD_Girl_Green> Mira? Gem? Where'd you two go?
[19:34] * Matsumi Kaze is holding Mira
[19:34] * Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex both hug back!
[19:37] *** Kitsune no Hime [madamed'] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Kitsune no Hime
[19:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Dewey Cheatum and Howe!!!
[19:37] * Cora is back
[19:37] * Cora returns from the restaurant with a bag
[19:38] * David O`Cain waves to Cora, "Hello."
[19:38] <Chibi-AnTil> Hi Mother!
[19:38] <Cora> Good evening.
[19:38] <Chibi-Alex> Mommy!
[19:38] <Kitsune no Hime> [sexy witch] hello, children
[19:38] * Baby Beryl is on Matsumi's hair :D
[19:38] * Chibi-Alex rushes over to her mother and hugs all of her tails! Or at least tries to.
[19:38] *** Kitsune no Hime has moved back to the livingroom
[19:39] * Kitsune no Hime envelops her children in her tails
[19:39] <David O`Cain> Evening, Inu-Kit.
[19:39] * Pinako waves to Inu Kit
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> hello inu ^^
[19:39] <Chibi-AnTil> Oooooo, tailsfeelsowarm!
[19:41] * Aratasujou drops confetti on everyone!
[19:42] * Pinako Hugs Aratasujou :D
[19:44] * Cora sets down her bag, picking bits of confetti out of her gown and hair
[19:46] <Kitsune no Hime> Good evening everyone
[19:46] <Cora> Hello, Miss Inu-Kit
[19:46] <Aratasujou> How you all be?!
[19:46] <Aratasujou> We need snacks and cakes and snack-cakes!
[19:47] <Kitsune no Hime> I have a cake
[19:47] <Chibi-AnTil> Shall I help with cooking more?
[19:49] * Chibi-Alex helps Mommy with getting the cake on the nearest table.
[19:53] <Kitsune no Hime> you need not help with the cooking children
[19:55] <Chibi-AnTil> So what should we do in the meantime?
[19:55] <Pinako> Hug me :D
[19:55] <Chibi-Alex> I can do that!
[19:55] * Chibi-Alex hugs Pinako, then playfully wraps her up within Mommy's tails.
[19:56] * Pinako giggles playfully :D
[19:56] <Cora> Is this your party, Miss Alex, Mr. AnTil?
[19:59] * David O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa
[19:59] <Chibi-Alex> Yup!
[20:00] <Chibi-AnTil> It is indeed, Miss Cora.
[20:00] * Aratasujou starts dropping Hershey's kisses from above!
[20:00] * Kitsune no Hime summons the kits' favorite meals
[20:01] * DD_Girl_Green tries to feed some baby food to Mira and Beryl
[20:02] * David O`Cain takes a few of the Kisses, and starts munching after unwrapping each chocolate piece
[20:04] <Aratasujou> Ooooo!
[20:05] <Kitsune no Hime> Happy birthday, children
[20:05] * Pinako munches on some hersheys kisses.
[20:06] <Chibi-AnTil> Steak?!
[20:06] <Chibi-Alex> Pizza!! :D
[20:08] * Cora goes over to a mechanical thing on wheels in a corner, and in a moment the two disappear
[20:08] * Cora is away 
[20:11] * Aratasujou drops balloons on everyone!
[20:11] * Chibi-AnTil offers everyone cake!
[20:11] * Chibi-Alex offers everyone pizza! :D
[20:13] * David O`Cain takes some pizza and cake, "It's a pizza birthday party!"
[20:13] <Matsumi Kaze> woot!
[20:15] <Chibi-Alex> Sure! Best kind of party!
[20:15] <Chibi-AnTil> Can we have more pizzas, mother? ^___^
[20:16] <Kitsune no Hime> sure
[20:16] * Victoria Smithson tries toreach for pizza ><
[20:17] * Chibi-Alex offers Victoria a small slice! :D
[20:18] <Pinako> Can I have one, too?
[20:18] * Victoria Smithson nibbles ^^
[20:19] <Chibi-AnTil> Of course!
[20:20] * Chibi-AnTil serves Pinako a slice of pepperoni and sausage!
[20:20] <David O`Cain> Hi, Vicki.
[20:20] *** JMSharlan has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:20] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, JMSharlan
[20:20] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: It's always the other guy's fault.
[20:20] * JMSharlan [Gomez] enters with Kyra
[20:21] * Pinako happily eats
[20:22] * Baby Beryl wves hi to kyra from on top of Matsumi's head :D
[20:22] <David O`Cain> Hey, Jameson.
[20:22] <Aratasujou> Konichiwa, new peoples!
[20:22] <Aratasujou> Party be OOOONNNNNNN!
[20:23] <Kyra> :D
[20:23] *** Eilean has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Eilean
[20:23] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: True Typing Violence
[20:23] <Eilean> hey all!
[20:23] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Chibi-Alex is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[20:23] *** JMSharlan has moved back to the livingroom
[20:23] <David O`Cain> And Eilean. How're you two doing?
[20:24] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Chibi-Alex is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[20:24] <JMSharlan> There's a party?
[20:24] <Pinako> A party of Fluffies :D
[20:25] <David O`Cain> It is Antil and Alex's birthday today!
[20:26] * Chibi-Alex offers Eliean a slice of pizza.
[20:26] <Chibi-Alex> Sure is!
[20:26] <Chibi-AnTil> It's our 10th birthday today!
[20:26] <JMSharlan> that's cool. happy birthday
[20:27] * JMSharlan eats a slice of pizza and gives kyra a pepperoni
[20:27] * Kyra waves the pepperoni!
[20:30] * JMSharlan chuckles a bit
[20:30] <JMSharlan> try eating it, kyra
[20:30] <Chibi-AnTil> Thank you!
[20:30] <Chibi-Alex> Try it Kyra. Pepperoni is good!
[20:31] * Kyra blinks...and eats!
[20:31] <JMSharlan> do you like it? papa can get you more
[20:33] <Kyra> :D yummi
[20:34] <Chibi-Alex> Good!
[20:34] <Chibi-AnTil> We need some games.
[20:34] * JMSharlan grins
[20:35] <Chibi-Alex> And no sign of Miss Whitehair for a long time!
[20:35] * Baby Beryl pets grandma's hair ^__^
[20:38] <Kitsune no Hime> hm?
[20:40] <Chibi-Alex> You remember her, Mommy. The white-haired lady who was always trying to grab AnTil.
[20:42] <Chibi-Alex> We haven't seen her in months!
[20:42] <Chibi-AnTil> Thankfully. ~__~;
[20:43] <Eilean> eh?
[20:43] <Pinako> There was a spooky White haired lady trying to kidnap one of the fluffes.
[20:45] <Kitsune no Hime> ah alright
[20:45] * Kitsune no Hime shoots the dumb child a look
[20:47] * JMSharlan gets another pepperoni for kyra
[20:47] * Victoria Smithson runs over to give inu a hug too!
[20:48] <Chibi-AnTil> ^___^
[20:48] <Chibi-Alex> Miss Whitehair was a big weirdo too.
[20:49] <David O`Cain> Sounds like it if she's got such a fixation on Antil.
[20:53] <Kitsune no Hime> hello victoria, dear
[20:54] <Chibi-AnTil> Something about me belonging to her.
[20:54] <Victoria Smithson> hi miss inu :D
[20:54] * Chibi-Alex starts dancing on one of the couches! :D
[20:57] <Chibi-AnTil> Hi Victoria. Looking for Sylvester?
[20:59] <Victoria Smithson> :D
[21:03] <Eilean> well someone's super happy
[21:03] <Eilean> happy birthdays all around
[21:03] <Chibi-Alex> I think he's laying down back home at the Estate. He was feeling really tired this morning.
[21:04] <Pinako> Happy Birthday :D
[21:06] <David O`Cain> Did Sylvester not get enough sleep last night?
[21:06] <Victoria Smithson> oh no!
[21:09] <Chibi-Alex> Not really.
[21:09] <Chibi-AnTil> I think he's been training too hard lately.
[21:13] <David O`Cain> Ah.
[21:15] <Chibi-Alex> So we made him sleep in today.
[21:15] <Chibi-Alex> And when he tried to object I had Catriona and Natalia keep him in bed. ^__^
[21:16] * Victoria Smithson giggles
[21:17] <Kitsune no Hime> yes we did
[21:17] * DD_Girl_Green rubs Mira's and Beryl's hair.
[21:17] <David O`Cain> Rest is important. You don't wanna overexert yourself.
[21:21] <Pinako> Will you be here? :D
[21:22] <Chibi-Alex> We will!
[21:22] <Chibi-AnTil> We make sure to visit.
[21:23] <Pinako> Happy birthday :D
[21:23] <Joanna Smithson> glad to hear that
[21:25] <Kitsune no Hime> it is nice to see my children happy
[21:28] <Chibi-AnTil> Thank you, Pinako!
[21:28] <Chibi-Alex> And we always make sure to watch over and take care of our younger siblings.
[21:28] <Pinako> You're welcome :D
[21:35] <Chibi-Alex> Mommy, can we go see how Sylvester is doing?
[21:36] <Chibi-AnTil> And we should get ready for bed.
[21:36] <Kitsune no Hime> yes of course
[21:36] * JMSharlan wonders if kyra ever ate that other piece of pepperoni
[21:40] <Chibi-AnTil> Good night, everyone!
[21:40] <Chibi-Alex> I hope you enjoyed our party!
[21:40] * Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil leave behind all of the cake and pizzas for everyone to enjoy.
[21:41] * Kitsune no Hime leaves with her children
[21:41] *** Kitsune no Hime [madamed'] has left #suburbansenshi2 (May it be, when darkness falls, your heart will be true.)
[21:42] * Baby Beryl climbs off of mommy and crawls towards the strange dotted circle food :O
[21:43] <David O`Cain> Have a good night, Langisters.
[21:44] <Joanna Smithson> night you bunch
[21:44] *** Chibi-Alex [BoundlessExuberanceOfYouth@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Can we go to the park next? Can we, can we can we~!")
[21:44] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("I enjoyed seeing you! ^_^")
[21:45] * Aratasujou whips out Sledge-O-Matic and SMASHES a watermelon, spraying juice and bits at the nearest wall, forming weird patterns on it!
[21:45] <Aratasujou> >:D
[21:45] * DD_Girl_Green pulls beryl away form the pizza "no,no little gem"
[21:45] *** Aratasujou has left #suburbansenshi2 (NYORO~!! =^ ^=)
[21:47] <David O`Cain> Fun party.
[21:50] <Joanna Smithson> yup
[21:51] <David O`Cain> How've you been, Joanna?
[21:51] * Baby Beryl crawls to aunt joanna :D
[21:54] <Joanna Smithson> eh no bad..hi there kiddo
[21:55] <David O`Cain> That's good to hear. Anything new going on with you?
[21:56] * Baby Beryl sits up and claps :D
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> oh jameson!
[22:00] <Matsumi Kaze> did you ese the tree?
[22:00] <JMSharlan> es
[22:00] <JMSharlan> yes^
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze> impressive isn't it
[22:04] <JMSharlan> yes
[22:05] * Baby Beryl gazes in wonder :O
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze> have to see..I think this is the biggest one
[22:06] <JMSharlan> sure is huge
[22:08] * Kyra enjoys the food ^^
[22:12] <Eilean> a bit...much
[22:12] * JMSharlan chuckles
[22:12] <Kyra> mooooorrrrrr
[22:15] * Kyra wiggles
[22:15] <David O`Cain> Heh.
[22:16] * DD_Girl_Green sets up some blocks for Kyra, Mira and Beryl.
[22:18] * Baby Beryl crawls towards the blocks O.O
[22:18] * Kyra blinks at the blocks
[22:24] * Eliean moves close to her husband
[22:24] <DD_Girl_Green> Want to mmake a little castle?
[22:26] * JMSharlan puts the pepperoni away and holds both his ladies
[22:28] <Eliean> nice night, babe
[22:29] * Matsumi Kaze takes a photo of jameson and eilean and kyra ^^
[22:29] <JMSharlan> yeah it is
[22:30] <DD_Girl_Green> Maybe next time you visit, you can babysit my children?
[22:33] <Eilean> eh me?
[22:34] <DD_Girl_Green> yeah, or maybe we can babysit Kyra?
[22:34] <JMSharlan> we'll see
[22:40] <Eilean> living in another universe might make it hard ^^;;
[22:41] <JMSharlan> exactly
[22:52] <Eilean> always makes things a bit difficult
[22:59] <Matsumi Kaze> no probs for me!
[23:10] <JMSharlan> i think it's about time to go home
[23:12] * Eilean looks at the sleeping Kyra "yeah it's getting late"
[23:14] <David O`Cain> Take care, you two. It was good seeing you.
[23:14] <Eilean> yup seeya! seeya mom!
[23:14] <Matsumi Kaze> seeya you three!!! :D
[23:16] * JMSharlan carries kyra home
[23:16] *** JMSharlan has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:19] *** Eilean has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:44] <Joanna Smithson> heh
[23:48] * Joanna Smithson picks up her own daughter
[23:48] <David O`Cain> So, what now?
[23:52] *** FrostQueenie [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, FrostQueenie
[23:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You'll need a smoke.
[23:52] <FrostQueenie> ...That needs changed
[23:53] *** FrostQueenie [Deathlord@Ebonblade.LK] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, FrostQueenie
[23:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Much More Rich of WTF since 2002
[23:53] <FrostQueenie> Much better.
[23:56] <Matsumi Kaze> eh?
[23:57] <David O`Cain> Hm?
[23:58] <FrostQueenie> - Nothing... nothing... -
[00:02] <David O`Cain> What's new, Frost?
[00:05] <FrostQueenie> - Aside from fighting in a war? -
[00:09] <David O`Cain> Yeah, aside from that.
[00:10] <FrostQueenie> - Does raising a former general of an enemy nation into undeath so he can serve me to fight the legion and probably commiting a war crime or two in the process count? -
[00:13] <David O`Cain> Maybe.
[00:23] <FrostQueenie> - Then that's totally what I've been doing. Among other non-heroic things -
[00:27] <Matsumi Kaze> sound like my son
[00:37] <FrostQueenie> - There are always going to be those willing to do what must be done, because there are always goign to be those that don't want it done because "reasons" -
[00:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I guess?
[00:48] <David O`Cain> I suppose.
[00:50] * Matsumi Kaze yawns a bit ><
[00:52] <David O`Cain> Sleepy, Matsumi?
[01:01] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah I better get some sleep
[01:01] <Matsumi Kaze> night folks!
[01:02] <David O`Cain> Night, Matsumi.
[01:03] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to sleep)
[01:04] <David O`Cain> Well, I might as well head on home. Later, Frost.
[01:04] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (Time I head home now.)
[13:28] * Burroughs checks on some things around the Hotel.
[14:15] <Burroughs> (Man, nobody's here...)
[14:37] * Freya Felinus posts a flyer on the wall
[14:37] * Burroughs checks this flyer.
[14:40] <Burroughs> How ya doing, Freya?
[14:41] <Flyer> Attention!! Performers need3d for THE NUTCRACKER ballet to be performed in lobby in dec. Major three roles casted. More needed.
[14:43] <Freya Felinus> I am fine
[14:43] <Freya Felinus> You
[14:44] <Burroughs> All's good over here.
[14:47] <Freya Felinus> Good
[14:50] <Freya Felinus> Have to go
[14:50] *** Freya Felinus has left #suburbansenshi2
[17:55] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:55] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Matsumi Kaze
[17:55] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You got served... HALF A MILLION TIMES.
[17:55] * Matsumi Kaze leaves a note asking Chat if there is a space that would be wide open enough for practices
[18:16] * @Chateaux Concierge 's head rises up through the floor
[18:16] <@Chateaux Concierge> Practices for what~?
[18:16] * @Chateaux Concierge is now known as Big Giant Head Chat
[18:16] <@Big Giant Head Chat> FOR WHAT
[18:16] * Matsumi Kaze points to the flyer
[18:17] * Matsumi Kaze sticks her head up chat's nose! don't ask why
[18:17] * @Big Giant Head Chat inhales deeply
[18:17] <@Big Giant Head Chat> PHGGGGTTTH
[18:17] * Matsumi Kaze is sucked up!
[18:17] <@Big Giant Head Chat> Wilkommen du main sinuses.
[18:18] <@Big Giant Head Chat> ^mein
[18:18] *** lol brb dinner
[18:50] <Freya Felinus> that was...interesting
[18:51] * @Big Giant Head Chat SNEEZES out Matsumi
[18:54] * Matsumi Kaze is sneezed out ><
[18:54] <Matsumi Kaze> gah @_@
[18:55] <Freya Felinus> you are very large
[18:58] <@Big Giant Head Chat> Yup!
[18:58] <Freya Felinus> why
[18:58] <Freya Felinus> are you going to go on a rampage?
[19:00] <@Big Giant Head Chat> I AM THE GEAT AND POWERFUL CHAT
[19:01] <@Big Giant Head Chat> //me holds up a box
[19:01] <Freya Felinus> ..and that box is for?
[19:01] <@Big Giant Head Chat> THIS IS MY BOX
[19:01] <@Big Giant Head Chat> CHAT BOX
[19:01] <@Big Giant Head Chat> CHATBOX
[19:01] <Freya Felinus> ..that is a terrible pun
[19:01] <@Big Giant Head Chat> ಠ_ಠ
[19:01] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:01] <@Chateaux Concierge> Remember-- always Be Yourself. Unless You Suck, Then Try to Be Someone Else.
[19:01] <Megan O`Cain> Evening, all.
[19:02] <Freya Felinus> hello
[19:02] * Freya Felinus puts a sign up sheet for roles
[19:03] <Megan O`Cain> What's new around here?
[19:04] <@Big Giant Head Chat> I HAVE THE LEARGEST HEAD RIGHT NOW
[19:05] <Megan O`Cain> So you do.
[19:07] <Matsumi Kaze> now go and fight godzilla
[19:11] <Megan O`Cain> Heh.
[19:11] <Megan O`Cain> Anything else going on?
[19:14] * @Big Giant Head Chat is away 
[19:14] <Matsumi Kaze> oh just the sign up sheet!
[19:16] <Megan O`Cain> For what, if I may ask?
[19:22] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm going to be doing a ballet in the lobby for the holiday
[19:26] <Megan O`Cain> Oh neat.
[19:31] <Matsumi Kaze> looking for other roles :)
[19:32] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[19:44] <DD_Girl_Green> wHAT'S GOING ON HERE?
[19:45] <Matsumi Kaze> planning a ballet..looking for other roles
[19:45] <DD_Girl_Green> What ballet?
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> The Nutcracker
[19:49] <DD_Girl_Green> What's it about? I think Mira ang Gem is watching it on TV in our suite.
[19:49] * Matsumi Kaze gives a short description of it
[19:51] <DD_Girl_Green> I think I might take them to see it, Gem wants me to get one of those toys from the play.
[19:56] <Baby Beryl> :O
[19:57] <Baby Beryl> :D
[19:57] *** Sean Collins [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:57] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Sean Collins
[19:57] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We could save the internets, but we're lazy.
[19:57] <Matsumi Kaze> hey sean!!!
[19:57] * Sean Collins walks in the front door. Looks like he had quite the workout.
[19:58] <Sean Collins> Hey Matsumi!
[19:58] <DD_Girl_Green> Hi there, Sean, how's it going?
[19:58] <Sean Collins> Its alright, Green. Things are alright.
[19:58] <Matsumi Kaze> you ok there>
[19:59] <DD_Girl_Green> You look tired out, are you ok?
[19:59] <Sean Collins> Oh yeah! I was just getting myself ready for my role!
[20:00] <DD_Girl_Green> oh, what are you playing?
[20:01] <Matsumi Kaze> I was going to start some basic practice tonight actually ^^;;
[20:01] <Sean Collins> You are looking at the Danseur lead of The Nutcracker/The Prince!
[20:01] * Sean Collins girns
[20:02] * Sean Collins ^grins
[20:02] <Sean Collins> Let me give you a quick tip, though...never dance the Dance of Death from "Giselle" for more than 30-minutes.
[20:02] <Baby Beryl> :O
[20:02] * Baby Beryl reaches for Sean O.O
[20:03] <Sean Collins> I need to sit down for a few. ^^;;
[20:03] <Matsumi Kaze> well yeah....only an idiot would do that!
[20:03] * Sean Collins makes it to the Q sofa and flops down.
[20:03] <Sean Collins> Well, this idiot got free access to the local ballet studio. :D
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> woot!!!
[20:04] * Baby Beryl coos happily :D
[20:05] <Sean Collins> If you would like to practice our...pas de deux, there, you can join me, Matsumi. ;)
[20:05] * DD_Girl_Green picks up Baby Beryl
[20:06] * Sean Collins perks his brows flirtatiously.
[20:07] <DD_Girl_Green> I think little gem wants to watch, but I wont let her.
[20:07] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Sean.
[20:07] <Sean Collins> Eh? Why not?
[20:07] <Sean Collins> Hey Megan!
[20:08] <Megan O`Cain> What's been going on, you flirty Saturnian?
[20:08] * Baby Beryl looks worried, but smiles again.
[20:08] <DD_Girl_Green> alright, I'll let her watch.
[20:08] <Sean Collins> Getting my dancing shoes all warmed up for the performance. :)
[20:09] <Megan O`Cain> Ah.
[20:10] <Sean Collins> Will you or any of your family be participating?
[20:10] <DD_Girl_Green> When is it?
[20:10] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm playing Clara!
[20:11] <Sean Collins> It'll be around Christmas, right Matsumi?
[20:13] <Matsumi Kaze> mmhm!
[20:13] <Matsumi Kaze> I actually have my bag!
[20:13] * Matsumi Kaze holds up her bag!
[20:13] * Baby Beryl reaches for the bag :O
[20:13] *** Emmy [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Emmy
[20:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Nice perfume. Must you marinade in it?
[20:14] * Emmy comes in through the London door, pulling her suitcase along behind her.
[20:15] <Matsumi Kaze> hey emmy!
[20:15] <Emmy> Hi Matsumi.
[20:15] <Megan O`Cain> Hello there.
[20:16] * DD_Girl_Green looks at Emmy.
[20:16] *** Emmy is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: 'River Music' by Paul Sullivan.

[20:17] <Sean Collins> Will you or any of your family be participating, Megan?
[20:17] <Megan O`Cain> That I don't know, Sean.
[20:18] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, how've things been for you?
[20:18] <Sean Collins> Pretty good, now that the Hotel is back in order.
[20:19] <Emmy> Oh, did something happen here?
[20:19] <Matsumi Kaze> wonder if I could use the danger room for
[20:19] * Emmy looks at Sean Collins.
[20:19] *** Sean Collins is a young 17 year old boy with sharp brown eyes, and brown hair that is tied back in a long pony tail.
image Song is: 'I'm Still Here' by John Rzeznik/The Goo Goo Dolls.

[20:19] * Emmy looks at Megan O`Cain.
[20:19] *** Megan O`Cain is a humanoid woman with a busty, toned figure standing 5'5", bluish-grey eyes, and has long, brown hair put in ponytail that goes to her knees
Her image Song is: .

[20:20] <Emmy> So are you guys new here? I can't tell half the time, I'm so busy now.
[20:20] <Matsumi Kaze> sean is sort of kind of maybe not really
[20:20] <Sean Collins> No, I'm a long time resident.
[20:20] <DD_Girl_Green> I thought you were new, to be honest.
[20:21] <Emmy> I'm Emmy.
[20:22] <DD_Girl_Green> Nice to meet you, Emmy
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah ^^
[20:23] <Sean Collins> I guess we were living in a mud hut out in the back for a week...but yeah, long term resident. :)
[20:24] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm going to head to the danger room to try!
[20:24] <Matsumi Kaze> ^^
[20:24] <Emmy> Wow, really? I hope Miss Eiry and Mr. Guyver are okay. You know, they have a little girl. I suppose they went to the shop?
[20:24] <Sean Collins> TRy? Try what?
[20:24] * Emmy sits down to rapidly text Eiry
[20:25] <Megan O`Cain> I'm a new resident, miss. My brother visits here quite often.
[20:25] <DD_Girl_Green> Yeah, what are you trying?
[20:26] <Emmy> Well, it's nice to meet you.
[20:26] <Matsumi Kaze> to practice!
[20:27] <Emmy> I think they'd like to know what you're going to practice.
[20:27] <Megan O`Cain> If I may, I'm Megan O`Cain. It's very nice to meet you.
[20:28] <Matsumi Kaze> ballet actually
[20:28] <Emmy> Oh? I didn't know you were a ballerina, Matsumi.
[20:28] * Sean Collins gets up from the sofa
[20:29] <Sean Collins> Need a partner for a pas de deux?
[20:29] <DD_Girl_Green> and an audience?
[20:29] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yeah!
[20:29] <Matsumi Kaze> well I could use a partner
[20:30] <Emmy> Like Masaki and David? I've met them.
[20:30] * Baby Beryl giggles at Emmy's implication :D
[20:31] <Megan O`Cain> I'm David's older sister.
[20:31] * Emmy nods
[20:32] <Megan O`Cain> What was your name again, miss?
[20:32] * Sean Collins walks over and offers his arm to Matsumi. "Allow me? Clara?"
[20:32] * Matsumi Kaze giggles and takes sean's arm
[20:33] <Matsumi Kaze> of course..prince
[20:33] * Baby Beryl coos and wants to watch :O
[20:33] * Sean Collins escorts Matsumi to the elevator
[20:34] <DD_Girl_Green> Can we watch?
[20:35] <Matsumi Kaze> well up to you really
[20:35] <DD_Girl_Green> alright, little gem, let's go watch the Practice.
[20:36] * DD_Girl_Green goes to the elevator with Baby Beryl in her arms.
[20:36] <Emmy> Heh. I don't think I need to watch in my spare time, too...
[20:36] * Matsumi Kaze is away: SS3
[20:37] <Emmy> Have fun, though.
[20:37] * Sean Collins is away 
[20:38] * DD_Girl_Green is away 
[20:38] <Baby Beryl> away
[20:38] * Baby Beryl is away 
[20:38] <Giselle Bellerose> [Death Head Moth] hm?
[20:38] *** Giselle Bellerose has moved back to the livingroom
[20:38] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Giselle.
[20:40] <Giselle Bellerose> hello
[20:43] <Emmy> Hallo.
[20:44] <Giselle Bellerose> who are you?
[20:46] * Megan O`Cain puts out a plate of sliced povotica, "Feel free to have some."
[20:46] <Emmy> I'm Emmy, Miss.
[20:48] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:48] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Eitak_Razal
[20:48] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: 100% Insanity.
[20:50] <Giselle Bellerose> Giselle
[20:51] <Emmy> As in the ballet?
[20:54] <Giselle Bellerose> I..suppose
[20:55] <Giselle Bellerose> I was named by the people who created me
[20:56] <Emmy> Oh?
[20:56] <Giselle Bellerose> I suppose they felt it fit my purpose
[20:58] <Emmy> I see.
[20:58] <Emmy> I hope you like it, too.
[20:58] <Giselle Bellerose> my mother says it is a beautiful name though
[21:01] <Emmy> It is :)
[21:03] <Giselle Bellerose> I am much happier now
[21:04] <Emmy> That's always good, to be happier.
[21:09] <Megan O`Cain> Indeed.
[21:17] <Giselle Bellerose> would you like some tea?
[21:25] <Megan O`Cain> Sure, Giselle. And I've brought some povotica for any of us to enjoy.
[21:29] * Giselle Bellerose nods and stands, going to get it
[21:52] <Megan O`Cain> So, anything been going on, you two?
[22:10] <Giselle Bellerose> oh not much *hands out the tea*
[22:15] * Megan O`Cain takes a cup of tea along with a slice of povotica, and procceds to enjoy her snack
[22:25] <Megan O`Cain> Mmm, mom made some delicious povotica.
[22:32] * Sean Collins is back
[22:33] * Sean Collins comes upstairs, still dressed in his ballet getup.
[22:35] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Matsumi Kaze
[22:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Yes. We went there.
[22:35] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[22:35] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hello giselle...
[22:36] <Sean Collins> Speaking of Giselle... :)
[22:41] <Matsumi Kaze> Sean I need to go upstairs..sorry to cut this short
[22:41] <Giselle Bellerose> hello mister collins
[22:41] <Sean Collins> Its cool.
[22:42] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[22:43] <Sean Collins> How are you Giselle?
[22:44] <Giselle Bellerose> I am well....I am doing well in classes....I am...doing much better
[22:47] <Sean Collins> Were you having trouble?
[22:50] <Giselle Bellerose> a little
[22:51] <Sean Collins> What's been going on?
[22:55] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, welcome back, Sean.
[22:56] <Sean Collins> Hey MEgan
[22:59] * Megan O`Cain holds up a plate of sliced povotica, "Care for some?"
[23:01] <Sean Collins> Oh, thanks!
[23:01] <Giselle Bellerose> just..struggling I guess with..fitting in
[23:01] * Sean Collins takes a piece
[23:01] <Sean Collins> Why? Your young, beautiful, smart...
[23:03] * Giselle Bellerose opens her mouth showing her fangs
[23:05] <Sean Collins> Yes, there's that, but who cares! You could just say it is cosmetic.
[23:07] <Giselle Bellerose> yes i suppose
[23:07] <Giselle Bellerose> one of the girls at the very suspcious >.>
[23:09] <Sean Collins> Tell her to get a life.
[23:09] <Megan O`Cain> How so?
[23:09] * Megan O`Cain was addressing Giselle
[23:10] <Giselle Bellerose> Oh I have
[23:14] <Sean Collins> But she persists?
[23:14] <Giselle Bellerose> yes...especally after she caught me drinking from a pouch >.>
[23:15] <Megan O`Cain> Uh oh. Hopefully you came up with a clever fib.
[23:16] <Sean Collins> What? Losts of stuff comes in pouches now. Maybe you should ask Matsumi how she got rid of her stalker?
[23:16] <Sean Collins> How about me turn your pouches into Capri Suns?
[23:17] <Giselle Bellerose> what is capri sun?
[23:17] <Megan O`Cain> A brand of juice drinks.
[23:19] * Sean Collins has a Capri Sun made in a replicator
[23:26] <Sean Collins> How's this?
[23:27] <Giselle Bellerose> oh that works!
[23:30] <Sean Collins> Great! We'll make a mess of these for your packs
[23:32] <Sean Collins> And if they ask if they can have one...tell them you have diabetes?
[23:33] <Sean Collins> No, wait! You're anemic!
[23:36] <Sean Collins> Its a perfect cover story. It'll cover moments of paleness, tired-looking appearences, and if things get harry, we can just hook up an IV to ya!
[23:36] <Giselle Bellerose> that..does make sense
[23:37] <Megan O`Cain> Very thoughtful, Sean.
[23:38] <Sean Collins> Thanks! I have my moments. ^_^
[23:39] <Megan O`Cain> By the way, what did you think of the povotica?
[23:43] <Sean Collins> Its good!
[23:46] <Megan O`Cain> Good. Mom made it earlier today, and thought we'd share a loaf.
[23:47] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:47] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, DD_Girl_Green
[23:47] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Now with extra Bom Chikka Wow Wow
[23:48] * DD_Girl_Green comes downstairs.
[23:49] <DD_Girl_Green> So, what's going on down here?
[23:51] <Megan O`Cain> Not a whole lot. Snacking, relaxing, and chatting.
[23:51] <DD_Girl_Green> What's the snack?
[23:51] <Sean Collins> And plotting!
[23:52] <Megan O`Cain> Povotica is on the menu.
[23:52] <DD_Girl_Green> oh, plotting what?
[23:53] <DD_Girl_Green> and, what is povotica?
[23:54] <DD_Girl_Green> is that some kind of magazine?
[23:54] <Sean Collins> Plotting to help Giselle with her stalker issue.
[23:55] <DD_Girl_Green> giselle has someone following her?
[23:58] <DD_Girl_Green> well, what should we do then?
[00:02] <Megan O`Cain> It's a sweet bread from Croatia, Green. It's rather delicious. The loaf I brought down with me has cream cheese in it.
[00:08] <Giselle Bellerose> she is convinced I am a vampire
[00:10] <DD_Girl_Green> completely?
[00:11] <Giselle Bellerose> I am not a vampire
[00:13] <Sean Collins> She's a dhampir.
[00:13] <Sean Collins> Still...its not something you go around advertizing
[00:15] <Megan O`Cain> So true.
[00:20] * DD_Girl_Green nods
[00:20] <DD_Girl_Green> I wonder...
[00:22] * Sean Collins gets to work replicating Capri Sun pouches for Giselle
[00:24] <Giselle Bellerose> hopefully no one else drinks it
[00:25] <Sean Collins> Like I said, if they ask to have one, tell them its for your Anemia.
[00:31] <DD_Girl_Green> what if she runs out?
[00:31] <Sean Collins> Uh...we will just make more?
[00:33] <DD_Girl_Green> I mean while she's in school.
[00:33] <Giselle Bellerose> I usually get mine from the medical bay upstairs
[00:36] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm.
[00:36] <Sean Collins> And, in case of emergencies, there is always a backup plan.
[00:38] <DD_Girl_Green> oh?
[00:38] <Sean Collins> Always
[00:41] <Giselle Bellerose> thank you
[00:42] <Sean Collins> Anything for family. ~_^
[00:43] <DD_Girl_Green> So, what should I help with?
[00:43] * Giselle Bellerose blushes a little
[00:49] <Megan O`Cain> Such a charmer, Sean. :P
[00:50] * Sean Collins grins
[00:51] <DD_Girl_Green> I wonder if he practices in the mirror.
[00:53] <Sean Collins> Sometimes....
[00:57] <Megan O`Cain> Heh.
[00:59] <DD_Girl_Green> You might be able to charm someone violent into being calm
[01:01] * DD_Girl_Green yawns.
[01:02] <DD_Girl_Green> well, it's time for me to go to bed, night everyone.
[01:02] * DD_Girl_Green goes upstairs to her and her hudband's suite, 1710
[01:02] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:02] <Megan O`Cain> Take care, Green.
[01:03] <Giselle Bellerose> goodnight to you
[01:04] <Sean Collins> I should crash too.
[01:04] <Sean Collins> Dancing the Dance of Death twice in one day really takes it out of you.
[01:08] <Sean Collins> g'night guys
[01:08] *** Sean Collins [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:15] <Megan O`Cain> See ya, Sean.
[01:19] <Megan O`Cain> Down to us two, Giselle.
[01:22] <Giselle Bellerose> it seems so
[01:23] <Megan O`Cain> Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna march off to bed. Sleep well.
[01:23] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (And good night.)
[01:32] *** Giselle Bellerose has left #suburbansenshi2 (I need sleep as well)
[11:45] *** Matsuo Shin [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[11:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Matsuo Shin
[11:45] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: In the name of the Moon, we will Pummel you!!
[11:46] * Matsuo Shin sits on the Q sofa, typing on a laptop
[11:50] *** Alta Liana has joined #suburbansenshi2
[11:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Alta Liana
[11:50] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Corrupting your view of the Senshi: FOREVER
[11:50] * Alta Liana comes out of the restaurantand peers up at Matsuo
[11:56] <Matsuo Shin> hm?
[11:56] <Matsuo Shin> oh hello there
[11:58] <Alta Liana> What are you doing?
[11:58] <Matsuo Shin> oh I'm just writing
[12:01] <Alta Liana> Write book?
[12:01] <Matsuo Shin> more of a paper
[12:02] <Alta Liana> What's that?
[12:04] <Matsuo Shin> papers are very boring and not alot of fun..unlike books
[12:08] * Alta Liana looks at Cora.
[12:08] *** Cora is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: The Sunlit Garden.

[12:09] * Alta Liana looks at Cora.
[12:09] *** Cora is

More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: The Sunlit Garden.

[12:15] <Alta Liana> are you writing?
[12:15] <Matsuo Shin> because it's my job
[12:15] <Alta Liana> Get a fun job, like mommy.
[12:16] * Alta Liana sits on the floor, opening her book of maps to look at it
[12:21] <Matsuo Shin> heh my job is fun..most of the time >.>
[12:21] <Matsuo Shin> what's your mommy's job?
[12:22] <Alta Liana> She gets to work with flowers all day!
[12:26] <Matsuo Shin> well that is certainly fun!
[12:28] * Alta Liana suddenly looks at Matsuo sharply
[12:33] * Alta Liana puts her book up next to Matsuo and points at the map on the page
[12:33] <Alta Liana> You go here?
[12:36] * Matsuo Shin looks to see where she pointed
[12:37] * Alta Liana currently has a detailed map of Peru
[12:40] <Matsuo Shin> not sure i've been there
[12:42] * Alta Liana flips a few pages (north pole area)
[12:42] <Alta Liana> There?
[12:45] <Matsuo Shin> no...haven't been there
[12:47] * Alta Liana pouts, and tries again (medditeranean)
[12:48] <Matsuo Shin> been there
[12:51] <Alta Liana> Is it nice there? Had fun?
[12:52] <Matsuo Shin> well it was certainly exciting!
[12:54] <Alta Liana> But you don't want to live there?
[12:54] <Matsuo Shin> no I'm happy here
[12:55] <Alta Liana> We go to inn, sometimes want to.
[12:55] <Matsuo Shin> oh really??
[12:57] <Alta Liana> We play lots, and everyone likes us. Mommy used to live there.
[12:59] <Alta Liana> You want go back where you're from?
[13:00] * Alta Liana gets a pencil and draws a happy face next to Olympus with long hair
[13:00] <Matsuo Shin> heh...someday yes
[13:05] <Alta Liana> Do you have map, you can look at? So you can see it?
[13:06] <Matsuo Shin> well sort of..I do have an old map
[13:08] <Alta Liana> Can I see it?
[13:12] <Matsuo Shin> I'll go get it
[13:12] <Matsuo Shin> I'll be right back!
[13:12] * Matsuo Shin runs upstairs
[13:12] * Matsuo Shin is away 
[13:15] * Alta Liana turns the page and looks at it a while
[13:19] * Matsuo Shin is back
[13:19] <Matsuo Shin> I'm afraid it's not in color
[13:19] * Matsuo Shin unrolls the map
[13:35] * Alta Liana peers at it
[13:35] <Alta Liana> Where did you live?
[13:41] <Matsuo Shin> I lived right there *points to a spot near the center of the contient on the right*
[13:50] <Matsuo Shin> in a city called Mysn-Ku
[14:00] <Matsuo Shin> I lived in a castle
[14:22] * Phoebe Felinus watches Alta quietly
[14:28] * Alta Liana is still looking at the map, she probably has it memorized by now!
[14:29] * Matsuo Shin is pointing out features to her...the Euro Sea..Mt Irou...the Mysn Valley...and so on
[14:30] * Phoebe Felinus carefully walks up to listen
[14:33] * Alta Liana looks at Phoebe Felinus.
[14:33] *** Phoebe Felinus is a young girl with short silver hair with a streak of brown, green eyes and has a star symbol on her forehead. She is currently three years old and is one of the 400.
Her image Song is: .

[14:37] * Phoebe Felinus shyly covers her face with her plushie bunny
[14:47] * Alta Liana looks a bit puzzled. "Is something wrong with your face?"
[14:52] <Phoebe Felinus>
[14:53] <Alta Liana> Then why hide?
[14:55] * Phoebe Felinus trembles a bit
[14:55] <Matsuo Shin> she looks like she's shy
[14:57] <Alta Liana> :/
[15:04] * Phoebe Felinus peeks around her bunny at Alta
[15:19] <Alta Liana> I have to go now. Thank you for letting me see your map.
[15:20] <Matsuo Shin> no problem!
[15:21] * Alta Liana goes back over to the restaurant
[15:21] * Alta Liana is away 
[16:28] * Baby Beryl crawls towards Matsuo :D
[16:30] * Matsuo Shin keeps typing
[16:32] * Baby Beryl climbs up the Q sofa and lays down on it.
[16:34] * Baby Beryl looks at the funny contraption on Matsuo :O
[16:38] * Baby Beryl looks at the funny round power button O.O
[16:39] * Baby Beryl reaches for it :O
[16:42] <Matsuo Shin> no no no
[16:43] * Baby Beryl looks over at Matsuo O.O
[16:46] * Baby Beryl coosa, trying to make words about the strange device on Matsuo's lap.
[16:53] * Matsuo Shin blinks
[16:55] * Baby Beryl reaches for Matsuo :D
[16:56] <Matsuo Shin> heh relaly *picks up beryl*
[16:57] * Baby Beryl plays Peek-a-boo.
[17:04] * Baby Beryl reaches for Matsuo's nose, yo play "Got your nose" :D
[17:08] <Matsuo Shin> oof!
[17:10] * Baby Beryl wiggles around :D
[17:16] <Mdm_Maestro> Ara, another child.
[17:16] * Mdm_Maestro takes a sip of very expensive ultra-premium tea made from the leaves of some obscure Himalayan plant
[17:18] <Matsuo Shin> oh hello, lady kaioh
[17:19] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:19] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, DD_Girl_Green
[17:19] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Dewey Cheatum and Howe!!!
[17:20] * DD_Girl_Green walks in with a lot of groceries and baby food.
[17:20] <DD_Girl_Green> Hello, Michiru.
[17:20] * Matsuo Shin blinks, trying to remove beryl's hand from his nose
[17:21] <Mdm_Maestro> Hello, dear.
[17:21] <Matsuo Shin> and how have you been during these....intresting times
[17:21] * Mdm_Maestro shrugs
[17:22] <Mdm_Maestro> Watching Hotaru-chanshiverinEcstacy, mainly.
[17:22] <Mdm_Maestro> she longs to drop the Silence Glaive once more and Purify the world.
[17:22] <DD_Girl_Green> How did Haruka take my present to her?
[17:23] <Mdm_Maestro> What present, dear?
[17:23] <Matsuo Shin> I suppose nowadays it's not surprising
[17:24] <DD_Girl_Green> The doghouse.
[17:24] <Mdm_Maestro> Ara, that was you? I doubt she enjoys it, but I enjoy it immensely.
[17:25] <DD_Girl_Green> i felt that an idiom made into reality should be the best reward for what she did.
[17:29] <Matsuo Shin> apperently
[17:33] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Matsumi Kaze
[17:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Ain't it Sweat.
[17:33] * Matsumi Kaze walks in, yawning "home"
[17:34] <Mdm_Maestro> What has been happening here, dears?
[17:40] <Matsumi Kaze> other then the explosions....weird s[BLEEP]t
[17:40] <Mdm_Maestro> Oh? Tell me more.
[17:41] <Matsumi Kaze> well there's that apperent sailor moon running around
[17:41] * Baby Beryl Turns and Sees grandma :D
[17:42] <Mdm_Maestro> Usagi-chan? Or is Jedite crossdressing?
[17:43] <Matsumi Kaze> I have no clue..most of the photos are fuzzy..but they look like her
[17:44] <Mdm_Maestro> It could be a skilled cosplayer?
[17:44] <Matsumi Kaze> apperently said skilled cosplayer rescued an entire bus full of people
[17:46] <Mdm_Maestro> A very skilled cosplayer?
[17:47] <DD_Girl_Green> Tell me it isn't zoicite
[17:47] <Matsumi Kaze> a cosplayer who can apperently leap building to building
[17:50] * Mdm_Maestro takes a delicate sip of tea.
[17:51] <Mdm_Maestro> Metahumans can cosplay.
[17:51] <Mdm_Maestro> Tell me, how confident did she seem in battle?
[17:52] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't know..I've only seen newsclips and still photos
[17:52] <Matsumi Kaze> I haven't gotten directly involved
[17:52] <Mdm_Maestro> Hmm.
[17:53] <Mdm_Maestro> As far as I know, Usagi-chan is still being a housewife and new parent to Kousagi-chan.
[17:53] <Mdm_Maestro> Though not so "new" nw.
[17:55] <Matsumi Kaze> then it's someone else
[18:00] <Mdm_Maestro> Indeed.
[18:01] <Mdm_Maestro> Someone may be preparing to trade on her reputation.
[18:04] <Matsumi Kaze> I've been trying to alert the new senshi team
[18:08] *** bbl dinner
[18:19] <Mdm_Maestro> How are they working out so far?
[18:22] <Matsumi Kaze> to be honest I don't know
[18:22] <Matsumi Kaze> I haven't heard a peep from them other then my own replacement
[18:25] <Matsumi Kaze> your own replacement has been..busy I guess with her sattilities
[18:31] <Matsumi Kaze> though I must report my own daughter seems to be taking her role as a neptunian senshi very seriously and well ^^
[18:33] <Mdm_Maestro> That's good. I never really had the inclination to micromanage them when I was Neptune.
[18:34] <Matsumi Kaze> I've seen Phobos around here a couple of times.....human sized for once
[18:37] <Mdm_Maestro> I've never really dealt with them much.
[18:37] <Mdm_Maestro> Of all the Outer Senshi, you were the only one with a guardian.
[18:38] <Mdm_Maestro> Athough Haruka says she is proected by something called an "Excremental"
[18:38] <Mdm_Maestro> I don't understand where she comes up with these things.
[18:38] <Matsumi Kaze> o_O sounds like something she wuld make up
[18:42] <Matsumi Kaze> well having a guardian wasn't all fun and games >.>
[18:43] <Matsumi Kaze> try having someone constantly lecturing you and telling you you're not strong enough
[18:46] <Mdm_Maestro> <_<
[18:46] * Mdm_Maestro realizes she fulfilled that role with Haruka
[18:47] * Mdm_Maestro coughs
[18:47] <Matsumi Kaze> and of course the hairballs
[18:48] <Mdm_Maestro> Disgusting.
[18:48] <Matsumi Kaze> try being the one to clean up after them
[18:48] <Matsumi Kaze> SO HOW ARE YOU DOING
[18:49] <Mdm_Maestro> Fairly well, preparing for the Christmas season.
[18:49] <Matsumi Kaze> oh reaaallly? me too!
[18:49] <Mdm_Maestro> I saw the tree.
[18:50] <Mdm_Maestro> (Not that anyonw here couldn't)
[18:51] <Matsumi Kaze> I think it's bigger then last year's
[18:51] <Matsumi Kaze> it's kind of funny to see something tall and pointy inserted into the ho-
[18:51] <Matsumi Kaze> *cough* nevermind
[18:51] <Mdm_Maestro> I rememeber once there was a battle at the North pole.
[18:51] <@Big Giant Head Chat> ...
[18:51] * @Big Giant Head Chat HEADBUTTS MATSUMI
[18:51] * @Big Giant Head Chat is away 
[18:55] <Matsumi Kaze> OOF @_@
[18:55] <Matsumi Kaze> ....hey question
[18:55] <Matsumi Kaze> you guys defeated Santa Claus
[18:55] <Matsumi Kaze> ...whatever happened to Mrs Claus?
[18:56] <Mdm_Maestro> Yes.
[18:56] <Mdm_Maestro> I believe she revived him in a dark ceremony.
[18:56] <Mdm_Maestro> That is why he constantly returns.
[18:57] <Matsumi Kaze> man...
[18:57] <Matsumi Kaze> we've seen s[BLEEP]t
[18:58] <Mdm_Maestro> Yes, we have.
[18:58] * Mdm_Maestro nods in agreement.
[18:59] <Matsumi Kaze> but.....
[18:59] <Matsumi Kaze> I wouldn't trade it for the world
[19:01] <Mdm_Maestro> Nor I.
[19:01] * Mdm_Maestro smiles
[19:02] <Matsumi Kaze> a rare ^^
[19:02] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh *streaches*
[19:03] * Mdm_Maestro frowns
[19:03] * Mdm_Maestro adjusts her glasses
[19:03] <Mdm_Maestro> I am very personable, dear.
[19:04] <Matsumi Kaze> well naturally *adjusts her own glasses*
[19:05] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: To beat the man, you must eat the man
[19:05] <Megan O`Cain> Evening.
[19:05] <Mdm_Maestro> Hello. dear/
[19:06] * Little fox ears pop up behind a nearby couch.
[19:06] <Megan O`Cain> How've you been, Michiru?
[19:07] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Solarchos
[19:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> SNAP into a Suburban Senshi! OOOH YEAAAAH!
[19:07] <Mdm_Maestro> I've been fine.
[19:07] <Mdm_Maestro> Dealing with Haruka's whining, mainly.
[19:09] <Megan O`Cain> Oh really? Can't get out of that doghouse, huh?
[19:09] <Mdm_Maestro> No.
[19:10] <Solarchos> Hello everyone.
[19:10] <Solarchos> Haruka's whining?
[19:10] <Mdm_Maestro> Hello, Solarchos-san. Yes, she's stuck in a doghouse and complaining about it.
[19:11] <Solarchos> Let me guess.
[19:11] <Solarchos> Because of the Gigafart incident.
[19:13] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Nat
[19:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: It is your destiny.
[19:14] * Chibi-Nat pokes her head up from behind that couch and peers at Daddy and the strange woman he's talking to.
[19:14] <Mdm_Maestro> Indeed.
[19:14] <Mdm_Maestro> I've warned her about lighting such things.
[19:14] <Megan O`Cain> Aside from hearing Haruka's pathetic whining, have you been up to much, Michiru?
[19:15] * Chibi-Nat rushes up to Michiru and gives her the Accusing Pointy Finger. >:(
[19:18] * Mdm_Maestro just looks down her nose at the kit
[19:18] <Mdm_Maestro> That is a full time job, dear.
[19:20] * There is an explosion from the danger room
[19:20] <Solarchos> <__<
[19:21] <Matsumi Kaze> aaaand that's probably my sister
[19:21] <Chibi-Nat> You no take Daddy! >:(
[19:22] * Mdm_Maestro chuckles
[19:22] <Mdm_Maestro> Oh I have no desire to take your father, dear.
[19:22] * Mdm_Maestro says that in a way that would crush any man's ego
[19:24] <Matsumi Kaze> eesh XD
[19:25] <Matsumi Kaze> how many people have you killed with that voice of yours
[19:26] <Matsumi Kaze> *tone of yours
[19:26] <Chibi-Nat> You suuuuuuure? >:(
[19:26] <Solarchos> Sorry, she's protective.
[19:26] <Mdm_Maestro> Is someone trying to take you away, or does she do this to every woman you speak to?
[19:28] <Solarchos> Certain types of women, yes. Particularly ones she feels are as elegant and graceful as Inu-Kit.
[19:28] <Solarchos> Which I would guess you'd take as a complement of sorts. ^__^
[19:31] <Matsumi Kaze> ooooo he's htting on you!
[19:31] <Solarchos> I am not, Matsumi. :P
[19:31] * Chibi-Nat hugs Daddy's leg. "Mine and Mommy's!"
[19:33] <Matsumi Kaze> you are too :P
[19:33] * Mdm_Maestro smiles enigmatically
[19:33] <Solarchos> I only have eyes for Inu-Kit. :P
[19:34] * Matsumi Kaze puts fake fox ears on michiru's head "what about now"
[19:35] <Solarchos> Sorry, Matsumi. No change. :P
[19:35] * Chibi-Nat peers up at Kitsune-Michi. o__o
[19:36] * Matsumi Kaze holds up fake fox tails and just...griiiiins at michiru
[19:37] * Mdm_Maestro just gives an elegant smile that says "if those even touch me they're setting shoved where the sun does not shine, Matsumi-san."
[19:37] * Matsumi Kaze puts the tails away >.>
[19:38] <Solarchos> Wise.
[19:38] * Chibi-Nat tries to examine the tails Aunty Matsy was holding.
[19:38] <Chibi-Nat> She be a Kitsune too?
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> yeaaaah I don't think so this time >.>
[19:41] * Matsumi Kaze sits down and just...tryes to act cool
[19:42] <Matsumi Kaze> SO HOW ABOUT SOME TEA HAHAHA
[19:42] <Chibi-Nat> OoooooO!
[19:42] <Solarchos> I could go for some tea.
[19:43] * Matsumi Kaze runs off to the kitchen to get out of michi's way
[19:44] <Solarchos> You're not actually upset are you, Michiru?
[19:44] <Mdm_Maestro> Of course not, dear.
[19:47] * Matsumi Kaze return swith tea and hands it out to everyone!
[19:48] <Chibi-Nat> :D
[19:48] <Solarchos> Thank you.
[19:48] <Matsumi Kaze> it's not the best
[19:48] <Matsumi Kaze> so michi...I was thinking of doing a ballet in the lobby close to christmas
[19:48] * Megan O`Cain gets out a loaf of a sweet bread, "Povotica, anyone? English walnut."
[19:49] <Mdm_Maestro> Thinking? Haven't you been actively preparing?
[19:49] <Mdm_Maestro> I'll try some, dear.
[19:49] * Mdm_Maestro takes a slice.
[19:49] <Chibi-Nat> :D
[19:49] * Chibi-Nat reaches for the bread.
[19:49] <Matsumi Kaze> well yes I have >.>
[19:50] <Solarchos> A ballet, Matsumi? Like the "Nutcracker"?
[19:50] <Matsumi Kaze> it will be The Nutcracker
[19:50] <Matsumi Kaze> hey solar..if you are wliling you could take part...I have the perfect role for you!
[19:51] <Solarchos> A part for me?
[19:51] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[19:51] * Megan O`Cain cuts the povotica into slices, and gives one to Michiru
[19:51] <Mdm_Maestro> Thank you, dear.
[19:51] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah and yuour kids!
[19:52] <Mdm_Maestro> Ara, will Solar-san be the one who gets his nuts cracked?
[19:52] * Mdm_Maestro asks that so innocently
[19:52] <Matsumi Kaze> no it's...
[19:52] * Matsumi Kaze whispers in Michiru's ear
[19:53] <Solarchos> Why Michiru...those fox ears look so elegant!
[19:53] <Chibi-Nat> ^___^
[19:53] * Mdm_Maestro smiles ever-so-sweetly
[19:54] <Matsumi Kaze> isn't it perfect?
[19:55] <Mdm_Maestro> Oh, it is, dear. ♫
[19:55] * Chibi-Nat reaches up to poke the fox-ears of Michiru.
[19:55] <Solarchos> Hmmm?
[19:55] <Megan O`Cain> Hm?
[19:56] <Matsumi Kaze> oh nothing
[19:56] <Matsumi Kaze> it would be a role that would allow you to act with your children
[19:57] <Solarchos> What role would that be? I'm not too familiar with the characters overall.
[19:58] <Matsumi Kaze> oh an important one!
[19:58] * Megan O`Cain takes a slice of povotica, and proceeds to munch
[19:59] * Chibi-Nat nibbles on a slice of bread too. ^___^
[19:59] <Chibi-Nat> Yummy!
[19:59] <Chibi-Nat> Thank you!
[19:59] <Matsumi Kaze> what do you guys think?
[20:00] <Megan O`Cain> About what, Matsumi?
[20:00] <Solarchos> Well, I'll try it out.
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> ok!
[20:01] <Matsumi Kaze> rehsersials are tomorrow night!
[20:01] <Matsumi Kaze> we'll need to take measurements for your costume of course
[20:02] <Solarchos> Okay.
[20:02] * Chibi-Nat reaches for another slice of sweet bread!
[20:05] * Megan O`Cain gives Natalia another slice, "Heh."
[20:05] <Megan O`Cain> What's been going on with you, Solar?
[20:05] <Chibi-Nat> :3
[20:06] <Solarchos> Just going over yet more reports from the Algol system. Holy crap, things are getting crazy out there apparently.
[20:07] <Mdm_Maestro> Oh? What madness is happening in Space now?
[20:07] <Megan O`Cain> What sort of stuff?
[20:09] <Solarchos> I'm trying to process it all myself. Serbius had a high-priority astropathic message directly to me earlier today. Unfortunately, the message got partially scrambled for some reason. That alone is concerning.
[20:11] <Solarchos> But the message was clear enough to indicate that a starship is returning back home with some kind of special cargo.
[20:11] <Mdm_Maestro> What a wonderful Christmas Surprise.
[20:12] <Solarchos> Other than that, the latest round of reports indicates that a large scale space battle is brewing. The Algolians have prepared a sizable fleet of system ships to take on the alien Swarmship.
[20:13] * Chibi-Nat just munches away on her yummy bread, her tails flicking happily.
[20:15] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[20:16] <Solarchos> But it's the other contents of the reports that make even less sense.
[20:17] <Megan O`Cain> How so?
[20:19] <Solarchos> The other part of the astropathic communique was transmitted in Serbius' "peculiar vernacular" of the Imperium. He's identifying a Chaos threat, but the rest of the part indicating just WHAT is causing the threat is missing.
[20:21] <Matsumi Kaze> I never understand any of this...crazy stuff
[20:21] <Megan O`Cain> How is that possible?
[20:21] <Solarchos> I don
[20:21] <Solarchos> I don't understand it myself.
[20:23] <Megan O`Cain> Huh.
[20:27] <Solarchos> But something majorly bad is going on over there.
[20:28] <Megan O`Cain> Do you think the Coalition needs to engage the threat yet?
[20:29] * Baby Beryl is on Grandma's head :D
[20:29] <Solarchos> Perhaps. Best to put out the call for your own starships to assemble.
[20:30] * Megan O`Cain nods
[20:35] * Baby Beryl has two toy nutcrackers :D
[20:35] <Chibi-Nat> O__O
[20:35] <Chibi-Nat> o__o
[20:35] * Chibi-Nat peers at Baby Beryl!
[20:38] <Baby Beryl> O__O
[20:40] <Chibi-Nat> O__O
[20:40] <Solarchos> Heh
[20:41] <Baby Beryl> >__<
[20:42] * Baby Beryl clings tighly to her toys and grandma's hair.
[20:42] <Megan O`Cain> Awww.
[20:44] * Chibi-Nat trots over to Baby Beryl and trills at her. =^ ^=
[20:47] <Chibi-Nat> Hi!
[20:47] <DD_Girl_Green> I think she's scared f baby foxes
[20:47] <Baby Beryl> O_O
[20:47] <Baby Beryl> o_o
[20:47] <Baby Beryl> >_<
[20:49] <Chibi-Nat> /POOFS!!
[20:49] * Chibi-Nat POOFS!!
[20:50] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> :3
[20:50] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) squeaks at Baby Beryl and rolls onto her side in front of her, wiggling her floofy tails.
[20:51] * Baby Beryl opens her eyes, but sneezes.
[20:51] <Megan O`Cain> Bless you.
[20:52] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) squeaks and paws at the air in front of Baby Beryl.
[20:52] <Solarchos> It's okay, little one. She's only saying hi to you.
[20:53] * Baby Beryl holds out one of the nutcrackers in a bit of fear.
[20:57] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) sniffs at it and wiggles her tails
[21:01] * Baby Beryl gives the strange dog (her view) the nutcracker.
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> well this night has been interesting
[21:02] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) gives Baby Beryl some sniff-sniffs. :3
[21:02] <DD_Girl_Green> Yeah, especially with my daughter on your head, as well as Natalia.
[21:02] <Megan O`Cain> It has.
[21:04] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> =^ ^=
[21:04] <Solarchos> Silly Kit.
[21:04] <Solarchos> If haru was here, she'd probably say that Kits make everything interesting.
[21:04] <DD_Girl_Green> but, she's scared of dogs.
[21:04] <DD_Girl_Green> She thinks Natlia is a dog.
[21:05] <Megan O`Cain> Awww. Natalia isn't a dog. She's a little kitsune.
[21:06] <Solarchos> And Nata is no one to be scared of.
[21:08] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) prances over to Daddy and yips at him a few times.
[21:08] <Solarchos> And it's time for her and I to get home now. Bedtime for all good little foxes!
[21:09] <Matsumi Kaze> awww night!
[21:09] <Megan O`Cain> Alright, Solar. Night, you two.
[21:09] * Solarchos picks up Natalia in his arms.
[21:09] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> ^__^
[21:09] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Gah!")
[21:09] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:10] * Baby Beryl opens her eyes, and checks to see if the dog is gone.
[21:15] <Megan O`Cain> Little fox is gone now.
[21:15] <+luna_P> 0H 73H d0g i5 g0n3 ♡ [Oh the dog is gone ♡]
[21:15] <+luna_P> bu7 i'm H3r3~ [but i'm here~ ]
[21:15] * luna_P 1ick5 Hi5 1ip5 [/me licks his lips ]
[21:16] * Baby Beryl plays with the Cat ball, far too playfully :D
[21:16] * luna_P pr3pr5 2 5w4110w 73H 7457y m347 wH013 [/me prepares to swallow the tasty meat whole]
[21:17] * DD_Girl_Green touches a switch on the cat ball :O
[21:17] * Baby Beryl *^
[21:17] * luna_P H45 n0 3x73rn41 5wi7cH35. [/me has no external switches. ]
[21:18] * luna_P 5wing5 4r0und [/me swings around]
[21:18] * luna_P pr3pr5 2 347 7w0 pi3c35 0pH 7457y m347 [/me prepares to eat TWO PIECES OF TASTY MEAT]
[21:18] * luna_P dr0015 [/me drools]
[21:18] <+luna_P> j00r 50u15 r min3~ [your souls are mine~]
[21:18] <Mdm_Maestro> Now, now, dear.
[21:18] <Matsumi Kaze> NOOO
[21:18] * Baby Beryl Munches on the Antenna on the cat ball ^O^
[21:19] * luna_P 53nd5 120 v0175 0pH 313c7ric7y 7H0ugH 73H 4n73nn4 [/me sends 120 volts of electricty though the antenna]
[21:19] *** FrostQueenie [Deathlord@Ebonblade.LK] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:19] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, FrostQueenie
[21:19] <@Chateaux Concierge> PSA:Awesome things will happen today if everyone chooses not to be a miserable cow.
[21:19] <FrostQueenie> ....
[21:19] <Mdm_Maestro> Obviously parental supervision is lacking.
[21:19] <Mdm_Maestro> I will have to "Step up", as the young people say.
[21:20] * FrostQueenie pulls out her sword, and it starts drinking the souls Luna-P has eaten recently
[21:20] * Matsumi Kaze GRABS her granddaughter away
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> I keep trying to tell Green that
[21:20] * luna_P cH0mp5 0n 73H 5w0rd 4nd 5ux0r5 73H 50u15 b4ck [/me chomps on the sword and sucks the souls back ]
[21:20] * Baby Beryl Smiles at Grandma :D
[21:21] * Megan O`Cain just sighs, "Well, this has become quite the night."
[21:21] <DD_Girl_Green> Hey, she keeps trying to crawl away from me
[21:21] <DD_Girl_Green> which is something Mira never does.
[21:21] * Mdm_Maestro snaps her fingers and forms a twirling ball of water over her palm
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> you need to keep watch over her!
[21:22] * FrostQueenie 's sword is an artifact of unimaginable evil and holds WAY Too many souls to eat
[21:22] * Mdm_Maestro compresses a ball with enough power to form a tidal wave
[21:22] * Mdm_Maestro flicks it foward at the Luna-P and WASHES IT AWAY with a "TIDAL SURGE"
[21:22] *** luna_P [beachballbot@localhost] has quit IRC (w45H3d 4w4y [/quit washed away])
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> sometimes I forget you're still powerful
[21:23] * Mdm_Maestro chuckles lightly
[21:24] <Mdm_Maestro> You're verycharming, dear.
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze bows
[21:25] * Baby Beryl SHows grandma her two toy nutcrackers :D
[21:26] <Megan O`Cain> Very impressive control, I must say.
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> hope they're soft ^^;;
[21:27] <Mdm_Maestro> Thank you, dear.
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> (she'll probably say something like "naturally")
[21:30] <Mdm_Maestro> It's just natural.
[21:31] * Baby Beryl 's two little nutcrackers look like Grandma and Uncle :D
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> SO DAMN CLOSE
[21:33] * Baby Beryl coos
[21:34] * DD_Girl_Green picks up Baby Beryl
[21:34] <Matsumi Kaze> so wait
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> whta ARE your plans for christmas, michi?
[21:36] * Baby Beryl wiggles, and Slips away from mommy :D
[21:37] * Baby Beryl crawls towards grandma.
[21:39] <Mdm_Maestro> Quality time with all of us here.
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze> AWWWW
[21:39] * Matsumi Kaze HUGS MICHIRU
[21:41] <Megan O`Cain> Isn't that sweet?
[21:41] * DD_Girl_Green picks up her daughter once more
[21:42] * Mdm_Maestro hugs back awkwardly
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> muahah akwardness
[21:44] * Baby Beryl struggles against mommy's loving grip >_<
[21:51] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[21:52] * DD_Girl_Green now has Baby Beryl strapped to her
[21:52] <Megan O`Cain> Seems someone's getting rather fussy over there.
[21:53] * Baby Beryl struggles, she wants to wiggle free and adventure around the hotel >_<
[22:03] * Baby Beryl has tears streaming down her face
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze> heeey
[22:09] <DD_Girl_Green> I can keep my eye on her this way, she won't be able to crawl away from me again.
[22:12] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods
[22:12] * Baby Beryl starts crying, trying to wiggle out
[22:22] <Megan O`Cain> Is there any way to calm her down?
[22:22] * Baby Beryl wiggles violently, crying even louder.
[22:22] * Megan O`Cain plugs her ears a bit
[22:23] <@Big Giant Head Chat> We're not a daycare, please muzzle your child
[22:24] * Matsumi Kaze tosses green a pacifer
[22:24] <Matsumi Kaze> HEY CHAT HOW GOES
[22:24] * DD_Girl_Green puts the pacifier in Beryl's mouth.
[22:24] <@Big Giant Head Chat> I DON'T KNOW THE KID IS LOUD
[22:25] <Baby Beryl> /m sucke on the pacifier, but is still wiggling a lot.
[22:25] * Baby Beryl *^
[22:26] <Matsumi Kaze> better?
[22:26] <@Big Giant Head Chat> Babies are attention magnets. In most human environs they act like small cute animals. Lures for attention.
[22:27] <@Big Giant Head Chat> But here they're just loud obnoxious trouble machines.
[22:27] <Spectrix> It's a lot better than the alternative.
[22:28] <Matsumi Kaze> (please don't tell the story about your children being kidnapped...again)
[22:30] <@Big Giant Head Chat> What, peace and quiet?
[22:30] <Mdm_Maestro> Hmm.
[22:30] <Mdm_Maestro> Hmm.
[22:30] <Mdm_Maestro> That reminds me, I wonder what little Ferdinand is doing now.
[22:30] <Spectrix> No, Your children being taken from you to be raised as a killer.
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze> you just remember him NOW!?
[22:31] <@Big Giant Head Chat> Cool are they any good at it
[22:31] <Spectrix> or, in this case, killers.
[22:31] <Mdm_Maestro> <_<
[22:31] <Mdm_Maestro> Well we sent him away to Boarding School so he wouldn't be a nuisance.
[22:31] <Mdm_Maestro> We had manners.
[22:32] * Mdm_Maestro looks at DD Girl Gouche or whatever as she says that
[22:32] <Mdm_Maestro> He should be about two now.
[22:32] <@Big Giant Head Chat> More like four.
[22:32] <Mdm_Maestro> ....
[22:33] <Spectrix> Yeah well, Those killers became That HAG's soldiers.
[22:33] <Mdm_Maestro> Then that potty trainer set might not be appropriate.
[22:33] <Spectrix> Some of you might have killed them.
[22:33] * Mdm_Maestro goes to order something else
[22:33] <Mdm_Maestro> Possibly, dear.
[22:33] <Spectrix> including my own children.
[22:33] <Mdm_Maestro> Life is difficult.
[22:33] <Matsumi Kaze> not sure if I should laugh or not......would that be bad if I laughed?
[22:34] <@Big Giant Head Chat> Michiru when was the lasrt time you SAW your kid?
[22:34] <Mdm_Maestro> When I woke up from the sedation they hit me with after the birth.
[22:34] <Mdm_Maestro> Then we sent him off.
[22:35] <@Big Giant Head Chat> Do you even know what he looks like?
[22:35] <Mdm_Maestro> I would imagine he looks like a young Peter Cushing.
[22:35] <Megan O`Cain> And you never kept in touch with him. How classy.
[22:35] <@Big Giant Head Chat> ....
[22:35] <Mdm_Maestro> Now, now. I did have the help send cards.
[22:36] <@Big Giant Head Chat> (This will end so well)
[22:36] <Spectrix> Where did you Send him, by any chance?
[22:36] <Mdm_Maestro> A private boarding school in Latveria.
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> wait
[22:37] <@Big Giant Head Chat> If you all weren't going to take care of him why did you have him?
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> sent him to Latveria?
[22:37] <Spectrix> Isn't that country ruled by a villain?
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> like.....doomy doom latveria?
[22:37] <Mdm_Maestro> Because at the time Haruka was a man and we forgot ourselves in the heat of the moment.
[22:38] <Mdm_Maestro> Oh Victor-san promised he would take a special interest in the boy.
[22:38] <Mdm_Maestro> He's on the christmas card list.
[22:38] <Spectrix> Victor Von Doom?
[22:39] <Mdm_Maestro> Yes, a truly noble man from an old and venerable family.
[22:39] <Mdm_Maestro> And so clever.
[22:39] <Mdm_Maestro> But perhaps a little too thirfty at times.
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> well so was atllia the hun
[22:40] <Mdm_Maestro> Now, now, it's ot like you to be racist, Matsumi-san.
[22:40] <Mdm_Maestro> Latverians are a kind, hard working people.
[22:40] <Matsumi Kaze> I have nothing against the latverians know
[22:40] <Matsumi Kaze> killer robots?
[22:41] <Mdm_Maestro> Our Princess has an army of Mandroids at her beck and call.
[22:41] <Mdm_Maestro> Ami-chan has a fleet of Gundams.
[22:41] <Mdm_Maestro> Sakura April visits here often.
[22:42] <Mdm_Maestro> has decimated many foes.
[22:42] <Matsumi Kaze> err..ok.....killer ray guns!
[22:43] <Mdm_Maestro> Almost everyone mentioned previously has killer beams.
[22:43] <Matsumi Kaze> gaaaaaaaaah....
[22:43] <Matsumi Kaze> HE HATES SQUIRRELS
[22:44] <Matsumi Kaze> I have good authority from a friend of mine that he does
[22:44] <Mdm_Maestro> So do I, dear. Nasty, filthy creatures.
[22:44] <Megan O`Cain> Seriously?
[22:45] <Spectrix> Have you visited Latveria?
[22:45] <Mdm_Maestro> Look at them, scurrying this way and that. Climbing. Plotting.
[22:45] <Matsumi Kaze> I give up 9_9
[22:45] <Mdm_Maestro> Once, when I was buying some land there.
[22:46] <Spectrix> Have you noticed the citizens there?
[22:47] <Mdm_Maestro> Yes, quite down-to-earth people.
[22:47] <Mdm_Maestro> I got a lovely set of salt-and-pepper shakers there which were handcrafted.
[22:49] <Mdm_Maestro> Of course I found some imperfections in them to I auctioned them off later.
[22:49] <Spectrix> I hate to say this, but it's a lot like D-Point when that Hag was ruling it.
[22:49] <Mdm_Maestro> You exagerrate.
[22:50] <Mdm_Maestro> It was a small, charming pricipality.
[22:50] * Mdm_Maestro stands and stretches
[22:50] <Mdm_Maestro> Well, it has been a wonderful evening, everyone.
[22:50] <Mdm_Maestro> I shall see you all again.
[22:50] *** Mdm_Maestro [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (You are all Unworthy)
[22:52] <Megan O`Cain> See you later, Michiru.
[22:52] <Spectrix> I don't know what anyone sees in her, do you, dear?
[22:52] * Baby Beryl is still wiggling, trying to slip out.
[22:53] <Matsumi Kaze> night, michi
[22:55] <DD_Girl_Green> Woah, little gem, You're still not slipping out.
[23:01] * Baby Beryl continues wiggling, even trying to grab on to either grandma to get free to be able to crawl freely through the hotel
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> no little can't go crawling around
[23:07] * Baby Beryl reaches :O
[23:10] <Spectrix> Little one, you can't.
[23:15] <Spectrix> I have to go on another babysitting job soon.
[23:22] <Spectrix> Take care, dearies.
[23:23] *** Spectrix has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:25] <Megan O`Cain> See ya.
[23:30] * Megan O`Cain relaxes a bit on a sofa
[23:33] * Baby Beryl falls asleep, she's all tuckered out -.-
[23:35] <Megan O`Cain> And she's out.
[23:36] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[23:39] <Megan O`Cain> She really was putting up quite a fuss.
[23:41] <DD_Girl_Green> and all over wanting to crawl around
[23:47] <Megan O`Cain> One little explorer, isn't she?
[23:53] <DD_Girl_Green> Yeah, I always keep my eyes on her, but she crawls away anyway.
[23:55] <Megan O`Cain> Must be rather crafty.
[23:56] <DD_Girl_Green> well, she does have the blood of a crafty person (;
[23:58] <Megan O`Cain> Heh.
[00:16] * Matsumi Kaze yawns!
[00:16] <Megan O`Cain> Getting tired, Matsumi?
[00:17] <DD_Girl_Green> I'll take little gem to her crib, night everyone.
[00:17] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Green.
[00:18] * DD_Girl_Green goes upstairs, Baby Beryl literally strapped to her, sleeping.
[00:18] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:45] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to bed!)
[00:47] <Megan O`Cain> Oh. Night, Matsumi.
[01:05] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Time I get to bed.)
[17:53] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Matsumi Kaze
[17:53] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Warez da beef??
[17:54] * Matsumi Kaze is sitting on her stomach on the floor, sending texts
[18:29] * Matsumi Kaze yawns, looking exausted
[18:40] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Eliza McIntash
[18:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: True Typing Violence
[18:41] * Eliza McIntash wanders in to see if people are around.
[18:41] * Eliza McIntash looks around the area, the lobby, and the living room.
[18:43] <Eliza McIntash> Hmmmmm.
[18:44] * Eliza McIntash leans against the wall, smiling.
[18:49] * Eliza McIntash whistles a song to herself quietly.
[18:49] <Eliza McIntash> ♫
[18:55] <Matsumi Kaze> hi *yawn* eliza
[18:57] <Eliza McIntash> Hello Matsumi Kaze. What is going on?
[18:57] <Matsumi Kaze> nuthing....
[18:57] <Matsumi Kaze> ...really tired for some reason
[18:59] <Eliza McIntash> Are you unaware why you are tired, or can you just not sleep?
[19:00] <Matsumi Kaze> just not sure why I'm tired
[19:00] * Eliza McIntash looks somewhat disbelieving at this, but says, "Well, alright then."
[19:01] <Eliza McIntash> Have you been doing a lot, or not eating well?
[19:01] <Matsumi Kaze> nope and no
[19:04] <Eliza McIntash> How very unusual.
[19:04] <Eliza McIntash> Well I guess that my advice to you is not useful, then. I hope you feel better, though.
[19:06] <Matsumi Kaze> probably feel better tomorrow
[19:07] <Eliza McIntash> ...............hopefully.
[19:07] * Eliza McIntash looks at Matsumi Kaze.
[19:07] *** Matsumi Kaze is is a teenage girl with short blond hair and blue green eyes. With a well endowed figure and plenty of amazing power, she defends her home and her friends with all her heart. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "She makes me Laugh" by The Monkees.

[19:07] <Eliza McIntash> <.<
[19:07] * Eliza McIntash taps her chin a few times, thinking.
[19:14] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[19:30] <Matsumi Kaze> hey eliza
[19:30] <Matsumi Kaze> ..would you have any interest in dancing a ballet?
[19:31] <Eliza McIntash> Hmm, say what?
[19:33] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm looking for people to help do a performance of nutcracker in the lobby close to christmas
[19:34] <Eliza McIntash> .............
[19:34] * Eliza McIntash stays quiet for a really long time. ".........."
[19:35] <Matsumi Kaze> the main three roles are cast...I just need a few of the others
[19:36] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:36] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: And Boom it goes!
[19:36] <Megan O`Cain> Hi!
[19:37] <Eliza McIntash> ...............
[19:37] <Eliza McIntash> [SPOILER] Yes. Now.
[19:37] <Eliza McIntash> Yes.
[19:38] * Eliza McIntash jerks a little bit, and gives the tiniest of bows.
[19:38] <Eliza McIntash> Yes, Matsumi. I will dance in your troupe.
[19:40] <Matsumi Kaze> hmm...
[19:40] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Solarchos
[19:40] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You'll need a smoke.
[19:40] * Matsumi Kaze pulls up the roles
[19:40] <Matsumi Kaze> oh solar!
[19:40] <Eliza McIntash> .................
[19:40] <Matsumi Kaze> did you get the measurements I need
[19:41] <Solarchos> Hi Matsumi. Yes, I did.
[19:41] <Megan O`Cain> Yo, Solar.
[19:41] * Solarchos gives Matsumi the body measurements she requested, both of himself AND of all the Kits.
[19:42] <Matsumi Kaze> how would you feel about playing the sugar plum fairy, eliza?
[19:43] <Eliza McIntash> I am a very weak dancer.
[19:43] <Eliza McIntash> But I will try.
[19:43] <Eliza McIntash> I.... I can still do it.
[19:43] * Eliza McIntash ponders on that thought for a moment.
[19:46] <Matsumi Kaze> well we will have practice
[19:46] <Matsumi Kaze> you'll need to get some point shoes
[19:46] *** [H!P]Allison Blitz [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:46] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, [H!P]Allison Blitz
[19:46] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We make Coleco Adam look good
[19:47] <Solarchos> What exactly is my role going to be?
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hi allison!
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yeah solar I forgot
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> you'll be playing Mother Ginger
[19:48] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Hey!
[19:48] * [H!P]Allison Blitz walks in, holding a manila folder full of paperwork.
[19:49] <Megan O`Cain> Hi there.
[19:49] <Matsumi Kaze> we're putting on The Nutcracker in the lobby close to christmas!
[19:49] <Solarchos> ...Who's that?
[19:49] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> How is everyone doing?
[19:49] <Solarchos> Mother Ginger?
[19:50] * Eliza McIntash turns to Allison, and quietly answers, "Like Old Times."
[19:50] <Megan O`Cain> I'm doing alright, miss.
[19:50] * [H!P]Allison Blitz waves to Eliza.
[19:51] <Matsumi Kaze> eh I'm fine
[19:51] <Matsumi Kaze> busy busy busy
[19:51] <Matsumi Kaze> yes, Solar
[19:51] <Matsumi Kaze> we'll gte the wig and skirt all set
[19:52] <Megan O`Cain> I think Solar was asking who Mother Ginger is, Matsumi.
[19:52] * [H!P]Allison Blitz sits down, and opens the folder.
[19:53] <Matsumi Kaze> oh she is a woman who walks onto the stage..opens her large skirts and her children run out and dance
[19:53] <Matsumi Kaze> what's up with the folder, allison?
[19:53] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Legal documents.
[19:53] <Eliza McIntash> Are any other girls from the Kakkedekan going to be in the performance?
[19:54] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I had my lawyer look over them this weekend, and he said they're all good for me to sign.
[19:55] <Matsumi Kaze> nope
[19:55] <Matsumi Kaze> legal documents for what?
[19:55] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Anyone have a pen? Like, a good one? I just realized all I have are sparkly gel pens.
[19:55] * Solarchos offers Allison a pen
[19:55] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Oh, I'm buying stocks in an energy company.
[19:55] * [H!P]Allison Blitz gratefully accepts.
[19:56] <Solarchos> So, I'm going to be playing a woman in this?
[19:56] <Solarchos> And the Kits are going to be under my dress? Oh god, I can imagine the comments now...but I *did* agree to help you, so I'll participate to the best of my ability.
[19:56] <Matsumi Kaze> oh neat!
[19:57] <Eliza McIntash> Hmmmm, how much money are you going to put in this energy company?
[19:57] * Eliza McIntash looks at [H!P]Allison Blitz.
[19:57] *** [H!P]Allison Blitz is a 20-year-old girl, her brown hair in a short ponytail. She wears an argyle cardigan over a navy blue dress. She looks a little on the pregnant side. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: Otona na no yo! - BerryzKoubou.

[19:58] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I can't get into specifics, sadly.
[19:58] <Eliza McIntash> Then that actually kind of tells me the answe.r
[19:58] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> At least not on the record.
[19:58] <Eliza McIntash> I'll bet it's a boatload.
[19:58] <Eliza McIntash> Golly, I'll bet being an idol makes really good money.
[19:59] * Eliza McIntash thinks.
[19:59] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> It's not really the idol money, per se.
[20:00] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> When I joined Hello! Project, my manager and my agent negotiated a deal so that I'd get 75% of the revenue for anything featuring my likeness, and anything bearing my name.
[20:00] * [H!P]Allison Blitz is totally not pregnant anymore and should totally update that /look
[20:01] <Solarchos> About how many people will be involved overall?
[20:01] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods nods
[20:01] <Eliza McIntash> That... seems like a REALLY high percentage.
[20:01] <Eliza McIntash> You must have a really good manager and/or agent.
[20:01] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I also had shares in Up Front Entertainment given to me as a welcoming gift, and I could pay my rent with that money.
[20:02] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> My manager is a demon from another dimension.
[20:02] <Eliza McIntash> I haven't heard of that, but if you are talking about p aying rent with dividends, it's nothing to sneeze at!
[20:02] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> My agent is really good at her job :)
[20:02] <Eliza McIntash> Heh, very funny.
[20:02] * Eliza McIntash smiles.
[20:03] * [H!P]Allison Blitz looks over at Matsumi-senpai and mouths to her, "Is Eliza still a muggle?"
[20:03] * Eliza McIntash looks over to the Christmas Tree
[20:03] <spiritflame> Eliza McIntash rolls 1d20 [ 1 ]
[20:03] <Eliza McIntash> Wow, it's really pretty!
[20:04] * Matsumi Kaze mouths back "she's got some sor tof magic training.....thing..I don't know it's confusing"
[20:04] * Solarchos looks at the tree as well.
[20:04] * [H!P]Allison Blitz sighs
[20:05] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Anyways, as soon as I sign and send these in, I'll be all set.
[20:05] <Eliza McIntash> These decorations are absolutely gorgeous, now that the place is dressed up.
[20:05] <Eliza McIntash> I should have had a birthday part.
[20:06] * [H!P]Allison Blitz checks some fine details, nodding and signing/initialing a few pages.
[20:06] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah the tree is HUUUUGE this time
[20:06] <Matsumi Kaze> I think it nearly reaches the hotel roof
[20:06] * [H!P]Allison Blitz seals the folder, handing it to her manager who was just suddenly next to her.
[20:07] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> And that's that.
[20:07] * [H!P]Allison Blitz smiles, looking quite glowing.
[20:08] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I'm now a shareholder in SHOCKER NOVA Co., Ltd.
[20:08] * Eliza McIntash watches the Manager.
[20:08] * [H!P]Allison Blitz 's manager is already gone
[20:08] *** flame_SNIPER [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, flame_SNIPER
[20:08] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Taking frequent trips to the sewers of our minds.
[20:09] * flame_SNIPER walks in and takes a seat on a sofa
[20:09] <flame_SNIPER> Konbanwa~
[20:09] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Hino-senpai!
[20:10] <Matsumi Kaze> hi rei!
[20:10] <Megan O`Cain> Evening, Rei.
[20:10] <flame_SNIPER> Hello, how is everyone?
[20:11] <Megan O`Cain> Been doing pretty good. How about yourself?
[20:11] <Solarchos> Hello Miss Hino.
[20:11] * Eliza McIntash looks at Flame_Sniper.
[20:11] *** Flame_Sniper is

Her image Song is: "Into your Heart" by Koda Kumi.
Flame_Sniper is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator

[20:11] <Solarchos> I'm okay. Just a little tired.
[20:11] <Matsumi Kaze> oh I'm ok...kind of sleepy but good
[20:11] <Matsumi Kaze> you???
[20:11] * [H!P]Allison Blitz gives a thumbs up.
[20:11] <Eliza McIntash> Uh, I'm doing okay I guess. What's your name, Miss?
[20:12] <flame_SNIPER> Fairly well. Taking a break from cleaning the Shrine grounds.
[20:12] * Eliza McIntash looks at this person. It's clearly not
[20:12] <flame_SNIPER> Hino Rei.
[20:12] <Eliza McIntash> Nice to meet you!
[20:12] <Eliza McIntash> My name is Eliza!
[20:12] <Eliza McIntash> ^_^
[20:12] * flame_SNIPER bows to Eliza.
[20:12] <flame_SNIPER> A pleasure to meet you. :)
[20:12] <Eliza McIntash> !
[20:12] * Eliza McIntash bows in return, as best she is able.
[20:12] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Hino-san went to the same school and university as I did, a few years apart.
[20:13] <Eliza McIntash> Coooool.
[20:13] <flame_SNIPER> I haven't been back there in some time. I should visit.
[20:14] <Matsumi Kaze> Phobos has been around here a few times
[20:15] <Megan O`Cain> Could be interesting how your alma mater looks nowadays, Rei.
[20:15] <flame_SNIPER> So I've heard. It's strange not having them around me all the time.
[20:15] <Solarchos> Hard to believe I've never even BEEN to an actual school myself.
[20:16] * flame_SNIPER opens and closes her mouth for a second
[20:16] <Eliza McIntash> >.>
[20:16] <flame_SNIPER> ...How are things wiyth you, Solarchos-san?
[20:16] <Solarchos> I know, I know. Sorry about that.
[20:16] * Eliza McIntash looks at flame_SNIPER.
[20:16] *** flame_SNIPER is

Her image Song is: "Into your Heart" by Koda Kumi.
flame_SNIPER is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator

[20:17] <Solarchos> You're all talking about a school you've graduated from. Makes me wonder what it would have been like for me if things had been different.
[20:17] <Eliza McIntash> Not a thing to dwell to heavily on, in my opinion.
[20:18] * [H!P]Allison Blitz looks around, and...
[20:18] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> This is a good crowd. I'll be right back.
[20:18] * [H!P]Allison Blitz is away 
[20:19] * Eliza McIntash scratches her head.
[20:19] * Eliza McIntash observes the clothing that Hino Rei is wewaring.
[20:19] <Megan O`Cain> Been up to anything lately, Rei?
[20:20] * [H!P]Allison Blitz is back
[20:20] * [H!P]Allison Blitz returns, holding two small bundles.
[20:20] <Matsumi Kaze> D'AWWWW ^__^
[20:20] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Time for their semi-public debut!
[20:21] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Everyone, I'd like to introduce you all to Abel and Cain Blitz-Kahara.
[20:21] <Solarchos> Oh?
[20:21] <Eliza McIntash> Awwwww!
[20:21] <Eliza McIntash> They're so adorable!
[20:21] * flame_SNIPER smiles
[20:21] * flame_SNIPER smiles
[20:21] <Matsumi Kaze> eeee cute cute
[20:21] <Matsumi Kaze> hi Abel! hi cain ^^
[20:22] <flame_SNIPER> They're cute :)
[20:22] <Megan O`Cain> Awww. So cute.
[20:22] * flame_SNIPER browtwitches
[20:22] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> They have yet to leave the hotel. Or my suite, for that matter.
[20:22] * flame_SNIPER remembers what the Nuns taught her
[20:23] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I guess twins run in the family...
[20:23] <flame_SNIPER> (Is that the best nsme for a pair of siblings?)
[20:23] <Megan O`Cain> Feeling alright, Rei?
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> oh man oh man did I send gifts...I didn't send gifts did I ><
[20:23] <flame_SNIPER> Y-yes :)
[20:23] <Solarchos> Are you okay, Matsumi?
[20:23] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> It's okay, Matsumi-senpai!
[20:24] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Literally every idol in Japan sent gifts.
[20:24] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I am nearly drowning in baby things.
[20:25] <Matsumi Kaze> o..oh ok
[20:25] <Matsumi Kaze> but I'll still send something >.> you deserve it and they deserve it :D
[20:25] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, been doing much lately, Rei?
[20:25] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Thank you! ^-^
[20:26] * Solarchos peers at the twins and waves to them. ^__^
[20:26] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> We've been kinda scared to take them out since they were born.
[20:26] <flame_SNIPER> Running the Shrine and keeping Yuuichiro-san from tripping all over himself is a full-time job.
[20:27] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> The pregnancy was kinda troublesome, and considering what's generally attracted to the hotel in general...
[20:27] <Matsumi Kaze> true true
[20:27] <Megan O`Cain> Ah. How is Yuuichiro doing, by the way?
[20:28] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Langley was worried that some... unsavory types would try and take them.
[20:28] <flame_SNIPER> Fine, as long as he stays away from Grandfather and Master Happosai.
[20:28] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I'm worried that some other folks might show up.
[20:28] <Eliza McIntash> Look at their strong little bitty hands! I hope you have really sturdy crayons! ^_^
[20:29] <Solarchos> Would something bad happen to him if he didn't, Rei?
[20:29] <flame_SNIPER> - YEs -
[20:29] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Oh, they make huge crayons for babies.
[20:29] * for a moment you can see flames in rei's eyes
[20:29] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> But those babies have the fine motor skills to hold them, unlike these goofballs.
[20:30] * Matsumi Kaze tries to make silly faces to the twins ^^
[20:30] <Solarchos> Let me intend to keep him from the Path of the Perv.
[20:30] <Eliza McIntash> Oh, I'm sure they can do anything! Isn't that right little guy? Can't you do anything? :D
[20:30] <Megan O`Cain> If that's the case, Solar, make sure Morrigan never gets to him.
[20:31] <Solarchos> Indeed Megan.
[20:31] <Solarchos> Hmmm...I was just thinking.
[20:31] <flame_SNIPER> I don't need him going to Planet Hentai.
[20:31] <Solarchos> Again, I guess he would never come out?
[20:31] * [H!P]Allison Blitz has to do a double take, as Abel looks very... hungry.
[20:32] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I know I fed you both just a little bit ago.
[20:32] <Solarchos> How old are your kids, Allison?
[20:34] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Just over a year.
[20:34] <Solarchos> If they're anything like MY children were at that age, they're going to be hungry at all times. Hell, Alexianna still has an amazingly huge appetite.
[20:34] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I'm just worried they're gonna take after their father in that respect...
[20:35] <Solarchos> Also, Rei, if you don't mind me asking. How far into your education did you go?
[20:35] <Eliza McIntash> Heh, I think they take after you. Look at their eyes! ^_^
[20:36] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Oh yeah, but when you compare them to my dad's baby pictures, they look so much like him.
[20:37] <Eliza McIntash> Well, I think they are darling. :)
[20:37] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Thanks :)
[20:37] <flame_SNIPER> I went back and got my MBA.
[20:38] <flame_SNIPER> I decided it was important if I was going to expand the shrine in the future.
[20:40] <Matsumi Kaze> woot! so you didn't completely waste your life then
[20:40] <Solarchos> In a way I think I went back to school myself. It just wasn't in an official sense. Back when the Enclave was first built and I was at the head of the old Van Saar Nation I had to learn a whole lot of things. Mostly political science.
[20:41] <Langley Kahara> Look at least souls are nutritious if they start eating them they'll grow in no time!
[20:41] *** Langley Kahara [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Langley Kahara
[20:41] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: You have offended the honor of the Shaolin Temple
[20:41] <Langley Kahara> also I was watching this whole time. Hi.
[20:41] * [H!P]Allison Blitz blows a kiss to her husband
[20:41] <Solarchos> Then when the VS Nation became the Van Saar Federation and I became Governor-Militant the educational requirements escalated as well. I think by now I must have the equivalent of a Graduate's Degree in at least Political Science and Military History.
[20:42] <Megan O`Cain> Sounds like it was a good decision. And now, Rei, the shrine can prosper for as long as you like.
[20:42] <flame_SNIPER> - As Long as Yuuichiro-san and Grandfather behave. -
[20:42] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Well if it turns out they have ghost powers (and not Ghost powers because let's be honest, Eyecons are terrible) they'll have you to teach them and not
[20:43] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> You know, the guy that sold us your gigai.
[20:43] <Solarchos> I just wish I could have had a normal childhood and school life like you all. It might have been fun.
[20:44] <Langley Kahara> And as we all know I'm a very good teacher.
[20:44] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Solarchos, I awoke as a sailor senshi at 11. Nothing about my life was normal.
[20:45] <Langley Kahara> I was a mass of ghosts that merged into one individual being and was then turned into a humanoid.
[20:46] <Langley Kahara> I didn't know what a childhood was until a few years ago.
[20:47] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> (( Your Body, Our Seed?! ))
[20:47] <Solarchos> Allison, compared to MY childhood, your being a Sailor Senshi was still fun and normal.
[20:47] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Well, you're able to rectify that with your children now.
[20:48] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Everything we do, we do for a better future.
[20:48] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> For them.
[20:48] * [H!P]Allison Blitz gets a chill down her spine.
[20:48] <Matsumi Kaze> did any of us have a normal childhood?
[20:48] <Solarchos> Absolutely. Last I heard Alexianna was being quite the terror in one of Tokyo's elementary schools.
[20:49] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Langely, can you feel that?
[20:50] * Langley Kahara pushes up on his glasses.
[20:50] <Langley Kahara> Yeah.
[20:50] <Solarchos> She told me she's infiltrated it, disguising herself as a Human, and enjoys playing harmless tricks and pranks on the teachers while occasionally passing herself off as a "Magi-kewl grrl" as she calls it.
[20:51] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I think those unsavory guests are close by, so we'll have to take our leave.
[20:52] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I'm so glad you all got to meet the boys!
[20:52] <Matsumi Kaze> it was wonderful to meet them!
[20:52] <Matsumi Kaze> I will be sure to send those gifts!
[20:53] <Langley Kahara> Thanks! The more expensive the better.
[20:53] <Langley Kahara> Spending more money proves that you love us more!
[20:53] <Solarchos> Take it easy out there. Be careful.
[20:53] *** [H!P]Allison Blitz [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Time for bed, snugglebugs!)
[20:54] *** Langley Kahara [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (also you can purchase our merchandise)
[20:55] <Eliza McIntash> Solarchos, what was it you said about having a childhood?
[20:55] <Eliza McIntash> I didn't want to interrupt.
[20:55] <Megan O`Cain> See ya, you two.
[20:59] * Matsumi Kaze smirks and pulls out a stick and starts to poke rei
[21:03] <Solarchos> Oh, I was saying that I kind of envy the rest of you.
[21:03] <Solarchos> Yours all seemed a lot nicer than mine despite everything, Eliza.
[21:08] <Eliza McIntash> ..........I'm only getting one now.
[21:08] <Eliza McIntash> And you are right... it's so wonderful.
[21:08] * Eliza McIntash has tears in her eyes. "So very wonderful."
[21:08] <Solarchos> Then I hope yours will be a great one.
[21:09] * Eliza McIntash rubs her hand against the wall. "It already has been, thanks to a wonderful person."
[21:09] <Matsumi Kaze> *poke poke*
[21:09] <Eliza McIntash> But Solarchos, you also have something that lots of people lack---a loving wife and children.
[21:10] <Solarchos> Exactly. And I treasure them all every day.
[21:10] <Eliza McIntash> Consider, if you can, how much better their childhood is than yours. Isn't that the point? That children have it better? I really do understand about not having a childhood, but MY GOD they are sure geting one.
[21:10] <Megan O`Cain> And what a bunch of sillies they are, Solar.
[21:10] <Solarchos> No kidding, Megan. Especially Natalia. She's been playing in the snow all day non-stop.
[21:11] * Matsumi Kaze pokes rei with an extra long stick
[21:11] * Solarchos nods to Eliza. "You have a very valid point."
[21:15] <Solarchos> And now I should get back home. Inu-Kit's waiting for me and I'm sure the Kits are engaged in another snow war.
[21:15] <Megan O`Cain> Take care, Solar.
[21:15] <Solarchos> Good night everyone.
[21:15] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> night! *poke poke poke*
[21:22] <Megan O`Cain> Matsumi, quit being so mean to Rei.
[21:22] * flame_SNIPER is meditating :P
[21:27] * Eliza McIntash watches Rei meditate.
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> hey it's fun!
[21:28] <Matsumi Kaze> *poooooke*
[21:28] * Eliza McIntash glares at Matsumi.
[21:28] <Eliza McIntash> Looks like somebody hasn't meditated.
[21:28] * Eliza McIntash sits down, crosses her legs in the lotus position, and meditates along side Hino Rei
[21:28] * flame_SNIPER grins with her eyes still shut
[21:29] * flame_SNIPER nods her head ever so slightly and one of matsumi's hairs lights on fire
[21:30] <Matsumi Kaze> hot hot hot hot!
[21:30] * Matsumi Kaze dunks head in sink
[21:30] * Eliza McIntash does not react. "......"
[21:31] <Megan O`Cain> Serves you right, Matsumi. :P
[21:32] * Eliza McIntash sits, still in her robes from the temple of Ulthar, and breathes slowly, following Rei's example, and then her teachers' examples, and then not needing one because she has succeeded.
[21:39] <Eliza McIntash> .....
[21:39] * Eliza McIntash sighs once, and breathes quietly.
[21:42] * Matsumi Kaze just lazily looks through her phone messages
[21:45] <Megan O`Cain> Been up to much, Matsumi?
[21:51] <Matsumi Kaze> nooooope
[22:06] * flame_SNIPER finishes her meditation and stands
[22:06] * flame_SNIPER stretches
[22:06] <flame_SNIPER> I wonder if has installed a waterfall in her shrine
[22:08] * Eliza McIntash doesn't say anything, and doesn't get up.
[22:10] <Megan O`Cain> She might have.
[22:11] <flame_SNIPER> I should check.
[22:11] * @Big Giant Head Chat dumps a waterfall of water on rei
[22:12] * flame_SNIPER flares up an aura of fire and boils it off
[22:12] <@Big Giant Head Chat> One fall o'water!
[22:12] <flame_SNIPER> ::shiftyeeys
[22:12] <flame_SNIPER> ¬_¬
[22:12] <flame_SNIPER> Where is the rest of your body
[22:12] <@Big Giant Head Chat> This week I am MODOC
[22:13] <@Big Giant Head Chat> Or whatever his name is
[22:13] * @Big Giant Head Chat 's giant head floats in the air
[22:14] <Matsumi Kaze> HAHAHAHAHA
[22:14] <Matsumi Kaze> oh that is freaking helirious
[22:17] *** Sean Collins [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Sean Collins
[22:17] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Like cocaine, but better.
[22:18] <Sean Collins> Hey guys, what's uuuuuhhhhh......huh?
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> HAAHAHAHAHA
[22:18] <Sean Collins> Chat? IS the real you hiding behind a curtain somewhere?
[22:19] <Sean Collins> Or are you going into the bobble-head business?
[22:20] <@Big Giant Head Chat> mayybeee
[22:20] * @Big Giant Head Chat wobbles like a bobble
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> well..heee..sean we...hehahaha..technically her...HAHAHAHAHA
[22:20] * Matsumi Kaze is laughing her head off at rei
[22:21] * Sean Collins looks at Rei
[22:22] * flame_SNIPER is literally steaming as she's using a flame aura to dry out.
[22:22] <Sean Collins> look like a drowned rat on fire.
[22:24] <Matsumi Kaze> s..sorry rei..just..too funny
[22:27] <Sean Collins> Hey, I got an idea, Rei! Go to the sauna and turn down the humidity. That'll dry you off pretty quick
[22:29] <flame_SNIPER> ...
[22:29] <Sean Collins> What?
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> someone get the..hehehe..marshmellows!
[22:29] <flame_SNIPER> ^A COLUMN
[22:29] * Sean Collins opens an umbrella as the fire extinguishers kick on!
[22:29] * flame_SNIPER is PERFECTLY DRY NOW
[22:30] <@Big Giant Head Chat> did you... snrrk
[22:30] <@Big Giant Head Chat> "burn yourself perfectly?"
[22:30] * Matsumi Kaze uses her power aura to keep the water off her
[22:30] * flame_SNIPER WHAPS Chat, who goes floating sideways
[22:30] <@Big Giant Head Chat> BAHAHAHAHAA
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze> hi sean!
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze> we got more dancers!
[22:32] <Sean Collins> Great! Whose joinging the program?
[22:32] * Sean Collins puts away the umbrella as the fire extinguishers turn off.
[22:32] <Matsumi Kaze> well I asked Eliza to be the sugar plum fairy
[22:34] <Matsumi Kaze> oh and solar accepted a role!
[22:34] <Sean Collins> Great! I'll see about setting up a practice program in case folks need some Ballet lessons too.
[22:34] <Matsumi Kaze> he's going to be our Mother Ginger
[22:34] <Sean Collins> What role did he take?
[22:35] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Sean.
[22:36] <Sean Collins> Hey Megan! Are you or any of your fellow O'Cains joining the ballet?
[22:36] <Matsumi Kaze> he took mother ginger...the kits will be his/her children
[22:36] <Megan O`Cain> I'm not sure if they are, but we'll certainly watch the performance.
[22:44] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods
[22:45] <Matsumi Kaze> not sure Masaki would agree
[22:48] <Megan O`Cain> Have you asked her?
[22:48] <Sean Collins> Heh, I want to see Dave on stage.
[22:50] <Matsumi Kaze> well we need dancers for the nation dances
[23:04] <Megan O`Cain> What nations are there in the production?
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze> um spanish dance, chinese dance, russian dance, arabian dance...if I recall right
[23:08] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[23:09] <Sean Collins> What dance would Masaki dance?
[23:09] <Matsumi Kaze> well...if I could..convince her
[23:09] <Matsumi Kaze> ..maybe russian?
[23:10] <Megan O`Cain> Could be interesting.
[23:15] <Sean Collins> Can Dave dance russian?
[23:18] <Megan O`Cain> Hmmm, I don't know. He might.
[23:36] <Matsumi Kaze> that's a start!
[23:38] <Megan O`Cain> We'll see, won't we?
[23:39] <Sean Collins> Can you dance, Megan?
[23:42] <Megan O`Cain> Maaaaybe.
[23:42] <Megan O`Cain> Would this count (sways her hips as she spins in place like a Turkish whirling dervish)?
[23:46] <Matsumi Kaze> what do you think, sean?
[00:09] <Sean Collins> Is there a turkish dance?
[00:09] <Matsumi Kaze> there's the arab dance
[00:10] <Sean Collins> You want to dance the Arab dance?
[00:11] <Megan O`Cain> Eh, I don't see why not.
[00:12] * Megan O`Cain begins to spin around Sean as she sways her hips
[00:14] <Sean Collins> Cool! Let's sign her up!
[00:15] * Matsumi Kaze writes the name down!
[00:16] * Sean Collins grins and joins Megan in a dance!
[00:17] * Megan O`Cain smirks a bit as she dances with Sean
[00:21] <Sean Collins> Did you learn formally, Megan?
[00:25] <Megan O`Cain> I did.
[00:29] <Sean Collins> Who was your teacher?
[00:31] <Megan O`Cain> Well, I learned this particular dance from a Uranian when I was young.
[00:33] <Sean Collins> Really? A relative of Haruka, perhaps?
[00:37] <Matsumi Kaze> don't know if dad ever mentioned any dancers...might have
[00:39] <Sean Collins> Normally, most formal dancing is taught by a member of the royal courts.
[00:42] <Megan O`Cain> From what I recall, I was taught the Uranian Dervish while at a feast on Uranus after successfully testing their security to get to the Queen of Uranus.
[00:42] <Sean Collins> Quite a venture!
[00:44] <Megan O`Cain> Well, it was no easy task to "assassinate" her. I had to be careful not to get caught during the test.
[00:45] <Sean Collins> So what is the name of this dance?
[00:46] <Matsumi Kaze> bet my aunt was impressed
[00:46] <Megan O`Cain> I just said it not long ago, Sean. The Uranian Dervish.
[00:47] <Megan O`Cain> She was, Matsumi. She was amazed someone as skillful as I am was capable of reaching her in a mock plot.
[00:47] <Sean Collins> Oh, sorry.
[00:52] <Megan O`Cain> It's alright, Sean.
[00:57] * Matsumi Kaze yawns
[00:59] <Matsumi Kaze> time for me to rest
[00:59] <Matsumi Kaze> night guys!
[01:00] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (sleep time)
[01:00] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Matsumi.
[01:01] <Sean Collins> I suppose I should retire too.
[01:01] <Megan O`Cain> Same here. Sleep well with the missus, Sean.
[01:02] <Sean Collins> G'night Megan
[01:02] *** Sean Collins [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:03] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC
[17:32] <Matsumi Kaze> I'M HOOOOOOoome nobody's here
[17:33] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Matsumi Kaze
[17:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Aiming at your Spleen... Target Miss!
[17:42] <Matsumi Kaze> blargh
[18:21] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the Q sofa, watching TV
[19:00] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:00] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We know DRAMA.
[19:00] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi.
[19:04] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey there
[19:06] <Megan O`Cain> How are you this evening?
[19:07] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Solarchos
[19:07] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: It's a block of horrid text.
[19:08] * Solarchos comes in, reading from a dataslate as he sits down with a mug of root beer.
[19:08] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Solar.
[19:09] <Solarchos> Hello Megan. What's up?
[19:12] <Megan O`Cain> Well, I'm gonna be part of the Arabian dance piece.
[19:13] <Solarchos> Arabian dance piece? Is that in Matsumi's production of the Nutcracker or something else entirely?
[19:14] <Megan O`Cain> The Nutcracker, silly.
[19:14] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[19:15] <Solarchos> So...when will we all start practicing?
[19:15] <Matsumi Kaze> tonight if you want!
[19:15] <Matsumi Kaze> you guys have the proper equpitment right?
[19:15] <Solarchos> Well, I suppose we could start.
[19:16] <Solarchos> I'm waiting on the costume from you. I gave you the measurements last night.
[19:16] <Matsumi Kaze> well we're not practicing in costume first silly
[19:16] <Matsumi Kaze> we need to get the moves down
[19:19] <Solarchos> Makes sense.
[19:24] * Solarchos looks up any information on the various scenes of the Nutcracker.
[19:28] * Megan O`Cain adjusts her long pleated skirt as she takes a seat on a sofa
[19:31] * Matsumi Kaze watches somethin gon her cell phone
[19:34] <Solarchos> What are you looking at, Matsumi? Kit pics?
[19:36] <Matsumi Kaze> watching my sister's fight...she's fighting in the budokai right now
[19:37] <Solarchos> Oh? Who's she facing off against?
[19:37] <Solarchos> Also, doesn't Reisen still have her fight to do?
[19:37] <Matsumi Kaze> Ki I think
[19:37] <Matsumi Kaze> truth is I think at this point she doesn't care if she wins or loses
[19:37] <Megan O`Cain> Yeah, against Guyver from the last I checked, Solar.
[19:40] <Solarchos> Has he been around at all lately? I think Reisen's eager to continue to advance.
[19:40] <Megan O`Cain> Scratch that. It's his brother Zept.
[19:45] <Solarchos> Either way, she's eager to continue. I think we've all been waiting for a long time now.
[19:46] *** not playing today, busy, but for the love of god post your results in the thread so i can update the brackets SOON
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> (( no ))
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> (( suffer ))
[19:47] <Megan O`Cain> (( I did posted if you cared to look, genius. :P ))
[19:49] *** then I was clearly not talking to you smartypansu
[19:49] *** XD
[19:53] <Solarchos> ^__^
[19:55] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, hopefully thing get going again.
[19:58] <Solarchos> I hope so too. I'm looking forward to seeing how far Reisen can go. The pool's gotten pretty big on her.
[19:58] <Megan O`Cain> Really?
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[20:01] <Solarchos> Yup. Something to the tune of several hundred thousand yen currently.
[20:06] <Megan O`Cain> Wow.
[20:06] <Solarchos> Yeah. People have been donating into it heavily since the Budokai began.
[20:10] <Megan O`Cain> Interesting.
[20:22] <Solarchos> The big question is what will happen if she actually won the Budokai?
[20:23] <Megan O`Cain> You know, that's a really good question.
[20:30] <Matsumi Kaze> wow
[20:30] <Matsumi Kaze> they're STILL fighting
[20:37] * Emmy comes up from downstairs in a leotard, very light sport shorts, and legwarmers, hair up in a bun and toweling off her face
[20:37] <Solarchos> Wow.
[20:37] *** Emmy [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Emmy
[20:37] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Put it on your chest and say Guyver!!
[20:37] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey there!
[20:39] <Megan O`Cain> Evening, miss.
[20:40] <Emmy> Hallo!
[20:40] <Megan O`Cain> How are you this evening?
[20:40] <Emmy> I really like that room you guys have down there, I've been able to keep up with my practice, if not lessons.
[20:41] <Solarchos> You mean the Danger Room.
[20:41] <Matsumi Kaze> what are you practicing?
[20:41] <Emmy> Yes, that!
[20:41] <Emmy> Dance practice. I'm a ballerina.
[20:42] <Matsumi Kaze> !!!
[20:42] <Matsumi Kaze> we're putting on a ballet...any interest in taking part?
[20:42] <Emmy> Er...when is it?
[20:43] <Emmy> My company's doing Nutcracker for 3 weeks running up to Christmas.
[20:43] <Matsumi Kaze> we're doing nutracker just before christmas or so
[20:44] <Solarchos> Wait...does that mean we're all working together?
[20:45] <Emmy> You're a dancer??
[20:46] <Matsumi Kaze> well
[20:46] <Matsumi Kaze> he's playing mother ginger for our version
[20:48] <Emmy> Ah, so he doesn't have to dance.
[20:48] <Matsumi Kaze> not really
[20:49] <Matsumi Kaze> just has to wear the dress and make up and wig
[20:52] <Emmy> I'm in the core for the snowflakes and fairies, and I have a spotlight as the Spanish/Chocolate lady.
[20:53] <Emmy> (( corp? i'm unsure which is correct for ballet ))
[20:53] <Solarchos> And my children will be part of the role too.
[20:54] <Emmy> Well that makes sense.
[20:55] <Megan O`Cain> I'll be taking part in the Arabian dance sequence of The Nutcracker.
[20:56] <Emmy> Well, I've been sweating like a pig, I'm going to go shower. And then eat something, I think.
[20:56] * Emmy is away 
[20:57] <Solarchos> And I should take off myself. Good night to you all.'
[20:58] <Megan O`Cain> Take care, Solar.
[20:58] <Matsumi Kaze> night!
[21:00] * Matsumi Kaze keeps watching the match
[21:01] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> ...whoooa
[21:07] <Megan O`Cain> Ouch. Looks like Joanna's gonna be moving on.
[21:08] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah
[21:10] * Emmy is back
[21:11] * Emmy comes back, showered and in normal clothes, and sits with the others while texting the restaurant her order
[21:14] <Megan O`Cain> Welcome back.
[21:14] <Emmy> So what's on telly?
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> um...I think this late at night mostly comedy stuff
[21:18] <Emmy> Oh. Some of those are funny, but I never know what's being said unless I'm here.
[21:20] * Matsumi Kaze turns to her favorite comedy show
[21:20] * Megan O`Cain watches the TV as well
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze can't help but giggle at one of the skits
[21:28] * Emmy gets a text and goes over to get her dinner--a hefty salad with salmon, avacato, and plenty of veg with a mustard and caper vinaigrette dressing
[21:28] <Emmy> *avacado, cause i can't spell apparently
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> ooo that looks good
[21:43] <Emmy> It is! I'm sure they'd make you one.
[21:46] * Matsumi Kaze runs over!
[22:03] * Emmy is nearly done her salad by now
[22:04] * Matsumi Kaze returns, dressed in her pajamas "that was gooood hee"
[22:09] <Emmy> Isn't it? They have such good food over there. Most of the time I have to do everything on my roommate and I don't really see much of each other.
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> oh you have a roommate?
[22:10] <Megan O`Cain> Hm? How come?
[22:14] <Emmy> Yeah, but I'm a dancer and she's in a nuclear physics program so we're both super busy and she spends a lot of time doing research and going to workshops and things.
[22:15] <Megan O`Cain> Ah, okay.
[22:19] <Emmy> Her name's Gorgie, we've been best friends since second form. We didn't actually think we'd be able to study in the same area, but it worked out :)
[22:28] <Emmy> Well, I should probably get back before Daddy starts to worry. See you two later!
[22:28] * Emmy grabs her bag and heads out onto Tokyo, toward the Manor
[22:28] *** Emmy [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[22:38] <Megan O`Cain> Take care.
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> seeya!
[22:46] <Matsumi Kaze> wow quiet tonight
[22:58] <Megan O`Cain> Yep.
[23:00] <Matsumi Kaze> hm....
[23:00] * Matsumi Kaze checks something on her phone
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> hm..that might work
[23:08] <Megan O`Cain> What's up?
[23:09] <Matsumi Kaze> oh nothing too important
[23:09] <Megan O`Cain> Come on.
[23:21] <Matsumi Kaze> just checking up on something
[23:24] <Megan O`Cain> May I ask what that something is?
[23:27] <Matsumi Kaze> I have a this country
[23:27] <Megan O`Cain> Ah, okay.
[23:31] <Megan O`Cain> Profitable holdings?
[23:47] <Matsumi Kaze> sort of
[23:47] <Matsumi Kaze> things I inherted
[23:54] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[23:59] <Matsumi Kaze> I better get some sleep
[23:59] <Matsumi Kaze> night megan!
[23:59] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Matsumi!
[00:00] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:38] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Off to bed.)
[15:33] * Freya Felinus is decorating the loewr part of the tree with blue floewrs
[16:18] *** Bixia Yuanjin [hsan-tachi@celephais.dt] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[16:18] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Bixia Yuanjin
[16:18] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: 'It's funny because it's not me.'
[16:19] * Bixia Yuanjin appears with a subtle -pop- of the air, landing on one foot
[16:19] <Bixia Yuanjin> Hello -- anyone here?
[16:24] * Bixia Yuanjin observes the sound of silence
[16:24] <Bixia Yuanjin> nnnh
[16:24] <Bixia Yuanjin> can't stay long, but maybe...
[16:27] * Bixia Yuanjin looks left, looks right, skips off to where she remembers the kitchen being
[16:33] * Bixia Yuanjin comes back, looking almost sated
[16:34] * Bixia Yuanjin addresses the people watching
[16:34] <Bixia Yuanjin> I want to find someone who's got expertise with time stuff. It's... not important in the grand scheme of things, but it is to me, so I'll be back sooner or later to hope to find someone.
[16:35] * Filibert Wright appears in a puff of smoke, with a bouquet of flowers, to put upon the grave of Jedda Rain
[16:35] *** Filibert Wright has joined #suburbansenshi2
[16:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Filibert Wright
[16:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Because planetnamek can kiss our [BLEEP]
[16:35] * Bixia Yuanjin waves to the 'audience' and departs in another similar pop of air
[16:35] * Bixia Yuanjin stops departing about mid-pop
[16:35] * Bixia Yuanjin crashes gracelessly to the ground
[16:35] <Filibert Wright> !!!
[16:36] * Filibert Wright rises from where he had bent to put his offering! "Oh dear!"
[16:36] * Filibert Wright looks around for what made the noise.
[16:36] * Filibert Wright looks at Bixia Yuanjin.
[16:36] *** Bixia Yuanjin is a thirteen-ish year-old girl of indeterminte Asian descent, in a casual blouse-skirt-boots outfit. Her shoulder-length black hair is tied back with a bandanna, and there's a mischevious glint in her eyes. Probably more than what she seems to be. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: Dredg - Symbol Song.

[16:36] * Bixia Yuanjin pops up, hair all disarrayed
[16:36] <Filibert Wright> OH! Oh dear!
[16:36] <Bixia Yuanjin> Is -- isn't?
[16:37] * Bixia Yuanjin brushes herself off, wavew to Filibert
[16:37] * Filibert Wright rushes over to help. "Are you alright, My Lady?"
[16:37] <Bixia Yuanjin> Oh I'm fine, thanks, I just interrupted myself and that never ends well.
[16:38] * Bixia Yuanjin makes a broad motion that looks a lot like flopping on the ground without actually doing so
[16:38] <Filibert Wright> I... you are certain you are okay? I did not mean to startle anyone. Especially you, oh Esteemed One.
[16:38] * Filibert Wright offers a gentlemanly hand to Bixia to get up.
[16:39] * Bixia Yuanjin takes it, stands
[16:39] <Bixia Yuanjin> I fall down worse than that on the job all the time. :D
[16:40] * Filibert Wright pulls her up with the hand not holding the flowers for the grave.
[16:40] <Filibert Wright> I am relieved to hear that.
[16:40] * Filibert Wright bows to Bixia.
[16:40] <Bixia Yuanjin> I haven't seen you in so long!
[16:40] * Bixia Yuanjin bows, namaste
[16:40] * Filibert Wright for just a moment, looks very tired. "I have been away fulfilling my duties."
[16:41] *** Freya Felinus has left #suburbansenshi2
[16:41] <Filibert Wright> I assure you that aiding you ranks high among them, should you require it?
[16:42] <Bixia Yuanjin> If I thought you were in a position to -- well, maybe you are?
[16:42] <Filibert Wright> And... if not... I am very happy to see you too.
[16:42] <Filibert Wright> Oh!
[16:42] * Filibert Wright bows, and says with a great air of practice, "How may I assist you, Bixia Yuanjin?"
[16:42] <Bixia Yuanjin> See, I'm... trying to find someone who knows about time weaponry.
[16:42] <Bixia Yuanjin> Stuff that might have been proscribed by the people who innovated it.
[16:43] * Filibert Wright thinks about everything he knows in regards to Time Weaponry.
[16:43] <Bixia Yuanjin> Because I think that's why... Simon hasn't been able to renew himself.
[16:44] * Filibert Wright looks so very sad.
[16:44] <Bixia Yuanjin> Maybe I'm just hoping against hope.
[16:44] <Bixia Yuanjin> But I've had some free time lately.
[16:44] <Filibert Wright> I try my best in his stead, my lady. He told me to be a hero, and I am doing my utmost to do it.
[16:45] <Bixia Yuanjin> I don't think anyone doubts you there. :)
[16:45] <Filibert Wright> I cannot do what he could, though.
[16:45] <Filibert Wright> I have tried to ask the Time Lords what happened. I am uncertain I trust them.
[16:46] <Filibert Wright> I ah...
[16:46] * Filibert Wright straightnes his tie, "I have come to lay an offering."
[16:47] <Filibert Wright> Upon the grave of Jedda Rain, who against everything she knew made a virtous decision, and paid for it with her life.
[16:47] * Filibert Wright looks down at Bixia, and doesn't immediately follow the comment up.
[16:47] * Bixia Yuanjin looks over to the small altar, lets half a smile on her face
[16:48] <Bixia Yuanjin> Gone, not forgotten.
[16:48] <Filibert Wright> I come here because I believe that those who do such things deserve to be remembered.
[16:48] <Filibert Wright> I am uncertain what to tell my people. I STILL do not know what happened.
[16:49] <Filibert Wright> It is, after all, a different thing to know than it is to suspect.
[16:50] <Filibert Wright> ....
[16:50] <Filibert Wright> We heard what she said. Just like all the others.
[16:51] <Filibert Wright> Do you, perchance, know what happened?
[16:51] * Filibert Wright braces himself for an answer or a lack of answer.
[16:52] * Bixia Yuanjin is quiet a moment
[16:52] * Bixia Yuanjin steels herself
[16:53] <Bixia Yuanjin> Some other people and I were trying to pin down an important facet of the enemy's hidden designs.
[16:53] * Filibert Wright sits down, and does his best to do the same.
[16:54] <Bixia Yuanjin> They caught us, because they were everywhere like that. They tried to kill us. But they hated Simon more than they hated almost anything else.
[16:55] * Filibert Wright is shaking his head.
[16:56] <Bixia Yuanjin> So he did something he knew was suicidal, because he believed he had a chance to beat her anyway.
[16:56] <Bixia Yuanjin> ...beat him? Beat them? It's not clear, not really.
[16:57] * Filibert Wright checks to see if others are around.
[16:57] * Filibert Wright nods.
[16:59] <Bixia Yuanjin> But Simon tried anyway. I think he got -a- victory, just not the conclusive one he wanted, because the enemy was pervasive, all-clever.
[17:00] <Filibert Wright> My Lord told the fleet to depart and scatter. He sent it far beyond the realm of the sun and moon.
[17:01] * Bixia Yuanjin nods, biting her lip
[17:01] <Filibert Wright> I do not believe that he believed they could stop them, whether or not they who were sworn as his soldiers would fight.
[17:01] <Filibert Wright> We heard it, so we made every precaution, and took every alarm, and steeled the doors of the plane. He never returned.
[17:02] <Filibert Wright> We never used any of the defenses. I never heard another missive from him again.
[17:03] <Filibert Wright> He hid during crises often, but....
[17:03] <Filibert Wright> The reason you have not seen me is that it took a very long time until I dared leave the realm, since that was by far the best defended.
[17:03] * Bixia Yuanjin nodsnods
[17:04] <Filibert Wright> I knew that there was nobody my people could turn to if I was destroyed too, and I knew that my armor would not protect me from something gunning for My LIege.
[17:04] <Filibert Wright> Nobody save one, perhaps.
[17:04] <Filibert Wright> I am.... surprised he has not returned. Not EVERYTHING he sowed against catastrophe was destroyed.
[17:05] <Filibert Wright> Perhaps only the most important thing he created was. I never knew its location.
[17:06] <Filibert Wright> I eventually, cautiously, came back, to see if invasion was imminent.
[17:06] <Filibert Wright> The world was listening to the Olympics being broadcast.
[17:06] * Filibert Wright hangs his head.
[17:06] * Bixia Yuanjin laughs despite herself
[17:07] <Filibert Wright> That was when.... that was when I realized what he likely already knew.
[17:08] <Filibert Wright> One of the ships has never returned.
[17:08] <Filibert Wright> I cannot teleport to it anymore.
[17:09] <Filibert Wright> 430 of my people were aboard it.
[17:09] * Bixia Yuanjin sombers up
[17:10] <Filibert Wright> They were Enclave's Finest warriors.
[17:10] <Filibert Wright> They knew how to use the weapons on the starship.
[17:10] * Filibert Wright sighs.
[17:10] <Filibert Wright> I have still not decided on whether to tell my people what happened.
[17:11] <Bixia Yuanjin> Is Enclave still on alert status in there?
[17:12] <Filibert Wright> I ordered them to stand down once I decided that no more attacks were forthcoming because the reason to do so was gone.
[17:13] <Filibert Wright> But I am very short on answers.
[17:13] <Filibert Wright> I can do things that men cannot, but the armor built for me to wear that I draw my power from is a pale shadow of what My Master could allow.
[17:14] <Filibert Wright> I intended to make contact again with this world.
[17:14] * Filibert Wright sighs.
[17:14] * Bixia Yuanjin purses her lips again, nods
[17:14] <Filibert Wright> To return something that My Master took.
[17:14] <Filibert Wright> The treasure of King Obsidian.
[17:15] <Filibert Wright> ................
[17:15] <Filibert Wright> Let me tell you something.
[17:15] <Filibert Wright> It is very important.
[17:15] <Filibert Wright> I have reason to suspect the Lord of Enclave is not dead.
[17:16] * Bixia Yuanjin leans in
[17:16] * Filibert Wright checks if there are other people around.
[17:16] * Matsumi Kaze is carefully putting stuff on the tree..don't worry...she can't hear what you're saying
[17:17] * Filibert Wright ceases talking when he sees Matsumi Kaze.
[17:18] <Filibert Wright> GREETINGS, Matsumi Kaze!
[17:18] * Filibert Wright lays the flowers onto the Memorial for Jedda Rain.
[17:18] * Filibert Wright gives a thought for those that pay for doing the right thing with their lives.
[17:18] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey there
[17:19] * Filibert Wright appears completely happy to see her in the room, and bows to her according to her station.
[17:20] * Matsumi Kaze smiles and bows back in honor of filbert's rank
[17:21] * Filibert Wright responds by bowing lower.
[17:21] * Filibert Wright goes back to Bixia Yuanjin.
[17:21] <Filibert Wright> My Lady....
[17:22] * Filibert Wright falls silent, and simply tries not to weep.
[17:25] <Bixia Yuanjin> If there's any good news I have for you, Filibert, it's that I think you might be right.
[17:25] * Filibert Wright sits before her, for a time, in silence.
[17:25] <Filibert Wright> !!!!!
[17:25] <Filibert Wright> He told you too?
[17:26] <Bixia Yuanjin> Maybe. I don't know. It's... I don't know.
[17:26] <Bixia Yuanjin> But I think you might be right, and we might both be right and wrong for different reasons.
[17:27] <Filibert Wright> He told me to look for him when it seemed he had died---that he had taken precautions.
[17:28] <Filibert Wright> I have never understood what this could mean.
[17:28] <Filibert Wright> I am...
[17:28] <Filibert Wright> I do not weep for myself.
[17:29] <Filibert Wright> I weep for the fact that my people's future is far more uncertain without his power.
[17:29] <Filibert Wright> He loved you.
[17:29] <Filibert Wright> He treasured you deeply.
[17:30] <Filibert Wright> He told... well, not me specifically, but I often heard his lessons to his apprentices.
[17:30] <Bixia Yuanjin> ?
[17:31] <Filibert Wright> "Know this, when you approach an artifact of mighty power. Whether tome or weapon or ring. Know that however tempting their power is, a true artifact has another one that is less obvious."
[17:33] <Filibert Wright> " Every artifact will make its wearer more like itself. Every artifact. EVERY one, which is so weighty with power over the world, has power over you too, and you are a fool to deny it. Never forget this."
[17:34] * Bixia Yuanjin lets that sink in for a moment, then makes a sound somewhere between a chuckle and a sniff
[17:35] <Filibert Wright> To make the world like itself is inherent in them, he said, no matter how subtle the or overt the tendency may be, and how malecious or benevolent the aims.
[17:36] * Bixia Yuanjin holds a hand up in front of her, flexes her fingers
[17:37] <Bixia Yuanjin> He's right.
[17:38] <Filibert Wright> In the very unlikely circumstance you consider that oration an ambiguous warning instead of a veiled compliment, then know this---the world I hail from is full of statues of you.
[17:40] <Bixia Yuanjin> I know. I've seen some of them!
[17:40] * Filibert Wright smiles to her, as best he can. "He wanted to make sure you knew. He ordered me to, in fact."
[17:42] <Bixia Yuanjin> hee.
[17:42] * Filibert Wright is happy to see her smile.
[17:45] <Bixia Yuanjin> When I have time, I'll be back to see if I can find someone to follow up on what I think may be going on.
[17:45] <Bixia Yuanjin> It's good to see you're still with us, Filibert.
[17:45] <Filibert Wright> I am so sorry, I do not understand.
[17:46] <Filibert Wright> However...
[17:46] <Filibert Wright> My understanding your thoughts are not necessary.
[17:46] <Bixia Yuanjin> That's okay, I don't understand it for certain either. :3
[17:46] <Filibert Wright> It is easy, even for someone like myself, to see what my master saw in you.
[17:48] * Filibert Wright bows again before Bixia, "I am honored to remember him, and others as well for that matter," he gestures at the Jedda Rain Memorial," for what they did--or did their best--to do right."
[17:48] * Bixia Yuanjin nodsnods
[17:48] * Bixia Yuanjin gets serious
[17:48] <Bixia Yuanjin> For what it's worth, you may not have Simon's power, but you've got his discipline, and whether or not the issue is really decided on him, I don't think there's anyone better suited for doing what you're doing now.
[17:49] <Bixia Yuanjin> Take heart.
[17:50] * Filibert Wright bows before Bixia Yuanjin, and offers his hand. "Your praise is so kind upon a fellow like myself. To be told by you to take heart is a great privilege of my place as his successor."
[17:52] * Bixia Yuanjin accepts, squeezes
[17:54] * Filibert Wright 's hand thrums with enchantment. He squeezes back.
[17:55] <Filibert Wright> It was wonderful to see you again, Bixia Yuanjin.
[17:56] <Bixia Yuanjin> Hopefully we'll have some good news to share next time. :D
[17:56] * Bixia Yuanjin lets go, waves to Matsumi, and makes herself an exit
[17:56] *** Bixia Yuanjin [hsan-tachi@celephais.dt] has left #suburbansenshi2 (It may be possible to own a clock, but no one can own Time.)
[17:57] *** Filibert Wright [0] has quit IRC (The honor was mine.)
[18:48] <Matsumi Kaze> hmm
[19:30] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the floor near the tree
[19:56] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Solarchos
[19:56] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Another Brick in the Wall
[19:56] * Solarchos walks into the Lobby, reading on his dataslate.
[19:57] * Matsumi Kaze has closed her eyes, is silently sleeping and leaning against....something
[19:58] * Solarchos peers over at Matsumi, staying quiet.
[19:59] <Matsumi Kaze> zzzzz
[20:06] * Solarchos is also carrying someone with him on his back in a familiar pouch.
[20:06] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Nat
[20:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Suburban Senshi asks: How much gravey do Serena does she make?
[20:06] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Chibi-Nat
[20:06] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Exploding Responsibly, Exploding Regularly
[20:07] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) is riding in the famous papoose bundle, peering out over Daddy's shoulder at Aunty Matsy. :3
[20:08] <Matsumi Kaze> zzzzz
[20:09] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) chatters in her Daddy's ear. :3
[20:10] * leans in closer.
[20:10] <Solarchos> ^
[20:10] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) scrambles out of the papoose bundle and LEAPS out onto Aunty Matsy!
[20:11] * Matsumi Kaze is still asleep
[20:11] * something soft is inthe way of matsumi
[20:12] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) clings and looks around.
[20:13] <Solarchos> Wait, what's this? You're suspended in mid-air, Nata?
[20:14] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> :O
[20:15] * something gently puts nat down carefully
[20:17] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) squirms and paw-patters at whatever is holding her, trying to see who or what it is.
[20:21] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> O__O
[20:21] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> You no be Mommy. No have nine tails.
[20:25] <Solarchos> What's that, Natalia? You can see something, don't you?
[20:25] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Kitsune!
[20:27] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) squeaks and trills at the strange lady holding her.
[20:35] * something just pats nat on the head
[20:36] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) TRILLS!
[20:36] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) tries to nibble on what's patting her.
[20:40] * something gently moves matsumi aside, stands, giving nat another pat..and heads to her room in the hotel
[20:40] *** something has left #suburbansenshi2
[20:41] <Pinako> was she a fluffy?
[20:41] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Awwwwww. She go!
[20:42] <Solarchos> Natalia called her a foxwoman of some kind, but I couldn't see anyone.
[20:43] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[20:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Nigete Dame Da, Dammit!
[20:44] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Floofy tail! But just one.
[20:44] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, guys.
[20:44] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Hi!
[20:45] <Solarchos> Hi Megan
[20:45] <Megan O`Cain> What's up?
[20:47] * Pinako hugs chibinat
[20:48] <Solarchos> Not too much beyond our mysterious invisible visitor!
[20:48] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) squeaks and gives Pinako tail-pats!
[20:50] <Megan O`Cain> Oh?
[20:52] <Solarchos> I know. Odd, wouldn't you say?
[20:54] <Megan O`Cain> Sure sounds like it.
[20:55] <Pinako> Who?
[20:56] <Solarchos> The mysterious Fluffy that was here!
[20:56] <Pinako> I Wanna See, I Wanna See :D
[20:56] <Solarchos> We have Secret Fluffies lurking around here now, Pinako! Waiting to play with little kids!
[20:58] <Megan O`Cain> Do we know where they're coming from?
[20:58] <Pinako> :O
[21:00] * Pinako tries to pet a sleeping Matsumi :O
[21:01] <Solarchos> I have no idea. But we did have an encounter with a new species a few weeks ago.
[21:02] <Pinako> who?
[21:03] <Solarchos> A species that closely resembled Kitsune.
[21:03] <Pinako> ?
[21:03] <Megan O`Cain> Really? What are they?
[21:05] <Solarchos> I don't know their name, and I haven't seen any of them since.
[21:05] <Solarchos> They're not Mycidians though.
[21:12] * Matsumi Kaze yawns and sits up
[21:13] <Pinako> Fluffy Hair :D
[21:14] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Matsumi.
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> hey there
[21:15] <Pinako> hi :D
[21:15] <Solarchos> Hello there, sleepyhead.
[21:16] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) squeaks as she climbs back up onto Daddy's shoulder.
[21:16] <Pinako> Fluffy :D
[21:19] <Megan O`Cain> How's it going, Sleeping Beauty?
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> gah fine
[21:22] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> =^ ^+
[21:22] <Solarchos> Ready to head for home, Natalia?
[21:22] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Yes-Yes! Yipyipyip! :3
[21:23] <Pinako> Bye, fluffy :<
[21:24] <Solarchos> Good night everyone.
[21:24] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Solar.
[21:25] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:25] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Gah!")
[21:30] <Megan O`Cain> Have a long day, Matsumi?
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah..and boring
[21:34] <Megan O`Cain> Awww.
[21:36] <Pinako> why boring?
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> just was
[21:52] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, DD_Girl_Green
[21:52] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Defying the Laws of Physics Daily.
[21:54] * DD_Girl_Green comes out of the elevator with a rolling crib, with Baby Beryl strapped to it, struggling.
[21:56] <Megan O`Cain> Hey there.
[21:58] <DD_Girl_Green> Hi.
[21:58] <DD_Girl_Green> This was a great idea you all have given me, Little gem's not been able to crawl away for a long while.
[22:02] * Baby Beryl struggles and tries to reach for grandma. >__<
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> HM?
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> *hm?
[22:10] * Baby Beryl struggles in her straps, and has a sad look on her face.
[22:12] <Megan O`Cain> Well, at least a close watch can be kept.
[22:16] <DD_Girl_Green> well, this is how I keep a close watch on her.
[22:17] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[22:18] * Baby Beryl continues to struggle, and starts to cry, but no sound is coming out.
[22:22] <DD_Girl_Green> well, people have started giving me something called "The mean look" in public for what I had to do.
[22:23] <Matsumi Kaze> well don't make them too tight
[22:36] <DD_Girl_Green> And, she's somehow stopped making noise, but she's still crying crazily.
[22:38] <Megan O`Cain> Huh. That's weird. Could a spell have been cast, or perhaps nose cancelling technology?
[22:39] * Matsumi Kaze looks outside and frowns
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ...ok this isn't right
[22:39] <DD_Girl_Green> no, she was crying, then I heard something pop, and she stopped making noise.
[22:41] <Megan O`Cain> Is something wrong, Matsumi?
[22:41] <Matsumi Kaze> this weather isn't right
[22:42] * Matsumi Kaze walks outside to the hotel
[22:42] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ Outside ]
[22:44] * Megan O`Cain follows Matsumi outside
[22:44] * Megan O`Cain has moved to: [ Outside ]
[22:45] <DD_Girl_Green> huh?
[22:45] * DD_Girl_Green goes outside, bringing the crib with her.
[22:45] * DD_Girl_Green has moved to: [ outside ]
[22:45] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] reaches out one hand towards the sky.....
[22:46] * DD_Girl_Green [outside] looks up
[22:47] * Megan O`Cain [Outside] keeps an eye on things as she watches Matsumi
[22:48] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] narrows her eyes......which subtly she keeps reaching out
[22:49] * DD_Girl_Green [outside] holds onto MAtsumi's shoulder worriedly.
[22:50] * there's a slight clouds start to slowly fill the sky...they're slightly glowing green
[22:51] <Megan O`Cain> [Outside] Hm?
[22:53] * DD_Girl_Green [outside] used her other hand to release Baby Beryl from her bonds and holds her in her arm while holding onto Matsumi.
[22:53] * Matsumi Kaze [Outside] slowly clenches her fist........then releases it
[22:54] * the glow from the clouds die off......
[22:56] * something starts to fall on everyone's heads
[22:57] <DD_Girl_Green> [outside] huh?
[22:59] * it's starting to snow
[23:00] <DD_Girl_Green> [outside] It's D-Point weather.
[23:01] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] there we go!
[23:03] <Megan O`Cain> [Outside] Heh. Brought the snow, eh?
[23:04] * Baby Beryl tries to coo, but no VOICE is able to come out of her.
[23:07] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] yup!
[23:11] <DD_Girl_Green> [outside] It looks wonderful
[23:18] <Megan O`Cain> [Outside] Yeah. It's so pretty.
[23:25] <DD_Girl_Green> [outside] how long is the weather here for?
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> um..probably going to keep snowing a bit for a day or so..then will stop..then snow again if need be
[23:28] <Megan O`Cain> [Outside] Sounds fine, Matsumi.
[23:33] *** Andy Dioli [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Andy Dioli
[23:33] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
[23:36] <Andy Dioli> Oh god it's suddenly cold, what's going on?
[23:37] * Megan O`Cain [Outside] waves to Andy from outside the door
[23:38] <Matsumi Kaze> I started the snow
[23:39] <Andy Dioli> Why :| Snow is cold :|
[23:40] <Matsumi Kaze> cause it's december!
[23:40] *** Megan O`Cain has moved back to the livingroom
[23:40] <Megan O`Cain> And close to Christmas.
[23:41] * Matsumi Kaze has walked back in as it snows
[23:42] *** DD_Girl_Green has moved back to the livingroom
[23:50] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `A Christmas Carol live reading on Discord/SS5 Saturday @ 19:00. All are welcome to attend!`
[23:55] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[23:55] <Matsumi Kaze> by the way, andy..have you gotten any of my messages?
[00:00] <Andy Dioli> Which messages?
[00:01] <Matsumi Kaze> the ones about a possible new threat to your team
[00:01] <Matsumi Kaze> or at least..a mystery
[00:02] * Andy Dioli checks his phone "Looks like the messages got lost. What's up?"
[00:03] <Andy Dioli> You would think magiclly created cell phones wouldn't lose messages
[00:06] * Matsumi Kaze has sent some media files and some news segments to all the new senshi about sightings of Sailor Moon
[00:07] <Andy Dioli> Oh wait. There it is...
[00:07] <Andy Dioli> ...What.
[00:07] <Andy Dioli> HOW
[00:07] <Megan O`Cain> That's what we wanna know.
[00:07] <Matsumi Kaze> I have no idea
[00:09] <Andy Dioli> Have you tried getting in touch with Sailor Moon.. I mean, Usagi I think her name was... Maybe she got bored and wanted to be a hero again
[00:10] <Matsumi Kaze> I..don't have her number
[00:12] <Matsumi Kaze> but as far as the others know...she's retired
[00:14] <Oniwabandana> it's not that easy.
[00:14] * Oniwabandana rises up from the floor.
[00:16] <Megan O`Cain> Eh?
[00:16] <Oniwabandana> Getting back in the game after years of retirement, it's shouldn't be that easy.
[00:17] <Oniwabandana> So, what has this Sailor Moon done so far?
[00:20] <Matsumi Kaze> save people from crashes...stopped a few criminals
[00:21] <Oniwabandana> last one sounds like a familiar trap, but the first one is out of character.
[00:23] <Matsumi Kaze> well I don't know
[00:23] <Matsumi Kaze> Usagi isn't exactly the same person she was
[00:25] <Megan O`Cain> How so if I may ask?
[00:25] <Oniwabandana> hmm... Sounds like we may need a chat with her.
[00:32] <Matsumi Kaze> good luck in doing that
[00:36] <Matsumi Kaze> last I heard she was keeping off the radar a bit
[00:37] <Andy Dioli> hmmm
[00:37] <Megan O`Cain> Really? Why is she doing so?
[00:39] <Oniwabandana> What about your protege, Matsumi?
[00:40] <Oniwabandana> (( CBOX seems to have froze for me ))
[00:40] <Matsumi Kaze> after the whole ginzuishou diaster..I think she wanted to live a quiet life
[00:41] <Oniwabandana> (( NVM ))
[00:42] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[00:42] <Oniwabandana> reasonable, considering everything.
[00:44] <Matsumi Kaze> yes I did contact Mirai..outside her own problems she was waiting to see what everyone else did
[00:46] * Oniwabandana nods
[00:50] <Oniwabandana> so, we'll have to deal with this one ourselves?
[00:50] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm not getting involved
[00:53] <DD_Girl_Green> me neither, I have children
[00:54] <Oniwabandana> not to fight, We'll need to ask around.
[00:58] <Matsumi Kaze> again I'm not getting involved
[00:58] <Oniwabandana> We could ask Rei, Minako, Makoto and Ami
[01:00] <Oniwabandana> well, it's time I retired for the evening.
[01:00] *** Oniwabandana [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (sinks back into the floor.)
[01:00] <DD_Girl_Green> Matsumi, would you take care of little gem for tonight?
[01:01] <Matsumi Kaze> I can yeah
[01:02] * DD_Girl_Green hands baby beryl to Matsumi
[01:02] <DD_Girl_Green> Night everyone.
[01:02] *** DD_Girl_Green [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (goes upstairs.)
[01:04] <Megan O`Cain> See ya, Green.
[01:08] * Matsumi Kaze holds her granddaughter
[01:13] <Megan O`Cain> So, anything new about this supposed Sailor Moon roaming about?
[01:15] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing yet
[01:15] * Matsumi Kaze holds her already sleeping granddaughter
[01:17] * Caligo appears and takes beryl
[01:17] *** Caligo has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:25] <Megan O`Cain> Hmm. Does she just appear at random, or is there something specific going on?
[01:27] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm not sure honestly..I don't have alot of information
[01:29] * Matsumi Kaze yawns
[01:31] <Matsumi Kaze> I need to get some sleep
[01:31] <Matsumi Kaze> night megan!
[01:32] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Matsumi!
[01:32] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Well, back to my room.)
[01:33] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to bed)
[11:30] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[11:30] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Matsumi Kaze
[11:30] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Aiming at your Spleen... Target Miss!
[11:30] * Matsumi Kaze is busy on her phone, talking to a few people
[11:35] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah..yeah no......yeah...of course ^^
[11:35] *** Rhea has joined #suburbansenshi2
[11:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Mornin', Rhea
[11:35] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome. Remember. Suburban Senshi trusts the Pusher Robot
[11:35] <Matsumi Kaze> well just making sure things are ok....
[11:36] <Rhea> Hello Matsama!
[11:36] <Matsumi Kaze> gotta go
[11:37] * Matsumi Kaze hangs up
[11:37] <Matsumi Kaze> hi rhea!!
[11:39] <Matsumi Kaze> how are you this morning ^^
[11:54] <Rhea> I am well! It is very nice out today. The sun is warm and welcoming!
[11:55] <Matsumi Kaze> hee
[12:01] <Matsumi Kaze> ^^
[12:16] <Rhea> What are you up to for this day?
[12:45] * Rhea helps herself to a cup of Cocoa.
[12:46] <Matsumi Kaze> Oh not much
[12:47] <Rhea> I am looking forward to the dancing!
[12:50] <Rhea> My chosen says he is helping everyone to dance the baallay for your show. ^_^
[12:56] <Matsumi Kaze> Yup!!
[12:59] <Rhea> Is he helping you and He-dee-kee?
[13:10] <Matsumi Kaze> well I don't really need help...well not super much
[13:10] <Matsumi Kaze> I used to dance when I was little
[13:23] * Matsumi Kaze makes a quick gesture to outside...and starts to make it snow
[13:24] <Matsumi Kaze> there ^^
[13:35] <Rhea> Oh? What is this?
[13:38] <Matsumi Kaze> yo've never seen snow?
[13:47] <Rhea> (( Scratch that. Forgot how far back we had revamped things with the reset. She would remember snow. ))
[13:47] <Rhea> Yes, but...Its been so warm.
[13:52] <Matsumi Kaze> I changed the weather a bit
[14:07] <Rhea> You did? You have this power?
[14:31] * Rhea is looking at Matsumi with awe and surprise...
[14:31] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[14:31] <Matsumi Kaze> well within....a small space of area
[14:32] <Rhea> I chosen once spoke of his mother having this power as well. Did you learn from her?
[14:52] <Matsumi Kaze> well....I don't remember for certain..I might have!
[15:01] <Matsumi Kaze> it's not december without snow!
[15:01] <Rhea> That is amazing! You are most blessed with talent, Matsama!
[15:07] * Matsumi Kaze blushes ^^
[15:07] <Matsumi Kaze> oh are you ready for christmas this year???
[15:08] <Rhea> I think so. Will we cook a feast for everyone?
[15:13] <Matsumi Kaze> yup!
[15:13] <Matsumi Kaze> oh Freya was wondering what you thought of what she made for thanksgiving?
[15:24] <Rhea> It was delicious! I hope she will teach me the recipe!
[15:26] <Matsumi Kaze> oh I'm sure she will!
[15:26] <Matsumi Kaze> have thought of what you're getting sean for christmas?
[15:43] <Rhea> I was thinking about a head dressing. But he never seems bothered by the cold.
[15:44] <Matsumi Kaze> hmmm...
[15:44] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe something homemade?
[15:56] <Rhea> Home made? What should we make?
[16:26] <Matsumi Kaze> well what do you thik sean likes
[16:30] * Matsumi Kaze 's phone buzzes and she checks
[16:30] <Matsumi Kaze> AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
[16:38] <Rhea> Oh? What is it?
[16:41] * Matsumi Kaze shows Rhea the picture on her's of little Kyra...all bundled up in her winter coat and clothes, sitting happily in the snow with her parents
[16:46] <Rhea> Oh! She looks so cute!
[16:51] <Matsumi Kaze> she's so adorable ^^
[16:57] <Rhea> A happy child is always a great blessing. It is a sign of a strong and well bonded family.
[16:59] <Matsumi Kaze> hm so what does sean like?
[17:01] <Rhea> Well...he likes to dance. And he likes the outside. He likes his sword. He likes meat. He likes all his companions...
[17:06] <Rhea> He likes me, and you, and He-dee-kee, and Ke-veen, and most everybody else....
[17:09] <Matsumi Kaze> hm...maybe something he can use outside?
[17:11] <Rhea> Outside? Oh, maybe I can make him something with the snow?
[17:13] <Matsumi Kaze> um I mean something like...something he could use to work with outside or something
[17:15] <Rhea> Oh? Work with? shovel?
[17:19] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe ^^;;; or hey
[17:20] <Matsumi Kaze> why not make him a sweater!
[17:38] <Rhea> Make a sweater? How do I make one?
[17:41] <Matsumi Kaze>'s done via something called Knitting!
[17:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I think my grandma knows how to
[17:52] <Matsumi Kaze> or you could get him something!
[17:57] <Rhea> I have never made clothes before. Which would be best? Making it or trading for one?
[17:57] <Matsumi Kaze> well...buying it is easier....
[17:57] <Matsumi Kaze> but making it homemade means a bit more from the heart :)
[18:01] <Rhea> I can try. I hope I can make something that is a worthy gift. ^_^
[18:02] <Matsumi Kaze> oh I'm sure he'll love anything from you!
[18:06] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `A Christmas Carol live reading on Discord/SS5 Saturday @ 20:00. All are welcome to attend!`
[18:10] <@Sailor Quinox> ^^
[18:12] <Matsumi Kaze> ^
[18:14] <Rhea> What will you give to your chosen for the Christmas?
[18:15] <Matsumi Kaze> ........................
[18:15] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I have no idea
[18:25] <Rhea> What does He-dee-kee like?
[18:27] <Matsumi Kaze> um food..he likes fighting...he likes computer things
[18:31] <Solarchos> Hello
[18:31] <Matsumi Kaze> GAH! oh hi solar!
[18:32] <Solarchos> Oh, I surprised you?
[18:37] <Matsumi Kaze> well yeah!
[18:39] <Solarchos> Sorry.
[18:40] <Solarchos> I didn't mean to.
[18:41] <Matsumi Kaze> how are you!?
[18:45] <Solarchos> Hanging in there. My head's kind of spinning after reading through a mountain of reports.
[18:46] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods
[18:50] <Rhea> Hello Solar. How are the little ones? ^_^
[18:51] <Solarchos> Heh, to put it simply...they're a handful now.
[18:53] <Rhea> They will soon grow. Enjoy the youth that they have while you can. ^^
[18:54] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[18:54] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: It's True, It's True
[18:55] <Megan O`Cain> Evening, everyone!
[18:55] <Matsumi Kaze> hey there!
[18:56] * Masaki O`Cain has moved to: [ Outside ]
[18:56] <Megan O`Cain> More snow for us, eh? Funny weather pattern. :P
[18:56] * Masaki O`Cain [Outside] swears to herself as she tries to shovel her and David's house
[18:56] <Masaki O`Cain> [Outside] f[BLEEP]king snow!
[18:56] * David O`Cain has moved to: [ Outside ]
[18:57] <Rhea> Oh? She is not fond of the snow?
[18:57] * David O`Cain [Outside] is also shovelling snow at his home
[18:58] <Solarchos> It's snowing back on Neudaiz too. The Kits are going crazy.
[18:58] <David O`Cain> [Outside] Hey, at least we're working on this together, Masaki.
[18:58] <Megan O`Cain> Anyway, how are you three doing tonight?
[18:58] <Masaki O`Cain> [Outside] I swear I'll kill Matsumi for this...I know she's behind this!
[18:59] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm ok I guess heh
[18:59] <Solarchos> I'm doing okay. Just tired.
[18:59] <Rhea> I am well! I am going to learn how to make clothes!
[19:02] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods
[19:03] <Solarchos> Always a useful skill to know.
[19:03] <Solarchos> Knowing how to repair clothes is also equally useful.
[19:04] <Megan O`Cain> Oh neat, Rhea. What are you trying to make?
[19:04] <Rhea> Oh, I was going to learn how to make something for a gift.
[19:04] <Rhea> A Sweeter.
[19:05] <Megan O`Cain> Nice.
[19:07] * Solarchos snickers.
[19:08] <Solarchos> I have a feeling that Natalia will try to make herself a present for me and insist that I reward her with copious amounts of tummy scratches.
[19:12] <Rhea> Will that be your gift?
[19:12] <Solarchos> It'll be one of them, that's for certain.
[19:13] <Rhea> You will give more gifts?
[19:13] <Solarchos> Because Inu-Kit and are children are especially lively during holidays.
[19:14] <Solarchos> And when there's snow on the ground. THAT just drives all of them crazy with playing and snowball fights.
[19:21] <Solarchos> What do the rest of you have in mind for the remainder of the month?
[19:25] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[19:33] * Solarchos sits down and resumes reading the report he finally received from the Ordo Malleus.
[19:36] <Megan O`Cain> Well, I figure I'd spend time with family and friends, and also a little bit of gift shopping.
[19:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm going to be putting on that ballet and going to spend time with my family and friends
[19:42] * Megan O`Cain nods
[19:44] <Solarchos> When will the ballet's first performance be?
[19:45] <Matsumi Kaze> I..dunno yet
[19:47] <Rhea> I am looking forward to the dancing!
[19:48] <Matsumi Kaze> me too actually
[19:49] <Megan O`Cain> Same here. I think it'll be quite entertaining.
[19:49] <Solarchos> You just want to see me in a dress and the Kits dancing around. :P
[19:52] <Megan O`Cain> Who? Me?
[19:56] <Solarchos> Everyone, I think.
[19:57] * Matsumi Kaze is away: ((getting the live reading ready))
[19:58] <Megan O`Cain> Heh.
[20:08] <Rhea> You are going to wear a dress?
[20:09] <Solarchos> Yeah...I'm playing Mother Ginger.
[20:11] <Rhea> You are playing a mother? are male.
[20:11] <Solarchos> I think Matsumi cast me for the role precisely because the Kits get to be involved.
[20:13] <Rhea> What about your mate?
[20:16] <Solarchos> I'm not sure if Inu-Kit will be involved, but I'll check with her. I'm sure she'd love to participate.
[20:16] <Rhea> Maybe she will have fun with the children and you in the dance. ^_^
[20:24] <Megan O`Cain> Who knows?
[20:25] <Solarchos> I'm certain she will.
[20:26] <Solarchos> In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't join us just so she can be in the audience to watch everything live
[20:30] <Megan O`Cain> Perhaps. She might have a laugh at the scene.
[20:32] <Solarchos> I'm sure she will. She'll especially love seeing the Kits dance around.
[20:33] <Megan O`Cain> Yep.
[21:02] <Rhea> [Totoro] Everyone will have fun together ^_^
[21:02] *** Rhea has moved back to the livingroom
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> [Outside] ^^
[21:16] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[21:17] <Rhea> Welcome back, Matsama!
[21:20] * Megan O`Cain finds herself a seat on a sofa and lounges a bit
[21:27] * Rhea gets some more cocoa
[21:28] <Solarchos> Time for me to get back home. I'll see you all again tomorrow.
[21:28] <Solarchos> By then I'll have finished reviewing the report I've received from Algol.
[21:28] <Solarchos> Good night everyone.
[21:28] *** Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Off to see how my beloved wife will surprise me now." ^__^)
[21:30] <Megan O`Cain> Night, Solar.
[21:38] * Matsumi Kaze has walked downstairs in her pajamas
[21:39] <Megan O`Cain> Welcome back, Matsumi.
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> thanks!
[21:43] * Matsumi Kaze lounges on the Q sofa
[21:48] <Rhea> Oh, I should go and make dinner!
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[21:48] *** Rhea has left #suburbansenshi2 (time to cook!)
[21:50] <Megan O`Cain> Take care, Rhea.
[21:58] <Megan O`Cain> So, what's been going on, Matsumi?
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> not much honestly...been real quiet
[22:03] <Megan O`Cain> Gotcha.
[22:13] <Matsumi Kaze> it's been quiet
[22:23] <Megan O`Cain> It has been tonight.
[22:34] <Matsumi Kaze> yuppers
[22:38] <Megan O`Cain> Nothing wrong with having a quiet night to relax to.
[23:01] * Matsumi Kaze watches the snow fall
[23:05] *** Thrash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Thrash
[23:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Violence is not the answer. Violence is the question! 'Yes' is the answer.
[23:05] * Thrash walks in
[23:05] <Thrash> you know I am SUPPOSE to be on my vacation
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah yeah well i did call in a favor!
[23:06] * Thrash grumbles and removes part of the hotel wall
[23:07] <Thrash> i'll need some specific locations
[23:08] * Matsumi Kaze tosses her phone to Thrash
[23:09] * Thrash arches an eyebrow
[23:10] <Megan O`Cain> Evening.
[23:12] * Masked Figure is being counterproductive and informing you that he/she/it/whatever is lurking.
[23:12] <Thrash> evening
[23:13] * Thrash starts to plug in the proper coordinates
[23:14] <Masked Figure> I think that should be a zero, not an 8.
[23:14] <Thrash> I know what i'm doing!
[23:14] <Thrash> ...
[23:15] * Thrash changes the 8 to a zero
[23:16] <Masked Figure> of course, I'm just a simple bard, I surely don't know how it works
[23:19] <Thrash> alright..I think i have it set
[23:19] <Thrash> ...hold on
[23:23] * Masked Figure grabs onto something
[23:24] * A familiar sound fills the air
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> huh that wasn't so ba-
[23:24] * the entire room rocks for a second
[23:24] <Megan O`Cain> Uh...
[23:28] <Matsumi Kaze> OOF ><
[23:28] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `Welcome to Shin Private Ski-Lodge/Resort! Enjoy the snow!!!!!`
[23:28] * Matsumi Kaze looks out the front window
[23:28] <Matsumi Kaze> WOOT IT WORKED
[23:29] * Masked Figure is now a pair of legs sticking out of a sofa
[23:29] * Orion comes tumbling down the stairs!
[23:30] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey orion!
[23:30] <Orion> @_@
[23:30] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Orion.
[23:31] <Orion> Wha-what was...the quaking?
[23:31] <Masked Figure> mmmm mmmm mm. mmmmmmm mmmm mmm mm mmmm! (Gods damn it. Somemone help me out of here!
[23:31] <Thrash> I moved the Hotel
[23:32] * Masked Figure flails
[23:33] * Matsumi Kaze tries to pull Masked Figure out
[23:33] * Orion shakes his head
[23:33] * Masked Figure pulls free
[23:35] <Matsumi Kaze> you ok there, orion?
[23:35] <Orion> Oh, its very cozy looking here!
[23:45] * Matsumi Kaze picks up Orion!
[23:50] <Matsumi Kaze> oh wow it's actually snowing here!
[23:51] * Orion purrs a bit
[23:53] <Matsumi Kaze> hey take a look out the window!
[23:55] * Megan O`Cain looks outside through a window
[23:55] * Orion looks
[23:56] * there is a vast snowy landscape can see a frozen lake and several paths leading away..there are also mountains almost continually around the area
[00:00] <Megan O`Cain> Wow. Such a lovely landscape.
[00:02] <Freya> what are you doing with my husband?
[00:02] *** Freya [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Freya
[00:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: over nine thousand
[00:03] <Orion> Oh! Beloved!
[00:03] <Freya> I see we were moved
[00:04] <Megan O`Cain> Evening, Freya.
[00:04] <Orion> Oh yes, my love! Come and see!
[00:05] * Freya hops over and looks out
[00:05] <Freya> looks cold
[00:06] <Orion> And yet...perfect for romance and snuggling :3
[00:06] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `Welcome to Shin Private Ski-Lodge/Resort! Enjoy the snow!!!!! More info can be found here !`
[00:07] <Megan O`Cain> So, where exactly are we?
[00:09] <Matsumi Kaze> the Shin Private Ski-Lodge and Resort
[00:09] <Matsumi Kaze> owned and operated by the northern branch of the Shin clan
[00:09] <Megan O`Cain> Oh neat.
[00:11] * Orion perks his brows at Freya flirtatiously.
[00:12] <Freya> oh you *smiles*
[00:13] <Orion> I Love You, my beloved goddess.
[00:14] <Freya> and I love you, my brave star
[00:15] <Thrash> I also incorporated a few parts of the lodge into the lobby
[00:15] * Thrash nods towards a VERY large fireplace (guarded by a thin forcefield)
[00:15] * Orion leaps down and trots over to the fire place.
[00:16] * Freya follows
[00:16] <Orion> Nice. VERY nice. I approve!
[00:19] * Freya rubs against orion
[00:25] * Orion purrs and nuzzles Freya.
[00:25] <Orion> All we need is a bear skin rug. ♡
[00:26] * Freya nuzzles back "oh and why is that?"
[00:32] * Orion suddenly flicks off his collar's clasp and reverts back to his human form!
[00:32] * Orion is now known as Orion Felinus
[00:33] * Freya is now known as Freya Felinus
[00:34] * Orion Felinus picks up Freya and looks deeply into her feline eyes. "We could get...primal, my love."
[00:35] * Freya Felinus grins
[00:36] * Matsumi Kaze sloooowly lifts up her phone....just in case
[00:39] <Orion Felinus> /mw quickly orders the Bear Skin rug!....and a tent!
[00:39] * Orion Felinus ^
[00:39] * said items appear quickly..don't ask how
[00:41] * Orion Felinus retreats into the tent...on top of the the fire place!
[00:45] * Freya Felinus slips into the tent
[00:52] * Orion Felinus is away: Do Not Disturb ♡
[00:53] * Freya Felinus is away: ♡
[00:53] <Megan O`Cain> Heh.
[00:54] <Matsumi Kaze> ew
[00:57] <Megan O`Cain> So, what sort of stuff is here at the lodge, Matsumi?
[00:57] <Matsumi Kaze> do you mean outside or inside?
[00:58] <Megan O`Cain> How about both?
[00:59] <Matsumi Kaze> well inside it has a resteraunt, places to sleep, nice meeting area....though we won't have acess to most of that
[01:03] <Matsumi Kaze> outside there are skiing areas, skating areas, saunas, hiking trails
[01:05] <Megan O`Cain> Neat. Sounds like a fun place for everyone that likes snow.
[01:10] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yeah!
[01:17] <Megan O`Cain> Well, I'm gonna go get some sleep. Night, Matsumi.
[01:18] *** Megan O`Cain has quit IRC (Bedtime!)
[01:18] <Matsumi Kaze> night!
[01:50] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to sleep)
[13:00] <@SpeedRcrX> Testes
[13:13] <Matsumi Kaze> you have none..I'm sorry
[13:20] <@SpeedRcrX> I'm not
[13:20] <@SpeedRcrX> Las ttime that happened I ended up wioth a kid
[13:20] <@SpeedRcrX> What is he like three now
[13:20] <@Big Giant Head Chat> FOUR JESUS CHRIST
[13:20] <@SpeedRcrX> That
[13:24] <Matsumi Kaze> least when my kids were born I treated them well
[13:26] * Matsumi Kaze nods......even if she didn't meet most of her kids till they were already teens
[13:42] * Matsumi Kaze starts to get dressed in winter clothes!
[14:02] *** Eliza McIntash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Afternoon, Eliza McIntash
[14:02] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Proven to be Obsolete for centuries
[14:02] <Eliza McIntash> It's snowing outside!
[14:02] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey there, eliza
[14:02] <Eliza McIntash> Also there is no city!
[14:03] <Eliza McIntash> Also there is a mountain!!!
[14:03] <Matsumi Kaze> heh yup! the hotel got moved!
[14:03] <Matsumi Kaze> welcome to the Shin Private Ski Lodge-Resort!
[14:03] <Eliza McIntash> So there's no more loud scary smelly garish city? I love it!
[14:04] * Eliza McIntash heads over to the door and looks outside.
[14:07] <Eliza McIntash> It's so pretty.
[14:10] <Matsumi Kaze> I did some looking over the holdings i inherited as the head of the north branch of the Shin Clan
[14:10] <Matsumi Kaze> and found out I had this place
[14:10] <Matsumi Kaze> so I thought I'd share it with you all!
[14:10] * Matsumi Kaze puts on her winter berat and goes outside!
[14:10] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ outside ]
[14:10] <Matsumi Kaze> [outside] you coming eliza??
[14:15] * Matsumi Kaze [outside] walks through the semi-deep snow and takes a deep breath!
[14:24] * Eliza McIntash has not come, because she owns and has no clothing other than the robes from the Temple of Ulthar.
[14:24] <Eliza McIntash> It's... cold out there. <.<
[14:24] * Matsumi Kaze [outside] smiles "would you like me to get you some winter things?"
[14:25] <Eliza McIntash> Heh, I'm sure Chateaux can make them to fit me perfectly. YOu really don't need to go to the trouble. I'd really rather talk with you about the dance thing.
[14:27] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the livingroom
[14:27] <Matsumi Kaze> oh?
[14:37] <Eliza McIntash> Yes. Sorry. So can anybody be in it?
[14:39] <Matsumi Kaze> well yup!
[14:41] * Eliza McIntash thinks for a little bit. "Who else is in it?"
[14:42] <Matsumi Kaze> well so far Me, Sean, Hideki, Solar and his kids, Megan O'Cain, you
[14:43] <Eliza McIntash> ...Oh.
[14:43] <Eliza McIntash> So it's a local thing, not a Kakkedekan thing.
[14:43] * Eliza McIntash wrinkles her nose a bit.
[14:43] * Eliza McIntash sits down.
[14:43] <Matsumi Kaze> well yeah
[14:43] <Matsumi Kaze> it's just a nice community thing
[14:45] * Eliza McIntash sighs. "Hmmmmmm."
[14:45] <Eliza McIntash> I am still interested.
[14:45] <Eliza McIntash> I am a far better singer than I am a dancer, though.
[14:45] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods
[14:46] <Matsumi Kaze> well this was just a nice suggestion I thought
[14:47] <Eliza McIntash> Hmm, what do you mean?
[14:48] <Matsumi Kaze> just thought it would be fun
[14:48] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing more serious then that
[14:48] <Eliza McIntash> Ah. Well, perhaps it will be!
[14:51] <Eliza McIntash> When will there be practice?
[14:51] <Matsumi Kaze> well when are you available?
[14:51] <Eliza McIntash> Often!
[14:52] <Eliza McIntash> I have very little else to do. Especially since my panhandling is on hold without a city to do it in.
[14:55] <Eliza McIntash> But wouldn't we need to rehearse together???
[14:59] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah
[15:01] <Eliza McIntash> Then just let me know when the other people are coming. I'll be the easiest one to add.
[15:01] * Eliza McIntash looks at Matsumi Kaze.
[15:01] *** Matsumi Kaze is is a teenage girl with short blond hair and blue green eyes. With a well endowed figure and plenty of amazing power, she defends her home and her friends with all her heart. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "She makes me Laugh" by The Monkees.

[15:01] <Eliza McIntash> ....
[15:08] <Matsumi Kaze> what?
[15:10] <Eliza McIntash> It is nothing. It's nothing at all.
[15:10] <Eliza McIntash> I'm just kind of surprised.
[15:11] <Eliza McIntash> If local people are doing it, I would suspect you have brought Gemini on board.
[15:11] <Eliza McIntash> That's all.
[15:18] <Matsumi Kaze> she's been a bit busy I guess
[15:21] * Eliza McIntash shrugs. "I guess."
[15:23] <Matsumi Kaze> she's in the theater's production that is being rehersed
[15:24] <Eliza McIntash> .............Oh.
[15:24] <Eliza McIntash> What's she doing?
[15:26] <Matsumi Kaze> she's playing a role in East of the Sun West of the Moon
[15:34] <Eliza McIntash> Poetic name, that one.
[15:40] <Matsumi Kaze> it's become a tradition at the theater to do during the holiday
[15:40] * Eliza McIntash nods and listens to Matsumi talk about the Theatre.
[15:45] <Matsumi Kaze> it's one of my favorites to put on
[15:46] * Eliza McIntash nods, and cautiously and tentatively begins t oremember.
[16:39] <Matsumi Kaze> hey eliza...can I ask you something
[16:52] <Matsumi Kaze> I'll be right back
[16:52] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[18:05] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[18:05] * Matsumi Kaze walks back downstairs, looking around
[18:56] * Matsumi Kaze has fallen asleep on the floor
[19:05] *** Megan O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Megan O`Cain
[19:05] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Now with extra Bom Chikka Wow Wow
[19:05] * Megan O`Cain carefully picks Matsumi up via telekinesis, and sets her down on the Q Sofa gently
[19:06] <Megan O`Cain> Practically sleeps anywhere these days.
[19:38] <Matsumi Kaze> zzzz
[19:39] * Megan O`Cain covers Matsumi with a blanket
[19:43] *** Aratasujou has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Aratasujou
[19:43] <@Chateaux Concierge> Always remember, my darling, that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
[19:43] * Aratasujou slowly rises up behind Matsumi with a grapefruit in each hand. >:D
[19:45] <Megan O`Cain> Down, Ara-su.
[19:46] <Aratasujou> >:D
[19:46] <Aratasujou> Me see someone wanting funny wakeups!
[19:46] <Megan O`Cain> Leave her be.
[19:47] <Aratasujou> Awwwww, why?
[19:49] <Megan O`Cain> She's sleeping. Let her wake up on her own.
[19:50] <Aratasujou> Wanna do silly things with her. It be perfect time.
[19:53] <Megan O`Cain> And I'm sure she'll retaliate in kind. Or worse.
[19:57] <Aratasujou> That be okies! Me be a Familiar!
[19:58] <Megan O`Cain> Okay then. Don't say I didn't warn you.
[20:00] <Aratasujou> >:D
[20:00] * Aratasujou SQUISHES the grapefruits on either side of Matsumi's head!
[20:01] <Matsumi Kaze> O___O
[20:03] <Aratasujou> ^__________^
[20:03] <Matsumi Kaze> gaaah
[20:03] * Aratasujou puts on her best "innocent" face.
[20:03] <Aratasujou> Me see who do it! They go that way! It be a drive-by fruiting!
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> ..uh huh
[20:06] <Aratasujou> ^____^
[20:08] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh I need a shower now ><
[20:09] <Matsumi Kaze> man...unless you can magic up my hair or something
[20:11] <Aratasujou> Me can help!
[20:12] * Aratasujou reaches out with her hands...the hands of FATE!!!! >:D
[20:12] * Matsumi Kaze blinks
[20:14] * Matsumi Kaze blinks as her hair is now super curley
[20:14] <Matsumi Kaze> GAAAH TURN IT BACK TURN IT BACK
[20:15] <Aratasujou> Okay! Me can change it!
[20:16] * Aratasujou tries again.
[20:16] <Megan O`Cain> The hell?
[20:17] * Aratasujou suddenly changes her yukata black, with big red hands emblazoned on the front. "Oh Manos! God of primal darkness! The hands of Fate have doomed this girl's hair!"
[20:17] <Aratasujou> Thy will be done!! :D
[20:17] <Matsumi Kaze> w..what!?
[20:18] * Matsumi Kaze 's hair is completely sticking up with crazy ponytails everywhere
[20:18] <Matsumi Kaze> .....I hate you
[20:19] <Megan O`Cain> Feel free to do something to Ara-su, Matsumi.
[20:19] * Aratasujou starts to stagger off awkwardly.
[20:19] <Matsumi Kaze> FIX MY HAIR PROPER
[20:20] <Aratasujou> staggers off, accompanied by THIS theme.
[20:20] * Matsumi Kaze grabs ara!
[20:21] <Aratasujou> o__o
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> MAKE MY HAIR BETTER...NOW!
[20:23] <Aratasujou> - The Master would not approve! -
[20:24] * Matsumi Kaze 's eyes glow a blazing green
[20:24] <Matsumi Kaze> - NOW -
[20:25] * Aratasujou touches Matsumi's head with a weird staff with a twisted hand icon at the end of it.
[20:32] * Matsumi Kaze blinks as her now long hair falls down her shoulders and back...and over her right eye
[20:32] <Matsumi Kaze>
[20:32] <Matsumi Kaze> EH!?
[20:33] <Aratasujou> :D
[20:33] <Matsumi Kaze> what the heck!?
[20:34] <Megan O`Cain> Wha?
[20:35] <Aratasujou> XD
[20:36] <Matsumi Kaze> not this again ><
[20:38] <Megan O`Cain> Not fond of a long hairstyle, Matsumi?
[20:38] <Matsumi Kaze> had it already before >.>
[20:38] <Aratasujou> It be will of Manos that you have hair like that!
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ._. you're an ass
[20:41] <Aratasujou> Heeeee! ^__^..V
[20:44] <Megan O`Cain> And a pain.
[20:49] <Aratasujou> But you be looking nice! And cute! And freaky!
[20:54] <Matsumi Kaze> ~_X
[21:00] * Matsumi Kaze SLAPS ara
[21:02] <Aratasujou> o__o
[21:02] * Aratasujou has a REALLY hard face.
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> heh hard face
[21:07] * Matsumi Kaze keeps blowing her long bang up over her eye but it falls down none the less
[21:07] <Aratasujou> Me be going now!
[21:08] <Aratasujou> Enjoy your hair as Manos decree! :D
[21:09] <Matsumi Kaze> hey that's not fair!
[21:12] <Megan O`Cain> Cutting and running, Ara-su? For shame.
[21:12] *** Aratasujou has left #suburbansenshi2 (NYORO~!! =^ ^=)
[21:13] * Plushie-chan wanders though the room, in a night gown. She looks unwell, shivering as she walks, covered in a cold sweat and her nose is all red. She trips as she walks and collapses onto the floor.
[21:13] *** Plushie-chan [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Plushie-chan
[21:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: Milking a dead horse dry
[21:13] *** Sean Collins [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Evening, Sean Collins
[21:13] <@Chateaux Concierge> Welcome to Suburban Senshi: We arm not win yet but shall continue of the fight!
[21:13] <Sean Collins> Hey guys! What's Newwwww....
[21:13] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey sean
[21:14] * Matsumi Kaze has long hair draping over her shoulders and down her back...part of her bangs is long enough to cover her right eye
[21:14] <Megan O`Cain> Hey, Sean.
[21:15] <Sean Collins> ....Did you get into Kanri's hair tonics?
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> ara cast a spell on me or something
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> stupid hair is long again