the current system time is: Fri Sep 24 19:32 2010; you are connected on; message of the day follows:
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I owe Vegita an ass-kicking
<// J_Daito //> You mean for that time you got drunk, thought you were a Super Saiya-jin just because you were blonde, started a fight with him, and then he put you through the moon?
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Wasn't Usagi-chan pissed
welcome to #suburbansenshi2
[19:32] * Gojira roars....but the fire doesn't seem to hurt him
[19:32] <Mister Dinsdale> HIT THE PORTAL!!
[19:33] * Gojira gets ready to blast the house
[19:33] * @Wolfwood hits the portal and sends us back
[19:33] *** The house starts to burn from the fire!
[19:33] *** it starts to mateiralize in Tokyo... BUT THEN
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> The f[BLEEP]k.
[19:34] *** Reload main page
[19:34] *** err SS2 page
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> NOT ME. DID'NT DO IT.
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> ....]
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> where the hell...
[19:34] *** The house materializes in a forest populated by insanely giant, ancient trees, and an ever-present fog
[19:34] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:34] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[19:35] <@spiritflame> Mister Dinsdale: only OPs may change topic
[19:35] * @spiritflame changes topic to `Bye-bye to summer! Welcome to the Mysterious Forest! `
[19:35] * Izumi Hoshi hides behind harriet ><
[19:35] <@Wolfwood> I purchaced bum portal technology by angry nazi lesbians and it sent us into the f[BLEEP]king evil dead forrest
[19:35] * @spiritflame extinguishes the flames on the side of the house
[19:36] <@Wolfwood> Also. I'm going to kill Ten'ou.
[19:36] * @SpeedRcrX and Hotaru are passed out, entertwined in a strangely erotic murderous pretzel
[19:36] * @Wolfwood proceeds to wake Haruka up
[19:36] * Noriko X checks some readings
[19:36] * @Wolfwood hauls her to her feet
[19:36] <Izumi Hoshi> wh..what happened
[19:37] <@SpeedRcrX> Ugh... oh god what
[19:37] <Noriko X> This wasn't the fault of the Nazi Lesbian Portal Technology.
[19:37] * @Wolfwood proceeds to beat the s[BLEEP]t out of her with the tv
[19:37] <Noriko X> Some... *external force* deflected the house from landing where it should have.
[19:37] <@Wolfwood> - the rum is now gone. because of you. -
[19:38] * @SpeedRcrX PUNCHES through the TV with inhuman strength for a moment
[19:38] <@SpeedRcrX> Nazi... Lesbians?
[19:38] <@SpeedRcrX> Where can I...
[19:38] * @SpeedRcrX realizes she is bleeding massively and collpases
[19:38] <@Wolfwood> I smell plot. I don't like plot, that means I have to do stuff.
[19:38] <@SpeedRcrX> ...sign up...
[19:38] *** No plot right now, just a creepy old fairytale forest to explore~
[19:38] <Matsuo Shin> can someone explain this...
[19:38] *** Maybe magical and mystical too~
[19:39] <Matsuo Shin> (( TOUMTONS!!! ))
[19:39] *** The what now?
[19:39] * Noriko X admires the sheer scale of the trees
[19:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> the Back Door Portal still works
[19:39] <@Wolfwood> Well this is. Odd.
[19:40] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> We can still walk back into Japan
[19:40] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> But why did the whole house not make it
[19:40] <Matsuo Shin> (( tomte ))
[19:40] *** the wha
[19:40] <Matsuo Shin> (( scandianvian house spirits....can be found in mysical forests ))
[19:40] *** ahh
[19:40] <Matsuo Shin> (( quite michivious ))
[19:41] <@Wolfwood> I'll look into that. Maybe the portal stuff got hit with the bomb.
[19:41] <Noriko X> This forest...
[19:41] * Noriko X flips through a codex
[19:41] <Noriko X> Not any fairy tale...
[19:41] <Noriko X> EVERY fairy tale...
[19:42] <Matsuo Shin> what?
[19:42] <@Wolfwood> I wonder if I should set up sentry guns.
[19:42] * Noriko X feels almost overwhelmingly strong.
[19:42] <Noriko X> The magic here is old and powerful, both light and dark.
[19:42] * Noriko X 's subdermal tattoos are glowing white under her skin
[19:42] <psYchO_saKi> - F[BLEEP]king hate magic -
[19:42] *** TheGreyElf [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:42] <@spiritflame> irasshai TheGreyElf
[19:43] <Matsuo Shin> ..I don't understand
[19:43] * psYchO_saKi growls like a dog
[19:43] * @Wolfwood clutches his head and drops to a knee
[19:43] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:43] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[19:43] * Noriko X feels like she's on pure adrenaline
[19:44] <Noriko X> This is... amazing. It's... stronger than Ex[BLEEP]l
[19:44] * Eitak_Razal warps in, bringing Mormeril with her. "Tsk This fog is oppresive"
[19:44] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Vainamoinen is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[19:44] <Vainamoinen> very nice
[19:45] * Vainamoinen has appeared in the middle of the room
[19:45] * psYchO_saKi sulks, hating this place
[19:45] <@Wolfwood> Oh god. I can feel Whistler. In my head. Fighting.
[19:45] <@Wolfwood> oh god it hurts make it stop
[19:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Even I feel tingly.
[19:45] <Noriko X> Jack, you want to sense more... Wolfwood, you want to sense less. Both of you, drink.
[19:45] * Vainamoinen pats noriko on the head
[19:46] <Vainamoinen> very good, child
[19:46] <Noriko X> Jack's mind will be relaxed and his perceptions opened.
[19:46] <Noriko X> Wolfwood's will be numbed and...
[19:46] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:46] <@spiritflame> irasshai David O`Cain
[19:46] * Eitak_Razal casts Detect Magic on the general. Anything with magic would light up like a lantern for a few seconds
[19:46] * Noriko X trembles as she is touched, she feels the power in it
[19:46] * Noriko X lights up, and so does the forest
[19:46] <Eitak_Razal> *General Area
[19:46] * Vainamoinen smiles
[19:46] *** The forest is BLINDING
[19:47] <Eitak_Razal> Yep. Magical forest
[19:47] <Noriko X> Wh... what are you?
[19:47] * Vainamoinen looks at the forest, smiling...
[19:47] <Vainamoinen> you may call me Vainamoinen
[19:47] <Vainamoinen> some call me the old man....
[19:47] <David O`Cain> Hey, gu...what the hell? Uh, didn't there used to be a beach here?
[19:47] * psYchO_saKi , by contrast, is pitch black against the light
[19:47] * Eitak_Razal looks at Vainamoinen.
[19:47] *** Vainamoinen is somewhat masculine/feminine looking figure with long white hair and icey blue eyes. He/She wears plain dull white and blue clothes, wears slight blue lipgloss and has an air of quietness about hir
hir image Song is: "Kalevala Hymn" by traditional.
[19:47] <psYchO_saKi> House got moved.
[19:47] <Vainamoinen> ...I am simply a mere.....magic user..
[19:47] <psYchO_saKi> We're in hell.
[19:48] * Vainamoinen gives smile to Noriko..hir ice blue eyes flashing
[19:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What's your problem with magic, again?
[19:48] * @Wolfwood pukes blood all over the floor
[19:48] * Noriko X bows
[19:48] <Noriko X> No, sir.
[19:48] <Noriko X> In comparison to yourself, it is I, who has mana flowing through her veins, who is the mere.
[19:48] <psYchO_saKi> - I f[BLEEP]king hate magic -
[19:49] * Vainamoinen just smiles....
[19:49] <@Wolfwood> Noriko..I..i'm fine...I just...I need a second.
[19:49] <psYchO_saKi> - It is so goddamn unpredictable -
[19:49] * Eitak_Razal looks at Saki for a moment. "You are Anti magic, if I had to put a word on it"
[19:49] <Vainamoinen> quite....
[19:49] <psYchO_saKi> ♦ it's a scientific system at total odds with science
[19:49] * Vainamoinen smiles to Saki
[19:49] * psYchO_saKi has anti-magic runes carved in her skin like ornate bindi
[19:50] <@Wolfwood> me up...please.
[19:50] * psYchO_saKi hugs Noriko, who squirms, feeling instantly weaker
[19:50] <Vainamoinen> quite careful..aren't you
[19:50] <psYchO_saKi> ...
[19:50] * psYchO_saKi HUGS Wolfwood XD
[19:50] * psYchO_saKi 's anti-magic runes ward off the magic around her
[19:50] * TheGreyElf glances around, searching for signs of life in the woods
[19:51] * @Wolfwood feels less ill
[19:51] * Noriko X staggers back, as if gasping for air
[19:51] <psYchO_saKi> Hmm.
[19:51] * Vainamoinen puts hir fingers on noriko's forehead...and breaths on her "relax"
[19:51] * Noriko X feels a rush of new mana and breathes like a drowning man gasping for air
[19:52] <Noriko X> Thank you...
[19:52] * psYchO_saKi rips her left arm off
[19:52] * Vainamoinen gets...really close to Noriko " are welcome, child"
[19:52] * psYchO_saKi hands it to Wolfwood.
[19:52] <David O`Cain> I don't know why or how, but I'm getting a bad feeling that this place is nothing but bad juju.
[19:52] * Noriko X is unaffected by the proximity
[19:52] <@Wolfwood> Kay.
[19:52] <Noriko X> No.. there is both here
[19:53] <psYchO_saKi> The wards on my arm will protect you Soldier boi.
[19:53] <Vainamoinen> enjoy your stay here
[19:53] <Vainamoinen> ...but be careful.....
[19:53] <psYchO_saKi> Just be sure to give it back~
[19:53] * @Wolfwood places the arm in the Bauer Bag ™
[19:53] <psYchO_saKi> - Or I'll beat you to death with it -
[19:53] <Vainamoinen> there are....many dangers :)
[19:53] * psYchO_saKi makes the arm wave, even from a distance
[19:54] * Vainamoinen turns....and walks through a wooden door in the middle of the wall..which vanishes after he/she goes through
[19:54] *** Vainamoinen has left #suburbansenshi2 (welcome to the forest)
[19:55] <Matsuo Shin> ...odd man
[19:55] <Matsuo Shin> or was that a woman
[19:55] <David O`Cain> Hard to tell, Matsuo.
[19:55] <@spiritflame> : only OPs may change topic
[19:56] * @spiritflame changes topic to `bye-bye to summer! welcome to the enchanted forest!`
[19:56] * @DisgruntledDuelist changes topic to `Bye-bye to summer! Welcome to the Mysterious Forest! AKA WELCOME TO SILENT HILL: FOREST EDITION`
[19:56] <@spiritflame> :/
[19:56] <@spiritflame> you ruined my url you ba[BLEEP]rd
[19:56] <@DisgruntledDuelist> As it should bee
[19:56] * @spiritflame changes topic to `bye-bye to summer! welcome to the enchanted forest AKA WELCOME TO SILENT HILL: FOREST EDITION!!`
[19:56] <Eitak_Razal> This entire forrest is magical... Reminds of a section of Celestira...
[19:57] * Matsuo Shin shivers
[19:57] <@DisgruntledDuelist> Pyramid Head gonna raep a b[BLEEP]ch
[19:57] <Matsuo Shin> feels cold for some reason
[19:57] <@Wolfwood> Haters gonna hate.
[19:57] *** @Wolfwood [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (exploreing)
[19:58] <Matsuo Shin> .......................
[19:58] <Matsuo Shin> my shoes are gone
[19:59] * Eitak_Razal casts Detect magic on a tree, tyring to tell what exactly is magical about it.
[19:59] * Mister Dinsdale has lost his too
[20:00] * the whole goddamn tree is magic
[20:00] * the whole area is magic incarnate
[20:00] <Eitak_Razal> Hmmm.
[20:00] * is soul society is made of spirit particles, the enchanted forest is made of mana
[20:00] <Eitak_Razal> If I had to wager a guess, this entire area was created by magic
[20:00] * ^if
[20:01] <Noriko X> "created" might be the wrong word.
[20:01] * something faster then the eye steals everyone's shoes
[20:01] <Eitak_Razal> As in, it's not just enchanted, it's magic in and of itself
[20:01] <@DisgruntledDuelist> ...
[20:01] <Noriko X> This feels like... it was always here.
[20:01] <Noriko X> ...
[20:01] * DisgruntledDuelist looks at Noriko X.
[20:01] *** Noriko X is a tall, slender woman wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her left eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .
[20:01] <Noriko X> My boots.
[20:01] <@DisgruntledDuelist> me of a stripper i used to know
[20:01] <Noriko X> :/
[20:01] * Noriko X grumbles
[20:02] * something leaves a message on the floor: "GIVE US PORRIAGE"
[20:02] <Eitak_Razal> Gah! My shoes! I liked those shoes! You know how hard it is to find shoes that are Comfey, pratical incombat, and look nice!?
[20:02] * Noriko X curses in Basic about alternate timelines
[20:02] *** something has left #suburbansenshi2 (*high pitched giggles*)
[20:02] <Eitak_Razal> .... I suggest we Leave. ASAP
[20:02] <Noriko X> Yes, would you like to lead the way?
[20:02] <David O`Cain> What the...? Who stole my shoes?
[20:02] <@DisgruntledDuelist> leave
[20:02] <@DisgruntledDuelist> thiss is my kinda place
[20:03] * Eitak_Razal casts Mass Teleport to Tokyo.
[20:03] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is just arched backwards, looking up at the trees that seem to loom into infinity
[20:03] *** you are unable to complete it
[20:03] <Eitak_Razal> ....
[20:03] <Eitak_Razal> The hell!?
[20:03] *** something is interfering
[20:04] * something steals......well something..from Harriet
[20:04] * Eitak_Razal growls "Somethign is blocking my spell"
[20:04] <@DisgruntledDuelist> I wonder if i can find any air screamers here...
[20:04] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[20:04] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Where the f[BLEEP]k is my bra.
[20:05] <Eitak_Razal> If dimitri is behind this I'm going to raost him!
[20:05] * something finally leaps on Dinsdale's back...holding onto his shoulder with an iron grip
[20:05] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. takes a step foward and...
[20:05] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh god it ain't just my bra.
[20:05] <something> *shoulders
[20:05] <Mister Dinsdale> !
[20:05] * Mister Dinsdale tries to see what's behind him
[20:05] * something is now known as Tomte
[20:06] * Mister Dinsdale gets drunk to open up his perceptions
[20:06] <Mister Dinsdale> What thu hell ish thaaf`
[20:06] * Tomte looks like a small 3 ft man with wild eyes, a raggidty white beard...and wearing rude leather clothes
[20:06] <Tomte> - PORRIAGE -
[20:06] <Mister Dinsdale> ...phuck yeu... happ---happoshai~
[20:07] * Eitak_Razal jusst summons her armor, except for the helmet. "... IT's a freaking dwarf!?"
[20:07] * Mister Dinsdale grabs the guy
[20:07] <@DisgruntledDuelist> ...
[20:07] <@DisgruntledDuelist> really....
[20:07] <Gemini Sunrise> What th...
[20:07] * Tomte grins...and grabs disndale's wrists with a grip like steel..and squeezes
[20:07] <@DisgruntledDuelist> Were the hell are the skinless dogs
[20:07] * TheGreyElf scowls. "I hate dwarfs"
[20:07] <Mister Dinsdale> OAGGH PHUVKKK!!
[20:07] <@DisgruntledDuelist> THIS SPOOKY FOREST DISAPPOINTS ME
[20:07] * Mister Dinsdale drops to his knees
[20:08] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:08] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[20:08] * skinless dogs are humping your leg, mike
[20:08] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[20:08] <Matsumi Kaze> IT'S A TOMTE!!!
[20:08] * gg
[20:08] <Matsumi Kaze> !!!!
[20:08] * Tomte grins "NOW YOU DANCE...DANCE...DANCE...DANCE..."
[20:08] <Mister Dinsdale> T--tomtit?
[20:08] * Tomte forces dinsdale to dance
[20:08] * @DisgruntledDuelist squees, and smashes their heads in with a lead pipe!!
[20:08] <Eitak_Razal> A what!?
[20:08] * Mister Dinsdale dances like a puppet
[20:08] <@DisgruntledDuelist> now THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT
[20:09] <Matsumi Kaze> my grandmother once told me about them...
[20:09] <Gemini Sunrise> .....
[20:09] <Tomte> FASTER...FASTER....FASTER...
[20:09] * Gemini Sunrise pulls out Red Sun
[20:09] * Mister Dinsdale dances faster and faster!
[20:09] <Matsumi Kaze> they're scandinaivan home spirits
[20:09] <Matsumi Kaze> you put out a bowl of porriage for them..and they help you around your home
[20:09] <Matsumi Kaze> ..but if you don't...
[20:09] <Matsumi Kaze> .....they'll kill you
[20:09] <Gemini Sunrise> - Tyrant.... OF T... -
[20:09] * Gemini Sunrise stops mid-attack
[20:10] <Tomte> FASTER!!!!!! FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:10] <Gemini Sunrise> They want Porridge?
[20:10] * Gemini Sunrise goes into th' kitchen
[20:10] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah
[20:10] * Gemini Sunrise whips up a batch
[20:10] <Eitak_Razal> Wehere the hell are we suppos- Guh...
[20:10] * Mister Dinsdale flails like a broken doll, joints traning
[20:10] <Eitak_Razal> Where the hell did you get the stuff to make that!?
[20:10] * Gemini Sunrise brings it out
[20:10] <Gemini Sunrise> ORDER UP!
[20:10] <Gemini Sunrise> ...In th' kitchen.
[20:10] <Tomte> !!
[20:11] <Gemini Sunrise> Y'know... in th' house.
[20:11] * Tomte stops dinsdale and runs over to the porrige
[20:11] * Tomte takes the bowl and grins
[20:11] * Gemini Sunrise slides over a bowl
[20:11] * Eitak_Razal blinks and finally notices the house. "Oh. Didn't notice that was here..."
[20:11] <Tomte> WE HELP YOU NOW....
[20:11] * Mister Dinsdale just collapses to the ground, hurt all over
[20:11] * Tomte vanishes.....a new..large screen TV now there
[20:11] <Gemini Sunrise> ... Dang.
[20:11] *** Tomte has left #suburbansenshi2 (porrage porrage!)
[20:11] * Gemini Sunrise goes n'helps Jack
[20:11] <Eitak_Razal> I'd rahter have a way home
[20:12] <David O`Cain> That's one huge TV.
[20:12] <Matsumi Kaze> ....never thought...I'd see one
[20:12] * Prinnies start hauling it into the house
[20:15] <Matsumi Kaze> hey where are we?
[20:16] <Gemini Sunrise> A honkin' huge forest...
[20:16] <Gemini Sunrise> Makes me feel funny, though...
[20:16] <David O`Cain> With fog.
[20:16] <Matsumi Kaze> oh..when I was coming in..I found this
[20:16] <Eitak_Razal> A Magic forest
[20:17] * Matsumi Kaze holds up a bra and panties
[20:17] <Matsumi Kaze> it was outside the door
[20:17] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[20:17] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. DASHES forward and grabs them
[20:17] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[20:17] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (that is PRIVILEGED INFORMATION)
[20:17] <Eitak_Razal> Any sign of everyone's shoes? My feet are cold
[20:17] <Matsumi Kaze> also there was a pile of shoes
[20:17] * Eitak_Razal dashes over and grabs her shoes.
[20:19] * David O`Cain gathers his shoes
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> so what's up, guys?
[20:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Batman\'s worst costumes
[20:27] <Eitak_Razal> I LIKE that last one
[20:27] <Eitak_Razal> Something about the sorta spkikey sorta tattered cape is kinda cool
[20:27] <Mister Dinsdale> Too Spawn
[20:27] <David O`Cain> Not much really, Matsumi. Stuck in a foggy forest for all we know.
[20:28] <Eitak_Razal> The white one isn't bad either. Pink one though is utterly gay
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> huh...
[20:31] <Mister Dinsdale>“ The very existence of Batman perpetuates itself. The fact that Bruce Wayne puts on that costume and fights against crime changes everything. It's the other side of the argument that Batman creates his own villains -- he also creates his own allies. He inspires others in the same way that he himself was inspired, but does so by removing tragedy and replacing it with an ideal. Batman turns tragedy into justice, not just by punching out criminals, but by giving people something to believe in and aspire to. ”
[20:34] * Matsumi Kaze shivers...
[20:34] <Mister Dinsdale> good article
[20:34] <Matsumi Kaze> place scares me
[20:35] <IzumiHoshi> e..e..excuse me...excuse me
[20:36] <Izumi Hoshi> ^
[20:36] <Gemini Sunrise> ?
[20:36] <David O`Cain> Yes?
[20:36] <Izumi Hoshi> pardon...pardon me...
[20:36] <Izumi Hoshi> what is..going on...
[20:37] * Izumi Hoshi shivers
[20:37] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah don't know, hon.
[20:37] <David O`Cain> No idea, to be honest.
[20:38] * Gemini Sunrise ti[s her hat forward, shadowing her eyes
[20:38] <Gemini Sunrise> This's all' purty strange.
[20:38] <Izumi Hoshi> worries me...I feel weird
[20:40] <Matsumi Kaze> oh gemini..not sure you've met Izumi..she's another shield maiden...she's an usher at the theatre from what I understand
[20:40] <Izumi Hoshi> h..hello
[20:40] * Izumi Hoshi bows
[20:40] <Gemini Sunrise> Nice t'meet ya!
[20:40] * Gemini Sunrise bows then shakes her hand
[20:41] <Izumi Hoshi> meet you
[20:41] * Gemini Sunrise looks at Izumi.
[20:41] *** Izumi is your average everyday Izumi
[20:41] * Gemini Sunrise looks at Izumi Hoshi.
[20:41] *** Izumi Hoshi is young japanese woman with short purple blackish hair and quiet eyes. She speaks in very quiet tones and seems on the offset very shy.
Her image Song is: .
[20:41] <Gemini Sunrise> You remind me of Subaru...
[20:41] <Gemini Sunrise> Or Miss Hanabi from Paris...
[20:42] <Izumi Hoshi> I..I was sent the hanabi family...
[20:42] <Beauty_Queen> Eh... It's the girl from this mourning
[20:42] <Gemini Sunrise> :O
[20:42] <Gemini Sunrise> Are you related to Miss Hanabi?
[20:42] <David O`Cain> What was that, Matsumi? I didn't quite catch that. ^_^;
[20:42] * Beauty_Queen leans on her spear, tail swishing back and fourth. Her wings flap a few times too, though she stays put on the ground
[20:43] * Izumi Hoshi nods "..she was my...grandmother
[20:44] * something tugs on Gemini's boot
[20:44] <Gemini Sunrise> Wow...
[20:44] * Gemini Sunrise looks down
[20:44] *** Gnome has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:44] <@spiritflame> irasshai Gnome
[20:44] <Gnome> Good day to you, young lady!
[20:44] * Gnome takes off his hat and gives a bow
[20:45] * Gemini Sunrise tilts her head
[20:45] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah seen you in those airline commericals!
[20:45] <Matsumi Kaze> ...this is getting weird
[20:45] <Gnome> velcome to the forest!
[20:45] * Eitak_Razal looks at Gnome.
[20:45] *** Gnome is your average everyday Gnome
[20:45] <Eitak_Razal> It's a gnome!?
[20:45] <Gemini Sunrise>'re on th' Tee Vee.
[20:45] * Gemini Sunrise hunches down
[20:46] <Eitak_Razal> Uh, Gem, The one on TV is just a lawn gnome. It doens't really tlak
[20:46] <Gemini Sunrise> That's amazin'.
[20:46] <Eitak_Razal> *Talk
[20:46] <Gemini Sunrise> Well it's a role, ain't it?
[20:46] * Gnome a pale woman appears nearby
[20:46] <Gemini Sunrise> Like a mime!
[20:46] <Seelee> good evening.....
[20:46] <Eitak_Razal> No, I mean it's an inanimit object...
[20:46] <Gemini Sunrise> Whoa
[20:46] * Seelee walks..or rather she has no legs..only a long skirt
[20:47] * Eitak_Razal looks at Seelee
[20:47] <Gemini Sunrise> O_O
[20:47] * Eitak_Razal looks at Seelee.
[20:47] *** Seelee is your average everyday Seelee
[20:47] * Seelee puts a flower-wreath on gemini's head...
[20:47] <Eitak_Razal> ... It's a ghost!?
[20:47] <Gemini Sunrise> :D
[20:47] * Seelee appears to be a young pale woman with long white hair..she seems so delicate that a single breath might kill her
[20:47] <Gemini Sunrise> thanks kindly!
[20:47] * Gemini Sunrise offers them some porridge
[20:47] <Gnome> she's one of the seelee court of fairies!
[20:48] <Gnome> nah don't need that!
[20:48] <Eitak_Razal> Wait what!?
[20:48] <Gnome> and she only eats fairy food!
[20:48] * Seelee gives a flower wreath to each of the girls in the room
[20:48] <Mister Dinsdale> LOL
[20:49] <David O`Cain> Certainly seems kind.
[20:49] * Seelee smiles...
[20:50] * Gnome claps....and several gnomes come through the door..carrying a beer barrial
[20:50] <Eitak_Razal> Uh, any chance you guys can tell tell us where we are?
[20:50] <Gnome> you're in the forest!
[20:50] <@SpeedRcrX> BEER
[20:50] <Eitak_Razal> ... Can you be a bit more specific
[20:50] * @SpeedRcrX REVIVES LIKE POPEYE
[20:51] <Eitak_Razal> Like what world is this, what is this forrest called... Wait, this isn't Arcadia is it?
[20:51] * Seelee puts a flower wreath on Haruka's head..and looking at her....changes her outfit into a fairy dress..
[20:51] * Seelee has changed haruka's outfit into a flowing white and pink dress
[20:52] <@SpeedRcrX> ...
[20:52] <Matsumi Kaze> O_o
[20:52] * Seelee smiles
[20:52] * @SpeedRcrX just .... hyperventilates and faints
[20:52] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. takes pictures
[20:52] * Seelee blinks....
[20:52] * Seelee gives harriet a flower wreath too
[20:53] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. wears it, and makes it look GOOD.
[20:53] * Gnome watches the gnomes bring in a large boar into the house
[20:54] <Gnome> this here boar vill be fine for you?
[20:55] * Seelee is busy adding flowers to the room wherever she can
[20:55] <Matsumi Kaze> um...
[20:55] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Gemini, can you cook that thing?
[20:55] * Gemini Sunrise grins
[20:56] <Gemini Sunrise> Can Ah cook it~ ♡
[20:56] <Gemini Sunrise> That'll be GREAT, y'all!
[20:56] <David O`Cain> Need a hand with that, Gemini?
[20:56] <Gemini Sunrise> Sure!
[20:56] * David O`Cain gets out a bowie knife, "Let's get to it, then!"
[20:57] * Gnome several gnomes start to play a lively song of fiddle, bagpipe and singing
[20:57] * Gemini Sunrise gets out her knives n' sets t' carving
[20:58] * Matsumi Kaze starts to dance
[20:59] * David O`Cain begins to slice up some pork
[21:00] <Matsumi Kaze> (( heh wild boar isn't pork ))
[21:00] <Eitak_Razal> (( Close enough ))
[21:01] <David O`Cain> (( It's still a pig. :P ))
[21:01] <Beauty_Queen> Geh, I don't like this place
[21:01] * Gnome is conducting the gnome muscians
[21:01] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi goews outsad
[21:02] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi strats 2 stang up lites betwean da treez
[21:02] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What are you doing, kid?
[21:02] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> fackers...
[21:02] * Beauty_Queen follows Chibi-Usa
[21:02] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> y u feer da nite?
[21:02] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> iv its 2 durk...
[21:03] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> THREW A PATRY
[21:03] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi strats 2 dekorate da forast
[21:03] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi uzas da slivar cistal 2 mak da foag daffratn kolorz
[21:04] *** slowly, Chibiusa makes this patch of foggy forest colorful and happy
[21:05] * Seelee smiles and gives a happy unearthly one at that
[21:07] * Gnome s start to play a more lively tune
[21:07] <Eitak_Razal> I do not reocommend pissing off a magical forrest, let alone maggical fog
[21:07] *** Reload the page, (you might have to twice)
[21:07] <Eitak_Razal> I've seen fog that turns anything anything it touches undead.
[21:07] <Eitak_Razal> .... And why are there rainbows!?
[21:08] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi iz POWARFAL.
[21:08] <Eitak_Razal> It's nighttime! There's no sun to create rainbows at night
[21:08] * Seelee goes outside, dancing amoung the trees
[21:08] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi REPEETS dat.
[21:08] <Eitak_Razal> Stop breaking reality to look cool!
[21:08] <David O`Cain> In this place, does it really mater?
[21:08] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. is away: itz wat i dew
[21:09] *** Seelee has left #suburbansenshi2 (*goes dancing off*)
[21:10] <Eitak_Razal> It's freadking dangerous!
[21:10] * Gnome climbs onto the beer barrel..and busts it open..letting beer flow from it
[21:10] <Eitak_Razal> If you make time start flowing green I am not calling on any gods or Dhe Ehm I know to fix it!
[21:10] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. and the others are all "ooh rainbows"
[21:10] <Mister Dinsdale> LET's MOVE THIS PARTY OUTSIDE
[21:11] *** and so it was that in the enchanted magical forest, in the happy place, fall fun had begin
[21:11] *** ^ BEGUN
[21:11] * Gnome are suddenly outside with other gnomes..and several barrels of beer
[21:11] <David O`Cain>“ And there was much rejoicing.”
[21:12] * the ewok victory theme plays through the forest
[21:14] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. can't help it, and dances to the music
[21:14] * Gnome and his kind all dance
[21:14] * Gemini Sunrise finishes cooking up boar
[21:14] * Matsumi Kaze dances to the music!
[21:15] * there is the sound of something MASSIVE crashing through the treees
[21:15] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What th...
[21:15] <David O`Cain> Oh what now?
[21:15] *** Sunnyside's Yacht-- the "Stars and Stripes", has landed smach dab in the middle of the forest
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> !!!
[21:16] * Michael Sunnyside III climbs out onto the deck, drunk
[21:16] * Michael Sunnyside III raises up a wine glass
[21:16] * Gnomes start swarming onto the boat
[21:16] <Michael Sunnyside III> PARTY TIME!
[21:16] * Gnomes start to dance on the boat
[21:16] * Michael Sunnyside III blasts awesome party music from the ships' speakers
[21:17] <Eitak_Razal> I'm not even going to ask..
[21:17] * Prinnies start danceing with the Gnomes
[21:20] * Matsumi Kaze grooves
[21:20] * David O`Cain shrugs and grooves a bit
[21:23] * Gnomes keep the beer flowing
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> we need mugs
[21:26] * @SpeedRcrX passes them out, having changed
[21:27] * Matsumi Kaze fills hers with some beer
[21:27] * Matsumi Kaze drinks..
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> ...
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> OH CRAP...THIS STUFF IS STRONG
[21:27] * David O`Cain grabs a mug of beer
[21:28] * David O`Cain takes a sip
[21:28] <David O`Cain> Whoa! You ain't kidding, Matsumi. Wow.
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> quite the punch
[21:33] * Prinnies stumble around drunk
[21:33] * Gnomes are drinking as if it means nothing to them
[21:36] * Matsumi Kaze already shows signs of being drunk
[21:36] <Matsumi Kaze> ...ya...ya know...
[21:37] <Matsumi Kaze>'s...REAAAAAAALLY big
[21:37] <@SpeedRcrX> Huge... tracts of land...
[21:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I'VE GOT
[21:37] * Matsumi Kaze laughs out loud
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> wha...what are we doing here?
[21:38] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah didn't know you owned land, Matsy?
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> ..why are we all here...
[21:38] * Matsumi Kaze points to her own chest and laughs like an idiot
[21:39] <David O`Cain> Holy craaaaap, man. This is da strongesht beer I ever (hic) had.
[21:39] * Gemini Sunrise totally doesn't git it
[21:39] * Gemini Sunrise takes a swig of th' Gnome's Moonshine
[21:39] <Gemini Sunrise> :3
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> it's like....they're big....and stuff
[21:40] <Gemini Sunrise> Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang :3
[21:40] * Gemini Sunrise LIKES this whisky~
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> things...all big
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe it's where..where I keep extra brains
[21:41] * Matsumi Kaze giggles wildly
[21:41] * David O`Cain belches
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> harriet...harriet...harriet...
[21:42] <Raihosha> What happened to the island?
[21:42] *** Raihosha [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:42] <@spiritflame> irasshai Raihosha
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze>'re black
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> RAAAAAAAAAIIIII
[21:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ....
[21:43] * Matsumi Kaze hugs rai super tight..
[21:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> NO WAy?!
[21:43] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks at her hands
[21:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> HOLY F[BLEEP]K YOU'RE RIGHT!
[21:43] * Gnomes are drinking....and playing music
[21:44] <David O`Cain> Hey, Rai. Long time, man.
[21:44] <Raihosha> Hey Matsumi, David.
[21:44] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. flips Matsumi the bird and grabs some of the Liquor
[21:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> O_o [size=6]damn[/isze]
[21:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> damn
[21:44] * Raihosha looks about, entranced by the forest.
[21:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> this is goood
[21:46] <Raihosha> Wow, this place is magical...
[21:47] <David O`Cain> It's groovy, man...
[21:48] <Raihosha> No, I mean it is could get high just on the energy washing through this place.
[21:49] * Noriko X is already almost close to that right now
[21:49] * Noriko X is just hanging upside down from a tree brach about 300 feet up
[21:49] <Eitak_Razal> Only if you sucked the magic out of the air
[21:49] * Noriko X rocks back and forth :3 :3 :3
[21:49] <Eitak_Razal> That said, a mage could draw on the magic of this area and cast for hours wihtout useing their own mana reserves
[21:50] <Noriko X> ♡ Hours? more like years~ ♡
[21:50] <Raihosha> NO, you don't need to suck anything for this to affect you, as long as you're a sensitive and unshielded.
[21:51] <Raihosha> Emotions react strongly to mana fields.
[21:51] * Matsumi Kaze has gone unconcious...
[21:51] <Matsumi Kaze> zzzzz
[21:52] <Raihosha> However, spend long enough here and you might have trouble sleeping due to the buzz.
[21:52] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Vainamoinen is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[21:52] <Vainamoinen> :3
[21:53] * Vainamoinen is sitting in a tree branch
[21:53] <Vainamoinen> good evening
[21:53] <Raihosha> Evening.
[21:54] <David O`Cain> Helloooo.
[21:54] * Vainamoinen whistles..a tree branch reaching down, grabbing a mug of beer..and handing it to hir
[21:55] * Vainamoinen drinks the beer and smiles
[21:55] <Vainamoinen> quite nice..isn't it
[21:56] <David O`Cain> Yeaaaah. Good beer here.
[21:57] <Vainamoinen> a bit weak for my liking
[21:57] <Raihosha> Last time I experienced such a place I was consulting with a collegue in the Fae Territories.
[21:57] <Vainamoinen> oh they are here, my dear Rai
[21:58] <Raihosha> Which reminds me, be very careful of anyone who invites you to court around here.
[21:58] <Vainamoinen> tsk tsk...
[21:58] <Vainamoinen> be kind..
[21:58] *** LOVELYgirl [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:58] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYgirl
[21:58] <Eitak_Razal> I've had deelings with the fae in the past. I think to for the warning though
[21:59] <Vainamoinen> the seelee wish to be your allies
[21:59] <Eitak_Razal> Should things go wrong, use iron.
[21:59] * Raihosha takes a sip of the beer
[21:59] <Vainamoinen> would you be rude?
[21:59] <LOVELYgirl> Hello~
[21:59] * Gnomes keep playing music
[21:59] <Raihosha> I'd be very surprised if they let you anywhere near them with iron, even before things went wrong.
[22:00] <Eitak_Razal> True Enough
[22:00] <LOVELYgirl> Eh? Went wrong?
[22:00] * Vainamoinen is suddenly face to face with Rai
[22:00] <Eitak_Razal> We are dicussing the Fae
[22:00] * Vainamoinen smiles at him...
[22:00] <Eitak_Razal> Nothing has gone wrong yet
[22:00] <Vainamoinen> simply be careful of the unseelee...
[22:00] <Raihosha> Yes, Vainamoinen?
[22:01] <Eitak_Razal> I've had deeleings with both the Seelee and the Unseelee.
[22:01] <Vainamoinen> they are...not as kind as the seelee
[22:01] * Vainamoinen smiles
[22:02] <Raihosha> It is Autumn, the Winter Court is in its are unlikely to meet the Seelie this time of year.
[22:02] <Seelee> what was that?
[22:02] * Seelee is floating behind Rai
[22:02] * Seelee looks confused
[22:02] * LOVELYgirl prowls around a bit, checking out the forest
[22:02] * Eitak_Razal smirks. "Tell that to the one behind you"
[22:02] * Seelee offers Rai a flower
[22:03] * Raihosha turns around and then bows in an elegant, yet slightly alien manner.
[22:03] * Seelee gives a curtsy
[22:04] <LOVELYgirl> Hello there
[22:04] <Raihosha> I am sorry, where we came from it is past the autumnal equinox and I had expected the Winter Court to have taken charge in lands such as these...
[22:04] * Seelee gives a giggle
[22:05] <Seelee> we welcome you to the forest
[22:05] <Raihosha> Hello Miara. Isn't this an interesting place?
[22:05] <LOVELYgirl> It's wonderful!
[22:05] * Eitak_Razal bribes a prinny to bring her tea
[22:06] <David O`Cain> Hi, Miara.
[22:06] * LOVELYgirl looks at the Seelee curiously
[22:07] * Seelee is a pale young woman with long white hair..she has no legs...mearly floating on a skirt...she seems extremenly delicate in apperence
[22:07] <LOVELYgirl> How do your people prefer to be addressed?
[22:07] <Eitak_Razal> Is this your first encounter with the Fae
[22:07] <Eitak_Razal> *?
[22:07] * Seelee floats over to miara....and runs her fingers along miara's skin
[22:08] * Seelee 's touch is warm..yet somehow at the same time cold
[22:08] * LOVELYgirl lets the being look at her
[22:08] <Seelee> diffrent..
[22:09] <TheGreyElf> ...
[22:09] * Seelee gives miara a flower wreath
[22:09] <LOVELYgirl> Thank you ^_^
[22:09] * LOVELYgirl takes off a carved ivory bracelet and gives it to the creature
[22:10] * Seelee smiles and takes it with wonder
[22:10] <Seelee> :O
[22:11] * Seelee floats away with her new gift
[22:11] <Raihosha> Hmmm. If we see a cottage walking about on chicken's feet... NO I'm stopping that thought right there.
[22:11] *** Seelee has left #suburbansenshi2
[22:12] <LOVELYgirl> Pretty~
[22:12] <Eitak_Razal> So, anyone care to guess where we are?
[22:12] * Vainamoinen smiles
[22:12] * Hook-nosed old granny with sinister cat and owl is pissed and makes her house face the other way from Raihosha
[22:12] <Vainamoinen> you are in the enchanted forest
[22:12] <Eitak_Razal> I know that much
[22:12] <Eitak_Razal> WHERE is this forrest located!
[22:12] <Vainamoinen> it is located here
[22:13] * David O`Cain belches again, "Hoo. That was good beer."
[22:13] <Eitak_Razal> That tells me nothing
[22:13] *** In the land of dairy queen where dreams are made of
[22:13] <Raihosha> Well, this isn't the Realm of Faerie, but it is very close to it...
[22:13] <Eitak_Razal> What country are we in? Are we even still on earth?
[22:13] <LOVELYgirl> It'll be fun exploring here!
[22:13] <Vainamoinen> it is not near the realm of faerie :)
[22:13] <Vainamoinen> it is here....
[22:13] <Vainamoinen> you think in such..narrow terms
[22:14] <Raihosha> There aren't many places on Earth that could support such a place.
[22:14] <Eitak_Razal> I've been to Arcadia before. I doubt this is it
[22:14] <Eitak_Razal> Things aren't chaotic enough
[22:14] <Vainamoinen> my dear man....why think in terms of Earth
[22:14] <LOVELYgirl> Why don't you just find out about it the normal way, with your senses?
[22:15] <Vainamoinen> didn't shakespeare once say "there is more things in heaven and Earth then is dreamt of in your philospohy?"
[22:15] <Eitak_Razal> Even with my sheilds up this place raditaes such a strong magic even my sense of time is a little distorted
[22:15] * Vainamoinen taps the ground with his foot, making a stump grow from the ground, sitting on it
[22:16] <Vainamoinen> *hir
[22:16] * LOVELYgirl is away
[22:16] <Raihosha> Well, Vainomoinen, allowing for you're butchery of the Bard, why do you assume I mean physical distance when I speak of location?
[22:17] * Vainamoinen just smiles....and puts a finger to hir lips
[22:17] <Vainamoinen> did I say I assumed that?
[22:18] * Vainamoinen smiles
[22:18] <Raihosha> This is neither heaven, nor Earth but it IS an enchanted forest.
[22:18] * Miara[fur] prowls around the far edges of the area, investigating new smells
[22:18] <Vainamoinen> it is indeed
[22:18] <Raihosha> You didn't say it explicitly, but your statements required the assumption to make sense.
[22:19] <Vainamoinen> do they?
[22:19] <Vainamoinen> when did sense come into it
[22:20] <Vainamoinen> magic does not require sense
[22:20] * Miara[fur] disappears between trees
[22:21] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea "Some of the best mages, I have found, are also insane
[22:22] * Vainamoinen simply smiles
[22:22] <Raihosha> Insanity, however, means you have given up on the world. Not very helpful.
[22:24] <Raihosha> And magic requires a great amount of sense, or you will find yourself being destroyed by it.
[22:24] <Vainamoinen> you are not understanding
[22:24] <Vainamoinen> magic is not about the senses...
[22:25] <Raihosha> Whose talking about senses?
[22:25] * Miara[fur] trots back and sits near Vain
[22:25] <Vainamoinen> who indeed
[22:26] * Vainamoinen pets Miara on the head
[22:26] <Raihosha> Perhaps the word to use is wisdom. Knowledge and understanding also work.
[22:27] <Raihosha> Depending on your view, the only word to use is being.
[22:27] <Vainamoinen> something I have much of..
[22:29] <Miara[fur]> It seems to be nice as far as I went. I will have to see what it's like further.
[22:30] * Gnomes have have the beer
[22:30] <Gnomes> *vanished
[22:31] <Vainamoinen> it is quite lovely here, isn't it ^^
[22:31] <David O`Cain> Sure seems that way. It's nice.
[22:31] <Raihosha> That it is.
[22:31] <Eitak_Razal> /m puts her tea cup down "Clearly you've never met anyone who went so insane they came back out sane again"
[22:32] * Vainamoinen takes out his Kantele
[22:32] <Vainamoinen> *hir
[22:32] <Raihosha> Other than Yaijinden? No.
[22:33] <Miara[fur]> The forest is as far as I can feel.
[22:33] <Eitak_Razal> I've met one. Still slightly insane, but his illusionary magic is so good they are neigh impossible to distuinqush from the real think
[22:33] <Eitak_Razal> *thing
[22:33] <Vainamoinen> *Begins to play a song*
[22:34] * Vainamoinen continues to trees bend down to listen
[22:35] * Miara[fur] lowers to the ground and closes her eyes to listen
[22:35] <David O`Cain> Sounds pretty.
[22:36] * Vainamoinen keeps playing as birds and animals pause to listen
[22:37] * TheGreyElf keeps his distance, so as to not spook the animals
[22:39] <Vainamoinen> ♫ l; kotona metsä , hän on paikalla. ainoa että eksynyt joten kauan sitten.. ♫
[22:39] * Raihosha notices his cane is faintly shedding purple and green light as excess energy flows through it.
[22:39] <Vainamoinen> ♫ hän aikoinaan ihana ainoastaan kas noin on poissa. Häntä laulelma kotona minun kuulla. ♫
[22:40] <David O`Cain> Is that supposed to happen, Rai?
[22:40] * Vainamoinen keeps singing
[22:41] * Vainamoinen stops...and puts away hir kantele
[22:42] <Raihosha> Not unexpected about here, David. Although it is a bit more noticeable than I expected.
[22:43] <Raihosha> You are, as your name leads one to suspect, an excellent player, Vainamoinen.
[22:43] <Vainamoinen> and what do you suspect?
[22:44] * Raihosha looks at Vainamoinen.
[22:44] *** Vainamoinen is somewhat masculine/feminine looking figure with long white hair and icey blue eyes. He/She wears plain dull white and blue clothes, wears slight blue lipgloss and has an air of quietness about hir
hir image Song is: "Kalevala Hymn" by traditional.
[22:45] <Raihosha> You share a name with a rather famous figure from Finland, but you don't match the image exactly.
[22:46] <Miara[fur]> Things change as they pass down, without a constant.
[22:46] <Vainamoinen> I am he :)
[22:47] * Vainamoinen smiles, hir lipgloss shining
[22:47] <Raihosha> Then either you or your story has changed a bit over the centuries.
[22:47] <Vainamoinen> I have changed...
[22:48] <Vainamoinen> call it punishment
[22:48] <Raihosha> Or perhaps both...
[22:48] <Raihosha> Punishment?
[22:48] <Vainamoinen> yes
[22:48] * Miara[fur] looks at Vain
[22:49] <Raihosha> Who would dare to punish you and for what crime?
[22:49] <Vainamoinen> for a crime that still weighs heavy on my heart
[22:49] <Miara[fur]> What happened?
[22:50] * Vainamoinen smiles....
[22:50] <Vainamoinen> long ago...I tried to force a woman to love me
[22:51] <Vainamoinen> ...she rejected me..and killed herself
[22:51] <David O`Cain> Ouch>
[22:51] <Vainamoinen> ouch indeed
[22:53] * Vainamoinen simply smiles
[22:54] <Raihosha> And your punishment... is self-inflicted?
[22:55] <Vainamoinen> perhaps..or the curse of Ukko
[22:56] <Vainamoinen> one of the few things I do not know :)
[22:58] * Miara[fur] moves closer to Vain, so that her fur rubs against him
[22:59] * Vainamoinen scraches under her chin
[22:59] <Raihosha> Hm. It makes sense that you would be drawn to this house then. Consulting my memory, it strikes me that I never realized Minako was Finnish. ^_^
[23:00] <Vainamoinen> ....................
[23:00] * Vainamoinen grows pale...
[23:00] <David O`Cain> Huh?
[23:00] <Raihosha> It seems it never occured to you, either...
[23:00] * Vainamoinen looks forward...towards a woman dripping with water...her eyes wide like a fish's...
[23:01] <Aino> ..............
[23:01] * Vainamoinen backs away.......
[23:01] <Aino> - you will never be forgiven.... -
[23:02] <Aino> - ...your friendships shall not lessan your pain...nor your punishment.. -
[23:02] <Aino> - now go......and return to your you must -
[23:02] * Vainamoinen slowly fades away
[23:03] *** Vainamoinen has left #suburbansenshi2 (the story...always goes on...why must it always continue...)
[23:03] * Aino watches hir vanish
[23:03] * David O`Cain blinks
[23:03] <Aino> .....
[23:04] * Aino looks at water pours from her eyes, her nose and her mouth
[23:04] <David O`Cain> Uh...
[23:05] <Raihosha> You must be the maiden who rejected Vainamoinen, the only daughter...
[23:05] <Aino> - he/she must start the story over again... -
[23:06] <Aino> - ...the story will never end for hir.. -
[23:06] <Raihosha> A temporal loop?
[23:07] * Aino gives a laugh at rai..which as she and seaweed pours from her mouth
[23:07] <Aino> - you think you know what is will never understand -
[23:07] * Eitak_Razal looks at Aino, turning what little chronomancy she has to sense for a loop... then goes aoo O.O
[23:08] <Eitak_Razal> *all
[23:08] * Aino shows up on the chornomancy as being...withone beginning or end
[23:08] <David O`Cain> I'm gonna go now.
[23:08] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (See ya.)
[23:09] <Eitak_Razal> She has no begining... or end...
[23:09] <Miara[fur]> Hate without beginning or end...that's so sad.
[23:10] <Raihosha> How like a legendary tale. Neither beginning nor ending, just the telling...
[23:11] <Aino> - he/she..will forever suffer....with no beginning and no end -
[23:11] <Eitak_Razal> (( Also, I assumed Witthone ment without <.< ))
[23:11] <Miara[fur]> and so are you
[23:12] <Aino> (( yes ))
[23:12] * Aino just smiles at miara...her eyes now gone as water is pouring even more from them
[23:13] <Aino> - the story shall go on forever...and nothing can end it -
[23:13] * Aino gives a her skin melts into water...followed by her bones..and then her clothes...all of it vanishing into the ground
[23:14] *** Aino has left #suburbansenshi2 (he/she shall suffer...eternally)
[23:14] * Raihosha sighs.
[23:14] * Eitak_Razal smiles. "There is only one truth in the world. All things will one day end or cease to ever have been.
[23:15] <Raihosha> What a waste. But then, forever is a long time, and with enough time all things are possible.
[23:16] * Eitak_Razal resumes drinking her tea. "Final Death, destruction or Uncreation. Tis the fate of even gods and worlds. One day eveything will end"
[23:17] <Raihosha> Yes, even time may have an end... but do you even comprehend a trillion years? I certainly don't.
[23:17] <Miara[fur]> Everything changes and eventually ends. And finally, the universe will die.
[23:17] <Raihosha> By the way Miara, you seem very fond of Vainamoinen.
[23:17] <Eitak_Razal> I am descended from a line of Chronomancers, and I have been a Dhe Ehm.
[23:18] <Eitak_Razal> I likely comprehend more then the averave person
[23:18] <Miara[fur]> He is nature.
[23:18] <Raihosha> Yes, but then I doubt I qualify as average...nor does anyone about here.
[23:21] <Raihosha> I am a Mage Lord, Eltak. And I know that even immortals have trouble enough with the current age of the universe, much less a hundred times that length of time.
[23:21] * Matsumi Kaze is sleeping on the floor
[23:21] <Matsumi Kaze> *ground
[23:22] <Raihosha> I think I understand, Miara...
[23:23] * Eitak_Razal looks at Raihosha.
[23:23] *** Raihosha is a distinguished gentleman of 6'4", wearing a dashing dinner jacket with the A.E.G.I.S. insignia on a collar tab, and a blue carnation in the buttonier. He is carrying a glass cane. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: "Inner Universe" by ORIGA.
[23:24] <Miara[fur]> Besides, even immortals need to be treated like people.
[23:25] <Miara[fur]> *normal people
[23:25] * Izumi Hoshi is trying to wake up matsumi
[23:25] <Izumi Hoshi> miss brunnhilda..wake up
[23:25] * Miara[fur] looks at Izumi Hoshi.
[23:25] *** Izumi Hoshi is young japanese woman with short purple blackish hair and quiet eyes. She speaks in very quiet tones and seems on the offset very shy.
Her image Song is: .
[23:26] * Izumi Hoshi is shaking matsumi "Miss Brunnhilda?"
[23:27] * Raihosha smiles at Eltak.
[23:27] <Izumi Hoshi> miss brunnhilda..please wake up
[23:28] * Raihosha looks at Matsumi to make sure she's okay...
[23:28] * Matsumi Kaze is out cold and asleep
[23:29] <Izumi Hoshi> please wake up T_T
[23:30] <Raihosha> Ms. Hoshi, is it? I think it might be best if we let her sleep. I can help you move her, if you wish?
[23:32] <Izumi Hoshi> I'm sure Miss Brunnhilda would be alright with that
[23:32] * Raihosha picks up Matsumi, easily.
[23:32] <Raihosha> Where should we take her?
[23:33] <Izumi Hoshi> perhaps somewhere..she can rest?
[23:34] <Raihosha> Inside, to the couch?
[23:34] * Izumi Hoshi nods
[23:35] * Raihosha carries Matsumi inside and makes her comfortable on the couch, before spreading a blanket over her.
[23:36] <Izumi Hoshi> ..will she be ok?
[23:36] <Izumi Hoshi> I was told to find her and miss gemini
[23:37] <Raihosha> I think so. It may just be the effects of the beer she had.
[23:38] <Izumi Hoshi> I'm so worried...this is my first time meeting them ><
[23:38] <Eitak_Razal> Go get a bucket of water or something like smelling salts (Or a very smelly pair of socks or something)
[23:38] <Raihosha> First time?
[23:38] <Eitak_Razal> That'll wake her up
[23:39] <Izumi Hoshi> yes....I arrived yesterday...
[23:39] <Raihosha> There's no need to wake her if it isn't urgent. Sleep is usually the best medicine, Eltak.
[23:41] * Raihosha pulls out a monitor and gives Matsumi a thorough check.
[23:42] * Matsumi Kaze is asleep
[23:44] * Izumi Hoshi sits down..pulling out a hankerchief and wiping her brow
[23:45] <Raihosha> She'll be fine, Ms. Hoshi. She's a sound sleeper. Unles she's needed urgently she should be fine where she is.
[23:45] <Izumi Hoshi> ok...
[23:46] * Raihosha runs a quick scan on Ms. Hoshi.
[23:47] * Izumi Hoshi blinks
[23:47] <Izumi Hoshi> wh..what are you doing?
[23:48] * Izumi Hoshi seems normal cept for slightly...very slightly higher then normal spirit power
[23:48] <Raihosha> Just making sure you aren't stressing yourself out, Ms. Hoshi.
[23:49] <Eitak_Razal> ...
[23:50] * Miara[fur] is back
[23:50] <Beauty_Queen> Hmmm. Now seems like a good point to start the next episode
[23:52] <Beauty_Queen> Next Time on Suburban Senshi!
[23:52] <Beauty_Queen> After falling down the rabbit hole, Etna finds herself in wonderland.
[23:53] <Beauty_Queen> After Defeating The Local overloard, Etna Quicklty becomes the Queen of Hearts, and Rules Wonderland with an Iron fist
[23:53] <Beauty_Queen> And many losses of heads!
[23:54] * Miara[fur] looks over Izumi again before sitting under a particular tree
[23:54] <Beauty_Queen> Next time: Etna in Wonderland
[23:54] * Izumi Hoshi is trying to calm herself down
[23:55] <Raihosha> Deep, slow breaths, Ms. Hoshi.
[23:55] * Images of Etna's discription apear and seem to support her wild self centered episode skit. Until the real next episode title appears: "Enchanted Forrest of Mystery"
[23:55] <Izumi Hoshi> I..I'm just nervious..that's all...grandmother..always told me..that I was..high strung
[23:57] <Eitak_Razal> Why do all the epsiode previews make her the star?
[23:58] <Izumi Hoshi> I was told grandmother used to do what Miss Brunnhilda does
[23:58] <Raihosha> Well, give it time, you'll get used to the craziness around here. Until then, just remember to breath.
[23:58] * Prinny walks over to Izumi and offers her a candy bar.
[23:58] <Raihosha> Why do you call Matsumi, Miss Brunhilda?
[23:59] <Izumi Hoshi> that is her codename..we shield maidens are...required to refer them only by that
[23:59] <Raihosha> Oh. I didn't realize I was breaking cover...
[00:00] <Izumi Hoshi> it is best that way I heard...
[00:00] <Raihosha> Well, it means you won't slip up, unlike myself.
[00:01] <Prinny> ... Am I that ignoreable dood?
[00:01] * Raihosha looks at Prinny.
[00:01] *** Prinny is your average everyday Prinny
[00:02] <Prinny>
[00:02] * Prinny slautes Rai "Hey dood"
[00:03] <Miara[fur]> So you're part of the Valkyrie unit.
[00:03] <Izumi Hoshi> !!!
[00:03] * Izumi Hoshi hides behind the sofa
[00:03] <Raihosha> Well, a demonic Penguin on peg-legs is something one might try and actively ignore.
[00:03] <Prinny> Gek!
[00:04] <Izumi Hoshi> o.o
[00:04] <Eitak_Razal> Most people freak out or try and hug them
[00:04] <Izumi Hoshi> wh..what are you?
[00:04] <Miara[fur]> You don't think they're cute at all?
[00:04] * Izumi Hoshi is staring at miara
[00:04] <Eitak_Razal> Which I don't recommend hugging them,. They tend to explode when handled roughtly
[00:05] * Raihosha looks at Miara[fur].
[00:05] *** Miara[fur] is A demonic looking 4 legged creature, about 3' tall with long fine legs and a long kinked tail, covered in tons of fur. She has fur the color of brown sugar and blue eyes. More information about is Here.
image Song is: "Lady Dynamite" by Ayumi Hamakasi.
[00:05] <Miara[fur]> Hello
[00:06] <Izumi Hoshi> he...he..hello
[00:07] <Izumi Hoshi> ..who are you...
[00:07] <Raihosha> Ms. Hoshi, you've met Miara haven't you?
[00:08] <Izumi Hoshi>
[00:08] * Beauty_Queen snatches up the candy bar from the Prinny, sonce no one else too it. The prinny tries to steal it back but she just kicks's ass
[00:09] <Beauty_Queen> *kicks it's
[00:09] <Miara[fur]> Not yet.
[00:09] <Raihosha> Oh, Miara this is Ms. Hoshi, one of Matsumi's associates.
[00:10] <Izumi Hoshi> o..oh hello
[00:10] <Miara[fur]> So I gathered.
[00:10] <Raihosha> Ms. Hoshi this is Miara, one of the locals as it were.
[00:11] <Izumi Hoshi> hello..
[00:11] * Miara[fur] nods
[00:11] <Miara[fur]> I suppose I should go change...
[00:12] * Izumi Hoshi is sweating
[00:12] * Miara[fur] is away: I left my clothes somewhere...
[00:12] * Large Barracuda swims along the beach.
[00:13] <Izumi Hoshi> (( there is no beach ))
[00:13] <Izumi Hoshi> (( we're not on the beach anymore ))
[00:13] <Raihosha> Ms. Hoshi, it's all right. Just pretend you're in Ankh-Morpork...
[00:13] <Izumi Hoshi> what..what?
[00:13] * LOVELYgirl is back
[00:13] <Raihosha> Err, that may not be a recognizable reference...
[00:14] <Raihosha> Welcome back Miara.
[00:14] * Raihosha looks at Lovelygirl.
[00:14] *** Lovelygirl is tanned young woman with wild light brown hair, blue eyes, and stands 5'10. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Lady Dynamite" by Ayumi Hamasaki.
[00:14] * LOVELYgirl pulls some chocolate out of her bag and eats it
[00:14] <LOVELYgirl> Rai
[00:14] <Raihosha> Yes?
[00:14] <LOVELYgirl> Chocolate, anyone?
[00:15] <Izumi Hoshi> I'll have some
[00:15] * Ursine Nightmare shuffles through the forest... sniffing the air for clues to which way to go.
[00:15] * LOVELYgirl gives Izumi the bag
[00:16] * LOVELYgirl ^of chocolate
[00:16] * Ursine Nightmare canters primally through the forest, thoroughly enjoying himself.
[00:16] <Raihosha> I take it then, Ms. Hoshi, you haven't read any works by Terry Pratchett?
[00:17] <Izumi Hoshi> no
[00:17] * Ursine Nightmare looks at The House.
[00:18] <Eitak_Razal> Nor Have I. I keep meaning too but I have yet to start
[00:18] <Raihosha> Ah. Well, I'll recommend him if you enjoy reading.
[00:18] * Something moves faster then the eye can see...and has cleaned the outside of the house in a flash
[00:18] * Ursine Nightmare taps on the bark of a massive tree.
[00:19] <Ursine Nightmare> It's beautiful here.
[00:19] * Ursine Nightmare is now known as Hulking Figure
[00:19] <Hulking Figure> So very beautiful.
[00:19] * Dryad gives an annoyed look at dimitri..and goes back to sleep
[00:19] <Hulking Figure> WOAH!
[00:19] <Dryad> *mumbles* stupid vampires..
[00:20] * Hulking Figure politely knocks on the tree again.
[00:20] <Dryad> *yawn* what do you want ><
[00:20] <Hulking Figure> I was wondering if you could give me some directions?
[00:20] <Hulking Figure> What kind of animals are in these woods?
[00:20] <Dryad> >< lots
[00:21] <Raihosha> House cleaned...
[00:21] <Hulking Figure> And are there any that are somewhat too numerous?
[00:21] <Dryad> nothing a vampire like you can eat
[00:21] <Raihosha> We need to remember to leave out a bowl of milk for the Brownies...
[00:21] <Dryad> I'll give you some advice, mister...
[00:21] <LOVELYgirl> Go exploring, Dimitri, it's more fun.
[00:21] <Dryad> if you know what's good for you...keep your respect for this place
[00:21] <LOVELYgirl> And won't get anything mad at you.
[00:22] * Tomte is cleaning the house
[00:22] * Eitak_Razal pokes her head out the door "Dimitri. Don't pester the Fae. It'll only end up going bad for you
[00:22] <Hulking Figure> Look, I understand the Hostility, but I'm a very good steward of the forest. I have dwelt in forests for ages.
[00:22] * Izumi Hoshi looks..confused
[00:22] <Hulking Figure> There were just plenty of deer to feed upon where I am from, and I would truly hate to prey upon the wrong creature.
[00:22] <Dryad> know some of us do need sleep
[00:23] <Hulking Figure> Or... would most creatures tend to fight back?
[00:23] <Hulking Figure> ...
[00:23] <Dryad> all of them will
[00:23] <Dryad> you can feed on some..deer or rabbits or something
[00:23] <Hulking Figure> Oooh, that's bad.
[00:23] <Dryad> just keep out of the way of the unseelie
[00:23] <Dryad> or nucklavee...
[00:23] <Raihosha> You holding up okay Ms. Hoshi?
[00:23] <Hulking Figure> Ah. I have fed upon deer for a long time. I won't cheat in here.
[00:23] * Eitak_Razal walks over and grabs Dimitri "Leave the Dryad alone"
[00:23] <Dryad> or those gorgon things
[00:24] <Eitak_Razal> Gorgans?
[00:24] <Hulking Figure> Ahh hey1
[00:24] <Hulking Figure> !
[00:24] <Hulking Figure> Now Eitak... leave the dryad alone1
[00:24] * Eitak_Razal stops trying to pull him away and listens herself.
[00:24] <Eitak_Razal> Shush
[00:24] * Hulking Figure looks at LOVELYgirl.
[00:24] *** LOVELYgirl is tanned young woman with wild light brown hair, blue eyes, and stands 5'10. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Lady Dynamite" by Ayumi Hamasaki.
[00:25] <Hulking Figure> Miara, you amaze me? Why are you in that form? This forest is a playground for beings like us. Well, certainly for those like yourself.
[00:25] <LOVELYgirl> Well I hardly just got here.
[00:25] <Dryad> well if you excuse me...I need some sleep...
[00:26] <Raihosha> Gorgons...depending on the version...
[00:26] <Hulking Figure> Of course, madam.
[00:26] <Eitak_Razal> I know what they are
[00:26] * Raihosha puts on a pair of mirrorshades.
[00:26] * Dryad goes back into the tree and vanishes
[00:26] <LOVELYgirl> I've been out a few miles already.
[00:26] <Eitak_Razal> Women with snakes for hair and turn you to stone by looking at them
[00:26] *** Dryad has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:27] * Hulking Figure very cautiously ponders his next move.
[00:27] <Eitak_Razal> Also, Dimitri. Do not Piss off the locals. This forrest is magical, even with my protective spells up everything here reaks of magic
[00:27] <Raihosha> Yep. However a number of versions require their gaze. Thus the mirrorshades.
[00:27] * Gnome runs towards his home
[00:27] <Hulking Figure> Hmmm... forest that fights back more aggressively than normal.
[00:27] <Hulking Figure> Dude... I'm Tainted.
[00:28] <Hulking Figure> I did NOT intend to be here. I just happened to have attached myself to the foundation when you guys... well, did whatever you did to get here.
[00:28] <Hulking Figure> They'll hate my guts.
[00:28] * Hulking Figure looks around, warily.
[00:28] <Eitak_Razal> Well don't go pissing them off. I don't need a fae turning us all into shubbery for kicks because you pissed them off
[00:29] <Raihosha> quote bring me a ... SHRÜBERY!
[00:29] <Hulking Figure> Um... what I've heard about Fey? They'll do that anyway.
[00:29] <Hulking Figure> Dammit, I am glad I ate my fill on Kaguya. Blood will have to be won here.
[00:30] <Raihosha>“ test?”
[00:30] <Hulking Figure> I mean.. unless I can find some kind of unguarded...
[00:30] <Eitak_Razal> Ok let me rephrase that. I don't want to give them a good reason to turn us into stuff
[00:30] * Hulking Figure looks at Izumi Hosha.
[00:30] *** Izumi Hosha is your average everyday Izumi Hosha
[00:30] * Hulking Figure looks at Izumi Hoshi.
[00:30] *** Izumi Hoshi is young japanese woman with short purple blackish hair and quiet eyes. She speaks in very quiet tones and seems on the offset very shy.
Her image Song is: .
[00:30] * Izumi Hoshi freezes at the sight of dimitri
[00:31] <Hulking Figure> ...
[00:31] <Raihosha>“ Bring me a ... SHRÜBERY!”
[00:31] <Raihosha> That's better.
[00:31] <Eitak_Razal> The Seelee have arlready welcomed us to the forrest and seem freindly enough.
[00:32] <Raihosha> A Seelee has welcomed us and seems friendly enough. And no one has been hostile to us so far.
[00:33] <Hulking Figure> ...
[00:33] <Eitak_Razal> Aside from warnings, we should be good as long as people use their heads. That means, leave anything made of Iron at home, and be polite
[00:33] * Hulking Figure pulls out a Machete.
[00:33] * Hulking Figure checks and makes certain it is not Iron.
[00:33] <Eitak_Razal> Unless dealing with somethigng innatly hostile. Then Iron would be ok I suppose
[00:34] * Hulking Figure puts it away.
[00:34] <Raihosha> And to be extra polite, you might wish to wear this holly stake through your heart. ^__^
[00:34] <Hulking Figure> Screw you.
[00:34] <Hulking Figure> Maybe you should wear this plastic bag over your head?
[00:34] * Eitak_Razal just faceplams
[00:34] <Raihosha> It was a joke... if a poor one.
[00:35] <Hulking Figure> I like the mist.
[00:35] <Hulking Figure> I find it sort of comforting.
[00:36] <Hulking Figure> So I take it the TV is offline?
[00:36] <Raihosha> And I avoid most plastic bags over the head because 1) they're hard to see through, and 2) it's a bad example.
[00:36] <Eitak_Razal> You'd like the mist on some parts of Celesita then. Makes things undead
[00:36] * Tomte replaced the TV
[00:36] <Eitak_Razal> I dunno if the Prinnies hooked the new one up yet..
[00:36] <Hulking Figure> I'm not going to go all Emo Elf on you, but being undead isn't all advantages.
[00:37] <Hulking Figure> Granted... there are some big ones.
[00:37] <Raihosha> Have you seen the wireing on that TV? It works anywhere.
[00:37] <Hulking Figure> Heh.. I'd climb a tree, but my claws would scar them.
[00:37] <Hulking Figure> And I'd hate to do that even if I didn't think they'd swat me.
[00:37] <Eitak_Razal> Just to prove a point...
[00:38] <Hulking Figure> Please... no proving points!
[00:38] * Tomte is suddenly visible..staring at dimitri...
[00:38] * Eitak_Razal casts detect magic, causing everying magical to light up like a lanternt. THe neaby forrest lights up very very brightly for a few moment
[00:38] * Hulking Figure looks at Tomte.
[00:38] *** Tomte is your average everyday Tomte
[00:38] <Tomte> ............
[00:38] * Hulking Figure kneels down.
[00:38] <Hulking Figure> Greetings.
[00:39] <Hulking Figure> I did not mean to come here.
[00:39] <Raihosha> Not to say there's anything good to watch on at the moment.
[00:39] * Tomte appears as a short man with long white beard and hair..he has wild eyes and very crude leather clothes
[00:39] <Hulking Figure> But since my friends are here now, I will ask if I may stay.
[00:39] <Tomte> ......
[00:39] <Hulking Figure> My I please stay?
[00:39] <Tomte> YOU GIVE PORRIAGE!?
[00:39] <Hulking Figure> You are kidding me!
[00:39] <TheGreyElf> Give it to him
[00:39] <Tomte>!?
[00:40] <TheGreyElf> They'll kill you if you don't\
[00:40] <Hulking Figure> I don't have porri---I think I'll go get the porriage I left in the house.
[00:40] <TheGreyElf> Gemani made some before. There are likely left overs
[00:40] <Tomte> ME NOW HOUSE SPIRIT
[00:40] <Hulking Figure> Are these woods your home, sage?
[00:41] <Tomte> NOT SAGE NOT SAGE TOMTE!
[00:41] <Eitak_Razal> Matsumi called them Tomte
[00:42] <Hulking Figure> Tompte.
[00:42] <Eitak_Razal> They're apperntly house sprits, meaning they'll do house hold tasks. The downside is you have to keep them sated with porriage or they'll kill ya
[00:42] <Hulking Figure> ...
[00:42] * Hulking Figure looks at the trees.
[00:42] <Hulking Figure> On his home turf, I will not doubt that claim.
[00:42] <Raihosha> I don't know about killing, but they'll start playing tricks.
[00:43] * Hulking Figure goes inside the house.
[00:43] * Hulking Figure is away: Heating up Porriage
[00:44] <TheGreyElf> Perhaps it would be best if Etna, The Prinnies, Dimitri, and myself found a way to leave
[00:44] <TheGreyElf> I doubt demons and the undead are very welcome here
[00:47] <Raihosha> You haven't been attacked yet, I wouldn't worry until it has been made clear you are unwelcome.
[00:49] <TheGreyElf> I suppose. But just being here makes me uncomfertable
[00:50] * Tomte suddenly runs loud footsteps can be heard
[00:51] * the trees are being jostled by something far off
[00:51] <Raihosha> Oh goody, we've got Giants.
[00:52] *** Troll has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:52] <@spiritflame> irasshai Troll
[00:52] * Troll is wandering through the woods..sniffing with his large bulbuous nose
[00:52] * Hulking Figure walks outside with a warm and heaping bowl of porriage.
[00:52] <Hulking Figure> Hey, I brought some...
[00:52] * Troll sniffs..and smells the porriage
[00:52] <Raihosha> The TOmte is inside now...
[00:53] * Troll drools...smelling food
[00:53] * Hulking Figure quickly vomits his own, dark-colored blood onto the porriage.
[00:53] <TheGreyElf> Why am I expecting this area to be marked along the lines of "Here be Dragons" on a map
[00:53] <Hulking Figure> /makes sure not to spill any.
[00:53] * Troll keeps drooling...
[00:53] <Raihosha> What are you doing?
[00:54] <Hulking Figure> Shut up. If he eats it, we have hit the jackpot.
[00:54] <TheGreyElf> You are not turning a toll into a vampire
[00:54] * Troll is at least 50 feet tall...warty brown skin..stringy hair....and smells...badly
[00:54] * Hulking Figure puts the "Normal Porriage" onto a stone. It actually smells far better than before.
[00:54] <Raihosha> No he wants a thrall.
[00:54] <Hulking Figure> Of course I'm not.
[00:55] * Eitak_Razal throws a fireball at the bowl
[00:55] <Eitak_Razal> This is what I ment about useing your head
[00:55] <Troll> - DWA....FOOD.... -
[00:55] * Hulking Figure points a finger at Eitak!
[00:55] <Eitak_Razal> and that was probably also a bad idea
[00:55] <Hulking Figure> SHE USED FIRE IN THE FOREST!
[00:56] * Hulking Figure runs the hell away.
[00:56] * Troll hears the noise....
[00:56] * Eitak_Razal runs inside and grabs a turkey, tossing it to the troll.
[00:56] <Eitak_Razal> Here, eat this and leave us alone, ok
[00:56] * Troll fumbles with his large fingers and picks up the turkey...throwing it into his mouth
[00:57] * Troll eats with large smacks......
[00:57] * Hulking Figure peers out from behind a massive tree and looks at the Troll.
[00:57] * Troll rubs his runny nose..wiping his fingers on some trees...and gives a burp....
[00:58] * Troll farts as well...and walks away to look for more food
[00:58] *** Troll has left #suburbansenshi2 (BLARARAGH..FOOD...)
[00:58] <Hulking Figure> What a dumbass. Everybody knows that when you feed a cat, it will keep coming back for more.
[00:58] * Raihosha double checks size of troll and mentally compares to size of turkey. Comes up with a chicken nugget.
[00:58] * Eitak_Razal notes it was the largest thing she could find in the fridge
[00:59] * Hulking Figure comes back, smirking at Eitak Razal.
[00:59] <Eitak_Razal> Better then it smashing my face in for not realizeing I just saved it
[00:59] <Hulking Figure> Aren't you the smartest tree in the woods?
[00:59] <Hulking Figure> Fire in the magical forest?
[00:59] <Hulking Figure> See? This is what you get when you solve all of your problems with force.
[00:59] <Eitak_Razal> It was a magical fire
[00:59] <Eitak_Razal> And as such, the spell would only light what I wanted to light
[00:59] <Hulking Figure> I'm sure the Dryads will just LOVE you for it.
[01:00] <Eitak_Razal> Yes, because I so burnt down the woods
[01:00] <Hulking Figure> That would like a hobo dropping his pants, and then claiming he was only mooning one person.
[01:00] <Raihosha> And it's a healthy forest, a single use of fire isn't going to do much of anything.
[01:00] * Hulking Figure wonders where he picked that saying up...
[01:00] <Hulking Figure> Yeah... you are lucky the fog saved your ass.
[01:01] <Eitak_Razal> Or luckly I know how to propperly cast a spell
[01:01] <Hulking Figure> Oh yeah? Are you totally confident in it?
[01:01] <Eitak_Razal> I can hold fireballs in my hand wihtout setting MYSELF on fire
[01:01] <Hulking Figure> So if I spread gasoline all over those bushes, and you use your magic, nothing will happen?
[01:01] <Hulking Figure> Actually, covering your hands with gasoline and seems even more entertaining.
[01:01] <Eitak_Razal> ... Why would you even do that!@?
[01:01] <Hulking Figure> Granted, I don't want to be close to it, though.
[01:02] <Hulking Figure> I dunno, why did you blow my cover on the beach repeatedly?
[01:02] <Hulking Figure> ...It's almost like I'm still angry at you for that...
[01:02] <Dryad> what is with you people!?
[01:02] <Hulking Figure> ...Huh
[01:02] <Hulking Figure> SHE DID IT!
[01:02] <Hulking Figure> Right there! Crazy, fire obsessed wizard!
[01:02] <Dryad> you sound like a bunch of idiot children
[01:02] <Raihosha> And gasoline is a poison in that case. I'd stop overthinking this.
[01:03] <Hulking Figure> That is a half-truth!
[01:03] <Eitak_Razal> Gasoline would kill anything it's poured on for the most part
[01:03] <Hulking Figure> Yeah... especially with YOU around to blowtorch the landscape.
[01:03] * Dryad smacks Dimitri and Eitak in the head with her brances
[01:03] <Dryad> *branchs
[01:04] <Hulking Figure> Ouch!
[01:04] <Hulking Figure> But... I was trying to help... you *surely* do not wish for visitors to utilize flame in yoru lovely forest... do you?
[01:05] * Raihosha goes for a walk in the woods in order to avoid the bickering.
[01:05] <Dryad> THAT was for waking me up...AGAIN
[01:05] <Hulking Figure> Um... madam?
[01:05] <Eitak_Razal> /em is glad she has a few barreir spells set up. A forcesheild flashes as it smacks her..
[01:05] <Dryad> what?
[01:05] <Hulking Figure> What is it that wakes you up, so that we may avoid it later?
[01:05] <Dryad> idiots complaining about things
[01:06] <Eitak_Razal> Noise. For starters
[01:06] <Hulking Figure> Oooh, that's bad.
[01:06] <Hulking Figure> I will try hard to be quiet for you, madam.
[01:07] <Dryad> thank you!
[01:08] * Eitak_Razal curtsys "I appoizge for wakeing you up miss. I'll try not to let it happen again"
[01:08] *** Raihosha [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (will make sure to leave out a snack for the tomte.)
[01:10] * Hulking Figure looks at Dryad.
[01:10] *** Dryad is your average everyday Dryad
[01:11] * Dryad appears to be a woman made of wood with long flowing root hair
[01:12] * Hulking Figure turns to Eitak and whispers softly... "Part of me is glad that you stopped me."
[01:12] <Dryad> hm?
[01:12] * Hulking Figure bows. Sorry madam.
[01:13] <Hulking Figure> Do you... do you mind if I hang in your branches?
[01:13] * Dryad looks at dimitri
[01:13] <Hulking Figure> I have never seen such a forest.
[01:13] <Hulking Figure> I am honored to behere.
[01:13] <Dryad> as long as you don't do that sucking of the life force thing sure
[01:13] <Hulking Figure> To a tree? Impossible.
[01:14] <Hulking Figure> And besides, If you agreed to that, it would be like using my own home for firewood.
[01:14] <Hulking Figure> Madam... I have spent a great deal of time in the shape of beasts. When I see a forest, I see a potential home--and no home I have seen is grander than this one.
[01:14] * Hulking Figure bows to the Tree-woman.
[01:15] * Dryad nods and shrinks back into the tree....whose branches lower slightly
[01:16] * Hulking Figure smiles, awestruck.
[01:16] * Hulking Figure climbs the tree, slowly and not using his claws.
[01:17] * Hulking Figure gets halfway to the crown of the tree, nestles himself in the boughs, and closes his eyes.
[01:17] *** Dryad has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:18] <Hulking Figure> The -almost-perfect stomping ground. Centaurs... Unicorns... What dreams may come?
[01:18] *** Hulking Figure [] has quit IRC (Now that is how you talk to a Tree.)
[01:38] * Eitak_Razal pulls out her flute and plast a soft, somewhat sad tune
[09:58] <@Ryan> DOUBLE RAINBOWS
[10:14] <@Wolfwood> Rainbows. Rainbows everywhere.
[10:16] <@Ryan> BOTH
[10:16] <@Wolfwood> Hay
[10:17] <@Ryan> Hey
[10:17] <@Ryan> What be up, G
[10:19] <@Wolfwood> Whole lotta nothing. Work tonight i'm going to try and get out of. I have things need attending to.
[10:20] <@Ryan> Ohhhhhh
[10:21] <@Ryan> The only thing I'm currently up to is fixing my supper from last night. Today. Yeah. I'm late even to my supper.
[10:22] <@Wolfwood> hah
[10:22] <@Wolfwood> It happens
[10:25] <@Ryan> It does! But usually not as bad as this.
[10:28] <@Wolfwood> I'ma be right back. You go do work and eat.
[10:28] * @Wolfwood is away
[11:41] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio sits on the front stoop of the house watching a video about the HP Slate
[12:02] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is away: taking a walk
[14:24] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:24] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[14:24] * Matsumi Kaze yawns
[14:25] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh..what a day ~_~
[14:28] * Matsumi Kaze removes her glasses and undoes her ponytail
[14:38] * Matsumi Kaze walks outside..and lays under a tree
[14:53] <Matsumi Kaze> mm...feels weird out here...but...feels..nice
[15:09] * Matsumi Kaze falls asleep
[15:14] *** @Wolfwood [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:14] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood
[15:14] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[15:15] * Matsumi Kaze is lightly snoring under a tree
[15:17] * Huldra has finished brushing matsumi's hair...and replacing her clothes..and suddenly looks up at Wolf...
[15:17] <Huldra> ..................
[15:18] * Huldra looks at wolf with large cow like eyes..and quickly runs away into the woods, vanishing
[15:18] *** Huldra has left #suburbansenshi2
[15:20] <Matsumi Kaze> zzzzz
[15:27] * Wolfwood looks at Huldra.
[15:27] *** Huldra is your average everyday Huldra
[15:27] <@Wolfwood> Well that tells me much nothing.
[15:29] * Matsumi Kaze 's regular clothes are next to her..she is now wearing a traditional swedish female dress...
[15:30] <@Wolfwood> <_<
[15:31] <Matsumi Kaze> zzzzzz
[15:37] * Matsumi Kaze yawns
[15:37] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey, wolf
[15:38] <Matsumi Kaze> what's up?
[15:46] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[15:46] <Matsumi Kaze> ..what the hell am I wearing?
[15:47] <@Wolfwood> ¯\(º_o)/¯
[15:47] <@Wolfwood> you were acosted by woodgnomepeopleforrestthings
[15:50] <Matsumi Kaze> .....I look weird :(
[15:54] <@Wolfwood> A bit.
[15:54] * Matsumi Kaze stands and fixes the skirt "least my clothes weren't stolen"
[15:58] <@Wolfwood> If things are fondleing you in your sleep your clothes should be the least of your worries
[15:59] <Matsumi Kaze> ..good point
[16:00] <Matsumi Kaze> so how are you then?
[16:02] <@Wolfwood> Meh. Bored.
[16:02] * @Wolfwood is away: stuff irl
[16:02] <Matsumi Kaze> awww...
[16:02] * Matsumi Kaze looks over her new dress
[16:05] <Matsumi Kaze> ...guess it's not bad
[16:06] <Matsumi Kaze> heh rather comfy, actually
[16:11] * Matsumi Kaze grabs her clothes and puts them on a sofa in the House
[16:13] * Matsumi Kaze walks back outside, and smiles
[16:19] * Matsumi Kaze is away: going for a walk
[18:30] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[18:30] * Matsumi Kaze walks back to the house
[18:30] <Matsumi Kaze> ..........
[18:32] <Matsumi Kaze> ...this place is...really weird o_o
[18:33] * Matsumi Kaze goes back into the house..and changes back into her original clothes
[18:39] <Matsumi Kaze> geez....
[18:51] * Matsumi Kaze goes into the kitchen to make some tea
[19:02] * Matsumi Kaze sits outside with a cup of tea
[19:16] *** Masaki O'Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:16] <@spiritflame> irasshai Masaki O'Cain
[19:16] <Masaki O'Cain> ...weird place
[19:18] * Masaki O'Cain looks up at the sky
[19:20] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:20] <@spiritflame> irasshai David O`Cain
[19:21] <Masaki O'Cain> ....weird..just as I thought
[19:22] <David O`Cain> Hi, Masaki.
[19:24] <Masaki O'Cain> oh hey, dear
[19:24] <David O`Cain> Certainly not at the beach anymore.
[19:27] <David O`Cain> So, how ya doing?
[19:27] <Masaki O'Cain> oh fine...tired
[19:29] * Matsumi Kaze is quietly sipping her tea
[19:30] <Masaki O'Cain> how are you, dear?
[19:31] <David O`Cain> Doing alright. Ended up getting called in for one case this afternoon. Thankfully it didn't take very long to get it resolved.
[19:31] <Masaki O'Cain> that's good
[19:31] * David O`Cain waves to Matsumi
[19:32] * Matsumi Kaze doesn't seem to notice them, sipping her tea
[19:32] <David O`Cain> Hope you had good day as well.
[19:32] <Masaki O'Cain> meh alright...working at the store...trying to remember my lines
[19:32] <David O`Cain> Oh yeah?
[19:33] <Masaki O'Cain>'s tough
[19:33] <David O`Cain> What's your part again?
[19:34] <Masaki O'Cain> Other Lumberjack
[19:35] <Masaki O'Cain> I get to be disbeliving
[19:36] <David O`Cain> Ah. I'm sure you'll do fine.
[19:40] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*goes back in the house*)
[19:40] <Masaki O'Cain> ...don't think she even noticed us
[19:41] <David O`Cain> I tried waving to her, but she didn't respond back. Maybe something was on her mind.
[19:42] <Masaki O'Cain> she thinks too much
[19:44] <Masaki O'Cain> thinking gets you no where
[19:45] <David O`Cain> But what if you have to think to solve a problem? Then what?
[19:46] <Masaki O'Cain> punch it
[19:47] <David O`Cain> Heh. :P
[19:50] <Masaki O'Cain> what :P
[19:50] <David O`Cain> That's something you would do.
[19:51] <Masaki O'Cain> and it works :P
[19:51] * David O`Cain puts an arm around Masaki
[19:52] * Masaki O'Cain just smirks and gives her husband a pat on the cheek
[19:53] <David O`Cain> How're things at the store today?
[19:55] <Masaki O'Cain> eh a tad slow but passable
[19:55] <Masaki O'Cain> whatever passable means
[19:56] <David O`Cain> I think it's another word for acceptable or adequate.
[19:57] <Masaki O'Cain> oh...never got those words
[19:58] <Masaki O'Cain> so what is this place...
[20:00] <David O`Cain> Some kind of foggy forest. Also seems to be home to some mystical/mythical/fantasy creatures.
[20:00] <Masaki O'Cain> weird...
[20:01] <David O`Cain> Yeah. It is a rather strange place.
[20:04] <Masaki O'Cain> ..yeah
[20:10] * Masaki O'Cain tries to look at where the trees end
[20:12] * David O`Cain sticks by Masaki
[20:20] <Masaki O'Cain> ....doesn't seem to end
[20:26] <David O`Cain> Nope. It's like a neverending forest. Or we've been going in circles because of the fog.
[20:43] <Masaki O'Cain> .....
[20:44] * Masaki O'Cain is away: ss3
[20:44] * David O`Cain is away
[21:01] * Masaki O'Cain is back
[21:02] * Masaki O'Cain runs from the forest and stops, catching her breath
[21:03] * David O`Cain is back
[21:03] * David O`Cain stops beside Masaki and falls to the ground, breathing heavily
[21:03] <David O`Cain> Christ, just what the hell was going on back there?
[21:04] <Masaki O'Cain> geh...what was that...
[21:06] <David O`Cain> I have no idea. But somehow we got back here.
[21:12] <Masaki O'Cain> this place..DEFINTLY weird
[21:13] *** [H!P]Allison Blitz [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:13] <@spiritflame> irasshai [H!P]Allison Blitz
[21:14] <Masaki O'Cain> GEH
[21:14] * [H!P]Allison Blitz walks out of the house, weaing a glittering gold bikini, with matching pumps and a tropical flower in her hair
[21:14] * Masaki O'Cain nearly throws a punch at allison
[21:14] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> EEE!
[21:14] <Masaki O'Cain> geh..what the hell girl...
[21:14] * [H!P]Allison Blitz ducks
[21:14] <Masaki O'Cain> don't do that!
[21:14] * Masaki O'Cain stopped her punch
[21:14] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Don't do what?!
[21:15] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I just walked out of the house!
[21:15] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> You're the one throwing punches at teenage idols!
[21:15] <Masaki O'Cain> I'm on edge enough as is
[21:15] <Masaki O'Cain> oh yeah..I have some of your stuff in my store
[21:15] * Masaki O'Cain sits under a tree
[21:15] <Masaki O'Cain> ...this place is just strange
[21:15] * Furu L Amorros sonidos behind Masaki, zanpakuto drawn
[21:15] <Furu L Amorros> - Don't. do that. again. -
[21:15] <Masaki O'Cain> .....
[21:16] <Masaki O'Cain> shove off
[21:16] <psYchO_saKi> Hey
[21:16] * psYchO_saKi pokes the Furu
[21:16] <psYchO_saKi> was that Sonido?
[21:16] <psYchO_saKi> Are you an Arrancar?
[21:16] <Masaki O'Cain> I just got chased by freaking do you expect me to feel?
[21:17] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Do I look like a fairy to you?
[21:17] <Tomte> - PORRIAGE -
[21:17] * psYchO_saKi completely does not give a s[BLEEP]t about anyone else at this exact moment
[21:17] * Tomte appears next to Allison
[21:17] <Furu L Amorros> Yes and yes.
[21:17] * [H!P]Allison Blitz looks at Tomte.
[21:17] *** Tomte is your average everyday Tomte
[21:17] * Tomte looks up at her...
[21:18] <psYchO_saKi> (( also, furu... odd question, i know, but did you ever use the handle "guest" when showing up here? ))
[21:18] * Tomte appears to be a small man with long white beard, wild eyes...and crude leather clothes
[21:18] <Furu L Amorros> From an alternate reality, but still.
[21:18] <Furu L Amorros> (( Nope. ))
[21:18] <psYchO_saKi> (( ...F[BLEEP]k. ))
[21:18] <Tomte> - WHERE PORRIAGE -
[21:18] <psYchO_saKi> (( this means it was Tux ALL THE F[BLEEP]KING TIME. ))
[21:18] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Uh
[21:18] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> (( Wait, what happened? ))
[21:18] <Tomte> - NO PORRIAGE ME NO HELP... -
[21:18] <psYchO_saKi> Do you know where I could get my hands on a Senkai gatE?
[21:18] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> (( I can make you some? ))
[21:18] <psYchO_saKi> (( You didn't hear? ))
[21:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> (( That wasn't ooc haha ))
[21:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> (( No ))
[21:19] <Tomte> - NO PORRIAGE..ME KILL -
[21:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I can make you some?
[21:19] <psYchO_saKi> (( Tux showed up as Guest. For the last few MONTHS. ))
[21:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Yeah, no killing.
[21:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> what
[21:19] * David O`Cain sits next to Masaki
[21:19] * Tomte looks up at allison with blazing at least 4 ft tall
[21:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> that psycho
[21:19] <Tomte> *3 ft tall
[21:19] <Tomte> (( is that ooc :P ))
[21:19] <psYchO_saKi> (( I thought it was Furu because I knew Furu was coming back and by a stroke of luck the first time I checked the IPs it matched one of Furu's old ones ))
[21:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> okay not bothering with ooc
[21:20] <psYchO_saKi> (( we didn't catch on till he let it slip ))
[21:20] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> What the hell was he doing?
[21:20] *** Just... watching it seems.
[21:20] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Creepy
[21:21] *** and he was sayign very little so we didn't have a reason to know it was him. though one time I called him bob and he got pissed
[21:21] *** and now I realize that's because that's his NAME
[21:21] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> ahahahaha s[BLEEP]t
[21:21] *** anyway sorry back to the RP
[21:21] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Wow that looks so wrong coming out of Allison's handle
[21:21] <Furu L Amorros> (( WHAT THE. ))
[21:21] * [H!P]Allison Blitz is IC again yay :D
[21:22] *** Tell me about it
[21:22] *** I still feel like a total retard
[21:22] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> (( There's no way you could have known ))
[21:22] *** But I figured it was you just being all ... secretive
[21:22] <Furu L Amorros> (( Pffft. X have I ever come off as the secretive kind of guy? ))
[21:22] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Oh, my boyfriend is so protective! :3
[21:23] <Furu L Amorros> :3
[21:23] <Tomte> - PORRIAGE!!! -
[21:23] *** anyway XD
[21:23] * psYchO_saKi grabs a bowl of porridge
[21:23] * psYchO_saKi shoves it in the thing's face
[21:23] * psYchO_saKi turns back to Furu
[21:23] <psYchO_saKi> So yes, Do you know where I could find a Senkai gate?
[21:23] * Tomte eats greedly....
[21:24] <Tomte> ME HELP NOW
[21:24] <Furu L Amorros> ...Possibly. Why would you need one?
[21:24] * Tomte vanishes..leaving a new nice hat on allison's head...and is busy cleaning the House
[21:24] <psYchO_saKi> Myself and a few of my associates are going to raid Soul Society.
[21:24] *** Tomte has left #suburbansenshi2 (HELP FOR PORRIAGE)
[21:25] <psYchO_saKi> Specifically, the Research Division.
[21:25] <Furu L Amorros> ...Hm.
[21:25] <Furu L Amorros> On one hand, I hate Soul Society. On the OTHER hand I'm supposed to be a good guy now.
[21:25] <psYchO_saKi> We won't break anything
[21:25] <psYchO_saKi> We just want to make copies of the data they have there.
[21:25] * Masaki O'Cain listens to the conversation..picking twigs out of her hair
[21:25] <Furu L Amorros> Ah. In that case.
[21:26] * psYchO_saKi , incidentially, HATES being this calm. F[BLEEP]king limiters. F[BLEEP]king magic forest. F[BLEEP]K.
[21:26] * Furu L Amorros pulls out a slip of paper and writes on it. In blood.
[21:26] * [H!P]Allison Blitz thinks about her time in Soul Society
[21:26] <Furu L Amorros> Here you go. Coordinates.
[21:26] <psYchO_saKi> Thanks.
[21:26] <psYchO_saKi> Do you use money, Arrancar?
[21:28] <Furu L Amorros> Not unless I have to.
[21:28] <psYchO_saKi> Hmm.
[21:28] <Furu L Amorros> ....
[21:29] * Furu L Amorros imagines getting Allison a big gift
[21:29] <Furu L Amorros> ...But in this case it's acceptable.
[21:29] <psYchO_saKi> I'll make sure you get a cut of the profit
[21:29] <psYchO_saKi> from Dinsdale's portion, of course.
[21:29] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Poor JAck :(
[21:29] <psYchO_saKi> There's $5,000,000 USD riding on this job~
[21:29] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Jack Yorkshire Dinsdale :3
[21:30] <Masaki O'Cain> this place...what the hell is up with it
[21:30] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I thought we were still at the beach :(
[21:30] <psYchO_saKi> Actually he's going by the middle name of X for some reason now.
[21:30] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I don't like creepy forrests.
[21:30] <Furu L Amorros> I dunno, I kind of like it.
[21:30] <psYchO_saKi> No. No beach.
[21:30] <psYchO_saKi> F[BLEEP]king MAGICAL HAPPY LAND
[21:30] <psYchO_saKi> I *HATE* Magic.
[21:30] <Masaki O'Cain> f[BLEEP]king got chased by faries
[21:30] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> They have a creepy forest outside of a large private school in Westchester, New York.
[21:31] <Noriko X> ♡ Oh saki, drink it in~ ♡
[21:31] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Well it's not there anymore, last I heard.
[21:31] <Dryad> can you people stop complaining
[21:31] * Noriko X is still hanging off a tree
[21:31] * [H!P]Allison Blitz looks at Dryad.
[21:31] *** Dryad is your average everyday Dryad
[21:31] * Dryad is sticking out of the tree Noriko is hanging out of
[21:31] * Dryad looks like a young woman made of wood with roots for hair
[21:31] * David O`Cain waves to Noriko, "Hello."
[21:31] <psYchO_saKi> - I don't have mana for blood or however the hell you work -
[21:31] <psYchO_saKi> - the only cool thing about this place for me is my perma-black aura -
[21:32] * Dryad looks up "...what are you doing?"
[21:32] * psYchO_saKi has a permablack aura because of her antimagic wards
[21:32] <Noriko X> ♡ I am enjoying this tree~ ♡
[21:32] <Dryad> well don't scrach me...
[21:32] * Noriko X is absolutely stonking drunk on mana
[21:32] * Noriko X HUGGS Dryas
[21:33] <Noriko X> ^dryad
[21:33] <Dryad> O.o
[21:33] <Dryad> ..ewwwww...mortal germs
[21:33] * Noriko X giggles girlishly in the most un-noriko like way
[21:33] <Furu L Amorros> Maybe for Halloween we can go to someplace with a lot of souls to eat-I MEAN
[21:33] <Masaki O'Cain> ....
[21:33] <Furu L Amorros> greet.
[21:33] <Furu L Amorros> souls to. greet.
[21:33] <David O`Cain> Yeesh. What's gotten into her?
[21:33] * [H!P]Allison Blitz sighs
[21:33] <psYchO_saKi> I don't want to know
[21:34] <Vainamoinen> she is simply in a good mood
[21:34] *** Vainamoinen has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:34] <@spiritflame> irasshai Vainamoinen
[21:34] * Vainamoinen is standing in front of saki
[21:34] <Masaki O'Cain> GAH WTF
[21:34] * psYchO_saKi looks over the god.
[21:35] <psYchO_saKi> ♡ Aino~ ♡
[21:35] <Vainamoinen> .................
[21:35] * Vainamoinen fades away
[21:35] * psYchO_saKi waves bye-bye
[21:35] *** Vainamoinen has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:35] <Masaki O'Cain> ...what was that
[21:35] <Noriko X> ♡ Sakura April you are a b[BLEEP]ch. ♡
[21:36] <psYchO_saKi> ♡ Oh I know~ ♡
[21:36] <psYchO_saKi> It's the one name he can't stand to hear~
[21:36] <Masaki O'Cain> why?
[21:36] <psYchO_saKi> It-
[21:36] * psYchO_saKi 's head gets blown off by a mana blast
[21:36] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:36] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[21:37] * Noriko X blows off her fingertips
[21:37] <Masaki O'Cain> !!!!
[21:37] <Masaki O'Cain> WHAT THE HELL
[21:37] <Noriko X> ♡ No tormenting people, Sakura~ ♡
[21:37] <Eitak_Razal> (( Wait. Isn't saki Anti-Magic. Mana would be useless on her ))
[21:37] * psYchO_saKi 's body gives Noriko the finger
[21:37] * Furu L Amorros golf clap
[21:37] *** Yes but it was like a physical hit
[21:38] <Vainamoinen> well done, child
[21:38] *** Vainamoinen has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:38] <@spiritflame> irasshai Vainamoinen
[21:38] * Vainamoinen has reappered..looking worn
[21:38] *** so it was knocked off through sheer kinetics
[21:38] * [H!P]Allison Blitz looks at Vainamoinen.
[21:38] *** Vainamoinen is somewhat masculine/feminine looking figure with long white hair and icey blue eyes. He/She wears plain dull white and blue clothes, wears slight blue lipgloss and has an air of quietness about hir
hir image Song is: "Kalevala Hymn" by traditional.
[21:38] * Vainamoinen sits next to Noriko
[21:38] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Oh, I get it!
[21:38] * psYchO_saKi 's head sprouts tentacles and makes it way back to the body
[21:38] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> You're genderqueer!
[21:38] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> :D
[21:38] <David O`Cain> This night has really gotten insane.
[21:38] * psYchO_saKi 's head reattaches
[21:39] * Vainamoinen just smiles "I am beyond gender now"
[21:39] * psYchO_saKi slowly goes and clims the tree Noriko is on, getting out her pigsticker
[21:39] * Vainamoinen pets Noriko's head
[21:39] <Gemini Sunrise> Miss April! Stoppit!
[21:39] * psYchO_saKi growls
[21:39] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Yeah that's what genderqqueer is
[21:39] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Anyways
[21:39] <Masaki O'Cain> and the calvery arrives
[21:40] <psYchO_saKi> Shut up, Cowgirl~ I'm going to eat like a KOREAN tonight!
[21:40] * Vainamoinen just smiles at Saki....
[21:40] <Noriko X> Oh, that was just wrong.
[21:40] <Noriko X> I mean, really.
[21:40] <psYchO_saKi> Whaaaaaaaa~
[21:40] <psYchO_saKi> You're a cat...
[21:40] <psYchO_saKi> I'm a Korean~
[21:40] <Furu L Amorros> I ate a cat once.
[21:40] <Noriko X> No just
[21:41] <Noriko X> No.
[21:41] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> YOU ATE VICTORIA?!
[21:41] <Eitak_Razal> Is now a bad time to mention I have a pet cat... sorta
[21:41] <psYchO_saKi> das partypoopenschitbirden
[21:41] * psYchO_saKi leaps off the tree
[21:42] <Gemini Sunrise> But cats aren't fer eatin'~
[21:42] <psYchO_saKi> I don't get you
[21:42] <psYchO_saKi> you eat Pork, yes?
[21:42] * [H!P]Allison Blitz just looks at Langley
[21:42] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> ^Furu
[21:42] <Gemini Sunrise> And?
[21:43] <psYchO_saKi> A cat is fastidious and keeps itself clean at all times.
[21:43] <Vainamoinen> do you enjoy this forest? *is right next to allison, hir hand on allison's shoulder*
[21:43] <psYchO_saKi> A pig rolls in mud and eats its own feces
[21:43] <psYchO_saKi> Which one makes more sense to eat?
[21:43] <Gemini Sunrise> But cats are ...
[21:43] <psYchO_saKi> What? Fuzzy?
[21:43] * psYchO_saKi grabs a passing Ewok
[21:44] <psYchO_saKi> So's this!
[21:44] * psYchO_saKi rips its head off and eats
[21:44] <Masaki O'Cain> hear people eat horses too
[21:44] <Gemini Sunrise> D:
[21:44] * Gemini Sunrise just LOOKS at Masaki
[21:44] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah'd never eat Rally!
[21:44] <Masaki O'Cain> what???
[21:44] <Masaki O'Cain> didn't your horse run off or something?
[21:44] <Eitak_Razal> ... Saki is hearby banned from attending any social functions I throw. Like the halloween party I may or may not be planning
[21:45] <David O`Cain> Masaki, enough already.
[21:45] * psYchO_saKi noms on Ewoks, doesn't caaare~
[21:45] <Gemini Sunrise> ...
[21:45] <Gemini Sunrise> T_T
[21:45] <Masaki O'Cain> what???? I mean isn't that true?
[21:45] <Gemini Sunrise> Rally ><
[21:45] <Gemini Sunrise> T_T
[21:45] <Masaki O'Cain> oh s[BLEEP]t she's crying
[21:45] * Gemini Sunrise is away: DANG ZENYATTA!
[21:45] * Masaki O'Cain stands "geh..I can never stand crying.."
[21:46] <psYchO_saKi> Hmm.
[21:46] <psYchO_saKi> I could kill the horse and make the cowgirl happy
[21:46] <Masaki O'Cain> ..what is up with her
[21:46] <psYchO_saKi> that way I get to kill a horse.
[21:46] <psYchO_saKi> Or I can leave it like this and hear her weep.
[21:46] <psYchO_saKi> Which one is more fun~
[21:46] <psYchO_saKi> ♫
[21:46] * Vainamoinen just watches, chuckling
[21:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Seriously, I thought Jack reformed your homicidal ass.
[21:47] <psYchO_saKi> - I don't *do* reform. -
[21:47] <Masaki O'Cain>'s miss butch law
[21:47] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. spins on her heel and looks at Masaki
[21:47] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. points
[21:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> OBJECTION!
[21:48] <Masaki O'Cain> ....
[21:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I am not butch!
[21:48] * Masaki O'Cain grabs harriet's wrist..and squeezes
[21:48] <Masaki O'Cain> overruled...
[21:48] <Eitak_Razal> .... No text box?
[21:48] <Masaki O'Cain> :P
[21:48] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. sweatdrops
[21:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You've got a strong grip, kid.
[21:49] <Masaki O'Cain> I lift cars for fun
[21:49] <Eitak_Razal> You did it wrong
[21:49] * Masaki O'Cain lets go
[21:49] <David O`Cain> I can vouch that. Hell, she even lifted my car up with me still in it.
[21:49] * Eitak_Razal points at Harriet.
[21:49] <Eitak_Razal> That is how you object
[21:50] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. puts her arm behind her back and tries not to show the pain she's in
[21:50] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks at Eitak
[21:50] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll admit.. that's got style.
[21:51] *** Vainamoinen has left #suburbansenshi2 (*vanishes*)
[21:51] <Furu L Amorros> AGH TEXT
[21:51] * Masaki O'Cain walks over to harriet
[21:52] <Masaki O'Cain> tell ya the truth..I get called butch all the time
[21:52] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Lemme show you something.
[21:52] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. undoes the bun at the back of her hair and tosses it, she lets her long, luxuriant black hair fall over her shoulders
[21:52] * [H!P]Allison Blitz is away: building a tanning salon in the house
[21:52] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks SUPER HOT.
[21:53] <David O`Cain> Wow.
[21:53] <Masaki O'Cain> ....
[21:53] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I ain't butch~ ♫
[21:53] <Masaki O'Cain> ....
[21:53] <Masaki O'Cain> ...
[21:53] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That's my off-duty look~
[21:53] * Masaki O'Cain turns...
[21:54] * Masaki O'Cain punches the house....causing one side of it to explode "DAMMIT"
[21:54] * Eitak_Razal tilts her head. "If I had to place alook on on you... it would be sexy libirarin style"
[21:54] *** one side of the house explodes, causing the house to lean
[21:54] <Masaki O'Cain> - f[BLEEP]king stupid.... -
[21:55] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks to Eitak again
[21:55] * Tomte repairs the House
[21:55] *** Tomte has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:55] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.>
[21:55] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Sexy Librarians turn out to be a[BLEEP]les.
[21:55] * David O`Cain puts his hands on Masaki's shoulders, "Calm down, Masaki."
[21:55] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm not an a[BLEEP]le.
[21:55] * Masaki O'Cain grabs her husband..and throws him into a tree in anger
[21:56] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. has acquired Objection skill
[21:56] <Eitak_Razal> ACK Don't attack the trees! We don't wanna piss off the dryads
[21:56] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. does her hair back up
[21:56] * David O`Cain slams against a tree
[21:56] <Masaki O'Cain> f[BLEEP]k off lady
[21:56] <David O`Cain> Ow.
[21:56] * Masaki O'Cain sits on the ground, cursing to herself
[21:57] * Noriko X drops down irritatedly and heals both the tree and SDavid
[21:57] <Masaki O'Cain> stupid..f[BLEEP]king...damn f[BLEEP]king...
[21:57] <Noriko X> Luckily in this environment it takes no effort on my part at all.
[21:57] <Furu L Amorros> .away
[21:58] <David O`Cain> Thanks, anyway. You probably get this a lot, but you seem a bit familiar.
[21:58] * Masaki O'Cain just GLARES at Harret
[21:58] <Noriko X> I have that kind of a face.
[21:59] <David O`Cain> I guess so. In any case, I'm David.
[21:59] <Noriko X> Noriko.
[21:59] <Noriko X> Pleasure to meet you.
[22:00] <David O`Cain> Pleasure to meet you as well.
[22:00] * Masaki O'Cain just mutters
[22:01] * David O`Cain sits down next to Masaki, "Look, you're not stupid. You know that as do I."
[22:02] * Masaki O'Cain turns slowly at her husband...a red aura rising around her "....WHO..SAID...I..WAS..STUPID"
[22:03] * Masaki O'Cain 's eyebrow twitchs
[22:03] * Masaki O'Cain stands..and stomps into the house
[22:04] *** Masaki O'Cain [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*goes into Tokyo and starts busting up a car*)
[22:04] * David O`Cain sighs, "S[BLEEP]t." ~_~
[22:04] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Looks like she's got ... *puts on Sunglasses*... a Stormy personality.
[22:05] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:05] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze> what's up with masaki?
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze> hi harriet
[22:05] <Eitak_Razal> Lame
[22:05] <David O`Cain> It was my fault, Matsumi. ~_~
[22:06] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Hey
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze> so what's up?
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze> other then masaki destroying someone's car out there
[22:08] * Matsumi Kaze sits under a tree
[22:08] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Not much
[22:08] * psYchO_saKi gives Weinberg a slip of paper
[22:08] <psYchO_saKi> Got you co-ordinates for a Senkai Gate.
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> still nice here...feels weird still though
[22:09] <Noriko X> I'll go investigate it; if it's usable, then the operation is a go.
[22:09] *** Noriko X [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (It is within the scope of my estimation.)
[22:09] <psYchO_saKi> I'm amazed she left the forest~
[22:09] * Beauty_Queen wanders in from deeper in the forrest. "Lame, nothing to steal here"
[22:10] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Wouldn't want to have that hangover...
[22:10] *** Beauty_Queen [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:10] <@spiritflame> irasshai Beauty_Queen
[22:10] *** oh. some of the trees are filled with gold.
[22:10] *** But they might also have homicial leprechauns with pogo sticks
[22:10] *** So be wary!
[22:11] *** Masaki O'Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:11] <@spiritflame> irasshai Masaki O'Cain
[22:11] * Masaki O'Cain stomps back in
[22:11] * Masaki O'Cain just keeps glaring at harriet
[22:11] <Masaki O'Cain> hey, matsy....
[22:11] <Matsumi Kaze> hi
[22:11] <David O`Cain> Welcome back, Masaki.
[22:12] <Masaki O'Cain> - hi, dear -
[22:13] <Matsumi Kaze> anyway
[22:14] <David O`Cain> Geez, sorry. ~_~
[22:15] <Matsumi Kaze> nice night..or is day
[22:16] * Masaki O'Cain is poking her own nose and frowning
[22:16] <David O`Cain> Meh, it's really hard to tell.
[22:18] <Masaki O'Cain> stupid big nose..
[22:20] <Masaki O'Cain> ><
[22:20] <Eitak_Razal> it is currnetly 10:19 pm.
[22:20] <Eitak_Razal> Wait.. 10:20
[22:21] * Matsumi Kaze sits next to masaki and puts an arm around her "what's up?"
[22:21] <Masaki O'Cain> nuthing........
[22:21] <Matsumi Kaze> ...
[22:22] <Matsumi Kaze> tell me now
[22:22] <Masaki O'Cain> - I'm butch... -
[22:22] <Matsumi Kaze> no you're not O_o
[22:22] <Masaki O'Cain> - you know I am! -
[22:23] <David O`Cain> What? Since when?
[22:24] <Masaki O'Cain> - since always -
[22:25] <David O`Cain> You never were to me. Never.
[22:26] <Masaki O'Cain> - meh like you would know -
[22:26] <Matsumi Kaze> ...
[22:26] * Matsumi Kaze grabs Masaki..and SMASHES her fist into Masaki's jaw
[22:27] <Masaki O'Cain> ow
[22:27] <Matsumi Kaze> heh
[22:27] * Masaki O'Cain just stands three
[22:27] <Masaki O'Cain> thanks..I needed that
[22:27] <Masaki O'Cain> geh sorry guys..not sure what came over me
[22:27] <Matsumi Kaze> problem
[22:28] * Masaki O'Cain looks at harriet...then realizes she has her own hair tied up
[22:28] * Masaki O'Cain undoes her ponytail, letting the long red hair fall down her shoulders
[22:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Hm?
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> oh it's a miracle..she actually let's her hair down
[22:29] <Masaki O'Cain> :P
[22:29] <David O`Cain> Not the first time she's let her hair down. :P
[22:30] * Masaki O'Cain shoves david :P
[22:30] * David O`Cain shoves right back :P
[22:30] *** Hulking Figure [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:30] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hulking Figure
[22:30] * Hulking Figure looks at Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq..
[22:30] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is a tall, dark-skinned woman dressed in a classy black suit, grey pinstriped shirt, brown shoes and cyan tie. Her expression betrays a strong will and confidence. She speaks with a New York accent, sometimes quite fast if you get her agitated. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Law and Order Theme".
[22:31] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks up at Dimitri, not that used to having to look up.
[22:31] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Hey.
[22:32] <Matsumi Kaze> hi, dimitri
[22:32] * Hulking Figure waves from his perch high in the tree.
[22:32] <Hulking Figure> It's wonderful here.
[22:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It ain't bad.
[22:32] <Beauty_Queen> Yeah, wonderfully boreing.
[22:33] <Beauty_Queen> Nothing of value to steal
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> You do not value the right things, then.
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> There is plenty to steal here.
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> Are you ready to do it here, Etna?
[22:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> No propositioning minors.
[22:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That's against the law!
[22:34] <Hulking Figure> Not funny.
[22:34] <Beauty_Queen> I'm older then you are lady!
[22:34] <Hulking Figure> You and your laws.
[22:34] * David O`Cain chuckles
[22:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Quiet, boy. I'm protecting your rights.
[22:34] <Masaki O'Cain> hey don't diss laws
[22:35] <Masaki O'Cain> my dad was a cop
[22:35] <Masaki O'Cain> retired now
[22:35] <Beauty_Queen> I'm probably older then your grandparents! I'm no minor!
[22:35] <Masaki O'Cain> but don't diss the LAWHHHHHHHH
[22:35] <Hulking Figure> I don't diss the need for law, I diss the idea that any are in affect here.
[22:35] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You had anything to drink today, little boy?
[22:35] * Hulking Figure shakes the branches a bit laughing.
[22:35] * Beauty_Queen is over 1400. That said she does totally look 14. Just don't say it to her face
[22:36] * Matsumi Kaze just watches, smiling
[22:37] <David O`Cain> Breaking the law's bad, m'kay.
[22:37] <Beauty_Queen> That's what makes it fun!
[22:37] <Masaki O'Cain> then that's where the arm breaking starts
[22:37] * psYchO_saKi is away: i need in the house away from this Dark Disneyland s[BLEEP]t
[22:38] <Matsumi Kaze> YOU'RE A BAD COP ON THE LOOSE!
[22:38] <Hulking Figure> There is no law here.
[22:38] <Masaki O'Cain> I'M A GOOD COP, MAN..A GOOD COP!
[22:38] <Hulking Figure> This is the forest, the forest primeval. This is not the kind where we go to get wood---it is the kind that ancient folk treated with respect and fear.
[22:38] <Hulking Figure> This is the kind of forest that is so rare in the world--the kind whose contents are unknown.
[22:38] <Beauty_Queen> Besides, I'm a deamon. Your laws and my laws are different. And my laws, by sociel norm, are ment to be broken
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> Then remind me to break them.
[22:39] <Masaki O'Cain> eh I'm going to head out....I want some practice..and I don't want to damage this place
[22:39] <Masaki O'Cain> seeya, dear
[22:39] *** Masaki O'Cain [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> Here there is the law laid down by the forest itself---the law of nature, and the nonexistence of mercy.
[22:39] <David O`Cain> I'll join ya, Masaki.
[22:39] * Hulking Figure relaxes.
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> seeya, masaki
[22:39] <Beauty_Queen> Now then. I think we need to find the end of one of these rainbows and con a leprecaon out of his gold
[22:40] *** David O`Cain [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Get back here!)
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> Go for it.
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> You see any rainbows around her? Or even the sky?
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> although... I would really like to try unicorn blood.
[22:40] * Beauty_Queen points at one over by the crashed yacht. "Over there"
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> I wonder if there are centaurs.
[22:41] <Vainamoinen> that would be bad :)
[22:41] * Vainamoinen is suddenly behind dimitri
[22:42] <Hulking Figure> I'm suprised you showed up here.
[22:42] * Hulking Figure points down to where the ground is.
[22:42] <Vainamoinen> ooooh?
[22:42] * Vainamoinen grins
[22:43] <Hulking Figure> Yeah.
[22:43] <Hulking Figure> Hiya.
[22:43] <Vainamoinen> as if that is an obsticle for me
[22:43] <Hulking Figure> So tell me... what brings you here to this marvelous relic of ancient outlook?
[22:43] <Vainamoinen> I journey here many times
[22:43] <Hulking Figure> I'm suprised the residents allow you.
[22:44] <Vainamoinen> why?
[22:45] <Eitak_Razal> They have not driven you, Mormeril, and Etna out yet. I fail to see why he would be any diffrent
[22:46] <Hulking Figure> So? I am sitting where I am because I asked permission. I have harmed nothing, and I have yet to hunt.
[22:47] <Eitak_Razal> You have asked a single dryad. You have yet to adress the court currently in power
[22:47] <Hulking Figure> I may have... limitations, taking some forms... but I can study them here at my leisure.
[22:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Places like this always freak me out.
[22:48] <Hulking Figure> And I ask you again, so what? I am in here branches, which I would in my admittedly limited experience liken to being in her house.
[22:48] <Hulking Figure> I would imagine she has jurisdiction here.
[22:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It's like the time back in New York, in a darkened alleyway, and there were these... *things* coming out of the shadows.
[22:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I stood there, petrified... as they got closer... and my mom got scared, and said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo, holmes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
[22:48] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (suckers)
[22:48] * Eitak_Razal smiles "My experiances wit the Fae have taught me one thing. Don't assume"
[22:49] <Hulking Figure> Hmmm... now that, at least, is a good point.
[22:49] * Vainamoinen lowers down onto the ground....
[22:50] <Hulking Figure> Now me... heh heh... I love this place.
[22:50] <Hulking Figure> Cool, wet, damp.
[22:50] <Hulking Figure> Full of different things to hide in.
[22:50] * Hulking Figure notes that he should buy a hockey mask.
[22:52] * Vainamoinen looks up and smiles..reaching up..and then holding something in hir hand
[22:52] <Hulking Figure> No... the Forest has its own laws. And I currently feel they work to my advantage.
[22:52] * Vainamoinen smiles at the glowing thing in hir hand
[22:53] <Vainamoinen> perhaps...
[22:53] <Vainamoinen> and perhaps not
[22:53] * Vainamoinen holds up a small bronze medallion up and looks at it
[22:54] <Vainamoinen> lovely, isn't it?
[22:56] <Vainamoinen> what do you think?
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> I suppose. Why?
[22:57] * Prinny tries to steal it
[22:57] <Vainamoinen> this...
[22:57] <Vainamoinen> is the sun
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> Hey... that isn't iron, is it? You aren't supposed to have that here.
[22:57] * Vainamoinen watches as the prinny is burned to nothing
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> Ahem. Not is isn't.
[22:57] <Vainamoinen> it is :)
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> Oh LORD! Why did you do that to him?
[22:57] <Vainamoinen> the spirit of the sun
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> He didn't know what he was doing!
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> You are freaking horrible!
[22:57] <Vainamoinen> an..avatar
[22:57] <Beauty_Queen> Meh, it deserved
[22:58] <Beauty_Queen> It's been slacking off all day
[22:58] * Vainamoinen smiles "few can touch it"
[22:58] <Beauty_Queen> Also, Iron is grey. That isn't even close. I'd gues bronze or copper
[22:59] <Vainamoinen> this is mearly a representation of what it is
[22:59] <Vainamoinen> a shadow of it
[23:00] <Hulking Figure> Screw you, Elder. I am terribly disappointed in the eager nature of your wrath.
[23:00] * Hulking Figure jumps down.
[23:00] <Vainamoinen> you know little of me
[23:00] <Vainamoinen> do not judge who I what you see
[23:00] * Hulking Figure pops his bone back into place, and disappears for a few moments into the woods.
[23:01] *** Hulking Figure [] has quit IRC (The crueller you act, the less I am interested in knowing.)
[23:01] * Vainamoinen looks up..and throws the bronze into the air..where it vanishes
[23:01] <Vainamoinen> such a naive child he is
[23:02] * Hulking Figure is away: #SS3
[23:03] <Vainamoinen> I pity him....
[23:03] <Eitak_Razal> Avatars come in all shapes and sizes
[23:04] <Eitak_Razal> I lived inside the avatar of a god of Evil for some time. Abode was it's name. Nice fellow
[23:05] * Vainamoinen just smiles
[23:06] <Vainamoinen> I see
[23:08] * Vainamoinen has vanished
[23:18] * Matsumi Kaze hums to herself
[23:20] <Eitak_Razal> ...
[23:22] * Hulking Figure runs back toward the house... crashing through the underbrush...
[23:22] <Hulking Figure> Fire---Fire!
[23:23] <Hulking Figure> That idiot started a fire...
[23:23] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[23:23] *** Hulking Figure [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:23] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hulking Figure
[23:23] * Hulking Figure stands on the concrete walk of the house.
[23:23] <Hulking Figure> No respect at all.
[23:23] * Hulking Figure looks around, satisfied that he is far enough away.
[23:25] * Hulking Figure sighs and greets Matsumi Kaze.
[23:25] <Hulking Figure> You are looking well, Matsumi.
[23:26] <Hulking Figure> You are one of the few people around that I feel I can relate to, Matsumi.
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> oh?
[23:29] <Hulking Figure> Because you seem to respect and offer courtesy to others, that is one of the things I admire most about you.
[23:29] * Eitak_Razal raises her hand and a fireball appears. Then goes out. "Fire is not some wild creature that spreads out of control. It is more like a pet. Those who know how to care for it, can control it. Those who do not, let it spiral out of contorl"
[23:29] <Hulking Figure> I doubt, for example, that you would wantonly use your powers in a place that teems with mana and life, and sapient to boot.
[23:30] * Hulking Figure does not look at Eitak, as she has proven hsi point.
[23:30] <Eitak_Razal> Yes. This place teems with mana
[23:30] <Eitak_Razal> And that is why I am able to use my powers so freely
[23:30] <Eitak_Razal> I don't even have to make an effort and I can cast spells here
[23:31] * a deep sounding song rings through the forest....
[23:31] <Eitak_Razal> And not just fire
[23:31] <Eitak_Razal> I can cast any spell, large or small
[23:31] <Hulking Figure> Yes, which means you should totally not hesitate.
[23:31] <Hulking Figure> Isn't mana Life, or something?
[23:32] <Hulking Figure> Aren't you redirecting it when you use magic?
[23:32] <Eitak_Razal> It's... a little diffrent
[23:32] <Hulking Figure> Don't hesitate to tell me if I'm wrong!
[23:32] <Matsumi Kaze> anyone hear a song?
[23:32] <Eitak_Razal> It's more akin to what some call Ki, though it is seperate from that as well
[23:33] * Hulking Figure sighs.
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> I'd love to hear your song, Matsumi.
[23:33] <Eitak_Razal> And yes, I hear it
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> Please indulge us and play!
[23:33] <Matsumi Kaze> no no
[23:33] <Eitak_Razal> She asked if we heard one, not if we want to hear one
[23:33] <Matsumi Kaze> I heard a song I thought
[23:35] <Hulking Figure> I do not know... this place is wonderful for dreaming.
[23:36] <Hulking Figure> I guess I was thinking about other things.
[23:36] <Eitak_Razal> Be warely of dreams in lands of the Fae
[23:36] * the light of a fire bursts through the trees
[23:36] * Hulking Figure shamelessly gets behind Matsumi, out of fear.
[23:36] * Eitak_Razal turns, large orbs of water forming in her hands. Yeah, a water spell
[23:37] * the fire 's light shrinks back.....
[23:37] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[23:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I think it's ok, dimitri?
[23:37] <Eitak_Razal> Let's investigate
[23:38] <Hulking Figure> Who is going to check it out?
[23:38] <Eitak_Razal> All of us
[23:38] <Matsumi Kaze> sure
[23:39] <Hulking Figure> Then I shall accompany you.
[23:39] <Eitak_Razal> There is saftey in numbers :3
[23:39] * Hulking Figure stands up.
[23:39] * Eitak_Razal headts twords where the light came from
[23:39] * Eitak_Razal is away: SS3
[23:39] * Matsumi Kaze is away: ..
[23:39] * Hulking Figure is away: SS3
[00:19] * Hulking Figure lands forcefully oon the roof of the House.
[00:19] * Hulking Figure is back
[00:19] <Hulking Figure> Ouch!
[00:19] <Hulking Figure> What a jerk.
[00:19] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[00:19] * Matsumi Kaze lands on her face ><
[00:19] <Matsumi Kaze> ow....
[00:19] * Matsumi Kaze is laying on the ground in her bra and panties...
[00:20] * Hulking Figure goes inside to fetch some clothes for Matsumi.
[00:20] <Matsumi Kaze> that..hurt
[00:20] * Hulking Figure walks out with Haruka's bathrobe.
[00:20] * Eitak_Razal slams into the ground, her armor clanking has she lands
[00:20] <Hulking Figure> Here you go... I found this laying around.
[00:20] * Hulking Figure hands the robe to Matsumi Kaze
[00:20] <Matsumi Kaze> thanks
[00:20] * Matsumi Kaze quickly puts it on
[00:21] * Eitak_Razal pulls off her helmet, her long hair seeming to tumble out of it. "And this is why I hate the fae"
[00:22] <Hulking Figure> Well, I wish I could have ignored them.
[00:22] <Hulking Figure> I am hesitant to use my powers here.
[00:22] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm sure there are more good things here then bad
[00:23] <Hulking Figure> That's just a reflection of how virtous you are, Matsumi. I believe that, like most forests, the vast majority of the inhabitants want to be left alone.
[00:23] <Hulking Figure> ^virtuous.
[00:24] <Eitak_Razal> Don't lump the Unselee and the Seelee together
[00:26] <Hulking Figure> What, are they like the Bloods and the Crypts?
[00:26] <Eitak_Razal> Seeleie will only attack if provoked, bar a small prank or two. Unseelie don't give a crap an will mess with you for no reason
[00:27] <Hulking Figure> Do they despise each other that much?
[00:28] <Eitak_Razal> I'm not sure how much they like each other but their likeing of humans is what matters here. Seelie like them , Unseelie don't
[00:29] <Eitak_Razal> Sadly the Unseelee court should be in power right now
[00:29] <Hulking Figure> Hmmm. Their approach is basically to whatever *appears* human. Lots of us are not.
[00:30] <Eitak_Razal> Well we're not fae either
[00:30] <Hulking Figure> How do you know so much about them, exactly?
[00:31] * Matsumi Kaze just listens
[00:33] <Eitak_Razal> research. And as I said, I've met the king of the Seelie once
[00:36] <Eitak_Razal> Though everything I've said has been in general terms. There are exeptions
[00:42] * Matsumi Kaze listens
[00:45] <Eitak_Razal> What court they belong to gennearly depends on what type they are. Hobgoblins are the most common Seelie you'll find'
[00:48] * Matsumi Kaze yawns
[00:56] <Hulking Figure> Well that's rather informative.
[00:56] <Hulking Figure> Well that's rather informative.
[00:57] <Eitak_Razal> Heh.
[00:57] <Matsumi Kaze> this place can
[01:00] <Hulking Figure> Well that's rather informative.
[01:02] <Hulking Figure> Well that's rather informative.
[01:05] <Matsumi Kaze> HE'S SPEAKING IN DOUBLE
[01:07] <Matsumi Kaze> ..there is something comforting about this place too...
[01:21] * Matsumi Kaze sits under a tree...smiles
[01:29] <Matsumi Kaze> so quiet though
[01:36] * Eitak_Razal stands and heads inside, disissing her armor as she walks "Night"
[01:37] <Matsumi Kaze> night
[01:39] * Matsumi Kaze yawns, looking up at the hidden sky
[01:46] <Matsumi Kaze> ...feel so sleepy..
[01:49] * Matsumi Kaze lays on the ground and closes her eyes
[01:49] <Matsumi Kaze> *yawn* maybe just..close my eyes a little bit..
[01:50] * Matsumi Kaze soon falls asleep
[01:50] <Dryad> ....
[01:51] <Dryad> ....
[01:51] <Dryad> geh..I'm going to hate myself in the morning for doing this...
[01:52] * the tree lowers one of it's branches...and scooping up Matsumi onto it...lifting her up in the air
[01:53] * the tree moves some of the leaves on the branches to cover her in a crude blanket
[01:53] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*sleeps in the tree*)
[13:30] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:30] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[13:31] * Matsumi Kaze yawns..and streaches....
[13:31] <Matsumi Kaze> what a nice sleep...
[13:31] * Matsumi Kaze looks down....and blinks
[13:31] <Matsumi Kaze> eep
[13:34] * Matsumi Kaze grabs hold of the tree...
[13:36] <Matsumi Kaze> how the hell did I get up here ><
[13:40] * Matsumi Kaze tries to slowly climb down...
[13:44] * Matsumi Kaze finally gets on the ground and sighs
[13:44] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (that was weird)
[14:31] * a unicorn wanders though, grazing on a few ferns before moving on
[14:47] *** Anneke Dupont has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:47] <@spiritflame> irasshai Anneke Dupont
[14:47] * Anneke Dupont wanders in, looking about...
[14:51] <Anneke Dupont> Ce qui est une forêt faisant ici…
[14:51] * looks at Anneke Dupont.
[14:51] *** Anneke Dupont is your average everyday Anneke Dupont
[14:53] <Anneke Dupont> (( oops ))
[14:53] <Anneke Dupont> (( have to fix that ))
[14:53] <Anneke Dupont> (( got the wrong name XD ))
[14:54] * Anneke Dupont is now known as Alaina Dupont
[14:54] <Alaina Dupont> (( there we go XD ))
[14:54] * Alaina Dupont looks around
[14:55] * Miara[fur] looks at Alaina Dupont.
[14:55] *** Alaina Dupont is tall (quite tall) young woman with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, piercing blue eyes and a semi-athletic build. She speaks with a faint french accent.
Her image Song is: .
[14:55] * Hulking Figure stirs from the pile of leaves on the roof.
[14:55] * Hulking Figure sits up.
[14:55] * Hulking Figure looks at Alaina Dupont.
[14:55] *** Alaina Dupont is tall (quite tall) young woman with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, piercing blue eyes and a semi-athletic build. She speaks with a faint french accent.
Her image Song is: .
[14:55] * Alaina Dupont e is 6'4
[14:55] <Alaina Dupont> ....
[14:56] <Hulking Figure> Hello there.
[14:56] * Hulking Figure waves to Alaina from the roof.
[14:56] <Hulking Figure> What brings you here?
[14:57] * Alaina Dupont turns..and gets into a fighting postion
[14:57] * Hulking Figure raises his eyebrow.
[14:57] <Alaina Dupont> - who are you -
[14:58] <Hulking Figure> I have made an oath, and I protect a woman who dwells here.
[14:58] <Hulking Figure> Who are *you?*
[14:59] * Miara[fur] just watches
[14:59] <Hulking Figure> ...I'm listening.
[14:59] * Hulking Figure stands up.
[14:59] <Alaina Dupont> - you may call me Astrild... -
[15:00] <Hulking Figure> Okay, Astrild, why are you here?
[15:00] <Alaina Dupont> - looking for someone -
[15:00] <Hulking Figure> Whom?
[15:02] <Alaina Dupont> - someone -
[15:02] * Hulking Figure waves subtley to Miara, (if she is not hiding).
[15:03] * Hulking Figure looks at the neck of Alaina Dupont.
[15:03] <Hulking Figure> I have got to get the hell out of here soon.
[15:03] <Alaina Dupont> ....
[15:03] * Hulking Figure reclines against the roof of the house, looking up at the boughs of the towering trees.
[15:03] <Miara[fur]> too much for you?
[15:04] <Hulking Figure> No my dear. I just do not like the changed dynamic where humans are *easier* prey than wildlife. That kind of environment makes virtue rather difficult.
[15:04] <Alaina Dupont> Qui êtes-vous les gens!/
[15:04] <Alaina Dupont> *!?
[15:05] <Hulking Figure> Hey Miara... ever eaten unicorn?
[15:05] <Hulking Figure> Or better yet...
[15:05] * psYchO_saKi walks in, whistling
[15:05] <Hulking Figure> Ever heard of some rumors of a magical beast... that fairy-tale princes and knights used to hunt?
[15:05] <Hulking Figure> The White Stag.
[15:05] <Miara[fur]> There's plenty of non magic prey here. Though I thought you enjoyed a good hunt?
[15:05] <psYchO_saKi> Ohhh... someone's hungy~
[15:06] <Hulking Figure> I do.
[15:06] <psYchO_saKi> I'll help you!
[15:06] <Hulking Figure> I do not, however, like the feel of hunting in somebody else's "yard."
[15:06] * psYchO_saKi is away: I'll bring you a feast~
[15:06] <Hulking Figure> I feel like this place is so wild, old, and teeming with magic, that everything is claimed.
[15:06] <Hulking Figure> ...
[15:07] <Miara[fur]> Besides, have you seen the unicorns here? They're not anything you want to tangle with.
[15:07] <Hulking Figure> Seriously?
[15:07] <Hulking Figure> I have just heard that killing one is horrible luck.
[15:08] <Alaina Dupont> - just tell me where Brunnhilda is -
[15:08] * there are roars, the sounds of incredible violence, bazooka shots, a tree falling, and a geyser of flame from somewhee deep in the forest
[15:08] <Hulking Figure> ...You are out of luck, creep.
[15:08] <Hulking Figure> Get out.
[15:08] <Hulking Figure> You aren't fooling me anymore.
[15:09] * psYchO_saKi drags back a mid-sized dragon, sans head
[15:09] <psYchO_saKi> Lunch for you~
[15:09] <Hulking Figure> We already had a troll come through here.
[15:09] <Hulking Figure> Oooh, sweet!
[15:09] <psYchO_saKi> ♡ i'd look out for mommy and daddy, though ♡
[15:09] <Alaina Dupont> .......
[15:09] * Miara[fur] comes out and checks out the dragon sniffing around it
[15:09] * psYchO_saKi looks at Alaina
[15:09] <psYchO_saKi> She's probably inside
[15:10] * psYchO_saKi is away: God how many of them are there
[15:10] <Alaina Dupont> thank you
[15:10] * Alaina Dupont walks into the house
[15:10] * Hulking Figure grins Reeeeally big, and starts to examine the limbs and muscular structure of the dragon, while pretending to be interested in looking for a good vein.
[15:10] *** Alaina Dupont has left #suburbansenshi2
[15:10] * Saki has kindly scrambled its guts good
[15:10] * the fight was very messy
[15:10] <Hulking Figure> ...but the wings present a problem...
[15:11] * Hulking Figure starts drinking Dragon blood.
[15:11] * Hulking Figure contracts his body in unthinking pleasure at the strength of the blood.
[15:11] <Hulking Figure> Mmmmm!
[15:11] <Hulking Figure> ♡ Mmmmmm... ♡
[15:13] <Hulking Figure> I'm almost full already!
[15:13] <Hulking Figure> And there's sooo much left.
[15:13] <Hulking Figure> I have to save some of this... I feel REALLY strong.
[15:13] * Hulking Figure grins.
[15:13] * Hulking Figure drinks.
[15:14] <Miara[fur]> Careful with magical creatures.
[15:15] <Hulking Figure> ♡ But it's sooooo good. ♡
[15:15] * Hulking Figure keeps drinking.
[15:16] <Hulking Figure> Miara... you have to try some...
[15:16] <Hulking Figure> It's incredible.
[15:16] * Hulking Figure keeps drinking... he looks really full.
[15:17] * Hulking Figure 's hair shoots through with a streak of red, and for just a moment, his eyes flash gold.
[15:18] <Hulking Figure> I can't keep drinking... I should find the crazy doctor... He can help...
[15:19] * Hulking Figure wanders off in search of GERMATOID.
[15:19] * Hulking Figure is away: No wonder they say wizards want this s[BLEEP]t.
[15:19] * Kapusniak jolts out of the house.
[15:20] <Kapusniak> What happened here? Where are we?
[15:20] <Kapusniak> What's with all of the...
[15:20] * Kapusniak stares skyward, struck mute by where he is.
[15:21] * Kapusniak shudders and lines on his skin appear that are teal-blue...
[15:21] * ` looks at Kapusniak.
[15:21] *** Kapusniak is man in a blue-grey vest. He is taller than average, and has tan skin and unkempt hair. His eyes are keen, and he is covered with blue-green tattoos of waves. He wears a blue hachigane, and a dagger in a scabbard. His clothes are utterly alien.
His image Song is: "Esper World" from FFVI.
[15:21] <Kapusniak> It's beautiful! And it's all alive!
[15:22] * Kapusniak runs his hands along the dragon's scales.
[15:22] <Kapusniak> What *is* this thing, anyway?
[15:23] <Miara[fur]> Some sort of dragon.
[15:23] * Kapusniak walks up to a tree, and touches it.
[15:23] <Kapusniak> Aaaaugh!
[15:23] * Kapusniak looks at Miara[fur].
[15:23] *** Miara[fur] is A demonic looking 4 legged creature, about 3' tall with long fine legs and a long kinked tail, covered in tons of fur. She has fur the color of brown sugar and blue eyes. More information about is Here.
image Song is: "Lady Dynamite" by Ayumi Hamakasi.
[15:23] <Vainamoinen> a dragon
[15:23] <Kapusniak> BARGHEST!
[15:23] * Vainamoinen appears next to it
[15:24] * Kapusniak starts chanting...
[15:24] * Miara[fur] nods to Vain
[15:24] * Vainamoinen appears suddenly in front of Kapusniak
[15:24] <Kapusniak> Stay away from me... I'm... I'm a mighty wizard!
[15:24] * Vainamoinen opens hir mouth....and a song is heard
[15:24] * the ground suddenly rises under Kapusniak...
[15:24] * Kapusniak chants for about 3 seconds...
[15:25] * Vainamoinen holds out hir hand...and slowly closes it..the ground surrounding Kapusniak
[15:25] * Kapusniak runs up into mid-air, standing in the sky...
[15:25] <Vainamoinen> (( um have you read the last few things XD ))
[15:27] * Vainamoinen smiles...
[15:28] <Kapusniak> I don't know who you think you are... but fighting a wizard in a place that has this much magic is NOT a good idea.
[15:28] <Kapusniak> Release me.
[15:28] * Vainamoinen just smiles
[15:28] <Vainamoinen> such a confident little man...
[15:28] * Kapusniak looks at Miara[fur], certain he'll die.
[15:29] <Kapusniak> You think you have won, don't you?
[15:29] <Noriko X> It's Chihuahua syndrome.
[15:29] <Noriko X> the smaller the dog, the bigger the bark~
[15:29] * Eitak_Razal walks out of the woods "Looks like he won to me"
[15:29] * Kapusniak looks at Noriko X.
[15:29] *** Noriko X is a tall, slender woman wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her left eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .
[15:29] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:29] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[15:29] <Miara[fur]> The smaller have more need to defend their territory aggressively.
[15:29] <Kapusniak> Why don't you step a little bit closer before you say that, madam?
[15:30] <Noriko X> True enough.
[15:30] <Vainamoinen> greetings, child..enjoying the forest?
[15:30] <Noriko X> Why yes. :D
[15:30] * Noriko X steps. right. up. to. him.
[15:30] <Kapusniak> Hello.
[15:30] <Miara[fur]> I certainly have been.
[15:30] <Kapusniak> Can you tell me where I am?
[15:31] <Eitak_Razal> A forrest
[15:31] <Noriko X> In a forest.
[15:31] <Noriko X> :3
[15:31] * Kapusniak casually checks how dry the earth surrounding him appears to be.
[15:31] <Kapusniak> ...I've never seen one.
[15:31] <Noriko X> Then enjoy it
[15:31] <Kapusniak> ...I will.
[15:32] * Noriko X blurs and appears in a tree some distance away, relaxing on a branch
[15:32] * Vainamoinen 's Earth charm has turned the dirt as strong as stone
[15:32] * Kapusniak looks at Vainamoinen.
[15:32] *** Vainamoinen is somewhat masculine/feminine looking figure with long white hair and icey blue eyes. He/She wears plain dull white and blue clothes, wears slight blue lipgloss and has an air of quietness about hir
hir image Song is: "Kalevala Hymn" by traditional.
[15:33] * Kapusniak sighs.
[15:34] <Kapusniak> A prisoner again. A prisoner forever.
[15:34] <Vainamoinen> oh very well
[15:34] * Kapusniak starts whispering unintelligibly.
[15:34] * Vainamoinen releases hir fist..and the earth around Kapusniak crumbles
[15:34] <Kapusniak> ...I almost wish you had not done that.
[15:34] * Miara[fur] pulls a shift out of her bag and changes
[15:34] <Vainamoinen> your charm would not have broken mine
[15:34] * Miara[fur] is now known as LOVELYgirl
[15:35] * Thick, heavy rain starts falling on the house and surrounding area, concentrated on the mound... and turning the crumbled earth to mud.
[15:35] * Vainamoinen just smirks
[15:35] * Kapusniak staggers out of the hole.
[15:36] * Noriko X snaps her fingers and makes a barrier around herself to keep herself dry
[15:36] * Vainamoinen stays perfectly dry
[15:36] * Kapusniak 's skin glows in blue patterns as the rain hits it.
[15:36] * Eitak_Razal gesstures quickly and a barrier spell appears above her, keeping her dry
[15:36] <Vainamoinen> if you excuse me
[15:36] <LOVELYgirl> It's just water, people.
[15:37] * Vainamoinen starts to walk into the forest "good day to you, child.." gestures to Norko
[15:37] <Vainamoinen> *noriko
[15:37] <Noriko X> Good day~
[15:37] * Vainamoinen keeps walking into forest
[15:37] *** Vainamoinen has left #suburbansenshi2
[15:37] <Noriko X> I dislike getting wet.
[15:37] * Kapusniak takes steps upwards, and walks on the very air up to the Branch that Noriko X is sitting on.
[15:38] * Noriko X watches dispassionately
[15:38] * Kapusniak sits next to Noriko.
[15:38] <LOVELYgirl> You're going back to the loop, aren't you?
[15:38] * Kapusniak looks at Noriko X.
[15:38] *** Noriko X is a tall, slender woman wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her left eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .
[15:38] * Kapusniak makes a gesture, and the rain stops.
[15:38] * Noriko X idly dimisses her barrier
[15:39] <Kapusniak> What the hell IS that, anyway?
[15:39] * Kapusniak looks at LOVELYgirl.
[15:39] *** LOVELYgirl is tanned young woman with wild light brown hair, blue eyes, and stands 5'10. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Lady Dynamite" by Ayumi Hamasaki.
[15:39] <Noriko X> What is what?
[15:39] <LOVELYgirl> What's what?
[15:39] <Eitak_Razal> Hmmm?
[15:40] * Kapusniak keeps looking at Miara.
[15:40] <Kapusniak> It's... really strange here.
[15:40] * Kapusniak puts his hand against the thick bark.
[15:40] * Kapusniak mutters something under his breath about the person sitting next to him.
[15:41] *** Vilya has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:41] <@spiritflame> irasshai Vilya
[15:41] <Noriko X> I'm sorry, what?
[15:41] * LOVELYgirl lifts up one of the dragon's wings and looks at it
[15:41] * Vilya walks out of the forest...with a tiny little man in miner's garb on her shoulder
[15:41] <Vilya> guten tag!!!
[15:41] <LOVELYgirl> Hey Vilya, look at this
[15:42] <Vilya> oh??
[15:42] * Vilya runs over
[15:42] <Vilya> !!!
[15:42] <Vilya> a dragon!
[15:42] <Kapusniak> Yes... I giant headless beast in a stange place with more mana than I have ever sensed in my life.
[15:42] <Kapusniak> Even more than the academy.
[15:42] * Vilya looks at the little man with the miner's hat and mutters to him in german
[15:42] * Kapusniak looks to see if any of the trees bear fruit...
[15:43] * LOVELYgirl examines the wing structure
[15:43] <LOVELYgirl> Who's your friend?
[15:43] <Noriko X> This whole area is... replete with Magic.
[15:43] <Vilya> oh!
[15:43] <Kapusniak> You must think I'm pretty stupid, don't you?
[15:43] <Vilya> this is Herr Miner..he is a knocker :D
[15:44] <Kapusniak> Of course it is... but I've never seen this many trees of such size in my lifetime.
[15:44] * Knocker stands on Vilya's shoulder and gives a bow
[15:44] <LOVELYgirl> Hello ^_^
[15:44] <Kapusniak> Oh... and by the way? Your little form of courage?
[15:44] <Noriko X> I can't even tell how old this place is... and that's something.
[15:44] <Noriko X> Little form of what?
[15:44] <Eitak_Razal> We are in the domain of the fae. I would not be surpized if this forrest changed size to suit their mood
[15:45] <Kapusniak> Do you really want to know, or not?
[15:45] <Noriko X> Speak.
[15:45] <Kapusniak> Hmph.
[15:45] <Kapusniak> Your special form of courage, going up to me to taunt me when you thought I was trapped?
[15:45] <Vilya> I met him Vhen I fell in a hole while taking a valk here >.>
[15:45] <LOVELYgirl> Many forests in the universe are larger and wild, unlike Earth's.
[15:45] <Noriko X> I'm sorry, did I say anything to you?
[15:46] <Noriko X> I merely walked up to you as you asked.
[15:46] * Kapusniak breathes deeply... I suppose not.
[15:46] <LOVELYgirl> Oh, well good thing you met, then!
[15:46] <Kapusniak> I'm just angry, because one of the last things I remember is being cursed by another wizard I was fighting.
[15:46] <Noriko X> I see.
[15:46] <LOVELYgirl> What are you talking about, new guy?
[15:46] <Kapusniak> And one more thing?
[15:47] <Noriko X> Hmm?
[15:47] <Knocker> es ist gut, Sie, junge Dame zu treffen
[15:47] * Kapusniak takes a deep breath, and exhales a freezing stream of ice crystals and rime, that encases the branch they are on in ice.
[15:47] <Kapusniak> Just the head is enough.
[15:47] * Kapusniak smiles.
[15:48] * Noriko X shrugs her shoulders the tiniest bit
[15:48] * Noriko X blurs and reappears on a different branch
[15:49] * Vilya giggles..and is now singing a bolsterious german song with the Knocker
[15:49] <Eitak_Razal> I don't suggest doing that.
[15:49] <Eitak_Razal> These trees are home to Drayds.
[15:49] <Kapusniak> My name is Kapusniak, and I have trained to be a mage of the clouds... Even if I could not complete it. I notice the tattoos beneath your eyes. What do they mean?
[15:50] * Kapusniak looks at Noriko X
[15:50] <Noriko X> They are Old Gallifreyan. their meaning is arcane, and meaningful only to the Sisterhood of Karn.
[15:50] <Noriko X> ^significant only
[15:51] <LOVELYgirl> Imagine what this place can inspire, Vilya ^_^
[15:52] <LOVELYgirl> You should try a painting.
[15:52] * LOVELYgirl is away
[15:52] <Vilya> oooh yes!
[15:53] * Knocker offers Vilya a pastie..which she eats with thanks
[15:54] <Noriko X> I am known as Noriko. I am a Magus versed in the styles and lore of E[BLEEP]el, The Shadar-Kai and The Sisterhood of Karn
[15:54] * Kapusniak pulls his loose sleeve up, and shows the Tattoos of water and a waves done in Lapis Lazuli-blue. They glow and sparkle as they leech mana from the forest.
[15:55] <Kapusniak> I was simply wondering if they were for the same purpose as my own.
[15:55] * Kapusniak puts his sleeve down.
[15:56] * Kapusniak plucks one of the leaves from the tree, and stares at its size in wonder.
[15:56] <Noriko X> they do have environmental influence.
[15:56] <Noriko X> On the elements of Time and Space.
[15:58] <Noriko X> But not in the same way as some other Mages here.
[15:58] <Noriko X> It is more.... primal shall we say.
[15:58] <Dryad> HEY! WATCH THE PICKING
[15:59] * Kapusniak screams in terror, and raises his hands.
[16:00] <Dryad> I don't pull bits of your hair out, do I!?
[16:02] <Eitak_Razal> I did warn you about the drayds
[16:03] <Dryad> hmph..
[16:03] * Dryad vanishes back into the tree
[16:03] * Vilya is just enjoying a good story with her new friend
[16:06] <Vilya> I like this place :D
[16:08] * Knocker taps vilya on the top of the head
[16:10] <Knocker> Ich muss gehen. Ich habe den Bergbau, zum zu tun!
[16:10] <Vilya> ah. Gut! Auf Wiedersehen, mein Freund!
[16:10] * Knocker vanishes
[16:10] *** Knocker has left #suburbansenshi2
[16:11] <Vilya> :)
[16:12] * Vilya walks back into the house
[16:12] * Vilya returns with her art supplies and starts to set up
[16:13] * Vilya looks up...and around
[16:14] * Vilya starts to paint
[16:14] * Noriko X blurs and vanishes
[16:14] *** Noriko X [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (It is within the scope of my estimation.)
[16:24] *** Vilya has left #suburbansenshi2 (painting)
[16:35] <Mister Dinsdale> Saki
[16:35] <psYchO_saKi> What
[16:36] <Mister Dinsdale> I think you should change your name.
[16:36] <psYchO_saKi> ...what
[16:36] <Mister Dinsdale> You're living in the Shadow of your twin
[16:37] <psYchO_saKi> - There can be only one -
[16:38] <Eitak_Razal> Now you've got her going all Hlander on us. This cannot end well
[16:39] * psYchO_saKi shrugs
[16:39] <psYchO_saKi> I don't care about her right niow
[16:39] <psYchO_saKi> Dinsdale's right
[16:39] <psYchO_saKi> there's so much more to kill~
[16:39] <Mister Dinsdale> ...that's not what I meant about seeking new horizons.
[16:40] <psYchO_saKi> Take what you can get, fleshbag
[16:40] * psYchO_saKi is away: Not Changing my name
[16:40] <Mister Dinsdale> Aww, I think "April Shinguuji" sounds good~
[16:41] <psYchO_saKi> It sounds LAME.
[16:41] <psYchO_saKi> My mommy gave me the name Sakura, and I want to keep it!
[16:41] <Mister Dinsdale> S. April Shinguuji?
[16:42] <psYchO_saKi> ..."Psycho April" sounds ridiculous
[16:42] * @Wolfwood runs past, chasing a magical giant rabbit with a cut-down grenade launcher
[16:42] <Mister Dinsdale> Well the goal is to get you away from all the Psycho business
[16:42] <psYchO_saKi> - But it's who I am, and what I do -
[16:42] * @Wolfwood cackles madly as explosions are heard
[16:43] * psYchO_saKi hears the devastation and twitches, she wants to go play!
[16:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Well see, you're making a mistake others before you have made
[16:43] <Mister Dinsdale> You're defining yourself by your job.
[16:43] <Mister Dinsdale> What are you, when you're not a killbot?
[16:44] <psYchO_saKi> ...
[16:44] * psYchO_saKi tilts her head
[16:44] <psYchO_saKi> A bored Killbot.
[16:44] <@Wolfwood> PIGS. ALL OF YOU, PIGS!!!
[16:44] <psYchO_saKi> WHERE I WANNA SHANK 'EM
[16:44] <@Wolfwood> MWAHAHAHAHA
[16:45] <Eitak_Razal> I think everyone fcouses on something that discirbes themselves best and buitds themself around it.
[16:45] <Eitak_Razal> For Saki, It's "Killbot". For me, it's "Magical Queen"
[16:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Well I'm trying to give her a more well-rounded personality
[16:45] <Eitak_Razal> Get my point?
[16:45] * psYchO_saKi presses close to jack~ "I'm already well-rounded~" ♫
[16:45] <Eitak_Razal> Oh? You can'd discribe yourself in two words?
[16:46] <Eitak_Razal> *can't
[16:46] <Mister Dinsdale> I can describe my _job_ in two words.
[16:46] <Mister Dinsdale> Who I am should take longer
[16:46] * Mister Dinsdale steps away from Saki
[16:47] <Eitak_Razal> But does our "job" not define who we are in a major way?
[16:47] <Mister Dinsdale> Only if you let it.
[16:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Who you are as a person shouldn't be so bound up in your job.
[16:48] <Mister Dinsdale> I used to be a programmer.
[16:48] <Mister Dinsdale> A translator.
[16:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Now I'm a P.I.
[16:48] <Mister Dinsdale> You gotta be flexible
[16:51] * Eitak_Razal smirks
[16:54] <Eitak_Razal> But your very job tells me alot about you. For starters, I would guess you pefer to work in the field rather then behind a desk
[16:54] <Mister Dinsdale> Right
[16:54] <Mister Dinsdale> But I'm just trying to say if you get too bound up in what you do, you lose sight of the rest of you as a person
[16:57] * Eitak_Razal tilts her head "Humor me for a moment and discribe yourself in as few words as possbile
[17:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Funloving guy.
[17:04] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:04] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[17:04] <Matsuo Shin> ....
[17:04] *** Kapusniak has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:04] <@spiritflame> irasshai Kapusniak
[17:04] * Matsuo Shin goes back into the house...and then looks back out
[17:04] <Matsuo Shin> ............
[17:04] * Kapusniak looks at Matsuo Shin.
[17:04] *** Matsuo Shin is appears to look like a male Matsumi, except his short hair is red instead of blond. He is also a psychic.
His image Song is: "Theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark" by John Williams.
[17:04] * Matsuo Shin looks up
[17:04] <Matsuo Shin> reminds me of Miranda
[17:05] <Matsuo Shin> grant it..there the trees were thick as stone
[17:05] * Mister Dinsdale looks at Kapusniak.
[17:05] *** Kapusniak is man in a blue-grey vest. He is taller than average, and has tan skin and unkempt hair. His eyes are keen, and he is covered with blue-green tattoos of waves. He wears a blue hachigane, and a dagger in a scabbard. His clothes are utterly alien.
His image Song is: "Esper World" from FFVI.
[17:06] * Kapusniak starts chanting softly.
[17:06] * Kapusniak descends from his tree branc, walking on the air itself.
[17:06] * Mister Dinsdale raises an eyebrow
[17:06] <Matsuo Shin> ..feels odd around here
[17:07] <Mister Dinsdale> Well yeah, there's a guy walking on AIR.
[17:07] * Matsuo Shin puts his hand on a tree...
[17:07] * Matsuo Shin looks
[17:07] <Matsuo Shin> oh I see
[17:07] * Matsuo Shin looks back at the tree
[17:07] <Kapusniak> You look familiar.
[17:07] * Kapusniak looks at Mister Dinsdale.
[17:07] *** Mister Dinsdale is a tall, lanky, handsome young man in a dapper white suit / tie and purple vest topped off with a jaunty fedora that covers his eyes in a mysteriously appealing way. He speaks with a light Brooklyn, NY accent. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: "Magnum P.I. Theme" by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter.
[17:08] <Kapusniak> Oooh...
[17:08] * Kapusniak heads into the house... grinning.
[17:09] * @Wolfwood returns with the burn scalps of slaughtered farytale creatures
[17:09] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[17:09] <Mister Dinsdale> So, I get Saki to calm down a bit and you pick up the slack I see
[17:09] <Matsuo Shin> ....
[17:09] <Mister Dinsdale> AND OH GOD IS THAT HAPPY THE DWARF
[17:09] <Dryad> ...
[17:09] <@Wolfwood> Possibly.
[17:09] <Dryad> you people are sick f[BLEEP]kers, you know that?
[17:10] * Mister Dinsdale flails "It wasn't me!"
[17:10] <@Wolfwood> What? I got bored.
[17:10] <Kapusniak> TREE WOMAN!
[17:10] * Kapusniak whirls around.
[17:10] <Dryad> bet you get swarmed by unseelie in a week
[17:11] * @Wolfwood hoists the grenade launcher on his shoulder
[17:11] * Kapusniak slams the door to the house.
[17:11] *** Kapusniak [0] has quit IRC (Dryads kill people. Often.)
[17:12] <@Wolfwood> Someone needs to turn dem frowns upsideown
[17:12] * Kapusniak shows up grinning.
[17:12] * Kapusniak ducks away from the window, he has a strange book in his hand.
[17:12] <Mister Dinsdale> Wow that was quick
[17:12] *** Kapusniak [0] has quit IRC (Not this time.)
[17:12] <Dryad> I'm made of wood..what do I care
[17:13] * Dryad shrinks back into the tree
[17:13] *** Dryad has left #suburbansenshi2
[17:13] *** has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:13] <@spiritflame> irasshai
[17:13] <Hulking Figure> WAIT
[17:13] <Matsuo Shin> need to get a better look
[17:13] <Hulking Figure> Crud, she's gone.
[17:13] * Matsuo Shin concentrates..and slowly raises into the air
[17:13] <@Wolfwood> You should. I'm made of explosions and death and manlyness.
[17:13] * Hulking Figure looks around for the dragon carcass.
[17:14] <@Wolfwood> (( laaag ))
[17:15] * Matsuo Shin looks down
[17:15] <Matsuo Shin> *shouts* I don't think there is a top to the trees!
[17:15] <Mister Dinsdale> Wow!
[17:15] <Hulking Figure> That's absurd.
[17:15] <Hulking Figure> Of course there is.
[17:16] <Hulking Figure> Don't make me come up there1
[17:16] <Hulking Figure> ...You are full of it, kid.
[17:16] * @Wolfwood shoots grenades into the woods in the distance
[17:16] <Matsuo Shin> .....
[17:16] <Matsuo Shin> WHAT DID YOU SAY?? I CAN'T HEAR YOU FROM UP HERE :p :p
[17:17] <Hulking Figure> YOU ARE A MADMAN.
[17:17] <Matsuo Shin> I'M A SADMAN???
[17:17] * Hulking Figure is accusing Wolfwood, not Mattsuo.
[17:18] * Matsuo Shin looks at Mister Dinsdale.
[17:18] *** Mister Dinsdale is a tall, lanky, handsome young man in a dapper white suit / tie and purple vest topped off with a jaunty fedora that covers his eyes in a mysteriously appealing way. He speaks with a light Brooklyn, NY accent. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: "Magnum P.I. Theme" by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter.
[17:18] <@Wolfwood> I know this.
[17:18] * Matsuo Shin lowers back to the ground
[17:19] <@Wolfwood> The scary part?
[17:19] * Hulking Figure grabs hold of Matsuo.
[17:19] <Hulking Figure> Kid, you have GOT to be kidding. They have to have a top.
[17:19] <Hulking Figure> Oh... sorry.
[17:19] * Hulking Figure lets go.
[17:19] <Matsuo Shin> ...
[17:19] <Matsuo Shin> no...there isn't
[17:19] <@Wolfwood> - I'm a madman with authority -
[17:20] <Hulking Figure> You lie.
[17:20] <Matsuo Shin> on the names of The Six I do not
[17:20] <@Wolfwood> Try me.
[17:20] * Hulking Figure walks over to a tree, and knocks on it three times.
[17:20] <Hulking Figure> Knock on wood.
[17:21] <Dryad> what is it? ><
[17:21] <Dryad>'s the vampire again..
[17:21] <Hulking Figure> I figure superstition is not superstition as long as we are here.
[17:21] <Hulking Figure> Um... Hello again.
[17:21] <Hulking Figure> May I ask how tall your tree is?
[17:22] * Dryad looks up
[17:22] <Hulking Figure> Where could I find the crown?
[17:22] <Dryad> as tall as the imagination can take it
[17:22] <Dryad> there is no limit...
[17:22] * @Wolfwood smiles at the vampire
[17:22] <Hulking Figure> The more I hear, the more I think this is not a real forest.
[17:22] <Hulking Figure> I think it is the *idea* of a forest.
[17:22] *** @Wolfwood [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (One day)
[17:23] * Hulking Figure scratches his chin.
[17:23] <Dryad> why do you think mister blow everything up over there keeps killing things..but they'll keep coming back
[17:23] <Hulking Figure> I am actually apalled at his behavior, honestly.
[17:23] <Dryad> are the sort of person who overthinks things??
[17:23] <Dryad> what the f[BLEEP]k is up with you people!?
[17:23] <Hulking Figure> What?
[17:24] <Dryad> I mean geez...
[17:24] * Dryad shrinks back into her tree
[17:24] <@Wolfwood> See. Yea.
[17:24] <Hulking Figure> You guys keep blowing things up and setting things on fire, you are going to have to pay the Piper.
[17:24] <Matsuo Shin> I think what she mans
[17:24] <Matsuo Shin> *means
[17:25] <@Wolfwood> I appreciate your moral judgement there.
[17:25] <Matsuo Shin> is that you are consantly looking for things that may not be there
[17:25] <@Wolfwood> what WOULD we do without you.
[17:25] <Hulking Figure> Die a natural death?
[17:25] * Mister Dinsdale is away
[17:25] <Matsuo Shin> what's that Earth saying?
[17:25] <@Wolfwood> Be less annoyed?
[17:25] <Matsuo Shin> finding patterns where there are none?
[17:26] <Hulking Figure> Both?
[17:26] <Hulking Figure> No, you are schitzophrenia.
[17:26] <Hulking Figure> ^talking about.
[17:26] <@Wolfwood> Seeing as I can't die a natural death, no
[17:27] <Matsuo Shin> huh?
[17:27] * Matsuo Shin shrugs and looks around the trees
[17:27] <Hulking Figure> Screw this. I'm going to the top.
[17:27] * Hulking Figure is now known as Immense_Serpent
[17:28] * Immense_Serpent slithers up a nearby tree, eventually disappearing from sight.
[17:28] *** Immense_Serpent has quit IRC (I'll show you.)
[17:31] <Matsuo Shin> I like the feeling of this place
[17:32] <Matsuo Shin> ..same feeling I used to get in the Temple of Light
[17:33] * several small glowing lights flicker across Matsuo's face...and make chirping sounds
[17:33] <Matsuo Shin> no way
[17:33] <Matsuo Shin> !!!
[17:34] * the lights fly away deep into the forest
[17:34] <Matsuo Shin> can't be...
[17:35] <Matsuo Shin> ....
[17:37] * Matsuo Shin rubs his eyes
[17:37] * Matsuo Shin squints spotting something
[17:38] <Matsuo Shin> the that..
[17:38] * Matsuo Shin runs into the forest
[17:38] * Matsuo Shin is away: ..can't be
[18:00] <Eitak_Razal> Hmmm
[19:24] * Matsuo Shin is back
[19:24] <Matsuo Shin> ..I can't belive it
[19:27] <Eitak_Razal> Hmmm?
[19:29] <Matsuo Shin> ...I just saw a Nyuata'kur
[19:30] <Matsuo Shin> ..but they're just legends..stories
[19:35] * Eitak_Razal smiles "Every legend holds a bit of truth"
[19:36] <Matsuo Shin> I mean they're just children's stories....
[19:36] <Matsuo Shin> heck..I also saw Tissi
[19:38] * Eitak_Razal smiles "I've met Oberon before. You know, King of the Fae"
[19:38] <Eitak_Razal> I think that puts most "Myths" in the "These are stories that were true and people refuse to belive" catagory
[19:40] <Matsuo Shin> I suppose so
[19:44] <Matsuo Shin> hm
[20:00] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2
[20:25] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:25] <@spiritflame> irasshai [gTV]Potamos
[20:25] * [gTV]Potamos wanders down the forest path
[20:26] *** Anni Esko has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:26] <@spiritflame> irasshai Anni Esko
[20:26] * Anni Esko walks out of the house, wiping her face
[20:26] * Anni Esko blinks...
[20:26] <Anni Esko> wha..what is this
[20:27] <Anni Esko> O_O
[20:27] <Hulking Figure> Heaven?
[20:27] *** Hulking Figure [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:27] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hulking Figure
[20:28] <Anni Esko> eep!
[20:28] * A bank of mist takes the form of a man.
[20:28] * Anni Esko jumps away
[20:28] * A bank of mist is now known as Hulking Figure
[20:28] <Anni Esko> is just you...
[20:28] <Hulking Figure> Heh... Just me.
[20:29] <Hulking Figure> You should try your marble trick here. See what happens.
[20:29] <Hulking Figure> Those trees? The big ones? I can't climb to the tops.
[20:29] <Hulking Figure> I was trying for hours.
[20:29] * Anni Esko looks up
[20:29] <Hulking Figure> Don't tell the goobers that I admitted it, though.
[20:29] <Anni Esko> oh...I see...
[20:29] <Anni Esko> goobers?
[20:29] <Hulking Figure> American expression.
[20:30] <Anni Esko> oh
[20:30] <[gTV]Potamos> Ah...
[20:30] <Anni Esko> oh hello there
[20:30] * [gTV]Potamos looks into the's as thick as pea soup
[20:30] * Anni Esko waves to potamos
[20:30] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, where are we exactly?
[20:30] <Anni Esko> ..I don't know
[20:31] <Hulking Figure> Well, some people would say it's a state of mind instead of a place3.
[20:31] <Hulking Figure> Here is what I know, my lady...
[20:31] <Hulking Figure> Most of the things in this forest are alive, and this place also contains mythical beasts.
[20:31] <Hulking Figure> Think of this not as a forest or wood, but as...well, as we would have considered a wood that had never been mapped, and had never been explored.
[20:32] <Hulking Figure> You know what they say... "here there be dragons?"
[20:32] <Hulking Figure> Well it's literally true here.
[20:32] <[gTV]Potamos> Hauu...
[20:32] <Hulking Figure> A word of warning? If the trees have no upward limit, then the forest mahy have no *outward* limit, so don't wander off.
[20:32] <Anni Esko> oh...
[20:32] <[gTV]Potamos> so we're on that blank part on the map mitai na...
[20:32] <Hulking Figure> Yup.
[20:33] <Anni Esko> like a world of stories
[20:33] <Hulking Figure> I have to admit, though, I find it refreshing.
[20:33] <Hulking Figure> Yeah... at first I figured it was a trick, or that we were inside of a book.
[20:33] <Hulking Figure> I haven't ruled that out yet.
[20:33] <Hulking Figure> But powers DO seem to work here.
[20:33] <Anni Esko> it seems pretty
[20:34] <Hulking Figure> It's more than that.
[20:34] <Eitak_Razal> I think it was said best th other day. A place like this would be labled "Here be dragons" if anyone ever tried to map it
[20:34] <Hulking Figure> Beatiful, bounteous, grand.
[20:34] <Hulking Figure> Meh... I suspect you couldn't map the place.
[20:35] * Anni Esko tries to climb one of the trees
[20:35] * Hulking Figure goes to the other side of the House, and has a bit of a pick-me-up from the Dragon's neck.
[20:35] <Eitak_Razal> Based on our experiance yesterday, yeah
[20:35] <[gTV]Potamos> Uh...what's taht?
[20:35] <Hulking Figure> Nothing!
[20:35] * Hulking Figure tries to push it behind the hosue.
[20:36] * Hulking Figure grunts.
[20:36] <Eitak_Razal> Paths that lead you back where you started from the oppiste direction, areas that re-ranage themselves... Yep, magic forrest
[20:36] <Eitak_Razal> Reminds me of my castle really\
[20:36] <Hulking Figure> I honestly think it hates us.
[20:36] * Hulking Figure glares at Eitak.
[20:36] <Eitak_Razal> No. Just the Unseelie do
[20:36] * Anni Esko makes it to a branch and looks
[20:37] <Hulking Figure> And why is it necessary for your castle to BE like that?
[20:37] <Anni Esko> oh pretty....
[20:38] <Eitak_Razal> Becasue it's magic? I didn't build it.
[20:38] <Hulking Figure> ...Creepy.
[20:39] <Hulking Figure> Oh... there were some dryads around here... they live in some of the really big trees, but they sleep at unusual times.
[20:39] <Eitak_Razal> Actully it's my brother's castle, but I live there too so it's kinda mine as well. The sages that came before his team built it. Sadly we don't know how to turn into a normal castle since we can't find the insturctions or contact our predisserors, since you know, they were all killed
[20:39] <Hulking Figure> Maybe...
[20:39] * Anni Esko is standing on the branch of one of the big trees
[20:39] <Hulking Figure> Maybe that's why they are not limited by physical laws... maybe it's because they have creatures of magic within them.
[20:39] * [gTV]Potamos sits on the threshold of the house...
[20:40] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, have you seen Jack?
[20:40] <Dryad> you mean the guy in the nice suit?
[20:40] <Hulking Figure> But... the suit was cotton. Doesn't that offend you a little bit?
[20:40] * Dryad sprouts out of the tree anni is on
[20:41] <Dryad> meh...
[20:41] <Dryad> what do I care? not from this forest
[20:41] <Hulking Figure> Why are you here if you aren't from thsi forest?
[20:41] <Eitak_Razal> I don't think a cotton plant is on the same level as a drayd. That ould be compareing a human to a chimp
[20:42] <Dryad> so are you like his girlfriend *looks at Potamos*
[20:42] <Hulking Figure> I do that all the time.
[20:42] <[gTV]Potamos> Uh...
[20:42] <Dryad> just like you vampires to do that
[20:43] * Anni Esko blinks, listening to the conversation below
[20:43] <Hulking Figure> So you know. Not too suprising.
[20:43] <Hulking Figure> Don't you care that I'm here, by the way?
[20:43] <Dryad> you smell like a vampire
[20:43] <Dryad> ...why do I care
[20:43] <Dryad> hell we have whole packs of vampires here
[20:44] * Hulking Figure is VERY suprised.
[20:44] <Dryad> it's not like you're a unique creature here
[20:44] <Hulking Figure> Packs?
[20:44] <Hulking Figure> You mean *actual* packs, or just large groups?
[20:44] <Eitak_Razal> So much for Mormeirl's fears of him, Dimitri Etna nd the prinnies getting diven out
[20:44] <Dryad> packs..groups..whatever the hell you people travel in
[20:44] <Hulking Figure> Do they seriously call themselves packs?
[20:44] <Eitak_Razal> Though I wouldn't care if Etna and the prinnies left
[20:46] <Hulking Figure> Why not, I wonder?
[20:46] <Hulking Figure> So, Dryad... what to the packs of vampires DO in these woods?
[20:46] <Dryad> meh like I know
[20:46] <Dryad> kill wayward travelers I guess..
[20:46] <Dryad> be spooky
[20:46] <Dryad> make really bad movies about themselves
[20:46] <Hulking Figure> Interesting.
[20:47] <Hulking Figure> That's kind of a good sign.
[20:47] <Hulking Figure> I mean, they can' t possibly know, right?
[20:48] <Dryad> you know I can hear you, right?
[20:49] * Eitak_Razal tilts her head. "Pardon me for interupting, but do you have a name? I think it would be afully rude of us to keep calling you Dryad"
[20:49] <Dryad> call me Elma
[20:50] <Dryad> Elma Flowertwig
[20:50] * Dryad is now known as Elma Flowertwig
[20:51] <Eitak_Razal> Nice to meet you Elma. I am Eitak Razal.
[20:51] * Elma Flowertwig nods
[20:51] <Anni Esko> I'm Anni Esko *calls up from above*
[20:51] <Elma Flowertwig> oh yeah..the thing in my branches
[20:53] <[gTV]Potamos> I'm Kawanami Hiromi, mtiai na.
[20:53] * Elma Flowertwig nods to potamos "and who's the vampire"
[20:53] <[gTV]Potamos> He's Dimitri-san...
[20:54] <Elma Flowertwig> ahhhhh....
[20:54] <Elma Flowertwig> now if you excuse me...need some sleep
[20:54] * Elma Flowertwig shrinks back into her tree
[20:55] * Anni Esko climbs down slowly
[20:56] <Anni Esko> that was interesting....
[21:01] * Eitak_Razal smiles "A proper introduction is always good"
[21:03] <Hulking Figure> I'm suprised she didn't say something like "Names? names are such silly things."
[21:03] * [gTV]Potamos yawns a bit
[21:04] <Hulking Figure> Kawnamia?
[21:05] <Eitak_Razal> That would just be stupid. How would people tell her apart from other Dryads if she didn't have a name
[21:06] <Hulking Figure> How would "people" do it? See, that's the frame of reference we are approaching this from.
[21:06] <Hulking Figure> If you never get visitors, why have a name?
[21:06] <Eitak_Razal> People being any other sentinant being in the forest
[21:06] <Eitak_Razal> Such as other Fae
[21:07] <[gTV]Potamos> It's Ka-wa-na-mi, mitai na
[21:07] <Hulking Figure> Ka-wa-na-mi.
[21:07] <Hulking Figure> Thank you, Hiromi.
[21:08] *** Apollo_Blitz has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:08] <@spiritflame> irasshai Apollo_Blitz
[21:08] <Hulking Figure> Crap.
[21:08] * Apollo_Blitz is now known as Apollo_Helios
[21:08] <Hulking Figure> Do you guys feel that?
[21:08] <Apollo_Helios> (( Haha, forgot the handle ))
[21:08] * Apollo_Helios walks out of the house.
[21:08] <Apollo_Helios> Oh, Alli was right. Creepy forest time.
[21:08] <Anni Esko> ???
[21:08] * Hulking Figure looks at Apollo_Helios.
[21:08] *** Apollo_Helios is Ansgar Blitz, a 15-year-old boy from America. He wears the men's uniform for T*A, his ginger hair and green eyes drawing attention away from his pale skin. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: "Fireflies" - Owl City.
[21:09] <Hulking Figure> Hmph.
[21:09] <Hulking Figure> I don't think it's creepy.
[21:09] <Hulking Figure> I thinkit is beautiful.
[21:10] <Hulking Figure> Whew... I guess it was only in my head.
[21:11] <Potamos> you'd think it was beautiful mitai na
[21:11] * [gTV]Potamos shivers
[21:11] <Eitak_Razal> I don't mind it. This much mana is a bit sickening however
[21:11] <Hulking Figure> How so? I thought magic-addicts like you would love abundant. Nama.
[21:12] * Anni Esko blinks "I do feel a bit odd"
[21:13] <Hulking Figure> Oh? And Anni... I have some horrible news for you.
[21:13] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:13] <@spiritflame> irasshai Mister Dinsdale
[21:13] <Anni Esko> what??
[21:13] * Mister Dinsdale wanders in
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey guys what's the haps
[21:14] * Hulking Figure looks at Mister Dinsdale.
[21:14] *** Mister Dinsdale is a tall, lanky, handsome young man in a dapper white suit / tie and purple vest topped off with a jaunty fedora that covers his eyes in a mysteriously appealing way. He speaks with a light Brooklyn, NY accent. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: "Magnum P.I. Theme" by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter.
[21:14] <Anni Esko> what is it???
[21:14] * Hulking Figure snickers.
[21:14] * Hulking Figure walks up to Anni Esko and looks her in the eyes.
[21:14] * Mister Dinsdale sniffs his armpits
[21:14] * Hulking Figure leans in close.
[21:15] * Mister Dinsdale doesn't sense anything that would merit a snicker
[21:15] <Hulking Figure> [SPOILER] Troll. Real Troll. Huge one.
[21:15] <Hulking Figure> So, Jackie-boy, you trying to be easy to see in the woods?
[21:15] <Anni Esko> O____O
[21:15] * Anni Esko runs into the house screaming
[21:16] *** Anni Esko has left #suburbansenshi2 (!!!!)
[21:16] <Mister Dinsdale> Is there a reason I should be going full cammo?
[21:16] * Hulking Figure turns away from Anni for a second so she can't see him smirk.
[21:16] <Hulking Figure> Heh.
[21:16] <Hulking Figure> Maybe Deer-Hunter orange?
[21:16] * Mister Dinsdale takes off his jacket and reverses it, it's black on the inside
[21:16] * Mister Dinsdale puts it back on
[21:17] <Hulking Figure> See? NOW you look like you didn't get tossed out of a bus for a Reality TV show.
[21:17] * Hulking Figure murmers depressedly.
[21:17] * Mister Dinsdale goes behind a tree and similarly reverses his pants
[21:17] * Mister Dinsdale is back
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[21:17] <Hulking Figure> See? NOW you look like you know where you are!
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> Says the giant hippie-looking undead guy
[21:17] <Hulking Figure> I must commend you on the utility of your clothes.
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> I know where I am
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm in a magical forest.
[21:18] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:18] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[21:18] <Hulking Figure> Well--I don' tthink that enchanted forests have much in the way of social norms! I can look anyway I want.
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> I also come prepared.
[21:18] * Matsumi Kaze walks in, trying to wipe off some make up from her face
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> Then I can wear white, Gigantor
[21:18] <[gTV]Potamos> Hey, Jack!
[21:18] <Matsumi Kaze> why is anni screaming her head off in the house?
[21:18] <Hulking Figure> Hell, it is only out of respect for *some* of you that I choose to wear clothes... and skin.
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> Hi Hiromi!
[21:18] <Hulking Figure> Hey, Matsumi, you are wearing clothes now!
[21:19] <Hulking Figure> I mean uh---how are you doing, Matsumi?
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[21:19] * Mister Dinsdale waves happily to Hiromi
[21:19] * Matsumi Kaze slaps dinsdale for that
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> (( oops ))
[21:19] <Mister Dinsdale> ....
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> gah
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry
[21:19] <Mister Dinsdale> OW
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> mist got in my eyes
[21:19] <Mister Dinsdale> What did I do?
[21:19] * Matsumi Kaze slaps dimitri TWICE for that
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing..I'm so sorry dinsdale
[21:20] <Hulking Figure> Owww!
[21:20] <Mister Dinsdale> It's cool
[21:20] * Mister Dinsdale rubs his jaw
[21:20] * Mister Dinsdale winces but hides it
[21:20] <Hulking Figure> Yeah... Very cool.
[21:20] * Hulking Figure smirks.
[21:21] * Matsumi Kaze is trying to wipe away traces of a made up beard from her face
[21:21] * Mister Dinsdale shrugs and walks past Sir Smirkalot
[21:21] <Hulking Figure> Wow... they got you again, huh?
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[21:22] <Hulking Figure> NOTHING!
[21:22] <Hulking Figure> The pinchers.
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> eh???
[21:22] <Hulking Figure> The ones that took your... dignity when we searhed the forest.
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> no
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> today we were...
[21:22] * Hulking Figure ducks preemptively
[21:22] * Matsumi Kaze blushes at that
[21:22] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:22] <@spiritflame> irasshai Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> ....we don't talk about that...
[21:22] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Hey, Bossman!
[21:22] <Mister Dinsdale> Yo?
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> no the thing with the beard..
[21:23] <Hulking Figure> I didn't talk about it, all I said was that they took your... Hey--serious-looking lady!
[21:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> We got the co-odinates for Senkai Gate. Noriko's checkin' it out.
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> we were doing make up tests....wanted to see if we should do a beard or not
[21:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Hey, Dimitri.
[21:23] * Mister Dinsdale nods to Harriet
[21:23] <Hulking Figure> Woah... woah. Satellites work here?
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> think we'll go with a bare face
[21:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Nope.
[21:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Saki got them from a guy named Furu.
[21:23] <Hulking Figure> So you came from the---Oh.
[21:24] <Hulking Figure> Say... can I ask you guys a question? On a scale of 1-10, me going back to tokyo and luring people back through the gate into these woods, how naughty would that be?
[21:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Just wanted to let you know
[21:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...what would you be doing to these people?
[21:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Once they got here.
[21:24] <[gTV]Potamos> Dimitri-san, you know the answer is always OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAND!!!
[21:25] <Apollo_Helios> (( whoa distraction, sorry ))
[21:25] <Mister Dinsdale> LOL
[21:25] <Hulking Figure> Well, first, I would give them a candy bar and bubblegum and dare them to litter.
[21:25] * Matsumi Kaze sets out a bowl of porriage near the House
[21:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Wow, you're a pretty bored guy.
[21:26] <Hulking Figure> Then, I would probably... Hey, porriage!
[21:26] <Apollo_Helios> Dimitri just stop
[21:26] <Hulking Figure> Nooo.
[21:26] <Apollo_Helios> I'm not as anti-evil as my sister is, but seriously
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> DON'T..TOUCH..THIS..PORRIAGE
[21:26] *** Beauty_Queen [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:26] <@spiritflame> irasshai Beauty_Queen
[21:26] <Beauty_Queen> Littering!?
[21:27] <Hulking Figure> Actually, the reeason I blatantly brought that up was because...Hi Etna!
[21:27] <Beauty_Queen> That's the best you can come up with?
[21:27] <Apollo_Helios> Just stop.
[21:27] * Mister Dinsdale climbs up a tree to the first branch
[21:27] * Mister Dinsdale sits on a branch and watches the goings-on blow
[21:27] <[gTV]Potamos> That porridge looks terrible mitai na...
[21:27] <[gTV]Potamos> Is it instant?
[21:28] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. chuckles
[21:28] * the tree moves the branch a little bit higher
[21:28] <Matsumi Kaze> yes..but trust me...
[21:28] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[21:28] <Matsumi Kaze> we need to keep that porriage there
[21:28] * Mister Dinsdale blinks, not sure what just happened
[21:28] <Hulking Figure> I am not bored here. I just think that humanity has kind of lapsed.
[21:28] <Elma Flowertwig> thought you could use a better view up there *appears outside the nearest branch to dinsdale*
[21:28] <Hulking Figure> They forget the wild places.
[21:28] <Hulking Figure> They stop being scared of them.
[21:29] <Mister Dinsdale> Ahh... thanks
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> so you want to scare them?
[21:29] <Apollo_Helios> Oh you mean that freaky thing Alli was freaking out about to me
[21:29] <Beauty_Queen> And littering is the best thing you can think to do with them?
[21:29] <Apollo_Helios> That and she keeps saying Furu ate her cat
[21:29] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Scares are all good fun until someone has a coronary
[21:30] <Hulking Figure> So drink up.
[21:30] * Hulking Figure points to the porriage
[21:30] * Mister Dinsdale lies on the branch, looking down, his tie hanging down
[21:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Don't drink that. It's for the imps or whatever they are
[21:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> They get troublesome without it.
[21:30] * Matsumi Kaze looks over...the porriage is gone...and the house has a new nice coat of paint...and Harriet has a brand new snazzy coat
[21:31] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Daammn :D
[21:31] * Beauty_Queen walks over next to harrirt, standing to her right. She then taps Harreit on the left left shoulder with her tail
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> wow
[21:31] <Hulking Figure> Huh... I wonder if Fey deal in plus-sized men?
[21:31] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks to her left
[21:32] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. tilts her head, not seeing anything
[21:32] <Apollo_Helios> QWowsers.
[21:32] <Hulking Figure> Etna, your hypicrisy astounds me---you accuse ME of not having good ways to have fun with people.
[21:32] * Beauty_Queen then pulls on the coat, snatching it away while she's distracted
[21:32] <Apollo_Helios> So, do we know where this forest is?
[21:33] * Mister Dinsdale jumps down off the tree and LANDS on the ground, on his feet
[21:33] <Hulking Figure> Hey... I forgot I could do that too.
[21:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> H-hey!
[21:33] * Hulking Figure runs into Mister Dinsdale.
[21:33] <Hulking Figure> Oops.
[21:33] <[gTV]Potamos> Nice one, Jack-kun!
[21:33] * Beauty_Queen looks it over for a moment then tosses it back. "Meh"
[21:33] * something grabs Etna...
[21:33] <Hulking Figure> Looks like you didn't need catching.
[21:33] <Mister Dinsdale> :D Thanks Hiromi!
[21:33] <Mister Dinsdale> Nope :)
[21:33] * Mister Dinsdale has been training
[21:34] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. holds the jacket
[21:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm not hurt
[21:34] <Hulking Figure> Oooh, maybe they'll rip off her... actually, she doesn't have much excess to work with.
[21:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It's okay :)
[21:34] * Hulking Figure looks at Matsumi Kaze.
[21:34] *** Matsumi Kaze is has long blond hair, part of which hides her left eye completely. She has a well endowed body but is very modest of it. She is also known as Sailor Quinox More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.
[21:34] <Tomte> ....
[21:34] * Hulking Figure waves to Tompte
[21:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Thank you, though.
[21:34] <Apollo_Helios> (( ILLUMINATI ))
[21:34] <Hulking Figure> Hey little guy.
[21:34] * Tomte turns..and vanishes.....after leaving a bucket of manure dumped on Etna's head
[21:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> (( THULE ))
[21:35] * Beauty_Queen is away: Shower
[21:35] <Hulking Figure> Alright, how on earth did that get there?
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> magic?
[21:35] * Mister Dinsdale walsk over to Hiromi
[21:35] <Mister Dinsdale> So whaddya think of this Forest?
[21:36] <Hulking Figure> So, news update... There are apparently packs of vampires in the forest! Isnt' that awesome1
[21:36] <[gTV]Potamos> ...It's creepy...mitai na
[21:36] * Beauty_Queen back
[21:36] <Mister Dinsdale> Hmmm...
[21:36] * Beauty_Queen is now squeaky clean
[21:36] <Beauty_Queen> Not really
[21:36] <Hulking Figure> So that means we probably won't get kicked out---since Etna and Mormeril and I are not the only infernal or undead residents.
[21:36] <Mister Dinsdale> I think... what you get out of the Forest is what you put in...
[21:36] <Apollo_Helios> Packs of vampires?
[21:36] <Apollo_Helios> I figured only werewolves called themselves "packs"
[21:36] <Hulking Figure> Hey, ask the tree, not me.
[21:37] <Hulking Figure> I totally hate werewolves.
[21:37] <[gTV]Potamos> I thought that word was reserved for beasts rather than humanoids mitai na
[21:37] <Mister Dinsdale> Happy thoughts get you unicorns and lollipops. Dimitri gets you vampire clans and zombies, or something.
[21:37] <Hulking Figure> Lord, I truly hope there are none in these woods.
[21:37] <Elma Flowertwig> yeah we have werewolves..and zomies
[21:37] <Quilliam Fyre> There can be
[21:37] <Elma Flowertwig> *zombies
[21:37] <Hulking Figure> werewolves?
[21:37] * Quilliam Fyre grins
[21:37] <TheGreyElf> I resent that remark
[21:37] <Mister Dinsdale> Hiromi, I've seen Teenagers run in packs.
[21:37] <Elma Flowertwig> yeah
[21:37] <Elma Flowertwig> plenty of them...
[21:38] <Quilliam Fyre> I have a werewolf potion and a zombie potion
[21:38] * Elma Flowertwig looks up
[21:38] <TheGreyElf> I prefer living challanged.
[21:38] <Elma Flowertwig> .....and.....if you guys have good will
[21:38] * Elma Flowertwig vanishes
[21:38] <Hulking Figure> Troll!
[21:38] <Hulking Figure> Troll?
[21:38] <Hulking Figure> Or vampires?
[21:38] * Eitak_Razal looks at Quilliam Fyre.
[21:38] *** Quilliam Fyre is a jack of all trades. With blonde hair, blue eyes and a sly grin, you can consider him the Cutie Honey of the West. But without all the robotic bits. Currently G-Ranger Blue [CUSTOM]. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: "With A Little Help From My Friends" -- Joe Anderson & Jim Sturgess.
[21:39] * Troll slowly wanders out from the woods..sniffing the air...
[21:39] * Noriko X BLURS in and throws something on the ground, a camoflage canopy goes up
[21:39] * Hulking Figure is now known as Teensy Cricket
[21:39] * Noriko X gets Jack, Harriet, and the others behind it
[21:39] <Mister Dinsdale> what is that
[21:39] * Troll is at least 50 feet tall...wearing worn out leather clothes..grey warty skin...stringy hair..and a large bulbious noise..and smells...really bad
[21:39] * Eitak_Razal grabs Etna and drags her behind it as well
[21:39] * Teensy Cricket takes shelter in the foliage.
[21:40] <Noriko X> just simple plant-manipulation
[21:40] <Eitak_Razal> I vote we give it a turkey. It worked last time
[21:40] * Troll sniffes around....getting unnervenly close to you all
[21:40] * Noriko X stays dead still
[21:40] <Troll> - FOOD!?..WHERE FOOD!? -
[21:41] * Troll gives a loud fart
[21:41] * [gTV]Potamos turns green
[21:41] <Matsumi Kaze> X_x
[21:41] * Teensy Cricket chirps several times.
[21:41] * Troll looks up..spotting something
[21:41] * Troll trudges away.......
[21:42] * Teensy Cricket hops off
[21:42] * Troll can be seen tearing an unlucky vampire in two..and eating it
[21:42] * Mister Dinsdale wraps his tie around Hiromi's nose and mouth, it's a air filter
[21:42] *** Troll has left #suburbansenshi2 (FOOD...)
[21:42] <Quilliam Fyre> Oh look at that!
[21:42] * Mister Dinsdale is holding his breath like a champ
[21:42] <Quilliam Fyre> How delightful!
[21:42] * Eitak_Razal summons her armour then resumes breatheing
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> X_O
[21:43] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is just LOOKING at Jack
[21:43] <[gTV]Potamos> What the hell was that mitai na
[21:43] * Teensy Cricket decides NOT to follow the troll, and hangs hops onto SunnySide's yacht.
[21:43] <Beauty_Queen> Ewwww Ewww!
[21:43] <Mister Dinsdale> What, Harriet?
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> ..a..troll...
[21:43] * Matsumi Kaze goes behind a bush and vomits
[21:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...What the f[BLEEP]k. Do you just go around modding your suits to have biohazard protection or something?
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Guy's gotta be prepared.
[21:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...I want the number of your tailor.
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> :D
[21:44] * A cricket jumps onto Quilliam Fyre's shoulder.
[21:44] * Matsumi Kaze walks back out "ugh"
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> A man's suit is his pride.
[21:45] <Quilliam Fyre> Oh hi cricket!
[21:45] <Quilliam Fyre> How are you?
[21:46] * Noriko X drops the camoflauge screen
[21:46] <Beauty_Queen> I wonder if that troll has anything of value..
[21:46] * The cricket chirps, and hops away.
[21:46] <Quilliam Fyre> Trolls are not valuable at all.
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> sure..if you value troll s[BLEEP]t
[21:46] <Quilliam Fyre> They just cause havoc and run amok.
[21:46] * Teensy Cricket is now known as Hulking Figure
[21:47] <Hulking Figure> The thinkg that really worries me, is what else exists that they can routinely eat in order to gain that size.
[21:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You worry a lot.
[21:47] <Hulking Figure> Also... did you see how he ripped that guy up and ate him?
[21:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Just saying.
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> harriet is right...
[21:47] <Hulking Figure> You are right---I do worry too much.
[21:47] <Eitak_Razal> I would assume they eat everying in a mild radious
[21:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm from Harlem I see that s[BLEEP]t every day.
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> ..for once
[21:47] <[gTV]Potamos> I hope that was Edward Cullen mitai na
[21:48] <[gTV]Potamos> If you guys see glittery s[BLEEP]t then that was him
[21:48] <Hulking Figure> You see Vampires getting eaten?
[21:48] <Eitak_Razal> Sparkly vampires desrve to die
[21:48] <Hulking Figure> I'm actually not suprised that he ate that vampire.
[21:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Vampires, Stock Brokers out of their element, Mailmen.
[21:48] <Hulking Figure> Actually, all of them deserve to die.
[21:49] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Self-hate much?
[21:49] <Eitak_Razal> 1. They don't die in the sun. 2. They don't Drink blood. 3. I'm pretty sure they don't turn into bats. 4. They aren't dead!
[21:49] <Eitak_Razal> Careful who you say that to, someone might just try and help you by stabing you
[21:49] <Hulking Figure> What, do I look like a stockbroker to you?
[21:50] <Hulking Figure> I was talking about them---and telemarketers. Filthy, bloodsucking leeches. They should all go die.
[21:50] <Hulking Figure> Freaking parasites.
[21:50] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Heh.
[21:50] <@Wolfwood> (( I have figured out Inception in a nutshell. ))
[21:50] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I dunno, that ponytail of yours is pretty yuppie.
[21:50] <Hulking Figure> I could prove you wrong... let me be your receptionist for exactly one day.
[21:50] <[gTV]Potamos> He'd need to be wearing Birkenstocks too mitai na
[21:50] <Hulking Figure> Er... night. I'm stronger then.
[21:51] *** Funk Fairy has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:51] <@spiritflame> irasshai Funk Fairy
[21:51] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. snorts with laughter
[21:51] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...What the
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> HECK YEAH
[21:51] * Hulking Figure looks at Funk Fairy.
[21:51] *** Funk Fairy is your average everyday Funk Fairy
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> GET DOWN~
[21:51] * Funk Fairy gives you all the power of the funk!
[21:51] * Funk Fairy gives Harriet a wink
[21:51] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Whoah...
[21:51] * Matsumi Kaze dances!
[21:52] <Hulking Figure> Cool!
[21:52] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. shrugs and danvces!
[21:52] *** Funk Fairy has left #suburbansenshi2 (that's riiiiiiiiiiight)
[21:52] <Hulking Figure> Awww...
[21:52] * Mister Dinsdale Saturday Night Fevers!
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa...
[21:52] <Hulking Figure> He's gone.
[21:52] <Hulking Figure> I suddenly feel so depressed!
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> oh stop it, dimitri
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> you gotta feel the funk, maaan
[21:52] <Mister Dinsdale> Get down with the boogie~
[21:53] * Hulking Figure tries to feel the funk.
[21:53] <Hulking Figure> Nope. Nothing.
[21:53] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> the funk is a state of mind!
[21:53] * Matsumi Kaze boogies like there is no tomorrow
[21:53] <Quilliam Fyre> Who's gone?
[21:53] ★ ★ ★ Mister Dinsdale burns up the dance floor ★ ★ ★
[21:54] <Hulking Figure> Fire bad!
[21:54] ★ ★ ★ [gTV]Potamos dances ★ ★ ★
[21:54] <Mister Dinsdale> Hiromi, dance with me!
[21:54] ★ ★ ★ Matsumi Kaze gets down! ★ ★ ★
[21:54] ★ ★ ★ Mister Dinsdale Dances like Travolta in Pulp Fiction ★ ★ ★
[21:54] <Hulking Figure> Hmmm... I can't dance... but I could.....
[21:54] <Quilliam Fyre> oh my
[21:54] <@Wolfwood> The Answer. It all makes sense.
[21:55] * Hulking Figure is now known as Billowing Mist Cloud
[21:55] ★ ★ ★ Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. Does a West Side Story dance ★ ★ ★
[21:55] * Prinnies dance
[21:55] <Quilliam Fyre> My oh my. This is quite a feeling.
[21:55] * Billowing Mist Cloud bathes the cance floor--acting as a Dry-Ice substitute.