the current system time is: Mon Sep 20 23:05 2010; you are connected on; message of the day follows:

<// J_Daito //> Dark Generals NEVER pay retail.

welcome to #suburbansenshi2

[23:05] <Hulking Figure> Your mother, that is.
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> (( missed that part XD ))
[23:07] <Hulking Figure> I claim this log in the name of Subrahmanyan Chandasakhar! May all men of genius be as humble and kind as you!
[23:09] <Hulking Figure> So what does seeing this, and your destiny about you, make you think about the Religion that you were raised under?
[23:09] <Matsumi Kaze> well I still belive it
[23:10] <Hulking Figure> I'll give you an example---Etna is a demon. Has it occured to you to blow her into pieces?
[23:10] <Matsumi Kaze> why
[23:10] <Hulking Figure> Can I ask you why not?
[23:11] <Hulking Figure> I want to see if you have come to the same reason I have.
[23:11] <Matsumi Kaze> has she attacked me?
[23:11] <Matsumi Kaze> or tried to hurt me?
[23:12] <Hulking Figure> ...
[23:12] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi let me ask you another question... who do you consider to be the ruler of this planet?
[23:12] <Hulking Figure> Ruler or Rulers?
[23:13] <Matsumi Kaze> pfft..I don't know
[23:13] <Hulking Figure> Really?
[23:13] <Matsumi Kaze> seriously
[23:13] <Hulking Figure> What would you do if a being tried to claim this planet for their own?
[23:14] <Matsumi Kaze> probably fight them
[23:15] <Hulking Figure> "Probably, huh?"
[23:16] <Matsumi Kaze> what is up with the questions tonight?
[23:16] <Hulking Figure> ...I suppose I have no real excuse to recommend that you slay Etna because she is a thing of evil, preys on humans, and is antithetical to Virtue.
[23:17] <Matsumi Kaze> I haven't seen much evil from her
[23:17] <Matsumi Kaze> neither have I seen her prey on humans
[23:18] <Matsumi Kaze> actually I find her as dangerious as a puppy....with one leg
[23:22] <Hulking Figure> Well, do you find ME dangerous?
[23:22] <Hulking Figure> I suppose I won't be upset no matter the answer.
[23:22] <Hulking Figure> If you say "no," that could imply you trust me; whereas "yes" could imply that you fear me, at least a little bit.
[23:22] * Hulking Figure listens.
[23:23] <Matsumi Kaze> probably no
[23:23] <Hulking Figure> Interesting.
[23:23] <Hulking Figure> So did you not see what I did to the Soul Vampire in the jungle?
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> yes...
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> I just trust you
[23:24] * Hulking Figure nods.
[23:24] <Hulking Figure> I'm happy to hear it.
[23:25] <Hulking Figure> Very happy.
[23:25] <Hulking Figure> You know... I took an oath once. I um...
[23:25] * Hulking Figure sighs.
[23:25] <Hulking Figure> I suppose I'm still not comfortable saying it.
[23:26] <Hulking Figure> Do you remember, when you first discovered your powers, if it made you feel superior to and stronger than those around you?
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> no
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> well
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> no it didn't
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> cause I just wanted to be normal then
[23:27] <Hulking Figure> I um... I guess I can respect that.
[23:27] <Hulking Figure> I had no real reason... to desire my powers, until I found people I would not have to leave behind.
[23:27] <Matsumi Kaze> being a senshi isn't the best thing in the world
[23:28] <Hulking Figure> You get to take pride in the fact that you are a Hero, correct?
[23:28] <Hulking Figure> Well?
[23:28] <Matsumi Kaze> I do now
[23:29] <Hulking Figure> I've never even seen one of your opponents beg you not to kill them. Well... except for me.
[23:29] <Matsumi Kaze> the people I fight against...really have no real humanity
[23:30] * Hulking Figure looks down, thinking about a very dark secret.
[23:30] <Hulking Figure> ...I see.
[23:31] <Hulking Figure> Did you know that I would still often feed on people when I first came to Tokyo?
[23:31] <Hulking Figure> How does that make you feel?
[23:31] <Matsumi Kaze> well....
[23:32] <Matsumi Kaze> that was then
[23:32] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm not going to brand you a villian now cause of that
[23:32] <Hulking Figure> Yes. But if it makes you feel any better about it, for about 99.9% of humans, it feels incredibly great.
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> Hooo man, you should see it.
[23:34] <Hulking Figure> Have you ever heard the saying, though, that Vampires cannot feed upon truly virtuous or saintly folk?
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> yes
[23:35] <Matsumi Kaze> I have also heard of vampires whose whole existance is to feed on other vampires and protect people
[23:35] <Hulking Figure> Well, whoever told you that is a total liar.
[23:35] <Hulking Figure> The only reason you would feed upon other vampires is to consume their soul, and make your own power stronger.
[23:36] <Matsumi Kaze> interesting
[23:36] <Hulking Figure> It destroys the part of you that remains human,
[23:36] <Hulking Figure> Ever heard of that saying?
[23:36] <Hulking Figure> "What shall it profit a man who shall gain the world, but lose his soul?"
[23:37] <Hulking Figure> Yeah... it can make you cruel... crazy... and insanely powerful.
[23:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I suppose
[23:37] <Matsumi Kaze> you are very philosphical tonight
[23:38] <Hulking Figure> Yeah... well I tend to think of questions I want to ask other people after I spend a lot of time alone.
[23:38] <Hulking Figure> Heh... so yeah, Religion.
[23:39] <Hulking Figure> I am somewhat overwhelmed by the variety of things that people here claim to be lent power by.
[23:39] <Hulking Figure> Back in the day, it wasn't like that.
[23:39] <Matsumi Kaze> you should talk to my brother sometime...he still practices the old quinoxian religion
[23:39] <Hulking Figure> Hmmm, or was it?
[23:39] <Hulking Figure> Reeeally?
[23:40] <Matsumi Kaze> yes he does
[23:40] <Matsumi Kaze> I've actually heard him praying
[23:40] <Hulking Figure> I'll have to sneak up on him and listen sometime.
[23:40] <Matsuo Shin> what about me?
[23:40] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:40] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[23:40] <Matsumi Kaze> I was just telling dimitri that you still practice the old stuff
[23:40] <Matsuo Shin> >.<
[23:41] <Matsuo Shin> it's not old! it's still very much relevent
[23:41] <Matsuo Shin> should respect the Six more, sis....after all you and me are both descended from them
[23:41] <Hulking Figure> Actually, it probably is VERY old.
[23:42] <Matsumi Kaze> ehhh...
[23:42] <Hulking Figure> Most of the established religions are.
[23:42] <Hulking Figure> Age brings respect.
[23:42] <Hulking Figure> New religions are cults. Old ones are charitable and respectable.
[23:42] <Matsuo Shin> well..yes..I still practice it
[23:43] <Hulking Figure> This may simply be because we as humans tend to distrust others' claims about the way the Universe is ordered... Or it might be because we see them as a threat.
[23:43] <Hulking Figure> That said... I'm VERY interested in the Tenets of your Religion.
[23:43] <Hulking Figure> And I'm curious as to how devout you are.
[23:43] * Hulking Figure looks at Matsuo Shin.
[23:43] *** Matsuo Shin is appears to look like a male Matsumi, except his short hair is red instead of blond. He is also a psychic.
His image Song is: "Theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark" by John Williams.

[23:43] <Matsuo Shin> very devout
[23:43] <Matsuo Shin> what do you wish to know?
[23:45] * Eitak_Razal appears on a rock. "Bah.Orginaized Religion sucks"
[23:45] <Hulking Figure> Oh?
[23:45] * Matsuo Shin sigh
[23:45] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:45] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[23:45] <Matsuo Shin> *sighs
[23:45] <Hulking Figure> Eitak, you make me want to rip you apart everytime you open your mouth, it seems.
[23:45] <Matsumi Kaze> you're rather rude
[23:46] <Hulking Figure> Yeah, but she's doing it on purpose.
[23:46] <Hulking Figure> So, tell me--Your highness, do you allow religion on your world?
[23:46] <Matsuo Shin> trying to get a rise out of us
[23:46] * Hulking Figure frowns.
[23:47] <Hulking Figure> You know... besides encouraging people to worship you?
[23:48] <Eitak_Razal> Yes. I allow it. Personally, however, I don't see the point in it. Why go to a place of whorship to show your dieity repsect
[23:48] <Matsumi Kaze> true
[23:48] <Hulking Figure> You poor being of flawed sapience!
[23:48] <Matsumi Kaze> that is a point
[23:48] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't really
[23:48] * Matsuo Shin nods to his sister
[23:49] <Hulking Figure> Eitak, why do I get the feeling that your world is woefully repressive?
[23:49] <Matsumi Kaze> probably is
[23:49] <Hulking Figure> You know... or that I'd be doing billions of people a favor if I could ensure you never returned?
[23:49] <Matsuo Shin> well since I'm not needed..I'm going back to my room
[23:50] <Eitak_Razal> Tsk. My personal veiws and my policyeis are not the same
[23:50] <Matsuo Shin> I found a 13th centry monk's account of hyperborea I must study
[23:50] <Matsumi Kaze> heh the library coming in use?
[23:50] <Matsuo Shin> defently!
[23:50] <Hulking Figure> Make sure to say your prayers before you go to sleep!
[23:50] <Eitak_Razal> I have no problems with others practiceing relgion. More power to them. I however, don't agree with it and don't bother with it.
[23:51] <Matsuo Shin> why?
[23:51] <Matsuo Shin> prayers before sleep...that's..odd
[23:51] <Hulking Figure> Yes, Why not, Queen Eitak?
[23:51] <Eitak_Razal> If you want a real discussion on the subject, you should talk to my brother. He's met gods and still claims to be an aithesit.
[23:51] <Hulking Figure> So? I have met gods too!
[23:52] <Matsuo Shin> anyway..goodnight..may The Six bless your dreams
[23:52] <Hulking Figure> ...
[23:52] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (now then...studying)
[23:53] <Hulking Figure> ...
[23:53] * Hulking Figure is now known as Swift Bat
[23:54] * Swift Bat follows Matsuo
[23:54] *** Swift Bat has quit IRC (Maybe he'll pray.)
[23:55] <Eitak_Razal> Hmmm.. They never let me explain. If only that chuch hadn't tried to hunt me down things might have been diffrent
[23:55] * Matsumi Kaze yawns "I better get some sleep...rehersial tomorrow after work"
[23:58] <Matsumi Kaze> goodnight
[23:58] <Eitak_Razal> Night
[23:58] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[12:14] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:14] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[12:14] * Matsuo Shin walks out and looks up at the sky
[12:17] <Matsuo Shin> hm...
[12:17] * Matsuo Shin holds a finger to the air
[12:20] <Matsuo Shin> wind south southeast....good
[12:21] * Matsuo Shin walks over to a branch...and breaks it off...inspecting it
[12:22] *** Maret Wane has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:22] <@spiritflame> irasshai Maret Wane
[12:22] <Matsuo Shin> ..this will do nicely
[12:22] <Maret Wane> What are you doing?
[12:22] * Matsuo Shin sits in the sand and pulling out a knife, starts to carefully carve the wood
[12:22] <Matsuo Shin> I'm making a bow
[12:24] * Matsuo Shin keeps carving...each time checking the strength of the resulting wood
[12:26] <Matsuo Shin> there we go...
[12:26] <Matsuo Shin> now the string..
[12:26] * Maret Wane watches
[12:26] * Matsuo Shin walks back and looks over the trees
[12:26] <Matsuo Shin> ...if I remember my lessons right...
[12:27] * Matsuo Shin starts knocking on the trunk of several trees
[12:28] <Matsuo Shin> we go
[12:28] * Matsuo Shin grabs his knife and slowly..carefully...starts carving off some of the bark
[12:29] * Matsuo Shin takes the strip he carved and starts to twist it and rub it
[12:30] <Matsuo Shin> hopefully this will work like it did on my world
[12:32] * Matsuo Shin keeps rubbing, till the bark strip is a thin strong fiber
[12:33] <Matsuo Shin> that should do it
[12:33] * Matsuo Shin goes over to his bow and strings it
[12:33] <Matsuo Shin> now the last thing..arrows
[12:34] * Maret Wane sits some distance away, watching
[12:34] * Matsuo Shin collects some small sticks and starts to fashon them into arrows
[12:35] * Matsuo Shin also dips the tips in the sap of the trees and wipes the ends clean afterwards
[12:35] <Matsuo Shin> ...there we go
[12:35] * Matsuo Shin picks up the bow and notches in an arrow
[12:35] <Matsuo Shin> then...let's see if my training is still there
[12:36] * Matsuo Shin lifts up the bow and points towards the ocean....and waits.....
[12:36] <Maret Wane> You don't have to kill something, do you?
[12:36] <Matsuo Shin> shh...
[12:36] <Matsuo Shin> .....
[12:37] <Matsuo Shin> ...
[12:37] * Matsuo Shin fires...just as the wind changes direction..carrying his arrow and lodging in into a tree
[12:37] * Matsuo Shin smiles "..I've still got it"
[12:38] * Matsuo Shin walks over and removes the arrow from the tree
[12:39] <Matsuo Shin> though I should probably practice mroe
[12:39] <Matsuo Shin> *more
[12:43] <Maret Wane> I have tried to do that, but most of time it does not help.
[12:43] <Matsuo Shin> hm? what do you mean?
[12:45] <Maret Wane> Most of the time it goes badly.
[12:46] * Matsuo Shin smiles "so you've used a bow before I take it"
[12:48] <Maret Wane> No...
[12:48] <Maret Wane> I did not mean archery.
[12:48] <Matsuo Shin> oh?
[12:49] * Matsuo Shin notches another arrow, firing at the tree..and then another...firing around the same spot
[12:50] <Matsuo Shin> do tell
[12:51] * Matsuo Shin walks over and recollects the arrows
[12:53] * Matsuo Shin notches his arrows and fires again at the tree
[12:53] <Maret Wane> I asked Miss Matsumi what I should do now, and she said to practice.
[12:54] <Matsuo Shin> my sister is probably right
[12:54] <Matsuo Shin> practice always helps
[12:57] <Maret Wane> It is better with plants.
[12:57] <Matsuo Shin> hm?
[12:58] <Maret Wane> That part has improved.
[12:59] * Maret Wane holds her hand over a tuft of beach grass and makes it grow
[12:59] <Matsuo Shin> impressive
[13:00] <Maret Wane> Everything else goes wrong.
[13:01] <Matsuo Shin> perhaps you need to start off slowly
[13:01] <Matsuo Shin> start with just small pushes
[13:03] <Maret Wane> I tried, but it did not help.
[13:04] <Matsuo Shin> hm
[13:04] <Matsuo Shin> why do you think personally it is so hard for you to use your powers?
[13:06] <Maret Wane> I do not know.
[13:06] <Matsuo Shin> first..find out what troubles you so..then perhaps you will find it much easier
[13:12] <Maret Wane> Perhaps. It is confusing.
[13:14] <Matsuo Shin> I am sure
[13:19] <Maret Wane> I suppose I should try again.
[13:21] <Matsuo Shin> do it as often as you can
[13:27] * Maret Wane is away 
[13:30] * Matsuo Shin heads back into the house with this bows and arrows
[13:31] * Matsuo Shin returns with a large leather bound book..and his journal
[13:33] * Matsuo Shin opens the book..
[13:33] <Matsuo Shin> recedentia ut north , per inconcessus porta....
[13:33] <Matsuo Shin> ...inconcessus porta...
[13:33] <Matsuo Shin> porta...gate...
[13:33] <Matsuo Shin> ...wonder what he means
[13:34] * Matsuo Shin looks at the manuscript image..and starts to copy it into his journal
[13:35] * Matsuo Shin squints at the image
[13:36] * the ground suddenly heaves, followed by a few aftershock tremors
[13:36] * Matsuo Shin blinks..but then shakes his head and looks at the image
[13:36] <Matsuo Shin> key est foris viscus tamen intus phasmatis
[13:37] <Matsuo Shin> ......strange message
[13:58] * Matsuo Shin is away: *studies*
[15:44] * Sailor Neggerra appears on the beach
[15:44] *** Sailor Neggerra has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:44] <@spiritflame> irasshai Sailor Neggerra
[15:46] * Sailor Neggerra walks down the beach. "Such a boreing planet. Things will be far better off here when it's gone...."
[15:49] <Sailor Neggerra> Just a bit longer... and I'll be fully restored...
[16:32] * @Wolfwood is making a-rab money
[16:32] <@Wolfwood> Well not really but still.
[16:41] <zairafirefly> there's an article on the homepage written by a girl I work with
[16:46] <zairafirefly> she is also a totally awesome scifi geek
[18:00] * Matsuo Shin is still studying
[18:01] * Matsuo Shin looks over the inscrpition carefully
[18:02] <Matsuo Shin> .....odd......this..really doesn't make sense
[18:06] <Matsuo Shin> north semita vadum plumbum vos meridianus
[18:06] <Matsuo Shin> ..that...really doesn't make sense
[18:10] * Matsuo Shin scrathes his chin
[18:15] <Plushie-chan> It's Lagin
[18:15] <Plushie-chan> *Latin
[18:15] <Plushie-chan> I think
[18:18] <Matsuo Shin> yes..I know it's latin
[18:18] <Matsuo Shin> I can read it you know
[18:19] <Matsuo Shin> it's the inscrpition itself that makes no sense
[18:19] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Something about the north way leading you at midday?
[18:19] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. 's Latin is very, very rusty
[18:19] <Matsuo Shin> the north path shall lead you south
[18:20] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Heheh... like I said, rusty
[18:20] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That *is* confusing.
[18:20] <Matsuo Shin> there was another inscription that is odd
[18:20] * Matsuo Shin turns through his journal
[18:20] <Plushie-chan> Hmmm. Think outside the bx. What about a path that doubles back undergound and reverses direction
[18:20] <Matsuo Shin> the key is not the spirit but the flesh shall lead the way
[18:22] <Matsuo Shin> oh....Harriet..
[18:22] <Matsuo Shin> there a way I can have an ID and papers made
[18:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[18:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Do you know how illegal that is?
[18:24] <Matsuo Shin> yes....but what choise do I have
[18:24] <Matsuo Shin> *choise
[18:24] <Matsuo Shin> *Choice
[18:24] <Matsuo Shin> ..I wasn't born here
[18:24] <Matsuo Shin> I have no indentification...
[18:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> True.
[18:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Where do you want to "be from"
[18:25] <Matsuo Shin> best tie me with my sister
[18:25] <Matsuo Shin> the united states
[18:25] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What state, city, birthdate?
[18:26] <Matsuo Shin> Minnesota...St. Paul I belive....1977..same date as my sister
[18:26] <Matsuo Shin> that would be..the second month, third day of 1977
[18:26] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. writes the info down on a legal pad, along with her observations of Matsuo's hair, eye color, and height.
[18:27] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. pulls out a small ink pad.
[18:27] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Okay, I'm going to take your fingerprints now.
[18:27] * Matsuo Shin holds out his hand
[18:27] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Your fingertips are going to to get ink on them.
[18:27] <Matsuo Shin> very well
[18:27] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. presses Matsuo
[18:27] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ^'s fingers into the ink pad
[18:28] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. rolls his fingers and applies the fignerprints to a print card.
[18:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Okay, you can clean those off.
[18:28] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. prepares a package.
[18:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It'll take about a week to prepare.
[18:29] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> We have to get you a birth certificate, passport, educational / immunizational records...
[18:29] <Matsuo Shin> thank you
[18:29] <Matsuo Shin> I owe you
[18:29] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll collect one day.
[18:30] <Matsuo Shin> very...
[18:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It's how I do business. People who I do favors for do favors for other people I help.
[18:30] * Matsuo Shin grabs his bow and fires an arrow right over harriet's shoulder, barely missing her head
[18:30] <Matsuo Shin> .....
[18:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Works out pretty well...
[18:30] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. sweatdrops
[18:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What the f[BLEEP]k was that.
[18:31] * Matsuo Shin walks over to a tree...and removes the arrow..which has a rather large nasty wasp attached to it
[18:31] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. turns and sees the Wasp.
[18:31] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Nice shot.
[18:31] * Matsuo Shin removes the dead wasp from the arrow..and returns to where he was
[18:31] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Now... you seem to be fairly well-educated.
[18:31] <Matsuo Shin> thank you...I'm a tad rusty actually..
[18:31] <Matsuo Shin> well..I suppose I am..
[18:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It would be ridiculously hard to get you United States academic credentials...
[18:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> But I could probably manage to fudge... Chinese education.
[18:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It's not the most high profile but no one ever checks.
[18:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I can get you as high as a mid-level assistant professor.
[18:33] <Matsuo Shin> sounds reasonable
[18:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Something in Archaeology.
[18:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Okay.
[18:33] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. writes this all down and will take care of it tonight
[18:34] <Plushie-chan> You do realize how many people here could bend time to make things seem legit right
[18:35] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Maybe.
[18:35] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> But what I do takes skill and effort.
[18:36] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I find it a challenge.
[18:36] <Plushie-chan> At the risk of stateing the obvious, Matsuo, do you speak Chininese?
[18:37] * Matsuo Shin coughs
[18:37] <Matsuo Shin> <I do speak a bit> (spoken in full manderian)
[18:37] <Matsuo Shin> <just a little bit> (cantonese)
[18:38] <Plushie-chan> Enough for getting a Degree in china to be belveabe?
[18:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> They have english-speaking faculty as well.
[18:39] <Matsuo Shin> <well I suppose so, I mean if we are talking about trying to get a degree in that country>
[18:39] <Plushie-chan> Just checking. Sometimes the most obvious things are the ones the best plans overlook
[18:43] <Matsuo Shin> thank you again, harriet
[18:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> No problem.
[18:45] <Matsuo Shin> you are quite the talented woman
[18:45] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> As part of Dinsdale's crew that's gonna be part of my job - getting papers for people who weren't born here.
[18:45] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. smiles
[18:45] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It took a lot of study.
[18:46] <Matsuo Shin> I belive there is an Earth phrase..Knowledge is power
[18:46] <Matsuo Shin> it's quite true
[18:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I believe that wholeheartedly.
[18:48] <Matsuo Shin> same...
[18:48] <Matsuo Shin> ..though..not always easy to get
[18:48] *** Beauty_Queen [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:48] <@spiritflame> irasshai Beauty_Queen
[18:48] <Matsuo Shin> ....12 hours of tutoring....then sword lessons....then back to tutoring....
[18:48] <Beauty_Queen> The Int stat only helps spell casters
[18:48] <Matsuo Shin> and then just when you think you'll be free during the weekend
[18:48] <Matsuo Shin> boom...surprise philsopshy lessons
[18:49] <Matsuo Shin> " many lines did Yusefu write in his model of the eternal equinox"
[18:49] <Matsuo Shin> ...over..and over again
[18:49] <Matsuo Shin> you don't get it right and they send you back to reading the scrolls again..but you already did...and it wears you down and....
[18:49] <Matsuo Shin> .....
[18:49] <Matsuo Shin> pardon
[18:49] <Beauty_Queen> Ugh, you actully stayed? You're such a delinquent
[18:50] <Matsuo Shin> Etina
[18:50] <Matsuo Shin> *Etna
[18:50] <Matsuo Shin> I was a prince
[18:50] <Matsuo Shin> I didn't go to school...I had a royal tutor
[18:50] <Beauty_Queen> Doesn't mean you shouldn't have ran off!
[18:51] <Matsuo Shin> and what would that get me?
[18:51] <Beauty_Queen> By demon standards you'd be an Honor Student
[18:51] <Matsuo Shin> I am not a demon
[18:52] * Matsuo Shin picks up his bow and arrow...
[18:52] <Matsuo Shin> besides..I learned many useful things
[18:52] * Matsuo Shin notches an arrow....
[18:52] * Matsuo Shin aims the arrow...straight for harret's face..holding the bow string tight
[18:53] <Matsuo Shin> ...........
[18:54] * Matsuo Shin keeps holding the bow string back and taunt
[18:54] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. , to her credit, doesn;t flinch
[18:54] * Matsuo Shin listens....
[18:55] * Matsuo Shin relases the arrow..just as the wind changes direction..sending the arrow carrening off the side..and into a tree....and the same spot he shot the arrow last time
[18:55] <Beauty_Queen> You missed
[18:55] <Matsuo Shin> no
[18:55] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Nice
[18:55] <Matsuo Shin> I hit it on target
[18:56] * Matsuo Shin walks over and grabs the arrow
[18:56] <Matsuo Shin> we were use the change of the wind..and the flow of air to our adventage
[18:56] <Matsuo Shin> tell me....if you were my foe..and you saw me pointing my arrow towards the ocean..would you think that I was actually aiming it for your head
[18:58] <Beauty_Queen> Useful skill. You should see what Neatherld archers can do though
[18:59] * Matsuo Shin blinks...and stares at something
[18:59] <Matsuo Shin> harriet.....I have a message for your boss
[19:01] * Matsuo Shin keeps staring, frowning
[19:02] <Matsuo Shin> tell dinsdale...
[19:03] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ?
[19:03] <Matsuo Shin> .....if he's interested in a cloud...that hasn't moved since we arrived here....
[19:03] * Matsuo Shin is looking towards the mountain...and a rather huge cloud that is hanging over it..and not moving
[19:03] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yeah?
[19:03] <Matsuo Shin> yes...
[19:07] <Matsuo Shin> gah!
[19:07] * Matsuo Shin kicks away a crab from his foot
[19:07] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> .... Finish your damn sentence!
[19:08] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. has been in suspense for about five minutes
[19:08] <Matsuo Shin> gah
[19:08] * Matsuo Shin walks over to harriet "look around you....look at the the water"
[19:09] <Matsuo Shin> ...there's a breeze moving along the island...see?
[19:09] <Matsuo Shin> look at the cloud
[19:09] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yeah
[19:09] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. shields her eyes and looks
[19:09] <Matsuo Shin> isn't moving an inch
[19:09] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Damn.
[19:09] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You're right.
[19:10] <Matsuo Shin> I think he might be interested in such a mystery
[19:11] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll let Jack know.
[19:12] <Matsuo Shin> good
[19:12] <Matsuo Shin> and now...
[19:12] <Matsuo Shin> back to my studying!
[19:12] * Matsuo Shin sits back down with his book
[19:12] <Matsuo Shin> it makes me so have a purpose in life
[19:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> :D
[19:13] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yeah, it's good to have that feeling.
[19:15] * Matsuo Shin turns the page to a painted image of a glowing city in the snow
[19:15] <Matsuo Shin> ...this must be it
[19:17] <Matsuo Shin> this must be the place
[19:18] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[19:18] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Wow
[19:19] <Matsuo Shin> the city where the elements bow to the people
[19:19] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...Amazing.
[19:20] <Matsuo Shin> they say that people live for thousands of years poverty
[19:23] <Matsuo Shin> they also say that the entire place is tropical..a tropical paradise in the middle of the arctic snows
[19:26] <Matsuo Shin> would be an astonishing place to discover
[19:27] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Sounds right up Jack's alley
[19:27] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll pass it on :D
[19:27] <Matsuo Shin> hm?
[19:27] <Matsuo Shin> uh...I mean
[19:28] <Matsuo Shin> terrible terrible place
[19:28] <Matsuo Shin> it's full of evil!
[19:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ... okaaay
[19:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That's more up Saki's alley, because she gets to shoot it
[19:30] <Matsuo Shin> um.........
[19:30] <Matsuo Shin> I mean
[19:30] <Matsuo Shin> ok I'll bear with you
[19:30] <Matsuo Shin> I'm planning this trip for me and eiry Hyperborea
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...OH.
[19:33] <Matsuo Shin> so..I apologize
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Heheheh;
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> No, it's a good thing you told me XD
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> otherwise we'd have been stomping around you guys
[19:34] <Matsuo Shin> heh yes..I suppose you would
[19:35] * Beauty_Queen leans on a Prinny
[19:36] * Matsuo Shin smiles and looks at the ocean
[19:36] <Matsuo Shin> there are things out there..undiscovered..just waiting to be found
[19:36] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. crosses her arms and leans on a tree, watching the horizon
[19:36] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yup.
[19:37] <Matsuo Shin> and perhaps there are things to be discovered within as well
[19:38] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> there always are.
[19:38] * Matsuo Shin grins "...just makes the blood boil"
[19:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Hehe.. it's like a really good court case.
[19:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> There's what lies on the surface... and the truth below.
[19:39] <Matsuo Shin> to dig deep and find that truth...
[19:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yeah...
[19:44] <Matsuo Shin> ..this conversation is starting to get strange
[19:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Why do you say that?
[19:44] <Matsuo Shin> heh just the way we are talking
[19:46] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. chuckles
[19:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm glad Sunnyside dragged my butt to Japan.
[19:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I never thought I'd want to work anywhere but the Big Apple, but I'm glad I'll be able to.
[19:48] <Matsuo Shin> oh?
[19:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yeah.
[19:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It's like whole new horizons are opening up.
[19:49] <Matsuo Shin> well I had no choice but live here...
[19:49] <Matsuo Shin> after I was...
[19:49] <Matsuo Shin> ...
[19:49] <Matsuo Shin> I just realized
[19:49] <Matsuo Shin> sister basically gave "birth" to me O_o
[19:49] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Seen weirder.
[19:50] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:50] <@spiritflame> irasshai Mister Dinsdale
[19:51] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey guys!
[19:51] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Hey.
[19:51] <Matsuo Shin> hello dinsdale
[19:52] <Mister Dinsdale> Yo Matsuo
[19:52] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Jack, he's got something to tell you about that cloud.
[19:52] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (And I gotta get this paperwork started.)
[19:52] * Matsuo Shin points up at the cloud
[19:52] <Matsuo Shin> ....that cloud..hasn't moved since we've arrived here
[19:52] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh yeah...
[19:52] <Mister Dinsdale> I want to part those clouds.
[19:53] * Mister Dinsdale has been building an air cannon
[19:53] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm damn sure there's something above them
[19:53] <Matsuo Shin> seems most likely
[19:53] <Matsuo Shin> ..perhaps it has to do with that one time
[19:54] <Mister Dinsdale> What one time?
[19:55] <Matsuo Shin> remember...
[19:55] <Matsuo Shin> when we were in the temple of gold...
[19:56] <Matsuo Shin> and we fell through the floor...and ended up falling from the sky?
[19:57] <Mister Dinsdale> Yes
[19:57] <Mister Dinsdale> Do you think that might be.... where we were?
[19:58] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:58] <@spiritflame> irasshai [gTV]Potamos
[19:58] <[gTV]Potamos> Hi Jack, Hi Matsumi, mitai na!
[19:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Hi Hiromi! :D
[19:58] <Mister Dinsdale> How are you?
[19:59] <Matsuo Shin> matsumi?
[19:59] * Matsuo Shin looks around for his sister...
[19:59] *** FAUX PAS
[20:00] *** FAUXTALITY
[20:02] <Matsuo Shin> hello, Hiromi
[20:03] <[gTV]Potamos> Uwehh...
[20:03] <[gTV]Potamos> it's a lot like her...mitai na
[20:03] <Matsuo Shin> I'm her twin brother
[20:04] * Mister Dinsdale smiles, happy to see Hiromi
[20:06] * Matsuo Shin looks at dinsdale and then hiromi..and then disndale again
[20:06] <Matsuo Shin> ah...
[20:06] <Matsuo Shin> your lover, dinsdale?
[20:07] * Mister Dinsdale turns beet red and frantically flails "n-n-n-o it's not l-l-l-like that!"
[20:08] <Matsuo Shin> oh I see
[20:09] <Matsuo Shin> pardon my mistake then
[20:09] <Prinny> It's probably an unrequied crush dood
[20:10] <Prinny> Maybe he'll take to stalking her next though dood
[20:10] <Mister Dinsdale> ...I't snot like _that_ either :P
[20:10] * Mister Dinsdale is proud that he worked up the nerve to tell her how he felt!
[20:12] <Prinny> So she dumped you then dood?
[20:12] <Mister Dinsdale> N-no!
[20:12] <Mister Dinsdale> But that word has a specific meaning!
[20:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Wait why am I conversing with a penguin.
[20:13] <Noriko X> ...took you that long to realize, did it?
[20:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Shuddup
[20:13] <Plushie-chan> They're not quite penguins
[20:13] <Matsuo Shin> hello there *bows to Noriko*
[20:14] * Noriko X returns the bow
[20:14] <Matsuo Shin> well it is nothing to be ashamed of, dinsdale
[20:15] <Matsuo Shin> speaking to waterfowl that is
[20:15] <Mister Dinsdale> get outta my head
[20:15] <Plushie-chan> Last I checked the Prinnies weren't very good swimers
[20:15] <Matsuo Shin> I can't help it...strong thoughts just smack me...
[20:15] * A Prinny is floating in an intertube as Plushie says this
[20:18] <Plushie-chan> I'm not sure if that proves my point or dismisses it entirely
[20:20] <Matsuo Shin> heh
[20:20] *** @Wolfwood [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:20] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood

[20:20] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[20:22] <Mister Dinsdale> Hi Wolf
[20:22] <Matsuo Shin> good evening, wolf
[20:23] <@Wolfwood> hey. evening.
[20:24] <@Wolfwood> Whats going on.
[20:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Not much
[20:25] <Matsuo Shin> same...been studying some 13th century manuscripts
[20:25] <@Wolfwood> funsies.
[20:26] <Matsuo Shin> oh it is
[20:26] <@Wolfwood> I am doing a grand lot of nothing right now
[20:27] <@Wolfwood> watching AMV's. thats the extent of it.
[20:30] <Matsuo Shin> I see
[20:35] * Matsuo Shin sits near a tree and relaxes
[20:36] * Noriko X relaxes in the tree
[20:36] * Mister Dinsdale leans on the tree
[20:36] * Tree is a popular tree.
[20:36] * [gTV]Potamos leans against Jack :3
[20:37] * @Wolfwood sighs and lights a smoke
[20:37] <Mister Dinsdale> :3
[20:37] * Matsuo Shin looks up at Noriko "I don't belive we've met"
[20:37] <Noriko X> I am known as...
[20:37] * Noriko X starts again
[20:38] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, Brad-kun, has the wedding been set up yet, mitai na?
[20:38] <Noriko X> my name is Noriko :)
[20:38] <Matsuo Shin> nice to meet you...I am Matsuo Shin
[20:38] <Noriko X> A pleasure :)
[20:38] <@Wolfwood> Yep. We're just about good to go, few minor details to level out.
[20:38] <Matsuo Shin> likewise :)
[20:39] * Noriko X hangs from a branch using the back of her legs, looking at Matsuo upsided-down
[20:39] <Matsuo Shin> .....
[20:39] <Matsuo Shin> interesting
[20:39] <Matsuo Shin> have a very well disciplined mind
[20:39] <Noriko X> You don't smell Human. What are you?
[20:39] <@Wolfwood> I...really can't wait.
[20:39] <Noriko X> Thank you :D
[20:39] <[gTV]Potamos> Aww.
[20:39] <Matsuo Shin> I'm a Quinoxian
[20:40] <Noriko X> I have to make do for my lack of a tail.
[20:40] <Noriko X> Ahh, I see!
[20:40] <Matsuo Shin>'s impressive heh
[20:40] <Noriko X> I'm... a mix of things.
[20:40] <Matsuo Shin> oh I see!
[20:40] * Noriko X flips all the way around using her momentum, flings herself out of the tree and lands on her feet.
[20:41] <Mister Dinsdale> That is scary awesome.
[20:41] <Matsuo Shin> very nice
[20:41] * Russian Judge gives Noriko a 0.1
[20:41] * Noriko X bows again, then sits on the sand, relaxing
[20:41] * Noriko X grumbles at the Russian judge
[20:43] * Matsuo Shin quietly manipulates some sand with his mind..just ideally making it move in small waves
[20:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Wow, that's neat
[20:43] * @Wolfwood forms some sand into a rose
[20:44] <Matsuo Shin> not really
[20:44] * @Wolfwood heats it 'till it turns to glass
[20:44] <Matsuo Shin> ....just simple
[20:44] * Mister Dinsdale makes a kind of a sand angel for Hiromi
[20:44] * @Wolfwood sets it on a tree
[20:44] * Mister Dinsdale 's is just sand, though
[20:44] * Matsuo Shin just keeps moving in waves
[20:44] <Matsuo Shin> it's a way for me to keep my abilities in good order...
[20:45] <Noriko X> Sand is rough.
[20:45] * Noriko X plays with it a little
[20:45] <Matsuo Shin> controlling each grain of sand...requires alot of concentration
[20:45] <@Wolfwood> Sand is not a thing to be taken lightly.
[20:46] <Matsuo Shin> the more solid the object..the easier it is to manipulate
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> It is...temperamental
[20:46] <Mister Dinsdale> You guys want any refreshments?
[20:47] <Matsuo Shin> that would be nice!
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> Naw.
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> I'm heading out, but thank you.
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> Need to think some.
[20:47] <Mister Dinsdale> Aww. See ya
[20:48] *** @Wolfwood [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (need some alone time right now)
[20:48] * Mister Dinsdale gets the portable fridge and wheels it out
[20:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Take what you like!
[20:49] * Matsuo Shin floats of a bottle of beer over to his hand
[20:50] <[gTV]Potamos> Ooh, I'll have a beer.
[20:50] * [gTV]Potamos gazes at the rose
[20:50] <[gTV]Potamos> hmm, I think I know who this is for mitai na
[20:50] <[gTV]Potamos> I'll give it to her :3
[20:50] * Matsuo Shin floats a beer to Potamos as well
[20:53] * Prinnies start raiding the fridge
[20:53] * Mister Dinsdale cracks open a Yebisu and drinks
[20:53] <Mister Dinsdale> Great night tonight :D
[20:53] * Matsuo Shin drinks
[20:53] <Matsuo Shin> yes it is!
[20:54] * Beauty_Queen pushes a Prinny over and uses it as a chair
[20:54] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:54] <@spiritflame> irasshai David O`Cain
[20:54] <David O`Cain> Evening, folks.
[20:55] * Noriko X finds a flask of Red Liquid
[20:55] <Noriko X> Good Evening
[20:55] * Noriko X imbibes
[20:55] *** Noriko X [] has quit IRC (out on her back D:)
[20:55] <Mister Dinsdale> ...Wow.
[20:55] <Beauty_Queen> Lightweight
[20:55] * psYchO_saKi passes by and picks up kitty
[20:56] <psYchO_saKi> Not quite
[20:56] * David O`Cain looks at Noriko X.
[20:56] *** Noriko X is a tall, slender woman wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her left eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .

[20:56] <psYchO_saKi> Her kind can hold their liquor.
[20:56] * Matsuo Shin drinks his drink
[20:56] <psYchO_saKi> For something to knocck her flat on her feline ass is amazing
[20:56] *** psYchO_saKi [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Let's get you planted on the company couch)
[20:56] <David O`Cain> Damn. And it took one drink?
[20:57] <Mister Dinsdale> Well of whatever that Red Liquid is.
[20:57] <Beauty_Queen> We'll be able to make a fortune!
[20:57] *** The flask of Red Liquid is still on the ground
[20:57] <Matsuo Shin> back home....
[20:58] <Matsuo Shin> we used to make drinks by fermenting and soaking the necter sacks of giant moths
[20:58] * Drunk Prinnies start stumbleing about and crashing into each other, causeing Etna to walk over and grab it hsrself.
[20:58] <Beauty_Queen> Idiots...
[20:58] <Beauty_Queen> Wonder what this stuff is...
[20:59] <Mister Dinsdale> So how are you this evening, lovely miss Kawanami?
[20:59] <David O`Cain> Anyway, the girl Saki took with her seemed familiar. However, I can't seem to really place it.
[20:59] * Mister Dinsdale smiles at Hiromi
[20:59] <Mister Dinsdale> She has a history here or something
[20:59] <Mister Dinsdale> Not too clear on it myself.
[20:59] <David O`Cain> Ah. Probably see her again later, then, huh?
[20:59] <Matsuo Shin> I tried to read her mind
[20:59] <Mister Dinsdale> I guess
[21:00] <Matsuo Shin> ....she has amazing blocks in there
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> Whereas I'm just a "block"head hahahaah
[21:00] <David O`Cain> Boooo! :P (chucks a tomato at Dinsdale)
[21:00] <Beauty_Queen> You said it, not us
[21:01] * Mister Dinsdale catches the Tomato and takes a big bite out of it
[21:01] * Mister Dinsdale toothglints
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Allez Cuisine~
[21:01] <David O`Cain> :P
[21:01] <[gTV]Potamos> I'm good, work's been busy though, all sorts of stuff happening mitai na
[21:02] <Plushie-chan> Judgeing from the what I sense from her, she's a Time Lady. Aside from that I know nohting
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Well, relax while you can XD
[21:02] * Mister Dinsdale toasts with his Yebisu
[21:04] <Matsuo Shin> heh
[21:04] <Picture>

[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> LOLWHAT
[21:05] <Matsuo Shin> what the...
[21:05] * Mister Dinsdale coughs up his beer a little he was about to sing XD
[21:05] <Mister Dinsdale> when...
[21:05] <Mister Dinsdale> When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's amoré~
[21:06] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm sorry that cat is freaking me out
[21:06] * Mister Dinsdale just... the cat
[21:06] * Mister Dinsdale sits down, transfixed now
[21:06] * Mister Dinsdale just watches the ears
[21:07] * Mister Dinsdale 's head bobs back and forth slowly
[21:07] * Mister Dinsdale zones out
[21:07] <[gTV]Potamos> kitty~
[21:08] <Mister Dinsdale> kitty owns my soul~
[21:08] <Mister Dinsdale> *-*
[21:09] * Matsuo Shin takes dinsdale's beer
[21:09] * Mister Dinsdale is zoned out; does not notice
[21:10] <David O`Cain> He's gone.
[21:10] * Matsuo Shin smiles and drinks dinsdale's beer
[21:10] <Mister Dinsdale> *-*
[21:11] * Matsuo Shin finishes it..and puts the bottle back in dinsdale's hand
[21:12] * Mister Dinsdale is zoned out; does not notice
[21:12] <Matsuo Shin> dinsdale...your hat is on fire
[21:12] <Mister Dinsdale> kitty~
[21:12] <Mister Dinsdale> :r
[21:13] <Matsuo Shin> well that didn't work
[21:13] * Mister Dinsdale is entranced, needs to be broken out of the spell
[21:14] * Matsuo Shin lifts up dinsdale with his mind
[21:14] * Mister Dinsdale is lifted, but still doesn't notice
[21:15] * Matsuo Shin dumps Dinsdale into the sea
[21:15] * Mister Dinsdale sinks
[21:15] <Matsuo Shin> .......
[21:15] * Mister Dinsdale is probably drowning, though he doesn't notice
[21:15] <David O`Cain> Geez.
[21:16] * Matsuo Shin lifts dinsdale out of the water
[21:16] <Potamos> kitty
[21:16] * Mister Dinsdale drips, twitching a little
[21:16] * Mister Dinsdale is still *-*
[21:17] * Matsuo Shin moves dinsdale in front of potamos....
[21:17] * Matsuo Shin walks over..and pushes dinsdale over at potamos
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> O_O Ack!
[21:18] * [gTV]Potamos is being crushed by falling Dinsdale!
[21:18] * Mister Dinsdale tumbles!
[21:18] * Mister Dinsdale rolls out of the way expertly, blushing
[21:18] * Mister Dinsdale then becomes a silly mass of stupid
[21:19] <Mister Dinsdale> ermumermummm
[21:19] <Matsuo Shin> heh
[21:19] <Mister Dinsdale> what happen
[21:19] * Mister Dinsdale is still all blushy
[21:20] <[gTV]Potamos> No kitty?
[21:20] <Matsuo Shin> you got hypnotized...then in your confusion you tried to kiss potamos
[21:20] <Mister Dinsdale> :O
[21:20] <Mister Dinsdale> I umm.. I mean,,, sorry umm.. oh man <_<
[21:20] * Mister Dinsdale fumbles
[21:21] <Matsuo Shin> I'm kidding
[21:21] <Mister Dinsdale> !
[21:22] <Mister Dinsdale> Man you almost gave me a heart attack
[21:22] * Mister Dinsdale sits there hyperventilating for a second
[21:22] <Matsuo Shin> oh and I drank your beer
[21:22] * Mister Dinsdale noticed when he rammed the empty bottle to his face to try and calm down
[21:22] * Mister Dinsdale flubbers to Hiromi "I'd never be so forward <_<"
[21:24] <[gTV]Potamos> Really>
[21:24] <[gTV]Potamos> ?
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm... a pretty shy guy when it comes down to it <_<
[21:26] <Mister Dinsdale> <^^;
[21:27] <Mister Dinsdale> And it's sort of beaten into my ethical code to be a Gentleman
[21:27] <David O`Cain> Nothing wrong with being a gentleman.
[21:27] <Mister Dinsdale> So... yeah XD;
[21:28] <Mister Dinsdale> thanks, Dave
[21:29] <Mister Dinsdale> I know it seems outta place in this day and age but
[21:29] <Mister Dinsdale> That's why I'm so shy around you, Hiromi
[21:29] <Matsuo Shin> welcome to my world, dinsdale
[21:30] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, it's okay. You don't have to be shy.
[21:31] * Mister Dinsdale blushes a bit
[21:31] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm not sure I know how *not* to be XD
[21:32] * Mister Dinsdale gives Hiromi a hug
[21:33] * Matsuo Shin looks wistfully at the two
[21:34] <Mister Dinsdale> you might have to give me a shove or two sometimes, okay?
[21:35] * Matsuo Shin quietly watches the sea..thinking
[21:36] <Matsuo Shin> hm..
[21:41] * Matsuo Shin drinks his beer
[21:42] * Mister Dinsdale ventures a peck on the cheek with Hiromi
[21:43] * Matsuo Shin watches them
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> ^^;
[21:53] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:53] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[21:54] * Eiry walks slowly down from the house, working in her sketchbook
[21:54] <Matsuo Shin> oh...good evening, eiry!
[21:55] * Mister Dinsdale waves to Eiry and moves away so the two of them can have some time alone
[21:55] * Eiry waves, and switches to a blue pencil
[21:55] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Mitai na!)
[21:55] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (^^;)
[21:55] <Matsuo Shin> how are you this evening?
[21:56] <Eiry> Busy. Our oven set off the fire alarm in the middle of the day so we closed late.
[21:59] <Matsuo Shin> sorry to hear that
[21:59] <Eiry> We had an electrician come and he said it's too old.
[22:00] <Matsuo Shin> I see...what are you going to do?
[22:00] <Eiry> Well, we have to replace it.
[22:01] <Eiry> I suppose Kai will go look for one tomorrow.
[22:03] <Eiry> I don't suppose you've had to deal with anything like that yet, have you?
[22:03] <Eiry> You're youuuuung :p
[22:04] <Plushie-chan> Apperntly one time boss man set a plastic strainer on fire by leaveing it on the stove
[22:06] <Eiry> You can't ever leave anything on your burners.
[22:06] <Eiry> Most of the time an oven will vent heat through them.
[22:07] <Matsuo Shin> heh....I'm not that young....
[22:08] <Eiry> In this world you are.
[22:08] <Matsuo Shin> I suppose
[22:08] <Matsuo Shin> don't take adventage of me :P
[22:09] <Eiry> ...
[22:09] * Eiry suddenly blushes bright red...and becomes absorbed in her sketchbook again
[22:10] * Matsuo Shin blushes but smiles
[22:10] <Matsuo Shin> what are you drawing?
[22:10] <Eiry> Arrangement for a wedding next month.
[22:11] <Matsuo Shin> excited?
[22:11] <Eiry> No, why?
[22:12] <Matsuo Shin> just curious
[22:12] <Eiry> This is my job, I'm used to it.
[22:12] <Eiry> I've done flowers for hundreds of weddings.
[22:13] <Matsuo Shin> each with their own meaning
[22:13] <Matsuo Shin> imagine the happiness you are bringing to them
[22:13] <Eiry> Sometimes.
[22:14] <Eiry> Some people just want pretty things or roses, some want flower language, some couldn't care less and leave it all up to me.
[22:15] <Matsuo Shin> must mean alot to them
[22:16] <Plushie-chan> Yes, because a year later people are still going to remember who did the flowers for their weddding...
[22:17] <Matsuo Shin> you're very cynical
[22:19] <Eiry> It depends how important your flowers are to you. It varies. like anything else.
[22:20] * Matsuo Shin nods
[22:22] <Matsuo Shin> well I'm sure you do a wonderful job none the less
[22:23] <Eiry> It's my gift.
[22:24] <Matsuo Shin> a very lovely gift
[22:24] <Eiry> Lupa call it fian.
[22:26] <Matsuo Shin> what is fian?
[22:28] <Eiry> It's what we call people with special gifts but aren't Touched--like Kai is?
[22:28] <Matsuo Shin> ah...
[22:28] <Matsuo Shin> we call those things Mii uu Zeku
[22:29] <Eiry> There's four levels, but they aren't English words so they're hard for non Lupa to keep in their heads.
[22:29] <Matsuo Shin> all those things..including what you call Touched...we call the Miiuuzeku
[22:29] <Eiry> Ok.
[22:30] <Matsuo Shin> gift of The Six
[22:30] <Eiry> Levels of astral~
[22:32] <Eiry> So, um...Lupa don't really have religion. Would that be a problem?
[22:32] <Matsuo Shin> no?
[22:33] <@Ryan> BURN IN HELL, HEATHENS
[22:34] <@Ryan> Just kidding!
[22:34] <@Ryan> (No, really. You're going to BURN)
[22:34] <@Ryan> (Joke!)
[22:34] <@Ryan> (Or is it? DUNDUNDUNNNNNNNNNNN)
[22:34] <Matsuo Shin> no, you don't have to belive in them
[22:34] * David O`Cain is back
[22:35] <David O`Cain> Yo.
[22:35] <@Ryan> What up, White Lightning!
[22:36] * Eiry tosses Ryan a Guren Lager
[22:36] * Matsuo Shin relaxes under the tree
[22:36] <David O`Cain> Stars, sky, clouds, whatever is floating.
[22:36] * @Ryan catches it and thanks Eiry with an epic headnod!
[22:36] <@Ryan> Or was it White Thunder? You know, that TV show where there was that white guy coaching a black basketball team. WHITE SHADOW!
[22:36] <@Ryan> THAT'S IT
[22:37] <@Ryan> )I hope)
[22:37] <@Ryan> Anyway, White Shadow! What's up besides the objects floating in the air and space?
[22:37] * Matsuo Shin reads through his journal
[22:40] * Eiry puts her pencils back in the package and packs her work away
[22:41] <David O`Cain> Eh, nothing much. Wrangling crooks, slaying undead that crop up, play video games.
[22:41] <@Wolfwood> new bioshock footage posted
[22:41] <@Wolfwood> [SPOILER] I support any game that gives you the power to throw a murder of crows via alchohol consumption
[22:42] <@Wolfwood> Hey Ryan, David
[22:42] <David O`Cain> Hey, Wolf.
[22:42] <@Ryan> oh gawd i need to see this footage now, heading to
[22:42] <@Ryan> And hi, Wolf!
[22:44] <@Ryan> Talking about games for a moment, Fallout: New Vegas is coming out in less than a month! To celebrate this, I'm about to start a brand-new game of Fallout 3. Y'know, which is hilarious considering I never finished my LAST.
[22:45] <@Ryan> But this time I plan on letting go of my morals and be an epic d[BLEEP]k character. Which is why I'm gonna be cheating like a son of a b[BLEEP]ch!
[22:51] * Eiry sits in a patch of moonlight, watching the tide come up
[22:51] <David O`Cain> I'll be ready when it comes out. Should be quite an adventure.
[22:52] <@Ryan> holy s[BLEEP]t this bioshock footage is epic
[22:53] * Matsuo Shin walks over to eiry and sits next to her
[22:53] <Matsuo Shin> beautiful, isn't it?
[22:53] <@Wolfwood> I want to drink and throw crows
[22:53] <@Wolfwood> Its Bioshock steampunk in the early 1900's. What god did I please?
[22:55] <David O`Cain> I don't know, but we're gonna have to wait a couple years. From what I saw and read, I'm already wanting to play the damn thing.
[22:56] <@Wolfwood> As am I.
[22:56] <@Wolfwood> oh god he's a former Pinkerton. fffffffffffFFFFFFFFf
[22:58] <@Ryan> ....f[BLEEP]king pinkertons
[22:58] <@Wolfwood> I may have to cosplay something from this.
[22:59] <@Wolfwood> In fact I plan to as soon as they release pictures of what Booker looks like.
[22:59] * Eiry is away 
[23:01] <David O`Cain> CIRCLE THE WAGONS, BOSS!
[23:03] * Matsuo Shin is away 
[23:03] <@Wolfwood> Jesus. The Pinkertons still exsist too.
[23:03] <@Wolfwood> I did not know this.
[23:04] <@Wolfwood> In July 2003, Pinkerton's was acquired along with longtime rival, the William J. Burns Detective Agency (founded in 1910), by Securitas AB to create Securitas Security Services USA, Inc., one of the largest security companies in the world. Securitas employees are currently looking to form a union through the SEIU (Services Employees International Union).
[23:06] <@Ryan> Piiiiiiiiiiiiiinks
[23:17] *** David O`Cain [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Meh, time to go.)
[23:45] * Sailor_Neggerra walks back up the beach. Yes she's been on this island this whole time
[23:52] * Sailor_Neggerra laughs to to herself. "They will never know what hit them"
[23:52] * Sailor Neggerra looks at Sailor Neggerra.
[23:52] *** Sailor Neggerra is is apperntly a Sol System senshi. Her fuku is red with back accents She is about 5'9" and has long red hair and green eyes.. On her wrists are silver bracelets that look similar to Galaixa's.
Her image Song is: .

[23:57] * @Wolfwood c[BLEEP]ks an eyebrow
[23:57] <@Wolfwood> Well now.
[23:57] <@Wolfwood> What do we have here.
[00:02] * Sailor Neggerra smirks "Ah, finally, signs of life. I was begingin to worry you all had left"
[00:08] * Sailor Neggerra smiles. "There is a present fo you all hidden on the island. You have a time limit to find it. What that limit is or where it is are a secret. If you don't find it... Well that would ruin the fun
[00:13] <Sailor Neggerra> I suggest you start searching
[10:05] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:05] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[10:05] * Matsuo Shin walks out, streaching
[10:05] <Matsuo Shin> mm...beautiful day..perfect day to do..absolutly nothing!
[10:05] * Matsuo Shin sits under a tree and puts his fedora over his face
[10:21] * Matsuo Shin snores gently
[10:21] <Matsuo Shin> *quietly
[10:36] * Matsuo Shin is away: zzz
[12:26] <zairafirefly>

[12:29] <zairafirefly> there's nothing like a billboard to show everyone how stupid you are not to pay a proofreader
[12:59] <@Ryan> LMAO
[12:59] <@Ryan> PUBIC SCHOOLS
[15:14] <Plushie-chan> I belive this sums up what they teach at that school:
[15:15] <Plushie-chan>

[17:51] <Mister Dinsdale> *puts on sunglasses* Looks like they got it spelled out to them.
[17:51] <Mister Dinsdale>
[17:52] <Hana Sagusa> .....
[17:52] * Hana Sagusa punches dinsdale
[17:52] * Mister Dinsdale doubles over
[17:53] <Mister Dinsdale> UNFFRRRFF
[17:53] <Hana Sagusa> for being a f[BLEEP]king nerd
[17:54] * Hana Sagusa stomps on dinsdale's sunglasses too
[17:54] * Mister Dinsdale quickly spins around and knocks Hana's feet out from under her with a russian legsweep
[17:54] *** LOVELYgirl [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:54] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYgirl
[17:54] * Hana Sagusa falls over..does a roll....and kicks dinsdale
[17:55] <LOVELYgirl> oo fight
[17:55] * Mister Dinsdale blocks with his forearms, flips upside down and axe-kicks Hana in the back of the head
[17:55] * LOVELYgirl squats on the table, watching
[17:55] * Hana Sagusa fumbles a bit..then turns..
[17:55] * Mister Dinsdale rolls to the side
[17:56] * Hana Sagusa slams her palm into dinsdale's chest
[17:57] <Mister Dinsdale> ....
[17:57] <Mister Dinsdale> - Iron... Soul -
[17:57] <Hana Sagusa> .....
[17:57] * Mister Dinsdale just stands there and TAKES it, the force of the impact routed down to the ground
[17:57] * Mister Dinsdale sinks a bit as the ground cracks under him
[17:57] * Hana Sagusa frowns....
[17:58] * Hana Sagusa BITES dinsdale's arm
[17:58] <Noriko X> ...
[17:58] <Noriko X> That move...
[17:58] <Mister Dinsdale> O_O
[17:58] <Mister Dinsdale> THE HELL ARE YOU DOING KID
[17:58] <Mister Dinsdale> ARE YOU A CANNIBAL?!
[17:58] * Mister Dinsdale swats Hana away
[17:58] <@Ryan> I approve of biting.
[17:58] <@Ryan> And sucking.
[17:59] * Ryan looks at Hana Sagusa.
[17:59] *** Hana Sagusa is (currently) 16 year old girl with spiky short black hair with blue streaks through them, brown eyes and wears several piercings in her ears. She is currently a student at Mugen and is also the cousin of Matsumi Kaze.
Her image Song is: .

[17:59] * Hana Sagusa uses this knee disndale in the groin
[17:59] <LOVELYgirl> Bite her back, hello?
[17:59] * Mister Dinsdale doubles over again
[18:00] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm not Mike Tyson... ><
[18:00] * Hana Sagusa follows this up with a sidekick to the head
[18:00] * Mister Dinsdale gets back up... looks at Hana...
[18:00] * Mister Dinsdale skids to the side, but keeps looking at her...
[18:00] <Mister Dinsdale> ಠ_ಠ
[18:00] <Mister Dinsdale> ಠ_ಠ
[18:00] <Mister Dinsdale> ಠ_ಠ
[18:00] <Hana Sagusa> .....
[18:01] <Hana Sagusa> ...what the f[BLEEP]k are you doing
[18:01] <Mister Dinsdale> ಠ_ಠ
[18:01] <Hana Sagusa> ...............
[18:01] <LOVELYgirl> Weeeak
[18:01] <Hana Sagusa> ....what the hell
[18:02] * Hana Sagusa just gives dinsdale..a sock to the nose
[18:02] * Mister Dinsdale , in his head, is having a flashback, to a rainy night, where his mother, about to be shot by chinese soldiers, tells him "DON'T LET ANYONE EVER BE BETTER THAN YOU:"
[18:02] <@Ryan> 8=======================>
[18:02] * Mister Dinsdale takes the bloody nose... and keeps standing there
[18:02] <LOVELYgirl> Fighting more won't make you the stronger of the two, you know.
[18:02] <Hana Sagusa> come on..fight back!
[18:02] * Mister Dinsdale flexes his fingers, compresisng one fist with his other hand so the bones crack into place
[18:03] <Hana Sagusa> FIGHT BACK YOU WIMP
[18:03] <@Ryan> Sticking my tongue in your ass will, though!
[18:03] <Mister Dinsdale> >:D
[18:03] * Mister Dinsdale LASHES out with a rapid rabbit-punch to Hana's stomach... but it doesn't touch her, hovering just a millimter away
[18:03] <Hana Sagusa> O.O
[18:04] * Hana Sagusa falls on her butt
[18:04] * LOVELYgirl giggles
[18:04] * the next second a massive blast of air shoots forward from his punch, hitting her with a hurricane of wind
[18:04] * Hana Sagusa goes slamming backwards..and hits a tree
[18:04] <Mister Dinsdale> *puts on sunglasses* Looks like you got grounded.

[18:04] <@Ryan> Yes, I can quote bad 80's songs.
[18:05] <Hana Sagusa> ...grrr...
[18:05] * Plushie-chan sighs "Do I have to seperate you two?"
[18:05] <Hana Sagusa> WHY YOU...
[18:05] * Hana Sagusa runs a chain wraps around her neck..and pulls her back
[18:05] * LOVELYgirl just looks at Plushie
[18:05] * Hideki Kaze pulls Hana back with a chain coming out of his sleeve
[18:06] <@Ryan> Why separate them when you can use that time wisely in making jokes.
[18:06] <Hideki Kaze>
[18:06] <Hana Sagusa> .........
[18:06] <LOVELYgirl> Aww, no more fight?
[18:06] * Hideki Kaze retracts the chain
[18:07] <Hideki Kaze> ..remember you're still in the we can't have you full of busted bones
[18:07] <LOVELYgirl> 'Deki's no fun D:
[18:07] <Hideki Kaze> (( ryan you have no idea how much I was fighting back doing a scorpion joke XD ))
[18:08] <Hideki Kaze> so no it?
[18:08] <Hana Sagusa> pfft...whatever
[18:08] <Plushie-chan> Finish them?
[18:08] * Hideki Kaze removes the chain..and heads back inside
[18:08] <@Ryan> And to terrorize you.
[18:08] * Hideki Kaze is away: *trying on his new ticket collector outfit*
[18:08] <@Ryan> I feed off of fear and other emotions.
[18:09] <Hana Sagusa> (( you're the Keller Machine? ))
[18:09] <Prinny> I bet he's an Incubus dood
[18:09] * Hana Sagusa turns...and just starts beating the s[BLEEP]t out of the prinny to let out her frustration
[18:09] <@Ryan> Your mom's a incubus. In bed.
[18:09] <Prinny #2> No way. Not hot enough.
[18:10] <@Ryan> I also just googled that reference, Matt!
[18:10] <Plushie-chan> Your comeback failed. Incubi are male only.
[18:10] <Hana Sagusa> (( good ))
[18:10] <Hana Sagusa> (( it's a good episode ))
[18:11] * Hana Sagusa just glares at dinsdale
[18:12] * LOVELYgirl watches Hana, thinking
[18:12] * Mister Dinsdale smiles back with the bats[BLEEP]t insane grin that several thousand years hence could easily be Monkey D. Luffy's
[18:13] <Hana Sagusa> ...ugh
[18:13] * @Ryan farts
[18:13] <Hana Sagusa> creepy
[18:13] * Mister Dinsdale goes and gets some root beer
[18:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Want some, kid?
[18:13] <Hana Sagusa> give me a sapporo
[18:14] <Mister Dinsdale> want some root beer, kid?
[18:14] <Hana Sagusa> ....fine
[18:15] *** Suu [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai Suu
[18:15] * Mister Dinsdale hands one to hana
[18:15] * Hana Sagusa opens the bottle with her teeth
[18:15] <Suu> Hi everyone!
[18:16] <LOVELYgirl> Hey Suu!
[18:16] <Mister Dinsdale> Hi Suu!
[18:16] <@Ryan> HI
[18:16] <Hana Sagusa> whatever
[18:17] * Hana Sagusa spits the cap onto the sand
[18:18] <Suu> Doesn't that hurt?
[18:18] <Hana Sagusa> only if I was weak
[18:18] <Hana Sagusa> - AND I'M NOT..GOT IT? -
[18:18] <@Ryan> YOU"RE SO WEAK
[18:19] <LOVELYgirl> Strong people don't hide behind anger.
[18:19] <Hana Sagusa> f[BLEEP]k you
[18:19] <@Ryan> A BABY COULD WHIP YO' ASS
[18:19] * A Note falls out of the sky
[18:19] <@Ryan> I DON'T F[BLEEP]K JAILBAIT
[18:19] * Hana Sagusa drinks her root beer
[18:19] <Hana Sagusa> ...
[18:19] * Hana Sagusa grabs the note
[18:19] <@Ryan> If I did, your bootyhole would be the last place I'd do a felony in.
[18:19] <Plushie-chan> It's raining paper
[18:20] * Hana Sagusa looks at the note
[18:20] * Note reads: There is a gift for you all hidden on this island. Hope you find it in time -S. Neggerra
[18:20] <Hana Sagusa> ....
[18:20] <@Ryan> IT'S THE QUEEN OF NIGERIA!
[18:20] * Hana Sagusa crumples up the note and tosses it
[18:21] * Hana Sagusa sits down and drinks
[18:21] * Plushie-chan catches it "... A gift? I doubt that very much"
[18:21] <Mister Dinsdale> LOL is she gonna run a scam?
[18:22] <Hana Sagusa> like I give a s[BLEEP]t
[18:22] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll PROSECURTE
[18:22] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I *hate* 409 scammers
[18:22] <Hana Sagusa> if it isn't miss uptight...
[18:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Miss Who?
[18:23] <Hana Sagusa> you, dumbass
[18:24] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. just raises her eyebow
[18:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Jack, gimme a Beer.
[18:24] * Mister Dinsdale tosses one to Harriet
[18:25] * Hana Sagusa just gives a self-confident grin at Harriet
[18:26] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. just smiles back coolly.
[18:26] * Plushie-chan just faceplams
[18:26] <LOVELYgirl> Hana, you want power and fighting training?
[18:27] <Hana Sagusa> eh?
[18:28] <LOVELYgirl> Well you could use training.
[18:28] <Plushie-chan> ... Why am I reminded of Eitak
[18:28] <Hana Sagusa> what do you know of Gouka-Ryu style...
[18:30] <LOVELYgirl> A bit. It doesn't really matter.
[18:33] <LOVELYgirl> You only do big power stuff, ne?
[18:35] <Hana Sagusa> eh??? I have no f[BLEEP]king clue what you're talking about
[18:37] <LOVELYgirl> Do you do small things, little things, with your power. Or just big attacks?
[18:38] <Hana Sagusa> both I guess
[18:41] <LOVELYgirl> Show me.
[18:41] <Hana Sagusa> you like what?
[18:41] * Mister Dinsdale relaxes
[18:42] <LOVELYgirl> Anything small.
[18:43] <Hana Sagusa> fine...
[18:43] * Hana Sagusa walks over to a tree....and gives it a punch
[18:43] <Suu> Hey, is there any ginger ale, Jack-san?
[18:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup!
[18:44] * Mister Dinsdale gets some for Suu
[18:45] <LOVELYgirl> I meant something with power. Not fighting.
[18:45] <Hana Sagusa> ....fine fine
[18:45] <Suu> Thanks
[18:45] * Hana Sagusa closes her eyes...a purple aura growing around her
[18:46] * Hana Sagusa opens her eyes..and punches the tree again..splitting it in half
[18:46] <Mister Dinsdale> No probs :D
[18:48] <LOVELYgirl> You really can't just control your power on it's own?
[18:48] <Hana Sagusa> what do you mean....
[18:50] * LOVELYgirl calls up an orb and it just stays there
[18:50] <@Ryan> Due to boredom I've created a topic on the subject of Video Game Cruelty in the forum. It has pictures in it. Come view the insanity.
[18:51] * the orb moves in a circle around Hana
[18:51] <LOVELYgirl> Power isn't just for fighting.
[18:52] <@Ryan> Or for thrusting.
[18:52] <Hana Sagusa> power..doesn't work like that
[18:52] <Mister Dinsdale> (( Ry I really want to play bioshock infinite ))
[18:52] <LOVELYgirl> Have you ever tried? Jack was able to redirect it.
[18:53] <@Ryan> =3 GOOD
[18:54] * Hana Sagusa looks at Dinsdale
[18:54] * Mister Dinsdale is chilling, enjoying the sunny weather
[18:55] <Hana Sagusa> far as I was told..I CAN'T do that
[18:56] <@Ryan> What I didn't post was a s[BLEEP]tton of people coming out of the woodwork, attacking me after I took down the sheriff. I think I might have offed half the town. Funny thing is, I have something that will TOP that post. It will so top it that I don't think I'll be able to top THAT post after I make it. Hopefully I'll be able to do that sometime in the near future.
[18:57] <Hana Sagusa> but meh..I don't know
[18:57] *** you coudl scale your screenhots you know
[18:57] <LOVELYgirl> Interesting. Well, practice is always good, if you want to train with me. You could be good.
[18:59] <@Ryan> I could have but it would have taken more time. Next time I probably will.
[18:59] <Hana Sagusa> ...maybe
[18:59] *** Also: I approve of using the forums like this to do more coumminity stuffs
[18:59] *** ^community
[19:00] <Hana Sagusa> (( I just honestly fell out of my seat laughing so hard ))
[19:00] <@Ryan> =D
[19:00] *** Combinumininity
[19:01] // GINGA FLASH // · · Oh snap. Zonelarm firewall makers caught using deceptively scary fake antivirus scare tactics · ·
[19:02] <Mister Dinsdale> [URL]
[19:04] <@Ryan> F[BLEEP]king a[BLEEP]les.
[19:04] *** I used to love Zonealarm back in the day
[19:05] <@Ryan> I don't recall if I ever used them in the past. Names sounds familar.
[19:05] <@Ryan> ^familiar, because i can't resist correcting myself
[19:05] <Mister Dinsdale> "There were a few funny comments on Slashdot about Intel buying McAfee. One suggested that Intel would replace the McAfee AV engine with an animated GIF. This would provide the same level of malware protection while using a small fraction of the CPU load. That about sums up MY opinion of McAfee products. :)"
[19:05] *** That... is true.
[19:06] *** Many, many of my virus-hit customers use McAfee.
[19:06] <Hana Sagusa> (( hate McAfee ))
[19:06] <Hana Sagusa> (( stupid thing... ))
[19:06] <@Ryan> I join in on the hatred of McAfee.
[19:06] *** Honestly if you don't need a firewall stronger than Microsoft's... use their Microsoft Security Essentials
[19:07] *** It's free and at least on Vista / 7 it works awesomely
[19:07] <Hana Sagusa> (( I use Microsoft Security Essentials now ))
[19:07] <@Ryan> Whoa.
[19:07] * LOVELYgirl is away 
[19:07] <Hana Sagusa> (( don't a scan right now in fact ))
[19:07] <@Ryan> First time I've heard of that.
[19:07] *** hgoogle it Ry
[19:07] <@Ryan> Downloading now
[19:08] *** It's fun to hate on M$ but this time they got it rught
[19:08] <Hana Sagusa> (( it really works well ))
[19:08] *** It even runs well on my netbook
[19:09] <Hana Sagusa> (( GASP ))
[19:11] * Mister Dinsdale goes for a swm
[19:11] <@Ryan> Watch out for oil spills!
[19:12] <@Ryan> Hahaha topical humor.
[19:12] <Mister Dinsdale> *puts on sunglasses* Pretty.... slick.

[19:13] * Hana Sagusa finishes her root beer and tosses it onto the sand
[19:14] * the ground shakes violently for a few long moments
[19:14] <Hana Sagusa> ....
[19:14] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi lites a cigatete
[19:14] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> o ya~
[19:14] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> sew god~
[19:14] * Hana Sagusa walks over..and looks at chibi-usa
[19:14] <Hana Sagusa> ..who the f[BLEEP]k are you
[19:15] *** congratulations! you just caught her in flagrante delicto
[19:15] *** Feel free to claw out your eyes
[19:15] <@Ryan> XD
[19:15] * Reverend_H is away: ♡
[19:15] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. is away: ♡
[19:18] * the ground shakes again, some of the sand on the beach falling about a foot
[19:18] * Mister Dinsdale bobs in the water, wathcing this
[19:18] <Suu> ugh...
[19:18] <Hana Sagusa> ......
[19:18] <Suu> Why do they have to be so LOUD?
[19:18] * Noriko X leaps onto a tree
[19:18] <Mister Dinsdale> Huh?
[19:18] <Suu> and is that them that's making the ground shake?
[19:19] <Mister Dinsdale> I hope not
[19:19] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yeah we never found out what happened to the first kid.
[19:20] * Mister Dinsdale shouts "it could be a Dinsdale Investigation!" ™ from the water
[19:20] * Hana Sagusa starts to practice her fighting on a tree
[19:20] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You stay the hell in the ocean, boy.
[19:20] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. drinks her Colt .45
[19:20] * Suu sips a ginger ale
[19:20] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Ahh...Works Every time.
[19:21] * Hana Sagusa kicks the tree over...
[19:21] * Hana Sagusa moves to another tree
[19:22] * Noriko X leaps from one to the other
[19:22] <Noriko X> Can you please stop that.
[19:22] <Suu> So guess what?
[19:22] <Noriko X> I'm trying to nap.
[19:22] <Suu> The culture festival is next week
[19:22] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Are you doing anything for it?
[19:22] <@Ryan> No rest for the wicked!
[19:23] <Hana Sagusa> ....
[19:23] * Hana Sagusa looks at Noriko.
[19:23] *** Noriko is your average everyday Noriko

[19:23] * Hana Sagusa looks at Noriko X.
[19:23] *** Noriko X is a tall, slender woman wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her left eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .

[19:23] <Hana Sagusa> .............
[19:23] <Hana Sagusa> great...a f[BLEEP]king cosplayer
[19:23] * Noriko X almost bursts out laughing
[19:24] * Noriko X manages to hold it down to a snrrk, however
[19:24] <Noriko X> A cosplayer resting in this tree, thank you very much. :)
[19:24] <Hana Sagusa> why should I stop's not like I can practice on anything else around this hellhole
[19:25] <Noriko X> Why not enjoy nature, instead of destroying it?
[19:25] <Suu> Well, we're doing a cafe, but its not gonna be a maid/butler cafe.
[19:25] <Hana Sagusa> like I care about nature
[19:26] <Suu> It's going to be a traditional Japanese sweets shop.
[19:26] <Suu> I wanted to design maid and butler outfits...
[19:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Why didn't you?
[19:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Did you get overruled?
[19:27] <@Ryan> Nature's keeping my people down! SO WE MUST TEAR DOWN NATURE
[19:27] * Hana Sagusa starts beating up on the tree..making it shake
[19:27] * @Ryan F[BLEEP]KS UP SOME TREES
[19:27] <Noriko X> ...
[19:27] * Noriko X drops out of the tree headfirst and lands on her feet.
[19:27] <Suu> Yeah, mostly because they would've taken too long to make.
[19:28] <Suu> So we compromised on everyone wearing yukatas but the girls get to wear frilly apron
[19:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Gotcha.
[19:28] <Noriko X> Kindly stop abusing this tree.
[19:29] * Mister Dinsdale comes back on land
[19:29] <Hana Sagusa> give me something to beat up on...and then I'll stop
[19:29] <Noriko X> Fair enough.
[19:29] <Noriko X> We should train.
[19:30] * Noriko X extends her hands from under her robes, hands bent in a tiger stances
[19:30] <Hana Sagusa> ....
[19:30] * Hana Sagusa grins and gets in a fighting stance
[19:30] * Noriko X does a quick jab faster than the eye can see, just to entice Hana
[19:31] * Noriko X is away: come, let's train!
[19:31] * Hana Sagusa follows after noriko
[19:31] * Hana Sagusa is away: heh...F[BLEEP]K YEAH
[19:31] * Mister Dinsdale changes back into his jacket
[19:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> if you could get the costumes done in time, would they change the theme?
[19:32] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:32] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[19:32] <Matsumi Kaze> yooooooo everybody
[19:32] <Suu> Nah. I'm okay with what we have.
[19:32] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey Matsumi
[19:33] <Matsumi Kaze> whatz down mah homies..
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Okay.
[19:33] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. still needs to find some way to put those kids to work
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Matsumi, what the f[BLEEP]k are you doing.
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You know how embarassing that is?
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm ashamed.
[19:34] * Matsumi Kaze puts a hand on harriet's shoulder
[19:34] <Plushie-chan> wut
[19:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ....I only did it...cause you were here :P
[19:34] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks over at the hand
[19:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> *twitch*
[19:34] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[19:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm a LAWYER, not a homegirl!
[19:35] <Mister Dinsdale> But you had your own gang--
[19:35] <Matsumi Kaze> diffrence is?
[19:35] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. shoots Dinsdale a "shut the f[BLEEP]k up" look
[19:35] * Mister Dinsdale pulls back
[19:35] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I stand for Justice!
[19:36] * Suu is away 
[19:36] <Matsumi Kaze> heh
[19:36] <Matsumi Kaze> I know..just kidding with ya
[19:37] * LOVELYgirl is back
[19:37] <@Ryan> DAT'S RACIST
[19:37] <Matsumi Kaze> you lawyers are just too easy to get a rise out of :P
[19:37] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> :P
[19:38] * LOVELYgirl sits under a tree, quite still
[19:39] * Mister Dinsdale plays his guitar
[19:40] <Matsumi Kaze> hey you do requests?
[19:41] <LOVELYgirl> I met Maret today.
[19:41] <LOVELYgirl> Just now, in fact.
[19:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> play some Classical Gas!
[19:44] * @Ryan farts out some classical gas
[19:44] * @Ryan notes that this s[BLEEP]t is FANCY
[19:44] <Mister Dinsdale> I don't know that one
[19:45] <Matsumi Kaze> don't know that?
[19:45] <Mister Dinsdale> <_<
[19:45] <Mister Dinsdale> So sue me
[19:45] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Don't tempt me.
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> well um.........Door into Sum
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> um..ok...Door into Summer?
[19:48] * Mister Dinsdale plays it
[19:48] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. finds a drum set and plays
[19:48] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[19:49] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. DRUMS. Deal.
[19:49] <Matsumi Kaze> with his fools gold...stacked up all around him....from a killing that he made..upon the yard..
[19:50] <Matsumi Kaze> the children left king midas they found him in his counting house..where nothing counts but moooore
[19:50] * Matsumi Kaze hums the rest
[19:51] <Matsumi Kaze> ..pardon..sometimes I can't help but sing ^^
[19:51] * LOVELYgirl just looks at Matsumi
[19:51] <Mister Dinsdale> Nothing wrong with that
[19:54] <LOVELYgirl> I'd be worried if I knew there was someone here with the ability to move the ground and absolutely no control.
[19:54] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[19:54] <Mister Dinsdale> So it wasn't just Chibiusa and Elios having wild monkey sex?
[19:55] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> BAD MENTAL TOUCH
[19:55] <LOVELYgirl> It's been going on for some time.
[19:55] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. SUES Jack for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
[19:56] * Mister Dinsdale COUNTERSUES for Pizza
[19:56] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What is that I don't even
[19:56] <LOVELYgirl> Matsumi, you told Maret you would find someone to help her. Is that going to happen?
[19:56] * Matsumi Kaze TRIPLE-SUES Harriet for ice cream and pizza and ponies and lollypops
[19:57] <Matsumi Kaze> I've been trying, miara....but I haven't gotten in response from Makoto
[19:57] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You people are crazy
[19:57] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. just sits down
[19:57] *** Was I supposed to do something XD;;;
[19:58] <Matsumi Kaze> what's wrong with being crazy
[19:58] <Matsumi Kaze> (( nah.. ))
[19:58] <Matsumi Kaze> (( Matsumi just left Makoto a message asking if she could train Maret ))
[19:58] <LOVELYgirl> She's been here for months, and hasn't had any instruction. She has no control, no idea what she's doing, and still doesn't know what she is.
[19:59] <@Ryan> i'm gonna leave a note, asking if i can leave a cleveland steamer on something
[19:59] <LOVELYgirl> I'm going to have to spend weeks just retraining her brain not to fear what she can do.
[19:59] * Matsumi Kaze picks up the cellphone
[19:59] <LOVELYgirl> (( miara did leave a note for sunnyside a few weeks ago ))
[20:00] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> The Hell is a Cleveland Steamer
[20:00] *** I'm senile :<
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> can tell Maret that she's going to have a sesson with Makoto
[20:00] <LOVELYgirl> (( but then i forgot about it ))
[20:00] <@Ryan> [URL]
[20:00] * Matsumi Kaze shows the text to Miara "at this location"
[20:00] <@Ryan> find out
[20:00] <LOVELYgirl> I'll make sure she's there.
[20:00] *** Oh that! Sunnyside has somethign very particular in mind
[20:01] <LOVELYgirl> (( cools ))
[20:01] <LOVELYgirl> We're starting first thing in the morning.
[20:01] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ................
[20:01] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is away: just... beating her head against a wall
[20:01] <@Ryan> now you know and knowing is half the battle
[20:01] <@Ryan> i bring enlightenment to everyone
[20:01] <LOVELYgirl> I hope Mako can help, she has a lot of issues she'll have to deal with before she'll be able to do some things, I think.
[20:02] <Matsumi Kaze> (( are we going to have go on flying sailing ships in space for that, Ryan? ))
[20:02] <@Ryan> you don't have to be on flying sail ships for me to do a cleveland steamer. we can do it on any locale.
[20:02] <LOVELYgirl> But she needs to understand what it means to be senshi, and what they are and do.
[20:03] <Matsumi Kaze> (( I mean enlightenment ))
[20:03] <@Ryan> i have no idea where you're going with this
[20:03] *** It wasn't the Diamond.
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> (( I know that... ))
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> (( wait no ))
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> (( the bernice summerfield series actually revealed it WAS the diamond ))
[20:05] *** Ry, wiki the doctor who episode enlightment for ... well... enlightenment on the enlightenment issue
[20:05] *** Bulls[BLEEP]t it was the diamond
[20:05] <Matsumi Kaze> (( AWESOME. EPISODE. ))
[20:06] *** I believe a part of it was actually the first Docotr Who I ever ever say
[20:06] *** ^ saw
[20:06] <Matsumi Kaze> (( wow you started late in the series ))
[20:06] *** Well no see I saw a few minutes of it on PBS
[20:07] *** Then a few more minutes of four to doomsday or something
[20:07] *** Didn't *properly* start watching till later, and I think those were pertwee or baker eps
[20:08] * Mister Dinsdale plays Enter Sandman
[20:08] * Suu is back
[20:08] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey Suu
[20:10] * Suu is carrying a book
[20:10] * LOVELYgirl is away 
[20:10] <Mister Dinsdale> Whatchya reading?
[20:10] * Suu shows the book; it's a recipe book for traditional Japanese sweets
[20:11] <Mister Dinsdale> Nice!
[20:12] * Matsumi Kaze streaches and sits in the sand
[20:13] * Mister Dinsdale plays "Yoda" on the Guitar
[20:16] <Matsumi Kaze> what kind of sweets does it have, suu?
[20:21] * Mister Dinsdale walks the beach
[20:21] <Suu> Mostly stuff like daifuku, dorayaki, yokan...
[20:21] <Suu> Dango...
[20:21] <Suu> ooh, castella
[20:21] <Matsumi Kaze> ooo sounds good
[20:23] * Mister Dinsdale is getting hungry
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm hungry for some taro sticks
[20:24] <@Ryan> i hunger for planets
[20:24] <Mister Dinsdale> I want cake.
[20:24] <@Ryan> my appetite is better therefore i win
[20:26] <@Ryan> also the phrase 'i wanna commit a felony in your bootyhole' has been burned into my memory
[20:27] <@Ryan> due to those dbz comedy videos i've seen
[20:27] *** You're welcome
[20:28] <@Ryan> thanks bro, seriously. that s[BLEEP]t is f[BLEEP]king awesome
[20:28] *** You having second thoughts about that one rap video XD?
[20:28] <@Ryan> nope! XD
[20:29] *** XD
[20:29] <Plushie-chan> I vote we dye the green voice orange for a week
[20:29] <@Ryan> oh gawd there's a new parody up
[20:29] *** D:
[20:29] *** Link me
[20:30] <@Ryan> [URL]
[20:31] *** LOL
[20:34] <@Ryan> oh god, i decided to check out the person's youtube account who did the bulma voice in that one
[20:34] <@Ryan> and...
[20:34] <@Ryan> [URL]
[20:36] <@Ryan> it hasn't made me laugh as much as the other guys
[20:36] <@Ryan> but it's a good enough try
[20:37] *** That Young Goku voice is dead one
[20:37] *** ^on
[20:38] *** ...well it was
[20:39] <@Ryan> some of these jokes are falling flat, others are nailing it
[20:39] *** Why is all the text reversed
[20:39] *** is this how they defeat the auto censors
[20:40] *** PROMETHIUM ORB
[20:40] * Mister Dinsdale 's stomach rumbles
[20:41] <Matsumi Kaze> heh....
[20:49] * Mister Dinsdale snacks on a candy bar
[20:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ....what kind
[20:50] * Matsumi Kaze is suddenly right in dinsdale's face
[20:51] <Mister Dinsdale> gah!
[20:52] <Mister Dinsdale> Nestlé crunch
[20:53] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[20:53] <Matsumi Kaze>
[20:54] * Mister Dinsdale just hands it over
[20:54] * Matsumi Kaze eats
[20:55] <Matsumi Kaze> thankies ^_^
[20:56] * Matsumi Kaze gives dinsdale a hug and sits under a tree
[20:57] * Mister Dinsdale gets out his guitar
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> Take all of your wasted honor
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> Every little past frustration
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> Take all of your so-called problems,
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Better put 'em in quotations
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Walking like a one man army
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Fighting with the shadows in your head
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Living out the same old moment
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Knowing you'd be better off instead,
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> If you could only . . .
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Have no fear for giving in
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Have no fear for giving over
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> You'd better know that in the end
[21:03] * Matsumi Kaze listens
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Its better to say too much
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Then never say what you need to say again
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Even if your hands are shaking
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> And your faith is broken
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Even as the eyes are closing
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Do it with a heart wide open
[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say
[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say
[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> Say what you need to say...
[21:04] * Mister Dinsdale finishes
[21:04] * Matsumi Kaze applaudes
[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> :D
[21:06] <Mister Dinsdale> There's so much I want to say...
[21:06] <Matsumi Kaze> oh?
[21:07] * Mister Dinsdale shrugs
[21:09] <Matsumi Kaze> how have you been overall?
[21:10] <Mister Dinsdale> Pretty good
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze>'s the love life going :P
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> :P
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm happy :)
[21:13] <Matsumi Kaze> awww good
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> so things are going well!
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> Yeah :)
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> I want to do my best to make Hiromi happy
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> well then DON'T SCREW UP
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> I KNOW! D:
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> CAUSE IF YOU DO..THEN YOU'LL END UP SAD
[21:19] <Mister Dinsdale> T_T
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> but so far it sounds like you're doing good
[21:20] <Mister Dinsdale> Yeah
[21:22] * Matsumi Kaze relaxes under the tree...and promply gets hit in the head by a coconut
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> X_o
[21:22] * A coconut goes flying towards dinsdale
[21:22] * Mister Dinsdale whips his hat off hsi head and slicesit in half with the brim
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze looks up..just in time to get slammed in the face by another coconut
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> .......ow
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> What the heck is going on
[21:26] * several monkeys chitter from the trees..coconuts in their hands
[21:26] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[21:27] * one of the monkeys throws..something else at dinsdale
[21:28] <Matsumi Kaze> gah..what are they doing???
[21:28] * Mister Dinsdale catches it
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> ..............
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> ..oh...ew
[21:29] <Mister Dinsdale> ....
[21:29] * Mister Dinsdale sniffs
[21:29] <Mister Dinsdale> telll me that's not
[21:30] <Matsumi Kaze> is
[21:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> *puts on sunglasses* It's... the s[BLEEP]t

[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> DAMMIT
[21:30] * Mister Dinsdale LEAPS into the ocean to clean off
[21:30] * Monkeys chitter wildly...and throws a rotten fruit at harriet
[21:31] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. spins around, and whips out two steel chains with bladed flails from under her jacket
[21:31] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. cuts the fruit to pieces
[21:31] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. spins the chains and just LOOKS at the monkeys
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> raid my husband's weapon storage?
[21:32] * Monkeys run off, frightened
[21:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> These are mine, Matsumi~
[21:32] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. flicks the chains back and rolls them up
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> they remind me of my husband's air offense
[21:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Great minds think alike~
[21:33] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. checks on Jack
[21:33] * Matsumi Kaze pulls out her collapseable spear, spinning it "is he alright?"
[21:34] * Mister Dinsdale is vigorourously washing his hands
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I guess he's alright
[21:38] * Matsumi Kaze 's phone rings
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> excuse me
[21:38] * Matsumi Kaze picks up the phone and walks down a bit to the beach
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ..........
[21:39] * Matsumi Kaze hangs up
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze> gotta go, harriat....
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze> *harriet
[21:39] * Matsumi Kaze hangs up, collapsaing the spear back
[21:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> See ya
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze> trouble...
[21:40] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Huh?
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> if you see Hana...tell her to the Ymir is going to pick her up outside the house
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> *-to
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> seeya...
[21:40] * Matsumi Kaze runs into the House
[21:40] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Bye
[21:40] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (always on good nights...)
[21:40] * Hana Sagusa is back
[21:40] <Hana Sagusa> THAT WAS AWESOME
[21:41] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. relays the message
[21:41] <Hana Sagusa> .....
[21:41] <Hana Sagusa> AW F[BLEEP]K YEAH
[21:41] * Hana Sagusa cracks her knuckles
[21:41] * Hana Sagusa runs into the House
[21:41] *** Hana Sagusa has left #suburbansenshi2 (time to crack some Armor heads)
[21:42] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:42] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[21:42] * Matsuo Shin blinks as he watches them run by
[21:42] <Matsuo Shin> ...must be in a hurry
[21:43] <Matsuo Shin> good evening everyone
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey
[21:45] <Matsuo Shin> how are things?
[21:45] <Mister Dinsdale> pretty good
[21:50] <Matsuo Shin> ..........
[21:50] <Matsuo Shin> Ikissedeiryyesterday
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> <_<
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> You're more advanced than me
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> Good for you!
[21:51] <Prinny> THat's because he's too scared to move his relationship fowards dood
[21:52] <Mister Dinsdale> I just don't want to mess up ><
[21:54] <Matsuo Shin> that's fine!
[21:54] <Matsuo Shin> you do not want to be too bold
[21:54] <Mister Dinsdale> Exactly
[21:56] <Plushie-chan> The reverse is also true. There is such a thing as not being bold enough
[21:56] <Plushie-chan> Which can also mess up the relationship
[21:56] <Mister Dinsdale> T_T
[21:56] <Mister Dinsdale> Why is is so complicated!!!!!!!
[21:58] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> To break you, buddy.
[21:58] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> To break you.
[21:58] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> heh
[21:58] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is away: Being single is a lot easier.
[21:58] <Matsuo Shin> Eiry wished me to be..more bold I think
[21:58] <Mister Dinsdale> But so lonely.
[21:59] * Mister Dinsdale nods to Matsuo
[22:00] <Matsuo Shin> so how are you, dinsdale?
[22:00] <Mister Dinsdale> Pretty good
[22:03] <Matsuo Shin> good!
[22:07] <Matsuo Shin>
[22:07] * Matsuo Shin switches fedoras with Dinsdale
[22:07] * Mister Dinsdale 's feodra weighs 50 pounds
[22:08] * Matsuo Shin blinks...and falls over....but uses his telekinisis to float the hat a few microinches off his head
[22:08] <Matsuo Shin> ....ok better
[22:08] <Mister Dinsdale> FEDORAH sounds like a Godzilla monster
[22:09] * Hedorah flies over the island...spraying out it's sulfer farts
[22:09] *** Hedorah has left #suburbansenshi2 (HUNGRY)
[22:09] <Mister Dinsdale> OH GOD
[22:09] <Matsuo Shin> >.O
[22:09] * Mister Dinsdale grabs his Fedora back
[22:09] * Matsuo Shin puts his own fedora back on
[22:10] <Matsuo Shin> ugh..that smell ><
[22:11] <Mister Dinsdale> I know
[22:13] <Mister Dinsdale> See you later Matsuo
[22:13] <Matsuo Shin> seeya!
[22:13] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Dinsdale Paranormal Investigations, for all your Supernatural Sleuthing needs.)
[22:14] * Matsuo Shin looks over the ocean
[22:20] <Plushie-chan> Arlight, I'm gonna go head and look for whatever this "Gift" is Sailor Neggerra left for us is.
[22:21] <Plushie-chan> Something about it unsetteles me
[22:24] <Matsuo Shin> if you wish
[22:25] * Plushie-chan heads off into the Woods
[22:25] * Plushie-chan is away 
[22:25] <Matsuo Shin> shyuty uyutru myushu
[22:25] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:25] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[22:26] <Matsuo Shin> hyufyu ryumyui
[22:26] * Matsuo Shin smiles to himself
[22:27] <Matsuo Shin> khyiu tryufu....
[22:27] <Eitak_Razal> (( Translation please? ))
[22:27] <Matsuo Shin> that is interesting
[22:27] <Matsuo Shin> (( well it's not a languge she would probably recognize ))
[22:28] <Matsuo Shin> (( first line is "Ocean waves so blue" ))
[22:28] <Matsuo Shin> (( second line is "onward blessed" ))
[22:28] <Matsuo Shin> (( third line is "temple waters" ))
[22:28] <Eitak_Razal> (( Gift of Tounges. Translates anything she hears ))
[22:28] <Matsuo Shin> (( ah ))
[22:29] * Matsuo Shin opens his journal, looking it over
[22:29] * Matsuo Shin turns the pages....
[22:29] <Matsuo Shin> never noticed that before
[22:30] <Eitak_Razal> (( Once she hears it, she cand speak and read it, though the more she hears the better off she is at though a full senatnce will giver her the basics. If she reads something she's never heard, it doesn't work ))
[22:30] * Matsuo Shin summons a pencil to his hand and starts to circle some words in his journal
[22:30] <Matsuo Shin> (( oh ))
[22:31] <Matsuo Shin> ..let's see....ocean....ocean..that would be...hyufyu....
[22:31] <Matsuo Shin> comparsion ocean is...
[22:31] <Matsuo Shin> ........
[22:31] <Matsuo Shin> hyifyui
[22:31] <Matsuo Shin> ....interesting
[22:32] * Matsuo Shin keeps muttering to himself as he sits down
[22:33] <Matsuo Shin> ........GEH
[22:33] <Matsuo Shin> why didn't I notice this!?
[22:34] <Eitak_Razal> Something wrong?
[22:34] <Matsuo Shin> I never noticed the similiaries between the old Anhist Neptuian dialect
[22:34] <Matsuo Shin> and the one I found in the Muian temple
[22:35] <Matsuo Shin> ...perhaps the connections between the two were deeper then I thought
[22:36] * Matsuo Shin rests his chin on his fist "....that could explain also some of the design work along the walls"
[22:37] <Matsuo Shin> ..I thought the designs looked familer
[22:37] <Eitak_Razal> Perhaps one was founded by the other
[22:38] <Eitak_Razal> And then split off. Or was founded by someone who split off
[22:38] <Matsuo Shin> that is a distinct possiblity
[22:38] <Matsuo Shin> espcally if I'm dating is right.....
[22:38] <Matsuo Shin> *my
[22:40] * Matsuo Shin flips pages
[22:40] <Matsuo Shin> the earlest I can date the ruins is to at least early Celestia
[22:42] <Matsuo Shin> the latest..probably late mid Celestia
[22:42] <Matsuo Shin> at least before the Great Break away
[22:44] <Matsuo Shin> since there were signs of trade still
[22:44] <Matsuo Shin> if the ruins had occured say..during the silver millenium
[22:44] <Matsuo Shin> we would find little to no outside planetary artifacts
[22:46] <Matsuo Shin> ...I suppose I've lost you on this heh
[22:48] <Matsuo Shin> I figured out the dating..based off the neptunian idol
[22:48] * Matsuo Shin stands and picks up a stick
[22:48] * Matsuo Shin starts to write a sort of..very curved lettering in the sand
[22:48] <Matsuo Shin> do you see this?
[22:49] <Eitak_Razal> I see lettering
[22:50] <Matsuo Shin> ok..this lettering is Neptunian..specifically..the Anhist dialect
[22:50] <Matsuo Shin> now..the fact that the idol was in reletivly good condition...and in a condition that matched the ruins..we know it was there...probably around the same period of time
[22:51] <Matsuo Shin> and we know for a fact...that the Anhist dialect was absorbed into the Myuun dialect around the late Celestia period
[22:52] <Matsuo Shin> therefore..and collaborating with the fact that the Muian lettering *writes a similer..yet slightly diffrent lettering in the sand* was remarkbly the same to the Anhist one
[22:52] <Matsuo Shin> .....
[22:52] <Matsuo Shin> ...the ruins are Early Celestia..they must be
[22:53] <Matsuo Shin> .....oh pardon...I'm babbeling XD
[22:53] <Matsuo Shin> this subject just..excites me
[22:53] <Eitak_Razal> Yes. I barely folowerd any of that
[22:53] <Matsuo Shin> to put it simply
[22:53] <Matsuo Shin> the ruins are very very very very very old
[22:54] <Eitak_Razal> They wouldn't be ruins if they weren't
[22:56] <Matsuo Shin> heh true enough *erases the lettering on the sand*
[23:05] * Matsuo Shin smiles and puts his journal in his shirt pocket
[23:10] <Matsuo Shin> to discover all this..that's my job
[23:12] <Eitak_Razal> Oh? So someone is paying you then?
[23:13] <Matsuo Shin> no
[23:13] <Matsuo Shin> I do it for free
[23:13] <Matsuo Shin> when I mean my job...I mean in life
[23:18] <Eitak_Razal> Heh
[23:19] <Matsuo Shin> beautiful evening
[23:21] <Eitak_Razal> I suppose
[23:24] <Matsuo Shin> back home this would be....about noon sort of looking
[23:25] <Eitak_Razal> I couldn't imagine liveing in a place like that.
[23:26] <Matsuo Shin> it was quite nice actually
[23:26] <Matsuo Shin> I remember when me and my sister became wards of the moon...we had to have special rooms
[23:26] <Matsuo Shin> so the light wouldn't blister our skin
[23:33] * Matsuo Shin smiles
[23:35] <Matsuo Shin> I should probably get some sleep
[23:35] <Matsuo Shin> it's been a long day
[23:36] <Matsuo Shin> goodnight
[23:38] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2
[11:43] <Yaiko> ♫
[11:53] <Yaiko> I wonder how many more screams are left in me.
[12:17] <@Ryan> I'm always willing to help you find out. >=D
[12:24] <Yaiko> That's DIFFERENT~.
[12:25] <Yaiko> That's more like revealing screams that were already going to be.
[12:26] <Yaiko> Or enabling their manifestation.
[12:30] <Yaiko> Making them REAL. Actualizing the potential.
[13:28] * Yaiko hums atonally
[14:04] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:04] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[14:05] * Matsuo Shin hums a bit himself as he walks out
[14:09] <Matsuo Shin> what a beautiful day
[14:11] <Yaiko> Isn't it? ♫
[14:12] <Matsuo Shin> oh hello there
[14:12] <Matsuo Shin> as much as I enjoy the enviroment of my study....sometimes I need fresh air
[14:12] * Yaiko waves lightly
[14:13] <Yaiko> I can imagine. The mind only handles so much of a thing at once. :D
[14:14] <Matsuo Shin> espcally when you are trying to study 13th century latin manuscripts
[14:14] <Yaiko> Delicate, delicate~
[14:14] <Yaiko> You're taking the proper care, I hope?
[14:14] <Matsuo Shin> of course
[14:15] * Matsuo Shin looks at Yaiko.
[14:15] *** Yaiko is a Caucasian human in her late twenties, currently sporting a half-open blue shirt and khaki cargo capris over open-toe sandals. There's a fey look in her eyes, as though she's reflecting on some joke that you may be on the wrong end of... More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Until It Sleeps" by Metallica.

[14:15] <Matsuo Shin> ..I see you're still a woman...any reason?
[14:15] <Yaiko> I was away when the bomb esspoded, and haven't seen fit to knead my flesh anew.
[14:16] <Yaiko> Or, well, when it was retinkered. :o
[14:16] <Matsuo Shin> ahhhh
[14:16] <Yaiko> Such is the benefit of having a fairly fluid self-concept.
[14:16] <Matsuo Shin> I suppose so
[14:17] <Yaiko> It also doesn't hurt that I've got more or less perfect physiological self-control by this point.
[14:17] * Matsuo Shin plucks out a blade of grass...and presses it to his lips, creating a crude whistle
[14:17] <Yaiko> It took me a while to learn how to suppress my cycle-- the rhythms aren't the same-- but it's a terrible, wonderful convenience.
[14:18] <Matsuo Shin> not sure if I needed to know that
[14:19] <Yaiko> You probably didn't, but here I am telling you anyway. :D
[14:19] <Yaiko> You don't know me the way your sibling does, do you?
[14:20] <Matsuo Shin> no..I don't
[14:21] <Yaiko> Mmmmmmm.
[14:21] <Yaiko> Well, there's something to be said for repeated... exposure.
[14:21] * Yaiko leans forward, a smirk on her lips
[14:21] <Matsuo Shin> I..see
[14:22] <Yaiko> The things we see on a regular basis are things we're inclined to like, unless we have a reason otherwise.
[14:22] * Matsuo Shin nods slowly
[14:22] <Yaiko> It's called the mere exposure effect. Flash a thing often enough and it is... appreciated. You won't even know it's happening.
[14:23] <Yaiko> But the attittudes change over time, and soon enough things just are.
[14:23] <Matsuo Shin> I see
[14:24] <Yaiko> Maybe I'll grow on you too. ^__^
[14:24] <Yaiko> Eerie, innit?~
[14:25] <Matsuo Shin> a tad yes
[14:26] <Yaiko> Also, you know what's great?
[14:26] * Matsuo Shin smiles and blows on his grass whistle
[14:26] <Matsuo Shin> what?
[14:26] <Yaiko> Not worrying about skin cancer.
[14:26] * Yaiko lays down on the sand and scootches in, making a comfy little niche for herself
[14:27] <Matsuo Shin> what's that
[14:27] * Matsuo Shin blows a short very simple tune from his whistle
[14:27] <Yaiko> Skin cancer?
[14:28] <Yaiko> A cancer of the skin, genes damaged by UV radiation that keep a cell from recognizing its damage.
[14:28] <Yaiko> And it escalates from there, as biology does. :D
[14:28] <Matsuo Shin> sounds very natsy
[14:28] <Matsuo Shin> nasty
[14:28] * Matsuo Shin keeps playing the same tune over and over again
[14:29] <Yaiko> It is, it is. One of the worst forms you can get if it's not caught early. Metastazises everywhere, and it's nigh-impossible to clean out.
[14:30] <Yaiko> Brings to mind how fragile the human condition is.
[14:30] * Matsuo Shin nods, finally removing the whistle
[14:30] <Yaiko> This wonderful set of self-regulating chemicals, delicately poised on a thread over an abyss~
[14:30] <Matsuo Shin> we never had to worry about that sort back home
[14:30] <Matsuo Shin> ...we barely had any light
[14:31] <Yaiko> I'll bet you had your own set of problems, though. :o
[14:31] <Matsuo Shin> mostly when we went to other worlds
[14:31] <Matsuo Shin> ...when I and my sister lived on the moon for two or three years...we had to have special rooms
[14:32] <Matsuo Shin> so the sunlight wouldn't blister our skin
[14:32] <Yaiko> Mmm?
[14:32] <Yaiko> Mmmm.
[14:32] <Yaiko> Things are different now for you?
[14:32] <Matsuo Shin> or the light blind us
[14:32] * Matsuo Shin nods
[14:33] <Matsuo Shin> the princess...I belive they call her Chibi-Usa..used her stone to allow me to live more comfertibly this world
[14:33] <Matsuo Shin> though I belive I can still see better at night then most Earthlings
[14:34] * Yaiko nods thoughtfully
[14:34] <Yaiko> Kind of her to do so.
[14:34] <Matsuo Shin> though she seemed...a little odd
[14:35] <Yaiko> Did she gibber half-intelligibly?
[14:36] <Matsuo Shin> yes!
[14:37] <Yaiko> Then it's no mere seeming. :o
[14:37] <Matsuo Shin> oh is that true?
[14:39] <Yaiko> She is half-mad, but in a way that neglected, resented children are.
[14:39] <Yaiko> Dysfunctional notions of how the world should work and how people should behave.
[14:40] <Matsuo Shin> ..odd
[14:41] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:41] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[14:41] <Yaiko> To say the slightest.
[14:41] <Yaiko> But well within the normal parameters of human behavior.
[14:42] * Yaiko waves~
[14:42] <Matsuo Shin> oh..afternoon, Eiry
[14:42] * Eiry walks down to the beach, eating a kakigori
[14:43] * Eiry waves
[14:44] <Matsuo Shin> how are you today :)
[14:44] <Eiry> Good, as usual. It's the only day every month we close early ^_^
[14:45] <Eiry> But you two were talking, don't mind me.
[14:46] <Matsuo Shin> I don't belive it is a problem?
[14:46] <Yaiko> Pop quiz: how do you reassure someone that they're not going crazy? :o
[14:47] <@Ryan> By sticking your d[BLEEP]k in their ear.
[14:47] <@Ryan> It works wonders.
[14:47] <@Ryan> They're no longer doubting their insanity; instead they're screaming, "GET THAT D[BLEEP]K OUT OF MY EAR!"
[14:48] <@Wolfwood> Some people are into that.
[14:48] <@Ryan> (and that should have been sanity but meh)
[14:48] <@Wolfwood> Also hey
[14:48] <@Ryan> HEY WOLF
[14:48] <Yaiko> Hee hee.
[14:48] <Eiry> Bonds work well for that.
[14:48] <Yaiko> I'll keep you nearby then. ♫
[14:48] <@Wolfwood> And Yai
[14:48] <Yaiko> Aurally administrated.
[14:49] <@Ryan> You have my sword c[BLEEP]k!
[14:50] <Eiry> Someone who's not be needs to finish out that quote.
[14:50] <Yaiko> Oh brains, you are so silly.
[14:50] <Eiry> *me
[14:51] <Yaiko> And my breasts?
[14:51] * Matsuo Shin relaxes against the tree
[14:51] <Eiry> Eh, close enough.
[14:52] <@Ryan> XD
[14:52] <@Ryan> In other news, I just heard Blockbuster has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
[14:52] * Eiry offers Matsuo the rest of the kakigori.
[14:52] <Yaiko> It's past time.
[14:53] <@Wolfwood> Jesus. Took them long enough.
[14:53] <@Ryan> More info here.
[14:53] * Matsuo Shin takes the kakigori with thanks and eats
[14:53] <Matsuo Shin> mm not bad ^^
[14:55] <@Wolfwood> I use to frequent them when they were the only store with a copy of Evil Dead 2 in town.
[14:55] * Matsuo Shin shivers a bit
[14:56] <@Wolfwood> Racked up quite the late fee once upon a time, which I think I never payed back
[14:56] <@Ryan> XD
[14:57] <Yaiko> omg ur part of the porblim
[14:58] <@Wolfwood> I frequently am.
[14:58] * Matsuo Shin shivers as he eats
[14:58] <Eiry> One person doesn't matter unless they owe enough to sell your info to the people who hunt you down for money.
[14:58] <@Wolfwood> But I roll gangsta like that.
[14:59] <@Wolfwood> This was like five years ago, I prolly would have got a phone call by now
[15:02] <Eiry> Probably.
[15:04] * Matsuo Shin finishes the food and relaxes, shivering every once in awhile
[15:04] <@Wolfwood> I'm still geeking over Bioshock Infinite.
[15:05] <@Wolfwood> I think I may have an unhealthy attraction to this thing.
[15:06] <@Ryan> Just don't jizz on the box or the disc and you'll be fine.
[15:07] <@Wolfwood> Kay
[15:08] <@Ryan> Just think of it this way: There's nothing wrong with geeking out on something like that. You're a fan. It happens.
[15:09] <Yaiko> Problems ensue when you can't use your controllers because they've been gummed up with dried fluids.
[15:10] <@Ryan> I, on the other hand, am too busy banging my head into the wall due to the mother-load of spoilers I've gotten concerning The Force Unleashed 2. Ho
[15:10] <@Ryan> OK, that was weird. THe box just spazzed out while I was typing and suddenly there was only the beach background.
[15:10] <@Ryan> Ergo, my incompleted 'Ho'.
[15:11] <Yaiko> HO!
[15:11] <@Ryan> And that should have been incomplete not incompleted. Yeah. I can't resist correcting myself.
[15:11] * Matsuo Shin is away: OOC: BBL going to lay down...writing papers = headache
[15:11] <@Ryan> Now to finish my train of thought before I lose it:
[15:12] <@Ryan> How did I get these spoilers? I own the novel. How did I get the novel? Magic, b[BLEEP]ches. I don't have to explain it.
[15:13] <@Ryan> The story ends on a hell of a cliffhanger.
[15:14] <Yaiko> =o
[15:14] <@Ryan> [SPOILER for CLIFFHANGER] The question concerning whether or not you're a clone is never answered. Yeah. Isn't that great. And by the way, Vader gets captured by the Rebel Alliance after the assault on Kamino.
[15:15] <@Wolfwood> ...........
[15:15] <@Ryan> [SPOILER] Yes. You heard that right. Vader. Gets. F[BLEEP]king. Captured. By. The. Rebellion. He's a prisoner.
[15:15] <@Wolfwood> how the f[BLEEP]k does that work
[15:15] <@Ryan> I DUNNO
[15:15] <@Wolfwood> [SPOILER] I hear rumbles of X-wing flight within the game, any of that in the novel?
[15:16] <@Ryan> I'm tempted to assume that this is a master scheme by Haden Blackman so they'd HAVE to do a TFU III.
[15:16] <@Ryan> Unless they pull a KOTOR on this.
[15:16] <@Ryan> To answer your question:
[15:17] <@Ryan> [SPOILER] There's some fleet action and Starkiller riding on a Y-Wing briefly while on Kamino. Who's piloting the Y-Wing? Wedge Antilles. Yeah. The same Wedge Antilles who is known as the only guy that has survived both Death Star assault and is known for being an X-Wing pilot.
[15:18] <@Wolfwood> ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFfFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[15:18] <@Ryan> [SPOILER] Of course I don't recall when the X-Wing actually comes into mass production so that could be the reason why.
[15:19] <@Wolfwood> Hmm.
[15:19] <@Ryan> One thing that was amusing to me was the usage of cameos, be it from the films or the EU.
[15:19] <@Ryan> Also I'm not sure how much of those cameos are in the game or just in the novel. Either way, they're still canon.
[15:20] <@Wolfwood> Any Kyle?
[15:21] <@Ryan> [SPOILER] Ackbar. Who, by the way, actually DOES say, "It's a trap!" in a particular situation. Tarken. Boba Fett but that was revealed before. An interesting usage of the Imperial 181st Squadron. Back before it was commanded by Baron Fel.
[15:21] <@Ryan> I'll answer that here without spoilers: No Kyle. I'm not sure the placement of the story here but I THINK this all happens before the theft of the Death Star plans.
[15:22] <@Wolfwood> I really should be more into Star Wars then I am.
[15:22] <Yaiko> Pffft, reject the traditional conceptions of nerd socialization.
[15:22] <@Wolfwood> Halo is more my relm of knowlage, not that it compares at all, but still.
[15:22] <@Ryan> If you ever want some suggestions where to start, never hesitate to ask me. :D
[15:23] <zairafirefly> it's one of those fandoms you have to devote lots of time to
[15:23] <@Wolfwood> I may
[15:23] <Yaiko> "Shoulds" are the poison of the mind.
[15:24] <@Ryan> I wouldn't say that, ZF. I never really devoted what I would consider a lot of time in going through the EU. Just take it slow and easy and know what you're interested in.
[15:25] <@Ryan> Wolf, for example, is really into the military stuff.
[15:25] <@Ryan> I'd recommend to him the X-Wing novels and comics.
[15:25] <zairafirefly> Well it's not like firefly where you watch the show and you're done. So much of the SW world is held the books and other media.
[15:26] <zairafirefly> *in the
[15:26] <@Wolfwood> Truthfuly, I was allways more an Imperial fan then I was a rebel.
[15:26] <@Ryan> In the same breath I would also advise him to run away from anything that has the author's name of Traviss on it. I feel bad for the Halo and GoW guys due to her being active in those universes now.
[15:26] <@Ryan> Ah, Firefly.
[15:27] <@Ryan> Well, Firefly has the comics, too.
[15:27] <@Ryan> And I can't wait for the Shepard prequel comic.
[15:27] <@Wolfwood> YES
[15:27] <@Wolfwood> THIS.
[15:27] <zairafirefly> but compared to firefly SW is HUUUUUUUGE
[15:28] <@Wolfwood> Halo has an interesting backround if you do your research. Too few know the books even exist.
[15:28] <@Ryan> Well, yeah. I don't deny that. It's been running for 30 years now. But also it's not so big that it's impossible to wade through. :D
[15:29] <zairafirefly> yeah. i just meant that you have to be willing to wade through a lot of stuff and possibly figure out which parts you're really interested in
[15:30] <@Ryan> Again, I agree. Also Wolf? I knew about the Halo novels. :D
[15:31] <zairafirefly> i think lee has a starcraft novel somewhere or something like that
[15:31] <zairafirefly> don't know if he ever read it
[15:31] <@Ryan> I have a few of the Wing Commander novels!
[15:32] <@Wolfwood> Have you read Fall of Reach?
[15:32] <@Ryan> Yeah. I'm still one of those people that remember Wing Commander.
[15:33] <@Wolfwood> I never played any of the wing commander games.
[15:33] <@Ryan> I haven't! Not yet. Halo is one of those universe where I've been meaning to get more into, like you with Star Wars, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
[15:33] <@Wolfwood> I remember the cartoon and the horrible movie.
[15:33] <@Wolfwood> It' interesting read.
[15:33] <@Ryan> fffffffff let's ignore those two shall we
[15:34] <@Ryan> As I recall, one of the screenwriters for the defunct Halo film based his script on that.
[15:34] <Yaiko> RAMPANCY
[15:34] <Yaiko> BEST THING EVER
[15:35] <Yaiko> Durandal is my favorite AI ever.
[15:35] <Yaiko> Even over SHODAN.
[15:35] <Yaiko> But only just.
[15:36] <@Wolfwood> What it took for ONI to make the Spartan II project was a thing of glory and horror.
[15:38] <@Wolfwood> But after reading the books and truely getting an idea for the extinction we faced, I do not think that war could have been won without them.
[15:40] <@Wolfwood> Also? the ODST are d[BLEEP]ks.
[15:42] <@Ryan> WHY ARE THEY D[BLEEP]KS
[15:43] <@Wolfwood> Typical hollywoodised spec-ops guys. Think they're better then anyone else, Spartans moreso. Don't like Master Cheif very much.
[15:44] <@Wolfwood> Getting hurled onto the ground via space in an egg-shaped titanium podthing will do that to you I guess.
[15:46] <@Ryan> whoa
[15:47] *** Aspirant Snark has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:47] <@spiritflame> irasshai Aspirant Snark *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[15:47] * Aspirant Snark looks at Yaiko.
[15:47] *** Yaiko is a Caucasian human in her late twenties, currently sporting a half-open blue shirt and khaki cargo capris over open-toe sandals. There's a fey look in her eyes, as though she's reflecting on some joke that you may be on the wrong end of... More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Until It Sleeps" by Metallica.

[15:47] <Aspirant Snark> Uh..huh.
[15:47] <@Wolfwood> Captan Keys has a ODST tattoo I believe.
[15:48] * Aspirant Snark waves hello
[15:49] <Aspirant Snark> Wow... daytime talk shows.
[15:51] <Aspirant Snark> Sorry Yaijinden, I didn't recognize you in your new gender.
[15:51] <Aspirant Snark> Huh... it's like those last two things I said could be connected somehow.
[15:51] * Aspirant Snark rolls his eyes.
[15:52] * @Wolfwood changes topic to `[15:51] <Aspirant Snark> Sorry Yaijinden, I didn't recognize you in your new gender. `
[15:52] <@Ryan> Yai's taking sexy back
[15:53] <Aspirant Snark> Huzzah, I'm the topic, and it was something I did on purpose!
[15:53] <Aspirant Snark> I am suprised I can't find this song on GrooveShark.
[15:54] <Aspirant Snark> I suppose they don't carry stuff from franchises that went otu of business.
[15:56] <@Wolfwood> And now I go. Lunch is to be had.
[15:56] *** @Wolfwood [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (In the words of Ancient Taoist masters, Don't start none... Won't be none. )
[16:02] <Aspirant Snark> Wow,human beings are stupid.
[16:02] <Matsuo Shin> hm?
[16:30] *** Aspirant Snark [0] has quit IRC ("It's even funnier because I'm sleep deprived!")
[17:06] * Gemini Sunrise practices some kata on th' beach
[17:07] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> GEMMY~~~~!
[17:07] <Gemini Sunrise> Sakura!
[17:08] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> :D :D :D
[17:08] <Gemini Sunrise> Dang it's been a while! :D
[17:08] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> You me and Rachet need to have another girls' night out!
[17:08] <Gemini Sunrise> Right!
[17:12] <Gemini Sunrise> Wanna help me train?
[17:12] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Sures!
[17:13] * @Sakura Xadium Aino starts to spar with Gemmy
[17:13] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:13] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[17:13] * Matsumi Kaze sits next to her brother and watches the two

[17:13] <Matsumi Kaze> (( yes I saw that :P ))
[17:14] * Matsumi Kaze smiles, watching the two friends spar
[17:14] <Gemini Sunrise> Hi Matsy!
[17:14] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Auuuuuuuuuunnt MAAAAAAAAAAAAATs
[17:15] <Matsumi Kaze> hi there *waves*
[17:15] <Matsumi Kaze> :)
[17:16] <Gemini Sunrise> :D
[17:18] * Matsumi Kaze leans against the tree, watching
[17:18] * Gemini Sunrise an' Sakura are sparring incredibly fast
[17:19] <Matsumi Kaze> heh..real experts
[17:19] <@Ryan> i like to spar incredibly fast. in bed.
[17:19] <@Ryan> with your mom.
[17:20] * Matsumi Kaze tries to keep track of the two's movements
[17:20] * @Sakura Xadium Aino is leaving glowy sword trails with her movements
[17:20] * Gemini Sunrise too, but red
[17:21] <Matsumi Kaze> hm..
[17:21] <Euri Hakinochi> (( This is really cool, in my opinion. ))
[17:22] * Matsumi Kaze keeps her eyes on the tracks.....
[17:22] *** Yeah lunar archivist had translated that for Wol ages ago
[17:22] <Matsumi Kaze> geh...too fast
[17:22] *** But since we can't get a license that cool stuff isn't in it
[17:23] <@Ryan> suddenly someone breaks it and then i want you to think if it's still really cool after large chunks of crystal comes tumbling down and crushes you, splattering your internal organs all over the streets
[17:23] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> No no no
[17:23] * Matsumi Kaze rubs her eyes
[17:23] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> The palace is crystal.
[17:23] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Clear crystal.
[17:23] <Matsumi Kaze> ><
[17:24] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Now imagine you are a visitor
[17:24] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> And have to use the facilities.
[17:24] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ...yeah.
[17:24] <@Ryan> damn embarrassing to say the least
[17:25] <Matsumi Kaze> geh you guys are fast
[17:26] <Gemini Sunrise> We train real hard!
[17:26] <Matsumi Kaze> I suppose..I don't get the time to do that XD
[17:31] * Matsumi Kaze picks up some grass and plays with it between her fingertips
[17:36] <spiritflame> Gemini Sunrise rolls 1d20 for a final charge [ 9 ]
[17:36] <spiritflame> @Sakura Xadium Aino rolls 1d20 for the same [ 12 ]
[17:36] * Matsumi Kaze keeps watching
[17:37] * @Sakura Xadium Aino wins by a hair, knocking Red Sun out of Gemmy's grasp
[17:37] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Gotcha!
[17:37] * Matsumi Kaze applauds
[17:37] <Gemini Sunrise> Nice!
[17:37] * Gemini Sunrise bowsn' collects it
[17:39] * Matsumi Kaze throws the grass blades in the air and just watches them land
[17:40] * Matsumi Kaze just watches each blade fall
[17:42] <Matsumi Kaze> hm....
[17:44] * Matsumi Kaze looks at the blades on the ground and sighs
[17:47] * Matsumi Kaze looks up at the sky
[17:48] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> What's up Matsy?
[17:48] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't know I just feel..out of it today
[17:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ...even at rehersial I just....don't feel it
[17:50] <Matsumi Kaze> *didn't
[17:50] <Matsumi Kaze> everything just feels a tad grey
[17:50] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> aww
[17:51] * Matsumi Kaze looks at the sand
[17:52] <Matsumi Kaze> last night's fight also sort of drained me
[17:55] * Matsumi Kaze leans against the tree
[17:59] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry sorry I don't want to bring you guys down
[18:06] * Matsumi Kaze tries to relax
[18:12] <Matsumi Kaze> so what's up..
[18:13] <Gemini Sunrise> Not much, just relaxin'
[18:14] <Matsumi Kaze> ....sorry about how I acted at rehersial tonight, gemini
[18:14] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Ooh you guys are doing a play?
[18:14] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> That brings back memories!
[18:15] <Matsumi Kaze> most of the time good..but tonight I was...kind of sloppy
[18:15] <Gemini Sunrise> We all has our off days
[18:15] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah I suppose so
[18:16] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I saw deki in his ticket collecting outfit
[18:16] <Matsumi Kaze> oh man he looks handsome ^_^
[18:16] <Gemini Sunrise> That uniform does kinda have an appeal :D
[18:16] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Tell me about it~
[18:17] <Matsumi Kaze> though I think he's sort of wondering WHY he has to do it
[18:17] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> They all do
[18:18] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[18:19] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Oogami did
[18:19] <Gemini Sunrise> Shinjiro too
[18:19] <Matsumi Kaze> and now Deki does
[18:19] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[18:19] <Matsumi Kaze> hey gemini...
[18:19] <Gemini Sunrise> huh?
[18:20] <Matsumi Kaze> ...does Sunnyside..often hide things from people?
[18:20] <Gemini Sunrise> Sometimes
[18:20] <Gemini Sunrise> he does what he thinks'll lead to the best result, not so much how other folk'll feel about it
[18:20] <Matsumi Kaze> ok...
[18:20] <Matsumi Kaze> ..cause I think he's hiding something from me
[18:21] <Gemini Sunrise> Wouldn't be surprised.
[18:21] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods
[18:21] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe it's best I don't dig deep then
[18:23] * Matsumi Kaze chews on a blade of grass
[18:23] <Matsumi Kaze> ..heh..sometime we should totally take a picture of us..the three of us I mean
[18:24] <Gemini Sunrise> Sure!
[18:25] * Matsumi Kaze relaxes
[18:27] * Matsumi Kaze kicks some sand at gemini and sakura :P
[18:27] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> What?
[18:27] <Matsumi Kaze> nuthing...
[18:28] <Matsumi Kaze> just being silly
[18:30] <Gemini Sunrise> :D
[18:31] * Gemini Sunrise is away: dinner with impy
[18:31] * @Sakura Xadium Aino is away: dinner
[18:31] * Matsumi Kaze is away: ditto
[19:17] <> The anatomy of Robocop


[20:16] *** Emi Aster has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:16] <@spiritflame> irasshai Emi Aster *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[20:16] // GINGA FLASH // · · Sony says Pirated PS3 controllers could explode · ·
[20:16] * Emi Aster pokes her head out of the house
[20:16] <Emi Aster> h-h-hello?
[20:17] <Gemini Sunrise> Howdy!
[20:17] * Gemini Sunrise looks at Emi Aster.
[20:17] *** Emi Aster is young woman with short blue-purple hair, green eyes and wears a smart looking business suit. She speaks with a midwestern accent.
Her image Song is: .

[20:17] * Gemini Sunrise waves
[20:17] <Emi Aster> ............
[20:17] <Emi Aster> OMFG *_____*
[20:17] * Emi Aster runs over squeeling
[20:17] * Gemini Sunrise backs up a bit
[20:18] <Gemini Sunrise> Uhh...
[20:18] <Gemini Sunrise> <_<
[20:18] <Gemini Sunrise> >_>
[20:19] * Emi Aster pulls out a small book and opens
[20:19] <Gemini Sunrise> Are you a fan?
[20:19] <Emi Aster> *opens it
[20:19] * Gemini Sunrise exhales a bit, it's been years since she's been run at by fans
[20:19] <Gemini Sunrise> Sure!
[20:20] * Gemini Sunrise gives her best Broadway smile
[20:20] * Gemini Sunrise gets a pen
[20:20] * Gemini Sunrise signs
[20:20] <Emi Aster> My grandma saw all your performances!!! she even kept the posters!!!!!
[20:20] <Gemini Sunrise> :O
[20:21] <Gemini Sunrise> And... y'aint surprised t'see me?
[20:21] <Emi Aster> I have a reproduction of your first peformance in my room!!!!
[20:21] <Matsumi Kaze> ....*cough*...
[20:21] <Emi Aster> !!!
[20:21] * Emi Aster turns "err..hello..miss..brunnhilda..."
[20:22] <Matsumi Kaze> - what are you doing here, Emi? -
[20:22] <Emi Aster> <.< >.>
[20:23] <Emi Aster> talken' ta miss gemini...
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> - shouldn't you be doing something else ^_^ -
[20:23] <Gemini Sunrise> You know Matsy?
[20:23] * Emi Aster hides behind gemini
[20:24] <Matsumi Kaze> Emi one of a new group within the Unit
[20:24] <Matsumi Kaze> we call them Shield Bearers
[20:24] <Gemini Sunrise> :O
[20:25] <Matsumi Kaze> the equivlent of the Kazegumi
[20:25] * Emi Aster is shaking behind gemini
[20:26] * Gemini Sunrise turns and faces her
[20:26] <Matsumi Kaze> they just got hired last week
[20:26] <Gemini Sunrise> Nice t'meet ya!
[20:26] <Gemini Sunrise> What's yer name?
[20:26] <Emi Aster> E..e....e...emi....a...a...aster
[20:26] * Emi Aster looks like she's going to have a heartattack
[20:27] * Gemini Sunrise flashes her warmest smile
[20:27] * Emi Aster faints
[20:27] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[20:27] <Gemini Sunrise> ...
[20:27] <Gemini Sunrise> Dang.
[20:28] * Gemini Sunrise helps pick her up
[20:28] <Matsumi Kaze> a bit of a fangirl
[20:28] <Matsumi Kaze> should see her around Rachet
[20:28] <Emi Aster> @_@ glorious
[20:29] * Gemini Sunrise giggles
[20:29] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry about being depressive eailer
[20:29] <Matsumi Kaze> I ended up getting a peptalk from the last person I would expect
[20:30] <Gemini Sunrise> ?
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> Hana
[20:31] * Emi Aster wakes up..
[20:31] * Gemini Sunrise facefaults
[20:31] <Emi Aster> uh..uh...sorry miss gemini
[20:31] * Emi Aster starts to bow profusly...really profusly
[20:31] <Gemini Sunrise> It;s okay :D
[20:32] <Gemini Sunrise> Don't do that :D
[20:32] <Emi Aster> sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
[20:33] <Matsumi Kaze> but these girls are being trained in helping us with some of the larger devices
[20:33] <Gemini Sunrise> nice :D
[20:33] <Emi Aster> sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
[20:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[20:35] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:35] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[20:36] * Emi Aster is bowing now on her knees
[20:36] <Matsumi Kaze> ....maybe she's having a seizure...
[20:36] * Gemini Sunrise sweatdrops
[20:37] <Matsumi Kaze> can get up, Emi
[20:37] <Emi Aster> oh..
[20:37] * Emi Aster stands slowly
[20:37] <Matsumi Kaze> ..why are you here?
[20:37] <Emi Aster> OH!
[20:37] * Eitak_Razal tilts her head "There's something about her I like"
[20:37] * Emi Aster hands Gemini and Matsumi some papers
[20:38] <Gemini Sunrise> ?
[20:38] <Emi Aster> additions to the script
[20:38] <Emi Aster> from the writer
[20:38] <Matsumi Kaze> oh thanks
[20:40] * Emi Aster is still looking starry eyed at gemini
[20:44] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I think she might jump you, gemini
[20:44] * Gemini Sunrise backs up a few steps
[20:45] <Emi Aster> isitokifsometimeIgetaphotographofyouandyoucansignitandandandstuff
[20:45] <Gemini Sunrise> Y-yeah....
[20:46] * @Sakura Xadium Aino pops up out of nowhere like a whack-a-mole then vanishes
[20:46] *** @Sakura Xadium Aino [cherryblossomstorm@north.galaxy.kai] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Running distraction for ya!)
[20:46] <Emi Aster> !!!!
[20:46] * Emi Aster runs after Sakura with her autograph book
[20:46] *** Emi Aster has left #suburbansenshi2 (PLEASE AUTOGRAPH MY BOOK)
[20:47] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah...most of the girls are sane
[20:47] <Gemini Sunrise> thank ye kindly, Saki <_<
[20:47] <Gemini Sunrise> She seems nice enough, but dang she's a "fan".
[20:47] * Matsumi Kaze hands gemini a bottle..with no label on it....
[20:47] <Gemini Sunrise> What's this?
[20:48] <Matsumi Kaze> try it! just found it in the bar
[20:48] * Gemini Sunrise uncorks and sniffs it
[20:48] * the drink smells of alchoal
[20:48] * Gemini Sunrise takes a swig
[20:49] <Matsumi Kaze> it's Snake Bile Vodka
[20:50] * Gemini Sunrise goes green
[20:51] * Gemini Sunrise slowly hands th' bottle back
[20:51] <Gemini Sunrise> T-thanks...
[20:51] * Gemini Sunrise RUNS over to a bush
[20:51] <Matsumi Kaze> wanted to get it tested out...
[20:51] * Gemini Sunrise gets behind it and ... well you hear the rest
[20:51] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[20:52] * Matsumi Kaze walks over and hands gemini another bottle, no label again "take this to get rid of the flavor"
[20:52] * Gemini Sunrise just holds up her hand in a "no thanks" gesture
[20:53] <Gemini Sunrise> *hoarse* Ah'll tough this'n out
[20:53] * A Prinny darts over and snatchs it. Or tries to at least
[20:53] <Matsumi Kaze> ok I'll be less mean
[20:53] * Matsumi Kaze keeps it away from the prinny
[20:53] * Matsumi Kaze drinks it herself
[20:53] <Prinny> No fair dood!
[20:54] * something scratches under the sand...
[20:54] <Matsumi Kaze> ahhhh...gotta love this stuff...
[20:54] * the sand near the Prinny shifts...
[20:55] * a BLUR leaps from the sand and SNATCHES the Prinny in its jaws!
[20:55] <Matsumi Kaze> gotta love aloe juice
[20:55] * Prinny is snatched!
[20:55] * A snarling, rabid TYPO-DEMON looks at you all
[20:56] * The Typo Demon takes its prey back under the beach
[20:56] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[20:56] * Typo Demon is away
[20:56] <Matsumi Kaze> ..sorry gemini
[20:56] <Matsumi Kaze> GAH
[20:56] <Matsumi Kaze> DON'T DO THAT
[20:58] <Matsumi Kaze> don't jump out like that
[20:58] <Matsumi Kaze> also stop doing that during my creeps the students out
[20:59] <Matsumi Kaze> ...also I burned those photos
[21:00] <GERMATOID> ...
[21:00] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[21:00] * Matsumi Kaze walks over to gemini "you going to be ok?"
[21:00] * Gemini Sunrise nod
[21:00] <Eitak_Razal> That man is disturbing
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> he's my boss
[21:03] <Matsumi Kaze> hey gemini..odd question
[21:03] <Gemini Sunrise> huh?
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> do you think it makes me..less american...that I changed my name to a japanese name..rather then my original american one
[21:05] <Gemini Sunrise> Bein' American ain't got nothin' t'do with yer name.
[21:05] <Gemini Sunrise> It's how y'think, n'act.
[21:06] <Matsumi Kaze> so I should go swaggering around overweight and proclaim how much better I am then others :P
[21:06] * Matsumi Kaze giggles at that
[21:07] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry I just find that sterotype funny
[21:08] <Gemini Sunrise> :P
[21:10] *** Adorable Kitten [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:10] <@spiritflame> irasshai Adorable Kitten *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[21:10] * Matsumi Kaze gently pokes gemini's stomach
[21:10] * Gemini Sunrise is fit
[21:10] <Gemini Sunrise> Aww, th' kitty!
[21:10] <Matsumi Kaze> aw
[21:10] <Adorable Kitten> Mew?
[21:11] * Adorable Kitten chases a fish in the tidal pool.
[21:12] * Adorable Kitten doesn't like getting wet, so it chases a small crab instead.
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> cute little thing

[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> oh god
[21:17] * Adorable Kitten flops on the ground between Gemini_Sunrise and Matsumi Kaze.
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> D'awww
[21:18] <Gemini Sunrise> So cute~ ♫
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> toooo cute
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> ...
[21:19] * Matsumi Kaze snatches gemini's hat and RUNS
[21:19] <Gemini Sunrise> H-hey!
[21:20] * Matsumi Kaze grins and runs towards the water with it :P :P
[21:20] * Gemini Sunrise chases!
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> one more step and I drop it :P
[21:21] * Gemini Sunrise stops :/
[21:22] * Matsumi Kaze jokenly lowers the hat towards the water
[21:22] * Adorable Kitten sits up, upset that it isnot the center of attention.
[21:22] <Gemini Sunrise> ¬_¬
[21:22] * Adorable Kitten jiltedly walks into the House.
[21:22] *** Adorable Kitten [] has quit IRC (Meow?)
[21:22] <psYchO_saKi> Oh *I* love you, kitty~
[21:23] * psYchO_saKi is away: into the house *remember ME?!*
[21:23] *** Hulking Figure [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:23] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hulking Figure *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[21:23] <Hulking Figure> Yup.
[21:24] <Hulking Figure> Cat went that way (points to kitchen.)
[21:24] <psYchO_saKi> Yup what~
[21:24] <psYchO_saKi> Mmm but you're more interesting to me now~
[21:24] <Hulking Figure> What, I thought you were talking to me.
[21:25] * psYchO_saKi sizes up the Vampire, eyes narrows to cat-slits
[21:25] <Hulking Figure> Am I?
[21:25] <psYchO_saKi> Oh yes~
[21:25] <Hulking Figure> You know... in a couple of weeks, I'd have responded and dared you to do your worst.
[21:25] * psYchO_saKi walks out onto the beach
[21:25] <Hulking Figure> Not today though.
[21:25] * Hulking Figure walks into the jungle.
[21:25] <psYchO_saKi> You speak with the tenses of a Time Traveller
[21:25] * Matsumi Kaze tosses gemini back her hat
[21:25] * psYchO_saKi exhales
[21:26] * psYchO_saKi briefly considers lighting the jungle on fire in retaliation for Dimitri walking away from her
[21:26] * Hulking Figure looks at psYchO_saKi.
[21:26] *** psYchO_saKi is tall, blue-haired, pale-skinned android in a fancy gothic lolita maid's outfit. She is always chuckling, looking for prey to kill. You can almost see her salivating as she ponders 1000 ways to make you die slowly. If you are magically attuned, the anti-magic wards embedded in her skin make you feel distinctly ill at ease. Don't make eye contact... More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Superbeast" by Rob Zombie.

[21:26] * psYchO_saKi just rolls her tongue against her teeth and decides not to.
[21:26] * psYchO_saKi catches Cowgirl's hat
[21:26] * psYchO_saKi tosses it to her
[21:27] <Gemini Sunrise> Thanks
[21:27] * Curious Seagull catches the Hat.
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> .........
[21:27] <Gemini Sunrise> ...
[21:27] * Curious Seagull drops it, and flies north.
[21:28] * psYchO_saKi grins, her arm was already bent over her shoulder, gun poised to blast it.
[21:28] * psYchO_saKi just lowers her gun
[21:28] * Gemini Sunrise dusts off her hat and hangs it on her back
[21:29] <Curious Seagull> Huh... why didn't you kill it?
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> what is up with the animals today?
[21:29] * Curious Seagull is sitting near the foliage line.
[21:30] * psYchO_saKi casually swings around and blasts the seagull to bits
[21:30] * Curious Seagull is now known as Hulking Figure
[21:30] <Hulking Figure> Guess Jack was right.
[21:30] * Hulking Figure looks down at the massive hole in his torso.
[21:30] <psYchO_saKi> Oopsie~
[21:30] <Hulking Figure> Ouch.
[21:30] <psYchO_saKi> Your little shapechanging tricks are _so_ amusing
[21:31] <Hulking Figure> That feels *rrreeeeally funny*
[21:31] <Hulking Figure> I mean... I can't feel anything at all.
[21:31] * psYchO_saKi holsters her gun somewhere inside her dress
[21:31] * Hulking Figure puts his hand through the hole.
[21:31] * Matsumi Kaze sits in the sand
[21:31] <psYchO_saKi> Aww well that's no fun :<
[21:31] <psYchO_saKi> Next time I'll use Napalm :3
[21:31] <Hulking Figure> I wish I had a baseball.
[21:32] * Hulking Figure puts his hand through the hole again.
[21:32] <Hulking Figure> It doesn't even hurt!
[21:32] <Hulking Figure> This is so cool!
[21:32] <Hulking Figure> What kind of round WAS that?
[21:32] <Eitak_Razal> Hold on, I'll get Mormeril. He should be able to fix it...
[21:32] <psYchO_saKi> Standard FMJ armor-piercing
[21:33] <Hulking Figure> No, it's cool... look!
[21:33] * Eitak_Razal pulls out her phone and calls someone, then hangs up.
[21:33] <Hulking Figure> Must have been a REALLY high velocity round.
[21:33] *** TheGreyElf [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:33] <@spiritflame> irasshai TheGreyElf *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[21:33] * psYchO_saKi shrugs, the whole spectacle boring her
[21:33] * Hulking Figure juggles a coconut through the hole in his guts.
[21:33] <TheGreyElf> Cool yes, Distubing for the liveing? Yes
[21:34] <Matsumi Kaze> hey, you think I'm doing ok in the paul bunyan role?
[21:34] * psYchO_saKi uses a totothpick to clean between her teeth
[21:34] <Gemini Sunrise> Yup!
[21:34] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm just a little scared ^^;;
[21:34] <Gemini Sunrise> Yer a natural :D
[21:34] * TheGreyElf walks over to Dimitri. "Knock that off and let me take a look."
[21:35] <Hulking Figure> Um... I can heal it... It'll just take a while... or a couple of dolphins.
[21:35] <Hulking Figure> The only problem is that the animals tend to um... well, scavengers attack me if they think I'm wounded.
[21:35] <Hulking Figure> Which is both unfortunate and occaisionally helpful... I mean... once you grab them...
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> heh you're better then me XD
[21:36] * TheGreyElf just looks at him "So you would rather take time to heal it then let a trained Necromancer look at it and fix it now
[21:36] <Hulking Figure> Dont' take this the wrong way... but you kind of creep me out.
[21:37] <TheGreyElf> Says the pot to the kettle
[21:37] <TheGreyElf> I'm not less creepy then you are.
[21:38] <Hulking Figure> That's right. Because you are MORE creepy.
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> .......
[21:38] <TheGreyElf> Hah. Hardly
[21:39] <Prinny> They're both equally creepy dood
[21:39] * Hulking Figure snatches up the Prinny.
[21:39] <TheGreyElf> Let's see, an undead elf, or a shape shifting vamprie that steals undergarments. Which is more creepy
[21:39] <Hulking Figure> Hey penguin-guy? Want to learn a lesson about why you shouldn't piss BOTH members of a conversation off at once?
[21:40] <Prinny> Ack! I don't want to die dood!
[21:40] <Hulking Figure> Please... like you have NEVER stolen undergarments.
[21:40] * Hulking Figure samples Prinny blood.
[21:40] <TheGreyElf> ... No. I haven't
[21:41] <Hulking Figure> Besides, the mice convinced me I should do that... and I was REALLY messed up around then.
[21:41] <Hulking Figure> Now.. let me get this straight, dead man---you have NEVER stolen undergarments?
[21:41] <TheGreyElf> You are not helping your case.
[21:41] <TheGreyElf> Never. Why would I?
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[21:42] * Matsumi Kaze grins
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> *ahem*
[21:42] <Hulking Figure> So you are saying, Mormeril, that you LEGALLY purchase undergarments instead of stealing them?
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> an old cowpoke was riding dark and windy day...
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> upon a ridge he he went along his way...
[21:43] * Hulking Figure taps his foot. He loves this song.
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> when all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows he saw...
[21:44] * TheGreyElf looks like he would blush, if he was phsyically able to
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> A-plowing through the ragged sky..and up the cloudy draw
[21:44] * Hulking Figure grins.
[21:44] <Hulking Figure> Draa.
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> their brands were still on fire and their hooves were made of steel
[21:44] <TheGreyElf> Actully I have Macha do it since I the last store I was in I got chased out of...
[21:45] <Matsumi Kaze> their horns were black and shiny and their hot breath he could feel..
[21:45] <Matsumi Kaze> a bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky
[21:45] <Hulking Figure> Their horns were black and shiney and their hot breath he could feel!
[21:45] <Matsumi Kaze> for he saw the riders coming hard..and he heard their mournful cry!
[21:46] * Matsumi Kaze looks to gemini
[21:46] * Gemini Sunrise is enjoyin' th's song
[21:46] <Hulking Figure> Get out of there, armless, legless dummy!
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> well ok
[21:47] <TheGreyElf> but the point remains, I've never stolen any.
[21:47] * Hulking Figure buries the Prinny in sand up to its neck.
[21:47] * Hulking Figure buries the Prinny in sand up to just below it's beak.
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> YIPPIE YI YAAAAAAAY
[21:47] <Prinny> LET ME GO DOOD
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> YIPPIE YI OOOOOOOH
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> sky...
[21:48] <Hulking Figure> When the riders rode on by him, he heard one call his name...
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred, their shirts were soaked with sweat
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> DIMITRI
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> geh
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> ><
[21:48] <Hulking Figure> ...My memory is bad!
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> ..geh now I've lost my place
[21:48] * Hulking Figure looks sad.
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> um..let's oh yeah
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred, their shirts were soaked with sweat...
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> they're riding hard to catch that herd but they ain't caught em yet...
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> cause they've got to ride forever on that range up in the sky
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> on horses snorting they ride on hear their cry..
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> as the riders loped on by him he heard one call his name..
[21:50] * Matsumi Kaze turns and looks at Gemini..making her own eyes glow bright green at her
[21:51] * Matsumi Kaze points at gemini
[21:51] <Prinny>

[21:51] * Gemini Sunrise b....
[21:51] * Gemini Sunrise KICKS the Prinny
[21:51] * Gemini Sunrise resumes blanching
[21:51] * Hulking Figure takes cover.
[21:52] <Hulking Figure> ...if you want to save your soul from hell...
[21:52] * Hulking Figure looks out at the sea.
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> YIPPEE YI YAAAAAY
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> YIPPEE YIIII YOOOOOO
[21:53] <Matsumi Kaze> GHOST..RIDERS..IN....THE SKY...
[21:53] * Matsumi Kaze 's eyes go back to normal and she bows
[21:53] * Hulking Figure applauds for Matsumi.
[21:53] <TheGreyElf> I'm not sure wich is worse, being undead or going to hell.
[21:53] * Hulking Figure looks more carefully at Matsumi's eyes.
[21:53] <Hulking Figure> Hell.
[21:53] <Hulking Figure> Never doubt. Hell is worse.
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze> I wouldn't
[21:54] * Matsumi Kaze POINTS at Gemini
[21:55] * Gemini Sunrise mock-faints
[21:55] * Matsumi Kaze giggles
[21:55] <Matsumi Kaze> I really love that song
[21:55] <Matsumi Kaze> my dad used to have it on a record
[21:55] <Hulking Figure> I should try to turn into one of those cows, once.
[21:55] <Hulking Figure> Ought to scare the crap out of lots of people.
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> why?
[21:56] <Hulking Figure> ...It's a personal thing for me.
[21:56] <Hulking Figure> You know I was born in Arizona, right?
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> no no no
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze> I mean...WHY do you want to scare people?
[21:57] <TheGreyElf> I told you, creepy
[21:58] <Hulking Figure> Like the person in that song, for instance.
[21:58] <Hulking Figure> There is an old saying, "when fear comes, change your ways, because it means you are doing something wrong."
[21:58] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi, look me in the eye and tell me that there are people on this earth who do not desperately *need* to be scared.
[21:58] <Hulking Figure> Can you do it?
[21:59] <TheGreyElf> Give me 10 minuties. I'll go remove my head. That scary enough for you?
[21:59] * TheGreyElf says this sarcasticly
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[21:59] * Matsumi Kaze shrugs
[22:00] * Hulking Figure mumbles something about it not taking him nearly that long to remove it.
[22:01] <Hulking Figure> I have a theory about contacting time travellers.
[22:01] * Hulking Figure writes something down on a piece of paper.
[22:01] * Hulking Figure buries it in the sand.
[22:01] * Hulking Figure waits and looks around.
[22:02] <Eitak_Razal> Looking for something?
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze> I've time traveled before..and it's not fun
[22:03] <Hulking Figure> Meh. Lots of thing are fun, provided you choose it.
[22:03] <Hulking Figure> But you see... I really WANT to time travel.
[22:03] <Hulking Figure> Just one time.
[22:04] <Hulking Figure> Just once.
[22:04] * Hulking Figure looks around.
[22:04] <Hulking Figure> >.>
[22:04] <Matsumi Kaze> do you know what it feels like??
[22:04] *** Nana Sano has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:04] <@spiritflame> irasshai Nana Sano *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze> it feels like your insides are getting ripped out through every orafice......and then rearranged
[22:05] <Nana Sano> Eh??
[22:05] <Hulking Figure> So?
[22:05] * Hulking Figure points to the gaping hole in his chest.
[22:05] *** Gemini Sunrise [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Ah miss impy)
[22:06] * Eitak_Razal smirks "I've time travled before. And my brother is a chonomancer. For the right price I can set you up to travel though time.
[22:06] <Hulking Figure> Okay. I"m listening.
[22:07] <Hulking Figure> Name your price.
[22:07] <Matsumi Kaze> time travel is NOT something to be toyed with or used lightly
[22:07] <Eitak_Razal> What's it worth to you?
[22:07] * Hulking Figure looks around, expecting something.
[22:07] <Hulking Figure> Well, I'mgoing back in time--I'll turn into a bear, and personally eat Hitler!
[22:07] <Hulking Figure> >.>
[22:08] * Hulking Figure shrugs.
[22:08] <Matsumi Kaze> ...that is...just...irresponsble
[22:08] <Eitak_Razal> Bzzzt. Wrong. I said you could time Travel. I never said you could alter history
[22:08] <Hulking Figure> I guess she just isn't coming tonight.
[22:08] <Eitak_Razal> Expecting Plushie?
[22:08] * Hulking Figure nods.
[22:08] <Nana Sano> And I've walked in on the wrong conversation, again.
[22:08] * Hulking Figure looks at Nana Sano.
[22:08] *** Nana Sano is young woman with brown eyes, edgy dark green hair and a punk style. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Grooving Beating" by Anna Tsuchiya.

[22:09] <Eitak_Razal> I do belive she's off searching the Island for something
[22:09] * Hulking Figure wiggles his fingers through the hole in himself.
[22:09] <Hulking Figure> Yes... but what if I had to time travel to make sure that history stayed the SAME!
[22:10] <Hulking Figure> dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee!
[22:10] <Eitak_Razal> Oh trust me. My brother wouldn't let you kill the wrong fly let alone alter history
[22:10] * Nana Sano looks at HF.
[22:10] <Nana Sano> You think someone's going to let you time travel?
[22:11] <Eitak_Razal> Let me repeat it. My brother is a chronomancer. Infact keeping time "Right" is his job on our world. Nothing could go wrong
[22:12] *** Plushie-chan [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:12] <@spiritflame> irasshai Plushie-chan *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[22:12] <Nana Sano> You just reek of "don't trust me."
[22:12] <Plushie-chan> That is the most accruate stament made today
[22:12] * Hulking Figure looks into the eyes of Nana Sano.
[22:12] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (heading home)
[22:12] *** Taki Kensai has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:12] <@spiritflame> irasshai Taki Kensai *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[22:12] <Hulking Figure> Are you sure you don't trust me? Come and sit here next to me. Please.
[22:13] <Plushie-chan> I've met her brother. He's a totaly by the rules kind of guy. He'd sooner kill you then let you muck up the past
[22:13] * Taki Kensai runs out of the house, looking up in the air
[22:13] <Nana Sano> Hey Taki.
[22:13] <Taki Kensai> hi, nana
[22:13] * Taki Kensai keeps looking up in the sky
[22:13] <Hulking Figure> Somebody is coming.
[22:13] <Taki Kensai> you have that right..
[22:13] * Hulking Figure looks up, and narrows his eyes.
[22:13] <Taki Kensai> actually it should have been here by now
[22:13] <Nana Sano> What's wrong?
[22:13] <Hulking Figure> It's one of your compatriots.
[22:14] <Taki Kensai> sort of...
[22:14] <Taki Kensai> but not
[22:14] * Taki Kensai is looking up at the clouds in the sky
[22:14] * Hulking Figure looks at Nana Sano
[22:14] <Nana Sano> And it had to pick tonight, huh?
[22:14] <Taki Kensai> sort of...
[22:15] <Taki Kensai> we just got it
[22:15] * Taki Kensai 's comm beeps and he puts it on speaker
[22:15] <Taki Kensai> yes?
[22:15] <Nana Sano> Oh? KAT thingy?
[22:16] <Goro Moroko> we are at your location, Taki
[22:16] * Taki Kensai looks around "where?"
[22:16] <Goro Moroko> right above you
[22:16] <Hulking Figure> OH NO!
[22:16] * Plushie-chan looks up
[22:16] * Eitak_Razal looks up
[22:16] * Taki Kensai looks several flood lights burst from the clouds..illuminating the beach
[22:16] * Hulking Figure turns into a shadow, and sinks into the sand, looking panicked.
[22:17] *** Hulking Figure [] has quit IRC (Out of the Darkness, in Blood we rise.)
[22:17] * Taki Kensai grins
[22:17] * TheGreyEllf does NOT look up
[22:17] <Plushie-chan> Gah!
[22:17] <Plushie-chan> Too bright
[22:17] * Nana Sano watches
[22:18] * Strange Silhouette watches from a window of the House.
[22:18] * the clouds burst apart as the sounds of engines can be heard....revealing a large red and blue vehicle...somewhat shaped like a Blackbird jet....and at least 300 meters long
[22:19] <Taki Kensai> heh
[22:19] <Taki Kensai> presenting..the KAT Grandira
[22:19] <Plushie-chan> Grandma?
[22:20] <Taki Kensai> Grandira
[22:20] <Taki Kensai> contains the most sophisticated anti-monster weapons on the face of the planet
[22:20] <Nana Sano> And that's why it's so big?
[22:21] * KAT grandira lowers itself into the ocean...
[22:21] * KAT grandira 's nose is laying near the beach
[22:21] <Taki Kensai> yup
[22:21] * Strange Silhouette screams in horror, and disappears from the window.
[22:22] * Strange Silhouette is away: If this is going to happen, I'm going to at least be prepared.
[22:22] * KAT grandira 's nose opens up
[22:22] *** Captain Katahashi has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:22] <@spiritflame> irasshai Captain Katahashi *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[22:22] * Captain Katahashi walks out, saluting Taki
[22:22] * Taki Kensai returns the salute
[22:23] <Captain Katahashi> good idea for a test landing, taki
[22:23] <Taki Kensai> yes, sir! thank you, sir
[22:24] * Captain Katahashi nods to the rest
[22:24] *** has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:24] <@spiritflame> irasshai *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[22:25] <Nana Okita> ^
[22:25] * Nana Okita runs out and waves to taki
[22:25] <Nana Okita> Hi, Kensai-san!
[22:25] * Nana Sano stands off to the side, watching
[22:26] <Taki Kensai> heh..hey, Okita-san
[22:27] <Taki Kensai> oh nana
[22:27] <Nana Okita> oh hello, nana!
[22:28] <Nana Sano> Hi
[22:28] <Captain Katahashi> Nana...back on board please.....
[22:28] <Nana Okita> ..yes sir...
[22:28] * Nana Okita walks away, as someone nearly bumps into her..
[22:29] *** Takahashi Sugota has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:29] <@spiritflame> irasshai Takahashi Sugota *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[22:30] <Takahashi Sugota> hi, kensai...
[22:30] *** Captain Katahashi has left #suburbansenshi2 (*back on the grandira*)
[22:30] <Taki Kensai> ....hi, Sugota..
[22:31] * Takahashi Sugota looks at Eitak_Razal.
[22:31] *** Eitak_Razal is a young woman with red hair and green eyes. She 's about 5'9. . Her outfit varies depening on her mood. though she is normally wearing a circlet or similar object that flags her as Queen of Neggerra. Her full name is Enirhtak Esor Razal
image Song is: Devil Inside by Utada.

[22:31] * Takahashi Sugota smiles and walks over to Eitak
[22:31] <Takahashi Sugota> hey baby...
[22:32] <Nana Sano> Oi, Taki, 'sthat the azzhat?
[22:32] <Taki Kensai> yes..
[22:32] <Takahashi Sugota> you new around here?
[22:32] *** Hulking Figure [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:32] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hulking Figure *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> Are they gone? Are they gone?
[22:33] * Hulking Figure jitters.
[22:33] * Hulking Figure heads for the water!
[22:33] * Hulking Figure looks at Takahashi Sugota.
[22:33] *** Takahashi Sugota is your average everyday Takahashi Sugota

[22:33] <Hulking Figure> ...
[22:33] * Hulking Figure turns around.
[22:33] * KAT Grandira is still there in the water
[22:33] * Hulking Figure looks at KAT Grandiar.
[22:33] *** KAT Grandiar is your average everyday KAT Grandiar

[22:34] <Taki Kensai> (( you'll have to look back in the logs for a descript :P ))
[22:34] * Hulking Figure watches Takahashi Sugota..., and thinks about whether he should flee from KAT, or stop this.
[22:34] * Takahashi Sugota smiles at Eitak
[22:35] <Eitak_Raza> Your Pickup lines are stale
[22:35] * predator's eyes watch from the forest
[22:35] <Eitak_Razal> ^
[22:35] <Eitak_Razal> .
[22:35] <Taki Kensai> .....
[22:35] <Hulking Figure> Prinny... get me some popcorn---NOW!
[22:35] * Hulking Figure releases the Prinny.
[22:35] * Prinny runs into the forrest instead
[22:36] <Takahashi Sugota> know you would want to go out with me
[22:36] <Hulking Figure> Hey dude. You don't want her---she's a Queen!
[22:36] <Nana Sano> From what I hear, he wants everyone.
[22:36] <Takahashi Sugota> heh..even better
[22:36] <Hulking Figure> Shh... Spoiling it--watch
[22:37] * Nana Sano looks Sugota over
[22:37] * Eitak_Razal looks at Takahashi Sugota.
[22:37] *** Takahashi Sugota is your average everyday Takahashi Sugota

[22:38] <Eitak_Razal> Once people say "Even better" once my postion is revelaed, they tend to be either after my life or postion. Or just jerks
[22:39] <Nana Sano> You're way out of his league, anyway.
[22:40] <Takahashi Sugota> ...
[22:40] * Hulking Figure walks up to Takahashi Sugota...
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> Don't listen to them--she's perfect for you. She's just your type. Try again.
[22:40] * Takahashi Sugota walks over to Nana "then are you availibile?"
[22:40] * Takahashi Sugota walks back to Eitak "say I think you're just my type"
[22:40] <Nana Sano> For you, never.
[22:41] <Hulking Figure> Too. Perfect.
[22:41] * Taki Kensai just..buries his face in his hands
[22:41] <Eitak_Razal> And my type is a pile of ash. Just like Dimitri is about to be
[22:41] <Hulking Figure> A pile of ash? Maybe you should make this man your type.
[22:42] * Eitak_Razal summons fireballs. "Just hold still, it whouldn't hurt for long!"
[22:43] * demonic creature prowls out from the jungle, spines up and tail swishing back and forth
[22:43] <Takahashi Sugota> !!
[22:43] * Eitak_Razal turns and throws them at the creature instead
[22:43] * Hulking Figure looks very carefully at who she appeared to be talking to.
[22:43] <Hulking Figure> Hooray---scapegoat!
[22:43] * Takahashi Sugota panics..pointing his gun at the creature
[22:43] <Taki Kensai> ....
[22:44] <Hulking Figure> Shoot it!
[22:44] * demonic creature leaps out of the way in plenty of time
[22:44] <Nana Sano> Don't!
[22:44] <Hulking Figure> OH S[BLEEP]T!
[22:44] * Eitak_Razal taps on her shoulder, summoning her armour and then summons her swrod. "It's go time!"
[22:44] * Takahashi Sugota shoots a laser blast at where the creature was
[22:44] <Hulking Figure> PUT THE GUN AWAY!
[22:45] * Takahashi Sugota puts the gun away
[22:45] <Hulking Figure> Put the gun away!
[22:45] * demonic creature easily shields the blast, and continues toward Takahashi
[22:45] <Hulking Figure> What if it was Miara?
[22:45] <Hulking Figure> Crap!
[22:45] <Hulking Figure> It could have been...
[22:45] <Takahashi Sugota> O.O
[22:45] <Hulking Figure> Shiiiiit!
[22:45] * Hulking Figure walks up behind Takahashi Sugota...
[22:45] * Takahashi Sugota backs away from the creature...
[22:46] * Hulking Figure punches Takahashi VERY hard, in the back of the head.
[22:46] <demonic creature> ...
[22:46] * Takahashi Sugota falls over, unconcious
[22:46] <Eitak_Razal> Right, because we're just supposed to trust it not to kill us
[22:47] * demonic creature growls at HF
[22:48] <Hulking Figure> I'm sorry I didn't know!
[22:48] <Hulking Figure> Huh?
[22:48] <Hulking Figure> Want to blame me for having a natural form that brings nighmares to humans?
[22:48] * demonic creature prods Takahashi
[22:49] * Takahashi Sugota is out cold
[22:49] <Eitak_Razal> Is it safe to stab it or not
[22:49] <Hulking Figure> I supposed it to be one of Matsumi's admirers, so I told him to shoot it.
[22:49] <Hulking Figure> It's my friend. Dont' hurt this creature.
[22:49] * Taki Kensai just watches them, his eyes glowing red
[22:50] <demonic creature> Don't even try it, Razal
[22:50] * Hulking Figure walks up to Demonic Creature.
[22:51] <Hulking Figure> You know... I'm certainly HOPING that you are somebody we know, or a friend of a friend.
[22:51] * Hulking Figure sniffs the air.
[22:51] * demonic creature growls at him again, but takes on her normal aura
[22:51] * demonic creature is now known as Miara[fur]
[22:51] <Hulking Figure> Thought so.
[22:52] <Eitak_Razal> The fact that she knew my last name is proof enough
[22:52] <Nana Sano> Anything on the island may know that.
[22:52] <Taki Kensai> heh
[22:52] * Miara[fur] tries astrally waking Takahashi up
[22:53] <Takahashi Sugota> ugh..wha..
[22:54] * Hulking Figure wonders if he gave the jackass a concussion... and notes that nobody in the ship came to help out.
[22:54] * Miara[fur] grins down at him, running her tongue over her teeth
[22:54] <Takahashi Sugota> !!!
[22:54] * Takahashi Sugota quickly runs back into the Grandira...which nose closes
[22:55] * KAT Grandira gives a roar as it slowly takes off
[22:55] <Hulking Figure> Wow, he must be the least popular person on that vehicle... or it would have opened up on us in support.
[22:55] <Taki Kensai> heh....
[22:56] <Hulking Figure> ...Or maybe he needed to call it in.
[22:56] *** KAT Grandira has left #suburbansenshi2 (*flies off into the night*)
[22:56] <Taki Kensai> yes he..pretty much is
[22:56] <Hulking Figure> I'm suprised he didn't ask a question about the hole in my chest.
[22:56] <Miara[fur]> Meh. That was someone salvaged, I suppose.
[22:56] <Hulking Figure> Actually, I am not suprised... since he saw boobs--he forgot about everything else.
[22:57] <Taki Kensai> he that
[22:57] <Eitak_Razal> He's lucky I didn't punch him in the face
[22:58] <Miara[fur]> That wouldn't have stopped him >>
[22:59] <Hulking Figure> Hey, I took care of it, didn't I Eitak?
[22:59] * Eitak_Razal lifts up a flap on the armour on her forarm and taps on the kepad hidden there. her gloves flashes and bcomes comicly large. "This would have"
[22:59] * Miara[fur] glares at HF
[22:59] <Eitak_Razal> *glove
[22:59] <Hulking Figure> Heh... remember the time I shoved him out the door onto his ass for hitting on Miara? Man... I love that guy.
[23:00] <Hulking Figure> I didn't even know he was susceptible to me.
[23:00] <Hulking Figure> No suprise though... unlike you fine, fine, individuals here, he seems to lack a great deal of discipline.
[23:01] <Taki Kensai> he's an expert shot
[23:01] <Hulking Figure> Seriously?
[23:02] <Hulking Figure> Well, you have to keep in mind, I did not recognize your incredibly gracious and lovely wife, Miara, when she appeared to us in that form.
[23:03] <Miara[fur]> I was very tightly shielded, so non one could sense me
[23:03] * Taki Kensai strokes the top of Miara's head
[23:05] * Miara[fur] shakes him off, still angry
[23:05] <Taki Kensai> oh pardon
[23:06] * Miara[fur] continues glaring at HF
[23:08] <Taki Kensai> huh?
[23:08] * Taki Kensai looks
[23:09] <Hulking Figure> ...
[23:10] <Hulking Figure> I wouldn't try this kind of diplomacy with just any being... but it might be what you want---and help you get this out of your system.
[23:10] * Hulking Figure stands DIRECTLY in front of Miara[fur].
[23:10] <Hulking Figure> Want to fight about it?
[23:10] * Hulking Figure grins.
[23:11] * Hulking Figure bends his knees, and concentrates.
[23:12] <Miara[fur]> He was MINE.
[23:12] <Hulking Figure> THAT's why you are so fussy?
[23:12] <Hulking Figure> Whew.
[23:13] <Hulking Figure> Just pointing this out here? I didn't think I could stop him from shooting you anymore.
[23:13] *** has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:13] <@spiritflame> irasshai *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[23:13] *** Vilya[fur] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:13] <@spiritflame> irasshai Vilya[fur] *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[23:13] <Hulking Figure> And it's not like you didn't scare the rest of us... Eitak tried to take you out to... with... um... fire.
[23:13] * Vilya[fur] stops..and pauses at the edge of the jungle..watching
[23:13] <Hulking Figure> Crap!
[23:14] <Hulking Figure> Oh wait.
[23:14] <Miara[fur]> Did you see my shielding at all? It's blue. He can't hurt me with that stupid little blaster.
[23:14] * Hulking Figure jiggles hsi finder in the hole in his torso.
[23:14] * Vilya[fur] sits and watches..sensing the tension
[23:14] <Hulking Figure> Well, as the evidence you put forth proves, I am an expert on psycic-ey stuff.
[23:14] <Miara[fur]> I have NOT survived HK and become one of the best of the best for THAT to take me down.
[23:14] <Eitak_Razal> Actully, I was gonna fire an ice laser at her next.
[23:15] <Hulking Figure> Not helping!
[23:15] * Eitak_Razal pulls off her helmet and smirks
[23:15] <Hulking Figure> And if we could NOT talk about your mentor... that would be awesome.
[23:15] * Vilya[fur] looks towards Eitak..and growls at her
[23:16] <Hulking Figure> Don't do it, Queen.
[23:16] <Eitak_Razal> Do what!?
[23:16] <Hulking Figure> ...nothing?
[23:16] <Miara[fur]> I don't take your prey, you don't take mine. Or next time I will hurt you.
[23:17] <Hulking Figure> You were going to EAT him?
[23:17] * Vilya[fur] growls, keeping her eyes on Eitak
[23:17] <Eitak_Razal> So now you want me to do something? (Which I have no idea what) Make up your mind
[23:17] * Eitak_Razal tosses her sword into the air. It doesn't come back down
[23:17] <Hulking Figure> Miara... I have gone to great lengths to befriend you, and to try to earn your favor, and I feel I am rapidly losing all that I have worked so hard to gain.
[23:17] <Miara[fur]> Don't be stupid.
[23:18] <Hulking Figure> Let me assure you, Miara... I would not interfere---unless I considered myself the instigator.
[23:18] <Hulking Figure> When I told him to fire, I took him as my responsibility.
[23:18] <Eitak_Razal> She's being nonsesical. She leaped out of the woods, looking like a monster, without warning. D
[23:18] <Hulking Figure> And... to tell you the truth, I'm a little abashed at how far I went when I realized I could influence him. But geez---all you people are so strong willed!
[23:19] <Eitak_Razal> Do you really think that's even the slightelst bit wise!?
[23:19] <Hulking Figure> And then there's that unpitiable, adulterous a[BLEEP]le.
[23:19] * Miara[fur] trots over to Vilya, brushing against her
[23:19] <Hulking Figure> Yeah, and we reacted within reason, until we realized she was not.
[23:20] * Vilya[fur] settles down, looking at miara...
[23:20] <Hulking Figure> But Eitak... he's almost perfect for you...
[23:20] <Hulking Figure> ^line eaten.
[23:20] <Hulking Figure> It's a shame things broke down.
[23:21] <Eitak_Razal> I'll pass thanks
[23:22] * Miara[fur] inclines her head back toward the jungle, and trots in
[23:22] <Hulking Figure> And... I am sorry I KO'd him... but only because you wanted to Miara. I would not have forgiven myself if something had happened to you because of me.
[23:22] * Vilya[fur] follows after Miara
[23:22] * Hulking Figure sighs.
[23:23] <Taki Kensai> ..she was perfectly capable of defending herself
[23:24] <Hulking Figure> It was MY responsibility.
[23:24] <Taki Kensai> why didn't you trust her
[23:24] * Hulking Figure eases up.
[23:24] <Taki Kensai> if was in danger..I would have stopped it
[23:25] <Taki Kensai> my perfectly capable of defending herself
[23:25] <Hulking Figure> What you don't seem to understand, Taki... is that I did not know for certain which Lupa that was.
[23:25] <Taki Kensai> then you should have waited
[23:26] <Hulking Figure> It could have been your wife, who is nigh-impervious to somebody like him. Or it could have been her artist friend? Or perhaps the companion of the guy in the head-mobile? Or another visitin Lupa? Whath about then?
[23:26] <Taki Kensai> then learn to identify it by sight
[23:26] <Taki Kensai> I know my wife by sight....
[23:27] <Hulking Figure> SHE IS YOUR WIFE!
[23:27] <Hulking Figure> I try to treat the Lupa as though they were my kin. If that means protecting them and acting in their best interests if they don't always want it, so be it.
[23:27] <Eitak_Razal> And she should learn not to leap out at us like that!
[23:27] <Hulking Figure> Hell, I hope they might actually BE my kin one day.
[23:27] <Hulking Figure> Whatever. Point being--this one time? Not sorry.
[23:28] <Taki Kensai> ..Lupa can easily be indified in their fur form
[23:28] <Taki Kensai>'s simple
[23:28] <Hulking Figure> And besides---did you see how I smacked him? Poom!
[23:28] <Eitak_Razal> I reacted on instianct and threw the spell I had prepped at her. She was lucky I didn't have somethign worse prepped
[23:28] <Hulking Figure> "Easily?"
[23:28] <Taki Kensai> yes
[23:29] <Nana Sano> Miara wouldn't have come out if she didn't know what you could do.
[23:29] <Hulking Figure> I dunno... have you ever seen the look in her eyes when she watches fighting?
[23:30] <Hulking Figure> the thrill is in her blood. I suspect that she might have leaped at somebody with no clue what they might do.
[23:30] * Eitak_Razal simply points at a nearby tree. And a light blue beam fires from the finger of her amour, freezeing the tree and a good few feet around it solid
[23:30] <Nana Sano> It's different when you' she know things.
[23:30] <Nana Sano> Oh, Lupa love watching a good fight, it's normal.
[23:30] * Hulking Figure looks at Nana Sano.
[23:30] *** Nana Sano is young woman with brown eyes, edgy dark green hair and a punk style. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Grooving Beating" by Anna Tsuchiya.

[23:31] <Hulking Figure> You SURE seem to know a lot about them. Why is that?
[23:31] <Taki Kensai> ..what are you doing, Eitak?
[23:31] <Eitak_Razal> Proveing a point. Had I had that spell prepped, instead, do you really think she could have gotten away arlight?
[23:31] <Nana Sano> I'm Eiry's shopgirl.
[23:31] <Nana Sano> And I'm married to one.
[23:31] <Taki Kensai> I would have stopped you, Eitak
[23:32] <Eitak_Razal> Then you would have been hit
[23:32] <Hulking Figure> I would have stopped you too.
[23:32] <Taki Kensai> which wouldn't have hurt me
[23:32] <Nana Sano> It's possible magic doesn't go through shields. But you'd have to ask her.
[23:33] <Eitak_Razal> Really, Think about how things went down. I reacted first and threw a spell the moment she leaped out. None of us knew it was her yet
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> Freaking works just fine against me.
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> Stupid "shackle undead."
[23:33] <Eitak_Razal> How would you have known to stop me
[23:33] <Taki Kensai> I would have stopped you none the less
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> poor choice of words?
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> I'd have eaten you.
[23:33] <Nana Sano> Like I said, astral stuff changes everything.
[23:33] * Taki Kensai is now known as Ultraman Mu
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> If you had killed her... we'd have pulled you apart.
[23:34] <Eitak_Razal> My point is, her leapeing out like that was incredably reckless
[23:34] * Ultraman Mu concentrates...and his body flashes once..and the red parts of his body change to blue
[23:34] <Hulking Figure> I will not change into another form to prove my point... but if you had hurt Miara, I would have.
[23:34] * Ultraman Mu is now known as Ultraman Mu (L Form)
[23:34] <Hulking Figure> Aaaaugh!
[23:34] * Hulking Figure doesn't look directly at it.
[23:34] <Ultraman Mu (L Form)> I would have tested out this form then
[23:34] <Nana Sano> As I recall, she walked out. Not quickly.
[23:34] * Ultraman Mu (L Form) is no longer shining
[23:35] <Hulking Figure> Can you do the bubble thing? Can you do the bubble thing?
[23:35] * Hulking Figure pesters Ultraman Mu.
[23:36] <Nana Sano> Bubble thing?
[23:36] * Ultraman Mu (L Form) looks at hulking figure..glows..and then splits into three, surrounding HL
[23:37] <Hulking Figure> Wow... I shouldn't have done this while I was wounded.
[23:37] * Hulking Figure esitimates the size of the L form.
[23:37] * Ultraman Mu (L Form) and his two copies clench their fists..and fire a storm of sparkling dim lights...(Astral Spark)
[23:38] <spiritflame> Hulking Figure rolls 1d10 [ 1 ]
[23:38] <Hulking Figure> RRAAAAAAAAAA!
[23:39] * Ultraman Mu (L Form) and his clones leap out of the way
[23:39] * Hulking Figure is now known as Corrupted Pegasus
[23:39] <Ultraman Mu (L Form)> .....
[23:39] * Ultraman Mu (L Form) recombindes with his clones...and grows to giant size...grabbing the pegasus in his hand
[23:39] * Eitak_Razal summons her rapier "What the hell!?
[23:40] * takes to the air, with rotting feathers that turn to ash winnowint to the ground.
[23:40] * Ultraman Mu (L Form) switches forms back to normal
[23:40] * Ultraman Mu (L Form) is now known as Ultraman Mu
[23:40] * Ultraman Mu has the pegasus in his hand
[23:41] <TheGreyElf> The undead can never take the form of a holy creature like that
[23:41] * Ultraman Mu holds the pegasas tightly enough to keep it from escaping but not enought to harm it
[23:41] * breathes fire.
[23:42] * Ultraman Mu does not flinch from the fire
[23:42] <TheGreyElf> All you'll get is something truely distorted
[23:42] <Nana Sano> Yeah...I think I'm going to go find Edar.
[23:42] *** Nana Sano has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:46] *** Eiry[fur] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:46] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry[fur] *** Happy Autumn Equinox Day!!
[23:46] * Eiry[fur] trots up the beach
[23:47] * Ultraman Mu nods down at Eiry
[23:48] * Corrupted Pegasus roars
[23:48] * Eiry[fur] nods back..
[23:48] * Eiry[fur] looks in the direction the sound came from
[23:48] * Corrupted Pegasus sinks it's distended, gnashing teeth into the hand, furious at it's bondage.
[23:49] * Ultraman Mu looks down at Pegasus....and puts his palm over it..creating an energy bubble prision around the pegasus
[23:50] * Corrupted Pegasus slams it's body against the bubble repeatedly. You can hear it's bones breaking and knitting as it does so.
[23:50] * Ultraman Mu puts the bubble on the ground....
[23:50] * TheGreyElf casts Shoothe Undead
[23:51] * Eiry[fur] stays well away from it, heading up toward the house
[23:51] * Corrupted Pegasus is now wearing shoes.
[23:51] <Corrupted Pegasus> ^shooth.
[23:52] * Corrupted Pegasus screaches, and rages agains the prison.
[23:52] * Corrupted Pegasus blinks.
[23:52] * Corrupted Pegasus stops fighting.
[23:53] <TheGreyElf> Calmed down now?
[23:53] * Corrupted Pegasus does not seem to be fully affected.
[23:53] * Corrupted Pegasus grows indistinct.
[23:54] <TheGreyElf> Eh, good enough for me
[23:54] * Corrupted Pegasus 's features flow into a mist... which turns slowly opaque, and fills the inside of the bubble.
[23:54] * Ultraman Mu 's bubble doesn't break
[23:54] * Corrupted Pegasus is now known as Roiling mist
[23:55] * Eiry[fur] heads into the house
[23:55] * Roiling mist boils around inside of the bubble.
[23:55] * Ultraman Mu 's bubble stays put
[23:56] * Eiry[fur] is away 
[23:57] * Roiling mist swirls around faster than an eye can track it, but cannot escape.
[23:57] <Ultraman Mu> it won't work...
[23:58] <Roiling mist> fffffffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrfrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffrffffffffffrfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[00:01] * Roiling mist is eerily still.
[00:04] * Ultraman Mu keeps the bubble secure..then looks up at the sky
[00:04] * Ultraman Mu flies off
[00:04] *** Ultraman Mu [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (SHUUWACH!)
[00:04] * Roiling mist is now known as Gray Bubble
[00:32] *** TheGreyElf [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:32] *** Eitak_Razal [] has quit IRC
[00:32] *** Plushie-chan [] has quit IRC
[09:04] * Gray Bubble still floats calmly, in the air above the beach, as the sun rises.
[10:44] * Plushie-chan stumbles out of the woods "Gah. Still can't find it"
[10:44] * Gray Bubble floats above the beach.
[10:46] * Plushie-chan looks at the bubble. "If I didn't know better I'd think that was her gift...."
[10:52] * Gray Bubble floats calmly in the air.
[11:04] * Plushie-chan looks at Gray Bubble.
[11:04] *** Gray Bubble is Perfect sphere of shining blue 50' high, that contains a pale, white-gray substance. It seemingly resists all attacks, and radiate an aura of both "light" but also an insidious menace. If you get close, whatver is inside of it seems to swirl and boil.
hir image Song is: The Twilight Zone theme.

[11:07] * Plushie-chan paces back and fourth. "If I were villanious rip-off where would I hide something dangerous to the island
[11:08] * hovers, silently.
[11:08] * hovers, silently
[11:09] * Gray Bubble bubbles for just one second... and then is still.
[11:34] <Yaiko> :o
[11:35] * Yaiko observes the Gray Bubble, curious.
[11:36] * Gray Bubble stirs for just a moment.
[11:36] <Yaiko> :o
[11:36] <Yaiko> o:
[11:36] * Yaiko balances on her head, curiosity now piqued
[11:37] <Yaiko> Imma poke it.
[11:37] <Yaiko> I gotta poke it.
[11:38] * Yaiko gets Half of a Ten Foot Retractable Poking Staff from Cargo Pants of Holding
[11:38] * Yaiko pokes tentatively at Gray Bubble
[11:38] * Gray Bubble is solid and resilient. The staff won't go through it.
[11:38] <Yaiko> Oh man oh man oh man.
[11:39] * Yaiko pokes harder, experimentally, then gives Gray Bubble a solid WHACK
[11:40] * Gray Bubble does not seem to move from its location, still hovering above the beach.
[11:40] * Yaiko climbs Gray Bubble
[11:40] * Yaiko sits on the top
[11:41] <Yaiko> Hell of a view.
[11:42] * Gray Bubble swirls and writhes, flowing beneath her.
[11:42] <Plushie-chan> ....
[11:43] * Plushie-chan looks at Yaiko.
[11:43] *** Yaiko is a Caucasian human in her late twenties, currently sporting a half-open blue shirt and khaki cargo capris over open-toe sandals. There's a fey look in her eyes, as though she's reflecting on some joke that you may be on the wrong end of... More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Until It Sleeps" by Metallica.

[11:43] * Yaiko hums atonally from her perch
[11:51] <Yaiko> It could be so much worse.
[11:52] <Yaiko> I kind of like you, Strange Gray Sphere.
[11:52] * Yaiko pats it on the top
[11:52] * Gray Bubble settles... and waits.
[11:52] <Yaiko> You just sit here and issue a faint sussurus. I'm pretty sure you're not going to take me anywhere terrible or try to rewrite the fabric of my nature by contact or proximity.
[11:56] <Gray Bubble> [silence]
[11:56] <Yaiko> That's another thing about you I like! You're a good listener.
[11:59] <Plushie-chan> .... You're sitting on top of a forcefild containting a freindly, if kinda creepy, vampire that can survive during the day time
[11:59] <Plushie-chan> And I wish I was meking this up
[12:01] <Yaiko> Yes.
[12:02] <Yaiko> You seem so incredulous.
[12:02] *** Hideki Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:02] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hideki Kaze
[12:02] <Plushie-chan> Nah, This is nothing new
[12:02] * Hideki Kaze walks out with a bo staff on his back "afternoon"
[12:03] <Yaiko> And back to the disaffected.
[12:03] * Yaiko waves from her perch
[12:03] <Hideki Kaze> hm?
[12:03] <Hideki Kaze> that a bubble
[12:03] <Plushie-chan> It's a forefeild with Dimitri inside
[12:04] <Hideki Kaze> oh I see
[12:04] <Hideki Kaze> makes sense
[12:06] * Gray Bubble clouds, and condenses on the inside of the bubble.
[12:07] * Gray Bubble turns lighter for a second.
[12:08] * Hideki Kaze shrugs
[12:12] * Gray Bubble swirls impatiently.
[12:14] * Hideki Kaze quietly starts practicing with his bo staff
[12:21] * Gray Bubble waits.
[12:26] <Hideki Kaze> so how is everyone
[12:30] <Plushie-chan> Bored
[12:31] <Hideki Kaze> I see
[12:31] * Hideki Kaze puts the bo staff on his back again
[12:33] <Hideki Kaze> nice day at least
[12:35] * Gray Bubble waits, figuring that somebody capable of freeing him will come eventually.
[12:35] *** Beatuy_Queen has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:35] <@spiritflame> irasshai Beatuy_Queen
[12:35] * Beatuy_Queen dashes out of the woods chaseing a Pgymy and a Prinny "GET BACK HERE SO I CAN STAB YOU!"
[12:37] <Hideki Kaze> ....
[12:37] <Plushie-chan> I was hopeing for something a little less awkard to break the silence
[12:37] * Hideki Kaze sticks out his bo staff right in front of etna's legs as she runs
[12:39] * Beauty_Queen goes flying, smakcing right into the Gray Orb, jabbing it with her spear
[12:39] * the bubble dissapates
[12:40] * Gray Bubble hisses when hit by the spear.
[12:40] * Fine cloying mist is released from the bubble.
[12:40] <Beauty_Queen> Why you! How dare you trip me like that!
[12:41] * Beauty_Queen 's hair seems to stick up and her eyes seem to turn into flames.
[12:41] * Fine cloying mist billows down onto the beach, and rolling around on the ground.
[12:41] <Hideki Kaze> .....
[12:41] * Hideki Kaze clutches his bo staff...
[12:42] * Fine cloying mist forms a thick bank, and begins to creep toward the forest.
[12:43] <Hideki Kaze> hm
[12:43] * Fine cloying mist sifts into the jungle like a venomous fog... and disappears from sight.
[12:43] * Fine cloying mist is away 
[12:43] <Beauty_Queen> HEY! Don't just ignore me! You owe me a new cake!
[12:44] * Screeches of panicked and dying animals can now be heard from the forest.
[12:44] * Hideki Kaze whapes Etna with his bo staff
[12:44] <Hideki Kaze> *etna in the face
[12:44] * Beauty_Queen blocks it with her spear
[12:44] <Hideki Kaze> heh
[12:45] <Hideki Kaze> not bad
[12:46] * Pygmy that Etna Chased screams from the forest.
[12:46] <Beauty_Queen> Damn it, they got away with my cake.
[12:47] * Fine cloying mist is away: SS#3
[12:51] * Beauty_Queen points her spear at Hideki "You owe me a cake. Or something else sweet"
[12:51] <Hideki Kaze> .....
[12:52] * Hideki Kaze throws etna a candy bar
[12:52] <Beauty_Queen> THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH
[12:53] <Hideki Kaze> heh
[12:57] *** Fine cloying mist has quit IRC ( Lunch time.)
[12:58] * Hideki Kaze sits under a tree
[13:01] * Beauty_Queen munches on the candy bar "...."
[13:04] <Hideki Kaze> hm
[13:07] * Hideki Kaze walks down the beach
[13:07] * Hideki Kaze is away: practicing
[13:08] <Yaiko> yo a o ♫
[13:12] * slithers down the hot sand, and into the water.
[13:16] * Immense_Serpent laguishes in the waves, looking for a passing fish to bite.
[13:17] * Manda rises out of the water...eating a sperm whale
[13:17] * Immense_Serpent does not seem to care in the least.
[13:18] * Manda dives back down with it's prize
[13:24] * Immense_Serpent is now known as Large Barracuda
[13:24] * Large Barracuda swims off at a rapid pace.
[13:24] *** Large Barracuda has quit IRC (I have GOT to be in the open... Everything is closing in!)
[13:38] * Beauty_Queen pulls out an Amazombie catalouge
[14:07] *** Izumi Hoshi has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:07] <@spiritflame> irasshai Izumi Hoshi
[14:07] * Izumi Hoshi peeks out from the House, looking around...
[14:08] <Izumi Hoshi> e..e..excuse me...
[14:11] <Izumi Hoshi> ..excuse me..please..miss...
[14:12] * Izumi Hoshi coughs ""
[14:14] * Beauty_Queen leans on her spear.
[14:17] <Izumi Hoshi> excuse you know where mister siegfried is....
[14:18] <Beauty_Queen> Never heard of him
[14:18] <Izumi Hoshi> oh...ok.....
[14:18] <Izumi Hoshi> I should..go then...
[14:20] *** Izumi Hoshi has left #suburbansenshi2
[14:24] * Beauty_Queen just shrugs
[17:12] * AMD looks at Izumi Hoshi.
[17:12] *** Izumi Hoshi is young japanese woman with short blackish hair and quiet eyes. She speaks in very quiet tones and seems on the offset very shy.
Her image Song is: .

[18:25] * @SpeedRcrX stands atop a hill, drinking a bottle of rum
[18:26] * @SpeedRcrX eyes the jungle, as an army of lobstermen can be see massing to the south
[18:26] <@SpeedRcrX> - Soon, my brothers... -
[18:27] * Pygmy War-chants are starting from the Jungle... they say "UNION! UNION! "
[18:27] * FireFly_9 can be heard yelling "YES! AFTER THE REVOLUTION! THERE WILL BE UNIONIZATION!"
[18:27] <FireFly_9> PREPARE FOR BATTLE
[18:28] * The sound of war drums fills the air
[18:28] * @SpeedRcrX takes out a Vuvuzela and blows it
[18:28] * The Lobstermen all blow their Vuvuzelas
[18:29] <@SpeedRcrX> FORM RANKS!
[18:38] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[18:38] <Mister Dinsdale> What the f[BLEEP]k....
[18:38] <Noriko X> Things do not sound well
[18:53] <@Wolfwood> Who did what now?
[18:53] <@Wolfwood> I'm hung over and I hear the sounds of war.
[18:53] * The air is filled with the sound of horns and Vuvuzelas
[18:53] <Noriko X> Yes, it sounds like wat is coming.
[18:54] <Noriko X> ^war
[18:55] <@Wolfwood> Hotaru is leading an army Pygmy dudes. Kay.
[18:55] <@Wolfwood> Popcorn anyone?
[18:55] <Noriko X> And Haruka has lobstermen
[18:55] <Noriko X> Yes, please.
[18:55] <@Wolfwood> I got a thousand yen on Hotaru. Any takers?
[18:56] <Mister Dinsdale> You're on
[18:56] * @Wolfwood passes popping corn
[18:57] <@Wolfwood> no movie tonight btw, i've things what need done
[18:57] * Thunder rolls on the horizon
[18:58] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Thunder?
[18:58] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> There's never been a storm on thisisland, has there?
[18:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Not that I know of
[18:59] * @Wolfwood sets up a lawn chair
[18:59] * @SpeedRcrX sends her lobstermen underground
[19:01] * the whole beacj begins to rumble
[19:01] * @Wolfwood is listening to: 30 Seconds To Mars - This Is War.mp3 [128 kbps]
[19:04] * @SpeedRcrX goes underground
[19:05] * FireFly_9 sends her pygmies into the trees
[19:06] * as the pygmies beat their drums the island starts to shake
[19:07] <psYchO_saKi> ...There could be a ♡ BLOODBATH ♡ here~
[19:07] * psYchO_saKi loads up on ammo
[19:07] <@Wolfwood> Hotaru as a war goddess.
[19:07] <Mister Dinsdale> Your job is to keep everyone on the island safe, Saki
[19:08] <@Wolfwood> Kinda sexy in a weird way. Hmm.
[19:08] * psYchO_saKi glares at Wolfwood
[19:08] <psYchO_saKi> - I'm the f[BLEEP]king war goddess ! -
[19:08] * psYchO_saKi fires off a bazooka into the trees, sending one exploding into a mushroom cloud
[19:08] <@Wolfwood> Yes, but you're not her.
[19:08] <FireFly_9> IT'S THE LOBSTERMEN!
[19:09] <FireFly_9> TO THE TUNNELS!
[19:09] <psYchO_saKi> No... I'm *better*~
[19:09] * psYchO_saKi jams her helcannon onto the ground and FIRES
[19:10] * psYchO_saKi sends a shockwave rippling through the ground, fragments of gib explode into the air
[19:10] <Noriko X> ...
[19:10] <@SpeedRcrX> DEFEND THE TUNNELS!
[19:10] * @Wolfwood gets hit with said gib
[19:10] <Noriko X> you're making things worse
[19:11] * psYchO_saKi grins
[19:11] * @Wolfwood tosses his lawnchair at Saki
[19:11] * Underground... war is beginning, as storm clouds gather over the island
[19:12] * psYchO_saKi catches the chair with one hand, swings it down to the ground with a SLAM, and sits on it, ripping off her dress to reveal a bathing suit, white with thick candy apple-red horizontal stripes across it
[19:12] * psYchO_saKi dons sunglasses and chills as bloody screams of death, carnage and pain start erupting from below the beach
[19:13] <psYchO_saKi> Now... THIS is a vacation~
[19:13] <@Wolfwood> Kay.
[19:13] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ....I thought you refomed her, JackASS
[19:13] <Mister Dinsdale> ...Work in progress?
[19:14] * the stormclouds are getting thicker now, fires erupting in the jungles casting them with a ruddy red deathly light
[19:16] * Fire-tipped arrows start shooting out of the jungle
[19:16] <@Wolfwood> .....
[19:16] * ... there is the smell of a MASSIVE fart
[19:16] <Mister Dinsdale> ... oh F[BLEEP]K.
[19:17] <Mister Dinsdale> DUCK AND COVER!
[19:17] * the arrows hit the fart-gas and BOOOOM EXPLOSION CITY!
[19:17] * @Wolfwood gets thrown
[19:17] *** a massive chunk of the beach flies up in the air, raining down pygmy-bits, lobster-man bits, and lots of sand
[19:18] *** and... gold coins
[19:18] *** and rum bottles
[19:18] *** and pitate cutlasses
[19:18] *** and dinosaur bones
[19:18] * @Wolfwood dives towards the rum
[19:18] *** and one wrecked grey alien spacecraft
[19:18] * @Wolfwood is away: RUM
[19:19] * the pygmies and the lobstermen start going hand-to-claw on the beach, while others stop to drink, and stabbity with the cutlasses
[19:19] * the storm clouds totally cover the sky, and ligtning starts to hit the sea
[19:21] <Noriko X> This island is rapidly becoming unsafe.
[19:22] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What the hell do we do?
[19:22] <Mister Dinsdale> We gotta move the house back to Japan
[19:22] * @Wolfwood returns, covered in broken glass, hoisting a barrel of rum
[19:22] <psYchO_saKi> Mm... my boy-toy moved it here, but she's gone~
[19:22] <psYchO_saKi> ^he
[19:22] <Mister Dinsdale> Jedite?
[19:22] <Mister Dinsdale> F[BLEEP]K.
[19:22] <@Wolfwood> I can do that.
[19:23] <Mister Dinsdale> How?
[19:23] <@Wolfwood> Science. And stolen portal technology.
[19:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You actually TRUST that Aperture Science s[BLEEP]t?
[19:24] <@Wolfwood> It's the only option we seem to have at the moment.
[19:24] *** Izumi Hoshi has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:24] <@spiritflame> irasshai Izumi Hoshi
[19:24] * Izumi Hoshi peeks out of the house
[19:24] <Izumi Hoshi> e-e-e-excuse me
[19:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I hear that company got sued after its weighted companion cubes turned shy introvert girls into snarky lesbians!
[19:24] <@Wolfwood> (( I see what you did there. ))
[19:24] * a flaming arrow flies over Izumi's head
[19:25] <Izumi Hoshi> (( huh? ))
[19:25] <Izumi Hoshi> !!!!!
[19:25] <@Wolfwood> Yes. Again. Only optt-
[19:25] * Izumi Hoshi ducks, shaking
[19:25] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> (( yeah I went there, why not ))
[19:25] * * the arrow has hit the rum
[19:25] <@Wolfwood> Oh.
[19:25] <Izumi Hoshi> w..w..what was that
[19:25] <@Wolfwood> - oh you mother f[BLEEP]kers. -
[19:25] * the house is peppered by flaming gunshot. Except this gunshot is f[BLEEP]king large. And slightly aflame.
[19:26] <Izumi Hoshi> !!!
[19:26] *** Kamacuras has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:26] <@spiritflame> irasshai Kamacuras
[19:26] * Kamacuras walks out of the jungle, screeching...
[19:26] * @Wolfwood phones Matsuro to set up the gear on her end at the site in tokyo
[19:27] *** Kumonba has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:27] <@spiritflame> irasshai Kumonba
[19:27] <FireFly_9> WHAT IS IT
[19:27] * @Wolfwood sets up one around the house
[19:27] <Kumonga> ^
[19:27] *** Kumonga has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:27] <@spiritflame> irasshai Kumonga
[19:27] <@Wolfwood> Everyone. In the house. Now.
[19:27] * Kumonga walks out of the other end of the jungle......
[19:27] * @Wolfwood gets on the radio
[19:27] * Suddenly there is a HUGE explosion from the mountain
[19:27] * The weather goes BERSEK!
[19:28] <@Wolfwood> Tac Air, Tac Air this is Broadsword, come in.
[19:28] *** Gojira has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:28] <@spiritflame> irasshai Gojira
[19:28] * Gojira rises from the ocean, roaring..his back fins glowing
[19:28] * Gojira blasts kamacuras.....which explodes into little bug bits all over
[19:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> F[BLEEP]k! Everybody into the house! NOW!
[19:29] * Gojira roars as tenticles surround it from Gezora..
[19:29] <psYchO_saKi> but this is fun
[19:29] * Izumi Hoshi runs in
[19:29] * Mister Dinsdale gets in the house in a hurry
[19:29] * Gezora tries to feed off Gojira
[19:29] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. follows, dragging Saki, which is no mean feat
[19:29] *** Thrash's TARDIS has left #suburbansenshi2 (*takes off*)
[19:29] * Noriko X bounds in
[19:29] <@Wolfwood> Tac Air, you are clear to drop air fuel bomb payload on targets marked by smoke grenades
[19:29] * Gojira blasts at Gezora which screeches in pain
[19:30] * Michael Sunnyside III Sails off in the Stars n' Stripes with Rachet... see you cool cats LATER
[19:30] * @Wolfwood chucks smoke grenades between Hotaru and Haruka
[19:30] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio and Gems gets in the house
[19:30] * Kumonga leaps onto Gojira, trying to pierce his hide
[19:30] * Gojira roars in pain
[19:30] * FireFly_9 is beating Haruka-poppa down with the business end of the glaive when the smoke blinds her
[19:31] * @SpeedRcrX gains the upper hand as her farts are this thick anyweay
[19:31] * @SpeedRcrX finally starts to make good on her threats from S
[19:31] * FireFly_9 is strangulating
[19:31] * Gojira sends out a nuculer pulse..blast kumonga apart
[19:31] <*> A bomb comes crashing down out of no where, releaseing a gigantic cloud of fuel into the air, everything tastes like gasoline
[19:31] * Gojira looks up, roaring
[19:31] * FireFly_9 and Haruka-poppa are blown into the house!
[19:32] * Gojira roars...blasting at the beach
[19:32] <*> the fuel lights, turning the beach into a bigass fireball
[19:32] * * the house portals back