the current system time is: Fri Sep 17 19:24 2010; you are connected on; message of the day follows:

<// J_Daito //> All humans are meatbags. Get over it.
<// J_Daito //> Some are meatbags with milkbags. Milkbags please Jedite.

welcome to #suburbansenshi2

[19:25] <The Corruptor> !
[19:25] <Thrash> there are laws..and we live by them
[19:25] <The Corruptor> Laws?
[19:25] <The Corruptor> Whose laws?
[19:25] <The Corruptor> The laws of a failed race.
[19:25] <Thrash> the laws of time...
[19:25] <The Corruptor> Their "laws" cost them everything.
[19:26] <The Corruptor> Yes, and who MADE those laws.
[19:26] <The Corruptor> We did.
[19:26] <Thrash> we are not above all.....there are still others..higher then us
[19:27] * The Corruptor laughs
[19:27] <The Corruptor> THEIR "laws" forbid them to interfere.
[19:27] <The Corruptor> Lord Thrash.
[19:27] <The Corruptor> Think well on these things.
[19:27] <The Corruptor> You could have everything back that you held so dear.
[19:28] * Thrash fumes...
[19:28] <The Corruptor> And really? Would we not be saving BILLIONS?
[19:28] <The Corruptor> Where is the harm in that?
[19:28] <The Corruptor> The Gelth, the Nestene, to name but a few!
[19:28] <The Corruptor> All damaged beyoind recognition by the war.
[19:28] <The Corruptor> Do we not owe the survivors this?
[19:28] <Thrash> ...
[19:29] <The Corruptor> Reparations.
[19:29] <Thrash> no..NO..I will not give into temptation
[19:29] <The Corruptor> We must set right.. what our brothers set wrong.
[19:29] <The Corruptor> The Doctor failed to destroy the Daleks
[19:30] <The Corruptor> But they languished for 1000 years before re-emerging onto the face of Skaro.
[19:30] <The Corruptor> that is a perfect window.
[19:30] <The Corruptor> All it would take is one Planetary Destroyer~
[19:30] <The Corruptor> And the Time War... all those deaths...
[19:30] <The Corruptor> gone.
[19:30] * The Corruptor snaps his fingers.
[19:30] <The Corruptor> Like that!
[19:30] <Thrash> but at what cost...
[19:31] <The Corruptor> Billions of people NOT dying at the hands of the Daleks.
[19:31] <The Corruptor> It's like a humanitarian's wet dream.
[19:32] <Thrash> BUT AT WHAT COST
[19:32] <The Corruptor> PEOPLE LIVING. THAT'S THE COST
[19:32] <The Corruptor> LESS WAR
[19:33] <The Corruptor> LOVED ONES BACK AGAIN
[19:33] <The Corruptor> And all we have to do is destroy Skaro.
[19:33] * Thrash goes silent
[19:34] *** The Corruptor [[[ADDRESS UNKNOWN]]] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Consider it.)
[19:35] <Thrash> ............
[19:35] <@Wolfwood> Interesting.
[19:37] *** Thrash has left #suburbansenshi2 (..)
[19:38] *** Matsy Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:38] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsy Shin
[19:38] * Matsy Shin walks out of the jungle...hands bleeding, and skin caked with dust
[19:38] <@Wolfwood> I figured it out!
[19:38] <@Wolfwood> I know how to reverse this.
[19:38] <Matsy Shin> oh???
[19:39] <@Wolfwood> Has to be at the right moment however.
[19:39] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> How?
[19:39] <Matsy Shin> GAH
[19:39] <Matsy Shin> don't do that
[19:40] <@Wolfwood> The gem has a time lock. It has to be destroyed at midnight.
[19:40] <@Wolfwood> So i'm going to hit it with a sledgehammer.
[19:40] <Matsy Shin> tonight!?
[19:40] <@Wolfwood> Yep.
[19:41] *** Raihosha-ko [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:41] <@spiritflame> irasshai Raihosha-ko
[19:41] <Raihosha-ko> Awww... I was just getting used to this.
[19:41] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I'm trying not to.
[19:42] <Matsy Shin> I want to be back to normal
[19:42] <@Wolfwood> Enjoy your fun while you can.
[19:42] <Raihosha-ko> Oh Jack, just think of the fun experiments that are now possible.
[19:43] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I don't want to <_<
[19:43] <Raihosha-ko> A gulf between the two halves of the population.
[19:43] <Raihosha-ko> For just a little while, diminished.
[19:44] <Raihosha-ko> Heck, ever wondered how you'd look in a skirt?
[19:44] <Matsy Shin> .......
[19:44] <@Wolfwood> Well there was that one time at Boy Scout Camp.
[19:44] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ...not really
[19:44] <@Wolfwood> Imean.
[19:44] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I'm pretty much a guy.
[19:44] <Raihosha-ko> Normal thoughts that culture seems to have decided is wrong.
[19:45] <Raihosha-ko> I'm a guy and I've been around longer than you'vebeen alive (I think).
[19:46] <@Wolfwood> How old are you?
[19:46] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Well you're open-minded, that's great
[19:46] <Raihosha-ko> Doesn't mean that a change of viewpoint is unwarrented.
[19:47] <Raihosha-ko> Wolf, I've been living on this Earth since 1890 or so...
[19:47] <Raihosha-ko> Hey, if you ever visit the medical center on Beowulf you'll see just how liberal people really can get.
[19:48] <@Wolfwood> 1890. Hah.
[19:48] <Matsy Shin> I'm just tired of lugging these things around *points to her chest*
[19:49] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I'm just sleeping on my back to avoid odd sensations.
[19:49] <@Wolfwood> inb4 small boobs.
[19:50] <Raihosha-ko> Hah? Wolf, I have a total of 400 years behind me, I was just keeping things simple.
[19:50] <@Wolfwood> B[BLEEP]ch please.
[19:50] * Raihosha-ko looks at Wolfwood..
[19:50] *** Wolfwood. is your average everyday Wolfwood.

[19:50] <@Wolfwood> i'm older
[19:50] * Raihosha-ko looks at Wolfwood.
[19:50] *** Wolfwood is a very tall 25 year old white american female with glowy blue eyes, dirty blonde hair done up in a ponytail. She is wearing olive millitary pants tucked into boots and a black tank top More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: Army Of The Pharoahs - Agony Fires.
Wolfwood is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator

[19:51] <Raihosha-ko> You're also strangely a true immortal. I have to rely on medical technology and sheer willpower.
[19:53] <@Wolfwood> You don't want to be a true immortal. Trust me.
[19:53] <@Wolfwood> (( pre show tonight will be an AMV or two btw ))
[19:54] <LOVELYboy> (( are we in theater or the new place? ))
[19:54] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> (( yeah wolf which ))
[19:55] <Raihosha-ko> Want? What I want is to finish my job, but I fear the Sun will burn out before it is truely done.
[19:55] <@Wolfwood> (( theatre. new place causes me rage spasams. ))
[19:56] <@Wolfwood> If I could die and stay dead, sometimes I wish I would.
[19:56] <@Wolfwood> It'd be easier then wakeing up and not knowing the face that looks back at you.
[19:57] <Raihosha-ko> In any case, I choose to take joy in my new perspective. And it seems you and Captain Harkness have a lot in common.
[19:58] * @Wolfwood shrugs
[19:59] * @Wolfwood is away: Theatre. All are welcome.
[19:59] <Raihosha-ko> I wonder what Jack is up to these days... It might be fun to have a date night...
[20:00] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is away: Theatre and OOC he wont' be back till after Torchwood: The New World
[20:01] <Raihosha-ko> (( well, Raiko has ways to stay around if I like her enough. ))
[20:01] <@Ryan> i suddenly appear... just to say lick my balls and that i won't be around until TCW goes off tonight. Which will be in three hours. NOW IF YOU EXCUSE ME I HAVE TO PREPARE FOR SEPPIE SCUM DEATH
[20:01] <@Ryan> heh seppie scum
[20:01] <@Ryan> i just coined that
[20:01] <@Ryan> i like
[20:01] <@Wolfwood> Ryanisims.
[20:01] <@Ryan> not as much as i like your mom, though
[20:02] <@Wolfwood> We need that.
[20:03] <@Ryan> someone go through the log and look for more ryanisms, be it from pre-ryan or ryan-ryan. and that includes awesome quotes.
[20:03] <@Ryan> and by log i mean logs and by logs i mean those six years of s[BLEEP]t we've accumulated.
[20:03] <@Ryan> also i need to go pork someone's mom now
[20:03] <Raihosha-ko> /awesome?
[20:03] <@Wolfwood> /ryan.
[20:04] <@Ryan> /ilikethewayyoutwoarethinking
[20:04] *** I thought we gave you a book of awesome
[20:04] * @Wolfwood is listening to: Bee Gees - Night Fever.mp3 [128 kbps]
[20:04] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> !awesome
*** Shinji Ikari was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.
[20:04] <@Wolfwood> ....
[20:04] <@Ryan> f[BLEEP]k you shinji ikari
[20:04] <@Wolfwood> Lies.
[20:05] <@Ryan> correct
[20:05] <@Ryan> all lies
[20:05] <@Ryan> because we all know i did that
[20:05] <Raihosha-ko> Well, I should be around when you get back Ryan.
[20:05] <Raihosha-ko> It could be fun.
[20:05] <@Ryan> that's good because i'm now not immediately leaving
[20:05] <@Ryan> i will in a few but not now
[20:05] <@Ryan> hahaha
[20:05] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> is tcw premiering tonight
[20:06] <@Ryan> it is
[20:06] <Raihosha-ko> (( brb ))
[20:06] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> cool
[20:06] <@Ryan> and in nearly 8 hours the game trailers tv show that airs on g4 is gonna be debuting moar TFU2 content
[20:06] <@Ryan>
[20:06] <@Ryan> they even have a f[BLEEP]king countdown banner
[20:07] <@Ryan> the finallllll countdownnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[20:08] <@Dr. Xadium> whee
[20:10] <@Ryan> i demand more enthusiasm or i'm gonna sex yu up
[20:11] <Raihosha-ko> (( back. ))
[20:11] <Raihosha-ko> Promise, Ryan?
[20:11] <LOVELYboy> WHEEE
[20:12] <@Ryan> always
[20:12] <@Ryan> and dammit there goes me sexing that that LOVELYboy
[20:13] <@Ryan> oh man
[20:13] <LOVELYboy> yes exactly
[20:13] * Matsy Shin leans on a tree
[20:13] <@Ryan> i'm not oh manning about that even though i might later
[20:13] <Raihosha-ko> Well, I am dressed for the evening.
[20:14] <LOVELYboy> Yes, but what for?
[20:15] <@Ryan> i'm watching this interview concerning TCW and it reminds me of one or two things this season that's making me go 'oh, really. that's really where you wanna go.'
[20:16] <@Ryan> also gametrailers is having some sort of trouble with this one trailer i've been trying to get access to, as well. some new bandai game and the page isn't working
[20:19] <Raihosha-ko> Go on...
[20:21] <@Ryan> sorry, slightly distracted for a moment
[20:21] <Raihosha-ko> Not a problem.
[20:22] <@Ryan> anyway, rai with boobs, as i was saying
[20:22] * Raihosha-ko smiles.
[20:22] <@Ryan> and this is the last time i'm mentioning that
[20:22] <Raihosha-ko> Raiko is an acceptably shortening.
[20:22] <@Ryan> since i am entirely ooc right now
[20:24] <Raihosha-ko> Entirely?
[20:26] <@Ryan> i'm gonna preface this with this little tidbit. i came into TCW with apprehension. news first was heard of it in 2005 and we didn't start to get concrete info until 2007-ish. i was STILL the same way even after hearing things like 'anakin has a padawan now. really? that's what you wanna do with this?' the series won me over, though. it hasn't been perfect (no series is, no matter what some would like to tell you) but even its disappointing episodes have been entertaining. something i couldn't say with shows like BSG or other examples i could name.
[20:27] <@Ryan> but...
[20:27] <Matsy Shin> (( but? ))
[20:27] <@Ryan> a few weeks back, this got revealed at star wars celebration V: apparently darth maul has a brother now. if this isn't an attempt at misdirection.
[20:28] <Matsy Shin> (( ..not sure what to think with that ))
[20:28] <@Ryan> seriously, you don't have to respond to my 'but..''s when i do that
[20:28] <@Ryan> it's for dramatic tension
[20:28] <@Ryan> you just wait for what i'm about to follow up with
[20:28] <@Ryan> anyway
[20:28] <Matsy Shin> (( heh ))
[20:29] <Raihosha-ko> Umm... Two there are, Master and Apprentice. What's up with this brother excrement?
[20:29] <@Ryan> wellllllll
[20:29] <@Ryan> having a sibling has nothing to do with the Rule of Two.
[20:30] <Matsy Shin> (( not unless he's a sith ))
[20:30] <Matsy Shin> (( which I'm guessing he's not? ))
[20:30] <@Ryan> and even getting into the Rule of Two for a moment
[20:30] <@Ryan> that doesn't prevent a Sith Lord or a Sith Apprentice from having Force-using minions.
[20:30] <@Ryan> like what ventress is
[20:30] <@Ryan> or other examples i could go with
[20:31] <@Ryan> this is one of those times where i use a statement i've heard in other situations
[20:31] <@Ryan> it makes the universe a bit smaller
[20:32] <Raihosha-ko> One wonders if it becomes too small?
[20:32] <@Ryan> it's just not needed. it's like, ok, you wanna have a character like maul there? fine. cool. go ahead. but does he HAVE to be maul's brother (and again, this is taking this at face value).
[20:32] <@Ryan> there comes a time when, yes, you can go too far and make it 'too small'.
[20:33] <@Ryan> this is why i like a approach that randy strandly over at dark horse comics in regards to their SW comics
[20:33] <@Ryan> he has these set of rules that he's only let a few deliberately slip
[20:33] <@Ryan> one of them is 'NO QUOTING THE GODDAMN FILMS' like repeating 'i have a bad feeling about this'
[20:36] <Raihosha-ko> Sounds like a good rule to me.
[20:36] <@Ryan> or visiting tatooine. that's like rule five of his set of rules where he's only allowed certain writers get away with because they were able to prove, yeah, it was important to visit that place in this story
[20:37] <@Ryan> f[BLEEP]k, i'm gonna quote this now
[20:37] <@Ryan> GB: Reading your latest editor’s note on, we see “Mr. Mean” broke rule #5 and has allowed the “Legacy” series to head to Tatooine. Tell us you are not going soft on us!?
[20:38] <@Ryan> RS: No way. But here’s the deal: the story is King. If events, characters, or locations serve the story -- if they, by their inclusion in the story, help to propel the characters through the plot or amplify the emotions felt by the characters (and the readers) without distracting from the story, then they should be included. But if they cause the readers any distraction, or if their inclusion is strictly to provide “fanboy moments” for the hardcore continuity followers, then I want them gone. Tatooine as a location had its uses. The Naboo-themed restaurant with the giant neon Padmé portrait that you never saw, didn’t.
[20:38] <Raihosha-ko> Well, this is a Galactic Empire...given how big a galaxy really is, why keep going back to one location unless like Coruscant, it literally IS the center of the action.
[20:38] <@Ryan> and using that phrase, i'm of the opinion that having a brother of darth maul just f[BLEEP]king defines the wording of 'fanboy moment'
[20:39] <@Dr. Xadium> but people have brothers
[20:39] <@Dr. Xadium> i mean
[20:39] <@Dr. Xadium> it happens
[20:39] <@Ryan> yes, people do have brothers
[20:39] <@Ryan> i don't deny that
[20:39] <@Dr. Xadium> he might be a totally different kind of guy
[20:39] <@Ryan> i've heard of that crazy concept known as siblings
[20:39] <@Ryan> he's INCREDIBLY HUGE
[20:39] <@Dr. Xadium> or another one of Dooky's backup plans
[20:39] <@Ryan> want me to try to find a photo of him?
[20:39] * Raihosha-ko is shocked at the thought of siblings.
[20:40] <@Dr. Xadium> yes
[20:40] <@Ryan> even better
[20:40] <@Ryan> [URL]
[20:40] <@Ryan> s[BLEEP]tty video quality
[20:40] <@Ryan> but
[20:40] <@Ryan> i don't wanna visit the main SW site to find the clip
[20:41] <@Dr. Xadium> lol the name
[20:41] <@Ryan> yeah, i know
[20:41] <@Dr. Xadium> maybe he's a blood or clan brother
[20:41] <@Ryan> SAVAGE OPPRESS
[20:41] <@Ryan> but hey
[20:41] <@Ryan> i've heard worse
[20:41] <@Ryan> so i won't give them s[BLEEP]t on that
[20:41] <Matsy Shin> (( O_o ))
[20:42] <LOVELYboy> bad name is bad ><
[20:42] <Raihosha-ko> Still, just being a Zabrak should be enough, shouldn't it?
[20:42] <@Ryan> i like the character design
[20:42] <@Ryan> i will say that
[20:42] <@Dr. Xadium> SAV-AHHHAGE
[20:42] <Raihosha-ko> It's the brother thing that throws me.
[20:42] <@Ryan> i like the idea of this huge zabrak warrior
[20:43] <@Ryan> and the fact that, again unless this is some sort of deception, he's gonna be killing motherf[BLEEP]kers deader than dead
[20:43] <@Dr. Xadium> or what if it's apsychological ploy
[20:44] <@Dr. Xadium> tell obi wan this iss the brother ofthe guy that offed your master
[20:44] <@Dr. Xadium> here to finish the job
[20:44] <@Ryan> i believe a musical oh snap would come to mind, as from ODB
[20:44] <@Ryan> basically what i've been able to pierce together is this
[20:45] <@Ryan> ventress falls out of favor for some reason. sidious orders her death. dooku tries it.
[20:45] <@Ryan> now here's a part that makes me go 'oh really?' part 2
[20:45] <@Ryan> she goes to dathomir.
[20:45] <@Ryan> and now supposedly she's now from dathomir.
[20:45] <@Ryan> a retcon
[20:46] <@Dr. Xadium> translate 3p0
[20:46] <@Ryan> i'll explain
[20:46] <Raihosha-ko> Explaining will take too long, recap.
[20:46] <@Ryan> pre-TCW, Asajj Ventress' backstory was this:
[20:47] <Raihosha-ko> To mange a quote.
[20:47] <@Dr. Xadium> recap too long; montage
[20:47] <@Ryan> she came from an isolated world known as Rattataki. some jedi crashed there. it was a world of f[BLEEP]king savagery. warlords and s[BLEEP]t.
[20:48] <@Ryan> he finds this orphan of a warlord and trains her in the force.
[20:48] <@Ryan> they set about trying to clean up the world
[20:48] <@Ryan> the jedi dies
[20:48] <@Ryan> she's never completed her training and bang, her master dies. b[BLEEP]ch. gets. ANGRY.
[20:49] <@Ryan> she just ends up taking over the whole damn place.
[20:49] <Raihosha-ko> Jedi smash!
[20:49] <@Ryan> and eventually she gets recruited by dooku
[20:49] <@Ryan> now it seems that TCW has changed some of that
[20:49] <@Ryan> a megatrailer that was released weeks ago makes me thing the whole 'being trained by a jedi' thing is still around
[20:50] <@Dr. Xadium> maybe adopted homeworld
[20:50] <@Ryan> there was this little three second glimpse at what i think was a young ventress being trained by a jedi that matches the previous visual description of her master
[20:50] <@Ryan> but now it seems that she comes from dathomir, this old EU planet
[20:51] <@Ryan> and dathomir is being featured in the series
[20:51] <@Ryan>
[20:51] <Raihosha-ko> How well established was this Rattataski thing in the first place?
[20:51] <@Ryan> because i don't have enough time to explain the planet
[20:52] <@Ryan> it was used throughout the previous CW multimedia deal. everytime her background was brought up, it was mentioned.
[20:52] <@Ryan> the comics, the novels, blah blah
[20:53] <@Ryan> and now i'm gonna have to VANISH for a time. i'll talk about this later if anyone wants to when i come back in an hour
[20:53] <@Dr. Xadium> cya
[20:53] *** @Ryan has left #suburbansenshi2 (I AM NOW CALLED MASSIVE PENIS)
[20:55] <Raihosha-ko> How long, then, until we find out there are two names for one planet?
[20:57] <@Dr. Xadium> niice
[20:58] <Raihosha-ko> Possibly with a bit of disinformation on someone's part?
[20:59] <@Dr. Xadium> Well maybe after it joined [FACTION HERE] name change
[21:00] <Raihosha-ko> Hey Istanbul was once Constantinople...
[21:01] <@Dr. Xadium> why'd they change it? I can
[21:01] <@Dr. Xadium> why'd they change it? I can't say... maybe people just liked it better that waaaay~
[21:02] <Raihosha-ko> Maybe we should blame Byzantium?
[21:03] <@Dr. Xadium> ಠ_ಠ
[21:05] <Raihosha-ko> Sorry: Warning! Sudden tagents possible.

[21:08] <Matsy Shin> (( ..... ))
[21:08] <Raihosha-ko> Eek!
[21:09] <Matsy Shin> ....
[21:10] <Raihosha-ko> Hello there, you aren't Matsumi...
[21:10] <Matsy Shin> no...I'm..suppose to be her twin brother
[21:11] <Raihosha-ko> Ah, how Fraternal.
[21:11] * Matsy Shin just gives rai a look
[21:12] <Raihosha-ko> Yes, I still tell bad puns.
[21:12] * Raihosha-ko spins on her toes... "Wat do you think?"
[21:13] <Matsy Shin> ...
[21:13] * Matsy Shin lifts rai up in the air with her mind
[21:13] <Raihosha-ko> Wheee?
[21:14] * Matsy Shin drops rai in the sea
[21:14] <Raihosha-ko> No looking up my skirt.
[21:15] * Matsy Shin drops Rai into the sea for that ><
[21:15] * Raihosha-ko trudges out of the ocean, soaking wet.
[21:15] <Raihosha-ko> Really, was that necessary?
[21:16] <Matsy Shin> I didn't find that funny!
[21:16] <Raihosha-ko> Puns aren't supposed to be funny. ANd you were the one doing the levitating.
[21:17] <Matsy Shin> the point is?
[21:17] <Matsy Shin> >__<
[21:17] <Matsy Shin> why am I so emotional ><
[21:17] <Raihosha-ko> Please, it can't be "that time" yet.
[21:18] <Raihosha-ko> You've been female for a week.
[21:18] <Matsy Shin> >___<
[21:18] <Matsy Shin> I doubt it..whatever that time is
[21:18] <Matsy Shin> I don't know what you mean by that
[21:19] * Raihosha-ko starts a small spell evaporating the water out of her dress and hair.
[21:19] * Raihosha-ko looks at Matsy.
[21:20] <Matsy Shin> what???
[21:21] <Raihosha-ko> Well, once a month, a female human goes through an ovulation cycle, releasing an egg and going through physiological and hormonal changes to prepare for a potential pregnancy...
[21:21] <Matsy Shin> oooh you mean The Struggle
[21:21] <Raihosha-ko> Didn't they cover this in health class?
[21:22] <Raihosha-ko> The what?
[21:22] <Matsy Shin> the struggle
[21:22] <Matsy Shin> the hour when maidens suffer in pain and uncomfort once a month
[21:23] <Raihosha-ko> Odd term. Where'd you learn that one?
[21:23] <Matsy Shin> ...from home
[21:23] <Raihosha-ko> And it is typically more like a period of three days...
[21:24] <Matsy Shin> we use the term hour broadly
[21:24] <Raihosha-ko> You don't share the same history as Matsumi do you.
[21:25] <Matsy Shin> not..exactuly
[21:25] <Matsy Shin> she doesn't remember the past
[21:25] <Matsy Shin> I do...
[21:25] <Matsy Shin> I'm not her brother of her..current self
[21:25] <Matsy Shin> I am her brother of her original self
[21:26] <Raihosha-ko> Oh. YOu're Quinoxian?
[21:26] <Matsy Shin> yes I am
[21:27] <Raihosha-ko> I see, your odd ignorance begins to make sense.
[21:27] <Matsy Shin> I am not totally ignorant to everythng
[21:27] <Matsy Shin> ....I really want to get my body I can get back to my work
[21:28] <Raihosha-ko> No, but you are ignorant of things one wouldn't expect anyone to be ignorant of.
[21:28] <Raihosha-ko> Why can't you do your work with your current body? Are you a male prostitute or something?
[21:28] <Matsy Shin> I am an archologist
[21:29] <Matsy Shin> it is difficult to do things..with items I am not..used to, you understand
[21:29] <Matsy Shin> I was hoping to prepare for my next venture
[21:30] <Raihosha-ko> Look you can get used to the balance pretty quickly, if you work at it.
[21:30] * Matsy Shin sits in the sand
[21:30] <Matsy Shin> I am hoping to go to the arctic find the city of the Hyperboreans
[21:31] <Raihosha-ko> Hyperborea? I thought that was in the SOuth Pacific?
[21:32] <Matsy Shin> not according to the writings of Herodotus
[21:32] <Matsy Shin> or those of Pliny
[21:33] <Matsy Shin> according to their lies to the north..and using the texts I've found..I think I have pinpointed the location to an area above the arctic circle
[21:34] <Raihosha-ko> Yes, but they also imply it was a warm land.
[21:35] <Matsy Shin> oh I know that
[21:35] <Matsy Shin> I also found out something interesting...from an obscure text
[21:35] <Matsy Shin> (( I already have this adventure all planned btw XD ))
[21:35] <Raihosha-ko> Although a temporal gate of some type in the high latitudes might account for that, given Cretaceous climate.
[21:35] <Matsy Shin> (( so the facts are set in stone for it XD ))
[21:36] * Matsy Shin runs into the House
[21:36] * Matsy Shin is away: library
[21:36] <Raihosha-ko> (( well, Rai has heard all sorts of theories over the years. He's happy to share. ))
[21:36] <Matsy Shin> (( matsuo actually will find the city... ))
[21:37] * Matsy Shin is back
[21:37] * Matsy Shin blows some dust off a scroll..and opens it
[21:38] * Raihosha-ko glances over Matsuo's shoulder...
[21:38] <Matsy Shin> this text belonged to Mimas the obscure writer sometime during the roman era
[21:38] * Matsy Shin coughs
[21:39] <Raihosha-ko> Watch the dust, there.
[21:39] <Matsy Shin> and it is said...that within the walls of their great city...the people of Hyperboreas discovered and harnessed the very powers of the four elements....
[21:40] <Matsy Shin> in such a way..that they rivaled the gods themselves
[21:40] <Matsy Shin> they could harness the elements.....
[21:40] <Raihosha-ko> Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
[21:41] <Matsy Shin> yes
[21:41] <Matsy Shin> I belive...they could control the the senshi do
[21:41] <Raihosha-ko> Well, the senshi are hardly the only ones to do such things.
[21:42] * Raihosha-ko lights a ball of green fire in her hand.
[21:42] <Matsy Shin> I would like to they did such a thing
[21:42] <Matsy Shin> espcally if they date to this far back
[21:43] <Raihosha-ko> How far back do you expect them to date?
[21:44] <Raihosha-ko> I mean the Elder Things were ruining the antarctic back with the dinosaurs.
[21:44] <Matsy Shin> perhaps as far as the Bronze Millenium
[21:45] <Matsy Shin> I doubt late Selano period
[21:45] <Raihosha-ko> Translate that into Earth periods for me?
[21:45] <Matsy Shin> that's..difficult to do
[21:46] <Matsy Shin> since I know very little of your periods
[21:47] <Raihosha-ko> This is 2010, the earth uses 365 days of 24 hours to count the years. How many years are we talking about?
[21:47] <Matsy Shin> oh far back
[21:47] <Matsy Shin> very far back
[21:48] <Raihosha-ko> four thousand years ago?
[21:48] <Raihosha-ko> ten-thousand?
[21:48] <Matsy Shin> farther
[21:48] <Raihosha-ko> 12 thousand and the end of the last ice age?
[21:48] <Matsy Shin> the earliest era is the Early Stellia period
[21:49] <Matsy Shin> defintly pre-One Six
[21:50] <Matsy Shin> hopefully the finding of this city will go more smoothly then Mu did
[21:51] <Raihosha-ko> Are we talking 100 thousand years?
[21:51] <Matsy Shin> again it is difficult to work out with your Earth calenders
[21:51] <Raihosha-ko> You found Mu? I didn't thing there was anything left after it was destroyed...
[21:52] <Matsy Shin> oh there was plenty...
[21:52] <Matsy Shin> now it is ruins...
[21:52] <Matsy Shin> ..a shame really..but for the best
[21:53] <Raihosha-ko> I thought it had been wiped off the face of the earth in one of Cthulhu's wars with his siblings.
[21:53] <Matsy Shin> ...though now it is pointless...given the stones were taken
[21:53] <Matsy Shin> apperently not....
[21:53] <Matsy Shin> I understand the Muians once declaired war on Japan in fact during the 60s
[21:54] <Matsy Shin> but the ruins I found..were defeintly abandoned
[21:54] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:54] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[21:55] * Eiry walks down from the house
[21:55] <Raihosha-ko> I suspect that we follow different histories...
[21:55] <Matsy Shin> the Muians had a great understanding of gravity technology and Psychic warfare
[21:55] <Matsy Shin> well it is an entire contient...couldn't it be possible that not everything was destroyed..
[21:55] <Raihosha-ko> Hello Eiry.
[21:55] <Eiry> Rai
[21:56] <Eiry> You got hit too, it looks like.
[21:56] <Raihosha-ko> Trust me, when the Old Ones destroy something, it is destroyed.
[21:56] * Raihosha-ko looks at Eiry..
[21:56] *** Eiry. is your average everyday Eiry.

[21:56] * Raihosha-ko looks at eiry.
[21:56] *** eiry is a thin man with short redish blond hair and green eyes. He is 5'8. Usually carries a bag and sword. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Bluebird" by Ayumi Hamasaki.

[21:56] <Matsy Shin> and yet the ruins state otherwise
[21:56] <Matsy Shin> and it was defintly indentfied as Muian
[21:56] <Matsy Shin> the statues of the Dragon God Manda prove it
[21:57] <Raihosha-ko> This is why I suspect you've found a different bit of history.
[21:57] <Matsy Shin> but it is Mu
[21:57] <Matsy Shin> I have even translated the languge
[21:57] <Raihosha-ko> Yep. I'm enjoying the sensation though.
[21:58] <@Ryan> That was a damn good premiere.
[21:58] <Eiry> It's...weird. Miara seems to be enjoying it, though.
[21:59] * Matsy Shin rolls up her scrolls
[21:59] <Raihosha-ko> Time isn't a straight line, Matsy. Just as there are multiple futures, and multiple parallels, there are multiple pasts leading to our present.
[21:59] <Eiry> I guess Mats told you about the trip
[21:59] <Matsy Shin> so what are you suggesting then....
[21:59] <Raihosha-ko> Yes. It sounds intriguing.
[22:00] <@Ryan> YOUR MOM sounds intriguing blah blah
[22:01] <Raihosha-ko> That bits of one history sometimes get caught elsewhere... thus explaining how a civilization that was wiped out could have survived. Or how a race of intelligent dinosaurs were wiped out by the arrival of the moon millions of years after we know it was in orbit.
[22:01] <@Dr. Xadium> lol did they explain the brother
[22:01] * Matsy Shin picks up her scrolls...and heads into the house
[22:01] *** Matsy Shin has left #suburbansenshi2
[22:01] <@Ryan> They haven't even gotten to those episodes yet.
[22:02] <@Ryan> For all I know, they probably won't air until later this year or sometime next.
[22:02] <@Dr. Xadium> but did they explain the brother!
[22:02] <@Ryan> Why would they? XD
[22:02] <@Dr. Xadium> THE BROTHER
[22:03] <Raihosha-ko> Is he an Undercover Brother?
[22:03] <Raihosha-ko> How are you Eiry?
[22:04] <Eiry> Okay, I guess.
[22:05] <Raihosha-ko> Not used to your new self?
[22:06] <Eiry> It's not me.
[22:07] <Raihosha-ko> Well, perhaps not. Gender is a complex subject after all.
[22:08] * Matsy Shin is back
[22:08] * Matsy Shin sits near a tree, writing in a journal
[22:09] <Eiry> I've never wanted to be a man. I've got no interest now. And my sister is...
[22:09] * Matsy Shin picks up the idol next to her and looks over it
[22:09] <Raihosha-ko> Teasing you?
[22:09] <Eiry> No. Everyone else is doing that.
[22:09] * Raihosha-ko glances at Matsy's idol out of caution.
[22:10] <Matsy Shin> Vyusi plasu merasu....
[22:10] <Raihosha-ko> Being understanding?
[22:10] <Matsy Shin> hm...
[22:10] <Eiry> Distant.
[22:11] * Matsy Shin is holding an idol, showing a fish cresting out of the has flowing symbols written on it
[22:11] <Eiry> Did you figure out more about that statue?
[22:11] <Matsy Shin> oh yes
[22:11] <Raihosha-ko> Ah. Perhaps understandable, but hopefully it will go away once things resolve themselves.
[22:11] <Matsy Shin> the statue is a import from Neptune to Mu
[22:11] <Matsy Shin> or rather an export
[22:11] <Matsy Shin> a gift as it were
[22:12] <Eiry> Yeah. Don't want it affecting her either.
[22:12] <Matsy Shin> it was *looks closely* given to the emperor by the ruler of Neptune as a gift of friendship
[22:13] <Raihosha-ko> This sort of thing isn't typically contageous, especially over a psycic link.
[22:14] <Eiry> Not what I meant.
[22:14] <Matsy Shin> I belive this statue dates to Early Selano...before the worlds were united as one
[22:14] <Raihosha-ko> Oh. Right, the mental state you currently have, affecting her state.
[22:14] * Eiry nods
[22:15] <Matsy Shin> it is also...not just an idol
[22:15] <Eiry> Oh?
[22:16] * Matsy Shin moves her fingers along the back of the fish...and presses her fingers in...the top of the fish peeling open
[22:17] * Eiry squats to see
[22:17] <Matsy Shin> it's an incense holder
[22:17] <Raihosha-ko> Wow. How come Matsy finds all the friendly idols? I usually just find the ones of Dagon right before I get mobbed by people with Bachtrian features.
[22:18] <Matsy Shin> this is my speciality...
[22:18] <Eiry> Well the things we found in Mu weren't exactly nice.
[22:18] <Matsy Shin> I am hoping to find the links this world had with it's celestial breathen
[22:18] <Matsy Shin> ......the stones....yes
[22:18] <Matsy Shin> those were......very nasty
[22:18] <Raihosha-ko> Stones?
[22:18] <Matsy Shin> Psychic Amplfiers
[22:19] <Matsy Shin> ...when could raise a person's psychic ablities and mental ablities times ten
[22:19] <Eiry> Not for the weak of mind, apparently.
[22:19] <Matsy Shin> it could burn out a person's mind
[22:20] <Raihosha-ko> Sounds useful for those with a strong will. I doubt there were many grren lanterns hereabouts at the time though.
[22:21] <Matsy Shin> I left them behind in the ruins....but I have learned since that someone has taken them
[22:21] <Matsy Shin> only evil can come from them
[22:22] <Raihosha-ko> Depends. If they were tools, they might be used for good. If they were weapons then only death will follow them.
[22:23] <Matsy Shin> no....even as tools..only terrible things would come from them
[22:23] * Raihosha-ko smiles.
[22:23] <Matsy Shin> if I could have destroyed them..I would have
[22:23] <Eiry> I suppose the Mu couldn't either.
[22:25] <Matsy Shin> I suppose not
[22:25] * Matsy Shin sighs deeply
[22:26] <Raihosha-ko> Did you figure out how the Muians met their end?
[22:26] <Matsy Shin> some great chatacislm
[22:26] * Eiry gets a drink and sits on the beach, watching the water
[22:27] <Raihosha-ko> Cataclysm? I wonder if it was self-inflicted?
[22:27] <Matsy Shin> perhaps.....I'm still translating the languge
[22:28] <Raihosha-ko> I'm pretty good with languages...but I've never heard of Muian before.
[22:29] <Matsy Shin> well...I don't have a rosetta stone for this like I did with the languge of Kaguya
[22:30] <Raihosha-ko> I can work my way through the Pnakotic Manuscripts, though.
[22:30] <Matsy Shin> I tried looking for any sort of reference on Mu in..what was that book my sister has...
[22:30] <Matsy Shin> ...oh yes
[22:30] <Matsy Shin> the necronomicon
[22:32] <Matsy Shin> I gave up on it
[22:32] <Raihosha-ko> The Mad Arab didn't cover Mu. Outside his purview. Some good info on certain darker portions of Tibet, though.
[22:32] <Matsy Shin> I thought as much
[22:33] <Raihosha-ko> But the Necronomicon is easy, especially in the original Arabic.
[22:33] <Matsy Shin> my sister yelled at me when I did read it though
[22:33] <Matsy Shin> ..she doesn't like anyone going through the occult section
[22:33] <Raihosha-ko> No the Pnakotic Manuscipts are something else again, although distantly related.
[22:34] <Matsy Shin> so far...I've managed to put the Muian languge into clear pheonics
[22:35] <Raihosha-ko> Well, depending on who you are the Necronomicon can lead to terrible temptations and if you don't know exactly what you're doing beforehand you're going to get something wrong. That's when things reach through space and add you to their collections of curios they've noticed.
[22:35] <Matsy Shin> for instance
[22:36] * Matsy Shin kneels down..and traces a long S shaped symbol with a zig zag across it in the sand
[22:36] <Matsy Shin> this letter....makes a sound like Phis
[22:38] <Matsy Shin> while I can translate a few words...such as Shiyusa into Ruler
[22:38] <Matsy Shin> more complex ones..I can't
[22:39] <Raihosha-ko> They aren't simply compounded simpler thoughts?
[22:39] <Matsy Shin> I thought that at first.....
[22:40] <Matsy Shin> but then I ran into several letter combinations that suggested otherwise
[22:40] * Matsy Shin grins
[22:40] <Matsy Shin> this is so exciting
[22:41] <Raihosha-ko> Well, changing pronnciation when compounded is pretty typical. So is changing form based on use in a sentence...
[22:42] <Matsy Shin> it reminds me in some ways of eastern Uranian
[22:43] <Matsy Shin> though that languge has a much more rougher tone...and has seven letters
[22:43] <Raihosha-ko> What sort of volume of texts do you have? I have access to a pretty powerful statistical analysis suite in the form of Aescapulus.
[22:43] <Matsy Shin> I have the entire library at the house at my disposial
[22:44] <Matsy Shin> all one million books
[22:44] <Raihosha-ko> Seven leters? pretty hard to encode a lot, unless it has high syllable length.
[22:44] <Matsy Shin> it's..a unique languge
[22:44] <Eiry> Mats, Aescapulus is a moon-sized computer. You should take advantage of it.
[22:45] <Matsy Shin> I don't know
[22:45] <Matsy Shin> I shall have to consider it
[22:45] <Matsy Shin> besides much of the information I know of of what I am searching for is up here *points to her head*
[22:46] <Raihosha-ko> Well, a million volumes would allow you to do a thorough analysis of the usage characterisitics.
[22:46] <Raihosha-ko> The actual translating would be up to you.
[22:46] <Matsy Shin> did you know uranians have over three hunderd words for alchoal?
[22:47] * Adorable Kitten approaches the group.
[22:47] *** Adorable Kitten [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:47] <@spiritflame> irasshai Adorable Kitten
[22:47] * Adorable Kitten looks at Raihosha-ko.
[22:47] *** Raihosha-ko is statuesque platinum blonde, wearing a black cheongsam with a red floral pattern, and standing nearly two meters tall in her heels.
Her image Song is: .

[22:48] * Eiry eyes the kitten
[22:49] <Matsy Shin> hm....I never checked if..
[22:49] * Matsy Shin stands...and puts her hand on the stone braclet around her wrist
[22:50] * Matsy Shin is soon covered in stone scale armor along with a stone samuraish helmet....
[22:50] * Matsy Shin 's armor is form-fitting
[22:50] <Matsy Shin> still fits
[22:50] <Eiry> Yeah...
[22:50] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:50] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[22:50] * Raihosha-ko picks up Adorable Kitten as he sniffs.
[22:51] <Eiry> Smells loud, doesn't he?
[22:51] <Eitak_Razal> I would assume, that it addapts to it's weaer. The magi-tek armour I'm testing is much the same way
[22:51] <Raihosha-ko> Aren't you adorable.
[22:51] * Matsy Shin flicks her wrist...a glowing purple energy blade growning from her empty hand
[22:51] <Eiry> That's just cause you don't know ¬_¬
[22:52] <Matsy Shin> heh
[22:52] <Raihosha-ko> Oh this kitten has a lot inside him, I know that much. But for now it is a kitten that needs petting.
[22:52] * Matsy Shin presses braclet...and the armor vanishes
[22:52] * Raihosha-ko pets kitten as she holds it.
[22:54] * Eiry fingers his necklace a moment, wondering something
[22:54] * Matsy Shin eyes the sea
[22:54] <Matsy Shin> ..pardon my behavior, Rai...
[22:54] <Matsy Shin> ..I suppose I am a bit competetive in the field I am in
[22:55] <Eiry> I aught to go.
[22:55] <Matsy Shin> hm?
[22:55] <Matsy Shin> why, Eiry?
[22:55] <Raihosha-ko> Do you need to, EIry? So soon?
[22:56] * Matsy Shin opens up her journal quietly...
[22:57] <Eiry> I...
[22:57] <Eiry> I'm just tired. And I haven't been home much all week.
[22:58] <Matsy Shin> ..oh
[22:58] <Raihosha-ko> Well, it would require some explanations at home, I suppose.
[22:59] * Eiry stands and brushes off her pants
[22:59] * Matsy Shin looks at Eiry..blushing a bit
[22:59] <Matsy Shin> alright..
[23:00] <Eiry> See you guys later.
[23:00] <Matsy Shin> take care..
[23:01] <Raihosha-ko> Have a good evening, Eiry.
[23:01] *** Eiry [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Need to be home...)
[23:01] <Matsy Shin> may the Six bless your sleep
[23:01] <Matsy Shin> oh...
[23:01] * Matsy Shin sits in the sand
[23:02] * Matsy Shin frowns..and kicks the sand
[23:02] *** LOVELYboy [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:02] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYboy
[23:03] * Matsy Shin frowns a stone nearby her starts to crack
[23:03] <Raihosha-ko> Watch what you're thinking there, Matsy.
[23:04] * Matsy Shin growls to herself..the stone exploding into dust
[23:04] <LOVELYboy> Hm?
[23:06] <LOVELYboy> How'dju do that?
[23:06] * Matsy Shin snatches up her journal..and stomps into the house
[23:06] *** Matsy Shin has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:06] <LOVELYboy> Oh. Weird.
[23:07] <Eitak_Razal> He seems upset
[23:07] <Raihosha-ko> She seems to be suffering some emotional reactions to her current state.
[23:07] <Freya> I doubt it
[23:07] *** Freya [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:07] <@spiritflame> irasshai Freya
[23:07] * Freya walks down the beach in cat form
[23:08] <Freya> it may have made her control
[23:08] <Raihosha-ko> You do? Then perhaps you know what's ailing her?
[23:08] <Freya> but I doubt..that is the entire reasoning
[23:08] <Freya> I'm not sure...but I'm not going near her
[23:08] <Freya> ...that much telekinisis under that much strain can be unpleasent
[23:09] <Raihosha-ko> Er, yes. I remember reading the memoirs of THe Great and Powerful Turtle.
[23:10] <LOVELYboy> She seemed...worried, maybe?
[23:10] <Freya> she's probably causing a psychic storm in the library right now
[23:10] <LOVELYboy> But there's shields there so it's hard to tell.
[23:10] <LOVELYboy> Hey Freya
[23:10] <Freya> hello
[23:11] <Raihosha-ko> I wonder if the missing stones are of more concern than she lets on.
[23:11] <Freya> ah the stones
[23:12] <Raihosha-ko> Or perhaps Matsuo attempted to use one and had a reaction that led to his fears of them?
[23:12] <Freya> I doubt it...
[23:12] * Matsy Shin is back
[23:12] <Matsy Shin> .....
[23:12] <Matsy Shin> the stones are GONE..I told you THAT
[23:13] <Raihosha-ko> Hello, we were obviously talking about you. You have us a bit concerned.
[23:13] * Matsy Shin sigh
[23:13] <Matsy Shin> Rai...
[23:13] <Matsy Shin> I feel threatened by you...I admit it
[23:14] * Matsy Shin sits on the sand
[23:14] <Raihosha-ko> I speculate. It's what I do.
[23:14] <Matsy Shin> this mission..this search of mine
[23:14] <Matsy Shin>'s all I have
[23:15] <Matsy Shin> do you know..when the last bit of memory I have is?
[23:15] * Adorable Kitten hisses softly at LOVELYboy.
[23:15] <Matsy Shin> my last memory....was my own death on the moon
[23:16] * LOVELYboy looks at the kitten
[23:16] <Matsy Shin> I remember everything before that...
[23:16] * Raihosha-ko shushes the kitten.
[23:16] * Adorable Kitten looks at Freya.
[23:16] *** Freya is is the guardian cat of quinox and matsumi's friend. In cat form she has brown fur and has the sign of quinox on her head. in human form she has short brown hair and wears a green dress. She also sounds a hell of alot like Michelle Ryan.
image Song is: 0.

[23:16] <Raihosha-ko> Enjoy your pettings.
[23:16] <Matsy Shin> you hard it simply adjust to this world...
[23:16] * Adorable Kitten observes Freya.
[23:16] <Matsy Shin> then I was finally given a mission......something I could do in this era....
[23:17] <Matsy Shin> but I...I don't know if I can...T_T
[23:17] * Matsy Shin sniffles
[23:17] <Raihosha-ko> So wait, you have a blank between your death on the moon and recent events?
[23:17] <Matsy Shin> I was reborn recenetly..several months back
[23:18] <Matsy Shin> seperated from my sister
[23:18] <Raihosha-ko> Ouch. That IS rough.
[23:19] <Matsy Shin> in fact...
[23:19] <Matsy Shin> for the first few days..I could not go out in sunlight
[23:19] <Eitak_Razal> Enough with the self pity. You can either roll over and die or press on.
[23:19] <Adorable Kitten> ...
[23:19] * LOVELYboy listens attentively
[23:19] * Adorable Kitten walks up to Eitak_Razal...
[23:20] * Matsy Shin just..LOOKS at Eitak
[23:20] <Raihosha-ko> Oh, no tan?
[23:20] * Adorable Kitten bites Eitak on the heel.
[23:20] * Eitak_Razal 's defensive spells trigger and all the cat bites his a magical barreir
[23:20] <Raihosha-ko> Really, you hold and pet a kitten, then it just walks off and bites someone.
[23:20] <Raihosha-ko> How like a cat.
[23:21] <Matsy Shin> my body was reborn as purely quinoxian
[23:21] <LOVELYboy> He's not a cat.
[23:21] <Raihosha-ko> He's got the attitude down just fine for a cat.
[23:21] <Matsy Shin> thanks to the princess...I can now survive sunlight
[23:22] * Adorable Kitten looks extremely pleased.
[23:22] <Raihosha-ko> Quinoxians are light intolerant?
[23:22] <Matsy Shin> though..I still have perfect 20/20 eyesight in the dark
[23:22] * Eitak_Razal wonders why, he drew now blood
[23:22] <Eitak_Razal> *No
[23:22] <Matsy Shin> Rai...Quinox had no sunlight
[23:22] * Adorable Kitten is a kitten. He can't bite very hard.
[23:22] <Matsy Shin> even when me and my sister were wards of the moon...we had to be careful
[23:23] * LOVELYboy dangles a piece of string
[23:23] <Raihosha-ko> That makes sense, although Matsumi seemed to think otherwise as I recall.
[23:23] * Freya sleeps in the sand
[23:23] <Matsy Shin> my sister can't remember everything
[23:24] <Matsy Shin> she was reborn in a human body
[23:24] * Adorable Kitten looks at the string...
[23:24] <LOVELYboy> Yes, that's what she told me.
[23:24] <LOVELYboy> Or maybe I felt it, I don't know.
[23:24] <Matsy Shin> I gave myself a mission, Rai
[23:24] * Adorable Kitten rolls and bites the string.
[23:25] * LOVELYboy pulls the string a bit closer
[23:25] <Raihosha-ko> A mission to discover lost connections?
[23:25] <Matsy Shin> ..I was going to rediscover the lost history that humanity knows nothing of...the time when all worlds were connected
[23:25] * Adorable Kitten follows the string.
[23:26] <Matsy Shin> when Neptune traded with Mu..when perhaps Mercury exchanged ideas with the peoples of the east..and so on
[23:26] <Matsy Shin> ...I suppose I was afraid you were going to take that mission away from me
[23:27] * LOVELYboy picks up the kitten and gives it the string
[23:27] * Adorable Kitten claps the string in it's teeth, and wraps its teensy paws around it.
[23:27] <Raihosha-ko> No, Matsuo. I am a dabbler in many things, and always glad to lend a hand to good causes, but I have my own mission. To do things right, it will take your talents and patience.
[23:28] <Matsy Shin> what do you mean?
[23:28] <LOVELYboy> That you're better at it.
[23:28] <Matsy Shin> oh...
[23:29] * LOVELYboy holds the kitten so that it can't get away, but is by no means hurting it.
[23:29] * Adorable Kitten looks up at LOVELYboy.
[23:29] * Matsy Shin sniffles "I feel like an idiot"
[23:29] <Adorable Kitten> Mew?
[23:29] <Raihosha-ko> And you have the time to put together the evidence.
[23:30] <Matsy Shin> (( I will admit, Rai..I really don't have any plans for Matsuo to encounter any old ones stuff on his adventures..don't want to step on your toes ))
[23:31] * Adorable Kitten flicks its ears, looking at Freya.
[23:31] * Adorable Kitten scratches.
[23:31] * Adorable Kitten looks at Freya.
[23:31] *** Freya is is the guardian cat of quinox and matsumi's friend. In cat form she has brown fur and has the sign of quinox on her head. in human form she has short brown hair and wears a green dress. She also sounds a hell of alot like Michelle Ryan.
image Song is: 0.

[23:31] <Freya> what are you looking at...
[23:32] <Raihosha-ko> (( Don't worry. The old one stuff is an occupational hazard of archaeology. But history is bound to get confusing when there are so many different versions of it that have to exist to allow for this place to exist. ))
[23:32] <Freya> (( I'm sticking mostly to indiana jones style adventures with some DW stuff mixed in as well ))
[23:33] * LOVELYboy doesn't let go, patting the kitten on the head a little
[23:33] <Matsuo Shin> why am I crying T_T I can't stop
[23:34] * Adorable Kitten turns his head so LOVELYboy can scratch behind his right ear.
[23:35] <Raihosha-ko> I don't want to give a snap diagnosis, but it's not like you don't have plenty of reasons.
[23:35] <LOVELYboy> Mats...
[23:35] <Matsuo Shin> T___T I can't stop it...
[23:36] * LOVELYboy gives the kitten back to Rai and hugs Mats
[23:36] * Matsuo Shin hugs miara tightly
[23:36] * Raihosha-ko holds the adorable kitten and pets it.
[23:39] * Matsuo Shin cries into miara's shoulder
[23:39] * LOVELYboy tries to slip past Mats' shields and calm her down
[23:39] <Matsuo Shin> *sniffiles*..thanks...
[23:40] <LOVELYboy> You're in a girl's body now, it might be easier if you just accepted those feelings for now.
[23:40] <Matsuo Shin> geh...I feel silly
[23:41] <Raihosha-ko> I feel pretty, oh so pretty, it's a pity how pretty I feeeeel...
[23:41] <Matsuo Shin> >.>
[23:41] <Matsuo Shin> is she alright?
[23:41] * LOVELYboy laughs
[23:41] <LOVELYboy> Yes, she's fine.
[23:42] <Raihosha-ko> YOu have got to take Matsuo to West Side Story.
[23:42] <Matsuo Shin> huh what's that
[23:42] <Matsuo Shin> (( haaaaate west side storyyyyy ))
[23:42] <LOVELYboy> Me? No, that's someone else's prerogative.
[23:42] <LOVELYboy> (( i have seen it....once ))
[23:42] <Raihosha-ko> (( like the original the ending is a downer. ))
[23:43] <Matsuo Shin> (( I just didn't like it...preferred Damn Yankees ))
[23:43] <Raihosha-ko> Musical Theater.
[23:43] <Matsuo Shin> oh..OH
[23:43] <Matsuo Shin> like my sister and her group are going to do
[23:44] <LOVELYboy> Yup
[23:44] <Raihosha-ko> More or less, yes.
[23:44] <Matsuo Shin> I see
[23:45] <Raihosha-ko> It is a tragic tale of forbidden love, but the music is nice.
[23:45] <LOVELYboy> I like Moulin Rouge!
[23:47] <LOVELYboy> Also a tragic tale of forbidden love, with good music.
[23:47] <Raihosha-ko> I've seen that, I believe. Only place I've actually seen green fairies, as well.
[23:47] <LOVELYboy> Hah maybe.
[23:47] <Raihosha-ko> Well, the film version.
[23:48] <LOVELYboy> Mhm. Her costume is cool though. A lot of them are, actually.
[23:48] <Matsuo Shin> I rather enjoyed the Kallu Vussah
[23:50] <Matsuo Shin>'s quinoxian..pardon
[23:58] * LOVELYboy looks around for the kitten
[23:58] <LOVELYboy> Did he escape?
[00:00] <Raihosha-ko> I thought I had him, but he's been quiet.
[00:00] <LOVELYboy> He likes to sneak around, and I want him where I can see him.
[00:05] * Matsuo Shin spots a stick and picks it up
[00:06] <Matsuo Shin> heh...
[00:06] * Matsuo Shin steadies herself....looking forward....
[00:06] <Matsuo Shin> URUIAT!
[00:06] * Matsuo Shin starts to do some quick slashing and forward thrusting movements with the stick
[00:07] <Matsy Shin> ^
[00:06] <Matsy Shin> ^
[00:07] <Matsy Shin> (( how did that happen ))
[00:07] <Matsy Shin> (( I don't think I changed him back ))
[00:07] <LOVELYboy> (( it just changed at one point and you didn't change it back ))
[00:07] <Matsy Shin> (( ..weird ))
[00:07] * Matsy Shin keeps doing her movements
[00:09] * LOVELYboy watches, and give some pointers having to do with specific muscles
[00:09] * Matsy Shin stops, raising the blade in the air
[00:09] <Matsy Shin> ALISMOTRA
[00:09] <Matsy Shin> heh
[00:10] * @Wolfwood places the shattered crystal in a bag
[00:10] <Matsy Shin> (( are they back to normal? ))
[00:10] * @Wolfwood hides it for future research
[00:10] <Raihosha-ko> Hey Wolf.
[00:10] <@Wolfwood> (( Normal ))
[00:10] <Raihosha-ko> (( are we? ))
[00:10] * Matsy Shin is now known as Matsuo Shin
[00:10] <Matsuo Shin> .................
[00:10] * Matsuo Shin looks down
[00:10] * LOVELYboy is now known as LOVELYgirl
[00:10] <Matsuo Shin> ......I'm normal again
[00:10] <Raihosha> What happ...
[00:11] * Raihosha disappears to change.
[00:11] * LOVELYgirl 's shirt is suddenly really tight
[00:11] * Matsuo Shin runs into the house as well
[00:11] * LOVELYgirl giggles
[00:12] <LOVELYgirl> A girl in guys clothes is just a girl in guys clothes, but men in women's clothes are in drag :p
[00:12] *** Raihosha [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:12] <@spiritflame> irasshai Raihosha
[00:12] * LOVELYgirl pulls a wrap out of her pocket and ducks under a forest to wrap
[00:12] <LOVELYgirl> *into the
[00:13] <Raihosha> Well, my legs were a bit hairy to go with the cheongsam.
[00:13] * @Wolfwood checks
[00:13] <@Wolfwood> one, two, three...i'm good
[00:13] <Raihosha> Counting your legs?
[00:13] <Eitak_Razal> Well that was anticlimactic
[00:13] * Matsuo Shin is back
[00:13] <@Wolfwood> ....
[00:13] <@Wolfwood> sure lets go with that
[00:14] * Matsuo Shin returns wearing a buttoned up white shirt, along with a brown fedora
[00:14] <@Wolfwood> What. You expected some big elaborate change-back?
[00:14] <@Wolfwood> I hit the s[BLEEP]t with a sledgehammer 'till it shattered.
[00:14] <Raihosha> Well, I had fun while it lasted.
[00:14] * LOVELYgirl comes back out, shirt not quite so tight
[00:14] <LOVELYgirl> So did I.
[00:14] <LOVELYgirl> But I think we're the minority.
[00:14] <Matsuo Shin> well this feels better
[00:16] * LOVELYgirl throws a feeler out to Taki to see how he's doing
[00:16] <@Wolfwood> I miss getting free drinks at the bar.
[00:16] * is currently jumping for joy
[00:16] <Taki Kensei> ^
[00:16] <Raihosha> Beowulf, I say, a place that makes the Castro District of the sixties seem like the Americana of 50's TV.
[00:17] <Raihosha> I wonder if I can recreate the effect with a spell?
[00:17] * @Wolfwood changes topic to `Part 2 of the movie - Monday at 20:00`
[00:18] * LOVELYgirl smiles
[00:18] <Matsuo Shin> heh I think I'll stay a male thank you very much
[00:19] <LOVELYgirl> You weren't so bad as a girl.
[00:19] <@Wolfwood> I agree.
[00:19] <LOVELYgirl> But, we are used to Matsi
[00:19] <Raihosha> Male is a place in your head, not necessarily what genitalia you have.
[00:20] <LOVELYgirl> It changes your hormones.
[00:20] <Raihosha> As I said, gender is complicated.
[00:20] <Matsuo Shin> as my sister can attest...
[00:20] <LOVELYgirl> Yes.
[00:20] <Matsuo Shin> though..given that she was using my body during that time...
[00:21] <Matsuo Shin> I could use a drink
[00:22] * LOVELYgirl goes and finds a bottle of rum
[00:23] * LOVELYgirl takes a drink and passes to Matsuo
[00:23] * Matsuo Shin takes a drink as well
[00:24] <Matsuo Shin> that is great ^^
[00:25] * Adorable Kitten snoozes
[00:25] <Raihosha> There he is.
[00:26] * Raihosha sits down.
[00:26] * LOVELYgirl turns the kitten belly up with a girn
[00:26] <Raihosha> It'll take me a day or so to get the balance back for this body.
[00:28] * Matsuo Shin looks up at the sky
[00:28] <Matsuo Shin> beautiful stars tonight
[00:28] * Raihosha pull out his hipflask of sake, and takes a drink.
[00:28] * LOVELYgirl pokes the kitten's belly with a claw
[00:29] <Matsuo Shin> so clear
[00:30] <Raihosha> Yep. Stable air tonight.
[00:30] * @Wolfwood puffs a cigar\
[00:30] <Raihosha> To bad we're so close to the ocean, or I could get some IR images.
[00:31] * Raihosha pulls out his own cigar.
[00:32] * Matsuo Shin simply watches the sea
[00:32] * Raihosha pulls out an old zippo and lights his cigar.
[00:35] <Matsuo Shin> I can't understand the preoccupation people have with smoking
[00:35] <Raihosha> It's not the smoking, it's the delivery of nicotine to the blood stream.
[00:36] <LOVELYgirl> It's an acceptable drug, Matsuo
[00:36] <Matsuo Shin> ah...I see
[00:36] * Adorable Kitten certainly looks glad that the living have reverted to their true genders.
[00:37] <Adorable Kitten> whew
[00:37] * Adorable Kitten sneezes softly.
[00:37] <Raihosha> /whisper It's mew, kitten.
[00:37] * Adorable Kitten starts squirming to get down off of LOVELYgirl.
[00:38] * Adorable Kitten pushes off of Miara, and goes looking for a place to "change."
[00:39] * LOVELYgirl watches him
[00:39] * Adorable Kitten is away: "Now what the hell will I do with all of these womens' clothes? Where are my pants?
[00:39] <Raihosha> I'm going to miss being a statuesque blonde.
[00:39] *** Adorable Kitten [] has quit IRC (I guess I make a far more convincing cat than a woman.)
[00:40] <LOVELYgirl> She had style, too, Rai.
[00:41] <Raihosha> Oh?
[00:41] * Matsuo Shin pulls his journal out and looks over it
[00:42] <Raihosha> I guess I'm a bit fashion backwards.
[00:43] <LOVELYgirl> Well there's nothing like a chinese dress to do that
[00:44] <LOVELYgirl> Thoughts, Matsuo?
[00:45] <Raihosha> I seem to recall I had a cheongsam in Red with a golden dragon design as well, I never had a chance to show it off though.
[00:45] <LOVELYgirl> Heh.
[00:45] <LOVELYgirl> Well it seemed to fit you well...
[00:45] <LOVELYgirl> Wonder how that happened.
[00:46] <Raihosha> I have access to exclusive tailors that don't ask questions. They don't sell such things in my sizes off the rack.
[00:46] <Matsuo Shin> hm? thoughts of what?
[00:47] <LOVELYgirl> I have trouble finding clothes here sometimes.
[00:47] <LOVELYgirl> Well, not if you don't want to share, of course.
[00:47] <Raihosha> I can give you some names.
[00:48] * Hulking Figure appears from the jungle, looking guilty, and carrying a large garbage bag.
[00:48] <LOVELYgirl> Are they cheap?
[00:48] <Hulking Figure> >.>
[00:48] <@Wolfwood> <_<
[00:48] * Hulking Figure sneaks into the house.
[00:48] <@Wolfwood> If thats a severed head i'm going to be very upset.
[00:48] <Raihosha> (( two meters, btw, is rougly 6'8"...they were 4 inch heels. ))
[00:48] <Hulking Figure> You'd be mad if I severed the head of a giant?
[00:49] <@Wolfwood> Yes
[00:49] <@Wolfwood> Because you creep me the f[BLEEP]k out.
[00:49] <Hulking Figure> Hmmm.... need to find the laundry room.
[00:49] * Hulking Figure sneaks inside...
[00:49] <LOVELYgirl> You're not sneaking, we can see and hear and smell you!
[00:50] <Matsuo Shin> and sense you
[00:50] <Hulking Figure> Hmph. I can hide when I want to!
[00:50] <Raihosha> Depends on what you're buying, Miara. A custom silk dress is pricey. Basic clothing in western sizes, about what you'd pay for local sizes.
[00:50] <Hulking Figure> Now... where's the laundry room... I need to... return some clothing.
[00:51] <LOVELYgirl> That would be great, then.
[00:51] <LOVELYgirl> On the other side of the kitchen.
[00:52] * Hulking Figure goes there, and empties the bag of all of the clothing he had been stealing in his alternate forms.
[00:52] * Hulking Figure walks back outside... feeling really awkward.
[00:52] <Hulking Figure> I am NOT going to enjoy fulfilling those IOU's.
[00:52] * Hulking Figure looks at Miara..
[00:52] *** Miara. is your average everyday Miara.

[00:53] <Hulking Figure> You said, last night, that I was on the vergr of losing the few friends I have made here.
[00:53] * Hulking Figure looks at Miara.
[00:53] *** Miara is your average everyday Miara

[00:53] <Hulking Figure> (( AAAAUGH! ))
[00:53] * Raihosha looks at Lovelygirl.
[00:53] *** Lovelygirl is tanned young woman with wild light brown hair, blue eyes, and stands 5'10. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Lady Dynamite" by Ayumi Hamasaki.

[00:53] * Hulking Figure looks at LOVELYgirl.
[00:53] *** LOVELYgirl is tanned young woman with wild light brown hair, blue eyes, and stands 5'10. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Lady Dynamite" by Ayumi Hamasaki.

[00:54] * Hulking Figure sighs.
[00:54] <LOVELYgirl> That's cause you keep creeping people out and pissing them off
[00:54] <Hulking Figure> I really can't believe it got to me the way it did.
[00:54] <Hulking Figure> Well... I thought she'd cursed me.
[00:54] <LOVELYgirl> And if you're not going to wash those you should have them back in person and not just leave them there.
[00:54] <Hulking Figure> As for pissing people off, some are unpleasable.
[00:54] <Matsuo Shin> you stole some of my sister's clothes
[00:54] <Hulking Figure> IN PERSON? They would blow me into smoking chunks!
[00:55] <Hulking Figure> They would never understand.
[00:55] <LOVELYgirl> You stole stuff, and you should own up.
[00:55] <Hulking Figure> If is was CASH, I would!
[00:56] <Hulking Figure> And... I've tried to stop being creepy.
[00:56] * Hulking Figure looks down.
[00:56] <LOVELYgirl> Sneaking around the house stealing stuff isn't creepy/
[00:56] <LOVELYgirl> ?
[00:57] <Hulking Figure> Yeah? Well you know what is f[BLEEP]king terrifying? Waking up in a dead woman's body because you pissed off the spoiled brat queen of a planet!
[00:57] <Hulking Figure> Thank goodness I could turn into animals!
[00:58] <Hulking Figure> I had avoided everyone for DAYS!
[00:58] <Matsuo Shin> should I tell my sister you tried to steal one of her blouses?
[00:58] <@Ryan> You know what's f[BLEEP]king terrifying? Bro-rape. I have just discovered this concept.
[00:58] <Raihosha> It's an epidemic.
[00:59] <@Ryan> We need to be more aware about this threat.
[00:59] <@Wolfwood> I agree.
[00:59] <Raihosha> Warn bros.
[01:00] <@Wolfwood> Ryan, you should do a psa
[01:00] * @Ryan has begun to warn bros everywhere
[01:00] * @Ryan has started to make a PSA on Bro-Rape
[01:01] <Hulking Figure> I'll apologize to your sister. I just wasn't thinking clearly!
[01:02] <Hulking Figure> I mean... it was worse than being turned pink---and this is coming from a dead man----I shouldn't even CARE what gender I appear as!
[01:03] <Raihosha> Turned pink?
[01:03] <@Wolfwood> Wait wut
[01:03] <Hulking Figure> Besides... your sister trusts me! Ask Miara if she thinks your sister trusts me! Just last week, I turned into a squid and motorboated her! She said it was great fun!
[01:04] <@Wolfwood> ..................................................
[01:04] <@Wolfwood> Creepy. As. F[BLEEP]k.
[01:04] <Hulking Figure> Why are you looking at me like that?
[01:04] <Matsuo Shin> um ok
[01:05] <LOVELYgirl> I don't know how far Matsi trusts you, and with what.
[01:06] <Raihosha> Do you realize what motorboating is, HF?
[01:07] <@Ryan> I DO
[01:08] <Hulking Figure> ...Maybe the word I'm looking for is Jetski?
[01:08] <Hulking Figure> That think where you get pulled through the water really fast?
[01:08] <Raihosha> Ah, that is significantly less creepy.
[01:09] * @Ryan changes topic to `Part 2 of the move - Monday at 20:00 | [01:03] <Hulking Figure> Besides... your sister trusts me! Ask Miara if she thinks your sister trusts me! Just last week, I turned into a squid and motorboated her! She said it was great fun!`
[01:10] <Hulking Figure> Wait wait... so what's motorboating?
[01:10] <Hulking Figure> It's being dragged through the water really fast... right?
[01:10] * LOVELYgirl shrugs
[01:10] <@Ryan> Look it up
[01:10] <Raihosha> It involves putting your lips on someone's chest and blowing in order to make a "motor" sound.
[01:11] <Hulking Figure> !
[01:11] <Hulking Figure> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:11] <Hulking Figure> I um... I should go.
[01:11] * Hulking Figure walks away... INCREDIBLY embarassed.
[01:11] <Matsuo Shin> .......
[01:11] *** Hulking Figure [] has quit IRC (It's a good thing I'm too dead to blush.)
[01:13] <Raihosha> He needs to work on his phrasing, in order to come off better.
[01:14] <Raihosha> Elocution lessons, perhaps.
[01:14] <LOVELYgirl> Yeah...not going to happen.
[01:16] <Matsuo Shin> hm....
[01:16] <Raihosha> Well, if we can point his excesses out, I think he'll learn. Whether he get's turned into a crater first, is anyone's guess.
[01:17] <LOVELYgirl> We thought that when he first showed up. And NOTHING has changed him whatsoever.
[01:18] <@Ryan> I think the real thing that needs to be discussed is this...
[01:18] <Raihosha> Well, then, we point out his excesses and turn him into a crater when he gets too bad.
[01:19] <Raihosha> Well, I would have considered it two hours ago, Ryan.
[01:19] <@Ryan> D:
[01:20] <Raihosha> I'm not built for it anymore.
[01:20] <Matsuo Shin> I think I'm going to retire to bed
[01:20] <Matsuo Shin> goodnight everyone
[01:21] <LOVELYgirl> Night, Matsuo
[01:21] <Raihosha> I think I'll, metaphorically, follow Matsuo. It is kinda late.
[01:22] *** @Wolfwood [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (In the words of Ancient Taoist masters, Don't start none... Won't be none. )
[01:22] <@Ryan> Night Rai! Hopefully see you again soon!
[01:22] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (sleep is always good)
[01:22] *** Raihosha [] has quit IRC (A journey of a thousand years begins with a single step.)
[01:22] <LOVELYgirl> Bye..
[01:23] *** Raihosha-ko [] has quit IRC (So long dearies.)
[01:24] <LOVELYgirl> Well. I guess I should go see Taki.
[01:24] <LOVELYgirl> Night, Ryan
[01:24] <@Ryan> Night you LOVELYGirl!
[01:24] *** LOVELYgirl [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (If you're awake, tell a better story)
[01:28] *** @Ryan has left #suburbansenshi2 (i must warn my new brother that you've never heard of, MAASIVE PENIS, about BRO-RAPE)
[10:03] * The sky splits open as a portal to the raw Time Vortex opens for a moment
[10:03] * @Dr. Xadium falls out
[10:03] * [gTV]C'est_la_V falls out, knocked out
[10:03] * @Sakura Xadium Aino lands on her feet
[10:04] * The Yojimbo as well
[10:04] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I can't believe I didn't notice that island was a self-enclosed pocket of Spacetime...
[10:04] <The Yojimbo> Well you're free of it now.
[10:05] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Thanks, sis.
[10:05] <The Yojimbo> ...
[10:05] <The Yojimbo> You... remember me?
[10:05] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> 'Course I do.
[10:06] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I... thought you were erased though.
[10:06] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Along with everything but this...
[10:06] * @Sakura Xadium Aino pulls out Vindicator from the sheath on her side
[10:06] * @Sakura Xadium Aino starts as the sword gives off a heartbeat
[10:06] * The Yojimbo 's eyes widen
[10:07] <The Yojimbo> Vindicator...
[10:07] <The Yojimbo> Of course...
[10:07] <The Yojimbo> Vindicator is made from the flesh of's future self
[10:07] <The Yojimbo> Validium... with time-influencing properties.
[10:07] <The Yojimbo> We are bound together.
[10:08] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> No wonder r-chan must've given it to you.
[10:08] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> It protected you from the changes to the timeline.
[10:08] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Even from a distance.
[10:08] <@Dr. Xadium> Ugh, my head ><
[10:09] *** Harold Saxon [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:09] <@spiritflame> irasshai Harold Saxon
[10:09] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ... What's he doing here?!
[10:09] <Harold Saxon> Now, now... is that any way to greet your saviour?
[10:09] * Harold Saxon winces as his body briefly flashes, going skeletal for a moment
[10:10] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Eww... what happened to you?
[10:10] <Harold Saxon> Nothing I won't fix shortly.
[10:10] <The Yojimbo> ...
[10:10] <The Yojimbo> Sakura,,,
[10:10] <The Yojimbo> I'm sorry. I had no choice.
[10:10] <The Yojimbo> It was the only way to save you.
[10:11] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> What're you talking about?
[10:11] <The Yojimbo> The Master... was the only one who knew the Block-Transfer Matrices we used to open a portal to get to you and your family
[10:11] <The Yojimbo> And for that... there was a price to pay.
[10:11] * @Sakura Xadium Aino narrows her eyes
[10:12] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> What price?
[10:12] * Harold Saxon looks to something behind them. "Do it".
[10:12] * Weeping Angel appears out of nowhere, a hand on Xadium's shoulder
[10:12] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ...NO!
[10:13] *** @Dr. Xadium [user-19fasjd@TARDIS904563.panopticon.gallifrey.sen] has quit IRC (I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.)
[10:13] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> WHAT DID YOU DO?!
[10:13] * @Sakura Xadium Aino stares down the Weeping Angel, which is now frozen
[10:13] * Harold Saxon grins, walks over to the Angel.
[10:13] <Harold Saxon> This little beauty is from the Far Future. Last of his Kind~
[10:14] <Harold Saxon> And by consuming the potential future of a Time Lord, he's gotten quite fat with life energy~
[10:14] * Harold Saxon SLAMS the Angel with a Hammer, shattering it-- the time energy explodes outwards and flows right into the Master
[10:15] <Harold Saxon>
[10:15] <Harold Saxon> WHOLE. AGAIN! ME. AGAIN!
[10:15] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> My pop! What did you--
[10:15] <Harold Saxon> Oh you know how these angels work, dearie.
[10:15] <Harold Saxon> He's not dead. Just displaced.
[10:16] <Harold Saxon> But whatever life he might have had in this stretch of time is over.
[10:16] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ... So where did he go!?
[10:16] <Harold Saxon> That's where I showed mercy.
[10:16] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> - Mercy? ! -
[10:17] <Harold Saxon> This Angel is from the far future. It sends people into its relative past.
[10:17] <Harold Saxon> Xadium had so, so much life in him~
[10:17] <Harold Saxon> So it's sent him forwards several thousand years from this particular point of view~
[10:17] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ...
[10:17] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> You sent him to the future?
[10:18] <Harold Saxon> Yup!
[10:18] <Harold Saxon> Someone has to lay the groundwork for the arrival of the people here into the future before the Sailor Senshi grow into it.
[10:19] <Harold Saxon> Did you think that these imbeciles would be able to just *make* a vacation home on Venus?
[10:19] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> B---but
[10:19] <Harold Saxon> What are you complaining about?
[10:19] <Harold Saxon> You don't even properly meet him until your birth.
[10:20] <Harold Saxon> Nothing has changed for you.
[10:20] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> MY MOM.
[10:20] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> She's going to be all alone!
[10:20] <Harold Saxon> Not with that figure
[10:20] * @Sakura Xadium Aino BELTS The Master
[10:21] * Harold Saxon grins and wipes the blood off his mouth
[10:21] <Harold Saxon> You're welcome.
[10:21] *** Harold Saxon [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Masterfully Done. )
[10:21] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> NORIKO!
[10:21] <The Yojimbo> - That name holds no meaning for me. -
[10:22] <The Yojimbo> - It is a dead name. -
[10:22] * @Sakura Xadium Aino is shaking
[10:22] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Yeah well it won't be the only thing dead in a second ><
[10:22] <The Yojimbo> Sakura, it had to be.
[10:23] <The Yojimbo> The Master was right.
[10:23] <The Yojimbo> Someone had to lay the foundation for Haruka and the others to hide out in the future.
[10:23] <The Yojimbo> If not, the rrsultant Time Paradox would have been catastrophic.
[10:23] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Well why not YOU! You have no place here anymore!
[10:24] * @Sakura Xadium Aino checks herself, but it's too late-- the words came out.
[10:24] * The Yojimbo lowers her head
[10:24] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> S-Sorry... but you just killed my dad. For all intents and purposes
[10:25] <The Yojimbo> Your father isn't the only one who's dead.
[10:25] <The Yojimbo> And I'm not done killing.
[10:25] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Why is it that every time you show up bad things happen to people ><
[10:26] <The Yojimbo> It is my fate, it seems.
[10:26] * The Yojimbo pulls out her lighsabre and ignites it.
[10:26] <The Yojimbo> The Sword. Give it to me.
[10:26] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> You dont' have to fight me for Vindicator, it's yours...
[10:26] <The Yojimbo> The sword I want... is Arataka.
[10:27] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> What?!
[10:27] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> That's MY SWORD!
[10:27] <The Yojimbo> Yes.
[10:27] <The Yojimbo> Your sword, the holy relic of the Shinguuji clan.
[10:28] <The Yojimbo> Modified by you, with your blood, and the burning sands...
[10:28] <The Yojimbo> To become more than an enchanted blade suffused with meteoric ore...
[10:28] <The Yojimbo> To become a weapon made of Crysteel... capable of killing the Heartless.
[10:29] * @Sakura Xadium Aino 's eyes widen
[10:29] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I won't let you kill Yai!
[10:29] * The Yojimbo frowns
[10:29] <The Yojimbo> Why else did YOU make it? But it is not his life I seek.
[10:30] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I made it for the same reason Batman has a kryptonite ri-- what
[10:30] <The Yojimbo> You do know what happened to my father, yes?
[10:30] <The Yojimbo> What became of his body.
[10:31] * Eitak_Razal warps in, arriving seated on a large rock near the beach, sipping tea.
[10:31] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:31] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[10:35] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Not really...
[10:35] <The Yojimbo> It was taken over by the essence of the Corruptor.
[10:35] <The Yojimbo> And it is a Heartless Immortal
[10:35] <The Yojimbo> Khadi.
[10:35] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Oh god.
[10:36] <The Yojimbo> Precisely.
[10:36] <The Yojimbo> He must be destroyed.
[10:36] <The Yojimbo> Yours is the only blade that can cut him down.
[10:36] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Then I should do it.
[10:36] * The Yojimbo snarks
[10:37] <The Yojimbo> ^snarls
[10:37] <The Yojimbo> This is my battle.
[10:37] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> It's too personal.
[10:37] * Plushie-chan hides behind a tree, listning, the crystal OMEGA gave her gripped tightly.
[10:37] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> You know how emotional you get.
[10:38] <The Yojimbo> It was MY father, not yours.
[10:38] <The Yojimbo> Even if he treated you as his own.
[10:38] <The Yojimbo> It would have been better if the timelines had just swallowed him whole like they did my mother, brother, uncles and everyone else.
[10:39] <The Yojimbo> It would have been better had time simply forgotten him.
[10:39] <The Yojimbo> But he continues to walk, a hollowed out travesty.
[10:39] <The Yojimbo> The greatest demon our race has ever produced.
[10:40] * The Yojimbo narrows her eyes more, trying to staunch the buildup of tears in them
[10:40] * @Sakura Xadium Aino walks over to Nori and hugs her, pressing the ignition switch on her lightsabre to power it down.
[10:40] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Listen. Let's do this TOGETHER then.
[10:41] <The Yojimbo> I don't want you to get hurt ><
[10:41] * Eitak_Razal looks at The Yojimbo.
[10:41] *** The Yojimbo is a tall, slender female wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her right eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .

[10:41] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> you just "killed" my pop. I have no idea what to do with mom now.
[10:41] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I'm already hurt 'cuz of you.
[10:42] <The Yojimbo> I had no other way ><
[10:42] <Eitak_Razal> One would think that would makeing you less willing to work together
[10:42] <The Yojimbo> Better info
[10:42] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Then you don't understand us.
[10:43] <The Yojimbo> I wouldn't want to work with you either if the roles were reversed.
[10:43] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Well...
[10:43] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> if pop were really, totally dead I'd kill you where you stood.
[10:43] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> But he's not.
[10:43] * @Sakura Xadium Aino frowns
[10:44] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> but this explains why he didn't outlive mom...
[10:44] * @Sakura Xadium Aino clenches her fist a bit
[10:44] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Noriko.
[10:44] <The Yojimbo> THAT is NOT my name.
[10:45] <The Yojimbo> I am the Yojimbo.
[10:45] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> A bodyguard, huh?
[10:45] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> What are you protecting, then?
[10:45] <The Yojimbo> ...
[10:46] <The Yojimbo> I have nothing left
[10:46] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Ya got me.
[10:46] * The Yojimbo blinks
[10:46] * @Sakura Xadium Aino HUGS Nori
[10:46] <The Yojimbo> Stop thinking of me as her...
[10:46] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Nopers!
[10:47] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> You're still the stuffy, stuck up Nosy Noriko.
[10:47] * The Yojimbo just starts to cry
[10:47] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> And you're my sister.
[10:50] * The Yojimbo takes back Vindiccator
[10:50] <The Yojimbo> Thank you for holding onto her for me.
[10:50] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I didn't really think I'd ever see you again...
[10:50] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> But I'm glad you've come to collect it.
[10:50] * The Yojimbo smiles
[10:51] * The Yojimbo WHAMS Sakura on the forehead with the hilt
[10:51] * @Sakura Xadium Aino goes staggering back
[10:51] * The Yojimbo leans forward with catlike reflexes and GRA
[10:51] * The Yojimbo GRABS Arataka out of the sheath as Sakura falls back
[10:51] * Eitak_Razal summons her Rapeir. "Please tell me your aren't going to start a fight..."
[10:51] * The Yojimbo tosses Vindicator to her
[10:52] * The Yojimbo leaps into the trees
[10:52] *** The Yojimbo [memoriesofnobody@matrix.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Sorry, sister. But I won't lose anyone else.)
[10:52] * Eitak_Razal starts waveing ther sword and and the tree catches on fire
[10:52] <Eitak_Razal> Damnit.
[10:52] <Eitak_Razal> She got away
[10:52] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> FRATZING--
[10:52] * @Sakura Xadium Aino holds her head
[10:52] * @Sakura Xadium Aino rubs her forehead and rowls
[10:52] <Eitak_Razal> /4 walks over. "You alright, Time Lady?"
[10:53] * Eitak_Razal walks over
[10:53] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> She always did like to play though
[10:53] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ^rough
[10:53] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I'm okays...
[10:53] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> But she won't be... with that temper on her...
[10:53] * Eitak_Razal gestures and a large orb of water puts the fire out
[10:57] <Eitak_Razal> If I was you, I would be giveing chase right now
[10:57] * [gTV]C'est_la_V is still out on the ground
[10:57] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I can't.
[10:57] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I have bigger problems.
[10:57] * @Sakura Xadium Aino picks up mom.
[10:57] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I gotta figure out what to do about the fact pop is gone now.
[10:58] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> And to keep her going nuts about it.
[10:58] *** @Sakura Xadium Aino [cherryblossomstorm@north.galaxy.kai] has left #suburbansenshi2 (><)
[10:58] *** [gTV]C'est_la_V [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*out*)
[10:58] <Eitak_Razal> Gone is Relitive. I have died multibe times and erased by Dhe Ehm. Yet here I am...
[11:01] <Eitak_Razal> Plushie, I can sense you behind that tree.
[11:01] * Plushie-chan walks out "Of course. I figured you would"
[11:02] <Eitak_Razal> It's not like you to be sneaky. What's up
[11:02] <Plushie-chan> Just... gathering information
[11:41] * a lightening bolt slams into the ground near Eitak and Plushie
[11:43] <Plushie-chan> Gah!
[11:43] * the lightening bolt has left the greek symbol omega seared into the sand in glass
[11:44] * Eitak_Razal jumps, her tea spilling into the sand, staining it brown.
[11:44] <Plushie-chan> ....My how subtle....
[11:46] <Eitak_Razal> If you'll exuse me, I need more tea
[11:46] * Eitak_Razal is away 
[11:48] * Plushie-chan looks at the Crystal. "You wnat my report now or later
[11:49] <OMEGA> ^
[11:50] <Plushie-chan> I resent being called a servent. That makes me sound like I'm on the same level as the Prinnies
[11:50] <OMEGA> SILENCE....if you wish the knowledge I have...then you shall wait for my command for the report
[11:51] <Plushie-chan> Fine Fine.
[11:51] * Plushie-chan pockets the crystal again
[12:09] * Eitak_Razal is back
[12:09] * Eitak_Razal returns, with tea
[12:29] <zairafirefly> tea addiction? what kind do you usually drink?
[12:37] <zairafirefly> hm...
[12:38] * zairafirefly is sitting in a beach chair reading a book
[12:52] <Eitak_Razal> No addction. I just like tea
[12:52] <Eitak_Razal> And my last glass spilled when that lighting bolt struck
[12:52] <zairafirefly> lightening bolt?
[12:53] * Eitak_Razal points to the greek symbol for Omega left on the ground
[12:56] <Plushie-chan> Judgeing from the mark, I'd guess it was OMEGA that caused it
[12:56] * zairafirefly smooths over part of the sand with her food
[12:56] <zairafirefly> *foot
[13:05] * zairafirefly is away 
[14:05] *** Mr. Dinsdale [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:05] <@spiritflame> irasshai Mr. Dinsdale
[14:05] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh man it feels good to be back
[14:06] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:06] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[14:06] <Matsuo Shin> same!
[14:06] <Matsuo Shin> :)
[14:07] <Mister Dinsdale> :D
[14:07] <Matsuo Shin> it was...too uncomfertible
[14:08] * Matsuo Shin adjusts his fedora
[14:08] * Mr. Dinsdale does the same
[14:09] <Matsuo Shin> so how are you today?
[14:09] <Mister Dinsdale> Okay
[14:09] <Matsuo Shin> same...actually..I should go and check up on something
[14:09] <Matsuo Shin> I'll be back later
[14:10] * Matsuo Shin is away 
[14:11] *** The Yojimbo [memoriesofnobody@matrix.sen] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:11] <@spiritflame> irasshai The Yojimbo
[14:12] * The Yojimbo returns when she is satisified Sakura is not watching
[14:12] * Mr. Dinsdale looks at The Yojimbo.
[14:12] *** The Yojimbo is a tall, slender female wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her right eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .

[14:12] <Eitak_Razal> Any reason why I should let you walk around freely girl?
[14:12] * The Yojimbo smells the air
[14:13] * The Yojimbo looks at Eitak_Razal.
[14:13] *** Eitak_Razal is a young woman with red hair and green eyes. She 's about 5'9. . Her outfit varies depening on her mood. though she is normally wearing a circlet or similar object that flags her as Queen of Neggerra. Her full name is Enirhtak Esor Razal
image Song is: Devil Inside by Utada.

[14:13] <The Yojimbo> Yes.
[14:13] * The Yojimbo looks at Mr. Dinsdale.
[14:13] *** Mr. Dinsdale is your average everyday Mr. Dinsdale

[14:13] * The Yojimbo looks at Mister Dinsdale.
[14:13] *** Mister Dinsdale is a tall, lanky, handsome young man in a dapper white suit / tie and purple vest topped off with a jaunty fedora that covers his eyes in a mysteriously appealing way. He speaks with a light Brooklyn, NY accent. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: "Magnum P.I. Theme" by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter.

[14:14] * The Yojimbo heads right for the man in the white suit
[14:14] * Mr. Dinsdale watches the lady in the robes as she approaches
[14:14] * The Yojimbo stops right in front of him
[14:15] * The Yojimbo sniffs the air
[14:15] <The Yojimbo> Let me see your face.
[14:15] * Mr. Dinsdale lifts up his fedora
[14:16] * The Yojimbo frowns deeply. The face is not the same, superficially. But it's close.
[14:16] <The Yojimbo> What kind of a sick joke is this.
[14:16] <Mister Dinsdale> What're you talking about, lady.
[14:17] <The Yojimbo> Your scent, and that face.
[14:17] <The Yojimbo> The scent smells human, but there's more to it.
[14:17] <The Yojimbo> And your face looks very much like... someone I knew.
[14:17] <Mister Dinsdale> It's a long story.
[14:18] <The Yojimbo> Tell it to me.
[14:18] <Mister Dinsdale> I don't want to. I don't even know who you are.
[14:18] * Eitak_Razal grins.
[14:19] <Eitak_Razal> She's someone who can't be trusted.
[14:19] * The Yojimbo smiles tautly.
[14:19] <The Yojimbo> I've heard that said about me so many, many times.
[14:19] <Eitak_Razal> And it's true. How many people smack their freinds upside the head and steal their swords?
[14:20] <Eitak_Razal> .... And help kill their freinds's father....
[14:21] <Mister Dinsdale> What the...
[14:21] <The Yojimbo> I do what has to be done.
[14:21] <The Yojimbo> It is my fate.
[14:22] * The Yojimbo pokes dinsdale on the shoulder
[14:22] <The Yojimbo> Why, exactly, do you smell like my Father.
[14:22] <Mister Dinsdale> Whoa, whoa, what?
[14:22] * The Yojimbo lets her claws extend a bit.
[14:23] <The Yojimbo> Please tell me the long, long story :3
[14:23] <The Yojimbo> Before I make your story... a short one.
[14:23] * Mr. Dinsdale grins
[14:23] * Eitak_Razal wipes down her sword with a cloth. "You sound like my brother. "I do what needs to be done. It's all for the mission. It was the only way" And like him you are mistaken"
[14:23] <Mister Dinsdale> you can't kill me.
[14:23] <The Yojimbo> Any why not.
[14:24] <The Yojimbo> ^And
[14:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Because then you wouldn't have your answers.
[14:24] * The Yojimbo nods
[14:24] <The Yojimbo> A fair point.
[14:24] <The Yojimbo> But I can...
[14:25] * The Yojimbo taps his ear with her claws
[14:25] <The Yojimbo> Make life less convenient for you.
[14:25] <The Yojimbo> The one-eared look worked for Van Gogh.
[14:25] <The Yojimbo> It might not work so well on you.
[14:25] * Mr. Dinsdale sweatdrops, but maintains his grin
[14:26] <Mister Dinsdale> If I told you I had a Time Lord inside me, would you laugh?
[14:26] <Eitak_Razal> I do belive the phrase "You'd be surpised what you can live though" comes to mind
[14:26] * The Yojimbo blanches, but thanks to her complexion, it doesn't show at all
[14:26] <The Yojimbo> Go on.
[14:27] <Mister Dinsdale> I used to be some guy with a really sad story behind him.
[14:27] <Mister Dinsdale> Like, soul-destroyingly sad.
[14:27] <Mister Dinsdale> So to save him, they used a chameleon arch to give him a new life.
[14:27] <Mister Dinsdale> Which would be me.
[14:28] <The Yojimbo> ...Who would do something so stupid?!
[14:28] <Mister Dinsdale> Sakura and Yaijinden
[14:28] * The Yojimbo lowers her arm
[14:28] <The Yojimbo> Typical.
[14:29] <The Yojimbo> But the work of a Chameleon Arch can be undone...
[14:29] * The Yojimbo regards Dinsdale
[14:29] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey hey hey now wait just a minute.
[14:29] <Mister Dinsdale> I *have* a life I like.
[14:29] <Mister Dinsdale> I even have a girlfriend!
[14:29] <Mister Dinsdale> I don't want to be changed back!
[14:29] <Mister Dinsdale> You know how long it took me to become human again?!
[14:30] * The Yojimbo steps back a few feet
[14:30] <The Yojimbo> This is surreal.
[14:31] <Mister Dinsdale> Besides the guy I was wasn't the guy I think you think I was...
[14:31] * The Yojimbo just...
[14:31] <The Yojimbo> This isn't fair.
[14:31] <The Yojimbo> It's NOT FAIR.
[14:31] <Eitak_Razal> Life is never fair
[14:32] <The Yojimbo> Just when I thought I'd found some kind of way back...
[14:32] * The Yojimbo clenches her fist hard
[14:33] <Mister Dinsdale> Look, I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.
[14:33] * The Yojimbo takes a deep breath and centers herself
[14:33] <The Yojimbo> As you say.
[14:34] <The Yojimbo> So...
[14:34] <The Yojimbo> What are you supposed to be.
[14:35] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm a detective. Specializing in the Paranormal and Supernatural.
[14:35] <The Yojimbo> Interesting career choice.
[14:36] <Mister Dinsdale> What are you?
[14:36] * The Yojimbo smirks
[14:36] <The Yojimbo> You're the Detective.
[14:36] <The Yojimbo> Figure it out~
[14:36] * The Yojimbo flits into a tree
[14:36] *** The Yojimbo [memoriesofnobody@matrix.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (It is within the scope of my estimation.)
[14:37] <Eitak_Razal> She was a Time Lady, judgeing from her timeline. As was the woman who's father she helped kill.
[14:37] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[14:37] <Mister Dinsdale> There's a lot of them running around out there.
[14:38] * Eitak_Razal smiles "This one is new. The other one... has orange hair, and the aura of a senshi
[14:38] * Eitak_Razal vanishes "I suggest talking to her for more Info"
[14:39] *** Eitak_Razal [] has quit IRC
[14:39] <Mister Dinsdale> New, huh.
[14:39] <@spiritflame> hardly new
[14:39] <@spiritflame> noriko has been here before, many times
[14:40] <@spiritflame> she first appeared four years ago
[14:40] <@spiritflame> she is never without controversy
[14:40] <Mister Dinsdale> Well she's new to me.
[14:40] <@spiritflame> you will find that here is a rich history
[14:41] *** @spiritflame [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (the old powers are moving again, but to what end)
[14:42] * Mr. Dinsdale calls up Harriet.
[14:42] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:42] <@spiritflame> irasshai Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.
[14:42] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Whaddya want, Dinsdale.
[14:42] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It's the weekend, shouldn't you be on a date or something?
[14:42] <Mister Dinsdale> Har, har.
[14:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Can you do me a favor?
[14:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What.
[14:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Find out all you can about a girl named "Noriko" who started showing up around the House about 4 years back.
[14:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Records, any abilities, anything. She is probably also a Time Lord.
[14:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Got it.
[14:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll hit up my sources.
[14:44] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Now go do something fun, you ba[BLEEP]rd.)
[14:46] <Mister Dinsdale> I should
[14:47] * Mr. Dinsdale is away: doing so
[15:03] *** Thrash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:03] <@spiritflame> irasshai Thrash
[15:04] * Thrash wanders out of the jungle..thinking
[15:09] <Thrash> I won't agree with it
[15:16] <Riya> won't agree with what?
[15:16] *** Riya has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:16] <@spiritflame> irasshai Riya
[15:16] <Thrash> nothing of great excitiment, riya...simply a quandry of personal maginitude
[15:20] <Riya> .......
[15:20] <Thrash>'s not important
[15:20] <Riya> oooooooh
[15:21] <Riya>'ve been quiet since yesterday....
[15:22] <Thrash> have I??
[15:25] <Riya> yes!
[15:26] <Riya> it's not fun when you're quiet :(
[15:27] <Thrash> well...I have had alot to qundry over
[15:33] <Riya> well stop...qundryeying....and go back to the way you were :(
[15:33] <Thrash> perhaps...
[15:33] <Riya> >_<
[15:33] * Riya stomps off
[15:33] *** Riya has left #suburbansenshi2
[15:38] <Thrash> hm..
[15:40] *** The Corruptor [[[ADDRESS UNKNOWN]]] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:40] <@spiritflame> irasshai The Corruptor
[15:40] <The Corruptor> You've chosen to doom all those billions, haven't you~
[15:41] <Thrash> yes
[15:42] <The Corruptor> All their lives on your head~
[15:42] <The Corruptor> All the screams
[15:42] <The Corruptor> All the terror~
[15:42] <Thrash> I am not doing this for them...
[15:42] <The Corruptor> All that loss~
[15:42] <The Corruptor> Oh, obviously not.
[15:42] <The Corruptor> You're letting them die, after all.
[15:42] <The Corruptor> All in the name of obscure moral principles
[15:42] <Thrash> I'm doing this for her
[15:44] * Thrash looks towards the jungle
[15:44] <The Corruptor> Heh.
[15:44] <The Corruptor> That's nice.
[15:44] <The Corruptor> Be sure to tell that to the ones you've lost.
[15:44] *** The Corruptor [[[ADDRESS UNKNOWN]]] has left #suburbansenshi2 (:3)
[15:45] <Thrash> oh..I shall
[15:45] * Thrash sighs "I shall.."
[15:49] * Thrash frowns deeply
[15:58] *** Thrash has left #suburbansenshi2
[17:06] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:06] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[17:06] * Matsumi Kaze yawwwwwwns
[17:08] <Matsumi Kaze> what a day ><
[17:18] * Matsumi Kaze lays in the sand and looks at the sky
[17:26] <Matsumi Kaze> hiii seagulls
[17:26] * Matsumi Kaze waves
[18:01] * Matsumi Kaze is muttering lines under her breath
[18:16] * Matsumi Kaze yawns...and closes her eyes
[18:21] <Yaiko> :o
[18:21] * Matsumi Kaze is mumbling play lines
[18:21] <Yaiko> TO BE
[18:21] <Yaiko> OR NOT TO BE
[18:22] <Matsumi Kaze> zz...why...I'll eat a hundered pancakes..zzz
[18:25] <Yaiko> I may just hold your dream self to that.
[18:26] <Matsumi Kaze> zzzz...this here ax is made of a train..zzz
[18:27] <Yaiko> My inner jerk demands this.
[18:27] * Yaiko produces a dry-erase marker
[18:29] <Matsumi Kaze> zzzzz
[18:30] * Yaiko draws a duck, with a duck for a butt, on her forehead
[18:30] * Yaiko adds "quack quack" in a speech bubble on both ends
[18:35] * Matsumi Kaze bats at the air
[18:36] <Yaiko> Like a kitty!
[18:40] * Matsumi Kaze yawns and opens her eyes
[18:40] <Matsumi Kaze> ..oh hey
[18:41] <Yaiko> Yo~.
[18:41] * Matsumi Kaze looks at Yaiko.
[18:41] *** Yaiko is a Caucasian human in her late twenties, currently sporting a half-open blue shirt and khaki cargo capris over open-toe sandals. There's a fey look in her eyes, as though she's reflecting on some joke that you may be on the wrong end of... More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Until It Sleeps" by Metallica.

[18:41] <Matsumi Kaze>'re a girl
[18:45] *** The Yojimbo [memoriesofnobody@matrix.sen] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:45] <@spiritflame> irasshai The Yojimbo
[18:45] * The Yojimbo leans against a tree, watching bemusedly.
[18:46] <Matsumi Kaze> why do I smell marker?
[18:47] <The Yojimbo> You have been defaced.
[18:47] <Matsumi Kaze> wait what?
[18:47] <The Yojimbo> ...on your face.
[18:47] * Matsumi Kaze goes to the water......
[18:47] <Matsumi Kaze> ..........
[18:48] <Matsumi Kaze> YAI!?
[18:48] <The Yojimbo> Yai~
[18:48] * Matsumi Kaze runs into the house
[18:48] * Matsumi Kaze is away: cleaning up
[18:50] <The Yojimbo> Yai~
[18:53] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[18:53] <Matsumi Kaze> ..who are you by the way
[18:53] <The Yojimbo> No one important.
[18:53] * The Yojimbo looks for Yaijinden.
[18:54] <Matsumi Kaze> ???? that' odd thing to say
[18:55] * The Yojimbo shrugs
[18:55] * Matsumi Kaze looks at The Yojimbo.
[18:55] *** The Yojimbo is a tall, slender female wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her right eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .

[18:56] <Matsumi Kaze> ......interesting..eyes
[18:57] <Yaiko> Eh?
[18:57] <Matsumi Kaze> that...woman
[18:58] <Yaiko> Ah.
[18:58] <Yaiko> Hi!
[18:58] <Matsumi Kaze> ..maybe I should..leave you two alone..
[18:58] <The Yojimbo> Yo.
[18:58] * The Yojimbo shrugs
[18:59] <The Yojimbo> It matters not to me, though Yaijinden might be discomfited by the subject matter at hand.
[18:59] <The Yojimbo> Well... if others were to learn of it.
[18:59] <Yaiko> Any day that I get discomfited by subject matter is a day I deserve it.
[18:59] <The Yojimbo> Oh, really?
[18:59] <Yaiko> YES.
[19:00] * The Yojimbo slowly pulls out the blade at her side, the hilt rising up to reveal the translucent crysteel blade.
[19:00] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[19:00] <Yaiko> Ooooooooooooh. Arataka breathes again.
[19:00] * The Yojimbo allows the light to glint off it.
[19:00] * Matsumi Kaze moves away into the jungle...
[19:00] <The Yojimbo> It does.
[19:00] * Matsumi Kaze is away: .....leaving those two alone
[19:00] <The Yojimbo> And... its intended purpose... will soon be fulfilled. In a manner of speaking.
[19:01] * The Yojimbo presses the blade back into its sheath.
[19:01] <Yaiko> Decided to hunt khadi?
[19:01] <The Yojimbo> One, in particular.
[19:01] <The Yojimbo> Not you.
[19:01] <Yaiko> The most recent "initiate". :3
[19:02] <The Yojimbo> Indeed.
[19:02] <The Yojimbo> I simply wish to make sure my knowledge is correct.
[19:02] * The Yojimbo looks around and sniffs the air to make sure no one else is listening.
[19:02] * Yaiko perches on a sand castle
[19:03] <Yaiko> Ask away, then.
[19:03] *** No one else hears this, so if I catch anyone else using this without being told by Yai or me there will be hellfire to pay. Thx
[19:04] <The Yojimbo> It is my understanding that once the khadi is impaled by the Crysteel blade they immediately cry out and and forced to seek their heart, no matter where it may be.
[19:04] <The Yojimbo> ^and are
[19:05] <Yaiko> That is the case. Heartseekers-- such as Arataka-- were tools designed to eliminate the Ashalan's enemies who used this same rite before it fell into human hands.
[19:06] <Yaiko> Placed correctly in the cavity, it will kill them. They will rise, and go to seek their heart-- not knowing why, only that they must ensure its safety.
[19:06] <The Yojimbo> Are there any caveats I should be aware of?
[19:07] <Yaiko> The blade must pierce where the heart was. Indirect cuts and stabs will burn the flesh like solar fire, but only that.
[19:07] <Yaiko> You will also have to be able to keep up with whatever pace they set.
[19:07] <The Yojimbo> Tch.
[19:08] <The Yojimbo> The problem is my quarry has two hearts.
[19:08] <The Yojimbo> ...had.
[19:08] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You've got another problem.
[19:09] * The Yojimbo freezes
[19:09] <The Yojimbo> That scent... again.
[19:09] <Yaiko> ? :o
[19:09] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Completely convoluted story
[19:09] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But I know where his hearts went...
[19:09] <Yaiko> Ah, yes.
[19:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> They're inside Ignis.... who's lost in the Void.
[19:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You could run for a million years and not end up in the Void.
[19:10] <Yaiko> The important part is that you cut into the gap. That there is more than one gap in his body is irrelevant-- and perhaps an easier trick for you.
[19:10] * The Yojimbo grins
[19:10] <Yaiko> He will also know that you carry it. Crysteel... rings, unpleasantly, in the head while it is about.
[19:11] <The Yojimbo> I can do that.
[19:11] <Yaiko> Like tinnitus, only with razors.
[19:11] <The Yojimbo> Mm...
[19:11] <The Yojimbo> That is why--
[19:11] * The Yojimbo ducks, barely avoid a chakram in the back of the skull
[19:11] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio matrix-moves to doge and falls flat on his butt
[19:12] <The Yojimbo> Heh.
[19:12] <The Yojimbo> I suspect he already knows.
[19:12] * The Yojimbo bows
[19:12] <The Yojimbo> Thank you for the information.
[19:12] <The Yojimbo> You... look good as a woman, Yaijinden-dono.
[19:12] <Yaiko> Sure thing. If he CAN get there, he will.
[19:12] <Yaiko> Thanks! ^_^
[19:13] *** The Yojimbo [memoriesofnobody@matrix.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Then he will know fear and fire before this deed is done.)
[19:13] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Scary, scary kid.
[19:13] * Yaiko rolls her shoulders
[19:13] <Yaiko> She's lost a lot in her lifetime.
[19:13] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio looks over Yaijy-ko
[19:14] <Yaiko> She has her mother's nature, that way.
[19:14] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Not bad.
[19:14] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio shrugs
[19:14] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> If she knew what was in my DNA I'd fear a dissection.
[19:14] <Yaiko> Doubtless ♫
[19:14] <Yaiko> That's the advantage to being a known quantity, I suppose. :D
[19:15] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[19:15] <Matsumi Kaze> is she gone...
[19:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> heh
[19:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yup.
[19:15] * Matsumi Kaze walks out of the jungle...
[19:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Big Scary Time Kitty is gone.
[19:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ooh that rhymes~ ♫
[19:15] <Matsumi Kaze> good ~_~
[19:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Big Scary Time Kitty
[19:15] <Matsumi Kaze> just odd air around her
[19:15] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio works out a small tapdance to it
[19:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> She's a big softie, that one.
[19:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> From what my DNA tells me anyway.
[19:16] <Matsumi Kaze> ><
[19:16] <Yaiko> Hee hee.
[19:16] * Matsumi Kaze is shaking a bit
[19:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Soft gooey interior surrounded by hard candy shell
[19:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No wait, that's an M&M or something
[19:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't know
[19:16] <Yaiko> Not too far off. :D
[19:17] <Yaiko> And, if you'll excuse me, I have GAMES to run.
[19:17] * Yaiko is away: Exalted :D :D :D :D :D
[19:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Tah!
[19:17] * Matsumi Kaze hugs herself ><
[19:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Matsumi WHY SO SERIOUS
[19:17] <Matsumi Kaze> GAH
[19:17] * Matsumi Kaze jumps a bit at that "DON'T DO THAT"
[19:18] <Matsumi Kaze> nearly gave me a heart attack
[19:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> :D
[19:21] <Matsumi Kaze> so much for my day
[19:21] <Matsumi Kaze> had a good one too
[19:22] <Matsumi Kaze> had another rehersial today..things are coming together...can't wait to see the costumes
[19:23] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I know, Gems is so excited
[19:24] <Matsumi Kaze> hell even Hana is acting..decent..
[19:24] <Matsumi Kaze> ...god hell is freezing over
[19:26] <Matsumi Kaze> >.>
[19:26] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well I guess the exercise is having the intended effect!
[19:27] <Matsumi Kaze> ....I'll admit Impy...
[19:27] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I'm a bit scared of it
[19:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Why?
[19:28] <Matsumi Kaze> well I mean....big stage.....lots of on stage >.>
[19:29] <Matsumi Kaze> it's...kind of scary
[19:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Just imagine them all in their underwear...
[19:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> well that could make things worse.
[19:30] <Matsumi Kaze> ....................yeah
[19:31] <Matsumi Kaze> thinking of having my name changed for the production though
[19:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> To what?
[19:32] <Matsumi Kaze> my old name...
[19:32] <Matsumi Kaze> Mattie Smithson
[19:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Hmm.
[19:33] <Matsumi Kaze> my worry is...I don't want..too much attention on myself at the school
[19:35] <Matsumi Kaze> I mean fame is kind of cool..but I don't want it to interfere with my teaching
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe I'm just being silly
[19:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Always commendable! :D
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> though I wonder...
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ...will this stage stuff really help us?
[19:40] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> It will~
[19:40] <Matsumi Kaze> GAH
[19:40] <Matsumi Kaze> ...Sakura????
[19:41] <Matsumi Kaze> where have you been????
[19:41] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Aunty Mats?!?!!?!?! ?!!?!?!?! 11 one
[19:41] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> On a vacation XD;
[19:41] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> A looong vacay.
[19:41] <Matsumi Kaze> oh I see
[19:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I was honestly a bit worried
[19:41] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Back in the day I was such a klutz and scared and had no confidence
[19:42] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> But when you start putting on plays with people like Sumire Kanzaki
[19:42] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> You start to level up fast.
[19:42] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> and you've got Gemini and Rachet to help you.
[19:43] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> She might not look it, but when Gemini took the stage, the Littlelip theatre started breaking its own attendance records
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> oh geez O_o
[19:43] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> And Rachet was the Queen of Broadway years before that.
[19:44] <Matsumi Kaze> well...I guess I'm just nervious..most of the girls have never acted...espcally hana >.>
[19:44] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Hmm.
[19:46] <Matsumi Kaze> hana is the most trouble
[19:47] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Is she good when he's on stage?
[19:48] <Matsumi Kaze> she's certainly agressive in her acting ^^;;;;
[19:49] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Hmm.
[19:49] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> then play against her pride.
[19:50] <Matsumi Kaze> heh I'll keep prodding
[19:50] <Matsumi Kaze> are you feeling
[19:51] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Okay.
[19:51] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> got some challenges to deal with right now.
[19:51] <Matsumi Kaze> oh...well..then I won't bother you over anything else ^^
[19:51] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> You're never a bother, aunt mats!
[19:52] <Matsumi Kaze> aww *messes up sakura's hair*
[19:53] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> *^_^*
[19:53] <Matsumi Kaze> was your vacation fun?
[19:53] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Yup!
[19:54] <Matsumi Kaze> oh I'm glad about that!
[19:54] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> We were on an island with a midget and a guy in a white suit named O'Rourke
[19:54] <Matsumi Kaze> ...fantasy island?
[19:54] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> It felt like one!
[19:55] <Matsumi Kaze> where all your dreams come true?
[19:56] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Yeah!
[19:56] <Matsumi Kaze> and did they???
[19:56] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Hee~
[19:57] <Matsumi Kaze> spent most of my time working
[19:58] <Matsumi Kaze> along with some....very....worrisome discoveries
[19:58] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ?
[20:00] <Matsumi Kaze> well....hold on a second
[20:00] * Matsumi Kaze runs into the House
[20:01] * Matsumi Kaze returns and hands Sakura a file "better you read it"
[20:01] * @Sakura Xadium Aino thumbs through it
[20:01] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ...
[20:02] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Some seriously old-school stuff.
[20:02] <Matsumi Kaze> I suppose....just worries some of us
[20:02] <Matsumi Kaze> espcally that last threat
[20:02] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> And it should
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> sort of scared me in fact
[20:05] * @Sakura Xadium Aino hugs Aunt Mats
[20:05] * Matsumi Kaze hugs back
[20:05] <Matsumi Kaze> ..sometimes this just seems harder then the senshi stuff is
[20:06] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Having done both, I dunno.
[20:06] <Matsumi Kaze> gah...getting depressive..need happiness

[20:07] <Matsumi Kaze> WHOA...LARGE FACE
[20:07] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> But happies!
[20:07] <Matsumi Kaze> heh I guess so
[20:07] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I need a boston cream
[20:08] * Mr. Dinsdale brings one out of the house
[20:08] <Mister Dinsdale> Here you go
[20:08] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:08] <@spiritflame> irasshai [gTV]Potamos
[20:08] <Matsumi Kaze> whoa thanks!
[20:08] <Mister Dinsdale> No prob!
[20:08] * Matsumi Kaze takes it and drinks
[20:08] <Mister Dinsdale> Hi Hiromi! Want anything to drink?
[20:09] <Matsumi Kaze> gaaaah I love this drink
[20:09] <[gTV]Potamos> Sure, thank you!
[20:09] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Name it!
[20:09] <[gTV]Potamos> We're all back to normal, huh mitai na
[20:10] <Mister Dinsdale> ^
[20:10] <Mister Dinsdale> Apparently
[20:10] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Is there ever any such thing as Normal around here~
[20:10] *** Jean-Paul the Everliving has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:10] <@spiritflame> irasshai Jean-Paul the Everliving
[20:10] <Jean-Paul the Everliving> SAKURA
[20:11] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> omg the bear
[20:11] <Matsumi Kaze> WHOA WHAT THE
[20:11] *** @Sakura Xadium Aino [cherryblossomstorm@north.galaxy.kai] has quit IRC (s[BLEEP]t)
[20:11] <Matsumi Kaze> ..what is that....
[20:11] *** Jean-Paul the Everliving has left #suburbansenshi2 (I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL)
[20:11] <Matsumi Kaze> ....what was that
[20:11] <Mister Dinsdale> That was a giant mouthless teddy bear.
[20:12] <Matsumi Kaze> ....why...
[20:12] * Mr. Dinsdale gets Hiromi some cream soda
[20:12] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, was there a little American girl with her hair in pigtails with it mitai na?
[20:12] <[gTV]Potamos> And was it all like,
[20:13] <Matsumi Kaze>
[20:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Nope
[20:14] <[gTV]Potamos> Oh.
[20:14] * Mr. Dinsdale spreads a beach blanket and sits on it with his Coca-cola
[20:14] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh coca cola
[20:14] <Mister Dinsdale> You a Pepsi gal, Matsumi?
[20:14] <Matsumi Kaze> no...
[20:15] <Matsumi Kaze> I like diet coke...not regular coke
[20:15] <Mister Dinsdale> I need sweetness in my life
[20:15] <Matsumi Kaze> blargh..too much sweet
[20:17] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't drink alot of pop anyway
[20:17] * Mr. Dinsdale relaxes
[20:18] * Matsumi Kaze relaxes too
[20:20] <Matsumi Kaze> how are you potamos
[20:23] * Matsumi Kaze drinks her boston creme
[20:24] <[gTV]Potamos> I'm good, work is busy
[20:25] <Matsumi Kaze> oh?
[20:25] * Mr. Dinsdale gets some california rolls and shares with the girls
[20:26] <Matsumi Kaze> yaay
[20:26] * Matsumi Kaze eats the sushi
[20:28] <Matsumi Kaze> love this stuff
[20:29] <Mister Dinsdale> Me too
[20:30] <[gTV]Potamos> ooh, thanks mitai na
[20:30] <Mister Dinsdale> :D
[20:31] <[gTV]Potamos> nee, anyone got some good sake to go with these mitai na?
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yeah
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> hold on
[20:31] * Matsumi Kaze runs into the house
[20:32] * Matsumi Kaze comes back, blowing some dust off a bottle of sake
[20:32] * Matsumi Kaze passes out cups to dinsdale and potamos
[20:32] <Mister Dinsdale> Ooh
[20:32] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks
[20:32] <Matsumi Kaze> this the best I have
[20:32] <Matsumi Kaze>'s also pretty old
[20:33] * Matsumi Kaze pours dinsdale and potamos the sake
[20:33] <Mister Dinsdale> Wow... thanks, Matsumi :)
[20:33] <Matsumi Kaze> pleasure ^^
[20:34] * Mr. Dinsdale toasts Hiromi and takes a sip
[20:36] * Matsumi Kaze sits in the sand, smiling at them
[20:44] <Matsumi Kaze> lovely night
[20:44] <Matsumi Kaze> drinking night XD
[20:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Lovely night and lovely company *^^*
[20:45] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:45] <@spiritflame> irasshai David O`Cain
[20:45] <David O`Cain> Evening, everybody.
[20:46] <Mister Dinsdale> Evening
[20:46] <Matsumi Kaze> why mr. dinsdale :P thank you for the compliment :P :P
[20:46] <Mister Dinsdale> :P
[20:46] <David O`Cain> (( Geez, I think the server was being stupid. Couldn't get in for almost an hour. ))
[20:47] <David O`Cain> How're you guys doing?
[20:47] <Mister Dinsdale> (( ouch ))
[20:48] <David O`Cain> (( Yeah, no kidding. ~_~ ))
[20:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Enjoying a nice night out under the stars
[20:49] <David O`Cain> Always nice, especially when out camping and no city lights to ruin the skyline.
[20:51] <Matsumi Kaze> we should camp!
[20:51] <Mister Dinsdale> Yeah!
[20:52] <Matsumi Kaze> get tents and everything
[20:52] <Mister Dinsdale> :D
[20:52] <David O`Cain> And also make S'Mores!
[20:52] <Matsumi Kaze> ..anyone have tents
[20:53] <Mister Dinsdale> There migght be some in the house survival closet
[20:53] <Matsumi Kaze> I'll go check
[20:53] * Matsumi Kaze is away: *opens closet* OH GOD WHAT IS THIS STUFF
[20:55] * Mr. Dinsdale relaxes near Hiromi happily
[20:57] <David O`Cain> So, much going on lately?
[20:57] <Mister Dinsdale> Nah, just relaxing and having fun.
[20:58] <David O`Cain> Awesome.
[20:59] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[20:59] * Matsumi Kaze walks back out with the tents...utterly pale and hollow eyed
[20:59] <David O`Cain> Matsumi? You look like you've seen a ghost.
[20:59] <Mister Dinsdale> What happened?
[21:00] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I have seen things....that I can never unsee
[21:00] <David O`Cain> Oh...
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Damn.
[21:03] <Matsumi Kaze> ..anyway..found the tents
[21:03] * Matsumi Kaze starts to set them up
[21:03] <Matsumi Kaze> which do you want
[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> You pick.
[21:05] <Matsumi Kaze> I'll take the khaki one
[21:05] * Matsumi Kaze sets that one up away from the water...towards the jungle
[21:06] * David O`Cain finds a desert camo tent and begins setting it up
[21:07] * Mr. Dinsdale finds a nice white one and sets it up a little ways from the tides
[21:09] <David O`Cain> This is gonna be so much fun.
[21:09] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup!
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> there we are ^^ *sets up a cot in the tent*
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> We should get a good size dcampfire going
[21:14] <Matsumi Kaze> you boys can do that :P
[21:14] <David O`Cain> :P
[21:14] * Mr. Dinsdale starts on that
[21:15] * David O`Cain gets to work on making a fire pit
[21:21] * Matsumi Kaze closes the flaps of the tent
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze walks out, wearing one of hideki's shirts which hangs over her and..pretty much it
[21:24] <David O`Cain> Okay, ready for the fire.
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> is it ready?
[21:25] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> cool ^^
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the sand, adjusting the shirt
[21:27] * Mr. Dinsdale politely averts his eyes
[21:29] <David O`Cain> Um, who wants to light it?
[21:29] * Mr. Dinsdale tosses Dave a lighter
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> something wrong, dinsdale?
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> Not if I keep my eyes elsewhere XD
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> Like Solomon Grundy, you lack a decent pair of pants
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> OH!...well this is what I sleep in
[21:31] <Mister Dinsdale> Ahh
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> and I am wearing stuff XD..just not pants XD
[21:31] * David O`Cain takes the lighter, and gets the fire going
[21:32] * Mr. Dinsdale lies back on the towel outside his tent and watches the stars
[21:33] * Matsumi Kaze relaxes in the sand
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> this is nice ^^
[21:35] * David O`Cain plops down on the sand, "Yep."
[21:35] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup.
[21:36] <Matsumi Kaze> yorp
[21:37] <David O`Cain> Quite relaxing, too.
[21:41] <Matsumi Kaze> potamos is pretty quiet
[21:41] <Mister Dinsdale> Yeah
[21:42] * [gTV]Potamos is asleep (ooc: playing zelda)
[21:42] * Mr. Dinsdale smiles at her as she sleeps and just relaxes, watching the moon
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> aww....
[21:43] <David O`Cain> Cute.
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> wonder what it was like up there
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Dunno.
[21:45] <Matsumi Kaze> bro says I was a ward of the moon once..I don't remember s[BLEEP]t
[21:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Not even when you're a Senshi?
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> sort of know how when you're drunk...and everything seems all blurry and blaaaargh?
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> that's what my memories are like
[21:46] <Mister Dinsdale> ahh
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> still..lovely moon
[21:47] <Mister Dinsdale> Maybe stay as a senshi
[21:47] <Mister Dinsdale> and concentrate.
[21:47] <David O`Cain> Indeed, Matsumi. The moon looks pretty tonight.
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> sometime...won't do it tonight heh
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> ........
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> ...what if you could eat the moon?
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> what would it taste like?
[21:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Sand
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ....what if it was made of cheese
[21:52] <David O`Cain> That's a good question.
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> no it isn''s a stupid one
[21:54] * Mr. Dinsdale naps near hiromi
[21:54] <David O`Cain> :P
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze> awww
[22:03] <David O`Cain> Well, looks like we're the only ones left awake.
[22:04] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[22:15] * Eitak_Razal appears in her usual dramatic fashion
[22:15] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[22:19] *** Mr. Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (zzzZZZZ)
[22:19] <David O`Cain> Hey there.
[22:19] <Eitak_Razal> Evening
[22:21] <Matsumi Kaze> evening
[22:21] <David O`Cain> What's up?
[22:23] <Eitak_Razal> Nothing. Just comeing to relax for bit. Been in meetings since this afternooon.
[22:23] <Matsumi Kaze> I see
[22:23] * Matsumi Kaze looks at the bonfire
[22:27] <David O`Cain> Were these meetings boring?
[22:28] <Eitak_Razal> Mostly.
[22:28] * Matsumi Kaze pulls down her shirt
[22:30] <Matsumi Kaze> geh stupid thing
[22:31] <David O`Cain> Something wrong, Matsumi?
[22:32] <Matsumi Kaze> shirt is just riding up
[22:36] <David O`Cain> Ah.
[22:49] <Matsumi Kaze> man we're quiet
[22:49] <Eitak_Razal> We can always make something explode
[22:51] <Matsumi Kaze> naaah
[22:51] * Matsumi Kaze looks at the bonfire
[22:51] <Matsumi Kaze> ..we could tell ghost stories
[22:52] <David O`Cain> Scary ones?
[22:52] <Matsumi Kaze> I know some
[22:53] <David O`Cain> Alrighty.
[22:53] *** Miara[fur] [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:53] <@spiritflame> irasshai Miara[fur]
[22:54] <Matsumi Kaze> hm....let me think of one...
[22:54] * Miara[fur] prowls around the bonfire before picking a spot to sit
[22:55] * David O`Cain waves to Miara
[22:55] <Matsumi Kaze> oh!..ok
[22:56] <Matsumi Kaze> this story is from the southern US....
[22:57] <David O`Cain> Groovy. Stories of the bayou.
[22:57] * the shiftly lighting from the fire makes Miara look particularly scary and demonic
[22:57] <Matsumi Kaze> there was a time...when the delivery of goods was done by wooden wagon...and these wagons would move all along the countryside delivering these goods
[22:58] <Matsumi Kaze> now there was once one of these wagons..who..finding night coming quickly...stopped at an old farmhouse...
[22:58] <Matsumi Kaze> "I've heard that place is haunted" said one man...
[22:59] <Matsumi Kaze> "yeah....I'd rather bed with the horses in the barn" said another
[23:00] <Matsumi Kaze> soon all the men agreed they rather sleep with the animals in the barn...all except one..a burly man known as Tab
[23:01] <Matsumi Kaze> "I don't know what all you guys are scared can sleep with the animals in the dirty barn..I'm sleeping up in that house"
[23:01] <Matsumi Kaze> and so he did...and otherwise..and other then the odd creak and groan...he had a peaceful night's rest
[23:01] <Matsumi Kaze> he awoke...just before the first rays of dawn...
[23:02] <Eitak_Razal> And everyone else was dead?
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> "all those guys were nothing but yellow...they missed out on a comfy warm night in here....what the!"
[23:03] <David O`Cain> Just listen.
[23:03] <Matsumi Kaze> as tab's eyes looked up..he saw a large man..dressed all in white...plastered against the ceiling..grinning down at him
[23:03] <Matsumi Kaze> before Tab could say another word...the man fell onto him..and they began to wrestle
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze> the noise of their fighting became so loud..that soon the other men rushed up to the house..and looked in on them
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze> "Hold him, tab! hold him!" one shouted
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze> " oh you bet I will...he ain't getting away from me!" Tab shouted
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> soon the fighters burst through the window...and began to wrestle on the ground
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> "hold him, tab! hold him!"
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> "oh you bet your blessed boots I can! He's as good as licked!"
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> both fighters soon made their way to the roof....their fighting getting rougher
[23:06] <Matsumi Kaze> "Hold him, tab! hold him!"
[23:06] <Matsumi Kaze> "Oh you bet!!! I've almost got him!"
[23:07] <Matsumi Kaze> then both men grew they watched dumbfounded....the fighters...began to rise into the air
[23:08] <Matsumi Kaze> one of the men shouted "HOLD HIM, TAB!! HOLD HIM!"
[23:08] <Matsumi Kaze> "I've got him!........but he's got me too!!"
[23:08] <Matsumi Kaze> with that...the man in white grabbed Tab by the leg....and dragged him high into the air...higher..and higher..and higher.....till they vanished from sight
[23:08] <Matsumi Kaze> ..and nobody ever saw Tab...alive or dead...ever again
[23:09] <Matsumi Kaze> the end...
[23:09] <Eitak_Razal> Hm. I was expecting them to have switched places at some point and the man in white being who they were yelling to
[23:09] <David O`Cain> Wow.
[23:09] <Matsumi Kaze> heh
[23:10] <Matsumi Kaze> I could tell some more if you wanted to XD
[23:12] * Miara[fur] watches silently
[23:14] <Matsuo Shin> how about I tell a story..
[23:14] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:14] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[23:14] * Matsuo Shin wanders out
[23:14] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey bro
[23:14] <Matsuo Shin> do you people mind?
[23:15] <David O`Cain> I'm willing to hear one, Matsuo.
[23:15] <Matsumi Kaze> I guess not..what do you guys think?
[23:15] <Eitak_Razal> I used to go on ghost tours as a child during vacation. They would take us arround the city and tell stories about reported hauntings, like at times, the river would run red from all the men killed in battale. The local fort, Fort Matanzas , even means Slaughter in english. sadly I do not remenber any of the dails in enough deital to tell any
[23:15] <Eitak_Razal> And yes, please tell
[23:16] * Matsuo Shin sits down
[23:16] * Matsuo Shin traces a circle in the sand
[23:16] <Matsuo Shin> like our lives..the stories must go on....and like the stories..our lives never end....
[23:17] <Matsuo Shin> there once lived in the valley a young boy by the name of Unish....
[23:17] <Matsuo Shin> Unish was a disrespectiful child...
[23:18] <Matsuo Shin> he never ate what his mother cooked
[23:18] <Matsuo Shin> he slept during the observent hours
[23:18] <Matsuo Shin> and he argued and screamed for more things that he already had
[23:19] <Eitak_Razal> Sounds like every kid I know
[23:19] <Matsuo Shin> one day...his screaming and disrespect became so great...his mother kicked him out of the house
[23:20] <Matsuo Shin> the boy did not care...all he cared about was wanting more....
[23:20] <Matsuo Shin> so the boy wandered.....and came across an old man
[23:21] <Matsuo Shin> the old man said "please..I am a humble old me the way to food so I may eat this day"
[23:21] <Matsuo Shin> but Unish laughed and looking greedly at the man said "give me your shoes...and I shall"
[23:22] <Matsuo Shin> the old man mearly shook his head and said "you are out...or the Yutta/sorrow spirit will get you!"
[23:22] <Matsumi Kaze> so Unish kept on walking...
[23:23] <Matsumi Kaze> soon he came to a blind woman..who cried to him "please....I am a blind woman with no me the way so I may find a home"
[23:23] <Matsumi Kaze> and Unish laughed and said "give me your rings..and I shall"
[23:23] <Matsumi Kaze> (( whoops ))
[23:23] <Matsumi Kaze> (( that's all Matsuo ))
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> (( stupid double windows ))
[23:24] <Matsuo Shin> ^
[23:24] <Matsuo Shin> and Unish laughed and said "give me your rings..and I shall"
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> don't talk through me like that again ><
[23:24] <Matsuo Shin> sorry it slipped
[23:25] <Matsuo Shin> the blind woman shook her head and said "do not be so greedy...or the Yutta shall get you!"
[23:25] <Matsuo Shin> and so Unish keep walking...
[23:25] <Matsuo Shin> finally..Unish came to a great citidal....
[23:25] <Matsuo Shin> and opening the door...a beautiful woman came out
[23:26] <Matsuo Shin> "come in child" the woman said "for you shall be rewarded"
[23:26] <Matsuo Shin> and Unish..being greedy..did as he was commanded...
[23:27] <Matsuo Shin> inside..Unish soon saw all manners of great weath
[23:27] <Matsuo Shin> the wood of a Killpu tree....great gems and jewels....heaps of wheat...
[23:27] <Matsuo Shin> the woman fed Unish....and gave him great gifts of clothes....
[23:28] <Matsuo Shin> soon the woman brought Unish to a door and told him "for three days behind this shall get great treasures"
[23:28] <Matsuo Shin> and Unish with his greed grew excited
[23:28] <Eitak_Razal> Killpu tree?
[23:29] <Matsuo Shin> ..the first day...the woman brought Unish to the door..and behind it....saw great wooden chairs and chests of the finest quality...
[23:29] <Matsuo Shin> yet Unish wanted more...
[23:29] <Matsuo Shin> the Killpu tree is a tree found on Quinox..makes high grade wood that can last for hundreds of years without damage
[23:30] <Matsuo Shin> the second day..the woman brought Unish to the door...and behind it lay heaps of bronze coins.....
[23:30] <Matsuo Shin> but Unish wanted more
[23:30] <Matsuo Shin> the third day came...Unish grew impatient
[23:31] <Matsuo Shin> "I am not happy..I want more then wood and coins....I DEMAND MORE!"
[23:31] <Matsuo Shin> finally..the hour came
[23:31] <Matsuo Shin> the woman bade Unish to the door..and opened it....and inside....was nothing
[23:31] <Matsuo Shin> Unish was angred.....but as he turned around..he saw a horrifiying sight
[23:32] <Matsuo Shin> ...the woman carefully unwove her front of his eyes
[23:33] <Matsuo Shin> her pale skin and blond hair soon vanished....replaced insided by oily blue scales....hard red eyes...three jaws full of sharp dripping teeth...and long strands of skin like hair
[23:33] <Matsuo Shin> for he now knew..she was the Yutta...the Sorrow Spirit...
[23:33] <Matsuo Shin> ..Unish gave out one she dove on him
[23:34] <Matsuo Shin> ...she gnaw his bones...she drank his skin....and finally she took his spirit into her belly.....
[23:34] <Matsuo Shin> ....and thus was the end of the greedy child Unish...
[23:34] <Matsuo Shin> ..the end
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> O_o
[23:35] <Eitak_Razal> While you were talking, I remmbered a few tales of my own. They are more tales of sightings of ghots but still ghost stories
[23:35] * Miara[fur] looks at Matsuo appreciatively
[23:36] <David O`Cain> Geez, man. That was chilly.
[23:36] * Miara[fur] is now known as LOVELYgirl
[23:37] <Eitak_Razal> Anyone want to hear them?
[23:37] <Eitak_Razal> They are very short
[23:37] <Matsumi Kaze> sure!
[23:37] <LOVELYgirl> I have one then, too.
[23:37] * LOVELYgirl pulls a gauzy blue cloth around her
[23:38] <Eitak_Razal> Back in the 1800s, Yellow Feaver spread though out colonies in Florida killing many people
[23:40] * Matsumi Kaze listens
[23:40] <Eitak_Razal> One colonoy, St. Agustine, was partcciulary badly hit. They had to build a cemetary just to hold them all. The graves were often built for the whole family, as often if one member caught it, they all would
[23:40] <Eitak_Razal> There is a story there, of a young girl, who did not die with her family. And was later adopted.
[23:41] <Eitak_Razal> However, they and her, did later die to Yellow feaver. However, rather then being burried with either family, she was burried seperate. (I think it was becasue she died later. I do not recall)
[23:42] <Eitak_Razal> They say, you can still her her crying in the cemetary (Which still stands today)
[23:43] <Eitak_Razal> Another young Girl, who also died to Yellow feaver, haunts the old city gates. Police often get calls about a young girl playing ther alone at night, or people asking who is the girl waveing in peroid dress.
[23:45] <Eitak_Razal> That's all for now. If I can remember the deitals of the others, maybe I'll share more later
[23:46] <Eitak_Razal> Oh. They also call the second girl Elizabeth, I have no idea where the name came from.
[23:47] <Eitak_Razal> Though perhaps she told a child, As they often see her more then adults... and now I'm really done. Sorry
[23:47] <LOVELYgirl> It has always been a popular name.
[23:48] <LOVELYgirl> Anybody else?
[23:49] <Matsumi Kaze> david hasn't gone
[23:49] <LOVELYgirl> Well David? You or me?
[23:49] <David O`Cain> Well, I really don't have one. ~_~
[23:50] <LOVELYgirl> Alright.
[23:51] <LOVELYgirl> I apprenticed with a storyteller for a year when I was placed, so hopefully I'm not too rusty.
[23:52] <LOVELYgirl> Now...
[23:52] <LOVELYgirl> Once, not all too many years from now, there were two girls, and they were best friends.
[23:53] <LOVELYgirl> Once might say they were soulmates.
[23:53] <LOVELYgirl> *one
[23:54] <LOVELYgirl> One girl was Human, and one Lupa, and the Human girl was very sick. No one could tell when she might die.
[23:55] <LOVELYgirl> Of course the Lupa girl knew that she could cure her.
[23:55] <LOVELYgirl> But like all Terran Lupa, she was sworn to secrecy, so she waited.
[23:56] <LOVELYgirl> At last, however, she could not stay silent. She told her friends her secret, and about the Lupa. She offered to Change her friend, so that she could live.
[23:56] <LOVELYgirl> *friend
[23:56] * Matsuo Shin listens
[23:57] <LOVELYgirl> The Human girl took the offer, and became Lupa, knowing that she could never tell, and that her family, whom she loved very much, could never know who she was.
[23:58] <LOVELYgirl> She was indeed cured, and for some time life was good.
[23:58] <LOVELYgirl> However, events transpired and the first Lupa girl had to leave, and the friends were separated.
[23:59] <LOVELYgirl> For some time the Changed girl lived on her own, but at last she also could not keep silent, and told her brother.
[00:00] <LOVELYgirl> Until recently they had been very lose, and she trusted him, even though her brother had always hated and suspected her friend.
[00:00] <LOVELYgirl> *close
[00:01] <LOVELYgirl> Although he was mad and angry, he did nothing, and she thought things were fine.
[00:02] <LOVELYgirl> One moon, she went out to hunt as usual, and put on fur behind a tree.
[00:02] <LOVELYgirl> But when she came out, she was caught and cut, and she knew she would die.
[00:03] <LOVELYgirl> And when she looked up, she saw that it was her brother.
[00:03] <LOVELYgirl> The person she had loved and trusted so much.
[00:04] <Matsuo Shin> the Six..
[00:04] * Eitak_Razal just stares up at the sky.
[00:04] <LOVELYgirl> That is a true story.
[00:05] <Eitak_Razal> Tell me, were you one of the girls in the story?
[00:05] <LOVELYgirl> No, I was born and grew up on xcheamo.
[00:07] <David O`Cain> Family betrayal. That's very saddening.
[00:08] <LOVELYgirl> It is, however, a very normal way in which Hunters are made.
[00:08] <Matsumi Kaze> sad....
[00:08] * LOVELYgirl nods
[00:10] <Matsuo Shin> hm
[00:11] <LOVELYgirl> It was my mother.
[00:11] <LOVELYgirl> And he was her Hunter for many years.
[00:11] <Matsumi Kaze> .....oh...
[00:12] <David O`Cain> That's rather disheartening to hear.
[00:14] <LOVELYgirl> Oh, don't worry, she won, and it was a long time ago for her.
[00:14] <LOVELYgirl> I hope it wasn't too long, but it is a good story.
[00:14] <David O`Cain> Oh, okay.
[00:15] <David O`Cain> Nah, it was fine, Miara.
[00:15] <Matsuo Shin> it was good
[00:16] <LOVELYgirl> Oh, good ^_^
[00:18] * Matsuo Shin looks over at matsumi "..why are you dressed like that"
[00:18] <Matsumi Kaze> ..what's wrong with the way I'm dressed
[00:18] * LOVELYgirl looks at what Matsi's wearing
[00:19] * Matsumi Kaze is currently wearing one of her husband's shirts, which streaches down to her knees...sans pants
[00:20] <LOVELYgirl> I'm in sheet of fabric and you're worried about her shirt?
[00:20] <Matsuo Shin> that you say sounds a bit silly
[00:20] <David O`Cain> Well, I'm gonna head on outta here, guys. I'll see you later.
[00:20] <Matsuo Shin> it's more the lack of pants
[00:21] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (Good night.)
[00:21] <LOVELYgirl> Night, Dvae
[00:21] <LOVELYgirl> *Dave
[00:22] <Matsumi Kaze> night, david
[00:23] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I can not wear pants if I want to, bro
[00:24] <LOVELYgirl> It's not like she isn't covered
[00:26] <Matsuo Shin> I suppose
[00:27] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm camping out on the beach tonight, miara!
[00:28] <LOVELYgirl> Oh??
[00:28] <LOVELYgirl> Hee, we should go skinnydipping!
[00:29] <LOVELYgirl> Though maybe Matsuo would have something to say about that, too
[00:29] * LOVELYgirl makes a face at Matsuo
[00:30] <Matsuo Shin> >.>
[00:30] <Matsuo Shin> don't make that face at me please
[00:30] <Matsumi Kaze> heh that might be fun, miara
[00:30] <LOVELYgirl> Why not?
[00:31] <LOVELYgirl> Are you uncomfortable~ :p
[00:32] <Matsuo Shin> <.<
[00:32] <LOVELYgirl> There's a nice place up the beach a bit, Matsi. Want to go?
[00:33] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah!
[00:34] * LOVELYgirl pulls her cloth up really short to tease Matsuo, and runs down the beach
[00:34] * LOVELYgirl is away 
[00:34] * Matsumi Kaze giggles and follows after miara
[00:34] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[00:35] <Matsuo Shin> those girls..
[00:35] <Eitak_Razal> Hmm
[00:36] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:36] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[00:36] * Eiry walks down from the house, wearing a pretty chiffon dress
[00:37] * Matsuo Shin blinks..and stares at Eiry
[00:37] <Eiry> Hey Matsuo, Eitak ^_^
[00:38] <Eitak_Razal> Yo
[00:38] <Matsuo Shin> are you, eiry
[00:38] <Eiry> Much better. Sali came last night!
[00:39] <Eiry> And I had a wedding this evening, it was very pretty.
[00:39] <Matsuo Shin> ...that is a very nice dress
[00:40] <Eiry> Thank you *blushes*
[00:40] * Matsuo Shin smiles "it suites you*
[00:41] <Eiry> We went shopping, I...kind of needed something to be feminine again in ^_^;
[00:42] <Matsuo Shin> well it works well on you
[00:43] <Eiry> Does anybody know what happened to change us back?
[00:44] <Prinny> Not a clue dood! Whoever wrote it came up with a very anticlimactic ending dood
[00:44] <Eiry> Heh yeah. No wave of power like before.
[00:46] <Eiry> Matsuo...
[00:46] <Matsuo Shin> yes?
[00:47] <Eiry> I really think there's something to this necklace.
[00:47] <Eiry> I had no idea Sali was coming last night, she surprised me.
[00:47] <Matsuo Shin> hm....
[00:48] <Eitak_Razal> It has no magical Aura, I hightly doubt it has anything tech about it... it's a necklace, plain and simple
[00:48] <Eiry> I know...
[00:49] <Eiry> I had no plans to go home last night, and suddenly I knew I should leave.
[00:49] <Eiry> I'm not astral, I'm not supposed to feel things like that.
[00:49] <Eiry> That's what Sali said.
[00:50] <Matsuo Shin> hmmm....
[00:51] <Eiry> But lately my intuition's been...a lot better than usual.
[00:51] <Matsuo Shin> well..we know the muians were advanced in psychic technologies
[00:53] <Eiry> But if it is doing things, I don't understand why no one can get anything from it.
[00:53] <Eiry> You or Eitak. Even Miara.
[00:54] <Matsuo Shin> maybe it's beyond what we currently understand
[00:55] * Eiry looks at it a minute
[00:55] <Eiry> I suppose. Do you think I should...stop wearing it?
[00:57] <Matsuo Shin> perhaps we need to study it a bit
[00:57] <Matsuo Shin> but I don't think you should stop wearing it completely
[00:58] <Eitak_Razal> If I were in your place, I would be hesitant to wear somehthing I did not fully understand
[00:59] <Matsuo Shin> it's not my is hers
[01:02] <Eitak_Razal> I was talking to her
[01:04] <Eiry> I don't know, I miss it when I don't have it on. That must sound really strange.
[01:05] <Eitak_Razal> All the more reason to be worried
[01:06] <Eitak_Razal> Reminds me of the One Ring from lord of the rings, though I doubt as drastic
[01:06] <Matsuo Shin> hm
[01:06] <Eiry> No, not really.
[01:08] * Eiry takes it off, a little reluctantly...and gives it to Matsuo
[01:09] * Matsuo Shin takes the necklace..and carefully puts it in his pocket "I will be sure to return it to you :)"
[01:16] * Eiry nods
[01:17] <Eiry> I suppose you're right, Eitak.
[01:17] <Eiry> It's better to be cautious.
[01:19] <Matsuo Shin> I promise you that
[01:19] * Matsuo Shin takes Eiry's hand..and kisses it
[01:19] * Eiry blushes
[01:22] * Matsuo Shin smiles
[01:22] <Eiry> It's good to be back to normal, isn't it?
[01:24] <Matsuo Shin> heh yes it is
[01:25] <Matsuo Shin> though..there were some good exprences
[01:26] * Eiry nods
[01:27] <Eiry> I hope I didn't do anything too..bold.
[01:29] <Matsuo Shin> not at all :)
[01:32] <Eiry> So, Sali brought a new cake she's trying. Maybe you'd like to come have some?
[01:33] <Matsuo Shin> I would be honored to
[01:35] * Eiry gets up and starts back toward the house
[01:35] <Eiry> Goodnight, Eitak.
[01:36] <Matsuo Shin> goodnight
[01:37] * Matsuo Shin starts to follow Eiry
[01:37] *** Eiry [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:37] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2
[01:41] <Eitak_Razal> Hmm
[10:35] * Mr. Dinsdale reads the file Harriet got for him on Noriko
[10:35] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Well, bossman?
[10:35] <Mister Dinsdale> This stuff is amazing. Some of it's totally unreal.
[10:36] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> We lucked out in that UNIT had a time-proof safe.
[10:36] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Or else half of this data woulda been lost.
[10:36] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[10:36] <Mister Dinsdale> Can we get one?
[10:37] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm good, but I ain't that good.
[10:38] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It'd take more than lockpicks and keycard spoofers.
[10:38] <Mister Dinsdale> What scares me is her Psych profile.
[10:39] <Mister Dinsdale> She's completely fine with going it alone and burning whoever she has to in the process.
[10:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[10:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I wouldn't say completely fine.
[10:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I've been down that road myself. Alone with no one to turn to. No family left.
[10:40] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You get hard, cold.
[10:40] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Life becomes a series of obstacles to overcome instead of a journey to be enjoyed.
[10:41] <Mister Dinsdale> That was back when you ran with the "New Centaurs" right?
[10:41] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yeah, I had stupid dreams of reviving the glory days of my Grandmother's, when she and her gang helped protect Harlem.
[10:42] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> But today's young punks... it just went all wrong.
[10:42] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I was lucky to avoid hard time.
[10:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Because of my Grandma's old law books I'd found in the attic, I'd been ready to deal with the cops.
[10:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Do you still feel like Noriko?
[10:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Nope.
[10:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> After all I got my legal career and people who depend on me.
[10:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> And you losers would be sunk without me
[10:44] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. gives a little smile
[10:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Damn right.
[10:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Says here she's a magic user, and a damn good one too.
[10:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Attuned to mana and the like.
[10:45] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...Dinsdale are you thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking?
[10:45] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Because you're bats[BLEEP]t insane if you are.
[10:45] <Mister Dinsdale> I've already got a Fixer, The Muscle and the Brain
[10:46] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Obvuiously I'm playing two roles here
[10:46] <Mister Dinsdale> :P
[10:46] <Mister Dinsdale> I need someone who can interact with the Magical. Saki is the antithesis of that.
[10:46] <Mister Dinsdale> And we don't have the power or the experience.
[10:47] <Mister Dinsdale> And she needs a family.
[10:47] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. blushes slightly
[10:47] <Mister Dinsdale> What's up?
[10:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It is sorta like a family, isn't it.
[10:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> This little enterprise of ours that hasn't even offically launched yet.
[10:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup.
[10:48] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> And you think you're just going to recruit her out of the blue?
[10:48] * @Sakura Xadium Aino popsup out of nowhere
[10:48] <Mister Dinsdale> AGH!
[10:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Goddamn girl, stop that s[BLEEP]t ><
[10:49] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Hee~
[10:49] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Nori's stubborn and prideful.
[10:49] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> She just won't join up.
[10:49] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Also, she's on one of her vengeance quests.
[10:49] * @Sakura Xadium Aino rubs her forehead.
[10:50] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> And, given who she's going after, there's more on the line than her life.
[10:50] <Mister Dinsdale> Whaddya mean?
[10:51] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> The Corruptor is a Time Lord who earned his name by taking the founder of our society-- a noble, enlightened scientist named Rassilon-- and basically turning him into a ruthless tyrannical despot.
[10:51] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> It's a stain that runs through Time Lord Society even to this day.
[10:52] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Noriko... her personality... her anger, her deep-seated need for justice... it makes her a perfect target for his manipulations.
[10:52] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks down
[10:52] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> The most righteous are the easiest to twist...
[10:53] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. knows that personally.
[10:53] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Yeah.
[10:53] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> If we let her go after the Corruptor by herself, the best case is they kill each other. The Worst case is she gets sucked into his machinations.
[10:54] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> So if you want to bring her into the Family, you need to do it now.
[10:54] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> And none of you guys can do it. Saki could beat her, but Saki hasn't got the heart to change her.
[10:54] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> (And I can't believe you've hired her OMG)
[10:55] <Mister Dinsdale> So who can do it?
[10:55] <Mister Dinsdale> You?
[10:55] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> She knows my fighting style too well.
[10:55] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> After all, in a timeline, we grew up together.
[10:55] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> No, we need to outsource this one.
[10:55] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I'll call in a favor.
[10:56] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks, Sakura.
[10:56] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> No worries
[10:56] * @Sakura Xadium Aino walks over to Harriet
[10:56] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Harriet
[10:56] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ?
[10:57] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Your grandma would have been so proud of you.
[10:57] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[10:57] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. turns away, not wanting anyone to see her tearing up
[10:57] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Thanks, kid)
[10:58] <Mister Dinsdale> LOL kid, you're an old fogey
[10:58] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Age is what you feel :P
[10:58] *** Mr. Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Checking on Harriet)
[10:58] * @Sakura Xadium Aino pulls out her cellphone and dials
[10:58] *** Gemini Sunrise [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:58] <@spiritflame> irasshai Gemini Sunrise
[10:59] <Gemini Sunrise> You called, Saki?
[10:59] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Yup.
[10:59] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I need your help with something big.
[10:59] <Gemini Sunrise> Anythin' you know that.
[11:00] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> I need you... to defeat my sister.
[11:00] <Gemini Sunrise> ...
[11:00] *** @Sakura Xadium Aino [cherryblossomstorm@north.galaxy.kai] has left #suburbansenshi2 (C'mon, let's talk)
[11:00] *** Gemini Sunrise [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (You got a sister? O_o)
[11:15] *** Hideki Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[11:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hideki Kaze
[11:15] * Hideki Kaze walks in, looking through a file..frowning
[11:17] <Hideki Kaze> odd...very odd
[11:30] * Hideki Kaze sits under a tree, looking through files
[11:50] * Hideki Kaze pulls out a paper, looking at it
[11:55] * Eitak_Razal appears in the tree. "Something wrong?
[11:55] <Hideki Kaze> oh hello
[11:55] <Hideki Kaze> just...something not making sense here
[11:57] * Eitak_Razal laughs. "I've had that feeling many times before. Explaining it to others often helps
[11:58] <Hideki Kaze> well..I'm doing some research on the original members of the valkyrie unit for my wife...sort of so we can have a historical archive for the team
[12:00] * Eitak_Razal lays on a large branch, listening and nodding.
[12:01] <Hideki Kaze> I've found info on most of them...except for two
[12:01] <Eitak_Razal> Can you just not find the data or is it not there to find
[12:02] <Hideki Kaze> well I can find early information on them....but after 1932....the information gets sketchy....
[12:03] <Eitak_Razal> How so?
[12:04] <Hideki Kaze> well after the unit disbanded in 1932...
[12:04] <Hideki Kaze> it is known..that Sarah Christiansson and Peter Bjorkson married....
[12:05] * Hideki Kaze pulls out another piece of paper "they then got tickets on the ship Mauratania..and went to the United States"
[12:06] <Hideki Kaze> and then the information just...stops
[12:07] <Eitak_Razal> No information on their arrival in the USA?
[12:07] <Hideki Kaze> I thought so....but someone removed the information
[12:08] <Eitak_Razal> Hmmmm Going to that ship ride in person is always an option
[12:10] <Hideki Kaze> well I contacted New York for information on the immigration foroms
[12:10] <Hideki Kaze> *forms
[12:10] <Hideki Kaze> but apperently someone had removed the forms from public viewing
[12:12] <Eitak_Razal> I smell an conspiracy
[12:12] <Eitak_Razal> *A
[12:13] <Hideki Kaze> I also can't seem to find photos of them
[12:13] <Eitak_Razal> Yep. Deffinlty a conspricy
[12:13] <Eitak_Razal> Something happened with them inovled that they're trying to cover up'
[12:15] <Hideki Kaze> hm...
[12:17] <Hideki Kaze> I can't finish the archive yet then
[12:18] <Eitak_Razal> I still suggest going and looking into this blank peroid in person
[12:20] <Hideki Kaze> heh if I had the money I would
[12:21] <Eitak_Razal> No. I mean going back to that time peroid and find out what happned. But If you want to head to new york, I can get you there in 2 seconds flat
[12:21] <Hideki Kaze> .......................
[12:21] <Hideki Kaze> I'm not going to time travel
[12:23] <Eitak_Razal> Then the second part of my statement remains. Getting to New York to look into this information in person is too expensive by normal means yes? Then why not let me teleport you
[12:25] <Hideki Kaze> how do I get back
[12:25] <Eitak_Razal> Either I come with you or you call me on the phone and I teleport you back.
[12:26] <Hideki Kaze> I'd have to think about this
[12:28] <Eitak_Razal> Alrighty
[12:34] * Hideki Kaze goes back to looking over files
[12:36] *** Vilya has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:36] <@spiritflame> irasshai Vilya
[12:36] * Vilya walks along the beach, with her sketch book
[12:39] <Vilya> ein was für wundervoller Tag!
[12:41] *** The Yojimbo [memoriesofnobody@matrix.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (To the jungle. It appears I am challenged (#SS3))
[12:42] <Eitak_Razal> ....
[12:50] * Vilya didn't even notice Yojimbo
[12:50] * Vilya sits in the sand and looks towards the jungle
[12:51] * Vilya starts to sketch
[12:52] * Eitak_Razal drops a slip of paper with her phone number onto it on Hideki's head. "Here"
[12:52] <Hideki Kaze> thank you
[12:54] <Eitak_Razal> Direct line to me, you wouln't have to pass through hoops to speak to me with this number. Just don't pass it around or I'll have to change my number again.
[12:58] * Hideki Kaze holds his head in pain ><
[12:58] <Eitak_Razal> Something wrong?
[12:58] <Hideki Kaze> some..massive force of spirit
[13:00] * Hideki Kaze clutches his head >______<
[13:00] <Hideki Kaze> feels like my brain is on fire ><
[13:00] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:00] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[13:00] * Matsumi Kaze comes out of her tent, holding her head "what is..that..."
[13:00] * Eitak_Razal just falls out of the tree. "Yeah... even I can feel it now"
[13:01] * Matsumi Kaze collapses onto the sand......
[13:01] <Matsumi Kaze> make it..stop..deki....
[13:01] * Hideki Kaze is on his knees....moaning in pain
[13:02] * Matsumi Kaze starts crying "MAKE IT STOP"
[13:03] * Hideki Kaze slowly crawls towards his wife, hugging her close...
[13:04] <Eitak_Razal> That's it... I'm teleporting us away... No requests please...
[13:04] <Matsumi Kaze> STOP IT...STOP IT....STOP IT
[13:05] * Hideki Kaze holds his wife tightly, wincing through his own pain...
[13:06] * Eitak_Razal stands up... and falls right back down.
[13:06] * Matsumi Kaze screams
[13:09] * Matsumi Kaze pants as her head starts to clear..and she starts sobbing
[13:09] * Hideki Kaze sits up..and holds his wife close to him..trying to calm her down
[13:10] <Hideki Kaze>'s's's over now
[13:10] * Eitak_Razal stands up, summoning her Rapier. "That's it... I'm stabbing someone for this!
[13:11] <Hideki Kaze> SIT..DOWN
[13:11] <Hideki Kaze> NOW
[13:11] <Eitak_Razal> Why should I?
[13:11] * Matsumi Kaze is still sobbing
[13:11] <Hideki Kaze> because I said so..and it's for the best
[13:12] <Hideki Kaze> whatever it is..that is going on..we should leave it alone
[13:14] * Eitak_Razal taps her shoulder, summoning her armor. "I shall judge that myself"
[13:15] * Hideki Kaze wraps a chain around eitak's leg and neck
[13:15] <Hideki Kaze> you won't
[13:16] * Hideki Kaze removes the chains
[13:16] <Hideki Kaze> just..stay there...
[13:16] * Hideki Kaze wipes the sweat from his brow
[13:17] * Matsumi Kaze 's sobs are dying down to sniffles
[13:19] <Hideki Kaze> it's over....just relax..let it out, dear...
[13:20] * Eitak_Razal pulls off her helmet, and just glares. "Touch me again, and I shall summon my guards"
[13:21] <Hideki Kaze> then I will gut your guards
[13:21] * Hideki Kaze holds onto his wife gently
[13:22] <Eitak_Razal> A bold threat
[13:24] <Matsumi Kaze> feel so weak...
[13:24] <Hideki Kaze> I feel a bit of it myself, matsumi...
[13:28] <Matsumi Kaze> ..whatever it was....was powerful
[13:29] <Hideki Kaze> your face is streaked with tears...
[13:31] <Matsumi Kaze> ..hurt..
[13:31] <Matsumi Kaze> it hurt alot...
[13:32] <Hideki Kaze> I know it did...
[13:35] * Hideki Kaze is away: let me get you something to eat
[13:35] * Matsumi Kaze is away: ..ok....
[13:50] * Vilya keeps sketching
[13:54] <Vilya> hm? vas there some sort of noise
[13:54] <Vilya> ^?
[13:58] * Vilya shrugs and goes back to her work
[14:23] * Vilya hums a lupa song to herself
[15:06] * Vilya puts aside her sketch book and lays on the sand
[15:30] *** LOVELYgirl [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[15:30] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYgirl
[15:31] <Vilya> oh...Gutantag!
[15:31] <LOVELYgirl> Hey Vilya
[15:31] <Vilya> hov are you???
[15:32] <LOVELYgirl> I'm alright. You?
[15:32] <Vilya> I am very vell
[15:33] <Vilya> my ana sent me a box of chocolates!
[15:34] <LOVELYgirl> Oo nice
[15:36] <Vilya> and a letter from dia
[15:36] <LOVELYgirl> Does he say nice things?
[15:37] <Vilya> oh yes...he misses me...and vishes I vas there
[15:37] <LOVELYgirl> Ultimately, are you planning to go back?
[15:38] <Vilya> I do not knov....
[15:38] <Vilya> I like this place
[15:39] <Vilya> and I like the pack...
[15:40] <LOVELYgirl> It's very free here ^_^
[15:40] * LOVELYgirl takes off her sundress and lies on a towel in the sun
[15:44] * Vilya smiles, laying down as well
[15:46] <Vilya> perhaps somday...I vill bring the pack to vist my home
[15:47] <LOVELYgirl> That would be lovely, Vilya.
[15:48] <LOVELYgirl> I've probably been near there at some point without knowing it.
[15:49] <Vilya> oh??? you have?
[15:49] <LOVELYgirl> I used to travel a lot before staying here, you see.
[15:50] <Vilya> I see!
[15:52] <LOVELYgirl> And I did travel around Germany quite a bit, especially Lubeck.
[15:52] <Vilya> ..I am not from germany
[15:56] <LOVELYgirl> Yes I know. But there isn't a line on the ground telling you when you cross a border.
[15:56] <LOVELYgirl> I meant in the vicinity, not within the country itself.
[15:57] <Vilya> oh ya....
[15:59] <Vilya> vere you ever near Devos?
[16:00] <LOVELYgirl> I don't know, it's possible. I did most of my travels the Lupa way, on foot and all.
[16:01] <Vilya> oh I see!
[16:01] <Vilya> the landscape is vunderbar, is it not?
[16:02] <LOVELYgirl> Mhm~
[16:05] * LOVELYgirl flips over
[16:06] * Vilya looks at the sky
[16:09] <Vilya> im glänzenden Schnee
[16:09] <Vilya> lassen Sie mich so schnell laufen, Mutter
[16:10] <Vilya> lassen Sie mich so schnell springen, Vater
[16:11] <Vilya> und ich kann frei und froh sein
[16:12] * Vilya giggles a bit
[16:15] * Vilya hums the rest to herself
[16:17] <LOVELYgirl> Have you ever thought of learning some more fighting skills, Vilya?
[16:19] <Vilya> not at first..but nov..I think perhaps I need some...
[16:23] <Vilya> vhy do you ask?
[16:24] <LOVELYgirl> Because I don't have anything to do yet.
[16:24] <Vilya> vhat do you mean?
[16:25] <LOVELYgirl> I quit my job before I left for that seminar.
[16:26] <LOVELYgirl> And I think I might like to teach fighting, self defense, and power stuff instead.
[16:27] <Vilya> vell..if you have time...perhaps then you can teach me?
[16:28] <LOVELYgirl> That would be nice.
[16:29] * LOVELYgirl looks at what Vilya's wearing
[16:29] * Vilya is wearing a simple pants and t-shirt mix
[16:31] <LOVELYgirl> We could get started, if you want.
[16:31] <Vilya> vell...alright then
[16:32] * LOVELYgirl puts her towel back in her bag and gets up
[16:33] <LOVELYgirl> There's a good place in the jungle we've been using.
[16:33] * Vilya stands "alright"
[16:34] * LOVELYgirl heads into the jungle
[16:34] *** LOVELYgirl [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (If you're awake, tell a better story)
[16:36] *** Vilya has left #suburbansenshi2
[19:11] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:11] <@spiritflame> irasshai [gTV]Potamos
[19:11] * [gTV]Potamos stretches out on the couch.
[19:17] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:17] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[19:17] * Matsumi Kaze wanders out, streaching
[19:29] <[gTV]Potamos> Ah, hey Matsumi-chan, mitai na
[19:32] <Matsumi Kaze> hi, potamos!
[19:32] <Matsumi Kaze> how are you?
[19:39] <[gTV]Potamos> I'm good, mitai na.
[19:39] <[gTV]Potamos> A nice relaxing weekend walking Mickey in the park and shopping
[19:40] <Matsumi Kaze> heh that's nice
[19:40] <Matsumi Kaze> least your day was relaxing heh
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> still have a headache from eailer
[19:46] <[gTV]Potamos> Awww.
[19:50] <Matsumi Kaze> ..still wish I knew what caused that powerful aura eailer
[19:52] <[gTV]Potamos> Wuh?
[19:53] <Matsumi Kaze> there was this...very very powerful spirit aura that hit the strong that it felt like my head was going to explode
[19:53] <[gTV]Potamos> Ooh.
[19:53] <[gTV]Potamos> A spirit aura...
[19:54] <[gTV]Potamos> Do you know where it came from?
[19:54] <Matsumi Kaze> that's just it..I don't know
[19:54] <Matsumi Kaze> from the jungle somewhere
[19:55] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm sensitive to spirit really..hurt me
[20:01] * [gTV]Potamos nods
[20:01] <[gTV]Potamos> Hmm
[20:01] <[gTV]Potamos> when Jack-kun and I went there...
[20:02] <[gTV]Potamos> there was that big temple filled with gold...
[20:02] <Matsumi Kaze> oh????....
[20:02] <[gTV]Potamos> Yeah...
[20:03] <[gTV]Potamos> dropped through the floor and ended up at the top of the mountain going down the waterfall mitai na
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> weird
[20:11] <Matsumi Kaze> how did that happen?
[20:13] <[gTV]Potamos> *shrug*
[20:14] <[gTV]Potamos> There was probably an advanced civilization that lived here or something mitai na
[20:15] <Matsumi Kaze> heh bet my brother would love to explore that
[20:15] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> //join
[20:15] *** [H!P]Allison Blitz [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai [H!P]Allison Blitz
[20:16] <[gTV]Potamos> Hey, Allie-chan! How are you doing, mitai na?
[20:17] <Matsumi Kaze> hi, allison!
[20:27] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I'm okay :)
[20:27] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Little tired. Working on a tour right now.
[20:27] <Matsumi Kaze> very cool
[20:30] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Yeah. And I... passed up what may have been a very good opportunity.
[20:30] <Matsumi Kaze> oh?
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> what was that?
[20:33] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Tsunku-san asked me if I wanted to be part of the 9th generation of Morning Musume.
[20:34] <Matsumi Kaze> oooo
[20:34] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Yeah...
[20:35] <Matsumi Kaze> aww
[20:37] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I turned his offer down.
[20:37] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I've already got enough on my plate as is.
[20:37] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> My solo career, DISCOTHEQUE, Minimoni
[20:38] * Matsumi Kaze nods
[20:41] <[gTV]Potamos> It's good not to push yourself too hard, mitai na.
[20:42] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Yeah.
[20:43] <Matsumi Kaze> she's right
[20:43] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> In theory, I'd put my solo stuff on hold if I joined Momusu.
[20:44] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Just like Fujimoto-senpai did
[20:45] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods
[20:48] <Matsumi Kaze> I see!
[20:51] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Just... don't think it's a good idea, though.
[20:52] * Matsumi Kaze streaches
[20:53] <Matsumi Kaze> well...I'm sure you did the right thing though....if it would be that hard to balance
[20:58] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:58] <@spiritflame> irasshai Mister Dinsdale
[20:58] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?....hi dinsdale
[20:58] * Mister Dinsdale sits in front of the tent
[20:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey Matsumi
[20:58] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Hi Mister Dinsdale!
[20:58] <Matsumi Kaze> what's up?
[20:59] <Mister Dinsdale> Not much, how about you guys!
[21:00] <Matsumi Kaze> heh fine...recovering from eailer today
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> What happened earlier today?
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> not sure..some..massive outpouring of spirit energy...
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> nearly crippled me...
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> could feel like my brain was tearing itself apart ><
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> my head is still ringing from it
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh...
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> That was Gemini vs. Noriko.
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> They cut loose with all their spirit power.
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Nearly tore up the Jungle.
[21:02] <Matsumi Kaze> ahhhh.....
[21:02] <Matsumi Kaze> they nearly tore up me >____<
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Things are okay now.
[21:03] *** Noriko X [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:03] <@spiritflame> irasshai Noriko X
[21:03] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah...I see
[21:03] * Noriko X bows to Matsumi-san
[21:03] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[21:03] <Noriko X> I apologize.
[21:03] * Noriko X looks... happier than before.
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> um...that's fine I guess
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I'm just a bit sensitive to that stuff..that's all
[21:04] * Noriko X bows deeply
[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> Nori's working with my crew now.
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> oh I see?......
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[21:05] <Matsumi Kaze> you call it your crew?
[21:05] <Mister Dinsdale> It's a Brooklyn thing.
[21:05] * Mister Dinsdale grins
[21:05] <Matsumi Kaze> what? are you down with it or something?
[21:05] * Mister Dinsdale laughs
[21:05] <Matsumi Kaze> oh...that explains everything
[21:05] <Mister Dinsdale> Damn straight!
[21:06] * Matsumi Kaze just smirks at that
[21:08] <[gTV]Potamos> Noriko...?
[21:08] * Potamos looks at Noriko X.
[21:08] *** Noriko X is a tall, slender woman wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her left eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .

[21:08] <Noriko X> Hello, Potamos :D
[21:08] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh my god she's smiling.
[21:08] <Matsumi Kaze> so who is she?
[21:08] <Noriko X> Heh
[21:08] <Matsumi Kaze> she seems familer
[21:09] <Noriko X> ... It's a long story from a Timeline long ago.
[21:09] <[gTV]Potamos> Why does that name sound so familiar?
[21:09] <Noriko X> I'm... a relative of a Xadium.
[21:09] <Matsumi Kaze> oooh ok
[21:09] * Matsumi Kaze starts humming the star wars theme
[21:09] * Noriko X grins
[21:09] * Noriko X *was* a Padawan learner
[21:10] <Noriko X> It is good to see you all. Even if you don't remember me.
[21:10] * Matsumi Kaze pats Noriko on the head
[21:11] * Noriko X instinctively purrs
[21:11] * Noriko X blushes and suppreses that
[21:11] * Noriko X coughs modestly
[21:11] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh god that was so cute.
[21:11] * Matsumi Kaze giggles
[21:11] <Noriko X> - I am not cute! -
[21:12] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. backs off, waving her hands in surrender
[21:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> :D
[21:12] <Noriko X> :D
[21:12] * Noriko X leaps up into a tree and sits there, humming
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> so what do you and your BOOOOOYZ do?
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Oddly enough my boys are all girls <_<
[21:13] <Matsumi Kaze> harem
[21:13] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Well your name ain't Charlie and we ain't your angels.
[21:14] <Mister Dinsdale> LOL
[21:14] <psYchO_saKi> We do the impossible
[21:15] <Noriko X> For filthy Lucre.
[21:15] * Matsumi Kaze pushes a button on a CD player...and plays the Charlie's Angles theme
[21:15] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. walks over and shuts off the CD player... maintaining eye contact with Matsumi
[21:15] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. slips in another CD
[21:16] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. plays THE A-TEAM TUNE.
[21:16] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That's us.
[21:16] * Matsumi Kaze slips in another CD..playing CA theme
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> *Charlie's Angles
[21:16] * [gTV]Potamos giggles
[21:16] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. swaps it again
[21:16] * Mister Dinsdale laughs, watching this
[21:16] * Matsumi Kaze swaps that again!
[21:16] <psYchO_saKi> I get to be Mr. T!
[21:17] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> But *I* Pity the Fools.
[21:17] * Mister Dinsdale double-swaps!
[21:17] * Matsumi Kaze plays the Charlie's Angels CD
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> Damn!
[21:17] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Aww what the hell. ONE TIME.
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> muahaha
[21:17] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. , Saki and Noriko get in the Charlie's Ange;s pose.
[21:18] *** And Awesome was had by all
[21:18] * Matsumi Kaze takes photos
[21:18] * Matsumi Kaze is away: posting these babies online
[21:18] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is away: Getting an injunction and DMCA notice
[21:19] * Mister Dinsdale laughs
[21:19] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey Hiromi :D
[21:19] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[21:19] * Matsumi Kaze sits in the sand
[21:19] * Mister Dinsdale offers a toasted Marshmallow, he's been working on them this whole time
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> you guys going to come to the play when it opens?
[21:20] * Noriko X is away: So apparently you three were planning to raid Soul Society. For that you will need a Senkai gate, and the path it opens may aid us against The Corruptor as well
[21:20] <Mister Dinsdale> Sure thing!
[21:20] <Mister Dinsdale> When does it open?
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> October 20th
[21:21] * [H!P]Allison Blitz looks at Noriko X.
[21:21] *** Noriko X is a tall, slender woman wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. Alien tattoos run under her left eye. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .

[21:22] *** setsy_meiou [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:22] <@spiritflame> irasshai setsy_meiou
[21:22] <setsy_meiou> <_<
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> ..........
[21:22] <setsy_meiou> Jack-sama~
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> ..hello setsuna
[21:22] <Mister Dinsdale> ...what.
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> - are you -
[21:22] * setsy_meiou sidles up to Dinsdale
[21:23] <setsy_meiou> I hear you're putting together a team~
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> .........
[21:23] <Mister Dinsdale> ...Who are you again?
[21:23] * [H!P]Allison Blitz pokes Setsuna
[21:23] * setsy_meiou facefaults
[21:23] <setsy_meiou> SAILOR 134340
[21:23] <setsy_meiou> ... F[BLEEP]K ><
[21:23] * Matsumi Kaze walks over...and grabs setsuna by the head.....
[21:23] * setsy_meiou looks at Matsumi
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> hiiii....
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh, the excomunicated one!
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze grins "...not up to anything bad are you?"
[21:24] * setsy_meiou foams at the mouth
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> watch out dinsdale...she's gone insane
[21:24] <setsy_meiou> f[BLEEP]k you you c[BLEEP]ksucking f[BLEEP]kknocker s[BLEEP]tpiece ashhole ba[BLEEP]rd donkeypunch asscrack masters[BLEEP]tleader
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> ...
[21:25] * Matsumi Kaze gives setsuna a punch
[21:25] * Mister Dinsdale backs up a few steps from the WAVE of profanity
[21:25] <Mister Dinsdale> Man that ... ruffled my hat.
[21:25] <Mister Dinsdale> That was some powerful hate.
[21:25] * setsy_meiou gets on her knees, sobbing
[21:25] <setsy_meiou> I can't take it anymore
[21:25] <setsy_meiou> I've tried being evil
[21:26] <setsy_meiou> I've tried being good
[21:26] <setsy_meiou> I tried working for Tomoe
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze looks at setsuna
[21:26] <setsy_meiou> I can't even get jobs watchign toilets or cosplaying as myself anymore
[21:26] * setsy_meiou is just at the end of her rope
[21:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Jack, she crazy.
[21:27] <Mister Dinsdale> Got your injunction already?
[21:27] * [H!P]Allison Blitz 's jaw just drops
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> utterly insane
[21:27] * [H!P]Allison Blitz holds up a bar of soap
[21:27] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm the best at what I do.
[21:27] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Don't make me wash your mouth out, 134340-san
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> I used to respect you, Setsuna.....lost that
[21:27] * setsy_meiou just starts to gnaw on the soap
[21:27] <[H!P]Allison Blitz>
[21:27] <Mister Dinsdale> ... All right.
[21:27] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> ... okay that's just strange D:
[21:27] <Mister Dinsdale> Setsuna.
[21:28] <Mister Dinsdale> We need a receptionist.
[21:28] <setsy_meiou> F[BLEEP]K YOU I HAVE STANDARD!
[21:28] * psYchO_saKi just plants her gun on Setsuna's forehead
[21:28] <psYchO_saKi> What do your standards say now
[21:29] <setsy_meiou> You know... there was a man... Tetsujin...
[21:29] <setsy_meiou> he did things with guns... to me...
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> OH GOD
[21:29] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh god no.
[21:29] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I saw that movie
[21:29] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is away: puking
[21:29] <psYchO_saKi> ...
[21:29] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Wh?
[21:29] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Eh?
[21:29] * psYchO_saKi pulls her gun away lightning fast, not wanting it to catch the disease
[21:30] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> What are you talking about,
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> Setsuna, you need a second chance.
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> Dinsdale Investigations is all about that.
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> I needed a second chance at live.
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> ^life
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> Noriko needed a second chance at living.
[21:31] <Mister Dinsdale> Join us.
[21:31] <Mister Dinsdale> Be our Nakama.
[21:31] * Mister Dinsdale holds out his hand
[21:31] <setsy_meiou> ...
[21:31] <setsy_meiou> This isn't some kind of joke right
[21:31] <setsy_meiou> You're not going to make fun of me are you
[21:32] <Mister Dinsdale> C'mon.
[21:32] * setsy_meiou stands up, takes a deep breath and takes his hand, shaking it.
[21:32] <setsy_meiou> All right,
[21:32] <setsy_meiou> I'll try.
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[21:32] <Mister Dinsdale> Great.
[21:33] *** setsy_meiou [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Reading up on Customer Service)
[21:33] <Matsumi Kaze> ...are you sure about this
[21:33] * Mister Dinsdale leans back on a tree
[21:33] <Mister Dinsdale> I hired *saki*, didn't I?
[21:33] <psYchO_saKi> B[BLEEP]ch, don't say that like it's a negative.
[21:33] <psYchO_saKi> You're human now, I'll blow those balls clean off.
[21:33] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> What are you hiring people for, Mister Dinsdale?
[21:34] <Matsumi Kaze> oh're nuts
[21:34] <Mister Dinsdale> My Inviestigative agency.
[21:34] <Mister Dinsdale> I got my team together at last with Noriko, but we do need a receptionist.
[21:35] * Matsumi Kaze kicks some sand at dinsdale
[21:35] * psYchO_saKi is away: heheheheh
[21:35] * Mister Dinsdale watches with dismay as his suit is soiled
[21:35] <Mister Dinsdale> Really?
[21:35] <Mister Dinsdale> Did you -- I mean Really?.
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> :p
[21:35] <Mister Dinsdale> That was uncalled for :<
[21:36] * Matsumi Kaze realizes what she did "...oh..sorry..forgot"
[21:36] * Mister Dinsdale pulls a brush out of his pocket and dusts down his suit
[21:36] <Mister Dinsdale> It's okay.
[21:36] <Mister Dinsdale> I come prepared.
[21:37] <Matsumi Kaze> oh good
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> man I'm being a jerk tonight
[21:38] * Mister Dinsdale just grins
[21:39] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm having fun!
[21:39] * [H!P]Allison Blitz giggles. "That sounds really cool!"
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze> heh I'm glad
[21:40] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I've kinda always wanted to be a detective. Solving a series of murders in a quiet village.
[21:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I've always wanted to be on stage myself >.>
[21:42] <Mister Dinsdale> Well this is more of a Paranormal / Supernatural Detective Agency
[21:42] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Even better!
[21:42] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Just like Scooby-Doo!
[21:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Well, if we survive our first job, I'll see about expanding XD
[21:44] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> :3 Good luck!
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks!
[21:48] * Mister Dinsdale relaxes against a tree
[21:48] * Matsumi Kaze relaxes against a tree too!
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ....I've been worried lately
[21:49] <Mister Dinsdale> About?
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> it's been quiet in Tokyo
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> ...too quiet
[21:50] <Mister Dinsdale> Hahaahah
[21:50] <Mister Dinsdale> You don't subscribe to the theory that we're a trouble magnet, do you?
[21:51] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I do!
[21:51] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I mean, look at us.
[21:51] <Matsumi Kaze> heh no it's not that
[21:51] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Sailor Senshi, Time Folk, mutants, arrancar, ninja, Kamen Riders
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> .....the last attack by the armors was over 3 weeks ago
[21:53] <Mister Dinsdale> Hmm.
[21:53] <Matsumi Kaze> there has been no sign of them....or any sign of that Yokai Dan guy...
[21:53] <Mister Dinsdale> normally this would be the bread and butter of what we do
[21:53] <Mister Dinsdale> But this job from Sunnyside is make or break for us.
[21:53] <Mister Dinsdale> We can't look into it
[21:54] <Mister Dinsdale> There's G¥ 5,000,000 riding on this
[21:54] * Matsumi Kaze looks at dinsdale
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze> did I ask for you guys to find out about it XD
[21:54] <Mister Dinsdale> But I think if we get what he's after
[21:54] <Mister Dinsdale> You guys will get a big boost.
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm just worried.....that's all
[21:54] <Mister Dinsdale> No, but I was thinking about it.
[21:55] <Matsumi Kaze> have another mystery to solve too..but..less deterimental
[21:55] <Mister Dinsdale> ?
[21:55] <Matsumi Kaze> I've been having Hideki gather information on the original members of the unit
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> ..we found info on all of them...birthdays..deaths..present family members
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> ...except for two
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> ..we can't even find photographs of them
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze> we know that they got married...and then left for the US in 1932
[21:57] <Mister Dinsdale> Hmm.
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze> ...but hell..apperently even the immigration information has been removed
[21:57] <Mister Dinsdale> "Removed"?
[21:58] <Matsumi Kaze> yes
[21:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Maybe they had kids.
[21:59] <Mister Dinsdale> Check out birth registries for the area their ship docked for a few years forward.
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> that's what we're trying to find out.....but we can't track them down...everything leads to a deadend
[21:59] <Mister Dinsdale> If it was removed there had to be someone ordering the removal
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> it's just weird
[21:59] <Mister Dinsdale> There's usually a paper trail of that.
[22:00] <Matsumi Kaze> we know the removal was done by a company called....Tars Corp
[22:00] <Mister Dinsdale> Got all their records?
[22:00] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah...and it was recenetly too
[22:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Recently...
[22:01] * Mister Dinsdale frowns
[22:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Recently.
[22:01] <Mister Dinsdale> So they weren't sensitive in the past.
[22:01] <Mister Dinsdale> But recently.
[22:01] <Mister Dinsdale> That means all of a sudden interest in them was had.
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe..I don't know...
[22:02] <Mister Dinsdale> I'd look at who would care about them NOW after so many years.
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze> well..I'll try that
[22:02] <Mister Dinsdale> I mean it would have to be someone who knew their role in history.
[22:02] <Mister Dinsdale> So poke around that Tars.
[22:02] <Mister Dinsdale> See who owns it.
[22:02] <Mister Dinsdale> Follow the money.
[22:03] <Matsumi Kaze> alright!..I'll get on that
[22:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Expect a few shell corporations along the way
[22:03] <Mister Dinsdale> But always follow the money.
[22:03] <Matsumi Kaze> got it
[22:04] <Matsumi Kaze> it got quiet
[22:04] <Mister Dinsdale> hehe
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze> why when you put the lime in the have to drink it all up?
[22:06] <Mister Dinsdale> I don't know
[22:09] * Matsumi Kaze whistles
[22:14] <Mister Dinsdale> I should head on in. With Nori on board we might be hitting Soul Society sooner than I thought,
[22:14] <Mister Dinsdale> have a good night Matsumi.
[22:14] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Dinsdale Paranormal Investigations, for all your Supernatural Sleuthing needs.)
[22:15] <Matsumi Kaze> night!
[22:45] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (might as well head home)
[12:29] <Yaiko> syoaaaaah
[12:32] <Yaiko> hyoooooooh
[14:17] <@spiritflame> Wolfwood/to: only OPs may change topic
[14:18] * @Wolfwood changes topic to `movie canceled because of work, you can watch the rest of it here `
[18:25] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. walks the beach
[18:26] * Mister Dinsdale looks at Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq..
[18:26] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is a tall, dark-skinned woman dressed in a classy black suit, grey pinstriped shirt, brown shoes and cyan tie. Her expression betrays a strong will and confidence. She speaks with a New York accent, sometimes quite fast if you get her agitated. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Law and Order Theme".

[18:26] <Mister Dinsdale> ...Did you ever catch him?
[18:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Huh?
[18:27] <Mister Dinsdale> Your grandfather's killer.
[18:27] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. shakes her head.
[18:27] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> But I haven't stopped looking.
[18:27] <Mister Dinsdale> After Soul Society...
[18:28] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. shakes her head.
[18:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That's my fight.
[18:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Besides, there might not BE an "after Soul Society."
[18:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Get your s[BLEEP]t together.
[18:28] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Then worry about my s[BLEEP]t, brother from another mother.
[18:29] <Mister Dinsdale> Heh
[18:29] * Mister Dinsdale grins "You worry too much"
[18:29] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Someone has to-- you crazy, white boy.
[18:29] <Mister Dinsdale> I like how you just slip into ghetto when you feel like it
[18:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I went to law school for four long-ass years at night.
[18:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll speak how I damn well want when I'm outside the courtroom XD
[18:34] * Mister Dinsdale laughs
[18:45] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is away: dinner
[18:45] * Mister Dinsdale leans on a tree
[18:48] <Mister Dinsdale> I could do with some home cooking
[19:06] <Noriko X> * From up in the tree* I would advise you to order takeout.
[19:06] <Mister Dinsdale> GAH
[19:06] <Mister Dinsdale> How long have you been up there?
[19:07] <Noriko X> Long enough.
[19:07] * Noriko X tosses her head, causing her hood to fall back.
[19:08] <Noriko X> I could probably cook something, but I am disinclined.
[19:08] <Mister Dinsdale> Then I won't be the only one starving :P
[19:08] <Noriko X> I wager I can go much longer than you can without food.
[19:09] <Mister Dinsdale> What if I asked nicely
[19:09] <Noriko X> I would decline nicely.
[19:09] * Mister Dinsdale hears his stomach growl
[19:14] <Mister Dinsdale> You know, in some Earth cultures they eat Cat.
[19:14] <Noriko X> I am as much a Cat as you are an Ape.
[19:15] <Noriko X> Still; you are welcome to attempt to make a meal of me-- I think, however, I would be the one dining well at the end of it all.
[19:15] * Noriko X observes Dinsdale more closely.
[19:15] <Noriko X> Actually, you would probably be a very tough, stringy meal.
[19:15] <Noriko X> Not very enjoyable.
[19:15] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[19:15] <Mister Dinsdale> I can't tell if you're joking or not.
[19:16] <Noriko X> Good :3
[19:19] * Mister Dinsdale sighs and gets together some stuff to make Mac n'Cheese
[19:20] <Mister Dinsdale> How goes the quest for a Senkai gate?
[19:20] <Noriko X> I have some leads.
[19:20] <Noriko X> You will need more than that, however.
[19:21] <Noriko X> And we will only have four minutes to make it into Soul Society.
[19:22] * Noriko X slowly recedes into the shadows, vanishing
[19:22] *** Noriko X [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (It is within the scope of my estimation.)
[19:23] <Mister Dinsdale> That is creepy.
[19:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Yeah.
[19:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm the only normal one you got working for you, you realize that?
[19:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Well Setsuna's a regular person now, right?
[19:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Have you HEARD the sample reception tape yet?
[19:24] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. pulls out her voice recorder
[19:25] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. plays back the tape where she plays a customer, to whom Setsuna is speaking.
[19:25] * All you can hear is Setsuna screaming obscenities
[19:25] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh my god.
[19:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That woman has bona fide snapped.
[19:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> The saddest goddamn thing I've ever seen.
[19:33] <Mister Dinsdale> No, that would be this Mc n'Cheese.
[19:33] <Mister Dinsdale> me offers a spoonful
[19:33] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. eats
[19:34] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...You can't see this s[BLEEP]t, but I'm turning green.
[19:34] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is away: puking
[19:34] * Mister Dinsdale sighs and eats
[19:34] * Mister Dinsdale has a cast iron stomach
[19:58] * Mister Dinsdale is, however, pale
[20:22] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:22] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[20:22] * Matsumi Kaze walks out...looking..somewhat angry
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> that...freaking...grr...
[20:24] * Matsumi Kaze sits in the sand, clutching a piece of paper
[20:29] <Matsumi Kaze> ><
[20:29] <Mister Dinsdale> ?
[20:29] <Matsumi Kaze> ....well..I followed the money like you said, dinsdale
[20:30] <Mister Dinsdale> And?
[20:31] * Matsumi Kaze slams the paper onto the sand
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> Tars Corp...a subsidary of Stars Media
[20:32] <Michael Sunnyside III> Surprise! "D
[20:32] <Michael Sunnyside III> :D
[20:33] <Matsumi Kaze> ..why
[20:34] <Matsumi Kaze> it's not like it's a big deal!
[20:34] <Michael Sunnyside III> Your motives were innocent.
[20:34] <Michael Sunnyside III> But what if someone else was looking for data on the background of our pilots?
[20:34] <Michael Sunnyside III> Their families.
[20:35] <Michael Sunnyside III> Especially *those* families.
[20:35] <Michael Sunnyside III> Some things are better buried.
[20:35] <Matsumi Kaze> I see....
[20:35] * Matsumi Kaze frowns
[20:36] <Matsumi Kaze> still doesn't explain why we could find the others
[20:37] * Michael Sunnyside III saunters off to find Rachet
[20:38] <Matsumi Kaze> grrr...
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> sometimes he annoys me ><
[20:39] <Mister Dinsdale> hehe
[20:42] * Matsumi Kaze pushes dinsdale's hat down on his face
[20:42] <Mister Dinsdale> mmmrrmf
[20:43] <Matsumi Kaze> so what's up with you
[20:43] <Mister Dinsdale> mmrrfmrhhf
[20:44] * Matsumi Kaze pushes the hat off
[20:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Not much new
[20:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Just relaxing
[20:45] <Matsumi Kaze> good I suppose
[20:46] <Matsumi Kaze> the hell do you keep your suit clean on this beach
[20:48] <Mister Dinsdale> A crime boss in New York name of "Big Boss" was a neat freak
[20:48] <Mister Dinsdale> He developed a fabric that resisted all kinds of dirt.
[20:48] <Mister Dinsdale> I got my hands on some.
[20:49] <Mister Dinsdale> [URL]
[20:50] <Matsumi Kaze> sure it wasn't develped by some british guy?
[20:51] <Mister Dinsdale> No idea where he got the formula from
[20:51] <Matsumi Kaze> so I could pour graviy on your head...and you would be fine
[20:51] <Mister Dinsdale> Maybe
[20:53] <Matsumi Kaze> I could pour hot tar on you and you'd be ok?
[20:53] <Mister Dinsdale> ... It's dirt repellent
[20:54] <Mister Dinsdale> I think my face would be horribly maukled
[20:55] <Matsumi Kaze> so it would be an imporvement? :p
[20:56] <Mister Dinsdale> I have only one thing to say to that
[20:56] <Mister Dinsdale> ಠ_ಠ
[20:57] <Matsumi Kaze> XD
[20:57] <Matsumi Kaze> silly
[20:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Always :D
[21:00] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[21:00] <Matsumi Kaze> ...we should build a car boat
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> Yes!
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> A cat boat! *_*
[21:01] <Mister Dinsdale> ^CAR
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> drive it around the island
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> yeah!
[21:03] <Mister Dinsdale> We need to find a car!
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> Haruka has a car
[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> WE MUST TAKE IT
[21:04] <Mister Dinsdale> FOR THE GOOD OF FUN
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> heh go for it! I'll make up the plans
[21:05] * Mister Dinsdale goes to get Harriet's lockpick set
[21:07] * Matsumi Kaze grabs a stick and starts to draw a plan for the boat on it
[21:07] * Mister Dinsdale goes into the house and emerges in Tokyo, finding the car
[21:07] * Mister Dinsdale jacks it... aww f[BLEEP]k
[21:07] * Mister Dinsdale comes back
[21:07] <Mister Dinsdale> Dude.
[21:07] <Mister Dinsdale> The portal to Japan is the back door.
[21:08] <Mister Dinsdale> It isn't large enough for a car.
[21:08] <// J_Daito //> Retard.
[21:08] <// J_Daito //> Take the car apart piece by piece.
[21:08] * // J_Daito // is away: seriously.
[21:08] <Mister Dinsdale> !
[21:08] * Mister Dinsdale is away: working on it
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> hm...maybe that will work
[21:13] * Mister Dinsdale brings the car on the beach. don't ask how.
[21:14] <Matsumi Kaze> ok first off..what kind of car is it?
[21:15] <Mister Dinsdale> Ferrari M512
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> hm..
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> we're going to have to raise it a bit
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> ..we'll stick a mast in the middle...and *walks behind it* add an outmotor to the back....
[21:17] * Matsumi Kaze looks at the wheels "and foam up the gaps in it"
[21:18] <Matsumi Kaze> I would think that would do it
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> what do you think?
[21:22] <Mister Dinsdale> I approve!
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> well then....let's get to work....
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> first off....let's get a mast on here
[21:24] * Mister Dinsdale goes and gets a tree from the jungle for a mast
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Go get some supplies from the basement
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze heads in the House
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[21:26] * Mister Dinsdale gets the tree and carves it into a mast
[21:27] * Matsumi Kaze walks out of the house...with a wagon..with everything they need
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I am utterly surpised sensei has all this stuff
[21:27] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm not-- think about who he IS
[21:28] <Matsumi Kaze> ..good point
[21:28] * Matsumi Kaze grabs the outboard motor with some difficulty..and works on welding it to the car
[21:30] * Mister Dinsdale helps
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> we need to connect it to the steering wheel somehow
[21:33] <Matsumi Kaze> now that part I'm not sure how to do
[21:36] * Mister Dinsdale studies it for a bit
[21:37] * Mister Dinsdale examines and hooks it up
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze> heh great
[21:39] * Matsumi Kaze grabs some foam...and gets under the car...putting foam in any gaps that would cause problems
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> do you have the sails on the mast?
[21:40] * Mister Dinsdale has made a pirate flag
[21:41] * Mister Dinsdale converts it to the sailes
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I think we're done
[21:43] * Matsumi Kaze grins
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> YARR
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> I Be the Dread Pirate DINSdale!
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[21:44] * Mister Dinsdale climbs abopard ship
[21:44] * Matsumi Kaze pulls out a pirate hat and puts it on her head
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> MISTER DINSDALE!
[21:44] * Matsumi Kaze gets on the ship as well
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> ARR
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> I belive we have some plundering to do
[21:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Indeed we do!
[21:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Set sail FER TREASURE
[21:45] * Matsumi Kaze starts to the car....and drives it right into the ocean
[21:46] * Matsumi Kaze grins as it floats..and starts the outboard
[21:46] * Mister Dinsdale points head to the horizon
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> WE ARE ON OUR WAY
[21:46] <Mister Dinsdale> TO TREASUREEE!
[21:46] * Matsumi Kaze starts to head towards the horizon
[21:48] * There are pirhanas
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> oh s[BLEEP]t
[21:49] * in 3-D
[21:49] <Mister Dinsdale> What
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> we have 3-D
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> *Piranas
[21:51] * Mister Dinsdale heroically poses and points
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> TO LAND!
[21:52] * Matsumi Kaze turns it smoke starts to come out of the hood
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> ...oh crap
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> foam is on fire
[21:52] * Matsumi Kaze starts to drive as best she can onto the beach
[21:52] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[21:53] * Mister Dinsdale LEAPS from the car as it hits the shallows
[21:53] * Matsumi Kaze jumps out as well
[21:53] * the CAR EXPLODES in true movie fashion as you fly away from it in slow motion 3d
[21:54] <Mister Dinsdale> THAT WAS AWESOME
[21:54] <Matsumi Kaze> heheheh yeah!
[21:55] <Matsumi Kaze> of course what do we tell haruka
[21:56] <Mister Dinsdale> Blame ninjas
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> good idea
[21:56] <Mister Dinsdale> I always do.
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> most of the time
[22:11] * Mister Dinsdale is away: sleepy
[22:12] <Hulking Figure> What the hell was that?
[22:12] *** Hulking Figure [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:12] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hulking Figure
[22:12] <Hulking Figure> Who the hell brought a car here? And blew it up?
[22:12] * Hulking Figure looks around...
[22:13] * Hulking Figure figures it was the insane Goth Maid killer, and goes back to what he was doing.
[22:14] * Hulking Figure decides to move, as he does not wish to be around the flames.
[22:14] * Matsumi Kaze is sitting in the sand
[22:21] * Hulking Figure walks up to Matsumi... guiltily.
[22:21] <Hulking Figure> Um... Matsumi?
[22:21] <Matsumi Kaze> yes?
[22:21] <Hulking Figure> I need to speak with you.
[22:22] <Matsumi Kaze> ok, talk
[22:22] <Hulking Figure> Do you remember, a while back, when you said that you were my friend, and were on my side if people ever tried to kill me?
[22:23] <Matsumi Kaze> yes
[22:23] <Hulking Figure> If the other people were from this Island, people that you knew, would you still help?
[22:24] <Matsumi Kaze> I wouldn't attack them..but I'd talk to them...why
[22:25] * Hulking Figure hands Matsumi a torn up sweater,that used to belong to her.
[22:25] <Hulking Figure> Um... were you on the island last week?
[22:25] <Matsumi Kaze> briefly
[22:25] <Matsumi Kaze> that my sweter
[22:25] <Matsumi Kaze> *sweater
[22:25] <Hulking Figure> And did you notice anything different about the people here?
[22:25] * Hulking Figure nods.
[22:26] <Hulking Figure> Um... yes, it is your sweater. I'm sorry it is torn up so much.
[22:27] <Matsumi Kaze> genders were reversed
[22:27] <Hulking Figure> Um... yeah.
[22:27] <Hulking Figure> So do you remember when the little-monster with Pink hair cursed me, and said she was going to have fun torturing me more?
[22:28] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[22:28] <Hulking Figure> Um.. so when I "woke up" I was in a female body, and I was certain it was her doing.
[22:29] <Hulking Figure> And it made me really, really freak out.. Like I'd lost my mind or something.
[22:29] <Hulking Figure> I mean... woah... I was so furious... and even more scared than I was angry, since I figured she would have more punishment coming down the pipe...
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> I see....
[22:30] <Hulking Figure> I figured I would leave the island---but as you know, I had only some pants on, and no shirt at the time. So I realized I couldn't leave---until I had made myself a new shirt and clothes.
[22:31] <Hulking Figure> So I tried to get some from the only place I knew would have them...
[22:31] <Hulking Figure> So I um... I kind of freaked out and I used my powers... and I also recruited some animals... to help me do it.
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> So um.. here's your sweater back that I didn't take apart completely.
[22:33] <Matsumi Kaze> um ok
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> But um... the mice decided to um... nest in some of the other clothes... mostly undergarments...
[22:34] <Hulking Figure> So I found this out the day when I put the clothing back into the Dirty Clothes hampers.
[22:34] <Hulking Figure> And... once they figure out I did it... I'm 75% sure they will try to kill me!
[22:35] <Hulking Figure> Especially the crazy girl! She just looks for excuses to kill people.
[22:36] <Matsumi Kaze> well they were probably angry at you
[22:36] <Matsumi Kaze> ..most people don't like it when others steal their clothes
[22:37] <Hulking Figure> That was mostly the animals!
[22:37] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi, have you ever been locked up in an insane asylum because people think you are crazy?
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> Because if you are terrified of the sun and fire, and say you will die if you are tried during the day... they wil lock you up.
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> Now, if I had shown up on someplace fleeing from the Pink Witch, and I looked like a hairy woman who had never shaved, had no top on, that would be a very bad situation.
[22:40] <Matsumi Kaze> ok...let me ask you something
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> But after I figured out that it had happened to OTHER people, I came to my senses.
[22:40] <Matsumi Kaze> are they mad at you now?
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> Yes?
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> I don't know... I've been hiding.
[22:41] <Hulking Figure> Underneath the coral reef.
[22:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I am sure by's blown over
[22:41] <Hulking Figure> >.>
[22:41] <Hulking Figure> <.<
[22:41] <Hulking Figure> So you aren't mad at me?
[22:42] <Hulking Figure> As soon as I got here, people started calling me a pervert, and since I took some bras to make myself one... I kind of figure they would pull swords and gasoline...
[22:42] <Hulking Figure> And um... the sewing business was REALLY hard!
[22:43] <Hulking Figure> So... are you still mad at me?
[22:43] * Hulking Figure looks worried.
[22:46] <Hulking Figure> Because it was like everybody lost their faith in me all at once!
[22:46] <Matsumi Kaze> nope
[22:46] <Hulking Figure> Really?
[22:46] <Hulking Figure> So... when they realize that I'm the reason their... you know... their undergarments are missing, if they form a lynch mob, can I count on you?
[22:48] <Matsumi Kaze> I will try and reason with them
[22:48] <Matsumi Kaze> but I won't draw blood
[22:48] <Hulking Figure> Whew...
[22:48] <Hulking Figure> Okay... I suppose I'll try spending this night on land.
[22:49] <Hulking Figure> I was just kind of waiting underwater.... and then I felt like there was this big shockwave going through it... like something exploded.
[22:49] <Hulking Figure> >.>
[22:51] * Hulking Figure looks at Matsumi Kaze.
[22:51] *** Matsumi Kaze is has long blond hair, part of which hides her left eye completely. She has a well endowed body but is very modest of it. She is also known as Sailor Quinox More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.

[22:57] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> Ah... Nothing.
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> Where did you grow up, Matsumi Kaze?
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> What do you believe in?
[22:58] <Matsumi Kaze> I grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota
[22:58] <Matsumi Kaze> what do you mean what do I belive in?
[22:58] <Hulking Figure> I have simply devoloped some unusual views on religion, that is all.
[22:59] <Hulking Figure> We do not have to speak of it, if that is what you wish.
[22:59] <Hulking Figure> Then again...
[22:59] * Hulking Figure looks at Matsumi Kaze.
[22:59] *** Matsumi Kaze is has long blond hair, part of which hides her left eye completely. She has a well endowed body but is very modest of it. She is also known as Sailor Quinox More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.

[22:59] <Matsumi Kaze> well I was raised Roman Catholic...
[22:59] <Matsumi Kaze> but I'ver VERY open minded
[22:59] * Hulking Figure raises his eyebrow.
[23:01] <Hulking Figure> I suppose you somewhat have to be.
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> nope
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> oh
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> (( sorry misread that ))
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> (( thought it said I suppose you have somewhere have to be ))
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah I have to be
[23:03] <Hulking Figure> You know... when I was alive...
[23:03] * Hulking Figure sighs.
[23:03] <Hulking Figure> I thought sought frantically for evidence of the supernatural.
[23:03] <Hulking Figure> It just seemed to make more sense that there was no afterlife, and no God, than that there was.
[23:04] <Hulking Figure> I got my evidence. Back in 1969 on the way to Woodstock I got my evidence.
[23:04] * Hulking Figure gestures at his body.
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze> I've met my dead mother
[23:04] <Hulking Figure> But then you have to consider what you have become, and how it relates to what you believe.
[23:04] * Hulking Figure nods.
[23:05] <Hulking Figure> So have I.
[23:05] <Hulking Figure> Your mother, that is.