the current system time is: Sat Sep 11 21:57 2010; you are connected on; message of the day follows:
<// J_Daito //> Hah I use DOS / V, I'm immune to all this crap
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Yeah, you're also immune to [BLEEP] like THE INTERNET
welcome to #suburbansenshi2
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze> hums
[21:57] <@Ryan> f
[21:57] <@Wolfwood> see but I know you
[21:58] <@Wolfwood> there will be skullf[BLEEP]king
[21:58] <Matsumi Kaze> (( I CLAIM THIS LOG IN THE NAME OF.....ALL YOU GUYS ))
[21:58] <@Wolfwood> and then you won't call me in the morning
[21:58] <@Ryan> if you're too clingy then no i won't call you
[21:58] <@Wolfwood> =<
[21:59] <@Ryan> now you know what not to do
[22:06] <@Wolfwood> yes sir.
[22:07] <@Ryan> well
[22:07] <Matsumi Kaze> hm
[22:07] <@Ryan> i just stumbled across something that's just...
[22:08] <@Ryan> [URL]
[22:08] <@Ryan> enjoy your surprise
[22:08] <@Wolfwood> ...............
[22:09] <@Wolfwood> Wow.
[22:09] <@Wolfwood> I got nothin.
[22:09] <@Ryan> since i was just making jokes about f[BLEEP]king skulls and skeletons, i can't say i'm too surprised by what i came across
[22:09] <@Ryan> i guess rule34 really does apply to everything in life
[22:10] <@Wolfwood>
[22:10] <@Ryan> XD
[22:10] <@Ryan> i love that image
[22:11] <@Wolfwood> more or less my face after reading that
[22:13] <@Ryan> now we know and knowing is half the battle
[22:14] <@Wolfwood> ♫ GI Joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooe ♫
[22:15] <@Wolfwood> Why is it when you talk
[22:16] <@Wolfwood> I can imagine you as played by Jeremy Piven.
[22:16] <@Ryan> that's a perfectly good question
[22:16] <@Ryan> guy has a good voice
[22:17] <@Wolfwood> It may be that Smokin' Aces is one of my favorite movies
[22:19] <@Ryan> loved that flick
[22:22] <@Ryan> of course i've loved all of joe carnahan's films that i've seen so far (except his very first)
[22:23] <@Wolfwood> I more or less feel the same
[22:25] <@Ryan> narc was great, smockin' aces was great, and a-team was once again great
[22:26] <@Wolfwood> Narc was underrated
[22:28] <@Ryan> i should rewatch that soon
[22:28] <@Ryan> been years since i've seen it
[22:37] * Matsumi Kaze sleeps in the sand
[22:44] <@Ryan> if she gets crabs in her vag, that's all on her
[22:45] <Matsumi Kaze> zzz
[00:16] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*sleeps on the beach*)
[10:46] <Kokayo Wasanata> (( I think this is hilarious
[10:46] <Kokayo Wasanata> (( Quick, stop breaking the box! ))
[10:46] <Julianne Smyth> (( Idiot. ))
[10:46] <Kokayo Wasanata> (( Hey, shut up! ))
[10:46] <Julianne Smyth> (( Uh, no? =) ))
[10:47] <Tina Aizu Tangert> (( I find it odd that the both of you are doing this. ))
[10:47] <Kokayo Wasanata> (( Dude, look who's talking. ))
[10:47] <Tina Aizu Tangert> (( .... ))
[10:47] <Julianne Smyth> (( Now now, ladies, play nice. ))
[10:48] <Kokayo Wasanata> (( this IS nice for me =p ))
[10:48] <Tina Aizu Tangert> (( Seriously, you two are crazy. ))
[10:49] <HexGirl_Thorn> (( Wow, you three are all sorts of special, aren't you. ))
[10:49] <Kokayo Wasanata> (( HEY! I resemble that remark! ))
[10:49] <Kokayo Wasanata> (( omg, retard ))
[10:49] <Matsumi Kaze> (( .... ))
[10:49] <Erika-Lynn> (( Morning Matt! Don't mind me, I'm just playing with my dolls real quickly like =D ))
[10:50] <Matsumi Kaze> (( ...ok..why in OOC? ))
[10:50] <Erika-Lynn> (( And yes, I called them dolls. ))
[10:50] <Erika-Lynn> (( I honestly don't know... ))
[10:50] <Erika-Lynn> (( Maybe 'cause I didn't want to bring them onto the whole Beach scene? idk!! ))
[10:50] <Erika-Lynn> (( It was just escalating for a while XD ))
[10:51] <Erika-Lynn> (( Do you wanna play with my dolls/characters too? =x ))
[10:51] <Erika-Lynn> (( Though idk how long I'd have since I probably have to go get ready to go to a fair with my Mom before work. ))
[10:51] <Matsumi Kaze> (( ok ))
[10:52] <Erika-Lynn> (( <.< ))
[10:52] <Erika-Lynn> (( SO how have ya been? =D ))
[10:53] <Matsumi Kaze> (( could be better ))
[10:54] <Erika-Lynn> (( *hugs* I'm sure you'll do fine. When is it, Monday? ))
[10:54] <Matsumi Kaze> (( monday is the consultation ))
[10:54] <Erika-Lynn> (( *nods* ))
[10:55] <Matsumi Kaze> (( so I don't know when ))
[10:55] <Erika-Lynn> (( Ooo genderswap week. Me likey. I can bring out Ken again. I always loved that version of Euri. ))
[10:55] <Erika-Lynn> (( okays. =) ))
[10:56] <Matsumi Kaze> (( all my coughing has run my voice raw....*sigh* ))
[10:56] <Erika-Lynn> (( Awwwwwww =< *gives him some black tea with milk and honey OR tea with ginger and honey (gack)* ))
[10:57] <Matsumi Kaze> (( I just want to get over all this ))
[10:58] <Erika-Lynn> (( You will in due time. ))
[10:59] <Matsumi Kaze> (( just have this fear of something going wrong T_T ))
[10:59] <Erika-Lynn> (( Dude, no way! ))
[10:59] <Matsumi Kaze> (( :( ))
[11:00] <Erika-Lynn> (( I SAID NO WAY ))
[11:00] <Matsumi Kaze> (( ...ok ))
[11:01] <Erika-Lynn> (( Good. *hugs* ))
[11:01] <Erika-Lynn> (( How did ya sleep last night? ))
[11:01] <Matsumi Kaze> (( alright I suppose... ))
[11:02] <Erika-Lynn> (( I slept horribly. I scared the crap out of myself reading something scary online before I went to bed. and THEN I heard an alien space ship fly near my window and I was scared s[BLEEP]tless. ))
[11:02] <Matsumi Kaze> (( .......... ))
[11:02] <Erika-Lynn> (( apparently, as i did not know this about myself, I'm as scared of aliens as I am of zombies. ))
[11:02] <Matsumi Kaze> (( O_o ))
[11:03] <Erika-Lynn> (( yeah go figure. ))
[11:04] <Erika-Lynn> (( see, I remember hearing this...really strange Whooshing noise, and I'd never heard of anything like it. And when it passed, I think it beamed into my brain the color of what the whooshing ship looked like (a series of blues and turqoise), and as soon as it passed, it left this loooow and loooonng rumbling sound that took absolutely forever to vanish. ))
[11:05] <Erika-Lynn> (( it scared me =< ))
[11:05] <Erika-Lynn> (( eventually, i managed to fall asleep, though i kept spamming Joe's inbox with texts about how scared i was ))
[11:05] <Matsumi Kaze> (( ....ok >.> ))
[11:06] <Erika-Lynn> (( eventually still he managed to wake up and call me and wake me up and i was happy and safe ))
[11:06] <Erika-Lynn> (( look man, i scare easily, okay? ))
[11:06] <Matsumi Kaze> (( heh ok ))
[11:06] <Erika-Lynn> (( You know what the scariest movie I had ever seen for at least like 13 years of my life was? Jurassic Park, when I saw it in theaters. ))
[11:06] <Matsumi Kaze> (( The Wicker Man for me ))
[11:07] <Erika-Lynn> (( I wasn't brought up on scary films at all. it's horrible. ))
[11:07] <Matsumi Kaze> (( the the new ))
[11:07] <Matsumi Kaze> *not
[11:07] <Erika-Lynn> (( I went to see My BLoody Valentine in 3D years ago and I was so terrified I was frozen solid in my chair and bawling like a baby. ))
[11:07] <Matsumi Kaze> (( I wasn't brought up on scary films...I simply watched them myself..and loved them ))
[11:07] <Erika-Lynn> (( why do you think I always end up frozen in terror and crying on the Dinosaur ride at the Animal Kingdom @ WDW? 'cause I'm scared like a widdle baby =< ))
[11:08] <Matsumi Kaze> (( watching night gallery right that show ))
[11:08] <Erika-Lynn> (( My boif and I saw Nightmare on Elm St (original) because he said if I did okay with it we'd watch the new remake. I was fine, not scared one bit, surprisingly. Also, Johnny Depp was in that movie, wtfbbq. So then we were going to see the new movie and...I chickened out so we didn't =< ))
[11:08] <Erika-Lynn> (( That's the other series whatshisname did that did Twilight Zone, right? ))
[11:09] <Matsumi Kaze> (( yup ))
[11:09] <Matsumi Kaze> (( brb ))
[11:09] <Erika-Lynn> (( *nods* I remember you telling me about it. ))
[11:10] <Erika-Lynn> (( awww okay. ))
[11:10] <Erika-Lynn> (( *widdles her thumbs and wonders what to wear on a rainy day as today before she has to change to get ready to work* ))
[11:12] <Erika-Lynn> (( more like *twiddles* ))
[11:13] <CSEB> (( You know, I'm ACTUALLY you're doll. How come you don't play with ME anymore? ))
[11:14] <Erika-Lynn> (( BEcause, SOMEHOW, your eye won't close anymore and it's freaking creepy as hell. Besides, I pose you whenever I feel like it. ))
[11:14] <CSEB> (( Yeah, which is NEVER. ))
[11:14] <Erika-Lynn> (( *takes her Pullip and stuffs it back in the corner of the room with her Awesome Harley Quinn figurines* ))
[11:14] <Erika-Lynn> (( *sighs and goes find something to wear* ))
[11:26] <Erika-Lynn> (( eek, gotta go! see ya later Matt! =) ))
[11:26] <Erika-Lynn> (( /part~ ))
[11:46] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[11:46] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[11:46] <Matsumi Kaze> *snort*..huh
[11:46] * Matsumi Kaze sits up..yawning
[11:47] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh...
[11:48] * Matsumi Kaze looks around
[11:48] <Matsumi Kaze> ...craps[BLEEP]t
[11:50] * Matsumi Kaze shakes the sand out of her hair
[11:54] <Matsumi Kaze> what a place to sleep
[11:55] * Matsumi Kaze is away: going to take a shower ><
[12:39] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[12:39] * Matsumi Kaze sets up a folding chair and sits in it
[12:41] * Matsumi Kaze puts her floppy hat over her head
[12:41] <Matsumi Kaze> *face
[13:23] <Matsumi Kaze> mmm....beautiful skies...sea air...wonderful
[13:25] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing can ruin this day
[15:25] * Matsumi Kaze snores lightly under her hat
[16:46] * Matsumi Kaze is away
[21:54] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (heading home)
[12:19] * * The top of the bomb Wolf found pops off
[12:21] * * a device pops up with a timer. It is a mess of wires powered by a small, glowing rock.
[12:21] <*> ♦ 3
[12:21] <*> ♦ 2
[12:21] <*> ♦ 1
[12:22] * * the device hums and emits a purple shockwave that covers the island causeing gender-swaping to all who are hit
[12:24] <@spiritflame> *: only OPs may change topic
[12:24] * @Wolfwood changes topic to `Gender Swap Week!`
[13:39] * Yaijinden gropes herself
[13:39] <Yaijinden> ...yep, them's boobs alright.
[13:41] <LOVELYgirl> That was rather...unexpected.
[13:42] <Yaijinden> I know, right?
[13:43] <Yaijinden> Floating in the water and then suddenly BAM, I'm more buoyant.
[13:44] <LOVELYgirl> Hah.
[13:45] <LOVELYgirl> I was in the middle of practice...balance was suddenly all weird.
[13:45] <Yaijinden> Ah well, been a while since I've worn this sort of skin, might as well enjoy while it lasts.
[13:46] <LOVELYgirl> It'll be interesting, ne?
[13:46] * LOVELYgirl fingers his long hair
[13:46] <LOVELYgirl> I totally need a cut now, though.
[13:48] <Yaijinden> Pssh, wear it long.
[13:48] <Yaijinden> Braid it for maximum effect!
[13:48] <Yaijinden> OH OH put it in a queue!
[13:49] <LOVELYgirl> Hee maybe I should.
[13:51] <Yaijinden> I had hippie long hair when I was much smaller, some people can pull it off.
[13:52] * LOVELYgirl braids some wood beads and feathers into some locks of hair
[13:53] <Yaijinden> And by smaller, I guess I mean younger, and bigger than I am now.
[13:53] * Yaijinden looks speculative
[13:53] <Yaijinden> Ooh, tribal.
[13:56] <LOVELYgirl> It's different.
[13:57] * Yaijinden spins around on the beach
[13:57] <Yaijinden> This is a long vacation. I think I like it.
[13:58] <LOVELYgirl> I know. I'm sure no one else wants to leave.
[13:58] <LOVELYgirl> But I suppose it's inevitable at some point.
[13:59] <Yaijinden> Maybe maybe! The weather will be turning pretty soon, if nothing else. ♫
[13:59] <Yaijinden> And a winter sea is a strange thing indeed.
[14:01] * LOVELYgirl nods
[14:02] <Yaijinden> Okay, that's enough of that for now.
[14:02] * LOVELYgirl takes of his shirt and sits in the sun
[14:02] * Yaijinden takes her hand off of her boob and scratches her chin, considering
[14:06] <Yaijinden> A survey of my plans for the day reveals that this doesn't actually change anything!
[14:06] <LOVELYgirl> Good.
[14:09] <LOVELYgirl> I wonder what happened at KAT.
[14:10] <LOVELYgirl> I'm pretty sure Taki changed, but if the others didn't that could be a problem.
[14:11] <Yaijinden> Potential ~inconveniences~
[14:14] <LOVELYgirl> I'd love to beat Takahashi into the ground if he causes problems, though!
[14:15] <Yaijinden> He seems to be the sort to instigate.
[14:15] <Yaijinden> I wonder when the last time he got his face punted was!
[14:16] <LOVELYgirl> Probably last week!
[14:17] <Yaijinden> Nice~
[14:17] <Yaijinden> Oh man I have a SUPER REASON to play this while.
[14:18] <LOVELYgirl> And that is?
[14:19] <Yaijinden> Hot girl on girl action!
[14:19] <LOVELYgirl> Heh.
[14:20] <Yaijinden> Unleash thy inner lesbian whatnot.
[14:22] <Yaijinden> It's on that note that I escape to create a lair.
[14:22] <Yaijinden> With blackjack!
[14:22] <Yaijinden> And hookers!
[14:23] * Yaijinden is away
[14:23] <LOVELYgirl> Later, Yai.
[14:24] * LOVELYgirl is away: Need to check some things.
[17:05] <@Wolfwood> ffffffffffFFFFFFFFFFFF
[17:09] <@Wolfwood> I have boobs. Small boobs. Again.
[17:10] <@Wolfwood> Why do I have boobs.
[17:10] <@Wolfwood> Goddamnit.
[17:10] * @Wolfwood looks at the bomb
[17:10] * @Wolfwood thinks for a minute
[17:10] * @Wolfwood is away: I need vodka and a toolkit.
[17:30] <Yaijinden> skin skin skin skin oh it's nice to wear another suit sometimes.
[17:30] <Yaijinden> And while I'm here:
[17:30] * Yaijinden futzes with some things
[17:32] * Yaijinden is now known as Yaiko
[17:32] <Yaiko> There: better.
[17:32] <Yaiko> Ish.
[17:34] <Yaiko> la la la la la ♫
[17:59] <@Wolfwood> Oh god. You too.
[18:05] <@Wolfwood> Sadface.
[18:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> What the hell is with you guys... err gals?
[18:48] *** Jacqueline Dinsdale [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:48] <@spiritflame> irasshai Jacqueline Dinsdale
[18:48] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> T_T
[18:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ....
[18:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Aha... HAH
[18:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
[18:48] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks at Jacqueline Dinsdale.
[18:48] *** Jacqueline Dinsdale is Short, slim woman in a sharp crisply-pressed white suit and knee-length skirt, wearing white high heels and sheer stockings.
Her image Song is: "Whaddya Want from me?" by Adam Lambert.
[18:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> L O F[BLEEP]king L hahahaha
[18:49] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> This isn't funny Harriet!
[18:49] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Why haven't you changed ><
[18:49] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Lucky for me I had a court date when whatever the f[BLEEP]k happened, happened
[18:49] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. wolf-whistles
[18:50] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Aren't you a cutie~
[18:50] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> F[BLEEP]k off :P
[18:50] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> hahahaha this is hilarious
[18:50] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> O_O LOL what is your girlfriend gonna say now? AHAHAHA
[18:50] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> .... s[BLEEP]t
[18:51] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I mean, you weren't much of a man to begin with but..
[18:51] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. snrrks
[18:51] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> T_T
[18:52] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You just ain't got any luck, Jackie
[18:52] <@Wolfwood> ..........
[18:52] <@Wolfwood> The f[BLEEP]k man.
[18:52] <@Wolfwood> The f[BLEEP]k.
[18:53] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I DUNNO YOU TELL ME
[18:53] * Jacqueline Dinsdale points at his ample chest
[18:53] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> WHAT THE F[BLEEP]K DID YOU DO
[18:54] *** psYchO_saKi [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:54] <@spiritflame> irasshai psYchO_saKi
[18:54] <psYchO_saKi> ...
[18:54] * psYchO_saKi just busts out laughing
[18:54] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> IT ISN'T FUNNY
[18:54] <@Wolfwood> Hell if I know.
[18:54] <@Wolfwood> Bomb went off by itself.
[18:54] <psYchO_saKi> I guess Dinsdale Investigations is an all-girls club now~
[18:54] <@Wolfwood> I'm working on it. And drinking heavily.
[18:54] <psYchO_saKi> ♡
[18:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> .......................................
[18:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I have nothing left to live for I WILL SO END YOU
[18:55] <psYchO_saKi> !
[18:56] * psYchO_saKi whips out two guns in her hands, a third held sideways in her mouth, and knees up a Bazooka in the air
[18:56] <@Wolfwood> This is entertaining but getting us nowhere.
[18:56] <psYchO_saKi> DYFMN' TYMF's HEERF!!!
[18:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> What?
[18:57] * psYchO_saKi spits out her gun
[18:57] <psYchO_saKi> ♡ DYIN' TIME's HERE ♡
[18:57] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I'm sorry. The moment's lost.
[18:57] * psYchO_saKi 's face falls as her bazooka hits the ground with a thud
[18:57] <psYchO_saKi> You're right. It is.
[18:58] * psYchO_saKi puts her guns back under her dress
[18:58] <psYchO_saKi> We'll throw down some other time.
[18:58] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Yesh.
[18:58] * @Wolfwood fiddles with a tool kit and her bottle of Vodka
[18:58] * psYchO_saKi curtsies and picks up her last gun
[18:58] * psYchO_saKi looks at Woflwood.
[18:58] *** Woflwood is your average everyday Woflwood
[18:58] * psYchO_saKi looks at Wolfwood.
[18:58] *** Wolfwood is a very tall 25 year old white american female with glowy blue eyes, dirty blonde hair done up in a ponytail. She is wearing olive millitary pants tucked into boots and a black tank top More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: Amy Whinehouse feat. Jay-Z - Rehab (remix).
Wolfwood is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator
[18:58] <psYchO_saKi> LOL "Whinehouse"
[18:58] <psYchO_saKi> Best. Typo. Ever.
[18:59] <@Wolfwood> 'twas intended
[18:59] *** psYchO_saKi [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (I'm glad I'm a machine and immune to those things.)
[18:59] <@Wolfwood> IRL I hate the b[BLEEP]ch, the song just seemed to fit.
[18:59] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Wolfwood you distube me.
[18:59] <@Wolfwood> Get in line.
[19:02] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Go like... get in a box or something. You shouldn't look like that.
[19:03] *** Suu [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:03] <@spiritflame> irasshai Suu
[19:04] * Jacqueline Dinsdale holds his head in his h... er hands ARGH
[19:04] * Suu comes outside the house, really pale
[19:04] * Jacqueline Dinsdale looks at Suu.
[19:04] *** Suu is a young teenage girl with short white hair, emerald green eyes and a set of wings in bronze, mythril and orichalchum attached to her back. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "New Future" by myco.
[19:04] <Suu> WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME!!???!!!
[19:04] <@Wolfwood> Yes. Well. You don't make a striking woman ither so eat it.
[19:04] * Jacqueline Dinsdale attempts to hide bhind a tree
[19:04] * Jacqueline Dinsdale doesn't want to be seen like thos
[19:04] * @Wolfwood sips from the bottle and contemplates beating his head against a rock
[19:04] * Suu looks at Suu.
[19:04] *** Suu is a young teenage BOY with short white hair, emerald green eyes and a set of wings in bronze, mythril and orichalchum attached to HIS back. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "New Future" by myco.
[19:05] <Suu> I've...I've got a...
[19:05] <Suu> and it's...
[19:05] <Suu> and I had to...
[19:05] <Suu> at school
[19:05] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Man I AM So glad I wasn't here
[19:05] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> You'llget yours, Harriet!
[19:05] <Suu> Uh...Bra..uhm...
[19:05] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> You'll get yours.
[19:06] * Suu goes over to Wolfwood and looks at...uh...her
[19:06] <@Wolfwood> -_-
[19:06] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. chuckles and takes some shots of Jackie
[19:06] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ... Wha--- what the hell are you doing?
[19:06] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Evidence.
[19:06] <Suu> Brad-san?
[19:07] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Evidence for what?
[19:07] <Suu> It happened to you too?
[19:07] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> For the jury.
[19:07] <@Wolfwood> Yai as well.
[19:07] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> For what Jury?
[19:07] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> The one that says you one [fine assed woman
[19:07] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> AGGGGGGGGGGGGGH
[19:07] <@Wolfwood> Found a bomb in the sand last night. Set itself off this morning and THIS happened.
[19:07] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[19:08] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. takes a shot of Wolf too.
[19:08] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> This will be the most hilarious christmas calendar EVER.
[19:08] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Don't you dare
[19:08] * Suu looks down at...his...pants
[19:09] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh man. you're a guy now huh.
[19:09] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Welcome to hell
[19:09] <Suu> H-hell?
[19:09] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> What's wrong with being a guy?
[19:10] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That thing in your slacks?
[19:10] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> From now on, it controls you.
[19:10] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> THAT'S NOT TRUE
[19:10] <@Wolfwood> More or less.
[19:10] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> If I were you--
[19:10] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'd cut that s[BLEEP]t off.
[19:10] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Harriet what do you have against men?!
[19:11] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm a LAWYER. A Female Lawyer.
[19:11] <Yaiko> As little as she can possibly manage.
[19:11] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Do you know the s[BLEEP]t I have to put up with?
[19:11] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Don't hate ><
[19:12] <Yaiko> Some idea. :D
[19:12] <@Wolfwood> Haters, Hateing, ect.
[19:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Use this time to develop some empathy, Dinsdale :P
[19:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You too, Wolfwood
[19:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[19:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh yes.
[19:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> This is perfect.
[19:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll teach you all the pain of womanhood.
[19:12] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (You'll see)
[19:12] <Yaiko> Yay pain! :D
[19:12] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:12] <@spiritflame> irasshai [gTV]Potamos
[19:12] <@Wolfwood> BWAHAHAHAHA
[19:12] <[gTV]Potamos> ...
[19:12] <@Wolfwood> Me. Empathy.
[19:12] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> W-what's she doing
[19:12] <@Wolfwood> B[BLEEP]ch please.
[19:13] <[gTV]Potamos> ...
[19:13] * Jacqueline Dinsdale looks at Potamos.
[19:13] *** Potamos is a 20-something young MAN with slicked back purple hair and deep red eyes that says "mitai na!" a lot. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Datte, koi da mon" by Kotono Mitsuishi.
[19:13] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> H-Hiromi?
[19:13] * [gTV]Potamos is noticably less chesty and more...manly
[19:13] <Yaiko> Why hello there!
[19:13] <[gTV]Potamos> Uh...
[19:13] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Is that y---
[19:13] * [gTV]Potamos is embarrassed at how deep he--HIS voice has become
[19:13] * Jacqueline Dinsdale freaks because he realizes she's seen him... err her
[19:14] * Jacqueline Dinsdale can't move though because it's TOO LATE
[19:14] <[gTV]Potamos> Jack?
[19:14] <[gTV]Potamos> Why...Why do you have my boobs?
[19:14] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> T______________T
[19:14] <Yaiko> She took them while you were sleeping to try them on.
[19:14] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> TAAAKE THEM BAAAACK
[19:14] *** Pegasus [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:14] <@spiritflame> irasshai Pegasus
[19:14] * Pegasus is now known as Reverend_H
[19:14] <Reverend_H> Ladies~ ♡
[19:15] <Reverend_H> Harriet told me there was some FINE foxes on the island~
[19:15] * Reverend_H looks at Wolfwood.
[19:15] *** Wolfwood is a very tall 25 year old white american female with glowy blue eyes, dirty blonde hair done up in a ponytail. She is wearing olive millitary pants tucked into boots and a black tank top More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: Amy Whinehouse feat. Jay-Z - Rehab (remix).
Wolfwood is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator
[19:15] <Yaiko> Maybe the rabid ones.
[19:15] <Reverend_H> Hey baby~
[19:15] <Yaiko> The rest of us are just regular crazy.
[19:15] <Reverend_H> Wanna Ride the Horse with the Force~
[19:15] <[gTV]Potamos> What the hell do you think you're doing...mitai na
[19:15] <@Wolfwood> If you come anywhere near me i'm cutting it off and jamming it in your eye so help me god.
[19:15] * [gTV]Potamos grabs Helios by the shirt
[19:15] <Reverend_H> ♡ Fiesty ♡
[19:15] <Reverend_H> Dude
[19:15] <[gTV]Potamos> get the f[BLEEP]k out of here...mitai na
[19:16] <Reverend_H> I saw her first yop
[19:16] * @Wolfwood produces a tomahawk
[19:16] <@Wolfwood> Seriously.
[19:16] <Reverend_H> ... O shi
[19:16] *** Reverend_H [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (<_<)
[19:16] * [gTV]Potamos sounds like one of those really smooth voice over artists.
[19:16] * Jacqueline Dinsdale feels faint all of a sudden
[19:16] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ♡ Th-that voice~ ♡
[19:16] <[gTV]Potamos> Are you OK, Jack?
[19:17] <Yaiko> Jack jack jackie mackie day.
[19:17] * Jacqueline Dinsdale coughs and tries to regain her composure but is beet ted
[19:17] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ^red
[19:17] <Suu> happened to you too?
[19:17] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Have a backbone, Jackie. God damn.
[19:17] <[gTV]Potamos> Yes...seems to have happened to a lot of us...mitai na
[19:17] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Givin' us women a bad name.
[19:17] <@Wolfwood> perhapse less swooning is in order and more how do we fix this?
[19:18] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> YOU LISTEN TO THAT VOICE AND BE UNMOVED
[19:18] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Lemme hear it.
[19:18] <Yaiko> Say something like "This is CNN."
[19:18] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is a trained orator, it takes more that a few slick words to move her.
[19:19] <[gTV]Potamos> This is CNN...mitai na
[19:19] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ....
[19:19] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> WHAT WAS THAT
[19:19] <Yaiko> Ooh, reminiscent of James Earl Jones himself.
[19:19] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> WHAT WAS WHAT?!
[19:19] * Jacqueline Dinsdale points to a small, tiny sweatdrop on harriet's head
[19:20] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> N-NOTHING!
[19:20] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> THAT WAS... DEW FROM THE TREE
[19:20] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> OBJECTION!
[19:20] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> OVERRULED!
[19:20] <[gTV]Potamos> HOLD IT!
[19:20] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is away: I uh... my blackberry's going off
[19:20] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is HELD
[19:20] <Potamos> (( It has now been decided by me that Potamos has the voice of Miles Edgeworth. ))
[19:21] *** XD
[19:21] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. browtwitches.. the voice IS strong with that one.
[19:21] * [gTV]Potamos puts on a fake English accent
[19:21] <[gTV]Potamos> Shall we have tea and crumpets?
[19:22] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I.... I don't eat.... t-tea... and c-crump.....
[19:22] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. FIGHTS
[19:22] <Yaiko> Oh yes you can tea my crumpets~
[19:22] <@Wolfwood> It. I'm. We. I'm drunk.
[19:22] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is already sitting down at a table, tea and crumpets in hand
[19:22] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Earl Gray, good sir?
[19:23] <[gTV]Potamos> But of course...mitai na
[19:23] <Potamos> (( oh gosh darn it ))
[19:23] <Potamos> (( I just realized there is a more manly voice I can think of for Pota ))
[19:23] <Potamos> (( Hank Freebird from Trauma Team ))
[19:23] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. makes a tentative step away while Potamos is distracted by the tea and crumpets
[19:23] <Yaiko> Oh man I'm going to have to change my pantsu before the night's over. ♫
[19:23] <Potamos> (( he likes to go around as a costumed vigilante ))
[19:24] <[gTV]Potamos> Would you like some tea, my dear Miss Weinberg...mitai na
[19:25] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ♡ Yes I would like some tea, Mister Kawanami~ ♡
[19:25] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. has joined Jacqueline at the table
[19:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> *_*
[19:26] * @Wolfwood faceplants into the sand
[19:26] <@Wolfwood> herderp
[19:26] <[gTV]Potamos> Miss London, if you would care to join us...mitai na
[19:26] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Grey Poupon, Harriet?
[19:26] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh yes, yes.
[19:27] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> This is capitol. Smashingly capitol.
[19:28] * @Wolfwood stumbles over
[19:28] <@Wolfwood> I'll...take...whatever.
[19:28] <Potamos> I just need a butler costume...mitai na
[19:28] * Jacqueline Dinsdale has some of the te and has a rathre... intense reaction
[19:28] * Suu takes a cup of tea
[19:29] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll have what SHE's having!
[19:29] *** Ba-dum pish
[19:29] * @Wolfwood sips a cup, trying not to keel over
[19:31] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> at least i'm not so embarrased now <_<
[19:32] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You should be. Cross your damn legs.
[19:32] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ><
[19:33] <Yaiko> I can seeeeeeeeeee them.
[19:33] * Yaiko pokes her head out from under the table
[19:33] <Yaiko> I finally figured out what the English equivalent of a measure word is!
[19:33] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> AGH
[19:33] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> A What?
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> OH GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE
[19:34] <Yaiko> I'm getting my Chinese study on and one of the things they do to indicate a number of something is use things like measure words.
[19:35] <Yaiko> Basically, it's the same thing as "a pair of" in things like "pantsu" where you only have one of the items in question!
[19:35] <Yaiko> Also Miss London are you still going by Brad or am I going to give you a girl alias :D
[19:36] <@Wolfwood> Whatever you want.
[19:37] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Oh he's Brangelina.
[19:37] * Suu spits out some tea and bursts out laughing
[19:37] <Yaiko> Too wordy.
[19:38] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> LOL someone's pissed
[19:38] <Yaiko> Maybe just Bran-di for the booze which I'm sure she'll be taking doses of.
[19:38] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> hahahaha
[19:39] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. snrrks
[19:39] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> What, harriet.
[19:39] * Jacqueline Dinsdale says that in the dullest way possible
[19:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You should be thanking hi...her
[19:39] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Why
[19:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Now you have a way to get to first base
[19:40] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is halfway over the table with a butter knife at Harriet's necktie
[19:40] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. stays cool :3
[19:40] <Yaiko> NO JACKIE
[19:40] <Yaiko> IF YOU MUST TOUCH A BOOB
[19:40] <Yaiko> TOUCH MINE
[19:40] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> all too easy.
[19:40] <Yaiko> i won't mind :3
[19:40] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> No :P
[19:41] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is a one woman... err guy... guy er... dame
[19:41] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> damn this is complicated.
[19:41] <Yaiko> yes i won't :<
[19:41] * @Wolfwood looks at the three dinsdales
[19:41] * @Wolfwood cracks one over the head with the empty vodka bottle
[19:41] * Jacqueline Dinsdale crumples
[19:42] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is out on the table in a plate of gazpascho
[19:42] <Yaiko> Well you should take advantage of your nookdammit Brandi what's this all about.
[19:42] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Well ain't this a picture.
[19:42] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. photographs Jack.
[19:42] <@Wolfwood> Call me Brangelina will you.
[19:42] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. moves his / her head out of the soup before she / he drowns
[19:43] <@Wolfwood> ya shifty-eyed plastic reproduction of. are.
[19:43] * Jacqueline Dinsdale just lies there
[19:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Uhh he's flesha nd blood now.
[19:43] <Yaiko> there's only one cure for this
[19:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You did know that right?
[19:43] <Yaiko> mouth
[19:43] <@Wolfwood> Whatever.
[19:43] <Yaiko> toooo
[19:43] <Yaiko> mouth
[19:43] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. picks some glass out of Jackie's sk--
[19:43] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh s[BLEEP]t.
[19:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> This I have to see.
[19:44] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. gets the camera ready
[19:44] *** LOVELYboy [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:44] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYboy
[19:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> He ain't EVER gonna live this down.
[19:44] * Yaiko picks the rest of the glass bits out of Jackie's skin/skull
[19:44] * @Wolfwood gets ready to post this on the youtube
[19:44] <Yaiko> This is always the best part of everything.
[19:44] * Yaiko rolls Jackie over
[19:44] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is out like a regular sleeping beauty
[19:45] <LOVELYboy> What happened to him?
[19:45] * Yaiko checks for breath
[19:45] * Yaiko applies CPR with tongue
[19:45] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is somewhat alive
[19:45] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> O_o
[19:45] <@Wolfwood> Made funofme. Cracked 'er wiss my bottle *hickup*
[19:45] <Yaiko> mmmm
[19:45] * Jacqueline Dinsdale oipens her eyes sees Yaiko and FLAILS
[19:45] * Yaiko doesn't let go ♡
[19:46] * Jacqueline Dinsdale looks like she's having a seizure slamming arms and legs agsains the table
[19:46] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. rolls the camera
[19:46] <Yaiko> mmmmmmWAH.
[19:46] <LOVELYboy> Well, guess Yai got what she wanted
[19:46] * Yaiko releases her!
[19:46] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> yes, this is Battery; but Kayuga island presently has no legal system so~
[19:46] * Jacqueline Dinsdale comes up for air gasping and AGGGGGGGHHHH
[19:46] * Yaiko licks her lips
[19:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Now when I show Hiromi this~
[19:47] <LOVELYboy> That is good to know.
[19:47] * @Wolfwood takes the video of this
[19:47] * @Wolfwood posts it on the internet
[19:47] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> IT WAS CLEARLY AGAINST MY WILL
[19:47] <LOVELYboy> Hiromi's not stupid, you know.
[19:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> (I know, I'm just torturing him)
[19:48] * Jacqueline Dinsdale finds any kind of booze she can to wash the taste of yaiko out of her mouht
[19:48] <LOVELYboy> Doesn't mean she won't make fun of you too, though.
[19:48] * Jacqueline Dinsdale has forgotten she's flesha dn blood
[19:48] <[gTV]Potamos> I've brought the cake and OH S[BLEEP]T
[19:48] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is woozy now *^_x*
[19:49] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> whashever they tellsh you ish all liesh...
[19:49] <Yaiko> She tastes like she!
[19:49] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> LIESH
[19:49] * @Wolfwood hands over a bottle of everclear
[19:49] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. rolls the tape
[19:49] <[gTV]Potamos> JACKIE! What happened?
[19:49] <Yaiko> Let's not kill her already. :<
[19:49] <Suu> What's that bottle, Miss Brad?
[19:49] * Jacqueline Dinsdale grabs the everlear and drinks not realizing
[19:50] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> O_o
[19:50] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is out again
[19:50] <Yaiko> Induce vomiting to avoid hangover!
[19:50] <Yaiko> Or, say, alcohol poisoning.
[19:50] * Suu shrieks
[19:50] * Suu has a very girly shriek for a 17 year old boy
[19:51] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. gets the ipecac
[19:51] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Open widey~
[19:51] <@Wolfwood> Kay.
[19:51] <@Wolfwood> Um.
[19:51] <LOVELYboy> Could just turn him upside down and give'im a shake.
[19:51] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. pours it down
[19:51] <@Wolfwood> If I killed her, i'm totaly allmost realy not sorry.
[19:51] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> guhhuGOLHAH
[19:52] * Jacqueline Dinsdale spins away from everyone in slow motion like a Stanley Kubrick Docking sequence.
[19:52] * Blue Danube plays
[19:52] <@Wolfwood> (( I see what you did there ))
[19:52] * Jacqueline Dinsdale projectile expels in a wonderout spiral arc, thankfully away from everyone
[19:52] * ^Wonderous
[19:53] * Jacqueline Dinsdale rotates around a few times in bullet time, the crashes to the ground with a thud
[19:53] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> x_X
[19:53] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is on her back again, Sleeping Beauty once more
[19:53] <[gTV]Potamos> JACKIE!!!!
[19:54] <Yaiko> And the day is saved! ^__^
[19:54] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. uploads to MTV's Jackass <_<
[19:54] * LOVELYboy grabs the leftovers from the table and noms
[19:55] <@Wolfwood> HAHA she can't handle her backwoods liquor
[19:56] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. checks Jackie's pulse
[19:56] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> She's alive <_<
[19:57] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. has done her due diligence <_<
[19:57] * @Wolfwood checks her pockets
[19:57] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. eats a scone
[19:57] * @Wolfwood retreves and pockets cash
[19:57] * Jacqueline Dinsdale has money, some lipstick, credit cards, a picture of Hiromi
[19:58] *** Wolfwood has obtained G¥5
[19:58] <LOVELYboy> Lipstick? Really?
[19:58] * it came with the outfit
[19:59] <[gTV]Potamos> stop going through his stuff...I mean her stuff...mitai na
[19:59] <LOVELYboy> Riiight.
[19:59] * @Wolfwood is away: Halo - Reach
[20:01] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> This happens to him a lot.
[20:01] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Her.
[20:01] *** [H!P]Allison Blitz [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:01] <@spiritflame> irasshai [H!P]Allison Blitz
[20:01] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Damn this is confusing.
[20:01] <Yaiko> It's kind of funny that way. ♫
[20:01] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> What's confusing?
[20:01] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. prods Jackie with her foot
[20:02] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> She's kind of the Kryllin of the gang.
[20:02] * [H!P]Allison Blitz looks at Yaiko.
[20:02] *** Yaiko is a Caucasian human in her late twenties, currently sporting a half-open blue shirt and khaki cargo capris over open-toe sandals. There's a fey look in her eyes, as though she's reflecting on some joke that you may be on the wrong end of... More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Until It Sleeps" by Metallica.
[20:03] * [H!P]Allison Blitz pokes at Yaiko
[20:05] <Yaiko> Hi!
[20:05] * Yaiko pokes Allison back
[20:05] <Yaiko> Sup you?
[20:06] <LOVELYboy> You're not carting photographers this time, are you?
[20:06] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> No, photobook's done.
[20:06] * [H!P]Allison Blitz looks at Lovelyboy.
[20:06] *** Lovelyboy is a young man with long light brown hair with a few tribal braids, blue eyes, and is 5'10. He is muscular and can be very aggressive.
His image Song is: "Dive into Yourself" by High and Mighty Color.
[20:06] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Do I know you guys? I mean I know Yai well enough. I think.
[20:07] <Yaiko> Yeah, something went off and everyone who was on-around the island got it.
[20:07] <Yaiko> Got it gooooooooood.
[20:07] <Yaiko> And BAM: there's more of me to grope!
[20:08] <Yaiko> And less of me, but I'm going to focus on the positive.
[20:08] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> mrrgle
[20:08] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is still in and out fo conciousness
[20:09] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Oh my.
[20:09] <LOVELYboy> Nah, it just got turned into the other thing.
[20:09] <Yaiko> And more and less of her too.
[20:09] <Yaiko> Yes, but volume. VOLUME.
[20:09] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I'm still normal, at least!
[20:09] <Yaiko> That's technically less, but oh the more delightful if I can dedicate the time to it.
[20:10] <LOVELYboy> Probably.
[20:10] <LOVELYboy> Hey, you're the one who's not going to have a learning experience.
[20:11] *** Matsy Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:11] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsy Shin
[20:11] <Matsy Shin> ......
[20:11] <Matsy Shin> what is going on here!?
[20:11] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I'm more than fine without the learning experience
[20:12] <LOVELYboy> Exactly what it looks like.
[20:12] <Matsy Shin>
[20:12] * LOVELYboy shrugs
[20:12] * Matsy Shin looks almost like matsumi used to look like with the short hair..but her hair is red
[20:13] <Yaiko> That's the great part!
[20:13] <Yaiko> Involuntary learning is the stuff of legends.
[20:13] * Matsy Shin looks at Yaiko.
[20:13] *** Yaiko is a Caucasian human in her late twenties, currently sporting a half-open blue shirt and khaki cargo capris over open-toe sandals. There's a fey look in her eyes, as though she's reflecting on some joke that you may be on the wrong end of... More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Until It Sleeps" by Metallica.
[20:13] <Matsy Shin> .................
[20:13] <Matsy Shin> why do I look like my sister
[20:14] <LOVELYboy> Cause you already look like her? You're twins?
[20:15] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Kinda like how I look like Ansgar. 'cept he's taller than me.
[20:16] *** Taki Kensei [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:16] <@spiritflame> irasshai Taki Kensei
[20:16] * Taki Kensei walks out..looking confused....
[20:16] <Taki Kensei> what happened?
[20:16] <Yaiko> You look like her because you probably got a wave of whatever rearranged the geneflesh.
[20:17] * Taki Kensei is shorter then she was..shorter then miara...with longer hair
[20:17] <Matsy Shin> ah..
[20:17] <Yaiko> And now you have the skins!
[20:17] <Yaiko> Enjoy your skins.
[20:17] * Yaiko flounces off somewhere indeterminate
[20:18] * LOVELYboy just watches Taki for a minute
[20:18] * Taki Kensei is trying to keep her pants up
[20:20] * LOVELYboy tosses Taki a length of rope that was lying around
[20:20] <Taki Kensei> huh?
[20:20] * Taki Kensei looks over
[20:20] <Taki Kensei> ...miara?
[20:21] * LOVELYboy smiles
[20:21] <LOVELYboy> Least it got both of us; that would have been awkward
[20:21] * Taki Kensei grabs the rope and ties it around her waist
[20:23] <LOVELYboy> Have you seen Kenshiro? He didn't come home from school.
[20:23] <Taki Kensei> no..I haven't
[20:25] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> AGGHGH
[20:25] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> WHY DO THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO MEEEE
[20:25] <Taki Kensei> GAH!
[20:25] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is back awake
[20:25] * Matsy Shin walks over and pats dinsdale on the back
[20:25] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> @_@
[20:26] <LOVELYboy> Cause things like you!
[20:26] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is still dizzy
[20:26] * Jacqueline Dinsdale teeters
[20:26] <Matsy Shin> c..careful
[20:27] <LOVELYboy> Elie aan, Dinsdale, STAY PUT until you feel better.
[20:27] <Matsy Shin> what happened to him?
[20:27] <Matsy Shin> what happened to him..I mean her
[20:28] * Jacqueline Dinsdale sits on a chair
[20:28] <LOVELYboy> London smashed a bottle over her head for insulting her or something.
[20:28] * LOVELYboy looks at Taki Kensei.
[20:28] *** Taki Kensei is has wavey brownish hair, bright eyes and a smile like the sun. acts as if from another world. Is in fact Ultraman Mu, a highly evolved alien.
His image Song is: "The Inner Light" by Jay Chattaway.
[20:29] *** Bamn Picard and his flute playing
[20:29] <Taki Kensei> (( blame zaira :P ))
[20:29] <LOVELYboy> (( i just suggested. you used. ))
[20:29] <LOVELYboy> (( besides, it's a good piece, regardless of where it came from ))
[20:30] <Matsy Shin> going to be ok, dinsdale?
[20:30] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Yup
[20:31] <Matsy Shin> ....
[20:31] * Matsy Shin pokes dinsdale's chest
[20:31] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> H-hey!
[20:31] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> That feels wierd!
[20:31] * Matsy Shin pokes her own chest...then pokes it again..and again...and again
[20:32] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Uhh
[20:32] * Jacqueline Dinsdale looks elsewhere
[20:32] <LOVELYboy> When they're not tiny, you just get used to things touching them.
[20:33] <Matsy Shin> ..this is so strange
[20:33] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> A new wonderful memory to cherish forever.
[20:33] <LOVELYboy> Weren't you in Matsi's body for a while?
[20:33] <LOVELYboy> True~
[20:34] <Matsy Shin> yes....but that was diffrent
[20:34] <Matsy Shin> I didn't KNOW I was in her body
[20:35] <LOVELYboy> Senshi of thought?
[20:35] <Yaiko> The mind adjusts to the unconscious sensations pretty quickly.
[20:35] * LOVELYboy eyes Taki's chest
[20:36] <Matsy Shin> ....yes well I also thought I was her....
[20:36] * Taki Kensei 's chest isn't very large
[20:36] <Yaiko> It's when consciousness kicks in again, see, that things get hilarious.
[20:36] <Yaiko> Brain, biggest sex organ, so on~
[20:39] <LOVELYboy> Would you feel better in a bra?
[20:39] * Taki Kensei turns super red
[20:41] <LOVELYboy> Maybe not.
[20:42] * Jacqueline Dinsdale rests his head on the table
[20:42] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ^her
[20:42] <LOVELYboy> Want tea or something?
[20:42] * Matsy Shin has torn apart one of her shirts...and uses it as a makeshift top
[20:42] <Taki Kensei> um...tea might be good
[20:43] * LOVELYboy was talking to Dinsdale
[20:43] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Sure
[20:43] <LOVELYboy> But maybe we could all use some
[20:43] * LOVELYboy is away: tea
[20:43] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> This is just so wierd.
[20:43] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Hiromi's a guy
[20:44] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> So at least I'm not alone in this
[20:44] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:44] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[20:44] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> But it's still so wierd.
[20:44] <Matsy Shin> ..wonder if it effected eiry...
[20:44] <Eiry> ...
[20:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Well Jack, you wanted to be a Paranormal Investigator.
[20:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You gotta imagine wierd s[BLEEP]t like this is gonna happen.
[20:45] <Yaiko> And now you have something paranormal to investigate!
[20:45] <Eiry> Why? What are you thinking?
[20:45] <Yaiko> In bed!
[20:45] <Yaiko> With Hiromi!
[20:45] <Matsy Shin> huh?
[20:45] * Matsy Shin looks over at Eiry
[20:45] * Jacqueline Dinsdale turns really red
[20:45] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> We're not...
[20:45] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Not like thayt.
[20:45] * Matsy Shin looks at Eiry.
[20:45] *** Eiry is a thin man with short redish blond hair and green eyes. She is 5'8. Usually carries a bag and sword. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Bluebird" by Ayumi Hamasaki.
[20:45] <Matsy Shin> ..........
[20:45] * Jacqueline Dinsdale sips her tea
[20:45] <Yaiko> I know that, but it's not going to stop me from teasing you about it. :D
[20:46] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Wouldn't it be messed up if your first time was when you're all reversed an--
[20:46] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Stop. Just STOP
[20:46] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> NOT LISTENING
[20:46] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> LA LA LA
[20:46] * Eiry probably has a bigger chest now that he's more muscular >>
[20:46] * Jacqueline Dinsdale corks her ears
[20:46] <Matsy Shin> you seem not effected, miss?
[20:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I wasn't on the island.
[20:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Big Court Case.
[20:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ♡ Lucky me~ ♡
[20:47] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ..|..
[20:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You ain't got the gear for that, Jackie~
[20:47] <Eiry> That is the last time I help Miara out with her practice sessions >>
[20:47] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> - HAAAAAATE -
[20:48] <Yaiko> Bet I got a strapon somewhere here though.
[20:48] * Yaiko starts digging through the Cargo Capris
[20:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Ugh
[20:48] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I don't like Jackie that much, thanks
[20:48] <Yaiko> Oh of course you don't, that's not the point.
[20:49] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Also not a big fan of Taco circus.
[20:49] * Yaiko tosses out a pecan pie, a shovel, an ancient Christmas tree, another shovel...
[20:49] * LOVELYgirl is back
[20:49] <Yaiko> Actually Jackie can get her own sooner or later I'm pretty sure.
[20:49] * LOVELYgirl has tea
[20:49] * LOVELYboy ^
[20:50] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I don't want to know what you even mean
[20:50] <Yaiko> Should it take that long for Miss Wolfwood-- who NO LONGER SPORTS HER OWN OHOHOHOHO-- to figure out what was going on.
[20:50] * LOVELYboy plunks a mug of tea down in front of Dinsdale
[20:51] <Yaiko> I could tell you. If you wanted me to. :3
[20:51] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Thanks buddy
[20:51] * Jacqueline Dinsdale drinls
[20:51] <LOVELYboy> No problem.
[20:51] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Hell no, Yaiko
[20:51] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> That was a good rhyme.
[20:51] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I liked it.
[20:52] * Eiry sits on the sand, looking a bit nervous
[20:52] <Yaiko> Like Ducktales.
[20:52] <Yaiko> WOO-OOO!
[20:52] <Matsy Shin> Eiry..what's wrong?
[20:52] <Eiry> This is just all..uh...weird.
[20:53] <LOVELYboy> It's probably a bit like culture shock, yeah?
[20:53] * Matsy Shin sits next to Eiry "I know what you mean"
[20:54] <LOVELYboy> You're probably the girliest boy I ever saw, though...
[20:54] <Eiry> That's what Kai said...
[20:55] <Yaiko> :o
[20:55] <Yaiko> Oh man this gives me a wonderful terrible idea.
[20:55] <Yaiko> Crossplay CROSSPLAY!
[20:55] <Eiry> ...ohgod what?
[20:55] <Eiry> Oh.
[20:56] * LOVELYboy watches Taki closely a minute
[20:56] <Yaiko> Everyone knows about the going in drag thing. It's a test of one's FIGHTING SPIRIT.
[20:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> So we dress up like our reguklar selves :P
[20:56] <Yaiko> But to go in drag while sexed differently? WHAT A SCOOP!
[20:56] <Taki Kensei> ...what...what are you looking at, miara?
[20:56] <Yaiko> Nonono, you dress like SOMEONE ELSE.
[20:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ...
[20:56] * LOVELYboy grins, teeth rather sharp
[20:57] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> the
[20:57] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> HELL am I supposed to be'
[20:57] <Yaiko> Who knows?!
[20:57] <Taki Kensei> wh..what is with that smile
[20:57] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh man this year's christmas calendar just gets better and better~
[20:57] <Yaiko> But maleself can't pull off some clothing choices that femaleself can, and vis versa.
[20:58] * LOVELYboy grabs Taki's arm and pulls her off
[20:58] <LOVELYboy> Let's go somewhere more...private.
[20:58] <Taki Kensei> wha!?
[20:58] <Taki Kensei> O_O
[20:58] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ....
[20:58] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> D:
[20:58] * LOVELYboy is away
[20:58] * Jacqueline Dinsdale headdesks
[20:59] * Taki Kensei is away
[20:59] <Eiry> Heh...
[21:00] <Matsy Shin> hey hey hey...
[21:00] * Matsy Shin pulls dinsdale away from the table
[21:00] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Wha what are you doing
[21:00] <Eiry> Don't hurt yourself.
[21:00] <Matsy Shin> what are you doing????
[21:00] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> i was comfortably headdesked
[21:00] * Jacqueline Dinsdale taps her head
[21:01] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> don't worry I've got a hard head XD
[21:01] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> LOL NOT ANYMORE
[21:01] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> F[BLEEP]K OFF
[21:01] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Man this is hilarious
[21:01] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> One day you'll get yours!
[21:01] * Matsy Shin looks at Harriet......and lifts her in the air
[21:01] <Matsy Shin> ^with his mind
[21:01] <Matsy Shin> *her mind
[21:01] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> H-Hey!
[21:02] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Put me down!
[21:02] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> This is Battery!
[21:02] <Matsy Shin> fine
[21:02] <Eiry> Stop being an ass, lady!
[21:02] * Matsy Shin tosses Harriet into the sea
[21:02] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Don't someone have to touch you for it to be Batt
[21:02] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[21:02] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. is drenched ><
[21:02] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. spits out some water
[21:02] * Matsy Shin giggles
[21:02] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. treads water
[21:03] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks wet and miserable
[21:03] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Was that a Sharkskin suit?
[21:03] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> No, why?
[21:03] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Then you better start swimming
[21:03] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ....
[21:04] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. sees fins in the water and SWIMS for shore
[21:04] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. crawls onto the sand and lies there
[21:04] * Jacqueline Dinsdale takes a shot of the wet, sandy, attorney-at-law for the xmas calendar haha
[21:04] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ::shiftyeues
[21:05] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ¬_¬
[21:06] * Eiry watches the woman distrustfully
[21:06] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Ahh, dom't worry about Harriet
[21:06] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> we take digs at each other all the time
[21:07] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> gonna kick your ass dinsdale
[21:07] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Not from there you ain't hahaha
[21:07] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> And my ass probably looks better than yours :P
[21:07] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> OH THAT'S IT IT'S ON NOW
[21:08] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. somehow clears the distance from her lying position and has tacked Dinsdale
[21:08] * Jacqueline Dinsdale gets into a huge fight
[21:08] <Eiry> If you want a hand, just say so.
[21:09] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. and disndale keep fighitng untilt ehy both collapse, tired
[21:11] <Eiry> If we stay like you think I'll think like a man eventually?
[21:12] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Maybe
[21:12] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> But hell if I wanna stay like this.
[21:12] <Eiry> I don't, either.
[21:12] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> So get off your plump ass and investigate.
[21:13] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Hey, YOU'RE My researcher.
[21:13] <Matsy Shin> plump?
[21:13] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[21:13] <Eiry> She wasn't talking to you, Mats
[21:13] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> So tell me to investigate something other than whooping your white ass across the island.
[21:13] <Matsy Shin> oh...true
[21:14] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Find out about this bomb thing.
[21:14] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Triple Hazard Pay
[21:14] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Why triple?!
[21:14] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That s[BLEEP]t turned you into a woman
[21:14] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> if I grow a d[BLEEP]k handling this thing I am gonna need severe compensation for mental distress
[21:15] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> You already act like you have o--
[21:15] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> THAT'S IT YOUR ASS IS IN THE GROUND
[21:15] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. WHAMS Dinsdale in the face
[21:15] * Jacqueline Dinsdale manages a forearm block
[21:15] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Double Hazard pay
[21:16] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:16] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[21:16] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Double and one half!@
[21:16] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Done.
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> hey..what's going on here?
[21:16] <Matsy Shin> ........
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[21:16] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Negotiations.
[21:16] * Eiry steps away from the fighting
[21:16] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Which have been concluded to my satisfaction.
[21:16] * Eiry looks at Matsumi Kaze.
[21:16] *** Matsumi Kaze is has long blond hair, part of which hides her left eye completely. She has a well endowed body but is very modest of it. She is also known as Sailor Quinox More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.
[21:17] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. stands up and dusts herself off.
[21:17] * Matsumi Kaze is staring at Matsy....
[21:17] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Now to investigate the bomb in question.
[21:17] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Hey Jack maybe you'll learn something about women now)
[21:17] <Eiry> If one of you dies your hair or something, I will [i]kill[/] you.
[21:17] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> DOES SHE HAVE TO ALWAYS HAVE THE LAST WORD
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[21:17] <Matsy Shin> huh?
[21:18] * Matsy Shin and Matsumi even have the same voice
[21:19] <Eiry> The rest of you look exactly alike.
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> what happened? *pokes Matsy's chest*
[21:20] <Matsy Shin> hey! watch it!
[21:21] * Eiry giggles a very girly giggle
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> huh..same size as me
[21:22] <Matsy Shin> can you please stop squeezing them >.o
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> oops..sorry
[21:24] * Matsy Shin is beet red and frowning
[21:24] * Eiry pokes one
[21:24] <Matsy Shin> stop it ><
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> hm...
[21:25] * Matsumi Kaze grabs matsy by the wrist
[21:25] <Eiry> Maybe you could give some to me when I'm a girl again :p
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> you're coming with me
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze drags matsy in the house
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze is away
[21:26] * Matsy Shin is away: he..HEY WHAT ARE...STOP IT!
[21:27] <Eiry> Heh.
[21:27] * Jacqueline Dinsdale wishes Hiromi was here
[21:28] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I wonder who else got messed up by this thing
[21:28] <Eiry> I dunno, we haven't seen everyone yet, I'm sure.
[21:28] <-> WHAT IS THIS!?
[21:29] *** Thrash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:29] <@spiritflame> irasshai Thrash
[21:29] * Thrash walks out of the jungle......actually taller then he..or rather now..she usually is
[21:29] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Hey you're that other Time Lord
[21:29] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[21:30] <Thrash> don't you DARE mock me
[21:30] <Eiry> Hi.
[21:30] <Thrash>
[21:30] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[21:30] * Jacqueline Dinsdale is a discreet lady of good standing!@
[21:30] * Thrash actually seems to have gain some height...given that her clothes are rather streached
[21:31] <Thrash> what happened here!?
[21:31] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> someone set us up the bomb
[21:31] <Eiry> I don't know.
[21:31] <Eiry> Oh?
[21:31] <Thrash> beg your pardon?
[21:32] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Wolfwood was digging around and found a bomb
[21:32] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> as usual it went off
[21:32] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> and then we switched genders.
[21:33] <Thrash> .....
[21:33] <Thrash> THAT MANIAC DID ALL THIS!/
[21:33] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> if it's any consolation he's a girl now
[21:34] <Thrash> how long...will this last
[21:34] <Eiry> That's...uh..really hard to imagine, actually >>
[21:34] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I dunno.
[21:35] <Thrash> I shall complain about this!!
[21:35] <Eiry> To who?
[21:36] <Thrash> ...........
[21:36] * Thrash realizes she's on a beach
[21:36] <Thrash> TO SOMEONE
[21:37] * Thrash stomps off
[21:37] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I shall call you....
[21:37] *** Thrash has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:37] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Thrashley.
[21:37] <Thrash> I HEARD THAT
[21:37] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Aww damn She's gone.
[21:37] *** Thrash has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:37] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> LOL
[21:38] * Matsy Shin is back
[21:38] <Eiry> I wonder if his companion was changed, too.
[21:38] * Matsy Shin is shoved outside
[21:38] * Matsy Shin is wearing a bikini top...short shorts...and her fedora
[21:39] <Matsy Shin> SIS! I LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT
[21:39] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (muahahah)
[21:39] <Eiry> Well that's...different.
[21:39] <Eiry> Are you calling your sister an idiot? Cause she normally looks like that.
[21:40] <Matsy Shin> but I'm not her ><
[21:40] * Eiry smells her
[21:40] <Eiry> You could be.
[21:41] <Matsy Shin> you mean?
[21:41] * Matsy Shin shys a bit away from eiry
[21:41] <Eiry> You two are close enough to pass for each other if someone doesn't know better.
[21:42] <Matsy Shin> but I'M ME >< *stomps her foot*
[21:42] <Eiry> Oh stop it. I'm still a girl in here..for now. I think.
[21:43] <Eiry> In your head, yeah.
[21:44] <Matsy Shin> I' T_T
[21:44] * Matsy Shin sniffles
[21:44] <Eiry> ...I thought you were still you.
[21:45] * Matsy Shin tries to wipe her eyes...but is losing the battle
[21:46] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Look at it this way
[21:46] <Eiry> This is complicated >>
[21:47] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> There are some archaeological mysteries and traps only women can solve.
[21:47] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Now's your chance to solve them <_<
[21:47] <Matsy Shin> *sniffle* really?
[21:47] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Sure.
[21:49] <Matsy Shin> yeah...suppose you're right...this still...feels weird
[21:49] <Eiry> We--you--do have the ability to multitask.
[21:51] <Matsy Shin> I don't like the way my body feels ><
[21:51] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I'm doing my best to avoid finding out how my body feels ><
[21:51] <Eiry> I've heard that large breasts can make your back hurt.
[21:52] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I've been training with the Funk Soul Brother, Ihave a strong back <_<
[21:52] <Yaiko> No joke!
[21:52] <Yaiko> in baby got back? :D
[21:52] <Matsy Shin> how can my sister deal with these things?
[21:52] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> :/
[21:52] <Eiry> Cause it's normal, I'm sure.
[21:53] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> You aren't the one i'd let find that out :P
[21:53] <Yaiko> Watch your ass, then.
[21:53] <Yaiko> Because I'll be there.
[21:53] <Yaiko> To tap it.
[21:53] * Yaiko prepares her spankin' hand
[21:54] <Matsy Shin> O_O
[21:54] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ....
[21:54] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Dammit I have a girf--- boyfriend
[21:54] * Matsy Shin slowly blushes
[21:54] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Oh jesus
[21:54] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Oh NO.
[21:54] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I just realized.
[21:54] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> If I'm a girl...
[21:55] <Eiry> Well she's a guy, right?
[21:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> No no
[21:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> If I'm a girl...
[21:55] <Matsy Shin> what?
[21:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> and *he* shows up...

[21:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Replace Matsumi with Jacqueline and ...
[21:55] <Matsy Shin> BY THE SIX...
[21:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> OH GOD
[21:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> And YOU MATSUO
[21:55] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> You're f[BLEEP]ked.
[21:56] <Eiry> ??
[21:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Perhaps literally.
[21:56] * Matsy Shin starts crying
[21:56] <Eiry> HF...
[21:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Because tyou look JUST LIKE HER
[21:56] * Jacqueline Dinsdale hugs matsy
[21:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> it's okay
[21:56] * Matsy Shin hugs back
[21:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> it's ok
[21:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> we can get a spear gun
[21:56] <Matsy Shin> don'twantitdon'twantitdon'twantit
[21:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> we can end him.
[21:56] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> we can end him.
[21:56] <Eiry> You might need more than that for him.
[21:57] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> LEAVE ME MY HOPES WOMAN
[21:57] <Eiry> Like fire. Lots of fire
[21:57] * Jacqueline Dinsdale nods, so pale
[21:58] <Eiry> Oh god. If I start feeling like a guy...that could be bad. Really bad.
[21:58] <Matsy Shin> ..what if he turns into an octopus
[21:58] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> .............
[21:58] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Oh god
[21:58] <Yaiko> I would throw myself on that sexy grenade.
[21:58] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> We gotta find chastity belts
[21:58] <Yaiko> Fisherman's wife's dream indeeeeeed~ ♡
[21:58] <Eiry> Shut up >>
[21:58] <Matsy Shin> T__________t
[21:58] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> with dentata.
[21:59] <psYchO_saKi> P[BLEEP]ies
[21:59] <psYchO_saKi> Just f[BLEEP]king kill him, seriously
[21:59] <psYchO_saKi> I'd do it but you LIMITED ME.
[22:00] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I can release the Cromwell Limiter <_<
[22:00] <Eiry> That's not my job.
[22:00] <psYchO_saKi> No.
[22:00] <psYchO_saKi> F[BLEEP]k you.
[22:00] <psYchO_saKi> You neutered me
[22:00] <psYchO_saKi> now enjoy your Sashimi invasion
[22:00] <Eiry> That's cause you're scary.
[22:01] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ....T_T
[22:01] <Matsy Shin> T_T *is sobbing*
[22:01] *** psYchO_saKi [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (I can see you two held up high be tentacles ~)
[22:01] <Eiry> Mats...
[22:01] * Eiry gives her a hug
[22:01] * Jacqueline Dinsdale brings Matsuo some matches
[22:02] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> I bring you the gift of fire T_T
[22:02] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> use it well T_T
[22:02] <Matsy Shin> I shall try T_T
[22:02] <Matsy Shin>'re my best friend T_T
[22:02] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Likewise Matsuo
[22:02] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Likewise
[22:02] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> T_T
[22:02] *** Jacqueline Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (off to find stainless steel anti-dimitri pansu)
[22:03] <Eiry> ...
[22:03] <Matsy Shin> T____T
[22:05] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> ♦ After the theatrical Popeye cartoon series went out of production in 1957, Bluto's name was changed to Brutus because it was (wrongly) believed that Paramount Pictures, distributors of the Fleischer Studios (later Famous Studios) cartoons, owned the rights to the name Bluto. (King Features owned the name all along as Bluto had been originally created for the comic strip. However, due to poor research, they failed to realize this, and re-made him as Brutus to avoid copyright problems.)
[22:05] *** LOL FAIL
[22:09] * Matsy Shin is sniffling
[22:12] * Eiry stares at her hands, playing with a bit of vine picked off a rock
[22:12] <Eiry> *his
[22:16] <Matsy Shin> don't know...why I'm this
[22:17] <Eiry> Well I wish I could. My mind and body don't seem to be getting along right now. You're probably aren't either.
[22:18] <Eiry> *yours
[22:21] <Matsy Shin> yeah...
[22:22] <Eiry> I guess I should go look for something more substantial to burn.
[22:23] <Matsy Shin> o..ok
[22:25] <Eiry> Well just matches will only help you for so many minutes, should you need them.
[22:25] <Eiry> Besides, you seemed to..not really need me for anything.
[22:26] <Matsy Shin> ..sorry eiry
[22:27] <Eiry> Don't worry about it. Most of us are messed up right now.
[22:27] <Matsy Shin> y..yeah
[22:28] * Eiry is away: brb
[22:31] * Eiry is back
[22:31] * Eiry grabbed some wood from the fire pit
[22:32] <Eiry> This seemed good enough.
[22:34] <Eiry> Hopefully you won't have to use it.
[22:36] <Eiry> Matsuo?
[22:36] <Matsy Shin> yes?
[22:37] <Eiry> You weren't listening, were you?
[22:37] <Matsy Shin> I was!
[22:39] <Eiry> Are you going to be ok?
[22:41] <Matsy Shin> yeah..I think so
[22:42] <Eiry> Ok.
[22:44] <Eiry> I could stay with you if you want...but I don't think that's a very good idea.
[22:46] <Matsy Shin> oh?...
[22:48] <Eiry> You saw Miara drag Taki off earlier, right?
[22:48] <Matsy Shin> ...yeah?
[22:49] <Eiry> Lupa men are much more aggressive, usually
[22:49] <Eiry> Than women, I mean, not than she was.
[22:50] * Matsy Shin blushes
[22:50] <Eiry> I uh..I don't know what I'll end up like.
[22:52] <Matsy Shin> I see
[22:55] *** DUDES
[22:55] *** I come in for a moment to say only this:
[22:55] <> Sakura Taisen VI what
[22:56] <Matsy Shin> (( HEAD EXPLODES ))
[22:57] <Matsy Shin> (( X.... ))
[22:57] <Matsy Shin> (( ))
[22:57] *** Yes. I know.
[22:57] *** F[BLEEP]kers.
[22:57] <Matsy Shin> (( told ya ))
[22:57] *** Give the NY TROUPE ANOTHER GAME
[22:57] *** Seriously you know what
[22:57] <Matsy Shin> (( as long as they don't use any scandinavin charcters..I'll be happy ))
[22:58] *** you know what I'd have made Berlin Kagekidan go evil.
[22:58] *** Make them fall into the influence of Thule Society
[22:58] <Matsy Shin> (( interesting ))
[22:58] *** Then NY and Japan and Paris have to fight them
[22:58] *** Or any combo thereof
[22:59] <Matsy Shin> (( I just don't want to have to push my valkryrie squad out T_T ))
[22:59] <Matsy Shin> (( worked hard on them T_T ))
[22:59] *** The thing is WWI never happened in the original ST so WWII didn't either maybe
[22:59] *** I am already in alternate timeline history
[22:59] <Matsy Shin> (( ok ))
[22:59] *** Remember ST is properly an alternate timeline itself
[23:00] <Matsy Shin> (( so we are basically a branch off of that timeline ))
[23:00] *** I've rammed it back into ours
[23:00] *** So there's ways around things
[23:00] *** But f[BLEEP]k man develop NY more.
[23:00] <Matsy Shin> (( oh thank you, X! ))
[23:00] *** I was prepared to hate them and I loved them
[23:01] *** Especially Sagitta. She went from being tsundere to cool in no time flat
[23:01] *** Unlike some tsunderes who don't know when to f[BLEEP]king stop
[23:01] <Matsy Shin> (( maybe the same will happen with the berlin one..who knows ))
[23:01] <Matsy Shin> (( and ffffffffffff it's for the wii ))
[23:01] *** I know but
[23:01] *** is will region locked?
[23:02] <Matsy Shin> (( that's not the problem ))
[23:02] <Matsy Shin> (( I don't have a wii ))
[23:02] *** Nor I
[23:02] *** But if there was an enligh game i'd bloody well get one
[23:03] *** But seriously develop for Ps3 ba[BLEEP]rds
[23:03] *** I can see why the wii
[23:03] *** it's a less demanding platform
[23:03] *** but still
[23:04] <Matsy Shin> (( yeah I guess so ))
[23:04] <Matsy Shin> (( don't have that either ))
[23:04] *** Again nor i
[23:04] *** But for the right game I'd get it
[23:05] *** and Even STV's graphics scalwed up well to HD
[23:05] <Matsy Shin> (( I have to stick with what I....... ))
[23:05] <Matsy Shin> (( *smacks forehead* ))
[23:05] <Matsy Shin> (( hey X!!! ))
[23:05] <Matsy Shin> (( want to help me with a panel!? ))
[23:05] <Matsy Shin> (( at least doing the research ))
[23:06] <Matsy Shin> (( I wanted to do a second panel for anime detour this year... ))
[23:06] <Matsy Shin> (( ..and I just figured it about a Sakura Taisen panel ))
[23:06] *** sure
[23:06] <Matsy Shin> (( thanks! ))
[23:07] <Matsy Shin> (( so now you have to start referencing the berlin team diffrently in the box ))
[23:07] <Matsy Shin> (( XD ))
[23:07] *** No I don't
[23:07] *** I'm changing nothing till they change it XD
[23:08] <Matsy Shin> (( oh? ))
[23:08] <Matsy Shin> (( XD ))
[23:08] *** I won't mention anything for a while
[23:08] *** Same with Torchwood
[23:08] *** Waiting for The New World
[23:09] <Matsy Shin> (( A WHOOOOLE NEW WOOOORLD ))
[23:13] * Matsy Shin sits in the sand, watching the surf
[23:16] <Eiry> I just...I'm afraid I might end up doing something really stupid >>
[23:17] * Matsy Shin blushes deeply "like..what"
[23:23] <Eiry> I'd...rather not talk about it. At least, not right now.
[23:24] <Matsy Shin> ok...
[23:29] * Matsy Shin nods
[23:32] <Matsy Shin> understand
[23:37] <Eiry> How come you haven't uh...oh, never mind. That was a stupid question, anyway.
[23:38] <Matsy Shin> what?
[23:41] <Eiry> Nothing.
[23:41] <Eiry> I should get going, I still have to work, and try to not look like a boy tomorrow.
[23:42] <Matsy Shin> alright...night, eiry
[23:42] <Eiry> Night, Mats.
[23:42] *** Eiry [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:47] * Matsy Shin watches the surf..and looks down at herself
[23:53] * Matsy Shin sighs
[23:53] *** Matsy Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (....this is going to be tough)
[09:44] *** Matsy Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[09:44] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsy Shin
[09:44] * Matsy Shin walks out and yawns...
[09:44] * Matsy Shin looks over herself
[09:44] <Matsy Shin> .....still like this ><
[09:45] *** Matsy Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (meh...)
[15:44] * Masutā Rinjuken no shite, D' Arthur looks around
[15:44] <Rinjuken dāku samurai no masutā> There, that is better
[16:09] <Yaiko> Yay better!
[18:58] <Jacqueline Dinsdale> Blarg
[19:12] <Yaiko> Blargh.
[19:20] <Picture>
[19:22] *** Jacqueline Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (((not feeling it today)))
[00:00] <Furu> (( HEY WHO WANTS A BUNCH OF RETCONNED FURUS because they are going to debut soon hooray coming up with consistant backstories and s[BLEEP]t. ))
[00:01] * Furu is away: QUESTION IS do I keep Furu II or not IT'S COMPLEX ENOUGH WITH A FUTURE VERSION....
[00:08] <@Ryan> i think one of the furu's needs to be a transdimensional transsexual hooker with an attitude
[00:08] <Furu> (( That's Winnick's new origin for Ice HAYOH TOPICAL COMIC BOOK JOKES ))
[00:09] <@Ryan> man, that would be so badong if it was true
[00:12] <Furu> (( They've already confused her for another character. Just gonna go downhill from there. ALSO HEY MAN LONG TIME NO SEE ))
[00:13] <@Ryan> I KNOW
[16:21] <zairafirefly> the WTF moment for the day
[19:51] *** Matsy Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:51] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsy Shin
[19:52] * Matsy Shin runs out of the jungle, gasping for breath
[19:52] <Matsy Shin> oh not good..not good at all
[19:53] * Matsy Shin keeps running
[19:53] * Matsy Shin looks down at her chest "how the hell does sis run around with these things!?"
[19:54] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:54] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[19:54] * Eiry comes out of the house, having been down in the library
[19:55] * Matsy Shin pauses to catch her breath
[19:55] * Eiry sees Matsy on the beach and waves
[19:55] <Eiry> Hey!
[19:55] <Matsy Shin> h-hey..*whew*
[19:56] <Eiry> Were you running from something?
[19:56] <Matsy Shin> um...yes
[19:56] <Eiry> What?
[19:56] <Matsy Shin> jackie ((can't spell the full name)) suggested..I tested to see if my new body could get into some of the more narrow crevices
[19:57] <Matsy Shin> um...well they did..and I found some new stuff.....
[19:57] <Eiry> Oh?
[19:57] * Eiry stands between Matsy and the jungle for now
[19:58] <Matsy Shin> um...also trigged a trap
[19:58] <Eiry> At looks like you're alright, at least.
[19:58] <Eiry> (It
[19:58] <Matsy Shin> um...yeah
[19:59] * Matsy Shin looks up "you might..want to back up"
[19:59] <Eiry> Why? What's coming after you?
[20:00] * Eiry backs, but with Matsy still behind him
[20:00] <Matsy Shin> that..
[20:02] * Matsy Shin a rather large giant made of stone with a single crystal eye coming out of the jungle
[20:03] <Eiry> Um...ok.
[20:04] <Eiry> It chased you all the way out here?
[20:04] <Matsy Shin> I wouldn't have tripped the light trap if these things weren't jutting out ><
[20:04] <Eiry> Well, how do we deal with it? Can't you use your powers on it or anything?
[20:04] <Matsy Shin> I could try...
[20:05] * Matsy Shin barely dodges the giant's swipe
[20:07] * Matsy Shin looks towards a tree..and concentrates on it...
[20:09] * Matsy Shin sends the tree flying at the giant...which is smashed into bits of's crystal eye rolling on the beach
[20:10] * Eiry steps cautiously toward the crystal
[20:10] <Matsy Shin> *whew*
[20:10] * Matsy Shin turns...just as the crystal starts to pulse..and gather sand around it
[20:10] * Eiry steps back again, fingering his necklace...
[20:10] <Eiry> That doesn't look good.
[20:11] * Matsy Shin turns around "........."
[20:11] * Eiry moves further back, pulling Matsy along
[20:11] * @Wolfwood bangs her head off a rock
[20:12] <Eiry> There might be a sand monster coming, be careful Brad!
[20:12] <Matsy Shin> this..isn't good at all
[20:12] <Eiry> Or whatever you're calling yourself now..¯\(º_o)/¯
[20:13] * Matsy Shin watches as the sand forms into a giant......with a single glowing crystal eye in the middle
[20:13] <@Wolfwood> I don't even think I have a name right now
[20:13] * @Wolfwood points to the mess of wires spilling out of "the bomb"
[20:13] <@Wolfwood> And THIS is pissing me off
[20:14] <Eiry> I guess we have to get the crystal.
[20:16] * Sand Monster roars and starts to trudge towards the three people on the beach
[20:16] <Matsy Shin> looks like it
[20:17] <@Wolfwood> -_-
[20:17] * @Wolfwood draws a shotgun
[20:17] <Eiry> If you can throw me up there I can see if it'll come of.
[20:17] * @Wolfwood Goldberg tackles the sand monster
[20:18] * @Wolfwood unloads Buckshot into it
[20:18] <Eiry> It'll just make a new one, we need the crystal!
[20:19] <Matsy Shin> aim for the crystal!
[20:20] * Sand Monster screams as it's crystal shatters...and it turns back into a pile of sand
[20:20] *** Sand Monster has left #suburbansenshi2
[20:21] * @Wolfwood stands atop the pile of sand
[20:21] <Eiry> Maybe I should start carrying my gun >>
[20:21] <@Wolfwood> THAT THE BEST YOU GOT? HMM?
[20:22] <Eiry> You ok now, Mats?
[20:23] <Matsy Shin> yeah..yeah I'm fine
[20:24] * Eiry smiles
[20:25] * Matsy Shin blushes
[20:25] * Matsy Shin gently moves her hand towards eiry's
[20:25] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:25] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[20:27] * Eiry holds Matsy's hand
[20:28] <Eitak_Razal> Mymy. What an intteresting development.
[20:28] * Matsy Shin smiles, holding eiry's hand
[20:29] <Eiry> Eitak
[20:30] <Eitak_Razal> Yes?
[20:31] <Eiry> Just a greeting
[20:32] <Eiry> I don't suppose you were here when the gender bomb thing went off?
[20:33] * @Wolfwood kicks the bomb and breaks a toe
[20:33] <Eitak_Razal> No, I wasn't.
[20:33] <@Wolfwood> O_x
[20:33] <Eiry> Ow D:
[20:33] <Matsy Shin> ouuch
[20:34] * Eiry runs in to get an ice pack
[20:34] <Eitak_Razal> A bomb huh. Would the bomb have been magical in orgin
[20:35] * Eiry comes back and gives Wolf a plastic bag of crushed ice
[20:37] * @Wolfwood ductapes it to her foot
[20:37] <@Wolfwood> I don't know
[20:37] <@Wolfwood> It looks old.
[20:37] <@Wolfwood> WWII maybe.
[20:38] <Matsy Shin> WWII?
[20:38] <Eiry> Go to the doctor in case that needs to casted, okay?
[20:38] <Little_Drummer_Girl> Long time ago.
[20:39] <Eitak_Razal> World War 2. It was a laerge war between 2 large groups of nations back in the early 1940s
[20:40] * Little_Drummer_Girl looks at Eitak_Razal.
[20:40] *** Eitak_Razal is a young woman with red hair and green eyes. She 's about 5'9. . Her outfit varies depening on her mood. though she is normally wearing a circlet or similar object that flags her as Queen of Neggerra. Her full name is Enirhtak Esor Razal
image Song is: Devil Inside by Utada.
[20:40] <@Wolfwood> Well more then two.
[20:40] <@Wolfwood> But yes.
[20:40] <Matsy Shin> oooh I see
[20:40] <@Wolfwood> The technology is'nt human. It can't be.
[20:40] * Little_Drummer_Girl looks at the bomb
[20:40] <@Wolfwood> But the caseing is of the fourties.
[20:41] <@Wolfwood> Looks Japanese.
[20:41] <Eitak_Razal> I said 2 groups
[20:41] <Little_Drummer_Girl> Could be from an alternate Earth.
[20:41] <@Wolfwood> Anything is possible
[20:41] <Eitak_Razal> It is not from my earth, Nor Plushie's I can tell you that much
[20:43] <@Wolfwood> Nor ours.
[20:43] * Eiry takes off his necklace and looks at it a bit
[20:44] <Eitak_Razal> There are a few places I know of that has Tech at this level but as far as I know they've never been active on Earth SS
[20:44] * Matsy Shin looks up at the sky
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> I will continue to fiddle.
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> I may figure it out yet.
[20:47] <Eiry> You said you didn't think this was anything special, but I think there's something more to it.
[20:47] * Matsy Shin pokes her own chest again
[20:47] <Eiry> Just don't make it worse!
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> I'll try not to.
[20:48] <Little_Drummer_Girl> I wish I could help you.
[20:48] <Little_Drummer_Girl> Tech is, sadly, not my strong point.
[20:48] <Eitak_Razal> I suggest going and finding a cursed Girdle of Gender Swap. Whey they can't be removed unless the curse is removed, which is a simple task I have heard, it will restore you to normal.
[20:48] <Matsy Shin> how could this get worse?
[20:49] <Eiry> I don't want to think about it.
[20:49] <Little_Drummer_Girl> Wait gender-swap?
[20:50] <Eitak_Razal> Sex-change, gender-swap. Whatever.
[20:50] <Eiry> As in swap yours for the other one?
[20:50] <Eitak_Razal> Yes
[20:51] <Eitak_Razal> They're betls. But you can't take em off until the curse is lifted, which in this case will be benficel
[20:51] <Little_Drummer_Girl> ... something's wrong here, isn't it?
[20:52] <Matsy Shin> eiry...what do you mean about the necklace?
[20:53] <Eiry> I can feel it, sometimes.
[20:53] <Matsy Shin> feel what?
[20:53] * Little_Drummer_Girl is away: so I'm gonna be over here.
[20:53] <Eiry> It's not like power, but something...
[20:54] <Matsy Shin> something?
[20:55] <Eitak_Razal> .... please tell me you didn't put a necklace on you don't know the orgin of or has a strange power you don't know about fully
[20:55] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:55] <@spiritflame> irasshai David O`Cain
[20:55] * @Wolfwood is away: an Idea
[20:55] <David O`Cain> Evening.
[20:56] <Matsy Shin> evening
[20:56] <David O`Cain> Um, what happened here? It feels different.
[20:57] <Eiry> Mats checked it out and said it was safe.
[20:58] <David O`Cain> (( To all Halo fans here, Reach was AWESOME! ))
[20:59] * Eiry 's necklace appears and feels to be an ordinary necklace.
[21:02] * Eitak_Razal casts Detect Magic on the necklace
[21:02] * the necklace has no magic
[21:03] <Eitak_Razal> Well it's not magical at least
[21:03] <Eiry> [img=]it looks like this[/url]
[21:03] <Eitak_Razal> I'm afraid of what would happen if I tried that spell on the bomb though
[21:03] <David O`Cain> Bomb? What bomb?
[21:03] <Eiry> [img=]this [/img]
[21:03] <Eiry> bleh. it doesn't like me
[21:04] <Eiry> [url=]last time...[/url
[21:05] <Eiry> well nm then...
[21:06] <Eiry> (( apparently i am full of fail ))
[21:09] *** MoMoNoKaZe [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:09] <@spiritflame> irasshai MoMoNoKaZe
[21:09] <MoMoNoKaZe> Waaaaaaai! Beach vacation time, yay!
[21:10] <David O`Cain> Hi there.
[21:11] *** Furu [talks2machines@ikari-home-network] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:11] <@spiritflame> irasshai Furu
[21:11] <Furu> Whoooooo
[21:11] * Furu is futzing around with what looks like a robotic spider and not fully paying attention
[21:11] * Eiry puts the necklace back on, tucked under the shirt as usual
[21:11] <Matsy Shin> who is that?
[21:11] <David O`Cain> Yo, Furu. Long time no see, man.
[21:11] <Eiry> A Furu!
[21:11] <Furu> Heya!
[21:11] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:11] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[21:12] <MoMoNoKaZe> Ne, Furu-kun, stop with the spider-thing! D:
[21:12] <David O`Cain> What's going on, man?
[21:12] <MoMoNoKaZe> It creeps me out D:
[21:12] * Matsumi Kaze walks out and grabs her sister from behind "gotcha!"
[21:12] <Furu> (( This is RETCON FURU too he's a goofy technopath and his backstory is changed. I'll explain it all later ))
[21:12] <Matsy Shin> he-he-hey stop that!!!!!
[21:12] <Furu> But it wanted to be built!
[21:12] <David O`Cain> (( Alrighty. ))
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> :P why :P
[21:13] <MoMoNoKaZe> I'm sure it did
[21:13] <Matsy Shin> cause I said so ><
[21:13] <MoMoNoKaZe> Now that's it's built, you can un-build it.
[21:13] <David O`Cain> Hi, Matsumi.
[21:13] <Matsumi Kaze> hi guys!
[21:14] <David O`Cain> How ya doing?
[21:14] <Furu> I can't just take it apart! Not until I'm sure what it does.
[21:14] <Furu> That's just rude.
[21:14] <MoMoNoKaZe> What if it destroy's Kai-chan's college dorm?
[21:15] <Furu> Nothing of value would be lost.
[21:15] <MoMoNoKaZe> >:|
[21:15] <Eiry> Heh.
[21:15] * Matsy Shin struggles against her sister
[21:15] <MoMoNoKaZe> That is my bqaby brother you are talking about, Furu Ikari.
[21:16] <Furu> He doesn't like me so I don't like him! That's just how it is.
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> it's weird that you sound like me now, matsy :P
[21:16] <MoMoNoKaZe> He does too like you.
[21:17] <MoMoNoKaZe> A lot.
[21:17] <MoMoNoKaZe> He just teases you.
[21:17] <Furu> I'll believe it when I see it but I promise I won't try to blow him up.
[21:17] * Matsy Shin flails
[21:18] <MoMoNoKaZe> That's all I ask.
[21:18] * Eiry is away
[21:19] * David O`Cain sits down on the beach
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> isn't my new twin sister cute :P
[21:20] <Matsy Shin> >_<
[21:21] * Furu futzes with the robot spider some more, until it becomes active. And jumps into Houka's cleavage.
[21:21] <MoMoNoKaZe> ...
[21:21] <MoMoNoKaZe> You better have a damn good explaination for this, Furu
[21:22] <David O`Cain> Looks cute, Matsumi.
[21:22] <Prinny> He want you to take your shirt off dood.
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> doesn't she ^^
[21:23] <Matsy Shin> get off me ><
[21:24] <Furu> ...I got nothin'
[21:24] <Prinny> I totally called it Dood
[21:24] <Diffrent Prinny> It was just a lucky guess dood...
[21:25] * MoMoNoKaZe takes the spider out of her shirt and throws it at Furu
[21:25] * Furu screams like a little girl as the spider latches onto his face
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze lets go of Matsy and blinks "...heh"
[21:26] * Eitak_Razal finishes bribeing a Prinny to bring her tea, which she then sips on. "Coward"
[21:26] <David O`Cain> Be glad it isn't blue, pulsating, and explosive, man.
[21:27] <Eitak_Razal> Or the size of a large dog or, or maybe a small horse.
[21:27] <Furu> Well it MIGHT be explosive. I'm not sure. I was kinda zoining out when I built it...
[21:29] <MoMoNoKaZe> Just letting the machine build itself?
[21:29] <Furu> Nope. I made it. The design popped into my head. Dunno where from.
[21:31] <David O`Cain> Inspiration out of the blue?
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> weiiird
[21:31] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "Beware of things that pop into your mind. They may be implated by someone. OR glimpses of another universe"
[21:32] <Furu> Something like that? I don't think I've been around any spider robots lately.
[21:32] <Furu> At least I know I definitely didn't talk to any.
[21:32] <MoMoNoKaZe> /me sighs
[21:33] <MoMoNoKaZe> My boyfriends are never normaly.
[21:33] <MoMoNoKaZe> They're either dying from some strange curse, technopaths or arrancar spying on me.
[21:33] * Furu tosses the spider aside and leans on his girlfriend
[21:33] <Furu> Would you WANT me normal?
[21:34] <MoMoNoKaZe> No, I like you just the way you are.
[21:34] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "Norma ls in the eye of the beholder. I've seen seen far less normal things
[21:34] <MoMoNoKaZe> And it's easier to explain the saving the world with magic to someone already sorta in the know.
[21:34] <Furu> Good. ♡
[21:34] <Furu> Yeah, even if that magic stuff is wayyyy out of my realm.
[21:35] * Matsumi Kaze leans against her sister
[21:35] <Matsy Shin> >.>
[21:36] <Eitak_Razal> Then that explains why you missed my warning of to beware of thoughts you can't explain. Messing with other's mind is a school of magic all to itself, and the masters are able to remotely plant suggtestions into other's minds
[21:36] <MoMoNoKaZe> It's really not that hard. For me.
[21:37] <MoMoNoKaZe> Mostly because it's in my blood, but still!
[21:37] <Matsy Shin> missing with other's minds are easy
[21:37] * Matsy Shin concentrates..and sends a stone flying into the air
[21:37] * MoMoNoKaZe just sorta mouths along mindlessly as Eitak rattles on
[21:37] * Eitak_Razal looks at MoMoNoKaZe.
[21:37] *** MoMoNoKaZe is Ozu Houka, a 20-something Japanese girl, wearing her signature pink MagiPlaid jacket, with a silver miniskirt and pink(!) combat boots. Her hair is up in a sort of twist ponytail. She smiles at you when she sees you.
Her image Song is: "Ai no Kaze" by Beppu Ayumi.
[21:38] <MoMoNoKaZe> Hai~! ♥
[21:38] * Matsy Shin concentrates again..and the stone bursts into dust
[21:39] * Matsumi Kaze applaudes
[21:39] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "... Such a smiple tastk
[21:39] * Furu produces a mirror out of his...jacket sleeve?
[21:39] * Furu looks at Furu.
[21:39] *** Furu is a young man with short green hair and red eyes. He's wearing a blue jacket, jeans, and a red shirt with a storm cloud logo on it. A pair of goggles hang from his neck. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: .
[21:39] * Furu fixes his hair
[21:40] <David O`Cain> Neat tricks.
[21:41] <Matsy Shin> I could do more complex things...but...that would involve killing someone >.>
[21:41] <Furu> Thanks! :D
[21:42] * Eitak_Razal sets her tea down. She gestures and a fireball appears in her hand. She starts juggleing it adding a few more as she goes on
[21:42] <MoMoNoKaZe> I think he was talking to Matsumi-san's sister
[21:43] <Furu> Oh.
[21:43] <Furu> :< No one is every impressed by arm mirror
[21:43] <Eitak_Razal> It's a mirror. It's not that impressive.
[21:43] * Eitak_Razal tosses the fireballs into the air. They don't come back down
[21:44] <David O`Cain> I was referring to both, actually.
[21:44] <Matsy Shin> ok?'s fire...
[21:44] <MoMoNoKaZe> I like your mirror :3
[21:45] <Eitak_Razal> With no sorce, nor does it burn my hand to touch
[21:45] <Matsy Shin> so?
[21:45] <Eitak_Razal> Do not make me set the water on fire.
[21:46] <Furu> You get the most use out of it.
[21:46] <Matsy Shin>
[21:46] * MoMoNoKaZe just rolls her eyes
[21:46] <Eitak_Razal> Would that be more impressive
[21:46] <Matsy Shin> the princess of mars can do the same things with fire
[21:46] <MoMoNoKaZe> What a show off.
[21:47] * Eitak_Razal gestures and the ground under Matsy rises up a couple feet into the air
[21:48] * Furu nods.
[21:48] <MoMoNoKaZe> Sooooo I just got a new gig.
[21:48] <MoMoNoKaZe> I'm gonna be on Sesame Street!
[21:49] <Matsy Shin> ........
[21:49] <Eitak_Razal> .....
[21:51] <David O`Cain> Sesame Street? Cool.
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> oh?? cool!
[21:52] <Furu> :|
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> oh! momo! come to my play when it comes out :)
[21:54] * Furu just. :|s whenever sesame street is mentioned
[21:55] <MoMoNoKaZe> Ooo, play?
[21:55] <MoMoNoKaZe> When is it?
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> in october!
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> it's me..the rest of the unit..and gemini!
[21:57] <MoMoNoKaZe> I'll save the date :D
[21:58] <Matsy Shin> if this furu a technonut..maybe he should look at your Unit's stuff, sis
[21:58] <Matsumi Kaze> oh?
[21:59] <Furu> technopath
[21:59] <Furu> I do not fly in a rocket ship into technology
[21:59] <Furu> ...yet
[21:59] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "....Techophile"
[21:59] <Matsy Shin> oh
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze> well....furu....I ride in spirit powered steam armor
[22:00] <Eitak_Razal> And do me a favor, and stay away from the Techonocrancy.
[22:00] <Furu> That's not the right word either!
[22:00] <MoMoNoKaZe> He's a Houkaphile.
[22:02] <David O`Cain> Technowhat?
[22:03] * Furu sighs.
[22:03] <Furu> Okay, I'll explain this for like the billionth time
[22:03] * Eitak_Razal it's a world. A very bad one. I've had some bad experainces there I'd rather not repeat
[22:03] <Furu> I'm a technopath. I can feel machines. Think, not feel. It's an important distinction.
[22:03] <Eitak_Razal> -/me
[22:04] * Matsy Shin hops down from the plateu that apperently was created under her
[22:04] <Furu> When it comes to repairs...
[22:04] <Furu> you know how if you're sick and you don't know what's going on all you can do is tell the doctor what's wrong?
[22:04] <Furu> That's like what I get when I try to fix machines.
[22:05] <David O`Cain> Gotcha. Handy ability.
[22:05] <MoMoNoKaZe> :3
[22:05] <Furu> It's uh. Instinct, not like super genius stuff.
[22:06] <Matsy Shin> I'm a psychic myself
[22:08] <Furu> So even if I know what's wrong I don't always know how to fix it.
[22:12] <David O`Cain> I see.
[22:14] * Furu shrugs!
[22:14] <Furu> I've been told it's "imperfect".
[22:17] <David O`Cain> Still, it can be handy.
[22:18] * MoMoNoKaZe hugs Furu-kun
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> well I'm heading off..night you guys
[22:19] <MoMoNoKaZe> Night!
[22:20] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (bye sis :P)
[22:20] <Matsy Shin> ...I hate being female >.>
[22:22] <Furu> What's wrong with being a girl?
[22:23] <MoMoNoKaZe> I like my girl parts
[22:23] <Furu> I like your girl parts too
[22:24] <MoMoNoKaZe> x3
[22:24] <Matsy Shin> I was a boy >.>
[22:24] <MoMoNoKaZe> oh!
[22:25] <Furu> OH RIGHT. Yeah that'd. Be weird.
[22:25] <Matsy Shin> some sort of...gender swap bomb went off on this island
[22:26] <Furu> Kinda not sorry I missed that!
[22:26] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea and only offers the crypitc statment "Another side, another story"
[22:26] <Matsy Shin> my actual name is Matsuo Shin
[22:27] <Matsy Shin> ..I'm matsumi's twin brother
[22:27] <David O`Cain> Seriously? That's what happened here?
[22:29] <Matsy Shin> from what I understand, yes
[22:29] * Furu stares at Houka, trying to imagine her as a guy
[22:30] * MoMoNoKaZe just cannot be seen as a guy.
[22:31] * Furu ends up staring at her chest
[22:31] <David O`Cain> I see. Probably glad I was elsewhere when it took place.
[22:33] <MoMoNoKaZe> Same. Last time I had guy parts, I'd switched bodies with my brother >_<
[22:33] <Furu> uh huh
[22:33] * Furu still staring at boobies
[22:34] <Matsy Shin> you are female..right?
[22:35] <MoMoNoKaZe> Yup!
[22:35] * MoMoNoKaZe double checks by touching her chest.
[22:35] <MoMoNoKaZe> Yup, still got the boobs.
[22:35] * Furu might be drooling a bit
[22:36] <Matsy Shin> please explain to me
[22:36] * @Wolfwood is back
[22:37] * @Wolfwood sets down a toolkit
[22:37] <Matsy Shin> in the name of the Six...
[22:37] * @Wolfwood works more on the bomb
[22:37] <Matsy Shin> do you run around with these! *points to her ample chest*
[22:37] <Matsy Shin> *to her own
[22:38] <Matsy Shin> they keep bouncing and getting in the way when I try it ><
[22:38] * Furu perks up as he senses technology
[22:38] * Furu scoots over towards Wolf
[22:38] <Furu> Can I help can I can I :D
[22:39] <MoMoNoKaZe> Sports bra.
[22:39] <Matsy Shin> ....wait....
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> Why not. I can't get my head around this.
[22:40] <Matsy Shin> ..what's a bra
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> Listen.
[22:40] * MoMoNoKaZe facepalms
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> If you kill us all I swear to god.
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> - I will haunt you -
[22:41] <David O`Cain> Yo.
[22:41] * @Wolfwood hands over tools
[22:41] <Furu> I won't!
[22:41] <@Wolfwood> (( Also yes, Reach was f[BLEEP]king awesome ))
[22:41] <Furu> Just let me talk to it for a bit.
[22:42] <Matsy Shin> I'm serious...what are you talking about...
[22:42] <David O`Cain> (( Yep. Managed to beat it this afternoon, too. ))
[22:43] * MoMoNoKaZe reaches into her bag and hands Matsy a new, unused sports bra.
[22:43] <MoMoNoKaZe> It holds your chest to your chest.
[22:43] <Eitak_Razal> (( Don't care. Too busy playing KH to care about other games at the moment ))
[22:44] <Matsy Shin> do you wear it?
[22:44] <@Wolfwood> (( I got the legendary editon, currently reveiwing Halsey's notes ))
[22:44] <@Wolfwood> (( =3 ))
[22:44] <MoMoNoKaZe> (( I still have my cofpy in reserve. Don't have the money to spare at the moment. ))
[22:44] * MoMoNoKaZe sighs, and explains to Matsy.
[22:45] <David O`Cain> (( Cool. I only got Standard, though, BUT got a couple of nifty downloads. ))
[22:45] <@Wolfwood> (( The statue is badass ))
[22:46] * Furu cracks up laughing. Apparently the bomb is funny? Who knows.
[22:46] <David O`Cain> (( I'll bet. ))
[22:46] <Matsy Shin> oh...OH
[22:48] <Matsy Shin> I see!
[22:48] <David O`Cain> (( Hopefully Firefight's as good or better than ODST. ))
[22:51] <@Wolfwood> (( we will see, I havent touched it yet ))
[22:53] * David O`Cain Neither have I. Only did Campaign by myself.
[22:53] <David O`Cain> (( ^ ))
[22:54] * @Wolfwood is listening to: Cee-Lo Green - F[BLEEP]k You.mp3 [128 kbps]
[22:55] <Furu> ...Should this be ticking? I don't think it should be ticking.
[22:55] <Furu> Stop ticking!
[22:56] <@Wolfwood> ....
[22:56] <Matsy Shin> ...........
[22:56] <@Wolfwood> Back away. Slowly.
[22:56] <@Wolfwood> Everyone give me thirty feet.
[22:57] <Matsy Shin> ...
[22:57] * Matsy Shin backs the hell away
[22:57] * David O`Cain backs away as instructed
[22:57] * @Wolfwood breaks out the needle nose pliers and goes to work
[22:57] <@Wolfwood> Furu what did you touch.
[22:58] <Furu> Oh, it's not what I touched, it was something I said.
[22:58] <Furu> That bomb's an a[BLEEP]le.
[22:59] <@Wolfwood> YOU INSULTED THE BOMB?
[22:59] <@Wolfwood> OR..bomb...what
[22:59] *** Adorable Kitten [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:59] <@spiritflame> irasshai Adorable Kitten
[22:59] <Furu> NO!
[23:00] * @Wolfwood cuts some wires
[23:00] <Furu> There was a political discussion, okay? Let's just leave it at that.
[23:00] * Adorable Kitten tentatively peeks through a door, keeping almost all of its body hidden.
[23:00] * Adorable Kitten looks at Matsy Shin.
[23:00] *** Matsy Shin is woman who looks almost exactuly like matsumi did when she had short hair: 5'6, large chest, blue green eyes and red hair.
Her image Song is: .
[23:00] * * the bomb ticks faster
[23:00] <@Wolfwood> MOVE! MOVE!!
[23:00] <Matsy Shin> ....
[23:00] <Furu> Abe Lincoln would totally not lose in a fight to Roosevelt that is bulls[BLEEP]t
[23:00] * Eitak_Razal vanishes
[23:00] * David O`Cain starts running like hell
[23:01] * @Wolfwood yanks the crystal out and tosses the bomb
[23:01] * Adorable Kitten runs into a different room.
[23:01] * * the bomb explodes twenty feet from Wolfwood
[23:01] <Matsy Shin> .........
[23:01] * @Wolfwood is thrown into sharp rocks
[23:01] <MoMoNoKaZe> Eee!
[23:01] * Eitak_Razal 's voice echos. "Portal in the Woods. Matsuo, stay here, it'll reverse... err nevermind too late
[23:01] * @Wolfwood is down and out
[23:02] * @Wolfwood is away: hurt and sober
[23:02] <Matsy Shin> ...wolf?
[23:02] * Eitak_Razal re-appears
[23:03] <Eitak_Razal> Well, that was interesting
[23:04] * @Wolfwood twitches every now and then
[23:04] <David O`Cain> Yeah. And I think I'll head on outta here for the night. Take care, folks.
[23:04] <Furu> ALL MY FAULT D:
[23:04] * Adorable Kitten looks at Furu.
[23:04] *** Furu is a young man with short green hair and red eyes. He's wearing a blue jacket, jeans, and a red shirt with a storm cloud logo on it. A pair of goggles hang from his neck. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: .
[23:04] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (Night, y'all.)
[23:04] <Adorable Kitten> Hssss
[23:05] <Matsy Shin> huh..what was that
[23:07] * Adorable Kitten walks, with it's tail between it's legs, up to Matsy Shin.
[23:07] * Adorable Kitten sniffs Matsy Shin
[23:07] * Matsy Shin blinks, looking at the kitten
[23:07] * MoMoNoKaZe looks at Adorable Kitten.
[23:07] *** Adorable Kitten is Tiny, mewing, gray kitten that would fit easily into your cupped hands. It flops on its back and shows you its tummy if you get near it. Small and fuzzy, with a poofy tail, it's gray with white paws, and tufts of white fur in its ears. Awwwww!
His image Song is: "Dirty Little Secret".
[23:07] <MoMoNoKaZe> Aww!
[23:08] <Matsy Shin> ........
[23:08] <Matsy Shin> for some reason I feel so frightened
[23:09] * Adorable Kitten looks at Matsy Shin.
[23:09] *** Matsy Shin is woman who looks almost exactuly like matsumi did when she had short hair: 5'6, large chest, blue green eyes and red hair.
Her image Song is: .
[23:09] * Eitak_Razal sips on tea.
[23:10] <Furu> You are a kitty!
[23:11] * Matsy Shin gulps
[23:11] * Adorable Kitten angrily scratches Matsy Shin's heel with it's teensy claws. It keeps its tail between it's legs.
[23:11] <Adorable Kitten> Hss!
[23:12] <Matsy Shin> GAH!
[23:12] * Matsy Shin gives out...a rather girely scream
[23:12] <MoMoNoKaZe> Must know something's wrong.
[23:13] <Matsy Shin> >.<
[23:13] * Adorable Kitten looks at MoMoNoKaZe.
[23:13] *** MoMoNoKaZe is Ozu Houka, a 20-something Japanese girl, wearing her signature pink MagiPlaid jacket, with a silver miniskirt and pink(!) combat boots. Her hair is up in a sort of twist ponytail. She smiles at you when she sees you.
Her image Song is: "Ai no Kaze" by Beppu Ayumi.
[23:14] * Adorable Kitten pads softly over to MoMoNoKaZe
[23:15] <Adorable Kitten> Meow?
[23:16] * Adorable Kitten flops on the floor and stretches.
[23:16] * MoMoNoKaZe pets the kitten
[23:17] * Adorable Kitten purrs for a few seconds.
[23:20] * Adorable Kitten stands up, miffed.
[23:20] * Adorable Kitten hisses again at Matsy Shin
[23:20] <Matsy Shin> shoo....shoo!
[23:20] * Adorable Kitten scurries out of the room.
[23:21] * Adorable Kitten is away
[23:21] <Matsy Shin> why does it keep hissing at me?
[23:21] <@Ryan> SPAWN OF SATAN
[23:21] <@Ryan> That kitten is obviously up to something.
[23:21] <@Ryan> And my statements got flipped upside
[23:21] * @Ryan is now the Fresh Prince
[23:21] <Matsy Shin> um..ok
[23:22] <@Ryan> So, tits. How you like them?
[23:22] * Adorable Kitten peeks in the door, listening.
[23:22] <Matsy Shin> ....they are really getting in the way with everything I do
[23:23] <Matsy Shin> still don't understand how my sister can cope with them
[23:23] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "The kitten is a vampire in disguise. He means you no harm though
[23:23] <@Ryan> And you know this because...?
[23:23] <Eitak_Razal> Because she's a girl
[23:23] * Ryan looks at Eitak_Razal.
[23:23] *** Eitak_Razal is a young woman with red hair and green eyes. She 's about 5'9. . Her outfit varies depening on her mood. though she is normally wearing a circlet or similar object that flags her as Queen of Neggerra. Her full name is Enirhtak Esor Razal
image Song is: Devil Inside by Utada.
[23:24] <@Ryan> It's the Queen of Nigeria! Hey. You really should do something about those spammers in your country.
[23:24] <@Ryan> Always some prince of yours who needs cash.
[23:24] * MoMoNoKaZe looks at the kitten
[23:24] <Eitak_Razal> Wrong place entirely
[23:24] <MoMoNoKaZe> Furu-kun, I'm gonna go to bed.
[23:24] * Adorable Kitten looks back with incredibly pitiful eyes.
[23:24] <@Ryan> I refuse to donate!
[23:24] <Adorable Kitten> @..@
[23:25] <Adorable Kitten> Meow?
[23:25] <MoMoNoKaZe> Night, everyone!
[23:25] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "For starter's I was born in amercia.
[23:25] *** MoMoNoKaZe [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (To the room in the house with the hottub! <3)
[23:26] <@Ryan> Ah. Wait. This is another one of those scams where you ask me for cash! Well, no prize for you, Nigerian queen!
[23:26] <Little_Drummer_Girl> Ooo, so was I!
[23:26] * Adorable Kitten looks at Little_Drummer_Girl.
[23:26] *** Little_Drummer_Girl is Eriko Honda, a 14-year-old girl. Her dark brown hair is worn up, and she's still wearing her khaki capris and Lilo & Stitch tee. A pair of drumsticks rest in a holster on her belt. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .
[23:26] <Little_Drummer_Girl> I was born in San Diego, and then I moved to Hawai'i!
[23:27] <Eitak_Razal> I am the queen of NEGGERRA. It's an alternate Earth, not a country
[23:27] <@Ryan> Hey! Aren't you that belligerent jailbait that was around here sometime back?
[23:27] <Little_Drummer_Girl> I wouldn't say "belligerent" but jailbait fits, so maybe?
[23:28] <@Ryan> That works.
[23:28] * Adorable Kitten looks at Matsy Shin.
[23:28] *** Matsy Shin is woman who looks almost exactuly like matsumi did when she had short hair: 5'6, large chest, blue green eyes and red hair.
Her image Song is: .
[23:28] * @Wolfwood bleeds on ryans shoes
[23:29] <@Ryan> Now that's just plain rude.
[23:29] * Matsy Shin tries to adjust her shirt ><
[23:29] * @Ryan responds by peeing on Wolf's shoes/boots/whatever
[23:30] <Furu> ¯\(º_o)/¯
[23:30] <Little_Drummer_Girl> D8
[23:30] * Furu is away: followin' my girlfriend
[23:32] * @Wolfwood is now covered in blood, shards of metal and urine
[23:32] <@Ryan> I hear they've made items for that sort of trouble now. They're called 'tampons.'
[23:32] * @Wolfwood is going to haunt Furu to the end of its days
[23:32] <Matsy Shin> ...oh..what are those?
[23:32] * @Wolfwood swears to god.
[23:32] * @Ryan wasn't anywhere near the island where the gender thing happened ergo he's ALL MALE. Just like the last time this thing happened. What a coincidence.
[23:34] * Adorable Kitten walks into the room... and scurries up the stairs.
[23:34] <@Ryan> WHAT'S UP
[23:35] <Matsy Shin> not much it seems
[23:35] * Adorable Kitten thumping and loud crashes can be heard from LOTS of the upstairs rooms.
[23:36] <@Wolfwood> (( playing spiderman shattered dimensions ))
[23:36] <@Ryan> I am intrigued by that game.
[23:37] <Little_Drummer_Girl> (( omg omg omg Furu just told me X-23 will be in MvC3 ))
[23:38] <@Wolfwood> (( proof or gtfo ))
[23:40] <Little_Drummer_Girl> (( /me gtfos ))
[23:41] * Immense_Serpent slithers down the stairs, carrying a large number of women's shirts, and bras in its distended mouth.
[23:41] <Little_Drummer_Girl> (( [22:40] Furu: A tweet on Capcom's Japanese account ))
[23:41] * Immense_Serpent tries VERY hard to get out of the house before being seen.
[23:42] <@Ryan> I just got that told, too!
[23:42] <@Ryan> That's gonna be so. f[BLEEP]king. awesome.
[23:42] <@Ryan> jailbait female wolverine clone!
[23:43] <@Ryan> And to answer a question someone asked:
[23:43] <@Ryan> Go google it if you want to know what a tampon is.
[23:43] <Matsy Shin> um ok
[23:44] * Matsy Shin pokes wolf
[23:45] <Eitak_Razal> I have no idea what hte insane man is going on about
[23:45] <Eitak_Razal> though he rmeinds me of somone...
[23:45] * Immense_Serpent tries to get into the Air Vent, but the Bras keep obstructing its progress.
[23:46] * @Wolfwood does not move much
[23:47] <Matsy Shin> she...
[23:47] * Matsy Shin checks wolf's pulse
[23:49] * Immense_Serpent looks at Wolfwood.
[23:49] *** Wolfwood is a very tall 25 year old white american female with glowy blue eyes, dirty blonde hair done up in a ponytail. She is wearing olive millitary pants tucked into boots and a black tank top More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: Army Of The Pharoahs - Agony Fires.
Wolfwood is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator
[23:49] <Eitak_Razal> Matsuo. If that thing goes off again, stand in the blast zone
[23:50] * @Wolfwood has a very weak pulse
[23:50] * Immense_Serpent slithers up, angrily, to Eitak Razal.
[23:50] <Matsy Shin> ...oh the six it seems she's very weak
[23:51] * Eitak_Razal just glares at the Snake. "Do not get huffy with me snake. The blast changes people's gender. Getting caught in the blast again will reverse the effects, n theory
[23:51] <Immense_Serpent> ...
[23:52] * Immense_Serpent looks satisfied.
[23:52] * Immense_Serpent grabs the large amount of Panties and Bras, and blouses it was holding in its outstretched mouth, and slithers through Eitak's legs.
[23:53] * Immense_Serpent looks at Eitak_Razal.
[23:53] *** Eitak_Razal is a young woman with red hair and green eyes. She 's about 5'9. . Her outfit varies depening on her mood. though she is normally wearing a circlet or similar object that flags her as Queen of Neggerra. Her full name is Enirhtak Esor Razal
image Song is: Devil Inside by Utada.
[23:54] * Immense_Serpent pulls the panties and bras of the House residents through the window and disappears outside.
[23:54] * Immense_Serpent is away: "I can't believe I got away with doing this.
[23:56] * Eitak_Razal does not live here and thus does not care
[23:57] <Matsy Shin> .....
[23:57] <Matsy Shin> why was that know what..nevermind
[23:58] <@Ryan> It's my Vampire from another mother!
[23:59] <Matsy Shin> I think I'm going to get some sleep
[23:59] <Matsy Shin> night everyone....
[23:59] * walks down the stairs, carrying one of Matsumi's blouses in it's mouth.
[23:59] * looks at Matsy Shin.
[23:59] *** Matsy Shin is woman who looks almost exactuly like matsumi did when she had short hair: 5'6, large chest, blue green eyes and red hair.
Her image Song is: .
[23:59] * Adorable Kitten scrambles the other way.
[00:00] <Matsy Shin> ....
[00:00] * Adorable Kitten drops Matsumi's blouse, and flees the House.
[00:01] * Matsy Shin picks up the blouse...and heads down to the library and her room
[00:01] *** Matsy Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (....)
[00:02] * @Wolfwood will just chill here then
[00:02] * The Dressers in most of the House Bedrooms have been ransacked.
[00:05] *** Wretched_Abomination [] has quit IRC (I'm going to need WAY more clothes than this.)
[00:46] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea.
[04:40] <*> faith
[10:37] *** LOVELYboy [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:37] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYboy
[10:38] <LOVELYboy> Anybody around?
[10:46] * LOVELYboy plops down under a tree and waits a bit
[10:50] * LOVELYboy hears something interesting run by in the jungle, and goes after it
[10:50] *** LOVELYboy [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (fresh meat)
[13:29] <Yaijinden> na~
[13:29] <Yaiko> Wait, yeah, this is that.
[13:30] <Yaiko> Tee hee! Hand out of the pants again.
[13:33] * Yaiko rolls around on the sand
[13:41] <Yaiko> So, the current theory goes, she said, talking to the sky: neurologists have interestingly tracked the part of the brain that is responsible, at least in part, for introversion and extraversion.
[13:42] <Yaiko> And it isn't what we thought it was.
[13:43] <Yaiko> It's been established that the human brain has an optimal level of stimulation. This level of stimulation varies between person to person, but the results of big swings are pretty much unviersal: too much and we grow overstimulated, exhausted, stressed out; too little and we grow bored, restless, stressed out.
[13:45] <Yaiko> Furthermore, each person has a baseline threshold of self-stimulation that their brain naturally produces-- and each person's baseline threshold is different, though with few exceptions this baseline is below the optimal stimulation level.
[13:46] <Yaiko> So, in order to reach that level of stimulation, people do various and sundry things. What's been correlated, though, is this: introverts have a relatively higher level of neruological self-stimulation. Extraverts have a relatively lower level of self-stimulation.
[13:47] <Yaiko> Thus, introverts are capable of reaching that optimal level without much difficulty-- reading a book, participating in controlled things, or simple activities that require some but not a terribly-large amount of cognitive activity (ie. stimulation).
[13:50] <Yaiko> Extraverts, by contrast, require larger amounts of stimulation to reach that optimal threshold-- and they do so largely through interaction with others. To you and I, talking may not seem like much of a cognitive process-- but we are never just processing solely what the other person is saying. We are also processing tone of voice, rhythm of speech, body language, and more-- and all this adds up to a vast stream of data.
[13:54] <Yaiko> Point of amusement: for an age and a day, Usaians have been acculturated to look at introverts and wonder, "What's wrong with these people? Why don't they like things that are Obviously Good?"
[13:54] <Yaiko> (You know that when I start using capital letters, we're in for a treat.)
[13:56] <Yaiko> Suddenly, information like this comes out, and the memes of the 40s and 50s are suddenly upturned. It is not that introverts are somehow objectively flawed; it's simply that they need less to get by.
[13:59] <Yaiko> I'll grant-- I may seem like an extravert in a space like this, but upon examination in light of this knowledge (and the understanding of the general paradigm in which it fits), I understand: my weirdness allows me to interact with people I do not have the capacity to anticipate or predict on a functional, comprehensible level.
[14:02] <Yaiko> I am diffuse, obscure, easy to categorize-- and when people have finished paying attention to me, I am freer to observe them in their natural habitat. Analyze. Model...
[14:03] <Yaiko> And then, when I understand, I will allow myself to be more than this face, of my own volition.
[14:09] <Yaiko> It's not only this, of course.
[14:09] <Yaiko> It's not only anything. ♫
[14:09] <Yaiko> But it is closer to the nameless, formless understanding than I was before.
[14:39] <Yaiko> Neat, huh? :D
[15:03] <Yaiko> Oh man, the things you can do with characters.
[15:05] <Yaiko> 迓祲得; yà jīn dé - "Welcome (as a guest) the evil force with pride."
[15:42] * Yaiko is away: I like it. It's horrible.
[17:40] *** Matsy Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:40] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsy Shin
[17:40] * Matsy Shin walks out and sits in the sand, pushing back her fedora on her head
[17:41] <Matsy Shin> hm...
[17:45] <Matsy Shin> ...maybe I'm getting used to this *shivers*
[17:49] * Matsy Shin pulls out the small idol she got from the hidden chamber yesterday
[17:50] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:50] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[17:51] * Matsy Shin mumbles something, looking over it
[17:51] * Eiry has some slightly better fitting clothes on today
[17:52] * Eiry sits near Matsy
[17:53] <Eiry> So you got something before the rock giant chased you?
[17:53] * Matsy Shin is wearing one of her normal t-shirts..though tied up near the middle so it fits better on well as khaki shorts
[17:53] <Matsy Shin> huh?...oh...yes..yes it is
[17:54] <Eiry> Was it worth all the trouble?
[17:54] <Matsy Shin> it was nestled in a crevice
[17:54] * Matsy Shin smiles "..they are always worth the trouble"
[17:56] <Matsy Shin> everything I's always worth it in the end
[17:57] <Eiry> That's good to hear.
[17:57] <Eiry> (( baking, may be slow ))
[17:57] <Matsy Shin> the inscription says "to that blessing..we convey you"
[17:58] <Eiry> What blessing? To who?
[17:58] <Eiry> It's particularly vague.
[18:00] <Matsy Shin> I's incredably vague..but that's all it says
[18:02] <Eiry> So either it was secret, or everyone knew what it meant.
[18:03] * @Wolfwood lays in the grass half dead, flys buzzing about
[18:04] * Eiry goes over and looks at Wolf
[18:05] * Eiry drags her over into a bit of shade and goes to get some water
[18:07] <Matsy Shin> she going to be alright?
[18:08] <Eiry> No idea. Don't know what's wrong with her
[18:09] <Matsy Shin> she has a soft pulse last time I checked
[18:10] * Eiry dribbles some water in Wolf's mouth
[18:10] * @Wolfwood has a weaker pulse, is dehydrated and is near death. Again. What is this like the sixth time?
[18:13] <Adam Kanal> Oh come ON, Wolf
[18:13] <Adam Kanal> Pull yourself together
[18:13] * @Wolfwood will haunt Furu 'till the end of her days.
[18:13] <Eiry> I wonder what happened?
[18:14] <@Wolfwood> Furu. Pissed off bomb. Explosion in my face. Much owch.
[18:15] <Matsy Shin> perhaps get some more water in her
[18:15] <Eiry> I'm working on that.
[18:15] <Eiry> So I guess there's been no luck fixing this problem.
[18:17] <Matsy Shin> are you still a guy?
[18:17] <@Wolfwood> Gigantic shards of metal. In my back. Remove please.
[18:17] <Eiry> You're still a girl, right?
[18:17] <Matsy Shin> oh..alright
[18:17] * Matsy Shin concentrates..and pulls out the metal with her mind
[18:18] * Eiry turns Wolf over
[18:18] <Eiry> (( or not ))
[18:18] * @Wolfwood turns over onto sharp things and screams like a two year old gir;
[18:18] <@Wolfwood> L
[18:19] * Matsy Shin keeps removing the metal
[18:20] <@Wolfwood> ARGH
[18:21] * Adam Kanal takes out a syringe of morphine, no please don't ask why he has it, and injects Wolf
[18:21] <Matsy Shin> almost done....just relax
[18:22] <Eiry> I imagine that's hard to do when there's metal s[BLEEP]t coming out of your back.
[18:22] <Matsy Shin> ok..this one...seems stuck in..pretty good
[18:23] * Matsy Shin concentrates harder....trying with all her might to pull the last piece out
[18:23] <Adam Kanal> Be careful, you may pull out the metal holding Wolf's spine together.
[18:24] <@Wolfwood> oh god
[18:24] * Matsy Shin concentrates..and pulls out the last bit of foreign metal out
[18:24] <@Wolfwood> that feels good
[18:25] <Matsy Shin> there we go
[18:25] * Eiry runs and gets the med kit from the house and pulls out lots and lots of gauze and cleanser and stuff
[18:26] <@Wolfwood> Adam.
[18:27] <@Wolfwood> Need. Beer.
[18:27] <Matsy Shin> that was quite the scream you let out
[18:27] <Eiry> Just stay put.
[18:28] * Eiry works on cleaning up the blood and bandaging things
[18:28] <@Wolfwood> You have a huge chunk of steel wedged in your kidney and try not to scream like a little girl.
[18:28] * Eiry gives Mats a warning look
[18:29] <Matsy Shin> oh...good point
[18:30] * Adam Kanal beers Wolf
[18:31] * @Wolfwood drinks and recovers
[18:33] * Eiry finishes up with the other stuff and goes to put the medkit away
[18:33] * @Wolfwood changes topic to ` Gender Swap Week!|Bad Taste Presents - Kamikaze Girls at 20:00`
[18:33] * @Wolfwood changes topic to `Gender Swap Week!|Bad Taste Presents - Kamikaze Girls at 20:00 tomorrow night`
[18:34] <@Wolfwood> Right then. All better.
[18:35] <Matsy Shin> sorry if I seemed mean to you
[18:35] <Matsy Shin> why am I apologizing...
[18:35] <Eiry> (( this is the kamikaze girls with nana tsuchiya? ))
[18:38] <@Wolfwood> (( Sure? ))
[18:39] <Eiry> this one
[18:40] <@Wolfwood> (( Yes, it is that one ))
[18:42] <Eiry> (( cools ))
[18:42] * @Wolfwood is listening to: BT Feat. The Roots - Tao of the Machine.mp3 [128 kbps]
[18:43] * @Wolfwood saved the weird alien crystal thing from the bomb
[18:43] <@Wolfwood> THIS may be the key to reverseing all of this
[18:43] <Matsy Shin> what's that?
[18:44] <@Wolfwood> whatever was powering the bomb
[18:45] <@Wolfwood> Whatever turned us, came from this
[18:47] <Eiry> So do we need a chemist or a crystallographer?
[18:47] <Matsy Shin> ..any idea what it is
[18:47] <Eiry> Something like that?
[18:48] <Eiry> It doesn't hurt to touch is, it looks like.
[18:48] <@Wolfwood> I have no clue what it is.
[18:49] <@Wolfwood> If I run into the doc, i'ma let him take a look
[18:49] <Eiry> Yeah.
[18:50] <Eiry> I can't wait for this to be over!
[18:50] <@Wolfwood> I agree.
[18:50] * @Wolfwood is away: doing work
[18:50] <Matsy Shin> yeah...
[18:51] <Matsy Shin> ...I don't enjoy wearing this bra....
[18:51] <Eiry> You get used to it.
[18:52] <Eiry> Sali doesn't seem to be uncomfortable most of the time.
[18:54] <Matsy Shin> it's just...strange
[18:55] <Eiry> "Over the mysteries of female life, there is a veil best left undisturbed"?
[18:56] <Matsy Shin> huh?
[18:56] <Eiry> It's from a movie.
[18:58] <Matsy Shin> oh I see..I think
[19:06] <Eiry> I think I saw some peppers in the kitchen when I was in there. Do you know how to make stuffed peppers?
[19:07] <Matsy Shin> um no I don't
[19:09] <Eiry> I could teach you, if you want.
[19:10] <Eiry> Kinda getting hungry.
[19:11] <Matsy Shin> heh I'm getting hungry as well
[19:12] <Eiry> Alright.
[19:13] * Eiry gets up and offers Mats a hand
[19:14] * Matsy Shin takes Eiry's hand, smiling
[19:14] *** Eiry [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[19:15] <Matsy Shin> /awauy
[19:15] * Matsy Shin is away
[20:03] *** LOVELYboy [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:03] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYboy
[20:04] *** has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:04] <@spiritflame> irasshai
[20:04] <Taki Kensei> ^
[20:04] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:04] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[20:05] <Taki Kensei> ...I have to check something..
[20:05] <LOVELYboy> Oh?
[20:05] * Taki Kensei transforms
[20:05] * Taki Kensei is now known as Ultrawoman Mu
[20:05] * Ultrawoman Mu is full sized
[20:05] * LOVELYboy tries really hard not to laugh
[20:05] <Ultrawoman Mu> I thought...
[20:06] <Ultrawoman Mu> ...I don't find this funny
[20:07] <LOVELYboy> YES IT IS
[20:07] * Ultrawoman Mu has also shrunk in size from 50 meters to 49 meters
[20:07] <Ultrawoman Mu> ....
[20:07] * Ultrawoman Mu picks up Miara
[20:07] <LOVELYboy> It looks the same height to the rest of us
[20:07] <LOVELYboy> You know
[20:08] <Eitak_Razal> Do you mind not being so big. Some of us like to not get squashed.
[20:08] * Ultrawoman Mu looks miara right in the eyes "I don't find this funny at all"
[20:08] <LOVELYboy> You still have everything, your powers, your abilities.
[20:08] <LOVELYboy> You're just a girl.
[20:09] <Ultrawoman Mu> hmph
[20:09] * Ultrawoman Mu drops miara...right in between...yeah
[20:09] * Ultrawoman Mu drops miara in the sand
[20:10] <Ultrawoman Mu> ..alright..I'll get smaller then
[20:10] * Ultrawoman Mu shrinks........and then vanishes
[20:10] * LOVELYboy catches with an astral cushion
[20:10] <Eitak_Razal> He shrank so small he vanished
[20:11] <LOVELYboy> Mu's quite safe
[20:12] <LOVELYboy> well you weren't complaining the other night. You can't have both.
[20:13] <LOVELYboy> Razal, are you familiar with crystals?
[20:14] <Eitak_Razal> What kind of Cyrstal?
[20:14] <Eitak_Razal> Gemstones, or the magical kind?
[20:15] <LOVELYboy> Wolf extracted the crystal from the bomb, and Eiry said we might need a crystallographer to look at it
[20:15] <Ultrawoman Mu> a crystal?
[20:15] * Ultrawoman Mu appears on Miara's shoulder..six inches tall
[20:15] <LOVELYboy> Yup
[20:16] <Ultrawoman Mu> so that's the cause of all this?
[20:16] <LOVELYboy> Yes.
[20:16] <Ultrawoman Mu> well I gue...*color timer starts beeping*
[20:16] * Ultrawoman Mu hops down and grows back to human size
[20:16] * Ultrawoman Mu is now known as Taki Kensei
[20:17] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Taki Kensei is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[20:17] <Taki Kensei> ugh
[20:17] <LOVELYboy> Sometimes, you just have to look at things as different.
[20:18] <LOVELYboy> Not bad.
[20:18] <Eitak_Razal> I know enough about them to know if they're magical and if they're attuned to an element.
[20:18] <Taki Kensei> I suppose so.....
[20:18] <Eitak_Razal> If they're mundane, I can't tell you much
[20:20] * LOVELYboy pulls Taki down to sit next to him
[20:21] * Taki Kensei sits down
[20:21] <LOVELYboy> Maybe if you run into Wolf you can look at it.
[20:24] <Eitak_Razal> LAst time I saw him... he was female and nearly dead from the bomb going off.
[20:24] * Taki Kensei plays with her long hair...
[20:24] * Eitak_Razal bribes a prinny to bring her Tea "Have any of you tried getting the thing to gow off again while intenonally standing in the blast zone
[20:25] <LOVELYboy> Well it's exploded now so we can't.
[20:25] * LOVELYboy watches Taki playing with her hair
[20:25] * Taki Kensei is just ideally twirling it around her fingers
[20:27] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea and sits cross-legged on a rock. "I'll see if I can get my people to reverse egineer the effects. If brother lends me is people it should be easy with their Time Magic..."
[20:29] <LOVELYboy> Hm...
[20:29] <LOVELYboy> How long would that take?
[20:29] <Eitak_Razal> Not a clue
[20:30] * LOVELYboy takes a few hairpins and arranges Taki's hair in a casual updo with loose pieces
[20:30] <Eitak_Razal> Polymorph spells of this nature are actully easy, however there may be multible layers or hidden compliacations that prevent a simple spell from fixing it
[20:31] <Eitak_Razal> If it is magic simply unwinding the spell itself may even be faster
[20:31] <Taki Kensei> huh??....what are you doing, miara?
[20:33] <LOVELYboy> Just putting it up.
[20:33] <LOVELYboy> Trying things, like you should be doing.
[20:33] <LOVELYboy> :p
[20:34] <Taki Kensei> ....what are you insuating *narrows eyes at miara*
[20:34] <LOVELYboy> Few people get the opportunity to try out being the opposite sex.
[20:36] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "I have no intrest in such"
[20:36] <Taki Kensei> ..not sure if I like it
[20:36] <LOVELYboy> It will help you to understand me. And other girls.
[20:37] <LOVELYboy> It's impossible to experience such things so completely through a bond.
[20:38] <Taki Kensei> I suppose....
[20:39] <Eitak_Razal> Meh, normally this kind of stuff is resrved for punishment. Girldes of Sex Change and spells with similar effects are surpiseilgy good at teaching lessons to men.
[20:40] <Taki Kensei> next you'll be wanting me to wear your clothes...
[20:40] <LOVELYboy> They won't fit you.
[20:40] <LOVELYboy> And that is why more people should have more than one form.
[20:40] <LOVELYboy> You'd be able to enjoy accidents like this much more.
[20:41] <Taki Kensei> I..see
[20:42] <LOVELYboy> Well, you'd be happier right now, ne?
[20:42] <Taki Kensei> I guess?
[20:44] <Taki Kensei> well what do you suggest I wear then
[20:45] <LOVELYboy> Whatever you want? I didn't say anything about clothes.
[20:45] <Taki Kensei> true
[20:47] <LOVELYboy> If you'd go out and get something that fits you, you wouldn't have to worry about it.
[20:47] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "I suggest staying away from corsets. I wore one once. Clearly women who wore them reggularly learned not to breathe"
[20:47] <LOVELYboy> I've worn several, and that is not true.
[20:47] <LOVELYboy> Remember that those women wore them all their lives.
[20:48] <LOVELYboy> You just breathe a little different, higher in the chest.
[20:48] <LOVELYboy> Those pirates movies are inaccurate--they're for entertainment, not history.
[20:50] <Eitak_Razal> Maybe, but after an hour I slipped away to the rest room, cut the thing into peices, and returned to the party in a diffrent costume
[20:50] <LOVELYboy> Then your lacer put you in too tightly.
[20:51] <Taki Kensei> miara knows..quite alot about corsets
[20:51] <LOVELYboy> I do!
[20:51] <LOVELYboy> I did my research before going back to those time periods.
[20:51] <Prinny> She moonlights as a Dominatrix dood?
[20:52] * Taki Kensei kicks the prinny
[20:52] <LOVELYboy> Nah, Taki doesn't like that.
[20:53] * Taki Kensei blushes
[20:53] <LOVELYboy> Besides, the thinner you are, the harder it is to wear one well.
[20:55] <Eitak_Razal> A good set of muscles probably helps though.
[20:56] <LOVELYboy> Eh. You can't shape what doesn't squish.
[20:57] <LOVELYboy> Or, at least not so well.
[20:59] * Taki Kensei is staring at the sky
[20:59] <LOVELYboy> You should try one, Taki
[21:00] <Taki Kensei> seriously?
[21:00] <Eitak_Razal> Also, in my expirance, many layers of fabirc may LOOK nice, but 1. Unless the place is cold or has good AC, you just get over-heated. And try moveing 5 layers of skirt when you have to go to the bathroom...
[21:01] <LOVELYboy> The outfit I have at home is...4 layers on top, I think...
[21:02] <LOVELYboy> Haven't you worn any modern corsets with jeans or a skirt?
[21:03] <Eitak_Razal> I almost passed out the first time, why would I want to try again?
[21:03] <Eitak_Razal> Simple clothes with a fancy patern have always won out in my book over frills
[21:03] <LOVELYboy> Well you might like it if you try it again, properly.
[21:05] <LOVELYboy> A corset should be 4 inches smaller than your waist measurement, and be open 1-2 inches at the back.
[21:06] <LOVELYboy> If you ever want to try again I'd be happy to help you.
[21:06] <Eitak_Razal> Maybe at my next formal function, i'll keep it in mind
[21:10] <LOVELYboy> I found I can still to most of the things I normally can, even most of the complicated ones.
[21:13] <LOVELYboy> So that's good.
[21:14] <LOVELYboy> Maybe you'll be able to come to the next seminar for a bit, Taki.
[21:15] <LOVELYboy> That would be something, if we could get your best and our best together?
[21:15] * Taki Kensei is gently snoring on the sand
[21:15] <LOVELYboy> ...
[21:16] * Taki Kensei has a smile on her face
[21:16] * LOVELYboy glares at Taki, but then softens considerably
[21:19] * Taki Kensei smiles in her sleep
[21:20] <Taki Kensei> zz..miara...zzzzz...
[21:20] <LOVELYboy> Do you have someone, back on your world, Razal?
[21:22] <Eitak_Razal> You mean am I seeing someone? No.
[21:27] <LOVELYboy> Not even someone you like?
[21:29] * Taki Kensei moves her head to miara's lap
[21:30] <Eitak_Razal> Most guys that try and get close to me are either after my life or only want to gain the power of my postion. Those taht would be genuinly intrested are scared off. That and I'm busy most of the time.
[21:33] <LOVELYboy> I had trouble at home, too.
[21:34] <Eitak_Razal> oh?
[21:37] <LOVELYboy> My parents are two of the immortals, it was always awkward for everyone interested in me.
[21:38] * LOVELYboy absently plays with Taki's hair a bit
[21:39] * Taki Kensei sleeps peacefully
[21:40] <Eitak_Razal> Heh. I'm not sure if that would be worse then haveing the one in charge of the flow of time for a brother...
[21:42] <Eitak_Razal> Last guy he disporved of he threated to erase from time. His fears ended up being well founded (and I managed to convince him to let me toss the loser in jail instead) but my point remians
[21:44] <LOVELYboy> The guy I was with at the was all his problem. The immortals are...a big deal. And I'm the first child.
[21:45] <LOVELYboy> For my parents, I mean. The other two have had lots of kids.
[21:45] <Eitak_Razal> There's only 4? or are you counted makeing it 5?
[21:46] <Eitak_Razal> Oh.. and those other kids... meh
[21:47] <LOVELYboy> No. I'm mortal.
[21:47] <LOVELYboy> Well they've only got one right now. Immortals have kids every few centuries.
[21:48] <Eitak_Razal> You would think me and my brother would be immortal, but we aren't. My brother theroizses that the gods who gave the first sages their powers didn't grant them immorality as a failsafe
[21:49] <LOVELYboy> Ah.
[21:51] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Vainamoinen is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[21:51] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Vainamoinen is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[21:51] <> (( what the ))
[21:51] <Vainamoinen> (( check ))
[21:51] <Vainamoinen> I am immortal
[21:51] * Vainamoinen is currently standing on the water
[21:52] <Adam Kanal> Ninja an do that, too
[21:52] * Eitak_Razal looks at Vainamoinen.
[21:52] *** Vainamoinen is somewhat masculine/feminine looking figure with long white hair and icey blue eyes. He/She wears plain dull white and blue clothes, wears slight blue lipgloss and has an air of quietness about him
hir image Song is: .
[21:53] <Vainamoinen> quite
[21:53] * Vainamoinen walks off the water..and continues walking a few inches off the ground
[21:53] <LOVELYboy> Hi
[21:53] <Vainamoinen> (( have to fix's not a's a hir ))
[21:54] <Vainamoinen> (( ok fixed ))
[21:55] <Vainamoinen> my my we do have a problem delightful
[21:55] <Eitak_Razal> Cheater. Floating does count as walking on the water
[21:56] <Vainamoinen> very well *lowers self*
[21:57] <LOVELYboy> Good to see you, as always.
[21:57] <Vainamoinen> likewise *gives a smile*
[21:59] * Vainamoinen whistles..the sand rising into a small mound as he/she sits down
[21:59] * LOVELYboy smells strange hunting grounds in Vain's scent
[22:00] <Vainamoinen> much more nice to be comfy...
[22:02] * Eitak_Razal is still quite fin on her rock. She still has tea too. Apperntly a Prinny has been refreshing it for her every so often
[22:03] * LOVELYboy prods Taki a bit
[22:03] <Taki Kensei> huh..wha...
[22:04] * Vainamoinen just smiles at the two
[22:05] *** @Wolfwood [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:05] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood
[22:05] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[22:06] <Vainamoinen> ah...I see a rugged maiden has appeared.....
[22:07] <@Wolfwood> <_<
[22:08] <Vainamoinen> rugged yet the hand of nature has favored her
[22:08] <LOVELYboy> Wake up, ansa. Vain's here.
[22:08] <Taki Kensei> oh...hey, miara...
[22:09] * Vainamoinen smiles at wolf
[22:10] * @Wolfwood breaks out a tomahawk
[22:10] <@Wolfwood> I cut you.
[22:10] * Vainamoinen just smiles at wolf "go ahead...."
[22:10] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea. "And this is why you should learn to teleport. Good for dogeing explosions"
[22:11] * Vainamoinen walks over to wolf....
[22:11] <Vainamoinen> (( what is the handle of the tomahawk made of? ))
[22:11] * LOVELYboy watches between Vain and Wolf carefully
[22:11] <LOVELYboy> (( wood usually ))
[22:12] * Vainamoinen puts hir hand gently around the tomahawk handle (and wolf's hand ironically)
[22:12] <Vainamoinen> pardon me then
[22:12] * Vainamoinen moves the handle grows into a tree
[22:13] * Vainamoinen picks an apple from the tree and bites into it " nice"
[22:14] <Taki Kensei> ..........that is strange
[22:15] <Eitak_Razal> The only thing I find odd is that it's apple tree
[22:15] <@Wolfwood> ...........
[22:15] * Vainamoinen tosses an apple to Eitak
[22:15] * @Wolfwood cuts your hand off
[22:15] <Vainamoinen> ...........
[22:15] <Vainamoinen> *tsk tsk*
[22:15] * Vainamoinen picks up hir hand...and carefully reattaches it
[22:16] <Vainamoinen> this is my good hand too....
[22:17] <@Wolfwood> keep it off me
[22:17] <Vainamoinen> if you wish, girl
[22:17] * Eitak_Razal shoves the apple up her sleeve into a hidden pocket dimension
[22:18] <Eitak_Razal> I'ld reverse your pronouns for everyone but me that's here right now.
[22:18] * Vainamoinen gives a soft whistle...waves a finger..and the tomahawk is restored to normal
[22:18] * Adorable Kitten creeps out of the house, batting a ball of red string in front of it down the beach.
[22:19] * Adorable Kitten is away: (Jungle
[22:20] <Taki Kensei> *yawn*
[22:20] * @Wolfwood lights a cigar
[22:20] * Swift Bat flies into an open window of the House, and heads upstairs.
[22:21] * Vainamoinen walks towards the sea...and into it...going under
[22:21] * Swift Bat is away: going through somebody's dresser.
[22:21] * Matsy Shin SCREAMS from the house
[22:21] <@Wolfwood> This house. I swear.
[22:21] <Matsy Shin> GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT
[22:22] *** Vainamoinen has left #suburbansenshi2
[22:22] * creeps out of the House, carrying a bra in its teensy mouth.
[22:22] <Eitak_Razal> Put it back
[22:22] <Eitak_Razal> Unless you want set on fire
[22:23] * Adorable Kitten looks out onto the beach, keeping it's tail between its legs, and the undergarment in its mouth.
[22:23] * LOVELYboy glares at bra stealer, and sends a good blast of power right at it
[22:23] * Adorable Kitten looks at Lovelyboy.
[22:23] *** Lovelyboy is a young man with long light brown hair with a few tribal braids, blue eyes, and is 5'10. He is muscular and can be very aggressive.
His image Song is: "Dive into Yourself" by High and Mighty Color.
[22:23] * Matsy Shin runs out, wearing a sports bra and shorts "GET OUT OF HERE!"
[22:23] * Adorable Kitten ducks back into the house trying to lose its pursuers.
[22:23] <Eitak_Razal> I'd be upset if I didn't know she was really a guy.
[22:24] <@Wolfwood> lol
[22:24] * Eitak_Razal is talking about Matuso not wearing a shirt.
[22:24] <Matsy Shin> PERVERT!! ><
[22:24] <Eitak_Razal> Hormones most likely
[22:24] * Adorable Kitten attempts to hide inside the house.
[22:24] <spiritflame> Adorable Kitten rolls 1d20 [ 2 ]
[22:24] * LOVELYboy goes up to the house and stalks the kitten
[22:25] * Adorable Kitten was trying to hide in a cupboard.
[22:25] <Matsy Shin> what is UP with that thing....stealing underwear.....
[22:25] * LOVELYboy opens the cupboard and lifts it out by the scruff of the neck
[22:26] * Adorable Kitten wiggles, upset, but does not change form.
[22:26] <Taki Kensei> Miara..I'm going home ~_~ I'm tired....
[22:26] * Adorable Kitten keeps its tail between its legs.
[22:26] * Adorable Kitten looks at Taki Kensei.
[22:26] *** Taki Kensei is has wavey brownish hair, bright eyes and a smile like the sun. acts as if from another world. Is in fact Ultraman Mu, a highly evolved alien.
His image Song is: "The Inner Light" by Jay Chattaway.
[22:26] <LOVELYboy> Drop it. Now.
[22:26] * Adorable Kitten shakes it's head.
[22:26] <LOVELYboy> I'll see you later. Get some sleep, you feel tired, too.
[22:26] *** Taki Kensei [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (~_~)
[22:27] * Adorable Kitten looks at LOVELYboy with really pitiful... but VERY curious eyes.
[22:27] * Adorable Kitten looks at LOVELYboy.
[22:27] *** LOVELYboy is a young man with long light brown hair with a few tribal braids, blue eyes, and is 5'10. He is muscular and can be very aggressive.
His image Song is: "Dive into Yourself" by High and Mighty Color.
[22:27] <Matsy Shin> last tried to steal one of my sister's blouses!
[22:27] * LOVELYboy glares at the kitten with pure dominance
[22:27] <LOVELYboy> - NOW -
[22:27] * Adorable Kitten is now known as Immense_Serpent
[22:28] * Immense_Serpent tries to slither free and out the door.
[22:28] <spiritflame> Immense_Serpent rolls 1d20 [ 6 ]
[22:28] * Matsy Shin narrows her eyes..and tries to use her mind to freeze the snake in it's tracks....
[22:29] * Immense_Serpent gives up, and stops moving.
[22:29] <Matsy Shin> why is this thing....stealing this stuff
[22:29] * Immense_Serpent still holds the Bra.
[22:29] <Eitak_Razal> You mean why is our residant Vampire stealing stuff
[22:29] <LOVELYboy> Dimitri has some kind of infatuation for your sister
[22:30] <Matsy Shin> .....ew
[22:30] * The Bra that the kitten is holding almost definitely belongs to somebody else.... it has rawhide fringe.
[22:31] <@Wolfwood> I say we stake him for funsies.
[22:31] * Immense Serpent looks at Wolfwood.
[22:31] *** Wolfwood is a very tall 25 year old white american female with glowy blue eyes, dirty blonde hair done up in a ponytail. She is wearing olive millitary pants tucked into boots and a black tank top More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: Army Of The Pharoahs - Agony Fires.
Wolfwood is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator
[22:31] <Immense Serpent> ...
[22:31] * Immense Serpent looks at LOVELYboy.
[22:31] *** LOVELYboy is a young man with long light brown hair with a few tribal braids, blue eyes, and is 5'10. He is muscular and can be very aggressive.
His image Song is: "Dive into Yourself" by High and Mighty Color.
[22:31] * Immense Serpent looks at Matsy Shin.
[22:31] *** Matsy Shin is woman who looks almost exactuly like matsumi did when she had short hair: 5'6, large chest, blue green eyes and red hair.
Her image Song is: .
[22:31] * Matsy Shin frowns at the serpent
[22:31] <LOVELYboy> You are getting dangerously close to loosing any friends you have here.
[22:32] * Immense Serpent blinks twice.
[22:32] <@Wolfwood> Who?
[22:32] * Immense Serpent is now known as Hulking Figure
[22:32] * Hulking Figure is shirtless...
[22:32] <@Wolfwood> Ah
[22:32] <Hulking Figure> MAYBE I FREAKING NEEDED THEM!
[22:32] <Hulking Figure> I lost my shirt!
[22:32] * Matsy Shin looks at Hulking Figure.
[22:32] *** Hulking Figure is Thick-muscled and obscene parody of the female gender that stands 7'2 high. Her hair is in a ponytail, and there is something about her features that is very off-putting. She is covered with hair, and is has no shirt or bra that fits. She's pissed.
His image Song is: "Angel of Darkness".
[22:32] <Hulking Figure> NOW LOOK AT ME!
[22:32] <Matsy Shin> ............................................
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> I'm trying to f[BLEEP]king make some new clothes!
[22:32] <LOVELYboy> Why didn't you ask someone??
[22:33] * Eitak_Razal just bursts out laughing
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> Because I thought that Pink-Hair had done this to me because she was still mad about the daylight thing!
[22:33] <@Wolfwood> That. Thats creepy.
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> I didn't know it had happened to you guys too!
[22:33] <@Wolfwood> Thats. Thats very creepy.
[22:33] <Hulking Figure> Why do you think I didn't change into an animal?
[22:34] <Hulking Figure> HUH?
[22:34] <LOVELYboy> Again, cause you didn't bother to talk to anyone or look around you.
[22:34] <Eitak_Razal> While this should me visulally scaring, i findit more funnny
[22:34] <Hulking Figure> Does anybody else think it's... cold out here?
[22:34] * Eitak_Razal falls over laughing
[22:34] * Hulking Figure tries to cover her midriff.
[22:34] * LOVELYboy gets a shirt from the house and hands it to HF
[22:35] * @Wolfwood would laugh but is gripped by sheer terror
[22:35] * Hulking Figure tries to put it on... and it rips almost immediately.
[22:35] <LOVELYboy> Look, clothing. From the COMMUNAL closet.
[22:35] * Hulking Figure grumbles.
[22:35] * Eitak_Razal giggles "Get his mesurments. I'll have my tailor make something special if he can't find anything
[22:36] <LOVELYboy> That was the biggest one in there.
[22:36] * Hulking Figure walks over to the ocean, and gets on her knees so only her neck up can show.
[22:36] <Matsy Shin> I..don't think any of our stuff..or rather my sister's stuff..would fit you..
[22:36] <LOVELYboy> You could make a drapped dress out of a bedsheet you know
[22:36] <Hulking Figure> I split my other shirt when I sprouted the wings.... I didn't think much of it, since I was having so much fun out here...
[22:37] <Hulking Figure> So I tried to find some other clothes, and some threat to stitch them together!
[22:37] <Hulking Figure> Why do you think I kept my tail between my legs as a cat?
[22:37] <Hulking Figure> Sheesh...
[22:38] <LOVELYboy> ..we wouldn't see anything we don't see on any other female cat
[22:38] * Eitak_Razal giggles. "Someone get me mesureing tape. I'll get this taken care of
[22:38] * @Wolfwood is away
[22:39] * Hulking Figure looks at Matsy Shin..
[22:39] *** Matsy Shin. is your average everyday Matsy Shin.
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> And I thought YOU had joined with your sister again.
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> That's why I scratched you.
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> Actually... wait up---Who are you exactly?
[22:39] <Matsy Shin>'s not my fault that I look like her....we're twins...
[22:39] <Matsy Shin> ..I'm usually matsuo shin ><
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> Okay.
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> I'll buy that.
[22:40] * LOVELYboy looks at HF carefully, and writes down some numbers on a paper for Razal
[22:41] <Hulking Figure> ...The only reason relented and let you see me at ALL was when I figured that I wasn't the only one that this had happened to.
[22:41] * Hulking Figure blushes---it takes some effort, since she's dead.
[22:42] * Matsy Shin shivers
[22:42] * Eitak_Razal takes the paper and gets on her phone "I need slome clothes made for a freind of mine with these... "she truns around so she can stop giggling and continues telling the person on the other end "...And I need it before it's finished. Actully the moment I hang up" And she hangs up and a box falls into her lap
[22:43] <Hulking Figure> ...Okay. Wow.
[22:43] <Eitak_Razal> Actully they haven't been made yet and wouln't be done for about an hour. But time magic is useful isn't it
[22:44] *** Ken Hakinochi [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:44] <@spiritflame> irasshai Ken Hakinochi
[22:44] * Matsy Shin shivers, standing there in shorts and a sports bra
[22:44] <Hulking Figure> I appreciate your getting me clothes.... so I'm not even going to--I mean, thank you very much.
[22:44] * Hulking Figure looks at Ken Hakinochi.
[22:44] *** Ken Hakinochi is a 23 year old man with disheveled brown hair, a dreamy smile, and very sweet looking dark brown eyes. He stands at 5'5" and seems very assured of himself. Quick to smile and grin at a pretty lady, Ken enjoys flirting and dancing. The male version of Euri.
His image Song is: "Europa" by Prozak.
[22:44] * Ken Hakinochi is in GUY form! Albeit cheating a little but still.
[22:45] <LOVELYboy> Go put some clothes on, Mats.
[22:45] <Eitak_Razal> And take Vampire here with you.
[22:45] <Hulking Figure> I"ll follow you into the house and put some clothes on too.
[22:45] * Eitak_Razal holds out the box
[22:45] <Ken Hakinochi> Minna-san!!
[22:45] * Ken Hakinochi coughs and lowers his voice to sound like a guy.
[22:45] <Matsy Shin> um..ok
[22:45] * Hulking Figure glares for a second at Eitak... but focuses on the favor instead of why she is angering him.
[22:45] * Matsy Shin is away: be right back
[22:45] <Ken Hakinochi> Heeey how's it all going tonight?
[22:46] * Hulking Figure is now known as Immense_Serpent.
[22:46] * Matsy Shin is back
[22:46] * Immense_Serpent slithers out of the sea, picks up the Eitak's parcel by the string on it, and slinks into the house.
[22:47] * Matsy Shin returns wearing one of matsumi's shirts..a green one with a blue cloud design on it
[22:47] <Matsy Shin> sister has strange tastes..doesn't she
[22:47] * Immense_Serpent is away: (Changing form and changing clothes)
[22:47] * Ken Hakinochi scratches the back of his head, confused.
[22:47] <Ken Hakinochi> Eh? No, I wouldn't say that.
[22:47] <Ken Hakinochi> It looks super flattering on you...Matsumi?
[22:47] <Eitak_Razal> If what's in taht box is weird it's not my fault
[22:47] <Matsy Shin> ...matsy
[22:47] <Eitak_Razal> Wrong siblinig
[22:48] <Matsy Shin> ...I'm really her brother..matsuo
[22:48] <Ken Hakinochi> ...Who?
[22:48] <Ken Hakinochi> ..Oh..
[22:48] <Ken Hakinochi> oh.
[22:48] <Ken Hakinochi> Right.
[22:48] <Ken Hakinochi> I knew that.
[22:48] <Ken Hakinochi> Man, I should bring this body out more often.
[22:48] <Ken Hakinochi> I love when powers have freakouts and awesome stuff happens.
[22:49] <LOVELYboy> It's certainly been interesting around here.
[22:49] <Ken Hakinochi> Yeah?
[22:49] <Ken Hakinochi> I've been out so much...
[22:49] <Ken Hakinochi> I'm SO SAD
[22:49] <Eitak_Razal> Yes, because wild magic is such fun. Like a forrest sprouting up in the middle of a city street
[22:49] <Matsy Shin> you are a very strange man....
[22:49] <Ken Hakinochi> I RUINED my summer with my Hachiko-chan and OH! DID YOU KNOW HER BIRTHDAY WAS THE OTHER DAY
[22:49] <Ken Hakinochi> Whoa really?
[22:49] <Ken Hakinochi> I'd love to see that..
[22:49] * Matsy Shin just looks at ken, frowning
[22:50] <Ken Hakinochi> What, Matsuo.
[22:50] <Eitak_Razal> Oh yes, trees lifting up cars, cars smahing into the new trees, such fun
[22:50] * Eitak_Razal is saying this sarcasticly of course
[22:50] <Matsy Shin> you just seem strange
[22:51] <Ken Hakinochi> Dude, that sounds awesome!
[22:51] <Ken Hakinochi> Wait, who seems strange?
[22:52] <Matsy Shin> you
[22:52] * Ken Hakinochi pouts.
[22:52] <Ken Hakinochi> Well excuuuuse me.
[22:52] <LOVELYboy> Well, I suppose I should go home, since Taki already went.
[22:52] <Ken Hakinochi> The personality in this body didn't fully kick in when I put it on before coming here, hmph.
[22:52] <Ken Hakinochi> Old body is old.
[22:52] <Matsy Shin> see what I mean..strange
[22:52] <Ken Hakinochi> Well, on the inside only.
[22:52] <Ken Hakinochi> Look man...woman..
[22:52] <Ken Hakinochi> ...Shut up.
[22:53] *** LOVELYboy [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Change is good for you.)
[22:53] <Matsy Shin> what did you say???
[22:53] * Ken Hakinochi grumbles, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
[22:53] <Ken Hakinochi> Yo, you heard me!
[22:53] <Ken Hakinochi> You got some sand in your ears?
[22:53] <Matsy Shin> no I don't have sand in my ears ><
[22:53] * Eitak_Razal goes back to her tea, dumping it out and getting fresh. "Dunno if any got in his ears but some got in my tea"
[22:54] <Ken Hakinochi> Aw man, that sucks.
[22:54] <Ken Hakinochi> You gonna make some more or just forget about it?
[22:54] * Matsy Shin stomps over to ken "who do you think you are anyway!?"
[22:54] <Ken Hakinochi> Hakinochi!
[22:54] * Ken Hakinochi puffs out of his chest and really gets into his role.
[22:54] <Ken Hakinochi> Crown Prince of Europa!
[22:55] <Matsy Shin> .............
[22:55] <Matsy Shin> so!...I'm the prince..err..princess of Quinox!
[22:55] <Ken Hakinochi> Pfffft, no.
[22:55] * Immense_Serpent sticks its head bashfully out the door.
[22:55] * Immense_Serpent is back
[22:55] <Ken Hakinochi> That's Matsumi.
[22:55] <Ken Hakinochi> And as of right now, you ain't her.
[22:55] <Eitak_Razal> And I'm the Queen of Neggerra. Your point?
[22:55] * Matsy Shin frowns deeply at Ken
[22:56] <Matsy Shin> are ><
[22:56] <Matsy Shin> mean!
[22:56] <Eitak_Razal> Titles mean nothing amoung freinds. Oh, I also stole the title of Lady of Dance some time back as well
[22:57] * Ken Hakinochi gives an incredulous look at the Queen of Naggers.
[22:57] <Ken Hakinochi> Look, lady, this convo has nothing to do with you.
[22:57] <Ken Hakinochi> Matsy, my friend.
[22:57] * Ken Hakinochi puts his arm around her and pulls her close, walking with her away from the Queen.
[22:58] <Matsy Shin> h-huh?
[22:58] <Ken Hakinochi> You can just take this time to relax and enjoy your life as you never could have before.
[22:58] <Ken Hakinochi> I mean, just look at you!
[22:58] <Ken Hakinochi> Curves in all the right places, a gorgeous head of hair, and those eyes.
[22:58] * Ken Hakinochi whistles.
[22:58] <Ken Hakinochi> A man could fall in love with your eyes.
[22:58] <Ken Hakinochi> Though!
[22:58] <Ken Hakinochi> Since you aren't Matsumi
[22:58] <Ken Hakinochi> and neither are you Matsuo
[22:58] <Ken Hakinochi> You could take this glorious opportunity to be a whole new you
[22:58] <Prinny> That's so full of squick dood
[22:59] <Ken Hakinochi> Without all those...Quinoxian responsibilities and burdens.
[22:59] <Ken Hakinochi> Y'see what I'm saying?
[22:59] * Matsy Shin is blushing deeply
[22:59] <Matsy Shin> @_@ uh..yes
[22:59] * Immense_Serpent looks out the window.
[22:59] * Immense_Serpent disappears.
[22:59] * Immense_Serpent is away: (ripping and cursing sounds are heard)
[23:00] * Matsy Shin is bright red in the face
[23:00] * Ken Hakinochi grins wickedly and pulls her closer to him, whispering something every so quietly into her ear.
[23:00] * A mangled pair of high-heels are thrown out the window, with an exclamation of "You have to be kidding me!"
[23:01] <Matsy Shin> !!!!!
[23:01] * Matsy Shin faints
[23:01] * Adorable Kitten walks out of the house.
[23:01] * Adorable Kitten looks tentatively left and right.
[23:01] * Ken Hakinochi manages to hold Matsy in his well toned arms so she doesn't drop to the floor.
[23:01] <Ken Hakinochi> Hmrn...
[23:01] * Adorable Kitten looks at Ken Hakinochi.
[23:01] *** Ken Hakinochi is a 23 year old man with disheveled brown hair, a dreamy smile, and very sweet looking dark brown eyes. He stands at 5'5" and seems very assured of himself. Quick to smile and grin at a pretty lady, Ken enjoys flirting and dancing. The male version of Euri.
His image Song is: "Europa" by Prozak.
[23:02] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:02] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[23:02] * Ken Hakinochi sighs, ignoring the leers and suggestions from the Inhabitants in his head and gracefully picks up Matsuo.
[23:02] * Adorable Kitten looks at Eiry.
[23:02] *** Eiry is a thin man with short redish blond hair and green eyes. He is 5'8. Usually carries a bag and sword. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Bluebird" by Ayumi Hamasaki.
[23:02] * Adorable Kitten walks up to Eiry.
[23:02] * Eiry comes out of the jungle
[23:03] <Adorable Kitten> Mew?
[23:03] * Ken Hakinochi gently carries Matsuo back up the beach.
[23:03] * Ken Hakinochi Matsy^
[23:03] * Eiry ignores the kitten and goes to see what happened to Matsuo
[23:03] <Matsy Shin> @____@
[23:03] <Eiry> What happened?
[23:03] * Adorable Kitten looks sad.
[23:04] * Adorable Kitten looks at LOVELYboy.
[23:04] *** LOVELYboy is a young man with long light brown hair with a few tribal braids, blue eyes, and is 5'10. He is muscular and can be very aggressive.
His image Song is: "Dive into Yourself" by High and Mighty Color.
[23:04] <Ken Hakinochi> She fainted.
[23:04] <Prinny> Your boyfriend is being carried off dood
[23:04] <Ken Hakinochi> Poor thing, maybe she didn't eat enough today.
[23:05] <Eitak_Razal> Quite pest
[23:05] <Matsy Shin> @____@ *face is as red as her hair*
[23:05] * Adorable Kitten walks over to LOVELYboy and sniffs his foot.
[23:05] * Adorable Kitten appears satisfied.
[23:05] * Ken Hakinochi gently places Matsy on a long lawnchair or beachchair or whatever and lightly moves a strand of her red hair from her face.
[23:06] <Matsy Shin> @______@ gurgle
[23:07] * Eiry goes to get a damp cloth and puts it on Mats' forehead
[23:07] * Adorable Kitten is now known as Hulking Figure
[23:08] <Hulking Figure> F[BLEEP]ke it.
[23:08] <Hulking Figure> Honestly.
[23:08] <Hulking Figure> And I shouldn't even care, that's the annoying thing.
[23:09] * Hulking Figure looks around for Miara
[23:09] <Eiry> (( miara left a while ago?? ))
[23:09] <Ken Hakinochi> Eh?
[23:09] <Ken Hakinochi> I wonder what his problem is...
[23:09] <Ken Hakinochi> So anyway, Eiry, you think she's gonna be okay?
[23:09] <Eiry> He's generally unhappy about something.
[23:10] <Eiry> If she just fainted, sure.
[23:10] <Matsy Shin> @___@ sweet my ear
[23:10] <Eiry> Eh??
[23:10] <Hulking Figure> Oh, get over it.
[23:11] <Hulking Figure> I wonder what I should do with the clothing I stole...
[23:11] <Eiry> Give it back, of course! With apologies.
[23:11] <Matsy Shin> @___@ you have a nice voice, ken...
[23:12] * Ken Hakinochi chuckles warmly.
[23:12] <Ken Hakinochi> I do.
[23:12] <Eiry> ...
[23:12] <Eitak_Razal> Was there something wrong with the clothes my people sent over?
[23:14] <Hulking Figure> What do you mean? I'm wearing them aren't I? Nothing wrong... Hmph, well, nothing besides the psychological trauma of donning them.
[23:14] <Eiry> Maybe I should take her down to her room until she recovers.
[23:15] <Hulking Figure> Um... I kind of already tried to stitch some of them together to make clothes and a bra that would fit me.
[23:15] <Eitak_Razal> Just checking. Their outfits tend to be a bit..... frilly for my tastes
[23:15] <Hulking Figure> So... I'd be glad to go to a store and buy you some replacements.
[23:15] <Hulking Figure> But... I'm really sorry.
[23:15] <Matsy Shin> head
[23:15] * Matsy Shin sits up
[23:15] <Matsy Shin> what happened ><
[23:15] <Eiry> Want anything?
[23:15] <Hulking Figure> I guess that did seem pretty perverted---EVEN THOUGH I get labelled a pervert no MATTER what I do arround here@!
[23:16] <Eiry> Ken said you fainted.
[23:16] * Hulking Figure crosses her arms.
[23:16] <Matsy Shin> last thing I remember...I was talking to ken..and he..whispered something in my ear
[23:17] <Eiry> You don't say.
[23:17] <Matsy Shin> yeah...don't remember what he said though....
[23:18] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea "Probably for the best
[23:18] <Eiry> Well it's not important. Do you want something to eat or drink?
[23:19] * Ken Hakinochi whistles innocently.
[23:19] <Matsy Shin> some water might be nice
[23:20] * Eiry gets some and gives it to Mats
[23:20] * Hulking Figure grumbles.
[23:21] * Hulking Figure looks at Eitak_Razal.
[23:21] *** Eitak_Razal is a young woman with red hair and green eyes. She 's about 5'9. . Her outfit varies depening on her mood. though she is normally wearing a circlet or similar object that flags her as Queen of Neggerra. Her full name is Enirhtak Esor Razal
image Song is: Devil Inside by Utada.
[23:21] <Matsy Shin> thanks..*drinks*
[23:22] * Ken Hakinochi walks on down to the water, getting lost in the conversation going on in his head.
[23:22] * Hulking Figure growls a bit, looking around for Miara.
[23:23] * Hulking Figure walks over to Ken Hakinochi.
[23:23] <Matsy Shin> I think he's gone
[23:23] <Hulking Figure> Yeah.. That's probably a good thing, too.
[23:23] <Eiry> Not on the island any more, at least.
[23:23] <Hulking Figure> I was probably going to yell at her... I mean him.
[23:23] * Hulking Figure turns to Ken
[23:23] <Ken Hakinochi> Hn?
[23:23] * Hulking Figure taps Ken on the shoulder.
[23:23] <Eiry> What for?
[23:24] <Hulking Figure> How did you make that woman pass out?
[23:24] <Ken Hakinochi> I didn't make her do anything.
[23:24] * Hulking Figure raises her eyebrow.
[23:24] * Eiry puts an arm around Mats, hoping it will help her feel better
[23:24] <Hulking Figure> Oh?
[23:24] * Matsy Shin blushes..and leans against eiry
[23:25] <Hulking Figure> You must have quite the skilled tongue to do that.
[23:25] <Ken Hakinochi> You heard me.
[23:25] * Hulking Figure frowns.
[23:25] * Ken Hakinochi grins.
[23:25] <Ken Hakinochi> The ladies do indeed say that a lot.
[23:26] <Hulking Figure> Wait... are you normally a mal--nevermind.
[23:26] <Hulking Figure> I can't believe this has happened.
[23:26] <Hulking Figure> How long will this last?
[23:26] <Ken Hakinochi> No no, go on with your questions.
[23:26] * Ken Hakinochi snickers.
[23:26] <Hulking Figure> Okay... I will.
[23:27] <Hulking Figure> Are you normally a male, or not?
[23:28] * Eiry yawns
[23:28] <Ken Hakinochi> Nope.
[23:28] <Ken Hakinochi> Actually, now that you mention it.
[23:28] <Ken Hakinochi> As fun as this is...
[23:28] <Hulking Figure> Fun?
[23:28] <Ken Hakinochi> Deep down inside, I feel a little bothered by it, regardless of how I seem to enjoy it.
[23:28] <Hulking Figure> You think its fun?
[23:28] <Eiry> Will you be alright, Mats?
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> This is one freak accident I shouldn't take advantage so much of.
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> Yeah?
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> I mean...
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> It's me...
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> but at the same time, not all of it is me.
[23:29] <Matsy Shin> yeah..I'll be ok I think
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> It's like, with this body, is a small piece of someone else.
[23:29] <Hulking Figure> I honestly cant' believe I even care about the gender I portray.
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> Someone else's...persona...
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> but yet, it's still me?
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> Idk..
[23:29] <Eitak_Razal> Another side.
[23:29] <Ken Hakinochi> But what I do know
[23:29] * Ken Hakinochi is now known as Euri Hakinochi
[23:29] * Hulking Figure looks down at hsi girl's clothes.
[23:29] <Hulking Figure> WOAH!
[23:29] <Euri Hakinochi> is that I like being female much better, thank you.
[23:29] <Hulking Figure> How did you do that?
[23:30] <Eiry> I think I'm going to head home, then. It's been a tough week and I need to get some sleep.
[23:30] <Euri Hakinochi> The Ken body is something that was created due to the last time I was hit with a genderswitching beam thing
[23:30] <Euri Hakinochi> At the time, I wasn't able to transform into my senshi self
[23:30] <Euri Hakinochi> but, for some reason, he was able to?
[23:30] <Euri Hakinochi> and after the effects were reversed
[23:30] <Euri Hakinochi> I managed to go into my attic
[23:31] * Euri Hakinochi taps her head
[23:31] <Euri Hakinochi> and I found his body
[23:31] <Euri Hakinochi> It's weird that I was able to do it
[23:31] <Hulking Figure> Senshi? You are a Magi thing too?
[23:31] <Euri Hakinochi> so now he gets this little corner in my room in my mind that no one is allowed to go into
[23:31] <Euri Hakinochi> a what now
[23:31] <Euri Hakinochi> oh
[23:31] <Euri Hakinochi> yeah, I am
[23:31] * Matsy Shin drinks her water
[23:31] <Eitak_Razal> Beware, alternate forms are often what's on the other side of one's heart. Delve to deep and you may get lost
[23:31] * Hulking Figure looks at her incredulously.
[23:32] <Hulking Figure> Oh for crying out loud, why won't you shut up?
[23:32] <Euri Hakinochi> ...What?
[23:32] <Eiry> Night, Mats.
[23:32] <Matsy Shin> night, eiry
[23:32] *** Eiry [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:32] <Hulking Figure> Here I am, being cute, trying to be accepted by people, and you (points to Eitak) keep ruining it by blurting out my true form!
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> Blah blah blah, I"ll set you on fire!
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> Blah blah blah you pervert!
[23:33] * Neggerra's Voice wispers to HF "Cleary she Ignore's her own warnings..."
[23:33] <Eitak_Razal> I was not speaking to you
[23:33] * Hulking Figure shouts to the sky to SHUT UP!
[23:33] * Euri Hakinochi is completely lost, though that isn't new for her.
[23:33] * Hulking Figure turns to Euri
[23:33] <Matsy Shin> I am lost as well
[23:34] <Hulking Figure> So tell me... do you not really think of yourself as having a gender?
[23:34] <Euri Hakinochi> ......
[23:34] <Euri Hakinochi> ....................
[23:34] <Euri Hakinochi> I'm female.
[23:34] * Eitak_Razal gestures at Euri "I was talking to her, not you"
[23:34] <Euri Hakinochi> Kay thanks.
[23:34] * Eitak_Razal sips on her tea
[23:34] <Euri Hakinochi> ....what
[23:34] <Euri Hakinochi> Sooo confuuuused
[23:35] <Eitak_Razal> My advice. Beware of delving to deep into that other form. It seems to have a mind of it's own.
[23:35] <Euri Hakinochi> You think?
[23:35] <Eitak_Razal> You said yourself it wasn't quite you.
[23:35] <Hulking Figure> Her form or my form?
[23:35] <Euri Hakinochi> Yeah well
[23:35] <Euri Hakinochi> see
[23:36] <Eitak_Razal> Hers
[23:36] <Euri Hakinochi> the thing about me is..
[23:36] <Euri Hakinochi> For a very long time, I've been hosting several people in my mind.
[23:36] <Euri Hakinochi> People that were once real, living, breathing humans
[23:36] <Euri Hakinochi> and to save them from death, I somehow took them into myself
[23:36] <Euri Hakinochi> and they've lived with me for many years
[23:36] <Matsy Shin> ...............
[23:36] <Euri Hakinochi> at first, they could only watch through my eyes
[23:37] * Matsy Shin blinks...her eyes turning completely black
[23:37] <Euri Hakinochi> but i eventually learned how to let their body go in my stead
[23:37] <Matsy Shin> ..will you please
[23:37] * Matsy Shin gets up...and heads into the jungle
[23:37] * Matsy Shin is away: SS3
[23:37] <Euri Hakinochi> and with more time and practice and power, they're able to live their own lives outside my mind in their own bodies
[23:37] <Euri Hakinochi> but, you see, they're all completely different people
[23:37] * Hulking Figure stares at Matsy's eyes... "Yup... I'll totally excuse you."
[23:37] <Euri Hakinochi> not like that Ken body at all
[23:38] <Hulking Figure> You havent' been telling any doctors about this little deal, have you?
[23:38] <Euri Hakinochi> ....excuse me?
[23:38] <Euri Hakinochi> Are you insinuating that I'm crazy?
[23:40] * Euri Hakinochi taps her foot impatiently and crosses her arms across her chest, glaring up at him. She's pretty short, you know.
[23:40] <Hulking Figure> Um....
[23:40] <Hulking Figure> No.
[23:40] <Hulking Figure> And I'll tell you why, if yout want to know.
[23:40] <Hulking Figure> Most people who say that they are a horse are insane, but I can be one.
[23:41] <Euri Hakinochi> ...what?
[23:41] <Hulking Figure> You say you are multiple beings... but you just changed forms, so that lends credents to the fact that you aren't *only* crazy.
[23:41] <Euri Hakinochi> I am NOT multiple beings.
[23:41] <Euri Hakinochi> I just have people that live with me.
[23:41] <Euri Hakinochi> There's a huge difference.
[23:41] <Euri Hakinochi> And Ken's a costume or something.
[23:42] <Euri Hakinochi> There's still just little ole Kizoku here inside all this mess.
[23:42] <Euri Hakinochi> And that's my name, btw, thanks for asking.,
[23:43] <Hulking Figure> Your name is Kozuku?
[23:43] <Hulking Figure> Really?
[23:43] * Hulking Figure scratches his head.
[23:44] <Euri Hakinochi> My name is Kizoku Hakinochi.
[23:44] <Euri Hakinochi> I'm currently married to Akrim Hakinochi, who we call Haak.
[23:44] <Euri Hakinochi> We have two daughters, Silver and Hachi, though I call her Hachiko-chan.
[23:44] * several clouds start to gather overhead
[23:45] * a beam of light blasts into the sea........
[23:45] <Eitak_Razal> That's not normal
[23:45] <Hulking Figure> Damn it. I didn't want to mess these clothes up killing somebody!
[23:46] <Euri Hakinochi>
[23:46] <Hulking Figure> come on... let's go see what's happening!
[23:46] <Euri Hakinochi> I don't really want to..
[23:46] * the sea bubbles.....and then bursts
[23:46] <Euri Hakinochi> I should probably be getting back home..
[23:46] * Hulking Figure runs into the jungle... trying not to trip on his clothes.
[23:46] <Euri Hakinochi> I'm sore from all the training I've been doing lately as it is.
[23:46] * Hulking Figure is away: SS3
[23:46] *** Sphinx has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:46] <@spiritflame> irasshai Sphinx
[23:46] <Sphinx> [URL]
[23:47] <Eitak_Razal> (( Denied ))
[23:47] <Sphinx> (( crap ))
[23:47] <Sphinx>
[23:47] <Sphinx> (( well nevermind then ))
[23:48] * Sphinx looks like a gigantic humanoid eygptian sphyix made of gold
[23:48] * Sphinx roars once..and then takes off into the night sky...towards Tokyo
[23:48] *** Sphinx has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:48] <Eitak_Razal> Crap.
[23:48] <Euri Hakinochi> ....well...
[23:48] <Euri Hakinochi> That certainly can't be good.
[23:51] * Euri Hakinochi wonders how far away Tokyo IS from this island.
[23:53] * Euri Hakinochi wonders what group of superheros are going to get rid of them.
[23:53] <Eitak_Razal> Shall we chase it or shall we let it get to Japan and let the heros there handle it?
[23:54] * Euri Hakinochi gestures behind her to the house as she stares across the dark ocean, "If I do go back home to Tokyo, it'll only be to go back to my loving husband and children."
[23:54] <Euri Hakinochi> Unless if Jupiter-sama commands me to battle, or even Io-san, though I'll tell her to stick it where poop comes from, then I'll go.
[23:54] <Euri Hakinochi> If not, I'll stay put.
[23:55] <Euri Hakinochi> Unless the R.V.U. tells me to go into battle, too.
[23:55] * Euri Hakinochi sighs.
[23:55] <Eitak_Razal> Eh, it's probably too far to chasenow anwyways
[23:56] * Hulking Figure is back
[23:56] <Hulking Figure> What? The huge bird thing?
[23:56] * Matsy Shin is back
[23:56] * Matsy Shin is rubbing her head
[23:57] <Euri Hakinochi> Well if it's going to Tokyo, Tokyo's right through that door.
[23:57] <Euri Hakinochi> Oh, Matsy.
[23:57] <Euri Hakinochi> I didn't even know you were gone till you returned.
[23:57] <Euri Hakinochi> You okay? What's up?
[23:57] <Matsy Shin> my head hurts ><
[23:57] <Hulking Figure> That's odd.
[23:58] <Eitak_Razal> Yes that huge bird thing.
[23:58] <Eitak_Razal> We're debateing if it's worth the touble of fighting
[23:58] <Euri Hakinochi> If it threatens my family and Jupiter-sama in any way, then yes, I'll go after it.
[23:59] <Eitak_Razal> It's going to Tokyo. Doesn't your family live there. Doesn't that put them in the "In danger catagory?
[00:00] <Euri Hakinochi> ....yeah...
[00:00] <Euri Hakinochi> but if we're in real danger we can just to Haak's ship
[00:00] * Euri Hakinochi shrugs
[00:01] <Matsy Shin> what's going on...
[00:01] <Euri Hakinochi> I'm not worried.
[00:01] * Euri Hakinochi yawns tiredly.
[00:02] <Euri Hakinochi> Alright, I'm gonna head on home to my family-da.
[00:02] <Euri Hakinochi> Give my regards to Matsumi-san, okay Matsy-kun?
[00:02] <Hulking Figure> What EXACTLY did it look like?
[00:02] <Matsy Shin> oh I will
[00:02] * Euri Hakinochi waves goodbye and departs.
[00:02] *** Euri Hakinochi [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (So sleepy..)
[00:02] <Matsy Shin> (( pic is in the logs I think ))
[00:03] <Hulking Figure> ...I am following it. I want to study its form... always room for improvement.
[00:04] * Hulking Figure heads through the Portal to Tokyo.
[00:04] *** Hulking Figure [] has quit IRC (Out of the Darkness, in Blood we rise.)
[00:05] *** Matsy Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (I'm going to get some sleep)
[00:14] <Eitak_Razal> Heheheh
[00:39] <Yaiko> laaaaaaa
[00:42] <Yaiko> Man oh man was she PISSED to see me. ♫
[00:45] <Yaiko> But can I blame her? Noooooooo.
[00:45] <Yaiko> In retrospect, it may well have been a s[BLEEP]tty thing to do.
[01:03] <Yaiko>, I've done a lot of s[BLEEP]tty things.
[01:08] <Yaiko> Take a look at everything, on the grand scale.
[01:18] <Yaiko> ...and you know? It's all so very meaningless, on the grand scale.
[01:18] <Yaiko> Lengthwise, widthwise...
[02:03] <Yaiko> And in the end, even emptiness is empty.
[02:03] <Yaiko> No mind, no matter~
[02:03] *** Yaiko [iä!] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Hail, horrors! hail, Infernal world! and thou, profoundest Hell, Receive thy new possessor...)
[07:58] *** Harold Saxon [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[07:58] <@spiritflame> irasshai Harold Saxon
[07:59] <Harold Saxon> So this is Kayuga...
[07:59] <Harold Saxon> This is where he went.
[07:59] * Harold Saxon narrows his eyes.
[08:00] * Harold Saxon pulls out a piece of paper and makes strange alien markings on them
[08:00] * Harold Saxon leaves the note where he knows she will find it.
[08:01] * Harold Saxon just reads it over under his breath
[08:02] <Harold Saxon> "if you want to save your sister, we are going to have to work together. As for the rest of it, No deal. He's finished here."
[08:02] * Harold Saxon turns to something behind him.
[08:02] <Harold Saxon> Did you hear that?
[08:03] *** Weeping Angel can't respond, as Saxon is looking at him.
[08:03] <Harold Saxon> Heh.
[08:03] <Harold Saxon> I didn't bring you back all this way to just decorate the beach.
[08:04] *** Harold Saxon [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (When the time comes, kill him with a touch.)
[08:04] * Weeping Angel's face turns to a demonic scowl.
[08:05] * Weeping Angel vanishes
[18:18] *** Raihosha-ko [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:18] <@spiritflame> irasshai Raihosha-ko
[18:18] <Raihosha-ko> This is a bit of a new experience...
[18:19] <Raihosha-ko> I shouldn't wonder that I'll find the source of my new condition about here.
[18:20] <Raihosha-ko> ...At least once someone shows up to interrogate.
[18:23] *** The Yojimbo [memoriesofnobody@matrix.sen] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:23] <@spiritflame> irasshai The Yojimbo
[18:23] * The Yojimbo slowly walks across the beach, tilting her head as she smells the air
[18:24] * The Yojimbo runs her fingertips across a tree trunk, and finds a note.
[18:25] * Raihosha-ko looks at THe Yojimbo.
[18:25] *** THe Yojimbo is a tall, slender female wearing heavy brown robes, hood drawn up to cover most of her face. Deep purple bangs drape over her pale alabaster face, her golden eyes focusing intently upon you as she senses your gaze. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: .
[18:26] * The Yojimbo narrows her eyes.
[18:26] * The Yojimbo pockets the note for a moment and walks up to the woman.
[18:26] <The Yojimbo> How... odd.
[18:26] <Raihosha-ko> Odd? How do you think I've felt this week.
[18:27] * The Yojimbo kneels and runs her fingers across the sand, tasting it.
[18:27] <The Yojimbo> No, this is the right place....
[18:27] <The Yojimbo> Are you related to a man named Raihosha?
[18:27] * The Yojimbo stands again
[18:27] <Raihosha-ko> Well, depending on theory, I am him.
[18:28] <The Yojimbo> ...
[18:28] <The Yojimbo> Did you have a gender reassignment?
[18:29] <Raihosha-ko> Something happened earlier this week, I was kind of elsewhere on the island, but all of the sudden... Well, it was a sudden and presumably magical effect.
[18:30] * The Yojimbo sniffs some more.
[18:30] <The Yojimbo> No, no this smells of biochemical manipulation.
[18:30] <The Yojimbo> I knew I tasted something odd in the sand.
[18:31] <Raihosha-ko> Well, biochemical effects don't normally have such sudden effects. It may merely have been enhanced by magic or by some type of temporal technology.
[18:32] * The Yojimbo shrugs with her shoulders.
[18:32] <The Yojimbo> Fortunately I was nowhere near this island at the time.
[18:32] <Raihosha-ko> Indeed. THe new balance points take getting used t.
[18:33] <The Yojimbo> I don't think I could handle another change...
[18:34] <Raihosha-ko> Of course, I snuck in a shopping trip before I showed up here... Another change? YOu do seem very familiar.
[18:34] <The Yojimbo> Yes, in another "life", so to speak, you knew me as The Actuary.
[18:35] <The Yojimbo> Or maybe you didn't...
[18:35] <The Yojimbo> I don't know the exact contours of this new world.
[18:36] <Raihosha-ko> The Actuary? It has been a long time since we've seen you.
[18:37] <Raihosha-ko> Does Sakura know you're about?
[18:37] <The Yojimbo> Sakura...
[18:37] <The Yojimbo> No.
[18:37] <The Yojimbo> She's why I'm here.
[18:37] <The Yojimbo> She's currently trapped, along with her family.
[18:38] <The Yojimbo> Though she doesn't quite realize it yet, the silly girl.
[18:38] <Raihosha-ko> Ah. Well traping her would take some doing.
[18:38] <The Yojimbo> I wonder if she remembers me.
[18:39] * The Yojimbo reads the note she had collected.
[18:39] <Raihosha-ko> She remembers far more than she should.
[18:39] <The Yojimbo> "if you want to save your sister, we are going to have to work together. As for the rest of it, No deal. He's finished here."
[18:39] <The Yojimbo> Well, that is the curse of being a Time Lord.
[18:39] <The Yojimbo> Tch.
[18:39] * The Yojimbo crumples up the paper.
[18:40] <Raihosha-ko> He? Are we talking about Xadium?
[18:40] * The Yojimbo does not answer.
[18:40] <The Yojimbo> I wonder why it is that I'm still alive.
[18:40] <The Yojimbo> It's perplexing.
[18:40] <The Yojimbo> But that is a mystery I will forestall investigating.
[18:41] <Raihosha-ko> YOu are still alive, why should it be a mystery?
[18:41] * The Yojimbo lets down her hood and shakes out her purple hair, which is done in a ponytail.
[18:41] <The Yojimbo> My family no longer exists.
[18:42] <The Yojimbo> I am an anomaly.
[18:42] <Raihosha-ko> Ah, so you came out the other side of a temporal paradox, that is perplexing.
[18:42] <The Yojimbo> I'd thought I'd ended it when I gave my Rassilon Imprimatur to Impresario, enabling him to become a full Time Lord.
[18:42] <The Yojimbo> I was prepared to die.
[18:42] <The Yojimbo> But I regenerated.
[18:43] <The Yojimbo> I cheated death twice.
[18:43] <The Yojimbo> I have no history.
[18:43] <Raihosha-ko> Might it have something to do with the fall of Gallifrey?
[18:44] <The Yojimbo> My family was lost in the Last Great Time War.
[18:44] *** LOVELYboy [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:44] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYboy
[18:44] <The Yojimbo> But [New] Gallifrey is in the heavens.
[18:44] <The Yojimbo> Of course they don't call it "New"
[18:44] <The Yojimbo> That would be a concession to defeat, to humilation.
[18:44] <LOVELYboy> So you're going to have a new homeworld?
[18:44] <The Yojimbo> It is merely Gallifrey.
[18:45] <The Yojimbo> We have one.
[18:45] <Raihosha-ko> The reverberations of the Last Great Time War will be with us for a very long time.
[18:45] <The Yojimbo> After Rassilon broke the Time Lock and cast the original Gallifrey back into the heavens, it took but that instant for many to flee the doomed world.
[18:45] <Raihosha-ko> Although it might be too soon to call it "the last"
[18:46] <The Yojimbo> So when Gallifrey finally fell back into the maw of the Time War, the survivors had already begun to rebuild.
[18:46] <LOVELYboy> That's good. It's always bad being the last of something, I'm sure.
[18:46] <The Yojimbo> But I am.
[18:46] <The Yojimbo> My personal family is gone. It was like they never existed.
[18:46] * Raihosha-ko looks at LOVELYboy.
[18:46] *** LOVELYboy is a young man with long light brown hair with a few tribal braids, blue eyes, and is 5'10. He is muscular and can be very aggressive.
His image Song is: "Dive into Yourself" by High and Mighty Color.
[18:46] <The Yojimbo> As a pair, anyway.
[18:47] <The Yojimbo> Thus, my existence is an anomaly.
[18:47] <The Yojimbo> My father's body, from what I understand, has become the shell of a great terror.
[18:47] <LOVELYboy> But you can make a new one, with another Gallifreyan.
[18:47] <LOVELYboy> Oh?
[18:47] <The Yojimbo> You misunderstand.
[18:47] *** Thrash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:47] <@spiritflame> irasshai Thrash
[18:47] <The Yojimbo> When I say "my family" I mean my parents.
[18:47] * Thrash watches from the shadows
[18:48] * Raihosha-ko looks at Thrash.
[18:48] *** Thrash is young man with long red hair pulled back in a ponytail. He wears a sleeveless silk chinese vest on and several black tattoos down his arms. He is not what he seems...
His image Song is: .
[18:48] <The Yojimbo> They never met. Or fell in love.
[18:48] <The Yojimbo> I smell you.
[18:48] * Thrash is currently a female version of the above
[18:48] * The Yojimbo turns to the direction of Thrash
[18:48] <Thrash> ....
[18:48] * Thrash walks out "I see"
[18:48] <LOVELYboy> What I said still stands.
[18:48] <LOVELYboy> Haven't seen you in a long time, Rai.
[18:48] * The Yojimbo shrugs
[18:49] <The Yojimbo> I have adopted the long view of my (late?) Jedi Master.
[18:49] <Raihosha-ko> It has been a bit Miara... I guess you recognize my scent?
[18:49] <The Yojimbo> I no longer concern myself with attachments.
[18:49] <Thrash> who am I speaking to...
[18:49] <LOVELYboy> Even though your world nearly died? Now that's sad.
[18:49] <The Yojimbo> ...yet, I am here to save my sister.
[18:49] * The Yojimbo looks at Thrash.
[18:50] <The Yojimbo> I have no name, only my title.
[18:50] <The Yojimbo> I am The Yojimbo.
[18:50] <Thrash> isn't it always
[18:50] <LOVELYboy> Then you're a contradiction.
[18:50] <The Yojimbo> I am.
[18:50] <Raihosha-ko> Yes. It would be a shame to lose sight of the fact that Sakura is apparently in trouble.
[18:50] <The Yojimbo> I have not lost sight of that.
[18:50] <Thrash> you are a time senstive...
[18:51] <The Yojimbo> It is my reason for coming here.
[18:51] <Raihosha-ko> I meant within the conversation...
[18:51] <The Yojimbo> ...
[18:51] <The Yojimbo> I am a *Time LORD*.
[18:51] <LOVELYboy> She is?
[18:51] <Thrash> ....
[18:51] <Thrash> well..given your clothing style..I do not doubt it
[18:51] * The Yojimbo is dressed in Jedi style, actually
[18:52] <Thrash> like all us time's bad
[18:52] * The Yojimbo holds out her arm, there is a Time Ring around her shoulder
[18:52] <Raihosha-ko> Apparently so, Miara, although the nature of her problems have yet to be revealed.
[18:52] <The Yojimbo> I used to have a dashing suit.
[18:52] <Thrash> a time ring..I see
[18:52] <The Yojimbo> But those days are done.
[18:52] <Thrash> the time war I take it
[18:52] <The Yojimbo> Yes.
[18:53] <Thrash> terrible business
[18:53] <The Yojimbo> Though traces of my life still linger.
[18:53] <Thrash> The Lost Planet....that place still haunts my dreams
[18:53] * The Yojimbo looks at Thrash and sees the same look in his eyes that she has seen in her mirror.
[18:53] <The Yojimbo> We all lost... too much.
[18:53] <LOVELYboy> That's what I keep feeling from all of you.
[18:54] <The Yojimbo> Heh.
[18:54] * The Yojimbo shrugs her shoulders
[18:55] <Thrash> well it was no jog in the picnic you know
[18:55] <The Yojimbo> It was what it was.
[18:55] <LOVELYboy> I in no way meant that lightly.
[18:55] <The Yojimbo> *to Thrash* What is your name?
[18:55] <Raihosha-ko> It is not too surprising, Miara. Imagine if the Lupa here on Earth didn't have a HOmeworld that they or their descendants could potentially return to?
[18:55] <Thrash> I am known as Thrash
[18:55] <The Yojimbo> I see.
[18:56] <The Yojimbo> It is good to meet you, Lord Thrash.
[18:56] <LOVELYboy> Yes, which is why I thought it deserved comment. I don't need you all to tell me that.
[18:56] <Thrash> likewise if I must
[18:56] <Raihosha-ko> I apologize, Miara.
[18:58] <LOVELYboy> Immortals and near immortals are full of deep, deep things.
[18:58] <Harold Saxon> And fried chicken ♫
[18:58] <Thrash> .................
[18:58] <LOVELYboy> Ew.
[18:58] <The Yojimbo> ...
[18:58] <Raihosha-ko> I wonder if I qualify as such a thing, Miara.
[18:58] * LOVELYboy looks at Harold Saxon.
[18:58] *** Harold Saxon is your new UNIT military commander from the United Kingdom, dressed in a simply sharp black suit and pressed white shirt.
His image Song is: Minister of Defence.
[18:59] <LOVELYboy> Yes.
[18:59] * Thrash shakes her head...
[18:59] <LOVELYboy> Do I know you?
[19:00] <Harold Saxon> Ooh look at these odd ducklings.
[19:00] <Harold Saxon> I don't think so.
[19:00] <Harold Saxon> Harold Saxon, head of UN---
[19:00] <The Yojimbo> --He is called The Master.
[19:00] <Harold Saxon> Oh I love it when you use my name~
[19:00] <Thrash> WHAT!/
[19:01] * Harold Saxon grins
[19:01] <Thrash> WHAT..WHAT..WHAT!/
[19:01] <Thrash> *?
[19:01] <LOVELYboy> Ohh. I see.
[19:01] <Raihosha-ko> Saxon? Weren't you PM? Or was he... what history am I remembering?
[19:01] <Harold Saxon> And another Time Lord too... how interesting. It's like a little family reunion...
[19:01] <Harold Saxon> Oh I was.
[19:01] <Thrash> .....aren't you suppose to be a corpse?
[19:02] <Harold Saxon> Reports of my demise are, as usual, greatly exaggerated.
[19:02] * Harold Saxon walks over to the hooded girl
[19:02] <Harold Saxon> So, Noriko~
[19:02] * The Yojimbo hisses
[19:03] <Thrash> ..what are you doing here
[19:03] <Harold Saxon> Sorry, sorry, sore subject~
[19:03] <Harold Saxon> What are you calling yourself again, Ronin?
[19:03] <The Yojimbo> Yojimbo.
[19:03] * LOVELYboy looks at Raihosha-ko.
[19:03] *** Raihosha-ko is statuesque platinum blonde, wearing a black cheongsam with a red floral pattern, and standing nearly two meters tall in her heels.
Her image Song is: .
[19:03] * Thrash reaches slowly into her pocket...
[19:03] <Harold Saxon> Always fun to see that infuriatingly bland Jedi facade fall away~
[19:04] <Thrash> ..........
[19:04] * Harold Saxon has his laser screwdriver out.
[19:04] <Harold Saxon> Na-ah~
[19:04] <Thrash> ..
[19:04] <Harold Saxon> Settle down, girlie.
[19:04] * Thrash slowly removes her hand from her pocket
[19:04] <Thrash> ..girlie...GIRLIE!?
[19:04] <The Yojimbo> Little Miss "Bodyguard" and I have to have a little chat.
[19:05] <Harold Saxon> ^
[19:05] * Harold Saxon draws Yojimbo aside.
[19:05] *** The Corruptor [[[ADDRESS UNKNOWN]]] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:05] <@spiritflame> irasshai The Corruptor
[19:05] <The Yojimbo> ...
[19:06] <Thrash> .................................
[19:06] <The Corruptor> Well well, if it isn't the "Master" of nothing.
[19:06] <Raihosha-ko> Oh, the poor sexist dearie is going to have his suit mussed if he isn't careful.
[19:06] * Harold Saxon frowns
[19:06] * Thrash narrows her eyes
[19:06] * The Yojimbo snarls. her claws out
[19:06] <The Yojimbo> YOU ... ABOMINATION
[19:07] * Thrash puts her Sonic Ring on her finger
[19:07] <The Corruptor> Oh, I wear your late father's body so well, don't I~ ♡
[19:07] * The Corruptor turns to "Saxon"
[19:07] * LOVELYboy watches everything
[19:07] * Raihosha-ko heads for cover.
[19:07] *** Raihosha-ko [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (As you will.)
[19:07] <The Corruptor> So, Master... he who tries to pathetically grasp even a fraction of my smallest achievements~
[19:07] * Thrash points it at the corruptor...just in case
[19:08] <The Corruptor> ...
[19:08] * The Corruptor walks right up to Thrash
[19:08] <Thrash> ...stay..back
[19:08] <The Corruptor> What are you going to do with that?
[19:08] <The Corruptor> no, really. Really. I'm curious.
[19:08] * Thrash is..visibly shaking
[19:08] * Harold Saxon just watches this with utter disgust.
[19:08] <Thrash> do not make me use it
[19:09] <The Corruptor> Oh... oh use it. Pretty, pretty, please~ Use it.
[19:09] * The Yojimbo is livid, shaking
[19:09] * Thrash winces..and tries to send a sonic pulse to the Corruptor's brain
[19:09] * Harold Saxon puts a firm hand on her shoulder. "Settle down"
[19:10] * The Corruptor 's eyes roll back in his head, and blood flows from his ears as his brain is pulped.
[19:10] * The Corruptor jerks and thrashes, falling on the ground, flopping, foaming at the mouth
[19:10] <Thrash>
[19:10] * The Corruptor dies.
[19:10] * Thrash stops her action
[19:10] <Thrash> ....oh.....I....
[19:10] * Harold Saxon watches impassively.
[19:11] <Thrash> .....I...I...
[19:11] * The Corruptor starts to make a gurgling sound
[19:11] * Thrash looks horrified...
[19:11] * The Corruptor spits out some foamy blood, body jerking
[19:11] * The Corruptor is trying to laugh
[19:11] * The Corruptor coughs a few times, spasming, making his way to his feet, laughing loudly
[19:12] * The Yojimbo angrily pulls out her lightsabre, ignites it and slashes away at Corruptor, ripping his body to shreds
[19:12] <Thrash> ...oh yes..I forgot...
[19:12] * Harold Saxon backs up a few steps ^^;
[19:12] * LOVELYboy is away
[19:12] * The Corruptor drops to the ground a mass of blackened char
[19:13] <Harold Saxon> Get it out of your system and let's go.
[19:13] <The Yojimbo> I can't just GO.
[19:13] <The Yojimbo> We can end him, HERE!
[19:13] <Harold Saxon> HOW.
[19:13] <Harold Saxon> The only one who can kill the likes of him is trapped in his Time Bubble.
[19:14] * The Corruptor 's body slowly starts to knit back together
[19:14] * The Yojimbo throws her lightsabre to the ground in disgust at her outburst.
[19:14] <Harold Saxon> You should darkside more often~
[19:15] <Harold Saxon> It's charming~
[19:15] <The Yojimbo> If my master was still alive ><
[19:15] *** The Yojimbo [memoriesofnobody@matrix.sen] has quit IRC (What can you take from me, She who has lost everything?)
[19:15] <Thrash> ..what do you disgusting creature
[19:15] *** Harold Saxon [] has quit IRC (Let's spring the Cherry Blossom Girl and her happy crew)
[19:16] * The Corruptor sits up, hoding one leg in hjis arms, studying it
[19:16] <The Corruptor> What I want... *cough*
[19:17] * The Corruptor jams his leg back on to the stump under his waist, letting it reattach.
[19:17] <The Corruptor> I want to help you all.
[19:17] * The Corruptor smiles
[19:17] <The Corruptor> I want to help you all advance.
[19:18] <The Corruptor> Past petty qualms of morality and loyalty and care and concern.
[19:18] <Thrash> like you advanced Rassilon?
[19:18] <The Corruptor> I want to take the Best of you, and make them the Worst of you.
[19:18] * The Corruptor smirks
[19:18] <The Corruptor> Oh, he was doing so well.
[19:18] <The Corruptor> He took the Time Lords to the EDGE of absolute immortality.
[19:19] <Thrash> you turned him into a madman.....
[19:19] <The Corruptor> He advanced a society of moderately interesting academicans and catapulted them to the highest echelons.
[19:20] <The Corruptor> He took savages and enabled them to wage war against The Great Vampires
[19:20] <The Corruptor> To control Stars, Planets, DIMENSIONS.
[19:20] <The Corruptor> He merely discarded petty things like conscience.
[19:20] <The Corruptor> I showed him a Better Way.
[19:21] * The Corruptor smirks.
[19:21] <The Corruptor> And that one... the Yojimbo...
[19:21] <The Corruptor> Whose father's body I now wear...
[19:21] <The Corruptor> Oh no~
[19:21] <The Corruptor> No I will not.
[19:21] <The Corruptor> I will take her, mind and soul.
[19:21] <Thrash> you will be stopped
[19:21] <The Corruptor> It will be simple.
[19:22] * The Corruptor picks up her lightsabre.
[19:22] <The Corruptor> She aches for vengeance.
[19:22] <The Corruptor> For retribution.
[19:22] * Thrash bristles with anger
[19:22] <The Corruptor> The Righteous... and the Self-Righteous...
[19:22] <The Corruptor> are the first to fall.
[19:23] <Thrash> you will fail
[19:23] <The Corruptor> Mmm.
[19:23] <The Corruptor> You lost people in the Time War?
[19:24] <The Corruptor> Why don't we fix that?
[19:24] <Thrash> ...............
[19:24] <The Corruptor> Why don't we remove the Time War from history?
[19:24] <The Corruptor> We are the Lords of Time.
[19:24] <The Corruptor> It is our right.
[19:24] <Thrash> ..there are laws..and we live by them