the current system time is: Wed Sep 08 21:49 2010; you are connected on; message of the day follows:

[08:05] <@spiritflame> a delayed confrontation is welcomed all the more
[08:05] <@SpeedRcrX> you know rei-rei, ever since you started trying to be all conversational you freak me the f[BLEEP]k out

welcome to #suburbansenshi2

[21:49] <@Ryan> f
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I thought Annie built him
[21:49] <@Ryan> F[BLEEP]k yeah
[21:49] <@Wolfwood> We need'nt legal troubles.
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I thought Annie built him
[21:49] <@Ryan> Annie REBUILT him.
[21:49] <Aspirant Snark> Woah... WHAT?
[21:49] <@Ryan> That was a piece of old canon that we thought was tossed out
[21:49] <@Ryan> But it's been reconfirmed
[21:50] <Aspirant Snark> That would explain why he doesn't look unique.
[21:50] <@Ryan> C-3PO is 113 years old by the time of the OT
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I MUST LEARN MOAR
[21:50] <Aspirant Snark> Mr. Plinkett was very upset about that.
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well I assumed he wqas built after exisiting plans
[21:50] <@Ryan> And in a recent episode of TCW, they're gonna make reference to his past prior to Anakin
[21:50] <Aspirant Snark> Plans available to slaves on Tattooine? With available parts?
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> has the new season of TCW started
[21:50] <Aspirant Snark> Oooh. I like to hear that, Ryan.
[21:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Man you can get anything on Tattooine
[21:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> besides that guy was trading in all kinds of parts
[21:51] <@Wolfwood> The real question is
[21:51] <@Ryan> All Anakin did was that he found this old 3PO body that was tossed away and restored it. Essentially, he DID 'build' it... from a certain point of view.
[21:51] <@Ryan> It starts next week, X.
[21:51] <Aspirant Snark> ...from a certain point of view.
[21:51] <@Wolfwood> When, if ever, will they off His annoying aprentice
[21:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Excellent
[21:51] <@Ryan> Two episodes that night.
[21:51] <@Wolfwood> Or at least turn her sith
[21:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Shush I like her now
[21:52] <@Ryan> XD
[21:52] <Aspirant Snark> Wolf: Never.
[21:52] <@Ryan> Ashoka has gotten better
[21:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I didn't at first but now i want to know what happens to her
[21:52] <Aspirant Snark> She is the audience surrogate. She will never come to harm.
[21:52] <@Wolfwood> She must die. It is fortold.
[21:52] <Hideki Kaze> (( I have not seen a single episode ))
[21:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nonsense a bunch of jedi survived the purge
[21:52] <Aspirant Snark> It is... her Destiny.
[21:52] <@Wolfwood> Must you ruin all my fun.
[21:53] <@Ryan> Around 200 by my last count
[21:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> yes
[21:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> whoah that many?
[21:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I figured like 30
[21:53] <@Wolfwood> most high teir right
[21:53] <@Ryan> One percent of the Jedi Order.
[21:53] <@Ryan> Then there was those that got killed after the initial start of the Purge.
[21:54] <@Ryan> God, I had some great quotes sometime back that I wish I could find now
[21:54] <Aspirant Snark> "Mon Mothma seeks the throne of the Empire for herself. The Rebels' message of 'freedom for the Galaxy' is a lie."
[21:54] <@Ryan> It was from people that got it direct from Lucas
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I still say we need an AU where Anakin / Obiwan stay buddies and someone else becomes Vader
[21:54] <@Ryan> About how some Jedi just became farmers
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm really digging that team.
[21:54] <@Ryan> And some became pirates
[21:55] <@Ryan> And others went onto being smugglers or mercenaries or bounty hunters
[21:55] <@Ryan> But they were essentially no longer Jedi
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Lucas, you know you need the money. Bust the universe wide open
[21:55] <@Ryan> Because it takes more than a lightsaber and Force Powers a Jedi make.
[21:55] <Aspirant Snark> I saw on TCW pop-up that there were fewer than 10,000 Jedi Knights in the entire Galaxy.
[21:55] <Aspirant Snark> ...So it apparently takes a lot more.
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> yeah it's a ways of living and acting
[21:56] <@Ryan> Correct, X.
[21:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I would pay to see it.
[21:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> COMMISSIONER VADER
[21:56] <@Ryan> They abandoned the Jedi path and, ergo, no longer considered a Jedi.
[21:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> THE ULTIMATE BAD COP
[21:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> DISPENSING JUSTICE AT THE TIP OF A BLADE
[21:57] <@Ryan> And yeah, Snark, there was 10,000 Jedi Knights as of TPM. I think a thousand might have died between then and AOTC. Then a s[BLEEP]tton got killed during the Clone Wars.
[21:57] <Aspirant Snark> I have bashed ROTJ many times, but I have recently come to the conclusion that it contains one of the most psychologically powerful moments in cinema.
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> or maybe they're partners right and then someone throws annie into the lava at mustafar and they resurrect him like robocvop as VADER and then they work together like that
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> and the droids can be wisecracking sidekicks
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Hans is the snitch who gets you the info you need
[21:58] * is now known as UltraMatt
[21:58] <@Ryan> Wait. Seriously? Ewoks aside, in which I say some still b[BLEEP]ch about nothing, it had the completing arc of Luke Skywalker. That was great cinema.
[21:58] <UltraMatt> ROTJ isn't that bad
[21:58] <Aspirant Snark> What I love?...Vader without his helmet on immediatly evokes pity in me. ---This was a guy that was choking people left and right just one movie ago... And I could suddenly feel for him.
[21:58] <@Wolfwood> This needs to be my school
[21:58] <UltraMatt> (though I'm starting to like Empire better)
[21:58] <Aspirant Snark> A guy responsible for the deaths of untold millions.
[21:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> and then and then and then like lando can be the cool bartneder with lots of colt 345 reference
[21:59] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i wonder if they still make colt 45
[21:59] <Aspirant Snark> They even pull this same trick again in Force Unleashed.
[21:59] <@Wolfwood> >_>
[21:59] <@Wolfwood> <_<
[21:59] <@Wolfwood> Theydo.
[21:59] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> IT WORKS EVERY TIME
[21:59] <Aspirant Snark> So X, it soundsl ike you are wanting a series full of the Speeder Bike Chase at the beginning of AOTC?
[21:59] <@Wolfwood> I have drank with some Homeboys in the past ok.
[21:59] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> (sorry in my own little world here)
[21:59] <@Ryan> Ah, TFU.
[22:00] <Aspirant Snark> ...But with a siren and flashing lights?
[22:00] <@Wolfwood> Cannot wait for 2
[22:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> well no more like the cop work in AoTC
[22:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> and in the Clone wars series
[22:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> they were awesome together
[22:00] <@Ryan> Or as I would like to call it, the game that I admit is fun and can entertain the casual folk but the actual fans it's f[BLEEP]king annoying due to continuity reasons.
[22:00] <@Ryan> Also, I can't wait for TFU2.
[22:01] <UltraMatt> wow I am way behind in SW stuff
[22:01] <Aspirant Snark> You will be. You always will be.
[22:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> so am i i just absorb it by osmosis
[22:01] <UltraMatt> I'm too much a Doctor Who guy
[22:01] <@Ryan> Don't listen to Snark. :P
[22:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> NO SUCH ANIMAL
[22:02] <@Ryan> I know what you mean, Matt. I'm that way with Doctor Who and Star Trek.
[22:02] <@Ryan> Also I just had a random browser shrinking
[22:02] <@Ryan> Weird
[22:03] <Aspirant Snark> The CGI Clone wars is, in my mind, VERY close to Star Trek.
[22:03] <UltraMatt> though I can get as much info as I want quickly
[22:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yes.
[22:03] <@Wolfwood> and now i'm out re: sleep
[22:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I like it. A lot.
[22:03] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has left #suburbansenshi2 (In the words of Ancient Taoist masters, Don't start none... Won't be none. )
[22:03] <@Ryan> You're gonna have to explain that logic
[22:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> More than I thought Iwoukld.
[22:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's a wider universe with more exploration of moral themes
[22:04] <UltraMatt> I remember alot of sith stuff >.>
[22:04] <UltraMatt> (I love sith stuff)
[22:05] <@Ryan> You basically mean... what the Expanded Universe has been doing for the last thirty years? XD
[22:05] <Aspirant Snark> I'm going to have to read the Darth Bane books.
[22:05] <@Ryan> Granted, there's some s[BLEEP]tty EU stuff out there but the top notch stuff can't be competed with
[22:05] <@Ryan> You're gonna not want to do that
[22:05] <@Ryan> They're s[BLEEP]t
[22:06] <@Ryan> Drew Krapassss[BLEEP]tYesI'mMockingHisName clearly shows with those Bane novels who actually wrote all the good s[BLEEP]t in KOTOR
[22:06] <@Ryan> Hint: It wasn't him.
[22:06] <Aspirant Snark> I dunno, man.
[22:07] <Aspirant Snark> You and I differ on some things.
[22:07] <Aspirant Snark> I really like some of the stuff by Kevin J. Anderson.
[22:07] <@Ryan> Say what you will about Kevin J. Anderson but I consider his s[BLEEP]tty writing a level about Drew KrapAssWriter
[22:07] <@Ryan> SAME BRAINWAVES
[22:07] <Aspirant Snark> IG88 is one of my favorite characters... And very handy to bring up when people are aguing on Borg Battle Cube vs. Death Star.
[22:08] <@Ryan> The KJA IG-88 storyw as one of the worst stories in SW history
[22:08] <UltraMatt> ...who argues about borg battle cube vs. death star!?
[22:08] <Aspirant Snark> >.>
[22:08] <Aspirant Snark> <.<
[22:08] <Aspirant Snark> Nobody.
[22:09] <Aspirant Snark> [SPOILER] My current room-mates and I... on the way to Gen-Con.
[22:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Borg Cube FTW
[22:10] <UltraMatt> I mean come on....the answer is obvious.....
[22:10] <UltraMatt> Hand of Omega all the way
[22:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> LOL
[22:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ADAPT TO A SUPERNOVA B[BLEEP]CHES
[22:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> IN YOUR COLLECTIVE FACE
[22:10] <@Ryan> I'm just gonna quote this in regards to the IG-88 story, which X and I talked about just recently. UNFORTUNATELY.
[22:11] <UltraMatt> XD XD
[22:11] <UltraMatt> is that the one where IG-88 uploaded his mind and such?
[22:11] <@Ryan> Generally, though, Therefore I Am is a textbook lesson on how not to write a Star Wars story. The plotline is utterly ridiculous -- automated planets that make all the galaxy's droids but never get paid attention to at all (hi there, equally atrocious The New Rebellion!), retconning nonsensical droid-revolution plans into the background of the films, completely destroying IG-88 as a credible character, and intruding brutishly and stupidly on the climax of the entire film saga with what's essentially a really bad stunt-gag. That's the kind of manuscript that, when turned in, shouldn't even prompt a request for a rewrite. The only necessary response is, "We'll find someone else, thanks."
[22:12] <UltraMatt> ...was IG-88 ever a credible charcter?
[22:12] <@Ryan> And yes, Matt, it was.
[22:12] <Aspirant Snark> Yes.
[22:12] <Aspirant Snark> He Was.
[22:12] <UltraMatt> ok
[22:12] <UltraMatt> ryan- I remember reading about that
[22:12] <@Ryan> IG-88, in his appearances prior to that story, had this badass thing going on for it
[22:13] <Aspirant Snark> Yeah? Well I already got over that Bad-ass thing when I blew him to junk in SOTE.
[22:13] <@Ryan> There really is such a thing as being able to ruin a character. It takes much to reverse it (Hi there, Hal Jordan) but in a universe such as the SW EU, there aren't retcons of that nature.
[22:13] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> man he took over the death star
[22:13] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> that's awesome
[22:14] <Aspirant Snark> Well... one thing that really brought him to life for me was his voice in Empire at War: Forces of Corruption!
[22:14] <@Ryan> What needs to be done, IMHO, is a continuity overhaul after TCW and the live-action goes off
[22:14] <Aspirant Snark> He had a better voice actor than Vader!
[22:14] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> isn't live action scuppered for now?
[22:14] <@Ryan> Get rid of the bad s[BLEEP]t and leave the good
[22:14] <@Ryan> It's on pause. The scripts are done
[22:14] <Aspirant Snark> - "Do you wish to utilize my services?" -
[22:14] <@Ryan> But
[22:14] <@Ryan> The budget issue is what's holding it up
[22:14] <UltraMatt> see what I mean by I'm way behind on things XD
[22:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> check io9 sometimes matt
[22:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ry hates it but i get data there
[22:15] <@Ryan> Don't, Matt
[22:15] <@Ryan> io9 sucks
[22:15] <Aspirant Snark> Well... screw that... How is the Hobbit movie coming along?
[22:15] <@Ryan> Check ANYWHERE but there
[22:15] <Aspirant Snark> Dismally, I bet.
[22:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> lol why the HATE
[22:15] <Aspirant Snark> X... something you don't understand about SW fans... the hardcore ones?
[22:15] <Aspirant Snark> There is just as much hate as love for Star Wars in our hearts.
[22:16] <@Ryan> They have the dumbest sons and daughters of b[BLEEP]ches I have ever seen grace this Earth working there
[22:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I AM OLD I FORGET S[BLEEP]T K
[22:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> man i hate TPM with the passion of a dozen burning suns
[22:16] <Aspirant Snark> Wait... what's Io9?
[22:16] <@Ryan> Yeah, I don't hate SW. I just hate bad EU stories.
[22:16] <Aspirant Snark> See, X, that's a good start!
[22:16] <@Ryan> It's a s[BLEEP]tty blog site.
[22:16] <Aspirant Snark> let the hate flow through you.
[22:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I wish TPM was chopped down to a 15 minute AoTC Flashback
[22:17] <@Ryan> HERE WE GO AGAIN
[22:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ALWAYS XD
[22:17] <Aspirant Snark> Well, in my opinion, TMP was the only thing Mr. Plinkett killed that deserved it.
[22:17] <@Ryan> I'll repeat my recent thought towards TPM:
[22:17] <Aspirant Snark> :)
[22:18] <@Ryan> S[BLEEP]tty Youtube reviewers aside
[22:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> TMP was an excellent Trek Film
[22:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> TPM is the pile of feces
[22:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> fedit, bespoilt rabies-lacked, scurvy fecal matter
[22:18] <@Ryan> ANYWHO
[22:18] <UltraMatt> HEY... I LIKE TMP
[22:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> TMP WAS AWESOME
[22:18] <Aspirant Snark> Is that the "Give me your pain," dude?
[22:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> IT WAS STAR TREK EXPLORING S[BLEEP]T
[22:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No that is star trek V
[22:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> which i also liked for other reason
[22:19] <UltraMatt> (if you can..see the director's cut of's awesome)
[22:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> NO IT ISN;T
[22:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> it cuts out the grandeuir of the long cut
[22:19] <UltraMatt> I like the director's cut :(
[22:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> all the awesome moments of the extended cut are gone in the director's cut!
[22:20] <@Ryan> The basic structure of TPM isn't bad. What it needed was more editing. More drafts. I told you this before and I'll say it again: As much as I like Qui-Gon, we could have done without his character. Bump Obi-Wan up to a Jedi already. Make this his first solo mission. Have Anakin a bit older. The 14-16 range. Just like what Lucas intended with Luke in the beginning. Then do other minor retouches.
[22:20] <Aspirant Snark> Anybody here seen a movie called "Rock'n'Rolla?"
[22:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i will agree with ry on that
[22:21] <Aspirant Snark> Honestly... it's not that I hate the character of Qui Gon... it's that... well, he didn't really merit a name.
[22:21] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> best cut of TMP
[22:21] <Aspirant Snark> You could have just called him "Jedi."
[22:21] <@Ryan> There are a lot of minor things that could have been done that would have made TPM a good 'beginning' film.
[22:21] <@Ryan> It wouldn't need a wholesale rewritting at all. Not counting dialogue improvements.
[22:22] <@Ryan> What's sad was this:
[22:22] <@Ryan> What I suggested in the above?
[22:22] <@Ryan> WAS a part of a draft that he had written.
[22:22] <@Ryan> Qui-Gon was in the script but a minor appearance on Coruscant.
[22:23] <@Ryan> It just he redrafted that b[BLEEP]ch in the wrong direction.
[22:23] <@Ryan> Lucas is a great idea guy but he needs co-writers to make his stuff work best.
[22:24] <@Ryan> And again I'm dragged into a conversation about TPM. STOP IT
[22:24] <Aspirant Snark> No... he needs people who aren't afraid to stand of tohim when he makes a bad call.
[22:24] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> NEVER
[22:25] <Aspirant Snark> Muahahahaha.
[22:25] <Aspirant Snark> Wow, catfight outside.
[22:26] <@Ryan> And MEOW
[22:26] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Wait i'm not xadium gaga
[22:26] * @Dr. Xadium flails
[22:26] * @Dr. Xadium is away: robot arm time is nao
[22:27] *** I've worked really hard to make only one xadium dammit XD
[22:28] <@Ryan> I also was just distracted by someone saying something stupid on the forum and I had to point out how stupid they are
[22:28] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> orly
[22:28] <@Ryan> Go look at my latest post there
[22:29] <@Ryan> You'll see what I'm talking about
[22:30] <UltraMatt> ahhhh yes....
[22:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh boy.
[22:31] <@Ryan> When you say stupid s[BLEEP]t, don't be surprised when someone points out how stupid you are. :D
[22:33] * Aspirant Snark is back
[22:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Whoa Plinkett likes ST 09
[22:34] <Aspirant Snark> NO!
[22:34] <Aspirant Snark> Please... tell me no more!
[22:34] <UltraMatt> which one is ST 09?
[22:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> the 2009 one
[22:34] <Aspirant Snark> My budies and I are going to watch tat review tonight... the guys that may or may not argure Borg Cube vs. Death Star.
[22:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> oh ok
[22:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> sowwy
[22:35] <Aspirant Snark> ...
[22:35] <UltraMatt> joking of course
[22:35] <UltraMatt> I would never do that
[22:36] <Aspirant Snark> Oh. Good.
[22:36] <UltraMatt> I'm not that bad
[22:37] <Aspirant Snark> Oh... and Matt... I watched your "Cheers Theme" thing of the Chatroom on Youtube... it made he 'holler laughing.
[22:37] <Aspirant Snark> Say, UM, didn't you tell me you have an evil-sounding laugh?
[22:37] <UltraMatt> yes I do
[22:38] <UltraMatt> (I need to update that cheers theme thing)
[22:39] <Aspirant Snark> I have one too. Just the other day I was confronted for laughing maniacally at an inappropriate time.
[22:40] <UltraMatt> heh
[22:43] *** @the ɪmpɾesɑrio [in_ex_officio@TARDIS2010.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (heading out, gnight all)
[22:45] <@Ryan> Night, folks. It's good to be back.
[22:45] <Aspirant Snark> Good night, Lord Ryan.
[22:46] <@Ryan> I like that! Lord Ryan. :D
[22:46] <Aspirant Snark> - Excellent. -
[22:46] *** @Ryan has left #suburbansenshi2 (I AM LORD RYAN)
[22:46] <Aspirant Snark> What have I created?
[22:46] *** Aspirant Snark [0] has quit IRC (Go ahead and let your mind wander! That is the nature of thought.)
[22:59] * Hideki Kaze listens to the waves
[23:02] * Loud Crack is heard from the other side of the island.
[23:03] <Hideki Kaze> hm?.....
[23:04] * Hideki Kaze looks over towards where the sound came from
[23:04] * Thick Clouds begin to form over the island. They begin to obscure the stars.
[23:04] <Hideki Kaze> .......
[23:05] * Hideki Kaze stands
[23:06] * Thick Clouds extend a tiny funnel down to the east side of Kaguya... and it thickens as it begins to pick up debris.
[23:06] <Hideki Kaze> ........
[23:06] <Hideki Kaze> why do I have a bad feeling
[23:06] * Lightning flashes once.
[23:06] * Hideki Kaze is now known as Quinox Knight
[23:07] * Thick, localized Tempest moves along the beach at a walking pace. It throws sand and drift wood before it. It is only about 6 yards wide at the base.
[23:08] * Quinox Knight summons his Air-Cutters
[23:09] * Quinox Knight watches the tempest
[23:09] * Thick, localized Tempest thins out and disappears... at it's center is a man, and he is laughing hysterically.
[23:09] *** Kapusniak has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:09] <@spiritflame> irasshai Kapusniak
[23:09] <Kapusniak> HA HA HA!
[23:10] * Quinox Knight looks at Kapusniak quietly
[23:10] <Kapusniak> Ahhh...
[23:10] <Kapusniak> I knew it. The Island's mana just had a different frequency.
[23:10] * Quinox Knight keeps watching
[23:10] <Kapusniak> A different pulse... All I need to do now is to... (turns to the jungle.)
[23:11] <Kapusniak> I could have sworn I heard something.
[23:12] <Kapusniak> The WATER... where's the Water?
[23:12] * Quinox Knight is suddenly right in front of Kapusniak
[23:12] <Quinox Knight> good evening...
[23:12] * Kapusniak mumbles some strange words...
[23:13] <Kapusniak> WHO'S there?
[23:13] <Quinox Knight> right here..
[23:13] * Kapusniak looks around... but his eyes are cloudy...
[23:13] <Kapusniak> Who... who are you.
[23:13] <Quinox Knight> call me a knight of the air
[23:13] * Kapusniak takes a step back... He doesn't look like he can see anyone.
[23:13] <Kapusniak> I warn you... I'm... I'm um... I'm a powerful wizard!
[23:14] <Quinox Knight> and I am a swore warrior of the sphere of the air....
[23:14] <Quinox Knight> I do not scare easily
[23:15] <Kapusniak> ...Really? Air?
[23:15] <Quinox Knight> yes
[23:15] * Kapusniak sits down on the beach, clumsily.
[23:16] <Kapusniak> So...where did you study?
[23:16] <Quinox Knight> my powers are in my blood
[23:16] <Kapusniak> Wait... (listens) Are you wearing armor?
[23:16] <Quinox Knight> I learned from those before me
[23:16] <Quinox Knight> yes
[23:17] * Kapusniak scrambles blindly back up the sand.
[23:17] <Kapusniak> I didn't know the laws here! I meant nothing!
[23:17] <Quinox Knight> Hideki's armor
[23:18] <Quinox Knight> I am not here to arrest you
[23:19] <Kapusniak> Spare me! I can help your community! I can even cause it to rain! Please have merc----you aren't?
[23:19] <Quinox Knight> no
[23:21] <Quinox Knight> I am not
[23:21] <Kapusniak> I um...
[23:21] <Kapusniak> Can you tell me about what kingdom I am in?
[23:22] <Kapusniak> I have heard about queens and princesses... Knights, and a war that seems to be going on... or has ended recently.
[23:22] <Quinox Knight> you are on Earth
[23:22] * Kapusniak nods.
[23:23] <Kapusniak> Ok. Who rules this domain?
[23:26] * Kapusniak breathes a little hard.
[23:27] <Quinox Knight> do you mean the Earth...or this area?
[23:27] <Kapusniak> Hello?
[23:27] <Kapusniak> This is not funny!
[23:28] <Kapusniak> Um... both?
[23:28] <Kapusniak> Okay... so this island is called "Earth." Yes. Who rules it?
[23:28] <Quinox Knight> no one in peticular
[23:29] <Kapusniak> So this island is still uncharted, then.
[23:29] <Quinox Knight> yes
[23:30] <Kapusniak> I um.. I'm impressed with whatever edifice has all of the water in it. It's cool in the inside. And whatever food is inside is wonderful.
[23:30] <Kapusniak> I wish I could see it.
[23:32] <Quinox Knight> blind?
[23:32] <Kapusniak> ...For now, at least.
[23:34] <Kapusniak> I'm a little hungry again, I must admit.
[23:34] <Kapusniak> Getting turned to stone is.... not easy on the body.
[23:36] <Kapusniak> I think I will try finding my way back to the Palace. My spells have tired me some what.
[23:37] * Quinox Knight nods
[23:38] * Kapusniak wanders off up the beach, mumbling something archaic as he goes---and walking toward the nearest source of fresh water.
[23:39] <Quinox Knight> hmm....
[23:40] * Kapusniak stops at a stream... and then keeps walking.
[23:43] <Kapusniak> (( AM I back in? ))
[23:44] <Quinox Knight> (( well you're online ))
[23:51] *** Kapusniak [0] has quit IRC
[23:54] <Quinox Knight> hm...
[23:54] *** Quinox Knight has left #suburbansenshi2
[12:36] *** LOVELYgirl [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[12:36] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYgirl
[12:37] <LOVELYgirl> Hmmm...anybody?
[12:41] * LOVELYgirl sits under a tree, draws her knees up, and meditates
[12:43] * LOVELYgirl is away 
[17:51] <@Wolfwood> WEW
[17:51] <@Wolfwood> Funsies
[18:29] <@Wolfwood> A month or two ago we discussed the impending release of the ALIEN films on Blu-Ray - a set that, at the very least, promises to be an amazing resource and insanely rich product for Geeks, film collectors, Blu-Ray junkies, and/or any combination thereof (details HERE). Anyone concerned that these films might face the same "over scrubbing"/noise reduction (DNR) recently suffered by this recent release of PREDATOR (also from Fox) may have their fears assuaged by a set of screen caps from the Blu-Ray release of ALIENS.
[18:29] <@Wolfwood> VIA AICN
[18:29] <@Wolfwood> >>Aliens on Blu Ray
[18:29] <@Wolfwood> >>Aliens, Blu Ray
[18:30] <@Wolfwood>

[18:31] * @Wolfwood is away: fangasam
[18:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So I'm looking at THE THREAD.
[18:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Wherein it is revealed THINGS HAPPENED
[18:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> and there is RAGE
[18:43] <@Ryan> Don't confuse coarse language with rage.
[18:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I am so tired after a long long day at work.
[18:43] <@Ryan> That was me making a point and drawing a line in the sand.
[18:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> My hours are getting cut back
[18:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i don't want my cat to be my emergency food supply
[18:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> but she might be
[18:43] <@Ryan> I hear they're tasty.
[18:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yes.
[18:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Now... for the part where i piss people off
[18:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> because IT IS MY GODAWFUL FATE
[18:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I didn't see the posts that were edited / redacted
[18:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't care.
[18:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Once you've said something in the
[18:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> no ni this needs to be bolder.
[18:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Once you have said something in the forum, and it's been replied to, it is FIXED IN HISTORY
[18:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> If you need to back off from what you said, do what I do when I have to do that (and I do) and say I WAS WRONG or I RETRACT MY STATEMENT or I DISAGREE
[18:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yes, Emoforum is your subforum to manage
[18:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> but when you are in a discussion with someone
[18:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> conflict of interest style conduct applies
[18:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> you can't go randomly deleting replies to your own stuff.
[18:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Now if you had edited it BEFORE they repied
[18:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I wouldn't give a s[BLEEP]t.
[18:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I've edited myself a billion times for clarity
[18:47] <@Ryan> Me, too.
[18:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> but once it's quoted... or replied to, it's game on.
[18:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ryan is right.
[18:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You could have even said "f[BLEEP]k off and drop it"
[18:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> but you erased s[BLEEP]t.
[18:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That's a no-no.
[18:48] <@Ryan> Hell, I would have accepted that. It would have been a pansy way out but acceptable.
[18:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ryan, take action as you want.
[18:48] <@Ryan> Far more respectable than what happened.
[18:49] <@Ryan> Thanks, X.
[18:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I didn't see it, but I'd be pissed if my words were deleted too.
[18:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Sorry Mike, but this is what is it
[18:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ^it is
[18:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> She can't be doing that.
[18:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> If someone did that to her
[18:49] <@Ryan> It's the principle of things. She overstepped her boundaries and I just had to stand up.
[18:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> she'd be crying bloody murder.
[18:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> and rightly so.
[18:50] <@Ryan> She was given power and abused it.
[18:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> as i've tried to tell Shaldra about starbrat (and she never listened) put the shoe on the other foot and see how it feels.
[18:50] <@Ryan> The fact that it one of MY posts was deleted was just a side note. She deleted three replies to her... statement.
[18:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I read her statement
[18:51] <@Ryan> The original or edited?
[18:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I have my own issues with 911 but I don't think the terrorists were "supposeD"
[18:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I just think there's more there
[18:51] <@Ryan> Supposed, my f[BLEEP]king ass.
[18:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> still if you open that can of worms
[18:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> you gotta be prepared to back it up
[18:52] <@Ryan> IMHO, I've noticed Ying has a habit of deliberately saying things to enflame/bait/troll other folks. Or try to.
[18:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> but yeha right now i'm tired and weak
[18:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i need food.
[18:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i'll be back.
[18:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ying...
[18:52] <@Ryan> I've usually ignored her crackpot comments but that last one I couldn't.
[18:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ying listens too much to the wrong people.
[18:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That's all I'm going to say, and I even said it to her in the thread this morning.
[18:53] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is away: emergency food, brb
[18:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> back
[18:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> now one quezstion for you, ryan
[18:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i just got three yogurt cups
[18:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> anyway
[18:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> " what you got in that threat last night, you deserved."
[18:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> tell me that's a typo
[18:56] <@Ryan> Goddammit of course that's a typo and I can't believe I didn't notice that until now
[18:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ok
[18:57] <@Ryan> You know me. I don't make threats online. That'd be a f[BLEEP]king stupid thing to do.
[18:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> otherwise i'd be flaming you next
[18:57] <@Ryan> Oh I'd be deserving it.
[18:57] <@Ryan> I usually catch those sort of errors after the first few read throughs
[18:58] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio sighs having inhaled a yogurt cuop
[18:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> let me look @emoforum now
[18:58] <@Ryan> Aaand I just fixed it.
[18:58] <AMD> Guys where is this from
[18:59] <@Ryan> I'm surprised I only made one mistake this time.
[18:59] <@Ryan> Usually I can expect one to three errors (unless I'm typing something incredibly short)
[18:59] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> dunno too shiny for materials book
[18:59] <@Ryan>
[18:59] <@Ryan> I know that site
[19:00] <@Ryan> It's a place for Japanese artists
[19:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> might be fanart
[19:00] <@Ryan> It's 99.9% is
[19:00] <@Ryan> Unless some official artist is on there, from my past experience it has been fan fart prior
[19:00] <@Ryan> ART
[19:00] <@Ryan> NOT FART
[19:00] <@Ryan> This is why I still hate these f[BLEEP]king flat keyboards.
[19:01] <@Ryan> Months after typing on them I'm still making mistakes like that
[19:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> suburban senshi:fan fart
[19:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> dude don't be lame
[19:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> you know what i'm using
[19:01] <@Ryan> REFRESH MY MEMORY
[19:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> a flat apple chiclet kbd :)
[19:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> [URL]
[19:04] <@Ryan> I also did a google search and found the wiki entry for Chiclet keyboards.
[19:04] <@Ryan> I don't know if I should steal your lunch money later or what
[19:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> yes but that is what i have
[19:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> so nice
[19:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> the exact opposite of my model m
[19:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> but i loves it
[19:07] <@Ryan> It doesn't change the fact that you gave money to satan Steve Jobs
[19:07] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i like many apple products
[19:08] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> lol
[19:09] <AMD> I just wanna know what the f[BLEEP]k that tiara is
[19:09] <@Ryan> You won't be lol'ing when your soul is facing eternal damnation INSERT NICE PHRASE HERE
[19:09] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ಠ_ಠ
[19:09] <@Ryan> I occasionally wear one. It makes me feel pretty.
[19:12] <AMD> I would hope so
[19:13] <[gTV]Red_Crow> LOL you think your college is bad
[19:14] <@Ryan> ...
[19:14] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:14] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood

[19:14] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[19:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It is the Hour of the Wolf.
[19:15] <@Wolfwood> THats sad
[19:15] <@Wolfwood> Woop Woop.\
[19:15] <@Wolfwood> What it is.
[19:15] <AMD> Wait she deleted three replies to her post?
[19:15] <AMD> I know she deleted Ryan's reply and my reply.
[19:15] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: UltraMatt is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[19:15] <@Wolfwood> Yours miner and Ryans.
[19:15] <@Ryan> Yup.
[19:16] <UltraMatt> no, impresario
[19:16] <AMD> Oh. Wow.
[19:16] <UltraMatt> we are not having a bergman joke here
[19:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That rhymes :3
[19:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No, Impresari-o
[19:16] <@Wolfwood> I replied with the aforementioned Derpface f[BLEEP]k I canb't type
[19:16] * UltraMatt whacks impresario with a newspaper
[19:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No, no, no, no-- Impresar-io, no no no no!
[19:17] <@Wolfwood> OI
[19:17] <@Wolfwood> OI
[19:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> VEY
[19:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> VEY
[19:17] <@Wolfwood> don;'t hit him
[19:17] <@Wolfwood> He sighns the paychecks
[19:17] <UltraMatt> bad cookies
[19:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But I like cookies!
[19:18] * AMD gives Impy cookies
[19:18] <UltraMatt> we do not make jokes about influencial swedish director/writers in this box
[19:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So now.
[19:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Is there any way to get those deleted messages back?
[19:18] <@Wolfwood> ¯\(º_o)/¯
[19:18] <AMD> Possibly
[19:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Because, ba[BLEEP]rd that I am, I'd like to restore them.
[19:18] <@Wolfwood> ^maybe
[19:18] <@Ryan> Don't think so
[19:19] <@Ryan> I think once they're deleted, they're deleted.
[19:19] <AMD> You may need to give yourself permissions to the forum and see
[19:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Just because I don't take kindly to distortions of the historical record.
[19:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> hmm.
[19:19] <AMD> My knowledge of this forum system is limited, though
[19:19] <@Ryan> I got permissions to all the forums.
[19:19] <@Wolfwood> Whiuch is funny
[19:19] <@Ryan> 'Cause I'm one of those Thingys
[19:19] <@Wolfwood> Becausde our historical records are so distorted
[19:19] <@Wolfwood> It
[19:19] <@Wolfwood> Um
[19:20] <@Wolfwood> I got nothin
[19:20] * @Ryan TAKES YOUR NOTHIN
[19:20] <AMD> oh/ snap
[19:21] <@Wolfwood> ....
[19:22] <@Wolfwood>

[19:22] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't think they can be restored
[19:23] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> None of you guys still has it in your cache, do you?
[19:23] <@Ryan> BRING IT, PUNK ASS
[19:23] <@Ryan> Unfortunately not
[19:23] <AMD> I don't think I do, no
[19:23] <zairafirefly> i never saw it...
[19:23] <zairafirefly> just the thread about it
[19:23] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Then Ryan
[19:24] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i might suggest a post in there about how this thread was edited, how editing is failsauce, insert funny macros of your choice, and lock it.
[19:24] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> or do what you want
[19:24] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> that's just a suggestion
[19:24] <@Ryan> It's a nice suggestion.
[19:25] <AMD> I remember exactly what I posted
[19:25] <AMD> I'll reposed
[19:25] <AMD> repost
[19:25] <@Ryan> I'm just gonna lock it
[19:25] <@Ryan> As a harsh point
[19:26] <AMD> Oh my.
[19:26] <@Wolfwood> Haters
[19:26] <@Wolfwood> gonna hate.
[19:27] <@Ryan> I wish I would have put in my message before deciding to lock it
[19:27] <@Ryan> Because now I'm gonna have to unlock it to put my message in then relock it
[19:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> so unclock it
[19:27] <@Ryan> i'll unclock YOU
[19:27] <@Ryan> Wait no
[19:28] <@Ryan> I can get around that
[19:28] <@Ryan> By quoting her and then just erasing the quoted message and create a new one with that
[19:28] <@Wolfwood>

[19:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> RAR
[19:29] <@Wolfwood> AS IT SHOULD BE
[19:29] <@Ryan> F[BLEEP]K YEAH, IMAGE WOLF
[19:30] <@Wolfwood> hur dur
[19:33] <@Wolfwood> FAKE XADIUM.
[19:33] <@Wolfwood> Find me a torrent of Sons Of Anarchy.
[19:33] <@Wolfwood> I'm to lazy to do it myself.
[19:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm not any kin do fXadium :P
[19:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I am THE IMPRESARIO
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> SO
[19:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So go to Isohunt
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> you are a cloneofacloneofaclone.
[19:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> oh wait you're region locked hahaha
[19:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I AM NOT A CLONE.
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> ...
[19:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm smoothly blended bits.
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> Eat a d[BLEEP]k.
[19:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Of various individuals.
[19:34] <Thrash> he's not a clone..he's an idiot
[19:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...
[19:34] <@Wolfwood> A PIT OF D[BLEEP]KS.
[19:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Says the walking Thesaurus~!
[19:35] <Thrash> I'd put it more smartly then that
[19:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Who doesn't even use half the words CORRECTLY
[19:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Thrashy McThesaurusun.
[19:36] <@Wolfwood> OI
[19:36] <@Wolfwood> I WILL SEPERATE YOU TWO
[19:36] <Thrash> now you're just being invidious
[19:36] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> [URL]
[19:36] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You're being lamely loquacious, you ludicrous lipsmacking leambergasten
[19:37] <@Wolfwood> I'm on a boat, ect
[19:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No wolf you want to see something scary
[19:37] <@Wolfwood> yes and not really.
[19:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> [URL]
[19:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> better
[19:38] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No no no
[19:38] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You flush s[BLEEP]t, not post it
[19:38] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I AM NOT A FAKE XADIUM
[19:38] <@Ryan> Wait
[19:38] <@Ryan> Sorry
[19:38] <Thrash> and you are being emulous muttonheaded cretin with little to no sense of personal stylings
[19:38] <@Ryan> I gotta respond to something else
[19:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm quite the chic geek, thank you!
[19:40] <Thrash> you look like a trout
[19:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...Well you look like an emu!
[19:40] <Thrash> .....
[19:40] <Thrash> gibbering idiot!
[19:41] <@Wolfwood>

[19:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't gibber. I orate.
[19:41] <@Wolfwood> I will force this as a subsen meme
[19:41] <@Wolfwood> goddamnit
[19:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You, sir, are no Seaking.
[19:42] * @Wolfwood looks at Impresario
[19:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> "A cannon that breaks its moorings suddenly becomes some strange, supernatural beast. It is a machine transformed into a monster. That shortmass on wheels moves like a billiard-ball, rolls with the rolling of the ship, plunges with the pitching goes, comes, stops, seems to meditate, starts on its course again, shoots like an arrow from one end of the vessel to the other, whirls around, slips away, dodges, rears, bangs, crashes, kills, exterminates..."
[19:43] * @Wolfwood b[BLEEP]chsmacks Impresario with Adam
[19:43] <@Wolfwood> The f[BLEEP]k you say to me?
[19:43] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio smashes into the wall
[19:43] <Thrash> ........
[19:43] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio holds up a sign that says "YOU'RE NO SEAKING"
[19:43] <Thrash> good job
[19:44] <AMD> OW WTF
[19:44] <@Wolfwood> B[BLEEP]CH.
[19:44] <@Wolfwood> I will END YOU.
[19:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'll END YOU FIRST
[19:45] <@Wolfwood> NO. NO I WONT.
[19:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'LL END YOU SO HARD YOU'LL BEGIN
[19:45] <@Wolfwood> I"LL DO WORSE
[19:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> AGAIN
[19:45] <Thrash> ....
[19:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'L REBOOT YOUR ASS
[19:45] * Thrash digs in his pockets
[19:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> The Rebooted Wolfwood will be a peace-loving HIPPIE
[19:45] <@Wolfwood> SHOWS YOU
[19:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He'll FORSAKE GUNS
[19:46] <@Wolfwood> I REBOOT WHEN I DIE MOTHERFU-ohnoyoudid'nt.
[19:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Live only for PEACE
[19:46] * Thrash pulls out a small silver globe
[19:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> AND. ONLY. DRINK. WATER.
[19:46] <@Wolfwood>

[19:46] <@Wolfwood> WHAT NO LIES
[19:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> HAHAHAH YOU FAIL
[19:46] * Thrash throws it in between wolf and impresairo..the globe flashing..and setting up a force field bubble around both of them
[19:46] <@Wolfwood> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[19:46] <@Wolfwood> NO
[19:46] <@Wolfwood>

[19:47] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio looks at the bubble
[19:47] * Thrash 's force field bubble crackles....
[19:47] * @Wolfwood looks at the bubble as well
[19:48] <Thrash> now play nicely children
[19:48] * @Wolfwood RAGE FACES at the bubble and bursts it
[19:48] <Thrash> and have fun
[19:48] <Thrash> ...oh dear
[19:48] <Thrash> I really need to get a reciet on those things

[19:50] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio sets that on wolf
[19:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> oh and wolf...

[19:51] <@Wolfwood> ........................
[19:51] <@Wolfwood>

[19:51] <@Wolfwood> Try harder.

[19:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I will turn you
[19:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> into
[19:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> THIS MAN

[19:52] <@Wolfwood>

[19:53] <@Ryan> LOL
[19:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That last one was mine
[19:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> JUST FOR YOU
[19:53] <@Wolfwood>

[19:53] <@Wolfwood> Don't make me.
[19:53] <@Ryan> I AM BACK
[19:54] <@Wolfwood> We need an article in the wiki about "The great Meme Wars"

[19:54] <@Ryan> And dammit I wish I had enough effort to motivate my lazy ass to do a meme posting s[BLEEP]t here
[19:55] <@Wolfwood>

[19:56] <Raihosha> So looks like all the cool kids are here.
[19:56] <@Ryan> RAI
[19:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yes~
[19:56] * @Ryan HUGS RAI
[19:56] <@Ryan> BEEN A WHILE
[19:56] * Raihosha is hugged.
[19:56] <@Wolfwood> Hey Rai
[19:57] <Raihosha> Hello *gasp* Ryan *wheeze* how have you *wheeze* been?
[19:57] <@Wolfwood>

[19:57] <@Wolfwood>

[19:58] <@Ryan> BEEN GOOD
[19:58] <@Ryan> ALSO
[19:58] <Raihosha> You can let *wheeze* go anytime Ryan.
[19:58] <@Ryan> [IMG[/IMG]
[19:58] <@Ryan> DAMMIT

[19:58] <@Ryan>

[19:58] <@Wolfwood> Aaaand one for the b[BLEEP]ches
[19:59] <@Wolfwood> wherever they may be
[19:59] * @Ryan LETS RAI GO
[19:59] <@Wolfwood>

[20:00] <@Wolfwood> I win.
[20:00] * Raihosha takes deep breath
[20:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> meh.
[20:00] <Thrash> [img ] [/img]
[20:00] <Raihosha> I don't think anteaters are an auto-win Wolfwood.
[20:00] <Thrash>

[20:00] <@Ryan> I DON'T GET IT EITHER
[20:00] <Thrash> (( shiiiiiiit ))
[20:00] <@Wolfwood> Says you.
[20:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Metafictionally it's been a year since I was licked ot the curb this sunday. I'm puting them out of my mind for good
[20:01] <@Wolfwood> THIS
[20:01] <@Wolfwood> IS GOOD
[20:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Separate ways and all that.
[20:01] * @Ryan brofists X
[20:01] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio brofists back
[20:02] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Anger should be aimed at contemporary, deserving targets
[20:02] <Raihosha> Metafictionally, "licked" in which sense?
[20:02] <@Ryan> Like Nazis
[20:02] <@Wolfwood> such as Kanye West.
[20:02] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ... I mean tkicked.
[20:02] <@Wolfwood>

[20:02] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Kicked.
[20:02] <Raihosha> Okay. Sense is gained.
[20:03] <@Wolfwood>

[20:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I bow to tha... no wait.
[20:05] <@Ryan> That would be a great parody fic
[20:05] <@Ryan> Christopher Walken being sent into the past... to create the Transformers

[20:05] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I WIN
[20:05] <@Ryan> F[BLEEP]K YEAH
[20:06] <@Wolfwood>

[20:09] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio sees the pit thread
[20:09] <@Ryan> HEY
[20:09] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio just appends to it in the only way he cares to
[20:09] <@Ryan> Since I was about to ask you something in IMs
[20:09] <@Ryan> And you decided to mention that here
[20:09] <@Ryan> Can you do me a favor?
[20:09] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ?
[20:09] <@Ryan> I'm about to create a new name here
[20:09] <@Ryan> Taco-Cat Junior!
[20:09] <@Ryan> And I want it to have OP powers
[20:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> akljr;hjuiRAhiAUrvg
[20:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> {iaLRIJR
[20:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ]/me hits his head on the box laughing
[20:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> yes.
[20:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It shall be so.
[20:10] <@Ryan> F[BLEEP]K YEAH
[20:10] <@Ryan> Lemme create it
[20:10] <@Wolfwood> I approve
[20:11] <@Wolfwood> also
[20:11] <Raihosha> As do I approve of whatever Ryan does. ^__^
[20:11] <@Wolfwood> the f[BLEEP]k is a taco cat
[20:11] <Raihosha> Who knows?
[20:12] <@Ryan> CREATED
[20:12] * Raihosha misses the old @ sign, but realizes he is no longer worthy.
[20:12] <Taco-Cat Junior> Hi
[20:13] * Taco-Cat Junior looks at Taco-Cat Junior.
His image Song is: TACOTACOTACO.

[20:13] <@Sailor Quinox> (( hello! ))
[20:14] <Taco-Cat Junior> Rai you will always be worthy in my eyes. Just like all of those religious people are worthy of DYING IN HELL FOR NO REASON AT ALL WHY AM I USING CAPS DON'T ASK LOOK OVER THERE IT'S A GOVERNMENT COPTER SPYING ON US RUN B[BLEEP]CHES RUN
[20:14] *** @the ɪmpɾesɑrio sets mode +o on Taco-cat Junior [0]
[20:14] <@Taco-Cat Junior> TACO
[20:14] <Raihosha> so Taco-Cat Jr. fears the anthropomorphic rascist lust?
[20:15] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Damn right I do
[20:15] <@Wolfwood> WHERE IS MOTOKI.
[20:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> One thing Ry
[20:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> you can't take the emoforum from her
[20:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> but she's going to run it responsible.
[20:17] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Dude, if she deletes messages again, I'm going after her.
[20:17] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I'm not backing down from that.
[20:17] <Raihosha> So, no history eraser buttons, eh?
[20:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> If she deletes messages again I'M doing so.
[20:18] <@Taco-Cat Junior> DAMMIT
[20:18] <@Taco-Cat Junior> THIEF
[20:18] <@Wolfwood> I like turtles.
[20:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nobody here deletes messages
[20:18] <@Taco-Cat Junior> This might as well be amended to editing other people's messages, too.
[20:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's never come up before.
[20:18] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Or wait
[20:18] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Can only you and I and other Thingy people do that
[20:19] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I DON'T KNOW THE NAME OF WHAT WE ARE
[20:19] <Raihosha> You're doing it wrong Wolf. LOOK ITS GAMERA!
[20:20] * Gamera is now known as Pimp Gamera
[20:20] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I AM NO HO
[20:20] * Pimp Gamera flies off to check on his hos
[20:20] *** Pimp Gamera has left #suburbansenshi2 (hey Gaos..)
[20:22] <Raihosha> Actually the inability to erase the past, period, seems to have been an unwritten rule for a long time around here; with special explicit permissions given for retroactive continuity changes.
[20:22] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well it's not even an RP thing
[20:22] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> it's a discussion thing.
[20:23] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's common sense.
[20:24] <Raihosha> Well, right, it is definitly considered bad form to do so (see Boing-Boing kerfuffle), but considering it has invaded even the RP of the place there is a penumbra of history that influences the whole of the place makinging it a more serious concern.
[20:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ahh Boing Boing
[20:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I stopped reading them after that s[BLEEP]t.
[20:25] * @Wolfwood is away: nap
[20:25] <@Taco-Cat Junior> It's in this box ATM because it's just easier to talk about this right here.
[20:26] <@Taco-Cat Junior> We're lazy ba[BLEEP]rds.
[20:27] <Raihosha> Err... Taco, what I meant was that the power of history is preserved even in the box thus it most definitely should be maintained in the forums.
[20:27] <@Taco-Cat Junior> OH THAT
[20:27] <Raihosha> I'm out of practice with speaking, it would seem.
[20:27] <@Taco-Cat Junior> NAH
[20:27] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I IS SLOW
[20:27] <@Taco-Cat Junior> TACO NEED MOAR SCHOOLING
[20:28] <Raihosha> You can haz Taco?
[20:28] <@Taco-Cat Junior> This is how I approach it: If you're going to open your mouth anywhere, you damn better anticipate people responding.
[20:28] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> TBH
[20:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't consider the box and forums related.
[20:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> The Forums are their own place. That run in a Forum-y way.
[20:29] <@Taco-Cat Junior> If you say something smart, then it shouldn't be surprised if someone compliments you on it. If you say something mind-numbingly stupid then you have no right to be surprised when someone calls you on it.
[20:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> We don't edit our own text to look good retroactively in an argument
[20:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> we don't delete other people's replies.
[20:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No Forum I know allows that.
[20:30] <Raihosha> Well, but the Forums are sorta run by the same guiding intelligence as it were (my suspect is the Green Voice).
[20:30] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Hey, typos aside because we all make typos, I don't believe in saying something and then taking the chicken s[BLEEP]t way out of the reaction.
[20:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Because to allow it it to make the discussion confusing and pointless
[20:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Have you ever read threads which have had messages nuked?
[20:31] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> They make no sense very quickly.
[20:31] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ying, if you see this, the correc tthing to do in future, which they might still call out as cheap, but which is permissible
[20:31] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> is to tell them to f[BLEEP]k off / whatever, and then lock the thread.
[20:31] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Lock it. Dont' nuke it.
[20:31] <Raihosha> Not a problem for me, as I rarely frequent those sorts of places, Impressario.
[20:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'd only allow deletions if someone like posts child porn ro some crap.
[20:33] <Raihosha> Well, you are uniquely qualified to decide if something is legally objectionable in a manner that forces removal.
[20:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I mean in the pit you said " 'm not allowed to moderate my own bloody forum/thread when I find posts inferior to the topic"
[20:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> See, if you found a followup inferior to the topic
[20:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> you make a post in the topic stating why
[20:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> and you lock it.
[20:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ry might niot like that
[20:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> but he'd have to eat it.
[20:35] <Raihosha> And the title IS "moderator" the idea is to control the reactions in the forum, not to ... something else (the though died.)
[20:36] <@Taco-Cat Junior> B[BLEEP]CH I'LL EAT YOU
[20:36] <Raihosha> To much time thinking about nuclear reactors.
[20:37] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I'll be blunt: It'd be a p[BLEEP]y way out and anyone would be in their right minds to create a follow-up thread called 'INSERTNAMEHERE WHY ARE YOU SUCH A F[BLEEP]KING P[BLEEP]Y THAT YOU RUN AWAY FOR REPLIES TO YOUR STUPID ASS COMMENTS'
[20:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Can we all assume the message has been sent
[20:38] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I sent my messages HOURS ago. I've just chatting the s[BLEEP]t with you guys. XD
[20:38] <UltraMatt> I think the message is done
[20:38] <Raihosha> You sent a message, Impressario, I'm just kvetching with friends.
[20:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I know
[20:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I just
[20:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> The die is cast, s[BLEEP]t will roll downhill from here, we don't need to push it further.
[20:39] <@Taco-Cat Junior> You want the Taco, don't you
[20:40] <Raihosha> He wantses it, the precioussss Taco.
[20:40] <@Taco-Cat Junior> It's fine. Everyone wants the Taco.
[20:41] <UltraMatt> I don't like tacos
[20:41] <@Taco-Cat Junior> You're gonna like the Taco after I'm through with you, baby.
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ugh
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I can never eat tacos again
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> this box ruined them for me
[20:42] <@Taco-Cat Junior> That's a 'ugh' of love, baby.
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> f[BLEEP]king innuendo.
[20:43] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I'll f[BLEEP]k your innuendo later. Although I didn't know you were into that sort of thing.
[20:43] <Raihosha> Anything can be innuendo... especially if Ryan is about the place.
[20:43] <@DisgruntledDuelist> I've glad ruined more for you then this box has X.
[20:44] * @Taco-Cat Junior grabs out a taco from his drawers and takes a TASY, SEXY bite out of it, running his tongue all over it before placing it back into his under drawers region.
[20:44] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio vomits
[20:45] <@DisgruntledDuelist> f[BLEEP]kin lightweight
[20:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Tacos have hurt me more than you or Ry there ever could.
[20:45] <Raihosha> You're into some kinky stuff there, Impressario.
[20:46] <@DisgruntledDuelist> Sounds like a challenge to me.
[20:47] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio sighs
[20:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Goahead then
[20:48] <@DisgruntledDuelist> Oh, you'd like it in public, but I can easily exceed the rating here to do it.
[20:48] <@DisgruntledDuelist> so private it has to be
[20:48] <Raihosha> Fewer collateral casualties as well, I should think Mike.
[20:49] <@DisgruntledDuelist> heh, when have i care about that
[20:50] <@Taco-Cat Junior> My Taco could hurt you in a good way, Impy.
[20:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Impy is tired.
[20:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Impy hates having to juggle so many things.
[20:51] <@Taco-Cat Junior> You'd be tired after I'm done with - yeah OK. I'm not even going to complete that. Even I'm getting tired of this running joke.
[20:51] <@DisgruntledDuelist> There are lots of things i hate
[20:51] *** @DisgruntledDuelist [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (This world is full of drama and butthurt, I'd just rather be on the giving end!)
[20:51] <UltraMatt> I'm seeing a pattern here
[20:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Are you? that's good
[20:51] <Raihosha> A pattern, Matt?
[20:51] <UltraMatt> ....
[20:51] * UltraMatt sighs
[20:52] <UltraMatt> not going to say anything
[20:52] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is away: FML
[20:53] <UltraMatt> I'll just say this
[20:53] <UltraMatt> I'm sad
[20:53] <UltraMatt> I'm very sad
[20:54] <UltraMatt> that's all
[20:54] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Matt
[20:54] <UltraMatt> hm?
[20:54] <@Taco-Cat Junior> If you didn't want to say something, you wouldn't have said anything in the first place
[20:54] <UltraMatt> yeah I know
[20:54] <@Taco-Cat Junior> That's what people do
[20:54] <UltraMatt> blargh
[20:54] * UltraMatt is away: that's my problem..
[20:55] <@Taco-Cat Junior> If you say 'I have something to say.... but I'm not going to say it', all that's telling people is that you have something to say
[20:56] <Raihosha> And then people get all worried that their friend is bottling something up that will eat away at them.
[20:59] <Raihosha> So we're alone now. All we need is Yaijinden and we'd have a party festive time.
[20:59] <Raihosha> In this case, where festive means blood sacrifice.
[21:02] <AMD> you are not alone
[21:02] <AMD> i am here with you
[21:02] <AMD> though you're far away
[21:02] <AMD> i am here to stay
[21:03] <Raihosha> COnsidering I used first person plural in my statement, I sort of suspected there were others about.
[21:03] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I think we need to get our sacrificial offering. WHO'S ALL UP FOR 18 YEAR OLD FEMALE VIRGINS
[21:05] <AMD> We have none
[21:05] <@Taco-Cat Junior> We should find some
[21:05] <Raihosha> I didn't think such a think existed anymore...
[21:06] <zairafirefly> RAI
[21:06] <zairafirefly> hi ^_^
[21:07] <Raihosha> Hi!
[21:07] <AMD> Alli's a 16-year-old virgin
[21:08] <zairafirefly> how are you?
[21:08] <zairafirefly> i don't have anyone that young...
[21:08] <zairafirefly> anymore
[21:08] <zairafirefly> well, maybe maret?
[21:08] <@Taco-Cat Junior> She's acceptable!
[21:08] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> im a vagin
[21:08] <@Taco-Cat Junior> And it's a ZFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[21:08] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> sakriface mi
[21:08] <@Taco-Cat Junior> No you're not
[21:08] <zairafirefly> hihi
[21:08] <@Taco-Cat Junior> And hell no we won't
[21:08] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi peasantz
[21:08] <zairafirefly> hahaha
[21:09] <@Taco-Cat Junior> GET OUT OF HERE YOU GET NO TACO FROM ME
[21:09] <AMD> Not that kind of sacrifice, spore
[21:09] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> hshshsh u kno u went mai tako
[21:09] <zairafirefly> mm taco
[21:09] <@Taco-Cat Junior> NO U
[21:09] <Raihosha> I'm well, been exploring some dark corners of the universe.
[21:09] <zairafirefly> if we send her to the other side of the fence, kong will destroy us all >>
[21:09] <zairafirefly> ooh. sounds dark.
[21:10] <@Taco-Cat Junior> If I was anyone else, I would have said 'I'd like to explore the dark corners of YOUR universe if you know what I mean and I think you do'
[21:10] <Raihosha> Definitely places you want radiothermal powered flashlights.
[21:11] <zairafirefly> oh thank goodness you're not anyone else then
[21:11] <zairafirefly> you like your dark places?
[21:11] <@Taco-Cat Junior> =D
[21:12] <Raihosha> Well like is a bit strong... survived unscathed.
[21:12] <zairafirefly> aww
[21:13] <zairafirefly> you aren't still working super long hours, i hope?
[21:13] <Raihosha> 'tis the nature of dark places.
[21:13] <Raihosha> Long hours, just not as many sets of them in a row.
[21:14] <@Taco-Cat Junior> awww
[21:14] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I think Rai needs another hug
[21:14] * @Taco-Cat Junior hugs Raiiiiiiiiiii
[21:14] <Raihosha> Thanks *wheeze* Taco.
[21:14] * Raihosha starts turning blue.
[21:15] * zairafirefly offers oxygen tube
[21:15] *** @the ɪmpɾesɑrio [in_ex_officio@TARDIS2010.sen] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:15] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @the ɪmpɾesɑrio

[21:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai @the ɪmpɾesɑrio
[21:16] *** @Dr. Xadium [user-19fasjd@TARDIS904563.panopticon.gallifrey.sen] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:16] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Dr. Xadium

[21:16] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Dr. Xadium
[21:16] <@Dr. Xadium> No I use this one
[21:16] * @Taco-Cat Junior lets go D:
[21:16] <@Dr. Xadium> I wanna say something
[21:16] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I thought your hand was cut off
[21:16] <@Dr. Xadium> I run this place, and that means I get into a lot of arguments had between its members
[21:16] * Raihosha breathes.
[21:16] <@Dr. Xadium> And
[21:17] <@Dr. Xadium> regardless of who I think is right or wrong
[21:17] <@Dr. Xadium> it hurts me when I have to
[21:17] <@Dr. Xadium> You guys are like family to me
[21:17] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Doesn't hurt me! Of course, I'm a emotionless robot, too.
[21:17] <@Dr. Xadium> You're all I've got now, in a very real sense
[21:18] <@Dr. Xadium> I don't enjoy doing stuff that pisses off one person at the expense of another
[21:18] <@Dr. Xadium> I dunno where I'm going with this really
[21:18] <@Dr. Xadium> but it's like
[21:19] <@Dr. Xadium> You gotta understand I'm not swooping in like some hand of god and gleefully smacking people around
[21:19] <@Dr. Xadium> I do what I do for a reason
[21:19] <@Dr. Xadium> I would LOVE not to piss off Mike or Ry.
[21:19] <@Dr. Xadium> they're both my buds
[21:20] <@Dr. Xadium> I would love to just sit back and do absolutely nothing
[21:20] <@Taco-Cat Junior> There has only been a rare few times that you and I have disagreed on stuff.
[21:20] <@Dr. Xadium> but that's not a luxury I have.
[21:20] <@Taco-Cat Junior> And even then, even rarer that you've provoked my emotions in that sort of manner.
[21:20] <@Dr. Xadium> I ran away once
[21:20] <@Dr. Xadium> to avoid things
[21:20] <AMD> I keep refreshing the forum to see if you did something horribad.
[21:21] <@Dr. Xadium> and what I was trying to protect just imploded on me anyway
[21:21] <@Dr. Xadium> so forbetter or worse I'm going to do things that piss you guys off
[21:21] <@Dr. Xadium> and i'm sorry
[21:21] <@Dr. Xadium> but I'm gonna do it anyway
[21:21] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I haven't done anything horribad. Yet. Give me time. Eventually I will.
[21:21] <@Dr. Xadium> Because ALL of you are my friends
[21:22] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Well, not all of you. Speaking for myself, there's one person here that isn't my friend.
[21:22] <@Dr. Xadium> and sometimes i gotta straighten things out.
[21:22] * @Dr. Xadium is away: I can't be coherent on this point anymore
[21:23] <@Taco-Cat Junior> ...That's also not including the people that are no longer here that would also fall under the category of 'Not A Friend'
[21:24] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Or the people I just never liked in the first place.
[21:24] <Raihosha> Soory Taco, it's true, I'm not your friend. ^^;
[21:25] <@Taco-Cat Junior> NOOOOOOOOOOOO
[21:25] <Raihosha> (( You were coherent enough while it counted, X ))
[21:25] <zairafirefly> he means other people
[21:25] <zairafirefly> i second the coherency statement
[21:26] <@Taco-Cat Junior> You were coherent enough for me
[21:26] <Raihosha> Wait, I really am still his friend?
[21:26] <@Taco-Cat Junior> There get back in here and finish, dammit
[21:26] <@Taco-Cat Junior> YES YOU ARE
[21:26] <Raihosha> Yay!
[21:27] * Raihosha hugs Taco-cat Junior.
[21:32] * Raihosha lets go, and checks Taco's breathing.
[21:32] <zairafirefly> ishedead??
[21:35] <Raihosha> He isn't breathing, but he has a pulse. I think he's alive, but it's hard to tell.
[21:37] <@Taco-Cat Junior> BRING LIFE TO ME
[21:38] * Raihosha gives Taco a diet Mtn. Dew
[21:41] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I AM WILLING TO ACCEPT A DR. PEPPER
[21:41] * Raihosha hands Taco a Dr. Pepper.
[21:42] <zairafirefly> magical soda
[21:42] <Raihosha> The power of Caffine.
[21:43] <@Taco-Cat Junior> The Power of AWESOME
[21:43] <Raihosha> There are places where Caffine is worshipped as a goddess in her guise as Caffina.
[21:44] <Raihosha> And her sister, Nicotina by others.
[21:45] <zairafirefly> i'm sure
[21:46] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Are they sexy sisters?
[21:47] <Raihosha> It is by caffine alone I set my mind in motion; the thoughts acquire speed, the teeth acquire stain; It is by caffine alone I set my mind in motion. -- The Programmer's Creed.
[21:47] <Raihosha> Very sexy, yes.
[21:47] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:47] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood

[21:47] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[21:47] <@Wolfwood> I woke up sober.
[21:47] <@Wolfwood> why am I sober.
[21:47] <@Taco-Cat Junior> =3
[21:47] <@Taco-Cat Junior> HA HA
[21:47] <@Taco-Cat Junior> SUFFER B[BLEEP]CH
[21:48] <@Wolfwood> I have to go see Resident Evil tonight I don't want to be sober.
[21:48] <@Taco-Cat Junior> bwahahahha
[21:48] <@Taco-Cat Junior> you're seeing resident evil
[21:48] <@Wolfwood> unfortunetly.
[21:48] <Raihosha> Hey, at least it has Milla Jovovitch.
[21:49] <@Wolfwood> meh
[21:49] <@Taco-Cat Junior> she has that skinny look on her
[21:49] <@Wolfwood> Not my thing.
[21:50] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I admit, if I was in the mood, I'd be all up in that
[21:51] <@Wolfwood> no thank you
[21:51] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I'd bet her screams would be hilarious
[21:51] <@Wolfwood> The guy who made death race tapped that.
[21:52] <@Wolfwood>
[21:52] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I'd tap it JUST to piss off that guy
[21:52] <@Taco-Cat Junior> It'd be like, "Hey, dude? Your films suck. I also f[BLEEP]ked your wife."
[21:58] <@Wolfwood> Oh
[21:59] <@Wolfwood> Oh I love you Strike Witches, and I know I should'nt.
[21:59] <@Wolfwood> But I do.
[21:59] <@Taco-Cat Junior> PERV
[21:59] <Raihosha> That's just a weird concept, but I want to see what the fuss is about.
[22:00] <@Wolfwood> If you know anything about WW2 history it is helarious
[22:00] <@Wolfwood> and I can't spell tonight.
[22:00] <Raihosha> Oooh. For history see "Hetalia".
[22:01] <zairafirefly> hetalia was cute~
[22:01] <@Wolfwood> Everyone in Strike Witches WAS an actual WWII ace.
[22:02] <@Wolfwood> They all existed.
[22:02] <@Wolfwood> And they just brought my favorite one in from the Witches in Africa doujin
[22:03] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I... know enough about the series to know that it invokes a DO NOT WANT response from me
[22:03] <@Wolfwood> to each their own.
[22:04] <@Taco-Cat Junior> When I say that, I usually mean HAHA I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE WRONG
[22:05] <@Wolfwood> Well.
[22:05] <@Wolfwood> Your mother.
[22:05] *** Aspirant Snark has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:05] <@spiritflame> irasshai Aspirant Snark
[22:05] <@Taco-Cat Junior> NO URS
[22:05] <Raihosha> Wolf is saying he's right and we need to watch it.
[22:05] * Aspirant Snark looks at Taco-cat Junior.
His image Song is: TACOTACOTACO.
Taco-cat Junior is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator

[22:05] <@Taco-Cat Junior> TACO
[22:05] * Aspirant Snark nods.
[22:05] <Aspirant Snark> I get it.
[22:05] <Aspirant Snark> Cute.
[22:05] <Aspirant Snark> Palendrome.
[22:06] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Hi Snark!
[22:06] <Aspirant Snark> Nice to meet you.
[22:06] * Raihosha looks at Aspirant Snark.
[22:06] *** Aspirant Snark is rather tall young man of 6'3." The shirt he is wearing is loose and comfortable, and he wears shorts regardless of the season. If you still haven't looked away, you have probably caught him smirking or laughing at something.
His image Song is: "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats.

[22:06] <Aspirant Snark> Heh.
[22:06] <@Taco-Cat Junior> It's really me, Ry
[22:06] <Raihosha> Nice choice in music.
[22:07] <Aspirant Snark> "And we can act like we come from out of this world | And leave the real one far behind."
[22:07] <Aspirant Snark> Hence the choice.
[22:07] <Raihosha> And if your friends can't dance, they're no friends of mine.
[22:08] <Aspirant Snark> I don't think any of my friends can dance, actually.
[22:08] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I can dance like a white guy that can't dance at all
[22:08] <@Wolfwood> hey
[22:08] <@Wolfwood> HEY
[22:08] <@Taco-Cat Junior> HEY
[22:08] <Raihosha> Depends on what you mean by dance. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more.
[22:08] <@Wolfwood> he can dance if he wants to
[22:08] <@Taco-Cat Junior> THAT'S WHAT I SAID
[22:08] <@Taco-Cat Junior> HEY HEY HEY
[22:09] <@Wolfwood> he can something something his world behind
[22:09] <zairafirefly> that sounds like a video game
[22:09] <Aspirant Snark> Apparently, Robert Palmer has one of the longest average word length of almost all singers.
[22:09] <Aspirant Snark> The question is... who decided to start measuring that?
[22:09] <Raihosha> Of course "Pop goes the World" is nice too.
[22:10] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Yes I'm a evil person sometimes
[22:10] <Aspirant Snark> It's like the dude who discovered that you could see stars at the bottome of a well....
[22:11] <Raihosha> From the bottom of a well...not at the bottom, slightly different meanings. And I need to turn that off.
[22:12] <Aspirant Snark> Hmph well if you fell down the well, what I said was true.
[22:12] <Aspirant Snark> ...from a certain point of view.
[22:12] <@Wolfwood> (( .... ))
[22:13] <Raihosha> I apologize for my pedantism, it's been running rampant lately.
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> ..........
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I win
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Man, you two are awesome
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Oh
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> OH
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> HOLY S[BLEEP]T
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> I JUST REALIZED IT
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> SNARK AND RAI ARE IN THE SAME ROOM
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> OHSHI SON
[22:13] <@Taco-Cat Junior> Awesome... meets Awesome
[22:14] <Raihosha> Hmm?
[22:14] <Aspirant Snark> Hmm?
[22:14] <@Wolfwood> mind = ¯\(º_o)/¯
[22:14] <@Taco-Cat Junior> You two are just two awesome guys that I always thought would get along together really well.
[22:14] <@Wolfwood>

[22:15] <@Wolfwood> OrCouncil.
[22:15] <@Taco-Cat Junior> And it totally slipped my mind that you two were in here! Now!
[22:15] <@Wolfwood> I cannot spell.
[22:15] * @Taco-Cat Junior is now known as Ryan
[22:15] <Raihosha> Wow, suddenly I'm feeling performance anxiety.
[22:15] <@Ryan> This deserves my actual name
[22:15] <zairafirefly> i thought that might happen too, if they ever met
[22:15] <Aspirant Snark> Ah. Now I understand.
[22:15] <@Ryan> This moment of Awesomeness.
[22:15] <zairafirefly> PERFORM NOW
[22:15] <Aspirant Snark> ...
[22:15] <Raihosha> ?
[22:15] <@Ryan> XD
[22:16] <Aspirant Snark> I suppose the real reason the Jedi don't like those Hologram things... is because they might go on when they are in the bathroom.
[22:16] <Aspirant Snark> That's what I thought I saw the dude 2nd from right doing...
[22:16] <Aspirant Snark> Pic was blurry at first.
[22:16] <Raihosha> I don't think we're going to have a Yuri scene this early Zaira, we just met.
[22:16] <@Ryan> LOL
[22:16] * Aspirant Snark could have sworn.
[22:16] <@Ryan> Not yet. But eventually! =3
[22:16] <@Wolfwood> It is the legendary and rare SadKeanu.
[22:17] <@Ryan> zf you and i should ship rai/snark now
[22:17] <zairafirefly> um...yaoi?
[22:17] <@Wolfwood> He is eating a muffin. He is sad. We do not know why.
[22:17] <Aspirant Snark> ...I have heard creepier things.
[22:17] <Raihosha> Did I get it backwards again?
[22:17] <zairafirefly> yes >>
[22:17] <@Ryan> You did but that's ok!
[22:17] <zairafirefly> though if you both want to be girls that's up to you
[22:18] <Aspirant Snark> ...
[22:18] <Raihosha> *snrk*
[22:18] * Aspirant Snark looks at Raihosha.
[22:18] *** Raihosha is a distinguished gentleman of 6'4", wearing a dashing dinner jacket with the A.E.G.I.S. insignia on a collar tab, and a blue carnation in the buttonier. He is carrying a glass cane. More information about him is Here.
His image Song is: "Inner Universe" by ORIGA.

[22:18] <Aspirant Snark> I love that song.
[22:18] <zairafirefly> it is a song of AWESOME
[22:18] <Raihosha> So do I. Awesome in multiple languages.
[22:19] <@Wolfwood> hurdur
[22:19] <zairafirefly> i've also used it as a character theme, too
[22:19] <@Ryan> They even have similar tastes!
[22:20] <@Ryan> You guys both like the elder gods stuff, too!
[22:20] <@Ryan> *sniffs* I missed you guys
[22:20] * @Ryan HUGS RAI AND SNARK
[22:20] * UltraMatt eats some chips
[22:20] <Raihosha> I also considered using Coppelia's Casket or Salva Nos from Noir for various character concepts.
[22:21] <Aspirant Snark> It's not really the "Elder Gods" stuff... it's just on the end of the continuum of "how significant your PC can be."
[22:21] <zairafirefly> a good song
[22:21] <Aspirant Snark> I would probably put D&D on the other end.
[22:21] <zairafirefly> though i prefer canta per me and some of the slower piano themes from that
[22:21] <zairafirefly> but mostly cause i can play them
[22:22] <Aspirant Snark> Ryan... I want to ask you a question...
[22:22] <@Ryan> Ask
[22:22] <@Ryan> While I molest you
[22:22] <Raihosha> I have a fondness at times for what friends call, "Catholic Threat Music".
[22:23] <zairafirefly> lol really
[22:23] <Aspirant Snark> And keep in mind... this is from a guy who likes to read the "7 body cues that you shouldn't date somebody" so he can do them all...
[22:23] <zairafirefly> then you need to watch more films like constantine and stigmata?
[22:24] <Raihosha> I saw Constantine.
[22:24] <@Ryan> I am in a good mood therefore won't mention that Constantine was a horrible adaptation of Hellblazer
[22:24] <@Wolfwood> I did
[22:24] <@Wolfwood> wish I did'nt
[22:24] <UltraMatt> yes....
[22:24] <@Wolfwood> also what ryguy said
[22:24] <zairafirefly> well i thought it wasn't very good anyway...
[22:24] <Aspirant Snark> Do you think that, if somebody was auditioning for a Reality Show, and they did it in a run down hovel with youtubes "Kill Your Family Show" playing on the background, dirty dishes, a paranoid' schizophrenic's clippings of newpaper everywhere, and a came off like they would want to murder other contestants... if they would be a popular enough personality to be voted off the show last?
[22:24] <Raihosha> Of course I also like JPop and Europop to listen too.
[22:25] <@Ryan> ...
[22:25] <Aspirant Snark> - "It looks like the Batchlorette really likes Alan... somebody should do something about him." -
[22:25] <@Ryan> That's a very random and yet rather specific question that you asked.
[22:25] <Aspirant Snark> (sneaks off)
[22:25] <@Ryan> I will applaud you for this.
[22:25] <zairafirefly> well i'm usually convinced they keep certain people around long enough for ratings
[22:26] <@Ryan> Agreed
[22:26] <Aspirant Snark> Well... I have tried very hard to cultivate suspicion in people. And no... I don't really want to explain why.
[22:27] <Aspirant Snark> :3
[22:27] <Raihosha> I don't watch such things, but from second-hand exposure I think I prefered Reality TV before people figured it out and just the young and buff were selected.
[22:27] * Aspirant Snark laughs randomly.
[22:28] <Aspirant Snark> Then you NEED to watch tool academy! It will make you forget all of your lofty aspirations that w
[22:28] <zairafirefly> it's all those villains you want to bring down on us, isn't it?
[22:28] <Aspirant Snark> That humans are somehow more advanced than other mammnals.
[22:28] <zairafirefly> that are disguised at good guys with flaws
[22:28] <zairafirefly> and such
[22:29] <Aspirant Snark> Oh... come on. At least one character I play in here doesn't want to murder everybody.
[22:29] <Raihosha> More advanced? We just have come up with better ways to make things complicated.
[22:29] <Aspirant Snark> Honestly... I often treat this chatbox like I would treat a lucid dream!
[22:30] <Raihosha> You'd like Yaijinden then.
[22:30] <Aspirant Snark> You know... when you dream and you know you are dreaming? I used to have those when I was a kid, and I'd just start flapping my wings so I could fly--or tarzan around on the ceiling tiles. Of course... those were the dreams I had when I was young.
[22:30] <@Ryan> He does have similarities with Yai, too.
[22:30] <Aspirant Snark> Nowadays, whenever I realize I'm dreaming... I just start killing everybody.
[22:30] <@Ryan> It's like you and Yai had a ba[BLEEP]rd gay love child
[22:31] <Aspirant Snark> ...Just kidding.
[22:31] <Aspirant Snark> Sorry guys. I just had to tell the Lucid Dreaming Joke.
[22:31] <Raihosha> We'll it's barely possibly. Yai did have that baby couch.
[22:32] <Aspirant Snark> You mean he gave birth to a couch?
[22:32] <zairafirefly> yai had children all over i'm sure we don't know about
[22:32] <zairafirefly> AS could be one!
[22:32] <Aspirant Snark> I may have misunderstood, but that sounds like he'd do that.
[22:32] <Raihosha> No... he err fathered it.
[22:32] <Aspirant Snark> Mated with, or fathered it?
[22:33] <Aspirant Snark> I REALLY don't understand.
[22:33] * Aspirant Snark doesn't want to understand now.
[22:33] <Raihosha> He mated with one of the regular couches around the Ten-Aino house. I forget which one.
[22:34] <Raihosha> Soon there was an upholstered chair that grew into a couch.
[22:34] <zairafirefly> does it matter anymore?
[22:34] <Raihosha> Reality can be thin around here at times.
[22:36] <@Ryan> Then someone sticks their penis into it
[22:36] <@Ryan> Not me
[22:37] <Raihosha> No, that was Shinji.
[22:37] <Raihosha> Sticking his ting into other things.
[22:38] <@Ryan> That Shinji. What a rascal!
[22:39] <Aspirant Snark> I would like to thank you for creating him.
[22:39] <Raihosha> That he was. Always throwing planets into each other.
[22:39] <Aspirant Snark> That way, I can explain what the Chatroom is in one sentence.
[22:39] <@Ryan> XD
[22:39] <Aspirant Snark> "Well what kind of characters are in there?" ---A green lantern Jedi Mecha Pilot.
[22:40] <zairafirefly> ...
[22:40] <zairafirefly> SENSHI
[22:40] <Aspirant Snark> One of my buddies confused him with a Jedi SuperSaiyan.
[22:40] <zairafirefly> be sure to include that too
[22:40] <Aspirant Snark> Absurd, of course.----no Supersaiyan could be a jedi.
[22:40] <Aspirant Snark> Now... a Sith... possibly. That's the end of the world, there.
[22:40] <zairafirefly> yes they can
[22:40] <Raihosha> Ah, but a Sith Supersaiyan is quite possible.
[22:41] <Aspirant Snark> Yup.
[22:41] <@Ryan> That was SayiaJedi
[22:41] <@Ryan> Remember him?
[22:41] <zairafirefly> yes HIM
[22:41] <@Wolfwood> I do
[22:42] <zairafirefly> we can combine anything here!
[22:42] <Raihosha> *dopeslap* Doh! You're right. But is he a Supersaiyan or just a saiyan or am I being pedantic again?
[22:42] <@Ryan> A pretty cool guy
[22:42] <@Ryan> He was a Sayian that could go super, I think, and was also a Jedi
[22:42] <@Ryan> He was a good RPer
[22:42] <@Ryan> Eventually just wondered off
[22:42] <Aspirant Snark> ...
[22:43] <Raihosha> I thought I saw him not that long ago...
[22:43] <@Ryan> I've had some rare communication with him via IMs
[22:43] <Aspirant Snark> That is because reality could not withstand his existence.
[22:43] <@Ryan> Last I heard, he was getting married soon
[22:43] <@Ryan> Soon being the last time we spoke
[22:43] <Aspirant Snark> He must have become a Jedi AFTER he became a supersaiyan. MAAAAYbe.
[22:43] <Raihosha> Doesn't he come in for the ocassional GingaTV report?
[22:44] <@Ryan> I think so
[22:44] <zairafirefly> i haven't seen him in a really long time
[22:45] <Raihosha> Then again I'm so far out of the Möbius it looks like a flat sheet of paper.
[22:45] <@Ryan> D:
[22:45] <@Ryan> It's good that you've shown up more, Rai
[22:45] <@Wolfwood> and now
[22:45] <@Ryan> We missed you!
[22:45] <@Wolfwood> because i'm bored
[22:45] <@Wolfwood> its time to Ghost Ride the MRAP
[22:45] <Raihosha> Gunfire?
[22:45] <@Wolfwood> [URL]
[22:46] <@Wolfwood> well good. because if you did i'd worry.
[22:47] <@Wolfwood> I don't know why I did that.
[22:47] <@Wolfwood> I just did.
[22:47] <Raihosha> I knew MRAP... but Ghost Ride is new to me.
[22:48] <Aspirant Snark> MRAP?
[22:48] <Raihosha> Mine Resistant Ambush Protected
[22:48] <@Wolfwood> Yay!
[22:49] <Raihosha> An armored truck based personel carrier.
[22:50] <Aspirant Snark> Ooooh!
[22:50] * Aspirant Snark remembers.
[22:50] <Aspirant Snark> You guys ever heard of the Smartruck?
[22:50] <Aspirant Snark> It's a truck that keeps you from being killed by a mob... by killing people.
[22:50] <Aspirant Snark> Seriuosly. It has oil slicks and blinding lights.
[22:51] <Raihosha> Uses some rather neat shaping to deflect blasts from underneath... Hadn't heard of that one.
[22:51] <Aspirant Snark> The thing I remember about the commercial is that they didn't use the oil slicks on the pursuing cars.... they waited for some poor ba[BLEEP]rd on a motorcycle...
[22:51] <Raihosha> I've seen the suburban with the pop-up gatling...
[22:52] <Aspirant Snark> "Do you live in a world where absolutely everybody except your chauffeur wants to kill you? Buy this!"
[22:52] * Aspirant Snark vanishes.
[22:52] <@Ryan> DAMMIT
[22:52] <@Ryan> I'M NOT GONE YET
[22:52] <@Ryan> :P
[22:52] * @Ryan is away: RESET AND SHOWERING
[22:53] <Raihosha> Depending on how it drives, your chauffer may want to kill you as well, then what?
[22:54] <Aspirant Snark> I dunno... if you have the key ring and your fingerprints check out, you could probably drive it yourself.
[22:54] <Aspirant Snark> Force fast food people to give you food by threatening them with the pepperspray dispensers....
[22:54] <Aspirant Snark> You could probably survive in there a long time...
[22:55] <Aspirant Snark> Except for the muggers coming in police cars.
[22:55] <zairafirefly> ..apparently i missed a big chunk of the conversation
[22:56] <Aspirant Snark> Nah. I"m always like that.
[22:56] <Aspirant Snark> I"m talking about a car built for incredibly paranoid people.'
[22:58] <zairafirefly> yeah
[22:58] <Raihosha> Oh, there was an old SF story about a fully automatic car that had a little computer malfunction and in order to keep the occupents safe it never let them out. even after thet died of old age.
[22:59] <UltraMatt> I've heard that story!
[22:59] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has left #suburbansenshi2 (evil residents)
[22:59] <zairafirefly> it's a relatively universal one in scifi
[23:01] <Raihosha> Well, somewhat. I've only seen a few times it's been "kill with kindness" rather than just plain "kill".
[23:01] <Aspirant Snark>
[23:01] * Aspirant Snark couldn't find the link.
[23:01] <Aspirant Snark> ^link command.
[23:03] <zairafirefly> it's [url=link]
[23:03] <zairafirefly> and [/url]
[23:03] <zairafirefly> unless you mean the embedded one i don't know that
[23:05] <Aspirant Snark> so pout!
[23:06] <Raihosha> This is the one I remember. Very useful for diplomats, but the gun system is rather hard to acquire for non military types I should think.
[23:06] * @Ryan POUTS D:
[23:07] <Raihosha> Also, given the threat is RPGs these days, it may be a bit underarmored in some hotspots.
[23:07] <Aspirant Snark> That was the crummy version! The other ad had a bunch of protesters rush the car and get the countermeasures proven on them!
[23:07] <Aspirant Snark> WOW
[23:07] <Aspirant Snark> Can you imagine making an informercial for that truck?
[23:08] <Aspirant Snark> Just convince everybody that the guy is an escaped war criminal... or serial killer... and puppy scalder... who double-dips his chips.
[23:08] <Raihosha> twenty minutes of disclaimers saying "we are not responsible for anything you might acidentilly kill"
[23:08] <Aspirant Snark> And see how long you can hold back the studio audience.
[23:08] <Aspirant Snark> Or purposefully kill.
[23:09] <Raihosha> Or maim.
[23:10] *** UltraMatt has left #suburbansenshi2 (tiiiiired)
[23:10] <Raihosha> Ryan looks so cute when he pouts, especially those puppy dog eyes.
[23:10] <@Ryan> NIGHT MATT
[23:10] <@Ryan> =3
[23:10] <Raihosha> Good night Matt.
[23:10] <Aspirant Snark> Awww... Matt is gone.
[23:10] <Aspirant Snark> I was going to have somebody break into the library tonight.
[23:10] * Aspirant Snark pouts.
[23:10] <zairafirefly> byes..
[23:11] <Raihosha> So, you're the thief!
[23:11] <zairafirefly> SO TELL US ALL
[23:12] <Aspirant Snark> Okay... so there was this one time...
[23:12] <Raihosha> Aww, now Snark is all cute and pouty. Ryan's still cuter though.
[23:12] <@Ryan> =33333
[23:13] <zairafirefly> does this count as catholic fight music or whatever?
[23:13] <@Ryan> dude i LOVE that song
[23:13] <@Ryan> srsly
[23:13] <@Ryan> big escaflowne fan here
[23:13] <@Ryan> or i was
[23:13] <@Ryan> it's been years since i've rewatched the series
[23:13] <Aspirant Snark> No, but it does count as the picture I wanted of "some chick hitchiking for a ride on a dragon."
[23:14] <@Ryan> and 99.9% of the info has been dumped out of my head
[23:14] <zairafirefly> anything with yoko kanno music is likely to have lots of fans
[23:14] <@Ryan> damn right!
[23:14] <@Ryan> i love the film version of that song
[23:14] <Raihosha> It qualifies under my definitions.
[23:15] <Raihosha> That was a great series. Too bad it was one of the first Fox butchered.
[23:15] <Aspirant Snark> Awww.
[23:15] <Raihosha> I ended up seeing the whole thing in Japanese with subtitles.
[23:16] <@Ryan> me tooooooooooo
[23:16] <zairafirefly> black escaflowne?
[23:16] <Raihosha> I did the same thing with Card Captor Sakura.
[23:16] <zairafirefly> which is here
[23:16] <@Ryan> i was referring to the film version of dance of curse but black escaflowne f[BLEEP]king rocks, too
[23:17] <zairafirefly> it's been a while...i will find it eventually
[23:17] <zairafirefly> black always makes me think of star wars at certain parts
[23:17] <@Ryan> kanno just f[BLEEP]king rocks
[23:18] <Aspirant Snark> Yup.
[23:18] <Raihosha> That she does. Heck, she's what made Cowboy Bebop Awesome instead of merely great.
[23:19] <@Ryan> =D
[23:19] <zairafirefly> dance of curse II
[23:19] <@Ryan> yessssssss
[23:19] <zairafirefly> here
[23:19] <zairafirefly> i have all this music on a CD somewhere...
[23:19] <zairafirefly> i should listen to it again
[23:22] <Aspirant Snark> I would not be interested in Anime if it werent' for Cowboy Bebop.
[23:22] <Aspirant Snark> When I saw how good it could really be.
[23:22] <zairafirefly> i've only seen a few episodes of it
[23:23] <zairafirefly> i have sheet music for a few of the sparse pieces from escaflowne, too
[23:24] <Raihosha> Cities of GOld got me into anime before I knew there was such a ting. Sadly we never had Starblazers in my area.
[23:25] <@Ryan> I saw Starblazers much later on
[23:25] <@Ryan> I'd have to attribute Robotech for my entry
[23:25] <@Ryan> That and Akira
[23:25] <@Ryan> And maybe Voltron
[23:25] <zairafirefly> i had a friend who got me into it
[23:25] <zairafirefly> with sailor moon, fushigi yugi, akira, eva
[23:26] <zairafirefly> birdy the mighty
[23:26] <Raihosha> Well, I came to Robotech thanks to SciFi
[23:26] <@Ryan> I saw Sailor Moon prior but I can't say that it got me into it'
[23:26] <zairafirefly> oo
[23:26] <zairafirefly> those who hunt elves
[23:26] <@Ryan> I was able to rewatch it later, original language, and came to appreciate it more than I did in my original watching
[23:26] <@Ryan> Also
[23:27] <@Ryan> That Final fantasy V OVA
[23:27] <zairafirefly> "let's make a show with a legitimate reason for stripping people"
[23:27] <zairafirefly> i have never seen a final fantasy movie
[23:27] <Raihosha> Sailor Moon was on at bad times for a High Schooler...
[23:28] <zairafirefly> it was on some channel in the afternoon/evening when we were in college for a while
[23:29] <Raihosha> USA I think had it later on... or Cartoon Network.
[23:29] <@Ryan> I more or less followed it throughout the channel changes. I wasn't a fan then. It was just something to watch
[23:29] <@Ryan> LIKE LAW AND ORDER
[23:29] <@Ryan> <_< and 90210
[23:30] <@Ryan> (I mean the original not the new one)
[23:30] <zairafirefly> well, i think i'm going to get to bed
[23:30] <Raihosha> I think what got me into Sailor Moon was seeing one of the movies at Dragon Con (and this was 95 or so, so college.
[23:31] <zairafirefly> heh. i was in high school
[23:31] <zairafirefly> maybe.
[23:31] <zairafirefly> nope. middle school
[23:32] <Raihosha> I was burning out in a Master's program. Too many years of school.
[23:32] <zairafirefly> aww
[23:32] * Aspirant Snark hears that.
[23:32] <zairafirefly> sometimes i wouldn't mind going back
[23:33] <zairafirefly> but i don't know what for other than to do a writing thing and finish that book once and for all
[23:33] <Raihosha> Heck, a two year degree after being away for a while can renew your perspective (even if your classmates are half your age).
[23:34] <zairafirefly> mostly at those moments when i feel life is too complicated for anyone to really deal with
[23:34] <zairafirefly> heh true
[23:35] <zairafirefly> my coworker who just went back (30) said everyone in her grad program is older or younger than her
[23:35] <zairafirefly> like, just finished undergrad or 40s range
[23:35] <zairafirefly> and a really need to go
[23:35] <zairafirefly> is was good actually getting to talk to you this time rai
[23:35] <zairafirefly> *it
[23:35] <Raihosha> There is that tendency. Grad school is best pursued by those with a real passion.
[23:36] <zairafirefly> naturally
[23:37] <zairafirefly> night, folks
[23:37] *** zairafirefly [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:37] <Raihosha> It was nice to be back and see everyone from my side of the screen as well.
[23:37] <Aspirant Snark> G'night, Zaira.
[23:37] <Aspirant Snark> Nice meeting you, dude.
[23:38] <Raihosha> Nice to meet you as well. I hope we run into each other again.
[23:38] <Aspirant Snark> I me too.
[23:38] <Raihosha> Feel free to read my wiki.
[23:38] <Aspirant Snark> They seem to think of it as something like a celestial event.
[23:38] <Aspirant Snark> I'll do that.
[23:38] <@Ryan> HEY
[23:38] <@Ryan> Dammit
[23:38] <Aspirant Snark> So long.
[23:38] <@Ryan> This is what I get when I eat
[23:38] <@Ryan> And get distracted
[23:38] <Raihosha> Food is for the weak.
[23:38] <Aspirant Snark> Well... got to go... probably won't be back for a really long time.
[23:39] <@Ryan> D: but i like food D:
[23:39] <Aspirant Snark> Totally awesome discussion we had.
[23:39] <@Ryan> awwwwww
[23:39] <Aspirant Snark> So yeah. That's where I hid the money .
[23:39] <@Ryan> Dammit Snark we'll miss you DL
[23:39] *** Aspirant Snark [0] has quit IRC (Too bad the backlog was broken when we said it.)
[23:39] <Raihosha> Neat hack you came up to hide the awesome from the log, AS.
[23:39] <Aspirant Snark> And thanks, ryan.
[23:39] <Aspirant Snark> lol
[23:39] *** Aspirant Snark [0] has quit IRC (Go ahead and let your mind wander! That is the nature of thought.)
[23:40] <@Ryan> then there was two
[23:40] <@Ryan> still awesome
[23:40] <Raihosha> Yep.
[23:41] <Raihosha> I know.
[23:41] <@Ryan> You also must occasionally bring pie. I have no idea why I said that
[23:41] <@Ryan> It was completely random
[23:42] <Raihosha> Mmmm pie.
[23:42] <Raihosha> Do you listen to podcasts? Stuff you should know has a thing about pie.
[23:42] <@Ryan> ?!
[23:43] <@Ryan> On and off I do but I never heard of that one
[23:44] <Raihosha> It's a low key running gag. There are a bunch of "Stuff" podcasts by Marshall Brain's "How Stuff Works" group.
[23:45] <@Ryan> I am now intrigued by this
[23:46] <Raihosha> I actually particularly like "CarStuff" and "TechStuff"
[23:48] <@Ryan>
[23:48] <@Ryan> Is that the site?
[23:48] <Raihosha> yep.
[23:48] <Raihosha> although I listen through iTunes.
[23:49] <@Ryan> feh. iTunes. I won't use it.
[23:49] <@Ryan> I'm OLD SCHOOL
[23:49] <Raihosha> I've been using Macs since 1985 Ry.
[23:49] <@Ryan> hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss macs
[23:50] <@Ryan> i am like a cat now
[23:50] <@Ryan> hissssssssssssssssssss
[23:51] <Raihosha> I know, it's a religious war. I use Windows at work.
[23:51] <@Ryan> Ignore the fact that I used Apple computers when I was a young one during school. IT WAS BEFORE I GOT OLDER AND BILL GATES SAVED ME
[23:51] <Raihosha> I was enlightened by the woz.
[23:52] <Raihosha> I started on an Atari 800 in 1979.
[23:52] <@Ryan> I had to google what you meant and even then I am still hissing.
[23:53] <@Ryan> And the only Ataris I've ever used were game consoles!
[23:53] <@Ryan> Yeah. I'm a OLD OLD SCHOOL GAMER
[23:54] <Raihosha> My first computer experience was in 1976 on a printer connected by acoustic coupler to a Univ. of MN mainframe.
[23:54] <Raihosha> I was, however, about five.
[23:55] <@Ryan> Whoa
[23:55] <@Ryan> That's hardcore
[23:55] <@Ryan> And awesome
[23:56] <Raihosha> I sort of missed out on the real gaming thing, especially as I get Motion Sickness with First Person Shooters.
[23:56] <@Ryan> D:
[23:56] <@Ryan> It's strange; most people my age would say their first gaming experience was either something arcade or the NES.
[23:57] <@Ryan> For me it was the old Atari systems. My parents, even then, were on the top of the game on the gaming stuff
[23:57] <Raihosha> I played Pacman in the Arcades...
[23:58] <@Ryan> I had the Atari 2600 and the Atari 5200.
[23:58] <@Ryan> The latter I only had like one or two games for.
[23:58] <@Ryan> The former I had a s[BLEEP]t load.
[23:59] <Raihosha> Heck, I once tried to play the ET game when it was more or less new on some elses system.
[23:59] <@Ryan> OH GOD
[23:59] <@Ryan> I OWNED THAT
[23:59] <Raihosha> It deserves its rep.
[00:00] <@Ryan> It does
[00:00] <@Ryan> That game was the f[BLEEP]king DEVIL
[00:00] <Raihosha> I'm surprised the Catholics didn't burnit.
[00:01] <@Ryan> I wish they would had
[00:01] <@Ryan> It would have been justified
[00:01] <Raihosha> Merciful even.
[00:02] <@Ryan> I can't wait until someone finds that location where all the burred ET games are.
[00:03] <@Ryan> It'd be AWESOME to see someone gather them up to be blown to pieces
[00:03] <Raihosha> On religion, thanks to Project Gutenberg, I'm working my way through the GOlden Bough currently.
[00:03] <@Ryan> ohhhhhhh
[00:04] <Raihosha> It starts slow, but he builds an interesting case.
[00:06] <Raihosha> Although he seems to avoid some points on Christianity on purpose (probably as outside his scope).
[00:07] <@Ryan> I'm currently reading the wiki page for that
[00:07] <Raihosha> And he has some old fashioned, somewhat racist, language and tone. Much on "the savage" beliefs.
[00:07] <@Ryan> Interesting concept
[00:08] <@Ryan> Writers like him can get a pass due to the context.
[00:08] <Raihosha> Very much the tone of the age, for his period.
[00:09] <Raihosha> It isn't modern scolarship, but it is full of examples.
[00:10] <@Ryan> Makes me wanna read this
[00:10] <Raihosha> Find it free:
[00:11] <@Ryan> Or at least buy a copy since I always prefer reading a book as a physical object that I can hold in my hands compared to something on a computer screen
[00:11] <Raihosha> I use an iPod Touch, just for portability.
[00:12] <@Ryan> There's just somethings that a computer can't compete with for me. If there's a choice between an electronic or physical copy, I'll always pick the latter. Doesn't matter of it's more expensive.
[00:13] <Raihosha> I still read books, but
[00:13] <Raihosha> I don't know if this is even in print.
[00:14] <@Ryan> It is
[00:14] <@Ryan> Multiple versions
[00:14] <@Ryan>
[00:15] <Raihosha> I think the short version is one volume, but his long verson (which I'm not reading) is like 17 volumes.
[00:16] <@Ryan> I'd probably go for that one XD
[00:18] <Raihosha> Masochist.
[00:19] <@Ryan> =D
[00:21] <Raihosha> I think I must say good night. I have an eye exam in the morning and I dn't want to thow things off by being to bleary.
[00:23] <@Ryan> Ohhh
[00:23] <@Ryan> Good luck!
[00:23] <@Ryan> Have a good night!
[00:23] <@Ryan> Hope to see you again soon!
[00:23] <Raihosha> night.
[00:23] *** Raihosha [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (as the universe wills.)
[00:24] *** @Ryan has left #suburbansenshi2
[12:21] <Mai Naomi> (( Adam, in case in no one mentioned it yet, the tiara from the fanart pic you posted a whilte ago is Neo Queen Serenity's tiara. ))
[16:57] <AMD> (( Ooooooh. Thank you! ))
[19:41] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:41] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze *** Happy Birthday, Mizuno Ami!!
[19:41] <Matsumi Kaze> ~_~ *yawn*
[19:42] * Matsumi Kaze tosses her script in the sand and lays down on it
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> *on the sand
[19:46] <Matsumi Kaze> ..least first rehersial is done...
[19:50] * Matsumi Kaze cracks her neck
[20:11] <Matsumi Kaze> mm...
[20:17] *** Hulking Figure [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:17] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hulking Figure *** Happy Birthday, Mizuno Ami!!
[20:18] * Hulking Figure walks onto the beach... he is carrying a portable TV.
[20:19] * Matsumi Kaze is staring at the sky
[20:19] * Hulking Figure turns the sound off... and tries to sneak up behind Matsumi Kaze.
[20:19] <spiritflame> Hulking Figure rolls 1d20 [ 20 ]
[20:19] * Hulking Figure taps Matsumji on the back.
[20:20] * Matsumi Kaze is laying in the sand
[20:20] <Matsumi Kaze> .......
[20:20] <Matsumi Kaze> why are you tapping my chest?
[20:20] <Hulking Figure> (( Do you really think he'd do that? ))
[20:21] <Hulking Figure> That's a death sentence around here.
[20:21] <Matsumi Kaze> (( just making a joke XD ))
[20:21] <Hulking Figure> I'd more likely be forgiven for tossing you into the ocean.
[20:21] <Hulking Figure> ...
[20:21] * Hulking Figure picks Matsumi up and slings her over his shoulder.
[20:21] <Matsumi Kaze> gah!
[20:21] * Hulking Figure starts walking toward the surf.
[20:22] <Matsumi Kaze> hey hey hey!
[20:22] * Hulking Figure walks into about 4 feet of water, holding Matsumi over his head.
[20:23] * Hulking Figure walks into 5 feet of water.
[20:23] * Hulking Figure starts laughing.
[20:23] * Hulking Figure looks at Matsumi Kaze.
[20:23] *** Matsumi Kaze is has long blond hair, part of which hides her left eye completely. She has a well endowed body but is very modest of it. She is also known as Sailor Quinox More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.

[20:24] <Matsumi Kaze> gaaah!!!
[20:25] <Hulking Figure> Oh, what the hell. If you really didn't want it to happen, you'd have stopped me.
[20:25] * Hulking Figure flings Matsumi into the sea.
[20:26] * Matsumi Kaze is flung into the water
[20:26] <Matsumi Kaze> *burble*
[20:27] * Hulking Figure is now known as Immense Serpent
[20:27] * Immense Serpent wraps around Matsumi's ankle.
[20:27] * Immense Serpent pulls Matsumi back into about 2 feet of water.
[20:28] <Matsumi Kaze> *gasp* WHAT THE HELL
[20:30] <Immense Serpent> I didn't know you couldn't swim! Why didn't you say something?
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> I can swim!
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> you just took me off guard ><
[20:31] * Matsumi Kaze 's clothes are utterly soaked
[20:31] <Immense Serpent> It didn't look like it! You scared me!
[20:31] * Immense Serpent is now known as Hulking Figure
[20:31] <Hulking Figure> Sgro aro gdrus.
[20:31] * Hulking Figure coughs.
[20:32] <Hulking Figure> Well... I actually didn't plan to throw you... just take you to where your hair would be wet if you tried to jump off of me.
[20:32] *** LOVELYgirl [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:32] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYgirl *** Happy Birthday, Mizuno Ami!!
[20:32] <Hulking Figure> Until you didn't even protest, and I thought you were holding your breath...
[20:33] <Hulking Figure> And that's why you were so quiet.
[20:33] <LOVELYgirl> Hello~
[20:34] <Hulking Figure> Hey Miara!
[20:34] * Hulking Figure waves from the surf.
[20:34] * Matsumi Kaze gets out of the water
[20:34] <LOVELYgirl> Dimitri
[20:34] <LOVELYgirl> Hey Mats
[20:34] <Hulking Figure> Yes?
[20:35] <Matsumi Kaze> hey ><
[20:36] <Hulking Figure> Miara, I'm suprised I have seen you so often, honestly.
[20:37] <Hulking Figure> Aren't you supposed to be in a tournament or something?
[20:37] * LOVELYgirl strips down to a blue bikini and wades out into the water
[20:37] <LOVELYgirl> It's finished.
[20:37] <Hulking Figure> With... like a bunch of the other best fighters and.... wow.
[20:37] * Hulking Figure stares.
[20:38] * Matsumi Kaze is away: going to change ><
[20:38] * Hulking Figure floats on his back.
[20:39] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[20:39] * Hulking Figure gets swamped by a wave.
[20:39] * Matsumi Kaze walks back out in a green bikini
[20:39] <LOVELYgirl> You look more comfortable~
[20:39] * Hulking Figure pokes his head above the water, with only his eyes showing. There is seaweed in his hair.
[20:39] * Hulking Figure looks at Matsumi.
[20:40] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah this is better
[20:40] * Matsumi Kaze is wearing a simple green bikini
[20:40] * Hulking Figure sticks his head up.
[20:40] <Hulking Figure> Gluruple.
[20:41] * Hulking Figure spits some water out.
[20:41] <Hulking Figure> Wow, you really like the color green.
[20:41] * Hulking Figure swishes... it's hard to remember to close your mouth when you dont' breathe.
[20:41] <Matsumi Kaze> I love it
[20:41] <LOVELYgirl> Well that's obvious.
[20:42] <LOVELYgirl> I like blue and orange, and green and purple and...I like lots of colors.
[20:42] <Matsumi Kaze> I like green, blue and purple
[20:42] <Hulking Figure> My favorite color is...
[20:42] <Hulking Figure> Um...
[20:43] * Hulking Figure scratches his head.
[20:43] <Hulking Figure> I don't remember.
[20:43] <Hulking Figure> Maybe it was maroon?
[20:43] <Hulking Figure> I know it wasn't red or black.
[20:45] <Hulking Figure> I suppose everybody has a reason for their favorite color.
[20:45] * Hulking Figure ducks under the water.
[20:45] * Hulking Figure disappears from sight.
[20:45] <spiritflame> Hulking Figure rolls 1d20 [ 12 ]
[20:46] * Hulking Figure is trying to sneak over near Matsumi, since he doesn't have to worry about bubbles giving his location away...
[20:46] * Matsumi Kaze doesn't notice
[20:46] <spiritflame> Hulking Figure rolls 1d20 [ 13 ]
[20:47] <LOVELYgirl> I love blue and orange together, but no idea why. it's just pretty.
[20:47] * Hulking Figure picks up Matsumi Kaze by the knees and shoulder, and lifts her over his head again.
[20:47] <Hulking Figure> SUPRISE!
[20:47] * Hulking Figure walks into deeper water.
[20:47] <Matsumi Kaze> GAH!
[20:47] <Hulking Figure> Hahaha!
[20:48] * Hulking Figure waits till a big-looking wave goes by... and THEN tosses Matsumi into its wake.
[20:48] <Matsumi Kaze> GAAAAAAH
[20:48] * Matsumi Kaze is washed away
[20:49] * Matsumi Kaze rises out of the water to her waist "what are you doing!?"
[20:50] <Hulking Figure> Whaaat? You were wet already!
[20:51] <Hulking Figure> Besides... I wanted you in deeper water to show you something awesome!
[20:51] <Matsumi Kaze> hold on a second something feels.............
[20:52] * Matsumi Kaze watches as her bikini bottom floats by...
[20:52] <Matsumi Kaze> ...........................
[20:52] <LOVELYgirl> Eh?
[20:52] <Hulking Figure> ...
[20:53] * Hulking Figure dips his head under the water.
[20:53] <Matsumi Kaze> O_O
[20:54] <LOVELYgirl> Hee you're bare now!
[20:54] * LOVELYgirl goes after it and tosses it back
[20:54] * Hulking Figure pops out of the water.
[20:54] * Matsumi Kaze snatches the bottom and ducks under the water ><
[20:54] <LOVELYgirl> You have to got sporty bikinis if you're going to be active, you know
[20:55] <Hulking Figure> Um... you could always do your little magic thing. That would mean you would be wearing clothes... right?
[20:56] * Hulking Figure wonders if it always involves clothing.
[20:56] <LOVELYgirl> How wouldn't a power up to an "armour" type outfit not involve clothing?
[20:57] * Matsumi Kaze rises out of the water..still crimison red in the face
[20:57] <Hulking Figure> That stuff is armor?
[20:57] <Hulking Figure> It never occurred to me.
[20:57] <Hulking Figure> I thought they changed into it because... um... nevermind.
[20:57] <LOVELYgirl> It's really resistant to damage and stuffs.
[20:57] * Hulking Figure shrugs.
[20:58] <Hulking Figure> Well I personally usually aim for either the neck or the femoral artery, so I never really considered the little skirt things, or how to get through them.
[21:00] <Hulking Figure> Interesting fact... Should you ever find yourselves trying to drink human blood, if you bite the neck, you should go for the VEIN, and not the artery. You don't want them to lose the sensation---that makes it easier. It also makes it harder to judge how much blood they are losing if you are drinking it before it gets to their brain.
[21:00] * Matsumi Kaze just...looks at dimitri
[21:00] <Hulking Figure> Well... I mean... if you *wanted* them to pass out, I suppose that would certainly work.
[21:01] <Hulking Figure> But the truth is that humans often have differing amounts of blood in their bodies.
[21:01] <Hulking Figure> You have to be careful. Very careful.
[21:01] * Hulking Figure licks his lips.
[21:01] <Hulking Figure> Um... Sorry. I was a little hungry.
[21:01] <Hulking Figure> You know how it goes... never go grocery shopping when you are hungry... you always thing about food.
[21:01] <LOVELYgirl> All you need blood that badly, all you have to do is slit the throat after hunting
[21:02] <LOVELYgirl> *if you
[21:05] <Hulking Figure> I could never do that to somebody!
[21:05] <Hulking Figure> ...I've seen it done a couple of times, though.
[21:05] <LOVELYgirl> Animals, silly.
[21:05] <Hulking Figure> Ah.
[21:06] <LOVELYgirl> Course, we slit with teeth usually, if you really need blood for energy it gushes right in.
[21:06] <Hulking Figure> Hey Matsumi... I was going to ask you something... but first... is our Bikini on?
[21:07] <Matsumi Kaze> yes it is
[21:07] * Hulking Figure grins in indulgence, thinking about the sensation.
[21:07] <Hulking Figure> Are you sure?
[21:07] <Matsumi Kaze> yes?
[21:07] <Hulking Figure> Positive?
[21:08] <Hulking Figure> >.>
[21:08] <LOVELYgirl> She said yes, get on with it.
[21:09] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi... have you ever been skiing?
[21:09] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah...cross country style
[21:10] <Hulking Figure> But have you ever been pulled through the water?
[21:11] <LOVELYgirl> Oh, that's always fun!
[21:11] <Matsumi Kaze> no
[21:11] <LOVELYgirl> You should try it!
[21:11] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi... do you trust me?
[21:12] * Hulking Figure looks Matsumi Kaze in the eyes.
[21:13] <Matsumi Kaze> I...guess?
[21:13] <Hulking Figure> ...
[21:13] <Matsumi Kaze> ok yes..I do
[21:14] <Hulking Figure> Then it will have to wait. Another time then.
[21:14] <Hulking Figure> Really? Awesome!
[21:15] <Hulking Figure> Okay... now keep your balance shifted backwards...
[21:15] <Hulking Figure> And keep your center of gravity low...
[21:15] <Hulking Figure> And... remember. Relax.
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> um ok
[21:15] <Hulking Figure> This is the fastest thing I know...
[21:15] <Hulking Figure> Okay... relax.
[21:15] <Hulking Figure> Remember. Relax.
[21:16] * Hulking Figure disappears underwater.
[21:16] * Tentacle wraps around Matsumi Kaze's left foot.
[21:17] * Tentacle wraps around Matsumi Kaze's right ankle.
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> O_O
[21:18] * Tentacle grabs ahold of Matsumi's left wrist.
[21:18] * Tentacle grabs ahold of Matsumi Kaze's right wrist.
[21:18] <Matsumi Kaze> wh..wha!?
[21:18] <LOVELYgirl> Like he said, relax.
[21:19] * Huge Octopus appears in the water...
[21:19] * Huge Octopus pulls Matsumi forward slowly, with the sand sliding past her heels.... a little like being pulled by a dog while on rollerskates...
[21:19] * Huge Octopus picks up speed.
[21:20] * Huge Octopus goes faster.
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> wh..wh..whoa!
[21:21] * Huge Octopus goes a little bit faster, and heads to water about 5 feet deep.
[21:22] * Huge Octopus heads into water about 7 feet deep, and REALLY starts moving, pulling Matsumi behind him quickly enough that her feet don't touch the bottom anymore.
[21:22] * Matsumi Kaze tries to keep herself up
[21:22] * LOVELYgirl watches...
[21:23] * Huge Octopus jets through the water, pulling Matsumi almost as fast as a motorboat.
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> hehehehe!
[21:25] * Huge Octopus pulls a high-speed turn and pulls Matsumi after him, kicking up sediment as they pass.
[21:27] * Huge Octopus heads for where Miara is wading... and splashes her with his wake as he goes past.
[21:29] * Huge Octopus slows down, and his passenger sinks back into the sea.
[21:30] * Huge Octopus lets go of Matsumi Kaze's arms and legs.
[21:31] * Huge Octopus sets Matsumi down onto a sandbar.
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> wow..that
[21:32] * Huge Octopus is now known as Hulking Figure
[21:32] <LOVELYgirl> Fun, isn't it?
[21:32] * Hulking Figure rises from the surf.
[21:32] <Hulking Figure> So what did you think?
[21:32] * Hulking Figure looks hopeful.
[21:32] <LOVELYgirl> Oh...huh.
[21:33] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah...
[21:33] <Hulking Figure> I'm so happy!
[21:34] <Hulking Figure> Heh.
[21:34] <Hulking Figure> I was afraid you'd freak... so I didn't go as fast as I could.
[21:36] <Hulking Figure> That's faster than the barracuda.
[21:36] <Hulking Figure> I just thought that you might... I mean... the tentacles. You know.
[21:36] <LOVELYgirl> Well we knew it was you.
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[21:38] <Hulking Figure> I would offer to pull both of you, but I was using my other arms to sweep the sand in front of me and make sure I did't pull Matsumi over some sharp shells. I mean---I'd fell horrible if something happened!
[21:39] <LOVELYgirl> Well you're already changed now.
[21:39] <Hulking Figure> Yeah. And I'm pretty hungry.
[21:39] <Hulking Figure> I' think I'll go have a drink.
[21:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ok
[21:39] <Hulking Figure> Looked like there was a shark or something further out there.
[21:40] * Hulking Figure is now known as Large Barracuda
[21:40] * Large Barracuda swims off into deeper water.
[21:40] *** Large Barracuda has quit IRC ( I honestly had no idea if that idea would work.)
[21:43] * LOVELYgirl sighs, and sits on the sand
[21:43] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the sand too
[21:44] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:44] <@spiritflame> irasshai Mister Dinsdale *** Happy Birthday, Mizuno Ami!!
[21:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey guys
[21:44] <LOVELYgirl> Hey Jack
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> hi, dinsdale
[21:45] <Mister Dinsdale> How's it going?
[21:45] * Mister Dinsdale spreads a towel and sits
[21:45] <LOVELYgirl> Ok. You/
[21:45] <LOVELYgirl> ?
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> alright...finished first rehersial today
[21:46] <Mister Dinsdale> Not bad, been pretty happy lately
[21:46] <Mister Dinsdale> That's great, Matsumi!
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> it was fun..but tiring
[21:48] <LOVELYgirl> I think I'm going to go get some training in.
[21:48] * LOVELYgirl is away 
[21:48] * Mister Dinsdale waves
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> how have your things been doing?
[21:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Not bad.
[21:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh... Saki got these things for your brother.
[21:49] * Mister Dinsdale hands Matsumi a sheaf of underwater photoes of ruins
[21:49] <Mister Dinsdale> She also said to tell him "those crystals he was so worried abiut aren't there"
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> I'll tell him that
[21:49] * Matsumi Kaze takes the photos
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> I finally finished work on that study for him...least now he won't sleep on the shelfs
[21:50] <Mister Dinsdale> Heheh
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> also need to talk to him about his clothes sense.....I don't think he understands the current look
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> :/
[21:51] * Mister Dinsdale is in 40's gear himself here
[21:51] <Mister Dinsdale> Nothing wrong with his look.
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> he looks like something out of the pulps
[21:53] <Mister Dinsdale> So?
[21:59] <Matsumi Kaze>'s weird
[22:00] <Mister Dinsdale> You're weird :P
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze> you look like a dandy
[22:03] <Mister Dinsdale> And what's wrong with that
[22:04] <Matsumi Kaze> can you dance :P
[22:04] * Mister Dinsdale tapdances
[22:04] * Mister Dinsdale does jazz hands
[22:04] <Mister Dinsdale> :P
[22:04] * Ryan looks at Mai Naomi.
[22:04] *** Mai Naomi is a 5'6.5" agile and lithe dancer. Her dark blue hair with its purple highlights are held up in two very short ponytails on the sides of her head. She generally wears loose, baggy jeans, and a couple of layers of skin tight tank tops. More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: "Life" by Mika Nakashima.

[22:04] <@Ryan> Ah.
[22:04] * Mister Dinsdale snrrks
[22:05] <@Ryan> I hear snrrking can lead to so many other things. Bad things. Nasty things.
[22:05] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm the detective but all you needed was that wordy description to figure out what yoiu needed to know.
[22:05] * Matsumi Kaze streaches
[22:10] <@Ryan> i'm batman
[22:10] <Matsumi Kaze> :O
[22:10] <Matsumi Kaze> wait..which batman
[22:15] <@Ryan> THE INSANE ONE
[22:15] * @Ryan SETS YOU ON FIRE
[22:16] * Matsumi Kaze runs around on fire!
[22:17] * Mister Dinsdale chills
[22:17] * Matsumi Kaze dives into the water
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> that was mean!!!
[22:21] <Matsumi Kaze> :(
[22:22] <Matsumi Kaze> I did nothing D:
[22:22] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:22] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood

[22:22] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood *** Happy Birthday, Mizuno Ami!!
[22:22] * @Wolfwood comes with a bounty of tacos
[22:23] <@Ryan> YOU DID *EVERYTHING*
[22:23] <@Wolfwood> ...
[22:23] <@Wolfwood> Are you speaking Bat.
[22:23] <@Wolfwood> Is that what a Bat sounds like?
[22:25] * @Ryan cripples a random thug
[22:25] <Mister Dinsdale> That sounds like Cobra commander
[22:25] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the beach
[22:26] <@Ryan>
[22:26] <@Ryan> I'm not watching the video
[22:26] <@Ryan> I'm just listening to the guy
[22:27] <@Ryan> Because what he's doing is so awkward that I'm embarrassed FOR him
[22:27] <Mister Dinsdale> Geez
[22:28] <@Ryan> Love this guy's voice, though
[22:28] <@Ryan> Great parody of Bale's Batman voice
[22:28] <Mister Dinsdale> I love Reddit
[22:28] <Mister Dinsdale> ಠ_ಠ
[22:28] <@Wolfwood> .............
[22:28] <@Ryan> F[BLEEP]K YEAH ADAM
[22:28] <@Wolfwood> Adam.
[22:29] <@Wolfwood> You are awesome.
[22:29] <AMD> Oh I WISH I was clever enough to come up with that
[22:29] <AMD> That is just GOLD
[22:29] <@Ryan> i wish... i was a little bit taller
[22:29] <Mister Dinsdale> LOL the lady behind him discreetly taking a shoit of him with her phone
[22:29] <@Ryan> wish i was a baller
[22:29] <@Wolfwood> I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her.
[22:30] <@Ryan> ...
[22:30] <@Ryan> wolf, i love you man
[22:30] <@Ryan> i do
[22:30] <@Wolfwood> I try. Thats a regularly played track on my Ipod.
[22:30] * Matsumi Kaze lays on the beach looking at the stars
[22:30] <@Ryan> Love that goddamn song
[22:32] <@Wolfwood> as do I
[22:33] <@Ryan> For those who don't know what we're talking about.
[22:35] <Mister Dinsdale> heh
[22:36] <@Wolfwood> Word son.
[22:37] <@Ryan> 1995 up in here, motherf[BLEEP]kas
[22:39] <AMD> so I went to the doctor today. I've been sick since Sunday.
[22:39] <@Wolfwood> D:
[22:39] <AMD> I was feeling better, my ex, who gave me a ride, said I looked better and that my fever felt like it was down.
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> What did you have
[22:40] <AMD> My temp was at 99 degrees, I was breathing decently with just a bit of dry coughing.
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> ....
[22:40] <AMD> Doc gave my a five day prescription of prednisone and I was off. Said I had an upper-respritory infection.
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> I'm just letting you know. If you die, its more work for us.
[22:41] <AMD> I thought I was getting over it, yay
[22:41] <AMD> I get home
[22:41] <@Wolfwood> I have to hide the body, frame Matt.
[22:41] <Matsumi Kaze> (( o_O ))
[22:41] <AMD> I sit around for a while, I star feeling chills
[22:41] <Matsumi Kaze> (( hey hey hey....I'm going into can't blame me for something like that ))
[22:41] <@Wolfwood> Well get better man.
[22:41] <@Ryan> ugh. I hope everything turns out good
[22:41] <@Wolfwood> (( I can and I will and I may. ))
[22:42] <Matsumi Kaze> (( BLARGH I say ))
[22:42] <@Ryan> i've already blamed matt.... thirty-five minutes ago.
[22:43] <Matsumi Kaze> (( D: ))
[22:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Damn you, Van whatever the hell your name was
[22:43] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[22:43] <@Ryan> XD
[22:44] <@Ryan> He's trying to remember his name
[22:44] <@Ryan> Veidt
[22:44] <AMD> Greg just felt me, and said I'm the hottest he's felt me all week
[22:44] <AMD> I am so tired of being sick
[22:44] * @SpeedRcrX changes topic to `[22:44] <AMD> Greg just felt me, and said I'm the hottest he's felt me all week `
[22:44] <@Wolfwood> There is a joke. I will not make it, but its there.
[22:44] <@Wolfwood> Annnd thank you.
[22:45] <@Ryan> dammit you got there before i say something like, 'in any other situation and context, that would be considered a compliment'
[22:46] <AMD> You know, if my libido weren't shot, yeah
[22:46] <Potamos> (( ugh, do you have any other symptoms? ))
[22:47] <AMD> aches, fatigue
[22:47] <AMD> My first thought was pnemonia
[22:47] <Potamos> (( have you had someone listen to your breathing? ))
[22:48] <AMD> my mother was all "IT'S SWINE FLU" and I just wanted to scream at her "SHUT UP It'S NOT THAT"
[22:48] <AMD> Yeah
[22:48] <Potamos> (( lolz but pneumonia is nothing to sneeze at ))
[22:48] <Potamos> (( had it twice within an 8 week span one year in high school ))
[22:48] <AMD> He could hear some wheezing, but that was probably more due to my asthma being aggro'd by the coughing
[22:48] <Potamos> (( yeah, junior year was the year from hell ))
[22:49] <AMD> I've had walking pneumonia once in high school, freshman year
[22:49] <@Wolfwood> (( had it in grade school ))
[22:49] <Potamos> (( walking pneumonia...? ))
[22:50] <AMD> (( pneumonia that isn't contagious. I was still allowed to go to school and even perform in a show choir competition. ))
[22:51] * @Wolfwood pays tribute that Adam may not die
[22:51] * @Wolfwood is listening to: Devide and Kreate - Lady GaGa vs The Killers - Killer Romance.mp3 [ 128 kbps]
[22:51] <Potamos> (( holy crap ))
[22:52] <Potamos> (( I was flat on my back terrible sick way back then ))
[22:52] <Potamos> (( my fever was up to 103 ))
[22:52] <Potamos> (( in a was my body telling me I needed to settle down ))
[22:53] <Mister Dinsdale> (( as sick as i can get sometimes i'm amazed i never got it ))
[22:53] <Potamos> (( seriously Adam take time off ))
[22:54] <AMD> I've pretty much either called into work or been sent home all week
[22:54] <AMD> If this keeps up I'm going to lose my hours and I won't be able to go up to toronto.
[22:56] <@Ryan> that's why i always recommend a life of crime
[22:56] <@Wolfwood> (( adam hop on the aim right quick ))
[22:56] <@Ryan> if crime didn't pay, there would be less people doing it
[22:57] <@Wolfwood> I agree with this
[22:57] <Mister Dinsdale> Too bad for Adam that in the Naked City, The Wages of Sin come with Hella Interest.
[22:57] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Mitai na!)
[22:58] * Mister Dinsdale practices his film noir voice
[22:58] <@Ryan> were you trying to be all noir there because if so, that was a nice attempt no s[BLEEP]tting you
[22:58] <@Ryan> SAME BRAINWAVES
[22:58] <Mister Dinsdale> :D
[22:58] * Matsumi Kaze swoons!
[22:59] * Mister Dinsdale toothglints
[22:59] * Matsumi Kaze is all..overtaken and such!
[22:59] <AMD> btw
[23:00] * Mister Dinsdale tips his hat
[23:02] * Matsumi Kaze sits up and sticks her tongue out at dinsdale
[23:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Heh.
[23:03] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:03] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin *** Happy Birthday, Mizuno Ami!!
[23:03] <Matsuo Shin> evening everyone!
[23:03] * Matsuo Shin tips his brown fedora to dinsdale
[23:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Playful Dames are a dime a dozen on Kayuga Island. But class. That was a rare gem to find amongst the tarnished glass baubles.
[23:04] <Mister Dinsdale> Matsuo was a stand-up guy out of his time and out of his world, but not out of his mind.
[23:04] <Matsuo Shin> eh?
[23:04] <AMD>

[23:04] <AMD> hippie emma frost is a beautiful disaster
[23:05] <Mister Dinsdale> He had the brains of a genius and the raw archaeological talent of a -- LOLWAHT
[23:05] <Mister Dinsdale> She looked, for all the world, like a Final Fantast Fanart reject.
[23:05] <Matsumi Kaze> (( oh god...that arc ))
[23:05] <@Ryan> i remember that arc
[23:06] <Matsumi Kaze> (( that one was weiiiiird ))
[23:06] <AMD> also, greg just told me I look really pale
[23:06] <@Ryan> i will say this
[23:06] <@Ryan> i love brubaker's captain america
[23:06] <Mister Dinsdale> A kind of skippy, Trippy Tifa with Blond Hair, Blue eyes, and balls of stone.
[23:06] <@Ryan> but his uncanny x-men run was just... yeah.
[23:06] <Mister Dinsdale> It was Uncanny in all the wrong ways.
[23:07] <@Ryan> that's definitely one way of putting it
[23:07] <Matsumi Kaze> oh...I almost forgot
[23:07] * Matsumi Kaze pulls out the photos dinsdale gave her and hands them to Matsuo "thank dinsdale for these"
[23:07] <Matsuo Shin> oh!!!
[23:07] * Matsuo Shin takes the photos "thank you again, dinsdale"
[23:08] <Mister Dinsdale> No problem, Matsuo-- let's hope you can crack that Walnut of a mystery.
[23:09] <Mister Dinsdale> Saki said to tell you-- the crystals ain't there.
[23:09] <Matsumi Kaze> oh..dinsdale said something else....what was it again?
[23:09] * Matsuo Shin 's grin vanishes...and he turns pale....very pale
[23:09] <Matsuo Shin> ................................
[23:09] <Matsuo Shin> ....are you sure?
[23:09] * @Wolfwood sees the trailer for The Town
[23:09] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup.
[23:10] * @Wolfwood must go see this movie
[23:10] * Matsuo Shin grabs dinsdale's shoulders and shakes him "ARE YOU POSTIVE!?"
[23:10] <@Ryan> yes, it's positive. you have aids
[23:11] <@Ryan> enjoy your aids
[23:11] <Mister Dinsdale> The lady was pretty keen on it.
[23:11] * @Wolfwood is away: Sons of Anarchy
[23:11] <Matsuo Shin> ....
[23:11] <Matsuo Shin> not good not good not good
[23:12] <Matsumi Kaze> you alright, bro?
[23:14] <Matsuo Shin> yes...yes I'll be fine
[23:15] <@Ryan> it's aids. of course he'll be fine
[23:16] <Matsuo Shin> I'll....get back to studying these photos
[23:16] <Matsuo Shin> thanks again, dinsdale
[23:16] <@Ryan> (he's gonna die)
[23:17] <Mister Dinsdale> No problems, Matsuo.
[23:18] * Matsuo Shin heads back inside the House..still pale
[23:18] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (...)
[23:18] <@Ryan> (deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath)
[23:19] <Matsumi Kaze> ..wonder what's wrong
[23:22] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:22] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry *** Happy Birthday, Mizuno Ami!!
[23:22] <AMD> [URL]
[23:23] <Mister Dinsdale> i dunno but the Dark Mistress Sleep calls with her siren song.
[23:23] <AMD> Lex Luthor took 40 cakes. That's as many as four tens.
[23:23] <AMD> Damn it that entire thing went wrong
[23:23] <Mister Dinsdale> Lex was always hungry. Whether for power, technology, revenge, or just twinkies. He could never be satisfied.
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey, eiry
[23:24] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (And so off I went to sleep, another insane day done in the Naked City. But night was just beginning to wrap its streets in her maddening embrace.)
[23:24] <Eiry> Hello Matsumi
[23:25] <@Ryan> it's a eiryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[23:25] <Eiry> Hii
[23:26] <Eiry> Anything going on?
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> not brother just headed off looking white as a ghost
[23:27] <Eiry> Oh? I must've missed him.
[23:28] <Eiry> I wonder what happened.
[23:29] <Matsumi Kaze> no clue
[23:30] <@Ryan> it's aids
[23:30] <@Ryan> and a lot of other stds
[23:30] <@Ryan> but specifically aids
[23:30] <@Ryan> magical aids
[23:30] <AMD> Legacy Virus?
[23:30] <Eiry> From the library!
[23:32] <@Ryan> I BET IT IS, ADAM
[23:33] <Matsumi Kaze> ooooookaaaay
[23:33] <Matsumi Kaze> (( does this mean we're going to have to kill colossus again? ))
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> (( XD ))
[23:35] <@Ryan> YES
[23:35] <@Ryan> OR NOT
[23:35] <@Ryan> SOMEONE ELSE
[23:37] <Matsumi Kaze> (( they keep bringing that damn virus back too ))
[23:38] <Eiry> ¯\(º_o)/¯
[23:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ???
[23:40] * Eiry sits, watching the waves
[23:41] * Matsumi Kaze watches the waves as well
[23:42] <Eiry> It's nice after a long day of work, right?
[23:43] * Eiry stretches and sits back
[23:43] <Matsumi Kaze> yup..and after rehersial
[23:44] <Eiry> Oh, your play. How did it go?
[23:44] <Matsumi Kaze> it was fun...but it's still tough...
[23:46] <Eiry> The kids enjoy roudy?
[23:46] <Eiry> *rowdy
[23:46] <Matsumi Kaze> heh..only hana
[23:50] <Eiry> Figures.
[23:52] <Eiry> Maybe I'll go see if Matsuo's in the library.
[23:52] <Eiry> What do you think?
[23:53] <Matsumi Kaze> he probably is
[23:53] <Matsumi Kaze> probably in his new study
[23:54] <Eiry> You finished?
[23:56] <Eiry> I need to go see it, then~
[23:56] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[23:56] * Eiry is away 
[01:04] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (heading home)
[10:16] * Mister Dinsdale sits under a tree watching resident evil on his iphone
[10:19] <Michael Sunnyside III> Zombies, huh?
[10:19] * Mister Dinsdale jumps
[10:19] <Mister Dinsdale> Damn, Sunnyside ><
[10:20] <Michael Sunnyside III> Move over
[10:20] * Michael Sunnyside III sits near Dinsdale and watches
[10:20] <Mister Dinsdale> Man this is a tiny screen
[10:20] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Movie?
[10:21] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. scoots in
[10:21] <Mister Dinsdale> Guys
[10:21] <Ms. Altair> Oh, is this the first one?
[10:21] <Michael Sunnyside III> It is!
[10:21] <Michael Sunnyside III> Come watch!
[10:21] * Ms. Altair settles in near Sunny and Harriet
[10:26] <Mister Dinsdale> Man this screen is tiny
[10:26] <Gemini Sunrise> Ooh, a movie! Hold it here, Jack, yer in th'way!
[10:26] <Mister Dinsdale> T_T
[10:26] <psYchO_saKi> yeah move and i'll blow your newly fleshy brain out ♡
[10:27] <Mister Dinsdale> FML
[10:37] * Mister Dinsdale holds up the tiny ipod screen so they others can look at it
[10:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Colin Salmon(?) From Bond is in this, doing an American Accent
[10:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Very unnerving
[10:48] <Mister Dinsdale> And another British Guy, who played... Marc Antony in Rome
[10:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Doing an American Accent...
[10:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That gong kind of sounds like a Cloister Bell...
[10:57] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh god not you too
[11:00] <Mister Dinsdale> Lesson: When the Computer tells you not to shut it down, sometimes you should listen.
[11:00] <Michael Sunnyside III> Heh
[11:00] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Why would I listen to any damn homicide machine?
[11:00] <Ms. Altair> It had its reasons...
[11:01] <psYchO_saKi> I'dve killed everyone
[11:01] <Gemini Sunrise> Wow she was hungry
[11:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> She's a Zombie
[11:13] <Gemini Sunrise> Those dang dogs...
[11:23] <Mister Dinsdale> See I *told* you they should have listened to the computer
[11:30] <psYchO_saKi> The zombies all look like they're in a mosh pit
[11:30] <Gemini Sunrise> A wha?
[11:30] <Michael Sunnyside III> Something really fun!
[11:30] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...You've been in a Mosh Pit?
[11:31] <Ms. Altair> It was the most embarrassing scene ever.
[11:31] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh god now I want pics
[11:31] <psYchO_saKi> - Don't move the f[BLEEP]king ipod -
[11:31] <Mister Dinsdale> eep
[11:44] *** HEADSHOT
[11:54] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Ouch at the surgical needles
[11:55] <Mister Dinsdale> Bulls[BLEEP]t you can pick a keycard lock like that
[11:56] <psYchO_saKi> I see how they photoshopped in some destroyed vehicles there
[11:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Okay my hand is tired of holding this thing.
[11:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Shall we get lunch and then come back with, I dunno, a PROPER TV?
[11:58] <Michael Sunnyside III> A great Idea, Jackster!
[11:58] *** Michael Sunnyside III [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Thanks for treating!)
[11:59] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey wait you're the Billionare
[11:59] *** Ms. Altair [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (I can't wait to see what you'll oder, Jack)
[11:59] *** Gemini Sunrise [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Yay food's on Jack!)
[11:59] *** @the ɪmpɾesɑrio [in_ex_officio@TARDIS2010.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (haha you poor ba[BLEEP]rd)
[11:59] *** psYchO_saKi [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (I don't even EAT but I will just to make you pay more)
[12:00] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (FML)
[12:00] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (I feel the need for Japanese food)
[12:17] * psYchO_saKi hefts out a big screen tv
[12:17] * Gemini Sunrise sets up chairs
[12:18] * Ms. Altair helps set out the Food
[12:18] * Michael Sunnyside III puts in Resident Evil Apocalypse
[12:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh, anti-piracy warnings
[12:21] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Goddamn pirates.
[12:21] <Michael Sunnyside III> Hey this is an actual DVD
[12:21] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. has no tolerance for lawbreakers.
[12:22] <Gemini Sunrise> Enjoy yer Udon, Miss Harriet
[12:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Thanks
[12:26] <Mister Dinsdale> How the hell are they sending AUTH codes to the server to get in the hive when the server was fried in I
[12:27] <Gemini Sunrise> That's gotta be th' programmer
[12:27] <Gemini Sunrise> 'cuz of th' kid
[12:30] <psYchO_saKi> I like that Valentine
[12:30] <psYchO_saKi> she gets the job DONE
[12:41] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> A gun shop. You must be lovin' this, Saki.
[12:41] <psYchO_saKi> ohh yeah~
[12:44] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Whoah at the Priest.
[12:45] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That is some aliens-level s[BLEEP]t.
[12:46] <psYchO_saKi> I coulda killed it.
[12:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well you *are* a killbot.
[12:50] <Mister Dinsdale> LOL
[12:50] <Mister Dinsdale> GTA Motherf[BLEEP]ker!
[13:00] <psYchO_saKi> motherf[BLEEP]ker please! Mah s[BLEEP]t is custom
[13:06] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:06] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood

[13:06] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[13:09] <@Wolfwood> I heard gun store.
[13:10] * psYchO_saKi points to the movie
[13:16] <@Wolfwood> ah
[13:16] <@Wolfwood> I got all excited for a second
[13:17] * @Wolfwood is away: now I need another beer
[13:25] <Gemini Sunrise> ... Ah don't think ah can eat anymore meat today
[13:25] <Ms. Altair> Right with you there.
[13:25] <psYchO_saKi> And this is only #2~
[13:27] * @Wolfwood returns with a jug of bur
[13:28] <@Wolfwood> (( new one sucks btw ))
[13:28] <@Wolfwood> (( reccomned skipping it ))
[13:29] <psYchO_saKi> (( friends taking me to see it tomorrow ))
[13:29] <@Wolfwood> (( mneh ))
[13:30] <@Wolfwood> (( I fully admit to stealing one scene from it for something i'm writeing however ))
[13:31] *** LOL
[13:32] <@Wolfwood> (( I thought it was like 90's Mortal Kombat bad tbh ))
[13:33] *** I liked Mortal Kombat I
[13:34] *** II was a classic "WTF did they do"
[13:36] <@Wolfwood> (( then you might like this ))
[13:45] <Ms. Altair> 'cuz I usually drive a cadillac
[13:46] <@Wolfwood> This movie makes me sadface
[13:46] <@Wolfwood> Jill does not have her Samurai Edge
[13:48] <@Wolfwood> She has a Smith & Wesson 5946 for some reason.
[13:50] <@Wolfwood> IMFDB
[13:51] <Mister Dinsdale> It's always good to have friends.
[13:55] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:55] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[13:55] * Matsumi Kaze yawns "hi"
[13:56] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey
[13:56] <Matsumi Kaze> what's up
[13:58] <Mister Dinsdale> We're watching the prior 3 Resident Evils
[13:58] <Matsumi Kaze> oh....I...
[13:58] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I'm sorry
[13:58] <@Wolfwood> 3 is the best
[13:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Why?
[13:59] <@Wolfwood> Clare Redfeild with Winchester Model 1894
[13:59] <@Wolfwood> Something about a woman with a lever-action....
[13:59] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I've seen the first two
[14:00] <Matsumi Kaze> anyway that's my memory of them
[14:01] <Michael Sunnyside III> Seems okay so far.
[14:01] <Mister Dinsdale> Yeah but I'm developing a hatred of extremely rich corporations
[14:01] <Michael Sunnyside III> ^^;
[14:01] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe I'm just too picky
[14:01] <@Wolfwood> Which reminds me.
[14:02] <@Wolfwood> We need to talk later Mr. Sunnyside.
[14:02] <Michael Sunnyside III> Sure!
[14:02] * Matsumi Kaze sits and watches the watchers
[14:02] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That's 2 done
[14:02] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Snack break before 3?
[14:02] <Matsumi Kaze> I've never seen 3!
[14:03] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah dunno if'n ah really wanna eat after all that gore...
[14:03] * Matsumi Kaze rises behind gemini
[14:03] <Matsumi Kaze> - STARS -
[14:03] <psYchO_saKi> Are you joking, hillbilly?
[14:03] <psYchO_saKi> I'm SUPER hungry now
[14:03] * @Wolfwood is listening to: WE ARE: SUBURBAN SENSHI OST - A Perfect Circle - The Outsider (Resident Renholder Mix) [Minako's Theme].mp3 [128 kbps]
[14:03] * Gemini Sunrise EEPS an' has her pistol out at MAtsumi's head
[14:03] <Gemini Sunrise> Sorry sorry!
[14:03] * Gemini Sunrise puts it away
[14:03] <Matsumi Kaze> .............
[14:03] <Gemini Sunrise> Damn twitchy~
[14:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'll hold that for you gems XD
[14:04] * Matsumi Kaze 's eyes go to the back of her head "STARS":
[14:04] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio takes the pistol away XD
[14:04] * Gemini Sunrise is paler'n she susally is
[14:04] <Gemini Sunrise> Damng movies are way more realistic than in th' 30s..
[14:04] <Matsumi Kaze> - STAAAARS -
[14:04] <@Wolfwood> If she goes all zombie i'm putting a bullet to her.
[14:05] <Matsumi Kaze> heh
[14:05] <Matsumi Kaze> ...crap...
[14:05] <Matsumi Kaze> think my eyes are stuck
[14:05] <Michael Sunnyside III> Stars n' Stripes!
[14:06] <Matsumi Kaze> a little help?
[14:06] * Mister Dinsdale whaps Matsumi on the back of the head lightly
[14:06] * Matsumi Kaze 's eyes go back to normal
[14:06] * Mister Dinsdale is away: brb need to stretch befpre #3
[14:06] <Matsumi Kaze> thanks!
[14:07] <Matsumi Kaze> hey sunnyside..ever thought of getting rid of the moe howard look?
[14:09] <Michael Sunnyside III> ...
[14:09] <Michael Sunnyside III> There's nothing wrong with my hair
[14:10] * @Wolfwood sips a juice box
[14:10] * Matsumi Kaze flicks some of his hair "eh..suppose's unique for sure"
[14:12] <Ms. Altair> It's timeless
[14:12] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. goes to get hot dogs for everyone
[14:12] <Gemini Sunrise> Yummy!
[14:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I thought you weren't going to eat meat?
[14:12] <Gemini Sunrise> This ain't meat, Impy.
[14:12] * Matsumi Kaze puts away her glasses
[14:13] <Gemini Sunrise> This is hot dogs.
[14:13] * Matsumi Kaze undoes her ponytail
[14:13] <Michael Sunnyside III> So true.
[14:13] <Matsumi Kaze> THIS. IS. HOT DOGS!!!!!!!!!
[14:13] <Matsumi Kaze> brautwursts are better
[14:14] * Michael Sunnyside III slips in the DVD as he waits for Harriet
[14:14] <Gemini Sunrise> Why doesn't that one have fancy art on it?
[14:14] <Michael Sunnyside III> <_< no reason
[14:14] <Michael Sunnyside III> >_>
[14:15] <Matsumi Kaze> hehehehehe
[14:15] <Matsumi Kaze> oooh sunnysiiiiide
[14:15] <Michael Sunnyside III> <_< what?
[14:15] <Matsumi Kaze> did you do what I think you did?
[14:15] <Ms. Altair> He bought that one from a street vendor for five dollars
[14:16] <Michael Sunnyside III> I got a deal? <_<
[14:16] <Matsumi Kaze> XD
[14:16] <@Wolfwood> (( are we still on the island? ))
[14:16] <Michael Sunnyside III> I didn't become a billionaire by needlessly spending
[14:16] *** for a few more days yes
[14:16] *** I figure come the first week of october
[14:17] *** We will relocate
[14:17] <@Wolfwood> (( k ))
[14:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh Wolf why does this remind me of you

[14:19] <Ms. Altair> So tire.
[14:19] <amd> haha, saw that a bit ago on tumblr
[14:19] <Ms. Altair> ^true.
[14:19] <Michael Sunnyside III> HEY
[14:19] <psYchO_saKi> If Jedite tried that with me
[14:19] <psYchO_saKi> I'd saw off his balls
[14:19] <Gemini Sunrise> ouch
[14:19] <psYchO_saKi> with a rusty file
[14:19] <@Wolfwood> I'm not sure wether to laugh or be offended at that.
[14:20] * Mister Dinsdale comes back, just waiting for the hot dogs
[14:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Is the laugh with or at you? The eternal question
[14:21] * Gemini Sunrise pre-emptively gemini-punches Impy
[14:21] <@Wolfwood> Whatever.
[14:21] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> OW! Whyyyy?
[14:21] * @Wolfwood is away 
[14:21] <Gemini Sunrise> Because hot dogs are ready
[14:23] <Matsumi Kaze> yay hot dogs
[14:23] <Matsumi Kaze> ever had beer brauts?
[14:23] <Gemini Sunrise> Nope!
[14:24] <Matsumi Kaze> you should!
[14:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Okay loading up #3
[14:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Oh god the video quality.
[14:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Ad the hiss...
[14:24] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> SUNNYSIDE IS THIS A BOOTLEG?
[14:25] <Michael Sunnyside III> No the DVD player is broken <_<
[14:25] <Matsumi Kaze> weeeird
[14:25] <Matsumi Kaze> EYYYYE
[14:25] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[14:26] <Matsumi Kaze> deja vu?
[14:26] <Michael Sunnyside III> dunno...
[14:26] <Matsumi Kaze> did you slip in the wrong movie?
[14:27] <Michael Sunnyside III> No...
[14:27] <Matsumi Kaze> ok
[14:27] <Michael Sunnyside III> :O
[14:28] <Matsumi Kaze> can I grab a hotdog?
[14:29] * Mister Dinsdale passes one over
[14:29] * Matsumi Kaze scarfs it down
[14:32] <Matsumi Kaze> you know....
[14:32] <Matsumi Kaze> why are there so many post apcolpitic undead films
[14:33] <Michael Sunnyside III> Life after an uncontained zomie outbreak wouldn't be pretty.
[14:33] <Matsumi Kaze> how do you know!?
[14:34] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe it would be flowers and ice cream!
[14:35] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[14:35] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Wow, Pollyanna much?
[14:36] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm joking...
[14:37] * Matsumi Kaze bops harriet on the head
[14:37] <Gemini Sunrise> Zombie dogs...
[14:37] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Of!
[14:37] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ^oof
[14:38] <Matsumi Kaze> it's always zombie dogs
[14:39] <Matsumi Kaze> though I wonder....why they WANTED to throw her into that dog pit
[14:39] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> They're sadists.
[14:40] <Matsumi Kaze> seems like a waste
[14:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Looks like someone really wanted to remake the Road Warrior
[14:43] <Matsumi Kaze> I've never seen that film..I'll admit it
[14:47] <Mister Dinsdale> The transition from Mad Max to Road Warrior always confused me.
[14:47] <Mister Dinsdale> Mad Max was a more normal world.
[14:47] <Matsumi Kaze> I have not seen any of the mad max films
[14:53] * Matsumi Kaze eats another hotdog and keeps watching
[14:54] * Gemini Sunrise eats too
[14:54] <Matsumi Kaze> we need condiments
[14:55] <Gemini Sunrise> ...What're you plannin' t'do here, exactly?
[14:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> CONDIMENTS
[14:55] <Gemini Sunrise> Oh!
[14:55] * Gemini Sunrise goes n' gets some from th; kitchen
[14:55] <Gemini Sunrise> <_<
[14:55] * Gemini Sunrise brings 'em back
[14:56] <Matsumi Kaze> thankies
[14:56] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[14:57] <Matsumi Kaze> you have a dirty mind, gemini
[14:57] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah misheard ><
[14:57] * Gemini Sunrise jabs Impy
[14:58] <Gemini Sunrise> n'why did y'know t'correct me :P
[14:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> shush
[14:58] <Mister Dinsdale> LOL
[15:00] * psYchO_saKi sees all those feathery targets~
[15:00] <Matsumi Kaze> what is it with you and birds?
[15:00] <psYchO_saKi> they're hard to hit~
[15:01] <psYchO_saKi> much more fun~
[15:01] <Matsumi Kaze> ever tried shooting a hummingbird?
[15:01] <psYchO_saKi> I use tracking rounds for them~
[15:02] <Matsumi Kaze>
[15:03] <psYchO_saKi> my eyes are fast enough to track them but regular rounds aren't fast enough to hit them
[15:03] <psYchO_saKi> it's fun watching the little tracking round zip up and down~
[15:03] <psYchO_saKi> then *poof* the little feathery blood-puff~
[15:04] * psYchO_saKi hugs herself
[15:04] * Matsumi Kaze scoots away
[15:06] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Jack, you sure you gonna reform her?
[15:06] <Mister Dinsdale> ^^;
[15:14] * Matsumi Kaze opens a ginger ale
[15:17] <Mister Dinsdale> Okay how did Vegas get covered with sand so quickly?
[15:18] <Matsumi Kaze> dinsdale....
[15:18] <Matsumi Kaze> we don't take kindly to logic in these here parts
[15:18] <Mister Dinsdale> ?
[15:18] <Mister Dinsdale> :<
[15:21] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It's sad how after an hour of watching this bootleg the quality looks normal to me.
[15:21] <Matsumi Kaze> bad eyesight?
[15:21] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Har, Har.
[15:22] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[15:22] * Matsumi Kaze sticks her own (fake) glasses on Harriet's face
[15:22] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. looks super scholarly
[15:23] <Matsumi Kaze> wow they actually look nice on you!
[15:23] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Heh, thanks.
[15:24] * Matsumi Kaze takes her glasses back "you should get a pair..just to make yourself look offense or anything"
[15:25] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. pulls out a pair of glasses :3
[15:25] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Never underestimate a good courtroom prop.
[15:26] <Matsumi Kaze> heh
[15:26] <Matsumi Kaze> I use mine for the classroom
[15:28] * Matsumi Kaze relaxs
[15:33] <Matsumi Kaze> *relaxes
[15:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I have to admit..I still don't understand how the virus caused all the water to dry up
[15:37] <Mister Dinsdale> Yeah that doesn't make much sense.
[15:37] <Matsumi Kaze> does that mean it stopped all the rain?
[15:38] <Mister Dinsdale> that doesn't make any sense
[15:38] <Mister Dinsdale> Rain isn't made through biological processes
[15:39] <Matsumi Kaze> so the hell would a virus change the enviroment
[15:40] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> It's movie logic.
[15:41] <Matsumi Kaze> true true
[15:46] * Matsumi Kaze digs her feet into the sand
[15:47] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Tokyo what
[15:47] <Matsumi Kaze> whaaaaaa
[15:48] <Mister Dinsdale> Okay that is just wicked and lame all at the same time
[15:48] <Mister Dinsdale> They can cut down on the cast with lots of greenscreening hahaha
[15:48] <Matsumi Kaze> heh
[15:49] <Michael Sunnyside III> It'll be lots of fun if you're a Milla Jojovich fan <_<
[15:49] * Ms. Altair whaps Sunny
[15:49] * Matsumi Kaze looks at sunnyside
[15:49] <Mister Dinsdale> Ooh this is a wicked remix of White Rabbit
[15:50] <Mister Dinsdale> Now I have to find it
[15:50] <Michael Sunnyside III> What? XD
[15:50] <Matsumi Kaze> have the hots for the milla?
[15:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> And I just got all the Alice in Wonderland allusions
[15:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> T_T
[15:51] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[15:51] <Matsumi Kaze> are you serious?
[15:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> T_T
[15:52] <Matsumi Kaze> wow
[15:54] * Matsumi Kaze laughs at impresario
[15:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> T_T
[15:55] <Mister Dinsdale> Aww we're laughing with you :P
[15:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> All right all right :P
[15:56] * Michael Sunnyside III has acquired something else for later tonight
[15:56] <Gemini Sunrise> Better not be 'condiments' :P
[15:56] <Matsumi Kaze> oh????
[15:56] * Ms. Altair blushes a little
[15:57] <Michael Sunnyside III> Machete ♫
[15:57] <Matsumi Kaze> what is it what is it?
[15:57] <Matsumi Kaze> ..............
[15:57] <Matsumi Kaze> lucky
[15:57] <psYchO_saKi> Hot damn!
[15:57] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> OBJECTION!
[15:57] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. points at Sunnyside
[15:57] <Matsumi Kaze> have fun with that then
[15:57] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> That's Copyright infringement!
[15:57] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> YOU. ARE. GUILTY.
[15:58] <Michael Sunnyside III> Overruled!
[15:58] <Michael Sunnyside III> I. Am. Rich.
[15:58] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Justice knows neither income nor poverty!
[15:58] * Matsumi Kaze just listens to this
[15:59] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You'll cease and desist all unlicensed public showings of the Machete Intellectual Property immediately, or face legal reprecussions!
[15:59] <Matsumi Kaze> cools
[15:59] <Michael Sunnyside III> Under what law?
[15:59] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> the Berne Convention of 1986!
[16:00] <Michael Sunnyside III> I didn't know the Sovereign nation of Kaygua Island was a signatory to Berne, Counsel.
[16:00] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ....
[16:00] <Michael Sunnyside III> I bought the Island, remember?
[16:01] <Michael Sunnyside III> It's "Sunny's Law" here.
[16:01] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. lets out a huff
[16:01] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> This is why I despise you.
[16:01] * Michael Sunnyside III claps his hands
[16:01] <Michael Sunnyside III> A perfect way to start!
[16:01] * Michael Sunnyside III is away: till tonight, then!
[16:01] * Matsumi Kaze looks up at the sky
[16:02] * Matsumi Kaze looks at the sand
[16:03] * Matsumi Kaze lays down
[16:04] <Matsumi Kaze> hm
[16:05] <Matsumi Kaze> lazy days
[16:07] <Mister Dinsdale> yup
[16:08] * Matsumi Kaze lets the sand run from her fingers
[16:09] <Matsumi Kaze> not sure what to say now
[16:10] * Matsumi Kaze just gazes at the sky
[16:11] <Mister Dinsdale> Just enjoy the weather
[16:12] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah I suppose
[16:18] * Matsumi Kaze kicks away a crab from her foot
[16:21] <Matsumi Kaze> hm..what to do
[16:23] <Mister Dinsdale> Just relax
[16:23] * Matsumi Kaze kicks the crab over to dinsdale :P
[16:25] * Mister Dinsdale catches Matsumi's crab
[16:26] * @Wolfwood is back
[16:26] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So wrong.
[16:26] <Mister Dinsdale> What.
[16:26] <Matsumi Kaze> yes...very...wrong
[16:26] <Mister Dinsdale> I just caught her cr... oh.
[16:26] * Mister Dinsdale gets pinched by it
[16:26] <Mister Dinsdale> JESUS CHRIST
[16:26] * Mister Dinsdale flails
[16:26] * Matsumi Kaze giggles
[16:26] <@Wolfwood> Glitchy haunted Majora's Mask
[16:26] * Mister Dinsdale hurls it ballistically
[16:27] * psYchO_saKi catches it
[16:28] * psYchO_saKi gnaws on it, carapace and all
[16:28] <@Wolfwood> She scares me, that one.
[16:28] * psYchO_saKi just stands there for a while, the cracking, poppingm, snapping sounds of the crab being dismembered and chewed alive filling the air
[16:29] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio winces at each crunch
[16:29] <psYchO_saKi> *swallow* you guys want some *kerkerkercraaaack*
[16:29] * psYchO_saKi swallows again
[16:29] <@Wolfwood> i'm good thanks
[16:29] <Gemini Sunrise> That poor crab ><
[16:30] <Matsumi Kaze> aww
[16:30] <Matsumi Kaze> hey gemini..yesterdays do you think it went?
[16:31] <Gemini Sunrise> Pretty good!
[16:31] <Matsumi Kaze> hana was even...decent
[16:32] <Gemini Sunrise> She's got talent
[16:32] <Matsumi Kaze> even though she's playing an Ox
[16:32] * Mister Dinsdale sips a soda
[16:32] <Gemini Sunrise> Even an Ox is tough
[16:33] <@Wolfwood> who did whatnow
[16:34] <Gemini Sunrise> We're puttin' on a play
[16:34] <Matsumi Kaze> Hana is playing Babe the blue Ox in it
[16:35] <@Wolfwood> Ah
[16:36] <@Wolfwood> I look forward to seeing the results of that
[16:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I think it's going up...midoctober?
[16:38] <Michael Sunnyside III> That's when, kiddies!
[16:38] <Matsumi Kaze> GAH
[16:38] <Matsumi Kaze> don't do that!
[16:39] <@Wolfwood> Hopefuly before my wedding.
[16:40] <Matsumi Kaze> I think so?
[16:41] <Michael Sunnyside III> I do!
[16:42] <Matsumi Kaze> oh good!
[16:43] <@Wolfwood> I need to look at honeymoon stuff here soon.
[16:45] <@Wolfwood> I've a friend who owns a castle in Scotland.
[16:45] <@Wolfwood> So...maybe there?
[16:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Sounds good
[16:47] * Mister Dinsdale is away: nap
[16:47] * Matsumi Kaze sits in the sand
[16:48] * @Wolfwood fiddles with the slide on his gun
[16:49] <Matsumi Kaze> what's up, wolf
[16:50] *** LOVELYgirl [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[16:50] <@spiritflame> irasshai LOVELYgirl
[16:51] <LOVELYgirl> Hey people~
[16:52] <LOVELYgirl> Anyone?
[16:52] * Matsumi Kaze is away: OOC: brb
[16:53] * @Wolfwood is away: stuff
[16:53] <LOVELYgirl> Meh.
[16:54] <LOVELYgirl> Hm.
[16:54] * LOVELYgirl wonders if Sunnyside checks the message board
[17:01] * LOVELYgirl writes a note and tacks it to the board
[17:02] <LOVELYgirl> Sunnyside: I'm back from seminar and available for astral/power training if you're still interested in that for your team.
[17:03] * LOVELYgirl is away 
[17:18] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[17:18] <Matsumi Kaze> wait what team?
[17:22] <Matsumi Kaze> oh well
[17:23] * LOVELYgirl is back
[17:23] <LOVELYgirl> Hey Mats
[17:24] <Matsumi Kaze> hi, miara
[17:24] <LOVELYgirl> Doing anything today?
[17:25] <Matsumi Kaze> nope
[17:27] <LOVELYgirl> Me either.
[17:28] <Matsumi Kaze> how have you been?
[17:30] <LOVELYgirl> Alright.
[17:30] <Matsumi Kaze> good
[17:30] <LOVELYgirl> Been continuing some of the things we did at seminar.
[17:36] <LOVELYgirl> And been doing thinks with Kenshiro
[17:37] <Matsumi Kaze> nice!
[17:39] * Matsumi Kaze kicks some sand at miara
[17:41] <LOVELYgirl> ...
[17:42] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[17:43] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry joking around
[17:44] <LOVELYgirl> I dunno, I'm not in the mood for sand today.
[17:45] <Matsumi Kaze> oh?
[17:46] * LOVELYgirl shrugs
[17:51] <Matsumi Kaze> aw
[17:51] <LOVELYgirl> I guess I'm kind of bored, after being so busy for so long.
[17:54] <LOVELYgirl> I'd love to teach astral/power stuff again, I haven't done it since I came here really.
[17:55] <Matsumi Kaze> oh really?
[17:56] <LOVELYgirl> It [i]is[/] something I'm really good at.
[18:00] <LOVELYgirl> Plus, I literally have a lifetime of experience :p
[18:01] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[18:07] <LOVELYgirl> You guys use reiatsu on the Valkyrie Unit, ne?
[18:09] <LOVELYgirl> Which you know how to use?
[18:09] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[18:11] <LOVELYgirl> So why don't you teach the others?
[18:12] <LOVELYgirl> Sunnyside was talking about this disconnect the girls had with their power, but I've never seen that from you.
[18:13] <Matsumi Kaze> my senshi powers naturally boost mine
[18:14] <Matsumi Kaze> same with Masaki
[18:14] <LOVELYgirl> Their reiatsu comes from the same place yours does.
[18:15] <Matsumi Kaze> I know
[18:16] <LOVELYgirl> Have you ever linked with any of the others to show them where it is?
[18:16] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yes
[18:16] <Matsumi Kaze> Rachet helped with that
[18:17] <LOVELYgirl> I've never seen anyone have problems with access after that, just control.
[18:18] * Matsumi Kaze nods
[18:21] <LOVELYgirl> Heh. I'm not boring you, am I?
[18:22] <Matsumi Kaze> nope!
[18:23] <LOVELYgirl> Hana...I wonder if that's part of her problem.
[18:24] <Matsumi Kaze> why she's so grumpy?
[18:25] <LOVELYgirl> She's not just grumpy, Mats.
[18:25] <LOVELYgirl> She's pissed off ALL. THE. TIME.
[18:25] <LOVELYgirl> That's not normal or good.
[18:26] <Matsumi Kaze> she has issues
[18:26] <LOVELYgirl> I mean, even for Lupa she's pretty bad. She needs a counselor.
[18:28] <Matsumi Kaze> yes..I agree
[18:28] <LOVELYgirl> Besides, imagine what she could do without all that stuff.
[18:29] <Matsumi Kaze> heh alot I agree
[18:32] <LOVELYgirl> Hm...
[18:33] <LOVELYgirl> I guess it's my turn to make dinner, since Taki's working again.
[18:33] <LOVELYgirl> I should get going.
[18:34] <Matsumi Kaze> alright
[18:34] <LOVELYgirl> See you later, Matsi!
[18:34] *** LOVELYgirl [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (If you're awake, tell a better story)
[18:35] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[18:39] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:39] <@spiritflame> irasshai Mister Dinsdale
[18:40] * Mister Dinsdale has acquired Brisk Fruit Punch
[18:40] * Mister Dinsdale chugs
[18:45] * @Wolfwood lights a smoke
[18:45] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:45] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[18:46] * Matsuo Shin drinks a ginger beer
[18:46] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey guys
[18:46] <Matsuo Shin> hi there
[18:46] <@Wolfwood> hey
[18:49] <Mister Dinsdale> How's it going?
[18:49] <@Wolfwood> It goes.
[18:49] <Matsuo Shin> alright I suppose
[18:49] <@Wolfwood> Photoshoping
[18:49] <@Wolfwood> Attempting the thing we spoke of earlier
[18:50] <Mister Dinsdale> Trying is the only way you'll ever get the hang of it
[18:51] <@Wolfwood> This is true
[18:51] <@Wolfwood> besides, the more I learn to do the better.
[18:52] <Matsuo Shin> how are you, dinsdale?
[18:52] <Mister Dinsdale> Not bad, been in a tired daze all weekend
[18:52] * Mister Dinsdale is away: back in 10 or so
[18:53] <@Wolfwood> I want to help around here more anyway.
[18:53] * Matsuo Shin adjusts his fedora
[18:53] * @Wolfwood is listening to: Linkin Park - Bleed It Out.mp3 [128 kbps]
[18:57] <Matsuo Shin> oh?
[19:08] * Matsuo Shin walks over and examines a flower
[19:12] * Mister Dinsdale is back
[19:14] <Matsuo Shin> welcome back
[19:14] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks
[19:15] * Matsuo Shin looks at the flower
[19:15] <Matsuo Shin> interesting
[19:17] <Mister Dinsdale> [URL]
[19:19] <Matsuo Shin> .....
[19:22] <Matsuo Shin> o.o
[19:26] <Matsuo Shin> ...interesting
[19:31] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup/
[19:33] <Matsuo Shin> so what have you been up to?
[19:34] <Mister Dinsdale> Relaxing, spent the day watching Resident Evil movies
[19:35] <Matsuo Shin> Resident Evil?
[19:36] <Mister Dinsdale> A movie about a zombie outbrreak.
[19:37] <Matsuo Shin> zombie?
[19:37] <Mister Dinsdale> An undead creature with a thirst for human flesh.
[19:38] <Matsuo Shin> oooh I see
[19:43] * @Wolfwood faceplants in the sand
[19:43] <Mister Dinsdale> You okay, buddy?
[19:43] <Matsuo Shin> hm?
[19:44] <Matsuo Shin> what's wrong?
[19:44] <@Wolfwood> yea, this s[BLEEP]t is just hard.
[19:45] <Mister Dinsdale> Photoshop takes time
[19:45] <@Wolfwood> Yes it does.
[19:46] <@Wolfwood> Music helps, as it allways does with me.
[19:47] <@Wolfwood> It is a vast source of inspiration for anything I do
[19:48] <Matsuo Shin> (( I haven't done photoshop in a long time ))
[19:49] <@Wolfwood> Obi-Wan did'nt weild the force overnight.
[19:49] <@Wolfwood> Qui Gon had to teach him that s[BLEEP]t
[19:51] <@Wolfwood> I am trying to teach myself to do stuff of X's quality
[19:51] <Mister Dinsdale> snnrk
[19:51] <Mister Dinsdale> So pictures of blondes, then?
[19:51] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio busts out laughing
[19:52] <@Wolfwood> Well.
[19:52] <@Wolfwood> Yes, I am doing a venus picture actualy. Just as a test run.
[19:53] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio huggles Gems, only does redhead pics XD
[19:53] <Gemini Sunrise> ♡
[19:53] <Mister Dinsdale> Hmm.
[19:54] <Matsuo Shin> hm
[19:54] <Mister Dinsdale> I wonder if I should try my hand at it..
[19:54] * Matsuo Shin looks at dinsdale
[19:54] <Mister Dinsdale> ?
[19:55] <Matsuo Shin> nothing
[19:56] <@Wolfwood> It was the one of Clare I showed you earlier
[19:59] <Mister Dinsdale> -nods-
[20:01] <@Wolfwood> going to look like s[BLEEP]t
[20:01] * Mister Dinsdale wanders the beah
[20:02] * Matsuo Shin walks over to a tide pool and ideally looks at it
[20:10] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:10] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[20:10] * Matsumi Kaze walks over....and pushes her brother in
[20:11] <Matsuo Shin> .......
[20:13] <Matsuo Shin> that's not very nice
[20:13] <Matsumi Kaze> was too good to resist
[20:16] <Matsuo Shin> ..still
[20:17] <@Wolfwood> Hm.
[20:17] <Matsumi Kaze> hee
[20:19] * @Wolfwood lights his computer on fire
[20:19] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[20:21] <Mister Dinsdale> What happened?
[20:21] <@Wolfwood> frustration.
[20:22] <@Wolfwood> and an upset stomach.
[20:22] <Matsumi Kaze> aw sorry
[20:22] * Matsuo Shin stands..and shoves his sister into the water
[20:22] <Matsumi Kaze> HEY!
[20:22] * Mister Dinsdale watches the others play and smiles
[20:23] * Matsumi Kaze legs sweeps her brother
[20:23] * Matsuo Shin falls onto his back ><
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> well..that ought to teach...
[20:23] * Matsuo Shin grabs his sister's legs with his legs and tosses her to the ground
[20:23] <Matsumi Kaze> oof ><
[20:24] * Matsuo Shin stands "and that's...tha..."
[20:25] * Matsumi Kaze tackles her brother
[20:25] * Matsuo Shin jumps onto his feet..getting into a fight postion
[20:25] * Matsumi Kaze stands...doing the same
[20:26] <Matsumi Kaze> ..................
[20:26] <Matsuo Shin> ..............
[20:27] * Tumbleweed rolls along the beach
[20:28] * Mister Dinsdale catches the Tumbleweed
[20:28] * @Wolfwood starts a very large fire on the beach
[20:29] * Tumbleweed bites dinsdale..don't ask how
[20:29] <Matsumi Kaze> *snicker*.....
[20:29] <Matsuo Shin> *pfft*..
[20:29] <Mister Dinsdale> OW
[20:29] * Matsuo Shin and Matsumi starts laughing
[20:31] <Mister Dinsdale> I am a PEACEMAKER
[20:31] <Matsuo Shin> I *snicker*...I'm going to go...grab some dinner...*hahaha*
[20:32] <Matsumi Kaze> hahah..ok..seeya later, bro...hahahaha
[20:32] * Matsuo Shin walks over, giving his sister a hug...and heads into the house
[20:32] * Matsuo Shin is away 
[20:32] * Mister Dinsdale sits there and nurses his Tumbleweed bite
[20:33] <Matsumi Kaze> oh noes....dinsdale has been bitten by a radioactive he'll get all the powers of a tumbleweed..he shall be..TUMBLEMAN
[20:34] <Mister Dinsdale> So I'll basically sit here and roll around the beach ainlessly
[20:34] <Mister Dinsdale> my life has not changes XD
[20:35] <Matsumi Kaze> also..who the hell gets bitten by a tumbleweed?
[20:35] <@Wolfwood> he does
[20:35] <Mister Dinsdale> Me, because I'm special.
[20:35] * @Wolfwood trips over something in the sand
[20:36] * @Wolfwood digs up a rather large bomb
[20:36] <@Wolfwood> well now.
[20:36] <Mister Dinsdale> the Hell
[20:36] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[20:36] <@Wolfwood> How the hell'd that get there.
[20:38] * @Wolfwood puts it away to fiddle with later
[20:38] <Mister Dinsdale> You have amazing hobbies
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> kind of scary
[20:39] <@Wolfwood> I have a knack for things that 'asplode
[20:42] <Matsumi Kaze> ..still sort of scary
[20:43] <Mister Dinsdale> hehe
[20:44] * @Wolfwood shrugs
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> you could have tripped over it and set it off.
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> At least if it kills me, its no big deal.
[20:46] <Matsumi Kaze> ..true..
[20:46] <Mister Dinsdale> Bulls[BLEEP]t
[20:46] <Mister Dinsdale> Then we have to get used to another Wolfwood
[20:47] <Mister Dinsdale> You might come back a Beatnik.
[20:47] <Mister Dinsdale> Then what.
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> different face, same me.
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> ....
[20:47] <Mister Dinsdale> See.
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> - take that back -
[20:47] <Mister Dinsdale> - THERE'S STILL A DANGER -
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> - I will never be....a beatnik -
[20:48] <@Wolfwood> seriously.
[20:48] <@Wolfwood> If I ever come back as a hippie, shoot me.
[20:48] *** Flower Child Wolfwood has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:48] <@spiritflame> irasshai Flower Child Wolfwood
[20:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ...................
[20:49] <Flower Child Wolfwood> Peace Out, d00dz
[20:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ok I am now fully scarred
[20:49] * @Wolfwood ductapes a grenade in its mouth and pulls the pin
[20:49] * @Wolfwood sparta kicks it into the ocean
[20:49] * Flower Child Wolfwood explodes in a blast of blood, guts and bones
[20:50] <Matsumi Kaze> ...
[20:50] * Matsumi Kaze gives wolf a hug for that
[20:50] * Of Flower Child Wolfwood, all that is left is one of his braided twin ponytails, a flower in its side, landed on the beach, on fire.
[20:51] <Mister Dinsdale> That was messed.
[20:51] <@Wolfwood> Don't start none.
[20:51] <@Wolfwood> Wont be none.
[20:54] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the sand
[20:55] * Mister Dinsdale does so as well
[20:55] * @Wolfwood picks bits of flowerchild out of his hair
[20:59] * Mister Dinsdale lies back and looks up at the stars
[21:00] <Matsumi Kaze> what are you looking at?
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> The stars
[21:01] <Matsumi Kaze> anything specific about it?
[21:01] <@Ryan> i'm looking at those motherf[BLEEP]kers
[21:01] * @Ryan points to some motherf[BLEEP]kers
[21:02] <Mister Dinsdale> nope just the stars
[21:03] * @Wolfwood is fiddleing with the bomb
[21:03] <@Ryan> don't drop the bomb
[21:05] <@Wolfwood> (( anyone want to do a gender swap week? ))
[21:06] <@Ryan> also don't drop your pants. unless you really want to.
[21:06] <@Ryan> i like my gender so i'll have to decline
[21:10] <@Wolfwood> Oh mother f[BLEEP]ker.
[21:10] <@Wolfwood> I have mice in my apartment
[21:11] <Bucket Mouse> ...
[21:11] <@Ryan> fffffffffffffffffff
[21:11] *** I'dlend you my cat but XD
[21:11] *** poor baby needs prey
[21:12] <@Wolfwood> prolly from the feild next door
[21:12] <Bucket Mouse> squeak
[21:12] <@Ryan> the demon cat demands sacraficessssssssssss
[21:12] *** Whoops XD
[21:12] *** Bucket Mice are excepted XD
[21:12] <@Wolfwood> Bucket Mice are fine
[21:12] *** they can always flip the bucket over and have an armored shell!
[21:12] <@Wolfwood> these are feild mice
[21:13] <Bucket Mouse> (( I have told people that if I see a mouse in the building at work, they will HEAR ME from across the street ))
[21:13] *** But mice are cute :<
[21:13] *** Rats on the other hand
[21:13] <Bucket Mouse> (( yes they are ))
[21:13] <Bucket Mouse> (( but when they're at work and they're not attached to a computer ))
[21:14] *** XD
[21:14] <@Ryan> mice deserve to die and i hope they burn in hell. not talking about human people with the name of bucket mouse, just wanted to make that clear
[21:15] <Bucket Mouse> (( There is a lady that works in our company who's got a very loud voice. Some time ago there was a rat in a barrel in the room that used to house the printers. I could hear her yeling from all the way up the hallway. ))
[21:15] <Mister Dinsdale> (( LOL ))
[21:15] <Mister Dinsdale> (( now... an insect of sufficient size will do that to me ))
[21:16] <Mister Dinsdale> (( double fast if it's flight-capable ))
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> (( triple fast if it's flight-capable and coming at me ))
[21:17] <Bucket Mouse> (( I am really paranoid around bees. I'm not allergic. ))
[21:17] <Bucket Mouse> (( we have had a few centipedes in the office and that's always worth a shriek ))
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> (( i've been stung, once was enough ))
[21:18] <Bucket Mouse> (( one ran up the wall when there was training going on and we had a guy squish it ))
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> (( eww ))
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> (( the only thing worse than the bug is the potential for bug guts ))
[21:19] <@Wolfwood> Now I have to go out and fine humane traps.
[21:19] <@Wolfwood> I do not kill helpless animals.
[21:20] *** Good for you!
[21:20] *** I would never, ever use a glue trap.
[21:20] *** I prefer to catch and release
[21:20] <@Ryan> i believe in old fashion traps. they get in my living area, well s[BLEEP]t dems the breaks
[21:21] <Bucket Mouse> (( a few months ago my coworker was working late and there was a mouse in the ladies room ))
[21:21] <Bucket Mouse> (( so she and the other worker on duty trapped it in a container and gave it a bit to eat then let it go outside ))
[21:22] <@Wolfwood> I love all creatures great and small.
[21:22] <@Wolfwood> Humans, not so much.
[21:22] * @Wolfwood changes topic to `Gender Swap Week? Y/N?`
[21:23] <@Ryan> i'm reversed. i could give a s[BLEEP]t about creatures. don't get me wrong, i'm not gonna go out of my way to kill something for giggles. but if there's a mouse or rat in my living area, it's gonna die. the same with insects. i have no hesitation on killing s[BLEEP]t like that. humans, i like a bit better but that's not saying much.
[21:25] *** I usually end up killing the bugs because they don't run away correctly
[21:25] *** As in i'll chase them away and they come at me
[21:27] <@Ryan> haha insects, they so dumb. coming up at me like a rapid spider-monkey and then splaaaaaatttttttttt
[21:27] *** I hate killing things
[21:29] * @Wolfwood is listening to: Attack Attack - I Kissed A Girl.mp3 [128 kbps]
[21:29] <zairafirefly> yes to GS week
[21:30] <Bucket Mouse> I think of mice and I think of The Green Mile
[21:30] <Bucket Mouse> Yes to GS week
[21:31] <@Wolfwood> oh god
[21:31] <@Wolfwood> I love that movie
[21:32] <zairafirefly> it's a good movie
[21:32] <Mister Dinsdale> (( never seen it, what's it about ))
[21:32] <@Ryan> it's a king adaptation
[21:32] <Bucket Mouse> It was a book first
[21:32] <Bucket Mouse> well actually
[21:32] <Bucket Mouse> Stephen King decided to do a serial novel like the old D[BLEEP]kens stories
[21:32] <zairafirefly> death row in the 40s or 50s i think
[21:32] <zairafirefly> maybe earlier
[21:33] <Bucket Mouse> 30s
[21:33] <@Wolfwood> Between my mother and I
[21:33] <@Wolfwood> i'm pretty sure we own every King book ever written
[21:33] *** This will determine how soon i look it up: Better or Worse than Shawshank
[21:33] <zairafirefly> haven't seen it
[21:33] <@Wolfwood> His books are allways
[21:33] <@Wolfwood> Thats a tough one
[21:34] <@Wolfwood> PROTIP - Shawshank was shot an hour from where I live
[21:34] <zairafirefly> cool
[21:34] *** If it's a toughie that's good
[21:34] *** Shawshank made me weep.
[21:34] <@Wolfwood> I'd say at the very least as good
[21:34] <@Ryan> shawshank far better
[21:35] *** I'll put it in the queue
[21:35] *** Still got machete to see
[21:36] <@Ryan> i'll be the voice of dissidence here: i thought green mile wasn't good at all. in fact, tbh, a totally forgettable film. but you should watch it to decide on your own.
[21:37] <@Wolfwood> You know what I need to see again for the 8000000000th time?
[21:37] <@Wolfwood> Hackers.
[21:37] *** CRASH OVERRIDE
[21:37] <@Ryan> oh god
[21:38] <@Ryan> <-<
[21:38] <@Ryan> i like that film when it came out
[21:38] <@Ryan> i might punch my past self if i ever meet him in some freaky totally-against-all-scientific-law type situation
[21:38] <@Wolfwood> Angel headed hipsters
[21:38] <@Wolfwood> burning for the ancient heavenly connection
[21:38] <@Wolfwood> in the starry dynamo
[21:39] <@Wolfwood> in the machinery of the night
[21:39] <@Wolfwood> Ginsburg motherf[BLEEP]kers.
[21:40] <@Wolfwood> That movie got me into electronic music
[21:40] <@Ryan> i hear cocaine's a helluva drug
[21:41] *** 4 channel mods in the 90's got me into it
[21:42] <@Wolfwood> I wanted Dade's camo computer as a kid
[21:42] <@Ryan> me first hearing the prodigy is what got me interested in electronic music
[21:43] <Mister Dinsdale> I have been told i look an unlikely sort to be interested in techno
[21:43] *** ^
[21:44] <@Wolfwood> No no.
[21:44] <@Wolfwood> You look like a nerd, so its fine.
[21:44] *** T_T
[21:44] <@Wolfwood> kidding, kidding
[21:44] *** ._.
[21:44] <@Ryan> you look like i wanna steal your lunch monies
[21:44] *** What Am I saying I love being me XD
[21:45] *** *Rocks a suit excellently*
[21:46] <@Ryan> anybody else, i would have responded with something like 'i rock your mom excellently'
[21:47] *** :P XD
[21:47] <@Ryan> XD
[21:49] <@Wolfwood> rock your grandmother, ect
[21:50] * @Wolfwood is listening to: Tupac & Dr. Dre - California Love.mp3 [128 kbps]
[21:50] <@Ryan> time traveled to rock your great-grandmother... or i just f[BLEEP]ked her skeleton, etc
[21:53] <Mister Dinsdale> whee
[21:53] * @Wolfwood changes topic to `Gender Swap Week? Y/N? Ryan is also apparently a necrophiliac`
[21:54] <@Ryan> i'll f[BLEEP]k yo' skull eventually
[21:54] <@Wolfwood> promises promises
[21:55] <@Ryan> a very sexy promise
[21:57] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (long day)
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze> hums