the current system time is: Sun Aug 29 22:39 2010; you are connected on; message of the day follows:
<// J_Daito //> ... you realize this means all I had to do to kill that fool Sailor Moon was wait till she was eating like a pig and then tell a joke...
welcome to #suburbansenshi2
[22:39] <Langley Kahara> I dunno if I can wait THAT long.
[22:40] <David O`Cain> Well, I think I'm gonna head on outta here. See ya.
[22:40] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (And good night.)
[22:40] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Langley you got the log :D
[22:41] <Langley Kahara> Yes. Yes I did.
[22:41] * Langley Kahara plots evil things to do with this "log"
[22:43] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> You... you just claim it.
[22:43] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> And no evil!
[22:43] * Langley Kahara throws it onto the fire for warmth as is tradition
[22:44] <Langley Kahara> There! That's not evil.
[22:47] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> :D
[22:47] * [H!P]Allison Blitz enjoys the quiet beach night.
[22:48] * Matsumi Kaze smiles and relaxes
[22:50] <Langley Kahara> Allison can I ditch the meatbag please?
[22:51] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Sure :D
[22:52] <Langley Kahara> Whoo!
[22:52] * Langley Kahara is now known as Furu L Amorros
[22:52] * Furu L Amorros kicks his body aside and kicks back
[22:53] <Matsumi Kaze> nice XD
[22:53] <Matsuo Shin> what's the noise?
[22:53] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:53] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[22:53] * Matsuo Shin walks back outside
[22:53] <Matsumi Kaze> hi bro
[22:54] * Matsuo Shin spots the body
[22:54] <Matsuo Shin> ....what is that...
[22:55] <Matsumi Kaze> that is a body
[22:56] <Furu L Amorros> My body. Don't mess with it.
[22:57] <Matsuo Shin> I should ask how it's done..but I think it would do me no good
[22:58] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> /em just snuggles her boyfriend X3
[22:59] * Furu L Amorros snuggles right back, also with a X3 face which seems at odds with his scary snake mask fragments
[23:00] * Matsuo Shin looks at Furu L...carefully.....
[23:00] <Matsuo Shin> very odd...
[23:00] <Matsuo Shin> very...*gets smacked in the back of the head by matsumi*
[23:00] <Matsuo Shin> OW!
[23:00] <Matsumi Kaze> don't go scanning people's minds without their permission
[23:01] <Matsuo Shin> sorry >.> curiosity got the best of me
[23:01] * Furu L Amorros 's mind has two tracks: LOVE ALLISON and KILL EVERYONE ELSE. Track one keeps him off track two.
[23:02] <Matsuo Shin> it' odd one though
[23:02] <Matsumi Kaze> it's still rude
[23:04] <Matsuo Shin> >.>
[23:04] <Matsuo Shin> I'm sorry, sir, for doing such a thing
[23:04] <Furu L Amorros> Eh, whatever.
[23:05] <Furu L Amorros> Just ask next time or I'll shank you.
[23:05] <Matsuo Shin> oh I see
[23:05] <Matsuo Shin> ...what's shank..
[23:06] <Furu L Amorros> Here, let me show you.
[23:06] * Furu L Amorros 's zanpakuto pops out of his sleeve
[23:06] <Matsuo Shin> hmm....interesting
[23:07] <Matsumi Kaze> my brother...doesn't know alot of modern words
[23:07] <Furu L Amorros> Oh.
[23:07] <Furu L Amorros> It's when you stab someone in the side.
[23:14] <Matsuo Shin> oooh
[23:14] <Matsuo Shin> ....
[23:14] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> No shanking, sweetie.
[23:15] <Matsuo Shin> but wouldn't the throat be more simpler
[23:15] <Matsuo Shin> I mean when I was taught to fight..we were taught to get behind the opponenet..then push the blade through their neck...and make a clean slash from there
[23:15] <Beauty_Queen> ... Are you suicidal? You don't help someone by telling them a better way to kill you
[23:16] <Matsuo Shin> yes but I'm not that simple to kill
[23:16] * Matsuo Shin moves his hand back..and blasts Etna with telekinitic force
[23:16] <Furu L Amorros> Not even a little? :<
[23:17] <Matsumi Kaze> stop showing off >.>
[23:17] * Beauty_Queen stabs her spear in the ground and uses it to hold her ground "...."
[23:18] <Matsuo Shin> heh alright
[23:18] * Matsuo Shin is currently wearing a white buttoned up shirt, dark blue suspenders, a dark blue pair of pants and a roughed up brown fedora
[23:18] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:18] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood
[23:18] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[23:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Guys, no picking on Etna.
[23:19] <@Wolfwood> Holy crap.
[23:19] <Matsuo Shin> very well
[23:19] <@Wolfwood> Its a Furu.
[23:19] * Furu L Amorros puts his sword away and sits back next to Alli
[23:19] <Furu L Amorros> Yyyyep
[23:19] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Just because she's a demon from some hell dimension that clearly needs some guide-- yes it's my Furu.
[23:19] * Matsuo Shin sits on a rock
[23:20] <Beauty_Queen> You should be glad you cut that sentance off.
[23:20] <@Wolfwood> Welcome back!
[23:20] <Matsumi Kaze> don't threaten anyone, etna
[23:21] <Beauty_Queen> Ah, no it's not me.
[23:21] * Beauty_Queen points at the team of Demon Ninjas behind Allison
[23:22] <Matsumi Kaze> ..ah..wonderful
[23:22] <Matsumi Kaze> just what we need..ninjas...
[23:22] <Beauty_Queen> Deamon Ninjas.
[23:22] <Beauty_Queen> Watch out for that thing they do with logs
[23:23] <Matsuo Shin> ....
[23:24] * Furu L Amorros holds up hand in the direction of ninjas.
[23:24] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I'm sorry, were you pretending to not threaten me?
[23:24] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> That's rude. :(
[23:24] <Furu L Amorros> Allison, move please.
[23:25] * Demon Ninja jumps infront of Allison.
[23:25] * [H!P]Allison Blitz moves?
[23:25] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Eh?!
[23:25] * Matsuo Shin presses the stone braclet on his wrist...creating a stone gauntlet around his hand..and summoning a purple psy-blade
[23:25] <Matsuo Shin> just in case..
[23:25] <Matsumi Kaze> you know you can't go anywhere without ninjas spoiling everything
[23:26] <Demon Ninja> Since you didn't finish your sentance we shall beat you half to death
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> you know etna....this was a moronic idea
[23:26] <Beauty_Queen> My how kind of you!
[23:27] <Beauty_Queen> Eh? What was/
[23:27] <Furu L Amorros> - Cero. -
[23:27] * Furu L Amorros fires a massive red energy blast at the ninjas. And everything standing behind the ninjas for a good distance.
[23:28] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> ... I don't think I've ever seen that before.
[23:28] <Matsuo Shin> ...hope you didn't damage the ruins
[23:28] * Demon Ninjas die. Except for the ones that replaced themelves with logs and attak Furu and Allsion from behind with a large mallet
[23:29] * Matsuo Shin shoves the psy-blade through the head of the last ninja
[23:29] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> No don't attak (?) Allsion! She didn't do anything wrong!
[23:29] <Matsuo Shin> please don't think of attacking again...
[23:30] <Demon Ninjas> *Attack *Allison
[23:30] <Demon Ninjas> (( Spell check got turned off :\ ))
[23:30] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> What the heck?! I didn't do anything D:
[23:31] <Matsuo Shin> (( aw ))
[23:31] * Matsuo Shin pulls the psy-blade out
[23:31] <Beauty_Queen> You clearly insulted them by calling The Netherworld out
[23:31] <Beauty_Queen> *a hell
[23:31] <Beauty_Queen> (( I cannot think straight now >.< ))
[23:32] * Furu L Amorros cuts through the attacking ninjas. Speed is his element, after all.
[23:33] <Beauty_Queen> At least they were nice enough to only try and beat you half to death and gave you a warning. Most would't bother
[23:33] * [H!P]Allison Blitz watches Furu with kirakira eyes as he defends her
[23:33] <Matsuo Shin> require any assitance?
[23:33] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> ♡ My knight in white hakama 8D ♡
[23:33] <Matsumi Kaze> I guess not, bro
[23:34] <@Wolfwood> Jesus.
[23:34] <Matsuo Shin> pity
[23:34] <@Wolfwood> I think he may have actually got faster.
[23:34] * Matsuo Shin desummons the psyblade..and presses the stone bracelet again...the gauntlet vanishing
[23:34] <Matsuo Shin> haven't gotten to use this armor much
[23:34] * Matsumi Kaze sits next to her brother
[23:35] * Ninjas lie dead. Had this been a sersious battle we'd have gotten some cool prizes and EXP. But it isn't so we don't
[23:35] <Beauty_Queen> I WANT MY PRIZE
[23:37] <Furu L Amorros> Did I get faster or do I try to hide my true power less? I honestly can't tell myself.
[23:37] <@Wolfwood> I think faster.
[23:37] * Beauty_Queen starts kicking the 4th wall until a Golden Bow pops out
[23:37] <Beauty_Queen> Eh.
[23:37] <Matsuo Shin> ....
[23:37] * Matsuo Shin lifts Etna up with his mind..and dumps her in the ocean
[23:38] * [H!P]Allison Blitz is stuck in kirakira mode
[23:38] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> ♡ Sugoi~ ♡
[23:38] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Fourth wall has long been gone.
[23:38] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> I think we're on our sixth now ;-;
[23:39] * Furu L Amorros poses with bishonen sparkles all over the place
[23:39] <Beauty_Queen> What happend to the 5th?
[23:39] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Also destroyed.
[23:39] * [H!P]Allison Blitz huggles her boyfriend X3
[23:40] <@Wolfwood> I burned it down one night while drunk. Crashed a souped up lawn mower into it.
[23:40] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> You didn't even break a sweat!
[23:40] <Plushie-chan> Etna has broke 4 or 5 of em since she got here wiht physcial abuse alone
[23:40] <@Wolfwood> PROTIP: NItro in lawn equipment + tequila = usually bad.
[23:42] * Plushie-chan hands Wolf a sign reading "WTB Common Sense"
[23:42] <Plushie-chan> Here use this
[23:44] <Furu L Amorros> Pfft, I'm too handsome to sweat
[23:44] <[DEKA]Adam Kanal> No signs.
[23:45] * [DEKA]Adam Kanal takes the sign and destroys it. With great prejudice.
[23:45] <Plushie-chan> D:
[23:45] <Plushie-chan> What did the sign do to you?
[23:45] <[DEKA]Adam Kanal> - No. Signs. -
[23:46] <Matsumi Kaze> hi, adam
[23:46] <Matsuo Shin> hello there
[23:47] <[DEKA]Adam Kanal> Yo
[23:48] *** [DEKA]Adam Kanal [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (NO SIGNS)
[23:48] * Prinnies go about erecting signs. "Wet paint" "Keep off the Grass" "No Swimming" "Eat a Joe's" "Just saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico" "No Umbrellas' "No Shirt, No shoes, No service"
[23:49] <Matsumi Kaze> ...........
[23:49] * @Wolfwood is away: sleeps
[23:49] <Plushie-chan> No... Umbrellas? cleary this one is defective
[23:50] <Furu L Amorros> Alli, want to celebrate how incredibly awesome I am by making out?
[23:50] * DekaRangerRobo crushes them all with its gigantic foot
[23:51] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Yeah that sounds like a good plan.
[23:51] * Prinny erects a sign "No Giant Foot Zone"
[23:52] <Matsumi Kaze> watch it, robo!
[23:52] * Prinny , a diffrent one, scrables up and plants a giant Kick me sign on the robot
[23:54] <Furu L Amorros> Cool.
[23:54] * Furu L Amorros lifts Allison up into his arms.
[23:54] <Furu L Amorros> Let's go find a good spot.
[23:56] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> How about one of the bedrooms?
[23:57] <Furu L Amorros> ...
[23:57] * Furu L Amorros ...nosebleeds?
[23:58] <Matsumi Kaze> heh
[23:59] <[H!P]Allison Blitz> Oh no! You got a nosebleed?
[00:00] <Furu L Amorros> I-it's nothing!
[00:02] <Prinny> He's thinking of something dirty dood
[00:04] <Furu L Amorros> SHUT UP, PENGUIN.
[00:04] * [H!P]Allison Blitz is away: C'mon, let's get you all fixed up
[00:06] * Furu L Amorros is away: Y-yes!
[00:06] * @spiritflame changes topic to `Welcome Back Furu`
[00:16] <Matsuo Shin> heh
[00:17] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (well I'm headhing home..seeya bro)
[00:17] <Matsuo Shin> bye?
[00:21] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (guess I'll get some sleep then)
[14:44] <@Wolfwood> ♦ During then weekend, posted that Sylvester McCoy - but best known as the 7th regeneration of The Doctor in DOCTOR WHO
[14:45] <@Wolfwood> ♦ is up for (and evidently close to getting) a role in the still-directorless HOBBIT project.
[14:45] <@Wolfwood> ♦ The site conjectures that his role may be that of wizard Radagast the Brown - a smaller character in the Tolkienverse that is apparently being expanded for the HOBBIT's moviefication.
[17:24] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:24] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[17:24] * Matsumi Kaze quietly walks out and sits under a tree
[17:28] <Matsumi Kaze> *sigh*
[17:32] <Matsumi Kaze> well..another vacation over
[17:36] <Matsumi Kaze> oh well
[18:03] * Matsumi Kaze closes her eyes and hums to herself
[18:03] *** Angelo Hamashi has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:03] <@spiritflame> irasshai Angelo Hamashi
[18:03] * Angelo Hamashi sneaks in..and drops off something next to Matsumi..then sneaks off again
[18:03] *** Angelo Hamashi has left #suburbansenshi2
[18:07] <Matsumi Kaze> zzz
[18:33] <Matsumi Kaze> *snort* huh
[18:33] * Matsumi Kaze sits up..and blinks...picking up the stapled stack of papers
[18:43] <Matsumi Kaze> is this...
[18:43] * Matsumi Kaze starts to page through
[18:45] <Matsumi Kaze> heh....
[18:45] <Matsumi Kaze> ..wish I had a sharpie
[18:45] * Matsumi Kaze looks around to see if there are any prinnies around
[18:49] <Matsumi Kaze> huh
[18:53] * Prinnies are always around.
[18:54] <Matsumi Kaze> prinny! need something over here
[18:54] * Prinny walks over. "Watcha need dood?"
[18:56] <Matsumi Kaze> can you get me a highlighter?
[18:56] * Prinny wanders off and returns after a few moments. The highlighter is one of those cool traingale ones that have a diffrent color at each point..
[18:57] <Matsumi Kaze> oh thanks!
[18:57] * Matsumi Kaze tosses the prinny a 100 ¥ coin
[18:58] * Prinny scrambles to crab the coin and stuffs it in it's belt pouch.
[18:59] * Matsumi Kaze smiles and takes off one of the caps and starts to highlight bits in the papers
[19:05] <Matsumi Kaze> huh....*mutters something reading the papers*
[19:11] <@DisgruntledDuelist>
[19:12] * @DisgruntledDuelist planz world conquest using roomba mounted kittehs
[19:13] <Prinny> Maybe if you put as spoiler on it, it will go faster. Dood.
[19:14] * Matsumi Kaze waves with her highlighter
[19:20] * Matsumi Kaze goes back to what she was doing
[19:30] <Matsumi Kaze> wonder who wrote this...
[19:32] * Matsumi Kaze goes back to looking over it, muttering something to herself as she does
[20:07] <Matsumi Kaze> hm..
[20:18] * Matsumi Kaze keeps reading
[20:30] * Matsumi Kaze closes the papers
[20:30] <Matsumi Kaze> heh :)
[20:45] *** Beauty_Queen [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:45] <@spiritflame> irasshai Beauty_Queen
[20:45] * Beauty_Queen messes around in the opitions menu and changes the voice setting from English to Japanese
[20:45] <Matsumi Kaze> hm..
[20:46] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm already speaking japanese :P
[20:46] *** Plushie-chan [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:46] <@spiritflame> irasshai Plushie-chan
[20:46] <Plushie-chan> oye. Etona-san. Don't mess in the options menu
[20:47] * Matsumi Kaze holds the pile of papers to her lap
[20:48] <Prinny> I don't notice any differnce-ssu
[20:49] * Matsumi Kaze just giggles
[20:50] <Beauty_Queen> Thing must be broken.
[20:51] * Beauty_Queen fiddles with it some more and and sets it to... spanish?
[20:52] <Beauty_Queen> That's not right.
[20:52] * Beauty_Queen flicks it back to Japanese
[20:57] * Matsumi Kaze puts the highlighter cap back on
[21:03] <Matsumi Kaze> so quiet tonight
[21:14] * Matsumi Kaze picks up her papers and heads into the house
[21:14] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:18] * Mister Dinsdale continues to float in the water, unconcioujs
[21:19] <Gemini Sunrise> Wow he got knocked out cold...
[21:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> A-yup.
[21:19] <Gemini Sunrise> Think he's in a coma or somethin'?
[21:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Haven't got a clue.
[21:20] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio pokes Dinsdale with a stick, gets no reaction.
[21:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I recall when X was training with, even he didn't get smacked down quite so hard.
[21:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Though, Dinsdale should have the potential...
[21:20] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio shrugs
[21:21] * Gemini Sunrise hauls Jack back onto th'e sand n' sets him down
[21:21] * Mister Dinsdale lies there, hands folded over his chest.
[21:22] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[21:22] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hi guys
[21:22] <Gemini Sunrise> Howdy!
[21:23] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 'Allo!
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> long time no see, impy
[21:23] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Been busy
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> ah
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> oh...yeah dinsdale is just..out completely
[21:24] * Matsumi Kaze holds onto her script under her arm
[21:24] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I've noticed.
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I suggest we write on his face
[21:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm not _too_ worried yet.
[21:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> <_<
[21:25] <Gemini Sunrise> No Impy :P
[21:26] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Aww but he's all placid and useless!
[21:26] <Plushie-chan> Hush.
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> ...we could put him in a dress
[21:26] <Plushie-chan> You'll give the Prinnies ideas Matsumi
[21:27] <Gemini Sunrise> Maybe he's like a sleepin' Prince...
[21:27] <Prinny> Too late dood!
[21:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ooh, true enough! Let's get a frog!
[21:27] <Gemini Sunrise> o_O
[21:27] * Prinny is carrying a large black Marker and another is carrying a Dress.
[21:27] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah don't think that's how th' story goes...
[21:28] <Plushie-chan> I think she ment we find a Princess. Actully I doubt that would be much better
[21:28] <Matsumi Kaze> gemini you kiss him
[21:28] <Plushie-chan> Let's just use a Queen and make Eitak do it
[21:28] <Gemini Sunrise> ....
[21:28] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah ain't doin' it.
[21:28] * Gemini Sunrise hugs Impy
[21:29] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah gots me a fella.
[21:29] <Matsumi Kaze> well I'm not
[21:29] * Prinnies are doodleing on Dinsdale and trying to put in in a dress, unless of course someone stops them.
[21:30] * Dinsdale is now in a dress and marker'd
[21:30] <Plushie-chan> Don't look at me
[21:31] <Yaijinden> >:|
[21:31] * Gemini Sunrise giggles
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> hi, yai
[21:31] <Gemini Sunrise> He looks kinda cute XD
[21:31] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> YaijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjinDENNN
[21:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Helllooooooooooooh.
[21:32] <Yaijinden> Salutations, you there cool guy.
[21:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> How goes it?
[21:33] <Yaijinden> I live, I breathe. Much as it usually does.
[21:33] <Yaijinden> Y'self?
[21:33] *** Angelo Hamashi has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:33] <@spiritflame> irasshai Angelo Hamashi
[21:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> The same, the same
[21:33] * Angelo Hamashi walks in...slaps a pile of papers on gemini's head..and leaves
[21:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh my god Dinsdale's in mortal peril now.
[21:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Or not.
[21:34] *** Angelo Hamashi has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> What's that Gems?
[21:34] * Gemini Sunrise takes th' papers'n looks at 'em
[21:34] * Angelo Hamashi has left a pile of papers stapled's a script
[21:35] <Gemini Sunrise> Wow... a script
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> I got the same thing
[21:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> There's a lot of scripty-ness going around lately..
[21:35] <Yaijinden> Oooh.
[21:36] <Matsumi Kaze> has my part written on the front
[21:36] *** The Funk Soul Brother [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:36] <@spiritflame> irasshai The Funk Soul Brother
[21:36] * The Funk Soul Brother walks in for a moment to check on the Dinsdale
[21:36] * Matsumi Kaze shows Gemini the script..which has on the front written "MATSUMI KAZE- PAUL BUNYAN"
[21:37] <The Funk Soul Brother> He in a Dress with curly eyebrows drawn on his face.
[21:37] <Yaijinden> =O
[21:37] <The Funk Soul Brother> That s[BLEEP]t ain't right.
[21:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Is he going to wake up?
[21:37] <Yaijinden> there is something in my pants and it is moving all of a sudden
[21:38] <The Funk Soul Brother> That ain't the question, son.
[21:38] <The Funk Soul Brother> The question be, 'will he be awakened?'
[21:38] * The Funk Soul Brother looks over at the Cool Cat Big Daddy Y
[21:38] * Yaijinden waves
[21:38] <The Funk Soul Brother> I do that to people.
[21:38] <The Funk Soul Brother> It's a thing.
[21:38] * The Funk Soul Brother waves back with maximum cool.
[21:39] *** The Funk Soul Brother [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Be Awesome, children.)
[21:40] <Plushie-chan> ... Something about him I just don't like
[21:40] <Plushie-chan> Dunno waht, I just don't
[21:41] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah'm sorry... whut?
[21:41] * Yaijinden boogies in the pants
[21:41] * Gemini Sunrise tries t'clear her head
[21:41] <Matsumi Kaze> something wrong, gemini?
[21:41] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio coughs, damn that's some funky jive.
[21:41] <Gemini Sunrise> N-nothin.
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> what does your script say, gemini?
[21:42] * @spiritflame walks by, humming
[21:42] * @spiritflame is humming happily ♫
[21:43] <Gemini Sunrise> "PECOS BILL - Gemini"
[21:43] <Plushie-chan> Is that a bad sign?
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> oh cool
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze>
[21:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Usually it means someone is going to die but...
[21:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> she seems genuinely.... pleased.
[21:43] * @spiritflame waves to everyone! :D
[21:44] *** @spiritflame [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (♡)
[21:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm sorry I think my brain just broke.
[21:44] <Plushie-chan> ... I clearly messed up on my way here. This is bizzaro Earth SS
[21:44] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio sits down.
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> O.o
[21:44] <Plushie-chan> Please direct me on how to get backto the normal one
[21:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No, no, this is it.
[21:45] <Plushie-chan> Then we're doomed
[21:46] <Yaijinden> We've always been doomed.
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> the earth is truely doomed
[21:47] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah think she n' that Funky fella have a thang.
[21:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> A thing?
[21:47] <Gemini Sunrise> A thang.
[21:47] <Yaijinden> A thang.
[21:47] <Yaijinden> Jive soul brother like that doesn't have things with fine ladies.
[21:47] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio bleaches his own brain.
[21:47] <Matsumi Kaze> OOOOOOO
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> you ok, impy?
[21:48] <Plushie-chan> Pass the bleach please
[21:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't
[21:48] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio pasees it
[21:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't even what is this
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> How can this be
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> asked The Emperor
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> Gemini..I think you need to snap him out of it
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> for he is the Funkaz Badderass.
[21:50] * Gemini Sunrise KISSES Impy ♡
[21:50] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is reset!
[21:50] <// J_Daito //> Aww
[21:51] <Matsumi Kaze> that will do it
[21:51] <// J_Daito //> Now imagine EIHGF doing that to Afro Samurai there.
[21:51] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio curls up in a ball
[21:51] <Gemini Sunrise> Dang it, Jedite ><
[21:51] <// J_Daito //> All too easy.
[21:51] * // J_Daito // is away: ahahahahahaha
[21:51] <Yaijinden> kissing

[21:52] <Yaijinden> licky-style
[21:52] * Plushie-chan grabsa a Prinny and throws it at Jedite
[21:52] * // J_Daito // already left
[21:52] * Mister Dinsdale gets a Prinny detonated on him but continues to float
[21:52] <Plushie-chan> Damn. Missed.
[21:53] <Matsumi Kaze> why am I the only one still sane?
[21:53] <Plushie-chan> I'm sorta sane..
[21:54] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah'm sane :P
[21:54] <Plushie-chan> I just don't like Jedite
[21:54] *** Tangentially I have found out the origin of the phrase Watershed moment
[21:54] *** Because I just had to know
[21:54] *** "Probably translation of German Wasserscheide : Wasser, water + Scheide, divide, parting "
[21:54] * Plushie-chan has never heard that phrase before
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> A Watershed moment is a moment in which everything changes; a turning point.
[21:55] <Plushie-chan> Ah
[21:55] <Gemini Sunrise> Ah heard of Woodshed moments
[21:55] <Matsumi Kaze> ...huh?
[21:55] <Gemini Sunrise> As in "he gonna get took out behind th' woodshed!"
[21:55] <Matsumi Kaze> what's a woodshed moment?
[21:56] <Plushie-chan> I don't think that's the same thing
[21:56] <Gemini Sunrise> (usually fer a beatin' sometimes somethin' worse)
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Worse than a--
[21:57] <Gemini Sunrise> Y'don't wanna know, Darlin'. Y'dont' wanna know.
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I do not want to know. These are not the informations I am looking for.
[21:58] <Matsumi Kaze> ...
[21:58] <Matsumi Kaze> you are a piece of are a piece of cheese
[22:00] * Plushie-chan starts swining a watch infront of a Prinny as Matsumi says this.
[22:01] * Dark Shape rises from the surf.
[22:01] * Dark Shape is now known as Hulking Figure
[22:01] <Hulking Figure> Evening, everyone!
[22:01] * Hulking Figure grins.
[22:02] <Plushie-chan> Yo
[22:03] <Hulking Figure> Heh heh. Hello there Plushie!
[22:03] <Hulking Figure> I have been meaning to speak to you.
[22:04] <Hulking Figure> It's rather important.
[22:04] * Matsumi Kaze stays near impy and gemini...
[22:05] * Gemini Sunrise pats Matsy on th' Shoulder
[22:05] <Plushie-chan> Hmmm? About what?
[22:05] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[22:05] * Matsumi Kaze nods
[22:06] <Hulking Figure> Your presumed place in the world, Magi.
[22:06] * Plushie-chan sighs. "I'm not a Magi. I'm an Alchemist. Eitak is a Magi"
[22:06] <Plushie-chan> Or Mage. Whatever
[22:07] <Hulking Figure> Ok... and you two disagree about your place in public, and in the world as a whole, correct?
[22:08] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio starts reading about Oahspe for his own amusemedification
[22:08] <Hulking Figure> You don't need to keep it secret, I already know.
[22:08] * Plushie-chan nods. "Yeah, I guess so. Eitak belives those with acess to magic and similar things are entitled to... more. I belive our place in the world, hideing in the shadows and secretly guideing things is just fine
[22:09] <Hulking Figure> Illuminatus or Pharoah.
[22:09] <Hulking Figure> You go with the former.
[22:10] <Hulking Figure> So....what is the biggest reason you do not believe empowered individuals should take a greater role in the world?
[22:10] * Matsumi Kaze hands Gemini a highlighter "this I think will help with highlighting your parts in the script"
[22:10] <Gemini Sunrise> Thankye!
[22:11] * Gemini Sunrise gets t'it.
[22:11] <Matsumi Kaze> wonder who wrote this thing
[22:11] <Gemini Sunrise> Dunno!
[22:12] <Plushie-chan> Hmmm How shall I put this... I suppose because I would not find it fair. Why should I gain something simply because I have powers someone else lacks
[22:12] <Plushie-chan> Power is not everything.
[22:12] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio yawns, tired. Work was murder today
[22:12] * Matsumi Kaze thumbs through her script again
[22:12] <Gemini Sunrise> you look plum tuckered out
[22:13] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I feel it.
[22:13] <Gemini Sunrise> Wanna head back?
[22:13] <Hulking Figure> Are you leaving us?
[22:13] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yesh
[22:13] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yes, for now.
[22:13] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Take care, you lot.
[22:13] * Hulking Figure nods.
[22:13] *** @the ɪmpɾesɑrio [in_ex_officio@TARDIS2010.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Let' go Gemmy)
[22:13] <Gemini Sunrise> See y'all later!
[22:14] *** Gemini Sunrise [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (:D)
[22:14] * Hulking Figure waves
[22:14] <Matsumi Kaze> seeya!
[22:15] <Hulking Figure> Hey Matsumi... is it true that you can create a Vacuum, anywhere you wish?
[22:15] <Hulking Figure> And remove the air in a room or region?
[22:15] <Plushie-chan> .... So much for our serious discussion...
[22:16] <Hulking Figure> Hey... you seemed distracted.
[22:16] <Hulking Figure> I'm all ears.
[22:17] * Hulking Figure grins.
[22:17] <Hulking Figure> Do you not think humanity will accept the rule of those they cannot consider equals?
[22:17] <Hulking Figure> Or is it something else that makes you value discretion?
[22:17] <Matsumi Kaze> Dimitri
[22:17] <Hulking Figure> Yes?
[22:17] <Matsumi Kaze> if I wanted to..I could probably create a vacuum in your lungs
[22:18] <Hulking Figure> Could you extend a few feet further around me, though?
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> probably
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> I won't do it though
[22:19] <Hulking Figure> Heh.
[22:19] <Hulking Figure> As you wish.
[22:20] * Hulking Figure smirks.
[22:20] <Plushie-chan> I don't think they would. Not for long anyways. Mankind fears what they cannot understand
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> don't smirk
[22:20] <Hulking Figure> Oh, I am very familiar with that.
[22:20] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi... I believe that you misunderstand me... but oh wel.
[22:20] * Hulking Figure turns to Plushie.
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> ah ok
[22:21] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry about that...just feel off for some reason
[22:22] <Hulking Figure> Yes... I understand.
[22:23] <Hulking Figure> But... Plushie, I must confess. I feel sorry for the rebels that Eitak continues to speak of.
[22:23] <Hulking Figure> ...Especially given her unstable nature.
[22:25] <Plushie-chan> Yes. Her brother normally keeps her in check, the fact that he's not arround checking up on her means she's been visting us in secret, which makes her more unpredictable
[22:25] <Hulking Figure> I feel sorry for those stuck on Negerra.
[22:26] <Plushie-chan> Ehhh.
[22:27] * Matsumi Kaze puts her script aside and stares at the moon
[22:27] <Hulking Figure> There is a relatively easy way to see if she is virtuous. We simply need to establish what kind of government or regime she replaces.
[22:27] <Hulking Figure> I certainly distrust the fact that she has an "R&D" section for her army. That means an army is unsatisfied.
[22:27] <Plushie-chan> What she replaced? Every government in the world
[22:28] <Plushie-chan> And that's nothing Major. Every government has one.
[22:29] <Hulking Figure> Hmph.
[22:29] <Hulking Figure> You miss my point.
[22:30] *** Angelo Hamashi has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:30] <@spiritflame> irasshai Angelo Hamashi
[22:30] <Hulking Figure> I am implying that she is *still unsatisfied.*
[22:30] <Angelo Hamashi> chaoi everybody ♡
[22:30] <Hulking Figure> She's coming.
[22:30] <Hulking Figure> Mark my words.
[22:30] * Angelo Hamashi walks over and sits next to Matsumi
[22:30] <Hulking Figure> She will want everything she sees.
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze> hm...oh hi Angelo
[22:31] * Hulking Figure glares
[22:31] * Hulking Figure looks at Angelo Hamashi.
[22:31] *** Angelo Hamashi is is a 30ish year old man with shaggy brown hair, beard stubble and slightly out of skew glasses. He is always wearing a wrinkled shirt and shorts. He often carries around a stuffed rooster named pete with him.
image Song is: 0.
[22:31] <Plushie-chan> You mean Eitak?
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze> what is it?
[22:31] * Hulking Figure nods, but he's distracted.
[22:31] <Hulking Figure> Who is this person, Matsumi?
[22:31] <Angelo Hamashi> oh just a simple test, Brunnhilda
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze> a test?
[22:32] <Plushie-chan> I did tell you she betrayed her freinds for the Powers of a Dhe Ehm yes?
[22:32] <Angelo Hamashi> go in the'll have your instructions ^_~
[22:32] <Matsumi Kaze> um...ok
[22:32] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I guess I'll see you guys later then..
[22:32] * Matsumi Kaze grabs her script and heads into the house
[22:32] * Matsumi Kaze is away: ..weird
[22:32] <Plushie-chan> Brunhilda? That's a valker- OH!
[22:33] * Hulking Figure walks angrily over to Angelo.
[22:34] <Plushie-chan> Please don't provke the insane man Dimitri
[22:34] <Angelo Hamashi> name is Angelo Hamashi...but you can call me Bragi
[22:35] <Angelo Hamashi> ^_~
[22:37] * Angelo Hamashi turns and looks out at the ocean
[22:38] <Plushie-chan> Anyways, my only advice is be wary around Eitak.
[22:39] <Hulking Figure> What is your interest in Matsumi, Angelo?
[22:39] <Angelo Hamashi> I'm just a simple tech guy ^_~
[22:39] <Plushie-chan> He likely works with Valkerie Unit
[22:40] <Plushie-chan> He called her Brunhilda. That's a stereotypical Valkyrie name
[22:40] * Angelo Hamashi looks at his wrist watch
[22:40] <Hulking Figure> ...
[22:40] * Hulking Figure looks at Angelo Hamashi.
[22:40] *** Angelo Hamashi is is a 30ish year old man with shaggy brown hair, beard stubble and slightly out of skew glasses. He is always wearing a wrinkled shirt and shorts. He often carries around a stuffed rooster named pete with him.
image Song is: 0.
[22:41] <Angelo Hamashi> I'd give it another four mins...
[22:41] * Hulking Figure frowns.
[22:43] <Angelo Hamashi> oh just ignore me ^^ go back to your conversation
[22:43] <Hulking Figure> ♦ So, my good man, how long have you known my friend... Matsumi Kaze?
[22:44] * Prinny adjusts the languge settins from before back to English.
[22:44] <Angelo Hamashi> for several months now
[22:45] * Hulking Figure nods.
[22:45] * Angelo Hamashi pulls a walkie talkie out of his pocket and turns it on
[22:45] <Angelo Hamashi> Asgard this is Bragi do you copy over...
[22:46] * Angelo Hamashi listens as someone speaks to him over the talkie and he smiles
[22:46] <Angelo Hamashi> are we ready for the test? Brunnhilda strapped in?
[22:46] * Hulking Figure looks on, suspiciously.
[22:46] * Hulking Figure stands behind Angelo Hamashi.
[22:47] <Angelo Hamashi> good good...
[22:47] <Angelo Hamashi> then prepare for atmospheric shot
[22:48] <Angelo Hamashi> shot in T minus 10...
[22:48] * Angelo Hamashi starts moving back
[22:49] <Angelo Hamashi> I'd suggest you two would do the same
[22:49] * Angelo Hamashi moves far back...
[22:49] <Hulking Figure> Why should I?
[22:49] <Angelo Hamashi> if you wish
[22:50] <Angelo Hamashi> shot in T minus 5.....
[22:50] <Angelo Hamashi> 4....
[22:50] <Angelo Hamashi> 3.....
[22:50] <Angelo Hamashi> 2.......
[22:50] <Hulking Figure> Actually... I want to stand next to *you*
[22:50] <Angelo Hamashi> 1.........
[22:50] * Hulking Figure stands next to Angelo.
[22:50] * Hulking Figure is scowling.
[22:50] * Angelo Hamashi moves walkie talkie to his mouth "LAUNCH"
[22:51] * the ocean suddenly bursts as a rocket takes off from the sea into the air
[22:51] * Plushie-chan warps herself over to the others. "A rocket?"
[22:51] <spiritflame> Hulking Figure rolls 1d10 [ 9 ]
[22:51] * Angelo Hamashi pulls out some binochelors "alright..good...good...secondary break 5 seconds"
[22:52] * Hulking Figure flinches a moment, but keeps watching the rocket.
[22:52] <Hulking Figure> Is Matsumi aboard that?
[22:52] <Angelo Hamashi> 4....3.....2.....1.....secondary break up now
[22:52] * The rocket breaks apart...except for a small capsule...which arches in the air..and starts to head for the island
[22:52] <Angelo Hamashi> no, matsumi is not on it
[22:53] <Hulking Figure> - Good. -
[22:53] * Hulking Figure eases up.
[22:53] <Hulking Figure> So tell me about it, then?
[22:53] <Angelo Hamashi> brunnhilda is on it
[22:55] * Angelo Hamashi moves back a the capsele approches the beach
[22:55] <Plushie-chan> ... That's the same person
[22:56] <Angelo Hamashi> yes yes it is
[22:56] <Angelo Hamashi> IMPACT!
[22:56] * The capsle slams into the sand...and opens up, revealing a green painted selpher
[22:57] * Angelo Hamashi runs up to the selpher...and knocks on it..letting it open..revealing Matsumi sitting inside of it
[22:57] <Angelo Hamashi> so? how did it go???
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> Ooooh, the explanation for this one is going to be loads of fun.
[22:57] <Matsumi Kaze> @____@ the puffins are full of the yogert and I like the fishies
[22:57] * Hulking Figure makes a mental note to confront Angelo for lying to him.
[22:57] <Angelo Hamashi> .........
[22:57] <Hulking Figure> MATSUMI!
[22:57] <Plushie-chan> ....
[22:58] * Hulking Figure streaks in a blur over next to Matsumi Kaze.
[22:58] * Plushie-chan notes he didn't lie. He just used a diffrent name
[22:58] <Hulking Figure> Did she hit her head.
[22:58] * Angelo Hamashi goes onto his walkie talkie "Dwarves....I suggest we work on a way to lessen the impact of the capsule....seems to cause dizziness and confusion"
[22:58] * Hulking Figure examines Matsumi Kaze for injuries.
[22:59] * Matsumi Kaze is not injured...just shaken @_@
[22:59] <Hulking Figure> - If she has gotten hurt... -
[22:59] <Plushie-chan> Yes yes, get mad at him for telling her to do part of her job. That's really smart
[23:00] <Hulking Figure> Hush, Plushie.
[23:00] * Hulking Figure tries to figure out how fast the capsule hit the beach.
[23:01] * Hulking Figure is really bad at calculating things.
[23:01] <Hulking Figure> Um... so how how fast do you think it hit?
[23:01] * Angelo Hamashi walks over and reaches into the machine..pressing a button...
[23:02] * Matsumi Kaze is loosen as several tubes detach from the shoulders of her uniform
[23:02] <Angelo Hamashi> it hit at approximitly 20 miles per hour
[23:02] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi? Matsumi can you hear me?
[23:02] <Plushie-chan> Most cars are going faster then that when they crash and people often live
[23:02] * Matsumi Kaze blinks..looks up....and then suddenly looks green
[23:03] * Matsumi Kaze scrambles out of her Selpher..and onto the beach and well..vomits
[23:03] * Plushie-chan promptly turns around
[23:03] <Angelo Hamashi> .....
[23:03] <Angelo Hamashi> so un cute
[23:03] * Hulking Figure steadies Matsumi.
[23:03] * Angelo Hamashi talks into the walkie talkie "also add...causes nasuea in pilot"
[23:03] <Hulking Figure> It's okay... It'll be okay, Matsumi.
[23:04] <Matsumi Kaze> Angelo..I work on this stupid system @_@
[23:04] <Angelo Hamashi> you can count on me :D
[23:04] * Hulking Figure looks at Angelo Hamashi.
[23:04] *** Angelo Hamashi is is a 30ish year old man with shaggy brown hair, beard stubble and slightly out of skew glasses. He is always wearing a wrinkled shirt and shorts. He often carries around a stuffed rooster named pete with him.
image Song is: 0.
[23:04] * Hulking Figure scowls.
[23:04] * Angelo Hamashi signals to several techinitians who come out of the forest and start loading the Selpher onto a sort of trailer
[23:05] <Angelo Hamashi> make sure to look for any damage on the Selpher! I still have some upgrading to do on it!
[23:06] * Angelo Hamashi watches the techinitians drive off
[23:06] <Angelo Hamashi> well I guess we have some work to do on the atmospheric shots then
[23:06] * Matsumi Kaze nods, looking over her Unit uniform to make sure it's still is
[23:06] * Hulking Figure taps Angelo on the shoulder.
[23:08] <Hulking Figure> Hey.
[23:08] <Angelo Hamashi> yes?
[23:08] <Hulking Figure> How long were you planning this little thing, if you don't mind my asking?
[23:09] <Angelo Hamashi> oh for several days
[23:10] <Angelo Hamashi> we worked on a smaller scale at first along with the calculations..then moved onto dummy shots
[23:10] <Angelo Hamashi> this was our first live shot and as you can see we still have some work to do on it
[23:10] <Hulking Figure> Yup.
[23:11] <Hulking Figure> ♦ You should definitely hit the books hard after this one to make sure nothing happens to your pilots. They can't be replaced, after all.
[23:11] * Hulking Figure pats Angelo on the back.
[23:11] <Hulking Figure> Well, good luck improving things.
[23:12] <Plushie-chan> Stop forceing people into things. You're as a bad as Eitak when you do stuff like that
[23:12] <Angelo Hamashi> oh we plan you can see the system is still needing some work....perhaps we should forgo the capsule all together and work on strengthing the Selpher's shock absorbers
[23:12] <Angelo Hamashi> what do you think, pete?
[23:12] * Hulking Figure thinks for a moment about Plushie's accusation.
[23:13] * Angelo Hamashi pulls out a stuffed rooster and has it talk into his ear
[23:13] <Plushie-chan> See this man has enough issues without you messing with his mind
[23:14] <Angelo Hamashi> ah..perhaps you are right pete...
[23:14] <Angelo Hamashi> goodnight, brunnhilda!
[23:14] * Angelo Hamashi walks into the house...having pete talk into his ear
[23:14] *** Angelo Hamashi has left #suburbansenshi2 (yes yes pete go on!)
[23:14] <Hulking Figure> That guy is insane.
[23:14] <Plushie-chan> I said that eailer
[23:14] <Matsumi Kaze> he's also a genus
[23:15] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi... please tell me you are okay?
[23:16] * Hulking Figure bends over Matsumi Kaze.
[23:17] <Hulking Figure> ♦ Please... Tell me you are okay.
[23:17] <Hulking Figure> Please.\
[23:17] <Matsumi Kaze> yes yes I'm fine
[23:17] * Hulking Figure convulses.
[23:17] <Matsumi Kaze> just shaken up
[23:17] <Hulking Figure> Good. Good. Thank God.
[23:17] <Hulking Figure> Can you walk?
[23:18] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah I can walk fine
[23:18] <Hulking Figure> Do you want me to talk to him?
[23:18] <Matsumi Kaze> um why?
[23:19] <Hulking Figure> The insane man, to whome you trust your life.
[23:19] <Hulking Figure> Do you have faith in him?
[23:20] * Hulking Figure looks at the House.
[23:20] <Matsumi Kaze> well I better.....I'm the one who chose him
[23:21] <Hulking Figure> But... Why?
[23:22] <Matsumi Kaze> because he is remarkable...
[23:22] <Hulking Figure> My God... you take such risks. I just don't understand you. You really are frozen in youth, aren't you. You are simply convinced you are invincible.
[23:24] * Hulking Figure shakes his head, and pats Matsumi on her back.
[23:24] <Matsumi Kaze> Dimitri
[23:25] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't think you'll ever understand
[23:25] <Hulking Figure> Why not?
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> I know I'm not invincible
[23:26] <Matsumi Kaze> as for frozen in youth..yes in a way I am XD
[23:27] <Matsumi Kaze> look at me...I'm 33...and don't look a day over 26...
[23:27] <Matsumi Kaze> I'll probably stay this way for...oh...good thousand or more years
[23:27] <Plushie-chan> Lucky you
[23:27] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi... I understand that, just like I appear to be younger than 25. The concern I have is that you do not have a realistic appraisal of your own weaknesses.
[23:28] <Matsumi Kaze> because I take risks?
[23:28] <Matsumi Kaze> I have to take risks in my line of work
[23:29] <Hulking Figure> And must those risks include being shot into space and impacting a planet?
[23:29] <Matsumi Kaze> sometimes yes XD
[23:30] * Plushie-chan smiles. "Oh. That's nothing. In my line of work one false step and the univrse gets destroyed by a paradox.
[23:30] <Hulking Figure> Sure Plushie, whatever.
[23:31] <Hulking Figure> Matsumi... are you SURE you are okay?
[23:31] * Hulking Figure looks at Matsumi Kaze.
[23:31] *** Matsumi Kaze is has long blond hair, part of which hides her left eye completely. She has a well endowed body but is very modest of it. She is also known as Sailor Quinox More information about her is Here.
Her image Song is: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.
[23:32] <Hulking Figure> ...
[23:32] <Matsumi Kaze> yes I am fine XD
[23:33] * Hulking Figure still looks worried.
[23:33] <Hulking Figure> I um.
[23:34] <Hulking Figure> I'm going to go into the house.
[23:34] <Hulking Figure> It doesn't have anything to do with beating up the crazy dude and/or stealing his rooster.
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ???
[23:34] * Hulking Figure walks into the house.
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ....look dimitri
[23:34] * Hulking Figure grins.
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ugh...
[23:35] *** Hulking Figure [] has quit IRC (Closes the door behind him.)
[23:35] <Plushie-chan> So much for fnishing our dicussion on Eitak
[23:36] <Matsumi Kaze> if dimitri hurts angelo...I will be SO pissed off at him
[23:36] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry, plushie
[23:37] <Plushie-chan> It's alright
[23:37] <Plushie-chan> But I will give you the warning I was going to give to him. Be warey of Eitak. She will do whatever it takes to get what she wants and will not take no for an awnser, even if she seems to comply
[23:38] <Matsumi Kaze> don't worry..I will...
[23:43] <Plushie-chan> Good
[23:46] <Matsumi Kaze> geh...I probably shouldn't be wearing this..might get it dirty
[23:51] <Yaijinden> Wearing what?
[23:52] * Matsumi Kaze is wearing her Valkyrie Unit uniform ((should I link the picture))
[23:56] <Yaijinden> Uni uni uni uni~
[23:57] <Matsumi Kaze> *is dressed like this*
[23:58] <Yaijinden> Or-nate~
[23:59] <Matsumi Kaze> yes it is
[00:01] <Yaijinden> And snazzy in general.
[00:03] <Matsumi Kaze> well it's based off the original team's uniforms
[00:04] <Matsumi Kaze> so I can't claim the design
[00:04] <Yaijinden> Still, it's you wearing it, which applies a smear of credit to it.
[00:04] <Yaijinden> Not everyone can wear a uniform and make it look good.
[00:06] * Matsumi Kaze blushes a bit "thanks"
[00:07] <Matsumi Kaze> how have you been?
[00:10] <Yaijinden> Here and there. Working, waiting.
[00:10] <Yaijinden> My steps haven't led me here as often as they might've in the past.
[00:11] <Matsumi Kaze> oh???
[00:11] <Yaijinden> Things of personal meaning, mostly.
[00:12] <Yaijinden> Nothing that would shake the world here except by echoes of things twelve steps removed.
[00:12] * Plushie-chan leans on a rock and flips though a book labled "Epitath of the Twilight"
[00:13] * Matsumi Kaze nods
[00:14] <Yaijinden> But they mean something to me; thus, I go about doing them.
[00:15] <Yaijinden> Setting my knowledge of the Hindu triat anew. Finding a new triad-- sage, visionary, witch.
[00:15] <Yaijinden> It parallels nicely with Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva, but I'm not yet satisfied by the definitions of the words.
[00:17] <Matsumi Kaze> which goes with which?
[00:17] <Yaijinden> In order, respectively.
[00:17] <Matsumi Kaze> cause I know they usually respresent creatior, preserver and desteroyer
[00:17] <Matsumi Kaze> oooooh
[00:18] <Matsumi Kaze> ...though isn't shiva both a destroyer and creator?
[00:19] <Yaijinden> Shiva's aspect as destroyer is often a creative, generative one-- you must dispose of the spent and the worn before you can sow new things and build new temples, after all-- but his chief aspect is destruction.
[00:19] <Yaijinden> His burning fire is that which sears maya.
[00:20] * Matsumi Kaze nods nods
[00:21] <Matsumi Kaze> (( I can actually follow all this XD ))
[00:21] <Matsumi Kaze> (( follow in understand it ))
[00:22] <Matsumi Kaze> interesting
[00:22] <Yaijinden> It is he who is the most powerful of the three-- there's a rather amusing story about his lingham, when Brahman and Vishnu first become cognizant of each other and the universe they have made.
[00:22] <Yaijinden> A great many Hindi prayers are directed to him.
[00:23] * Matsumi Kaze sits on a rock
[00:24] <Matsumi Kaze> mmhmm
[00:24] * Plushie-chan just flips though her book
[00:25] <Yaijinden> There's more to this thought than that, but the day's been long and my energy's been previously tapped.
[00:25] <Yaijinden> I'll see you when I do, ja?
[00:26] * Yaijinden dusts his pants off, and steps Elsewhere
[00:28] <Matsumi Kaze> alright!
[00:29] <Plushie-chan>“ Over the Keel Mountains, | Meets an ape with human speech. | The ape asks, | "What clings to you? | Bear it—you cannot. | Accept it—you cannot. | But hidden—it is from you. | Recite its name." ”
[00:30] * Plushie-chan reads this out of her book.
[00:30] <Matsumi Kaze> what's that
[00:30] <Plushie-chan> A quote from this book. And a riddle
[00:31] <Plushie-chan> Can you figure out the answer?
[00:32] <Matsumi Kaze> not really no
[00:32] <Plushie-chan> Your own name—the name of your shadow, your dark side.
[00:34] <Plushie-chan> How about this one...
[00:34] <Matsumi Kaze> oooh
[00:34] <Matsumi Kaze> I know the name of my dark side..
[00:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ..gah..sorry I have to go
[00:34] <Matsumi Kaze> I have work tomorrow
[00:35] <Plushie-chan> Alright.
[00:35] <Matsumi Kaze> seeya plushie
[00:35] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (this has been an interesting night....)
[00:35] <Plushie-chan> Later.
[00:36] * there is some rustling from the bushes
[00:37] * Plushie-chan closes her book and looks over. "Hmmm?
[00:37] *** Lem has joined #suburbansenshi2
[00:37] <@spiritflame> irasshai Lem
[00:38] * Lem is a young man..probably no more then 17...wearing a mix of furs and futuristic jumpsuit with ruins on the side of it
[00:38] <Lem> geh....took long enough...
[00:38] <Plushie-chan> Hi?
[00:39] <Lem> ........
[00:39] * Lem walks over to plushie and grabs her by the shoulders "where is it"
[00:39] * Plushie-chan swats at him with her book "Get off me! I have no idea what you're talking about
[00:40] <Lem> I'm looking for the shard
[00:40] <Lem> that's the only reason I'm in whereever it is
[00:40] <Plushie-chan> Again, I have no idea what you're talking about
[00:41] <Plushie-chan> A shard of what. Crystal, Glass, Gemstone, Mirror, bottle, light bulbe
[00:41] <Lem> a shard of the Sampo
[00:42] <Plushie-chan> No idea what that is
[00:44] <Lem> geh....
[00:44] <Lem> it has to be no ..I need more ti-
[00:44] * Lem vanishes
[00:44] *** Lem has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:45] <Plushie-chan> What a strange guy
[00:52] * Plushie-chan flips though her book, ignoreing all the prinnies on the beach.
[00:58] * Plushie-chan hums the song of time as she reads
[17:46] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:46] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood
[17:46] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[17:46] * @Wolfwood faceplants in the sand
[17:48] * @Wolfwood is away: Sleep. Awaken only in major emergency or should ocean water suddenly turn to vodka
[18:44] * Michael Sunnyside III nudges Dinsdale with his foot
[18:44] <Michael Sunnyside III> Still out.
[18:44] <Michael Sunnyside III> Is this the second or third day?
[18:45] <Ms. Altair> Second, I think.
[18:45] <Michael Sunnyside III> And they've markered his face and Dressed him in a dress.
[18:45] <Michael Sunnyside III> I can't let this pass!
[18:45] <Ms. Altair> Sunny.
[18:45] <Ms. Altair> Don't--
[18:46] * Michael Sunnyside III has already propped Dinsdale up on some sticks as a Scarecrow.
[18:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Oh what.
[18:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> What.
[18:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Am I supposed to be scared?
[18:46] * [gTV]Red_Crow punches Dinsdale
[18:46] <Michael Sunnyside III> You know that's a real person, right?
[18:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ...
[18:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> F[BLEEP]k
[18:47] * [gTV]Red_Crow is away: Scared of Lawsuits maybe
[18:47] * Michael Sunnyside III watches some DBZ Parody videos
[18:57] *** Hana Sagusa has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:57] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hana Sagusa
[18:57] * Hana Sagusa walks out grumbling
[18:57] <Hana Sagusa> stupid freaking thing...
[18:57] * Hana Sagusa is struggling with a coller around her neck....while holding a notebook under her arm
[18:58] <Michael Sunnyside III> Why are you wearing a collar?
[18:58] <Hana Sagusa> stupid matsumi sensei...just cause I didn't finish the summer assignmeNT! *gets a shock*
[18:58] <Michael Sunnyside III> ...
[18:59] * Michael Sunnyside III looks into getting agonizers for the squad.
[18:59] <Hana Sagusa> alright alright..I'm working on it *sits in the sand and starts to work*
[18:59] <Ms. Altair> No agonizers, Sunny :P
[18:59] <Hana Sagusa> GEEEEEEEEH
[18:59] <Michael Sunnyside III> D:
[18:59] <Hana Sagusa> hey..anyone know the answer to this....
[19:00] <Hana Sagusa> "from hell's ____ I stab at thee....for hate's sake I spit my last ____ at thee.."
[19:01] <Hana Sagusa> GRAAAGGGGHH o_O
[19:02] <Ms. Altair> 'heart' and 'breath'.
[19:02] <Hana Sagusa> I DIDN'T READ THE BOOK OK!?
[19:02] <Hana Sagusa> do you spell breath
[19:02] <Ms. Altair> "b" "r" "e" "a" "t" "h"
[19:03] * Hana Sagusa writes it in
[19:03] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:03] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[19:03] <Matsumi Kaze> hello everyone ^^
[19:03] * Matsumi Kaze is wearing a casual style suit....and holding a remote in one hand
[19:04] <Michael Sunnyside III> So nice to see Haute Couture has taken the island by storm!
[19:04] <Matsumi Kaze> hm?
[19:05] * Matsumi Kaze presses the hana another shock
[19:05] * Michael Sunnyside III points to your spiffy duds
[19:05] <Matsumi Kaze> you're not going fast enough, hana dear
[19:05] <Matsumi Kaze> oh this?....that's what I wear to teach
[19:05] * Hana Sagusa is laying on her side smoking @_@ (and not in the usual way)
[19:06] <Matsumi Kaze> I'll let her rest for now
[19:07] <Ms. Altair> Given the way she's twitching, I don't think you have much choice, Matsumi... ^_^;
[19:08] <Matsumi Kaze> she's strong..she'll recover
[19:09] <Matsumi Kaze> I mean she challenges the karate club leader to a fight..and not only wins..but leaves him in traction for a year...yeah she can take this
[19:09] <Matsumi Kaze> *when she
[19:11] * Matsumi Kaze adjusts her glasses
[19:14] * Matsumi Kaze is away: be right back...can you watch hana for me?
[19:14] * Michael Sunnyside III watches Hana kind of lying there.
[19:26] *** TheGreyElf [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:26] <@spiritflame> irasshai TheGreyElf
[19:27] * Matsumi Kaze is back
[19:27] <Matsumi Kaze> ok back...did she move?
[19:28] <Michael Sunnyside III> Nope.
[19:29] <Matsumi Kaze> huh...*walks over to hana....who grabs matsumi by the leg..and slams her into a tree*
[19:29] *** David O`Cain [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:29] <@spiritflame> irasshai David O`Cain
[19:29] <TheGreyElf> ... Did I miss something
[19:29] <David O`Cain> Um, yo?
[19:31] *** Plushie-chan [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:31] <@spiritflame> irasshai Plushie-chan
[19:31] <David O`Cain> What just happened?
[19:31] <Hana Sagusa> GR
[19:31] <Plushie-chan> You would think peopole would learn not to piss off /b/.
[19:31] <Matsumi Kaze> ....yeah I can see you're awake now
[19:32] * Plushie-chan is away: Just leaveing that here :3
[19:33] * Matsumi Kaze stands and cracks her back and neck
[19:33] <Hana Sagusa> .....I hate you so much
[19:33] *** Hana Sagusa has left #suburbansenshi2 (*grabs her homework and grumbles*)
[19:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ..yeah she's good XD
[19:34] <TheGreyElf> Seriously... did I miss something?
[19:35] <David O`Cain> What did you do, Matsumi?
[19:36] <Matsumi Kaze> oh put a shock coller on her..and delivered repeated shocks until she finished her homework
[19:36] <David O`Cain> Isn't that a bit drastic?
[19:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I just have one answer for that...
[19:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I work at Mugen Gakuen
[19:38] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:38] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[19:38] <Eitak_Razal> Isn't that the school run by a bunch of evil people?
[19:38] <Matsumi Kaze> I work there :P
[19:39] <David O`Cain> Good point, Matsumi.
[19:39] <Eitak_Razal> That doesn't change my stement
[19:39] <Matsumi Kaze> depends who you ask
[19:40] <Eitak_Razal> Right. I'll just go check with a god of evil I'm freinds with. He'll give me a accurate reading
[19:40] * Eitak_Razal sticks her toungge out jokeing ly
[19:40] * Matsumi Kaze adjusts her glasses, the lens glinting for no reason
[19:42] <Matsumi Kaze> it's also my alma mater
[19:42] <David O`Cain> School has resumed, then?
[19:42] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> most of the students did their summer break homework
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> a few however...were....
[19:43] <Matsumi Kaze> - NAUGHTY -
[19:45] * Matsumi Kaze removes her them a flick..and puts them in her suit pocket
[19:45] <David O`Cain> I guess that's to be expected.
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> actually just bought the suit
[19:47] <David O`Cain> Really? Looks pretty good on ya.
[19:47] <Matsumi Kaze> thanks
[19:51] <Matsumi Kaze> probably should change out of it
[19:51] * Matsumi Kaze heads back into the house
[19:51] * David O`Cain gets out a folding chair and sits on it
[19:54] * Matsumi Kaze returns in a more casual outfit
[19:54] <Matsumi Kaze> so what's up with you guys?
[19:56] <Michael Sunnyside III> Just enjoying the evening!
[19:56] <David O`Cain> Besides keeping the planet safe and relaxing in between missions, not much.
[19:57] <Matsumi Kaze> always nice to enjoy the evening
[19:58] * Matsumi Kaze sits on a rock and gazes at the sky
[19:59] <David O`Cain> Absolutely, especially at a beach such as this.
[19:59] <Matsumi Kaze> wonder what this place will be like once we're gone
[19:59] <Michael Sunnyside III> Don't know.
[20:00] <David O`Cain> Hopefully it stays like this.
[20:00] * Michael Sunnyside III turns the Dinsdale Scarecrow around
[20:00] <Michael Sunnyside III> Probably.
[20:00] <David O`Cain> It's just too beautiful.
[20:01] <Matsumi Kaze> I hope the world stays just as beautiful...
[20:01] <Ms. Altair> It's a good dream.
[20:02] <Matsumi Kaze> but a fragile one
[20:03] <Ms. Altair> Yes.
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> you know...
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> sometimes living in the cities so forget about the beauty of the wild
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> like with the live in places like New York....and St. Paul and such...
[20:04] <Matsumi Kaze> and you sometimes forget there are places like Yosemite or yellowstone out there
[20:05] <David O`Cain> Even the Lake of the Ozarks.
[20:05] <Eitak_Razal> I would list LA before I listed St. Paul
[20:06] * Matsumi Kaze eyebrow twicthes
[20:06] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm FROM St. Paul thank you very much
[20:06] <Michael Sunnyside III> An excellent point, Matsumi.
[20:06] <Matsumi Kaze> but once you see that's something you want to protect and cherish
[20:06] <Eitak_Razal> I assumed as much. I could have said Pittsburgh, that's where I'm from. But I used a second big city everyone knows of
[20:07] <Matsumi Kaze> you're missing the point.... ><
[20:10] <David O`Cain> It shouldn't matter which city you live in. People need to get out there and simply enjoy nature at its most beautiful.
[20:10] * Matsumi Kaze walks over to a bush and plucks a jungle flower...putting it in her hair...
[20:10] * Matsumi Kaze grabs another one...and puts it in Rachet's hair
[20:11] <David O`Cain> Pretty.
[20:11] * Ms. Altair giggles
[20:12] <Matsumi Kaze> heh..back to nature as they say XD.....though not THAT far back to it XD
[20:13] <Matsumi Kaze> but yeah
[20:13] <David O`Cain> Heh.
[20:14] <Matsumi Kaze> I think....*picks up some sand and lets it run through her fingers* everything we need to protect
[20:15] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[20:15] <Matsumi Kaze> geh..I'm getting too wistful
[20:16] <Eiry> Hm? What about?
[20:16] <Matsumi Kaze> about nature
[20:16] <Matsumi Kaze> about the beauty of it
[20:16] <Eiry> Ah.
[20:18] <David O`Cain> It's alright, Matsumi.
[20:20] * Matsumi Kaze sits on a rock and just relaxes...reaaaalaxes
[20:20] * Eiry absently fingers her necklace
[20:21] <David O`Cain> Beautiful night.
[20:22] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[20:22] <Matsumi Kaze> not a cloud in the strong winds..nothing
[20:24] <Matsumi Kaze> any of you guys ever gone out on a boat...and I don't mean a yauht
[20:25] <Eiry> You mean like a rowboat?
[20:25] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah
[20:25] <Eiry> No.
[20:25] <David O`Cain> Once. Felt pretty good to be out in the open water.
[20:26] <Matsumi Kaze> I love's so...diffrent
[20:27] <Eiry> Robust, I think people usually say.
[20:29] <Eiry> I like the beach, but not so much being out on the water like that.
[20:29] * Matsumi Kaze nods
[20:29] * Matsumi Kaze fixes the flower in her hair
[20:31] <David O`Cain> Say, what kind of flower is that, Matsumi?
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> jungle flower...I have no clue
[20:33] <David O`Cain> Thought I'd ask about it.
[20:36] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't know flowers
[20:37] <Eiry> Looks kinda like an orchid to me.
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> oh..well it's pretty whatever it is
[20:40] <David O`Cain> Indeed.
[20:44] <TheGreyElf> Careful what you pick, some jungle flowers are toxic and unsafe to touch
[20:44] <Matsumi Kaze> ...................................
[20:45] * Matsumi Kaze picks the flower out of her hair..and just drops it
[20:45] * TheGreyElf laughs
[20:46] <TheGreyElf> And this is not one of them
[20:46] <Matsumi Kaze> ...........
[20:46] * Matsumi Kaze punches greyelf in the face "very funny"
[20:46] <David O`Cain> Nice going, a[BLEEP]le.
[20:48] <TheGreyElf> Tsk.
[20:48] <TheGreyElf> Yes, punch me in the face for a joke. That oh so makes things better
[20:49] <Matsumi Kaze> makes me feel better :D
[20:50] <TheGreyElf> Did you take insanity pills this morning or something?
[20:51] <Matsumi Kaze> no this is just me
[20:53] <David O`Cain> Had it been me, I'd have given you a faceful of buckshot or a 10mm hole in the head.
[20:54] <Matsumi Kaze> david...down boy
[20:54] <David O`Cain> Sorry.
[20:57] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[20:58] <David O`Cain> :P
[21:04] * Matsumi Kaze watches the sea
[21:12] * David O`Cain leans back in his beach chair as he relaxes
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> you look like an old man :P
[21:20] <David O`Cain> Hey. How else can I relax without actually sitting on the sand? :P
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> true true
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> it's so quiet out
[21:24] <David O`Cain> Yeah. Nothing but the sound of the waves.
[21:37] * Prinnies at this moment cause something to explode further down the beach
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> what the...
[21:38] <TheGreyElf> Correction. Sound of waves an explosions
[21:39] <David O`Cain> Er, yeah.
[21:43] <Matsumi Kaze> yup
[21:59] * Matsumi Kaze looks up at the stars
[22:05] * Eiry is back
[22:07] * Eiry comes back out. reading a book of Victorian fairy stories
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> hi, eiry
[22:13] <Eiry> hey
[22:13] <David O`Cain> Hello.
[22:17] <Eiry> You have some interesting things down there.
[22:17] <Eiry> In the library, I mean.
[22:17] <Matsumi Kaze> heh well I hope so....hope the construction didn't bother you while you were down there
[22:18] <Eiry> Nope.
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> good!
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm getting a study room/regular room constructed for Matsuo
[22:19] <David O`Cain> That's very nice of you.
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> he's my brother
[22:21] <Eiry> With a sleeper couch?
[22:21] <Eiry> For all the time he spends sleeping there?
[22:21] <Eiry> Or maybe a daybed...
[22:21] <Eiry> Those are always nice
[22:22] <Matsumi Kaze> I'll tell you when it's finished
[22:24] <Matsumi Kaze> :)
[22:26] * Plushie-chan is back
[22:27] * Plushie-chan walks down the beach her face stuck in a book of her own, the same one she was reading last night actully.
[22:28] <Eiry> Mhm.
[22:29] <Eiry> Maybe I'll go home this weekend...
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> oh????
[22:33] <Matsumi Kaze> why?
[22:34] <Eiry> Labor day?
[22:34] <Eiry> long weekend
[22:34] <Eiry> can i haven't been in a bit
[22:34] <Eiry> *and
[22:34] <Matsumi Kaze> ooooh
[22:34] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yeah...
[22:35] <Matsumi Kaze> sometimes I miss having the labor day holiday
[22:36] <Eiry> It's nice.
[22:36] <Eiry> And my full time employees enjoy the time off
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> niiiiice
[22:40] <David O`Cain> I haven't been able to have that day off.
[22:44] <Matsumi Kaze> well david you live in japan
[22:46] <Matsumi Kaze> we don't have labor day as a holiday :P
[22:46] <David O`Cain> Even in the US. :/
[22:46] <Eiry> Become your own boss and you can do that.
[22:47] <Matsumi Kaze> ooooh I see
[22:51] <David O`Cain> Yeah. But I still have the option of taking days off, though.
[22:54] <Matsumi Kaze> nice
[23:08] *** Eiry [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:14] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (better head home)
[23:17] *** David O`Cain [] has quit IRC (I better get going.)
[23:29] *** Adorable Kitten [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:29] <@spiritflame> irasshai Adorable Kitten
[23:30] * Adorable Kitten pads up to where everyone was standing.
[23:30] * Adorable Kitten gingerly sniffs the place where David O'Cain was...
[23:31] * Adorable Kitten sniffs the place where Matsumi Kaze was.
[23:31] * Adorable Kitten perks it's tail up.
[23:31] * Adorable Kitten sniffs the place where Eiry was.
[23:31] <Adorable Kitten> Hissssss!
[23:31] * Adorable Kitten runs away.
[23:31] *** Adorable Kitten [] has quit IRC (Meow?)
[17:35] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[17:35] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[17:35] * Matsuo Shin walks out and sits in the sand..writing in a journal
[17:45] <Matsuo Shin> heh
[17:51] * Matsuo Shin watches the waves and keeps writing
[18:15] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:15] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood
[18:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[18:15] * @Wolfwood lights a cigar
[18:49] *** Plushie-chan [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:49] <@spiritflame> irasshai Plushie-chan
[18:56] <zairafirefly> wolf, you still here?
[19:01] <zairafirefly> guess not
[19:01] * zairafirefly is away
[19:02] * keeps writing
[19:03] <Matsuo Shin> ^
[19:03] <@Wolfwood> Yessum?
[19:14] <@Wolfwood> Hmm.
[19:15] *** @Sailor Quinox has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:15] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Sailor Quinox
[19:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Sailor Quinox
[19:15] * @Sailor Quinox comes out of the currently swordfighting an undead ninja-pirate cyborg warrior
[19:15] <@Sailor Quinox> hi guys :D
[19:15] <@Wolfwood> I have chicken. I am watching Dolph Lundgren. There is Swedish power metal playing.
[19:15] <@Wolfwood> Today is a good day.
[19:16] <@Wolfwood> Having fun are we?
[19:16] <@Sailor Quinox> very much so :D
[19:16] * @Sailor Quinox cuts off the ninja-pirate's ÜBER electro claw hand
[19:17] <TheGreyElf> Need any help?
[19:17] <@Sailor Quinox> nope..think I have it under control
[19:18] <@Wolfwood> fun times
[19:18] <@Sailor Quinox> how are you doing, wolf?
[19:19] * @Sailor Quinox is confronted by two kung fun monkeys
[19:20] <@Sailor Quinox> things going well for you?
[19:21] <@Wolfwood> Things go well.
[19:21] <@Wolfwood> Sweed metal makes everything better
[19:21] <@Sailor Quinox> I'm glad to hear that!
[19:21] * @Sailor Quinox has an epic kung fu battle with the monkeys!
[19:22] <@Wolfwood> me eats chicken
[19:22] * @Wolfwood ^
[19:26] * @Sailor Quinox defeats the last monkey..and destroys the undead ninja-pirate cyborg
[19:26] <@Sailor Quinox> well that was fun!
[19:29] * @Sailor Quinox sits on a rock
[19:30] * @Wolfwood offers chicken
[19:31] <@Sailor Quinox> thankies
[19:31] * @Sailor Quinox takes the chicken and eats
[19:33] <@DisgruntledDuelist>
[19:33] *** @DisgruntledDuelist [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (the following image was brought to you by the Ministry of Cute Cats)
[19:36] * @Wolfwood is away: chicken and metal
[19:38] <@Sailor Quinox> d'awww
[19:54] *** Adorable Kitten [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:54] <@spiritflame> irasshai Adorable Kitten
[19:54] <Adorable Kitten> Meow?
[19:54] * Adorable Kitten trots into the kitchen
[19:55] * Adorable Kitten pads around.
[19:56] * Adorable Kitten flops on its back and shows it's tummy.
[19:57] * @Sailor Quinox is sitting on a rock
[19:57] * Adorable Kitten grabs a length of string, and carries it through the door and onto the beach.
[19:58] * Adorable Kitten looks around. "Mew?"
[19:59] * Adorable Kitten looks at Sailor Quinox.
[19:59] *** Sailor Quinox is is the senshi of Air. Her powers are tied to the very air in the sky as opposed to simply wind. Wearing a blue and green fuku, she seeks to protect the innocent from harm and save those she loves
image Song is: SKILL by Jam Project.
Sailor Quinox is an IRC Operator - Channel Administrator
[19:59] * Adorable Kitten pads up to Sailor Quinox. "Meow!"
[20:00] * Adorable Kitten paws at Sailor Quinox' toe.
[20:00] <@Sailor Quinox> heh hello there
[20:02] * Adorable Kitten pulls the string behind it, and struggles with it in the sand.
[20:02] * @Sailor Quinox reaches back..and crushes the skull of the wounded ninja-pirate cyborg in her hand as it tries to attack her from behind
[20:04] <@Sailor Quinox> heh
[20:04] * Adorable Kitten perks its tail up, and tries to looks scary when it hears the noise.
[20:05] * Hidden Camera is recording the Ninja Pirate Zombie Robots from a treetop further up the beach...
[20:06] <@Sailor Quinox> these things can get really annoying
[20:07] * @Sailor Quinox turns around...and does a multi-air blast to clear away the destroyed bodies
[20:07] * Adorable Kitten tries scuffle Sailor Quinox' fuku, clawing and kicking the part lowest to the sand.
[20:07] * Adorable Kitten holds on for dear life!
[20:07] <Adorable Kitten> Meow!
[20:09] * Adorable Kitten falls off the Fuku and onto the sand. It looks suprised, and there is sand in its whiskers.
[20:10] <Adorable Kitten> Mew!
[20:10] <@Sailor Quinox> awww
[20:10] * Adorable Kitten shakes it's head, and closes it's eyes, curling up against the rock.
[20:12] * Adorable Kitten snoozes.
[20:12] * @Sailor Quinox relaxes...
[20:15] * Adorable Kitten curls up around Sailor Quinox' foot, and purrs softly.
[20:27] * Adorable Kitten is away: (zzzzz)
[20:30] * @Sailor Quinox watches the sea
[20:38] <@Sailor Quinox> ..wonder what the heck michiru sees in this
[20:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Sooooooooooooooooo
[20:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm thinking of finally adding a user-manipulable gallery to the site.
[20:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I can't do it with Wikimedia so I'm going to install a secondary wiki that I use for my tech notes.
[20:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's called Dokuwiki.
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It has many plugins, one of which is a gallery plugin.
[20:42] <@Sailor Quinox> (( cools ))
[20:42] <@Wolfwood> Might I make a suggestion?
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Then, once I get it working, you lot can have at it.
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yesh.
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> (Plus this wiki needs no database)
[20:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> (Which is awesome++)
[20:43] <@Wolfwood> Is there any way to add a feature to the box that we could switch on / off that makes a noise when someone posts like in the Chatango
[20:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No. I've wanted that for ages
[20:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I've experimented with it
[20:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But it's never worked.
[20:44] <@Wolfwood> Sadface.
[20:45] <@Wolfwood> Curse you technological limits
[20:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ehh, ironically my quest for notification noise probably ruined my life, but we won't go into that.
[20:45] <@Wolfwood> Also Chatango is now Sidebar II: Electric Boogaloo
[20:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's one of those historicalouchies that happen from time to time
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> Such is life
[20:47] * Adorable Kitten wakes up.
[20:48] <Adorable Kitten> Mew?
[20:48] * Adorable Kitten wanders into the House.
[20:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> She doesn't come around anymore.
[20:48] *** Adorable Kitten [] has quit IRC (Meow?)
[20:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I wonder if she even existed, now <_<
[20:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Hmm.
[20:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Not a mystery I wish to deve into.
[20:49] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio seeks Fresca.
[20:49] <@Sailor Quinox> hmmmm....
[20:53] * @Wolfwood sighs
[20:54] <@Sailor Quinox> hm?
[20:54] <@Wolfwood> Thinking.
[20:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> About?
[20:56] <@Wolfwood> Time. I've seen too much of both the good and bad.
[20:56] <@Sailor Quinox> what do you mean?
[20:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Mmm.
[20:58] <@Wolfwood> Its hard to explain.
[20:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Tired of the ups and downs
[20:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ?
[20:59] <@Wolfwood> Yes and no
[20:59] <@Wolfwood> I find myself likeing to people watch.
[21:00] <@Wolfwood> The more I watch the more I see more bad then good.
[21:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I never do that unless I have to.
[21:00] <@Wolfwood> I find myself looseing faith in the good.
[21:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I just see things I lack.
[21:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Mmm, you do your best to foster the good around you
[21:01] * @Sailor Quinox looks at the sea
[21:01] <@Sailor Quinox> never lose sight of the good
[21:01] <@Sailor Quinox> it's always there..if you just look closely
[21:01] <@Wolfwood> I try, but sometimes I find myself faltering to the bad too.
[21:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well when life hurts, it hurts.
[21:02] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It takes a long time to overcome.
[21:02] <@Wolfwood> I use to be in less controll of my ability to balance good and bad then I am now.
[21:02] <@Wolfwood> It cost me alot.
[21:03] * @Sailor Quinox gets up..walks over...and gives wolf a hug
[21:03] <@Wolfwood> Thanks.
[21:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Mmm.
[21:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm so young.
[21:04] <@Sailor Quinox> huh?
[21:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But I remember all the struggles of my component ancestors.
[21:04] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio was born in May.
[21:05] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Frustration and sorrow.
[21:05] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Runs under the surface, rarely gets out.
[21:05] * @Sailor Quinox sits in the sand
[21:05] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Always put on the smiling face for the crowd.
[21:05] <@Sailor Quinox> I'm starting to feel the pressure...
[21:05] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Hmm?
[21:05] <@Wolfwood> Emotions are not something The Overwatch ballance well. The ballance between Good and Evil destroyed my people.
[21:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> S'atricky thing, Balance.
[21:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> The sad thing is, Good people hurt more than Bad in a way.
[21:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Good people are introspective, self-criticizing.
[21:07] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> They keenly feel each wrong.
[21:07] <@Sailor Quinox> ~_~
[21:07] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Bad people shrug off things and move on.
[21:07] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> easily.
[21:07] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Thus they recover more quickly, because there isn't much of an ajustment to be made
[21:08] <@Sailor Quinox> ......................
[21:08] <@Wolfwood> I wish I could find the middle.
[21:08] <@Sailor Quinox> ..but I shrug things off and move on...........
[21:08] <@Sailor Quinox> oh god....
[21:08] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's a severe overgeneralization, but I think it holds true.
[21:08] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Matsumi :P
[21:09] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> obviously some people recover from hits faster.
[21:09] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But you worry like there's no tomorrow.
[21:09] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That's the introspection.
[21:09] <@Sailor Quinox> thanks...I think
[21:09] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Sociopaths lack that self-criticality.
[21:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> They see things only in terms of benefits and drawbacks.
[21:11] <@Wolfwood> Like me.
[21:11] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Hmm?
[21:12] <@Wolfwood> In the beginning. When I first met these people. They were assets. Not friends.
[21:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ahh.
[21:12] <@Wolfwood> I hung around for what I could use them for.
[21:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But you've moved beyond that.
[21:13] * @Sailor Quinox is now known as Matsumi Kaze
[21:13] <@Wolfwood> In some ways, yes. In others, no.
[21:14] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the rock again
[21:15] * Mister Dinsdale is back floating int he water again, knocked out, wearing a dress and marker faced
[21:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Wow someone keeps kicking him into the drink.
[21:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He's STILL out. Impressive.
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> does that happen
[21:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Don't know.
[21:16] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But doesn't he just look like a Sleeping Princess hahaah
[21:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So Wolfwood.. what do you think is still holding you back?
[21:17] <@Wolfwood> ...
[21:17] * @Wolfwood checks Dinsdale's pockets
[21:17] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:17] <@spiritflame> irasshai [gTV]Potamos
[21:17] * [gTV]Potamos smacks Wolfwood upside the head "Stop feeling Jack up mitai na"
[21:17] * Mister Dinsdale has a wallet, some ID cards and a chiclet.
[21:18] * @Wolfwood pockets the chiclet
[21:18] * @Wolfwood spraypaints "DERP" on his back
[21:18] * Mister Dinsdale floats there, floatingly.
[21:19] * Mister Dinsdale is now wearing a princess dress with DERP on the back
[21:19] <@DisgruntledDuelist> nWo style f[BLEEP]kerz!~
[21:19] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is prettyr sure this was a scene in Hamlet.
[21:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 4life?
[21:20] <@Wolfwood> It's a species trate. We use to be a pure race of good souls. Then we encountered evil. It infected us, we cant ballance it.
[21:20] <@Wolfwood> We all lean towards one or the other.
[21:20] <[gTV]Potamos> MOH!!!
[21:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Hmm.
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[21:21] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> What if you had a spirit pacification?
[21:21] <Matsumi Kaze> excuse me for a second..will you guys
[21:21] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> can do such things
[21:21] * Matsumi Kaze walks over to the other side of the beach..and engages in battle against Clown Captain Ahabs
[21:21] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But who knows what it would do to your persona.
[21:22] * The Ninjas and Switchbalde-wielding Monkeys who usually attack Jack every day for his Kung-Fu time just look at him and shake their heads, walking away
[21:23] * Matsumi Kaze grabs one of the CCA's balloon harpoons and smacks it upside the head with it
[21:23] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> A peace-an-love Wolfwood might break me.
[21:23] <[gTV]Potamos> WHAT'S WRONG WITH JACK KUN!??!?!!
[21:24] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He got kncked out during taraining by the Funk Soul Brother three days ago and has been alternately floating in the water or lying int he sand asleep.
[21:24] * [gTV]Potamos goes into the water and attempts to drag Jack out
[21:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He doesn't seem hurt, but he's not waking up either.
[21:25] * Jack is dragged out of the water, wearing the princess Dress with DERP on the back and markered lines on his face
[21:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yeah. Prinnys got to him.
[21:25] <[gTV]Potamos> ...
[21:25] <@Wolfwood> Peace and love?
[21:25] <@Wolfwood> I am no hippie sir.
[21:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Very Trigunny.
[21:25] <Potamos> does anyone have some clean clothes that fit him mitai na
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze defeats the ahabs
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze walks back over "ok that's done"
[21:26] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I probably do.
[21:26] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is away: TARDIS wardrobe
[21:26] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is back
[21:27] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio obscures Jack and dresses him as Captain Jack Sparrow.
[21:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> There!
[21:27] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is well-pleased with himself.
[21:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well, Jack Sparrow in a Fedora.
[21:27] * @Wolfwood puts a little sail on the back of him
[21:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well, Jack Sparrow in a Fedora with lines on his face.
[21:27] * @Wolfwood turns Jack into a boat
[21:28] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well, Jack Sparrow in a Fedora with lines on his face passed out like a Disney Princess.
[21:28] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well, Jack Sparrow in a Fedora with lines on his face passed out like a Disney Princess who is now a boat.
[21:28] * Matsumi Kaze starts laughing
[21:28] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He is his own Black Pearl.
[21:28] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is actually deadpan saying this
[21:29] * Matsumi Kaze falls over laughing
[21:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Funk Soul Brother implied he'd be awakenex somehow. but via internal catharsis or external stimulus I don' know
[21:30] * [gTV]Potamos starts crying
[21:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...
[21:30] <[gTV]Potamos> don't torture him further mitai na
[21:31] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> D-Don't... cry...
[21:31] <Matsumi Kaze> ...oh...oh I'm sorry...
[21:31] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is flustered now
[21:31] <@Wolfwood> D:
[21:31] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio has no ideas to do about women crying.
[21:31] <@Wolfwood> uh
[21:31] <@Wolfwood> uh
[21:31] <@Wolfwood> i'm...sorry...
[21:31] <@Wolfwood> I uh
[21:32] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio can handle a Dalek, sure! Cyberman, no problem! Woman crying? Oh s[BLEEP]t.
[21:32] <@Wolfwood> s[BLEEP]t.
[21:32] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has left #suburbansenshi2 (In the words of Ancient Taoist masters, Don't start none... Won't be none. )
[21:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He's... alive?
[21:32] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio grabs Dinsdale's hand and wavey-waves it
[21:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He's just sleepig!
[21:32] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio knocks off the boat sail
[21:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> See no more boat!
[21:33] * Thrash opens the door of the pink palmtree "what is going on?????"
[21:33] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio gets some alcohol and rubs off the marker
[21:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Jackie Boy is sleeping and won't wake up
[21:33] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> There all clean and better
[21:33] <Thrash> can you please eliminate the emissions of vibrations...they are giving me a headache
[21:33] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio tries to flashj a reassuring smile to the crying Potamos
[21:34] <[gTV]Potamos> ...
[21:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I am not emitting anything sir!
[21:34] * [gTV]Potamos looks down at Jack and tries to shake him awake
[21:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I have not had beans lately.
[21:34] * Mister Dinsdale flopds around comically
[21:34] <Thrash> ...why is she shaking that corpse?
[21:35] <Mister Dinsdale> ....
[21:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ^
[21:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...
[21:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ixnay on the orpsecay, K?
[21:35] <Thrash> put it in the ground for rassilon's sake!
[21:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> shut uppppppppppppppp~
[21:36] <Thrash> we don't need this vista pollutioned with the stench of rotting flesh
[21:36] <[gTV]Potamos> Jack-kun
[21:36] <[gTV]Potamos> I'm wearing a bikini~
[21:36] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio makes this PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP TALKING face to Thrash which becomes a brillint smile if Potamos looks at him
[21:36] * Mister Dinsdale might have twitched a little
[21:36] <Thrash> alright..freshly dead then
[21:36] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio fumes at Thrash
[21:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> we are trying to not upset the HUMAN
[21:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> and he's PLASTIC
[21:37] <Thrash> is he now?
[21:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> unless he's post-consumer product, he ain't going anywhere!
[21:38] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> he's a bloody nestene duplicate! Where have YOU been!?
[21:38] * Mister Dinsdale is still asleep, but has a smile for some godawful unknown reason
[21:38] <Thrash> ....
[21:38] <Thrash> well a little anti-plastic ought to solve that then
[21:39] * Thrash starts digging in his pockets
[21:39] <Potamos> it's a cute bikini
[21:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> .....................
[21:39] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio just kind of goes and smacks Thrash in the face to wisen him up
[21:39] <Thrash> WHAT WAS THAT FOR
[21:39] * Mister Dinsdale is smiling more now, but still out
[21:39] * Thrash smakes impresario in the face
[21:39] <Thrash> *smacks
[21:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> FOR TRYING TO KILL JACKIE-BOY
[21:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He's my BUDDY!
[21:40] <Thrash> he's a NESTENE
[21:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> (and possibly related to me)
[21:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ....
[21:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He has the soul of a Xadium.
[21:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He's no Nestene.
[21:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Just the body.
[21:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So Jack's my uncle or something if we get literal.
[21:41] <Thrash> oh I see
[21:41] <Thrash> ...why did you not explain that before...
[21:41] <Thrash> instead of babbling like you always seem to do
[21:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Because I didn't think you'd go about randomly trying to kill people you see lying on the beach
[21:42] * [gTV]Potamos sits Jack up against a tree
[21:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I do not babble!
[21:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I explicate.
[21:42] * Mister Dinsdale is sitting up
[21:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Aww he's like an action figure
[21:42] <Thrash> you babble...and you're not that good at it either...
[21:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That's awesome.
[21:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> And I'm sure he has ung-fu grip XD
[21:43] <Thrash>'re babbling
[21:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm... I'm making timely observations!
[21:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Every pun intended on that one!
[21:43] <[gTV]Potamos> nee Jack...
[21:43] <[gTV]Potamos> I'll sit with you until you wake up, okay mitai na?
[21:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ....
[21:44] <Thrash> I will never understand humans
[21:44] * Mister Dinsdale seems to blush a little
[21:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That's but then how will we put funny hats on him
[21:45] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio approches and tries to place a funny hat on Jackie-boy.
[21:45] <Thrash> ........
[21:45] <Thrash> oh yes..I almost forgot you are barely a time-tot
[21:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> you take that baaaack
[21:46] * [gTV]Potamos GLARES at Impy
[21:46] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio places a panda-eared hat on Dinsy-doo
[21:46] <Thrash> it is true though
[21:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> AHHHHGGG
[21:46] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio pulls it back and scampers away
[21:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No funny hats
[21:46] <Thrash> ....
[21:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> D:
[21:46] * Thrash walks over
[21:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> We gotta wake him up
[21:47] <Thrash> young lady...
[21:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Though he seems to be paying attention to Potamos, the ba[BLEEP]rd
[21:47] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio was here all the time and he was stone immobile
[21:47] <Thrash> ignore my ingnorant toddler of a friend
[21:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> T-T---TODDLER
[21:47] <Thrash> if there is anything that we may assist with....simply ask
[21:48] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'll have you know if you summed up the ages of all my constituent parts I'd be OLD!
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Are you sucking up, Thrashy? God, you're a suck up.
[21:49] <Thrash> and yet you act like such a child
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But... you're also right.
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> About helping. Not the child thing.
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I am not a child.
[21:49] <Thrash> of course I'm correct
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So not a child.
[21:49] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio pouts
[21:49] <[gTV]Potamos> Could you get a pillow and blanket?
[21:49] <Thrash> it is one of my better qualities..being correct
[21:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Right.
[21:50] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, maybe I'd better move him inside
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Okay.
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> We'll wake him soon so he won't be a bother to you.
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Although at the rate you're going you might beat us to it.
[21:50] <[gTV]Potamos> Can you get his lower half for me mitai na?
[21:51] * [gTV]Potamos carefully picks Jack's upper half up
[21:51] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio gets his legs
[21:51] * Thrash watches them
[21:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Let's get Plastic man inside
[21:51] <[gTV]Potamos> okay, put him on the couch mitai na~
[21:51] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio lowers him on the couch
[21:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> There ya go, Jackie~
[21:52] <[gTV]Potamos> okay
[21:52] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio hands over the pillow and blnakie
[21:52] <[gTV]Potamos> I'll stay with him so go play outside mitai na
[21:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ....
[21:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I feel like I've been scolded
[21:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But okay :D
[21:52] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio goes outside. "Thanks."
[21:52] * Thrash has just finished building a model of the captial
[21:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Thrash you overachiever.
[21:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You missed a spire.
[21:53] <Thrash> my dear impresario....I'm not an are simply an underachiver
[21:53] <Thrash> ....
[21:54] <Thrash> that was on purpose
[21:54] * Thrash does however fix that
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm a Slacker.
[21:54] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*sitting with Jack-kun*)
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I get that from Sakura.
[21:54] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Sitting with Hiromi, passed out but smiling)
[21:54] <Thrash> ah yes..the delightful woman
[21:55] <Thrash> shame I was when I met her
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Careful. that's my mother / daugther / i don't know
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I HATE BEING A MIX MATCH
[21:57] * Thrash moves his hand back...and activates his sonic ring..collapsing the sand under impresario
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> (( and geez this wiki code is taking forever to load ))
[21:57] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio falls in the pit
[21:59] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> MRRFGRRRGLE
[21:59] <Thrash> oh how did that occur?
[22:00] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio thrashes in the sand
[22:01] <Thrash> ..very funny
[22:01] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio manages to stick out a middle finger
[22:01] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio crawls out of the pit
[22:01] <Thrash> ..and once more childish
[22:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Jackanapes!
[22:02] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio coughs and dusts off his clothes
[22:02] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Gemini's going to murder me. She just washed these.
[22:02] <Thrash> it is your fault for not being observent
[22:03] <Thrash> I find it so quant you decided to pair up with a human
[22:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Pssh, and what of you? Don't you have an arranged marriage waiting ....
[22:03] <Thrash> ...........................
[22:04] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio was about to say "on Gallifrey" and then goes quiet.
[22:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Sorry.
[22:04] <Thrash> ............
[22:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't know your situation vis a vis the Time War.
[22:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm so sorry.
[22:05] <Thrash> yes..well...I apologize as well...I suppose I was being a bit..immature
[22:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nah.
[22:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm much more immature than you.
[22:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's my power.
[22:06] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Youth and exüberance, and all that.
[22:07] <Thrash> no no..I insist..I was..the more immature
[22:07] <wolftouched> well, he does have a companion
[22:07] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I was!
[22:08] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That's not the same thing.
[22:08] <Thrash> no...I WAS
[22:08] <wolftouched> where is she, anyway?
[22:08] <Thrash> she's sleeping
[22:08] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> For We Time Lords, who live so long, companions, friends though they are, are more like Memento Mori...
[22:09] <Thrash> simply drops in the proverable sea
[22:10] <wolftouched> if that's true, then you're very sad creatures.
[22:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> i don't mean it dismissively :<
[22:11] <Thrash> they are quite important in their own way
[22:11] <wolftouched> "drops in the proverbial sea"
[22:11] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That's Thrash, he's an idiot.
[22:11] <Thrash> .......
[22:11] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is terrified of losing Gemini
[22:11] * @Wolfwood is back
[22:12] <@Wolfwood> Is she gone?
[22:12] * Thrash reaches into his pocket.....and throws a dust at impresario's face
[22:12] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio coughs
[22:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Gems?
[22:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> She's just out walking.
[22:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I meant lose as in, when she...
[22:12] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio cant' eve say it.
[22:12] <wolftouched> yeah
[22:13] * Thrash can't help but...chuckle a bit
[22:13] <@Wolfwood> No.
[22:13] <wolftouched> do time lords bond at all?
[22:13] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Why are you chuckling
[22:13] <@Wolfwood> I ment Pota.
[22:13] <@Wolfwood> I a d[BLEEP]k.
[22:14] * Thrash shows impresario a small mirror
[22:14] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yes, we do.
[22:14] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Potamos went inside some time ago.
[22:14] <Thrash> you look..quite amusing..impresario
[22:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...My face... is purple.
[22:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh god I looke like a reject smurf.
[22:15] <Thrash> it is harmless I assure you
[22:15] <wolftouched> oh? what happened, London?
[22:15] <Thrash> the dust wears off in a couple of hours
[22:16] <wolftouched> breaking'l live, but...well, like they say, time heals all things, and you get used to it
[22:16] <@Wolfwood> I was messing with Jack and she got angrt
[22:16] <@Wolfwood> *angry
[22:17] <wolftouched> ah
[22:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Ehh, it's probbaly nothing, Wolf.
[22:18] * Thrash removes a teacup from his pocket and drinks
[22:22] <@Wolfwood> Maybe
[22:24] * Thrash offers another cup to impresario
[22:24] <wolftouched> i think i'll go see how taki's getting on
[22:25] * wolftouched is away
[22:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Thanks :)
[22:26] * @Wolfwood lights a cigar
[22:26] <Thrash> I belive I shall retire to some comtemplation
[22:26] <Thrash> goodnight
[22:26] * Thrash goes back into the bright pink palm tree on the beach
[22:26] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> G'night!
[22:27] *** Thrash has left #suburbansenshi2
[22:27] * Matsumi Kaze has somehow fallen asleep on the beach sand
[22:28] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:28] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[22:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 'Allo Eiry
[22:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I've got to run
[22:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Sorry ><
[22:29] *** @the ɪmpɾesɑrio [in_ex_officio@TARDIS2010.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Let's Go!!)
[22:29] <Eiry> Later Impy
[22:31] <@Wolfwood> Later.
[22:31] <Matsumi Kaze> huh wha
[22:32] * Eiry pokes Matsumi
[22:32] <Eiry> You're sleeping
[22:32] * Matsumi Kaze sits half of her face covered with sand
[22:35] * Matsuo Shin has fallen asleep under a tree
[22:35] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (think I'll head home..*yawn*)
[22:35] <Matsuo Shin> zzzz
[22:35] <Eiry> Hm...
[22:36] * Eiry gets a palm leaf and drags the point across the back of Matsuo's neck
[22:36] * @Wolfwood sips a bottle of rum
[22:36] * Matsuo Shin bats at his neck...
[22:38] <Matsuo Shin> zzzz
[22:38] * Eiry pokes it at his feet
[22:38] * Matsuo Shin gives a kick of his feet
[22:38] * @Wolfwood hums Poker Face
[22:39] * Eiry waves to Brad
[22:40] <Eiry> How are you?
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> oh god
[22:40] <@Wolfwood> uh
[22:41] <Matsuo Shin> zzzzz
[22:41] <Eiry> Not so good?
[22:41] <@Wolfwood> Somewhere in the Twenty Thou area
[22:42] <Eiry> I see.
[22:43] <@Wolfwood> I'm old
[22:43] <Eiry> Any ideas? *points to Matsuo*
[22:43] <@Wolfwood> Not a clue
[22:46] <Eiry> hm...
[22:46] * Eiry is away: brb
[22:48] * @Wolfwood sits on a beach getting drunk
[22:50] * Eiry is back
[22:51] * Eiry has a glass and some ice cubes
[22:51] <Matsuo Shin> zzzzz
[22:52] * @Wolfwood offers Rum
[22:52] * Eiry takes an ice cube and slips it down the back of Matsuo's shirt
[22:52] <Eiry> Not yet~
[22:53] <Matsuo Shin> GAH
[22:54] <Eiry> Hee~
[22:55] * Matsuo Shin jumps up, trying to get the ice cube out
[22:56] <Eiry> Something wrong, Matsuo?
[22:56] <Matsuo Shin> something..cold...on my back ><
[22:58] <Eiry> Oh?
[22:58] <Matsuo Shin> yes ><
[22:58] * Matsuo Shin tears off his shirt trying to get it off
[22:58] <Matsuo Shin> GEH
[22:59] <Eiry> I don't see anything?
[23:01] <Matsuo Shin> well..least it's not freezing my back now ><
[23:01] * @Wolfwood is passed out
[23:01] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has left #suburbansenshi2 (In the words of Ancient Taoist masters, Don't start none... Won't be none. )
[23:02] <Matsuo Shin> Eiry....
[23:02] <Eiry> ....he drinks way too much
[23:02] <Eiry> Hm?
[23:02] <Matsuo Shin> did you at all regret coming with me to the ruins
[23:03] <Eiry> Not really.
[23:04] <Matsuo Shin> was a good time wasn't it
[23:05] <Eiry> Yeah, it was fun...until the crazy stuff. But you don't know what will happen when you set out on something.
[23:06] <Matsuo Shin> heh you never do
[23:06] <Matsuo Shin> all the psychic powers in the world..couldn't tell you what to expect
[23:08] * Matsuo Shin gazes out at the sea
[23:09] <Matsuo Shin> imagine, Eiry...what other wonders there may be in this world...
[23:09] <Eiry> I've heard of some of the places Miara went...was always a little jealous
[23:13] <Matsuo Shin> there are always corners...hidden away..which no one has found
[23:15] <Eiry> Yeah, I know.
[23:16] <Matsuo Shin> and maybe we will find them
[23:17] <Eiry> We?
[23:18] <Matsuo Shin> and me...don't you want to go?
[23:19] <Eiry> I wouldn't always be able to go with you, you know.
[23:20] <Matsuo Shin> I know...but I like to think...most of the time you will be there
[23:21] * Eiry watches Matsuo a bit
[23:22] * Matsuo Shin is smiling....the moonlight playing against his face
[23:24] <Eiry> That...might be nice.
[23:25] * Matsuo Shin shivers a bit
[23:26] <Eiry> Still cold?
[23:26] <Matsuo Shin> sea air is a bit chilly
[23:28] <Matsuo Shin> perhaps I should retire for the night
[23:29] <Eiry> It's so early...
[23:29] * Matsuo Shin picks up his shirt from the sand
[23:29] <Eiry> Or do you have more translating to do?
[23:29] <Matsuo Shin> I have some more translating to do honestly
[23:30] <Matsuo Shin> if only I had more data...
[23:30] <Eiry> Well you're going to have to find some
[23:31] <Eiry> Goodnight, Matsuo
[23:31] * Matsuo Shin smiles and nods
[23:31] <Matsuo Shin> goodnight, Eiry
[23:31] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (.beautiful night)
[23:31] *** Eiry [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[17:05] <@Wolfwood> ♦ Wiki got hit again, we have spam in the wire
[18:01] <zairafirefly> ♦ fixed
[18:15] *** Vilya has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:15] <@spiritflame> irasshai Vilya
[18:15] * Vilya walks out and sets up her canvas
[18:16] * Vilya looks up at the sky
[18:16] * Vilya looks at the sand
[18:16] * Vilya looks at the water
[18:17] * Vilya prepares her oils...and starts painting
[18:18] <Vilya> die Öle beginnen, eine Spitze zu trocknen...
[18:20] * Vilya keeps painting..humming an old Lupa song to herself
[18:21] * Vilya looks at the landscape...squinting
[18:25] * Vilya goes back to her painting
[18:27] *** daylily [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:27] <@spiritflame> irasshai daylily
[18:29] * Vilya has painted a sea of yellow blue and purple
[18:29] <daylily> Hello, Vilya
[18:30] <Vilya> oh hello ^^
[18:31] <Vilya> hov are you today?
[18:32] <daylily> I'm doing fine. You?
[18:32] <Vilya> I am vell....simply vorking on a nev piece
[18:35] <daylily> it looks pretty ^_^
[18:35] <Vilya> thank you ^^ I vas not sure of the sea..but the more I look at it...the clearer the colors come
[18:37] <Vilya> hov are things for you?
[18:37] <daylily> About the same as usual.
[18:37] <daylily> I don't really have very many people to counsel :/
[18:38] <Vilya> I am sorry to hear that :(
[18:40] * Vilya starts working on the sands
[18:40] <daylily> Well there's only 6 of us, including you.
[18:43] <Vilya> that is true
[18:46] <Vilya> does that vorry you?
[18:49] <daylily> Not yet.
[18:49] <daylily> I mean, how many people are really going to think they want to move to a huge city?
[18:50] <Vilya> that is true
[18:53] <daylily> What made you think it would work out for you?
[18:58] <Vilya> I don't know..I just..did
[19:03] <Vilya> it seemed like a good idea
[19:03] <daylily> I wasn't so sure, but Edar did it, and I didn't really have a choice.
[19:04] <daylily> I did have a few problems at the beginning, with so many people and minds about, but I got used to it, and I've grown a lot since I've been training.
[19:06] * Vilya nods
[19:07] <daylily> I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't worked out. When I came here, there was nowhere else I could have gone...
[19:07] <Vilya> least you have friends here....
[19:09] <daylily> I do.
[19:09] <daylily> I do want children, though, so I'll most likely have to move eventually.
[19:09] <Vilya> I don't think I vill ever find anyone
[19:10] <daylily> You should use the office pairing services.
[19:10] <daylily> You just won't find anyone who will come here.
[19:11] <daylily> I haven't yet, anyway.
[19:11] <Vilya> vhat do you mean by office pairing?
[19:14] <daylily> You know, the Office?
[19:15] <daylily> Don't your parents use it?
[19:16] <Vilya> oh..OH YES
[19:16] <Vilya> sorry...the painting has made my attention drift XD
[19:17] <daylily> well they have pairing services.
[19:18] <Vilya> oh I forgot about that
[19:20] <daylily> I didn't realize they had it until I moved here.
[19:23] <daylily> Do you want kids?
[19:23] <Vilya> ....yes
[19:24] <daylily> Then unless you move you're probably going to have to use it.
[19:25] <Vilya> I see
[19:26] <daylily> If you met someone you liked, would you consider giving them up?
[19:27] <Vilya> ...I don't know
[19:28] <daylily> Miara did, and she seems happy...
[19:30] <Vilya> yes
[19:35] <daylily> Well, I should get going. It was nice talking to you, Vilya.
[19:36] *** daylily [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[19:37] * Vilya nods
[19:37] * Vilya finishes her painting...and moves it into the House to dry
[19:37] *** Vilya has left #suburbansenshi2
[20:02] *** Nyan has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:02] <@spiritflame> irasshai Nyan
[20:03] * Nyan pads down the beach and pauses at a tide pool
[20:05] * Nyan blinks...and sees fish in it
[20:06] * Nyan bats at one of the fish
[20:13] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio grooves
[20:13] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio moonwalks across the sand and does the egyptian at the same time
[20:14] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ♫
[20:14] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio is in a fantastic mood
[20:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Zoot de doot doot doot doot
[20:16] * Nyan bats at another fish
[20:17] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nyaaaaaan~
[20:17] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio does thechinese cat paw gesture thingy
[20:18] * Nyan blinks...and pads over to impresario
[20:18] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 'allo!
[20:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Such a cute cute kitty! :D
[20:19] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> My ultra-happy ultracat!
[20:20] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio picks up Nyan and huggles
[20:20] * Nyan paws at impresario's leg
[20:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
[20:20] * Nyan purrs happily
[20:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ^^
[20:21] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:21] <@spiritflame> irasshai [gTV]Potamos
[20:21] * [gTV]Potamos comes out of the house
[20:21] <[gTV]Potamos> nee, Jack-kun is still asleep mitai na
[20:21] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 'Allo Potamos-- ahh.
[20:21] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio puts Nyan down
[20:22] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio pacingly ponders the problem
[20:22] * Nyan blinks...and pads over to potamos
[20:22] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He can't be completely comatose, he's reacting to your stimuli.
[20:23] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio taps the side of his head, thinking.
[20:24] * Nyan paws at potamo's leg
[20:26] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Maybe if I get to put him through the mountain...
[20:26] <[gTV]Potamos> Uwaah, kitty!
[20:26] * Potamos looks at Nyan.
[20:26] *** Nyan is unusual cat, with red patterns on it's fur and bright golden eyes. It has a gold ring around it's tail.
His image Song is: .
[20:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nyan is the happiest, friendliest cat there is
[20:27] * [gTV]Potamos picks up Nyan and puts him in her lap
[20:27] * Nyan rubs his head against potamo's hand
[20:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Such a good oby, aren't you Nyan!
[20:28] * Nyan presses the box around his neck "I am!"
[20:29] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Does Nyan want a fish?
[20:29] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio finds one for him
[20:29] <[gTV]Potamos> ...
[20:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I made him a talky box
[20:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I forget who he sounds like now, I think it's Rhett Butler
[20:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You know the Ultramen? He's an Ultra Cat
[20:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> so he literally is all sunshine and lollipops
[20:30] <Nyan> ♦ I'm from the Cat Star..and I'm here to make everyone happy!
[20:31] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio scritches Nyan behind the ears
[20:31] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> LOL Dimitri hates you so much for being chirpy XD
[20:32] * Nyan purrs
[20:32] <Nyan> ♦ why does strange man hate me?
[20:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He suspects everyone.
[20:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Kind people even more so.
[20:32] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I wonder if a Taser would wake up Jack
[20:33] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio fishes around in his pockets
[20:34] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:34] *** @spiritflame sets mode +o @Wolfwood
[20:34] <@spiritflame> irasshai @Wolfwood
[20:34] <@Wolfwood> Gentlemans.
[20:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> How are you Gentlemen
[20:34] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:34] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[20:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> All your Base are... hahaha
[20:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I can't do ti with a straight face
[20:35] <Nyan> ♦ hello new person!
[20:35] <@Wolfwood> .....
[20:35] <@Wolfwood> you know.
[20:35] <@Wolfwood> It frightens me that seeing this s[BLEEP]t is'nt weird any more.
[20:35] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Heee~
[20:36] <[gTV]Potamos> Hi Brad-kun!
[20:36] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio goes inside and Tases Jack
[20:36] <@Wolfwood> (( I are killing times before Resident Evil Afterlife midnight release ))
[20:36] <@Wolfwood> Uh...err....Pota! Hey.
[20:36] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio gets negative results.
[20:36] <Eiry> Hope you weren't too hung over this morning, Brad
[20:36] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio comes back and looks for a pin.
[20:36] <@Wolfwood> i'm...really sorry about....what happened
[20:37] * @Wolfwood thumb-twiddles
[20:38] <[gTV]Potamos> ...
[20:38] <[gTV]Potamos> hold on
[20:38] * [gTV]Potamos goes inside
[20:38] <Eiry> ...
[20:38] <Eiry> Thaaaat doesn't sound good.
[20:38] * Mister Dinsdale twitches, a lot, but is still out
[20:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> OH COME ON! I *TASERED* YOU.
[20:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> YOU DIDN'T EVEN MOVE I HATE YOU
[20:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That's it.
[20:39] <@Wolfwood> OH IF YOU KILLED HIM I SWEAR TO GOD.
[20:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm getting a car battery and two leads.
[20:39] <@Wolfwood> I...w..
[20:39] <Nyan> ♦ I can go into his dreams if you want!
[20:39] <@Wolfwood> Kinky tonight are'nt we.
[20:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You're going to wake up even if it kills you.
[20:40] *** Plushe-chan has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:40] <@spiritflame> irasshai Plushe-chan
[20:40] <Eiry> Maybe his body it sleeping for a reason.
[20:40] <Eiry> *is
[20:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Reason! Reason!
[20:40] <Plushe-chan> If he doesn't wake up soon I'm going to give up on makeing him a new one
[20:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't do reason!
[20:41] <Nyan> ♦ will waking him up bring happiness?
[20:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm the Impresario. I make things happen!
[20:41] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio goes to find a car.
[20:41] <Eiry> Would Gems stop you?
[20:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Maybe, but she's not here XD
[20:41] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio grins
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 'Sides, I'm not really going to kill him
[20:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Just... introduce a high voltage current into his bits.
[20:43] <Eiry> Doesn't shock therapy do nasty things do your brain and stuff?
[20:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He;s tough.
[20:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ..I'm pretty sure he's tough.
[20:43] <Eiry> ...
[20:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...mostly sure.
[20:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 99%
[20:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 90.
[20:43] <Potamos> - don' it. -
[20:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Maybe 70.
[20:43] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio freezes
[20:43] <Eiry> I look tougher than him
[20:43] <@Wolfwood> Wow.
[20:44] <@Wolfwood> Its been a year.
[20:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Eep.
[20:44] <@Wolfwood> Or no.]
[20:44] <Eiry> Eh? Since what?
[20:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well if you have a better idea
[20:44] <@Wolfwood> It will BE a year in October.
[20:44] <[gTV]Potamos> A year?
[20:44] <@Wolfwood> I asked my girlfriend to marry me.
[20:45] <@Wolfwood> It'll be a year in October.
[20:45] <Eiry> Wow, really?
[20:45] <@Wolfwood> Yep.
[20:45] <Eiry> And you haven't set a date yet?
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> Have you ever been married?
[20:46] <[gTV]Potamos> Well sometimes these things take time you know, mitai na...
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> Lotta s[BLEEP]t to plan.
[20:46] <Eiry> No, but my sister is.
[20:46] <Eiry> Depends what you want to do
[20:46] <Eiry> But you can't do ANYTHING without a date.
[20:46] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I've never been, but some of my memories are from married people.
[20:46] <Eiry> No one will book you.
[20:46] <@Wolfwood> And it don't help when every other weekend I have to jet set to some third world mud puddle ><
[20:46] * Nyan blinks and listens
[20:47] <Eiry> You can't set a date far enough in advance and continuously not book work for that day?
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> You. With the logic.
[20:47] <@Wolfwood> Shut up.
[20:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh, there's enough wealthy people here that I think a booking would be simple.
[20:48] <@Wolfwood> Hm.
[20:48] <Eiry> You can't book without a date.
[20:48] * @Wolfwood texts Rose about an October wedding
[20:48] * @Wolfwood is listening to: Chris Brown ft. T-Pain - Kiss Kiss.mp3 [128 kbps]
[20:49] <Michael Sunnyside III> Mr. Wolfwood~
[20:49] <Michael Sunnyside III> How are my Wild Geese coming along?
[20:49] <@Wolfwood> Yessum
[20:49] <@Wolfwood> heh
[20:49] <@Wolfwood> heheh
[20:49] <Eiry> But so long as you don't want anything spectacular and show stopping, you can do a wedding in a few months, or even weeks if you're okay with low key and stuff.
[20:49] <@Wolfwood> hehehehehehehehe *ahem* fine.
[20:49] <Nyan> ♦ who is the strange man?
[20:49] * Michael Sunnyside III grins.
[20:49] <Nyan> ♦ he smells weird
[20:49] <Michael Sunnyside III> Good!
[20:49] * Michael Sunnyside III claps
[20:50] <@Wolfwood> They are nearly ready.
[20:50] * Michael Sunnyside III pulls out a wad of bills
[20:50] <@Wolfwood> I have a friend in Laos who has donated us a
[20:50] * Michael Sunnyside III waves it in front of Wolfwood.
[20:50] * CardShopOnna texts back in the affirmative, but needs to be in the middle of the month
[20:50] <@Wolfwood> hemdmf money
[20:50] <Michael Sunnyside III> That's for your wedding.
[20:50] * @Wolfwood texts back an "Ok"
[20:50] * Michael Sunnyside III pockets it.
[20:51] <Michael Sunnyside III> I will take care of whatever you need.
[20:51] <@Wolfwood> Thank you sir!
[20:51] <Michael Sunnyside III> No problemo! But you have to stay alive to earn it.
[20:51] *** Michael Sunnyside III [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (That's my condition.)
[20:51] <@Wolfwood> Lol its me it don't matter ither way.
[20:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Heh.
[20:52] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio gets an air horn
[20:52] <@Wolfwood> You. With the grey and the red.
[20:52] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio goes inside and blows it in Din... hello?
[20:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> What?
[20:52] <[gTV]Potamos> ...Are you gonna use that to wake up Jack-kun?
[20:52] <@Wolfwood> With the memories and whatnot.
[20:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I was going to
[20:52] <@Wolfwood> Do you know where the other yous are.
[20:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> What WOLF WHAT
[20:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> There are no other me's
[20:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm not a Xadium.
[20:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm a descendant.
[20:53] * @Wolfwood stuffs a thousand dollar bill in his pocket
[20:53] <@Wolfwood> FIND a Xadium.
[20:53] * Nyan hops down onto the sand
[20:53] <@Wolfwood> I need a best man.
[20:53] <Eiry> Brad, have Rose give me a call, ok?
[20:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Dinsdale has the soul of an X, the other one is stuck with Sakura and Minako half way across the World and The OTHER was killed and became the Corruptor.
[20:54] <@Wolfwood> Sure will Eiry.
[20:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So there's only one left, the one with Minako.
[20:54] <Eiry> Where're they?
[20:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> And I'm not about to De-fobwatch Dinsdale.
[20:54] <@Wolfwood> Yes. THats the one I want.
[20:54] <@Wolfwood> I'll watch him.
[20:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That X was ... damaged so many times by people he's better off Dinsdaled.
[20:55] * @Wolfwood cranks techno
[20:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> That X ... I dunno I'd have to go fight my arch enemy to find him.
[20:55] * @Wolfwood dances
[20:55] * Nyan spots a crab and pads over to it....looking it over
[20:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Which... is inevitable I guess.
[20:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Gemini will kill me if she finds out.
[20:56] * Crab waves a large claw ad Nyan threateningly
[20:56] <[gTV]Potamos> Brad...
[20:56] * Nyan pokes at it with his tail...exprementaly
[20:56] * @Wolfwood is listening to: BT Feat. The Roots - Tao of the machine.mp3 [128 kbps]
[20:56] <[gTV]Potamos> Don't hurt Jack.
[20:56] <@Wolfwood> don't worry. plan.
[20:56] <@Wolfwood> You. Pota. Join with me in the danceing.
[20:56] * Crab pinches Nyan's tail painfully and scurries away
[20:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Why did the Funk Soul Brother hit him so hard
[20:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> OOH you cheeky crab.
[20:57] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio goes and picks up Nyan
[20:57] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio pats his tail and applies some nanosalve
[20:57] <Nyan> O_O
[20:57] * Nyan 's tail gets covered....and nyan goes competly limp
[20:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ....
[20:57] <Nyan> ...........
[20:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nyan?
[20:58] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio shakes him very gently
[20:58] * Nyan is limp...breathing slowly
[20:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nyan. this isn't funny
[20:58] * Eiry sighs, and stares out at the water
[20:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> What's wrong?
[20:58] * Nyan barely regesters impresario
[20:58] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio rubs off the Salve thinking it's a reaction to it
[20:58] * Nyan 's ring loses the salve...and perks up
[20:59] * Mister Dinsdale is being slowly stolen by ninjas
[20:59] * Nyan blinks, going back to normal
[20:59] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> What happened to you, cat?
[20:59] <Eiry> ...
[20:59] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> And what are you ninjas doing.
[20:59] * Nyan sees the ninjas....
[20:59] * [gTV]Potamos leaps up
[20:59] * [gTV]Potamos chases after the ninjas
[20:59] <Nyan> ♦ are they making someone unhappy?
[21:00] <Random Ninja #1> We're... borrowing the mannequin sir
[21:00] <[gTV]Potamos> ...
[21:00] <[gTV]Potamos> Uh...
[21:00] <[gTV]Potamos> did...
[21:00] * Mister Dinsdale coughs hard
[21:00] <[gTV]Potamos> FORGET WHAT I JUST SAID MITAI NA!!!!
[21:00] <Eiry> Hee
[21:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Well THAT did something.
[21:00] <@Wolfwood> DINSDALE. POTA.
[21:00] <@Wolfwood> DANCE.
[21:00] * Mister Dinsdale grumbles a bit, still out of it mostly, but he manages to backhand the ninja
[21:01] *** Random Ninja #1 has quit IRC (MY BRAIN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE)
[21:01] * @Wolfwood does a backflip for one reason or another
[21:01] * Mister Dinsdale stumbles around, looking for all the world like drunken master, but mainly still not here
[21:01] * [gTV]Potamos sits down, her face is pink.
[21:01] <@Wolfwood> Kay.
[21:02] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh Funk Soul Brother, what did you do here.
[21:02] * Nyan blinks..looking up at impresario
[21:02] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio wanders over to Dinsdale and attempts to punch him (lightly)
[21:03] * Mister Dinsdale bobs, weaves and dodges effortlessly
[21:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ....
[21:03] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio whistles.
[21:03] <Nyan> ♦ is he alright?
[21:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He's not all the way back
[21:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But she certainly brought him a long way.
[21:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I mean he's moving about now
[21:04] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Now maybe the taser
[21:04] * Nyan hops down..and pads over to dinsdale..looking at him
[21:04] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio fishes around for it again
[21:05] * Mister Dinsdale wanders over to Impresario and grabs the taser and tases him, placing the taser back in Impresario's pocket as he crumples
[21:05] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> GGHRTHRHRHRK
[21:05] * Mister Dinsdale sits near Potamos
[21:05] <[gTV]Potamos> Jack, are you okay mitai na?
[21:06] <@Wolfwood> >_>
[21:06] <@Wolfwood> <_<
[21:06] <Mister Dinsdale> Mommy I don't like school
[21:06] <Nyan> !!!!
[21:06] * @Wolfwood checks Impresario's pockets
[21:06] * Mister Dinsdale mumbles this like in half asleep mode
[21:06] * Nyan pads over to dinsdale
[21:06] <Nyan> ^impresario
[21:06] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio has loads of crap in his pockets
[21:06] * Nyan is now known as Ultra Nyan
[21:06] <Ultra Nyan> mister impresario?
[21:07] * Seriuously, you are pulling out like... cartloads of stuff
[21:07] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, Jack, it's me mitai na
[21:07] * @Wolfwood attempts to find monies
[21:07] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I don't like school either
[21:07] * [gTV]Potamos smacks Brad's hand
[21:07] <Ultra Nyan> hey you! what are you doing? *points a paw at wolf*
[21:07] <@Wolfwood> What?
[21:07] <Ultra Nyan> I know what to do
[21:07] <Mister Dinsdale> are you my mommy
[21:07] * Ultra Nyan flies up into the air..and fires a beam at a cloud "MANKIUM RAY!"
[21:07] <@Wolfwood> Ok.
[21:07] * Prinnies start hauling the stuff Wolf pulls out of the pockets to try and pawn it later
[21:08] <@Wolfwood> For the record.
[21:08] <@Wolfwood> If he grows a gas mask
[21:08] * Wolfwood has stolen tons of Texas Redbacks from Impy's wallet
[21:08] <@Wolfwood> I'm running
[21:08] * Ultra Nyan fires at the cloud..which changes into a giant bucket...and dumps water on everything
[21:08] *** you win the reference contest
[21:08] <@Wolfwood> (( what did I win? ))
[21:08] *** Deaht from above
[21:09] <@Wolfwood> Oh fun.
[21:09] * @Wolfwood is now soaked
[21:09] *** Your very own spcetre gunship
[21:09] <@DisgruntledDuelist> BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, headshot
[21:09] *** with paintball cannons
[21:09] <Ultra Nyan> :D now they can wake up
[21:09] * Ultra Nyan flies in the air
[21:09] <@Wolfwood> THIS.
[21:09] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio wakes up all wet
[21:09] <@Wolfwood> I APPROVE.
[21:10] * Mister Dinsdale is soaked
[21:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh by Rassilon I've been robbed. And drowned.
[21:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Rob-drowned.
[21:10] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Robowned.
[21:10] * @Wolfwood removes his now soaked suit and just sort of stands around in a Blue Oyster Cult t-shirt and his boxers
[21:10] <Ultra Nyan> yay! they're awake!
[21:10] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:10] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[21:11] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio stays soaking because he don't want to reveal his boxers
[21:11] <[gTV]Potamos> Jack-kun!?
[21:11] * Matsumi Kaze walked in..just in time to get soaked >.o
[21:11] <Matsumi Kaze> ...ew
[21:11] * [gTV]Potamos is soaked as well
[21:11] * Mister Dinsdale opens his eyes
[21:11] <[gTV]Potamos> Jack!?
[21:11] * Mister Dinsdale ... blushes
[21:11] <Mister Dinsdale> H-Hi Hiromi
[21:11] <@Wolfwood> Pants...pants are for sissies.
[21:11] * Mister Dinsdale stretches
[21:11] <Mister Dinsdale> Was I napping?
[21:11] <Ultra Nyan> yay I did it!!!
[21:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> For FOUR Days.
[21:12] <Ultra Nyan> mister impresario..I'm going to go see miss gemini!
[21:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Say hi to her for me!
[21:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But don't tell her I'm going after the Corruptor!
[21:12] * Ultra Nyan flicks his tail and zooms off into the sky
[21:12] *** Ultra Nyan has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:12] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Don't tell _me_ I'm going after the Corruptor, either.
[21:12] * Matsumi Kaze removes her t-shirt and starts to try and wring out the water
[21:12] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, Jack, you're all wet mitai na
[21:13] * Mister Dinsdale looks at his clothes ><
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Well so are you XD
[21:13] <[gTV]Potamos> Um...true
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Did we get rained on or something?
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> I thought I heard your voice...
[21:13] <Matsumi Kaze> geh..stupid...water
[21:13] * Mister Dinsdale shakes his head, trying to recall
[21:13] <@Wolfwood> talking cat summoned a giant bucket
[21:13] <@Wolfwood> you know
[21:13] <@Wolfwood> buisness as usuall
[21:14] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I love this Island.
[21:14] <@DisgruntledDuelist> was it from the anuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus?
[21:14] <@Wolfwood> ♫ Oh no, there goes Tokyo, go go godzila ♫
[21:14] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I hate you, Mike.
[21:14] * gives wolfwood a look
[21:14] <Gojira> ^
[21:14] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio needs mind-bleach
[21:14] * Gojira gives wolf a look
[21:15] *** Gojira has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:15] * Mister Dinsdale rubs his face where Funk Soul Brother had hit it.
[21:15] * Matsumi Kaze hangs her shirt on a tree branch
[21:15] <Plushie-chan> I thought the lyric went "Oh no Godzilla"
[21:15] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee, nee, we should go inside and get changed mitai na
[21:16] <Mister Dinsdale> Yeah, you're right
[21:16] * Mister Dinsdale blushes
[21:16] * Mister Dinsdale does his best not to look and heads inside
[21:16] <@Wolfwood> I must be looking at a bum lyrics page then
[21:16] <Plushie-chan> I'd get out of that dress the prinnies put you int too!
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> it's oh no..there goes Tokyo, go go godzilla
[21:16] <Matsumi Kaze> not oh no godzilla
[21:16] * Mister Dinsdale apparently was wearing jack sparrow clothes
[21:16] <Plushie-chan> I might have just been hearing it wrong. Who knows
[21:17] * Mister Dinsdale quickchanges into one of his dapper white suits (they changed him last night Plushie_
[21:17] <@Wolfwood> ¯\(º_o)/¯
[21:17] * Mister Dinsdale comes back
[21:17] <Plushie-chan> (oh. Ok then. Pity. I wanted to see his reaction
[21:17] <Mister Dinsdale> You know...
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm starting to recall what happened to me while I was out
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> and...
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> ಠ_à²
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> to MOST of it.
[21:18] <[gTV]Potamos> Um, I gotta...
[21:18] * Matsumi Kaze sits in the sand near the tree..waiting for her stuff to dry
[21:18] * [gTV]Potamos realizes that she's wearing a T-shirt, which is now wet
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> ?
[21:18] <Plushie-chan> Do you remember the Prinnies shoveing you in a dress?
[21:18] * Mister Dinsdale is doing his best not to look <_<
[21:18] <Mister Dinsdale> - I DO NOW. -
[21:18] <@Wolfwood> <_<
[21:19] <@Wolfwood> UM
[21:19] <@Wolfwood> ER
[21:19] * @Wolfwood offers towel
[21:19] <Matsumi Kaze> what's the big deal?
[21:19] * Mister Dinsdale is developing a slight ki aura
[21:19] <Plushie-chan> I belive it was Matsumi who gave them the Idea...
[21:19] * Matsumi Kaze is sitting in her green bra and wet jeans
[21:20] <@Wolfwood> Dinsdale is going to hit me is'nt he.
[21:20] <Mister Dinsdale> No I'm not.
[21:20] <Mister Dinsdale> Violence is not the way.
[21:20] <@Wolfwood> Oh good.
[21:20] <@Wolfwood> Hah.
[21:20] <@Wolfwood> Yes it is.
[21:20] * Mister Dinsdale grabs the towel from Wolf and hands it to Hiromi
[21:20] <[gTV]Potamos> Thank you
[21:20] * [gTV]Potamos wraps herself up in it
[21:21] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:21] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[21:21] * Mister Dinsdale whispers to Wolf "you know all your guns? They're Saki's now."
[21:21] <@Wolfwood> ...
[21:21] <@Wolfwood> Oh f[BLEEP]k you.
[21:21] <Eitak_Razal> Well what's the point of being agery if you can't turn somehting into moltin lava
[21:21] <Mister Dinsdale> :3
[21:21] * @Wolfwood gives Dinsdale a wedgie
[21:22] <@Wolfwood> Hate you.
[21:22] * Mister Dinsdale smooths out his hair, damn, was he really out three YIKE
[21:22] * Mister Dinsdale squeaks
[21:22] <Mister Dinsdale> I'll get you for this Brad London
[21:22] * [gTV]Potamos giggles
[21:22] <@Wolfwood> ha ha
[21:22] * Mister Dinsdale sits down and laughs "Just kiddin' ya about the guns"
[21:23] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm just glad to be awake :D
[21:23] <@Wolfwood> I figured as much.
[21:23] <Mister Dinsdale> My dreams weren't all that bad, though <_<
[21:23] <Matsumi Kaze> welcome back
[21:23] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks!
[21:23] * @Wolfwood lights a cigar and sets a bottle of Rum in Dinsdale's lap
[21:23] * Mister Dinsdale buttons his jacket to Warm up
[21:23] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks, buddy
[21:23] * Matsumi Kaze lays against the tree
[21:24] * Mister Dinsdale opens the bottle and takes a swig
[21:24] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> You know Rum doesn't actually make you warmer
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Quiet, Mr. Science :P
[21:24] <[gTV]Potamos> Be right back
[21:24] * [gTV]Potamos goes in to change
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> hey can someone get me a ginger beer?
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm celebrating my return to the land of the living
[21:24] * [gTV]Potamos comes out wearing a sundress
[21:25] * Mister Dinsdale smiles
[21:25] <Mister Dinsdale> You look lovely.
[21:25] *** @Wolfwood [Cliché] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Ah, come Susie dear, let's take a walk Just out there upon the beach I know you'll soon be married And you'll want to know where winds come from...)
[21:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Why thank you~
[21:25] <Mister Dinsdale> hut up Impy ><
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> I guess I will
[21:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> AHAHAHA
[21:25] * Matsumi Kaze heads into the house
[21:25] * Plushie-chan pulls on her sciencey goggles. "He's right though, alchohol constricts the bloodvessles..."
[21:25] * Plushie-chan continues to drone on about this. No one cares
[21:25] * Matsumi Kaze walks back out with a ginger beer....and bonks impresario on the head
[21:25] <Matsumi Kaze> *bops
[21:26] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> oof!
[21:26] <Mister Dinsdale> Yes, you look lovely, Hiromi.
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> :P
[21:26] * Matsumi Kaze opens her ginger beer and drinks
[21:26] <Matsumi Kaze> ..........
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I just realized..I'm standing my bra
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I should probably find a change of clothes
[21:27] * Mister Dinsdale is completely watching Hiromi :P
[21:27] * Matsumi Kaze walks back in the house
[21:28] * Matsumi Kaze walks back out wearing a tanktop
[21:28] <[gTV]Potamos> Thanks...
[21:29] <[gTV]Potamos> I...was kind of saving this up mitai na
[21:29] <Mister Dinsdale> Oh?
[21:31] <[gTV]Potamos> Yeah, I brought it with me and for some reason it was at the bottom of the suitcase, you know
[21:31] <[gTV]Potamos>
[21:31] * Plushie-chan still has her sciencey goggles on. "Gravity!"
[21:32] * Matsumi Kaze sits under the tree, reading her script
[21:33] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm glad it made it out of there :)
[21:37] * Matsumi Kaze mumbles something
[21:37] <Mister Dinsdale> What :P
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> .........
[21:38] <Mister Dinsdale> ....Whoa whoa whoa, whaddid *I* do?
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry...
[21:39] * Matsumi Kaze shrinks behind her script a bit
[21:39] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh it's that play Gems in studying!
[21:39] * Matsumi Kaze quietly goes back to reading...all embrassed
[21:40] <Mister Dinsdale> Don't be embarassed. "The Play's the Thing", after all.
[21:41] <Matsumi Kaze> which I shall catch the concious of the king?
[21:41] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup.
[21:42] <[gTV]Potamos> nee...
[21:42] <[gTV]Potamos> you want to go take a walk or something Jack?
[21:42] <Mister Dinsdale> I'd like that very much :)
[21:42] * Mister Dinsdale smiles softly
[21:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Lead the way, Hiromi :D
[21:43] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Shall we walk?)
[21:43] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (We shall :D)
[21:43] * Matsumi Kaze tries to quietly flip through the script....
[21:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Gems has been studying that intently all week.
[21:45] <Matsumi Kaze> I'm doing it between classes
[21:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> She says it's one of the best scripts she's ever read.
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> still wish I knew who wrote it
[21:47] <Plushie-chan> There was someone who was going working on a script recently. Can't remember her name though
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> maybe the same person
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze> how have you been impy btw
[21:50] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I've been run ragged at work, but having Gems to come back to is amazingly good :D
[21:50] <Matsumi Kaze> always nice to return home to loving embrace and a warm smile
[21:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Yes
[21:51] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio seems pensive.
[21:51] <Matsumi Kaze> what's wrong?
[21:51] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio sighs.
[21:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> The last time I faced the Corruptor, he nearly killed me.
[21:52] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> He's... so far beyond me.
[21:52] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio gives a self-depricating smirk.
[21:52] <Matsumi Kaze> but are you the same person you were before?
[21:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh I've regenerated, had eighty years of EXP..
[21:53] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio 's smirk slowly spreads into a small grin
[21:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I can't beat him...
[21:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...alone.
[21:53] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio whips out a phone.
[21:54] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio dials up someone he never, EVER thought he'd dial.
[21:54] * Matsumi Kaze giggles and grins
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Hello? What? Moshi--- yes.
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I need you.
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> NO not like that you spastic whore.
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I need your power.
[21:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> NO, no not for THAT.
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Will you-- is your mind perpetually in the gutter? !
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Stupid question.
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Look, I will pay money.
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh. Oh now I have your attention.
[21:55] * Matsumi Kaze listens
[21:55] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Are you willing to fight the most Evil Time Lord EVER, for cash monies?
[21:56] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> u bet, bich
[21:56] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> hshshshshshshs
[21:56] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. hi0fives imprassholio
[21:56] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio high-fives back
[21:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> hee~
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze> ...oh my god
[21:56] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> hshhshshshs~
[21:56] *** Beauty_Queen [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:56] <@spiritflame> irasshai Beauty_Queen
[21:56] <Beauty_Queen> I heard money!
[21:56] <Matsumi Kaze>'re f[BLEEP]king serious aren't you
[21:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Oh yes!
[21:57] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio grins and leaps to his feet.
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[21:57] <Matsumi Kaze> more power to you I guess
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Small Lady is the ultimate equalizer.
[21:57] <Plushie-chan> I'll help too
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Small, powerful and incredibly cheap in all senses of the word.
[21:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Sorry, you two are too... orderly for what I have in mind.
[21:58] <Matsumi Kaze> a chaotic force
[21:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I can't stop the Corruptor right now...
[21:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> But I can break him.
[21:58] <Matsumi Kaze> just be careful
[21:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Just long enough to get Xadium-tachi back.
[21:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Careful?
[21:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I'm teaming with Chibiusa.
[21:58] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Careful got left behind the minute I picked up that phone.
[21:58] <Plushie-chan> ... Take Etna and Eitak. They're about equal to Chibi-chan in chaos level..
[21:59] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> HSHSHSHSHS
[21:59] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi strats koffing n khokang with lafftar
[21:59] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi fals on da grund pondang tit
[21:59] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> ♡ ff-fak ur kalling me hhshshshshs ♡
[22:00] * Beauty_Queen throws a Prinny at Chibi-usa
[22:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Sorry this needs to be a two-man job
[22:00] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi is sew ckloase 2 da grund it flieaz ovar har n masses
[22:00] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> ..|..
[22:01] <Matsumi Kaze> (( HATE IT ))
[22:01] * Beauty_Queen walks over and starts stabbing with her spear. That ain't gonna pass over anyone's head.
[22:01] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi haz roaled ot da wey
[22:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I told you. She's god-level cheap[.
[22:01] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's perfect.
[22:02] *** @the ɪmpɾesɑrio [in_ex_officio@TARDIS2010.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Come. Chibiusa. Let's plot.)
[22:02] * Beauty_Queen snaps and prinnies surrround chibi-sua. There are 100s of em.
[22:02] *** .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (ohshshshshshssh!)
[22:02] <Beauty_Queen> CHEATER
[22:02] <Matsumi Kaze> she is
[22:02] <Plushie-chan> Hmmm
[22:02] * Matsumi Kaze looks at the script
[22:03] <Matsumi Kaze> ..wonder who gets to play Babe..
[22:03] * Plushie-chan is away: I'll be back in a bit (SS3)
[22:05] * Matsumi Kaze coughs
[22:06] <Matsumi Kaze> Why if my name ain't paul bunyan...what's this little critter doing in the snow!?
[22:07] <Beauty_Queen> That sounded awful
[22:07] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[22:08] <Eitak_Razal> Don't listen to her.
[22:09] <Eitak_Razal> I thought it sounded pretty good
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> why..I think it's a little ox...and's blue from the cold...
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> I think I'll call you babe..on a count that you're my babe
[22:10] <Matsumi Kaze> huh....
[22:10] * Matsumi Kaze coughs again
[22:11] <Matsumi Kaze>“ whhhhhy if my name AIN'T paul bunyan!!! what this little critter doing in the snow!?”
[22:11] <Matsumi Kaze> ...yeah that sounds better
[22:11] <Eitak_Razal> What kind of play are you practicing for?
[22:12] <Matsumi Kaze> it's called Paul and Pecos: Folklore of America
[22:13] <FireFly_9> ಠ_ಠ
[22:14] <FireFly_9> ಠ_ಠ
[22:14] * FireFly_9 is away: excellent
[22:14] <Matsumi Kaze> .....WHAT
[22:14] <Matsumi Kaze> WAS THAT
[22:14] <Eitak_Razal> Was... she happy or upset... I can't tell
[22:15] *** SS's own answer to ¯\(º_o)/¯
[22:15] <Matsumi Kaze> ..that is creepy
[22:15] * Plushie-chan is back
[22:15] * Plushie-chan returns munching on a muffin
[22:16] <Matsumi Kaze> probably should practice the intro
[22:17] * Matsumi Kaze flips back in the script and stands
[22:17] <Matsumi Kaze> *ahem*
[22:17] <Matsumi Kaze>“s ladies and gentlemen..”
[22:17] * Matsumi Kaze gestures with her hand to an invisible collegue
[22:17] <Matsumi Kaze>“ yes and children too!”
[22:18] <Plushie-chan> Hmmm
[22:18] * Plushie-chan munchs
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze>“ you know...America has alot of folklore..isn't that right?”
[22:18] * Matsumi Kaze gestures again
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze>“ you've got it!!!”
[22:19] * Matsumi Kaze circles her wrist a bit "blah blah blah..."
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> *ahem*
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze>“ so without further....ado!”
[22:19] <Matsumi Kaze> I just need to memorize those lines
[22:21] * Plushie-chan tilts her head, still munching on her muffin
[22:22] <Matsumi Kaze> can't wait for first read through
[22:24] <Prinny> Where'd you get that muffin dood.
[22:24] <Plushie-chan> I had it...
[22:25] <Prinny (with hat)> hey dood..look what I found dood! *has a shirt*
[22:26] <Plushie-chan> Is that your shirt from before Matsumi?
[22:26] <Matsumi Kaze> .........yes
[22:27] <Prinny (with hat)> found it on a tree, dood!
[22:28] * Matsumi Kaze takes the shirt..and leaps up and sexily lapdances for the prinny into the sea
[22:28] *** Prinny (with hat) has left #suburbansenshi2 (DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooood *splash*)
[22:28] <Matsumi Kaze> .......
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> DAMN YOU GREEN VOICE
[22:29] * Matsumi Kaze kicks the prinny
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> I BLAME YOU GREEN VOICE...I..BLAME..YOU
[22:29] * Matsumi Kaze shakes fist
[22:29] <Plushie-chan> We need to put those things on a leash.
[22:29] * Matsumi Kaze folds her shirt
[22:29] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah seriously
[22:30] * Matsumi Kaze sits back down with her script
[22:30] <Matsumi Kaze> this is going to be an interesting male actors it looks like
[22:32] <Plushie-chan> Eh? Really?
[22:32] <Matsumi Kaze> yeah
[22:32] <Matsumi Kaze> everyone in the unit probably has a part
[22:33] <Plushie-chan> It's like a reverse of olden days then. I've had to sit though some of those old time plays... those dudes could pull off some seriously convinceing women...
[22:35] <Matsumi Kaze> heh yeah I heard about those
[22:35] <Matsumi Kaze> it was the same when I was in florence
[22:37] <Plushie-chan> Of course even going to a Shakespere play while he was alive doesn't make it any less dry
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> hey I like shakesphere!
[22:41] <Matsumi Kaze> they aren't THAT bad
[22:45] <Plushie-chan> It's outdated sex jokes and wordy language
[22:46] <Matsumi Kaze> hey some of the humor isn't that dated
[22:46] <Matsumi Kaze> I just happen to like the plays
[22:47] <Matsumi Kaze> cept for romaeo and juliet....hate that one
[22:47] <Plushie-chan> Huh? Why?
[22:48] <Matsumi Kaze> just....dislike it
[22:50] <Plushie-chan> You have to have a reason
[22:50] <Matsumi Kaze> charcters are a bunch of morons
[22:51] <Plushie-chan> The whole, "Let's pretend we're dead to escape and not tell Romeo" part?
[22:51] <Matsumi Kaze> yes
[22:57] * Matsumi Kaze yawns
[22:59] <Matsumi Kaze> geh I think I'll head tomorrow
[23:00] <Plushie-chan> Later then
[23:00] * Matsumi Kaze picks up her script and her shirt "night!"
[23:00] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:43] <@Wolfwood> So quiet now.
[01:39] * @Wolfwood cranks Bush-Machine Head
[01:39] * @Wolfwood lays on the beach and watches the stars
[10:07] <AMD> This is adorable.
[10:26] <Plushie-chan> Interwesing
[10:30] <@Wolfwood> I dawwed
[11:08] <zairafirefly> that is cool. i might have to go get that when i have money again
[18:23] *** Hideki Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:23] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hideki Kaze
[18:23] * Hideki Kaze walks out...and lays in the sand
[18:25] <Hideki Kaze> *sigh*
[18:29] <Hideki Kaze> peace at last
[18:34] * Hideki Kaze watches the sky
[18:40] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Truly we're in an age of miracles
[18:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I mean...

[18:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> It's finally coming.
[18:41] <Hideki Kaze> (( that's what they said last time ))
[18:41] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So many memes are going to implode.
[18:41] <@DisgruntledDuelist> I'LL BELIEVE IT ONCE IT IS ON STORE SHELVES
[18:42] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> [URL]
[18:42] <@DisgruntledDuelist> until then, THERE IS NO GAME
[18:43] * Hideki Kaze watches the clouds go by
[18:45] <@SpeedRcrX> "When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come and see." I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hell was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. "
[18:45] <Hideki Kaze> interesting
[18:45] <Hideki Kaze> you sound intellegent for once
[18:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Indeed, Haruka.
[18:45] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Indeeeeeeeed.
[18:46] * Hideki Kaze looks over at a tree...
[18:47] <@DisgruntledDuelist> Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman
[18:47] * Hideki Kaze flicks his wrist..a chain coming out of his shirt sleeve...wrapping around a coconut..and dragging it back
[18:47] * Hideki Kaze sits up, flicks his wrist, a feather-shurikin tumbling from his other sleeve..and splits the coconut open
[18:48] * Hideki Kaze drinks the juice from the coconut
[18:49] <ScoutGrl_95>
[18:49] * ScoutGrl_95 is away: tee hee!
[18:49] <@DisgruntledDuelist> was that a whore?
[18:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No that was Serena.
[18:49] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> From Dubiverse.
[18:50] * Hideki Kaze tosses the empty coconut into the ocean...and lays back down in the sand
[18:52] <@DisgruntledDuelist> so i was right
[18:52] <@DisgruntledDuelist> whore
[18:53] <Hideki Kaze> nice..and quiet
[18:53] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Harsh
[18:53] * Mister Dinsdale walks in grooving
[18:53] <Mister Dinsdale> Hi guys!
[18:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Jackie-boy!
[18:54] <Hideki Kaze> hello
[18:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Are you ready for Soul Society?
[18:54] <Mister Dinsdale> Hell no hahaha
[18:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I had a thought...
[18:54] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I wonder how powerful Ultra Nyan is...
[18:55] *** Nyan has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:55] <@spiritflame> irasshai Nyan
[18:55] <Mister Dinsdale> Hmm?
[18:55] * Nyan pads in, licking his paw
[18:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nyaaaan-ichaaan?
[18:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I have a question
[18:56] <Nyan> ♦ hello time master who gives much cuddles!
[18:56] <Nyan> ????
[18:56] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio scoops up Nyan and huggles :3
[18:56] * Nyan purrs happily
[18:56] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio points to Dinsdale
[18:56] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> See the Plastic fellow?
[18:57] * Nyan nods
[18:57] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio scritches behind Nyan's ear
[18:57] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Is it in your power to make him a Human?
[18:57] <Nyan> mwaaaaar ^^
[18:57] <Nyan> ♦ yes!
[18:58] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[18:58] <Mister Dinsdale> :O
[18:58] <Mister Dinsdale> You're s[BLEEP]tting me.
[18:58] <Nyan> ♦ with my mankium ray I can turn something into anything else!
[18:59] <Nyan> :3
[19:01] * Hideki Kaze moves under a tree to take a nap
[19:01] <Mister Dinsdale> I...
[19:01] <Mister Dinsdale> I...
[19:02] <Mister Dinsdale> What... would I have to do...
[19:02] <Nyan> ♦ ??? wha???
[19:03] <Mister Dinsdale> I'll do whatever you want
[19:03] <Nyan> ♦ would this make you happy?
[19:03] <Mister Dinsdale> Yes!
[19:04] * Mister Dinsdale goes and kneels before Impresario so he's eye-level with Nhyan
[19:04] <Nyan> ♦ then that's all I need!!!!
[19:05] * Mister Dinsdale is almost crying
[19:05] <Nyan> ♦ when do you want this????
[19:06] <Mister Dinsdale> ...A-anytime you can!
[19:06] <Nyan> ♦ I can do it now!
[19:06] <Nyan> ♦ would you like that???
[19:06] <Mister Dinsdale> P-please!
[19:07] * Nyan transforms!
[19:07] * Nyan is now known as Ultra Nyan
[19:07] * Ultra Nyan stands before dinsdale
[19:07] <Ultra Nyan> alrighty!!!
[19:07] <Ultra Nyan> MANEKIUM...RAY!!!
[19:07] * Ultra Nyan fires the pink beam at dinsdale
[19:08] <Mister Dinsdale> O_O
[19:08] <Ultra Nyan> there we go!
[19:10] <Ultra Nyan> :3
[19:12] <@DisgruntledDuelist> tooooooooooooooooooooooo simple?
[19:12] * Mister Dinsdale blinks
[19:13] * Mister Dinsdale pokes himself
[19:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Ow...
[19:15] <Mister Dinsdale> It's...
[19:15] <Mister Dinsdale> it's Flesh
[19:15] * Mister Dinsdale KISSES Nyan!
[19:15] <Ultra Nyan> :3 :3
[19:15] <Ultra Nyan> !!!
[19:15] <Ultra Nyan> blargh!!
[19:15] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...
[19:15] * Ultra Nyan coughs
[19:15] <Ultra Nyan> ews!
[19:15] <Mister Dinsdale> SORRY I'M SP HAPPY!
[19:15] * Ultra Nyan floats up a bit
[19:15] * Mister Dinsdale HUGS Nyan!
[19:16] * Mister Dinsdale hugs like Elmyra Duff
[19:16] * Ultra Nyan blinks..surprised by that
[19:16] <Mister Dinsdale> You awesome awesome awesome awesome AWESOME CAT
[19:16] <Ultra Nyan> O_O
[19:16] * Mister Dinsdale is SO HAPPY
[19:17] <Mister Dinsdale> ^_^
[19:17] * Ultra Nyan wiggles
[19:17] * Mister Dinsdale has a death grip on him :3
[19:17] <Ultra Nyan> nyaaaar!
[19:18] <Mister Dinsdale> I OWE YOU MAN
[19:18] <Ultra Nyan> letgoletgoletgo!
[19:19] * Mister Dinsdale lets go
[19:19] <Mister Dinsdale> Sorry sorry ^^
[19:19] * Ultra Nyan floats a bit and tries to fix his fur
[19:19] * Mister Dinsdale pets and preens him
[19:20] <Ultra Nyan> I'm glad I made you happy, human!
[19:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I can't believe you actually made yourself human.
[19:20] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Now you're weaker than ever ><
[19:20] <The Funk Soul Brother> Oh yeah?
[19:20] * The Funk Soul Brother SLAMS Dinsdale with a punch
[19:21] * Mister Dinsdale BLOCKS with his Forearm, there's a thunderclap
[19:21] <Ultra Nyan> oooooow my ears!
[19:21] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...
[19:21] <Hideki Kaze> ..keep it down...
[19:21] <The Funk Soul Brother> That's the same shot that laid his ass out for four days.
[19:21] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...
[19:22] * Mister Dinsdale has an impish grin on his face
[19:22] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> What.... making him human made him stronger?
[19:22] <The Funk Soul Brother> No, man...
[19:22] <The Funk Soul Brother> But the brother got somethin' to live for, now.
[19:23] <The Funk Soul Brother> An' that makes his ass unstoppable.
[19:23] *** The Funk Soul Brother [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Now the real training can start)
[19:23] <Mister Dinsdale> ...
[19:23] <Mister Dinsdale> You mean knocking me out for four days was...
[19:24] *** The Funk Soul Brother [] has quit IRC (just foreplay bro)
[19:24] <Mister Dinsdale> D:
[19:24] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[19:25] <Ultra Nyan> is something wrong D:
[19:25] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No, I'm happy XD
[19:25] <Ultra Nyan> oh good!
[19:25] * Mister Dinsdale chuckles
[19:25] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm happy too :D
[19:25] * Ultra Nyan detransforms
[19:25] * Ultra Nyan is now known as Nyan
[19:25] * Mister Dinsdale can't wait to tell Hiromi the good news!
[19:25] * Nyan licks his paw
[19:26] <Mister Dinsdale> Cat, you are so getting tuna fish.
[19:27] * Mister Dinsdale goes into the house to find some
[19:27] <Nyan> ♦ yaaaay :D
[19:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Jack, just remember-- you bleed and breathe now.
[19:27] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No more tying rocks to yourself and sinking into the water, or letting Saki shoot you.
[19:27] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio shakes his head.
[19:29] * Gemini Sunrise whaps Impy on th' back of th' head
[19:29] <Nyan> ♦ the nice human lady!
[19:29] <Gemini Sunrise> Why're you givin' him grief when it was yer idea to check if Nyan could do it!
[19:30] * Gemini Sunrise smiles kindly at Nyan, pick him up and huggles
[19:30] <Guest> So, Jack is now human... curious
[19:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I was just curious ><
[19:30] * Nyan purrs happily and nuzzles against gemini
[19:30] * Guest is back home after tending to ALice's mom for a few days
[19:30] <Guest> hernia
[19:30] <Guest> ...
[19:30] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I persdonally thought an Auton would have been way more interesting
[19:31] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> 'Allo guest!
[19:32] <Guest> and hi all
[19:32] * Mister Dinsdale brings out a heaping tray of tuna fish
[19:32] * Mister Dinsdale sets it out for Nyan
[19:32] * Nyan sees the tuna and hops down
[19:32] * Nyan pads over and starts eating
[19:32] <Gemini Sunrise> :D
[19:33] <Guest> mmm... tomato salsa with no salt
[19:33] * Hideki Kaze ideally throws a shurikin at a crab
[19:34] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> lol accident time wating to happen
[19:36] // GINGA FLASH // · · Duke Nukem Forever is fully playable and coming soon, says games developer Gearbox and publisher 2K Games. If you're at PAX, there's going to be demo stations on the floor. · ·
[19:37] <Guest> Yay?
[19:37] <@SpeedRcrX> NO.
[19:37] <@SpeedRcrX> THUS
[19:37] *** @SpeedRcrX [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (F[BLEEP]K)
[19:37] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...nigh.
[19:39] * Nyan keeps eating
[19:40] <Guest> lol
[19:40] <Guest> nigh
[19:40] <Guest> anyway
[19:41] <Nyan> ♦ yummy Earth tuna
[19:41] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Yahtzee Weighs in
[19:41] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:41] <@spiritflame> irasshai [gTV]Potamos
[19:41] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Hey Kawanami
[19:41] <Mister Dinsdale> Hiromi!
[19:41] <Mister Dinsdale> Guess what!
[19:41] <[gTV]Potamos> Hey, Akane-chan!
[19:41] <[gTV]Potamos> What?
[19:42] <@DisgruntledDuelist> ya know that review is old dawg
[19:42] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm Human!
[19:42] <@DisgruntledDuelist> april fools old
[19:42] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ...
[19:42] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I hate you, Mike.
[19:42] <[gTV]Potamos> Fu....Fully human?
[19:42] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Hate.
[19:42] <@DisgruntledDuelist> ¯\(º_o)/¯
[19:42] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup!
[19:43] <Mister Dinsdale> Ultra Nyan helped me!
[19:43] <Guest> Poor Crow. So much hate
[19:43] <[gTV]Potamos> Wha?
[19:43] * Nyan is currently happily eating
[19:43] * Red_Crow looks at Guest.
[19:43] *** Guest is Guest, visiting the house. He is 6' tall, and looks normal.
His image Song is: .
[19:43] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Wow a tall generic dude is assessing me.
[19:43] <Guest> And your point is? I usually do that
[19:43] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Nyan can turn anything into anythiung
[19:43] <Guest> usually.
[19:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> So I was wondering if he could turn Jackie human...
[19:44] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> and things went from there
[19:44] <Guest> Alice so owes me
[19:44] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Guest, I'm naming you Bob.
[19:45] *** LOL Cryptography reference
[19:45] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Bob and Alice.
[19:45] <[gTV]Potamos> Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice?
[19:46] <Guest> I do not like being called Bob
[19:46] * Mister Dinsdale gives Nyan more Tuna
[19:46] <Guest> lol
[19:46] <Guest> I know a Bob
[19:46] * [gTV]Red_Crow GRIIINS.
[19:46] * Nyan eats more
[19:46] <Guest> let's just say that his life sucks
[19:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Sorry, Bob :D
[19:46] <Guest> Suuuuucks
[19:46] * Guest grrs
[19:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I'll try not to call you Bob, Bob.
[19:46] <Guest> lol
[19:46] <Guest> I am not annoted
[19:46] <Hideki Kaze> how about fred...
[19:47] * [gTV]Potamos pinches Jack's cheek lightly
[19:47] <Hideki Kaze>“ it's either romana..or fred”
[19:47] <Guest> You will know when I get annoyed when you lie dead
[19:47] <Mister Dinsdale> Ouch! :D
[19:47] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Bring it, Bobby~
[19:47] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Children settle.
[19:47] <Guest> Okay, I can handle Bobbie
[19:47] * Guest settles
[19:48] *** Hana Sagusa has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:48] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hana Sagusa
[19:48] * Michael Sunnyside III walks by and hands both Gemini and Jack Bonsai trees.
[19:48] <[gTV]Potamos> Hehe.
[19:48] <[gTV]Potamos> You feel...really real mitai na
[19:48] * Michael Sunnyside III also hands Hana one as she's here, and Hideki.
[19:48] * Hana Sagusa rushes out of the house "HEY FUC-"
[19:48] <Mister Dinsdale> I am real :D
[19:48] * Hana Sagusa is dragged off by Anni
[19:48] *** Hana Sagusa has left #suburbansenshi2 (I AM NOT GOING TO PLAY A F[BLEEP]KING COW)
[19:48] *** Anni Esko has left #suburbansenshi2 (calm down ><)
[19:48] <Gemini Sunrise> Sunnyside... these trees look... odd
[19:49] * Hideki Kaze sighs at that scene
[19:49] <Michael Sunnyside III> Well I've never been too good at trimming them.
[19:49] <Michael Sunnyside III> But it'll just give you all more reason to work with your Labor Day gifts.
[19:50] *** Michael Sunnyside III [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Happy Labor Day, my employees!)
[19:50] <Hideki Kaze> this is japan..there is no labor day
[19:50] *** Michael Sunnyside III [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:50] <@spiritflame> irasshai Michael Sunnyside III
[19:50] * Michael Sunnyside III pulls out an American flag
[19:50] * Michael Sunnyside III SLAMS it into the ground
[19:50] <Michael Sunnyside III> Not anymore :3
[19:51] <Hideki Kaze> ...ha
[19:51] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> ...What is this, the 1700s? XD
[19:51] <Guest> lol
[19:51] * Michael Sunnyside III is away: *on the phone with whoever's in Charge of Japan this week*
[19:51] <Hideki Kaze> I'm already married to an american
[19:51] <Gemini Sunrise> I'm American!
[19:51] <Mister Dinsdale> Me too! Sort of!
[19:52] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:52] <@spiritflame> irasshai Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.
[19:52] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. comes back, her suit all ripped to shreds, hair disheveled, looking like hell
[19:53] <Guest> What happened to you?
[19:53] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Jack... I got those flasks you wanted... for that Alchemist lady...
[19:53] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. had a hell of a fight with Romanian Gyspies.
[19:53] <Mister Dinsdale> Great news Harriet!
[19:53] <Mister Dinsdale> I don't need them now! I'm human!
[19:53] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ಠ_ಠ
[19:54] *** Hana Sagusa has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:54] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hana Sagusa
[19:54] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> good... so you'll feel it when I KICK YOUR WHITE ASS ACROSS THIS GODDAMN ISLAND
[19:54] <Guest> /fu
[19:54] <Guest> ¯\(º_o)/¯
[19:54] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. tries to lunge for jack but is too jacked up
[19:54] <Hana Sagusa> F[BLEEP]KING F[BLEEP]K F[BLEEP]K...I AM NOT...PLAYING..A...
[19:54] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. just plops into the sand
[19:54] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'll get you later, ba[BLEEP]rd.
[19:54] * Matsumi Kaze drags Hana back...
[19:54] <Mister Dinsdale> Hey I'm sure they'll still come in handy later.
[19:55] * Hana Sagusa is away: LET ME GO!
[19:55] * Matsumi Kaze is away: calm down ><
[19:55] *** LOL Jacked up
[19:55] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[19:55] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. beats the s[BLEEP]t out of green voice
[19:55] *** OW ABUSE! ABUSE!
[19:55] <[gTV]Potamos> moh, hands off Jack mitai na
[19:56] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> Sorry, sorry
[19:56] <[gTV]Potamos> Or I'll sic my former boyfriend on you
[19:56] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. dusts herself off and regains her composure.
[19:56] <[gTV]Potamos> He will defeat you in court with his 1337 lawyering skills!
[19:56] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> ...
[19:56] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> OBJECTION!
[19:56] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm the l33test lawyer here!
[19:56] <Guest> OVERRULED!
[19:57] <Guest> lol
[19:57] <Hideki Kaze> need some peace and quiet
[19:57] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> You're a fnny guy.
[19:57] * Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. leaves the two crates with the Super Dangerous Flasks with the Boss.
[19:58] <Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq.> I'm gonna go... get drunk at the bar in the house and pass out.
[19:58] *** Harriet S. Weinberg, Esq. [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Wake me when we have to hit Soul Society.)
[19:58] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks for the help, Harriet
[19:58] * Mister Dinsdale puts the flasks away for Plushie.
[19:59] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks for having my back, Hiromi
[20:00] <Guest> Sometimes I am
[20:00] *** Guest has left #suburbansenshi2 (I need to talk to Alice)
[20:00] * Nyan finishes eating
[20:00] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♡ Bye, Bob~ ♡
[20:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Must you, Akane?
[20:00] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> Must you.
[20:00] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I must.
[20:01] * [gTV]Red_Crow takes a long sip of coffee.
[20:01] * Nyan pads off to explore
[20:01] *** Nyan has left #suburbansenshi2 (nyannnnn!)
[20:02] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Slow news week has me aggravated.
[20:02] <[gTV]Red_Crow> you hear about that other oil platform that exploded in the Gulf?
[20:02] <Hideki Kaze> yes
[20:02] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> <_<
[20:02] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> No not at all
[20:03] <Gemini Sunrise> Impy why're you lookin' like that.
[20:03] <@the ɪmpɾesɑrio> I know nothing of a platform or a battle tag-teaming with Chibiusa against the Corruptor that foiled his plan to make it spill more oil for the Nestene Conciousness
[20:03] <Hideki Kaze> maybe he knows something
[20:05] <Gemini Sunrise> ¬_¬
[20:07] <Gemini Sunrise> - you been fightin' without me, Impy Darlin'-
[20:07] * @the ɪmpɾesɑrio just makes a homer simpson yelp and runs away
[20:08] *** @the ɪmpɾesɑrio [in_ex_officio@TARDIS2010.sen] has left #suburbansenshi2 (O_O)
[20:08] <Hideki Kaze> heh
[20:08] <Gemini Sunrise> DANGIT!
[20:08] *** Gemini Sunrise [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Chasin' after th' jackass)
[20:08] <Hideki Kaze> isn't it always the case
[20:08] <Mister Dinsdale> Hmm?
[20:08] <Hideki Kaze> nothing
[20:08] <Hideki Kaze> my wife might be listening somewhere
[20:08] <Hideki Kaze> and I'd like my jaw to be intact
[20:09] <Mister Dinsdale> hehe
[20:10] <Hideki Kaze> so much my retreat from worries
[20:11] <Mister Dinsdale> You're speaking Engrish
[20:11] * Hideki Kaze whips a chain..which knocks off dinsdale's hat
[20:11] <Hideki Kaze> quiet :P
[20:12] *** in a move called "Sunnyside's Folly, eccentric billionare Michael Sunnyside III has Purchased Kayuga Island from the Nation of Japan
[20:12] // GINGA FLASH // · · ^ · ·
[20:12] <Hideki Kaze> ...............
[20:12] * Mister Dinsdale grabs his hat
[20:12] <[gTV]Potamos> Nee Jack, where you going?
[20:12] <Mister Dinsdale> He whaaaaaaaaaaaa~?
[20:13] <Mister Dinsdale> Nowhere, he just knocked it off :)
[20:13] <Mister Dinsdale> I had a lovely time walking last night, by the way :)
[20:14] <[gTV]Potamos> Thanks!
[20:15] <Mister Dinsdale> Thank you :)
[20:15] * [gTV]Red_Crow sips her Iced Cappucino
[20:16] <Hideki Kaze> fancy drink
[20:16] <[gTV]Red_Crow> This stuff is concentrated wake-up crack.
[20:16] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I love it.
[20:16] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I bought a machine from some Canadians so I could have it.
[20:17] <Hideki Kaze> just give me some black coffee...
[20:17] <Hideki Kaze> helps with the late nights programming
[20:17] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Mmm... late night deadlines, I know that hell.
[20:17] <Hideki Kaze> it wife hates them
[20:18] * Mister Dinsdale watches the starlit sky and smiles
[20:18] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm glad I can share this view with you, Hiromi
[20:18] <Hideki Kaze> she complains about them alot
[20:19] <Hideki Kaze> can't blame her
[20:19] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Well they take you away from her.
[20:19] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I'm single, so I don't have to worry about stuff like that,
[20:19] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I just follow the story.
[20:19] <Hideki Kaze> maybe someday you will
[20:19] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Maybe.
[20:20] * [gTV]Potamos blushes
[20:20] <[gTV]Red_Crow> It's not a priority for me right now, though.
[20:20] <Hideki Kaze> makes sense
[20:20] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I'm just glad to be doing what I love rather than being Galaxia's battle Thrall.
[20:20] * Mister Dinsdale smiles softly
[20:21] <Hideki Kaze> I'm sure
[20:21] <Hideki Kaze> myself..I'm glad to have someone to love...
[20:22] <Hideki Kaze> and actually care about me
[20:22] * A Random Ninja has brought many kinds of pizza. Enjoy
[20:22] <Mister Dinsdale> I hear that.
[20:24] <Mister Dinsdale> To want to care for someone and not be able to is the worst thing ever.
[20:24] <[gTV]Potamos> so...
[20:25] <[gTV]Potamos> what...have we got here
[20:25] * [gTV]Potamos looks over at the pizza
[20:25] <Mister Dinsdale> Hmm? HAwaiian, Pepperoni, Chicago style, Deep Dish meat lover's
[20:25] * Hideki Kaze walks over and grabs a slice
[20:25] <Mister Dinsdale> A lot of stuff.
[20:26] *** Hana Sagusa has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:26] <@spiritflame> irasshai Hana Sagusa
[20:26] <[gTV]Red_Crow> 2K Games twittered confirmation of DNF with Gearbox
[20:26] * Hana Sagusa walks out of the house...with Matsumi and Anni holding onto her..trying to drag her back
[20:26] <Hana Sagusa>
[20:26] <Mister Dinsdale> Damn, the world might just be ending after all.
[20:28] <Hana Sagusa> ><
[20:30] <Hideki Kaze> .....
[20:30] * Hideki Kaze goes back to eating his pizza
[20:30] * Hana Sagusa gets dragged back into the house, kicking and screaming
[20:31] * Hana Sagusa is away
[20:31] <Mister Dinsdale> So glad I'm not in an acting troupe
[20:31] <Hideki Kaze> I have nothing to do with it.......apperently I'm ticket taking
[20:32] <Mister Dinsdale> Then they'll have you dressing as Cleopatra in no time
[20:32] <Hideki Kaze> production is months down the line anyway
[20:32] <Hideki Kaze> .....I am not doing that
[20:33] * Hideki Kaze eats
[20:34] <Mister Dinsdale> Yeah. You're gonna be Annie Oakley.
[20:34] <Hideki Kaze> ..could you imagine me as her
[20:35] <Mister Dinsdale> I just got a human brain back, I don't want to break it, so no.
[20:37] * Mister Dinsdale is so happy
[20:40] <Hideki Kaze> so how does it feel?
[20:41] <Mister Dinsdale> I guess... more sensitive
[20:41] <Hideki Kaze> don't start crying on me
[20:41] <Mister Dinsdale> The wind on my cheek...
[20:41] <Mister Dinsdale> not that kind of senstive :P
[20:41] <Mister Dinsdale> I feel more alive somehow
[20:42] <Hideki Kaze> well you're flesh and blood now
[20:42] <Mister Dinsdale> True.
[20:42] <Mister Dinsdale> Gotta get used to that again.
[20:42] <Mister Dinsdale> No more crazy risks.
[20:44] <[gTV]Potamos> ...
[20:44] * [gTV]Potamos smiles
[20:44] <Mister Dinsdale> Plus I have something to live for now :)
[20:44] * Mister Dinsdale smiles at Hiromi :)
[20:45] <Hideki Kaze> that's always nice
[20:45] * [gTV]Potamos blushes a bit
[20:46] * Mister Dinsdale finds some Fruit juice the ninjas have set out
[20:46] * Mister Dinsdale offers some to Hiromi and Hideki
[20:46] <Hideki Kaze> thank you
[20:47] <Mister Dinsdale> No problem
[20:51] // GINGA FLASH // · · Considering it less uncomfortable than other methods of sneaking cellphones into prisons, a Brazilian gang hired a local teenager to launch phones over prison walls with a bow and arrow. Their plot was foiled when one hit a guard. · ·
[20:52] * Hideki Kaze quietly drinks
[20:52] <Hideki Kaze> ..I am quite the life of the party, aren't I
[20:53] <Mister Dinsdale> Haha don't worry. I'm a shy ba[BLEEP]rd.
[20:53] <[gTV]Potamos> Thanks!
[20:54] <Mister Dinsdale> I always need to be dragged out of my shell-- but I've been trying.
[20:55] <Hideki Kaze> my shell is like a stone wall
[21:00] <Mister Dinsdale> heh
[21:04] *** Matsumi Kaze [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:04] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsumi Kaze
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> more like a stone castle
[21:04] <Matsumi Kaze> tied hana to a chair...
[21:05] * Matsumi Kaze walks and hugs her husband from behind
[21:06] * Mister Dinsdale smiles at the couple
[21:07] <Hideki Kaze> ..anyway
[21:07] <Hideki Kaze> nice night
[21:07] <Mister Dinsdale> It is :D
[21:08] <Matsumi Kaze> what has you all chirpy, dinsdale?
[21:08] <Mister Dinsdale> Lotsa stuff *^^*
[21:09] <Matsumi Kaze> liiiiiiiiike?
[21:09] * Mister Dinsdale blushes a bit
[21:09] * Mister Dinsdale coughs.
[21:10] <Matsumi Kaze> welllll?
[21:10] <Mister Dinsdale> You know, I've never out-and-out said it.
[21:10] * Mister Dinsdale turns to Hiromi.
[21:10] <Mister Dinsdale> Hiromi... I like you a lot
[21:10] * Mister Dinsdale turns red
[21:10] <Matsumi Kaze> d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
[21:10] * [gTV]Potamos blushes and smiles
[21:11] <Potamos> I...feel the same way...mitai na
[21:11] <Potamos> in such a short time...
[21:11] * flame_SNIPER blushes more and smiles back
[21:11] *** LOL IGNORE THAT
[21:11] <Matsumi Kaze> ..........
[21:11] * flame_SNIPER gets Flame snipered several times
[21:12] <flame_SNIPER> ....
[21:12] * Matsumi Kaze gives rei a kick
[21:12] <Matsumi Kaze> always wanted to do that XD
[21:12] *** flame_SNIPER [] has quit IRC (I'm just what)
[21:12] * Mister Dinsdale blushes more and smiles back <_<
[21:12] * Mister Dinsdale does his best to ignore rei-on-fire who is running off into the night
[21:13] <Mister Dinsdale> I'm glad you feel the same...
[21:14] * Matsumi Kaze leans against her husband
[21:18] * [gTV]Potamos leans against Jack
[21:19] * Matsumi Kaze cues the random romantic italian music
[21:19] * Mister Dinsdale leans against Hiromi lightly, happily
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> ♡ una notte meravigliosa sotto la luna, il mio amore ♡
[21:20] <Hideki Kaze> ..matsumi I can't understand you
[21:20] * Matsumi Kaze giggles and just huggles her husband
[21:21] *** Somewhere, Samuel L. Jackson is waxing profane about English
[21:22] <Hideki Kaze> so what do you plan to do, dinsdale
[21:23] <Mister Dinsdale> Well I still have to hit Soul Society with the others to get the seed capital for my business
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> (assuming we find what Sunnyside needs)
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Then after that, I need to find a place to live.
[21:24] <[gTV]Potamos>
[21:24] <[gTV]Potamos> if you need to place to crash, and you don't mind dogs...
[21:24] <Mister Dinsdale> Hmm?
[21:24] <[gTV]Potamos> My place has a guest room, mitai na
[21:25] <Mister Dinsdale> ... I don't mind dogs at all :)
[21:25] <[gTV]Potamos> Well, you'll have to meet Mickey then mitai na
[21:25] <Mister Dinsdale> Sure :D
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> heh congrats
[21:28] * Mister Dinsdale is all dizzy-happy
[21:30] <Hideki Kaze> are you ok?
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> Thanks, Hiromi... that means a lot to me
[21:30] <Mister Dinsdale> Yup!
[21:31] <[gTV]Potamos> Mickey will be happy that there's another guest now mitai na
[21:31] <Potamos> and of course so will I
[21:31] * Mister Dinsdale blushes and nods softly
[21:32] <Mister Dinsdale> I don't know what to say~
[21:32] <Matsumi Kaze> glibbity globby?
[21:33] <Mister Dinsdale> ಠ_ಠ
[21:33] <Matsumi Kaze> whhhhat XD
[21:34] * Mister Dinsdale is all sentimental here
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> sorry heh
[21:35] <Mister Dinsdale> It's okay :)
[21:35] * Mister Dinsdale is on cloud nine anyways
[21:36] * [gTV]Potamos yawns...
[21:36] <[gTV]Potamos> nee, it's getting dark.
[21:37] <Mister Dinsdale> eah
[21:37] <Mister Dinsdale> Wanna head out
[21:37] <Mister Dinsdale> ?
[21:37] <Mister Dinsdale> Maybe I could meet Mickey?
[21:38] <Potamos> (( are we still on the island? ))
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> (( yeah ))
[21:38] <Mister Dinsdale> (( yes but we has portal to tokyo out the house back door ))
[21:38] <Potamos> (( ahhhh. ))
[21:39] <[gTV]Potamos> If you'd like to.
[21:39] <Mister Dinsdale> Sure :)
[21:39] *** Mister Dinsdale [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*gets a doggie treat first*)
[21:39] *** [gTV]Potamos [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Don't worry, he won't get friendly with your leg mitai na)
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> deki...
[21:40] <Hideki Kaze> yes?
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> ♡ we're alone..... ♡
[21:41] *** Eiry [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[21:41] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eiry
[21:41] <Matsumi Kaze> ...shoot nevermind
[21:41] * Hideki Kaze chuckles a bit
[21:41] <Eiry> Eh? What??
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> nothing nothing
[21:42] <Eiry> ...should I go?
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> no no no
[21:44] * Eiry is away: I'l..uh...go check the library...or something
[21:44] <Hideki Kaze> dear...
[21:44] <Matsumi Kaze> geh
[21:44] * Matsumi Kaze is away: eiry..wait
[21:48] * Hideki Kaze sits under a tree
[21:53] <Hideki Kaze> nice..and quiet
[21:57] *** Hideki Kaze [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (going to find matsumi)
[22:13] * Eiry is back
[22:14] * Eiry sits on a beach chair, eating a salad
[22:16] *** Matsuo Shin has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:16] <@spiritflame> irasshai Matsuo Shin
[22:16] * Matsuo Shin walks out with a plate of cheese and meat
[22:18] <Eiry> It's nice out here
[22:18] <Matsuo Shin> it really is
[22:20] <Eiry> You should get out of the library a little more.
[22:21] <Matsuo Shin> yeah I really should
[22:23] <Eiry> Come to the shop sometime.
[22:24] <Matsuo Shin> where is it?
[22:26] <Eiry> In the shopping district of Minato-ku. Near the Osa-P, they have a big sign.
[22:26] <Eiry> We have a wisteria over the door.
[22:27] <Matsuo Shin> I'll come :)
[22:28] * Eiry finishes her salad, and puts the dish over on the table
[22:30] * Matsuo Shin finishes his and puts his dish on the table
[22:36] * Eiry watching Matsuo a minute
[22:36] <Eiry> *watches
[22:37] * Matsuo Shin is looking up at the stars
[22:38] <Eiry> Matsup, what you said the other day, about traveling together and stuff. How serious were you?
[22:38] <Eiry> *o
[22:38] <Eiry> (( i can't type today apparently ))
[22:39] <Matsuo Shin> hm?
[22:39] <Matsuo Shin> completely serious
[22:42] <Eiry> You don't know very much about me.
[22:42] <Matsuo Shin> does that matter?
[22:42] <Matsuo Shin> you have a strong spirit
[22:44] <Matsuo Shin> and a good heart
[22:49] <Eiry> Life isn't always so simple.
[22:50] <Matsuo Shin> I know
[22:52] <Matsuo Shin> ..oh I really know
[22:59] <Eiry> It'd be nice to go places again though.
[22:59] <Matsuo Shin> well the company would be nice
[23:06] <Matsuo Shin> :)
[23:06] <Eiry> So any idea where you're going next?
[23:07] <Matsuo Shin> a little
[23:10] <Matsuo Shin> I found a passage in an old book
[23:10] <Eiry> Oh?
[23:11] <Greek Chorus Prinny > What a touching scene dood. (Almost enough to make a demon lose their lunch dood)
[23:11] <Matsuo Shin> it mentioned a place....a great land called Hyperborea....where the four elements could be harnessed
[23:12] <Matsuo Shin> (( ok......the greek chorus prinny is ironically approrate ))
[23:13] <Greek Chorus Prinny > (( It's based on the Prinny Comentary from the DS version. Where they act as a Greek chorus and comment on everything wihtout the other characters knowing ))
[23:14] <Matsuo Shin> I think that place..sounds interesting
[23:16] <Eiry> Sounds like it might be dangerous.
[23:17] * Matsuo Shin smiles "yes it does"
[23:19] <Greek Chorus Prinny > Yeah, if your level is low
[23:19] <Greek Chorus Prinny > Djood
[23:19] <Greek Chorus Prinny > *dood
[23:20] <Matsuo Shin> from what the passage said....the land is found at the farthest north of the planet
[23:21] <Eiry> Oh. Well, cold isn't so bad.
[23:21] *** Eiry is Level 1 with 258.6 EXP
[23:22] <Eiry> Hm. Not too bad.
[23:24] <Matsuo Shin> simply another challenge
[23:25] <Eiry> ..
[23:26] <Matsuo Shin> hm?
[23:27] <Matsuo Shin> I mean the cold is another challenge
[23:28] <Eiry> Eh...sort of.
[23:29] <Eiry> Depends how cold it gets on xcheamo, I guess. I don't really know :/
[23:34] <Matsuo Shin> I suppose so
[23:35] <Eiry> Well, it's probably nearly time to go.
[23:35] <Eiry> Going home for the weekend.
[23:36] <Matsuo Shin> I should get some sleep
[23:39] <Eiry> Yeah, you tired.
[23:39] <Eiry> Unless you want to come?
[23:40] <Matsuo Shin> why not :)
[23:41] <Greek Chorus Prinny> Gag me dood.
[23:42] <Eiry> Sure you can handle 3 days away from your library?
[23:43] <Eiry> Thought I suppose you could come back whenever you want.
[23:44] <Greek Chorus Prinny> I give him an hour dood.
[23:44] <Matsuo Shin> heh I'm not that pathetic
[23:45] <Eiry> Hee
[23:45] <Greek Chorus Prinny> Make that half an hour dood
[23:45] <Eiry> Well, come on then.
[23:45] *** Eiry [] has left #suburbansenshi2 (get to see Sali ^_^)
[23:46] *** Matsuo Shin has left #suburbansenshi2 (:))
[23:46] <Prinny> I'm surpised they didn't smack you dood
[23:46] <Greek Chorus Prinny> So am I dood.
[23:52] *** Eitak_Razal [] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:52] <@spiritflame> irasshai Eitak_Razal
[00:01] * Eitak_Razal cuts a rune in the air with her sword, sending the Prinnies blasting off.
[00:04] <Eitak_Razal> Worthless pests
[00:11] * Eitak_Razal drags her rapier along the beach, leaving a line in the sand.\
[17:52] * @spiritflame stands on the beach practicing wing chung
[17:53] * @spiritflame keeps her eyes close, practicing the movements with her fists, arms and legs
[17:55] <The Funk Soul Brother> I'd spar with you, but I don't think there'd be an island left when we was done~
[17:55] <@spiritflame> probably not~
[17:55] * @spiritflame continues practicing the forms
[17:56] <The Funk Soul Brother> Mmm I do enjoy watching you move~