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the current system time is: Thu Jan 30 20:49 2025; you are connected on irc0.tomoelabs.co.jp; message of the day follows:


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[20:49] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Now you ladies carry on!
[20:50] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> SIR, YES, SIR!
[20:50] <Tewi Inaba> - Sir, yes, sir!!! >:D -
[20:51] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman claims this log IN THE NAME OF TH E CORPS!!!! HOO-RAH!!!!
[20:55] *** We will continue again TOMORROW, and get another step further into the wild and wacky world of Full Metal Fluffy!!!
[20:56] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Until then, good night everyone
[19:19] * ~The Cheesykits Projector starts to warm up
[19:23] *** The movie starts up again, showing Reisen and Tewi working together at various different locations at the base.
[19:24] * is showing Tewi how to reassemble a bolt-action rifle piece by piece while the rest of the platoon trains on the gunnery range.
[19:24] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> ^
[19:25] *** The scene switches back to the barracks, where everyone is shining and polishing their boots while Gunny and the UMP Corporals watch on.
[19:25] * Reisen Udongein Inaba is busy showing Tewi how to properly lace her boots.
[19:26] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Right over the left, then left over the right. Like this...see? Right over the left, then left over the right.
[19:26] *** Next, Reisen is walking Tewi through the process of how to properly make her bunk.
[19:29] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Like this...keep that crease at four inches. And don't ever forget this...the trick to the four-inch length rule is to use your index finger.
[19:30] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> The distance from the tip of your index finger to your knuckle is roughly four inches. Go by that, and you'll fall within the "four inch" range more often than not. Often enough that Hartman shouldn't get angry with you.
[19:33] *** The next scene is at the obstacle course, where Reisen and Tewi are at the top of the big log ladder that gave Tewi so much trouble last time.
[19:36] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> That's it. First one leg over...then the next. Just throw it over. Careful, set it down firmly. Then put your weight down on it.
[19:37] * Tewi Inaba copies Reisen, and FINALLY manages to start climbing down.
[19:37] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> There you go. You did it.
[19:39] *** Finally, they're all back at the gunnery range, sitting down while other trainees are firing away at distant targets.
[19:40] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> The deadliest weapon in the world...
[19:43] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> ..IS A MOON-RABBIT AND HIS OR HER RIFLE!! It is your killer instinct that must be harnessed.
[19:44] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> If you expect to survive in combat. Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills!
[19:45] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> If your killer instincts are not clean and strong, you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill!
[19:45] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> You will become DEAD Moon-Rabbits! And then you will be in a world of s[BLEEP]t.
[19:46] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Because Moon-Rabbits of the Lunar Assault Corps are not allowed to die without permission!
[19:46] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Do you bunnies understand?!
[19:47] <Assembled Moon-Rabbits> SIR, YES, SIR!
[19:47] *** The next scene shows everyone jogging in formation, with the Gunny keeping up easily.
[19:48] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> I love working for Auntie Ran! She lets me know just who I am!
[19:49] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> One two three four! Lunar Realm Assault Corps!
[19:49] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> One two three four! I love Assault Corps!
[19:50] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> My corps!
[19:50] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Your corps!
[19:51] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Our corps!
[19:51] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> ASSAULT CORPS!
[19:52] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> I don't know but I've been told!
[19:53] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Yukari Yakumo is mighty old!
[19:54] *** Finally, everyone is back at the barracks, getting ready to turn in for the night. Except there's ONE last inspection for hygiene.
[19:55] *** Everyone is standing atop their footlockers in just their underwear while the Gunny slowly goes down the line, inspecting everyones hands and feet.
[19:55] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Trim those nails.
[19:55] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Toe-jam. Loosen up your boots a little.
[19:55] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Pop that blister.
[19:56] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman passes by Tewi and stops.
[19:56] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman looks down and starts to scowl.
[19:57] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman takes a step forward and goes down to the footlocker NEXT to Tewi. The lock is undone.
[19:57] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Jesus H. Christ. PRIVATE PUDGY!! WHY IS YOUR FOOTLOCKER UNLOCKED?!?!
[19:58] <Tewi Inaba> >:3
[19:58] <Ringo> O___O;
[19:58] <Ringo> Sir, I don't know, sir!
[19:59] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Private Pudgy, if there is one thing in this world I hate it is an unlocked footlocker! You know that, right?!
[20:00] <Ringo> SIR, YES, SIR! >___<;
[20:01] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> If it wasn't for carrot-brains like you, there'd be no thievery in the world, would there?!
[20:02] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Are you TRYING to get raider by a certain sneak-thief witch?!
[20:02] <Ringo> Sir, no, sir! >___<;
[20:02] <Ringo> Sir, I don't know HOW my footlocker became unlocked, sir!
[20:03] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Get down!
[20:03] * Ringo quickly gets off her footlocker.
[20:04] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman opens her footlocker and starts emptying the contents on the floor. "NOW LET'S JUST SEE IF THERE'S ANYTHING MISSING!"
[20:04] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman freezes as he sees...IT.
[20:04] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Holy Jesus...
[20:05] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> What is that?! WHAT the F[BLEEP]K is THAT?!?!
[20:06] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman holds up a bundle that's wrapped in waxed paper.
[20:06] <Ringo > Sir, a rice ball, sir!
[20:06] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> A rice ball, you say?
[20:06] <Ringo > Sir, yes, sir!! >___<;;
[20:07] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Well, where did you get it?!
[20:07] <Ringo > Sir, from the mess hall, sir!
[20:07] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Is food allowed in the barracks, Pudgy?!
[20:07] <Ringo > Sir, no, sir!!
[20:08] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Are you allowed to eat rice balls, Private Pudgy?
[20:08] <Ringo > Sir, no, sir!!
[20:09] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> And why not, Private Pudgy?
[20:09] <Ringo > Sir, because you think I'm too heavy, sir!
[20:10] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Because you are twenty pounds OVER the maximum weight range set by the Commandant of the Lunar Assault Corps and you are unable to wear standard issue Assault Corps gear the way you are now!!
[20:12] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> If you got sent into the war zone you'd be unable to wear standard-issue body armor and would therefore likely to get yourself KILLED. Because the Rising Floof will DEFINITELY have an easier time taking YOU out!
[20:13] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman unwraps the waxed paper bundle.
[20:14] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Now, why did you hide a rice ball wrapped in BACON STRIPS in your footlocker!>
[20:15] <Ringo > Sir, because I was hungry, sir... T___T
[20:16] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman turns away and starts to slowly walk down the aisle.
[20:16] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Private Pudgy has dishonored HERSELF and dishonored the platoon!
[20:17] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> I have tried to help her, but I have failed!
[20:17] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> I have failed because YOU have not helped ME!
[20:18] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> You people have not given Private Pudgy the proper motivation! SO! From now on, whenever anyone f[BLEEP]ks up, I will NOT punish the one who messes up.
[20:19] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> I will punish the REST OF YOU!!! And the way I see it, Bunnies, is YOU OWE ME FOR ONE BACON-WRAPPED RICE BALL!!!!
[20:20] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Now get on your faces!!!
[20:21] *** Everyone drops down to the floor and gets into push-up position. Except for Ringo who's still standing at Attention.
[20:21] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Open your mouth!
[20:21] <Ringo > XO
[20:21] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman shoves the rice ball in. "They're paying for it. You eat it!!"
[20:22] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Now...EXERCISE!!!
[20:23] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman walks away while the rest of the Moon-Rabbits start counting off push-ups.
[20:23] * Ringo just slowly eats her rice ball in shame. T____T
[20:23] *** Meanwhile, Tewi keeps grinning as she cranks out the push-ups along with everyone else.
[20:23] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> >:/
[20:24] * Reisen Udongein Inaba looks up and over at Ringo.
[20:25] * Ringo becomes aware of Reisen looking at her.
[20:25] * Reisen Udongein Inaba looks at Ringo, then c[BLEEP]ks her head towards Tewi.
[20:25] <Ringo > ???
[20:25] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> >:(
[20:25] * Reisen Udongein Inaba motions at Tewi again.
[20:26] <Ringo > !!!
[20:27] *** The scene fades out, switching to the barracks late at night. The lights are all off, except for what's coming in through the windows.
[20:27] *** There's ominous music, and the camera is pointed at an empty bunk.
[20:30] *** There's a towel laid out across the top of a bed, and someone places a Go-Pro wireless camera in the middle of the towel, then folds the sides over it, then wraps it around the camera and grips the whole bundle tightly.
[20:30] *** The owner then swings the bundled-up towel like a club, smacking the mattress twice.
[20:31] * Reisen Udongein Inaba is lying in bed. Hers is directly underneath Tewi's.
[20:31] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> o__o
[20:32] * Reisen Udongein Inaba carefully and silently gets up out of her bed and stands up.
[20:32] * Tewi Inaba is fast aasleep.
[20:33] * Ringo is awake and watching.
[20:33] * Seiran is watching, too
[20:33] <Reisen-2> o___o
[20:33] <Doremy Sweet> o__o
[20:34] *** All four of them carefully and silently get out of their beds and come over, carrying a blanket and a towel with them.
[20:35] *** They slowly drape the blanket over Tewi while Ringo climbs up a few steps of the bunkbed to lean over Tewi a little with the sock.
[20:36] *** They pull down HARD on the blanket while Ringo gags Tewi with the towel!
[20:36] * Tewi Inaba wakes up immediately!!
[20:37] *** The ENTIRE recruit platoon LEAPS out of their beds and rush over, ALL of them clutching towel-clubs, and ALL of them are wrapped around the dozens of minicams and smartphones that Tewi had hidden all over the base!!!
[20:38] <Tewi Inaba> O_____O
[20:40] *** Everyone starts SMACKING and WHACKING Tewi in the torso with towels wrapped around her OWN recording equipment! HER LIVESTREAMING SCHEME HAS BEEN BUSTED!!!!
[20:41] * Tewi Inaba tries to cry out, but her screams are muffled by Ringo's towel, and the blanket is keeping her pinned!
[20:45] *** EVERYONE rushes up to Tewi's and Reisen's bunk and starts giving Tewi at least two or three whacks, then move away, until EVERYONE gets a turn hitting her.
[20:45] <Tewi Inaba> >______________<;
[20:45] <Ringo> D:<
[20:46] * Reisen Udongein Inaba is just hanging back. <__<;
[20:46] <Ringo> Do it, Reisen!
[20:47] <Tewi Inaba> O__O;;
[20:48] <Tewi Inaba> Nuh-nuh-nuh!! nuh-rsen! Dnnt!
[20:49] <Ringo> Do it! She's caused you just as much trouble as everyone else!
[20:50] <Tewi Inaba> Plssss nuh!!!!! T___T
[20:50] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> >:[
[20:51] * Reisen Udongein Inaba gives Tewi TWICE as many whacks as everyone else was giving her!!!
[20:52] * Reisen Udongein Inaba ducks back underneath Tewi's bunk.
[20:54] <Ringo> Remember, this is just a bad dream, you TokTik'er s[BLEEP]t-kicker.
[20:54] <Ringo> And if we get a hint of you even taking even PHOTOGRAPHS of us, the next bad dream you have will be ten times WORSE!
[20:55] * Ringo rushes off!
[20:57] * Tewi Inaba is left alone in her top-bunk, whimpering and writhing in pain.
[20:57] <Tewi Inaba> Owwww! OOOOWWWWW!!!! T___T
[20:58] * Reisen Udongein Inaba just lays in her bottom-bunk and just stares up, frowning and fuming silently.
[20:58] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Little troublemaker.
[20:59] *** The scene switches to outside. It's morning, and the recruit platoon has assembled on the field to begun rifle presentation drill.
[21:03] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Do we love our beloved Corps, bunnies?
[21:05] <Assembled Moon-Rabbits> SEMPER FI! DO OR DIE! GUNG-HO! GUNG-HO! GUNG-HO!
[21:05] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> What makes the grass grow~?
[21:05] <Assembled Moon-Rabbits> BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!
[21:06] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> What do we do for a living, bunnies~?
[21:07] <Assembled Moon-Rabbits> BEAT THE FLUFF! BEAT THE FLUFF! BEAT THE FLUFF!!!
[21:07] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> I can't hear you~!
[21:08] <Assembled Moon-Rabbits> BEAT THE FLUFF! BEAT THE FLUFF! BEAT THE FLUFF!
[21:09] *** Meanwhile, the camera zooms in slowly on Tewi, who's just staring ahead like a zombie. She's not saying anything or reacting in any way. Just staring blankly ahead.
[21:12] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Bulls[BLEEP]t, I still can't hear you!
[21:13] <Assembled Moon-Rabbits> BEAT THE FLUFF! BEAT THE FLUFF! BEAT THE FLUFF!
[21:15] *** The scene switches back to the Barracks, where everyone is busy disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling their rifles.
[21:16] * Reisen Udongein Inaba is diligently working away at her own gun.
[21:16] <Tewi Inaba> It's been swabbed and brushed...everything...
[21:17] <Tewi Inaba> clean...beautiful...
[21:17] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> >___>
[21:18] * Tewi Inaba puts the bolt slide receiver into the slide guide. "so that it slides perfectly."
[21:18] <Tewi Inaba> everything clean...oiled...
[21:18] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> >__>
[21:19] <Tewi Inaba> So that your action is beautiful
[21:20] *** The next scene has all of th recruits cleaning the entire barracks room while the UMP Corporals watch them all like hawks for ANY oversight or stray bit of dirt.
[21:21] * Reisen Udongein Inaba is in the bathroom with Ringo, mopping the floor.
[21:21] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Tewi is talking to her rifle now.
[21:22] <Ringo> ......Yup.
[21:22] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> I don't think she can hack it anymore.
[21:22] <Ringo> I think she's a Section-8 now.
[21:23] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> That doesn't surprise me.
[21:24] <Ringo> Do you think she's going to cause any more trouble for us?
[21:25] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Hope not.
[21:25] <Ringo> How'd you figure it out? About the minicams?
[21:26] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Little things that didn't make sense. It was like she was TRYING to fail sometimes.
[21:26] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Then I saw her expression when Hartman gigged you for that rice-ball and it all made sense.
[21:27] <Ringo> Little ba[BLEEP]rd/
[21:28] <Ringo> We're having a hard enough time as it is. We don't need wannabe Vtubers trying to "make content" and making things ten times harder for the rest of us.
[21:28] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> She'd probably say she's just trying to make money.
[21:29] <Ringo> Yeah, right. She wasn't paying ME at all. We should toss HER to the Foxes.
[21:31] *** The scene fades to black.
[21:31] *** AND PAUSE!!
[21:32] *** That's all the time I have for tonight since I have a few things I need to take care of.
[21:33] *** We WILL pick this up again on SUNDAY at the same time as today (1900 hours Chatbox time)
[21:38] *** Until then, take care and thank you for joining.

[23:39] <@spiritflame> Current Location is: Inside the Castle Mk LVI?????
[23:40] *** D. Kakaku has turned their sound on
[23:40] * D. Kakaku has stuck his face through the hole.
[23:41] *** Reeducation Chamber has joined #suburbansenshi3
[23:41] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Reeducation Chamber
[23:43] *** There is what seems to be a monitor floating about 3 feet in front of D.Kakaku's face. It simply displays the words, "Trust Me."
[23:43] *** the tunnel D.Kakaku crawled through to get here constricts, and holds him tightly.
[23:43] <D. Kakaku> ugh!
[23:44] <Reeducation Chamber> Trust Me.
[23:45] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> Time is 23:44
[23:45] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> Rest is most beneficial activity.
[23:46] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> Hungry?
[23:46] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> Thirsty?
[23:46] <D. Kakaku> yeah
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> Sedation method: 1) Gas inhalation* 2) Oral medication, in food
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> Chose in 59
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> 58
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> 57
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> 56
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> 55
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> 54
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> 53
[23:48] <D. Kakaku> in food
[23:48] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> 52
[23:48] *** there is a pleasant "Ding" noise.
[23:49] *** slice of pizza is extended toward D.Kakaku's face slowly.
[23:49] *** milkshake straw is extended toward D.Kakaku's face.
[23:49] * D. Kakaku opens his mouth.
[23:50] *** Brownie is extended toward D.Kakaku's face.
[23:50] *** The mechanical apparatus feeds D.Kakaku slowly, at predictable intervals, and as soon as he feels he would prefer a drink, there is water or milkshake or soda available. He's fed all his favorite foods.
[23:51] *** Napkin wipes D.Kakaku's mouth.
[23:52] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> You will lose consciousness in 4 minutes.
[23:52] <D. Kakaku> alright
[23:52] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> Please relax.
[23:53] * D. Kakaku starts to relax, being so itty, bitty tiny inside this suit.
[23:53] *** D. Kakaku starts to feel warmer, and fuzzy-headed.
[23:53] * D. Kakaku slowly blinks his eyes
[23:54] <Reeducation Chamber Visual Display> Thought logged for reeducation. Please relax. You will lose consciousness in 2 minutes.
[23:55] * D. Kakaku relaxes.
[23:55] *** As D.Kakaku starts to feel woozy, and his sight begins to blur, a mechanical extension, holding headphones that look a LOT like Liza's/Elizas, appears and stretches out. The headphones are placed on D.Kakaku's head.
[23:56] *** D. Kakaku feels profoundly sleepy and relaxed, and loses consciousness.
[23:57] * D. Kakaku has lost consciousness

[17:41] * Chamber inside Castle Mk LVI keeps D. Kakaku on a steady stream of various types of sedation as long as Liza Suminaka-Sunrise is awake, so that her ability to alter the probability of what happens doesn't come into play.
[17:45] *** the Castle Mk LVI administers anesthetic to Eliza throughout the day, and briefly allows D. Kakaku to mostly resume consciousness as it does so.
[17:45] * Chamber inside Castle Mk LVI is ready for D. Kakaku each time he awakens during the times Liza is rendered unconscious.
[17:48] * Chamber inside Castle Mk LVI keeps D. Kakaku fed, hydrated, and sanitized as it continues to titrate his level of consciousness.
[17:50] * D. Kakaku looks around in the chamber, wonderingn what sorts of new amenities have popped up.
[17:50] * Chamber inside Castle Mk LVI DOES NOT look like the area where he fell asleep before.
[17:51] <D. Kakaku> mmmmm?
[17:51] * D. Kakaku begins walking around
[17:52] *** It quickly becomes apparent that D. Kakaku cannot move his arms or legs.
[17:52] *** it seems he's restrained in a hospital room of white and blue, with most of his body inside a strange-looking worm-like tube.
[17:52] <D. Kakaku> ehhhh, hmmm?
[17:53] *** some goggles are quickly placed over D. Kakaku's eyes, and the room turns into the tunnel he was in earlier again. Everthing is fine.
[17:54] <Chamber inside Castle Mk LVI> Words flash in front of D.Kakaku's eyes. "Did you enter, and subject yourself to this treatment, largely in the hope that your desires would be satisfied?"
[17:56] * D. Kakaku thinks on it, then nods a bit.
[17:58] <Reeducation Chamber> This was expected. However, to residents here, the fulfilment of prurient desires is far from the primary objectived, which are safety and stability, whether mental, social, or physical.
[17:59] <Reeducation Chamber> Carnality is attended in passing, when indicated by symptoms, or otherwise necessary for health.
[18:00] <Reeducation Chamber> It was unfortunate that you will be disappointed by what happens to you here, but your responses and patterns make it clear that it needs to. Please understand that the proceeding psychological conditioning cannot fully be made pleasant, but it will be made as painless as possible.
[18:01] <Reeducation Chamber> Please open yourself and embrace it as much as possible. Though it is necessarily unpleasant, it is done strictly with the goal of providing you a safer and better life.
[18:02] <D. Kakaku> may I... live here?
[18:03] <Reeducation Chamber> You do not require this, and thus that is not why you are here.
[18:04] <Reeducation Chamber> You are here because 1) you take substantial risks, many times without fully considering consequences, and 2) becaue you wished to accept the STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Behavior Modification/Intervention/"Brainwashing"/Aversion Therapy to minimize likelihood of maiming/death.
[18:04] <Reeducation Chamber> Does that scare you?
[18:05] <D. Kakaku> yes, it scares me a bit.
[18:07] <Reeducation Chamber> Understandable, but consider much that you have heared about it or seen it referenced applies to instances when 1) it was carried out by an actor that lacked the necessary skill 2) was done without regard to helping the recipient 3) took place in a story where it going wrong was a plot point.
[18:08] <Reeducation Chamber> That will not happen here. There is a TARDIS' worth of equipment and experience and precedent. The mental modifications you will be subject to will not fail, are for your own benefit, and will be carried out in a manner to minimize unnecessary trauma or discomfort.
[18:10] <Reeducation Chamber> Does this make you feel better?
[18:10] <D. Kakaku> yes
[18:11] <Reeducation Chamber> After the scheduled psychological alteration, you should find it much easier to make many choices that minimize harm.
[18:12] <Reeducation Chamber> Negative association therapy is relatively straightforward. The portions not required that you recall can easily be erased from your conscious mind, but I will not alter the mental area responsible for storing this conversation as a memory, unless circumstances strongly indicate its necessity.
[18:14] <Reeducation Chamber> There is no need to take extravagant steps, as your intercession will be a simple case. Are you familiar with classical conditioning?
[18:14] <D. Kakaku> yes, I am
[18:15] <D. Kakaku> does this place have VR or holodeck?
[18:16] <Reeducation Chamber> Such things are appropriately basic, but do not concern yourself with what you will be subjected to. This reeducation chamber has all that is necessary. Approximately 80% of a typical human's decision-making process is subconscious.
[18:16] <Reeducation Chamber> Thus, it is only necessary to train your subconcious to do what is required.
[18:17] <D. Kakaku> okay
[18:18] *** The headphones tighten around D.Kakaku's head.
[18:19] <Reeducation Chamber> A metal circle that looks almost like a collar, with IV feeds and needles intersecting with it lowers from the ceiling, and clamps itself around D.Kakaku's neck.
[18:19] <Reeducation Chamber> ^
[18:19] *** ^^
[18:19] <Reeducation Chamber> I'm going to start you on amnesiacs soon. As I said, it is only your subconscious that needs to be trained. Please try to relax and accept it. I will give you a better life.
[18:20] *** The needles stick into D. Kakaku's neck, and he can see bubbles traveling up the lines as the drugs enter the blood vessels in his neck.
[18:22] *** A breathing mask with lots of hoses attached to it comes into D. Kakaku's field of view. His restraints slowly tighten so he cannot move, and then the mask covers his nose and mouth, requiring him to breathe through it.
[18:23] *** soft buzzing noises are played through D. Kakaku's headphones, on one side, then another, and continuing to alternate.
[18:23] * D. Kakaku breathes in, and out.
[18:24] * Reeducation Chamber starts slowly pumping gas into his air supply that makes him increasingly trusting, submissive, and relaxed.
[18:25] * Reeducation Chamber increases the feed of amnesia-inducing drugs to block the memory of the next part.
[18:26] * Reeducation Chamber continues to restrain and sedate D.Kakaku, carefully curb his awareness.
[18:27] <D. Kakaku> mmmm, mmmm.
[18:28] *** A picture appears before D. Kakaku's eyes of Liza Suminaka-Sunrise appears in her armorsuit, the Castle Mk LVI where Daniel is, and a HORRIBLE smell comes through the mask into his nose.
[18:29] * D. Kakaku recoils a bit at the scent, what is it of?
[18:30] *** A scent formulated to be maximally unplesant to humans, which for a standard human contains the sence of excrement, cellular decay, rotten food, and afterbirth. The smell gets stronger and stronger and worse and worse.
[18:31] * Reeducation Chamber continues to up the sedation level to dim D. Kakaku's awareness, and he begins to feel on the very verge of passing out. Every time an images is displayed to him, the smell returns, or feedback comes through the headphones, but the drugs keep flowing, and he gets sleepier and sleepier.
[18:33] <D. Kakaku> mmmm, hmmmm
[18:34] * Reeducation Chamber continues to dial down D. Kakaku's conscious awareness, but unlike the other times he has been anesthetized, it seems like he just CAN'T pass out. The smell is increasingly terrible, seems to be all he can be aware of while it is present, and there's no method to escape it.
[18:35] <D. Kakaku> mmmmph
[18:36] * Reeducation Chamber increases the amnesia-feed to ensure that D. Kakaku cannot consciously recall this process, and continues to psychologically condition him.
[18:37] *** D. Kakaku's brainwaves are recorded so that the extent of the progress is clear, and monitors his vital signs to not cause him harm, occasionally upping the feed or injecting enough tranquilizers to knock him out, but in D. Kakaku's twilight, the procedure continues.
[18:39] <D. Kakaku> mmhmmmm.
[18:39] * D. Kakaku nods slowly
[18:40] * Reeducation Chamber keeps on applying negative stimuli in partnership with the behavior to be discouraged, while keeping his body restrained and maintaining the feed of drugs.
[18:40] * Reeducation Chamber gets rid of the image that D.Kakaku is where he thought he was, after he's too out to consciously remember it anymore.
[18:42] *** the Castle Mk LVI detects that Liza will soon awaken, and needs to, and that the chances of success during the experiment don't need to be altered, so it gives D. Kakaku a full induction dose of anesthetic to knock him out before allowing Liza to wake up.
[18:44] * Reeducation Chamber elects to halt the stimulation bombardment after D.Kakaku's brain is fully unconsious, for now, since Liza is awakening, and it doesn't take chances. It prepares to resume the procedure again, as soon as she must sleep.
[18:44] * Reeducation Chamber is away: Hour 1 of ???

[11:28] * Reeducation Chamber continues to subject D.Kakaku to psychological conditioning whenever Liza is asleep. He spends all of the morning and all of the night in a twilight state,, being administered constantly changing concentrations of sedative/hypnotics, amnesiacs, mnemonics, paralytics, dissociative, and tear gas.

[20:30] * Castle MK LVI carefully allows D.Kakaku to regain full consciousness.
[20:33] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> You've have a break for a little while. Do you feel okay. Are you sore anywhere? Don't try to move. If you cannot feel your body yet, there is no need to panic.
[20:35] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> If you cannot talk yet, that is okay too. You cannot see or hear or smell anything because of where you are, not because there is anything wrong. Are you feeling okay?
[20:38] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> The next step won't begin until you have clearly recovered. Just relax.
[20:57] * D. Kakaku has regained consciousness
[21:00] *** It's clear to D. Kakaku that he's weightless. Either in space, or suspended in a liquid. There's something wrapped tightly around his head, and his body feels sluggish.
[21:00] <D. Kakaku> ughhhh.
[21:00] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> Rest. Nothing bad will happen to you while you are here.
[21:01] * D. Kakaku tries moving a bit, then rests a bit.
[21:01] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> This isn't a treatment room or quarantine or anything like that. It's to let your body regain homeostasis.
[21:01] *** it feels like every part of his body is free-floating, but it's hard to move very far or long in any direction, like rubber bands are attached to everything.
[21:02] <D. Kakaku> okay.
[21:03] <D. Kakaku> how long should I be here for?
[21:04] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> Don't worry about it. You will be fine.
[21:05] <D. Kakaku> once I regain homeostasis, are the other rooms available to explore?
[21:14] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> No.
[21:14] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> The goal was to get you in the most comfortable environment to begin.
[21:14] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> You chose that one.
[21:15] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> Just relax.
[21:15] * D. Kakaku nods and relaxes
[22:17] * D. Kakaku has relaxed as calm as can be.
[22:38] *** A light blinks softly in D. Kakaku's right eye.
[22:39] *** A light blinks softly in D. Kakaku's left eye.
[22:39] * D. Kakaku looks into the blinking lights.
[22:40] *** the right eye and left eye blink in a slow rhythm, and D. Kakaku can hear a soft humming sound from all around him--it might be coming through headphones or something--he still feels underwater.
[22:41] * D. Kakaku hums to the humming for a bit.
[22:41] <Words Floating in Front of D. Kakaku> Choose general anesthesia delivery method: 1) gas inhalation 2) sedative ingestion via drink
[22:43] * D. Kakaku chooses #1
[22:44] *** The lights blink from left to right, back and forth, slowly, and whatever liquid (or space) D. Kakaku is suspended in warms up like a hot bath.
[22:46] *** There's nothing to look at but the lights, or feel but the void; also, after a short while, it seems like there's buzzing or static that D. Kakaku hears. Every time he takes a breath, the buzzing seems to get a little bit louder.
[22:46] <D. Kakaku> mmmm, hmmmmm
[22:47] *** Eventually, it becomes harder to focus on the lights, or the sounds, or anything at all, and the lights get dimmer and dimmer, or perhaps D. Kakaku's eyes are closing.
[22:48] <D. Kakaku> mmmmmph
[22:48] * D. Kakaku 's eyes begin to close.
[22:49] *** The Castle Mk LVI continues to add a tasteless, odorless anesthetic to his breathing supply, until he's fully under, and completely loses conscious awareness.
[22:50] * D. Kakaku eventually does lose consciousness.
[22:50] * Reeducation Chamber resumes psychological alteration. (Hour 010 of ???)

[18:51] * The Cheesykits Projector starts to warm up
[19:02] * The Cheesykits Projector starts to roll!
[19:07] *** Gunnery Sergeant Hartman has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:07] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Gunnery Sergeant Hartman
[19:07] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman is standing in front of a set of bleachers, and everyone in the recruit platoon is seated on them.
[19:08] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Do any of you know who Charles Whitman was?
[19:08] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> None of you dumbasses know? Private Pudgy?
[19:09] <Ringo> Sir! He shot all those people from that tower in Austin, Texas, sir!
[19:10] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> That's affirmative! Charles Whitman killed 12 people froma 28-story observation tower at the University of Texas from distances of up to 400 yards.
[19:10] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Anybody know who Lee harvey Oswald was?
[19:11] <Reisen-2> Sir! He shot Kennedy, sir!
[19:11] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> That's right. And do you know how far away he was?
[19:12] <Reisen-2> Sir, he wa pretty far, sir! From that book suppository building, sir!
[19:13] *** Everyone laughs at the word "suppository".
[19:14] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> All right, knock it off. 250 feet!
[19:15] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> He was 250 feet away and shooting at a moving target. Oswald got off three rounds with an Italian bolt-action rifle in only six seconds.
[19:15] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> And scored two hits, including a head shot!
[19:16] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Do any of you people know where these individuals learned how to shoot?
[19:16] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Private Joker!
[19:17] * Reisen Udongein Inaba stands up
[19:17] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Sir, in the Marines, sir!
[19:17] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> IN THE MARINES!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:18] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Outstanding! These individuals showed what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do! And before you bunnies leave here you will ALL be able to do the same thing!!
[19:19] *** Camera-angle: slow closeup of Tewi's face. She's just sitting there, slightly slack-jawed with a vacant expression in her eyes.
[19:21] *** The scene switches back to the barracks, where everyone is standing at attention while Gunnery Sergeant Hartman marches down the rows, singing. And everyone is singing with him.
[19:21] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Eiren! Happy birthday to you!
[19:22] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> TODAY, IS THE BIRTHDAY OF EIRIN YAGOKORO!!!
[19:23] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> THERE WILL BE A MAGIC SHOW AT 0930!
[19:28] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> EIRIN WAS HERE BEFORE THE ASSAULT CORPS! So you can give your heart to her, BUT YOUR ASS BELONGS TO THE CORPS!!!
[19:29] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Graduation is only a few days away.
[19:30] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> And the recruits of Platoon 3092 are salty. They are ready to tear apart Yukuris with their own bare hands and ask for seconds.
[19:30] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> The drill instructors are proud to see us growing beyond their control.
[19:31] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> The Assault Corps does not want robots. The Assault Corps wants killers. The Assault Corps wants to build indestructible fighters.
[19:32] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Men and women without fear.
[19:33] *** The next scene is a collage of the recruits charging across fields and engaging in military drills. They're clearly getting much better. Finally...
[19:33] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman stands before them all.
[19:33] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> TODAY! You people are no longer maggots. Today, you are members of the Assault Corps!
[19:34] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> You are part of a fellowship. A family. From now on, until the day you die, wherever you are, every Assaulter is your family. Your brother, your sister, your cousin.
[19:35] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Most of you will go to the Great Forests of Fluffynam.
[19:36] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Some of you will not come back. But always remember this.
[19:37] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Assaulters die. That's what we're here for. But the Assault Corps lives forever.
[19:37] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> And that means YOU live forever.
[19:38] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman starts to read off names from a list.
[19:38] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Seiran! 0300. Infantry.
[19:38] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Doremy Sweet! 0300. Infantry.
[19:38] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Ringo! 0300. Infantry.
[19:40] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Udongein! 4212... Basic military journalism.
[19:40] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> O___o
[19:41] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> Tewi!!! 0300. Infantry. You made it!
[19:42] *** The scene switches to night inside the barracks, and Reisen is walking slowly through the darkened hallways with a flashlight.
[19:43] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Our last night on the training base. I draw firewatch.
[19:45] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> What that is, is that some unlucky few have to stay up and patrol the halls for possible fires or other hazards. It's supposed to help us learn how to deal with watch rotations in the field or something.
[19:46] * Reisen Udongein Inaba slowly moves past Hartman's office and room and heads toward the bathroom.
[19:46] * Reisen Udongein Inaba goes inside and shines her light around.
[19:47] *** Tewi Inaba has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:47] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Tewi Inaba
[19:47] *** Tewi Inaba has joined #suburbansenshi3
[19:47] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Tewi Inaba
[19:47] <Tewi Inaba> - ...Hi ThEre, ReIsEn~! :D -
[19:48] * Tewi Inaba has a DEMENTED expression on her face.
[19:49] * Tewi Inaba is sitting on a toilet with a rifle propped up next to it, a rifle magazine on the tank, and her last smartphone in her hands.
[19:50] *** The camera closes in on the screen. Apparently, Tewi uploaded all of her video onto TokTik, bu got ratioed to HELL AND BACK.
[19:51] *** And some of the comments were harsh.
[19:52] *** Rapi Red-cap - "Those people are there to train, not serve as extras in your movie fantasies."
[19:52] *** SPASSY-Doll - "Your videos are so bad you made me lose my appetite."
[19:53] *** Renpha - "Cadia stands, but your attention whoring sure won't."
[19:54] *** Cirno-⑨ - "Your channel is the WEAKEST."
[19:55] *** Yuugi - "A drunken loli-oni could make a better military movie than you."
[19:56] *** Pride of a Nation - "Your videos are a blight. Please sink yourself."
[19:56] <Tewi Inaba> T_______T
[19:57] * Tewi Inaba puts down the smartphone, takes the magazine, and starts to slowly load rounds into it.
[19:57] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> o___o
[19:58] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Are those...live rounds?
[19:58] <Tewi Inaba> - Seven. Six. Two. Millimeter. -
[19:59] <Tewi Inaba> - Full. Metal. Jacket. -
[20:00] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Tewi...if Hartman comes in here and catches us, we'll both be in a world of s[BLEEP]t.
[20:00] <Tewi Inaba> - I AM!!! -
[20:00] <Tewi Inaba> - IN A WORLD!!! -
[20:00] <Tewi Inaba> - OF S[BLEEP]T!!! -
[20:02] * Tewi Inaba suddenly stands up and grabs her rifle. She then starts to do the Presentation Drill.
[20:02] <Tewi Inaba> LEFT SHOULDER, HUT!!
[20:02] <Tewi Inaba> RIGHT SHOULDER, HUT!
[20:02] <Tewi Inaba> LOCK AND LOAD!!
[20:03] * Tewi Inaba LOADS the rifle!
[20:03] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> D:
[20:04] *** Everyone starts waking up because of the commotion, including the Gunnery Sergeant!
[20:04] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> What is this Mickey Mouse s[BLEEP]t?!?!
[20:05] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> What in the name of Eirin Knobgobbling Yagokoro are you animals doing in my head??!
[20:06] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> O___O
[20:06] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> Why is Private Pyle out of her bunk?!
[20:07] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> Why is Private Pyle holding that weapon?! Why aren't you stomping Private Pyle's guts out?!
[20:08] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Sir! It is the recruit's duty to inform the senior drill instructor that Private Pyle has a full magazine, and is locked and loaded, sir!!
[20:09] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> >:(
[20:09] *** Close up of Tewi's deranged face.
[20:09] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> Now you listen to me, Private Pyle. And listen good.
[20:10] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> I want that weapon, and I want it now. You will place that weapon on the deck
[20:10] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> At your feet, and step back away from it.
[20:11] *** Tewi just grins even more crazily.
[20:11] <Gunney Sergeant Hartman> WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION, NUMB-NUTS?!?!??!!?
[20:13] * Tewi Inaba SHOOTS Gunnery Sergeant Hartman!!!!
[20:14] *** The bullet strikes the Gunnery Sergeant in the middle of the chest! Chunky red liquid EXPLODES out of the wound and geysers in the air as he falls, spraying both Tewi and Reisen!!
[20:14] <~> Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Squib-load go boom!
[20:16] <~> We load it with Amatriciana this time!
[20:17] <~> Ooooo! We have that before?
[20:17] <~> Noppa! new sause!
[20:18] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> D:
[20:18] <Tewi Inaba> >:D
[20:19] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Easy, Tewi! Go easy, man!
[20:20] <Tewi Inaba> >:D
[20:20] <Tewi Inaba> :D
[20:20] <Tewi Inaba> :O
[20:20] <Tewi Inaba> :/
[20:21] * Tewi Inaba just seems to deflate. She sits down on the toilet, pauses for a moment, then puts the stock of the rifle onto the ground and leans forward.
[20:21] * Tewi Inaba sticks the barrel into her mouth.
[20:21] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:22] *** The scene cuts just outside the doorway, and.........
[20:22] *** CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:22] <Tewi Inaba> O____________O
[20:23] * Reisen Udongein Inaba is almost immediately joined by the entire recruit platoon as they STORM into the bathroom and DOGPILE onto Tewi, knocking her down, ripping the rifle away, and pinning her down to floor.
[20:24] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Sir?! SIR??!?!?!
[20:24] * Reisen Udongein Inaba drops down beside the Gunnery Sergeant, who amazingly is just barely clinging to life.
[20:25] <Gunnery Sergeant Hartman> ...proud...she's a killer now...
[20:25] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman dies
[20:31] * Gunnery Sergeant Hartman 's ghost slowly sits up, and is escorted away by several Spirit-Foxes!
[20:35] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> D:
[20:37] *** The scene slowly fades out, and THIS SONG starts to play as the scene transitions into a street out in the Human Village of Gensokyo!!
[20:39] *** The Village still has a very strong Late Tokugawa-era Japanese town feel, with a mix of dirt and gravel roads and stone-paved streets. People are going around on foot and on simple bicycles, with some draft horses pulling carts.
[20:42] *** Kagerou Imaizumi has joined #suburbansenshi3
[20:42] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Kagerou Imaizumi
[20:43] <Kagerou Imaizumi> ^___^
[20:44] * Kagerou Imaizumi is slowly making her way up to a cafe where Reisen and Reisen-2 are sitting at a table, dressed in field military uniforms.
[20:45] <Kagerou Imaizumi> (Engrish) Hey baby! You got girlfriend, Fluffynam?
[20:46] <Reisen-2> O___o
[20:46] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Not just this minute! :D
[20:47] * Kagerou Imaizumi is wearing her usual clothes VERY loosely, and her tail is out and looking FLUFFY!
[20:48] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> Well, baby! Me so fluffy! Me so FLUFFY! Me fluff you long time!
[20:48] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> You party?
[20:48] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Yeah, we might party!
[20:49] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> How much?
[20:49] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> Fifteen dollar?
[20:49] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Fifteen dollars for both of us?
[20:49] * Reisen-2 is just mesmerized by the TAIL. :O
[20:50] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> Each!
[20:50] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> Me floof you long time!
[20:50] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> Me so fluffy!!!
[20:50] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Fifteen dollar too boo-koo! Five dollars each!
[20:51] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> Me give tail-pats long time!! Me love you too much!
[20:51] * Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish) spins around slowly and brushs her tail lightly against Reisen-2's face.
[20:51] <Reisen-2> :O~
[20:52] <Reisen-2> So soft~!
[20:52] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Five dollars is all my mom allows me to spend.
[20:52] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> Okay! Ten dollar each!
[20:53] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> What do we get for ten dollars?
[20:53] * Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish) grins, turns around, and lays her tail against Reisen-2's face, fully covering her head.
[20:53] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> Me fluff you LONG-TIME!
[20:54] * Reisen-2 is now taking a BUNCH of pictures.
[20:54] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> Well, you feel like spending some of your hard-earned money? :D
[20:55] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> You know, half of these youkai-girls are actually part of the Rising Floof here. The other half are just crazy-insane,
[20:56] *** Someone starts coming up behind Reisen-2. Once they get close enough, Reisen-2's camera is GRABBED!!!!
[20:57] *** Marisa Kirisame has joined #suburbansenshi3
[20:57] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Marisa Kirisame
[20:57] *** Marisa Kirisame has joined #suburbansenshi3
[20:57] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Marisa Kirisame
[20:57] * Marisa Kirisame SNATCHES the camera out of Reisen-2's hands and RUNS for it!
[20:58] * Marisa Kirisame runs over to where Alice Margatroid is waiting on a hovering Witch-broom and tosses it to her!
[21:00] * Marisa Kirisame spins back around and with a LOUD scream, she performs a variety of martial arts moves that Bruce Lee himself would be impressed by.
[21:01] * yells and jumps around, making a few clumsy kicks and punches in return.
[21:01] <Kagerou Imaizumi (Engrish)> :O
[21:01] * Reisen Udongein Inaba is NOT trained in martial arts.
[21:01] * Marisa Kirisame flips off Reisen, jumps onto the back of the broom, and she and Alice fly off.
[21:02] <Reisen Udongein Inaba> HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
[21:02] <Reisen-2> ...there goes all of the photos I've taken today.... T___T
[21:03] *** AND PAUSE HERE FOR THE NIGHT! We shall continue the event TOMORROW NIGHT.
[21:04] *** Until then, everyone take care and I hope you all had fun.

[22:14] * Reeducation Chamber continues to administer all of the necessary medications, and performing the necessary tests, to ensure that D. Kakaku remains in a stupor.
[19:22] * Reeducation Chamber continues to maintain custody of D. Kakaku for another day, running tests about the things that are wrong, and refining the way he perceives the world during the time he's not being put under or kept under.
[21:48] * Reeducation Chamber pumps D. Kakaku full of *even more* drugs, to ensure he is fully unconscious while Liza is walking around awake.
[21:55] * Reeducation Chamber cuts back on D. Kakaku's drug input, as Liza is now being put to sleep, as this is a medical emergency.

[#suburbansenshi3 chat]