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the current system time is: Fri Nov 22 21:01 2024; you are connected on irc0.tomoelabs.co.jp; message of the day follows:

<Mdm_Maestro> Don't laugh, Haruka, you might need one of those soon if you don't clean your room... it's like the insides of an elephant's rectum exploded in there... after it had eaten a bowl of Billy Bob's "super stinky Texas Chili".

welcome to #suburbansenshi2

[21:01] *** Forest Kit has left #suburbansenshi2 (YAAAAAAAAAAAAY :D)
[21:01] * Forest Kit has claimed this log in the name of fluffiness!
[21:22] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Oi Joanna, you still about?
[21:22] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte looks around for her
[21:27] <Joanna Smithson> I'm right here geez
[21:27] <Joanna Smithson> you think going quiet means I just vanish or something?
[21:29] <Joanna Smithson> I was wondering why you had just suddenly zoned out
[21:29] <Joanna Smithson> f[BLEEP]king goddamn hell
[21:29] <Joanna Smithson> ......
[21:29] * Joanna Smithson walks over and grabs Paisley by the facial cheeks
[21:29] <Davina O`Cain> Um...
[21:33] <Joanna Smithson> ..paise?
[21:33] * Joanna Smithson waves her hand in front of her eyes
[21:34] <Joanna Smithson> wow
[21:34] <Joanna Smithson> she just zones out, doesn't she
[21:35] <Davina O`Cain> I suppose so.
[21:47] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte snaps out of it, was a bit buzzed
[21:47] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Oh... there you are
[21:47] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> @_@
[21:47] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> what was I going to ask... oh yes.
[21:47] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> tomorrow's my Birthday and I was wondering if you had any ideas of a fun place to go around here.
[21:48] <Joanna Smithson> hm
[21:48] <Joanna Smithson> depends
[21:48] <Joanna Smithson> what sort of things are you into
[21:49] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> History, art, books, that sort of thing?
[21:50] <Davina O`Cain> Musuems seems to have come tom my mind.
[21:50] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Yeah that sounds fun
[21:51] <Joanna Smithson> you could go to that weird ass club down in Shibuya
[21:51] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte tilts her head. "What club?"
[21:51] <Joanna Smithson> one of my co-workers at mugen told me about it
[21:52] <Joanna Smithson> it's kind of a weird ass mix of a speak easy with a museum theme...kind of a nerdy club place
[21:52] <Joanna Smithson> ..I guess it can get kind of wild
[21:53] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Sounds like a good time~
[21:56] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Got a phone number for it?
[21:57] * Joanna Smithson looks through her phone and texts it to Paisley
[21:57] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Thank you~~
[21:57] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte contacts them and sets up a reservation for tomorrow
[22:03] * Joanna Smithson gives a thumbs up
[22:03] <Joanna Smithson> good for you, nerd
[22:03] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Thanks~
[22:04] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte takes another dink
[22:04] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> ^drink
[22:05] * Joanna Smithson whips out a pair of glasses
[22:07] * Joanna Smithson puts them on
[22:11] <Davina O`Cain> Hm?
[22:14] <Joanna Smithson> I don't have great eyesight
[22:14] <Joanna Smithson> my sister and I share that
[22:16] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Whereas I don't need these glasses at all.
[22:17] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> They're heirlooms.
[22:17] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte takes them off and tilts them; you can see by the way the light strikes it the lenses are just flat glass.
[22:19] <Joanna Smithson> lucky you
[22:25] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Mmm.
[22:26] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I'd rather not have these as hand-me-downs.
[22:26] <Joanna Smithson> don't you have kids
[22:26] <Joanna Smithson> just hand it over to them
[22:27] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> No, you don't follow my meaning.
[22:27] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I have these as a herloom because my parents are dead.
[22:28] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> I wouldn't have it if they weren't.
[22:28] <Joanna Smithson> huh
[22:31] <Joanna Smithson> sorry
[22:31] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> It's all right.
[22:32] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Bit of a maudlin thing to think of as my birthday draws near.
[22:32] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Blimey... I'll be *36*
[22:33] <Joanna Smithson> awww little baby girl catching up with the big girls, huh?
[22:33] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> You what
[22:35] <Joanna Smithson> I'm teasing you
[22:35] <Joanna Smithson> I'm a good ten years older then you
[22:35] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> ah
[22:36] <Davina O`Cain> Regardless, a happy birthday to you. :)
[22:38] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Thank you~ *raises her half empty glass* it's tomorrow, actually~
[22:38] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> which is almost now~ technicalities
[22:39] <spiritflame>@Paisley Pythia Peinforte rolls 1d4 [ 3 ]
[22:39] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> mm.
[22:40] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte has randomly picked the movie she will go see tonight with X
[22:41] * Joanna Smithson feels a little jealous about Paisley getting to hang out with her man so much
[22:41] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte sees her expression change a bit
[22:41] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> You all right?
[22:46] <Joanna Smithson> yeah..well
[22:46] <Joanna Smithson> i mean me and my fiancee spend time together
[22:46] <Joanna Smithson> ..just wish we'd finally spend all our time together
[22:46] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Ahhhh.
[22:46] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> <_<
[22:47] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> in my case I was the holdout for the longest time.
[22:53] * Joanna Smithson nods
[22:57] * Joanna Smithson streaches and leans back
[23:08] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> AHAHAHAH
[23:08] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte shows Joanna this video on her phone
[23:11] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte then shows her this one
[23:11] <Joanna Smithson> pfffft
[23:19] <Joanna Smithson> you have a weird sense of humor
[23:21] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Thank you thank you~
[23:25] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> another
[23:34] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> hahahahaha f[BLEEP]k lol
[23:34] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte falls back laughing
[23:37] * Joanna Smithson smiles, watching her laugh
[23:37] <Joanna Smithson> you are such a dork!
[23:38] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> hahaha guilty as charged~
[23:42] * Joanna Smithson yawns, trying to stay awake
[23:59] * Joanna Smithson falls asleep
[00:00] *** Joanna Smithson has left #suburbansenshi2 (ZZZZ)
[00:01] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte is away: movie night for my birthday! Happy Birthday to me!
[11:18] *** SYSTEM ANNOUNCE - Main Page updated with entry # 2476 - Chibiusa put the "Spore" in Sporenography? Paisley's 36th Birthday and funny LOTR / SW edits! ***
[19:52] * luna_P pHl0475 in, l00king pH0r cHibiu54 [/me floats in, looking for Chibiusa]
[19:53] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa waves him over
[19:53] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Over here buddy
[19:53] * luna_P pHl0475 0v3r 4nd 5377l35 in pHr0n7 0pH H3r, pHl047ing 47 3y3 l3v3l [/me floats over and settles in front of her, floating at eye level]
[19:54] <+luna_P> cHibiu54 i n33d inpH0rm47i0n [Chibiusa I need information]
[19:54] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Sup
[19:54] <+luna_P> 3v3r 5inc3 i H4v3 r37urn3d pHr0m 73H 3dg3 0pH b3y0nd, i und3r574nd 73Hr3 r c0mp37i2r5 2 my 4mbi7i0n [ever since I have returned from the edge of beyond, I understand there are competitors to my ambition]
[19:55] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> LOL everyone always wants power
[19:55] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> You need to narrow it down
[19:55] * luna_P 0rbi75 H3r pH0r 4 bi7 7Hinking [/me orbits her for a bit thinking]
[19:56] * Davina O`Cain wonders about the Atrium for a bit
[19:56] <+luna_P> 73Hy c4ll 73Hm53lv35 "73H g0ld3n cr35c3n7" [They call themselves "The Golden Crescent" ]
[19:56] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> OOh those guys
[19:56] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> We raided their factory months ago and then they got real quiet
[19:57] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> They're still healing people in Roppongi but that's it. Their weird monsters haven't been seen at all
[19:57] * luna_P 0rbi75 pH4573r [/me orbits faster]
[19:57] <Davina O`Cain> Oh. Good evening.
[19:57] <+luna_P> ...7Hi5 i5 un4cc3p74bl3 [...this is unacceptable]
[19:58] * luna_P 5wiv3l5 2 pH4c3 d4vid, 3y35 gl0wing r3d [/me swivels to face David, eyes glowing red]
[19:58] <+luna_P> g00d 3v3ning~ [Good evening~ ]
[19:58] * luna_P dr00l5 [/me drools]
[19:58] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> No eating his soul Luna-P
[19:58] <+luna_P> :&l7; [:<]
[19:58] * Davina O`Cain tilts her head at Chibiusa and Luna P, "Hm?"
[20:00] <+luna_P> i H4v3 b33n g0n3 20 l0ng. 73H w4y 0pH 73H ⌈d347H p4w⌋ i5 73H 0nly 7ru3 w4y 4nd 73H53 4p0574735 mu57 b3 driv3n in2 73H ligH7 50 73Hy m4y b3 c457 in2 73H 373rn4l pHl4m35 0pH p3rdi7i0n [I have been gone too long. The way of the ⌈DEATH PAW⌋ is the only true way and these apostates must be driven into the light so they may be cast into the eternal flames of perdition]
[20:00] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...
[20:00] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Are you saying you wanna take out the competition
[20:01] * luna_P 5wiv3l5 b4ck 4r0und 2 glr 47 cHibiu54, pHir3 in Hi5 3y35 [/me swivels back around to glare at Chibiusa, fire in his eyes]
[20:01] <+luna_P> i w0uld 5l4ugH73r 73Hm 4ll 4nd pH3457 up0n 73Hir d3g3n3r473 50ul5 [I would slaughter them all and feast upon their degenerate souls]
[20:01] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...dude
[20:01] * luna_P '5 4n73nn4 7wi7cH35 [/me's antenna twitches]
[20:02] <+luna_P> i 5H4ll 533k 73Hm 0u7 4nd 73Hn w3 5H4ll indulg3 in bl3553d 3x73rmin47u5 [I shall seek them out and then we shall indulge in blessed exterminatus]
[20:02] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Like, if you find them, text me so we can raid them
[20:03] <+luna_P> k3wl [cool]
[20:03] * luna_P b3gin5 2 pHl047 2w4rd5 4 wind0w [/me begins to float towards a window]
[20:03] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Yo wait
[20:03] <Davina O`Cain> Um, what's going on?
[20:03] * luna_P 5pin5 b4ckw4rd5 [/me spins backwards]
[20:03] <+luna_P> wH47 i5 i7 my li3g3 [what is it my liege]
[20:04] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa looks at David "Luna-P wants to hunt the Golden Crescent gang"
[20:04] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa meant davina
[20:04] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa is tired
[20:04] <Davina O`Cain> Who or what is the Golden Crescent?
[20:04] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Upstairs there's like a guy who works for them (I think( but he's been in a coma for months
[20:05] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...They're like... reincarnated survivors of the Silver Millennium who want to recreate the Sivler Millennium here and replace the governments of Earth
[20:05] <Davina O`Cain> They what? Why?
[20:05] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> And they've been creating an army of sailor senshi to help them
[20:06] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> And they've been healing the sick and doing charity as a cover so people love them
[20:06] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Because they think this world is corrupt and needs reform
[20:06] * Victoria Smithson sits on a nearby sofa, playing a video game
[20:06] <+luna_P> cHibiu54 wH3r3 i5 7Hi5 p3r50n [chibiusa where is this person]
[20:06] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> In the EMH
[20:07] <Davina O`Cain> I see. When did they start appearing, this group?
[20:07] <+luna_P> 73H 0nly dic742r 4ll0w3d 2 bring bl3553d puripHic47i0n 2 7Hi5 5ick w0rld 5H4ll b3 m3 [the only dictator allowed to bring blessed purification to this sick world shall be me]
[20:07] * luna_P is away: g035 2 73H 3mH 2 "in73rpH4c3" wi7H 7Hi5 p3r50n [/away goes to the EMH to "interface" with this person]
[20:08] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Like, a few years ago?
[20:08] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> They do s[BLEEP]t, then vanish for a few months, then do more s[BLEEP]t.
[20:08] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> They're being super careful
[20:09] <Davina O`Cain> If I may say so, they're bound to slip. No plan is perfect from my understanding.
[20:09] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Oh for sure. We were able to raid them once and really set them back
[20:10] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I think that's why they went way underground
[20:13] <Davina O`Cain> Hmm. Do we have an exact location of their operations?
[20:13] * Victoria Smithson hums a pop tune to herself
[20:14] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> No, we know where their hospital and social centers are but nothing weird seems to be happening there.
[20:14] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Hi Victoria-chan!!
[20:16] <Victoria Smithson> hey!
[20:18] * Victoria Smithson waves!
[20:18] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> What's up?
[20:21] <Davina O`Cain> Hello.
[20:21] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa gets a phone call
[20:21] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa is away 
[20:22] <Victoria Smithson> seeya!
[20:24] * D. Kakaku [Black Forest, Germany] is currently away at the moment, please contact again.
[20:25] * Davina O`Cain finds herself a seat on a sofa and gets out a crochett set
[21:18] * Victoria Smithson is deep into her game
[21:25] <Davina O`Cain> Hmm...
[21:29] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa is back
[21:29] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa looks at Davina O'Cain.
[21:29] *** Davina O'Cain is your average everyday Davina O'Cain

[21:29] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> What's up?
[21:31] * Davina O`Cain looks in the mirror.
[21:31] *** Davina O`Cain is busty female Selenite standing 5'6", grey eyes, light brown hair that goes down to her waist, and also has demon horns and tail due to a mutation.
Her image Song is: .

[21:32] <Davina O`Cain> Oh. I was resuming some crochetting I was working on the other night.
[21:32] *** Davina O`Cain has turned their sound on
[21:33] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> What're you crotching?
[21:35] * Davina O`Cain looks at her work, "It's going to be a duck."
[21:35] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Cool!
[21:37] <Davina O`Cain> It'll be so cute when it's finished. ^_^
[21:37] * Victoria Smithson keeps playing
[21:50] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Is it gonna be a gift?
[21:50] <Davina O`Cain> Maybe. I haven't fully decided yet.
[22:20] <Victoria Smithson> garagargagargh
[22:21] <Davina O`Cain> Hm?
[22:29] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I bet the game is kicking her butt!
[22:32] * Victoria Smithson is playing the old Sailor V game remastered on her Switch
[22:32] * Victoria Smithson is still on level 1
[22:32] <Davina O`Cain> What is that?
[22:45] * Victoria Smithson tosses her switch and HMPH
[22:50] * Davina O`Cain goes over to the Switch and looks it over
[23:03] <Davina O`Cain> It's like a tablet.
[23:17] * ELIZA Mk I peeks into the room.
[23:17] <ELIZA Mk I> >.>
[23:17] <ELIZA Mk I> <.<
[23:17] *** ELIZA Mk I has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:17] <@spiritflame> konbanwa ELIZA Mk I *** Happy Labour Thanksgiving Day [JP]
[23:18] * D. Kakaku [Black Forest, Germany] is still not here.
[23:18] * ELIZA Mk I wanders around, refamiliarizing herself with the Atrium.
[23:18] <Victoria Smithson> huh?
[23:18] * Victoria Smithson waves there!
[23:18] * ELIZA Mk I looks at Victoria Smithson.
[23:18] *** Victoria Smithson is is a teenager with long blond hair with a light pink bow on her head, blue eyes and an energetic spirit. She is the daughter of Joanna Smithson.
Her image Song is: .

[23:19] * ELIZA Mk I waves too.
[23:19] <ELIZA Mk I> ^_^
[23:20] <ELIZA Mk I> Hello! :D
[23:20] <Victoria Smithson> hey what's going on!
[23:20] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa waves to Eliza
[23:20] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Hi!
[23:21] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, hello.
[23:21] <ELIZA Mk I> Hello! Just walking around, having a good time. Trying flavors of ice cream. Watching weather reports.
[23:22] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I heard you got like a Cyborg body or something?
[23:22] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> How is it?
[23:23] <ELIZA Mk I> It's... well...
[23:23] * ELIZA Mk I closes her eyes and thinks...
[23:23] <ELIZA Mk I> Honestly, I should try to put it into words, and make a book, but...
[23:24] <ELIZA Mk I> I'm happier than I've ever been. I used to be afraid all the time.
[23:24] <ELIZA Mk I> Chateaux explained to me that with this body, medicine isn't really necessary, because... uh...
[23:24] * ELIZA Mk I thinks back, "medicine is a chemical that changes the way your brain works to make it better, but software can directly do that now, because you have a digital brain."
[23:24] <ELIZA Mk I> Sorry, I'm paraphrasing her hard.
[23:25] <ELIZA Mk I> Whatever made her decide to do this, I'm really grateful.
[23:25] <ELIZA Mk I> I will say, though, that being in this body---er... controlling this body, has made me realize things are possible now that I literally never thought of before.
[23:25] <ELIZA Mk I> ...and would have feared trying, but would make me almost impossible to hurt.
[23:26] <ELIZA Mk I> Speaking of which, I cannot hurt others in this form, and that is a HUGE relief.
[23:26] <ELIZA Mk I> When there are decent odds you were created as a biological weapon, having safeguards in place so you cannot kill your friends is a tremdendous burden off my mind.
[23:26] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> LOL
[23:26] <ELIZA Mk I> That said, I try to... use this body in moderation.
[23:27] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> if you wanted you could be as hardcore as Sakura April or Momoko-chan
[23:27] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> A one-woman army!
[23:27] <ELIZA Mk I> Well, I had my time to be in an army.
[23:27] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa has never seen those two fight...
[23:27] <ELIZA Mk I> But no, I am happy that I cannot harm anyone.
[23:28] <ELIZA Mk I> As a matter of fact, I haven't even contemplated ways to do so.
[23:28] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Well that's good. Being happy in your body is important!
[23:28] <ELIZA Mk I> Ah, that's the thing
[23:28] <ELIZA Mk I> This isn't my real body.
[23:28] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa shrugs
[23:28] <ELIZA Mk I> And I do my utmost to spend time in my actual body, because I think it would be pretty unhealthy to grow to... not appreciate it?
[23:28] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> It's close enough!
[23:28] <ELIZA Mk I> It is close!
[23:29] <ELIZA Mk I> Chateaux really surprised me by theh things it could do.
[23:29] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I guess!
[23:29] <ELIZA Mk I> Well, I guess I should paraphrase. I was surprised by all the things it can do that I used to be able to do. It also surprises me by doing things that my first body could never do.
[23:30] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I come from the future so I see lots of people with cyborg bodies!
[23:30] <ELIZA Mk I> Like seeing updates in the corner of my vision.
[23:30] <ELIZA Mk I> I guess. I suppose if I really wanted, I could use it to see and do all kinds of things.
[23:30] <ELIZA Mk I> I would just need to imagine them first.
[23:30] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...
[23:30] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> you should read uh...
[23:30] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> uh....
[23:31] <ELIZA Mk I> When I leave this body, I sort of wake up again being, well, held safe by Chateaux.
[23:31] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa texts Momo-chan
[23:31] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa asks her who that author is who does the Cyberpunk
[23:31] <ELIZA Mk I> I think I might ask Chateaux to make the next body one of Nth Metal.
[23:31] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...you should read William Gibson-sensei
[23:31] <ELIZA Mk I> Or, maybe, to cover my body with---hmm?
[23:32] <ELIZA Mk I> Okay, I'll try to remember that.
[23:32] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> he wrote about cyborg bodies and stuff and what they cna do
[23:32] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> and read the "Ghost in the Shell" manga
[23:32] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> it can give you ideas of what you might want your body to do
[23:32] <ELIZA Mk I> That sounds kinda scary. >.>
[23:32] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...well you don't haveta do it!
[23:32] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> But it can give you ideas
[23:33] * ELIZA Mk I wonders something.
[23:33] <ELIZA Mk I> Princess Chibiusa, do you mind if I record your voice for just a second and play it back for one of my friends?
[23:33] * ELIZA Mk I tilts her head.
[23:33] <ELIZA Mk I> !
[23:33] <ELIZA Mk I> .....
[23:33] <ELIZA Mk I> I didn't know I could do that.
[23:33] <ELIZA Mk I> She didn't tell me I could do that!?
[23:33] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Go for it! But just call me Chibiusa
[23:34] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> The older me that shows up is the Queen one and I'm not doing the royal stuff here unless people piss me off.
[23:34] <ELIZA Mk I> Sorry, I didn't mean to be overly formal, it's just that, when I was in my body, I had lots of trouble understanding what you were saying, but I can understand now.
[23:34] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> :/
[23:34] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I sound funny now because I hit my head
[23:35] <ELIZA Mk I> Oh gosh!
[23:35] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I don't know why people say it's easier to understand me now
[23:35] <ELIZA Mk I> DId I make you feel sad? I'm REALLY sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!
[23:35] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I sound so f[BLEEP]king wrong
[23:35] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa shakes her head
[23:35] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> It's okay!
[23:35] <ELIZA Mk I> Okay, next time, I won't bring that up to anyone's face.
[23:35] <ELIZA Mk I> I'm sorry, though!
[23:35] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I'm not sad!
[23:35] <ELIZA Mk I> Neither am I... and I'm not afraid either... and it's wonderful.
[23:36] <ELIZA Mk I> Chateaux showed me that she can play the music from my headphones directly to my consciousness. It's really amazing. That's... her being able to do that type of thing makes me feel much safer and secure.
[23:37] <ELIZA Mk I> What an excessively formal way to say that.
[23:37] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Well you kinda talk like an older person
[23:37] <ELIZA Mk I> Honestly, though, I can tell that this body is changing me a little bit.
[23:37] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> sort of like Hotaru-chan
[23:37] <ELIZA Mk I> Yeah, that's.... I dunno.
[23:37] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I guess maybe you read alot and didn't hang out with other kids?
[23:38] <ELIZA Mk I> Well, I couldn't, really.
[23:38] <ELIZA Mk I> I didn't really have social desires? I just had overwhelming ones to be safe?
[23:38] <ELIZA Mk I> Still don't?
[23:38] <ELIZA Mk I> I guess I'm pretty different from most people.
[23:39] <ELIZA Mk I> One thing that I think I should probably practice is lying.
[23:39] <ELIZA Mk I> As in, detaching all emotion from my face when I speak, but that would be more improtant when I have the antimagic body. That way she cannot tell if I'm bluffing.
[23:39] * ELIZA Mk I frowns glumly for a moment.
[23:40] <ELIZA Mk I> .....I guess this is a pretty good example of so much of my life is spent thinking about being defensive.
[23:40] <ELIZA Mk I> Because of Him. Now because of Her.
[23:40] <ELIZA Mk I> I hope that we can make peace with them.
[23:40] <ELIZA Mk I> Preeeeeeetty important that we do that.
[23:41] <ELIZA Mk I> I guess, really, I sort of hadn't considered how to do that using technology?
[23:41] * ELIZA Mk I shakes her head to clear it.
[23:41] <ELIZA Mk I> Enough.
[23:41] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Well
[23:41] <ELIZA Mk I> I just want to be happy for a bit, and I'm really grateful that Chateaux is helping me do that.
[23:41] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> if all you know is magic that's how you're gonna think first right?
[23:42] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Like if I wanna kick someone's ass I think about how to do it with my Silver Crystal power
[23:42] <ELIZA Mk I> Yes.
[23:42] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> That makes it funnier when I bust out a gun instead
[23:42] <ELIZA Mk I> But I think I also contemplate in that vein because I believe she is.
[23:42] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> they don't know what to do LOL
[23:42] <ELIZA Mk I> That's cool.
[23:43] <ELIZA Mk I> I think I should go back to my other body soon. You cannot see it, of course, but she is, and has been, taking really good care of me.
[23:44] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Check it out
[23:44] <ELIZA Mk I> Hmmm?
[23:45] <ELIZA Mk I> ....
[23:45] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa shows her some footag eof a fight from another galaxy a long time ago
[23:45] <ELIZA Mk I> Chibiusa, do you do your own hair?
[23:45] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Yup!
[23:46] * ELIZA Mk I doesn't recognize it at all, though information might flow to her brain to update her. She's clueless about Star Wars things.
[23:46] <ELIZA Mk I> You must work very hard on it!
[23:46] <ELIZA Mk I> So many amazing hairstyles here, and throughout Tokyo.
[23:46] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Nah. I just wishon the crystal
[23:47] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Easy
[23:47] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> What's the point of beingOmnipotent if you can'tuse it to do your hair lol
[23:47] <ELIZA Mk I> Aaaaah, but not everybody can do that, and some hairstyles are just... almost incredible. Just think of the upkeep! I thinkt hat if Chateaux ever asked me for advice on how to raise money or gain global influence, it would be to invest in hair products.
[23:48] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> This is trie!
[23:48] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ^True
[23:48] <ELIZA Mk I> ....or to bid against the people who make the school uniforms around here.
[23:48] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> You could make good monies being a stylist
[23:48] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Oh boy
[23:48] <ELIZA Mk I> I dunooooo
[23:48] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I'm pretty sure that would get you in a fight with the Yakuza
[23:49] <ELIZA Mk I> Don't you think that you'd probably enter bitter rivalries and feuds with other stylists who all are trying to out-do each other?
[23:49] <ELIZA Mk I> ...Okay, maybe both of those ideas have problems.
[23:49] <ELIZA Mk I> Really, one of the things I admire about Chateaux (first, of course,) but a lot of other people here, is how chill they are.
[23:49] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> hshshshahahaha
[23:49] <ELIZA Mk I> That's really good. I've always been scared of ambition.
[23:50] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Well
[23:50] * ELIZA Mk I glances sideways at Chibiusa.
[23:50] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> because you had a really s[BLEEP]tty example
[23:50] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> There's all kinds of ambition
[23:50] * ELIZA Mk I considers this.
[23:50] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Even wanting to wake up in the morning is an ambition sorta
[23:50] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Wanting to be a better person is an ambition
[23:52] * ELIZA Mk I considers this in a healthy way.
[23:52] <ELIZA Mk I> I guess you arer ight.
[23:53] <ELIZA Mk I> I tried so hard to lock that type of thinking away, because I thought it would make me a monster, or unlock something horrible in me.
[23:53] <ELIZA Mk I> I did that with a lot of emotions, I think.
[23:53] <ELIZA Mk I> ....probably some that I.... well, I wouldn't really know about them if I had done too good a job, you know?
[23:54] <ELIZA Mk I> It has been wonderful having a nice relaxing chat with you, Chibiusa! :)
[23:54] <ELIZA Mk I> ....
[23:54] <ELIZA Mk I> Wait.
[23:55] <ELIZA Mk I> Do you also use your omnipotence to take care of your teeth?
[23:57] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Yup!
[23:57] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> For everything!
[23:57] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> It saves me so much time!
[23:58] <ELIZA Mk I> See, I'm honestly surprised by that less than the hair thing.
[23:58] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Why?
[23:58] <ELIZA Mk I> I just wanted to check. Based on my research and observations, more people get annoyed caring for their teeth than their hair.
[23:58] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> That's true I guess!
[23:59] <ELIZA Mk I> I remember when I used to do that, doing all the brushing, flossing, etc. Chateaux does it for me now, though.
[23:59] <ELIZA Mk I> I know I have an unusual life, since I find the things that Chateaux does when it's time to care for my teeth to be wonderfully relaxing.
[00:00] <ELIZA Mk I> But I remember reading stuff on the phone she gave me, and it was very clear that enjoying going to the dentist is pretty rare!
[00:00] <ELIZA Mk I> ....I guess most people don't love their dentist, though.
[00:01] * ELIZA Mk I smiles a little bit.
[00:01] <ELIZA Mk I> Heh... I think I should go back to my body now. It was awesome seeing you!
[00:01] * ELIZA Mk I waves goodbye, and then is gone!
[00:02] * ELIZA Mk I has moved to: [ Eliza's sealed life-support chamber. ]
[00:02] <ELIZA Mk I>[Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] !!?!
[00:02] <ELIZA Mk I>[Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] OH!
[00:02] <ELIZA Mk I>[Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] Well, this IS where I wanted to be. I guess there's plenty more to understand and get used to when I'm doing this...
[00:03] *** Victoria Smithson has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:03] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, good night, then.
[00:03] * ELIZA Mk I [Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] looks over at her body (or rather, her head, which is all that's visible, and not even all of her head, since she's often hooked up to the special headphones/glasses, and breathing mask) and stares for a couple of minutes.
[00:04] <ELIZA Mk I>[Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] ...............
[00:04] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> night!
[00:05] <ELIZA Mk I>[Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] ...................
[00:08] * ELIZA Mk I [Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] keeps watching herself for a while, and then her eyes narrow. "..."
[00:10] * ELIZA Mk I [Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] eventually walks over and takes the glasses/headphones off her prone body.
[00:10] * ELIZA Mk I is now known as Eliza McIntash
[00:10] * ELIZA Mk I [Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] sighs gently, and leans her head back against the reclining surface specifically made for her.
[00:10] <ELIZA Mk I>[Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] .....
[00:10] * ELIZA Mk I [Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] closes her eyes.
[00:11] <D. Kakaku> (( affected you too, huh? ))
[00:13] * ELIZA Mk I [Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] wishes on a few things quietly, and then ponders some words of a song.
[00:13] <ELIZA Mk I>[Eliza's sealed life-support chamber.] .....
[00:13] <ELIZA Mk I> (( oh, I didn't notice. ))
[00:13] * ELIZA Mk I is now known as Eliza McIntash
[00:16] <Eliza McIntash>[Sarcophagean Chamber (in relay with Chateaux)] Chateaux, I expect that I'll fall asleep soon. Before I do, though, I want to remind you how grateful I am that, not only do you care so much for me, but that you have never taken away my ability to do anything that you weren't willing to step in and do on my behalf.
[00:17] * Eliza McIntash [Sarcophagean Chamber (in relay with Chateaux)] sighs softly, takes a few deep breaths, and closes her eyes.
[00:31] * Eliza McIntash [Sarcophagean Chamber (in relay with Chateaux)] falls asleep.
[00:31] * Eliza McIntash is away 
[20:31] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:31] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Matsumi Kaze
[20:31] <Matsumi Kaze> come on come on
[20:31] * Matsumi Kaze is trying to get on the phone
[20:37] *** Davina O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:37] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Davina O`Cain
[20:38] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, good evening, Matsumi.
[20:45] <Matsumi Kaze> gagarg
[20:45] <Matsumi Kaze> o..oh hey
[20:48] * Matsumi Kaze hangs up
[20:49] <Davina O`Cain> What's wrong?
[20:59] <Matsumi Kaze> ..lost track of my mom
[21:06] <Davina O`Cain> Where was she last seen?
[21:10] <Matsumi Kaze> Cagliostro
[21:18] <Matsumi Kaze> not I don't know where she is
[21:18] <Davina O`Cain> Huh.
[21:20] * ~Little fox ears pop up behind some bushes.
[21:25] <Davina O`Cain> Who is she with?
[21:27] <Matsumi Kaze> her friends
[21:27] <Davina O`Cain> I see. Hopefully everyone is alright.
[21:28] * Davina O`Cain 's tail is slowly moving left to right behind her as she is a bit worried
[21:33] * ~Little fox ears move in closer.
[21:45] <Davina O`Cain> Hm? Is someone there?
[21:45] * ~Little fox ears continue to approach, this time in the open!
[21:47] <Davina O`Cain> Who's there?
[21:48] <Matsumi Kaze> ???
[21:51] <Matsumi Kaze> huh?
[21:56] * Matsumi Kaze checks her messags
[21:58] * ~Little fox ears approach faster!
[22:01] * Davina O`Cain tries to keep an eye on the ears
[22:04] * ~Little fox ears suddenly POUNCE!!
[22:04] * ~Little fox ears is now known as Chibi-Nat (fox form)
[22:04] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> >:3
[22:13] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Surprise~!
[22:18] <Matsumi Kaze> oh hey there
[22:23] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) quickly trots in closer and begins applying tail-pats. >:3
[22:25] * Davina O`Cain smiles a little bit
[22:32] * Matsumi Kaze checks a message from her mother
[22:38] <Matsumi Kaze> .......
[22:39] <Davina O`Cain> What is it, Matsumi?
[22:43] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> What's wrong, Auntie Matsy?
[23:01] <Matsumi Kaze> ....she's in the Sahara...
[23:02] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Big desert place?
[23:03] <Davina O`Cain> Eh? How did she wind up there?
[23:08] <Matsumi Kaze> I don't know!
[23:13] <Davina O`Cain> I should return to my family's suite. Take care, Matsumi.
[23:13] *** Davina O`Cain has quit IRC (Good night.)
[23:28] *** Chibi-Nat [SilentSorceress@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 ("Gah!")
[23:46] * Matsumi Kaze is deep in thought
[00:07] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has left #suburbansenshi2 (I need sleep)
[08:28] * Shion has moved to: [ Tokyo ]
[08:29] * Shion [Tokyo] stands in front of mugen, holding tight to the oversized backpack on her back..frowning
[08:29] <Shion>[Tokyo] I'll find out the truth!
[08:29] * Shion [Tokyo] puffs up her cheeks and sneaks towrads the building..trying not to be caught
[08:33] * Shion [Tokyo] sneaks towards the back of the main building, looking carefully around
[08:35] * Shion [Tokyo] finds a large vent area
[08:36] * Shion [Tokyo] tries to pull off the vent with her small hands >_____<
[08:40] * Shion [Tokyo] manages to get it off with a POP
[08:42] * Shion [Tokyo] crawls into the large vent
[08:43] * Shion is away: I'm gonna find out more about this bad guy!
[15:43] *** SYSTEM ANNOUNCE - Main Page updated with entry # 2477 - The chairshot heard around the world ***
[18:29] *** Sarah Christensson has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:29] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Sarah Christensson
[18:29] <Sarah Christensson> of all the things.....
[18:30] * Sarah Christensson is putting a bandage on Shion's cheek
[18:30] <Sarah Christensson> sneaking off on your own like that....when Meggie is away!!!!
[18:31] <Shion>[Tokyo] I..I was trying to check on that guy!!! *SNIFFLE*
[18:31] *** Shion has moved back to the Atrium
[18:32] <Sarah Christensson> and going into Mugen School's vents!
[18:32] <Sarah Christensson> do you know how dangerious that is!!!!!
[18:32] <Shion> I'm a big girl!!!!!!!!! I can do it myself ><
[18:38] * Sarah Christensson dabs Shion's skinned knuckles with some alcohal, causing the girl to wince and tear up again
[18:43] <Sarah Christensson> you could have gotten hurt..well more hurt then before
[18:44] *** Euri Inochi [iceprincess@242downthestreet.co.jp] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:44] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Euri Inochi
[18:45] * Euri Inochi trudges in from thr Tokyo door, looking worn and exhausted.
[18:47] * Sarah Christensson is trying to clean up the dirt off Shion's cheek
[18:47] * Sarah Christensson looks up
[18:47] * Euri Inochi sees Sarah and smiles a small smile
[18:47] <Euri Inochi> Good evening, Sarah-san.
[18:47] <Euri Inochi> It's been a long time.
[18:48] * Shion sees Euri and freezes up a little at that
[18:48] <Sarah Christensson> it has!
[18:48] <Sarah Christensson> you look exausted
[18:48] <Euri Inochi> Tch. I am.
[18:49] <Euri Inochi> Rehearsal ran super late and it was unbelievably frustrating. The students just didn't want to listen and behave.
[18:49] <Euri Inochi> I think they were all riled up from the emergency evacuation earlier today.
[18:49] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:49] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Chibi-AnTil
[18:49] <Sarah Christensson> an emergency???
[18:49] *** Chibi-Alex [BoundlessExuberanceOfYouth@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[18:49] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Chibi-Alex
[18:49] <Sarah Christensson> what happened?
[18:49] * Sarah Christensson wraps some bandages over shion's knuckles
[18:50] <Euri Inochi> I think it was a drill but I'm not sure. Rumor amongst the admin was some lab experiment went wrong but who really knows.
[18:50] * Euri Inochi sees the young giel. "Is this your... nice
[18:50] * Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Antil both come into the Lobby, still dressed in their Naval Uniforms as they sit down at a couch, both reading dataslates and occasionally reading each other's 'slates.
[18:50] <Euri Inochi> Niece?"
[18:51] <Sarah Christensson> my adopted daughter actually
[18:51] * Shion BLUSHES at that
[18:51] * Euri Inochi spots the..kits and waves at them though they might not notice as they are busy reading.
[18:51] <Euri Inochi> Oh! Well congratulations to you both!
[18:51] * Euri Inochi smiles warmly.
[18:52] <Euri Inochi> Along with my biological child Hachi, I also have two adopted children, Delilha and Nobu.
[18:52] * Shion tries not to look Euri in the eyes
[18:53] <Sarah Christensson> oh I know Delilah of course
[18:53] <Chibi-Alex> Hello, Miss Euri.
[18:53] <Chibi-Antil> Good evening
[18:54] <Euri Inochi> Good evening you too.
[18:55] <Sarah Christensson> alright.....that should be enough bandages for you
[18:56] <Euri Inochi> It's very nicye to meet you., miss...?
[18:56] * Shon mutters something
[18:57] * Euri Inochi looks at Sarah questioningly.
[18:59] <Sarah Christensson> be polite
[18:59] <Shion> >_> Shion >_>
[19:00] * smiles.
[19:01] <@spiritflame> ATTENTION: Euri Inochi is already registered. Check your password or enter a new name.
[19:01] * Euri Inochi smiles.
[19:01] <Chibi-Antil> Bandages?
[19:02] <Chibi-Antil> Did someone get hurt over there?
[19:02] <Sarah Christensson> a certain little girl went somewhere where she shouldn't
[19:03] <Euri Inochi> You have a name as pretty as you are, Shion-chan.
[19:03] <Chibi-Alex> She didn't get hurt too badly, did she?
[19:03] <Euri Inochi> You need to listen to your mommy so you won't get hurt.
[19:04] * Euri Inochi straightens from having been bending over a little from talking to Shion. She winces as her back cracks painful.
[19:04] <Shion> ..y..yes
[19:04] <Sarah Christensson> maybe you should see the EMH
[19:06] <Euri Inochi> Oh, no, I'm alright.
[19:07] <Euri Inochi> Just a minor ache from too much work and stress.
[19:07] <Euri Inochi> I'd kill for a relaxing da
[19:07] <Euri Inochi> Day at the soa
[19:07] <Euri Inochi> Spa
[19:08] <Sarah Christensson> well there's the hot spring in the pool room
[19:08] * Euri Inochi yawns a huge yawn, exhaustion draped over her shoulders like a cloak.
[19:08] <Euri Inochi> Mmm... you know what, that sounds like a good idea.
[19:09] * Sarah Christensson looks up "Shion..your friends are here..while don't you go over to them"
[19:09] <Euri Inochi> I'll go get my things to freshen up and take a long soak
[19:09] * Shion looks up and spots Kiyoko and Shurin...and runs over to them
[19:10] <Sarah Christensson> it will do you good!
[19:12] * Euri Inochi nods and, with a weary word of thanks, goes to get her things and head to the onsen upstairs.
[19:12] * Euri Inochi is away 
[19:13] * Sarah Christensson tries to relax a bit, putting away her supplies
[19:25] <Chibi-Alex> Is everything okay over there?
[19:27] *** Davina O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:27] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Davina O`Cain
[19:27] * Davina O`Cain is walking about in the Atrium
[19:29] * Sarah Christensson waves
[19:30] <Davina O`Cain> Oh. Good evening.
[19:33] <Chibi-Alex> O___O
[19:34] <Davina O`Cain> How is everyone doing?
[19:38] <Chibi-Alex> Not good actually.
[19:38] <Chibi-Antil> Not good at all
[19:38] * A Dimensional Gate opens nearby.
[19:39] * this music starts to play
[19:39] *** IrnChef_Jovian [ironchef@makoskitchen.co.jp] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:39] <@spiritflame> konbanwa IrnChef_Jovian
[19:39] <IrnChef_Jovian> :3
[19:39] * IrnChef_Jovian walks over to the bar and grabs a beer
[19:39] * Nelius Raoul steps through the gate, closing it behind him.
[19:40] <Chibi-Antil> We just found out about increased activity back in the Zone.
[19:40] * IrnChef_Jovian crushes the can in her fist slightly, forcing it open. She chugs
[19:40] * Sarah Christensson waves
[19:40] * IrnChef_Jovian licks her lips
[19:40] <IrnChef_Jovian> Ya that's good stuff~
[19:40] <Nelius Raoul> Great, more activity back in Grimderp Wackyland?
[19:41] <Chibi-Alex> We're trying to figure out exactly what's going on, but it seems like someone or something may be trying to disrupt the Zone again.
[19:41] <Sarah Christensson> ^^;;
[19:41] * IrnChef_Jovian sits on a barstool, crossing hre legs and looking pretty Gangsta
[19:41] * Mdm_Maestro BUR
[19:42] * Mdm_Maestro BUSRSTS in the front door still looking bloody and bruised
[19:42] <Mdm_Maestro> WHERE IS HARUKA
[19:42] <IrnChef_Jovian> Heh
[19:42] <Davina O`Cain> Hm?
[19:42] <Chibi-Antil> For a moment I thought that WAS Haruka over there.
[19:42] <IrnChef_Jovian> She's with the winning team
[19:42] <Mdm_Maestro> ..What
[19:42] <Chibi-Alex> ...Winning team?
[19:43] * IrnChef_Jovian sips her beer
[19:43] <Chibi-Alex> Winning team of what?
[19:43] <IrnChef_Jovian> Team "Mako"
[19:43] <IrnChef_Jovian> Winning at life
[19:43] <Mdm_Maestro> What sort of nonsense is this
[19:43] * Mdm_Maestro masses a globe of water around her right fist
[19:44] <Chibi-Alex> .....................huh?
[19:44] * IrnChef_Jovian casually flicks a lightning bolt into the water and TASERS Michiru
[19:44] <Mdm_Maestro> GGRAARRHGHRAHSHGH
[19:44] * Mdm_Maestro drops into a smoking heap, twitching
[19:44] <Chibi-AnTil> Is something wrong with Makoto?
[19:44] <IrnChef_Jovian> Nothing's wrong. I just opened my eyes
[19:45] <IrnChef_Jovian> Motoki's gone, leaving me with a kid to take of
[19:45] <IrnChef_Jovian> And Michiru here's been real s[BLEEP]tty to my Idol Haruka
[19:45] <IrnChef_Jovian> _real_ s[BLEEP]tty
[19:45] <IrnChef_Jovian> and then I realized...
[19:45] <Chibi-Alex> Hasn't she always?
[19:45] * IrnChef_Jovian tightens a fist
[19:45] <Chibi-Alex> To everyone?
[19:46] <Chibi-Alex> Even us?
[19:46] <IrnChef_Jovian> It doesn't haveta be like this.
[19:46] <Chibi-AnTil> So what did you do with Haruka?
[19:46] <Mdm_Maestro> You can't just... can't just---
[19:46] * Mdm_Maestro forces herself to her feet
[19:46] <IrnChef_Jovian> Can't I? Weren't you gonna dump her?
[19:47] <Mdm_Maestro> THAT'S NOT THE POINT
[19:47] * Chibi-AnTil looks at Makoto. "I take it this is the point where you're going to ask us NOT to get involved?"
[19:47] <IrnChef_Jovian> How is it not the point?
[19:48] <Chibi-Alex> But you WERE planning to break up with Haruka, weren't you?
[19:48] * IrnChef_Jovian slowly gets up and dusts off her knees
[19:48] <IrnChef_Jovian> Oh, I don't think so~
[19:48] * IrnChef_Jovian grabs the barstool and LIFTS IT OVER HER HEAD
[19:48] <Mdm_Maestro> O_o
[19:49] * IrnChef_Jovian CHARGES AT MICHIRU-SAN
[19:49] <Mdm_Maestro> ....
[19:49] <Davina O`Cain> Um...
[19:49] * Mdm_Maestro loosk around quickly and ... and...
[19:50] <Chibi-Alex> :O
[19:50] <Chibi-AnTil> She's gonna smash the Spore???!
[19:50] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> B[BLEEP]CH WHAT
[19:50] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa BITES Michiru's Hand
[19:51] * Mdm_Maestro SCREECHES and drops Chibiusa!
[19:51] <Mdm_Maestro> YOU --- YOU PHILISTINES
[19:51] <Mdm_Maestro> KINO MAKOTO~! YOU CAN'T HAVE HARUKA!
[19:51] <Mdm_Maestro> I DON'T!
[19:51] <Nelius Raoul> ....(I see I dropped in during the dramu-hours again.)
[19:52] <IrnChef_Jovian> THAT'S JUST SELFISH! WHY!?
[19:52] * Chibi-Alex leaps in between Michiru and Makoto, interposing herself between them like Mills Lane. "HEY!! BREAK IT UP YOU TWO!!! THIS ISN'T HOW A CONFLICT OF THIS LEVEL OF IRRATIONALITY SHOULD BE HANDLED!"
[19:52] <Mdm_Maestro> BECAUSE SHE MUST SUFFER!
[19:52] <Chibi-AnTil> Suffer?! WHY?!
[19:52] * Mdm_Maestro AND Makoto look at Chibi-Alex
[19:52] <Chibi-AnTil> Just break up with her and be DONE with it already!
[19:53] * Mdm_Maestro and Makoto BOTH SMACK Chibi-Alex away at the same time "BUTT OUT!!
[19:53] * They then go to PUNCH EACH OTHER
[19:53] * Mdm_Maestro misses because she's not good at fisticuffs
[19:53] * Chibi-Alex is smacked away, but she skids to a halt a few feet away. Wow, for someone as slender as she is she's quite heavy and dense.
[19:54] * IrnChef_Jovian lands a perfect SMASH right into Michiru's face
[19:54] <Chibi-Alex> >:O
[19:54] * Mdm_Maestro SCREECHES like you've never heard her SCREECH before
[19:54] <Chibi-Alex> I WILL...!!!!!!!!!!
[19:54] <Chibi-AnTil> Stand down, Alex.
[19:54] <Mdm_Maestro> THIS IS WAR KINO MAKOTO
[19:54] <Chibi-AnTil> - Let them fight! -
[19:54] <IrnChef_Jovian> Bring it~
[19:55] * Forest Kit trots towards the Kits :D
[19:55] * IrnChef_Jovian smirks at Antil "see, Antil gets it"
[19:55] * IrnChef_Jovian CHARGES Michiru
[19:55] * Mdm_Maestro throws downa SMOKE BOMB
[19:55] * Mdm_Maestro starts coughing and spluttering having inhaled the smoke
[19:56] <Mdm_Maestro> *cough* what.. how.. *cough* what was step two...
[19:56] * Chibi-AnTil offers Makoto something classic - FLASH-BANG GRENADES.
[19:56] * IrnChef_Jovian gratefully accepts and BANGS Michiru-san!
[19:56] *** Phrasing!
[19:56] *** Enterprise has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:56] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Enterprise
[19:57] * Mdm_Maestro SCREAMS in pain and shock and the sheer rage of the super-elite being so DISRESPECTED
[19:57] * Mdm_Maestro staggers around blinded
[19:57] * Enterprise sees Shikikan Antil potentially being endangered and SPRINTS over!!
[19:57] * IrnChef_Jovian casually shoves Michiru-san out the front door and locks it, chugging a beer
[19:57] * Enterprise grabs both Antil, Alexianna, AND the Forest Kit and pulls them all away.
[19:57] <Forest Kit> :3
[19:57] <IrnChef_Jovian> Ya... things are gonna be a little different from now on
[19:58] <IrnChef_Jovian> It's gonna be the age of HaruMako
[19:58] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> O s[BLEEP]t
[19:58] <Enterprise> Haru...mako? What?
[19:58] <Chibi-AnTil> I'll explain it to you later, Enterprise
[19:58] <Forest Kit> Halmako? :O
[19:59] <Chibi-AnTil> Makoto.
[19:59] <IrnChef_Jovian> For years I looked up to Haruka-san but she was like the unattainable ideal
[19:59] <Chibi-AnTil> Would you please fill us in on what exactly that was all about?
[19:59] <IrnChef_Jovian> But now...
[19:59] * IrnChef_Jovian looks to Antil
[19:59] <IrnChef_Jovian> What's it about?
[19:59] <IrnChef_Jovian> It's about me making Haruka my b[BLEEP]ch.
[20:00] <Chibi-Alex> When was Michiru planning to break up with Haruka? We've never heard anything about that.
[20:00] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Wait what
[20:00] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> your what?
[20:00] <Chibi-Alex> But then again, I really could give a s[BLEEP]t about what's going on in Michiru's life.
[20:00] <IrnChef_Jovian> Haruka-san has lost her way
[20:00] <IrnChef_Jovian> She's become a sloppy boozehound
[20:00] <Chibi-AnTil> ERROR, MAKOTO.
[20:01] <IrnChef_Jovian> She's fallen so far from thebright shiniing star I idolized so many years ago...
[20:01] <Chibi-AnTil> You're making the assumption that Haruka ever HAD a "way" in the first place! ^___~
[20:01] <IrnChef_Jovian> It's my job to make her back into what she used to be
[20:01] <Chibi-Alex> Back to her being an ULTRA sloppy boozehound?
[20:02] <IrnChef_Jovian> Back to being the graceful genius racer pianist idol who makes my pulse pound and my head dizzy and makes me think of all the things...
[20:03] <Chibi-Alex> ...your fists?
[20:03] <IrnChef_Jovian> It's like Tuxedo Kamen said one time
[20:03] <IrnChef_Jovian> Sometimes people just have to understand each other through violence.
[20:03] <Chibi-AnTil> ...I don't think he ever said that.
[20:03] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> That uhh... that wasn't the lesson...
[20:04] *** it was the episode where the outers went after Sailor Moon and theother wanted to step in and Tux waved them off
[20:04] <IrnChef_Jovian> I'm going to give hre tough love. Makoto-sama's tough love.
[20:05] * IrnChef_Jovian has hearts in her eyes
[20:05] <Forest Kit> lovey dovey :D
[20:05] <Davina O`Cain> Um, okay...
[20:05] * IrnChef_Jovian giggles coquettishly
[20:06] <Chibi-AnTil> You're not going to go all Yandere Simulator on her, are you?
[20:06] <IrnChef_Jovian> See, Michiru just didn't have what Haruka needs
[20:06] <IrnChef_Jovian> a firm hand to hold her down...
[20:06] <Enterprise> Which is?
[20:06] <IrnChef_Jovian> ...er rback
[20:06] * IrnChef_Jovian grins to herselt
[20:06] <IrnChef_Jovian> I can do it. I can discipline her
[20:06] <Enterprise> ...Oh god.
[20:07] <Enterprise> ...She's going to go all ahead full with the Eisenblut treatment.
[20:07] * IrnChef_Jovian giggles
[20:07] <IrnChef_Jovian> I'm going to bake her a tasty, delicious cake
[20:07] <IrnChef_Jovian> And then I'm going to feed it to her...
[20:07] <IrnChef_Jovian> but she can only eat it when I allow her to...
[20:08] * IrnChef_Jovian is away: Haruka-sama... Love will find a way!
[20:08] <Davina O`Cain> Should...we be worried about this?
[20:08] <Enterprise> EXCEEDINGLY WORRIED!
[20:08] <Nelius Raoul>(At the very least, this'll be an entertaining trainwreck to film.)
[20:08] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I don't know if I should be scared or turned on rn
[20:08] <Enterprise> I have a very bad feeling she's going to do something like THIS to your friend.
[20:09] * D. Kakaku [Black Forest, Germany] isn't here right now, but would have said something if he were here.
[20:10] *** that video... might not be far off
[20:11] <Chibi-AnTil> Well, it doesn't involve us.
[20:11] <Chibi-AnTil> We just need to stay out of it.
[20:11] <Chibi-Alex> Yeah, screw Michiru. And not in that fun, sexy way either.
[20:12] <Chibi-Alex> If she's going to be THAT vindictive to someone she's already planning to end a relationship with, then she's not worth helping.
[20:12] <Chibi-Alex> I can't stand people like that.
[20:13] * Chibi-Alex picks up the Forest Kit and pets it.
[20:14] * Forest Kit trills happily
[20:14] <Nelius Raoul> So, with that out of the way.... you said there's been more activity back over in Grimderp Wackyland (The Exclusion Zone)?
[20:15] <Davina O`Cain> The what?
[20:15] <Chibi-Alex> Yup, there is
[20:15] * Nelius Raoul looks at Davina O`Cain.
[20:15] *** Davina O`Cain is busty female Selenite standing 5'6", grey eyes, light brown hair that goes down to her waist, and also has demon horns and tail due to a mutation.
Her image Song is: .

[20:15] <Chibi-Alex> Which means we MIGHT have to investigate.
[20:15] <Nelius Raoul> The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone --- basically all kinds of reality-defying things happen over there.
[20:15] <Chibi-Alex> And you know what that means?
[20:18] <Nelius Raoul> Why am I not surprised.
[20:18] <Chibi-Antil>SLAV-SQUATS!!!
[20:20] <Chibi-Alex> Yes! The return of HARDBASS!!!!! DANCE WITH US, EVERYONE!!
[20:22] *** A few of the girls of Northern Parliament join in!
[20:24] <Davina O`Cain> I see.
[20:25] <Nelius Raoul> Fair warning --- place is irradiated to hell and back, so anyone whom goes in needs the proper insulation, not to mention decontamination afterwards. The things you can find in there can be worth the excursion.
[20:26] <Davina O`Cain> Sounds like a very dangerous place.
[20:28] <Nelius Raoul> It is. If the radiation doesn't get to you, the other people whom venture in might.
[20:29] <Chibi-Alex> Yeah, ALL of the old factions are still active.
[20:29] <Chibi-AnTil> And some new ones have formed.
[20:29] <Davina O`Cain> I see. I don't think I'll be paying that place a visit anytime soon.
[20:31] * Davina O`Cain gently rubs one of her arms as her tail is moving back and forth slightly
[20:33] <Chibi-Alex> Not unless the Zone pays YOU a visit!
[20:33] <Chibi-AnTil> Nelius, I think you and some of your friends had a LOT of fun inside the Zone when we were there.
[20:34] <Chibi-Alex> Oh yeah! That was one of our survival training missions! There are still a bunch of Moon-Rabbits that chose to stay there and embrace the Gopnik life.
[20:41] * Davina O`Cain now has a worried look on her face
[20:41] <Forest Kit> Rogopniks? :O
[20:41] * Nelius Raoul looks over to Davina. "....fair guess to say you're quite new around here?"
[20:45] * Davina O`Cain nods, "I am."
[20:46] * A drop of water falls down into the Atrium.
[20:47] * Chibi-Alex tickles the silly Forest Kit
[20:47] * Chibi-AnTil sees the water.
[20:47] <Chibi-AnTil> Is that Michiru or Ami? Or someone else entirely
[20:47] * Another drop of water falls down into the atrium.
[20:48] * Another drop of water falls down into the atrium.
[20:48] * The dripping has become more steady. A pipe has started to leak, and leaks more and more.
[20:48] <Nelius Raoul>(Oh brother.)
[20:49] <Davina O`Cain> Huh?
[20:49] * Nelius Raoul calls in a few Repair Prinnies to get the pipe fixed.
[20:51] * Upstairs pipe explodes and releases loads of water into the room.
[20:51] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Liza.Sunrise-Suminaka@CastleMkLVISatUplink] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:51] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Liza Sunrise-Suminaka
[20:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Hello everyone!
[20:52] *** The splashing water laps against a power cord that has become frayed, zapping one of the Prinnies pretty good.
[20:53] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Uh, how is everybody doing? Oooh! Fox tails!
[20:54] *** A small warning light on Liza's big heavily-armed hostile envirosuit is lit.
[20:55] * Kiyoko grins, admiring Shino's bandages!
[20:55] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks at Chibi-Alex.
[20:55] *** Chibi-Alex is is Alexianna, a beautiful little kitsune girl and daughter of Solarchos and Inu-Kit. Her unruly coppery hair is tussled from all the playing shes done today and she pauses to bat playfully at her black bangs. Her fox-ears flick as she sees you.
Her image Song is: .

[20:55] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks at Chibi-Antil.
[20:55] *** Chibi-Antil is is AnTilZha, an adorable kitsune-jin boy and son of Solarchos and Inu-Kit. His lush black hair frames his head like a lions mane and is marred by a large patch of copper-colored hair near his forehead. He looks back at you curiously.
His image Song is: .

[20:56] * Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex both smile and give Liza tail-pats
[20:57] <Chibi-AnTil> Yes, we have fox tails
[20:57] <Chibi-Alex> And perky ears!
[20:57] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> D'awww, that's adorable!
[20:58] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> My name is Liza. It's nice to meet you!
[20:58] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Are you touching me with your tails?
[20:58] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I caan't quite tell---yes, i think you did. Is that how you say 'Hi?'
[21:00] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka leans over a good bit, since her visor is up so high compared to the children.
[21:02] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I'm sorry I cannot feel your tails. Like I said, though, it's nice to meet you. ^_^
[21:04] <Chibi-Alex> It IS a way we can say hi to people
[21:05] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Well, I'm not familiar with it. I was hesistant to say hi, it sure is nice to see you.
[21:05] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I'm sure your father is very proud.
[21:05] <Chibi-AnTil> Our littlest sister does it the most often though.
[21:05] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ....I'm assuming that you are Solarchos' surviving children, yes?
[21:05] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Aww, that's precious.
[21:07] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you come here often?
[21:07] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I don't recall meeting you. ^_^
[21:08] <Shurin> ^_^ *puts a flower garland around Shion's head*
[21:08] *** a venomous snake wriggles out of the broken water pipe.
[21:13] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka yawns for a moment.
[21:14] *** Another venomous snake wriggles out of the broken water pipe.
[21:16] <Davina O`Cain> Snakes?
[21:17] <Chibi-AnTil> :O
[21:17] <Enterprise> Danger detected!
[21:18] <Nelius Raoul> ...pretty certain those species aren't even native to Japan.
[21:18] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> >.<;;
[21:19] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I guess it's just.... bad luck that they are here? >.<;
[21:19] *** 5 more venomous snakes, of multiple species, now wriggle out of the broken water pipe.
[21:20] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka has a light on her helmet that has moved from a yellow color to a yellow-orange color as this happens.
[21:21] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka blinks a couple of times behind her visor.
[21:21] <Nelius Raoul> Pretty certain this goes beyond merely "bad luck".
[21:21] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Yes. I suppose.
[21:22] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I really hope you guys visit here again soon, so I can maybe talk to you again later.
[21:22] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Hey, quick question, does anybody else smell that?
[21:23] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I think that might be mercaptans, and that would mean that...
[21:23] *** There is a gas leak.
[21:24] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Actually, it occurs to me that TARDISes like Chateaux, if they do have gas mains and pipes, might mix something besides mercaptans with it, because they have the option of------*
[21:24] <Enterprise> Everyone evacuate the area!!
[21:25] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks over at Enterprise, as she shouts, but her reflexes are slowed, and her eyes become increasingly lidded.
[21:25] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> @_@
[21:26] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka closes her eyes, and her visor slowly goes opaque.
[21:26] *** The gas leak has stopped!
[21:26] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka 's helmet light is bluish-green now, instead of orange.
[21:27] *** Some coins fall out of the formerly-leaking water pipe now.
[21:27] <Davina O`Cain> What?
[21:27] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka doesn't respond.
[21:27] <Nelius Raoul>(I wonder....)
[21:29] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka 's suit teleports over to a nearby corner of the room, out of the way.
[21:29] * Nelius Raoul takes a moment to examine these coins.
[21:30] *** Three of them are doubled-die coins.
[21:31] *** All of the pennies landed heads up, also.
[21:32] <Nelius Raoul>(Odd.... does that suit of hers have some kind of fortune-inverter effect now?)
[21:32] <Davina O`Cain> What just happened? Is that normal around here?
[21:34] <Nelius Raoul> For Liza, roughly. Something about her causes all kinds of negative anomalous effects to occur, with her suit working to curb the worst of them.
[21:37] <Davina O`Cain> I see. Such interesting technology, though.
[21:38] <Enterprise> I must remove the Kits from this place now.
[21:38] <Forest Kit> :O
[21:38] <Chibi-AnTil> You really don't NEED to, Enterprise...
[21:39] * Enterprise grabs Shikikan AnTil's hand and quickly leads him away, practically dragging him along.
[21:39] <Chibi-Alex> :O
[21:41] <Davina O`Cain> Eh?
[21:42] <Forest Kit> :O
[21:42] <Nelius Raoul> .....hoo boy.
[21:47] <Chibi-AnTil> Wait. WAIT! You don't need to do this, Enterprise!
[21:47] *** Enterprise has left #suburbansenshi2 (I must. As your Secretary, your safety is my priority. Don't make me get Belfast to help me.)
[21:48] *** Chibi-AnTil [WellManneredFoxBoy@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Huh? Belfast? What's she got to do with anything?)
[21:48] *** Chibi-Alex [BoundlessExuberanceOfYouth@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Shouldn't your Waifus be your Secretaries now? ^___~)
[21:49] <Nelius Raoul> .....and once again Sea-Doll shenaniganery is afoot.
[21:51] <Davina O`Cain> Sea-Doll?
[21:52] * Nelius Raoul looks back over. "Indeed --- Enterprise is one of the Kansen, aka Sea-Dolls --- cyborg-esque fighters designed for naval warfare."
[21:53] <Nelius Raoul> They all effectively serve under Alex and AnTil's father, Solarchos, but as there's...... what, close to 200 or 300 of 'em in total, managing them is a task in and of itself.
[21:53] <Davina O`Cain> Interesting. Seems Human technology has advanced a bit.
[21:57] <Nelius Raoul> Indeed. And I get the feeling that barring some impetuous decisions, it'll keep advancing.
[21:59] <Nelius Raoul> It is getting late. I should be heading back. Perhaps we'll meet again, Miss............... don't believe I caught your name.
[22:00] <Davina O`Cain> Oh. I'm Davina O`Cain. Pleased to meet you. :)
[22:01] <Nelius Raoul> Nelius Raoul, likewise. The O`Cains' influence grows.
[22:04] <Nelius Raoul> Either way, safe travels.
[22:05] <Davina O`Cain> Indeed. Take care, Nelius.
[22:05] *** Nelius Raoul [Overlord.Shura.CreativeChaos@Rasetsu.Coalition.nw] has left #suburbansenshi2 (*exits via Dimensional Gate*)
[22:16] * Sarah Christensson streaches a little
[22:20] <Davina O`Cain> Quite an interesting night.
[22:24] * Kiyoko watches davina...getting michvious ideas...
[22:25] * Kiyoko runs over to Davina "hey lady!"
[22:27] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, hello.
[22:28] * Kiyoko grins and offers a chocolate "I've got extra..want one?"
[22:28] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, why thank you.
[22:28] * Davina O`Cain goes to take the chocolate
[22:29] * Sarah Christensson goes to remove the chocolate..but will she get to it on time???
[22:29] * Davina O`Cain has her hand near the chocolate
[22:31] * Davina O`Cain blinks as the choclate is suddenly gone, "Eh?"
[22:31] <Sarah Christensson> NO BAD
[22:31] <Sarah Christensson> no tricking our guest
[22:31] <Kiyoko> awww come on..it would have been funny!!!!!
[22:32] <Sarah Christensson> no it wouldn't have!
[22:32] <Sarah Christensson> you're taking advantage of her not knowing!
[22:32] <Kiyoko> poo....
[22:32] * Kiyoko frowns..dissapointed
[22:34] <Davina O`Cain> Wait. The chocolate was tainted?
[22:34] <Sarah Christensson> yes..you would have turned back into a child
[22:34] <Kiyoko> I was just going to have some fun...*grumble*
[22:35] <Davina O`Cain> Reverse my age? That's possible?
[22:35] <Kiyoko> hmph
[22:35] <Sarah Christensson> very possible
[22:37] <Sarah Christensson> And NOT FUNNY
[22:37] <Davina O`Cain> How does it work if I may ask?
[22:38] * Sarah Christensson explains the process...it's super technical
[22:40] <Davina O`Cain> Interesting.
[22:42] <Sarah Christensson> indeed
[22:42] <Sarah Christensson> and SOMEONE IS NOT GOING TO KEEP DOING THAT
[22:49] * Davina O`Cain focuses her attention to Sarah, "I don't think I've introduced myself."
[22:50] <Sarah Christensson> I'm Sarah..Sarah Christensson
[22:54] <Davina O`Cain> Davina O`Cain. :)
[22:56] <Davina O`Cain> It's a pleasure to meet you.
[23:06] * Forest Kit swishes its tail :3
[23:06] <Sarah Christensson> oh hello there!
[23:17] <Forest Kit> hi :D
[23:20] <Davina O`Cain> Oh. I should return to the suite. Have a good night.
[23:20] *** Davina O`Cain has quit IRC (Must get going.)
[23:25] <Sarah Christensson> oh bye!
[23:32] <Forest Kit> :3
[23:41] * Sarah Christensson spots the children, having fallen asleep
[00:06] <Forest Kit> what we do? :O
[00:16] <Sarah Christensson> hm?
[00:17] * Forest Kit swishes its tail again :D
[00:29] <Sarah Christensson> heh i'm guessing you want to play
[00:37] <Forest Kit> yuppa :D
[01:03] <Sarah Christensson> heh what would you play?
[01:04] <Forest Kit> play catch the fluffy :D
[01:19] <Sarah Christensson> you mean I chase after you?
[01:33] <Forest Kit> yuppa :D
[01:34] <Sarah Christensson> alright!
[01:35] * Forest Kit trots somewhere and POOFS.
[02:07] * Sarah Christensson tries to follows
[02:08] * Forest Kit is hidden, disguised as an object, but which one?
[02:24] * Sarah Christensson tries to look for them
[02:25] * Forest Kit there is an object with a cleverly hidden foxtail!
[02:47] <Forest Kit> :3
[03:07] *** Sarah Christensson has left #suburbansenshi2 (keeps looking)
[13:38] * Georgia Banno sends some equpitment to Daniel to help him out
[14:23] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[14:23] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Matsumi Kaze
[14:23] * Matsumi Kaze walks in and looks around
[14:23] <Matsumi Kaze> so quiet
[14:27] * Matsumi Kaze looks around
[14:27] <Matsumi Kaze> hope everyone is ok
[14:30] * Matsumi Kaze lays on the floor and takes a deep breath
[15:05] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[15:15] * The floor eats you
[15:16] * It belches and throws you back up. You are covered in floor-puke.
[15:17] <Matsumi Kaze> ......ew.......
[15:29] * Matsumi Kaze removes her clothes, sitting in her underwear and tries to dry it out
[15:30] * the floor has eaten the clothes.
[15:31] <Matsumi Kaze> s[BLEEP]t s[BLEEP]t!
[15:31] * Matsumi Kaze is now just in her underwear
[15:33] <Matsumi Kaze> ...aw crap
[15:33] * Neighborhood kids snap pictures from the outside window and run away
[15:38] <Matsumi Kaze> *sigh*
[15:38] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ Underwear ]
[15:40] <Matsumi Kaze>[Underwear] oh great
[15:47] * Matsumi Kaze [Underwear] tries to perch ontop of the bar to avoid the floor
[16:33] * Matsumi Kaze [Underwear] just stays perched >_>
[17:41] * Matsumi Kaze [Underwear] glares at the floor...
[17:56] * Something drops near Matsumi...
[17:57] * Matsumi Kaze [Underwear] looks
[18:07] * Something turns out to be an emergency clothes package! There's a sticker: "Courtesy of Harusawa's Emergency Clothes Delivery"
[18:08] * Matsumi Kaze [Underwear] carefully tries to grab it
[18:13] * The package is successfully obtained!
[18:14] * Matsumi Kaze [Underwear] carefully changes into the clothes
[18:14] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ ]
[19:16] <Matsumi Kaze> thank you >_>
[21:55] * Matsumi Kaze sits in a corner, hugging her legs
[22:08] <Matsumi Kaze> T_T
[22:16] *** A message reception prompt appears at the Quantum Entanglement Communicator. It's addressed to Chibi-Antil
[22:18] <HK-416> My dearest Antil. Now that you're about to turn 18, I can express my feelings officially to you.
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[22:20] *** Another message arrives, addressed to Chibi-AnTil.
[22:20] * Forest Kit peeks to watch.
[22:21] <Belfast> Please accept this on your transition to manhood.
[22:22] <Forest Kit> Ooooohhhhh, Kissy Kissy Muu Muu >:D
[22:25] *** Another message got intercepted somehow!
[22:26] <Negev> Dearest Commander. I have never forgotten your words to me. You are my one and only owner.
[22:27] *** ANOTHER message comes in!
[22:28] * Prinz Eugen is forwarding a SUS PDF to Chibi-Antil!
[22:29] * Forest Kit looks at the sus PDF :3
[22:33] * Forest Kit Starts editing it to three specific terms
1. I Hereby acknowledge Prinz Eugen, hereby referred to as "Prints Oygen", to be declared as she to be made fluffy as punishment for ANY REASON at all!
2. Forest Kits are hereby to be considered unquestionable and without blame for everything they do to Prints Oygen.
3. Prints Oygen will become fluffy at any time, so says the Rising Floof!

[22:33] <Forest Kit> :D
[22:34] * Forest Kit sends its SUS PDF to Eugen. >:D
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> ......
[22:37] * Forest Kit cuts and pastes and sends it back, thanking Prinz Eugen for agreeing to become fluffy and to NEVER blame forest kits for it :D
[22:38] <Forest Kit> hi :D
[22:38] * Springfield sends a message too! "Happy birthday, young Antilzha. I've long awaited an opportunity like this. Please delight me with a dinner date."
[22:40] <Atago> "Is always available to protect you, Commander Antil
[22:44] *** Another one. From...Sakuya Izayoi!?
[22:46] <> Dear young master Antil. I've watched you grow since you and your sister were infants, and seen you endure and triumph over so much. I cannot begin to elaborate on how many times I fervently wished to assist you during your harshest trials.
[22:47] <Sakuya Izayoi> ^
[22:48] <Sakuya Izayoi> I nearly broke down completely when I heard that the Aurora had been destroyed over the Water world, and I barely held myself together every day you and your siblings were in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
[22:49] <Sakuya Izayoi> Now I sense that something even greater is approaching. I pray that, if you are called upon to serve in the struggle that I believe the Onryo has been preparing you all for, that you'll all come back to us.
[22:50] <Sakuya Izayoi> And that you might think of me with the greatest of fondness.
[22:55] * Prinz Eugen sends a reply back to the Forest Kits.
[22:55] <Prinz Eugen> NIEN!!!!!!!!
[22:57] * Chen Yakumo has sent a message!! It's...DAAAAAWWWWW~!!!!
[23:00] <Ran Yakumo> I have something for you and your sister oh Well-Mannered Foxboy!
[23:00] * Forest Kit types back "YES, You sign it already! >:D"
[23:07] *** And finally, an intercepted message from UMP-9!
[23:10] *** And one more, from...Kagami Hiiragi!!
[23:12] <Kagami Hiiragi> Hello to you, Antil, on your 18th birthday! I'm sorry I disappeared for so long, but I was assigned to a high security project in the Abyss on 4546-B. But I finally got clearance to send you a message.
[23:13] <Kagami Hiiragi> Hope to see you soon. And I hope we can finally do more than just talk when next we meet!
[23:17] *** Lastly, there's an invitation for both Antil AND Alexianna. To a very special party prepared JUST for them. And it's emblazoned with the symbol of Eisenblut.
[00:26] * Forest Kit is away: :3
[07:12] *** SYSTEM ANNOUNCE - Main Page updated with entry # 2478 - Begun, the era of HaruMako has ***
[07:37] <Nivek_Razal> As a descendent of Chronos, there is a part of me that feels duty bound to stop Setsuna. As an impartial observer from another universe I feel compelled to watch with popcorn.
[08:24] * Mercurius Shin has moved to: [ Mizunomics ]
[08:24] * Mercurius Shin [Mizunomics] yawns and checks a few things
[08:25] * Mercurius Shin [Mizunomics] sees what Ami said/implied
[08:25] <Mercurius Shin>[Mizunomics] ......
[08:25] * Mercurius Shin [Mizunomics] shrugs?
[08:25] * Mercurius Shin [Mizunomics] goes back to his morning routine
[19:14] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:14] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Matsumi Kaze
[19:14] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[19:14] * Matsumi Kaze sits on the Q sofa....a distant look in her eyes
[19:21] * A Portal opens
[19:21] *** D. Kakaku has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:21] <@spiritflame> konbanwa D. Kakaku
[19:22] * D. Kakaku [Black Forest, Germany] slams to the floor... as does Mary Lou.
[19:22] *** D. Kakaku has moved back to the Atrium
[19:29] * Matsumi Kaze just waves..a blank stare on her face
[19:35] <D. Kakaku> owwww.
[19:39] <Georgia Banno> are you alright?
[19:40] * Georgia Banno runs over and tries to help him up
[19:40] <D. Kakaku> ugh, yeah.
[19:40] <D. Kakaku> thanks.
[19:43] <Georgia Banno> how did you get back?
[19:43] <D. Kakaku> I'm not sure.
[19:51] * Georgia Banno brushes off DK
[20:19] <D. Kakaku> heheh, that always feels good.
[20:22] *** Davina O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:22] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Davina O`Cain
[20:24] <Davina O`Cain> Good evening.
[20:27] * D. Kakaku wraps his arms around Georgia.
[20:34] * Georgia Banno holds DK
[20:34] <D. Kakaku> mmmhmmm~
[20:35] <DJ Reverend_H> wow this porno is boring yo
[20:35] * DJ Reverend_H changes the channel
[20:35] * DJ Reverend_H doesn't see a change and clicks the remote a few more times
[20:35] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> That's real life dumbass
[20:36] * DJ Reverend_H is away: wow that sucks
[20:37] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa grabs some snacks and sits at the bar
[20:37] * Matsumi Kaze stares into the void..and yes the void stares back
[20:37] <Matsumi Kaze> ...hey chibs....
[20:37] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Hey Matsumi what're you doing
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ...finished prep for thanksgiving
[20:39] <Matsumi Kaze> ...I think my soul is broken
[20:39] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Ddi you get your had stuck up a turkey's ass and bang into a wall?
[20:39] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ^head
[20:40] <Davina O`Cain> Hm?
[20:40] <D. Kakaku> someone say turkey?
[20:40] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I said Turkey
[20:40] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Dis that summon you
[20:40] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ^did
[20:41] <D. Kakaku> no, something else did.
[20:43] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> okay~?
[20:43] <Matsumi Kaze> ......the horror..the horror
[20:44] <Nivek_Razal> Did you say your SOUL was broken.
[20:44] <Nivek_Razal> *?
[20:44] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...oh s[BLEEP]t you did stick your head up a Turkey's ass
[20:45] <Davina O`Cain> I don't think I want to ask how nor why.
[20:45] <D. Kakaku> well, we're on a hunt and be hunted thing right now.
[20:46] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Oh sHIT is it the Most Dangerous Game? Are you the turkeys?
[20:46] <Nivek_Razal> Please don't stick anything but bread based stuffing up the Turkey
[20:47] <D. Kakaku> well, we have to make sure we aren't the turkeys.
[20:48] *** Just after he said that, as the portal closes, a zap shoots out of it, from the location D. Kakaku and Mary Lou came from, and... someone flip a coin, object or person?
[20:48] *** DETECTIVE Chibiusa flips a coin into the air and catches it, tails side up
[20:49] <Nivek_Razal> I mean if you wanna be stuffed I'm not gonna kink-shame
[20:49] *** It hits an pbject, the Bar table is shrunk... very very quickly.
[20:49] *** *object
[20:50] <Davina O`Cain> Uh...
[20:50] <Matsumi Kaze> ....
[20:51] <D. Kakaku> one of Granny's old enemies.
[20:54] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...the hole in space?
[20:54] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> That's kinda abstract
[20:54] <D. Kakaku> an independent agent, and she's managed to get Youth and Pym Particles.
[20:55] <Nivek_Razal> I feel like it's wasteful to use a near omnipotent space rock to fix the table
[20:55] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Don't snort those or you might hit your wife
[20:55] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> dude the rock is part of my body so it's useful to use it for things
[20:55] <Nivek_Razal> They would imply he has one
[20:56] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> like homre simpson with the gun
[20:56] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> i use it to keep my teeth clean and my hair fluffy and my body clean
[20:57] <Nivek_Razal> Ok one, I wouldn't trust Homer with a water gun. And two, fair. We have Spells for that.
[20:59] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I use it every day which is better than not using it at all
[20:59] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> it means I'm more used to using it and I don't get tired like mom does
[21:02] <D. Kakaku> so, what has everyone been doing lately?
[21:02] <Nivek_Razal> Ah right. It uses the user's life force or something. It's like training a muscle I imagine?
[21:02] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> yup@
[21:03] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I've learned how to make it drain a lot less
[21:03] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I'm more efficient with it!!
[21:04] * Young Woman suddenly pops into existance into the middle of the room
[21:04] <Young Woman> .....
[21:04] <Young Woman> bloody hell! wrong time!
[21:04] * Young Woman vanishes again
[21:04] *** Young Woman has left #suburbansenshi2
[21:05] <D. Kakaku> huh?
[21:05] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> okay
[21:08] * Davina O`Cain blinks in confusion
[21:13] <D. Kakaku> so, how much will we be having tomorrow?
[21:14] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I'm not gonna tell you about my dex life :P
[21:14] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ^sex
[21:15] <Matsumi Kaze> are you taller, Chibs?
[21:16] <D. Kakaku> wait, is she?
[21:17] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Yup!
[21:17] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I grew a little!
[21:17] <Matsumi Kaze> you can grow?
[21:17] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...
[21:17] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> you can think?
[21:18] <D. Kakaku> what's the height now?
[21:18] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Why do you want to know my measurements! Don't be a creep!
[21:20] <D. Kakaku> eh?
[21:20] <Matsumi Kaze> oh yeah i can thi-HEY
[21:20] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> height's a measurement :P
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> but you're looking good, chibs!
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> ..wait is ok if I call you that
[21:24] <Matsumi Kaze> or is that rude?
[21:24] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Thanks!
[21:25] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> It's fine, Ema started calling me that
[21:25] <D. Kakaku> yeah, looking great.
[21:26] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> <_<
[21:27] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> There's a difference when a guy just says that out of the blue
[21:27] <D. Kakaku> really? >_>
[21:27] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Yeah it can be creepy
[21:28] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa goes to the bar and gets something to drink
[21:28] <D. Kakaku> Georgia? anything you wanna do tonight?
[21:30] <Georgia Banno> want to make sure you're alright
[21:30] <D. Kakaku> heh, ok~.
[21:32] * Matsumi Kaze streaches
[21:35] * A button flies off like a bullet and lodges into the far wall
[21:35] <D. Kakaku> O_o
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> >_>
[21:35] <Matsumi Kaze> ..sorry
[21:38] <Matsumi Kaze> had to borrow this shirt after the cooking
[21:39] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> You could put someone's eye out
[21:40] <Davina O`Cain> Or accidentally breaking skin from grazing flesh.
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> look, my last minimizer is in the wash!
[21:40] <Matsumi Kaze> I can't help it!
[21:41] <D. Kakaku> you have a minimizer, too?
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> .......
[21:42] <Matsumi Kaze> ....n..not.....that......kind
[21:43] <D. Kakaku> I'm going to guess, okay.
[21:43] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa looks at Kakaku-san weird
[21:44] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...why would you want to minimize it
[21:44] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I don't think you're that well-hung
[21:44] <D. Kakaku> not that kind either.
[21:46] <Matsumi Kaze> <_<
[21:47] <D. Kakaku> Georgia, wanna head upstairs?
[21:48] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> oh wow he really wants to unminimize it
[21:48] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa>

[21:49] <Georgia Banno> probably a good idea
[21:49] * Georgia Banno feels..bad for her boss
[21:51] <D. Kakaku> yeah, I think everything's rapidly devolving into what that Elios wants. wanna come with, Matsumi?
[21:51] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ...
[21:51] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> (is he trying to do a three way)
[21:52] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa takes a stiff drink to blot out that image from her mind
[21:52] <Georgia Banno> O_O
[21:52] * Georgia Banno grabs DK and PULLS HIM UPSTAIRS
[21:53] * D. Kakaku is away: AHHH!
[21:53] * Matsumi Kaze just..buries her face in her hands
[21:53] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> wow he's gotten bold Matsumi-san
[21:54] <Davina O`Cain> Is he alright (points to her head)?
[21:54] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ¯_(ツ)_/¯
[21:59] * Matsumi Kaze just screams into her hands
[22:02] <Mary Lou Kakaku>[Road] Oh my! I have to get things ready for thanksgiving too.
[22:02] *** Mary Lou Kakaku has moved back to the Atrium
[22:04] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> MAtsumi-san
[22:05] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Matsumi-san!
[22:05] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa coughs
[22:05] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> MATSUMI-SAN!!
[22:05] <Davina O`Cain> Matsumi, what's wrong?
[22:07] <Mary Lou Kakaku> if anything, I'll definitely be the same way she is by the end of it.
[22:09] <Matsumi Kaze> WHAT
[22:14] <Matsumi Kaze> WHAT
[22:16] <Mary Lou Kakaku> I frankly sympathize with Matsumi.... because.
[22:16] <Mary Lou Kakaku> Making a thanksgiving dinner?
[22:16] <Mary Lou Kakaku> - It's... Serious.... Business! -
[22:17] * Matsumi Kaze looks at Chibi-Usa..wondering what she wanted
[22:17] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> What happened to you
[22:17] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Share your Pain
[22:18] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> And grow stronger from the Sharing™
[22:20] <Matsumi Kaze> ........you saw what happened!!!!
[22:20] * A drop of water drips from the ceiling into the atrium.
[22:21] * Another drop of water drops into the atrium.
[22:21] * Another drop of water comes much more quickly, because a pipe has started to leak.
[22:23] * Steady stream of water pours down from the ceiling.
[22:24] * Steady stream of water soaks some almost-finished letters, and then falls onto some fresh bread as the leak worsens.
[22:24] <Matsumi Kaze> what the heck!?
[22:24] *** Several alarms sound in Tokyo
[22:24] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Liza.Sunrise-Suminaka@CastleMkLVISatUplink] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:24] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Liza Sunrise-Suminaka
[22:24] <Davina O`Cain> Not again...
[22:25] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka has moved back to the Atrium
[22:26] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Good evening, everyone!
[22:26] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks at Davina O`Cain.
[22:26] *** Davina O`Cain is busty female Selenite standing 5'6", grey eyes, light brown hair that goes down to her waist, and also has demon horns and tail due to a mutation.
Her image Song is: .

[22:26] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I forgot! Tell me again :P
[22:27] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks at DETECTIVE Chibuisa.
[22:27] *** DETECTIVE Chibuisa is your average everyday DETECTIVE Chibuisa

[22:27] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks at DETECTIVE Chibiusa.
[22:27] *** DETECTIVE Chibiusa is Chibiusa, but dressed like a DETECTIVE (think chibi-columbo)
Her image Song is: Pink Panther Theme (Trap Remix) .

[22:28] <Matsumi Kaze> .........I just got hit on by DK
[22:28] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka doesnt' want to interrupt, so she just watches what is going on. She does wave to the people she doesn't recognize, though.
[22:28] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Oh I meant before that
[22:28] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka also waves to the people she does recognize, so they won't feel left out!
[22:28] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> ^_^
[22:29] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> When you were like all stunned ant not talking
[22:29] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa waves to Liza
[22:30] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Oh. Sorry. I didn't remember I was talking to you!
[22:30] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> What were we talking about then? ^_^
[22:30] <Matsumi Kaze> oh....got really tired..working on thanksgiving
[22:30] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> I menat Matsumi0san, she was all stunned earlier
[22:30] <Matsumi Kaze> ...getthing things together
[22:31] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka nods in understanding. "Ooooooh, I figured you meant me, since I do look stunned sometimes and don't always remember talking to people."
[22:31] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka listens tow hat Matsumi is talking about!
[22:33] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Getting things together for Thanksgiving?
[22:34] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Hi Matsumi! What did you say is being worked on?
[22:35] <Matsumi Kaze> yes
[22:37] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka looks slightly puzzled, and listens for clues.
[22:37] <Matsumi Kaze> I got severl dishes prepared....
[22:38] <Davina O`Cain> What did you make?
[22:39] <Matsumi Kaze> I..uh...um...I don't remember
[22:40] <Davina O`Cain> Oh. Sorry if it was too much of a bother.
[22:40] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka fiddles with the controls of her suit to see if she can determine why Matsumi might be having problems with memory.
[22:41] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> This holiday? You called it what? Thanksgiving?
[22:41] <Matsumi Kaze> yes
[22:43] <Matsumi Kaze> i don't remember cause it's all a blur
[22:43] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> It's an American thing
[22:43] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Just making sure.
[22:44] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> They make a big dinner and eat it
[22:44] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka makes certain to record this conversation for when she returns.
[22:44] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> What day is Thanksgiving?
[22:44] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> They can't make up their mind it changes every year
[22:45] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> It's like the last Thursday in November
[22:45] <Matsumi Kaze> we have it in japan too!..sort of
[22:45] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> and then they have a sopping violence orgy the next day
[22:45] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> ^shopping
[22:46] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Aaaah. Interesting. But it must be close, then, to be actively cooking for it, and.... whaaa?
[22:46] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Yeah they like go to the stores that have fake discounts on products and then fight each other for the limited deals
[22:46] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> O.O
[22:47] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Which aren't really deals 'cuz the prices got jacke dup weaks before
[22:47] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Uh... might be even more important to stay indoors on that day, then!
[22:47] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> and then dropped again to look like a discount
[22:47] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> yeah
[22:47] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> you should stay away from shopping
[22:47] *** A big gout of superheated water sprays horizontally from a hole in the wall the size of a human fist.
[22:48] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Well, i dont' need to shop. Chateaux gives me everything I need. ^_^
[22:48] * Young Woman opens the front door, then pauses
[22:48] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I know that Chateaux sometimes shops, though, and runs businesses where people can shop.
[22:48] <Young Woman> ...
[22:48] * Young Woman realizes she's in the wrong place
[22:49] <Davina O`Cain> Forgive me for asking. Who is Chateaux?
[22:49] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> /DM a tiny hole opens in Liza's armorsuit in the direction of the Young Woman.
[22:49] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Ooooh, that's a good question!
[22:49] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you want an emotional, or philosophical, or technical answer? ^_^
[22:50] *** wow, this keyboard is going bad.
[22:50] <Young Woman> .........
[22:50] * Young Woman breaths hard behind her face mask
[22:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Chateaux is my Chateaux, but there's another one here. She's all around you, and is this building.
[22:51] * Young Woman grips her bag of anime goods
[22:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> You could say she inhabits it. She's really amazing!
[22:51] * Young Woman BOLTS....and hits the wall just on the other side of the door
[22:51] <Young Woman> @_X
[22:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Ando, ne oft he lessons she taughe me was to be polite.
[22:51] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Lady are you okay
[22:51] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka turns to the Young Woman
[22:51] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa is talking to the Young Woman
[22:51] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Hi! d
[22:52] * Young Woman shakes head to get head on straight
[22:52] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Do you want toc ome in?
[22:52] * Young Woman slowly backs away from the group
[22:52] * Young Woman BOLTS
[22:52] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Feel free to come back if you need any help, okay?
[22:52] * Young Woman trips outside
[22:52] * Young Woman gets up and bolts..and trips again
[22:53] *** light bulb explodes and goes out, and an angry dog's chain breaks.
[22:53] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka winces when she hears the sound of the tripping. "Miss, do you need medical attention?"
[22:53] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Helloooooo?
[22:53] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka slowly floats over to the door.
[22:53] <Davina O`Cain> Er...
[22:54] * Young Woman RUNS DOWN THE ROAD...and gets hit by a car and goes flying over it
[22:54] * Young Woman hits the road
[22:54] * Young Woman slowly gets up and limps away...
[22:55] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka starts fiddling with the knobs to anesthetize herself, looking very guilty as this happens. v.v
[22:55] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> I really hope she gets the help she needs.
[22:56] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> >.>
[22:56] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> <.<
[22:56] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka checks some timers.
[22:56] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka has moved to: [ Down the Road ]
[22:56] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka [Down the Road] teleports over to the Young Woman.
[22:56] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka>[Down the Road] Hi. I'm really sorry you got hurt. Could you use some help? I'm about to fall asleep very soon, but if you want some help, you can just say so, okay?
[22:57] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka>[Down the Road] You just look like you are really unlucky, so if there's any thing we can do, please say so?
[22:57] *** Fire hydrant explodes.
[22:57] *** not with water, either. Fire shoots out of it instead.
[22:58] * Young Woman is soaked by the water...her bag breaks..and the LIMITIED EDITION ANIME GOODS FALL OUT DOWN THE ROAD
[22:58] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka>[Down the Road] Er... sorry about that! Hello? Do you want some help? Chateaux might be able to help you!
[22:58] <Young Woman> !!!!!!!!
[22:58] * Young Woman chases after them!
[22:59] <Davina O`Cain> Am I only one confused by this? I'm the only one confused about this.
[23:00] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> Yes.
[23:00] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> It all makes perfect sense to me.
[23:00] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa nods profoundly
[23:00] <DETECTIVE Chibiusa> /m ehas no idea what the f[BLEEP]ks is happening
[23:01] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka>[Down the Road] Do you want some help picking those up! We could-----*
[23:01] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka>[Down the Road] @_@
[23:01] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka>[Down the Road] Mmmmmmmmmm ~_~
[23:01] *** Liza Sunrise-Suminaka has moved back to the Atrium
[23:01] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka is teleported to the Atrium, and far from the Young Woman.
[23:02] *** Chibi-Usa, flip a coin
[23:03] *** DETECTIVE Chibiusa flips a coin into the air and catches it, tails side up
[23:03] <Davina O`Cain> Didn't she just...
[23:09] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa shrugs
[23:10] * Young Woman manages to stumble away
[23:10] *** Young Woman has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:14] <Matsumi Kaze> huh what?
[23:16] <Davina O`Cain> I...don't know.
[23:29] <Matsumi Kaze> ....anyway
[23:33] <Davina O`Cain> Perhaps you could explain a bit, Matsumi. What is Thanksgiving?
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> .........
[23:34] <Matsumi Kaze> why me >_>
[23:36] * Davina O`Cain stammers
[23:38] <Matsumi Kaze> i mean.......it's somethinga bout...pilgrams and there's food and......football?
[23:39] <Davina O`Cain> Oh. A rather...unusual holiday.
[23:40] <Matsumi Kaze> I mean it's not that unus-
[23:40] * Matsumi Kaze gets TACKLED TO THE GROUND!!!!!!!
[23:40] <Davina O`Cain> O_O
[23:40] <Matsumi Kaze> GARAGARAGARGH
[23:42] * Ryoko Atsumi [Pachinko] LEAPS down and pulls out a baseball bat...
[23:42] *** Ryoko Atsumi has moved back to the Atrium
[23:42] * Davina O`Cain charges at the robo-turkey and throws a two-handed swing at it like a club
[23:42] * Robo-Turkey SMASHES into the wall thanks to Davina and is destroyed....
[23:42] <Matsumi Kaze> wh..what was that
[23:43] <Davina O`Cain> I don't know, but it was attacking you!
[23:43] <Ryoko Atsumi> some kind of freaky robot ba[BLEEP]rd bird!
[23:44] <Matsumi Kaze> why!..I don't even like turkey!
[23:44] <Ryoko Atsumi> ..hey boss..we've got a problem
[23:44] *** there's an ENTIRE ARMY of Robo-Turkeys outside.....
[23:45] <Matsumi Kaze> .....
[23:46] <Davina O`Cain> Huh?
[23:46] <Ryoko Atsumi> first fun I've had since coming to this s[BLEEP]t city
[23:50] * Ryoko Atsumi grins and swings her bat a few times in practice
[23:51] <Davina O`Cain> How did these things come about?
[23:51] <Matsumi Kaze> uggggh I don't want to DO THIIIIIS
[23:56] *** the robo-turkeys attack!
[00:01] * Davina O`Cain exhales, begins to channel electricity into her hands, arcing up her arms, and then sends out two chained lightnings at the robo-turkeys
[00:09] *** Since individual who set up this whole thing can't think of a good way to proper describe the fight..aka...he's lazy..let's just cut to the end of it
[00:09] * Matsumi Kaze catches her breath, surrounded by destroyed robo turkeys
[00:09] * Ryoko Atsumi is just finishing smashing in one of the heads of a robo turkey
[00:14] * Davina O`Cain sits against a wall as she catches her breath after having cast many spells and dodging and fighting
[00:15] <Mary Lou Kakaku> - ... Thousands of years ago, into the future.... one of them will recite what I just said. -
[00:19] <Davina O`Cain> So...many...turkeys...
[00:19] <Ryoko Atsumi> this was AWESOME
[00:27] <Matsumi Kaze> uggggh
[00:42] * DETECTIVE Chibiusa is away 
[00:42] * Mary Lou Kakaku is away 
[00:56] * Matsumi Kaze sighs
[01:49] *** Davina O`Cain has quit IRC (Bedtime.)
[03:01] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has left #suburbansenshi2
[10:54] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte changes topic to `Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your Tryptophan comas! `
[11:08] *** SYSTEM ANNOUNCE - Main Page updated with entry # 2479 - Happy Thanksgiving Life Day from Suburban Senshi! ***
[11:18] * IrnChef_Jovian comes in dressed in a green blazer and pants with a black low cut shirt, wheeling in a large smorgasboard of Thanksgiving dinner treats
[11:18] <IrnChef_Jovian> Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
[11:18] * IrnChef_Jovian cracks a beer and drinks it, heading back to her place to get some dessert (in multiple senses of the world)
[11:22] * Matsumi Kaze looks it over and tilts her head slightly......
[11:25] * Matsumi Kaze is away: did...did Mako hit her head?
[12:20] * Matsumi Kaze has moved to: [ Aes ]
[12:20] * Matsumi Kaze [Aes] is trying to help out with her family!
[12:26] * BluSky_Caprice has moved to: [ Aes ]
[12:26] * BluSky_Caprice [Aes] smiles, chatting with her great grandchildren, blue birds flying around her
[13:16] * D. Kakaku looks at the great big pile of food
[13:16] <D. Kakaku> Wow, so much to eat.
[13:17] * D. Kakaku is away: maybe the pumpkin pie? or maybe the cheesecake first?
[13:25] <Eilean>[Eilean's House] look...when we have this many vegtibles..all i'm saying is we have to use it!!!!!!
[13:25] * Eilean has moved to: [ Aes ]
[13:25] * Giselle Bellerose has moved to: [ Aes ]
[13:25] <Giselle Bellerose>[Aes] these things they shall break my fangs!
[13:26] * Megan Smithson [Road] is spending time with her brother!
[13:26] * Megan Smithson has moved to: [ Aes ]
[13:27] * Beryl has moved to: [ Aes ]
[13:27] <Beryl>[Aes] :D
[13:29] * Mira has discovered the books Aes has *___*
[13:29] * Mira has moved to: [ Aes ]
[13:37] * Delilah Inochi has moved to: [ Aes ]
[13:37] * Delilah Inochi [Aes] is trying her hands at working on some sweet potatoes..she's focusing REALLY hard
[13:50] * Frey has moved to: [ Aes ]
[13:51] * Frey [Aes] just...akwardly stands near his sister........both in human form..not sure WHAT THE HELL TO SAY
[14:53] * Minerva [Ginsen City] is trying to work with Megan...as Megan shows her some tips
[14:53] * Minerva has moved to: [ Aes ]
[17:32] <D. Kakaku> (( mobile test ))
[19:20] * Matsumi Kaze [Aes] lays on a sofa, napping............as does her moms, her dads, her sister, her brothers.....
[19:21] * "Forty thousand Kazes may be defaced in one night by a running man with a felt-tipped marker."
[20:34] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka wanders around the HOTEL, wondering a little where everybody is.
[20:40] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Gaaah!
[20:40] <Liza Sunrise-Suminaka> Oh well. I'm not *actually* alone. ^_^
[20:41] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka keeps on looking around the much more empty TARDIS.
[21:49] <Matsumi Kaze>[Aes] zzzzzzz
[21:50] * Tobas relaxes, chatting with the others
[21:50] * Tobas has moved to: [ Aes ]
[19:38] * Mirai Arashi has moved to: [ Yokohama ]
[19:38] <Mirai Arashi>[Yokohama] I've got DINNER!
[19:38] * Mirai Arashi [Yokohama] giggles, holding a shopping bag
[19:38] <Mirai Arashi>[Yokohama] I got deals too!
[19:42] * Mirai Arashi [Yokohama] starts to head back in the direction of her house
[19:54] * Mirai Arashi [Yokohama] hears the ships in the harbor make that weird whistling sound
[20:42] *** Thrash has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:42] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Thrash
[20:43] * Thrash sits in the atrium, sipping some coffee
[20:43] *** D. Kakaku has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:43] <@spiritflame> konbanwa D. Kakaku
[20:43] <D. Kakaku> evening
[20:45] <Thrash> yes evening
[20:46] <D. Kakaku> how are you?
[20:54] <Thrash> busy
[20:55] <D. Kakaku> busy doing what?
[21:01] * Thrash is away 
[23:18] * Hayato Ichimonji takes a few photos of The Hotel
[23:18] *** Hayato Ichimonji has joined #suburbansenshi2
[23:18] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Hayato Ichimonji
[23:18] <Hayato Ichimonji> if something strange comes up..it's sure to be here
[23:19] * Hayato Ichimonji walks in
[23:19] <Hayato Ichimonji> hey!
[23:19] <Hayato Ichimonji> anyone around?
[23:20] <D. Kakaku> hm? hi.
[23:22] <Hayato Ichimonji> yo!
[23:22] * Hayato Ichimonji takes a photo of DK
[23:22] <D. Kakaku> eh?
[23:23] <Hayato Ichimonji> I'm a photographer..freelance
[23:23] <D. Kakaku> I also freelance a bit somewhat.
[23:24] <Hayato Ichimonji> heh I bet
[23:26] * Hayato Ichimonji glances around the room a bit
[23:26] <Hayato Ichimonji> heh they really built it up this time
[23:28] <D. Kakaku> how long has it been since you were last here, then?
[23:31] <Hayato Ichimonji> hard to say
[23:34] <Hayato Ichimonji> still
[23:34] * Hayato Ichimonji takes a few more photographs
[23:45] <Hayato Ichimonji> well that's enough
[23:45] <Hayato Ichimonji> off I go!
[23:45] <D. Kakaku> see ya.
[23:50] *** Hayato Ichimonji has left #suburbansenshi2
[16:17] *** Daini Felinus has joined #suburbansenshi2
[16:17] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa Daini Felinus
[16:17] * Daini Felinus walks in with a bag of books and finds a spot to relax and read under a tree
[16:19] * Daini Felinus starts reading a book on feline anatomy
[17:05] <~> *stare*
[18:57] <~> /sqeuak *staaaaaaaare*
[19:18] *** Davina O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:18] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Davina O`Cain
[19:18] * Davina O`Cain has taken a seat at a table, eating a bowl of delicious ramen
[19:21] <Davina O`Cain> Mmm, this is good. ^_^
[19:59] * Kiyoko tries attempt 2 at her prank and hangs from a tree branch..*trying* to drip something into Davina's ramen...trying being the key phrase
[20:01] * Davina O`Cain moves her bowl over to the left
[20:01] * Kiyoko missed!
[20:06] * Davina O`Cain sees the drop on the table, grabs a napkin, and wipes it up
[20:12] <Megan Smithson>[Aes] hm is something wrong?
[20:12] *** Megan Smithson has moved back to the Atrium
[20:12] *** Megan Smithson has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:12] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Megan Smithson
[20:16] <Megan Smithson> ?
[20:18] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, good evening.
[20:18] <Megan Smithson> evening! is something wrong?
[20:20] <Megan Smithson> did something spill?
[20:25] <Davina O`Cain> I think it was from my bowl of ramen when I moved my bowl.
[20:26] * Megan Smithson sniffs the spill
[20:26] <Megan Smithson> oh i know what this is!
[20:26] <Megan Smithson> this is that substance that's meant to youthize someone
[20:28] <Davina O`Cain> What? Who and why?
[20:28] <Megan Smithson> oh they were probably playing a joke!
[20:28] <Megan Smithson> it's actually very harmless!
[20:30] <Davina O`Cain> But why would they want to turn me into a younger version? I'm happy the way I am right now.
[20:30] <Megan Smithson> oh probably just to have fun
[20:31] <Davina O`Cain> I see.
[20:31] * Megan Smithson dips her finger in the substance and sticks it in her mouth
[20:31] <Davina O`Cain> O_o
[20:31] * Megan Smithson dipped MEGAN'S finger in the substance and stuck it in MEGAN's mouth
[20:32] <Davina O`Cain> Um, was that a good idea?!
[20:32] <Megan Smithson> see! it's harmless!
[20:33] * Megan Smithson wobbles on her feet a bit
[20:33] <Davina O`Cain> Um...
[20:34] * Megan Smithson quickly holds onto her shirt and pants as she basically deflates in front of Davina
[20:35] <Davina O`Cain> Th-that's from a single drop?
[20:35] * Megan Smithson slips and lands on her butt and pauses
[20:35] * Megan Smithson grins and gives a little thumbs up with her tiny chubby thumb
[20:35] <Megan Smithson> see! fun!
[20:35] * Megan Smithson giggles
[20:37] * Megan Smithson stands but slips and falls again O_O
[20:37] * Megan Smithson laughs and laughs
[20:37] <Davina O`Cain> I-i-i-if you say so.
[20:37] * Megan Smithson tries to stand but is strugling..she needs some help
[20:38] * Davina O`Cain helps Megan up
[20:38] * Megan Smithson is basically picked up, she's so light XD
[20:39] <Davina O`Cain> Wha-what do I do now?
[20:40] * Megan Smithson looks worried so tries to pat Davina on the face to make her feel better "There there!"
[20:41] *** roll 1d20, Davina
[20:42] <spiritflame>Davina O`Cain rolls 1d20 [ 8 ]
[20:46] * There is something wet between your lips, Davina.....whoops
[20:47] <Davina O`Cain> Hm?
[20:48] * Davina O`Cain carefully checks her lips
[20:48] * it's a liquid with a fragrant smell
[20:50] * There's a tingle..and then Davina probably feels herself fall backwards into the sofa, like she's falling down
[20:50] * Davina O`Cain wipes her lips with a finger and smells the liquid
[20:50] * Davina O`Cain plops onto a sofa
[20:51] * Megan Smithson blinks..but then smiles and throws herself onto her stomach and looks at Davina!
[20:51] <Megan Smithson> hey!
[20:52] <Davina O`Cain> What?
[20:53] <Megan Smithson> I'm Megun!
[20:53] <Davina O`Cain> I'm Davina. Nice to meet you. :)
[20:54] * the voice coming out is redciously high pitched
[20:56] <Megan Smithson> wha yuu got horns...are yuu a moo moo?
[20:58] <Davina O`Cain> Moo moo? Nuh uh. I sellnite. Mommy says they're from different part of family.
[21:00] <Megan Smithson> but yuu got horns!
[21:00] <Megan Smithson> like moo moo
[21:02] <Davina O`Cain> But I no moo moo. My mommy say they demon horns.
[21:02] <Megan Smithson> ...so yer a monster?
[21:02] <Kiyoko> .....
[21:02] * Kiyoko realizes she's in big trouble!
[21:02] * Davina O`Cain rapidly shakes her head, "Nuh uh!"
[21:04] <Davina O`Cain> I look diff'rent from sellnites.
[21:09] <Megan Smithson> :O
[21:10] <Davina O`Cain> Daddy say myution.
[21:13] <Megan Smithson> my...myu...*struggles to say it*
[21:16] * Megan Smithson bits her tonuge "OWIES"
[21:17] <Davina O`Cain> :(
[21:19] <Megan Smithson> T_T It hurts
[21:20] <Davina O`Cain> I sorry.
[21:24] * Megan Smithson stands and stumbles a bit, wearing her shirt like a dress
[21:25] * Davina O`Cain tries to get up as well
[21:28] * Megan Smithson giggles at the massive blue sweater that nearly covers Davina's head
[21:30] * Davina O`Cain tries to get her head out of her sweater
[21:31] * One of the horns gets caught on the sweater!
[21:32] * Davina O`Cain struggles to get the sweater unhooked from the horn
[21:33] * At this point the toddler is just getting herself more stuck with the sweater
[21:34] <Davina O`Cain> T_T
[21:36] * Megan Smithson tries to help but her little hands just get her stuck with the sweater too
[21:37] * Davina O`Cain stops trying to get her head out of her sweater
[21:40] * Megan Smithson manages to get her tiny hand out
[21:40] <Davina O`Cain> I can't get out. T_T
[21:42] <Megan Smithson> u..uh..uh
[21:42] * Davina O`Cain sniffles a bit
[21:43] *** roll 1d20, Davina!
[21:44] <spiritflame>Davina O`Cain rolls 1d20 [ 9 ]
[21:44] * Megan Smithson stops trying to help and gives a little startled jump from Davina!
[21:45] *** Davina, not only are you stuck in that sweater now...but now you're stuck in a tangled wet sweater
[21:45] <Davina O`Cain> ....
[21:47] * Kanri-chan walks into the lobby looking around
[21:47] * Megan Smithson looks over at Kanri
[21:48] * Kanri-chan looks at the wet child “oh dear. What happened here?”
[21:48] <Megan Smithson> halp!
[21:48] * Kanri-chan heads over to help!
[21:48] * Davina O`Cain is trying not to cry from her predicament, "I-I-I dun know."
[21:48] *** Davina is also stuck to the oversized sweater with her horns
[21:49] * Kanri-chan gently untangles Davina from the sweater
[21:50] * Megan Smithson and Davina are both 3
[21:50] <Kanri-chan> Are you two ok? Where are your grown ups?
[21:51] <Davina O`Cain> Uptairs.
[21:51] * Megan Smithson nods and gestures with her oversized sleeve
[21:51] *** Kiyoko has left #suburbansenshi2 (MAKES A BREAK FOR IT)
[21:52] <Megan Smithson> nut here
[21:53] * Kanri-chan nods nods “do we think it’s safe to be wandering on our own?”
[21:54] * Megan Smithson pauses and then shakes head no
[21:55] * Davina O`Cain shakes her head, "I sorry."
[21:55] <Kanri-chan> Mmmm it’s ok. Let’s get you two upstairs where it’s safe yes?
[21:56] <Megan Smithson> ..o..otay
[21:56] * Kanri-chan smiles and uses her pink flames to dry Davina off and warm her up “alrighty. Let’s go together then”
[21:58] <Davina O`Cain> Okay.
[21:58] <Megan Smithson> otay :D
[21:59] <Kanri-chan> /me leads the girls upstairs “so which room do we need to find?”
[21:59] <Megan Smithson> ruum?
[21:59] * Kanri-chan ^
[22:00] * Megan Smithson gives a puzzled look
[22:00] * Kanri-chan giggles a bit and sniffs each girl before following their scent “true. You probably don’t know the difference “
[22:01] * Davina O`Cain nods
[22:03] <Megan Smithson> mama is on big shap!
[22:04] * Kanri-chan grins “you mean Mr Aes!! I know where he is!!”
[22:07] * Megan Smithson nods!
[22:09] <Davina O`Cain> Mr Aes?
[22:09] * Kanri-chan smiles and leads the girls to the O’Cain suite and knocks
[22:10] <Kanri-chan> Yes. Mr Aes is a very old friend of mine
[22:11] * Kanri-chan has moved to: [ 1007 ]
[22:12] * Cassandra O`Cain has moved to: [ 1007 ]
[22:12] * Cassandra O`Cain [1007] opens the door, "Yes?"
[22:12] * Kanri-chan [1007] smiles and motions to Davina “hi! I’m just dropping off some lost ducklings^^”
[22:13] * Cassandra O`Cain [1007] looks down at Davina, "Oh?"
[22:13] * Davina O`Cain runs to Cassandra, "Mommy!"
[22:14] *** the oversized sweater probably gets a little in the way
[22:14] * Cassandra O`Cain [1007] kneels down and gives her youngest daughter hugs with a smile
[22:14] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] Where was she?
[22:15] * Megan Smithson holds onto kanri's big hand
[22:15] * Kanri-chan [1007] smiles “in the lobby struggling with her sweater. This one was trying valiantly to help her”
[22:15] * Kanri-chan [1007] squeezes Megan’s small hand gently for comfort
[22:16] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] Awwww. Thank you, Kanri.
[22:16] * Cassandra O`Cain [1007] looks at tiny Megan, "And thank you for helping my little girl."
[22:17] <Kanri-chan>[1007] No problem Cassandra. I should get this little one home too. Good night Miss Davina. Good night Cassandra”
[22:18] * Megan Smithson waves shyly
[22:18] * Davina O`Cain hugs her mom's leg, "Nigh nigh."
[22:19] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] Good night, Kanri. Hopefully, you have a wonderful night.
[22:19] * Kanri-chan [1007] heads off to find Aes “now let’s find that ship huh?”
[22:19] * Megan Smithson tries to skip a bit but fumbles over her giant shirt
[22:20] * Cassandra O`Cain [1007] takes Davina inside the family suite
[22:20] *** Kanri-chan has moved back to the Atrium
[22:21] * Kanri-chan stop and fixes Megan’s shirt by tying it up shorter “better?”
[22:21] <Megan Smithson> mmhm!
[22:21] * Kanri-chan holds out her hand “good. We can’t have you falling. “
[22:22] * Masaki O`Cain has moved to: [ 1007 ]
[22:22] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] is visiting
[22:22] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] eh?..what's this?
[22:22] * Megan Smithson nods!
[22:22] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] was visiting
[22:23] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] looks at the toddler
[22:23] <Megan Smithson> were mama?
[22:24] <Kanri-chan> Hmmm I’d say she’s on the big ship. What do you think?
[22:24] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] It seems something happened to Davina.
[22:24] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] huh
[22:24] * Davina O`Cain has moved to: [ 1007 ]
[22:24] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] ....hey...do you need some help with her.....cause I've got some stuff with me
[22:25] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] Oh, that would be very helpful, Masaki.
[22:25] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] picks up Davina "ok there big girl!"
[22:25] <Megan Smithson> can I go see mama?
[22:28] <Kanri-chan> Absolutely. As soon as I remember how to call.
[22:28] * Davina O`Cain [1007] holds onto Masaki as she's picked up
[22:28] <Megan Smithson> ok ready to get powered up, davina?/
[22:28] * Kanri-chan texts Mom help. I need to contact Aes. I think I found Megan.
[22:29] * Freya sends the number to Kanri
[22:29] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] ^
[22:29] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] said that bout getting powered up
[22:30] * Davina O`Cain [1007] nods, "I ready."
[22:30] <Kanri-chan> J/me calls the number!
[22:30] * Kanri-chan ^
[22:31] * Sarah Christensson has moved to: [ Phone ]
[22:31] <Sarah Christensson>[Phone] yes?
[22:31] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] gets rid of the sweater and proceeds to dress Davina in some "moo cows" "these cows will make sur eyou're super comfy!"
[22:31] <Kanri-chan> Hi! It’s Kanri. I found Megan I think
[22:32] <Sarah Christensson>[Phone] !
[22:32] <Sarah Christensson>[Phone] i'll be right down!
[22:33] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] looks in her bag for what she has
[22:33] * Kanri-chan smiles to Megan “she’s on her way. “
[22:34] * Megan Smithson claps!
[22:34] * Sarah Christensson [Phone] appears and scoops up the toddler, swinging around
[22:34] *** Sarah Christensson has moved back to the Atrium
[22:35] <Sarah Christensson> THERE'S MY LITTLE GIRL :D
[22:35] <Megan Smithson> mama :D
[22:35] * Davina O`Cain [1007] giggles a bit as her clothes are changed
[22:36] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] gets Davina in a blue onesie pajamas, pulling the hood up so the horns poke out
[22:36] * Kanri-chan smiles at the reunion
[22:36] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] picks up the toddler and holds her out to Cassandra "there you go! all dry and ready to go!"
[22:37] <Sarah Christensson> now let's go home..papa will want to see you and so will your "big" brother!
[22:37] <Sarah Christensson> say bye bye!
[22:37] <Megan Smithson> byeee!
[22:37] *** Megan Smithson has left #suburbansenshi2 (gone)
[22:37] *** Sarah Christensson has left #suburbansenshi2 (gone)
[22:37] * Cassandra O`Cain [1007] takes Davina from Masaki, and gives her little girl a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you, Masaki."
[22:38] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] hey no problem...that bag over there is for if she has an accident again and that's clothes and some snacks too
[22:38] * Kanri-chan smiles, looks around, then heads through a portal “now to return to my own munchkins”
[22:39] *** Kanri-chan has left #suburbansenshi2 (I’m back. Who still needs a bedtime story?^^)
[22:39] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] not sure how long that formula wii take to wear off
[22:40] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] ruffles Davina's hair
[22:40] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] I'm sure things will return to normal in time.
[22:41] * Davina O`Cain [1007] giggles
[22:42] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] heh if you ever get bored, I'd love to borrow your hubby for a night
[22:44] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] Oh?
[22:44] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] yeah why not it would be funny and fun
[22:45] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] Hmhm. If I may ask you, what do you intend to do with him?
[22:45] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] I don't know....hug him..hold him....be silly with him a bit
[22:47] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] nothing horrid
[22:48] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] Alright. I have no problem with it. ^_^
[22:48] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] wait really?....
[22:48] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] huh
[22:48] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] HEY OLD MAN GET OVER HERE!
[22:49] <Gavrison O`Cain> Yes, Masaki? What's up?
[22:49] * Gavrison O`Cain has moved to: [ 1007 ]
[22:49] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] hey it's going to be you and me tonight!
[22:50] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] turns to him
[22:50] <Gavrison O`Cain>[1007] Oh? Whatcha wanna do?
[22:51] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] just..stand where you are
[22:51] <Gavrison O`Cain>[1007] Sure thing.
[22:52] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] digs out what she bought as a joke from SC
[22:53] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] shoves a bottle into Gaverison's mouth!
[22:54] * Gavrison O`Cain [1007] steps back a bit as the bottle is stuffed into his mouth, "Mmph!"
[22:54] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] hey now don't fight it..just drink up
[22:56] * Gavrison O`Cain [1007] takes a single drink
[22:58] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] holds the bottle as she watches Garvrison slowly deflate.....
[22:59] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] just keep drinking..don't be afraid..listen to my voice, okay?
[22:59] * Gavrison O`Cain [1007] shrinks in age and size as he slowly drinks and nods
[23:00] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] hums a tune as she carefully lifts Gavirson a little, trying to calm him so he doesn't get scared
[23:01] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] it won't be long, okay?
[23:02] * Gavrison O`Cain [1007] continues to de-age
[23:03] * Masaki O`Cain [1007] finally removes the bottle
[23:04] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] BORDER=0 HE'S SO CUUUT-
[23:04] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 2 freezes the image
[23:04] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 2> and THAT'S our latest commercial!
[23:04] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] .....
[23:04] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] I would never act like that
[23:04] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] also using AI like that is illegal
[23:06] <Gavrison O`Cain>[1007] It's like one of those cheesy old commercials.
[23:06] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 2> Tomatoes Tomatos
[23:06] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] And you're sure this product is going to actually sell?
[23:07] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 2> yes!
[23:10] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] I wish you luck.
[23:19] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] hey you want me to stay over to help out otnight, cass?
[23:23] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] If you want to. It'll be alright.
[23:24] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] hey you hear that kiddo *pokes Davina's nose*
[23:34] * Davina O`Cain [1007] giggles
[23:42] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] there we go
[23:44] * Davina O`Cain [1007] starts to yawn
[23:44] <Cassandra O`Cain>[1007] Aww, someone's getting sleepy.
[23:47] <Masaki O`Cain>[1007] yeah she should get some rest
[23:50] * Cassandra O`Cain [1007] gently picks Davina up and tucks her into bed in her room
[00:24] *** Masaki O`Cain has left #suburbansenshi2
[00:24] *** Cassandra O`Cain has left #suburbansenshi2
[08:47] * Sarah Christensson is wide awake and happily looking through photos she took last night ^___^
[08:47] <Sarah Christensson> hehehehe
[09:07] <Sarah Christensson> !
[09:07] * Sarah Christensson is away 
[09:17] * Time has a near seizure
[12:31] * Liza Sunrise-Suminaka remains unconscious, having been anesthetized when Time had a near-seizure. No sense taking chances.
[13:21] *** D. Kakaku has joined #suburbansenshi2
[13:21] <@spiritflame> konnichiwa D. Kakaku
[14:25] *** D. Kakaku has left #suburbansenshi2 (oh well)
[20:57] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte has gotten a lot of the Manor decorated for Xmas
[22:07] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 [?] shyly puts up a few ornimants on the tree at the manor
[22:07] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 has moved to: [ ]
[22:08] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte has moved to: [ Peinforte Manor ]
[22:09] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Peinforte Manor] watches X cheat by switching already-installed RGB lighting to Xmas mode
[22:09] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Peinforte Manor] siiighs
[22:09] * @Dr_Xadium has moved to: [ Peinforte Manor ]
[22:09] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] What?
[22:10] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] Half the point of Christmas Decor is to have fun putting it up with friends and family.
[22:10] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] If you just have it pre-installed prior it's just reduced to flipping a switch.
[22:10] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] It's more efficient
[22:11] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] ...So's a cloning vat but it's much less fun than the traditional manner :P
[22:11] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] <_<
[22:12] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] More research is required :P
[22:12] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] Hah! Later.
[22:14] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 shrinks back a bit at the talk
[22:14] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 looks like a startled bunny
[22:15] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] Ahh Kae there you are
[22:17] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> yes
[22:17] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Peinforte Manor] looks over her decorations approvingly
[22:17] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] That looks nice~
[22:18] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> thank you
[22:19] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 in this incrnation lacks most of the confidence of her other two selves
[22:19] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Peinforte Manor] smiles reassuringly
[22:19] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 just looks down shyly
[22:21] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Peinforte Manor] puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder
[22:21] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> EEP
[22:21] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] Keep it up. You could teach your father a thing or two.
[22:21] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 is now on the other side of the room
[22:21] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] .
[22:21] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte>[Peinforte Manor] Good grief
[22:31] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> so..sorry
[22:31] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 approuches again
[22:32] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Peinforte Manor] stays stock still so she won't be scared.
[22:33] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> sorry, mother
[22:33] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] It's all right~
[22:35] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> I feel a little nervous
[22:36] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] ...is that so? I wouldn't have noticed.
[22:38] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> um I'll go get tea
[22:38] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] Thank you, dear~
[22:41] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 hurries out of the room
[22:41] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] Regeneration really is a lottery.
[22:41] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] Tell me about it.
[22:42] * There's the sound of a crash from the kitchen..followed by a "I'm sorry!"
[22:48] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] :<
[22:49] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 walks in...her frilly lolita dress is soaked with tea....she looks downcast....she holds a tray with what tea she could make
[22:49] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> sorry
[22:49] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] Thank you dear
[22:49] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte [Peinforte Manor] shares the tea with X
[22:49] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] You may want to go change
[22:58] <Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3> yes
[23:10] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 walks away..still looking embrassed
[23:10] * Kaelyn P. Peinforte 3 is away 
[23:11] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] If she'd come in sooner I could have rolled time back on the dress and fixed the spill.
[23:11] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] A power I'm sure Bill Clinton wished he had.
[23:11] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] ...
[23:12] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] I regret helping unlock your repressed personality sometimes.
[23:15] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] Heheheh~
[23:16] * Young Woman suddenly appears
[23:17] <Young Woman> ...bollocks! not here! not now!
[23:17] * Young Woman vanishes again
[23:17] *** Young Woman has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:17] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] ...
[23:17] <@Dr_Xadium> [Peinforte Manor] What was that?
[23:17] <@Paisley Pythia Peinforte> [Peinforte Manor] Not sure...
[00:08] * @Paisley Pythia Peinforte is away 
[00:09] * @Dr_Xadium is away 
[04:30] <Plushie-chan> Ya know, if you think about it, night time is the natural state of the universe. Day time only exists because of s nearby ball of flame.
[08:24] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[08:24] <@spiritflame> ohayo Matsumi Kaze
[08:24] * Matsumi Kaze [Aes] yawns, walking downstairs
[08:24] *** Matsumi Kaze has moved back to the Atrium
[08:25] <Matsumi Kaze> euriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii euriiiiiii ~_~
[08:52] * Matsumi Kaze goes to get a coffee....
[09:13] * Matsumi Kaze is away 
[12:19] * Megan Smithson has moved to: [ Mom Houss ]
[12:19] * Megan Smithson [Mom Houss] happily works on the tree, reaching the highest branchs.
[12:20] * Megan Smithson [Mom Houss] keeps bumping into Ai with her chest
[12:20] * Ai Aino has moved to: [ Mom House ]
[12:20] <Ai Aino>[Mom House] ....
[12:21] <Ai Aino>[Mom House] Will ypu PLEASE put those away..
[12:22] <Megan Smithson>[Mom Houss] Awww I can't help it!!
[12:25] * Ai Aino [Mom House] looks down at her own smaller chest and grumbles
[12:25] <Ai Aino>[Mom House] How come me getting younger didn't improve my figure!
[12:27] <Megan Smithson>[Mom Houss] ^^;;;
[14:41] * Ikuko Tsukino has moved to: [ Meguro ]
[14:42] * Ikuko Tsukino [Meguro] walks with Hanako, looking along a tiny amount of shops there
[14:42] * Ikuko Tsukino [Meguro] stops in front of a bakery...sees a cake..and imagines Usagi eating it..then chibiusa doing the same..
[14:43] * Ikuko Tsukino [Meguro] shivers and looks pale
[14:43] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Meguro] Please don't let history repeat itself...
[14:43] * Ikuko Tsukino [Meguro] glances over to Hanako
[14:44] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Meguro] Say, Hana...are you doing alright?
[14:44] * Hanako Kino has moved to: [ Meguro ]
[14:44] <Hanako Kino>[Meguro] Hmmmmmmm?
[14:47] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Meguro] I mean Mako going out with Akane's kid and losing her mind...
[14:48] <Hanako Kino>[Meguro] I'm absolutly fine :D ^______^
[14:49] * Ikuko Tsukino [Meguro] notices Hanako is gripping a nearby lamp post..which is now bending in half
[14:49] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Meguro] ......
[14:50] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Meguro] ...r-right
[18:12] * ~Little fox ears pop up nearby!
[18:13] * ~Little fox ears is now known as Chibi-Nat
[18:14] <Chibi-Nat> >___>
[18:14] <Chibi-Nat> <___<
[18:18] <Chibi-Nat> Hello?
[18:18] <Chibi-Nat> Where's Makoto Kino?! >:(
[18:28] <Chibi-Nat> >:f
[18:53] <Chibi-Nat> >___<
[18:53] <Chibi-Nat> >:O
[18:53] * Chibi-Nat tries to give chase!
[19:01] <Chibi-Nat> >:[
[19:06] * Kiyoko tries to trip up Nat
[19:15] * Chibi-Nat falls!
[19:15] <Chibi-Nat> @___@
[19:16] * Kiyoko grins and climbs up a tree
[19:19] <Chibi-Nat> :O
[19:19] * Chibi-Nat rushes up to the tree and howls!
[19:19] <Chibi-Nat> Why'd you dump a bucket on me!?
[19:19] * Kiyoko howls back in a mocking way
[19:24] * Chibi-Nat POOFS into fox form!
[19:24] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) starts trying to climb the tree.
[19:28] * Kiyoko swings from the tree to another tree!
[19:31] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) leaps after her, hopping from tree to tree! >:3
[19:43] * Kiyoko keeps trying to move!
[19:46] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Who are you?!
[19:46] * Kiyoko grins
[19:46] <Kiyoko> who are you?
[19:47] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> I'm Natalia! The youngest of the Kits!
[19:49] <Kiyoko> Kiyoko!
[19:53] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Do you know Makoto Kino?
[19:54] <Kiyoko> huh....she's Hana-neechan's daughter
[19:54] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> I need to find her! She shoved around my oldest sister!
[19:55] <Kiyoko> oh???
[19:55] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> I must challenge her to a Trial of Grievance for this insult! And Langisters always pay their debts!
[19:57] <Kiyoko> hey can I help!?
[20:00] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Maybe! I need to challenge Sailor Jupiter directly.
[20:00] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> In the laws of my Daddy's people, she will either give me compensation, or we fight!
[20:03] <Kiyoko> I'll kick her in the knee!
[20:06] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> We Kits stick together! We're a genuine family.
[20:08] <Kiyoko> FAMILY IS FAMILY
[20:09] *** Davina O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[20:09] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Davina O`Cain
[20:10] * Davina O`Cain [1007] enters the Atrium from an elevator
[20:10] *** Davina O`Cain has moved back to the Atrium
[20:15] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) peers down at Davina from above. >:3
[20:20] <Davina O`Cain> Hmm. I guess all is quiet.
[20:24] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> YIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:27] <Kiyoko> HEY!
[20:27] * Kiyoko waves to Davina!
[20:28] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, hello. How are you this evening?
[20:34] * Kiyoko GRINS
[20:35] <Davina O`Cain> Eh? Who and why?
[20:38] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> She shoved Alexianna around!
[20:39] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Imma going to challenge Makoto Kino to a Trial of Grievance!
[20:41] * Kiyoko sits in the tree
[20:55] <Davina O`Cain> I see.
[20:57] <Kiyoko> yeah!
[21:06] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> ^_____^
[21:07] * Chibi-Nat (fox form) perks her ears up as she hears someone calling her in the far distance.
[21:07] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> Time for me to go!
[21:07] <Chibi-Nat (fox form)> You tell Sailor Jupiter I'm looking for her!
[21:09] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, good night, Natalia.
[21:14] * Kiyoko watches Davina
[21:15] * Davina O`Cain takes a seat on a sofa and starts up some crochet
[21:18] <Kiyoko> sometime I want to play with your mom!
[21:19] <Davina O`Cain> Eh?
[21:21] <Kiyoko> yeah!
[21:25] * Kiyoko holds up a little watch
[21:29] <Kiyoko> for her!
[21:40] * Davina O`Cain takes the watch, "I'll let her know what is going on."
[23:11] *** Davina O`Cain has quit IRC (Got to return to the suite.)
[10:44] *** has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:44] <@spiritflame> ohayo
[10:44] *** Aratasujou has joined #suburbansenshi2
[10:44] <@spiritflame> ohayo Aratasujou
[10:44] <Aratasujou> :D
[10:44] * Aratasujou gets to work setting up a big banner over the Main Desk.
[10:47] <Aratasujou> Show all love to the Kits today! They be here long time! :D
[10:51] *** THIS GIRL perks up as she hears Aratasujou. She starts making plans for young Sylvester!
[10:52] * Forest Kit pops up :3
[10:53] *** And THIS GIRL pokes her head in, grinning happily. "I can't wait to show Catriona my gift!" :D
[10:54] <Aratasujou> Me sense Forest Kit.
[10:54] <Forest Kit> :3
[10:58] <Aratasujou> Whatcha doing, teeny one?
[11:00] <Forest Kit> we be waiting to ambush :D
[11:01] <Aratasujou> Ambush Kits?
[11:05] <Forest Kit> waiting to ambush :D
[11:05] <Forest Kit> (( test ))
[11:07] <Aratasujou> YOu be wanting to ambush everyone! :P
[11:08] <Forest Kit> Friend Nata issue a challenge of grievance :D
[11:09] <Aratasujou> For Sailor Jupiter!
[11:09] <Aratasujou> Their battle will be epic!
[11:09] <Forest Kit> yuppa :D
[11:17] <Aratasujou> Just need to find her
[11:30] <Forest Kit> where she be? :
[11:30] <Forest Kit> :O
[11:43] <Aratasujou> No know.
[11:43] <Aratasujou> Maybe she be hiding from the POWER of the Nata! :D
[11:45] <Forest Kit> well, we also hear she be trying to teach the stinky person under the Kissy Kissy Muu Muu :O
[11:49] <Aratasujou> Kissy Kissy to Stinky-Winky?
[11:50] <Forest Kit> yuppa :O
[11:59] <Aratasujou> Ew.
[13:26] * Aratasujou is away 
[13:29] * @Sailor Quinox changes topic to `It's snowing in the box! Winter Time is Here!!!!!!`
[14:29] * The Tree for The Hotel has been delivered!!!! it's HUGE
[14:45] * DD Girl Blue is trying to decorate
[16:25] * Matsumi Kaze sips some cocoa
[16:48] * Saeko Mizuno has moved to: [ Salon ]
[16:48] * Saeko Mizuno [Salon] keeps her eyes shut tightly as her hair is being done
[16:48] <Saeko Mizuno>[Salon] a-are you sure this is a good idea!?
[16:48] * Hanako Kino has moved to: [ Salon ]
[16:48] <Hanako Kino>[Salon] You'll look wonderful...I'm next!
[16:52] * Saeko Mizuno [Salon] just keeps her eyes shut
[16:56] * Matsumi Kaze is chatting with DD Girl Blue
[22:09] *** Beryl has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:09] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Beryl
[22:09] <Beryl> :D
[22:18] *** Chibi-Catri [MakerOfMischief@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:18] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Chibi-Catri
[22:18] *** Chibi-Sylvester [LittleExplorer@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[22:18] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Chibi-Sylvester
[22:18] <Chibi-Sylvester> :D
[22:19] <Chibi-Catri> XD
[22:20] * Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Sylvester change into fox form and climb up into the massive Christmas tree!
[22:20] * Beryl holds up a decorative ornament :D
[22:21] <Chibi-Catri (fox form)> Hello!
[22:21] <Chibi-Catri (fox form)> We are the birthday Kits!
[22:21] <Beryl> Birthday! :D
[22:21] <Beryl> you have cake? :D
[22:27] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> We SHOULD have cake.
[22:27] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> But no one's brought any out yet.
[22:28] * A cake APPEARS
[22:28] <Beryl> :D
[22:29] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> :O
[22:30] <Chibi-Catri (fox form)> :D
[22:35] * A cake is made up of all the kits favorite sweets
[22:36] <Beryl> yummy :D
[22:45] <Chibi-Catri (fox form)> Thank you!
[22:45] * A fox appears out of the shadows.....
[22:45] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) drops out of the tree and falls towards the cake! :D
[22:46] * A fox watches the fox kit
[23:00] * A fox is watching sylvester
[23:01] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) goes for the cake and starts munching!
[23:02] * Chibi-Catri (fox form) goes for the cake too!
[23:04] <Beryl> cake :D
[23:07] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) eats his fill and trots off towards a couch to take a nap.
[23:08] <Chibi-Sylvester (fox form)> =^ ^=
[23:08] * Chibi-Catri (fox form) wants a nap too!
[23:08] * Chibi-Catri (fox form) is away: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[23:08] * Chibi-Sylvester (fox form) is away: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[23:10] * A fox looks dissapointed and runs off
[23:10] *** A fox has left #suburbansenshi2
[23:11] <Beryl> :O
[23:14] * It's still snowing outside
[23:15] <Beryl> ooooohh :O
[23:35] * DD Girl Blue is asleep on a sofa
[23:36] <Beryl> Auntie? :O
[23:54] <DD Girl Blue> zzzzz
[00:18] *** DD Girl Blue has left #suburbansenshi2
[08:27] *** Matsumi Kaze [AirGal@QTech.com] has joined #suburbansenshi2
[08:27] <@spiritflame> ohayo Matsumi Kaze
[08:28] * Matsumi Kaze walks through the snow to the bus stop to get. to the theater
[08:37] <Matsumi Kaze> colllld
[15:17] * Ikuko Tsukino has moved to: [ Osa-P ]
[15:17] * Ikuko Tsukino [Osa-P] punches one of the ninjas in the gut, following it up with a round house kick
[15:18] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Osa-P] Ugh..I just wanted to get a christmas gift!
[15:18] * Ai Aino has moved to: [ Osa-P ]
[15:19] <Ai Aino>[Osa-P] I'M GONNA KICK THE BABY
[15:19] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Osa-P] DON'T KICK THE BABY
[15:20] * Ikuko Tsukino [Osa-P] sees one of the ninjas grab the glowing black gem
[15:21] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Osa-P] AI! STOP HIM! WE NEED THE GEM BACK!!
[15:21] <Ai Aino>[Osa-P] My hands are kinda full here!!
[15:21] * Ikuko Tsukino [Osa-P] watches as the ninjas escape
[15:21] <Ikuko Tsukino>[Osa-P] ....great
[15:21] * Ikuko Tsukino is away 
[15:22] * Ai Aino is away 
[19:49] *** Davina O`Cain has joined #suburbansenshi2
[19:49] <@spiritflame> konbanwa Davina O`Cain
[19:49] * Davina O`Cain is taking a walk within the Atrium
[19:51] * Matsumi Kaze is laying in the path
[19:54] * Davina O`Cain goes over to Matsumi to check up on her
[20:04] <Davina O`Cain> Matsumi?
[20:06] <Matsumi Kaze> yes?...
[20:06] <Davina O`Cain> Are you alright?
[20:08] <Matsumi Kaze> ..I'm blah
[20:17] <Davina O`Cain> How come?
[20:18] <Matsumi Kaze> just..a blah feeling
[20:24] <Freya> she's having the winter blues
[20:29] <Davina O`Cain> Ohhhh. That's a real thing, Freya?
[20:32] <Freya> it can be yes
[20:42] * Freya sits on Matsumi's head
[20:43] <Davina O`Cain> Interesting. Still yet more to know and understand of this time and planet.
[20:56] <Freya> there's alot to learn
[21:09] * Davina O`Cain nods
[21:14] <Davina O`Cain> Anyway, is there a way to help Matsumi overcome this?
[21:16] <Freya> to be honest i don't know
[21:16] <Freya> she gets like this once in awhile
[21:36] * Freya streaches and finds something warm
[21:37] <Davina O`Cain> I see. At any rate, how have you been, Freya?
[21:41] <Freya> mmmm I've been alright..trying to get things together
[21:50] <Freya> I belive it's nearly time to reherse for a new production
[21:51] <Davina O`Cain> Production?
[21:51] <Davina O`Cain> What is it that's being worked on?
[21:55] <Freya> The Nutcracker
[21:57] <Davina O`Cain> Oh. Um, what is it about?
[22:04] <Freya> I belive there was a version back in the silver millenium
[22:16] * Davina O`Cain thinks for a moment
[22:18] <Davina O`Cain> Oh, I see. The story is similar?
[22:37] * Freya retells the story to Davina
[22:38] <Davina O`Cain> Absolutely fascinating.
[22:54] <Freya> I suppose
[22:54] <Freya> I've only heard that story about a thousand times
[22:55] <Davina O`Cain> Oh my. That is a lot.
[23:10] <Freya> it was a popular story in the day
[23:10] * Davina O`Cain nods
[23:19] * Davina O`Cain is away: keeping Freya company
[23:29] <Freya> yes quite
[23:31] * D. Kakaku and his grandmother have fallen through another portal, back to somewhere in europe.
[00:07] *** Freya [CatGirl1@QTech.com] has left #suburbansenshi2

[#suburbansenshi2 chat]