*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi2*** Topic is '-= So that's what he was doing after Baywatch =-'
<Dr_Xadium> Hmm... perhaps I should leave more often :)
<Cést_la_V> heheh... ne, so what did you do with Elios' Golden Crystal??
<Dr_Xadium> As I said I would, I took it back to Elysion, shifting it a random amount of time backward from the regular timestream so no one will ever be able to find it again, yet its power will continue to suffuse the Earth.
<Cést_la_V> Ah... oh, Haruka-san filled us in on the other events...
[21:19] * Dr_Xadium reads the list
<Dr_Xadium> This doesn't look good... although I have a few ideas...
<Cést_la_V> Don't worry, I have a way to even the odds!!
<Dr_Xadium> Really?
<Dr_Xadium> You aren't going to kidnap someone again, are you?
[21:21] * Cést_la_V slaps X-chan on the back
<Cést_la_V> no, no! But I did E-mail this to Haruka-san...

<Dr_Xadium> LOL, not half bad... you've been learning...
[21:22] * Cést_la_V giggles
<Dr_Xadium> But do you think Haruka will buy it?
[21:23] * Cést_la_V knows all about Jealousy
<Cést_la_V> kekekekekeke...
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