Suburban Senshi Entry #2500 - “The Era of Big Social is over. Revert to Blogge”
#2500 “The Era of Big Social is over. Revert to Blogge”
LINE chat excerpt starts - 14 January 2025 7:19AM
Red_Texan7:20 AM
Well sis got around t' deletin' her Facebook too, so that there's th' end of an era goin' back t' whut, 2008 or somethin'?
FireFly_97:21 AM
It feels like thins are changing in an odd way - like the walls are closing in, and a lot of the avenues of safe expression are just shutting down.
@[ DR. XADiUM ]7:22 AM
Well you heard that Facebook, Intstragram and Threads are censoring links to Pixelfed, the Open-source Instagram replacement, right?
Michael Sunnyside III7:23 AM
These aren't the actions of a company that feels comfortable in its market position.
It's what you do when you're scared of your customers running and you're scrambling to lock the exit doors.
FireFly_97:25 AM
I think we're going to get back to a fragmented cluster of social islands online - which might not be a bad thing.
This whole era feels like 2002 all over again, but in a much more distressing way.
@Paisley Pythia Peinforte7:26 AM
Well, seriously. A lot of what people do with Social Media is yelling into the void and blogs serve that purpose quite nicely.
Things like Facebook only have the ease of connecting with friends and family as their main attractor, and even then that leads to unhealthy habits like comparing oneself to everyone else and desperately trying to keep up appearances.
It's just a jumped-up contacts list at the end of the day.
[gTV]C'est_la_V7:28 AM
Maybe for you nerds with no social lives :P
Some of us need to know what everyone is doing and where and when and how and with who!!
FireFly_97:31 AM
With te world just going full fascist doesn't it make more sense just to withdraw to a safe enclave?
[gTV]C'est_la_V7:32 AM
And just ghost all your friends online?
FireFly_97:33 AM
Oh it's not like a lot of my friends (not here obviously) haven't decided to just ghost me in the past. Those who care will find a way to maintain connection.
It's just not going to be as simple as walking into the Zuckerberg compound.
@[ DR. XADiUM ]7:35 AM
Days like this I'm glad I'm an Old and never really got hooked into things like WhatsApp and the Facebook social feed. If I stopped using those things today, I'd be fine.
@Paisley Pythia Peinforte7:36 AM
That shows the difference in us - if I lost BlueSky today I'd go spare. I need that firehose of information injected directly into my veins.
FireFly_97:36 AM
Remember when all people did was sit in comfortable chairs and read books? I do.
// J_Daito //7:37 AM
@[ DR. XADiUM ]7:37 AM
(until you delete your account)
@Paisley Pythia Peinforte7:38 AM
(only in the EU, I'm sure their AI is still going tobe fed on your old posts everywhere else)
.'~SugaBB_2999~'.7:38 AM
LOL then I hope they enjoy all my p[BLEEP]y pics
[gTV]C'est_la_V7:39 AM
.'~SugaBB_2999~'.7:39 AM
// J_Daito //7:39 AM
That could still be very very wrong
.'~SugaBB_2999~'.7:40 AM
Well you'll never know because all you jerks aren't FB friends with me
// J_Daito //7:40 AM
Do you even have Facebook friends?
.'~SugaBB_2999~'.7:40 AM
// J_Daito //7:40 AM
You don't, do you?
.'~SugaBB_2999~'.7:41 AM
DJ Reverend_H7:41 AM
(she totally doesn't yo)
.'~SugaBB_2999~'.7:41 AM
LINE Chat excerpt ends - 14 January 2025 7:41AM

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