Suburban Senshi Entry #2333 - “It's good caculation! Episode 10 of "Suburban Senshi: A Tale of Three Cities" is here!! ”
#2333 “It's good caculation! Episode 10 of "Suburban Senshi: A Tale of Three Cities" is here!! ”
| Excerpt Start - 12:11 PM 08/20/23
#suburbansenshisquad |
After he had his stomach pumped it was okay
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| Perfect1
You had better sue, Hino Rei.
Blimey look at this thing. Designed 50 years ago. I've no idea how someone even begins to think about designing something this complicated.
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| C'est_La_V
That looks so satisfying to use!! The audio is like BDSM!!
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| Flame_Sniper
I don't even want to think about Minako-chan doing BDSM with a mechanical calculator.
The Safe word is "grease", yo
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| FireFly_9
I should never read the backlogs here. Ever.
| FireFly_9
Calculations are great! "1+1 = fun!"
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| Excerpt End - 12:16 PM 08/20/23 |