Suburban Senshi Entry #2178 - “The Sub. Senshi go to the Minnesota State Fair (by UltraMatt)”
#2178 “The Sub. Senshi go to the Minnesota State Fair (by UltraMatt)”

[22:47] *** Connected to
*** Sun Sep 01 2019 - LOGGING START - Thanks to UltraMatt for this entry and the pictures! ***

[22:48] <=^catablanca^=> So we were invited to the Minnesota state fair by our good friend Matsumi Kaze. She wrote up what happened and well here it is.
[22:49] <The Vampire Lyrica Hubert> ...losers.
[22:49] *** Disconnected
[22:49] *** Sun Sep 01 2019 - LOGGING END ***

Suburban Senshi: We all hate the Monkey.