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#2080 “Fresh Starts”
[ FRI JAN 20 10:33 2017 TRANSCRIPT STARTED - TENOU HOUSE - [ TOMOE HOTARU is sitting on a couch, drinking wine heavily ] TEN'OU HARUKA: Whoa, 'Taru, I didn't know you drank [ TOMOE HOTARU is rocking back and forth, her arms wrapped around her knees ] TOMOE HOTARU: This is all your fault, Jedite! [ TOMOE HOTARU points to AMERICA ] JEDITE: Now now, Tomoe the Younger, this isn't one of *my* plots. JEDITE: I would have come up with something cleverer, more insidious. [ TOMOE HOTARU just chugs from the bottle ] TEN'OU HARUKA: Erm, you know, for one thing you don't drink, and for another you're tiny and frail. I think your blood will be pure alcohol in a matter of minutes. TOMOE HOTARU: You mean like yours? TEN'OU HARUKA: Hey I have developed an IMMUNITY over long years PROF. SOUICHI TOMOE: IN OTHER WORDS HER LIVER JUST GAVE UP TRYING AND IT JUST PASSES RIGHT THROUGH HER BODY! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! DR. MIMI HANYU: I don't think that's how the body works, dear~ PROF. SOUICHI TOMOE: YOU'LL HAVE TO GIVE ME A REFRESHER COURSE, SWEETHEART~ [ TOMOE HOTARU goes green, either from the thought of that 'refresher course' or the booze and projectile vomits all over Jedite ] JEDITE: .... This suit costs more than Ten'ou's car KAIOH MICHIRU: It cost more than Haruka's car because that car cost Haruka nothing, as I paid for it :P TOMOE HOTARU: I can't even make comments about the eschaton, I'm so tired. That bloated orange Cheeto is taking over America. TOMOE HOTARU: It's like a Pinky and the Brain plot come to fruition. TOMOE HOTARU: Only there's no brain and just Dr. Evil's implied Pinky. TEN'OU HARUKA: Don't worry Hotaru-chan it will get better TOMOE HOTARU: how? TEN'OU HARUKA: if there's a global thermonuclear war, we'll survive. Along with the C[BLEEP]kroaches and Chibiusa. TSUKINO 'CHIBIUSA' USAGI: hay y r u lamping mi in wit da cickroacahz TEN'OU HARUKA: You ever looked at yourself in the mirror, sprout? [ TSUKINO 'CHIBIUSA' USAGI leaps up and starts to bite at Haruka's neck ] TEN'OU HARUKA: OH GOD VAMPIRE! VAMPIRE! [ TEN'OU HARUKA flails, screaming "get her off!" ] TOMOE HOTARU: for that you'd need a mandroid and we're fresh out [ FRI JAN 20 2017 - TRANSCRIPT END ] | |||||
Suburban Senshi: Because therapists need to earn a living. |