Suburban Senshi Chat #2004 - “Budokai 2K14 - Quarterfinal: Chiba Mamoru v Sakura Xadium Aino ”
#2004 “Budokai 2K14 - Quarterfinal: Chiba Mamoru v Sakura Xadium Aino ”
the current system time is: Fri Apr 04 07:14 2014; you are connected on; message of the day follows:
welcome to #budokai
[07:15] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ♦ Now it's time for the second match of the quarterfinals match for the 41st Tenka-ichi Budokai!
[07:15] *** Tuxedo Mask [] has joined #budokai
[07:16] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ Entering the arena is Tuxedo Mask!
[07:17] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ♦ He had an amazing victory in the first round against Piccolo, which no one expected!
[18:34] <BIG_Green> You're going down, Mask!
[07:18] * Tuxedo Mask coughs up some blood, and pulls out his last steel tipped rose, aiming for Piccolo's groin. Shakily standing, he slips in his own blood and lets the rose fly, which wildly spins out of control and sticks Piccolo... in the eye
[07:19] * BIG_Green scrambles, trying to pull the rose out flailing, unable to see... and falls off the edge of the ring
[18:35] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ Oh my god! Piccolo loses due to ring out!! Tuxedo Mask advances!
[07:22] * Tuxedo Mask raises his hand to the crowd, a rose in his teeth
[07:22] ☼ Scouter indicates Tuxedo Mask has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[07:22] *** Sakura Xadium Aino [cherryblossomstorm@ishtarterra.venus.cmn] has joined #budokai
[07:23] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ♦ next up is Sakura Xadium Aino, who was supposed to have retired from the Budokai last year, but came back for one last run!
[07:24] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ When she heard her half-sister was entering, she couldn't be stopped!
[07:25] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ♦ Well with the Actuary advancing, the match she wants could actually happen!
[07:25] ☼ Scouter indicates Sakura Xadium Aino has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[07:25] ☼ Scouter indicates Sakura Xadium Aino has HP level of 1000!
[07:25] ☼ Scouter indicates Tuxedo Mask has HP level of 1000!
[07:27] <Sakura Xadium Aino> Uncle Endymion... let's see what you've got~
[07:27] <spiritflame> Sakura Xadium Aino rolls 1d20 [ 2 ]
[07:29] <Tuxedo Mask> Ha, blooming young maidens should know their place~
[07:29] <spiritflame> Tuxedo Mask rolls 1d20 [ 18 ]
[07:29] <Sakura Xadium Aino> :/
[07:30] <Tuxedo Mask> (Of course the bloom has long left your rose~)
[07:30] <Sakura Xadium Aino> HEY I CAN'T HELP IT IF I'M NOT TWELVE YEARS OLD :P
[07:30] <Sakura Xadium Aino> Also - EWW.
[07:31] 5 ▊▊▊ [1000 HP / 991 MP] Tuxedo Mask Throws a rose at Sakura-chan (-9 MP +5 SP)
[07:31] 7 ▊▊▊ [950 HP / 1001 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been SLAMMED BACK!! (50 damage +7 SP)
[07:32] * Sakura Xadium Aino takes a rose to the chest, but her adamantium-laced vest takes the brunt of the impact
[07:33] 13 ▊▊▊ [950 HP / 980 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino springs forward on one heel and squarely punches Mask in the stomach (-21 MP +6 SP)
[07:34] 5 ▊▊▊ [1000 HP / 992 MP] Tuxedo Mask has DODGED the attack! (0 damage +0 SP)
[07:34] * Tuxedo Mask suavely sidesteps ♫
[07:34] 12 ▊▊▊ [1000 HP / 963 MP] Tuxedo Mask throws... TWO roses at her (-29 MP +7 SP)
[07:35] 26 ▊▊▊ [917 HP / 983 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (33 damage +13 SP)
[07:35] * Sakura Xadium Aino takes the roses in the knees and drops ><
[07:35] <Sakura Xadium Aino> GRARRGH
[07:35] <Tuxedo Mask> Not armored everywhere, I see~
[07:36] 20 ▊▊▊ [1000 HP / 962 MP] Tuxedo Mask walks up to her and picks her up, just to legsweep her down again (-1 MP +8 SP)
[07:36] 32 ▊▊▊ [885 HP / 1003 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been EVISCERATED!! (32 damage +6 SP)
[07:36] * Sakura Xadium Aino SMASHES down into the ring, her head cracking the tiles a bit.
[07:37] 37 ▊▊▊ [885 HP / 967 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino pushes forward with her hands, baseball sliding to kick his feet out from under him (-36 MP +5 SP)
[07:37] 20 ▊▊▊ [1000 HP / 969 MP] Tuxedo Mask has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage +0 SP)
[07:37] * Tuxedo Mask KICKS her back
[07:37] 37 ▊▊▊ [885 HP / 976 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage +0 SP)
[07:37] * Sakura Xadium Aino KICKS BACK HIS KICK BACK
[07:37] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ♦ What a fierce exchange~
[07:38] 25 ▊▊▊ [974 HP / 986 MP] Tuxedo Mask has been SLAMMED BACK!! (26 damage +5 SP)
[07:38] * Tuxedo Mask goes skidding back as the kick connects with a thunderclap
[07:39] 32 ▊▊▊ [974 HP / 980 MP] Tuxedo Mask nips up and runs at her, tackling her down! (-6 MP +7 SP)
[07:40] 50 ▊▊▊ [838 HP / 1009 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (47 damage +13 SP)
[07:40] * Sakura Xadium Aino is pinned ><
[07:40] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ Ugh, that's too close for comfort!
[07:40] * Tuxedo Mask grins
[07:40] * Tuxedo Mask toothglints
[07:41] 1 ▊▊▊ [974 HP / 480 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Tuxedo Mask makes her "the promise of the rose" (a lusty scenario involving roses and a bathtub with fiore) (-500 MP -31 SP)
[07:41] 65 ▊▊▊ [808 HP / 1023 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (30 damage +15 SP)
[07:41] <Sakura Xadium Aino> KYAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! BAD MENTAL TOUCH
[07:42] * Tuxedo Mask stands and extends his rod
[07:42] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ just what did this match turn into?!
[07:43] 9 ▊▊▊ [974 HP / 474 MP] Tuxedo Mask beats her with his cane! (-6 MP +8 SP)
[07:43] 83 ▊▊▊ [782 HP / 1060 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (26 damage +18 SP)
[07:44] * Sakura Xadium Aino curls up into the fetal position as she gets whipped by his big stick ><
[07:44] <Tuxedo Mask> Ha ha ha!
[07:44] 15 ▊▊▊ [974 HP / 473 MP] Tuxedo Mask sticks her with his rose (-1 MP +6 SP)
[07:45] 83 ▊▊▊ [782 HP / 1064 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has DODGED the attack! (0 damage +0 SP)
[07:45] * Sakura Xadium Aino rolls out of the way just in time to see the rose violate the concrete tile near her ><
[07:45] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ♦ Oh god that was a close one!
[07:46] * Sakura Xadium Aino quickly leaps to her feet and draws her sword, Arataka, swinging it down...
[07:47] 0 ▊▊▊ [782 HP / 964 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino ...and releasing a huge shockwave of energy at him... Hajya... kensei... OUKA HOUSHIN!!!! , unleashing a 46 hit HYPER COMBO! (-100 MP -83 SP) [ /sell 6]
[07:48] 20 ▊▊▊ [854 HP / 481 MP] Tuxedo Mask has been SLAMMED BACK!! (x 6 Hits) (120 damage +5 SP)
[07:49] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ♦ Ooh that was a nasty hit!
[07:49] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ but she still hasn't closed the gap with him!
[07:50] 25 ▊▊▊ [854 HP / 481 MP] Tuxedo Mask throws his hat at her like odd job aiming to cut her with its brim (-0 MP +5 SP)
[07:50] 7 ▊▊▊ [752 HP / 979 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been EVISCERATED!! (30 damage +7 SP)
[07:50] * Sakura Xadium Aino takes the hit in her arm, which geysers blood ><
[07:50] <Sakura Xadium Aino> GRAAAAAAAAAHHH!!
[07:51] * Tuxedo Mask catches the hat
[07:51] 14 ▊▊▊ [752 HP / 963 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino picks up one of his roses and throws it back at him (-16 MP +7 SP)
[07:51] 33 ▊▊▊ [806 HP / 492 MP] Tuxedo Mask has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (48 damage +8 SP)
[07:52] * Tuxedo Mask takes a rose in the shoulder ><
[07:52] * Tuxedo Mask whips out his rod once more
[07:57] 0 ▊▊▊ [806 HP / 392 MP] Tuxedo Mask TUXEDO LA SMOKING BOMBER, unleashing a 20 hit COMBO! (-100 MP -33 SP) [ /sell 4]
[07:58] 33 ▊▊▊ [604 HP / 973 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! (x 4 Hits) [ Opponent: Attack again ] (148 damage +19 SP)
[07:58] * Sakura Xadium Aino gets all jacked up from that combo, mainly choking on the tobacco fumes ><
[07:58] * Sakura Xadium Aino coughs
[07:59] <Tuxedo Mask> hehehe
[08:00] * Tuxedo Mask toothglints
[08:00] 8 ▊▊▊ [806 HP / 386 MP] Tuxedo Mask picks up Sakura and just gives her a dreamy ideal man prince gaze (-6 MP +8 SP)
[08:00] 45 ▊▊▊ [545 HP / 1013 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (59 damage +12 SP)
[08:00] <Sakura Xadium Aino> *-*
[08:01] <Sakura Xadium Aino> ♡ Wow you're so dreamy~ ♡
[08:01] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ Okay this is getting creepy really fast <_<
[08:01] * Sakura Xadium Aino slides her hands up Mask's face...
[08:01] * Sakura Xadium Aino pulls him in for a kiss...
[08:02] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ Sakura! You're a married woman!
[08:02] 0 ▊▊▊ [545 HP / 913 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino SUPER PISSED OFF MEGA HEADBUTT TIME!, unleashing a 21 hit COMBO! (-100 MP -45 SP) [ /sell 7]
[08:03] 18 ▊▊▊ [659 HP / 401 MP] Tuxedo Mask has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 7 Hits) (147 damage +10 SP)
[08:03] * Tuxedo Mask 's head goes SNAPPING BACK ARRRRGGHHHH
[08:04] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ oh man I heard that crack all the way up here at the announce booth!
[08:04] <Tuxedo Mask> @_@
[08:04] * Tuxedo Mask lets go and wobbles back
[08:04] 23 ▊▊▊ [659 HP / 373 MP] Tuxedo Mask weakly throws another rose at her (-28 MP +5 SP)
[08:04] 0 ▊▊▊ [545 HP / 923 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage +0 SP)
[08:05] * Sakura Xadium Aino GRABS the rose in midair and throws it back at his crotch!
[08:05] 30 ▊▊▊ [621 HP / 387 MP] Tuxedo Mask has been EVISCERATED!! (38 damage +7 SP)
[08:05] <Tuxedo Mask> AGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH
[08:06] * Tuxedo Mask DROPS and clutches his nethers
[08:06] 6 ▊▊▊ [545 HP / 902 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino stalks up to him and kicks the rose in again >< (-21 MP +6 SP)
[08:06] 35 ▊▊▊ [606 HP / 407 MP] Tuxedo Mask has been SLAMMED BACK!! (15 damage +5 SP)
[08:07] * Tuxedo Mask SCREAMS in a falsetto
[08:07] 0 ▊▊▊ [606 HP / 307 MP] Tuxedo Mask hurls his hat at her again, unleashing a 7 hit COMBO! (-100 MP -35 SP) [ /sell 2]
[08:07] 12 ▊▊▊ [492 HP / 920 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been EVISCERATED!! (53 damage +6 SP)
[08:07] * Sakura Xadium Aino takes the hat-brim in her shin
[08:07] <Sakura Xadium Aino> Gneh...
[08:08] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ she sure is taking a beating
[08:08] 19 ▊▊▊ [492 HP / 893 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino spins and gives him a roundhouse kick to the head (-27 MP +7 SP)
[08:08] 7 ▊▊▊ [599 HP / 311 MP] Tuxedo Mask has BLOCKED the attack! (7 damage +7 SP)
[08:09] * Tuxedo Mask GRABS her leg
[08:09] 15 ▊▊▊ [599 HP / 280 MP] Tuxedo Mask TWISTS it to one side (-31 MP +8 SP)
[08:09] 19 ▊▊▊ [492 HP / 895 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has DODGED the attack! (0 damage +0 SP)
[08:09] * Sakura Xadium Aino ROTATES in MIDAIR with the turn...
[08:10] 26 ▊▊▊ [492 HP / 894 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino ...and kicks him in the head with her other leg (-1 MP +7 SP)
[08:10] 22 ▊▊▊ [592 HP / 282 MP] Tuxedo Mask has BLOCKED the attack! (7 damage +7 SP)
[08:10] * Tuxedo Mask grabs that leg instead!
[08:10] 30 ▊▊▊ [592 HP / 275 MP] Tuxedo Mask shoves her back into the ground (-7 MP +8 SP)
[08:10] 26 ▊▊▊ [492 HP / 895 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage +0 SP)
[08:11] * Sakura Xadium Aino drops down then MULEKICKS HIM
[08:11] 38 ▊▊▊ [546 HP / 292 MP] Tuxedo Mask has been HIT!! (46 damage +8 SP)
[08:11] * Tuxedo Mask crashes backwards, barely avoiding falling out of the ring
[08:11] 0 ▊▊▊ [546 HP / 192 MP] Tuxedo Mask hurls his hat at her one good shoulder, unleashing a 7 hit COMBO! (-100 MP -38 SP) [ /sell 2]
[08:12] 37 ▊▊▊ [394 HP / 941 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (98 damage +11 SP)
[08:12] * Sakura Xadium Aino cries out, her other shoulder now wounded...
[08:12] * Sakura Xadium Aino rips off her tie and binds her left shoulder
[08:12] * Sakura Xadium Aino points two fingers at him
[08:13] 0 ▊▊▊ [394 HP / 841 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino SUPER FURIOUS CRESCENT BEAM TO THE CROTCH ATTACK, unleashing a 14 hit COMBO! (-100 MP -37 SP) [ /sell 4]
[08:13] 5 ▊▊▊ [318 HP / 214 MP] Tuxedo Mask has been EVISCERATED!! (x 4 Hits) (228 damage +5 SP)
[08:17] * Tuxedo Mask eyes go wide and his hands fly to his groin, which is now smoking...
[08:17] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ I don't think Tsukino Usagi is gonna like that...
[08:18] 12 ▊▊▊ [318 HP / 197 MP] Tuxedo Mask staggers forwards and headbutts her (-17 MP +7 SP)
[08:18] 9 ▊▊▊ [347 HP / 905 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (47 damage +9 SP)
[08:18] * Sakura Xadium Aino rubs her forehead
[08:19] 15 ▊▊▊ [347 HP / 887 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino rabbit-punches him in the nose (-18 MP +6 SP)
[08:19] 20 ▊▊▊ [284 HP / 236 MP] Tuxedo Mask has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (34 damage +8 SP)
[08:20] * Tuxedo Mask nose explodes in a spurt of blood
[08:20] <Tuxedo Mask> YEOW...
[08:20] * Tuxedo Mask hops back, blood from his nose, walking funny with a smoking crotch
[08:21] 27 ▊▊▊ [284 HP / 213 MP] Tuxedo Mask throws a rose at her bad shoulder (-23 MP +7 SP)
[08:21] 22 ▊▊▊ [306 HP / 891 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been SLAMMED BACK!! (41 damage +7 SP)
[08:22] * Sakura Xadium Aino wound gets torn open
[08:23] 28 ▊▊▊ [306 HP / 881 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino ducks low and CHARGES him for a headbutt to the stomach (-10 MP +6 SP)
[08:23] 37 ▊▊▊ [256 HP / 275 MP] Tuxedo Mask has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (28 damage +10 SP)
[08:23] * Tuxedo Mask doubles over, spitting up blood and crashing to the tile
[08:24] 0 ▊▊▊ [256 HP / 175 MP] Tuxedo Mask extends his rod and jabs her , unleashing a 21 hit COMBO! (-100 MP -37 SP) [ /sell 2]
[08:24] 38 ▊▊▊ [194 HP / 931 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (112 damage +10 SP)
[08:24] * Sakura Xadium Aino goes flying in the air and CRASHES BACK DOWN into a crater
[08:26] * Sakura Xadium Aino gets up, and then raises one fist, charging it with planet power...
[08:26] <Sakura Xadium Aino> For every woman out there...
[08:26] <Sakura Xadium Aino> VENUS...
[08:26] <Sakura Xadium Aino> ULTIMATE...
[08:28] 33 ▊▊▊ [-185 HP/ 213 MP] Tuxedo Mask has been STUNNED by a special attack and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (441 damage + 33 SP)
[08:28] Tuxedo Mask has BEEN DEFEATED!!!
[08:30] * Tuxedo Mask drops to the ground, smoking from his crotch and detransforms
[08:32] * Tuxedo Mask is now known as Chiba_M
[08:32] * Chiba_M passes out
[08:32] * Sakura Xadium Aino staggers off to find a senzu bean ><
[08:33] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ♦ and after that SUPER creepy match with a VERY satisfying end, Sakura does indeed get to make it to the semi-finals to face her half-sister, the Actuary!
[08:34] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ join us next time for Franziska von Karma, the reigning repeat champion, versus the killer android Sakura April Shinguuji!
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