Suburban Senshi Chat #1980 - “Budokai 2k13: vs Sakura X. Aino”
#1980 “Budokai 2k13: vs Sakura X. Aino”

Suburban Senshi: Tenka'ichi Budokai

[13:35] *** @Sakura Xadium Aino [cherryblossomstorm@ishtarterra.venus.cmn] has joined #budokai
[13:35] *** spiritflame sets mode +o @Sakura Xadium Aino

[13:35] <+Luna-P> y0 @Sakura Xadium Aino
[13:35] ☼ Scouter indicates Sakura Xadium Aino has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[13:35] ☼ Scouter indicates Sakura Xadium Aino has HP level of 1000!
[13:35] *** spiritflame [] has joined #budokai
[13:35] *** @SpeedRcrX sets mode +o spiritflame

[13:35] ☼ Scouter indicates spiritflame has HP level of 1000!
[13:36] ☼ Scouter indicates spiritflame has MP level of 1000!
[13:37] <[gTV]Red_Crow> And here we are starting the second round of the 40th Teka-ichi Budokai, with former champion hino going up against Sakura X Aino, the person she trained and protected like a daughter!
[13:37] <=( KiNG KAi )=> Will it be power versus power or a martial arts masterpiece? Who knows?
[13:37] <spiritflame> @Sakura Xadium Aino rolls 1d20 [ 7 ]
[13:38] <spiritflame> @spiritflame rolls 1d20 [ 14 ]
[13:38] * @spiritflame smirks slightly
[13:38] * @Sakura Xadium Aino narrows her eyes and slides back on one foot, raising her arms ina defensive position akin to dragon-style kung-fu
[13:39] * @Sakura Xadium Aino does the neo hand wave
[13:39] [1000 HP / 980 MP] spiritflame BLASTS a ki burst at cakura-chan from her mouth! (-20 MP)
[13:40] <[gTV]Red_Crow> What? going for ki attacks off the bat!?
[13:40] [958 HP / 1011 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been HIT!! (42 damage)
[13:40] * @Sakura Xadium Aino is SMASHED in the face and staggers back, bnent backwards, one leg up in the air, pivoting unsteadily on her back foot
[13:41] <=( KiNG KAi )=> Looks like she couldn't "face" that attack! HAHAHA
[13:42] [958 HP / 993 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino pirouettes on her unsteady toe and then tumbles forward in a somersault, kicking r-chan in the face rapidly as she passes her (-18 MP)
[13:42] [1000 HP / 987 MP] spiritflame has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage)
[13:42] * @spiritflame slaps sakura's feet away with her hands faster than the eye can see
[13:42] [955 HP / 998 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has BLOCKED the attack! (3 damage)
[13:43] * @Sakura Xadium Aino BLOCKS her hands with her feet, balancing on her hands
[13:43] [1000 HP / 952 MP] spiritflame knees Sakura in the head (-35 MP)
[13:44] [952 HP / 1001 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has BLOCKED the attack! (3 damage)
[13:45] * @Sakura Xadium Aino grits her teeth and takes the massive knee to the forehead, staying in placce, whole body trembling with the effort, on her hands, legs up in the air, head blocking r-chan's upright knee
[13:45] <[gTV]Red_Crow> it looks like she's barely holding it together!
[13:46] <=( KiNG KAi )=> but she _is_ holding it together...
[13:46] <=( KiNG KAi )=> which is no small feet against the monster that is!
[13:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> but where does she go from here!?
[13:48] [952 HP / 501 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Sakura Xadium Aino leans foward with almost back-breaking flexibility, SLAMMING her feet into's head, then using her venus powers to control metal, lifting off her feet and WHIPPING her backwards and over for a head-first SLAM into the ring (-500 MP)
[13:48] [881 HP / 959 MP ] spiritflame has been HIT by a SPECIAL ATTACK!! (119 damage)
[13:49] * @spiritflame SLAMS into the ring headfirst, EXPLODING a crater, causing both herself and sakura to fall in
[13:49] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ooh, a Nasty hit... but one that hasn't seemed to do much damage!
[13:50] * @spiritflame uses a ki blast to BLAST her out of the hole she's in, twisting in midair like a cat
[13:50] * @spiritflame locks her sights on the dazed sakura...
[13:51] * @spiritflame drops downward, SLAMMING her fists into the ground by Sakura, EXPLODING the ground under her
[13:51] * @Sakura Xadium Aino flies upwards
[13:51] * @spiritflame air-juggles her!
[13:51] [881 HP / 859 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 36 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[13:51] [847 HP / 522 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! (x 3 Hits) [ Opponent: Attack again ] (105 damage)
[13:52] * @Sakura Xadium Aino cries out and tumbles in the air, blacking out
[13:52] * @spiritflame points her index and middle finger out at sakura... "dodonpa"
[13:53] [881 HP / 359 MP] SPECIAL ATK: spiritflame sends a lancing ray of concentrated ki out of her fingers right through sakura's midsection (-500 MP)
[13:53] [716 HP / 540 MP ] Sakura Xadium Aino has been HIT by a SPECIAL ATTACK!! (131 damage)
[13:53] * @Sakura Xadium Aino is jolted to wakefulness by the pain and cries out
[13:54] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> if... that's... the way... you want... to.. play it...
[13:54] * @Sakura Xadium Aino unsheathes her blade
[13:54] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Hajya... Kensei... ouka... HOUSHIN!!!!!!!
[13:55] [716 HP / 40 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Sakura Xadium Aino sends a MASSIVE WAVE OF POWER SLASHING downwards at, a crescent of pink-hot spirit power that sears the sky! (-500 MP)
[13:55] [786 HP / 365 MP ] spiritflame has been HIT by a SPECIAL ATTACK!! (95 damage)
[13:56] * @spiritflame crosses her arms and TAKES the HIT, letting the roiling power glance off her, singing her robes
[13:56] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Ye gods, they're attacking each other at full power and it doesn't even seem to MATTER!
[13:57] <=( KiNG KAi )=> this is nothing like the earlier rounds, where special attacks ended things mercifully quickly
[13:57] * @spiritflame BLASTS into the air, rapidly approaching sakura and SLAMMING her in the jaw with a massive PUNCH
[13:57] [786 HP / 265 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 83 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[13:57] [714 HP / 44 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has BLOCKED the attack! (2 damage)
[13:58] * @Sakura Xadium Aino CATCHES the punch in her hands >:D
[13:58] <@spiritflame> ....
[13:59] * @spiritflame is impresses
[13:59] <@spiritflame> ^impressed
[13:59] <=( KiNG KAi )=> a nice block, but Sakura's runing low on steam! What's she going to do!?
[14:00] [714 HP / 51 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[14:00] <@spiritflame> - foolish -
[14:00] * @spiritflame brings up her other arm and relentlessly presses the attack
[14:00] [786 HP / 165 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 87 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[14:01] [554 HP / 71 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! (x 5 Hits) [ Opponent: Attack again ] (160 damage)
[14:01] * @Sakura Xadium Aino is pummelled senseless
[14:01] <[gTV]Red_Crow> oh crap...
[14:02] * @spiritflame does a mental calculus... and decides not to waste the power of another combination attack
[14:02] [786 HP / 155 MP] spiritflame flips in midair and kicks Sakura down to the ground viciously with the back of her foot (-10 MP)
[14:02] [540 HP / 72 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been HIT!! (14 damage)
[14:03] * @Sakura Xadium Aino CRASHES into the hard ring
[14:03] * @Sakura Xadium Aino gets on her hands and knees, coughing...
[14:03] * @Sakura Xadium Aino looks up at
[14:03] [540 HP / 115 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[14:04] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ... she's still guarding?
[14:04] * @spiritflame smirks, sussing out sakura's ploy
[14:04] [786 HP / 217 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[14:04] <@spiritflame> i can reach critical mass faster than you can...
[14:05] * @Sakura Xadium Aino stands and grins
[14:05] [540 HP / 118 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[14:05] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> You sure you know what I'm thinking~?
[14:05] <@spiritflame> i calculate two possible moves~
[14:06] <@spiritflame> but they are impractical given the difference in our strength
[14:06] <@spiritflame> ... a difference i intend to widen.
[14:06] * @spiritflame sends a volley of ki blasts at sakura... but they do not explode, instead surrounding her...
[14:07] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> ...fffff
[14:07] * @spiritflame snaps her fingers, detonating them!
[14:07] [786 HP / 117 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 27 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[14:07] [498 HP / 134 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (42 damage)
[14:08] * @Sakura Xadium Aino grunts and takes the explosions, shrugging them off, her clothes now burnt and torn, revealing the adamantium behind her vest and shoes
[14:09] * @Sakura Xadium Aino frowns darkly
[14:09] * @Sakura Xadium Aino points a finger at
[14:09] [498 HP / 34 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino unleashes a 11 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[14:10] * @spiritflame watches a hundred beams of golden light lance up at her
[14:10] [738 HP / 136 MP] spiritflame has been HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (48 damage)
[14:10] [664 HP / 178 MP] spiritflame has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! (x 2 Hits) [ Opponent: Attack again ] (74 damage)
[14:10] * @spiritflame is battered and smashes by the golden beams that are more powerful than she realized ><
[14:10] * @spiritflame tumbles back, out of the air
[14:11] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> heh... it's... a good thing you only fight at .000000000000001 of your true power or that wouldn't have even worked...
[14:11] * @Sakura Xadium Aino drops to one knee, weak... tired... she can't properly capitalize on this...
[14:12] * @Sakura Xadium Aino does the math... even if she summed it all up for one final blast... r-chan is still too strong
[14:13] [498 HP / 30 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino rushes in and kicks her in the side (-4 MP)
[14:13] [617 HP / 238 MP] spiritflame has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (47 damage)
[14:13] * @spiritflame skids sideways, still a bit out of it
[14:13] * @spiritflame raises herself on one hand and flips over in midair, regaining a vertical base
[14:14] * @spiritflame slowly stalks over to sakura...
[14:14] * @spiritflame grabs her by the neck and lifts her up with one hand
[14:14] * @spiritflame locks gazes with her
[14:14] * @Sakura Xadium Aino grins
[14:14] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> bring it~
[14:15] * @spiritflame RAG-DOLL SLAMS her from side to side ala Hulk / Loki
[14:15] [617 HP / 138 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 54 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[14:15] [253 HP / 48 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been HIT!! (x 5 Hits) (245 damage)
[14:15] * @Sakura Xadium Aino lands on the ground, some ribs broken, sheesh... that was a good hit <_<
[14:16] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Damn... gotta stop.... underestimating...
[14:16] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> guard
[14:16] [253 HP / 60 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[14:17] <@spiritflame> you have only one road open to you
[14:17] <@spiritflame> you will not make it to the end of that road
[14:18] * @spiritflame looks over the distance from sakura to the edge of the ring
[14:18] * @spiritflame ponders... too light a blow will only give the girl time to recover... but spend all power now and be open later...
[14:19] * @spiritflame will choose the path of deliberation
[14:19] [617 HP / 132 MP] spiritflame kicks sakura towards the edge of the ring (-6 MP)
[14:19] [216 HP / 84 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (37 damage)
[14:19] * @Sakura Xadium Aino feels another rib snap, s[BLEEP]t!
[14:20] * @Sakura Xadium Aino can sense the edge of the ring behind her
[14:20] * @Sakura Xadium Aino grits her teeth and builds her power
[14:20] [216 HP / 142 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[14:20] <@spiritflame> it will not be enough
[14:21] [617 HP / 98 MP] spiritflame kicks her again (-34 MP)
[14:21] [216 HP / 146 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage)
[14:21] * @Sakura Xadium Aino somehow lashes out with her hand and pushes back at the foot
[14:21] [617 HP / 106 MP] spiritflame has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage)
[14:21] * @spiritflame KICKS BACK.
[14:22] [182 HP / 163 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (34 damage)
[14:22] * @Sakura Xadium Aino takes a hit in the damaghes area of her sternum and blacks out
[14:22] * @spiritflame sighs
[14:23] <@spiritflame> you fought well
[14:23] <@spiritflame> but it is time to end this
[14:23] * @spiritflame grabs a tile from the ring and rips it out of the ground barehanded
[14:24] * @spiritflame tosses it in the air, then PUNCHES it, using her ki to hold it together, and sending it flying at sakura
[14:24] [617 HP / 6 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 14 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[14:24] [178 HP / 172 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has BLOCKED the attack! (4 damage)
[14:24] * @Sakura Xadium Aino grabs the tile and grins
[14:25] * @Sakura Xadium Aino stands, coughing up a little blood
[14:25] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Shoulda taken the slow road~ :3
[14:25] * @Sakura Xadium Aino tosses it in her hand
[14:25] <@spiritflame> ... a feint?
[14:26] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> A fabulously fantastic feint to force you into frittering away your precious power~
[14:26] * @Sakura Xadium Aino spins the tile like a frisbee
[14:26] [178 HP / 167 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino flicks it at aiming right for her head (-5 MP)
[14:26] [568 HP / 49 MP] spiritflame has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (49 damage)
[14:27] * @spiritflame is SMASHED back, and bats at her face to get the tile fragments out fo her eyes, then just unleashes some laser beams to clear them out
[14:27] [568 HP / 48 MP] spiritflame ZOOMS foward, PUNCHING at Sakura's midsection (-1 MP)
[14:27] [130 HP / 179 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (48 damage)
[14:28] * @Sakura Xadium Aino crumples, JESUS that hurt more than-- x_X
[14:28] [568 HP / 31 MP] spiritflame spnning kick to sakura's head (-17 MP)
[14:28] [130 HP / 183 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[14:28] * @Sakura Xadium Aino somehow rolls out of the way on instinct
[14:29] * @Sakura Xadium Aino realizes she'll never have enough time to build up a super at this rate
[14:30] [130 HP / 172 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino grabs at r-chan's legs and tries to make her faceplant (-11 MP)
[14:30] [535 HP / 86 MP] spiritflame has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (33 damage)
[14:30] * @spiritflame SMASHES into the ground face-first
[14:30] [535 HP / 83 MP] spiritflame looks up at sakura and hits her with OMEGA BEAMS (-3 MP)
[14:31] [107 HP / 180 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been HIT!! (23 damage)
[14:31] * @Sakura Xadium Aino VANISHES
[14:31] * @Sakura Xadium Aino APPEARS in the air 300 feet up and finds herself falling!
[14:31] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> Bad move~
[14:31] * @Sakura Xadium Aino unsheathes her blade
[14:31] * @Sakura Xadium Aino steadies herself
[14:32] [107 HP / 153 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino descends and DRIVES the BLADE INTO R-CHAN'S BACK (-27 MP)
[14:32] [506 HP / 84 MP] spiritflame has been HIT!! (29 damage)
[14:32] * @spiritflame shakes off Sakura and rises, the blade still in her back
[14:33] * @spiritflame turns to face sakura, and reaches one arm behind herself, snaking it behind her and taking the sword out of her back
[14:33] [506 HP / 76 MP] spiritflame HURLS the blade at Sakura's shoulder with incredible aim (-8 MP)
[14:34] [104 HP / 161 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has BLOCKED the attack! (3 damage)
[14:34] * @Sakura Xadium Aino catches the monoatomically edged blade with her gloved hand, the leather on her glove tearing to reveal the adamantium underneath
[14:34] * @Sakura Xadium Aino flips arataka in her hand
[14:35] [104 HP / 127 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino spins around and sends a crescent of spirit power at (-34 MP)
[14:35] [460 HP / 95 MP] spiritflame has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (46 damage)
[14:35] * @spiritflame is caught by surprise and SMASHED back
[14:36] * @spiritflame is momentarily dazed
[14:36] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> //me has to narrow this power gap somehow!
[14:37] * @Sakura Xadium Aino LEAPS in and starts PUMMELING with spirit-power infused punches
[14:37] [104 HP / 27 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino unleashes a 27 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 4]
[14:37] [460 HP / 102 MP] spiritflame has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell 4 ] (0 damage)
[14:37] * @spiritflame won't be so easily worm down!
[14:37] * @spiritflame battles back!
[14:37] [-32 HP / 46 MP] Sakura Xadium Aino has been HIT!! (x 4 Hits) (136 damage)
[14:37] Sakura Xadium Aino has BEEN DEFEATED!!!
[14:37] * @Sakura Xadium Aino is KNOCKED OUT and sails across the ring, falling out of bounds, unconcious
[14:38] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Excuse me while I take my jaw up off the ground
[14:38] <=( KiNG KAi )=> that's why she's the former champ, everyone!
[14:38] * @spiritflame stands and produces a senzu bean from her pocket, flicking it to sakura
[14:39] * @Sakura Xadium Aino noms and BOWS TO THE MASTER
[14:39] * @spiritflame returns the bow
[14:42] <[gTV]Red_Crow> And yet anotehr former champion advances! Well, next match, it's the current reigning and defending champion, Franziska von Karma, versus the former champ, Tomoe Hotaru!
[14:42] <=( KiNG KAi )=> this tournament is sure shaping up to be the most epic Budokai ever!
[14:43] <[gTV]Red_Crow> See you then!


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