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IRC Chat #1429
Tasty Lasagne Vistas
[22:29] *** Sun Oct 19 2008 - LOGGING START ***
[22:29] *** Topic is - Lulz - [22:29] *** Set by @Dr. Xadium on Sat Oct 18 22:30 2008 [22:30] <Mizunomics01> So the next version of Windows will be shipping as "Windows 7", even though the kernel is versioned at 6.1 for compatibility reasons. [22:31] <@SpeedRcrX> LOL mismatch [22:31] <@SpeedRcrX> So dumb [22:31] <Mizunomics01> It isn't really a problem, Ubuntu and OSX do not match kernel to version numbers either [22:32] <GERMATOID> YOU GUYS DON'T GET IT [22:32] <GERMATOID> WHY AREN'T MORE PEOPLE OUTRAGED BY THE DE-VERSIONING GOING ON HERE? I MEAN, EIGHT YEARS AGO, I HAD WINDOWS VERSION *TWO THOUSAND*. [22:33] <Mizunomics01> :/ [22:33] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> LOL I'm playing with Photoshop CS3 because X-chan wants to get CS4 [22:34] <@SpeedRcrX> Man don't do that s[BLEEP]t the last time you did that s[BLEEP]t you created "Nako-Nako" [22:34] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Moh [22:34] <@SpeedRcrX> LOL you realize years after PSGM there are like no f[BLEEP]king pictures of it left on the internets except for the one Neko uses as her mascot ![]() [22:35] <// J_Daito //> God get its ass out of my face [22:35] * Crwn_FruT_Gamer just LOOKS at it... [22:36] <Mizunomics01> Now, now, Motoki-san... self-control. [22:36] <Mizunomics01> Remember Mako-chan [22:36] <// J_Daito //> Her giant tracts of land [22:36] <Mizunomics01> Jedite :P [22:37] <Crwn_FruT_Gamer> R-right [22:37] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> So anyway!! [22:37] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> I found this new picture from the new Star Trek movie that was released to the press and I had to add speech balloons to it!! ![]() [22:48] <@SpeedRcrX> LOL [22:48] <@SpeedRcrX> (I can't stop checking them out either) [22:48] <GERMATOID> IS THAT A STARSHIP BRIDGE OR THE APPLE STORE [22:49] <Mizunomics01> Why is it that all I can think of upon seeing this picture is "Galaxy Quest"? [22:49] <@SpeedRcrX> Guys I found one of the f[BLEEP]ked up links from before [22:50] <@SpeedRcrX> check this out, it creeps me out more than the old submissive chicken [22:51] <@SpeedRcrX> https://www.lasagnacat.com/ [22:51] <@SpeedRcrX> click on any date [22:51] <Crwn_FruT_Gamer> ... [22:51] <Crwn_FruT_Gamer> ............ [22:51] <Mizunomics01> And I see the progress of my treatment has been set back several months. [22:52] * Crwn_FruT_Gamer ADDS THIS TO HIS FAVORITES [22:52] * // J_Daito // stares at the cat-suited man [22:52] <// J_Daito //> I am going to have nightmares about this thing. Me. [22:52] <// J_Daito //> F[BLEEP]k you, Ten'ou. F[BLEEP]k. You. [22:52] * // J_Daito // is away: YOU'RE ON NOTICE A[BLEEP]LE [22:52] <@SpeedRcrX> I see my job is done. [22:53] <Mizunomics01> And mine has just started >< [22:54] <[gTV]Red Crow> here guys something to amuse you. I saw this sad sight today. ![]() [22:55] <@SpeedRcrX> Jesus christ how the mighty have fallen [22:55] <Mizunomics01> Poor Setsuna-san [23:03] *** .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [cndygrrl@azabu-jh.ed.jp] has joined #suburbansenshi [23:03] <+Luna-P> y0 .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [23:03] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> i mad a packtur an photochop tew [23:03] <@SpeedRcrX> If this is a webcam shot... [23:03] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> no facker [23:04] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> itz a track i sawr sum1 uze in palnat hantai unse ![]() [23:04] <@SpeedRcrX> ... [23:05] <@SpeedRcrX> Dude that's either the sickest or most awesome idea ever [23:05] <Mizunomics01> If you are a lolicon. [23:05] <GERMATOID> SPEAKING OF WINDOWS 7 [23:05] <GERMATOID> I SAW THIS OLD 1956 AD FOR AN IBM ACCOUNTING DATABASE COMPUTER WITH 5 MEGABYTES OF STORAGE [23:06] <GERMATOID> GET A LOAD OF THIS; IT WAS THE GOOD OLD DAYS! MUAHAHAHAAHAH
[23:06] <@SpeedRcrX> wow @ the RAMAC [23:06] <@SpeedRcrX> but how come parts and s[BLEEP]t had better names back then... magnetic core units FTW [23:07] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> ror dey kalled tiot kompact [23:07] <GERMATOID> WELL IT IS BACK IN THE DAY THOSE THINGS COULD FILL UP LARGE ROOMS [23:09] <@SpeedRcrX> hahaha 80 LINES per minute [23:09] <GERMATOID> YOU KNOW YOU LOVE DAS BLINKENLIGHTS [23:09] <@SpeedRcrX> I do man [23:09] <@SpeedRcrX> I do [23:09] <@SpeedRcrX> I wish more computers had them [23:11] <GERMATOID> WHAT THE GLOWING APPLE ON THE BACK OF A COMPUTER NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU [23:11] <@SpeedRcrX> no [23:14] <@SpeedRcrX> watching lasagna cat frightens me [23:14] <Crwn_FruT_Gamer> not me [23:14] <@SpeedRcrX> man [23:14] <@SpeedRcrX> that's what makes it worse [23:14] *** Sun Oct 19 2008 - LOGGING STOP *** |
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