Mon Aug 04 23:37 2008 - Logging Started (suburbansenshi-chat)
[23:38] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
Is it just me or does the AP headline "McCain Gets Bikers' Motors Running in SD" make you want to laugh your ass off too, Aya?
[23:38] <[gTV]Aya_Reiko>
[23:39] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
So I've been digging around the archives and found something so disturbing it almost topped yesterday's image of Chiba Mamoru hulking up and ripping the fuku off of Ten'ou Haruka.
[23:39] <[gTV]Aya_Reiko>
[23:40] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
Apparently four years ago when the toy-company abortion of a live-action Sailormoon show was just taking off, Jedite had come up with the brilliant notion of doing a live action Suburban Senshi, entitled "Suburban Sergeants".
[23:40] <[gTV]Aya_Reiko>
Wow that does sound cool!!
[23:40] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
[23:40] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
Anyway, the images relating to that particular mental enema were lost to time... or so everyone thought.
[23:41] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
I present to you now, a special anniversary "present". The Suburban Sergeants, brought back from the dead.
[23:42] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
At the time that *was* the Suburban Senshi crew.
[23:42] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
I don't even want to KNOW what we'd have looked like in his sick vision
[23:43] <// J_Daito //>
[23:43] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
the other two contest results haven't even been USED yet!
[23:43] <// J_Daito //>
They simply WAIT for the right moment to be loosed on the world!
[23:44] <// J_Daito //>
I DARE anyone in reach of my text to provide the creepiest "live" action equivalents of the others and send them to me at contests @ suburbansenshi DOT com
[23:47] <// J_Daito //>
Hahahah inly in your wildest dreams.
[23:47] <// J_Daito //>
^ONLY dammit
[19:07] <IrnChef_Jovian>
I think... I think I've decided that escalators are evil
[19:07] <// J_Daito //>
I'm evil, kid
[19:07] <IrnChef_Jovian>
No, no... if you remember when Ami-chan was talking about all the bad things that could happen to you on an escalator..
[19:07] <IrnChef_Jovian>
Well now in Tokyo they've gone evil...
[19:08] <IrnChef_Jovian>
a rogue escalator took out 20 passengers in a convention center when it started going in reverse all on its own
[19:08] <// J_Daito //>
[19:09] <IrnChef_Jovian>
[19:10] <SpeedRcrX>
So we went from an ill-fated war against Cthulthu to a war against Escalators?
[19:11] <// J_Daito //>
Why not I think an everlasting grudge against escalators is a step up from the other sad, pathetic things we've had everlasting grudges against.