[00:45] <[gTV]C'est_la_V>
You collect conspiracy theories, don't you??
[00:45] <FireFly_9>
[00:45] <[gTV]C'est_la_V>
I have one for you Karasuma-san found in the video vaults while we were looking for Budokai footage!!
[00:48] <FireFly_9>
[00:52] <FireFly_9>
[00:52] <FireFly_9>
I feel stupider for having looked at that. Thank you, really.
[00:52] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Just trying to show you something interesting
[00:53] <FireFly_9>
The only thing worse than the contortions that poor $20 was put through were the strains on logic to make that work.
[00:53] <FireFly_9>
It is a classic example of seeing patterns where there aren't any.
[00:54] <[gTV]C'est_la_V>
Oh yeah!? But what if the patterns ARE there?! Or what if they aren't there but someone makes it to look like they ARE there to get you humping up the wrong tree?!
[00:54] <FireFly_9>
"Barking", and why would anyone do that
[00:55] <[gTV]C'est_la_V>
To make you look like an idiot pursuing a "conspiracy" when there isn't one, and then the REAL conspiracy can happen!!
[00:55] <FireFly_9>Riiiight~. Can we just watch the Budokai now?
[01:07] <@SpeedRcrX>
High Definition TV to make wrestling more realistic
[01:07] <FireFly_9>
SpeedRcrX pasted:
In addition to WWE performers being told that they can no longer verbally call their spots in the ring and they must work stiffer because of High Definition broadcasting, they are no longer allowed to have spray tans. Shawn Michaels and Ken Kennedy were said to be two superstars that were culprits of this lately as the spray tans can run and cause obvious distractions to viewers watching in HD.